Where to look for the dog she ran away. Preventive measures to keep your dog safe. Video - How to find a missing dog

How not to lose your dog (Internet digest)

* Try not to walk your dog during fireworks, salutes and loud festivities: the pet can get very frightened and run away in an unknown direction. The greatest number of dogs is lost during fireworks and festive fireworks, especially on New Year's Eve. Many dogs go into a state of panic when explosions, rumblings, etc. are heard around. In this state, the dog may stop responding to the owner and run away in a state of shock. If you want to take a walk on a festive evening, leave the dog at home!!!
* If you are walking along the road. take the dog on a leash. Even if it is perfectly obedient, something can scare it. There is also one of the options for kidnapping a dog: a car stops. A person comes out of it and gives a clear command “Come to me”, the dog runs up, she is taken away.
* Do not let children under the age of 14 walk the dog. There are many situations that a child cannot cope with: a strange aggressive dog can run up, there have been cases when dogs were stolen from children (this is especially true for small breeds). Do not injure a child.
* Never tie your dog outside the store when you go inside! Especially if she is thoroughbred, and may be of material interest to someone. Animal theft is very popular right now.
* During estrus, even the most well-mannered and obedient bitch can rush far, far away for adventures, so walk her on a leash, vigilantly guarding her honor and dignity. The same applies to males: you can never be sure that there is no female in heat nearby, or a dog wedding is not walking, so you should not let go off the leash.
* Do not travel with your dog without a leash. There were many cases when dogs, becoming interested in something, jumped into trains and buses and left in an unknown direction. Any transport is a high-risk area, you must fully control your dog.
* If you have moved to a new apartment, do not go out with your dog without a leash until he gets used to the new place. Walking the dog in a new area for her, in the country, for example, keep her on a leash for the first few days. Kind neighbors can shelter a lost animal at home, while the dog simply messed up the gate. Indeed, such cases have happened.
* It is absolutely unacceptable to let a dog out for a walk alone, but some negligent owners even commit such a disgrace. No matter how sleepy you are, find an opportunity to take your dog outside on business. If you are not capable of such "feats", for God's sake, do not get a dog!
* Street skirmishes with other dogs, especially fighting breeds, often lead to the flight of the dog, as they say, "where the eyes look." Therefore, at the first sign of irritation on either side, take the pet out of sight of the aggressor.
* Young or untrained dogs can break loose during a walk and run to where it is more interesting. If the dog is young, try to be one step ahead and take him on a leash before he sees something that may seem interesting to him - a cat, another dog, etc. Practice the “Come to me” command until automatic.

Even the most calm and trained dogs, and despite all the precautions, are still lost by a fatal coincidence. Even if you never let your dog off the leash, the carabiner or the collar lock may break....
Every responsible owner must be sure that in the event of an unforeseen situation, he can be contacted and informed about his pet.
Give people the opportunity to help your dog in trouble - hang up an address book!.

There are several ways to identify a dog:

Stamp with dog number
+The brand cannot be lost. If the brand is made with high quality, then it is with the dog for life.
- Not every person decides to grab someone else's dog and climb into her ears or groin (the places where the brand is put).
- If they saved on paint, or the dog has its own bright pigment and thick hair, then the stigma can simply become unreadable, blurry.
- Most people wouldn't think to look into a dog's ear or groin.
- Even if the brand is found, then most of the ordinary people who could pick up your dog do not know what to do with this number. If the dog is lucky and it is found by a person who knows what the brand is and where it is located, as well as having access to the brand database, then he will be able to contact the club or kennel in which the dog is registered. Further events can develop in two ways: 1. Your address or phone number will not be found in the club, or you moved and changed them without informing the club. 2. The club will give you your contact information (it is advisable to leave not only your home phone, but also your cell phone), and the dog will return to you.

Chipping of animals is a new modern method of identification, which is much less painful compared to branding.
+ Chipping is a subcutaneous injection. Unlike the stigma, the chip is not going anywhere. Many civilized countries have already completely switched to chipping as the most reliable and humane identification system in veterinary medicine. Therefore, for animals to cross the borders of such states, one of the necessary conditions is chipping.
+ The chip stays with the dog all his life.
+ In addition to contact details, additional information can be added to the chip database, for example, about the dog's health status.
+ Chipping is a very good option to prove ownership of a given dog. The chip is very difficult to find and remove from a dog.
- Few people would guess to check the dog for the presence of a chip. Too few people know about chipping.
- not all clinics have devices for reading information from a chip.
- So far, there is no single database for microchipped animals.

A small metal plate engraved with a phone number, address, and the dog's name. The plate is attached to the collar on both sides.
+ The plate is easy to make yourself.
- Such an address tag is clearly visible only at large sizes, i.e. on large short-haired dogs.
- While wandering the streets, the dog may lose the collar, or it may be removed by "good" citizens.

Metal pendant
It has the form of a metal cylinder (sleeve), hollow inside and unscrewing into two parts. A piece of paper with the contact details of the owner of the dog is inserted into one of these parts. Next, the parts are twisted together.
+ Can be bought at any pet store.
- Almost all address tags are unscrewed in a few months. The unscrewed part is lost along with the paper.
- Water can get into the pendant and blur the written data.

Plastic pendant
It has a slightly different device for connecting the two halves, which reduces the likelihood of unwinding. More sealed. But everything is still lost because of the unreliable ring that connects it to the collar.
+ Cheap.
+ Sold in almost any store.
- Most of the townsfolk take this pendant for decoration.
- The address tag is suitable only for small and smooth-haired breeds - it is not noticeable at all on large dogs.
- Many passers-by do not know what an address book is and do not suspect that there may be a piece of paper with a phone inside.
- Not everyone who sees a lost dog decides to catch it and unscrew the pendant.

Information on the collar
Usually such information is either burned out or written with an indelible marker.
+ Cheap and cheerful.
+ If the inscription is large, and the dog is smooth-haired, then the number is clearly visible, it is not necessary to catch the dog.
- Not very aesthetically pleasing.
- While wandering the streets, the dog may lose the collar, or it may be removed.

A metal plate of various shapes (heart, bone, medal, quadrilateral) and size, as well as having different color variations (to attract attention). It is attached to the collar with a ring and remains in a hanging position.
+ Well visible on dogs with any coat. The inscriptions on the tag are visible from afar.
+ With very long hair, the tag can be hung on 2 rings.
- Ringing.
- Not available in all stores.
- If the ring is weak, it can be lost.

ATTENTION! Do not put tags and pendants on dogs that crawl through narrow manholes. For example, on burrowing dogs when working, or on those who like to crawl through cracks and holes in fences - there is a risk that the dog will get caught and will not be able to get out! Actually, this applies to everything that can be worn on a dog, including a regular and anti-flea collar.

Remember - not every passer-by will take the lost woman to live in his apartment, but almost anyone will dial your phone number, of course, if he knows it.

07.05.2017 by Evgeniy

Unfortunately, pets very often run away, sometimes even simply disappear, although it would seem that until recently the dog was nearby, and for a moment, and it is no longer there.

In this case, the first thing to do is to pull yourself together and calm down, because while you shed tears and panic, the dog moves on, and the likelihood of its early detection is less and less. Secondly, it is necessary to analyze what happened and immediately go looking for, following the instructions and recommendations of specialists. So, how to find your favorite dog if she ran away from you? Consider only the main and effective tips.

Plan A. Immediate search

  1. Once a pet is found missing, the search begins immediately. The main thing is not to waste time thinking about whether your pet will find its way home, but to act. You need to carefully inspect the surroundings. You need to look everywhere, loudly calling the dog by name.
  2. Interview all the people you meet on the way: just walking by, sellers, janitors, elderly people, drivers of vehicles, owners of other dogs, etc. If you have a photo of your pet with you, be sure to show it, perhaps someone saw it, noticed , in which direction she went, or whether someone from passers-by took her away. The more sociable you are, the more likely you are to quickly find a pet.
  3. Be sure to leave your phone number and address with those interviewed. Most often, people cannot immediately recall the necessary information, but over time, the necessary information may appear in memory at the moment when you go far.
  4. In the search it is recommended to involve the largest number of people. So it will be possible to cover a large area and collect more information in a short period of time.
  5. Particular attention in the search should be given to children. They are more observant and show special interest in animals, they notice things that adults simply do not pay attention to. In addition, their logical thinking is very different from mature.

Plan B. Alert

If emergency actions did not bring the desired result, do not lose heart and proceed to the next stage.

Notifying everyone, everywhere.

  1. If the dog was not found after surveying the nearby territories, it is necessary to notify the authorities in charge of catching homeless animals, if they are in the city, in order to find your dog safe and sound. Even better, come to the shelter in person to interview the staff and leave a photo of your pet in case it is found.
  1. Next, you need to deal with ads. One that stands out and draws attention. Describe the dog as accurately as possible, briefly, without terminology, in a language that everyone can understand. Moreover, shorter sentences are easier to remember. The presence of a large color photograph will quickly interest passing people. Place the roots that can be torn off with short coordinates.

The ad states:

  • In capital letters indicate the loss of the dog;
  • breed (or who looks like);
  • signs;
  • age;
  • character traits;
  • the presence of a collar, token;
  • information about where and when the dog escaped;
  • remuneration data;
  • information about the brand or microchip.
  1. Also make business cards with the details of the pet, a brief description, and your contacts. They must be distributed to all interviewees during the search.
  1. The next step is posting ads. If the immediate search is not successful, you need to look everywhere. Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they can chase someone and run away for long distances, they are sometimes picked up by passers-by and taken away from the place of loss. If this happened in the city, then you will have to search all areas. If this happened outside the city, in the village, then it makes sense to look in the vicinity, nearby fields and settlements, and even in the forest.
  1. Post ads to veterinary hospitals.
  1. Daily patronage of the area in which the dog ran away with the expansion of the search radius, interviewing passers-by, distributing business cards, re-posting ads.
  1. Post and distribute information on social networks, forums, bulletin boards.
  1. Place ads in newspapers, local radio and television.

  1. Connect all friends, neighbors, acquaintances, employees from work, relatives.
  1. Follow newspapers and online ads daily. If your dog is an expensive breed, look through ads for sales of the same breed.
  1. Answer all calls to people who call. Any information is indispensable in the search.
  1. We do not relax and do not despair, even if time has passed and the pet has not been found. There are cases when dogs are found several months later at any time of the year, even in winter.
  1. Show the photo to the patrolling police officers, guaranteeing a reward for the found pet.

Dogs can get lost for various reasons, but there is a possibility that the pet will return, because dogs are able to find their way home even for many kilometers, but the chance is very small. Therefore, do not give up and hope for an independent return of the pet home.

Search in hot pursuit

The first step is to check if the dog has returned home by calling family members who are at home. Some runaway pets return home along a familiar route close to home.

If the pet is not at home yet, then you should look for it in the vicinity, moving in the direction where the pet ran away, calling it to you. But the dog may not respond if he is frightened, still responds badly to the nickname, or is not trained in the “come to me” command. Be sure to ask passers-by, giving them a description of the dog, and even better showing a photograph, because not every passer-by will be able to imagine the appearance of the animal by the name of the breed. It may be possible to find out the direction of the animal. Moreover, it is important to inspect secluded places where the animal could hide. The longer the dog is outside alone, the larger the search perimeter should be.

If after a couple of hours it was not possible to find a pet, then you should proceed to the next step - notification. It is necessary to report the loss of a pet to organizations engaged in trapping homeless animals (if any in a particular locality), animal shelters, veterinary clinics, leave them your contact details. You need to call animal shelters several times a day, because shelter employees work in shifts and not everyone may be aware of the loss of a particular dog.

In the event of the loss of a thoroughbred dog, it is advisable to call the breeder or the club where the animal is registered, report the loss of the pet and give the number of the brand, microchip. This information will allow the animal to be identified if it is attempted to be sold or used for mating.

Lost dog ads

Effective in finding missing dogs are ads pasted on the street or posted on the Internet, the media, and on TV. You can ask for help in groups and social networks, for example, in groups dedicated to a particular breed, city area. Newspapers and magazines should not be neglected, if the locality is small, then advertisements in the media and on television are quite effective.

A missing dog should be listed in the chipped animal database (Animal-id and AnimalFace) if it has a microchip.

Posting ads also gives its results. In the ad, you need to describe the animal in detail, but without unnecessary words. The ad text should be simple and clear. The heading “Dog Lost” is indicated in large print, then the breed is indicated, or the main signs (if the pet is not purebred), color, sex, age, nickname, information about the place and time of the disappearance of the animal, shape, color, material of the collar and tag (address book). Be sure to attach a photo, preferably in full growth, and indicate the coordinates, contact details. The presence of the phrase "whoever returned the dog is guaranteed a reward" will attract more people to the search. The advertisement must be printed on a sheet of A4 format, in color, with tear-off contacts and in an amount of at least 100 copies, pasted around the area, near shops, veterinary clinics, bus stops, metro, garages, and dog walking areas.

You can distribute leaflets with a photo and description of the missing dog to schoolchildren, some children actively take part in the search. The leaflet can be placed on the rear window of your car.

The microchip code and brand number should not be indicated in the ad, but if the caller claims to have found the animal, then it is advisable to ask him about the location of the brand and ask him to give his number, checking the accuracy of the information.

If possible, you need to answer all calls, call back those who failed to respond in a timely manner, view ads about found animals in newspapers, the Internet, and also view ads with offers to sell dogs, search for a mating partner.

No need to be lazy to drive and look at the dogs reported by the people who responded to the ads. According to one description, it is not always possible to recognize your pet, which during the absence could get dirty, lose weight, get hurt, change in a word.

Some calls may come from scammers, so you can and should record a telephone conversation and a conversation in person. Before the meeting, it is advisable to call the police, if the police react, then the scammers will be detained when transferring money for the dog. But it is not always necessary to rely on the help of the police, so you can arrange a meeting with the extortionist and come with friends, activists who will help to cope with the extortionist and return the animal.

If the pet is stolen

If the dog was stolen, then there is little chance of returning it. Although there have been cases when animals were found in the same places where they disappeared. The thieves kept the animal for themselves and walked with it in the places where they committed the crime. But you need to walk around these places often, calling and looking closely at every similar dog.

It would not be superfluous to go to the bird market, look for your dog there, because it could be stolen for the purpose of sale.

Searching for a dog in the forest

Knowing the animal's terrain and breed matters. It is known that hunting breeds are better oriented on the ground than companion pets. If the dog was lost in the forest, and after calls, waiting for many hours, it did not return, then you can do the following. It is known that dogs have an unusually well-developed sense of smell, relying on the sense of smell, you can leave your personal item in the forest and return to the same place the next day. Some pets come to this place for a familiar smell and wait for the owner. It is advisable to leave the dog's toys and a note asking them not to touch these things if a person stumbles upon them. There is no need to leave food, it will attract other animals, but water can be poured into a bowl.

Another option is to take a rag, preferably a personal item of the owner, pretty saturated with sweat, or urinate on a rag, wipe the car wheels with it and drive in the direction of the house. There is a good chance that the dog, smelling the owner's scent, will be able to orient himself and return home on his own by the smell-trace from the wheels.

How long does it take to find a dog

We must not stop searching, even if they take several weeks, months. Every day you need to walk around the nearest areas, look for your pet, interview passers-by, especially pet owners who are more willing to respond to help, re-post ads.

Having noticed your dog on the street, you do not need to chase after it, the animal may be frightened by sudden movements and run away again. Therefore, you should approach slowly, repeating the pet's name, talking affectionately, you can throw dry food pellets to attract the animal.

Participating in the fate of lost animals, publishing statuses about them on social networks, helping shelters and taking animals from them has become a trend. The Village decided to figure out what to do if you found a dog on the street: why you can’t give animals to the first hands that come across, how to choose new owners and why conclude an agreement.

Lilya Brainis


you found a dog

Two months ago, I picked up a dog of the Russian Spaniel breed in the underpass of the Tekstilshchiki station. He was shaved, scared, and very trusting. Unable to pass by, I took him to me. Now he lives with the new owners.

The best option is if you agree to adopt a dog for a while. Depending on the efficiency of the old owners, the dog can live with you from two days to two or three months. In which case, the found dog can always be attached. Just because you're taking a dog home with you doesn't mean you're taking it forever. New owners are always found. It is important to choose them correctly.

If you are not ready to take your dog home, but still feel involved in his fate, contact volunteers or any breed assistance team (the list of organizations you can trust is below). Volunteers will be able to pick up the dog for overexposure and take care of its well-being and placement in the family.

Search for old masters

Old owners are looking for at least a month. Sometimes they do not even realize that the dog is worth looking for in another city or in another area. They need to be given a chance. If you are not ready to do this, again, find a foster or breed assistance team and let them take care of the dog.

If you are still ready to take responsibility for the life and health of the dog, then first of all you need to check if the dog has a stigma. They are usually placed in the ear or groin.

If a dog has a brand, then it is a club purebred dog. By calling the nursery, you can easily find her owners. To do this, you just need to drive into the search engine the breed of your dog + "kennel". You need to call several nurseries in order, calling everyone the number of the brand. True, it happens that the found owners do not run headlong to pick up the animal. I heard a story about how one woman picked up a dachshund in the park, found her owners, and they told her in plain text: “We will not pick her up. Keep it for yourself if you like." She left and now wins all sorts of exhibitions with her.

If there is no mark, do not despair. Perhaps the owners took the dog with them on trips and the dog has a chip. To check for its presence, you need to go to the veterinarian. It is worth doing this in any case to clarify the breed, age and check health. If the dog does not have a chip or a brand, finding the owners will become a little more difficult. Post ads online and offline. To do this, you need to photograph the dog from several angles.

Online classifieds

Photos and descriptions of the dog should be placed on special sites, forums and in a variety of groups. Do not leave your phone number or address anywhere. Only email. This is a safety technique.

In the same place, periodically check the “Missing dog” section. Maybe your little lost (professional slang for dog breeders) has been looking for for a long time. In Moscow, there are a number of breed assistance teams - these are volunteers who help to nurse, attach and look for old (or new) owners for dogs of certain breeds. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is a Retriever Help Fund - a large organization, thanks to which many owners of Labradors and Retrievers found their lost pets. There are help commands on each of the above forums. Feel free to contact them for advice and support.

Offline ads

Print out a few ads and post them in the area where the dog was found. Some advise sticking ads to trash cans, trees, or poles. Be prepared for the fact that from stops and special notice boards, most likely, they will be torn off.

There are times when the old owners are, but they don’t want to take the dog home. In this case, your task is to find out the dog's nickname and what to feed him, as well as pick up a veterinary passport with vaccinations. Ideally, get a written refusal from the dog with a signature and date from the former owners.


If it is not possible to keep the dog for more than two or three days (you do not want to, you have an allergy or you are leaving), you will need an overexposure. To give a dog for overexposure means to attach it to volunteers who agree to shelter the animal for a while. Overexposures are paid and free.

“You can arrange a dog for temporary overexposure:

Hotel for dogs (approximate cost of 300-600 rubles per day, hotels are easy to find on the Internet).

Private overexposure (temporary shelter for dogs in an apartment or house), cost from 200 rubles per day (depending on the size of the dog). The list can be found.

At many veterinary clinics, there are hospitals - hotels, where, by agreement, they can shelter an animal for 450–800 rubles per day.

Before you give the dog for overexposure, you need to fully prepare it for living:

An initial examination by a veterinarian to assess her condition.

Testing for infections.

Checking the dog for lichen.

If the doctor during the examination revealed signs of the disease, you need to act according to his recommendations. If nothing threatens the health of the dog, you can castrate (sterilize): some overexposures call this in the list of prerequisites.

We do not recommend giving dogs to public shelters. Due to psychological stress, lack of food, water and insufficient veterinary care, even the healthiest dog after a while begins to get sick and may die.”

How to recognize old owners

Pedigree dogs are hunted by dealers or recruiters for beggars. Even I received messages a couple of times from addresses like “ [email protected]” with a request to send more photos, because “it seems to be similar to ours.” Mana Dog, seriously?

I heard that a thoroughbred husky (who was stolen at an exhibition in Odessa), standing with a beggar in a subway crossing, earned an average of 220 thousand rubles a month. And one dealer sold a one-year-old retriever for 50 thousand rubles. If the dog cannot be sold, it is euthanized.

Over the years, volunteers have developed a multi-stage system for checking old owners:

Ask them to send you photos. There must be many. Not one blurry one, where people are in the foreground, but the dog is far away in the field. Dog at different ages. A dog with people you can see. If this is really a domestic dog, there will be a million photos. Needless to say, the dog I adopted completely flooded my Instagram (and Facebook) for two months.

Ask them for the dog's name. Check if she responds.

Ask permission to visit their home. If the dog has recently been lost, traces of its presence will be visible everywhere.

The last and decisive stage is the meeting of people and dogs. Check your reaction. And never show the dog until you have passed the first three stages.

Search for new hosts

If the old owners were not found (as was the case in my case), you need to start looking for new ones. The main thing is not to panic. There will definitely be new owners.
I remember that in the first two days, this thought was the most terrible: “What if no one wants to take him, and then he will stay with me forever?” So, the owners are sure to be found. It is important to choose the right one.

Ideally, the new owners are your acquaintances. Or friends of friends. They should always be given priority because then you are more likely to know how the dog is doing.

If acquaintances do not want to take a dog, you need to contact strangers. For this, communities on social networks and various forums are used. They write an ad with photos and the history of the dog. Depending on the efficiency, at some point people start calling you. They need to be told right away that you choose the owners and give the dog only under the contract. Part will fall off already at this stage.

Before you introduce potential owners to a dog, find out their life circumstances: where and with whom they live, where they work, and so on. Find out what they know about the breed, what they plan to feed, where they will walk. Responsible hosts, of course, will ask you all these questions themselves. If it's a couple, ask who the dog will stay with if they break up. If they live in a rented apartment, find out if the landlord is okay with it.

Under the contract, you take responsibility for checking how the dog is doing for a year: to come once a month and ask for photos. And new owners get a three-month (or two-, or one-) trial period during which they can return the dog if something goes wrong. The standard contract form is available on the Claws.ru website.

How to pass a dog

This question worried me the most. For two months I became very attached to the dog, he to me too. I was very afraid that the second move in two months would be very stressful for him, so I asked the guys to come visit (in addition to the two times that they had already come) and take him for a walk.

They walked around for about an hour, then they played some more at home, then the guys left. They took the dog only a week later, repeating the entire scheme. First they arrived, then they took me for a walk, and only after the walk they took me to a new house.

Yulia Blum

the dog's new owner, now named Charlie

“Since childhood, I dreamed of a puppy and at first refused for a long time when my fiancé offered to take a grown dog. But when I saw Charlie's photo, I couldn't resist! After the first meeting, we could not imagine life without him, he met all the qualities that we wanted to see in a dog. Of course, the hardest part was the wait. Mentally, he was already with us, but we understood that his former family might still be looking for him. Two months later, the dog moved to us, behaves perfectly and adapted perfectly. All in all, we are very happy with our decision to adopt Charlie and understand that an agreement is necessary as it can protect the dog from future worries. We will try to make Charlie happy!”

What to do if not just a shaggy, thin mongrel was found on the street, but a thoroughbred, well-bred branded dog. How can the stigma help in finding the owners of a four-legged creature? What does it mean? And how to find the owner of the dog by the stigma? The article provides answers to all these questions.

Why does a dog need a label?

They brand mainly purebred animals registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF for short) or any other alternative organization of cynologists. This is done for the correct identification of dogs in breeding work. First of all, so that at the exhibitions the owners are not accused of the fact that the dog declared for participation has nothing to do with the pedigree presented to the members of the commission.

In recent years, they began to put a stigma so that in the event of a loss, people who found an escaped pet would not ask the question: "How to find the owner of the dog?" The brand is a tattoo, usually containing a special code by which you can find the cattery where the animal was born, and the contact phone number of the owner. Simply dishonest sellers who want to use this sign to convince buyers of the puppy's thoroughbredness can also apply a stigma by copying the number of another thoroughbred animal. In this case, unfortunately, the stigma on the dogs will not make it easier to find the owners.

How to "read" the mark?

In order to find out how to find the owner of the dog by the stigma, you must first read it.

Usually the brand is located in places inaccessible for licking: inside the auricle, on the stomach, armpit. Purebred dogs are taught to show the brand from an early age, so finding it is not too difficult.

If the stigma of the dog is washed off and cannot be clearly defined, then experienced dog breeders recommend completely shaving the hair in this area of ​​the dog’s body and rubbing the stigma either with alcohol or vegetable oil. After that, the signs will become clearer. if there is a brand inside, you can “illuminate” with a flashlight from the outside.

Search for the owner of the dog in the club studbooks

After all the numbers and letters are determined, it is worth figuring out which of them can be useful. Depending on the order in which the letters and numbers are, as well as how many there are, you can determine in which nursery the dog was born (provided that it is purebred), and contact the breeder, ask for information about the owners. Most often, conscientious cattery owners store this data.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what brands different cynological federations have, then it will become clear how to find the owner of a dog by brand:

  1. The brand consists of 3 Latin letters and numbers (their number varies from 1 to 6 characters). Such a brand, most likely, was put by a breeder or a club - a member of the RKF, and the data is stored in their database. The letters indicate the name of the kennel in which the dog was born. By contacting the Federation with a written request (or by e-mail), you can find out the name and contact details of the cattery.
  2. How else to find the owner of the dog by the RKF brand? The hallmarks of this organization did not always look the same. If the brand consists of 3 Russian letters and any number of numbers, then this means that members of the RKF also put it, but only until 2005. If the dog is elderly, then it is likely that data about it can also be found in the Federation database.
  3. The hallmark cipher begins with the letter E, followed by one or two digits, then any Latin letter, and again three or five digits. The combination of two letters and numbers, these are the hallmarks of the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (abbreviated as SCOR). The numbers after the letter E indicate the year the dog was born. Then the serial numbers in ascending order. All information about the clubs can be found by writing a letter to SCOR.
  4. The dog brand number starts with the letters KW (Kind World), followed by numbers and letters in random order. The stigma was put by the International Association of Cynologists "Good World" (abbreviated as IAC "Good World"). Brand codes of all clubs of the association are available for self-search on the official website of the Federation.

It is worth remembering that when sending a written request to any cynological organization, it is necessary to indicate the full number of the stigma, the alleged breed of the dog, color, approximate age and, if possible, attach a photo of a four-legged friend.

The federation will send the applicant not the address of the alleged owner, but the contacts of the kennel where the dog was born. The breeder usually keeps the contacts of the dog owners at all times. Experienced dog breeders say that a good breeder treats his puppies like children and, most likely, will offer to take care of the foundling and further search for the owner.

Searching for a dog owner through databases

If there is no time to wait for a response from the Federation, you can try to find the dog's stigma in the animal database on the Internet, but there is no single database of the RKF or any other dog breeding federation on the Web. Various Internet pages are filled with amateur cynologists, often the owners themselves, who leave the data of their pet so that in case of loss it would be easier to find it.

There are many bases, this article describes only a few:

  • The database of kennel brands on the Infodog website is quite complete, reliable, equipped with a convenient search. In this database, as a criterion, you can choose both the stigma and the city or breed in which certain nurseries specialize.
  • Constantly updated base on the site of the encyclopedia "Zooclub", numbering more than three thousand stamps. In addition to addresses and phone numbers, it contains not only the numbers of the brand that the kennel puts now, but also shows the signs put down to dogs before 2005.
  • The Pedigree Dogsfiles international database is the RKF brand database, which does not have a search tool, but it will not be difficult to check the dog brand, because the letters of the brand are arranged alphabetically.
  • Charity file of lost and found dogs and cats Claws. A resource to help find missing dogs and cats, or their owners, found on the street animals. The data is replenished by ordinary people. It would be useful to check the information on this site, maybe they are looking for a dog, or he has already been lost, and volunteers will be able to tell about his fate.
  • Dachshund land dachshund breeding kennel website is a complete database of old and new brands of RKF kennels, you can even try to search for a kennel that is no longer functioning, but perhaps the address and phone number still belongs to the breeder.
  • The national electronic identification database combines animal data not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. In addition to the brand, the owner of the dog can be found by knowing the number of the microchip implanted in him. The database contains data about the animals themselves and their owners.

Search through databases of breed sites and forums

Is it possible to find the owner of the dog by the stigma in other ways? People often leave their data not in general hard-to-reach databases, but on breed forums and in special sections of sites about animals. If the breed of the found dog is known, you should try to look for the contacts of the owner or kennel on the following resources:

  • Catalog of representatives of the German Shepherd breed Gsdog - a database of pedigree German Shepherds of the FCI system, whose representative in Russia is the RKF.
  • The collie and sheltie fan forum contains on its pages data from kennels breeding dogs of the Scottish Sheepdog (collie) breed. Contact details may be out of date (the information was last updated in 2013).
  • Russian Retriever Club. There is a sheet with "prefixes" of kennels of Labrador Retrievers. Data on common Labradors may also be in the kennels registered on this site. It is difficult to search - the first letters of the hallmarks are not sorted alphabetically.
  • Huntdogs database of dogs of hunting breeds, a database of brands of hunting dogs constantly updated by animal owners. All information is divided into breed branches, so if the breed is difficult to identify, the search will become more complicated.

Where else can you look?

If the search in databases and in cynological organizations did not give a result, you can simply try to drive the full number of the brand into the search box of "Yandex" or "Google". In the query, dog breeders are advised to refine the search according to the following example: "stamp ABC72405 German Shepherd". This is done in order to provide the search for the most reliable information.

What to do if the nursery is known?

After it became known in which kennel a dog could be born (it may happen that there will be several kennels with the same data), you need to call or come to the owner of the kennel and tell him when and under what circumstances the dog was found, show a photo, tell, where the mark is located. According to experienced dog breeders, most breeders do not even need to know the stigma number to understand that the dog was born in his kennel, they only need to see it in the photo.

How to find the owner of a dog by stigma if there is no data on the Internet

The main thing that you should never forget is that if a dog has a stigma, it is unlikely that it was simply abandoned to its fate, there will definitely be those who are familiar with the dog or its owners.

First of all, you need to independently post information about the animal in special groups on social networks that specialize in finding missing animals in various cities of Russia. Breed forums will also come to the rescue, "breed breeders" often unite in clubs, for sure, someone will recognize the dog, there will be "littermates" (brothers and sisters of the foundling), and the dog's fate will no longer be so vague.

Here, only the number of the stigma of the dog cannot be published in full, it must be reported by the owners themselves. It is enough to indicate only the first letters, allowing you to understand in which nursery this animal was born. Otherwise, simple scammers who want to appropriate someone else's property can call. By the way, it is also better not to leave the address or phone number in the public domain, it is better to limit yourself to an email address.

Search offline

You can hang flyers with ads in the area where the dog was found and additionally communicate with dog lovers walking nearby. They may have seen the dog here before, for example, with the owner. The principle of providing information is the same: you can indicate either only part of the stigma, or simply the fact that the dog is stigmatized, and the owners will need to inform the finder of this number and the location of the stigma in order to avoid further misunderstandings.

What to do if the owners are found, but they do not need a dog

Unfortunately, this often happens, the old owners are, but they don’t want to return the dog. Then the person who found the dog should find out all the necessary information: the age of the dog, the preferred diet, and be sure to ask for a veterinary passport with vaccinations and dog documents (puppy card or pedigree). If the unfortunate hosts confirm their refusal in writing, it will be ideal. After that, you can look for the dog a new home in which he will be loved.

Useful information

The main thing is not to forget that it is necessary to look for the owners of a dog with a stigma. You need to search for at least a month, people may be away and not immediately discover the loss. Experienced dog breeders warn that if you simply "appropriate" the found dog, then in the future this may serve as a reason for accusation of theft of personal property, because the owners of a thoroughbred dog have a contract, photographs and witnesses. Such cases have already occurred more than once in practice, so everyone needs to know how to find the owner of the dog by the number of the brand.

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