Signs indicating the development of chronic angina and methods of treatment. Is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis: what is the danger of the disease. Symptoms of chronic angina

Angina ( acute tonsillitis) - inflammation of the tonsils, which occurs, often due to streptococcus bacteria. If the treatment of the disease was not carried out according to all the canons, chronic inflammation occurs, called chronic tonsillitis. The process can develop in both adults and children.

Chronic tonsillitis or chronic tonsillitis?

Often there is confusion with terminology, what kind of disease is meant, called tonsillitis or tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is inflammatory process in the tonsils due to exposure to a virus or bacteria. Angina is also called acute process in the tonsils, that is, in fact, tonsillitis and tonsillitis are synonymous words. Tonsillitis differs from tonsillitis, except perhaps the occasionally occurring wording that tonsillitis is an acute process, and tonsillitis is chronic. Therefore, in principle, chronic inflammation of the tonsils can be called both chronic tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is manifested by symptoms of either acute tonsillitis or sluggish inflammation.

Symptoms chronic tonsillitis
TemperatureAt acute manifestation the temperature can rise up to 40ºС.In the sluggish stage of chronic tonsillitis, slight increase temperature, up to 37.5ºС.
Sore throatWhen exacerbated, it can be severe, accompanied by nausea and salivation.With sluggish inflammation, the pain in the throat is tolerable.
IntoxicationChronic purulent tonsillitis can manifest itself to a large extent, expressed with the help of nausea, headache and body aches.And it can also manifest itself as a slight weakness, increased fatigue, disturbances in appetite.
tonsilsAt the first exacerbations in the recurrent stage, they can be increased with a viscous purulent discharge.In the case of a long-term process, the tonsils are enlarged and have tonsillitis plugs.

- these are formations in lacunae purulent nature having a viscous or dense structure. They must be removed with the help of special devices and not run, because. the larger and harder the cork, the more difficult it is to remove. There is only one way to get rid of tonsillitis plugs - this is physiotherapy. In particular:

  1. washing of lacunae;
  2. phonophoresis;
  3. laser, ultrasound and ultraviolet therapy.

Often, chronic tonsillitis is confused with manifestations of pharyngitis or laryngitis.

How to distinguish signs of pharyngitis or laryngitis from chronic tonsillitis?

Main distinctive features pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis
With pharyngitis, one of the symptoms is a runny nose.Laryngitis itself is not accompanied by a runny nose, but viral infection, which provoked him, can provoke a runny nose.With angina, there is no runny nose.
Annoying dry cough.Barking dry cough.Cough appears as a complication.
Slight hoarseness of voice.Hoarseness of voice, possibly its absence.The voice remains unchanged.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

How to treat chronic angina?

Treatment of chronic angina consists of:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • local treatment;
  • physiotherapy.


Chronic sore throat treatment, like the acute bacterial stage, requires antibiotics. Otherwise, it will not work to cure chronic tonsillitis, which is provoked by streptococcus that has settled in the tonsils.

Local preparations

Local medicines are not a panacea, but exclusively additional funds, produced in the form of lozenges, sprays and solutions for rinsing the mouth and throat. It makes no sense to use them without antibiotic drugs and physiotherapy.


Not less than effective method how to cure chronic tonsillitis is physiotherapy. Often, procedures are prescribed using an apparatus capable of removing plugs, washing lacunae and phonophoresis in one session. Or, washing the lacunae of the tonsils is used antiseptics followed by ultraviolet disinfection.

This is extremely effective therapy, which is able to help even in difficult cases, providing non-surgical treatment. But, in last resort, when absolutely nothing can cure a recurrent sore throat, you will have to remove the tonsils.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children

Treatment of recurrent manifestations of tonsillitis in children will not be fundamentally different from approaches to an adult patient. It also needs to be eliminated bacterial cause chronization of the process with antibiotics, use local antiseptics, which are allowed for the child, and physically act on the tonsils to remove pus that has stagnated in the gaps.

Removal of tonsils in children is prescribed only when antibiotics and physiotherapy are powerless.

Why does chronic tonsillitis worsen?

It provokes a relapse in children and adults, a decrease in immunity that occurs in the presence of bad habits (second hand smoke also considered) and the lack of a quality standard of living (in the form rational nutrition, timely treatment colds, bacterial and viral diseases, cleanliness of the home, etc.).

The second reason for exacerbations is the lack of preventive measures.

Prevention of chronic inflammation of the tonsils

Having fallen ill, in the first place, it is important to prevent the process from becoming chronic adequate treatment. When the first symptoms appear in children and adults, you need to seek medical care, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and choose a really effective treatment. Self-treatment and hope for folk methods - Right way to severe complications of the disease.

In the case when the doctor prescribes antibiotics, you must strictly adhere to the course prescribed by him. Having stopped taking pills a few days earlier, you can provide recurrent tonsillitis or all the same complications. And by the way, in no case should the disease be carried on the legs, only bed rest ensure a speedy recovery.

After treating the symptoms of acute inflammation, it is important to change toothbrush, because pathogens can remain on it, and using it can provoke a relapse. And no less important, after making and even overcoming such a diagnosis, undergo regular examinations by an otolaryngologist, who will directly monitor the condition and respond in a timely manner to ongoing changes.

One of the most frequent ENT diseases, occurring mainly in children aged 3 to 10 years - tonsillitis. The acute form of tonsillitis, as the disease is called in medical circles, can cause a lot of problems. With angina, microbes and viruses, as well as the toxins they produce, when released into the general bloodstream, can lead to infection of other organs. If the acute form of the disease was not cured, it becomes chronic, and unpleasant symptoms annoy the patient several times a year. With inefficiency conservative therapy, treatment of chronic angina can be carried out surgically. Let's find out how chronic tonsillitis is treated.

How does chronic angina manifest itself?

The chronic form has symptoms similar to acute tonsillitis.

With a frequently recurring disease, namely, with the development of angina more than 5 times a year or 3 times a year, but for two years in a row, doctors diagnose the patient with chronic angina. Her symptoms in the acute stage are similar to acute form diseases:

  • sore throat;
  • elevated temperature;
  • white cheesy plaque on the tonsils, which has an unpleasant odor;
  • an increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • friability of tissues of the tonsils;
  • redness and swelling of the palatine arches;
  • the appearance of bad breath;
  • an increase in the size of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • difficulty swallowing, as a result - loss of appetite;
  • voice change.

Symptoms of chronic angina depend on the form in which the disease proceeds:

  • with compensated angina, the patient has local signs inflammation of the tonsils, these include swelling, redness, a feeling of "coma in the throat";
  • with decompensated angina, there are pathological processes in distant organs, for example, headache weakness, fever.

In some patients, usually in adulthood, relapses of chronic tonsillitis are not accompanied by severe symptoms. Patients feel a slight deterioration in well-being, moderate pain when swallowing, which decrease and completely disappear within a few days, in some cases even without drug treatment. Children suffering from chronic tonsillitis often bleat with colds.

Against the background of weakened immunity in chronic angina, colds can often develop.

Why does chronic tonsillitis develop?

Chronic angina develops when the wrong or untimely treatment acute tonsillitis. In addition, the causes of the development of chronic tonsillitis can be:

  • foci of infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity, for example, rhinitis, adenoids;
  • curvature of the nasal septum and impaired breathing through the nose;
  • weakening of the immune system.

The causative agents of chronic angina are most often some types of streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. Under the influence adverse factors, for example, hypothermia, their activity increases and the disease develops.

Provoking factors in the development of chronic tonsillitis are features anatomical structure tonsils, for example, deep location of the tonsils, large size of the palatine lobule, large fold of His. Because of this, the process of emptying lacunae (recesses that are dotted with tonsils) is difficult, and pathogenic microorganisms stay on them for a long time.

What should be the treatment of chronic angina?

Chronic tonsillitis is a constant source of infection in the body. Against its background, the development of other dangerous diseases eg bronchitis, pharyngitis, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist who will draw up a treatment plan for the disease.

When unpleasant symptoms you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The disease is treated with conservative and surgical methods. The latter are used in case of severe complications or low efficiency. conservative treatment. A good effect is given by folk methods, but since it is impossible to get rid of chronic sore throat forever with their help, they can only be used as additional therapy and after consultation with the doctor.

In addition to the ENT doctor, most likely, the patient will have to visit a dentist and a therapist, since in order to cure chronic angina, other foci of infection in the body must be eliminated.

Treatment during remission

For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis during remission, tonsil lacunae are washed in order to remove purulent masses from them. For the procedure, the Tonsillor apparatus and antiseptics such as boric acid and Chlorhexidine. Using the ultrasonic nozzle of the device, the doctor sprays medicines.

Treatment during an exacerbation

During the period of exacerbation, antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of tonsillitis. It can be:

  • semi-synthetic penicillins, active substance which is amoxicillin, for example, Amoxicillin, Ranoxyl, Ecobol;
  • protected synthetic penicillins: given for numbness pathogenic flora to amoxicillin, a representative of this group is Amoxiclav;
  • cephalosporins: given intravenously or intramuscular injections at severe course illness;
  • macrolides: their use is advisable if the above drugs (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) are ineffective.

In parallel with taking antibiotics, probiotics are prescribed, since antibiotic therapy can lead to intestinal dysbiosis. These should be preparations containing lacto and bifidobacteria, for example, Probiz, Bifiform, Lineks.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe gargles antiseptic solutions. Effective are Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Dioxidine. You can increase local immunity with the help of immunostimulants, for example,. To reduce pain, lozenges are prescribed: Tonsilotren, Septolete, Anti-angin.

In addition to drug treatment, laser and ultrasound therapy(UFO). Thanks to laser therapy procedures and ultrasonic irradiation, the increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, swelling of the tonsils decreases, the process of regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated.

Surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Surgical methods for the treatment of angina include the removal of the affected tonsils - tonsillectomy. This method is effective, but it is referred to as extreme measures. Tonsils are an important link immune system. They produce cells - macrophages, which protect the body from bacterial, viral and fungal infections. When the tonsils are removed, a person loses a protective barrier that stops the infection from entering the body. As a result, instead of tonsillitis, the patient develops much more serious illness such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

Folk methods for the treatment of chronic angina

For the treatment of tonsillitis, the following alternative methods can be used:

  • tincture of aloe and cahors is taken inside: 350 grams of agave gel is mixed with 350 milliliters of wine and 600 grams of honey, the remedy is infused for a week in a dark place and taken in a tablespoon three times a day;
  • effective tool it is considered an infusion of chaga, which is used to gargle;
  • a decoction of echinacea can be used: a teaspoon of the dried plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes, filtered and used for rinsing;
  • it is believed that the symptoms of sore throat disappear if you chew prickly pear leaves, but this plant has numerous spines, so to remove them, you must first freeze the leaves and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Chronic tonsillitis, which is clear from the photo of patients with this disease, is a disease that brings severe pain and reduces the quality of life. Treatment of tonsillitis should be comprehensive, and only a doctor should select drugs.

Chronic angina - infection, regularly affecting the palatine tonsils. Otherwise they are called tonsils. Located on the sides of palatine curtain, in the hollow between the tongue and soft palate, they are a component of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring, which creates a protective barrier for harmful microorganisms who are trying to get in from the outside.

Causes in the tonsils

A systematically repeated, difficult to treat, protracted inflammatory process, in other words, neglected tonsillitis, leads to the fact that the tonsils cease to cope with natural functions. Microorganisms that have penetrated inside are not destroyed and are the sources of the onset of the inflammatory process, first acute and then chronic.

Its cause is infectious agents, remaining in the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and throat after poorly cured acute tonsillitis, the appearance of which occurs due to:

  • violations of natural nasal breathing, often developing due to a curved nasal septum;
  • the presence of infectious foci in other organs - sinusitis, rhinitis, caries, adenoids;
  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • overgrowth of polyps.

Possible consequences of the disease

During the period of chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils are characterized by a bright red color, they are enlarged, edematous, compacted, adhesions form in the holes, liquid pus collects and toxins are released. They cannot leave the normal channels, thereby involving other organs (kidneys, skin, intestines), which causes immune disorders and the development of side diseases: sepsis, psoriasis, thyrotoxicosis, eczema.

Chronic angina - key reason frequent pharyngitis, bronchitis, diseases internal organs(rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, endocarditis), allergic and autoimmune diseases. Under the influence of a constantly present infectious focus, such as heart defects, diseases of the digestive tract can develop. Unfavorable clinical conditions, malnutrition, and as a result, angina after angina. Transition common illness in chronic stage in most characteristic adult category population. It is an adult who, due to the crazy rhythm of life and constant employment, most often suffers diseases on his legs, without thinking what complications of angina may be in the future. Sometimes chronic tonsillitis develops as independent disease: microbes that get on the tonsils “settle in” other places: the nose or oral cavity.

How is angina transmitted?

There are several ways to transfer this disease from one person to another:

  1. Airborne droplets arising from social contacts. The peak of epidemics is observed in the off-season or in winter - the time when a person most often coughs and sneezes.
    How is angina transmitted from loved ones? In the process of using some personal hygiene items, dishes or through a kiss.
  2. Alimentary way - through the use of products infected with staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, before eating, you should always wash your food thoroughly.
  3. Autoinfection. This is hypothermia, stress, any decrease in immunity, causing the activation of pathogenic bacteria that live on the tonsils of any healthy person.

Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease

Chronic angina is a disease that requires medical therapy both in the stage of repetitions and outside the periods of exacerbation, because the tonsils under the constant influence of the infection lose their protective properties. Exacerbations occur up to several times a year, weakened people can face this process every month. Symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • discomfort and pain in the throat;
  • red, swollen and hot tonsils with a coating of white or yellow;
  • feeling of stiffness when turning the neck;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • difficulty swallowing saliva, water, food;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of symptoms of intoxication.

Temperature with angina is one of the main signs of the presence of an active inflammatory process in the body. In the first 2-3 days, its rate is often 38-39 ° C, then it gradually decreases. Sometimes, extremely rarely, there is no temperature with angina. This phenomenon occurs after a severe infection and indicates a pronounced suppression of the immune system.

At the same time, during the period of relapse, untreated tonsillitis may not manifest the above symptoms, but be limited to some deterioration in well-being, tolerable pain when swallowing, which quickly disappear, sometimes even without drug therapy. This does not mean that the disease has left the body. On the contrary, it is in the process of development, which persistently damages health. Outside the period of exacerbation, chronic tonsillitis is manifested by periodic bouts of weakness and bad smell from mouth.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of angina is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and consists in restoring the function of the tonsils themselves and getting rid of the accompanying foci of infection.

Conservative therapy consists in the use of special techniques and medicines and consists of a whole range of activities, such as:

  • Modern medicine offers hardware treatment, most often this is the most effective method for this form of the disease. The essence of such treatment is a special injection, after which the lacunae of the tonsils are cleaned with a vacuum, and the voids formed are filled with a drug.
  • Laser therapy, the result of which is a decrease in the swelling of the throat and the inflammatory processes occurring in the tonsils.
  • UFO, considered the most proven and effective method sanitation of foci chronic infection, causes the destruction of bacteria, the speedy healing of cells, increased nutrition and blood supply in the treated area.

The above manipulations are carried out in courses of 5 to 15 sessions.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy in the treatment of chronic angina is aimed at destroying the infection, regenerating the immune system and includes:

  • Antibiotics. These drugs are taken with bright exacerbations of the disease, until the pathogen disappears completely. Often use "Sumamed", "Azithromycin", "Cefazolin". Belonging to the group of macrolides, such drugs are characterized high efficiency in treatment and the ability to accumulate in the focus of inflammation - lymphoid tissue. Antibiotics of this group are active against pathogens that are often exacerbated SARS and tonsillitis: chlamydia and mycoplasmas. They are also characterized antimicrobial action, which is especially useful in preventing oral thrush, which often occurs after long-term use of other antibiotics.
  • Probiotics. Contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, which has a positive effect on immunity. Popular drugs - "Bifidum", "Linex".
  • Absorbable tablets, sprays for inhalation.
  • Immunostimulating drugs. To increase local immunity in the oral cavity, doctors often prescribe Imudon.

Angina: how to gargle a sore throat?

A mandatory method of therapy in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is gargling, for which you can use different solutions.

The simplest and most effective is medicinal composition from salt, iodine and soda. To do this, a teaspoon of soda and salt and 5 drops of iodine must be dissolved in a glass of boiled water.

A strong remedy that relieves inflammation is beet juice. To prepare it, you need a glass beetroot juice and 20 ml apple cider vinegar. Received composition sore throat rinse every 3 hours.

Helps speedy recovery herbal decoctions. It can be an infusion of wormwood, plantain, calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus. The composition of elderberry, mallow flowers and sage is also effective. In the pharmacy you can find many ready-made fees. A tablespoon of any of them must be brewed in a glass of boiling water, strained and used for its intended purpose. Of the medicinal formulations in the treatment of angina, Chlorophyllipt, Iodinol, Furacilin, Lugol, Miramistin, Octenisept, Dioxidin are effective.

Features of nutrition during the period of illness

Paying Attention correct application medicines, you should definitely watch your diet. Food should be warm and semi-liquid. An important factor treatment of chronic angina is abundant and warm drink, the action of which is aimed at preventing dehydration of the body and warming up the throat.

When medical treatment fails, last resort doctors use surgical method, consisting in partial or complete removal tonsils. Avoid surgery timely appeal to the doctor.

Folk methods

Drug treatment of chronic angina can be successfully combined with folk methods, proven by more than one generation of connoisseurs of their properties. An effective decoction of sage flowers, plantain and sundew, taken 50 grams each. This composition it is required to grind and boil for a couple of minutes in a liter of boiling water. Then insist for an hour, filter. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Regular consumption of honey, lemon, onions and green onions is very useful.

It is worth increasing the amount of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries in your diet.

with angina

In the treatment of chronic angina, it is necessary to examine not only the oral cavity, but also gastrointestinal tract. After all, the tonsils, which ceased to fully fulfill their natural functions, could allow infections to penetrate into the body. If a single sore throat requires regular irrigation of the oral cavity, taking antibiotics, vitamins and other medicines, then with it chronic form in order to identify the cause of the disease, it is important to go through all medical professionals: from an immunologist to a dentist. After all timely detection foci of infection helps to save a person from many sufferings.

Tonsillitis is a disease of an infectious-allergic nature, in which the inflammatory process is localized in palatine tonsils Oh. Nearby lymphoid tissues of the pharynx are also involved - laryngeal, nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsils.

Chronic tonsillitis is a fairly common disease, which may be due to the fact that many people simply do not consider it a serious illness and easily ignore it. This tactic is very dangerous, because a constant source of infection in the body will periodically take the form acute tonsillitis, reduce performance, worsen overall well-being.

Since this disease can serve as an impetus for the development dangerous complications, the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, as well as the basics of treatment in adults, everyone must know (see photo).

The reasons

What it is? Tonsillitis in adults and children occurs when an infection enters the tonsils. Most often, bacteria are “guilty” of the appearance of this disease: streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, pneumococci.

But some viruses can also cause inflammation of the tonsils, for example, adenoviruses, the herpes virus. Sometimes fungi or chlamydia are the cause of inflammation of the tonsils.

Contribute to the development of chronic tonsillitis can be a number of factors:

  • (acute inflammation tonsils);
  • violation of the function of nasal breathing as a result of the curvature of the nasal septum, the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity, with hypertrophy adenoid vegetations and other diseases;
  • the appearance of foci of infection in the nearest organs (, purulent, etc.);
  • decreased immunity;
  • more frequent allergic reactions, which can be both a cause and a consequence of a disease, etc.

Most often, chronic tonsillitis begins after a sore throat. At the same time, acute inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils does not undergo a complete reverse development, the inflammatory process continues and becomes chronic.

There are two main forms of tonsillitis:

  1. Compensated form- when there are only local signs of inflammation of the palatine tonsils.
  2. Decompensated form– when there are both local and common signs chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils: abscesses, paratonsillitis.

Chronic tonsillitis compensated manifests itself in the form of frequent colds and, in particular, with angina. So that this form does not develop into a decompensated one, it is necessary to extinguish the focus of infection in a timely manner, that is, not to let the cold take its course, but to engage in complex treatment.

Signs in adults

The main signs of chronic tonsillitis in adults include:

  • (moderate to very strong);
  • pain in the tonsils;
  • swelling in the nasopharynx;
  • congestion in the throat;
  • inflammatory reactions in the throat to food and cold liquids;
  • body temperature does not decrease for a long time;
  • weakness and fatigue.

It can also be a symptom of the disease pulling pains and aches in the knee and wrist joint, in certain cases there may be shortness of breath.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

A simple form of chronic tonsillitis is characterized by a poor presence of symptoms. The adult is disturbed by the feeling foreign body or awkwardness when swallowing, tingling, dryness, bad breath, possibly. The tonsils are inflamed and enlarged. Out of exacerbation general symptoms missing.

Frequent sore throats (up to 3 times a year) are characteristic with a protracted recovery period, which is accompanied by fatigue, malaise, general weakness and slight rise in temperature.

With the toxic-allergic form of chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis develops more often 3 times a year, often complicated by inflammation of neighboring organs and tissues (, etc.). The patient constantly feels weak, tired and unwell. Body temperature remains subfebrile for a long time. Symptoms from other organs depend on the presence of certain associated diseases.


With a long course and the absence of a specific treatment for chronic tonsillitis, there are consequences in the body of an adult. The loss of the ability of the tonsils to resist infection leads to the formation of paratonsillar abscesses and infection in the respiratory tract, which contributes to the occurrence of pharyngitis and.

Chronic tonsillitis plays a large role in the occurrence of collagen diseases such as periarthritis nodosa, polyarthritis, dermatomyositis, scleroderma,. Also, persistent tonsillitis leads to heart diseases such as endocarditis, myocarditis and acquired heart defects.

The human urinary system is most susceptible to complications in infectious diseases, so is serious consequence chronic tonsillitis. In addition, polyarthritis is also formed, musculoskeletal system. At chronic focus infections develop glomerulonephritis, chorea minor, paratonsillar abscess, and septic endocarditis.

Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

The lack of preventive measures and timely treatment for chronic tonsillitis leads to various exacerbations of the disease in adults. The most common exacerbations of tonsillitis are angina (acute tonsillitis) and paratonsillar (near-tonsillar) abscess.

Angina is characterized elevated temperature(38-40˚ and above), severe or moderate sore throat, headaches, general weakness. Often there is aches and severe pain in the joints and lower back. Most types of angina are characterized by enlarged lymph nodes located under lower jaw. Lymph nodes are painful on palpation. The disease is often accompanied by chills and fever.

At proper treatment acute period lasts two to seven days. Full rehabilitation requires a long time and constant medical supervision.


To prevent this disease, it is necessary to ensure that nasal breathing It has always been normal to treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner. After a sore throat, preventive washing of the lacunae and lubrication of the tonsils with drugs recommended by the doctor should be carried out. AT this case you can use 1% iodine-glycerin, 0.16% Gramicidin-Glycerin, etc.

It is also important regular hardening in general, as well as hardening of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. For this, morning and evening rinsing of the pharynx with water is shown, which has room temperature. The diet should contain foods and dishes with high content vitamins.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

To date, in medical practice There are not many methods for treating chronic tonsillitis in adults. used drug therapy, surgical treatment and physiotherapy. As a rule, methods are combined in different options or alternate.

In chronic tonsillitis, local treatment is used, regardless of the phase of the process, it includes the following components:

  1. Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils in order to remove purulent contents, and rinsing the pharynx and oral cavity with copper-silver or saline solutions with the addition of antiseptics (miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin). The course of treatment is at least 10-15 sessions.
  2. Taking antibiotics;
  3. : Hilak forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin to prevent dysbacteriosis, which can develop while taking antibiotics.
  4. Medicines that have a softening effect and eliminate symptoms such as dryness, itching, sore throat. The most effective remedy is a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which should be gargled 1-2 times a day. In addition, a preparation based on propolis in the form of a spray (Proposol) can be used.
  5. In order to correct general immunity, Irs-19, Bronchomunal, Ribomunil can be used as prescribed by an immunologist.
  6. Carrying out physiotherapy (UHF, tubos);
  7. Sanitation of the oral cavity, nose and paranasal sinuses.

For increase defensive forces organisms use vitamins, aloe preparations, vitreous body, FIBS. To cure chronic tonsillitis once and for all, you should adhere to integrated approach and listen to your doctor's advice.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are always prescribed against the background of conservative treatment and a few days after the operation. Several decades ago, the main emphasis was placed on these methods: they tried to treat chronic tonsillitis with ultrasound or ultraviolet radiation.

Physiotherapy really demonstrates nice results, but it cannot be a basic treatment. As adjuvant therapy its effect is undeniable, therefore, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment for chronic tonsillitis are used all over the world, and are used actively.

Three methods are considered the most effective: ultrasound, UHF and UVI. They are mostly used. These procedures are prescribed almost always in the postoperative period, when the patient is already discharged from the hospital home and switched to outpatient treatment.

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis: reviews

Sometimes doctors do surgical intervention and remove diseased tonsils, this procedure is called tonsillectomy. But for such a procedure, evidence is required. Thus, the removal of the tonsils is carried out in cases of recurrence of the paratonsillar abscess and in some comorbidities. However, it is not always possible to cure chronic tonsillitis with medication, in such cases it is worth thinking about surgery.

Within 10-15 minutes under local anesthesia tonsils are removed with a special loop. After the operation, the patient should stay in bed for several days, take only cold liquid or mushy non-irritating food. After 1-2 weeks postoperative wound heals.

We have selected some reviews from the removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, which were left by users on the Internet.

  1. I had my tonsils removed 3 years ago and I have no regrets! The throat sometimes hurts (pharyngitis), but very rarely and not at all like before! Bronchitis often comes as a complication of a cold (But this is not at all the same as the torment my tonsils brought me! Angina was once a month, eternal pain, pus in the throat, high temperature, tears! There were complications in the heart and kidneys. If everything is not so neglected for you, then maybe it makes no sense, just go a couple of times a year to flush to the lore and that's it ...
  2. Delete and do not think. As a child, I was sick every month, since high temperature, heart problems began, immunity weakened. Removed after 4 years. She stopped getting sick, sometimes only without fever, but her heart is weak. The girl, who was also constantly ill with tonsillitis and who was never operated on, developed rheumatism. Now she is 23, she moves with the help of crutches. My grandfather removed at 45, harder than in childhood, but inflamed tonsils give severe complications so find good doctor and delete.
  3. I had the operation in December and have never regretted it. I forgot what it is constant temperature, permanent congestion in the throat and much more. Of course, it is necessary to fight for the tonsils to the last, but if they have already become a source of infection, then we must definitely part with them.
  4. I had it removed at the age of 16. Under local anesthesia, they tied me to a chair in an old-fashioned way, covered my eyes so that I could not see anything, and cut off. The pain is terrible. Then my throat hurt wildly, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t really eat either, and bleeding also opened. Now it probably doesn’t hurt so much and they do it more professionally. But I forgot about the sore throat, only recently I started to get a little sick. But it's her own fault. You have to take care of yourself.
  5. I had my tonsils cut out at the age of 35, after years continuous painful sore throats, rinses and antibiotics. I reached the point, I myself asked for an operation from an otolaryngologist. It was painful, but not for long and - voila! No sore throats, no sore throats, only in the first year after the operation, try not to drink cold drinks and drink immunostimulants. I'm happy.

People tend to worry that having their tonsils removed can weaken the immune system. After all, the tonsils are one of the main protective gates when entering the body. These fears are justified and justified. However, it should be understood that in a state of chronic inflammation, the tonsils are not able to do their job and become only a focus with infection in the body.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis at home

When treating tonsillitis at home, it is important to start raising immunity first. The sooner there is no opportunity for the infection to develop, the sooner you can bring your health back to normal.

How and how to treat the disease at home? Consider common recipes:

  1. At chronic inflammation take tonsils fresh leaves coltsfoot, wash three times, chop, squeeze the juice, adding equal amounts of onion juice and red wine (or diluted cognac: 1 tablespoon per 0.5-1 glass of water). Put the mixture in the refrigerator, shake well before use. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, diluted with 3 tablespoons of water.
  2. Crush two large cloves of garlic that have not yet sprouted, boil a glass of milk and pour garlic gruel over it. After the infusion has stood for some time, it must be filtered and gargled with the resulting warm solution.
  3. Propolis tincture for alcohol. It is prepared as follows: grind 20 grams of the product and pour 100 ml of pure medical alcohol. You need to insist the medicine in a dark place. Take 20 drops three times a day. The tincture can be mixed with warm milk or water.
  4. All you need is 10 sea buckthorn fruits every day. They will need to be taken 3-4 times, each time before this, carefully rinsing the throat. Slowly chew and eat the fruits - and tonsillitis will begin to pass. It should be treated within 3 months, and the method can be applied to both children and adults.
  5. Cut 250 g beets, add 1 tbsp. vinegar, let it brew for about 1-2 days. You can remove the sediment. Rinse the mouth and throat with the resulting tincture. One or two tablespoons drink is recommended.
  6. Yarrow. You need to brew 2 tablespoons of herbal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for an hour. After filter. Infusion to use when treating folk remedies chronic tonsillitis during its exacerbation. Gargle 4-6 times a day.
  7. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon of sugar and take three times a day. This tool will help strengthen health, and also helps get rid of tonsillitis. In addition, for gargling with tonsillitis, it is recommended to use cranberry juice with honey, warm carrot juice, 7-9-day infusion kombucha, a decoction of St. John's wort.

How should chronic tonsillitis be treated? Strengthen the immune system, eat right, drink plenty of water, gargle and lubricate the throat, if the condition allows, do not rush with antibiotics and, moreover, do not rush to cut out the tonsils. They may still be useful to you.

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