Why take Askorutin and how effective is it? Pharmacodynamics of the main components. Identical drugs

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 04.06.2009

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and form of release

in polymer cans of 30 or 50 pieces; in a pack of cardboard 1 bank; or in a blister pack 10 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 1 or 5 packs.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets of light greenish-yellow color with slight inclusions.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- replenishing vitamin deficiency.


Rutin, together with ascorbic acid, is involved in redox processes. Rutin, due to its antioxidant properties, protects ascorbic acid from excessive oxidation, while maintaining its biological activity. In addition, rutin in combination with ascorbic acid reduces capillary permeability and fragility.

Indications for Ascorutin

prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis P and C;

in the complex therapy of diseases accompanied by impaired vascular permeability, incl. with hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhages in the retina;

prevention and treatment of capillary lesions associated with the use of anticoagulants and salicylates.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Askorutin is well tolerated, in rare cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

Dosage and administration

inside, after meal. Adults - 1 tab. 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity and nature of the disease.

Storage conditions of the drug Askorutin

In a dry, dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Askorutin

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Instructions for medical use

Instructions for medical use - RU No. P N001034/01

Last Modified Date: 15.06.2017

Dosage form



Composition per tablet:

Active substances:

Ascorbic acid - 50 mg, rutoside (rutin) - 50 mg.


Sucrose (sugar) - 147.1 mg, potato starch - 76.2 mg, calcium stearate monohydrate (calcium stearate 1-water) - 2.6 mg, talc - 4.1 mg.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets are round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk, light greenish-yellow color with small patches of green, brown and white.

Pharmacological group


Pharmachologic effect.
Ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism, collagen synthesis.

Rutozid eliminates increased capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall.


Prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis C and R.

As part of complex therapy for varicose veins, trophic disorders and skin ulcers, chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhagic diathesis.


Hypersensitivity, childhood, sucrase / isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Conditions accompanied by hypercoagulation of blood and a tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The minimum daily requirement for ascorbic acid in the II - III trimesters of pregnancy is about 60 mg. It should be borne in mind that the fetus can adapt to high doses of ascorbic acid, which is taken by a pregnant woman, and then the newborn may develop a "withdrawal" syndrome.

The minimum daily requirement during lactation is 80 mg. A mother's diet containing an adequate amount of ascorbic acid is sufficient to prevent its deficiency in an infant. Theoretically, there is a danger to the child when the mother uses high doses of ascorbic acid (it is recommended not to exceed the daily need for ascorbic acid by the nursing mother).

When using the drug, it is necessary during pregnancy and lactation to observe the dosage and duration of the course prescribed by the doctor.

Dosage and administration

Side effects

Allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders, headache.


Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of drugs of the penicillin group, iron; reduces the clinical effect of heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

Release form

Tablets 50 mg + 50 mg.

10 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and aluminum foil.

50 tablets per jar made of polymeric material.

Each jar of polymeric material or 5 blister packs, together with instructions for medical use, is placed in a pack of cardboard for consumer packaging.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

R N000705/01 dated 2011-11-07
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000705 / 01 dated 2006-12-29
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000705/01 dated 2017-05-24
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001034 / 01 dated 2005-11-11
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-006620/08 dated 2008-08-14
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000705 / 01 dated 2006-12-29
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001680/01 dated 2008-04-30
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001034 / 01 dated 2004-12-20
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-000502 dated 2012-05-18
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000557 / 01 dated 2007-08-31
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. P N001034 / 01 dated 2006-12-29
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-007344/09 dated 2009-09-16
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000705/01 dated 2017-05-24
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N002808 / 01-2003 dated 2008-09-11
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001034/01 dated 2011-09-19
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-006693/10 dated 2010-07-15
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N000705 / 01 dated 2011-11-07
Askorutin - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001700/01 dated 2008-09-12

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
D69.0 Allergic purpuraAnaphylactoid purpura
Allergic vasculitis
Vasculitis hemorrhagic
Hemorrhagic vasculitis
Purpura anaphylactica
Purpura anaphylactoid
Hemorrhagic purpura of Henocha
Schonlein-Henoch disease or purpura (primary) (rheumatic)
Schonlein-Henoch syndrome
D69.9 Hemorrhagic condition, unspecifiedHemorrhagic diathesis
Hemorrhagic complications
Hemorrhagic conditions
Hemorrhagic diathesis
Hemorrhagic syndrome
Hemorrhagic diathesis (family)
Disease of internal organs with hemorrhagic syndrome
E54 Ascorbic acid [vitamin C] deficiencyAvitaminosis C
Vitamin C avitaminosis
Avitaminosis C
Hypovitaminosis C
Vitamin C hypovitaminosis
Hypovitaminosis C
Vitamin C deficiency
Additional source of vitamin C
Source of Vitamin C
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency
Increased need for vitamin C
Increased need for vitamin C
Increased need for vitamin C while breastfeeding
Increased body need for ascorbic acid during growth
Increased need for vitamin C
E56.8 Deficiency of other vitaminsAvitaminosis P
Avitaminosis PP
H35.6 Retinal haemorrhageHemorrhagic retinopathy
Retinal hemorrhage
Retinal hemorrhage
Hemorrhages in the eye
Hemorrhages in the retina at heights
Recurrent retinal hemorrhage
Rota spots
I78.9 Disease of capillaries, unspecifiedMicrocirculatory-trophic disorder
Violation of capillary blood flow
Violation of capillary permeability
Microcirculation disorders
Increased capillary permeability
Microcirculation disorders

In this article, you can read the instructions for the use of a medicinal vitamin preparation. Askorutin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Askorutin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Askorutin analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of bleeding in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Compound.

Askorutin- combination drug. Restores vitamin C and R deficiency. Rutin, together with ascorbic acid, participates in redox processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes the deposition of ascorbic acid in tissues. Both components strengthen the vascular wall (promote the formation of intercellular substance and reduce the activity of hyaluronidase), reduce capillary permeability and fragility.


Ascorbic acid + rutoside + excipients.


Prevention and treatment:

  • hypo- and avitaminosis P and C;
  • capillary lesions associated with the use of indirect anticoagulants and salicylates.

Complex therapy of diseases accompanied by impaired vascular permeability:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • hemorrhages in the retina;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • rheumatism;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • allergic diseases;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • typhus;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Release forms

Tablets 100 mg.

Instructions for use and dosage

Apply inside, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks (the duration depends on the nature of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment).

Side effect

  • allergic reactions;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • headache.


  • hypersensitivity.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use Askorutin during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.

drug interaction

Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of drugs of the penicillin group, iron; reduces the clinical effect of heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

Ascorutin's analogues

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Askorutin D;
  • Askorutin-UBF;
  • prophylactin C.

Analogues for the effect (angioprotectors):

  • Anavenol;
  • Angiovit;
  • Venarus;
  • Herbion esculus;
  • Ginkor fort;
  • Detralex;
  • Pilex gem;
  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • Cyclo 3;
  • Aescusan.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

"Ascorutin" is a drug in a certain combination of components, which belongs to the group of vitamins. It contains (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). They are active ingredients. But as auxiliary - they use talc, sucrose, calcium stearate and potato starch. This drug has possible substitutes.

Analogues of "Askorutin" have exactly the same chemical composition as he himself, and may well replace it under certain conditions.

What is Ascorutin? His action

Thanks to Askorutin, the human body is restored, and S. Rutin, in a single team with ascorbic acid, participates in redox reactions, in every process of carbohydrate metabolism, helps tissues regenerate and blood coagulate, and increases the overall resistance of the body. It is "Ascorutin" that has antiplatelet and antioxidant effects, improves microcirculation.

Due to the effect of the active components of the tablets, the vascular walls are gradually strengthened, their inflammatory processes and swelling are reduced. In parallel with this, the permeability of capillaries and their fragility decrease.

The vasoconstrictive effect of the drug can best be seen on small vessels - capillaries.

How to apply "Askorutin"?

So, "Askorutin", instructions for use. Its analogues, by the way, have similar instructions.

There are several indications for the use of the drug:

  1. If there are diseases in which the permeability and fragility of capillaries greatly increases. These include a variety of infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, typhus, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, nosebleeds in children.
  2. If the body does not have enough vitamins P and C (that is, beriberi).
  3. If it is necessary to prevent damage to the vascular wall when used in the treatment of anticoagulant drugs or salicylates.
  4. If it is necessary to prevent colds or other viral infections.

Exactly the same, but not "Ascorutin"

Analogues of Askorutin, which have exactly the same chemical composition as itself, are the following drugs: Askorutin-UBF (produced by Russia, Uralbiopharm) and Askorutin D (produced by Russia, Rozpharm). You can recall another drug - "Prophylactin C", which contains the same substances, but in slightly different proportions. Rutoside (rutin) in this preparation is 25 milligrams, and ascorbic acid is 100 milligrams. As it was already possible to understand from the name of the drug, this remedy should not be used for therapeutic, but only for preventive purposes.

In any case, if there is a need to select a replacement for Ascorutin, you must first consult with your doctor without fail.

Here are some other options for the drug "Ascorutin". Analogues foreign and Russian. These include: "Troxevasin" - gel; "Pantovigar" - capsules; "Venaton" - tablets; "Ginkor Fort" - capsules and tablets; "Vitamin 15 Solco" - oral tablets; "Pregnavit" - capsules and effervescent tablets...

Despite the fact that the analogues of Askorutin, like himself, provide excellent help to the body if necessary, there are situations in which the use of the drug is contraindicated. Such situations include the following:

  • pregnancy (its first trimester);
  • children's age - until the baby reaches the age of three;
  • personal intolerance either in general "Ascorutin", or its components - vitamin C or vitamin P;
  • if there is thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, gout, blood clotting is significantly increased, Askorutin should not be used. A qualified doctor will never prescribe analogues of this drug either.

How to take?

"Ascorutin" (unlike its analogues) should be taken immediately after breakfast, lunch or dinner is completed, you can drink plain water. It is best to swallow the tablet whole, because if they are chewed, ascorbic acid, entering the oral cavity, can destroy tooth enamel. Of course, the amount of this acid in a tablet is negligible, but it’s better not to spoil your teeth. You can not drink the medicine with mineral water, because due to the fact that it has an alkaline reaction, ascorbic acid is partially neutralized by this.

The dosage is as follows. Adults - 1 tablet three times a day. This is the therapeutic dose. And one tablet twice a day is a prophylactic dose. The course of treatment usually does not exceed three to four weeks.

For children who have reached the age of three, in therapeutic whole, the drug is prescribed as for adults - three times a day, 1 tablet. And so ten days. But if it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis, for example, influenza, depending on the age of the child, the dose of the medicine is from half to a whole tablet once a day. And so 7-10 days.

In any case, no matter what the patient takes - the drug itself or analogues of Askorutin, he must first of all consult a doctor. After all, everyone knows that if a medicine works for one patient, this does not mean at all that it will work for ten others.

"Ascorutin": useful information about the drug

So, we continue to consider "Askorutin". Price, reviews, analogues of this drug - many people who have been prescribed the medicine are interested in these questions. At a cost, Askorutin can be attributed to a series of inexpensive drugs that even a somewhat constrained person can buy. In different pharmacies, the price ranges from about 25 to 46 rubles. You don't need a prescription to buy it.

  • Useful advice. Before using this drug, you should always consult with a qualified specialist.

The state of the vascular system is extremely important for the expectant mother, since it is through the capillary network that the child receives the necessary oxygen. Due to the lack of elasticity of blood vessels during pregnancy, oxygen starvation of the fetus sometimes occurs, leading to such serious consequences as placental abruption and spontaneous abortion. During gestation, Ascorutin is prescribed to keep the capillaries in good shape, but this medication has other useful properties. It is on them, as well as on the existing evidence, that we should dwell in more detail.

Composition and action of tablets

Askorutin is a complex drug, the active components of which are vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin). These two substances enhance the mutual action and improve the digestibility of each other.

The drug has the following properties:

  • reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries and other blood vessels, strengthening their walls;
  • slows down oxidative processes, cleansing the body of free radicals;
  • speeds up metabolism.

Vitamin C is known for its ability to increase the body's defenses and prevent the development of infectious diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in processes such as:

  • tissue repair;
  • strengthening bones;
  • synthesis of steroid hormones;
  • metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • reduction of swelling of tissues;
  • reduce inflammation of the capillary walls;
  • decrease in vascular permeability.

The drug is available in the form of yellowish tablets, each of which contains 50 mg of vitamin C and rutoside.

Is Ascorutin allowed during pregnancy

In the first three months, Askorutin is prohibited due to concerns that the components of the drug may disrupt the formation of organs and tissues in the fetus. The question of the use of vitamin tablets in the second and third trimesters should be decided only by the attending physician, focusing on the state of health of the woman.

It should be understood that Askorutin is not harmless vitamins, but a serious medical drug, so self-administration is excluded. For example, before his appointment, the expectant mother must donate blood to determine the level of platelets. At high rates, taking the drug is prohibited, since it can lead to the formation of blood clots and blockage of the uterine and placental vessels.

The American Food and Drug Administration has not defined the category of Ascorutin's effect on the fetus. Also, FDA recommendations on its main components are not known, however, the injectable form of ascorbic acid belongs to group C substances in terms of the degree of effect on the embryo. That is, it is still unknown how taking vitamins C and P can affect the development of a child, especially if taken without the permission of a doctor.

Scientists have found that high doses of ascorbic acid, significantly exceeding the daily dose (80–90 mg), can provoke spontaneous abortion. In some situations, the fetus adapts to increased dosages, however, after childbirth, the newborn may develop a withdrawal syndrome.

Thus, a woman in position should not self-medicate and take Ascorutin without the knowledge of the attending doctor, especially if she is already using any vitamin complexes.

Why take

The beneficial properties of the active components of the drug allow it to be used in the complex treatment of many diseases. First of all, Askorutin is prescribed to a pregnant woman with a lack of its constituent vitamins and reduced immunity.

Also, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • insufficient oxygen supply to the placenta;
  • preeclampsia (a severe complication of pregnancy, manifested by edema and high blood pressure);
  • prevention:
    • flu and colds (prescribed when the first symptoms of the disease appear - runny nose and tearing);
    • varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
    • bleeding during labor;
  • diseases manifested by fragility and increased permeability of blood vessels:
    • rheumatism;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • infectious diseases (for example, scarlet fever);
    • hemorrhagic vasculitis (a disease in which small blood vessels are affected);
    • hypertension;
    • pronounced allergic conditions.

In addition, the drug is also prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. Ascorutin (or rather, one of its active ingredients - ascorbic acid) helps to more successfully absorb iron and prevents the development of negative consequences for the child.

First trimester and other contraindications

The instructions indicate that Askorutin should not be taken in the first 12 weeks of gestation. In addition, the drug is prohibited in the following diseases and conditions:

  • high blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects and effects on other drugs

Usually the drug is well tolerated by pregnant women, but in some cases the following undesirable consequences are noted:

  • headache and fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fluid retention in the tissues (as a result - edema);
  • thrombus formation;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • severe allergic reactions (angioedema, anaphylaxis);
  • kidney stones (with long-term use).

A woman in position should also be aware of the drug interaction of Askorutin with other drugs:

  • with prolonged use, Askorutin enhances the effect of heart drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines for high blood pressure;
  • ascorbic acid reduces the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants, drugs of the sulfanilamide group;
  • vitamin C enhances the side effects of salicylates.

In addition, an excess of ascorbic acid can cause negative consequences for the course of pregnancy, such as spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to discuss with the doctor the possibility of refusing to take other vitamin complexes containing vitamins C and P.

Instructions for safe use

The treatment regimen with Askorutin is determined only by the attending doctor, guided by the results of the tests, the state of health of the pregnant patient and the individual characteristics of her body.

When taking Ascorutin, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The drug is taken immediately after a meal.
  2. The tablet must be swallowed whole, without chewing. Otherwise, ascorbic acid can adversely affect the condition of tooth enamel.
  3. The drug is washed down with plain boiled water. Mineral water should not be used, since the alkali contained in it neutralizes the effect of vitamin C.
  4. You should not drink Ascorutin tablets with fruit and vegetable juices, as they reduce the absorption of ascorbic acid in the intestines.

The drug is taken 2-3 times a day in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 3-4 weeks, but the doctor has the right to extend the course of therapy.

How can Ascorutin be replaced during pregnancy

On pharmacy shelves you can also find complete analogues of Askorutin, which contain the same active ingredients in a comparable proportion:

  • Askorutin D;
  • Askorutin-UBF.

Another medical product - Prophylactin C - contains, in comparison with Ascorutin, an increased amount of ascorbic acid, it is used only for prophylactic purposes, usually to prevent a deficiency of vitamins C and P.

If the expectant mother cannot take Ascorutin for any reason, the doctor replaces it with drugs that are similar in their therapeutic effect and mechanism of action.

Table: drugs that doctors prescribe to expectant mothers to prevent and solve problems with blood vessels

Name Dosage forms Active ingredients Indications Contraindications Features of use during gestation
  • Diosmin;
  • hesperidin.
  • Venous-lymphatic insufficiency;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • varicose veins of the rectum.
Hypersensitivity to active and minor substances of the drugThe drug is considered quite safe, but it is prescribed only after comparing the risks and benefits.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • folic acid;
  • cyanocobalamin
  • Ischemic circulatory disorders;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • vascular disease in diabetes.
Intolerance to the components of the drugAppointed at any gestational age according to indications
  • Dihydroergocristine;
  • esculin;
  • rutoside.
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency;
  • disorders of blood microcirculation.
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the remedy.
It is not discharged at an early stage, since there is no exact data confirming its safety. It is prescribed in the second half of pregnancy.
  • Capsules;
  • gel.
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • prevention and treatment of symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency.
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Not recommended for admission in the first months of gestation. It is prescribed in the second trimester if the benefit to the mother is higher than the possible risks to the child.
  • Diosmin;
  • hesperidin.
  • Varicose veins;
  • prevention and treatment of symptoms of varicose veins of the rectum.
Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drugAllowed during pregnancy
  • Vitamin C;
  • routine.
  • Prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis C and P;
  • prevention of colds, flu;
  • prevention and treatment of blood microcirculation disorders.
Intolerance to the main and auxiliary components of the drugReception is possible after consultation with the doctor, in the first trimester it is better to refuse to use.

Photo gallery: Ascorutin replacement options for pregnant women, including those not prohibited in the early stages

Prophylactin C - a combined drug that restores the deficiency of vitamins C and P Troxevasin - an angioprotective drug with anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory action Detralex has venotonic and angioprotective properties, is prescribed in any trimester
Venarus is a drug intended for the treatment of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids, safe throughout the entire Angiovit is a combined pharmaceutical preparation containing B vitamins, it is also prescribed in early pregnancy
Anavenol is a venotonic, capillary-protective drug that effectively helps to cure various diseases of the vascular system.

ICN October OJSC Akrikhin KhPK JSC Altaivitaminy CJSC Biosintez OJSC Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations, RUE Veropharm, JSC VIFITECH PKP MARBIOPHARM OJSC Medisorb, JSC OZON, LLC Organika OJSC Rozpharm LLC ROZPHARM, CJSC Severnaya Zvezda, CJSC URALBIOPHARM, OJSC Ufavita Ufimsky vitamin plant JSC Pharmindustriya Pharmstandard LLC, Pharmstandard-Marbiopharm LLC Pharmstandard-Ufimsky Vitamin Plant OJSC, Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant OJSC

Country of origin

Australia Russia

Product group

Vitamin complexes

Combined drug

Release forms

  • 10 - cellular contour packs. 10 - non-cell packing contour. 50 - jars of dark glass. 50 - polymer cans. 50 - cellular contour packs. 100 - jars of dark glass. 10 - cellular contour packs. 10 - cellular contour packs (3) - packs of cardboard. 10 - cellular contour packs (5) - packs of cardboard. 50 - cans (1) - packs of cardboard. 18 tablets of 3.0 g in a blister pack of 50 tablets per pack. pack of 50 tablets

Description of the dosage form

  • round, ploskotsilindrichesky tablets of light greenish-yellow color with insignificant impregnations with risk and a facet. lozenges lozenges 3.0 g

pharmachologic effect

Combined drug. Restores vitamin C and R deficiency. Rutin, together with ascorbic acid, participates in redox processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes the deposition of ascorbic acid in tissues. Both components strengthen the vascular wall (promote the formation of intercellular substance and reduce the activity of hyaluronidase), reduce capillary permeability and fragility.


  • 1 tablet contains: rutin - 0.05 g, ascorbic acid - 0.05 g Active substances: ascorbic acid - 50 mg, rutin - 50 mg. Excipients: potato starch, sugar (sucrose), calcium stearate. ascorbic acid 50 mg rutoside 50 mg ascorbic acid, rutin; auxiliary components: sugar, glucose, calcium stearate

Askorutin indications for use

  • Prevention and treatment: - Hypo- and avitaminosis P and C; - capillary lesions associated with the use of indirect anticoagulants and salicylates. Complex therapy of diseases accompanied by impaired vascular permeability: - hemorrhagic diathesis; - hemorrhages in the retina; - capillary toxicosis; - radiation sickness; - septic endocarditis; - rheumatism; - glomerulonephritis; - arachnoiditis; - allergic diseases; - measles; - scarlet fever; - typhus; - thrombocytopenic purpura.
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