How to treat arthritis of the joints. Traditional medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Reasons for poor prognosis. How to treat rheumatoid arthritis with drugs

is a systemic autoimmune disease articular tissue, gradually spreading to the internal organs of the body. How to cure rheumatoid arthritis? Ailment requires emergency treatment, without which there is a high probability lethal outcome from acute kidney failure or infectious complications. However, even under the condition of timely therapy, about 70% of patients receive disability. The disease does not spare either adults or children, it is difficult, accompanied by pain, discomfort, and a decrease in the quality of life. Can arthritis be cured permanently? Here is a question that can one day confront any person. The answer to this depends on many related factors.


How to cure rheumatoid arthritis? Methods of treatment of systemic inflammation of the knee and hip joints, stop, palms. A complex approach to the fight against deforming arthritis: drug treatment, nutrition, exercise.


Can rheumatoid arthritis be cured? folk methods a lot of people ask me. Here is a letter from Maria Sergeevna from Ryazan:

Hello Vladimir Stepanovich. At the age of 15, I suffered serious stress and started working in the market, lifting heavy boxes of tomatoes of 30-35 kg each (with my weight of 45 kg), and of course there was hypothermia ... Then my joint ached for ring finger right hand, gradually other joints began to become involved ... now I am 20 years old, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis ... I have already tried great amount funds, but nothing helps me ... to at least raise my head from the pillow I have to drink a huge amount of medicine, I can only walk limping and only with pills ... I don’t know what to do ... every day it’s a test and hellish pain ... please help me, I really hope for your support.

- Maria Alpatova, Ryazan

I have been able to help many people. I hope that I can help you too, Maria. You must clearly understand that rheumatoid arthritis is a very complex (systemic) disease in which the entire body is affected. connective tissue body… And it, this disease, requires a systematic approach to treatment… This systems approach can only be provided by a well-trained rheumatologist. Therefore, in no case do not neglect regular visits to a rheumatologist.

Rheumatoid arthritis: recipes

  • In nutrition, it is desirable to refuse milk (but not fermented milk products), from sugar, from white bread, from pasta. Need to eat more seafood sea ​​fish(cod), sea ​​kale(in powder form - sold in pharmacies) - add to first and second courses and salads, seaweed, white cabbage in any form, horseradish, radish, radish, turnip, watercress, pumpkin porridge, germinated wheat. Carrots, spinach, onions, garlic have a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is highly advisable to stick to vegetarian food, drink carrot juice and melt water, decoction of oats.
  • Brew currant leaves, purifying the blood from uric acid- basis pathological changes in the joints when rheumatoid arthritis (or, as doctors say, polyarthritis) is diagnosed
  • Propolis-garlic tincture. this wonderful tool.
  • Gels and ointments containing it good means and very effective means for local treatment and prevention of joint diseases.
  • Decoction of oats: pour one glass of washed oats with 1 liter of distilled water room temperature. Insist 10 hours. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Remove, wrap and insist 12 hours. Strain. Top up with distilled water to the original volume - up to 1 liter. Take 20 minutes before meals three times a day, 100 ml (half a cup) for 2 months. A break of 1 month and again a course of 2 months. During a year.
  • Ointment: take 2 tablespoons of crushed fresh roots Comfrey officinalis ( borage) and grind with 2 tablespoons of unsalted lard. Apply for fractures of bones, for bruises, for rheumatic and gouty pains in the joints, for wounds and ulcers.
  • Aloe juice - 1 part, honey - 2 parts and vodka - 3 parts. Mix and apply in the form of compresses on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased joints.
  • Porridge from American Agave leaves - 50 g pour vodka - 200 ml. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the contents every other day. Strain. Take 15 drops (with water) 3 times a day, before meals. A course of 6 weeks, a break of 1 month and again a course of 6 weeks. Yes, 8 months.
  • 100 g of dry crushed calamus root pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the contents every other day. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day before meals - until cured. Definitely for you.
    For food, you need to eat jam or juice from lingonberries (4 tablespoons a day for six months, white cabbage (in any form), horseradish, garlic (2 cloves a day!), Aronia chokeberry (150 g per day), celery, viburnum, mountain ash (fruits in any form), black radish, green tea... And, of course, onion soup according to Broyce's recipe.
  • Every day you need to eat a plate of onion soup, prepared according to the recipe of the famous Belgian doctor Rudolf Breuss. Here's how this soup is prepared: finely chop a lemon-sized onion, along with the outer brown peel, fry for vegetable fat or oil (until the onion is golden brown), then add 1/2 l cold water and cook until the onion is well cooked. Add some vegetable broth and mix well. Strain. Use only clear soup (no boiled onions)!
  • Mumiyo (pharmaceutical preparation) in capsules or tablets of 0.2 g. Take 1 tablet (0.2 g) in the morning 2 times a day, before meals, with 2 sips grape juice. The course is 20 days, a break of 1 month and again a course of 20 days.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is also treated in this way: instead of tea, brew raspberry leaves, as well as twigs, raspberry stalks. Together with raspberry infusion there is raspberry jam or candied raspberries. Yes, throughout the year. Patience and precision are the keys to success. In this way, many people who suffered from the most severe forms of polyarthritis were cured. Very very effective method treatment.
  • It is highly desirable to use blue clay, which should be wrapped around the joints 4-6 times a day (according to the method of V. Travinka).
    Licorice root infusion naked: Pour 1 tablespoon of licorice root in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Insist 5 hours. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day, before meals. Course 5 weeks. A break of 2 months and again the course is 5 weeks.
  • A decoction of rose hips: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry fruits with 1 cup of boiling water; boil on low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain, add a tablespoon of honey. Take half a cup (100 ml) twice daily, 40 minutes after meals. Course 3 months. A break of 1 month and again a course of 3 months.

It is necessary to draw up a treatment plan with the alternation of funds among themselves (no more than 2-3 funds at the same time). Finally, Maria, and everyone who is tormented by this most disgusting disease - rheumatoid arthritis, I will leave a few more very simple recipes that have been tested by time and our ancestors.

  1. Decoction of burdock root (15 g root per 200 ml of boiling water) take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day (before meals). For external treatment, take 4-5 tablespoons of crushed root in a bucket of water, boil, cool. In a warm broth, lower a sheet folded four times so wide that it covers the body from the armpits to the ankles of the legs; squeeze the sheet (not dry) and wrap the patient tightly. Lay a piece of sheet between the legs so that the legs do not touch. Then wrap the patient in the same way with a dry sheet and a woolen blanket. The sheet and blanket are fixed with pins and the patient is left for 1.5-2 hours in bed. If the patient falls asleep, do not wake him up. Remove sheets upon waking up. Use the treatment only once a day, preferably at night; after 6 days - a break for a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  2. You can prepare an ointment of this composition: 250 g unsalted butter in the morning put in an enamel pan; add 100 g beeswax and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Add 100 g of powder pine resin and boil over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring the contents thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Then add 30 g of Celandine grass powder and boil again for 5 minutes. Pour in 0.5 l St. John's wort oil, stir everything well and pour in 30 g of chalk powder. Simmer for 2.5 hours, stirring the contents, then put 50 g of propolis powder. Remove from heat after 30 minutes and let cool. In the evening, bring to a boil, constantly stirring the contents, strain the hot mixture through a 2-layer gauze, pour into jars and close them tightly. Store in a dark, cool place. Apply - lubricating the affected areas of the skin very thin layer by rubbing into the skin. The ointment perfectly softens the skin, cicatricial changes in the skin and tendons; in addition, it has a perfectly pronounced anti-inflammatory, healing and antipruritic effect.

And one more thing, Maria! The longer I work as a doctor, the longer I live in the world, the more I am convinced that our fate is in our hands. The main thing is to deeply realize that everything in life is determined by FAITH in one's own strength. Find the strength to say to yourself: "I can do anything." I happened to go through and there to understand that those who really, really wanted to live survive. In front of my eyes, the wounded were dying, far from being the most severe wounds, and, on the contrary, those who received injuries incompatible with life survived. A person gets well if he believes that he can get well. This applies to any disease - both the mildest and the most severe.

There is not and cannot be a panacea for all diseases and for all cases, no matter how much we all would like it. Panacea can be considered only a huge FAITH in recovery and only her.

To understand how to cure rheumatoid arthritis, it is worth understanding the mechanism of the disease that causes it. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The cause of joint disease is not in natural wear. cartilage tissue, as with arthrosis, not in an infection, which often happens with ordinary arthritis, but in a failure of immunity. Protective functions organism, instead of attacking an infection, viruses that have entered from the outside destroy healthy cells body, joints. How stronger immunity the faster the disease progresses.

Rheumatoid arthritis appears at any age. The disease begins in children, adolescents, young women, people leading an active lifestyle. Science has not fully understood the mechanism of the occurrence of such an immune response.

Factors provoking an exacerbation of the disease - hypothermia, infectious, viral disease, joint injury, stress, genetic predisposition. The disease has a remission during pregnancy, when a woman's body hormonal disbalance, the immune system weakens. There is a relapse, when the disease receded, symptoms appear.

Rheumatoid arthritis is dangerous if you do not start treatment on time, inflammation from the joints spreads to the internal organs, liver, lungs, heart.

The patient asks the question: can rheumatoid arthritis be cured? Medicine does not give an answer, because each case is individual. Rheumatoid arthritis can be cured complex treatment. magic pill no illness. Worth a pass full course treatment, listen to the doctor's recommendations, to your own body.

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis should start with basic therapy. The effect is noticeable after a couple of months, today it is a way to cure the disease. Preparations that make up the basic therapy:

There is. The point is behind the regularity of taking drugs, the constant supervision of a doctor. Treatment of the disease is the desire of the patient to get better. If there is no faith in healing it is difficult to achieve positive result. Depression, stress are provocateurs of the disease, it is worth excluding with the help of a psychologist.

Diet is an additional method of treatment

Joint health depends on the state of the body. All patients want to go the easy way, trust their health medicines without doing anything. If you limit yourself to products that do not bring health benefits, you can improve the processes in the body. no. There are nutritional recommendations that enhance treatment, avoid side effects from taking medication.

It is important to abandon foods that are bad for the joints:

  • Flour products, sweet pastries, chocolate.
  • Animal fats, fatty meats.
  • Milk.
  • Citrus.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant.

Eliminate foods that adversely affect the kidneys, liver. These vital important organs receive a load from taking medications that make up the treatment, you should not overload them with harmful, heavy foods:

  • Canned food.
  • Fried food.
  • Smoked products.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Foods containing cholesterol.
  • Hot spices.
  • Salty food.

Health Benefits Products:

  • Olive oil.
  • Nuts.
  • Sea fish.

Steam food, bake in the oven, without adding oil. Take vitamins, biologically active additives to food, it is not always possible to consume foods rich in essential micro-, macroelements.

  • Calcium is essential for strong bones and joints. If you do not consume the proper amount of dairy products, lead to a deterioration in well-being, take calcium supplements.
  • In order for calcium to be absorbed by the body, vitamin D is needed. Fish oil contains a record amount of vitamin D.
  • Collagen is useful for strengthening cartilage. Found in gelatin food additives with collagen.
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, E are useful in rheumatoid arthritis. Promote tissue regeneration, support the body in good shape during the treatment period.

A healthy lifestyle is the best addition to therapy

Rheumatoid arthritis is curable, there are cases of complete deliverance. It is necessary to approach the treatment comprehensively, to make every effort. to mandatory drug therapy, proper nutrition it is worth adding physical exercises, walking in the fresh air, hardening, giving up bad habits.

Helps to complement effective treatment forget about rheumatoid arthritis forever:

  • Swimming. The load on the joints during swimming is minimal, all muscles work. The muscles of the legs and back are strengthened. Strong muscle corset reduces stress on the joints, supports the spine.
  • Massage. Increases blood circulation, strengthens muscles, relieves stress.
  • Bath. Good Habit at joint diseases. It is undesirable to go to the steam room at the moment acute exacerbation, elevated temperature body. In other cases, the bath will benefit.
  • Spa treatment. It is useful for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis to visit a sanatorium once a year. When the disease receded, preventive measures won't interfere.

The case of the disease is individual, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is possible to get rid of rheumatoid arthritis forever. Everything is in your hands, there are cases when they forgot about the disease forever. Someone needs to move out of town for this, to Fresh air, eat natural products, go to the bath, someone helped yoga, meditation, someone a full course of treatment with medicines. Don't give up, fight for your health!

The main goals of treatment are to control inflammation and prevent development. How to treat rheumatoid arthritis? Therapy usually includes medications, physical therapy and regular exercise. Early Treatment- key to good results.

Medical treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Non-drug treatment includes controlled exercise, nutritional advice to prevent overweight and control cholesterol levels.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis? Medical therapy is the main method of treatment. Drug therapy is aimed at reducing inflammation and preventing deformities. There are four different classes of drugs that are used depending on the severity of the disease.

Class 1: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). First of all, the doctor prescribes treatment without hormones. Medications relieve the symptoms of arthritis. The most commonly used are Ibuprofen and Naproxen. They take 2-4 weeks to reach maximum effect.

Class 2: basic antirheumatic drugs. They are able to reduce not only inflammation, but also prevent the progression of the disease. The main drugs in this group are:

  1. Leflunomide is initially taken at 100 mg once a day. The course of this reception lasts 3 days. Then a maintenance dose of 20 mg per day is prescribed.
  2. Methotrexate is taken at 7.5 mg once a week for 1-2 months. Then the dosage is increased to 10 mg, taking 1 time per week.
  3. Penicillamine: The initial dosage is 125 or 250 mg as a single dose. The dose is increased, if necessary, by 125-250 mg per day. Treatment lasts 2-3 months.
  4. Sulfasalazine - 1 g of the drug to be taken 2-3 times a day. the duration of treatment is 1-2 months.
  5. Azathioprine - 100-150 mg daily for 2-3 months, then a maintenance dose of 50 mg daily.
  6. Cyclophosphamide is taken at 100-200 mg/day. Then the doctor prescribes a maintenance dose - 50 mg of the substance daily.
  7. azathioprine;
  8. Cyclosporine is taken at 2.53 mg/kg daily.

Many of these immunosuppressive drugs must be used under strict medical supervision. The effects of the drugs are felt after a few weeks of use.

Class 3: biologics for treatment. When methotrexate or other basic drugs do not relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers, knee or shoulder joint, doctors recommend biologics. Biological products are genetically modified proteins. They block certain parts of the immune system that play a key role in inflammation. Medicines can slow or stop the disease.

There are various biological products that target different parts of the immune system. Most effective:

  • Abatacept, Adalimumab;
  • Anakinroy, Certolizumab;
  • etanercept, etanercept;
  • Golimumab, Infliximab;
  • infliximab, rituximab;
  • Tocilizumab.

Since biopreparations suppress immune system they increase the risk of infection.

Attention! In no case do not self-medicate by increasing the dosage or duration of taking biologics.

Cases have been reported in which a patient had rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, and along with it there was a severe infection incompatible with life.

Class 4: combination therapy and corticosteroids. Rheumatoid arthritis of the hands and large joints (knee, shoulder, elbow) is not always treatable. Especially when the patient went to the hospital late. in such cases, combination therapy may help. There is no guarantee of recovery, but before resorting to surgical treatment, the physician should try all available therapies.

Schemes for combining drugs in the first stages of development:

  1. Methotrexate + Hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
  2. Methotrexate + Sulfasalazine.
  3. Gold salts + Hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
  4. Methotrexate + Hydroxychloroquine sulfate + Sulfasalazine.

doctor who treats joint disease last stage may recommend steroids. They relieve pain and stiffness of affected joints if previous remedies have proven useless. In most cases, they are used temporarily. But, some people need to take steroids for a long time to control pain and inflammation.

Potential side effects of long-term steroid use include high blood pressure, osteoporosis and diabetes. But at correct use drugs, the patient quickly recovers.

The second scheme is anti-inflammatory therapy with corticosteroids:

  1. The first day - intravenously 1 g of Methylprednisolone and 1 g of Cyclophosphamide.
  2. The second and third days - the introduction of 1 g of Methylprednisolone.

Patients with severe disease and involvement internal organs, appoint more aggressive treatment corticosteroids.

Folk remedies

Inflammatory diseases joints are difficult and take a long time to heal. To speed up recovery, in addition to drug therapy, use folk remedies.


People with rheumatoid arthritis should include daily diet juices containing anti-inflammatory nutrients. These nutrients include beta-carotene (found in parsley, broccoli, and spinach) and iron (found in carrots, apples, and ginger).

  1. Black cherry juice is good for arthritis. Drink 2 glasses of this drink twice a day. You can stop treatment after the pain subsides.
  2. Pineapple is a source of the enzyme bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Drink 250 ml of pineapple juice 2-3 times a day.

At home, prepare cocktails by combining following products:

  1. Carrots, celery and cabbage juice, parsley.
  2. potato juice(unless you have allergies).
  3. Carrot, beetroot and cucumber.
  4. Radish, garlic.

Attention! Some juices may cause adverse reactions. Avoid citrus fruits, and be wary of vegetables in the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant.

Recipes from traditional medicine

Treatment folk way has always been welcomed by physicians and the public. It is inexpensive and effective. Recommended recipes for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Dilute 5 drops essential oil ginger with 20 drops of olive and almond. Rub into painful areas.
  2. On an empty stomach, take 3-4 walnuts or one fresh coconut.
  3. Boswellia has a unique anti-inflammatory effect, like conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Rub Boswellia extract on the affected joints.
  4. Feverfew has been used for centuries to treat arthritis. It's powerful natural aspirin. Brew the herb according to the recipe on the package. take 2 times a day.

Ginseng contains components called ginsenosides, which have various pharmachologic effect. It is an adaptogen - it increases the body's ability to cope with various stresses. Pour three tablespoons of ginseng into 1 liter of vodka. Let the mixture sit for 5-6 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking the tincture frequently. Strain, take 1 tbsp. l. fluids after dinner or before bed every night. The course of treatment lasts 3 months. Then, take a break for 2 weeks before starting treatment again.

Important! Use American ginseng, not Asian. Asian ginseng may aggravate pain.

At home, you can make tea from common hops, licorice, oregano, or make evening compresses from red pepper, nettle and essential oils.

It's heavy chronic illness joints, more often developing in people older than 35-40 years. When a doctor establishes a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, treatment should be comprehensive - they are prescribed medical preparations, compresses, ointments, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and other therapies.

What causes arthritis?

Science still cannot establish real reasons, but scientists managed to establish the predisposing and triggering mechanisms of the disease.

  • Autoimmune reactions and genetics

Scientists believe that the predisposition to autoimmune reactions is inherent in a person genetically. Lymphocytes (immune cells) play the role of recognizing and destroying "strangers" - viruses, bacteria, infections. But, sometimes their direction changes and instead of foreign cells, they begin to destroy their own, for example, joints, inflammation appears. This process can be caused by infections, influenza and even simple acute respiratory infections, which account for a large percentage of predisposing factors. After them, particles of viruses remain in the affected joints, which provoke the immune system.

  • Psychosomatic reactions

Studies by American scientists (Johnson, Shapiro) prove that rheumatoid arthritis often occurs after severe emotional upheavals.

In the course of the research, even behavioral traits that are present in such patients were revealed - excessive restraint of emotions, irritation, anger, an attempt to mask and not give vent to negative reactions.

Main symptoms of arthritis

Characteristic joint pains that worsen at night or in the morning. Inflammation and swelling of the phalangeal joints of the middle and index finger on the hands, as well as small joints on the legs. The joints become inflamed symmetrically to each other.

When the disease progresses, inflammation of the knees, elbows, shoulder joints, i.e. larger ones. Sometimes it happens the other way around, when the lesion begins with them and goes to small joints. Joint stiffness in the morning.

Dense subcutaneous formations(nodules) in the folds of the elbows, hands, feet. General malaise- lethargy, weakness, fever, weight loss, numbness of the extremities, burning in the eyes. Deformation of the hands and fingers on the hands, which leads to impaired blood circulation and complete atrophy muscles.

Treatment of the disease

  • Based on information about the symptoms obtained from the patient and external examination.
  • For confirmation, an x-ray of the feet and hands is prescribed.
  • Study of blood tests.

Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis should be carried out in a complex manner. This is the only way to expect an improvement in the patient's condition. Unfortunately, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

Therefore, therapy is aimed at improving the function of mobility and the condition of the joints, relieving inflammation and preventing disability. What are the treatments?

Medical treatment

Types of drugs used:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - NSAIDs (piroxicam, indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, naproxen).
  2. Basic therapy - modifiers of the course of the disease. They are taken for a long time. The effect becomes visible no earlier than a month after the start of administration (cytostatic, gold salts, sulfasalazine, D-penicillamine)
  3. Complex - have a modifying, anti-inflammatory effect (for example, tenidap).
  4. Glucosteroids - relieve inflammation, prevent destruction bone tissue(prednisolone, dexamethasone)

Popular drugs

  • Cytostatics (or immunosuppressants) - remicade, cyclosporine, arava, azathioprine. Many of them were originally used by rheumatologists for the treatment of patients with oncology. They give a positive result, not bad, but they need to be taken in a long course. For example, Arava is taken for more than six months. Doctors recommend following the strictly recommended dose, since it is not uncommon for them to cause such reactions.
  • Methotrexate. It is often prescribed to older people, it is well tolerated, it is not expensive, and the risk of complications during treatment is minimized. A positive result is achieved after 5-7 weeks. Methotrexane cannot be combined with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Aurotherapy or therapy with gold (aurothiomalate, tauredon, krizanol and others). An old, proven remedy that has been used for over 100 years in medical practice. The action is aimed at reducing the development of the disease. May be taken with NSAIDs. Gold helps with early bone erosions, as well as patients with stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  • Remicade. Fast-acting and effective, it belongs to expensive new drugs. Despite the good medical performance, it has a number of contraindications and causes side reactions. You should definitely consult a doctor and strictly follow the dosage. There is a risk of allergies.
  • Antimalarial drugs (rezoquin, hingamin, delagil, plaquenil). Previously widely used in the treatment of malaria (tropical fever). Now it is also often used to treat arthritis. The course of admission is long, up to 6-12 months. Well tolerated by the body.
  • Sulfonamides (sulfasalazine). Antimicrobial agents. The course of their reception is also long. Improvement is noted after 3-6 months. Well tolerated, rarely give complications.
  • D-penicillamine (distamine, cuprenil). Most often prescribed when medicines based on gold and methotrexate have not had the desired effect. The effect of the treatment is good, but D-penicillamine is toxic, often gives side reactions, so it is prescribed less frequently.

Modern experts believe that many treatment regimens that have been successfully used in the past are already outdated. Previously, the doctor could initially prescribe, for example, distamine or sulfasalazine, and then introduce gold. This is not true, because the medicines of the first group have therapeutic effect later long time, and gold, for example, acts much faster. Now the approach to the appointment of certain drugs is more attentive and experienced.

Intra-articular preparations

Along with conventional drugs used in treatment, rheumatoid arthritis is treatable with drugs that must be injected into the joints. Their advantage is quick effect, because the drug is delivered to the site of inflammation immediately after administration.

  1. Corticosteroids - 1 time per week, course for 5-6 sessions. For prolonged action, 1 injection is prescribed every 14-30 days.
  2. Peroxinorm is an immunosuppressant. Medicine based on the liver of a bull. It is applied for knee joints 1 time in 7 days, a course of 5-6 sessions.

Homeopathy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

In the treatment of arthritis, homeopaths use a wide variety of plants, on the basis of which they are made. homeopathic preparations. The better the concentrate used to create the drug, the better the expected effect. Activity healing substances also depends on the number of phased shaking.

Modern medical practice quite often, along with conventional medicines, he prescribes medicines of this group to patients. But, compared to traditional treatment she is weak. Do not rely on homeopathy in case of a severe stage of the disease, prolonged pain and a strong inflammatory process.

Certainly, at long-term use medicine will provide positive impact- will improve general state, will help ease the pain, but no more. You can use homeopathy at the stage of remission as a preventive measure.

Local treatment

Cryotherapy - impact on problem area by using low temperatures. Advantages of the method:

  • The method can be applied when varying degrees disease severity
  • The procedure has no serious contraindications
  • Exposure to cold perfectly improves the process of blood circulation, relieves swelling, eliminates inflammation, and also eliminates pain.

In medicine, two types of cryotherapy are used:

Dry cryotherapy, when the patient is placed in a special cryovan and cold exposure begins. The impact on the whole body, therefore it is very effective in the defeat of many joints.

  • Liquid cryotherapy, when a jet is applied to the problem area liquid nitrogen. Such treatment consists of a course of several procedures and is carried out every day or every other day.
  • Laser. How to treat rheumatoid arthritis in modern world? Of course innovative technologies, for example, using a laser. The procedure consists in exposing the problem area to high-power radiation.

What are the advantages of the procedure?

  • Reduces areas of inflammation and infection
  • Helps normalize blood circulation
  • Increases immunity

What are its shortcomings?

  • Expensive treatment
  • Course duration - up to 20 sessions
  • Effective only if the patient does not have severe arthritis. But, using a laser even on initial stage, you can achieve almost 90-95% of the result.

The method of irradiating lymph tissue is based on exposure to radioactive rays of 150 rad. The number of sessions is selected individually.

What is the disadvantage of the method?

  • Not suitable for every patient. May cause complications such as nausea or weakness.
  • Physiotherapy - carried out during the period of remission. Advantages of the procedure:
  • Enhances blood circulation
  • Improving joint mobility
  • Reduce finger deformity
  • Elimination of muscle spasms
  • The use of a number of drugs aimed at the focus of joint damage

Folk methods of treatment

For many years, people have been trying to cure this disease with folk remedies. Like pharmaceutical preparations, they are aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing pain, improving joint mobility. All folk remedies can be divided into three groups:

  • Pain relievers

Some folk remedies can reduce pain no worse than pharmaceutical painkillers. For example, good help potato compresses. It's not hard to cook at home. take raw potatoes and rub it on a fine grater. Then wrapped in gauze and applied to sore spot. Wrap the top with plastic wrap and leave overnight. You can make a compress from burdock. Its leaves should be well laid over the joint, wrapped on top with a bandage and plastic wrap. This plant is often made alcohol tinctures and combine them with compress treatment.

  • Anti-inflammatory

Particularly effective are natural ingredients during a period of acute exacerbation of the disease. To reduce inflammation at home, ointments, decoctions, compresses are prepared.

A decoction can be prepared from bay leaves. To do this, 20-30 g of dry leaves are crushed and poured with 450-500 ml of water. Boil on fire for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, poured into a bottle or jar and left to infuse for 8-10 hours. The decoction is taken 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml.

Well relieves inflammation balm from the needles. To do this, take 40 grams of pine branches, 2-3 tablespoons of wild rose, one clove of garlic and one spoon onion peel. All ingredients are poured with 2 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. The broth is insisted for about 12 hours and filtered. It should be drunk throughout the day (up to 1 liter per day).

  • Warming products

Their action is aimed at stimulating blood circulation and tissue regeneration. Also remove inflammatory process. Salt rubs can be used. In this case, the salt is diluted with either vodka or honey. Clay rubs are also used. Excellent effect possess rubbing and massage with essential natural oils- lemon, fir, eucalyptus, rosemary.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis

How can rheumatoid arthritis be treated at home? Of course, diet. It is very important to follow it. Correct healthy eating will improve the condition. If you do not follow the recommendations of the doctor and do not adhere to the diet, the situation can only aggravate.

What foods can't be eaten?

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Convenience foods, fast food, harmful food additives
  • Smoked meats and preservatives
  • Fatty broths
  • Pastries, bakery products.

What foods should be restricted?

  • fried food
  • Sausages
  • legume vegetables
  • Greens - spinach and sorrel.

Allowed products:

  1. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is desirable to give preference to protein foods (fish, milk, eggs, non-fatty meat). In this case, the food should not be fatty or high-calorie. Meat, for example, is best cooked stewed, steamed or boiled.
  2. Vegetables, berries and fruits rich in vitamin C: potatoes, currants, citrus fruits, bell pepper, kiwi.
  3. Food rich in antioxidants green tea, sour fruit. natural fresh juices. These are not only fruit juices, but also vegetable ones - tomato, carrot.

The diet includes magnesium salts, which are found in buckwheat, greens, and bran.


How is rheumatoid arthritis treated besides medications, diets, auxiliary methods? With this disease, the complex helps well exercise or physiotherapy. But, this method is not available to everyone.

When is exercise therapy prohibited?

  • In the presence of serious damage and abnormalities in the work of internal organs (pneumonia, nephritis)
  • severe stage of arthritis
  • General contraindications - temperature, exacerbation of diseases, infection, problems with cardiac activity, high pressure etc.

Three stages of gymnastics

Preparatory - up to 15 minutes during the first 3-4 days. Patients are taught to relax, master the technique correct breathing prepare the body for physical activity

Basic - up to 30 minutes for two weeks. The task is to strengthen the muscles, restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Final - up to 5 days. Patients are taught to do the exercises at home on their own.
Consider some types of exercises that will be useful for arthritis patients. You can make them yourself at home.

Hand exercises

Doctors recommend giving maximum load on the fingertips, avoid movements towards the little finger, choose a pen for writing should be cone-shaped and observe the correct position of the brush at rest (brush on the edge).

Sample exercises:

  • Learn to relax the hand on a cone-like object, on a ball
    Put both hands on the edge of the table, raise your palms up and down (10 times)
  • Rub your palms together until they are hot
  • Raise and lower fingers in a position where the palms are pressed to the table
  • Do circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise, arms outstretched in front of you and clenched into fists.
  • Rolling the ball on the table
  • Exercises for ankle injuries
  • Learn to raise and lower thumb on foot
  • Just like with your palm, roll the ball with your foot on the floor
    learn to grab objects with your fingers - a pencil, for example.
  • Bend and unbend your fingers in a sitting position and legs shoulder-width apart

Shoulder Exercises

Raise your shoulders up and down while sitting on a chair
In the same position, circular movements of the shoulders back and forth
In the supine position, stretch your arms along the body and alternately raise and lower your arms

Standing put your fingers on your shoulders and make circular movements back and forth
To achieve success, gymnastics is carried out daily. Experienced doctor will tell you everything necessary exercises that will be effective in relation to certain affected joints.

How is rheumatoid arthritis treated in the East?

  • Chinese medicine recognizes methods such as:
  • Acupuncture
  • leech treatment
  • cleansing the body

In addition to these methods, Chinese medicine drugs based on vegetable origin, sometimes moxibustion and acupuncture. In the West, compared to China, more attention is paid to treatment chemicals. But, oriental medicine was known many centuries ago.

In particular, the yoga method is effectively used in the treatment of not only rheumatoid arthritis, but also many other diseases. Yoga classes are also held in our country. Important condition a competent approach to finding an experienced instructor. This is the only way to expect a positive result and not harm your body. Yoga requires special attention to technology and their bodily sensations from the process of training.


How to treat rheumatoid arthritis in a hospital setting and when is surgery necessary?

Of course, medicines, physical therapy, diet, folk remedies and other methods of influence can slow down the development of arthritis. But if the disease progresses to severe form and the joint begins to collapse from the inside, you have to resort to forced operational methods. The operation is aimed at restoring joint mobility, relieving symptoms and returning to active image life.
The effectiveness and reliability of the operation is distributed on consultations with a rheumatologist, surgeon and orthopedist. It is impossible to delay the operation, but it should be done only in extreme cases.

— Types of surgery

Most often, this is a joint replacement (hip or knee). The surgeon removes problem areas and installs a prosthesis. Typically, its service life is 10-20 years. When it wears out, do repeated procedure. In this case, the result will be lower, and re-intervention is considered more complex surgical work.

There is also surgery on the part of the carpal tunnel, which is very effective for a pinched nerve.

In the process of inovectomy, the membranes of the joint are cut in order to eliminate erosion. This method often requires repeated intervention, since the synovial membrane can grow again.

Joint fixation (arthrodesis) may be offered to reduce pain. Fuse two bones with a decrease in their size.
Before surgical intervention The physician must provide advice on proper preparation. If necessary, you will need to stop taking certain drugs (in particular, blood thinners), practice walking on crutches, which will be required after surgery, pass necessary tests blood.

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