Antibiotic bicillin indications for use. Penicillins. Special instructions and drug interactions

This page contains a list of all Bicillin-3 analogues by composition and indications for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • The cheapest analogue of Bicillin-3:
  • The most popular analogue of Bicillin-3:
  • ATH classification: Combined drugs
  • Active ingredients / composition: benzathine benzylpenicillin, benzylpenicillin, procaine benzylpenicillin

Cheap analogues of Bicillin-3

When calculating the cost cheap analogs Bicillin-3 the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Bicillin-3

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 benzathine benzylpenicillin, benzylpenicillin, procaine benzylpenicillin
15 rub 8 UAH
2 Benzylpenicillin
2360 rub --
3 benzylpenicillin
Analogue by indication and method of application
-- 4 UAH
4 benzathine benzylpenicillin
Analogue by indication and method of application
2400 rub 58 UAH
5 bicillin
Analogue in composition and indication
-- --

The list of drug analogues based on the statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Bicillin-3

The above list of analogues of drugs, which indicates Bicillin-3 substitutes, is the most suitable, since they have the same composition of active ingredients and match the indications for use

Different composition, may coincide in indication and method of application

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
15 rub 3 UAH
-- 23 UAH
24 rub 16 UAH
-- --
amoxicillin 31 rub 25 UAH
amoxicillin -- 33 UAH
amoxicillin 183 rubles 15 UAH
amoxicillin -- 51 UAH
-- 53 UAH
-- --
-- 19 UAH
amoxicillin trihydrate 144 rub 157 UAH
amoxicillin trihydrate 114 rub --
amoxicillin -- --
ampicillin, oxacillin -- --
2000 rub 36 UAH
sulbactam, ampicillin -- 41 UAH
ampicillin, sulbactam 2360 rub 90 UAH
-- --
48 rub 26 UAH
160 rub 26 UAH
-- --
-- 22 UAH
65 rub 62 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- 56 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 364 rub 79 UAH
Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid 233 rub 490 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 271 rub --
amoxicillin, sulbactam 1900 rub --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 134 rub 18 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 153 rub 72 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- 131 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- 110 UAH
-- 93 UAH
-- 165 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 75 rub 400 UAH
amoxicillin sodium salt, potassium clavulanate 354 rub --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- --
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid -- 102 UAH
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid 233 rub --
clavulanic acid, ticarcillin -- 661 UAH
piperacillin, tazobactam -- 272 UAH
piperacillin, tazobactam 1350 rub --
piperacillin, tazobactam -- --
piperacillin, tazobactam -- 243 UAH
-- 144 UAH
piperacillin, tazobactam 6164 rub --
-- --
ampicillin, oxacillin 20 rub --

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use the prices provided by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up-to-date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find all possible options for analogues of the desired medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies in which it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of a drug, a generic or a synonym, we first of all recommend paying attention to the composition, namely, to the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of the drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, a pharmaceutical equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which can affect safety and efficacy. Do not forget about the advice of doctors, self-medication can harm your health, so always consult a doctor before using any medication.

Bicillin-3 price

On the sites below you can find prices for Bicillin-3 and find out about availability at a pharmacy nearby
  • Infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug (if there is a need to create a high concentration of the drug in the blood and maintain this concentration for a long time for the period of treatment): scarlet fever, syphilis, wound infections, tonsillitis, erysipelas; prevention of rheumatism after a sore throat.

    Mode of application
    It is administered deep intramuscularly at a dosage of 300,000 units, repeated injections are made after 4 days. In a dosage of 600,000 IU. administered at intervals of 6 days.
    In the treatment of syphilis, a single dose is 1,800,000 IU. (7 injections per course of treatment).

    Side effects
    Allergic reactions - angioedema, urticaria, erythema multiforme exudative, less often - anaphylactic shock; stomatitis, vaginal candidiasis, glossitis, fever, arthralgia, exfoliative dermatitis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, hypocoagulation.

    Hypersensitivity to penicillin drugs, b-lactam antibiotics. With extreme caution should be used in hay fever, bronchial asthma and other diseases of allergic etiology.

    Not applicable.

    drug interaction
    Bactericidal antibiotics (aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin) enhance the action of Bicillin-3; bacteriostatic (tetracyclines, lincosamides, macrolides, chloramphenicol) weaken the effect of the drug. Allopurinol increases the risk of allergic reactions.

    With prolonged use of Bicillin-3, the development of superinfections and severe mycoses is possible.

    Release form
    1 bottle containing a white powder for the preparation of an injection solution (50 bottles in a box).

    Storage conditions
    Store in a well-ventilated place at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees Celsius.

    Benzylpenicillin procaine, Benzathine benzylpenicillin, Benzylpenicillin.

    Active ingredients: benzathine benzylpenicillin, benzylpenicillin

    All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for self-prescription or replacement of the drug.

Powerless against the effects of microorganisms that produce penicillinase. Many gram-negative bacteria, viruses and fungi are resistant to the influence of the agent.

On this page you will find all the information about Bicillin 5: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Bicillin 5. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

An antibiotic of the penicillin group, which is destroyed by penicillinase.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.

How much does Bicillin 5 cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 700 rubles.

Release form and composition

Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection ED + ED. One vial contains

  • active substances: benzathine benzylpenicillin -ED.
  • benzylpenicillin novocaine salt -ED.

White or white with a slightly yellowish tint powder, prone to clumping, forming a stable suspension when water is added.

Pharmacological effect

Bicillin-5 is a combined bactericidal antibiotic consisting of two benzylpenicillin salts that have a long-term effect. The drug inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.

It is active against the following microorganisms: gram-positive bacteria (Streptococcus spp., including Streptococcus pneumoniae; Staphylococcus spp., not producing penicillinase), gram-negative bacteria (Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema spp.), anaerobic spore-forming rods (Clostridium spp., Bacillus anthracis , Actinomyces israelii).

Strains of Staphylococcus spp., which produce penicillinase, are resistant to its action.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Bicillin are the treatment of various infectious diseases that cause microorganisms that are sensitive to the drug.

Therefore, the drug is prescribed for:


The drug has contraindications:

  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to other beta-lactam antibacterial drugs.

Bicillin-5 should be used with caution in the following conditions / diseases:

It has been established that Bicillin-5 penetrates into mother's milk and through the placental barrier. During pregnancy, the drug is allowed to be used only if the expected benefit of treatment for the mother clearly outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

If the use of the drug is necessary during lactation, breastfeeding must be discontinued.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Bicillin 5 is prescribed intramuscularly.

  • Adults: 1.2 million IU + 300 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.
  • Children of preschool age thousand units + 120 thousand units 1 time in 3 weeks, children over 8 years old thousand units + 240 thousand units 1 time in 4 weeks.

To prepare the suspension, sterile water for injection, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.25-0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine) is used.

The Bicillin-5 suspension is prepared aseptically, immediately before use (ex tempore): 5-6 ml of the solvent is slowly (at a rate of 5 ml notches) injected into the vial with the drug under pressure. The contents of the vial are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The presence of bubbles on the surface of the suspension near the walls of the vial is allowed. Bicillin-5 suspension immediately after preparation is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle.

Rubbing the gluteal muscle after injection is not recommended. With a delay in administration immediately after preparation, the physical and colloidal properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle can be difficult.

Side effects

Before diluting the medicinal powder, it is important to familiarize yourself with the negative consequences of its presence in the complex treatment regimen. Side effects of Bicillin-5 occur after a single dose, cause CNS instability and general malaise. After the introduction of the first injection, the reaction of the body may be the most unpredictable.

Here are the potential side effects from the instructions for use:

  • others: glossitis, stomatitis.


In case of non-compliance with the norms of use in units and doses, allergic reactions and other side effects during injection are possible.

special instructions

The drug is forbidden to be administered intravenously, subcutaneously, into the body cavity and endolumbally (into the spinal canal).

When prescribing the drug to patients with syphilis, serological and microscopic studies should be carried out before starting treatment, and then within 4 months. It is advisable to simultaneously prescribe vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as systemic antifungal agents (as fungal infections may occur). It should be borne in mind that when using insufficient dosages of Bicillin-5 or stopping therapy too early, resistant strains of pathogens may appear.

With the accidental introduction of Bicillin-5 into the vessel, visual impairment, the appearance of a feeling of anxiety and depression (Wanyer's syndrome) are possible. In order to avoid accidental intravascular administration of the suspension, it is recommended to aspirate before the injection in order to identify a possible entry of the syringe needle into the vessel.

drug interaction

Simultaneous use of this drug with bactericidal antibiotics, for example: cephalosporins, cycloserine, vancomycin, rifampicin, aminoglycosides may cause a synergistic effect. The combination with bacteriostatic agents: macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamides and tetracyclines causes an antagonistic effect.

In addition, there was a decrease in the effectiveness of oral contraceptives or ethinyl estradiol. Diuretics, phenylbutazone, allopurinol and NSAIDs can reduce tubular secretion or increase the concentration of the drug. The combination with allopurinol often causes allergic reactions, mainly in the form of skin manifestations.


We have selected some reviews of people about the drug Bicillin 5:

  1. Lyuba. I give an injection once a month, for 6 months. So that there is no erysipelas, this is the only way I save myself.
  2. Katia. From early childhood, my daughter has chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis after tonsillitis, bumps began to appear in her throat. Constantly at the ENT and she, in the end, said to give this injection for a preventive purpose - from complications that could go to the heart and joints. At first we refused, but after reading the annotation, we decided - it’s still possible for children, so the drug is not so terrible. Now we prick every six months and live without tonsillitis at all!
  3. Nina. In 1 year, 4 or even 5-6 times lay in the ENT department with a sore throat and constantly cut the tumor in the throat. It’s good that I had an attending physician in 1995, I don’t remember his name. But he prescribed this drug because nothing helped me. I am GRATEFUL to my doctor. I forgot about a sore throat for 15 years, if not more. And at the moment I have a sore throat again and I put this drug again and I'm sure that for a few more years I will forget about the sore throat.

Usually in positive reviews about Bicillin-5, it is most often said about its high efficiency at a relatively low cost. The antibiotic is characterized as low-toxic, noting the super-long action. Those who received Bicillin-5 injections warn that the procedure must be carried out with caution, with certain skills.

Sometimes such negative effects as painful injections and the depressing effect of therapy on the intestinal microflora are noted.


If the patient managed to dilute and use the drug according to the instructions for use, but the effect is zero or side effects appear, it is necessary to introduce a replacement. Bicillin-5 analogues are no less effective, while reducing the list of potential side effects. If we talk about the cost, then the representatives of the penicillin series are approximately in the same price range.

Conventionally, they can be classified into two categories. It:

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life






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One comment

At first she refused this drug for her son, the antibiotic was still a painful injection itself, but when during the winter we got to the hospital 4 times with severe tonsillitis, there were no options left, serious problems with the heart and joints could arise, and bicillin 5 eliminates complications. The injection was easily tolerated, there was no more sore throat, a year has already passed, the state of health and tests are normal, there are no deviations in development, pah-pah-pah.

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Bicillin-5: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Bicillin-5

ATX Code: J01CE30

Active ingredient: Benzathine benzylpenicillin + Benzylpenicillin procaine (Benzathine benzylpenicillin + Benzylpenicillin procaine)

Producer: SYNTHESIS, OJSC (Russia)

Description and photo update: 11/14/2017

Prices in pharmacies: from 17 rubles.

Bicillin-5 is an antibiotic (biosynthetic penicillin).

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration: a white or white with a yellowish tint powdery mass prone to clumping, with the addition of water forms a stable suspension (10 ml in vials; in a pack of cardboard 1, 5, 10 or 50 vials) .

Powder composition (for 1 vial):

  • benzylpenicillin procaine (benzylpenicillin novocaine salt) -ED;
  • benzathine benzylpenicillin - ED.

Pharmacological properties


Bicillin-5 is a bactericidal combination antibiotic containing two long-acting benzylpenicillin salts. Inhibits the synthesis of the cell wall of pathogenic microorganisms.

Active against the following microbes:

  • Gram-positive: Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Staphylococcus spp. (not forming penicillinase), Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, anaerobic spore-forming rods, Actinomyces israelii;
  • gram-negative: Treponema spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis.

Penicillinase-producing strains of Staphylococcus spp. are resistant to the drug.


Bicillin-5 is an antibiotic with prolonged action, its high concentration in the blood persists for 4 weeks.

Benzathine benzylpenicillin hydrolyzes very slowly after intramuscular injection, releasing benzylpenicillin. The maximum concentration (Cmax) in the blood serum is reached after 12-24 hours after administration. The long half-life ensures a long and stable concentration of the drug in the blood: on the 14th day after the injection of ME, the concentration of the drug in serum is 0.12 μg / ml; on the 21st day after administration - ME concentration is 0.06 μg / ml (1 ME = 0.6 μg). Diffusion of a substance in a tissue is very weak, in a liquid it is complete. Communication with plasma proteins is 40-60%. Benzathine benzylpenicillin passes in small volumes through the placental barrier, and also penetrates into breast milk. Biotransformation is insignificant, mainly excreted by the kidneys unchanged, up to 33% of the administered dose is excreted in 8 days.

Benzylpenicillin reaches its maximum plasma concentration when administered intramuscularly after 20-30 minutes. The half-life is 0.5-1 hour, in the presence of renal failure, this figure increases to 4-10 hours or more. Association with plasma proteins

60%. The substance penetrates into tissues, organs and biological fluids, except for the tissues of the eye, cerebrospinal fluid and prostate gland. Passes through the blood-brain barrier during inflammation of the meningeal membranes. Penetrates through the placenta and enters breast milk. The kidneys are excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

Bicillin-5 is used to treat the following infectious and inflammatory diseases / conditions provoked by pathogens sensitive to the drug:

  • rheumatism - for year-round long-term prevention of relapses;
  • syphilis;
  • yaws;
  • streptococcal infections (with the exception of infections caused by group B streptococci) - scarlet fever, acute tonsillitis, erysipelas, wound infections.


  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to any components of the drug and other beta-lactam antibiotics.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • aggravated allergic anamnesis;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney failure;
  • pseudomembranous colitis.

Instructions for use Bicillin-5: method and dosage

A suspension prepared from a powder is administered intramuscularly (IM).

  • children under 8 years: EED +ED 1 time in 3 weeks;
  • children from 8 years: eat + ED 1 time in 4 weeks;
  • adults: ED + ED 1 time in 4 weeks.

The suspension is prepared under aseptic conditions, immediately before use (ex tempore): 5–6 ml of the solvent is slowly (at a rate of 5 ml in 20–25 seconds) injected into the vial with Bicillin-5 under pressure. The contents are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. There may be bubbles near the walls of the vial on the surface of the suspension.

The finished product must be injected into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteus muscle immediately after preparation, deep intramuscularly. It is not recommended to rub the gluteal muscle after the injection. With a delay in administration after preparation, the colloidal and physical properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle may be difficult.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions: anaphylactoid reactions, fever, urticaria, angioedema, arthralgia, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme exudative, anaphylactic shock;
  • laboratory parameters: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, hypocoagulation;
  • others: glossitis, stomatitis.


There is no information on overdose.

special instructions

Intravenous, endolumbar and subcutaneous administration of the suspension, as well as injections into the body cavities, are not allowed. In case of inadvertent intravascular injection, a transient feeling of anxiety, depression and visual disturbances (Wanyer's syndrome) may occur. To avoid inadvertent intravascular administration of the drug, aspiration should be performed before intramuscular injection in order to identify a possible needle entry into the vessel.

In the treatment of syphilis, serological and microscopic studies should be carried out before starting treatment and for 4 months. Due to the development of fungal infections, it is advisable to simultaneously prescribe vitamin C and B vitamins, and if necessary, the appointment of antifungal agents for systemic use is required. It is important to consider that too early termination of therapy or the use of an insufficient dosage of Bicillin a-5 can lead to the emergence of resistant strains of pathogens.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Bicillin-5 in small quantities penetrates into the mother's milk and through the placental barrier. Its use during pregnancy is allowed only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If necessary, the appointment of the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

drug interaction

  • bactericidal antimicrobials, including vancomycin, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, rifampicin: have a synergistic effect;
  • bacteriostatic antimicrobials, including chloramphenicol, macrolides, tetracyclines, lincosamides: have an antagonistic effect;
  • indirect anticoagulants: their effectiveness increases due to the inhibition of intestinal microflora and a decrease in the prothrombin index;
  • oral contraceptives, drugs whose metabolism occurs with the formation of para-aminobenzoic acid, ethinyl estradiol: the antibiotic reduces their effectiveness, increasing the risk of breakthrough bleeding;
  • tubular secretion blockers, diuretics, allopurinol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, phenylbutazone: reduce tubular secretion, increase the concentration of benzylpenicillin in tissues and blood;
  • allopurinol: increases the risk of developing allergic reactions, such as skin rashes.


Bicillin-5 analogues are: Benzylpenicillin, Benzylpenicillin sodium salt, Benzylpenicillin sodium salt-Vial, Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.

Reviews about Bicillin-5

In positive reviews about Bicillin-5, it is most often said about its high efficiency at a relatively low cost. The antibiotic is characterized as low-toxic, noting the super-long action. Those who received Bicillin-5 injections warn that the procedure must be carried out with caution, with certain skills. Sometimes such negative effects as painful injections and the depressing effect of therapy on the intestinal microflora are noted.

The price of Bicillin-5 in pharmacies

The price of Bicillin-5 is approximately 730 rubles.

Bicillin-5 powder for application. solution for injectionED No. 1 vial.

Bicillin-5 powder 1.5 million units 10 ml

Bicillin-5 times. d / adj. susp. for i / m input. 1.2 million units + 300 thousand units No. 50

Bicillin-5 powder for application. solution for injectionED No. 50 vial.

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Dentists have appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, pulling out diseased teeth was part of the duties of an ordinary hairdresser.

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In the UK, there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to operate on a patient if he smokes or is overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then, perhaps, he will not need surgical intervention.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within a day.

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Our kidneys are able to purify three liters of blood in one minute.

Even if a person's heart does not beat, he can still live for a long period of time, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal demonstrated to us. His "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

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In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

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Omissions, quarrels, maiden name ... Female jealousy is a mystery for psychologists. Today, scientists do not fully know all the mechanisms that give rise to this strong and ra.

Instructions for use of the antibiotic Bicillin-5 in ampoules and tablets - release form and contraindications

In some clinical pictures, antibiotics are simply necessary. The antibiotic Bicillin of prolonged action is prescribed for increased activity of individual representatives of the gram-positive and gram-negative series of microbes. It has a lot of analogues, but is still in high demand in modern medicine.

Instructions for use Bicillin-5

This medical product is available in the form of an odorless white powder, intended for the preparation of a therapeutic solution. To do this, it is pre-dissolved with saline or novocaine, but strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. The introduction of an injection intravenously, endolumbally or intramuscularly is determined by the characteristics of a particular clinical picture. Detailed instructions for the use of Bicillin-5 informs how to use this drug correctly and what is the specificity of the selected antibacterial therapy.

Composition of Bicillin-5

Treatment with this antibiotic is appropriate when a pathogenic infection occurs in the body. This representative of penicillins successfully fights streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, proteus, treponema and other microbes from the list of gram-positive, gram-negative series. A stable therapeutic effect is provided by the chemical composition of Bicillin, which places particular emphasis on the activity of the two components. In the instructions for use it is:

  1. Benzathine benzylpenicillin. This synthetic compound productively destroys viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Successfully treats many infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt. The substance enhances the therapeutic effect of the first active ingredient, while it has analgesic, analgesic properties.

Indications for use

Before buying this medication, you need to consult with your doctor to exclude the risk of side effects. Indications for the use of Bicillin are described in detail in the instructions for use, additionally specified by a specialist. So, according to the instructions, stable positive dynamics is observed in the following clinical pictures:

  • syphilis;
  • systematic attacks of rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • dermatitis of one of the varieties;
  • yaws;
  • streptococcal infections;
  • acute tonsillitis, scarlet fever;
  • wound infections on the skin;
  • erysipelas.

Bicillin-5 injections can be injected after a preliminary diagnosis. The main purpose of such an examination is to choose the right treatment regimen, to eliminate the risk of developing an allergy to one of the synthetic components in the composition of the drug. In the presence of any anomalies, the appearance of allergies on the body and not only is not excluded. In this case, it is necessary to choose a more gentle, but no less effective analogue of Bicillin-5, to study the instructions for use.


Permissible doses of the drug are determined by the age characteristics of the patient:

  • For the older generation, this is 1.2 million + 300 thousand units, which corresponds to the volume of one bottle of medicine.
  • For school-age patients, this figure is 960 thousand + 240 thousand units, for children from 3 to 6 years old - 480 + 120 thousand units. Subcutaneously inject a solution of Bicillin-5, according to the instructions for use, once a month.

In order for the dosage of Bicillin-5 to be determined correctly, one vial of powder is diluted in 5 ml of the prescribed solvent. Shake - and a suspension is obtained, which is drawn into a sterile syringe. It is necessary to inject subcutaneously in the following proportions: for adults - the entire volume of liquid, for a schoolchild - 4/5 of a bottle of Bicillin-5, for preschoolers - no more than 2/5 of a bottle.

The question of how to dilute Bicillin-5 for injection is decided individually. Alternatively, it can be novocaine, procaine, sterilized water, saline, sodium chloride solution. At the same time, the doctor provides a prescription for the preparation of the medicine, determines the method of its introduction into the body and the optimal zones. With strict adherence to medical recommendations and instructions for use, Bicillin-5 helps well against all these diseases for an adult and a child.

Side effects

Before diluting the medicinal powder, it is important to familiarize yourself with the negative consequences of its presence in the complex treatment regimen. Side effects of Bicillin-5 occur after a single dose, cause CNS instability and general malaise. After the introduction of the first injection, the reaction of the body may be the most unpredictable. Here are the potential side effects from the instructions for use:

  • violation of laboratory parameters: anemia, leukopenia, hypocoagulation, thrombocytopenia;
  • on the part of the skin: anaphylactic shock, fever, urticaria;
  • others: glossitis, stomatitis.

Contraindications for use

The drug can be used for the purpose of treatment or prevention, but such clinical pictures are known in which its use is categorically contraindicated. These are relative and absolute contraindications of Bicillin-5, which somewhat limit the list of potential patients for such antibiotic treatment. It is important to know who is not allowed to take injections. Bicillin-5 contraindications are as follows:

The patient will have to reduce the daily dose in case of renal insufficiency, as well as in case of a predisposition to bronchial asthma. Control of treatment with Bicillin-5 solution is necessary during gestation, after the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis. The drug has a Latin name, but in the Russian-language instructions you can always find all the existing recommendations for use.

How to breed Bicillin-5

The powder is supposed to be dissolved in a liquid that is bought at the same time. It is better to act according to the prescription, otherwise, out of ignorance, you can only harm your health, develop chronic allergies and other complications of internal organs and systems. To dilute Bicillin-5, you need 1 bottle of powder and 5 ml of water base. This is a single dose for an adult, and for the treatment of children, according to the instructions for use, it is supposed to be reduced.

Price for Bicillin-5

Before you dilute the powder, you need to buy it. The price in pharmacies starts from 650 rubles, in online pharmacies you can find a lower cost of this medicine. However, before purchasing Bicillin-5, the instructions for use should be studied with utmost care. If we talk about Moscow and the region, here are the approximate prices for this prolonged-acting antibiotic:

213 per vial

Online health hypermarket 36.6

205 for one vial


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Bicillin-5 analogs

If the patient managed to dilute and use the drug according to the instructions for use, but the effect is zero or side effects appear, it is necessary to introduce a replacement. Bicillin-5 analogues are no less effective, while reducing the list of potential side effects. If we talk about the cost, then the representatives of the penicillin series are approximately in the same price range. Conventionally, they can be classified into two categories. It:

  1. Similarity in chemical composition: Bicillin-3, Benzicillin-3.
  2. Similarity in the mechanism of action in the body: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ampiox, Oxamp-sodium.

Video: dilution of antibiotics

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Bicillin-5: instructions for use

Bicillin-5 is a combined antimicrobial agent with a narrow spectrum of antibacterial action, which is a representative of the penicillin group. The group is known for its natural origin, as it is produced by certain types of molds from the genus Penicillinum. Benzylpenicillin is one of the most persistent representatives of natural penicillins.

Benzylpenicillin has an antibacterial effect against:

  • gram-positive microorganisms, such as staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, diphtheria corynebacteria, listeria, clostridia, anaerobic bacilli of the genus Bacillus that form spores;
  • gram-negative bacteria: gonococci, meningococci, actinomycetes, spirochetes.

The antibiotic has no antibacterial activity and is not used to treat diseases caused by:

  • viruses;
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • protozoa;
  • rickettsia;
  • mushrooms;
  • other gram-negative microorganisms;
  • penicillinase producing strains.

The mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of a specific enzyme that takes part in the formation of the main structural component of the cell wall. As a result, the strength of the cell wall is broken, and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed.

The disadvantages of benzylpenicillin are:

  • instability to penicillinases;
  • slight digestion in the stomach;
  • low efficiency against many gram-negative pathogens.

In medicine, for the treatment of infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to penicillin, highly soluble salts of benzylpenicillin are used: potassium and sodium. However, due to the short period of their action and rapid excretion, prolonged forms are also used in the form of poorly soluble salts. These are benzathine benzylpenicillin and benzylpenicillin novocaine salt.

Bicillin-5 is a combination of 2 poorly soluble salts. Due to poor dissolution at the injection site, a depot is created, which makes it possible to reduce the frequency of injections and maintain the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood at the desired level.

The main condition for the appointment of Bicillins is the need to maintain effective concentrations of the antibiotic in the blood for a long period. They are prescribed for syphilis and other infections caused by treponema, streptococcal infections such as inflammation of the tonsils, scarlet fever, infected wounds, erysipelas, rheumatism, leishmaniasis.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Bicillin-5 is a powder for the preparation of a sterile solution, which is used for intramuscular injection. The powder is white in color and has a bitter taste. The drug is produced in vials of 10 ml. Producer: Sintez JSC (Russia).

The composition of 1 vial for the preparation of an intramuscular injection solution includes:

  • benzathine benzylpenicillin 1200 thousand units and benzylpenicillin novocaine salt 300 thousand units.

The medicine belongs to the antibiotics of the penicillin series, is produced naturally, and is dispensed exclusively by prescription.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Bicillin-5 are infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to penicillin, especially when long-term treatment is prescribed:

  • scarlet fever;
  • erysipelas;
  • syphilis primary, secondary, of unknown origin;
  • yaws (tropical syphilis);
  • rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid diseases;
  • tonsillitis, lacunar tonsillitis, catarrhal tonsillitis;
  • wound infection: infected wounds, burns, purulent wounds, wound botulism.


  • hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug or excipients, as well as other penicillins;
  • history of hypersensitivity to other drugs.

Persons suffering from bronchial asthma, the medication is prescribed with caution.

Mode of application

For adults and children from 8 years old, the medicine is administered 1 time in 4 weeks, for children under 8 years old - 1 time in 3 weeks:

  • for adults - 1.5 million units;
  • children over 8 years old - 1.2 - 1.5 million units;
  • children under 8 years old - 600 thousand units.

The contents are diluted under aseptic conditions right before administration. To obtain a solution, use water for injection, sodium chloride solution or novocaine. The resulting solution is vigorously shaken until a homogeneous structure is formed and injected intramuscularly.

Side effects

  • various anemias, a decrease in the number of platelets or leukocytes in the blood, a decrease in blood clotting;
  • skin rashes, rashes on mucous membranes, increased amounts of eosinophils in the blood, dermatitis, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis;
  • headache, joint pain, fever;
  • inflammation of the tongue or oral mucosa;
  • With prolonged treatment, the development of superinfection or fungal infection is possible.

Special instructions and drug interactions

  • the drug should not be administered intravenously;
  • the presence of blood in the syringe during injection indicates that it has entered the vessel, and therefore it is necessary to change the injection site;
  • after the injection, do not rub the injection site, just press down and hold;
  • when allergic signs appear, the use of the drug is stopped;
  • with the development of anaphylaxis, urgent measures are taken: norepinephrine, glucocorticosteroid drugs are administered, the lungs are artificially ventilated;
  • it is necessary to conduct microbiological serological tests before starting treatment and for 4 months after it if syphilis is suspected;
  • to prevent the development of fungal infection, it is recommended to take vitamin C and group B, sometimes nystatin or levorin are indicated;
  • the use of insufficient doses or the termination of therapy before the recommended course leads to the formation of resistant strains of microorganisms;
  • antibiotics with a bactericidal effect enhance the action of Bicillin-5, and those with a bacteriostatic effect reduce it;
  • when using the drug, the effectiveness of tableted contraceptives decreases;
  • diuretics, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the excretion of the antibiotic, resulting in an increase in its concentration in the blood.


Preparations similar to Bicillin-5 are represented by various domestically produced benzylpenicillin salts. Other drugs based on penicillins are semi-synthetic analogues that are resistant to the action of penicillinase and have a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. These are drugs based on ampicillin, amoxicillin, carbenicillin and others, available in the form of tablets, capsules and parenteral forms.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of the antibiotic is 3 years. The storage place must be dry and out of the reach of children, the temperature must not exceed 15 degrees. Use after the expiration date is prohibited.

Bicillin-5 price

Bicillin-5 powder for the preparation of an injection solutionED + 300000ED - from 12 rubles.

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In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Bicillin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of the antibiotic Bicillin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Bicillin analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of syphilis, scarlet fever, erysipelas and other infections in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Bicillin- an antibiotic of the group of biosynthetic penicillins. The mechanism of antimicrobial action is based on a violation of the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a mucopeptide of the cell membrane, which leads to inhibition of the synthesis of the cell wall of the microorganism, suppression of the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Active against gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative cocci, Actinomyces spp., Spirochaetaceae.

Inactive against strains of Staphylococcus spp. (staphylococcus), producing penicillinase.

Has a prolonged effect.

Bicillin 3

Combined antibacterial drug of the penicillin group of prolonged action, destroyed by penicillinase. The mechanism of action is based on a violation of the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a mucopeptide of the cell membrane, which leads to inhibition of the synthesis of the cell wall of the microorganism, suppression of the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Active against gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp. (not producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp. (streptococcus) (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis; Gram-negative bacteria: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Actinomyces israelii.

The drug is also active against Treponema spp., anaerobic spore-forming rods, leishmania.

Penicillinase-producing Staphylococcus spp. are resistant to the drug.

Bicillin 5

Combined bactericidal antibiotic, consisting of two long-acting benzylpenicillin salts.


Benzathine benzylpenicillin + excipients (Bicillin 1).

Benzathine benzylpenicillin + Benzylpenicillin sodium salt + Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt + excipients (Bicillin 3).

Benzathine benzylpenicillin + Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt (benzylpenicillin procaine) + excipients (Bicillin 5).


Bicillin 1

When administered intramuscularly, it is slowly absorbed from the injection site, providing a prolonged action. Poorly penetrates the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Metabolized by hydrolysis to benzylpenicillin. Due to prolonged absorption, benzylpenicillin is found in the urine for 12 weeks after a single dose.

Bicillin 3

With a single injection, it remains at an average therapeutic concentration for 6-7 days. After intramuscular injection, it is slowly hydrolyzed with the release of benzylpenicillin. To a small extent undergoes biotransformation. Binding to plasma proteins - 40-60%. Passes through the placental barrier, penetrates into breast milk. It is well distributed in liquids, while the distribution in tissues is low. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Bicillin 5

It is a drug of prolonged action, a high concentration of antibiotic in the blood lasts up to 4 weeks. After intramuscular injection of benzathine, benzylpenicillin is hydrolyzed very slowly, releasing benzylpenicillin. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood serum is reached 12-24 hours after the injection. The diffusion of the drug in the liquid is complete, the diffusion in the tissue is very weak. Communication with plasma proteins 40-60%. Benzathine benzylpenicillin passes in small amounts through the placental barrier, and also penetrates into the mother's breast milk. Biotransformation of the drug is insignificant. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys unchanged.


  • treatment of infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to penicillin (especially in cases where it is necessary to create a long-term therapeutic concentration in the blood);
  • syphilis;
  • yaws;
  • pint;
  • streptococcal infections (acute tonsillitis, scarlet fever, wound infections, erysipelas), with the exception of infections caused by group B streptococci;
  • long-term (year-round) prevention of recurrence of rheumatism;
  • leishmaniasis.

Release forms

Powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular injection 600,000 IU, 1,200,000 IU, 2,400,000 IU (Bicillin 1) (injections in ampoules for injection).

Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection 600,000 IU, 1,200,000 IU (Bicillin 3).

Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection 1,200,000 IU (Bicillin 5).

There are no other dosage forms, whether tablets or capsules.

Instructions for use and dosage

Ampoules Bicillin 1

Enter intramuscularly. For the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in adults - 300,000 IU and 600,000 IU once a week or 1.2 million IU 2 times a month. In the treatment of rheumatism in adults, the dose is increased to 2.4 million units 2 times a month. For the prevention of recurrence of rheumatism - 600,000 IU once a week for 6 weeks in combination with acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Treatment of syphilis is carried out according to special instructions. The average dose is 2.4 million units 2-3 times at intervals of 8 days.

Bicillin 3 ampoules

Bicillin 3 is injected deep into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock at a dose of not more than 1.2 million units. If necessary, 2 injections are made in different buttocks. Repeated injections are carried out on the 4th day after the previous injection. The drug at a dose of 600,000 IU is administered 1 time in 6 days.

In the treatment of primary and secondary syphilis, a single dose of the drug is 1.8 million units. The course of treatment - 7 injections. The first injection is carried out at a dose of 300,000 units, the second injection - after 1 day at a full dose (1.8 million units). Subsequent injections are carried out 2 times a week.

In the treatment of secondary recurrent and latent early syphilis, a dose of 300,000 units is used for the first injection, and 1.8 million units for subsequent injections. Injections are carried out 2 times a week. The course of treatment - 14 injections.

It is forbidden to / in the introduction of the drug.

Rules for the preparation, dilution and administration of Bicillin 3 solution

Bicillin 3 suspension is prepared immediately before use. 2-3 ml of sterile water for injection or isotonic sodium chloride solution is injected into the vial with the drug. The mixture in the vial is shaken for 30 seconds (in the direction of the longitudinal axis) until a homogeneous suspension (or suspension) is formed, which is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. Rubbing the buttocks after the injection is not recommended.

Bicillin ampoules 5


Adults: 1.2 million IU + 300 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.

Children of preschool age - 480 thousand IU + 120 thousand IU 1 time in 3 weeks, children over 8 years old - 960 thousand IU + 240 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.

Rules for the preparation, dilution and administration of Bicillin 5 solution

To prepare the suspension, sterile water for injection, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.25-0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine) is used.

Suspension Bicillin 5 is prepared aseptically, immediately before use (ex tempore): 5-6 ml of the solvent is slowly injected into the vial with the drug under pressure (at a rate of 5 ml in 20-25 seconds). The contents of the vial are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The presence of bubbles on the surface of the suspension near the walls of the vial is allowed. Suspension Bicillin 5 immediately after preparation is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle. Rubbing the gluteal muscle after injection is not recommended. With a delay in administration immediately after preparation, the physical and colloidal properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle may be difficult.

Side effect

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • anaphylactoid reactions;
  • hives;
  • fever;
  • arthralgia;
  • angioedema;
  • multiform exudative erythema;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;
  • superinfection;
  • mycoses.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug, benzylpenicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • lactation period;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • other allergic diseases.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use in children

It is possible to use an antibiotic in children according to indications in age dosages.

special instructions

With the development of allergic reactions, treatment should be stopped immediately.

With the development of anaphylactic shock, anti-shock therapy is indicated (administration of norepinephrine, glucocorticosteroids (GCS), mechanical ventilation is performed).

Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function, pseudomembranous colitis, in case of a predisposition to allergic reactions (especially with drug allergies), with hypersensitivity to cephalosporins (due to the possibility of developing cross-allergy).

In case of accidental intravascular injection, a transient feeling of depression, anxiety and visual disturbances (Wanier's syndrome) may occur. In order to avoid accidental intravascular injection of the drug, it is recommended to aspirate before intramuscular injection in order to identify a possible needle entry into the vessel.

It should be borne in mind that the use of the drug in insufficient doses or early termination of treatment leads to the emergence of resistant strains of pathogens.

drug interaction

With simultaneous use with NSAIDs (in particular, with indomethacin, phenylbutazone and salicylates), one should keep in mind the possibility of developing competitive inhibition of the excretion of drugs from the body.

With simultaneous use with bactericidal antibiotics (including cephalosporins, cycloserine, vancomycin, rifampicin, aminoglycosides), a synergism of action is noted; with bacteriostatic antibiotics (including macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamides, tetracyclines) - antagonism.

Bicillin reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and ethinyl estradiol (risk of breakthrough bleeding).

With the simultaneous use of Bicillin with allopurinol, the risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

Pharmacokinetic interaction

With the simultaneous use of diuretics, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, NSAIDs reduce tubular secretion and increase the concentration of penicillin.

Analogues of the drug Bicillin

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Benzathine benzylpenicillin sterile;
  • Benzathine benzylpenicillin sterile;
  • Bicillin 1;
  • Bicillin 3;
  • Bicillin 5;
  • Retarpen;
  • Extencillin.

Analogues by pharmacological group (penicillins):

  • Amovicomb;
  • Amoxivan;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid;
  • Amoxicillin trihydrate;
  • Ampiox;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Ampicillin trihydrate;
  • Arlet;
  • Augmentin;
  • Bactoclav;
  • Betaclav;
  • Vepicombin;
  • Verclave;
  • Gonoform;
  • Grunamox;
  • Danemox;
  • Zetsil;
  • Klamosar;
  • Cliacil;
  • Cloxacillin;
  • Libaccyl;
  • Maripen;
  • Medoklav;
  • Oksamp;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Ospamox;
  • smallpox;
  • Panklav;
  • Penodil;
  • Pentrexil;
  • Piperacillin + Tazobactam;
  • Piprax;
  • Pipracil;
  • Picillin;
  • Prostaflin;
  • Puricillin;
  • ranclave;
  • Rapiclav;
  • Santaz;
  • Standacillin;
  • Sultasin;
  • Tazocin;
  • Tazrobida;
  • Taromentin;
  • Timentin;
  • Unazine;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin;
  • Fibell;
  • Flemoklav Solutab;
  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Flucloxacillin;
  • Foraklav;
  • Helicocin;
  • Helitrix;
  • Hyconcil;
  • Ecoball;
  • Ecoclave.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases from which the corresponding drug helps and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

The antibacterial drug Bicillin is a representative of the group of natural antibiotics penicillins.

Bicillin is active against many gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms, but most gram-negative bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycobacteria, and protozoa are resistant to the action of this drug. Its activity is provided by benzylpenicillin (or simply - penicillin) - a natural antibiotic obtained from one mold fungus.

Bicillin is a long-acting form of benzylpenicillin. The drug inhibits the synthesis of the cell membrane and wall of microorganisms, which prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria. With intramuscular injection, a depot of the drug is formed in muscle tissue.

Bicillin 600 thousand photos

Release form

Bitsillin-1 and Bitsillin-2 are produced in bottles of 300; 600 thousand and 1 million units;
Bicillin-3 - 300 each; 600; 900 thousand and 1.2 million units;
Bicillin-5 - 1.5 million units each.

A small part of the drug is transformed, excretion is carried out mainly by the kidneys. Bicillin has the ability to penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier.

Bicillin is used not only in ENT practice. This antibiotic treats wound infections, erysipelas, and some sexually transmitted diseases. This drug occupies a special place in the treatment and prevention of rheumatism that has arisen as a result of scarlet fever, tonsillitis, and also after receiving a chronic infection of the tonsils.

Indications for use Bicillin

  • Syphilis and other diseases caused by pale treponemas (yaws),
  • Streptococcal infections (excluding infections caused by group B streptococci) - acute tonsillitis, scarlet fever, wound infections, erysipelas;
  • Rheumatism (prevention),
  • Prevention of postoperative complications.

Instructions for use Bicillin, dosage

Bitsillin injections

The use of Bicillin is possible only by intramuscular injection to a considerable depth. The solution is prepared immediately before use. According to the instructions, Bicillin can be diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution, sterile water or 0.25-0.5% procaine solution.

  • Children of preschool age - 480 thousand units + 120 thousand units 1 time in 3 weeks. Children over 8 years old - 960 thousand IU + 240 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.

The specific dosage, frequency of injections and duration of use depend on the type of disease and the severity of its course. Bitsillin 1 and Bitsillin 3 are prescribed for adults in a single dose from 300 thousand units to 2.4 ml. U, children - at the rate of 5-10 thousand U for each kilogram of weight. Bicillin is prescribed for 5 adults at a dose of 1.5 million IU once every 4 weeks, for children over 8 years old - 1.2 million IU once a month, for children under 8 years old - 600 thousand IU once every three weeks.

Bicillinoprophylaxis of rheumatism as a complication after a sore throat is carried out by six times the administration of an antibiotic - 600 thousand units once a week. In parallel with the appointment of Bicillin injections, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to patients, for example, acetylsalicylic acid.

Application features

When treating with Bicillin, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, as this can significantly reduce or enhance the therapeutic effect.

Before starting treatment with this antibiotic, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the causative agent of the disease to this drug.

In connection with the possible development of fungal infections, it is advisable to prescribe antifungal drugs (nystatin, levorin), as well as ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

The drug is injected into the upper right side of the buttock. It is better to turn, of course, to professionals, so that later you don’t get rid of problems due to incorrect injections (how to make an injection yourself).

It is impossible to administer the drug intravenously, as Wanyer's syndrome may develop, which is expressed by depression, anxiety, paresthesia, visual impairment, etc. In case of sexually transmitted diseases, microscopic and serological studies should be done within four months.

Side effects and contraindications Bicillin

Side effects of Bicillin

  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • inflammation of the tongue (glossitis);
  • bronchospasm;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • noise in ears;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • feverish conditions;
  • skin rashes;
  • leukopenia;
  • dermatitis;
  • arthralgia;
  • superinfection;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • nausea;
  • stomatitis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of the myocardium;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • chills;
  • eosinophilia;
  • swelling;
  • hives;
  • anaphylactic shock.


Bitsillin overdose symptoms: various disorders, superinfection, severe mycosis. Various hypersensitivity reactions.

Specific antidote: No data available.

Patients who have had reactions unusual for the drug should be under constant medical supervision until the side effects completely disappear. In severe cases, appropriate therapy is prescribed (atropine 0.1% 0.5-0.6 ml, epinephrine 0.1% 1 ml, ephedrine 5% 1 ml, caffeine sodium benzoate 10%, ammonia).


Hypersensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems), novocaine;

Bronchial asthma, urticaria, hay fever and severe allergic reactions.

Bitsillin 3 and Bitsillin 5 are contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to novocaine.

There are no data on the use of Bicillin during lactation and during pregnancy. Given that the active ingredients of the drug are able to penetrate the fetus through the placenta and are excreted in breast milk, then only the attending physician can prescribe the medication.

Bicillin analogs, list

The main analogues are represented by drugs:

  1. benzathine benzylpenicillin,
  2. benzicillin,
  3. Moldamine,
  4. Retarpen,
  5. standacillin,
  6. Sultasin,
  7. tazocin,
  8. Tazrobida,
  9. Taromentin,
  10. Extencillin.

Important - instructions for use Bicillin, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide for the use of drugs of similar composition or action. All therapeutic appointments must be made by a doctor. When replacing Bicillin with an analogue, it is important to get expert advice, it may be necessary to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc.

Do not self-medicate!

Bicillin is a natural antibiotic of the penicillin series.

This drug is active against gram-negative microbes that can cause meningitis or gonorrhea, as well as against gram-positive staphylococci, streptococci, diphtheria microbes and anaerobic spore-forming bacteria.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Bitsillin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Bicillin can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Clinical and pharmacological group: an antibiotic of the penicillin group, which is destroyed by penicillinase. The antibiotic Bicillin is produced in the form of a powder for injection:

  • Bicillin-1 is a white powder, odorless or almost odorless, which forms a stable suspension when water is added.
  • Bicillin-3 is a white or white with a slightly yellowish tinge powder, which forms a stable suspension when water is added.
  • Bicillin-5 is an odorless white powder with a bitter taste, which, when water, saline or 0.25–0.5% novocaine solution is added, forms a homogeneous suspension of milky turbidity. With prolonged contact with water or other solutions, the physical and colloidal properties of the drug change (the suspension becomes uneven and difficult to pass through the syringe needle).

Bicillin 1 is absorbed into the blood after administration for a long time: it begins to act within three to six hours after administration, and the maximum concentration of Bicillin 1 in the blood is reached within 12-24 hours. Bicillin 3 is also characterized by slow hydrolysis. After one application of Bicillin 3, the therapeutic concentration in the blood is maintained for six to seven days.

The fastest acting is Bicillin 5. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed immediately after administration and persists for 28 days. A small amount of Bicillin 5 is transformed and excreted by the kidneys. Bicillin 5 can pass into breast milk and through the placenta.

What is Bicillin used for?

Indications for the use of Bicillin 3 and 5 are infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to penicillin, especially when long-term treatment is prescribed:

  • scarlet fever;
  • erysipelas;
  • syphilis primary, secondary, of unknown origin;
  • yaws (tropical syphilis);
  • rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid diseases;
  • tonsillitis, lacunar tonsillitis, catarrhal tonsillitis;
  • wound infection: infected wounds, burns, purulent wounds, wound botulism.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Bicillin is used only through intramuscular injection to a sufficient depth. The powder is diluted before direct use.

Instructions for use Bicillin-5:

  • Bicillin-5, instructions for use recommends administering at a dose of 1.5 million units once a month - for adult patients, 600 thousand units every 3 weeks - for children under 8 years old, 1.2–1.5 million units 1 once a month - for children from 8 years.
    The Bicillin-5 suspension is prepared aseptically, immediately before use: 5-6 ml of the solvent is slowly (at a rate of 5 ml in 20-25 seconds) injected into the vial with the drug under pressure. The contents of the vial are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The presence of bubbles on the surface of the suspension near the walls of the vial is allowed.
  • Bicillin-5 suspension immediately after preparation is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle. Rubbing the gluteal muscle after injection is not recommended. With a delay in administration immediately after preparation, the physical and colloidal properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle can be difficult.

Instructions for use Bicillin-3:

  • Bicillin-3 instructions for use recommends administering at a dosage of 300,000 IU, if necessary, into different buttocks. You need to repeat the injections after 3 days, as a result, you can enter 6 days before 600,000 IU. Therapy for primary or secondary syphilis involves the introduction of a single dose of 1.8 million units. In total, 7 injections are made according to a certain scheme: the first and second, 300,000 IU each, with an interval of a day, then 2 times a week. Other diseases, according to indications, also involve the use of certain dosages, regimens and duration of treatment.
  • Bicillin-3 suspension is prepared immediately before use. 2-3 ml of sterile water for injection or isotonic sodium chloride solution is injected into the vial with the drug. The mixture in the vial is shaken for 30 seconds (in the direction of the longitudinal axis) until a homogeneous suspension (or suspension) is formed, which is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. Rubbing the buttocks after the injection is not recommended.


The use of Bicillin is prohibited for patients with hypersensitivity to penicillins. Patients with hypersensitivity to novocaine are not prescribed Bicillin 3 and Bicillin 5.

Caution is necessary when using the drug in patients suffering from:

  • hives;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever.

Side effects

In general, Bicillin is normally tolerated and can rarely cause any undesirable effects. However, the use of such a medical product as Bicillin can provoke additional side effects, namely:

  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • eosinophilia;
  • swelling;
  • hives;
  • dizziness;
  • inflammation of the tongue (glossitis);
  • bronchospasm;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • noise in ears;
  • leukopenia;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • dermatitis;
  • arthralgia;
  • superinfection;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • nausea;
  • stomatitis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • feverish conditions;
  • angioedema angioedema;
  • skin rashes;
  • dysfunction of the myocardium;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • chills;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Pregnancy and lactation

Bicillin in small quantities penetrates the placental barrier and into the mother's milk. Use during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
It is recommended to stop breastfeeding if necessary, the appointment of the drug.


The main analogues are represented by drugs: Benzathine benzylpenicillin, Benzicillin, Moldamine, Retarpen and Extencillin.


The average price of BICILLIN-5 in pharmacies (Moscow) is 665 rubles. BICILLIN-3 costs around 470 rubles.

Terms and conditions of storage

List B. In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription.

Before buying an antibiotic Bicillin 5, you must carefully read the instructions for use, methods of use and dosage, as well as other useful information on the drug Bicillin 5. On the website "Encyclopedia of Diseases" you will find all the necessary information: instructions for proper use, recommended dosage, contraindications, and also reviews of patients who have already used this drug.

Bicillin 5 - Composition, release form, packaging

Powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration is white or white with a slightly yellowish tinge, prone to clumping, forming a stable suspension when water is added.

benzathine benzylpenicillin: 1.2 million units

benzylpenicillin novocaine salt (benzylpenicillin procaine): 300 thousand units

Vials of 10 ml (1) - packs of cardboard.

Vials of 10 ml (5) - packs of cardboard.

Vials of 10 ml (10) - packs of cardboard.

Vials of 10 ml (50) - cardboard boxes (for hospitals).

Bicillin 5- it is a white powder, odorless, bitter taste, forming a homogeneous suspension of milky turbidity when adding water, saline or 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution. With prolonged contact with water or other solutions, the physical and colloidal properties of the drug change (the suspension becomes uneven and difficult to pass through the syringe needle).

Bicillin 5 - Pharmacological action

Bicillin 5 is an antibiotic of the penicillin group, which is destroyed by penicillinase.

Pharmacological action - antibacterial, bactericidal.

Inhibits the synthesis of peptidoglycan of the cell wall of microorganisms.


Active against gram-positive microorganisms, incl. Staphylococcus spp. (with the exception of penicillinase-producing strains), Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Corynebacterium diphtheriae, anaerobic spore-forming bacilli Bacillus anthracis, some gram-negative microorganisms (including Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis), Actinomyces israelii, as well as Treponema spp.

It is not effective against viruses (causative agents of influenza, poliomyelitis, smallpox, etc.), mycobacterium tuberculosis, protozoa, rickettsiae, fungi, and most gram-negative microorganisms.


With the / m administration of Bicillin 5, high concentrations in the blood are created already in the first hours after the injection. After the introduction of 1.2-1.5 million IU in most patients (adults and children), the therapeutic plasma concentration (0.3 U / ml) is maintained for 28 days or more.

Bicillin 5 - Indications for use

Indications for the use of Bicillin 5 are infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to penicillin, especially when long-term treatment is prescribed:

Scarlet fever;

Syphilis primary, secondary, of unknown origin;

Yaws (tropical syphilis);

Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid diseases;

Tonsillitis, lacunar tonsillitis, catarrhal tonsillitis;

Erysipelatous lesion;

Wound infection: infected wounds, burns, purulent wounds, wound botulism.

Bicillin 5 - Dosage


Adults: 1.2 million IU + 300 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.

Children of preschool age - 480 thousand IU + 120 thousand IU 1 time in 3 weeks, children over 8 years old - 960 thousand IU + 240 thousand IU 1 time in 4 weeks.

To prepare the suspension, sterile water for injection, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.25-0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine) is used.

Suspension Bicillin 5 is prepared aseptically, immediately before use (ex tempore): 5-6 ml of the solvent is slowly (at a rate of 5 ml in 20-25 seconds) injected into the vial with the drug under pressure. The contents of the vial are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The presence of bubbles on the surface of the suspension near the walls of the vial is allowed. Suspension Bicillin 5 immediately after preparation is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle. Rubbing the gluteal muscle after injection is not recommended. With a delay in administration immediately after preparation, the physical and colloidal properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle may be difficult.

Bicillin 5 - Contraindications and side effects


Hypersensitivity, (including to other penicillins and drug components). With caution - bronchial asthma, hay fever, urticaria and other allergic diseases; hypersensitivity to various drugs, incl. to antibiotics and sulfonamides (in history).

Side effects

From the side of the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, hypocoagulation.

Allergic reactions: rash on the skin and mucous membranes, urticaria, eosinophilia, joint pain, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

Other: headache, fever, arthralgia, stomatitis, glossitis, soreness at the injection site; with long-term therapy - superinfection caused by drug-resistant microorganisms and fungi.

Bicillin 5 - Precautions

If blood appears in the syringe during an IM injection (indicates that the needle has entered a blood vessel), the syringe should be removed and the injection should be made in another place. At the end of the injection, the injection site is pressed down with a cotton swab, which prevents the drug from entering the subcutaneous tissue from the muscle tissue (rubbing the buttocks after the injection is not recommended).

With the development of an allergic reaction, treatment is immediately stopped. When the first signs of anaphylactic shock appear, urgent measures must be taken to bring the patient out of this state: the introduction of norepinephrine, glucocorticoids, etc., if necessary, mechanical ventilation.

In the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, if syphilis is suspected, before starting therapy and then for 4 months. microscopic and serological examinations are necessary.

In connection with the possibility of developing fungal infections, it is advisable to prescribe vitamins of group B and vitamin C, and if necessary, nystatin and levorin. It should be borne in mind that the use of the drug in insufficient doses or too early termination of treatment often leads to the emergence of resistant strains of pathogens.

It is impossible to allow intravenous administration of the drug (the development of Wanyer's syndrome is possible - the development of a feeling of depression, anxiety and visual impairment).

Bicillin 5 in small quantities penetrates the placental barrier and into mother's milk. Use during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Bicillin 5 - Drug Interactions

Bactericidal antibiotics (including cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin, aminoglycosides) have a synergistic effect; bacteriostatic (including macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamides, tetracyclines) - antagonistic.

Bicillin 5 increases the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants (suppressing the intestinal microflora, reduces the prothrombin index); reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, drugs, in the process of metabolism of which para-aminobenzoic acid is formed, ethinyl estradiol - the risk of bleeding "breakthrough".

Diuretics, allopurinol, blockers of tubular secretion, phenylbutazone, NSAIDs, reducing tubular secretion, increase the concentration of benzylpenicillin in the blood and tissues.

Allopurinol increases the risk of developing allergic reactions (skin rash).

Bicillin 5 - Analogues

There are no direct analogues for this drug. You can list several antibiotics that belong to the same group - "penicillins in combinations." For example, this:



Bicillin 3;


It is important to understand that these are not direct analogues of Bicillin 5 and for the most part they are not cheaper than this drug. Only Oxamp sodium is sold at the same price (for 500 g of injection powder).

In general, it is difficult to expect that any medicine can cost less than such an economical drug. But here the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms is more important. After all, treatment with the cheapest or most expensive antibiotic can be not only useless, but also cause additional harm to the patient.

Bicillin 5 - Reviews

This drug is often prescribed to patients (including children) who often suffer from angina, as a prevention of complications in other organs and systems (heart, joints, and so on). Usually make several injections in the fall and spring.

It helped with angina, it became problematic to go to the toilet and gained weight, some minor deviations appeared on the ECG when inhaling (I think that angina affected).

Here can same our medicine when wants! Magnificent Russian drug!!! And it does not kill the patient because it is prolonged!! Don't take it too often! He treated them with rheumatism, there have been no repeated attacks since then !!

From early childhood, my daughter has chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis after tonsillitis, bumps began to appear in her throat. Constantly at the ENT and she, in the end, said to give this injection for a preventive purpose - from complications that could go to the heart and joints. At first we refused, but after reading the annotation, we decided - it’s still possible for children, so the drug is not so terrible. Now we prick every six months and live without tonsillitis at all!

At first she refused this drug for her son, the antibiotic was still a painful injection itself, but when during the winter we got to the hospital 4 times with severe tonsillitis, there were no options left, serious problems with the heart and joints could arise, and bicillin 5 eliminates complications. The injection was easily tolerated, there was no more sore throat, a year has already passed, the state of health and tests are normal, there are no deviations in development, pah-pah-pah.

Patients should take a more responsible approach to such reviews. Many of the “antibiotic axioms” that the public believes in turn out to be mere myths or misunderstood theses. If you really want to understand how much Bicillin 5 injections are necessary for you or your child, you should discuss this issue in detail with your doctor. In discussions on the forums, you will only get the personal opinions of people who are usually completely incompetent in these complex matters.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store Bicillin 5 at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Bicillin 5 - 3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

We want to pay special attention to the fact that the description of the antibiotic Bicillin 5 is presented for informational purposes only! For more accurate and detailed information about the drug Bicillin 5, please refer exclusively to the manufacturer's annotation! In no case do not self-medicate! You should definitely consult a doctor before using the drug!

Registration number: LS-000082-300909

Trade name of the drug: Bicillin ® -5

International nonproprietary name (INN) or grouping name: benzathine benzylpenicillin + benzylpenicillin procaine

Dosage form: powder for suspension for intramuscular injection

Benzathine benzylpenicillin - 1200000 IU, benzylpenicillin novocaine salt (benzylpenicillin procaine) - 300000 IU.

White or white with a slightly yellowish tint powder, prone to clumping, forming a stable suspension when water is added.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antibiotic penicillin biosynthetic
ATX code:

Pharmacological properties
Combined bactericidal antibiotic, consisting of two long-acting benzylpenicillin salts. Suppresses the synthesis of the cell wall of the microorganism. Active against gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (non-forming penicillinase), Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Corynebacterium diphtheriae, anaerobic spore-forming rods, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp., Actinomyces israelii; Gram-negative microorganisms: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Treponema spp.
Strains of Staphylococcus spp. producing penicillinase are resistant to the action of the drug.

Bicillin ® -5 is a drug of prolonged action, a high concentration of antibiotic in the blood lasts up to 4 weeks.
Benzoin benzylpenicillin.
After intramuscular injection of benzathine, benzylpenicillin is hydrolyzed very slowly, releasing benzylpenicillin. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood serum is reached 12-24 hours after the injection.
A long half-life ensures a stable and long-term concentration of the drug in the blood: on day 14 after the administration of 2,400,000 IU of the drug, the serum concentration is 0.12 μg / ml; on the 21st day after the administration of 1200000 IU of the drug - 0.06 μg / ml (1 ME = 0.6 μg). The diffusion of the drug in the liquid is complete, the diffusion in the tissue is very weak. Communication with plasma proteins 40-60%. Benzathine benzylpenicillin passes in small amounts through the placental barrier, and also penetrates into the mother's breast milk. Biotransformation of the drug is insignificant. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys unchanged. For 8 days, up to 33% of the administered dose is released.
The maximum concentration in blood plasma when administered intramuscularly is reached after 20-30 minutes. The half-life of the drug is 3060 minutes, with renal failure 4-10 hours or more. Communication with plasma proteins -60%. Penetrates into organs, tissues and biological fluids, except for cerebrospinal fluid, eye tissues and prostate gland. With inflammation of the meningeal membranes, it penetrates the blood-brain barrier. Passes through the placenta and passes into breast milk. Excreted by the kidneys unchanged.

Indications for use
Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive pathogens: long-term (year-round) prevention of recurrence of rheumatism; syphilis, yaws; streptococcal infections (excluding infections caused by group B streptococci) - acute tonsillitis, scarlet fever, wound infections, erysipelas.

Hypersensitivity to the drug, benzylpenicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics. lactation period.

Carefully: pregnancy, renal failure, aggravated allergic history, bronchial asthma, pseudomembranous colitis.

Pregnancy and lactation
Bicillin ® -5 in small quantities penetrates the placental barrier and into mother's milk. Use during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
It is recommended to stop breastfeeding if necessary, the appointment of the drug.

Dosage and administration
Adults - 1200000 IU + 300000 IU 1 time in 4 weeks.
Preschool children - 480,000 IU + 120,000 IU 1 time in 3 weeks, children over 8 years old - 960,000 IU + 240,000 IU 1 time in 4 weeks.
To prepare the suspension, sterile water for injection, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.25-0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine) is used.
Suspension Bicillin ® -5 is prepared aseptically, immediately before use (ex tempore): 5-6 ml of the solvent is slowly (at a rate of 5 ml in 20-25 seconds) injected into the vial with the drug under pressure. The contents of the vial are mixed and shaken along the longitudinal axis of the vial until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The presence of bubbles on the surface of the suspension near the walls of the vial is allowed. Suspension Bicillin ® -5 immediately after preparation is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle.
Rubbing the gluteal muscle after injection is not recommended. With a delay in administration immediately after preparation, the physical and colloidal properties of the suspension change, as a result of which its movement through the syringe needle may be difficult.

Side effect
allergic reactions: anaphylactic shock, anaphylactoid reactions, urticaria, fever, arthralgia, angioedema, erythema multiforme exudative, exfoliative dermatitis.
Laboratory indicators: anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, hypocoagulation.
Other: stomatitis, glossitis.

Interaction with other drugs
Bactericidal antibiotics (including cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin, aminoglycosides) have a synergistic effect; bacteriostatic (including macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamides, tetracyclines) - antagonistic. Increases the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants (suppressing the intestinal microflora, reduces the prothrombin index); reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, drugs, in the process of metabolism of which para-aminobenzoic acid is formed, ethinyl estradiol - the risk of developing breakthrough bleeding. Diuretics, allopurinol, tubular secretion blockers, phenylbutazone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, reducing tubular secretion, increase the concentration of benzylpenicillin in the blood and tissues. Allopurinol increases the risk of developing allergic reactions (skin rash).

special instructions
Do not administer subcutaneously, intravenously, endolumbally, or into body cavities. In case of accidental intravascular injection, a transient feeling of depression, anxiety and visual disturbances (Wanier's syndrome) may occur. In order to avoid accidental intravascular injection of the drug, it is recommended to aspirate before intramuscular injection in order to identify a possible needle entry into the vessel.
In the treatment of syphilis, microscopic and serological studies are necessary before starting therapy and then within 4 months. In connection with the development of fungal infections, it is advisable to simultaneously prescribe B vitamins and vitamin C, and, if necessary, antifungal drugs for systemic use. It must be borne in mind that the use of insufficient doses or too early termination of treatment often leads to the emergence of resistant strains of pathogens.

Release form
Powder for suspension preparation for intramuscular injection 1200000ED + 300000ED.
1200000 IU + 300000 IU in 10 ml vials.
1, 5 or 10 bottles with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box. 50 bottles with 5 instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box for delivery to hospitals.

Storage conditions
List B. In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

Manufacturer/organization accepting claims:
JSC "Joint Stock Kurgan Society of Medical Preparations and Products "Sintez" (JSC "Sintez").
Russia 640008, Kurgan, Constitution Ave., 7

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