Breeding crayfish at home. Home Crayfish Breeding Business for Sale - Detailed Business Plan Garage Crayfish Breeding as a Business

Do not know how to make money, what business is most profitable to develop? Open a crayfish farm! This type of business will suit you, especially if you yourself like to eat the meat of these animals.

The relevance of this business

People have been using crayfish as food for a long time, adding them to various recipes or eating them as an independent dish with a foamy drink. Anyone who has tried crayfish meat at least once knows how pleasant and delicate it tastes. It is due to its taste that this type of product will always be in demand.

The idea of ​​breeding crayfish is very beneficial. This type of business does not require special investments and at the same time brings a huge income for a whole six months, and on an industrial scale - even all year round. In Russia, crayfish breeding is practically not mastered, so you have a wide range for the implementation of your business idea.

In pre-revolutionary times, Russia was already engaged in the crayfish business, but it consisted only in catching, and not in growing. Later, artificial crayfish farms began to appear, which began to supply meat to the states of Europe.

Types of crayfish for breeding

Far Eastern and European types of crayfish are widespread in Russia. If you plan to put your business on stream, then the European look will suit you.

European, in turn, are divided into long-toed and broad-toed. Broad-toed crayfish are a very valuable species. In cooking, they are called "crayfish necks". But this type of crayfish is listed in the Red Book, so for business it is better to take long-toed individuals so that there are no problems with supervisory authorities.

There is also a division into lake and river crayfish. Lake crayfish are suitable for growing crayfish at home: they usually do not fall asleep and reach quite large sizes. Their only drawback is capriciousness: you will need a very warm room of at least 20 square meters to maintain this type.

Almost all types of crayfish are not large in size, but they are unpretentious to living conditions and are inexpensive.

Where to buy?

Finding crayfish larvae is not so easy. Most likely, you will have to raise the young on your own. You can buy the first copies in the supermarket. Buy two females for each male. If you do not want to spend money on a purchase, you can catch crayfish yourself in reservoirs.

Features of reproduction, molting and diseases of crayfish

  • Crayfish mate in autumn (September, October). In late spring, females can be distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail.
  • The female cannot produce more than 20 crustaceans per year.
  • Young crayfish molt about eight times a year. Adults - 1-2 times a year. When molting, it is necessary to ensure the safety of animals, since without a shell they become vulnerable to predators.
  • The most dangerous cancer diseases are burn and plague. Make sure that pathogenic fungi do not develop in the water, otherwise the entire brood of crayfish will die.

Breeding sites

At the moment, there are two places for breeding crayfish - a pond and an aquarium.

Growing crayfish in a pond

A pond is a formed stable ecosystem with its inhabitants and conditions. He is able to update.

The main disadvantages of this breeding site:

  • the pond freezes for the winter, while the crayfish hibernate, as the water temperature drops below 15 degrees. If the pond freezes to the bottom, then the living creatures will simply die;
  • crayfish grow slowly in natural conditions, gaining the mass necessary for sale only in the fifth year.

What can be done when breeding in a pond?

  • The first step is to clean the reservoir of pollution, as crayfish prefer clean water.
  • You can not destroy non-predatory fish-neighbors of crayfish in the pond.

Video about breeding crayfish in the pond

Aquariums: keeping crayfish at home

  • The minimum aquarium size is 250 liters.
  • Soil should be poured to the bottom, pebbles and decorations should be placed so that the crayfish can hide there.
  • Fill with water, ensure its filtration and purification.

Incubation ponds and aquariums

  • Equip aquariums with filters and heaters.
  • Organize elongated ponds with dimensions of at least 25 square meters and a depth of 2 meters.
  • It is necessary that the water in the pond is flowing. It is very important that a river flows nearby. If this is not possible, water wells should be drilled.
  • Place shelters at the bottom of the pond so that the crayfish can hide.

Necessary equipment for breeding crayfish

Maintenance and care requirements

Requirements for living conditions

  • The water where crayfish live must be clean. Its temperature cannot be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise the animals will hibernate.
  • The number of individuals per 1 square meter should not exceed 350 pieces.
  • In one reservoir it is impossible to contain crayfish of different species.


In order for the crayfish to correspond to the presentation and weight, it is necessary to properly organize their nutrition. The daily intake of food for one individual should be 4-5% of its weight.

What is good for food?

  • Earthworms.
  • Insect larvae.
  • Snails.
  • Steamed and crushed grains.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Shredded carrots.

Delivery of finished products

First you need to find potential customers who could buy your products. Call the nearest restaurants and catering points, test the soil. If your services are not needed, you can always start to supply the goods to the market by selling them to fishmongers.

You can also offer your friends grown goods. These same acquaintances can advise you to someone else - this is how you will earn your first profit.

Profitability of a mini-farm for growing crayfish

Even having a large profit from this activity, it must be borne in mind that this type of business is seasonal.

There is practically no competition in this type of business, so you can quickly find a buyer for your products and get your coveted profit.

To get a ton of crayfish in a few years, it will take about 600 individuals. All the main costs fall just at the start of the business.

The equipment of the reservoir and the purchase of the first batch of individuals will take about 170 thousand rubles. (20 thousand rubles for crayfish, the rest - for equipment for growing crayfish). Having invested 200 thousand rubles. in business, in two years you will earn the first million. These are all conditional figures, consider the price of selling crayfish when calculating expenses and income.

  • It is cheaper to breed crayfish in a ready-made reservoir, but there is a risk of sinking the business due to weather conditions.
  • You can start your own business by growing underyearlings (crayfish larvae) in an aquarium first, and then transplanting them into a pond.
  • Avoid sudden changes in the temperature of the water in which the crayfish live, as well as its hypothermia.
  • Choose one type of crayfish for business, as individuals of different categories do not get along with each other.
  • Monitor the health of individuals. Cancers are prone to fungal diseases.
  • Do not overfeed animals.
  • Males should be half as many as females.
  • Constantly monitor the quality of the water in which the crayfish live.

Don't think that growing crayfish is easy. This business will be profitable only when all the conditions for breeding and living animals are met. Don't expect a quick turnaround.

Breeding crayfish at home brings a stable income, which is provided by stable demand. The competition in this business is weak. Large fish farms do not want to deal with crustaceans closely, since at the initial stage the payback does not give the desired profit with large amounts of investment. It is quite difficult to sell large quantities in a short time: the most delicate cancer meat is an expensive product that can be offered to a limited circle of customers.

Consider two ways to organize a business on crayfish. The first one we will conditionally call “home production”. The second method involves breeding in conditions close to natural.

Crayfish breeding in RAS

The essence of the business idea for breeding in RAS (Recirculating Water Supply Plant): technology for breeding crayfish indoors.

Content conditions:

  1. The presence of a room or a separate building where in the winter season the air temperature will not fall below -1 ° C (but it is better - not below + 15 ° C; in the first case, the crayfish will remain alive, in the second, they will continue to grow and gain weight).
  2. At least three large containers made of safe material (metal will not work, we take plastic or plexiglass); stones, sand and clay are poured to the bottom (the layer should be sufficient for digging holes). Polypropylene pools for RAS will cost $ 400 / piece.
  3. Cleaning filters (a crayfish breeding farm must be provided with clean water 24 hours a day, and with frequent manual water changes, claw-like ones grow and multiply poorly, and small crustaceans may even die).
  4. Devices for catching and transporting crustaceans.
  5. Oxygenerator with oximeter $1500.
  6. Feed for $ 300 is enough for six months.

Why do you need multiple containers?

Under artificial conditions, the stocking density of individuals is too high. Naturally, large and strong crayfish will eat small ones. To prevent this from happening, after the appearance of a new offspring of adults, we plant them separately. NOT SMALL BUT BIG. Adults quickly adapt to new conditions. Babies can die.

What to feed? Suitable pieces of vegetables, meat, some cereals. There are also special foods for crayfish.

What type to breed? River crayfish take too long to acquire a marketable appearance. The best option for a home farm is blue crayfish. We buy them in a specialized fish farm.

How many individuals to start growing crayfish at home? It all depends on the size of the room, volume and number of aquariums. The ratio of males to females is 1:3. It is better to start with a small number of individuals. Observe, gain experience - then expand the business. In a container of 300 liters, you can plant, for example, 80 individuals.

Breeding crayfish in the country

The essence of the idea: breeding crayfish in a pond and other natural reservoirs.

Content conditions:

  • own lake, made independently or rented (it needs to be cleaned, freed from predatory fish, and the bottom prepared);
  • the reservoir will have to be divided into three parts with a strong mesh, or a separate nursery pool should be built (in one part, crustaceans are born, in the second they grow up, in the third they gain pre-sale weight);
  • you will have to figure out how to provide a change of water in the lake; it can be a drain and supply pipes; if a river flows nearby, then you can put a powerful pump;
  • the planting density of individuals is 5-7 per square meter (in practice, these figures are exceeded, but at the very beginning of your activity it is better to comply with the natural requirement).

It is better to start growing with fast-growing breeds specially bred for artificial reservoirs. Then you can plant and river.

To gain marketable weight, cancer requires an average of at least three years (under ideal living conditions). Do not believe when they say: planted in the spring - caught and sold in the fall. This business pays off only after a while. If crayfish grew quickly, they would cost a penny.

Crayfish of the best breeds for brood

In this business, success largely depends on the correct choice of the breed of cancer females, especially in the initial stages. The most interesting of them:

The Cuban Blue is an artificially bred breed of fast growing crayfish that reaches adult weight in less than a year. Cuban blue is not whimsical in the diet. It breeds well in sandy ponds with hard water.

"Australian" is the most sought after breed by wholesalers and restaurants. Requires chic and warm conditions for keeping. One individual needs 20 liters of water. But the Australian crayfish is very well adapted to pool cultivation.

The European Long Toed is a fast growing and very prolific breed. Bytsro breeds both in artificial and natural reservoirs.

"Marble Cancer" - Large-sized same-sex breed. It reproduces by parthenogenesis (female cells develop without fertilization). But for the maintenance of this breed, a water temperature of +28 degrees is required.

"Red swamp crayfish" - small in size, but perfectly adapted species on all continents except Australia. Not whimsical to the content, and the minimum water level for maintenance is only 15 cm.

Crayfish for brood are sold by fish, farms by weight and even by the piece on average $ 5 per female. Broodstocks are also offered under the order (300-500 individuals for $3/piece). The cost of females of the most expensive breeds can reach $ 100. Also, crayfish can be caught free of charge in natural reservoirs, but they will grow up to 4-5 years.

What do cancers need?

To successfully grow crustaceans, it is necessary to take into account their natural habitat, reproduction and growth. Let's outline the main points:

  1. Crayfish love reservoirs with a low-silty dense bottom (sandy, clay), where calcareous rocks are present. A prerequisite is the presence of roots, snags, fallen trees, stones, where you can hide from predators.
  2. Crustaceans are very sensitive to water quality. No wonder they are considered indicators of the purity of the reservoir. They will not live and breed where there is waste from industrial production, chemicals, where there is a lot of silt, overcrowding.
  3. Water should be rich in oxygen (5-7 mg/l) and hydrogen (7-9 mg/l). Adults feel great at temperatures from +18 to +21 degrees. Small crustaceans need more heat - 21-24 degrees above zero.
  4. Crayfish mate annually. Time varies by region. As a rule, this is the end of October - November or the end of February - March. One male can fertilize up to three females. She lays from 110 to 480 eggs. Of course, not everyone survives. From one female per year, up to 30 crustaceans are obtained.
  5. Crayfish feed on both plant and animal food. These can be mosquito larvae, worms, small, “weedy” fish or weak specimens of medium-sized fish and algae. Cancers don't hunt. They grab whatever is nearby. They hold prey with claws and bite off piece by piece. The volume of food is 2% of its own weight. There is a special feed for crayfish, but they are not picky eaters. Crayfish can be fed with regular porridge.
  6. Predatory fish, waterfowl, otters, muskrats prey on all species of the crustacean family.
  7. The most dangerous are cancerous individuals that have shed. The lack of a shell makes them vulnerable. Therefore, during this period, cancer tries to hide deeper. And it comes out only in extreme cases, when it's time to eat. But molting is required. At this time, cancer cells grow.
  8. If there is not enough food, the crustaceans eat each other. The strong eat the weak.
  9. In nature, crayfish do not hibernate in winter. They burrow deeper, continue to feed in the same mode.

If the conditions are suitable (a good reservoir, enough food, warmth, no one to hunt), then the cancer reaches the “edible” type by the age of three. This circumstance also stops many businessmen. But there are breeds of fast-growing crayfish breeds that reach adult size in a period of up to 1 year such as the "Cuban Blue". In addition, in specialized stores you can buy one or two year old crustaceans for brood.

Ways of implementation

The most difficult thing in the cancer business is to grow this same cancer. Implementing it is easy. For example, you can hand over finished products to a wholesale buyer so as not to wrap up with transportation, storage and sanitary documents. Even at low wholesale selling prices, profitability will be firmly held above 100%. There will always be customers for this product. Offer claws at live weight.

  • grocery stores;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • beer bars, outlets;
  • individual individuals.

The retail price in live weight is $10/kg. (this is about 5-7 pieces of small sizes). Grown products are easy to cook and sell ready-made. The popularity of such a snack exceeds even the popularity of fish and pizza.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The benefits of crayfish for the human body do not require proof, the demand for this delicacy is consistently high. The deterioration of the environment, as well as the use of barbaric fishing methods, have affected the decrease in the population of this species of invertebrates. That is why today the crayfish breeding business is a promising and profitable activity. Let us consider in more detail all the nuances of this business idea.

How to open a crayfish breeding business officially in the city - a documented minimum

To open an official crayfish breeding business in the city, you will first need to obtain a certificate confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next, you need to register with the tax structure. An entrepreneur engaged in the cultivation of crayfish belongs to the producers of agricultural products, which means that a possible form of taxation may be the ESHN (Single agricultural tax).

To open a crayfish farm, you need to find a plot of land where a pond or several reservoirs will be built.

According to the law, certain conditions must be met:

  • The future businessman must be the owner of the site (the tenant will have big problems with paperwork when obtaining permits). On his land, he has the right to build a pond or other objects, and no one will interfere with this decision.
  • The reservoir can be used for the owner's own purposes , if during its construction urban planning, environmental and sanitary standards are not violated.
  • Pond should not be connected to natural water bodies.

Crayfish are bred for subsequent sale, therefore, it will be necessary to issue a number of additional documents in order to sell invertebrates:

  1. Certificate for products in accordance with GOST R 50380 of 2005.
  2. Certificate issued by the veterinary service (form No. 2).
  3. Declaration , reflecting the compliance of the goods with all standards.
  4. For auto on which the crayfish will be transported, you must have a sanitary passport.

The above documents will be required for both individuals and legal entities.

What else do you need to know about breeding crayfish?

Naturally, documentation is an important component of a business. However, the conditions for growing crayfish are no less important.

To be acceptable, you need to study a lot of information and understand the following details:

  • Where to keep crayfish

Crayfish can live and breed in natural conditions - in the nearest rented pond. If we are talking about a more profitable business, then it is better to equip an artificial reservoir or reservoirs (aquariums) on a personal plot and use an intensive method of breeding crayfish.

  • What equipment is required

For crayfish, water quality is a very important factor; having a pond alone is not enough. A set of special equipment - that's what you should take care of.

What does it consist of:

  1. From thermal insulation that maintains water at the specified temperature parameters. In fact, this function can be performed by a polycarbonate greenhouse.
  2. From a pond frame . It is usually made from polypropylene sheets. Such a material is durable, waterproof, quickly connected using polyfusion welding. The main advantage is that in relation to water it is neutral.
  3. Aerator or air compressor . This technique will not allow water to stagnate. Otherwise, the cancers will not survive.
  4. Oxidator . Its function is to oxygenate the water. This is especially important in winter for open ponds. Ice blocks the flow of oxygen.
  5. Flow type filter – the filtration system removes toxic substances in the form of food residues and waste products of the inhabitants of the pond. It supports the vital activity of crayfish, allows production volumes not to decrease.
  6. If the quality of water during breeding plays a decisive role, then you can not do without measuring instruments that determine its parameters: an oximeter (measures the concentration of oxygen), a selenometer (determines the hardness of water), a conductometer (evaluates the efficiency of filters).
  • What to feed crayfish

Cancers are omnivores. They feed on earthworms, insect larvae, and small snails. In an artificial reservoir, grain (steamed and chopped), boiled potatoes, grated carrots, fish, and meat are suitable for them.

The best option for feeding crayfish is to reproduce their natural habitat, excluding the negative facts in the form of the presence of predators . If the reservoir is filled with a food base (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and so on), then you can not buy expensive food. The introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers significantly improves the performance of the forage base. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to increase the growth of vegetation in the water beyond measure.

There is a way to save on the purchase of fertilizers if you sow the bottom of the reservoir with legumes, oats, vetch, and so on. To do this, the pond is drained, and after sowing it is again filled with water. The method is environmentally friendly and cheap.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding at home and on an industrial scale?

To breed crayfish, it is not necessary to buy them. You can catch crayfish yourself in the nearest pond. Of course, you will need some experience and special equipment.

If there is no suitable lake / river nearby or you do not have skills in such a matter, then you can buy crayfish from those who are engaged in catching them professionally or in a regular supermarket (on the market). The main thing is that the individuals are young, then you can count on a solid increase and a good income. .

Please note that there are no farms specializing in breeding crayfish in Russia. Therefore, regardless of the scale of the enterprise, it is necessary to independently engage in the selection of crayfish for divorce. We need viable and healthy individuals.

Features of crayfish breeding technology - selection and preparation of reservoirs

The choice of reservoir largely depends on the scope of the business. If this is a production scale, then it is more profitable to immediately invest (and considerable) in a crayfish farm.

It should consist of:

  1. hatching aquariums with heating.
  2. Pools for growing individuals - for yearlings. So called crayfish, whose age does not exceed one year.
  3. Outdoor and indoor pools to make production year-round.

However, you can start a cancer business with less expensive options:

  • Conditions in a natural pond

A natural reservoir has its advantages: you do not need to dig a hole, fill it with water, improve the bottom, and buy food in large quantities. Nature has taken care of everything. The only condition is the presence of a natural influx of water to eliminate the lack of oxygen. Complementary foods are also needed, otherwise the crayfish will begin to eat young individuals. Periodic cleaning of the bottom will be required so that the depth of the reservoir is two meters. In this case, crayfish will have favorable conditions for reproduction. However, even if all conditions are met, in the first few years you should not count on the profitability of the business.

  • Conditions of keeping at home (artificial reservoir)

What size should the pond be? Depth within 1.5-2 meters, area from 30 to 60 "squares". Clay is suitable as a soil. The bottom is laid out with stones so that there are gaps between them. These are future minks for crayfish. Mandatory drainage, equipped with a mesh of wood. The mesh will become an obstacle, and the crayfish will not leave their home.

Plants are planted around the pond. Crayfish care is easy.

They will thrive under the following conditions:

  1. Change water every 14-20 days, but not completely, only 30%.
  2. Periodically remove mud and clean the bottom. This will ensure enough oxygen in the water.
  3. The temperature of the water matters. Usually 21ºС. For babies, so that they grow quickly, - 24ºС.
  4. Monitor water hardness. The pH value should be between 7 and 8.5.
  5. Feed regularly in the evening or morning. The daily allowance for cancer is 2% of its weight.
  6. If crayfish have brought offspring, then adults should be transplanted to another body of water (if any). Crayfish can eat babies. Young growth, having a hard shell, can be combined with old crayfish.
  7. For a profitable business, it is better to organize 3-4 reservoirs.

During the season, the female lays 100 eggs, about half of them survive. The annual offspring from one female is 25-50 crayfish. How long will it take for a population to reproduce itself? In 5 years, not before. Cancer maturation time is at least two years. During this period, it grows up to 12 cm and gains weight up to 200 grams.

Varieties of crayfish and their purchase - which species are easier and more profitable to breed?

There are two varieties of crayfish: long-toed and broad-toed. The second species is valued for its fleshy bellies, which are in demand in cooking "crayfish necks". However, the population of broad-toed crayfish has declined sharply. They ended up on the pages of the Red Book. In order not to have problems with inspection organizations, it is better not to breed this species.

Cancers are also divided into inhabitants of lakes and rivers:

  • lake crustaceans reach impressive sizes, they do not have a hibernation period - everyone is good for business at home. You need to be aware of the demands of this type of content. For them, a warm room is required - 20 m².
  • crayfish characterized by smaller size and lower cost, although they are not as fastidious. So decide which individuals are more profitable to buy for breeding?

Another nuance is how many crayfish are needed. What should be their number per square meter of water? For artificial reservoirs, experts recommend the following density: six crayfish per square meter, one male per two females.

Profitability of a crayfish breeding and selling business: costs, start-up capital, maintenance, etc.

How much do you need to invest in a business if a crayfish farm is built on a plot of 1100 m² and will immediately have 20 reservoirs:

  • The construction of ponds will require about 290,000 rubles.
  • Equipment costs will amount to 2,800,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a piece of land is not less than 70,000 rubles.
  • The cost of food is 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses up to 200 100 rubles.

Total investment - 3,510,100 rubles.

Note to the entrepreneur. There is no rigid interconnection of infrastructure in the crayfish farm. Therefore, the figure should not be taken as mandatory. It is permissible to make only two indoor pools, and having received a profit, invest it in further development.

What will be the earnings - revenue for the year:

  • On average, a kilogram of crayfish costs 510 rubles.
  • During the year, 12,500 crayfish will grow, with a total weight of 2500 kg.

The annual revenue will be - 1,275,000 rubles.

Expenses throughout the year:

  • For electricity - 9,500 rubles.
  • For feed - 12,500 rubles.
  • Other expenses (transport, veterinarian, and so on) - 100,000 rubles.

Total expenses - 122,000 rubles.

Net profit will be: 1,275,000 - 122,000 = 1,153,000 rubles. Payback of the project is 3-4 years.

How and where to sell crayfish profitably: potential customers and important marketing nuances

The main advantage of this business is the lack of competition with a constant demand for products. So, marketing will be easy. Crayfish buyers can be supermarkets and small shops, restaurants and cafes. They tend to favor wholesale suppliers. Therefore, it is important to find in advance stores and catering outlets that are ready to buy crayfish all the time. . Then it remains to catch crayfish, issue a veterinary certificate and deliver the products to the customer.

The figures in the table are conditional and reflect data for one indoor pool (8x4 sq. m) and one open pit.

Crayfish breeding as a business: pros and cons

Breeding crayfish is a promising occupation for home production. Such products are in demand, but, unfortunately, not on an industrial scale. Abroad, crayfish entrepreneurs earn millions, although competition there is quite high.

Of the existing methods of breeding crayfish, it is best to choose an indoor artificial reservoir. It is less expensive than indoors and more controllable than a natural pond. Therefore, starting a business from scratch, give preference to this particular method, provided that you have your own piece of land.

The business development process involves three stages:

  1. Arrangement of a reservoir.
  2. Mastering the intensive method of breeding crayfish:
  • selection of a fast-growing species;
  • providing the necessary diet;
  • compliance with the technical condition of the aquatic environment.

3. Development of a product implementation plan, which includes:

  • mastering the correct transportation of live goods;
  • catch of crayfish;
  • conclusion of agreements with various retail outlets on deliveries.

The advantages of such a business include:

  1. Significant investment is required only at the initial stage. The amount depends on the expected scale of the activity. It can start from 20,000 rubles, or from one and a half million.
  2. Production has prospects for development and expansion. With accumulated experience in breeding crayfish, there will be chances to scale up the business and make more profit.
  3. Cancer breeding does not require large human resources. The hardest part is the beginning. A lot of effort will be needed to lay the "foundation" for organizing, studying and registering an enterprise. When the business is already established, work on the farm will not cause big problems.
  4. The specifics of the business is such that there are no competitors. In comparison with European countries, the niche in the production of crayfish in our country is not occupied. So, there will be no problems with the sale of products.

Cons are present only when breeding in a natural habitat, these include:

  • payback period, tk. it is delayed for 3-4 years;
  • growth retardation of underyearlings due to hibernation;
  • seasonality of product sales.

How to start breeding crayfish?

If you decide to breed crayfish for profit, then keep in mind that this applies to farming. Start by writing a business plan and start looking at issues such as payback period, risk, costs, expected profit. This will give a clear picture of the implementation of the plan. In business, no one will give a 100% guarantee of success - it depends on many reasons.

Crayfish: choice and purchase

Of the prolific and undemanding, long-clawed crayfish are suitable for keeping conditions. Unlike broad-toed, they gain weight faster. The growth of individuals is influenced by the temperature regime of the reservoir. The further south the range, the more prolific they are. On average, a female can lay from 60 to 230 eggs in one fertilization.

It is undesirable to buy them from Kazakh or Altai producers, because the difference in climate and the distance of transportation make the products unsuitable for profitable breeding in other latitudes. It is better to catch crayfish in nearby water bodies using a baited trap cage.

The number of individuals is calculated by the area of ​​the reservoir. In order for reproduction to be intensive, it is necessary to adhere to the optimal planting density of sexually mature individuals. It is 6 pieces per 1 sq. m., of which two males are required.

It is important to observe the parameters of the aquatic environment, which, in terms of chemical composition, meet all the requirements for the favorable development of the life of females and fry. Otherwise, the density should be halved.

Breeding methods

Crayfish can be bred in three ways: in open natural or closed artificial reservoirs, as well as in specialized closed nurseries.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points of each of the methods:

  1. Natural breeding conditions are equipped farms for growing crayfish in a natural environment. The peculiarity of this method is that individuals are dependent on hibernation. Profitability in such conditions is much lower. In a state of suspended animation, crayfish do not grow, which affects the profitability of the enterprise.
  2. Closed rooms with artificial containers (aquariums, baths, pools) - exclude hibernation of individuals. This method of breeding requires significant financial investments in the purchase of equipment, as well as maintaining the climatic conditions for the life of crayfish. In aquariums, they grow all year round, after 1.5-2.5 years (depending on the species) they reach commercial standard sizes.
  3. Artificial, covered by the type of greenhouses, reservoirs. This is the most optimal form of keeping crustaceans in terms of payback. The period of growth from eggs to salable specimens takes 1.5 years. At the initial stage, the farm requires investment in the construction of pools and equipment to maintain optimal conditions of the aquatic habitat.

Creation and development of the farm

Breeding crayfish on the territory of your site, take care of the water supply or create a natural cycle of water purification. Dig several holes with a depth of 2 to 5 m, an area of ​​​​30-60 square meters. m.

Running water is not a prerequisite, but a drainage system will be needed. Change the water after 2-3 weeks, but not all - about 30% of the total volume is enough. So the natural habitat will not be disturbed, and the water will be purified.

Lay stones at the bottom, you can even chipped bricks with hollow holes (burrows), pour a 10 cm layer of coarse sand. Make clay banks, plant vegetation.

To bring an artificial reservoir closer to the natural habitat of crayfish, build streams with thickets of hornwort, jara, elodea, etc. Driftwood and stumps can be a favorite refuge for arthropods, but they pollute the water. In such conditions, it is good to breed the broad-toed (Astacus astacus) species and the long-toed (Pontostacus lepto-dactylus) species.

To breed crayfish in aquariums, you will need a room with heating and lighting. It can be natural or completely artificial - it does not matter. This method will require large financial investments, but the profit grows many times. In open water crayfish molt once a year, and in aquariums from 3 to 5. This indicates that they grow three times faster.

In order to bring the living conditions in closed reservoirs closer to optimal, you will need:

  • cleaning filters (no need to change water);
  • aerator (air compressor), the temperature in the aquarium should not fall below 17 ° C, otherwise the pets will go into hibernation;
  • oxidizer for water enrichment with oxygen.

Please note that in order to breed crayfish in factory conditions (indoors), it is best to visit someone's farm, where you can see everything with your own eyes and get answers to your questions. The advice of practitioners will be more useful than the mountains of theoretical literature - you will avoid many mistakes.

Purchase of feed

Feed requirements depend on where the crayfish are grown. In open reservoirs where there is vegetation, they find food on their own. You can feed them during the appearance of small crayfish. Care should be taken to determine if they need to be fed or not. In winter, crayfish are not eaten.

In the factory, feed must either be purchased or prepared by yourself. They eat cereals from various cereals, boiled grains, carrots, potatoes, herbs, soybeans, etc. The diet must include fish waste, for example, capelin heads.

To achieve maximum growth, it is better to purchase products that are used by fish farms or special food for crustaceans.

Now this is not a problem - many manufacturers produce ready-made nutritionally balanced feed. If you calculate the need for them for a year, you will see that this is a very small amount.

Note that care must be taken to ensure that food does not remain in excess in the water. As it decomposes, it releases toxins that can kill a large number of individuals.

To avoid an overabundance of feed, feed it in special feeders. The amount of necessary food is taken from the calculation of the weight of pets - this is 0.2%. Feeding is carried out every two days in the evening or morning, as during the day the crayfish hide in burrows. For different ages of crayfish, a diet with additives is selected that accelerates their growth.

Sale of products

Selling products shouldn't be a problem since you don't have a factory with tons of stuff. After registering the IP, the ways for sale to shops, bars, restaurants, markets are open. It is possible that customers themselves will come to the farm for a batch of crayfish. You only need to catch the right amount and get a veterinary certificate.

The financial component of the business

In business, financial profitability is taken into account in the first place. When you have to start a business from scratch, there is a big risk that the representation on paper of all stages of development will diverge from the realities of life. To reduce the risks, you need to start with the purchase of small batches of females, feed, equipment, etc. Gradually, gaining experience, expand production. Consider what awaits you on the way to the implementation of your plans.

Cost of opening and maintaining

It is impossible to talk about exact figures, since the amount of costs depends on many components of the business: the method of breeding and the scale of production.

If you decide to engage in crayfish breeding on a serious scale, then you first need to register your activity with the tax office as an individual business. This, in turn, will make it possible to legally purchase the necessary equipment from the manufacturer at the best prices, and in the future to have documentation that allows you to sell the goods.

To sell a batch of goods to shops, bars, restaurants, you will need a product certificate, which you will not receive without registration.

As an entrepreneur, you will have to pay tax as an agricultural producer. It will be most advantageous to issue an ESHN (Single Agricultural Tax). The cost of expenses must be calculated independently, having collected the necessary information on the prices of purchased equipment, feed, and design.

With a closed breeding method, despite the large investment, you can make a profit after 2 years. Depending on the type of crayfish, special feeding for accelerated growth, compliance with the technological process of purification and oxygenation of water, the profitability is 300%. That is, for every ruble spent, you get 3.

Initial investment includes:

  1. Polypropylene sheets for wall cladding of 1 pool - from 20 to 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Aerator for enriching water with oxygen - 5.5 thousand rubles.
  3. Oxidator for supplying oxygen to under-ice water - 12.5 thousand rubles
  4. Filter for cleaning - from 20 to 26 thousand rubles.
  5. Oximeter for measuring oxygen content - 12 thousand rubles.
  6. Salt meter - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  7. Conductometer for pollution control - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Total: the total cost is 73,000 rubles. Add to this other expenses, feed, electricity, which is about 12 thousand rubles. The final figure is 85,000 rubles.

Size of future income

The profitable part of the production will depend on the experience and knowledge of breeding profitable crustacean breeds. Under favorable conditions for business development, the profit from the sale of products will allow:

  • for the first year - to return the invested funds, expand production, lay promising projects for the next season;
  • for the second year - profit increases by 3 times;
  • for the third - profit increases by 5 or 6 times, and then exponentially.

Please note that before you open your business, you must think through everything to the smallest detail.

An important factor is the type of bred crayfish. For example, a long-toed (leptodactylus) can gain up to 200/300 g of weight in a year, and a tropical gloom - 150 g.

Payback period

Starting from 500-700 females in a year, you can get about a ton of products, subtracting losses, unforeseen illnesses and circumstances, in 2 years you can recoup the investment and make a profit.

The type of cancer and proper care play a big role, then incomes will be maximum. Estimate the prices yourself (because they are constantly changing). With a competent approach to business, you will become a millionaire for 2-4 years of the existence of the farm.

All figures given in the article should be considered as conditional. They are provided as an example and may differ from yours. Calculate according to data that is acceptable for your region and the chosen way of doing business.

Farms for breeding crayfish in our time no longer surprise anyone. They successfully work and develop on the territory of the country and bring considerable income to their owners.

Choice of growing method

The amount of profit depends on which method of breeding crayfish is used at the enterprise: in an aquarium, in a home pond or

In aquarium

Today, crayfish can be grown for sale not only in rural areas, but also in the city. Now the city dwellers will smile with a smirk and go to evaluate the size of their bath. Only here they breed crayfish not in the bathroom, but in special large aquariums.

To begin with, it is better to rent a business premises and buy it out over time. Only after you have settled all the points with the lease, you can start buying aquariums. It is better to start with 10-15 pieces and if everything works out, then in a few months buy more.

Pros of breeding crayfish in aquariums:

  1. Easier to control the condition of pets.
  2. Less feed consumption.
  3. Water temperature control, which contributes to the accelerated development of young offspring.
  4. There is no long period of cold wintering, which allows the young to grow more efficiently, and the entrepreneur to get the first income faster by 3-4 months;
  5. You can populate crayfish larvae in aquariums and save on buying young animals or adults.

The process of growing crayfish is quite capacious and it is possible to make a profit only a year after starting the business.

Aquariums for breeding crayfish

Features of choosing an aquarium for crayfish:

  • The volume of the aquarium should be chosen from 250l.
  • The walls of the container must be made of strong plastic, or attached to the pool so that the metal does not come into contact with water.
  • It is better to choose products with low (up to 1m) walls and a wide bottom. This makes it easier to care for crayfish and keep the bottom of the aquarium clean.

At the current stage, the cultivation of crayfish in the pool as a business has proven itself well in urban and rural areas, where there are problems with water supply.

At home (artificial reservoir)

Growing crayfish in an artificial pond is considered by many to be the easiest and most inexpensive option for starting commercial crayfish farming. This option does not require a large investment. Provided that you have your own land: a summer cottage or a house in a suburban or rural area.

In order for the business to work, you must:

  1. Build a reservoir (optimal depth 1-3 m) and lay out the bottom with large stones and create conditions for crayfish to dig holes freely. Recommended pond area 30-60 sq.m.
  2. Make several concrete pools for overexposure and fattening of young livestock.
  3. Launch breeding stock or larvae.
  4. Stock up on the necessary feed.
  5. Provide the household with an additional source of water and a reliable stack so that water can be freely drained if necessary.

Growing crayfish at home has its own characteristics. In an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to change the water every 2-3 weeks. For the winter, it is better to completely catch all the livestock so that the crayfish do not suffocate under the ice, or to build a reservoir, which immediately increases costs. If the crayfish successfully overwinter, then the additional costs for insulation can be compensated for by the breeding stock, but you can take risks only if the depth of the reservoir is more than 2.5 meters.

A reservoir cannot be built in a sunny place!

In a natural reservoir

The easiest and most affordable way to breed crayfish in the household is to launch a queen tribe or larvae into an ordinary natural pond. First you need to find a reservoir that meets the necessary requirements:

  • the presence of a rocky bottom and sandy shores;
  • suitable bottom for the construction of holes;
  • the reservoir should be environmentally friendly and have shaded shores. It is good if weeping willows grow on the banks of the reservoir, which create shade and coolness.

When growing crayfish in artificial and natural reservoirs, the main problem for farmers is poachers, who not only spoil and steal livestock with the help of crayfish, but also greatly reduce product prices. The way to deal with them is quite simple:

  • On your own and artificial ponds, you can stretch the net to the surface, install streamers with bells and hire watchmen.
  • You can create a group of farmers that will control the markets of the region and block the access of poachers to the wholesale buyer.
  • Guaranteed product quality and regular delivery is what all customers value and what poachers cannot guarantee.

To grow crayfish in a natural pond, it is necessary to allocate money for the purchase of livestock and feed. With this method of growing, feed costs are significantly reduced, but there is no way to control the temperature of the water, as a result of which crayfish will be 30% inferior in weight to their relatives who grew up in a home pond or aquarium.

Preparatory work

Before investing a considerable amount in a business, you need to familiarize yourself with the cultivation of crayfish and the conditions for their maintenance in practice. In order to better understand and see everything, you can invite yourself to visit a similar farm and ask the owners as much as possible about the life and habits of their pets.

They will not reveal all the secrets to future competitors, but they will already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and how the farm should look like.

Today on the Internet there is a lot of literature and practical advice that will help you cope with problems in the course of work, but the advice of professionals is always very valuable.

Residence preparation

Crayfish live in burrows. This is their natural habitat, and before buying breeding stock, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for crayfish and bring them as close as possible to natural ones.

The rocky bottom, a lot of sand, pebbles and algae - this is what will allow the crayfish to feel at home in a new place.

If it is planned to grow crayfish in aquariums, then the day before the settlement of living creatures, it is necessary to start the entire system (if planting algae is planned, then a week, simultaneously with planting greenery).

Adult female crayfish can eat their larvae and young. To avoid this, it is recommended to separate the adult stock from the young. This will require additional containers (aquariums or pools).

Proper preparation of a place for keeping and growing crayfish will greatly facilitate the process of settling and make the adaptation of the mother liquor painless and comfortable.

Acquisition of cancer families

Do not immediately buy a large number of breeding stock. If the farm is small, then you can start with 100 females and 20 males. They can be bought at a farm that is engaged in a similar type of business or caught in a river. It is better to buy crayfish from specialists who can advise a species resistant to diseases and stress and tell you how to properly care for it in the first months.

Among the industrial types of crayfish, there are:

  • Australian crayfish (the most fleshy species, requires special care, suitable for growing in aquariums, uses small fish, compound feed, greens as food).
  • Blue Kuban crayfish (fast-growing species of medium size, does not tolerate temperatures above 26 degrees, loves stony, sandy soils with a lot of snags and burrows, omnivorous).
  • Marble crayfish (demanding to water temperature and prefers large aquariums, pools or artificial ponds). 20 adults will require neither less nor more - 100 cubic meters of water for their full growth and reproduction. The peculiarity of this species is that it reproduces by parthenogenesis (to itself and a female and a male). It is necessary to separate adults from young animals.

Enterprise start

In order for a business to work and bear fruit, it is necessary to take into account several important factors that are the key to success.

When to start breeding?

Starting a farm is very important in this type of business, as it is seasonal and most cancers do not tolerate wintering well.

The best time to lay a farm is the beginning of April, with the arrival of the first warm weather.

By the beginning of summer, each female will have eggs under the tail, which will detach after 10 days, and the process of laying eggs will begin in the female in a new circle. The offspring from these larvae will be ready for sale in a year. It is because of such a long period of growth that experts recommend starting a farm with young crayfish, which can be grown and sold this year, leaving a few individuals for reproduction.

Business registration

Every self-respecting entrepreneur and manufacturer registers his company before starting work. What does it give? Buyers have the confidence that they are clients of a reputable company, and the entrepreneur himself - the opportunity to calmly sell his products on the market and cooperate with shops and wholesalers.

This type of business is registered under the OKVED code 01.21, which indicates that the company is engaged in breeding pets.

For the right to retail, code 52.23 must be added, which indicates the right to retail fish and shellfish.

Purchase of feed

Crayfish are happy to eat feed, larvae, earthworms, greens, small bottom fish. It will not be difficult to buy compound feed - it is always available at the economic market or feed mills, which are full in every city. It is not difficult to stock up on greens on your own, but you will have to look for suppliers of mosquito larvae and earthworms.

The earthworm is often found in greenhouses, and mosquito larvae are grown by companies that are associated with the fishing business. Ask the sellers of fishing rods and tackle who delivers bloodworms to them, and arrange regular delivery with this supplier.

See also the video about the benefits of breeding crayfish

Summing up

We have this type of business relatively young, as it is mistakenly believed that the development of a crayfish breeding farm requires huge investments. The fact that it takes about a year to wait for the first sale of goods is not inspiring either. But fears go away and everything falls into place, if you understand the features of this business and calculate all the costs and approximate income.

How long does it take from inception to the finished product?

Raising crayfish is a business for people who work for results and know how to wait.

And you need to wait about a year from the first laying of the mother liquor to the sale of finished products, if livestock is grown in a pond.

With the aquarium breeding method or in indoor pools, where it is possible to control the water temperature, the sale of finished products is possible 3 months faster. This is due to the winter period, when crayfish are in a state of dormancy and eat very little. In a closed room, this process can be regulated.

Estimated costs

You need a lot of start-up capital to run a large farm with modern equipment, but you can start small and divide the development of your business into several stages. To get started, you need to draw up a business plan for breeding crayfish and focus on several important factors in the calculations:

  • The value of the breeding stock, which fluctuates from 200 to 1000 rubles per 1 kg. depending on the type of crayfish and the season of purchase.
  • Way of breeding crayfish: indoors in aquariums, in an artificial reservoir or in a natural aquatic environment.
  • Purpose of goods: sale for breeding stock, sale of live products on the market, processing.

For the construction of one pond with an area of ​​60 sq.m. necessary 80-150 rubles(depending on depth). The main part of the costs goes to drainage pipes, waterproofing materials, and the construction of a drain. For a year in this reservoir, if you run about females (80 kg of breeding stock), you can grow up to 13 000(about 3.5 tons) of young animals, the market value of which ranges from 200-250 rubles per 1kg.

The minimum annual income from growing crayfish in a pond is 300-450 thousand rubles and fully covers the expenses for the construction of the pond, pools, the purchase of feed and mother liquor.

In order to run this type of business indoors, you must:

  1. Large high (up to 4 m high) room (the price varies depending on the location);
  2. Aquariums for keeping crayfish (the optimal size is 2m wide, 3-4m long), sand and algae for filling the aquarium + compressors, pumps and thermometers for heating water. The cost of one aquarium equipped with everything you need fluctuates around 50 000 rubles.
  3. we must not forget about the food for crayfish. Bloodworms or earthworms are best. They can be bought from wholesalers who work for fish and fishing shops. On average, it takes about 20 thousand rubles.
  4. And, of course, the crabs themselves. One pool is designed for an average of 50 individuals (1 male for 4-5 females).

If it is not possible to invest a lot of money, then you can try the old-fashioned, long-proven method and grow a population of crayfish in a small natural pond. In this case, you will have to spend money only on breeding stock and additional feed. But to control the reproduction and migration of their pets in this case, alas, will not work.

Profit calculation

Growing crayfish on a home farm is a rather long and laborious process, but the farmer receives a hundredfold for his work. Even with the most costly method of growing crayfish - aquarium - all the costs of purchasing equipment and breeding stock pay off after the first year of cultivation.

If the river way of growing crayfish is less expensive, then when comparing “costs - profit”, preference, nevertheless, should be given to growing crayfish in a home pond.

With the right approach, despite the considerable costs, the profit is about 300 000 rubles from a 60 sq. m. and several small pools or small ponds. With the aquarium breeding method, it is very difficult to achieve such a profit in one season, even though the products are ready for sale several months faster.

Pitfalls of the crayfish business

Each business has its own secrets and pitfalls that must be taken into account in the work and included in the calculations of the business plan.

The following factors have a great influence on business development:

  1. Crayfish go for wintering under water, but do not hibernate. This means that severe freezing of water should not be allowed.
  2. Not all types of crayfish tolerate cold water and are designed to be grown in an unheated pond.
  3. We must not forget about infectious diseases. It is necessary to carry out preventive work in a timely manner and stock up on medicines.
  4. Water for a pond or aquarium should be soft and not contain salt.
  5. Females with eggs should be immediately transplanted into a separate container and ensured that they do not eat them after they lay their eggs in the sand or mule.

If there is no experience in breeding crayfish, then it is better to start working with river breeding stock.

There are not so many pitfalls and you can recognize them only when you work independently or if there is an experienced adviser nearby.

An entrepreneur should know everything about taxation. Read how much is

land tax in 2014.

Documents in the employee's personal file are kept up to 75 years. Learn more in this article.

What is OKATO in the details of the enterprise? See here.

Where do crayfish hibernate?

In the natural environment, crayfish hibernate in their burrow. They do not fall asleep, like frogs, and even crawl out to hunt. But they are very slow and consume a minimum amount of energy, do not gain weight.

If a crayfish finds a place for wintering in a natural reservoir, then when constructing a piece pond, you need to take care of this and throw a lot of snags and large stones on the bottom, make mounds of sand and clay.

The crayfish breeding business in our country is still quite young, and the demand for domestic products is growing every year. If you choose the right way of growing and competently approach the organization of the work process, then in a year you can already get the first result, and in a few years you can become the owner of a crayfish farm that will supply quality products and breeding stock not only to your region, but also to neighboring areas .

Every business is a cost, risk and excitement that is rewarded with profit and the fulfillment of a dream. In order for the dream to come true, it is necessary to calculate all possible threats and only then get to work.

With a competent approach to business and correct calculations, any idea can become an exciting and profitable project. Selling crayfish as a business will certainly meet your expectations of increasing your own budget - after all, such an activity brings a good profit, but it does not require serious expenses.

Let's find out what features characterize such an undertaking and how expedient it is to build a business in this area.

Information about the essence of the project

A crayfish farm is a rather specific business. Usually, investments in it are minimal, but you can reach the project’s self-sufficiency threshold only through some years- because it is necessary two years to raise livestock and get offspring from it. True, in the future you can already count on a stable and regular income.

Keep this in mind when you are considering crayfish farming as a home business. You can find a video with reviews of entrepreneurs and specialists about such an unusual activity in our review.

As a rule, livestock is grown either in a natural reservoir or in its artificial counterpart. Of course, renting any pond will become unprofitable, given that you will not earn anything in the first years. And in the conditions of natural growth of arthropods, the period for the sale of the first batch of products may be delayed for five years.

Important! It is advisable for a beginner to pay attention specifically to growing crayfish on a farm in enclosed spaces. This will significantly reduce investments - after all, any buildings can be used for such purposes.

True, with the above method, you should remember about the constant cleaning of the aquarium. Moreover, there should be several containers. Usually adults live in one of them, fry in the other, and the third serves as a reserve for replacing water and cleaning the main tanks. It is also important to take into account that it is adult crayfish that are transplanted during reproduction, since young animals that are still unadapted to life often die when environmental conditions change.

Breeding crayfish at home would be a good business idea, because this niche is still empty today and a beginner has a high chance of success

In general, the crayfish farming business will require careful attention to your wards. These animals are very sensitive to water pollution and temperature drops below 15 degrees. Therefore, you will have to think in advance whether you can create similar conditions for them. Although with all the apparent shortcomings and reservations, this business promises quite good income at extremely low costs. Moreover, you can start a business simply as an individual, and you can register an individual entrepreneur when you start selling the goods directly. In addition, today this niche in the market is almost empty and a newcomer has a high chance of success.

We are looking for a room

A crayfish business can be started by finding a suitable building for this building. Experts advise to pay attention to attics, basements and even garages. All these buildings will allow you to maintain the required temperature conditions and place several containers there with suitable dimensions of the area. Of course, the best solution would be the premises that you own. But do not forget that the volume of one reservoir should be from 2.5 cubic meters. Therefore, the minimum set - three tanks - can be located in a building with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m. Moreover, it is necessary to analyze the condition of the room in advance and get rid of fungal infections, rodents and insects.

Growing crayfish in the basement is a good solution for a novice entrepreneur

By the way, growing crayfish in the basement is the best solution. So, you will be deprived of the need to carry out measures to warm the room, as well as equip it with a heating system. The wintering of arthropods provides for a temperature of five degrees Celsius, so basements perfectly meet such conditions. In addition, it is necessary to equip the room with power supply. True, on an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m. you only need one lamp with a power of about 200 watts.

Cooking a pond

So, the main equipment for growing crayfish is aquariums or a pool system. The choice will depend only on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200byour room. Remember, the minimum volume of one aquarium should be from 2,500 liters, and the location should provide free access for their maintenance. Of course, the tank is made of durable materials and reinforced with load-bearing elements so that the structure can withstand such a mass of liquid. A good, but rather expensive container option would be to purchase a closed water supply installation. True, to make its own analogue, as a rule, will not be difficult and will significantly reduce costs.

One of the options for equipping a room for breeding crayfish at home

Separately, you need to talk about the structure of the pool system. Several tanks should be built, the bottom of each of them should be laid out with sand and small stones, and also populated with various plants. Since stagnant water is detrimental to crayfish, each container must be equipped with a compressor, a cleaning filter and, if necessary, a heater. Consider also a drain system for fluid replacement. A good option for a capital reservoir would be a pipe closed with a fine mesh with a shut-off valve, and if you choose to breed crayfish in an aquarium as a business, you can drain the water with a hose. In any case, the room should be equipped with a good drain.

A separate nuance is the direct replacement of the fluid. Remember, you can not change the water completely. Experienced entrepreneurs in such matters are advised to drain only a quarter of the total volume of the reservoir. This measure will prevent abrupt changes in the microclimate for arthropods, which can even lead to molting and slow development. To avoid hibernation of livestock, powerful compressors and heaters can be used.

A constant temperature around 16 degrees and the enrichment of the liquid with oxygen stimulates the activity of arthropods, and also prevents the onset of their molting. In addition, you can influence their growth by increasing the number of individuals living on one square meter to 350 pieces. Typically, the cost of one such aquarium will be about 30,000 rubles. If we talk about the cost of related equipment, here you will meet about 110,000 rubles. This will include several filters, compressors, thermostats, fishing gear and other small accessories. That is, the approximate investment in equipment for breeding crayfish will be 200,000 rubles.

Features of the purchase of livestock

Another step towards the implementation of your idea, requiring certain investments, will be the acquisition of arthropods. Of course, when planning a crayfish breeding business, it is advisable to find a supplier who can offer you crayfish larvae, and not adults. True, today this is a rather difficult task for a beginner. Please note that the livestock was raised artificially, and not caught in a pond. Remember, individuals taken from their natural environment develop much more slowly, which will increase the payback period of the case. There are a few more rules for such a business as growing crayfish at home. The video below details all these nuances.

However, nevertheless, pay attention when buying, so that the proportion of the ratio of males and females is 1:2. Remember, during mating, the male is only able to fertilize two females. He simply eats the extra ones.

It is optimal to acquire adult livestock in November. It is at this time that spawning begins, so females can be easily distinguished by the presence of eggs. The issue of transportation will also become very important. Experts advise transporting in wooden containers, laying arthropods on their backs in rows. Moreover, extreme accuracy should be observed with females that have caviar.

If you acquire livestock during the spawning period, females can be very easily distinguished from males.

Given that most often you can buy animals by weight, and not by the piece, buying a kilogram of large-sized arthropods (10 pieces) will cost about 1,100 rubles. To populate one reservoir of 2,500 liters (the rest are reserves for young animals), you will need to purchase approximately 30 kg, which will amount to 33,000 rubles.

Content Features

Raising crayfish as a business will be quite an attractive project due to the low operating costs spent on caring for and feeding the livestock. These animals are very unpretentious in food and are practically omnivores. Of course, arthropods prefer meat, but cereals, bread, cereals and hay can be used as additional food. The main diet can be formed from worms, bloodworms, mollusks and frogs.

Given that crayfish are unpretentious in food and omnivores, their feeding will not bring large expenses.

Given that crayfish are predominantly active at night, it is advisable to feed them in the late evening. In the morning, you should inspect the pond and remove food debris, as it will contribute to the rapid pollution of the water and cause a lack of oxygen in it. It is optimal to purchase a special feeder for these purposes. When planning to breed crayfish at home for sale (video), remember that the payback rate of the entire project depends on the quality of the conditions of detention and care for them. Therefore, try to create the most comfortable conditions for them. As a rule, monthly expenses for 300 arthropods will be approximately 3,500 rubles.

Attention! You can buy a fish farm business plan from our partners for 990 rubles.

Final calculations

Of course, any idea must have a clear financial basis for trying to implement it. Therefore, we will give you a brief business plan for breeding crayfish, including the conditional costs of organizing and running the business. The initial costs include the following:

  • tank preparation (3) - 90,000;
  • equipment - 110,000;
  • livestock (125 units) - 33,000;
  • transport and overhead costs - 17,000.

You can start a business when you have savings of 250,000 rubles and also you have a private basement of 50 m2. Now consider the cost of two years of keeping individuals. They will look like this:

  • food costs - 84,000;
  • utilities - 156,000;
  • petty expenses - 60,000.

Thus, the operation of the business for two years will cost about 300,000 rubles. Let's see how profitable the business will be. Each of the females you purchased (200 pcs.) Is able to bring about 30 heads of offspring annually. So, in two years you will be able to increase the volume to 9,000 individuals, ready for sale. With a kilogram cost of 1,100 rubles, your revenue will be at the level of 990,000 rubles. The profit will be 690,000 rubles. and will allow to recoup the entire project immediately after the implementation of the first third of the livestock.

As approximate calculations of the business plan show, breeding crayfish for sale will be a cost-effective project.

As you can see, a project aimed at breeding crayfish, the business plan of which we reviewed above, can bring considerable income. Of course, by investing your own funds in the business for such a long period, you risk a little, but, on the other hand, during this time you will be able to establish supply chains and resolve all bureaucratic issues. So, experts highly appreciate such an activity from a financial point of view.

You can download a detailed business plan with calculations here.

Incredibly tasty and tender crayfish meat is a favorite delicacy of many people. Despite this, today its production is far from being developed everywhere. Due to the high demand for the product, it is worth considering the artificial breeding of these animals. Depending on your approach to growing crayfish in the basement, this activity can become your hobby or source of income.

Basement preparation and crayfish purchase

Growing crayfish in the basement has one important plus - underground conditions are perfect for their successful growth. Therefore, to begin with, you will need to carry out a minimum preparation of your basement and purchase crayfish.

Basement and aquariums

The basement chosen for the farm device must be clean and dry. It should be free of fungus and pests. If during the inspection you find them, be sure to solve the problem. Use a smoke bomb, a trap system and insecticides to completely eliminate rats and insects. Make light repairs as needed to avoid reoccurrence. Keep in mind that you can start growing crayfish only 2 weeks after the completion of any chemical treatment.

The good news is that in most cases, the basement does not require additional insulation. In winter, crayfish live perfectly at a temperature of + 5-7 ° C. In summer, it should be at 20 ° C. If the temperature often drops below these marks, cover the walls and floor with insulating materials.

Crayfish do not need a lot of light to grow successfully. For additional lighting of the room, only 1 light bulb with a power of 200 watts is needed. Place it in the center of the ceiling.

When all the necessary conditions are created, install a multi-tiered shelving system in the basement. You will place aquariums on them. The volume of each aquarium must be at least 250 liters. Put a little sandy soil on the bottom, and then lay out the snags and stones. Crayfish will hide in them during sleep.

If the basement area allows, then instead of aquariums, you can use the pool. Please note that you will need 2 pools to grow crayfish. One will contain adults, and the other teenagers. If they live in the same pool, the probability of death of the young is high. Adult animals can behave aggressively and eat smaller relatives even in the absence of a lack of food.

Now your mini-farm is ready to start. It remains only to purchase crayfish and transport them to aquariums.

Buying and transporting crayfish

It is ideal to acquire crayfish larvae, but most likely you will not succeed. Buy adults, and grow their offspring yourself. You can buy crayfish anywhere, the main thing is that there are 2 females for 1 male. The best time to buy is autumn, when the mating season begins. At this time, crayfish are easy to distinguish - females will have caviar under the tail.

A kilogram of crayfish will cost from 500 to 750 rubles. The exact cost depends on their size and variety. You can avoid these costs by catching animals in the pond.

Transportation home is best done at night, when it is cooler. Particular attention should be paid to the transportation of those crayfish that have caviar. Use wooden crates for transportation. In them, crayfish are laid on the back in several rows. It is important that their number does not exceed 20 pieces per 1 decimeter.

Young offspring.

Fry can be carried in large and dense plastic bags. The volume of water should be about 2/3 of the bag. There should not be too many fry. They quickly consume oxygen, so transfer them to the aquarium during the day.

Breeding principles

In order to successfully breed crayfish, you need to know all the necessary information about their lifestyle.


Most crayfish feed on food of plant origin. Basically, plants that are next to their reservoir become it. But under natural conditions, they often eat carrion, insect larvae, and even small snails.

At home, animals receive all the nutrients from special feed. Also, crayfish can be fed with soaked grains, boiled and grated vegetables (carrots, potatoes and cabbage). The source of protein for them will be raw fish and meat. Calculate the required amount of food based on the fact that its volume should be 2% of the animal's body volume.


In the first year of life, molting occurs 6-8 times. In the second year, the number of molts is 4 or 5, and in the third, only 3. Older individuals molt 1-2 times a year.

Shedding means the growth of the animal. It throws off the old shell, which becomes small for it, and builds up a new one. At this time, cancer is very vulnerable and can become prey for its relatives. For this reason, it is important to give all crayfish adequate nutrition and care for them properly.


Mating usually occurs in early autumn - in September or early October. The male fertilizes two females at once, if he comes across a third, he will eat it. This fact should be taken into account when purchasing crayfish. Stick to the recommended proportion: 2 females to 1 male.

First, the eggs are located in the female under the tail. Later, it moves to the shell and attaches next to the legs. For the development of embryos, the female regularly rinses the eggs with water, so filter it at least several times a week.

Female with eggs under the abdomen.

The larvae will emerge from the eggs in 2 months. For the next 2 weeks, the female shelters them from all sorts of dangers until they grow up and become independent. On average, about 12-15 ratchets are born at a time in a female. More than 20 is extremely rare. At home, up to 60 crayfish can be obtained from one female per year.

The young are very sensitive to the quality of the water and, in particular, to how much oxygen it contains. If in natural reservoirs filtration and gas exchange occur independently, then additional aeration is necessary in a home aquarium.

After the emergence of larvae, crayfish need more food than before. Be sure to diversify their diet with feed or zooplankton. It will ensure accelerated growth and development of the larvae.

Growing crayfish in artificial conditions allows you to speed up the process of their reproduction. To do this, you need to prevent them from hibernating. Organize intensive renewal and saturation of the liquid with oxygen through the use of special equipment. Also increase the density of crayfish to 350 individuals per 1 sq. m. Give them enough food so that they quickly gain weight and grow.

Possible diseases

In addition to diseases, temperature extremes, improper or excessive nutrition, and dirty water can be responsible for the massive decline in the number of crayfish.

Business Planning Basics

To turn crayfish breeding from a hobby into a business, you will need a large facility and 2 swimming pools, each of which is at least 25 square meters. m.

About 200 crayfish should be populated on such a space. Their total weight will be 30 kg. In a year and a half, each individual will grow up and double its weight. In addition, they will have offspring, which you will transfer to the second pool.

Study the product market in advance.

If you plan to sell meat, arrange in advance with cafes, restaurants and shops about its supply. It is believed that such a business will begin to bring big profits only after 5-6 years of its existence. But given the small investment and time costs, such a duration of the project cannot be considered a serious drawback.

Pros and cons of home breeding crayfish

The unequivocal advantages of home breeding crayfish are:

  • fast results;
  • suitable basement conditions;
  • ease of care.

The only real disadvantage is the limited space due to the relatively small area of ​​the aquariums. In an ordinary basement, it will not be possible to organize industrial production. But your family and friends will always have organic and tasty meat.

Thus, from a technical point of view, breeding crayfish at home is not difficult. If you do everything right, then the first generation of cancers will have healthy offspring. In about a year, their cultivation will begin to bring real income.

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