Cucumber grass is a storehouse of healing substances. Cucumber grass (borage): properties and contraindications, planting and care

borage grass - an annual plant, which also has the name: borage, borage, borago, heart flower, gimlet, belongs to the borage family. The grass is an excellent honey plant, used in cooking, as well as in alternative medicine as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. In the wild, borage is found in South America, North Africa, southern Europe, Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

What is borage herb?

Cucumber grass is very unpretentious, and therefore grows almost everywhere - in gardens, on roadsides, in landfills and wastelands. True, it has an excellent taste only if it is specially looked after - watered in a drought, fed with fertilizers, loosened the soil around.

If you grow borage grass culturally, then the seeds are sown in April in rows to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between seeds in a row is 8-10 cm, and between rows 20-25 cm. The emergence of seedlings should be expected for 7-9 days. Shoots are thinned out, and during the summer weeds are pulled out and the soil is loosened.

The collected grass is used immediately. In order for fresh and young borage grass to be on your table all summer, you need to constantly sow the seeds with a conveyor at intervals of 10-15 days.

Without care, the plant quickly runs wild and grows.

Being annual plant up to half a meter high, with a straight, branched, juicy and hollow stem inside. The flowers are relatively large, azure-violet. Borago is prone to self-propagation: seeds appear in July-August, which quickly crumble, and give new shoots the next year.

The borage reaches a height of up to 50-80 cm, has hollow, thick stems, branched in the upper part. The lower and basal leaves are petiolate, large, oval in shape, the stem leaves are much smaller, oblong, sessile, covered, like the stem, with whitish hairs.

The flowering period of cucumber grass begins in June-August, the plant bears fruit in July-September. Blue or violet-blue flowers of borage, hanging on long stalks, are collected in a paniculate inflorescence, each flower can contain up to 5-12 mg of nectar. The fruit of the plant is a tuberculate dark brown nut.

For medicinal purposes in alternative medicine, the aerial part of the borage is mainly used - fresh or dried leaves, flowers and seeds. The composition of the leaves of the plant is presented:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • Salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  • mucous substances;
  • Saponins;
  • Organic acids - citric, malic;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Tannins.

Mucous substances and essential oil were found in the flowers of borage, and fatty oils were found in the seeds of the plant.

Beneficial features

In European countries, young leaves of borage, reminiscent of fresh cucumbers in taste and smell, are eaten by adding to salads, sauces, vegetable soups, okroshka, meat and fish dishes.

Mature leaves can be stewed, used in marinades and pickles, the flowers of the plant are used in industry for the manufacture of confectionery and cognacs.

Also known from ancient times medicinal properties borage - still in the army ancient rome the soldiers on the campaign included a plant in their diet to increase fortitude and courage, and it was also used, if necessary, as a diaphoretic and diuretic. Medieval healers called borage a fun herb that relieves boredom and melancholy.

Currently, herbalists and traditional healers prescribe the use of borage as an anti-inflammatory, mild laxative, expectorant and enveloping agent in febrile conditions, inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract, colds, constipation, dry cough.

The diuretic effect of borage is used to treat edema, kidney damage, urinary tract And Bladder by taking infusions of the leaves and flowers of the plant. Lotions and compresses of borage leaves have an antirheumatic and analgesic effect in the fight against articular and muscle pain, gout.

Borage seeds boiled in grape wine are recommended in alternative medicine to enhance lactation. The soothing property of borage in homeopathy is used in the treatment of neurasthenia, sleep disorders, depressive states, asthenia, neuroses of the heart.

Decoctions of the leaves of the plant are prescribed for external and internal use at skin rashes, eczema and other skin lesions, and borage seed oil is also used for these purposes. Because the borage is rich mineral salts and improves metabolism, it is often included in various diets.

By prescription alternative medicine the use of borage herb is recommended against the background of:

  • Rheumatism;
  • joint pain;
  • gout;
  • Colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • Inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys;
  • edema;
  • fever;
  • Colds;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • neuroses of the heart;
  • Asthenia;
  • Skin lesions.


It is not recommended to use borage for a long time (more than one month) due to possible violations liver activity. It is advisable to use the plant as part of various medicinal fees and consult a specialist before using it.

Homemade Cucumber Herb Remedies

For the preparation of fresh borage juice, used in nervous exhaustion, insomnia, neuroses of the heart, urolithiasis, feverish conditions, it is required to rinse the fresh lower leaves of the plant with running water, pour over with boiling water, and then grind through a meat grinder.

The juice obtained after squeezing the raw material through the fabric is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and boiled over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Take the remedy 3-4 times a day after meals, 2 tbsp. spoons, it can be used for outdoor processing problem areas skin.

To prepare an infusion of borage herb, a glass of boiling water should be poured in dried form 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plant flowers. After insisting the mixture for an hour, after filtering, take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon for pain in muscles and joints, gout, rheumatism, while applying compresses from borage leaves.

For the treatment of hyposecretory gastritis and inflammation of the kidneys, normalization of cardiac activity, it is recommended to use 100 ml of the plant infusion 3-4 times a day, for the preparation of which a tablespoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 6 hours.

To obtain a decoction of grass, 20 g of dry leaves are poured into a glass of water, boiled for 10 minutes and filtered after cooling. With colitis, nervous disorders, joint pain, catarrhal nature, three times a day, appoint a tablespoon before meals, you can also wash skin rashes with a decoction.

Borage does not require much effort for its existence. It adapts well to any conditions. In its natural form, it can be found on roadsides, wastelands and even in vegetable gardens. But only cultivated specimens that receive moisture and top dressing in a timely manner have excellent taste and nutritional composition.

At home, the annual needs to be controlled. Otherwise, it will spread over the entire area, displacing other crops. We will understand the details of planting borage, ways to always have fresh borage and the intricacies of growing it.


Sowing borage is planned in the first decade of April. The main thing is that the earth warms up well, otherwise the seeds may not sprout like that. Rows are made in the soil with a depth of 3 cm and grains are lowered into them at intervals of 10 cm.

The row spacing is about 25 cm. In stable warm weather, the first sprouts will appear in a week. When the crops in the rows begin to thicken, they must be thinned out and, of course, cleared of weeds.

Important! If you plan to use the young foliage of borage, the distance in the rows between the bushes should not exceed 25 cm. If you are interested in seeds and flowers, thinning, leave the stems after 75 cm.

The peculiarity of borage is that it is used only in fresh, and do not allow the collected raw materials to lie for a long time.

It will be useful if you eat freshly plucked leaves and stems. Therefore, many gardeners share their experience with conveyor sowing of seeds every 15 days. Thus, borage will be in your diet throughout the summer season.


For development, the borage does not need to create additional conditions. In prolonged heat, it must be watered and at least occasionally loosen the earth between the rows. At the beginning of the growing season, the grass will gratefully accept nitrogen-containing top dressing from a solution of infusion of chicken manure.

As the bushes grow, crops must be thinned out and seeds collected in time. Otherwise, a thicket of hairy borago is formed on the site.

Important! Borago, sown on a potato bed, inhibits the activity of Colorado beetles. In cases of such a neighborhood, up to 95 percent of root crops are preserved.

Collection of leaves and seeds

For medicinal and culinary purposes, only young leaves with tender fleshy pulp are used. Old specimens are no longer suitable for this, because every day their surface becomes hard and bristly. Therefore, it is advisable to collect foliage in the first 2-3 weeks of plant life.

The period of collecting flowers and grains is more extended. Borage blooms in early July and blooms until autumn. This is how long the continuous maturation of the seed lasts, and the ripe samples do not stay long in the seed box and spill out into the ground.

Thus, self-seeding is obtained, which will ensure the growth of the crop for the next year, but at the same time, getting out of control, it will turn the planting into thorny weed thickets up to 1 meter high.

Based on these features of the borago, the harvesting of seed raw materials should be done carefully and in a timely manner throughout July, August and September.

To do this, gardeners use paper caps, into which ripe grains are shaken daily. And in order to avoid arbitrary entry of the seed into the ground, the near-stem holes are covered with cellophane. The flowers are cut to the extent of their full disclosure.

Did you know? Ancient Roman warriors added borage to wine. Such a drink helped them get rid of the fear of battle, gain courage and courage. Soon, such a drink was served at all feasts, so that the guests would not grieve and yearn.

Cucumber herb has found its way into the kitchen thanks to its fresh cucumber-like aroma and subtle aftertaste of the mixture. young pen onion and cucumber pulp.

For culinary preparations use fresh foliage, which is not more than a week old. The pulp, peeled from the fleecy skin, is added to various salads, drinks, soups, sauces, side dishes, borscht, okroshka.

Meat and fish dishes are sometimes seasoned with borage roots to add spice. Also, the roots of the plant are an excellent raw material for the manufacture of green oil. It is added to cheese, sour-milk products and cold drinks.

Surprisingly, hyssop, chervil, sow thistle, quinoa, oregano, nasturtium have found application in cooking.

Many use borage as a green. For example, boiled potatoes are generously sprinkled with chopped leaves, which are seasoned with sour cream or other sauce.

Blue inflorescences in cooking play the role of not only a beautiful decoration of dishes, but also useful ingredient. They are used fresh, dried and candied.

Often, housewives use flowers for homemade wines, liqueurs and liqueurs. They make a very fragrant tea.

Important! Borage salads are rich in vitamins, so they are recommended to prevent inflammation in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, as well as to improve the functioning circulatory system, liver, gallbladder.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine and cosmetology

In cosmetology, the annual also played an important role. Many beauties prefer cosmetics based on borage oil, which have anti-aging and tonic properties. Its advantages are also in beneficial effect for dry, dehydrated, aging and sensitive skin.

The drug is suitable for everyone, getting into the epidermis, it promotes cell regeneration, smoothes fine wrinkles, gives skin healthy look. Such a component is simply necessary for recovery after aggressive cosmetic procedures dermabrasion, chemical peels.

Borage oil in cosmetology is used to treat hair, nails, dermatitis, and dandruff. The tool can be found in any pharmacy, it is recommended as in pure form and in mixtures with other essential oils. By the way, omega-3, omega-6 and phytohormones were found in borage oil.

For example, to normalize sebaceous glands heads and faces prepare a mask of 1 teaspoon of borage oil, 4 drops of oil tea tree, 5 drops of lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed well and applied to the face or hair roots. After an hour, everything should be washed off with warm water.

Important! After opening the original packaging, borage oil oxidizes and quickly deteriorates. It should be stored for no more than 60 days in the refrigerator. You can extend the shelf life of the drug by adding wheat germ oil to the bottle.

Watered facial skin will be saved by mixture 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of borage oil and 3 drops orange oil. The mask is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water.

For the treatment of hair damaged by perm and coloring, a mask of equal parts of borage and sea buckthorn oil is simply necessary.

Both components are mixed and heated in a water bath. Then warm remedy applied to the scalp and wrapped in cellophane. Top wrapped terry towel. After 2 hours, wash off with regular shampoo.

Useful tips for girls: learn how to use in cosmetic purposes evening primrose, nettle, periwinkle, savory, marjoram, rosemary, calendula, parsnip, lettuce.

Moreover, this plant is universal - suitable for both soups and desserts.

It's an annual herbaceous plant up to 30-50 cm high. The stem is branched. The lower leaves are oblong-ovate, petiolate, wrinkled, the upper ones are oblong-lanceolate, sessile.

As you can see in the photo, the borage plant has small, blue, drooping flowers on long pedicels with a bell-shaped corolla:

Blooms in June-July. Ripen in July-September.

The homeland of the plant is the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor. The leaves and flowers of the plant have long been used to lift the spirit, increase the courage of Roman soldiers. In the 15th century, borage flowers began to be used to uplift the spirit.

Often found as a weed in fields and wastelands in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Cultivated in vegetable crop, since the leaves have a pleasant cucumber smell and are widely used in salads, they are sprinkled on top of boiled.

Growing and caring for borage

Cucumber grass is grown on light, non-acidic, well-moistened fertile soils. Cucumber grass is sown before winter or early spring to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Row spacing is 40-45 cm. The sowing rate of borage seeds is 3-4 g/m2. Seedlings are thinned twice, leaving 15-20 cm between plants. The growing season is 70-80 days.

Caring for borage is to keep the soil loose and weed-free. During the growing season, at least three inter-row treatments are carried out: starting from the phase of 3-4 true leaves until the plants close in a row. The depth of processing is increased from 5-6 cm to 10-12 cm. If necessary, weed control in a row is carried out one or two manual weeding.

Harvest by hand in the phase of a well-developed rosette before the appearance of a flowering stem. Plants are cut at the level of the soil or pulled out with roots; before laying in a container, the earth must be removed from the roots.

Usually, diseases and pests are not observed on the grass, and pesticides can be dispensed with.

When cutting raw materials, do not forget that the plant is an annual and seeds will be needed for sowing next year. Therefore, leave 3-4 plants. You don't have to wait for all the seeds to ripen. If you wait for the latter, then the first largest ones will simply crumble. Therefore, when the last flowers begin to bloom, cut off the flower stalks and lay them out on paper in a dry place. As it dries, the unripe seeds of borage borage will ripen, and the ripe ones will spill out onto paper. After that, you can collect them and wait for the next season.

The borage runs wild very easily and can become a malicious weed, therefore, when grown in fields and vegetable gardens, its growth must be carefully monitored so that it does not spread to areas occupied by other plants.

See how borage borage looks like in the photo when grown in the garden:

Useful properties of seeds and flowers of borage borage

Medicinal raw materials are grass, flowers and seeds of the plant. The grass is cut during flowering near the ground itself, cleaned of poor-quality lower leaves. Dry in the sun, laying out thin layer or in a ventilated area.

Seeds can be collected in unlimited quantities, however, one must take into account the fact that the seeds crumble quickly, and when they are brought to ripeness indoors, the seeds can be eaten.

The beneficial properties of borage borage are due to the fact that it contains up to 30% of mucous substances, saponins, tannins, traces essential oil, organic acids, resins, flavonoids, allantoin, carotenes, vitamins, silicic acid. Also, the benefits of borage are due to the content of magnesium salts, manganese, potassium nitrate and others.

The flowers are also edible. They decorate different dishes especially salads. In drinks, borage leaves enhance the existing aroma, they do not transfer their smell to drinks. The flowers are also eaten candied.

Medicines from borage herb

Cucumber herb medicines are able to have a sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, regulating metabolic processes, enveloping, antirheumatic effect.

Drink to treat kidney disease Fresh Juice. To do this, the lower leaves are collected, washed with water, scalded with boiling water, turned through a meat grinder and squeezed through a cloth. Before use, the juice is diluted with whey or boiled water V equal parts, boil for three minutes. You need to drink juice 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 3 tablespoons.

For the treatment of heart diseases, an infusion is made from leaves and flowers of grass: two tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, the container is covered, insisted for five hours, filtered. It is recommended to drink the infusion 5-6 r / day, two tablespoons, 30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.

The use of borage in the treatment of depression is also widespread. In this case, freshly squeezed juice helps - it is drunk in a tablespoon three times a day.

For the treatment of gout, lotions are made on sore joints from grass. To do this, fresh leaves are kneaded, and dry ones are steamed with boiling water. Overlaying on sore spot grass, polyethylene is applied on top, wrapped with a warm cloth. It is better to do such compresses at night. You also need to consider that the grass can stain bed sheets and compress cloth.

with neurodermatitis and skin irritations juice helps. It is diluted 1:1 with water and then the affected areas are treated.

When disturbed menstrual cycle, dry collection helps rheumatism: take one tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, insist until it cools, filter. Drink infusion on a tablespoon three times a day. It is also noticed that the use of the plant helps to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

The plant can be included in diet menu in diseases of the vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, infarction, cardiac neurosis: the plant tends to regulate metabolism, reduce the excitability of the nervous system. For the same reason, the herb helps with insomnia.

With nervous disorders, colitis, joint pain caused by a cold, with gastritis with low acidity, prepare such a decoction: 20 g of leaves should be boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, over low heat. Drink a decoction of a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. As the leaves appear in early spring, they are recommended to be included regularly in your diet to reduce the severity of symptoms of beriberi.

Cucumber herb recipes: salads and okroshka

Leaves are used as a substitute for cucumbers in okroshka, vegetable, mushroom and meat salads, vinaigrettes, cold borscht, as seasonings for meat, fish and cereal dishes. Various drinks are prepared from flowers with the addition of honey, wine, vegetable and berry juices, fruit drinks, flowers are added to kvass and tea. The roots collected in autumn are used to flavor wines, flavor beer, tinctures.

When preparing various dishes according to recipes from borage herb, only fresh leaves should be used, as dried or frozen ones lose their flavor. This also applies to hot dishes - they are recommended to season them before serving. A small amount of finely chopped greens will greatly improve the taste of a stew or fish dish.

Salad with pepper and sauerkraut

Ingredients: 300 g of borage leaves, 300 g of sweet pepper, 300 g sauerkraut, vegetable oil.

Combine the washed finely chopped borage with slices of sweet pepper, add cabbage. Dressing salad with cucumber herb vegetable oil.

Salad with tomatoes and nuts

Compound: 100 g chopped borage leaves, 200 g, 5 chopped walnuts. Mix everything, season with vegetable oil.

Meshcherskaya okroshka

A few young leaves of borage herb finely chop and grind. 4-5 leaves of watercress, 60 g green onions, 1 tbsp. chop finely. Add 80 g boiled potatoes, diced, 1 egg, 80 g boiled meat or sausages, sour cream, salt and sugar to taste. Before serving, pour okroshka with borage herb into kvass.

Okroshka with kvass

Boiled potatoes, meat and eggs finely chopped, green onion and eggs are ground with salt with a pestle; everything is mixed with chopped borage, poured with kvass, finely chopped dill, sugar, mustard are added.

For 0.5 l of bread kvass - 60 g of boiled beef or sausage, 50 g of potatoes, 60 g of borage, 40 g of green onions, 15 g of dill, 1 egg, 30 g of sour cream, salt, sugar, mustard.

Borage Cucumber Recipes


Compound: 0.5 l of beetroot broth, 2-3 boiled potatoes, 1 boiled beet, 200 g of chopped borage, other herbs (to taste), sour cream, salt. Cut vegetables and herbs, pour beetroot broth(you can kvass - then you get okroshka), season with sour cream. You can add to this dish boiled eggs and meat.

Cream soup with herbs

For 165 ml of water - 1 bunch of borage, dill, tarragon and basil, 2 bunches of chives and herbs, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp ground allspice, 2-3 tbsp. lemon juice, 5 tbsp. any vegetable oil, except sunflower, 1/2 tsp. mayonnaise and sour cream, 100 g of fresh cottage cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs. Rinse the greens, let the water drain, remove the stems, finely chop, put in a porcelain bowl, sprinkle lemon juice, mix with vegetable oil and let it brew for 5 minutes. Add mayonnaise, cottage cheese, sour cream to hot water and beat with a mixer. Then chop the eggs, spicy greens and mix with the rest of the products. Serve in small bowls as an independent dish with croutons or as a sauce for fish.

Borago stew

Borage leaves are boiled in a small amount of salted water, rubbed and served with butter.

candied flowers

A layer of sugar is poured into earthenware, a layer of fresh flowers is laid on it, again a layer of sugar, etc. A thick layer of sugar is placed on top. Store in a cool place.

leaf tea

6-8 leaves of borage are poured with two glasses of boiling water and incubated for 15-20 minutes. They drink it for sore throats and to improve blood circulation, as well as a diuretic and sedative.

Here you can see photos of borage dishes prepared according to the above recipes:

Cucumber grass (borage, borage, borage) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Borage family. Borago has hairy stems and leaves and beautiful blue flowers. This plant is used in ornamental floriculture, as well as in cooking as an early green and traditional medicine, as having anti-inflammatory, sedative and diuretic properties.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Herb with inflorescences and borage seeds are used as medicinal raw materials. Grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant, cutting off the stems below, right at the ground. Next, the stems are cleaned of the lower leaves and dried in a well-ventilated area or directly in the sun. Store harvested grass in a cool, dry place for no longer than a year.
Also, borage grass can be prepared for the future by freezing.
Cucumber grass seeds are harvested as they ripen in late summer and early autumn in dry weather.

Composition and application

The shoots and leaves of borage are rich in: saponins, tannins, vitamin C, carotene, potassium, phosphorus and other mineral salts, apple, silicon and lemon organic acids, fatty acids, mucus, resins and essential oils.

Cucumber herb is used for:

  • cough, cold, fever;
  • muscle pain, rheumatism and gout;
  • neuroses and increased nervous excitability, insomnia;
  • violations of cardiac activity;
  • gastritis, colitis, constipation;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • beriberi;
  • edema;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • skin diseases and wounds (externally).


Borage juice is universal remedy from the above diseases: nervousness, inflammation of the kidneys, fever, etc. In addition, borage juice will help fight obesity: for this, it can be consumed in its pure form, or mixed with celery juice.
To prepare juice from borage, take fresh lower leaves of the plant, rinse them in cold water, douse with boiling water and chop with a meat grinder or combine. Then squeeze the resulting mass through several layers of gauze. Next, dilute the juice with boiled water or whey in a ratio of 1: 1 and boil for 3 minutes. Cool the juice. Take 3 tablespoons three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In addition to borage juice, you can cook healing infusions and decoctions.

  • 1 tbsp cucumber grass;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Pour the chopped borage with boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. The infusion improves metabolism and calms the nervous system.
Infusion from gastritis:

  • 5 g of borage flowers;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the flowers and leave to infuse under the lid for 6 hours. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Also, this infusion will help with diseases of the heart, kidneys and bladder.
Infusion from diseases of the heart and kidneys:

  • 1 tbsp without a slide of borage grass;
  • 2 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the cucumber herb in a thermos and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

Cold infusion:

  • 3 tbsp crushed borage leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. chilled boiled water.

Fill the borage with water and leave to infuse for two hours. Strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
Decoction for depression:

  • 1 tsp borage herbs;
  • 1 st. boiling water;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Pour the chopped herb with boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain and add honey. Drink half a glass in the morning and in the evening for 3 weeks.
Decoction for nervous disorders:

  • 1 tbsp cucumber grass;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the cucumber herb and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the cooled broth and take 1 tablespoon three times a day. Also this recipe suitable for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity.

Sweating infusion:

  • 1 part borage herb;
  • 1 part strawberry leaves;
  • 250 ml of boiling water (for 1 tbsp collection).

Prepare a collection of the indicated herbs and brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with boiling water. Let the drink brew for 15 minutes and drink instead of tea. The recommended course of treatment is no longer than 1 month.
Borage tea:

  • 1 tbsp herbs or 1 tsp. borage flowers;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

Brew borage with boiling water like regular tea and drink a cup a day for 21-30 days. This tea helps reduce blood pressure and temperature, increase lactation, strengthen the heart muscle. You can also drink it to treat upper respiratory tract infections.
Infusion fortifying:

  • 1 tbsp borage herbs;
  • 1 st. boiling water;
  • 1-2 tsp honey.

Pour boiling water over the borage, let it brew for an hour. Then strain and add honey. Take 1 tablespoon three times daily with meals. After a month of treatment, a monthly break should be taken, and then the course can be repeated.

Infusion for external use:

Pour boiling water over the leaves, wrap the container with the mixture and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then use the resulting infusion for compresses from wounds, ulcers, burns on the skin.

Cucumber in cosmetology

In cosmetology, borage oil is often used both in pure form and in creams. Borage oil is well suited for dry, aging, sensitive skin. It is also used in masks for oily skin.
Cucumber oil:

  • 2 tbsp borage flowers;
  • 100 g olive oil.

Pour the flowers with oil and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then wait until the resulting product cools down and strain.
Hair mask for dandruff and for growth:

  • 1 part sea buckthorn oil.

Mix oils, heat until warm temperature, apply on the scalp, wrap the head with a plastic bag, and on top with a scarf or towel. Keep the mask on for 1-2 hours. Wash off with shampoo.

Mask for dry skin:

  • 1 tsp borage oils;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 3 drops of orange oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on your face for half an hour. wash away warm water.
Mask for combination and oily skin:

  • 1 tsp borage oils;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 4 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix these ingredients and apply to cleansed face. After an hour, wash with warm water and soap.
Hand cream:

  • 1 part borage oil;
  • 1 part jojoba oil;
  • 1 part coconut oil.

Mix the oils and apply on your hands before bed.
Also, borage oil is used to eliminate joint pain and treat psoriasis - for this, it is applied in its pure form to sore or affected areas.


A contraindication to the use of borage is only individual intolerance and liver disease. However, you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and dosage of medications. Overdose medicines based on borage and taking more than one month can lead to impaired liver function. It is better to take this plant as part of herbal preparations.

An annual with oval strongly pubescent leaves and small blue inflorescences every European knows. In the people of borage, for the outgoing aroma, they call borage or borage. And in the scientific literature, the name borage is found, since the culture is from the Borachnikov family. Some are glad to see such a furry decoration in theirs, others consider the plant nutritious and use it in salads. But there are those who consider it. What actually is borage, what is the value of borage and what useful properties it has - let's try to figure it out.

Beneficial features

official medicine borago has not yet been recognized, but in laboratory conditions the composition of the plant was studied. In him discovered carotene, saponin, silicon and ascorbic acid, as well as resinous and tannins.
The stems and foliage of the culture are 30 percent mucus and essential oil. It was these components that traditional healers appreciated for their enveloping, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic and softening properties. The herb is consumed along with flax seeds and marshmallow.

The peculiarity of borage is that it is used only in fresh, and do not allow the collected raw materials to lie for a long time.
It will be useful if you eat freshly plucked leaves and stems. Therefore, many share their experience of conveyor sowing of seeds every 15 days. Thus, borage will be in your diet throughout the summer season.


For development, the borage does not need to create additional conditions. In prolonged heat, it is necessary to loosen it at least occasionally in the aisles. At the beginning, the grass will gratefully accept top dressing from the infusion solution. As the bushes grow, crops must be thinned out and seeds collected in time. Otherwise, a thicket of hairy borago is formed on the site.

Collection of leaves and seeds

Used for medicinal and culinary purposes only young leaves with tender fleshy flesh. Old specimens are no longer suitable for this, because every day their surface becomes hard and bristly. Therefore, it is advisable to collect foliage in the first 2-3 weeks of plant life.
The period of collecting flowers and grains is more extended. Borage blooms in early July and blooms until the very. This is how long the continuous maturation of the seed lasts, and the ripe samples do not stay long in the seed box and spill out into the ground. Thus, self-seeding is obtained, which will ensure the growth of the crop for the next year, but at the same time, getting out of control, it will turn the planting into thorny thickets up to 1 meter high.

Based on these features of the borago, the harvesting of seed raw materials should be done carefully and in a timely manner throughout July, August and September. For this, paper caps are used, into which ripe grains are shaken daily. And in order to avoid arbitrary entry of the seed into the ground, the near-stem holes are covered with cellophane. The flowers are cut to the extent of their full disclosure.

Did you know? Ancient Roman warriors added borago to. Such a drink helped them get rid of the fear of battle, gain courage and courage. Soon, such a drink was served at all feasts, so that the guests would not grieve and yearn.

Application in cooking

Cucumber grass has found its way into the kitchen thanks to its reminiscent fresh aroma and subtle taste of a mixture of young feathers and pulp.
For culinary preparations use fresh foliage, which is not more than a week old. The pulp, peeled from the fleecy skin, is added to various salads, drinks, soups, sauces, side dishes, borscht, okroshka.

Meat and fish dishes are sometimes seasoned with borage roots to add spice. Also, the roots of the plant are an excellent raw material for the manufacture of green oil. It is added to cheese, sour-milk products and cold drinks.

Many use borage as a green. For example, chopped leaves are generously sprinkled with boiled, which is seasoned with sour cream or other sauce.

Blue inflorescences in cooking play the role of not only a beautiful decoration of dishes, but also a useful ingredient. They are used fresh, dried and candied.
Often housewives use flowers for, liqueurs and. They make a very fragrant tea.

Important! Borage salads are rich in vitamins, so they are recommended to prevent inflammation in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, as well as to improve the functioning of the circulatory system, liver, and gallbladder.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine and cosmetology

In cosmetology, the annual also played an important role. Many beauties prefer cosmetics based on borage oil, which have anti-aging and tonic properties.

Its advantages are also in its beneficial effect on dry, dehydrated, aging and sensitive skin.
The drug is suitable for everyone, getting into the epidermis, it promotes cell regeneration, smoothes fine wrinkles, gives the skin a healthy look. Such a component is simply necessary for recovery after aggressive cosmetic procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peels.

Borage oil in cosmetology used to treat hair, nails, dermatitis, as well as dandruff. The tool can be found in any pharmacy, it is recommended both in pure form and in mixtures with other essential oils. By the way, omega-3, omega-6 and phytohormones were found in borage oil.

For example, to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the head and face, a mask is prepared from 1 teaspoon of borage oil, 4 drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops

Cucumber herb borage (borage)- decorative, as well as a salad plant, a representative of the Burachnikov family. Cucumber grass is common throughout Europe, most often mistaken for common weed. The grass has a straight stem, the leaves are blunt, green in color, covered with whitish stiff hairs (see photo). Borago has blue flowers, the grass blooms in June-July and is an excellent honey plant.

The homeland of the plant is Southwestern Europe. Countries that have developed beekeeping, grow borage as a honey plant, this is primarily England and France.

Landing and care

Cucumber grass is not difficult to grow, as it is an unpretentious plant. All care for him comes down to regular watering, although even this is not necessary.

The borage propagates with the help of seeds. Borago should be planted in April-May in an open area in a sunny place, since borage grows especially well there. The plant tolerates drought very well.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of borage are known to folk medicine. The plant is rich minerals, which positively affect the composition of the blood, strengthen cardiovascular system. Borage leaves are rich in calcium and potassium, which are needed for the nervous system. The plant contains resinous substances, carotene, vitamin C, malic and citric acid, up to 32% oil.

Borage oil when taken orally under
holds immune system, normalizes metabolic processes, improves emotional condition, because they increase the production of hormones of joy. Borago contains plant hormones, normalizes the functions of the adrenal glands, this property is especially valuable after taking steroid hormones. Oil helps heal wounds effective remedy with gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, improves blood circulation. Thanks to the content of gamma-linolenic acid, the herb contributes to the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

In cosmetology, borage oil is used to care for problematic, sensitive skin. Oil increases the skin's ability to retain water, making it supple. In body cosmetics, oil is used in anti-cellulite creams and creams to eliminate stretch marks. This oil holds the record for the content of gamma-linolenic acid - 25%. This acid is effective component anti-aging products, helps to fight premature aging , removes dryness and flabbiness of the skin.

The leaves of this herb have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. The flowers of the plant contain a small amount of essential oil. Almost all parts of borage are used in folk medicine, they are used to treat internal inflammation.

The calorie content of borage is 20 kilocalories per 100 grams. The leaves of the plant cover 88% daily requirement body in vitamin A, the leaves are also rich in vitamin C (about 55% of daily allowance), contain calcium and iron, respectively 10 and 20 percent of the norm.

Borage is used to make tonic drinks. For this purpose, a freshly cut plant or dried borage flowers can be used. fresh leaves borage is ground with a meat grinder, and then filtered. The resulting juice is taken half a cup 2-3 times a day. Tonic tea is prepared from the fruits of hawthorn, borage herb, oregano, tartar. All ingredients are taken in 1 teaspoon, herbal mixture pour boiling water and let it brew for one night. Tonic tea is recommended for people prone to depression, 0.1 liter twice a day.

Application in cooking

In cooking, the plant has found wide application in American cuisine. For gastronomic purposes, borage leaves, sometimes dried flowers, are used. Borage is used as spicy plant. Grass leaves are added to a variety of salads, most often combined with cucumbers, spinach, onions, leafy salads.

The flowers are used as a natural flavoring for fruit soft drinks, punch. Drinks with the addition of borage are very fresh in taste, have a slight aftertaste of cucumber. Dried blue borage flowers make an independent dish, candied flowers are used as a dessert. Freshly cut flowers are mixed with whipped protein and powdered sugar, then lightly dried. Cucumber flowers are added to bakery products and also used in confectionery. In addition to using candied technology, the flowers are also aged in wine. Borage flowers decorate cocktails before serving. Borage flowers thanks to their palatability widely used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

The aroma of fresh borage leaves vaguely resembles the smell of fresh cucumber, as evidenced by one of its names. Cucumber grass is added to various dishes, goes well with borage Fried fish and minced meat. The taste of borage is very pleasant, its leaves are salty, slightly reminiscent of the taste of sweet onions. The ground plant is added instead of seasoning in meat dishes, sauces, dishes from fish and vegetables.

In Italy, borage is used as a filling for ravioli. Leaves are added to butter thus obtaining an appetizing mix for sandwiches. Borago goes well with such aromatic herbs as mint, thyme. Grass is included in natural mixtures seasonings, where garlic, parsley are added.

For eating, young borage leaves must be thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces so that its villi are not felt. Cooks do not recommend scalding fresh borage leaves: this way they will lose their color and taste. Drying is also bad for this plant. Borage should be added at the end of cooking, for example, it is better to add borage to stew or fish before serving.

Borage leaves can successfully replace cucumber in some recipes. For this purpose, borage can be added, for example, to okroshka, vinaigrette. Cucumber herb flowers are added when preparing homemade kvass, tea.

The benefits of borage and treatment

The benefits of borage allow this herb to be used against various ailments. Fresh borage leaves are used for skin problems, rheumatism. The dry leaves can be used as a mild laxative. Cucumber herb is used for heart neuroses, it is taken in order to increase the tone of the body. Borage is used for diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, liver.

For medical purposes, flowers, leaves and seeds of the plant are used. Grass should be harvested during its flowering period, the plant is cut almost to the very root, the lower wilted leaves are thrown away. Dry borage should be in a ventilated place. Grass seeds are more difficult to collect as they crumble quickly and often become food for rodents if left to dry indoors.

Cucumber grass due to the content of mucus has an enveloping property. Internal reception borage has a beneficial effect on immunity, helps with urolithiasis, gout, cough. In folk medical recipes, borage is used to maintain the nervous system, with anxiety, fears, insomnia.

On the basis of borage, an infusion is prepared for oral administration. A tablespoon of dried herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, and then infused. The infusion is not stored for a long time, it should be drunk during the day in small portions. The infusion has a positive effect on nervous system, has soothing properties. For the treatment of gastritis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, an infusion of borage flowers is used. For infusion, pour 5 grams of borage flowers 200 ml hot water and insist. The infusion can be taken after 6 hours, it is also effective for heart disease.

Harm borage and contraindications

Borage can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance to the product, uncontrolled use or violation of the indicated dosages. In any case, you should consult with your doctor.

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