We instill drops in the eyes of a child: an algorithm of actions. How to properly drip drops into the eyes, nose or ears of a child: an algorithm of actions The child does not allow dripping into the eyes

Babies often suffer from ailments of the organs of vision. As a result, it is necessary to know how to properly drip the eyes of a child. Children do not like such procedures. The drug can pinch the eyes, and the baby closes his eyes, gets angry, naughty and begins to break out. Therefore, this question is relevant.

The essence of the problem

It is necessary to instill drops in the eyes of a child in the following situations:

  • infectious conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • before the diagnosis of the organs of vision ("Atropine").

Correctly burying the eyes of a baby is quite difficult. In addition to the fact that he has delicate eyelid skin and a small eye, he also expresses his dissatisfaction - he spins, squints, etc. It is often difficult for young mothers to cope with this problem on their own. In addition, when instilling drops in a baby, the following must be considered:

  • The action of the drug must be effective. To do this, it needs to get exactly into the organ of vision.
  • The instillation of the eye must be correct. Otherwise, it can lead to infectious, inflammatory processes.
  • Compliance with the exact dosage of the medication. The medicine in full should get into the damaged eye.
  • Instillation is carried out with a special pipette. If the product is used incorrectly, the dosage may be reduced.

Preparation for the procedure

Before dripping drops to a newborn or a little older baby, you need to prepare for this procedure responsibly.

Before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed with soap and dry with a clean towel.

Parents must abide by the following rules:

  • Check if there are pipettes, if the bottle is equipped with a dispenser, as well as the expiration date of the drug.
  • Wash your hands with soap and dry with a dry towel. Don't let water run off your fingers.
  • If a pipette will be used, boil it beforehand. To eliminate the formation of pus, cotton wool and a solution of "Furacilin" are needed.
  • If the drops were in the refrigerator, they need to be slightly warmed up in your hands.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use pipettes that were previously buried in the ears or nose.

How to drip eyes?

During the procedure, the following rules should be observed:

  • It is more convenient for a left-handed mother to drip the medication with the left hand, and lower the lower eyelid with the right.
  • The bottle or pipette should not touch the eyelashes or eyelids.
  • The procedure, if necessary, is performed for the second eye.
  • Drop the medicine to the baby should be in the inner corner, lowering the eyelid.
  • If you need to drip another drop or lay an ointment, you need to close the first vial and only then open the next one, repeat the manipulation. During this period of time, the first drug will be absorbed.
  • Eye ointment should be applied after the drops.
  • After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Precautions include short fingernails on the mother’s hands so that she cannot injure the baby.

Precautionary measures:

  • When instilling, do not wear latex or other disposable gloves.
  • The nails on the hands should be short so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Do not use potassium permanganate or folk remedies to wash the eyes.
  • If the eye drop dispenser has fallen to the floor, touched a table or any surface, the drops are replaced due to loss of sterility.
  • Do not wipe both eyes with one cotton pad or wipe with your hands.
  • It is unacceptable to independently make eye drops from medicines that contain the desired active substance. This can lead to chemical burns and other serious consequences.
  • Do not touch household chemicals with your hands for half an hour before the procedure.

Everyone who has experienced an eye disease should know how to properly instill eye drops.

If you bury them clumsily, you can only do more harm than help.

Therefore, you need to know how to act correctly in this situation, so as not to harm yourself or the person to whom you are dripping drops.

A few rules:

  1. First of all, you need to think about hygiene. And before taking before instillation of drops, you must thoroughly wash your hands. Since the bottle must be taken exclusively with clean hands.
  2. In order to fully control the process of instillation of drops, it is best to use mirrors. In addition, it will help to avoid injury to the eyes.
  3. You can bury your eyes in two positions. You can lie down on the sofa or sit comfortably and tilt your head back.
  4. Next, you need to hold the bottle in one hand, and pull the eyelid a little with the other. So that a small pocket is formed, into which drops should be dripped. It should be remembered that it is not worth delaying the eyelid too much, because in this case the medicine will pour out and will not bring any effect.
  5. Next, you need to look up, but keep an eye on the bottle. Bring it close enough to be safe. And then you should drip a few drops into the crease that formed between the eyelid and the eye.
  6. If the drops hit where they should be, then it’s not worth dripping anymore, because the rest will still pour out and will not bring any benefit.
  7. It is also necessary to do with the second eye.
  8. When the drops have already been instilled, you should close your eyes for a few minutes, and press the corners of the eyes in order to prevent the drug from flowing out of the eyes. This action will help him to be well absorbed in the eye tissues.
  9. If, in addition to some drops, others are prescribed, then they can be used after half an hour. After complete assimilation of the previous drops.
  10. If a person uses contact lenses, then they can also be worn after half an hour.

In the case of a prescribed eye ointment, this should be done after all the drugs have been instilled.

How to drip a newborn child and a student

Very often one has to deal with childhood eye diseases, the cause of which is mainly an infection. Most often, children suffer from conjunctivitis. The infection is introduced when children rub their eyes with dirty hands. Treatment will be effective if the drug is used specifically to affect the conjunctiva.

Parents need to learn how to drip the eyes of a child on their own. And do it right so as not to harm your child.

Children most of all dislike such procedures, so their natural reaction will be hysteria and crying, breaking out and closing their eyes tightly. There are a few rules to keep this from happening.

Preparation for this procedure

Basic steps:

  • first of all, you should make sure that there is a dispenser in the package with the drug, if this is not available, you need to prepare a pipette;
  • wash hands thoroughly with soap;
  • if the pipette is not new, it must be washed with boiling water, drawing in and releasing water several times;
  • to remove purulent discharge, cotton pads and furatsilin should be prepared;
  • in the case when the drug is stored in a refrigerator, it must be heated before use, but for this you need to use only the warmth of your hands;
  • and most importantly, in no case should you use pipettes that were used to bury your nose or ears.

Drip in the eyes of a newborn

Simple rules:

  1. There is no way to tell a newborn that treatment is necessary. Therefore, for this procedure, it is necessary to call for help from one of the family members. Having swaddled the arms, you should put the baby on the changing table and then the assistant should fix the head. But this must be done gently so as not to harm the child.
  2. Then you need to clear the eyes of pus by washing the eyelids with a cotton swab moistened with furatsilin. Passing from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. And at the same time, do not forget that each eye should have its own cotton wool.
  3. After this procedure, you need to pull back the lower eyelid and drop one or two drops into the formed pocket, closer to the inner corner of the eye. Give the child the opportunity to blink and repeat the same with the second eye.

Technology of application to schoolchildren

An older child needs to be explained why the eyes are dripping, and it is best to play a little with him in the hospital and first show how the doll or teddy bear is dripping.

But if, nevertheless, the child does not want to endure this procedure, then you will have to call an assistant and hold the child.

School-age children already understand much better what is needed for their own good. Therefore, you can only discuss with them how it will be convenient for them to bury their eyes, sitting or lying down.

Errors when instilling eyes

The most common mistakes when instilling eyes are:

  • if, after dropping your eyes, you sharply lower your head, then the drops will not fall into the conjunctivitis sac and the drug will spill out and will not bring absolutely any benefit;
  • it is necessary to drip the eyes closer to the inner corner of the eye, otherwise a small dose of the drug will be absorbed and thus will not bring much benefit;
  • after the manipulation, you should lie down for several minutes without moving to allow the medicine to be absorbed.

The drug should be prescribed by a doctor, in no case should you buy eye drops at your discretion. In this case, it is necessary to study the instructions for use well and only then proceed to the treatment procedure.

When are eye drops used?

Eye drops are a solution that is used for instillation into the eyes for various forms of the disease. Drops are of several types. There are drops for wetting the eyes or for treatment.

  1. Dry eye treatment. For this, there is a group of drugs that play the role of tears and heal the irritated surface. In this subgroup, there are several types of drops and it is up to the patient to decide which ones suit him best.
  2. Drops from infections. These drops contain steroids and antibiotics. In most cases, they are prescribed in the postoperative period. And according to the recommendation of doctors, they are taken regularly throughout the time prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Drops for glaucoma. These drops are used to help drain fluid in the eyeball in glaucoma and reduce pressure in the eyes.
  4. Allergy drops. These drops are used by people who are sensitive to certain things and experience discomfort.
  5. Drops from conjunctivitis and redness of the eyes. These drops have anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Drops that dilate pupils. Such drops are used in order to dilate the pupils, and to enable the ophthalmologist to examine the bottom of the eyeball as best as possible. These drops cause blinding in bright sunny weather. When the action of the drops stops, everything falls into place. In addition, doctors warn that these drops contain a light drug, which, when used intravenously, provokes suicidal tendencies in a person.
  7. Injection and ophthalmic administration of the drug. This drug can be administered by injection or by instillation into the eyes.

Eye drops can sometimes cause burning or stinging. This effect quickly passes, but if the burning sensation does not stop, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Sometimes there may be other side effects, with the occurrence of which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. But it should be remembered that eye drops have them to a lesser extent, unlike many other drugs.

Useful video on the topic

Instructions on how to drip yourself

Despite the fact that there are a lot of eye drops, people sometimes do not know how to apply them.

But after considering some facts, you can already deal with this yourself:

  • eye drops help to get rid of many problems associated with the eyes, help moisturize them, relieve inflammation, heal;
  • when instilling drops, you must follow the rules of hygiene, and you should also not touch the pipette or dispenser to either the eye or the eyelids, since an infection can be introduced;
  • in no case should you use a larger dose than prescribed by your doctor.

When instilling drops yourself, you need to follow certain rules, since the eyes are the most delicate organ and require extremely careful handling:

  1. Before you drop your eyes, you need to properly prepare for this. In particular, wash your hands with soap. When this procedure is done to an outsider, it is necessary in this case to use disposable gloves. But after completing this action, wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Handle the dispenser with care and avoid contact with any surface. This will lead to infection, and subsequently infection of the eyes with bacteria. What can cause an inflammatory process?
  3. If the dispenser is removed, it is better to purchase new drops at the pharmacy.
  4. Under no circumstances should other people's eye drops be used.
  5. If an infectious disease has appeared in the eye, then contact lenses should be abandoned for the period of treatment. And only after recovery and with the permission of the doctor, they can be put on again.

Eye drops should be used strictly for their intended purpose and in no case should they be used longer than the specified period. In addition, during the break between instillations, it is necessary to follow strictly the instructions in connection with their storage. It is strictly forbidden to use them for other diseases, only in a specific case and no more.

When to apply

Drops are divided into several groups. And according to their purpose, the time for their application is also determined.

There is a certain type of drops that are instilled only once a day. For example, drugs such as Xalatan and Travatan should be instilled once a day, while at night.

Since this time of day is the most suitable for the action of drugs. Other drugs need to be instilled twice a day. The reason for this is the duration of the drops on the body. The interval of which is twelve hours. Other drops are dripped three times a day, again based on the duration of the drugs.

If several types of drugs are prescribed, then they need to be dripped at intervals of 5 minutes. Since you need to give time for the absorption of the first drug.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sequence and order of application of the drug, based on the recommendations of the doctor. And in no case should you change the sequence.

There are cases when the patient misses the time of instillation of the eyes. In this case, you need to do the following. Drugs that drip once a day, you need to drip only at the time for which they are prescribed.

So, you should wait for that time and then already drip your eyes. If the intervals between instillation are small, then as soon as they remembered that they had missed the procedure, they should immediately drip their eyes.

Instillation of the eyes of an adult in special cases

There are situations when you need to drip your eyes, and a person's hands are shaking. In this case, you need to ask for help from others.

To do this, a person must properly prepare for the procedure, namely, wash their hands, disinfect them with an antiseptic and use disposable gloves.

An adult who wears lenses needs to consult an ophthalmologist if they need to be removed or the lenses can be manipulated.

In the case when you need to drip the eyes of a child, but he closed his eyes tightly. In this case, you need to put a few drops into the inner corner of the eye. When the child opens their eyes, the medicine will roll into the eye.

What to do with a burning sensation in the eyes

Burning in the eyes can occur due to the following factors:

  1. The infection got into the eyes, from which the burning sensation in the eyes began. The infection can be different: fungal, viral or bacterial. Infection in the eyes can cause SARS or influenza.
  2. Motes in the eyes are also accompanied by a burning sensation in the eyes.
  3. A thermal burn with steam causes an unpleasant sensation in the eyes and a burning sensation.
  4. While sitting for a long time at a laptop or reading a book, it can cause eye fatigue, hence the burning sensation.
  5. Among other things, burning in the eyes can cause allergens.
  6. With dry eyes, burning occurs, because when blinking, friction occurs from which irritation occurs.
  7. Another reason may be incorrect compliance with the rules when wearing lenses.

In order to get rid of the discomfort, you must first consult a doctor. Since self-medication can only cause a complication.

If the cause of the burning sensation is fatigue, then it is necessary to give the eyes the opportunity to rest. And you need to do this during work, be distracted for a few minutes so that your eyes have the opportunity to rest.

For dry eyes, "artificial tears" should be used, but this drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

When there is inflammation of the eyes, it is good to make lotions. To do this, use ordinary tea leaves. This method has been used since ancient times, and it has always been effective.

In fact, lotions can be done for many eye diseases. Tea relieves inflammation and irritation, and is completely harmless. However, it does not cure diseases.

For burns, softening drops should be used. At the same time, they relieve inflammation and act as an antibacterial agent.

In the case of infectious diseases, a special complex therapy is prescribed. At the same time, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal drugs are prescribed, which are used together with tablets and injections.

For glaucoma or cataracts, treatment should be directed to the underlying cause of the disease. Since in this case it is useless to treat only one burning sensation. Only by eliminating or alleviating the disease, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations.

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Did your child get sick and the doctor prescribed eye drops? You will have to dig them yourself. If the child is calm, this will make the task easier, but eye drops can also be given to more restless children, regardless of their age. If possible, try to find someone to help you. Stock up on everything you need and act correctly and quickly.


Part 1

Preliminary preparation

    Ask the doctor why your child needs eye drops. Find out exactly in which eye which medicine should be instilled, as well as the number of drops. This will help you understand exactly what the instilled drugs are for and what you should expect them to do.

    Ask your doctor what side effects the drops prescribed by him have. Like other medicines, eye drops can cause side effects in a child, including an allergic reaction. You should be aware of the relevant symptoms so that if they appear, stop taking the drug immediately.

    Tell the doctor about other medicines your child is taking and any allergies to medicines. Tell me about all the medicines your child is currently taking, both over-the-counter and prescription. Any of them, when interacting with eye drops, can cause a negative reaction. When prescribing eye drops, be sure to also tell your pediatrician if your child has any allergies to certain drugs in the past.

    Ask your doctor if your child should be off contact lenses during treatment. Your child may be big enough to wear contact lenses and may need to be removed while taking the eye drops. Follow your doctor's instructions.

    Ask your pharmacist how long you can use the drops. If the drops are stored in a bottle, every time you take them from there, there is a danger of contamination, which can cause an infection in the instilled eye.

    Examine the bottle of drops and the label on it. Carefully read the instructions for use and pay attention to the expiration date of the drops. Shake the bottle and draw the liquid into the pipette, seeing if its appearance has changed.

    Before you take a bottle of drops in your hands, wash them. Before touching the bottle and instillation of the eyes, hands should be cleaned of various microorganisms. Otherwise, you may contaminate the drops and infect your child's eyes.

    • Wash your hands with soap and water, rubbing your palms for at least 20 seconds. Don't forget to clean the areas between your fingers and under your nails.
  1. Choose a quiet, well-lit room. When it comes time to bury your eyes, the procedure will be easier for both you and the child if nothing distracts you and you do not lack light.

    • If the room is filled with children's toys, there will be loud sounds and noises or the TV is on, the child can easily be distracted and try to look around. Before the procedure, your child will be a little nervous, so try to calm him down.
  2. If the child is big enough, talk to him. He will act calmer if he knows what to expect. Tell the child that after instillation, his condition will improve, but you need to be patient a little, because the drops can cause a slight tingling and blur your eyes for a while. Show exactly how you will bury your eyes.

    Place the bottle/vial of drops on a clean cloth lying on a flat surface. Having collected the drug in a pipette, free your hands. At the same time, make sure that the medicine container does not come into contact with dirt or dust.

    • Try not to put a pipette or an open package with a single dose of the drug anywhere. The tip of the pipette and the neck of the medicine vial must be kept clean. Be careful not to contaminate the tip of the pipette.

Part 2

Eye drops in older and calm children
  1. Find a position that is comfortable for your child. It will be better if the child lies on his back. You can try several positions to find the best and most comfortable for the child. Ask someone to help you by holding and comforting the child.

    Clean your child's eyes. Take a clean cloth, piece of cotton or bandage and soak it in warm water. Gently wipe your eye with it, moving from the bridge of your nose to your ear.

    Gently pull back the lower eyelid. At the same time, if the child looks up, a bag is formed under the eyeball, into which you can drip drops. Make sure that the pipette tip does not touch anything, including the baby's eye, eyelids, and face.

    After instillation, ask the child to close their eyes for about 2 minutes. At the same time, he should not close his eyes too much. It is necessary that the drops envelop the eyeball and soak into its outer layers. In the meantime, you can use a clean cloth or cotton swab to wipe up any drips that have escaped from your eye.

    Apply pressure to the inner corner of the child's eye for 1 minute. Lightly press the corner of the instilled eye near the bridge of the nose. This measure is necessary in order to prevent the spread of the drug throughout the child's body.

    Wait a few minutes before instilling the second drug. It is best to wait about five minutes. In this case, the first dripped liquid will have time to be absorbed and will not be washed out of the eye with the next drops.

    Encourage your child and praise him. Your child will surely be delighted to hear praise from you and words that he was brave and courageous. Thus, you will calm him down, and next time he will not be afraid of instillation of eyes.

Part 3

Eye drops for small and restless children

    Wrap your baby in a blanket or large towel. This will prevent him from swinging his arms and legs in all directions, and he will not be able to dodge you during the procedure. Try also to enlist someone else's help to make it easier for you to hold the child and soothe him.

    Clean your child's eyes. To do this, use a clean cloth, a piece of cotton wool or a bandage soaked in warm water. Gently rub the eye, moving from the bridge of the nose to the ear.

    Position the child in a comfortable position and wait until he closes his eyes. It is likely that your little or older, but nervous child will not obey you. Try several positions. In this case, the child must still be wrapped in a blanket.

    Drop from a pipette into the corner of the child's covered eye. If you are not able to put drops in your open eye (for example, you tried, but nothing worked), you can do this with your eyes closed. Drop into the corner of the eye adjacent to the bridge of the nose. At the same time, make sure that the tip of the pipette does not touch the child's eyes, eyelids and face.

First, calm down and collect yourself. Anyway, no one will do it except you. Secondly, carefully read the sequence of actions, thanks to which a rather difficult manipulation will be performed easily and quickly.

Algorithm for instilling drops into the eye of a newborn

  1. Wash your hands with regular soap. Do not wash them thoroughly and for a long time, treat them with infusions or tinctures.
  2. Wipe or pat dry with a clean towel. Hands may be damp, but not wet; water should not drip from the fingers.
  3. Take cotton wool, tear off 4 pieces. Two - the main ones, with which you will get your eyes wet, two - spare ones. Roll up the balls.
  4. Take the vial with the drug, check the name of the drops and the expiration date of the drug again. Now almost all companies produce drops with dispensers built into the bottle. In this case, a pipette is not needed.
  5. If the child was prescribed several drugs, bury them one by one. Do not open everything in advance.
  6. Place the child on a flat surface. It is better if it is a table, but you can use a sofa, an adult bed or a crib.
  7. On each side of the child, place 2 cotton balls. Place a bag or napkin on the side, on which you throw out the used cotton wool. All these preparations can be done before you put the baby. Remember, children are very active!
  8. If you are right-handed, then with the thumb of your left hand, holding one cotton ball, gently pull the baby's lower eyelid outward. So that the eye opens and the conjunctiva becomes visible. At this time, in the second hand there is an open vial of drops or a pipette with medicine if there is no dispenser. Turn the vial over and, pressing on its walls, squeeze one drop into the child's eye. If you drop more, nothing bad will happen. Only one drop is placed in the eye, so the excess of the drug will simply come out with a tear.
  9. If you are left-handed, it is more convenient to drip with your left hand, and open the eye cavity with your right.
  10. Try to hold the bottle or pipette so that they do not touch the eyelashes or eyelids. The sterility of the drops will be lost and you will have to buy the drug again.
  11. Release the eyelid, blot the eye, discard the ball so as not to confuse and wipe the other eye with it.
  12. Repeat the procedure for the second eye, depending on the purpose.
  13. If you need to drip the second drops or lay the ointment, close the vial that you hold in your hands. Open the next one and repeat the manipulation. During this time, the first drug will be absorbed. Eye ointment is applied after all drops.
  14. Reassure the child. All young children do not like it when they bury their eyes, and can express emotions through screaming. Also, some active substances can cause a slight burning sensation, which disappears after a few seconds.
  15. Put the baby in the crib.
  16. Remove dirty cotton.
  17. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Be sure to know certain rules so as not to harm the child.

Consider them:

  • do not wear latex or any other disposable gloves, dripping drops into your child's eyes;
  • fingernails should be cut short so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the baby;
  • rinsing eyes with potassium permanganate, traditional medicine is strictly prohibited;
  • do not wipe both eyes with one cotton ball, do not wipe them with your hands. Better blot with a clean, dry cloth or ironed handkerchief;
  • if the drop dispenser touched the floor, table, hand, any surface - replace the drops, as their sterility has been violated, and the microorganisms that have entered will enter the eye cavity when instilled;
  • try not to work with household chemicals, solvents, varnishes and paints 30 minutes before the procedure;
  • do not attempt to make eye drops from tablets or any other dosage form containing the required active ingredient. This can lead to chemical and other complications. It is also not necessary to instill in the eyes drugs for intramuscular or intravenous administration, produced in ampoules;
  • nothing bad will happen if you accidentally drop drops in the wrong order that was prescribed. Just try to follow the instructions exactly next time, number the bottles. But, if you mixed up and dripped the wrong eye drops, immediately consult an ophthalmologist for advice;
  • dry films or crusts of the drug formed in the corners of the eyes from drops can be easily eliminated by wiping the eye with a clean cotton ball moistened with boiled water. The appearance of this condition indicates excessive instillation (filling) of the eye with medicine. Try next time to drop no more than 1 - 2 drops into the conjunctival cavity;
  • if the newborn is actively waving his arms, and none of the family members are present, you can completely swaddle him or try to lightly hold him with the hand with which you pull the eyelid.

Remember, a carefully thought-out sequence of actions will allow you to easily and quickly cope with such a complex task.

If the doctor prescribed eye drops for your baby, you will have to learn how to drip them correctly.

Together with drops in a pharmacy, pipettes should also be immediately purchased if the medicine bottle does not have a special dropper cap. Before use, the pipette is washed with boiling water inside and out, passing hot water through the pipette several times and each time picking up clean water.

Before manipulation, be sure to check on the label on the bottle which drops are taken, wash your hands with soap and prepare a few pieces of clean cotton wool.

When filling the pipette with medicine, make sure that it does not fall into the rubber part and keep the pipette strictly vertical. For drops in the eyes, ears or nose, the pipettes must be separate. It is more convenient for small children to bury drops with an assistant who will hold the head, arms and legs of the baby.

It can be very difficult to drop a child's eyes. He resists and closes his eyes. How to properly instill drops in the eyes of children?

Instillation of drops in the eyes of infants

It is better to swaddle the baby before the procedure, then he will not be able to interfere with your hands and turn around. Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure.

Instill eye drops in infants with a pipette with a rounded end, so as not to accidentally damage the eye.

If the baby's eyelashes are stuck together, then first rinse the eyes and remove the crusts. Rinse your eyes with a cotton swab with warm water. The direction of movement should be from the temple to the nose. For each eye, take a clean cotton swab.

Separate the eyelids with the fingers of the left hand and drip 1-2 drops into the eye. Blot excess medication with a cotton swab. Each eye has its own clean swab.

Eye drops in older children

Put your baby to bed without a pillow. Ask him to help you - it will distract him. Give him two cotton swabs, have him hold them at the outer corner of his eyes.

Gently pull back the lower eyelid and drip the medicine, it will spread itself over the eye when you release the eyelid.

If the child closes his eyes, do not shout at him and, moreover, try to open his eyes by force. Drop the medicine in the region of the lacrimal sac, when the child opens his eyes, the medicine will go where it is needed.

If the drops are stored in the refrigerator, then before instillation, warm them in your hand. Cold medicine is unpleasant for the child and may cause additional irritation.

Use any eye drops in children only as directed by a doctor. Carefully monitor the expiration date of the medicine. Do not put medicine in the child's eyes that has been kept open for a long time.

Rinse your child's eyes to remove pus from the eyelashes with tea or warm water. Teach your child to do this procedure on their own under your supervision. He won't be as afraid to do it himself than when someone else touches his eyes.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Doctor Komarovsky's advice:

Washing the newborn and rinsing the eyes:

How to clean the nose of a newborn:

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