How to treat a sore throat at home: safe and effective remedies. Doctor's advice on the treatment of angina at home. Beetroot juice or decoction. Inhalations for angina

Medical professionals consider angina one of the most common infectious diseases among patients around the world. The inflammatory process extends to the palate, to both sides of the uvula and tonsils. If you open your mouth wide, you can see a reflection in the mirror: reddening of the soft tissues of the throat, white coating on the tongue and tonsils, in some cases small pustular formations in the region of the tongue and tonsils can be seen. Treatment of angina in an adult at home quickly relieves swelling, lowers body temperature.

The causative agent of this disease is the streptococcus microbe. Most often, the disease is transmitted by household means, through the sharing of dishes, towels and other personal items and objects.

In addition, in immunocompromised people, these microorganisms are constantly present on the tonsils. In case of circumstances favorable for the disease (hypothermia, malfunctions of the immune system, sudden changes in air temperature, contact with an infected person), streptococci activate pathogenic processes.

Experts note that the most effective in the treatment of angina are precisely the first days when the disease has not yet become widespread in a weakened body.

What are the symptoms of angina?

  1. elevated temperature;
  2. poor appetite;
  3. Sore throat;
  4. Weakness all over the body;
  5. Bad sleep;
  6. Discomfort when swallowing;
  7. Swelling and redness in the throat;
  8. Headache;
  9. increased sweating;
  10. Chill attacks.

First of all, the patient must adhere to bed rest and diet. Hot and spicy food should be completely excluded from food (oriental seasonings with pepper, winter preparations with horseradish, alcoholic drinks, fried pork meat and lard, etc.). It is better to dilute the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken broth, cereals and steamed meat dishes. In addition, special attention should be paid to drinking plenty of water. It is best to drink warm tea with lemon, honey, raspberries, currants and other products rich in vitamin C.

It is better to tie the throat of the patient with a soft scarf to keep warm in the throat area. To make sure that there is no more serious illness and get the recommendations of the attending physician, it is necessary to call a doctor at home.

If the diagnosis is not exactly established for the patient, but the symptoms include fever, headache and sore throat, then you should follow the recommendations common for colds:

  • Bed rest;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Eating onions and garlic;
  • Gargling with cooled boiled water with the addition of soda and iodine.

The main types and stages of possible treatment:

  1. Creating conditions conducive to recovery;
  2. Bed rest;
  3. Plentiful drink (mineral water, fruit drink, jelly, warm tea with lemon and honey, homemade unsweetened compotes);
  4. Inhalation or warming compress (at a low temperature);
  5. Rubbing the body with vodka;
  6. Diet with a predominance of plant products;
  7. Treatment of angina with antibiotics (as prescribed by a doctor);
  8. Limiting contacts, providing protective measures in relation to other family members.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary, first of all, to clarify the diagnosis (it is known that there are several diseases with the same symptoms), in order to exclude a possible relapse, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist and receive recommendations for further treatment. The doctor will tell you how to cure a sore throat at home. It should be understood that with the same disease at different stages of the development of the disease, different treatment can be prescribed.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, how to treat angina at home?

  • 1) Every hour you should gargle with soda and / or saline solution. To prepare it, one teaspoon of soda or salt must be dissolved in a glass of boiled, cooled water. If there is iodine in the home first aid kit (pay attention to the expiration date), then to enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add 1-2 drops of iodine to the resulting solution. Important: you should not add more iodine than indicated in the recipe, because. this may result in soft tissue burns.
  • 2) If you have ready-to-drink apple cider vinegar at home, you can use it to treat sore throats. To do this, mix vinegar and water in equal proportions and gargle every hour.
  • 3) A good remedy for sore throat is natural honey. A piece of lemon smeared with honey will support the immune system well. Moreover, vitamin C, found in large quantities in citrus fruits, has effective antibacterial properties, which will favorably affect the treatment.
  • 4) The next remedy that helps with angina is inhalation.

Breathing over the steam of dry hot potatoes helps relieve pain in the throat in 1-2 procedures. Boil 4-6 medium potatoes in a saucepan in a saucepan, drain the water. Put the saucepan on the table, ask someone from the family to cover you with a thick towel or bedspread. Breathe over the pot with your open mouth for 5 minutes, inhaling the potato vapors. Be careful, adjust the distance from the face to the saucepan so as not to get burned by hot steam.

After 3 - 4 hours, the procedure can be repeated. The therapeutic effect will be enhanced if, before the procedure, woolen socks are put on the feet, inside of which dry mustard powder is poured. Remember: at elevated body temperature, such inhalation is not recommended.

Cooling potatoes can be used for a compress. Prepare a warm puree and make a warming bandage on the throat area. If you feel discomfort, fever, difficulty breathing, then the bandage should be removed and lightly massage the throat with a warm hand from the outside.

For more effective treatment of angina, in-depth knowledge of the types of this disease and methods of dealing with them is required.

Experts distinguish 4 main types of angina:

  1. catarrhal;
  2. Lacunar;
  3. Follicular;
  4. Ulcerative membranous.

Catarrhal angina is characterized by damage to the upper layer of the tonsils. Perspiration and dryness in the throat area, as a result of which the patient experiences general malaise, pain in the throat area. Sometimes the pain spreads to the ear and the back of the head. At the same time, the body temperature does not rise too much, although periodic short-term chills are not excluded. Children are more susceptible to this disease than adults. After 4-5 days, the active phase of the disease either stops completely (i.e., the person is cured), or passes into another stage of regression. Since this ailment does not cause a strong increase in temperature, it can be treated using home remedies: gargling, inhalation, drinking plenty of water.

Angina in everyday life is called acute tonsillitis. This insidious disease is accompanied by an infectious lesion of the palatine tonsils and can cause a lot of dangerous complications. Often, patients are recommended to be placed in a hospital, but in uncomplicated cases it is also possible to treat angina in adults at home. It is important to understand the principles of therapy and coordinate your actions with your doctor.

Basic principles of treatment of angina in adults

Since tonsillitis is an infectious disease, the main goal of treatment is the elimination of pathogenic flora from the tissues of the tonsils. The second task of therapy is the elimination of intoxication of the body and the restoration of immunity. Various methods are used to solve this set of problems.

What drugs, antibiotics help with the disease?

First of all, antibiotic therapy is prescribed for tonsillitis.

Treatment of angina with antibiotics is a radical but necessary step.

Other means and methods are auxiliary.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, it is advisable to prescribe antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

Drug groupDrug namesApplicationContraindications
Antibiotics"Sumamed"1 tablet 500 mg or 2 capsules 250 mg 1 time per day.hypersensitivity to macrolides;
severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
"Amoxiclav"1 tablet 250 mg or 1 tablet 500 mg every 8 hours.hypersensitivity to components;
liver dysfunction;
Infectious mononucleosis;
lymphocytic leukemia;
with caution - during pregnancy and lactation.
"Amoxicillin"1 tablet 500 mg or 2 tablets 250 mg 3 times a day.gastrointestinal infections with vomiting and diarrhea;
Infectious mononucleosis;
lymphocytic leukemia;
allergies and hypersensitivity.
Antihistamines"Suprastin"1 tablet 25 mg 3 times a daypeptic ulcer;
myocardial infarction;
prostate dysfunction;
individual intolerance.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory"Ibuprofen"1 tablet 200 mg 3 times a dayinternal bleeding;
peptic ulcer;
III trimester of pregnancy.
"Paracetamol"1 tablet 500 mg 3 times a daysevere dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
blood diseases;

Often, with prolonged treatment with antibiotics, the development of fungal infections is observed, for the suppression of which an antifungal drug, Nystatin or Ketonazole, can be prescribed.

It is also important to supplement drug therapy with means to increase immunity - vitamin or immunomodulatory drugs.

Gargling as a remedy for sore throats

The purpose of rinsing with angina is to wash off the pathogenic flora from the surface of the tonsils.

For this, antiseptic solutions are used:

  • Furacillin solution. Grind 2 tablets into powder and dissolve in 1 cup of boiling water. Cool down until warm.
  • Soda-salt solution with iodine. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda in 0.5 liters of hot water. Drop 3-4 drops of iodine into the solution.
  • Lugol solution. Dilute 1 teaspoon of the pharmacy solution in 1 glass of warm water.
  • propolis solution. Dilute 2 teaspoons of an alcohol pharmacy solution in 1 glass of warm water.
  • Chlorophyllipt solution. Dilute 2 teaspoons of the pharmacy solution in 1 glass of warm water.

Gargle with tonsillitis should be at least 6 times a day. The product must be prepared in sufficient volume - about 0.5 liters per rinse. For each procedure, it is better to use a fresh solution.

Throat Sprays

The use of sprays is advisable after rinsing. Their spraying on the surface of the washed tonsils has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • "Tantum Verde";
  • "Geksoral";
  • Strepsils;
  • "Ingalipt";
  • "Lugol-spray".

You can also use lozenges that have the same effect as sprays - Faringosept, Septolete, Strepsils.

It is important to understand that neither sprays nor lozenges cure tonsillitis.

They alleviate some symptoms of sore throat and help relieve inflammation in the throat, but an infection that has penetrated deep into the tissues can only be destroyed with antibiotics.

Compresses for the throat

Warm compresses, until recently popular in the treatment of sore throats, are now controversial. On the one hand, they improve local blood circulation and relieve pain when swallowing. On the other hand, they contribute to the penetration of infection through the circulatory system into other organs, which leads to serious complications. For the same reason, inhalation is not recommended for angina.

It is strictly forbidden to put compresses in the following situations:

  • the presence of pus on the tonsils;
  • heat;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • thyroid disease.

However, compresses can alleviate the condition if angina is accompanied by lymphadenitis - inflammation of the submandibular or cervical lymph nodes.

To do this, you can use the drug "Dimexide", which penetrates well through the skin, anesthetizes and relieves inflammation:

  • dilute "Dimexide" with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • moisten a gauze compress in the solution and squeeze;
  • apply a compress on the submandibular and lateral surfaces of the neck;
  • fix it with a dry soft cloth;
  • knit a wool scarf.

Keep such a compress for an hour, after which the skin should be wiped with clean water.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is able to offer a lot of aids that complement drug therapy well:

  • Honey-vinegar rinse. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of 6% apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and gargle.
  • Rinse with a decoction of oak bark. Pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a slide into an enamel bowl and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Steam on the stove for 30 minutes, cool to a warm state and filter.
  • Propolis peas. After rinsing, take pieces of propolis the size of a pea and chew thoroughly until a characteristic burning sensation and numbness appear.
  • Dry salt compress. Warm coarse salt in a frying pan or oven and pour it into a cloth bag. In a warm form, apply on the neck area in the submandibular area and secure with a scarf. Keep until cool.

In the treatment of angina, decoctions of rose hips, infusions of chamomile and lime blossom, tea with lemon are very useful, which you need to drink in large quantities. To soften the throat, you can use warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.

Treatment depending on the form of angina

Tonsillitis has many varieties and a complex classification. Depending on the form in which it proceeds, the treatment may have its own characteristics.


With the catarrhal form of angina, the mucous membranes are superficially affected, without deep penetration of the infection into the tissues, so it is considered mild.

  1. The tonsils turn red, become loose and increase in size.
  2. Inflammation affects the adjacent arches and soft palate.
  3. There is an increase in temperature up to 380C.
  4. There are pains when swallowing, headaches.
  5. There is a general weakness.

Treatment of the catarrhal form of tonsillitis occurs according to the usual scheme and often does without antibiotics.

But if the disease is started, it can go into a more severe stage - lacunar tonsillitis.

With her, a white coating appears on the tonsils, exudate collects in the lacunae. The temperature can rise to 390C and above. Treatment of lacunar angina should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the disease is fraught with serious complications.


Follicular angina is characterized by deep damage to the tissues of the tonsils. Yellow-white foci resembling grains become noticeable on them - festering follicles. This form is considered severe and often requires hospitalization.

  1. As with lacunar angina, the temperature can be high - from 390C and above.
  2. The patient has increased salivation.
  3. There are sharp pains, it becomes very difficult to swallow.
  4. Sometimes there is pain in the region of the heart.

Follicular tonsillitis can be treated at home, but constant medical supervision is required.

This form of the disease requires high doses of antibiotics, monitoring of blood tests and subsequent rehabilitation.


Purulent in everyday life is called either lacunar or follicular tonsillitis. Both forms are characterized by the presence of suppuration. A feature of the treatment of purulent forms of tonsillitis is the mandatory use of antibiotics. If necessary, they are prescribed not only in tablets, but also intramuscularly.

In some cases, the treatment of purulent tonsillitis requires a special procedure - mechanical cleaning of the tonsils. It is prescribed if rinsing does not bring results. At home, cleaning is very difficult, it requires some skill. In addition, if done incorrectly, erosion may appear or an abscess may develop. Therefore, it is better to entrust the manipulation to a doctor who will carefully remove purulent plugs with a spatula and treat the throat with an antiseptic.


The phlegmonous form develops as a complication of purulent tonsillitis. Otherwise, it is called "paratonsillitis". In this case, the tissues adjacent to the tonsils are deeply affected.

Phlegmonous tonsillitis develops rapidly and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise to 400C and above;
  • severe hoarseness or complete loss of voice;
  • increased salivation and bad breath;
  • reduction (contracture) of the jaws;
  • severe swelling of the soft and hard palate;
  • severe pain, manifestations of general severe intoxication.

It is impossible to treat the phlegmonous form of angina on its own.

When such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Ulcerative necrotic

Ulcerative necrotic angina is a separate form of the disease, which is called Simanovsky's tonsillitis. It develops differently than all of the above. Its cause is not the entry of an external infection into the body, but the activation of its own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which under normal conditions does not cause any inconvenience.

Simanovsky's tonsillitis can occur against the background of a general weakening of the immune system - after prolonged illness, exhaustion, immunodeficiency, chronic infections.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • temperature up to 37.50С;
  • slight sore throat;
  • manifestations of stomatitis with bad breath;
  • greyish-white plaque and ulcers on the tonsils, usually on one side.

Launched ulcerative necrotic angina leads to necrosis of the tonsils, palate, larynx and tongue. Adequate treatment is possible only after a complete laboratory diagnosis. Usually it includes antibiotic therapy and treatment of ulcers with hydrogen peroxide, irrigation of the throat with antiseptics, lubrication of the tonsils with iodine.

Angina (tonsillitis) is a rather serious infectious disease affecting the pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils. Inflammation most often occurs in an acute form (with high fever and symptoms of intoxication), causing many complications. Therefore, the treatment of angina in adults should take place under the strict supervision of a physician in compliance with bed rest and taking antibacterial agents.

Causes and symptoms of angina

Angina is a contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets or household. There are viral and bacterial lesions of the tonsils. The peak of infection is observed in the autumn-winter period. The cause of the malaise becomes a sick person or a carrier who has already been ill, but remains a source of infection for 1–2 weeks.

The first signs of the disease in adults are not detected immediately, but only 4-5 days after infection. There are common symptoms of inflammation, characteristic of all forms of angina:

  • redness in the throat and pain when swallowing;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • hoarseness, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • brokenness, weakness.

When the first signs of angina appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Angina is very insidious and dangerous with serious consequences that can develop suddenly and end unpredictably.


Most often, angina in adults ends with a complete recovery without any complications. But in case of non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, problems often arise. Therefore, the treatment of tonsillitis should be competent and timely. This will help prevent the development of a number of serious consequences:

  • Heart disease.
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).
  • Joint damage, rheumatism.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Damage to the liver, kidneys, dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Pathologies develop a few weeks after a sore throat, if the patient does not comply with bed rest and does not take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

General principles of treatment

Uncomplicated angina in adults is usually treated on an outpatient basis. If you have a fever and sore throat, you should stay at home and call a doctor.

Bed rest is the key to a quick recovery

The main condition for successful therapy and complete recovery is bed rest for at least 5 days. The patient must be completely isolated from other family members in order to avoid their infection. He needs to allocate separate dishes, which are recommended to be disinfected periodically, and individual hygiene items.

Nutrition should be balanced and sparing. It is recommended to consume as much warm drink as possible: compotes, not sour fruit drinks, mineral water without gases, milk with honey.

During treatment, you should carefully follow all the doctor's instructions and take the prescribed medications.

Medical treatment

Before treating a sore throat in an adult, its cause should be clarified. Only after a visual examination, palpation of the lymph nodes and pharyngoscopy, the doctor will be able to prescribe a specific therapy, consisting of local and systemic antibacterial agents.

First of all, antibiotics are used to eliminate the symptoms of tonsillitis. In addition to them, topical preparations are necessarily used, which also effectively destroy the pathogen.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, the therapy regimen includes immunostimulating and antipyretic drugs, which quickly reduce the manifestation of symptoms.

Antibiotic treatment

When prescribing drugs for angina to adults, doctors most often prescribe antibiotics of the penicillin series:

  • Sumamed;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Amoxicillin Sandoz;
  • Ampicillin trihydrate;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin;
  • Amoxiclav.

These drugs act directly on the cause of the disease. The course of treatment usually does not exceed a week, but in difficult cases it can be increased up to 10-12 days.

Antibiotics are the main drugs for the treatment of angina in adults

If angina occurs with complications, then the patient is most often sent to a hospital, where treatment with antibiotics of a broader spectrum of action is prescribed: Cefuroxime, Levofloxacin, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone. If after seven days there is no obvious improvement, it is necessary to recheck the diagnosis or prescribe another drug.

Among the local drugs that have a detrimental effect on the pathogen, there are:

  • lozenges - Septolete, Stop-Angin, Pharyngosept, Strepsils;
  • sprays with antibiotics or sulfonamides - Bioparox, Hexoral, Kameton, Ingalipt.

With a mild course of angina, the antibiotic Bioparox can replace systemic drugs, since it is both an antibiotic and a local drug at the same time.

As practice has shown, it is almost impossible to cure inflammation of the tonsils without the use of antibiotics. The most reliable and fastest way is intramuscular injection of drugs. Injections are given to patients who have contraindications to oral antibiotics or have developed serious complications.

Prescribing antibiotics alone is not recommended. Only a doctor can choose what to drink with a sore throat for an adult.

Other medicines

Treatment of tonsillitis should be comprehensive. The purpose of additional funds depends on the form and severity of the disease, the type of pathogen and the presence of allergic reactions to the components of a particular drug.

Treatment of angina in adults should be comprehensive

In general cases, the treatment regimen for angina includes the following groups of medications:

  • solutions for lubricating the pharynx: Lugol, Iodinol, Vokadin;
  • gargling liquids: Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Romazulan;
  • antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol: Ibuklin, Tylenol, Teraflu, Panoxen, Coldrex, Panadol, Rinza, Koldakt;
  • antihistamines: Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Claritin, Fenistil;
  • antifungal drugs: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Flucostat, Nystatin, Levorin;
  • immunostimulants: Imudon, IRS-19, Anaferon, Methyluracil (tablets).

Many of these drugs contain an analgesic component, so they not only have a detrimental effect on the cause of the disease, but also relieve pain in the throat.

Features of therapy of various types of angina

There are many forms of tonsillitis, and the treatment of each of them has its own distinctive features.

herpes sore throat

You should know that the cause of the herpes form is a virus, so antibiotic therapy in this case is ineffective.

In the treatment of herpangina, antihistamines are prescribed that eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs. In addition, the doctor may recommend a chamomile, calendula, or sage rinse.

Any thermal procedures for this form of angina are prohibited.

With the development of complications - meningitis or myocarditis - patients are subject to mandatory hospitalization.

Viral angina

This form of angina is considered less dangerous, since it gives complications much less often. They get sick most often in the cold season. Tonsillitis develops against a background of weakened immunity and has a viral cause, so antibiotics are not prescribed to the patient, since they weaken the immune system.

For treatment, interferons are used that increase the body's resistance and have antiviral activity: Viferon or leukocyte Interferon. The patient is shown gargling, inhalation and symptomatic therapy.

Interferons are used to treat angina caused by viruses.

Purulent tonsillitis

Unlike other sore throats, the purulent form is always acute. For treatment, antibiotics of the penicillin series or drugs from the macrolide group are necessarily used:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Spiramycin.

To reduce the symptoms of angina, corticosteroids, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are prescribed, gargles and compresses, and throat lubrication are used.

Other types

For the treatment of the follicular form of tonsillitis, antibiotics and antipyretics, tablets and lozenges are required. It is recommended to gargle and make compresses.

The lacunar form is also treated with antibiotics, antipyretics and antihistamines. A higher dose of vitamin C is recommended.

In the catarrhal form, anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides, rinsing and lubricating the tonsils are prescribed.

Operative method of treatment

As a rule, conservative therapy is quite effective in the treatment of angina in adults. But in some cases, the doctor may advise surgery:

  • if inflammation of the tonsils develops several times a year;
  • tonsils enlarge so much that it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • persistent sore throats complicate the work of other organs;
  • purulent inflammation develops in the throat (abscess).

Surgery is a last resort. Before referring the patient for surgery, the doctor will recommend laser lacutotomy (laser cauterization of tonsil lacunae). The procedure is very effective and helps in most cases.


With angina in adults, it is very useful to gargle. Irrigation well moisturizes and softens the mucous membrane, eliminates discomfort and removes purulent plaque from the tonsils.

Almost all known rinsing solutions perform these tasks, thereby greatly alleviating the course of the disease. Treatment is recommended for at least 2-3 weeks. This will enhance the effect of therapy and prevent the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Throat smearing

The procedure is designed to clean the surface of the tonsils from pus and pathogenic microorganisms and apply a medicinal substance.

Lugol's throat lubrication is one of the ways to treat angina in adults.

Lubricate the throat should be 4-5 times a day for an hour before or after meals.

For adults, the procedure is not particularly difficult. For treatment, you will need an unsharpened pencil, bandage or cotton wool and a drug. Sterile material is wound on a pencil with a thick layer and moistened abundantly in a solution.

Lubricate the tonsils with quick and confident movements so as not to cause a gag reflex.


The effectiveness of inhalations for angina is not very high, and in some forms of tonsillitis, the procedure is prohibited.

Inhalation of hot steam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if the inflammation has become acute;
  • purulent or herpetic tonsillitis was diagnosed;
  • increased body temperature.

Steam treatments will benefit only in the early stages of the disease. If purulent inflammations appear, it is better to refrain from inhalation.


To treat angina in adults should be complex, using not only medications, but also a balanced diet.

During the treatment of angina, diet is very important.

The diet during illness should be light and varied. Products that cause irritation of the throat mucosa are contraindicated: spicy, salty, excessively hot or cold dishes, solid food.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • warm, viscous cereals with butter;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • pureed vegetable soups in a weak broth;
  • boiled or stewed meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream, milk;
  • eggs.

The therapeutic diet provides for plenty of fluids. It should be warm and not sweet. Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, milk with honey, rosehip broth are useful.


It is possible to treat inflammation of the tonsils with the help of non-traditional means only as an addition to the main therapy. There are many effective recipes for sore throats in adults, which are very easy to prepare and use.

The most popular folk remedy for tonsillitis is gargling. For the procedure, you can prepare juice from fresh beets, sage infusion, decoction of oak bark or willow, a solution of apple cider vinegar in water. Irrigation of the throat with a weak solution of salt (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid) is very effective.

A popular folk remedy is gargling with decoctions of herbs.

For oral use herbal teas, a mixture of radish or onion juice with honey, hot milk with honey.

Angina in pregnant women

Inflammation of the tonsils is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, the threat to the fetus is reduced, but still remains real.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of a sore throat, the expectant mother should consult a doctor to prescribe a therapy permitted in her position.

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy is fraught with considerable difficulties. Not all drugs for angina in adults are suitable for use by women who are expecting a baby.

The main method of therapy still involves taking antibiotics. Today, there are enough different drugs that do not cross the placenta and do not harm the fetus:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin group: Amoxiclav, Sumamed;
  • Cefozolin;
  • Erythromycin.

Levomycetin and antibiotics from the tetracycline group are not prescribed to pregnant women, since they are dangerous for the child.

Of the antipyretics, you can use Paracetamol and Panadol. Various lozenges and lozenges, aerosols are allowed. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correct dosage, avoiding an excess of drugs.

In addition to taking medications, the patient should follow other doctor's recommendations:

  • observe bed rest;
  • drink more liquid;
  • stick to a diet.
  • In parallel with drug therapy, you can gargle with infusion of medicinal herbs, drink rosehip broth, warm milk with honey.

With timely and competent treatment, the prognosis for angina is most often favorable. After 10-12 days, the patient recovers completely and can start work. Otherwise, severe local and general complications develop, chronic tonsillitis is formed.

Colds are considered commonplace, especially in winter or autumn, when the immune system is most weakened. But with an increase in temperature, the appearance of severe pain in the throat, it will not be possible to manage with standard warm tea with raspberries and bed rest.

Angina or acute tonsillitis appears as a result of infection with a virus that affects the tonsils, provoking the further development of the inflammatory process. Treatment of angina can be carried out at home if the patient's condition is satisfactory. Treatment of children from angina should be negotiated with the attending pediatrician, since the risk of complications is excessively high.

Etiology of the disease

Types of angina

Medical therapy

Medications for angina can only be prescribed by the attending physician. The exception is some lollipops for sore throats and. The list of drugs depends on the type of disease, the severity of its course and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In the standard version, with an ailment, the reception of such funds is shown:

They are prescribed only if angina is caused by streptococci. An illness that was provoked by viruses and is accompanied by cough, runny nose and hoarseness does not require such therapy.

Folk methods

Folk remedies are very effective for angina. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly. So, in the treatment of angina, bed rest should be observed. If possible, you should ventilate the room, but only if the weather is not cold outside.

- rather a storehouse of vitamins and additional excipients that help fight the disease. The most commonly used and show effective results are such means:

  • tea with lemon, fruit drinks, juices - replenish the body with vitamins and prevent dehydration at a temperature;
  • honey - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
  • - has antibacterial and anesthetic effect;
  • beets - soothes a sore throat and kills pathogenic bacteria;
  • - has an anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to clean the tonsils from accumulated pus.

Folk remedies must be chosen carefully, given the occurrence of possible and intolerance.

How and how to treat angina at home:

Physiotherapy (compresses, inhalations, heating, etc.)

And warming up with angina can only be prescribed by a doctor. You should not get carried away with these procedures, since they are only relevant for certain types of angina. It is best to combine such procedures in combination with the main treatment.

As for, they are extremely effective in the treatment of angina. They allow you to stop the development of inflammation, have an excellent warming and analgesic effect. The most common types of compresses are:

  • alcoholic;
  • potato;
  • with honey;
  • with essential oils;

How to quickly cure a sore throat at home:

Features of treatment

It is necessary to treat a sore throat in a hospital if it is too advanced or pus and purulent plugs appear on the tonsils. In such situations, there is a serious risk of blood poisoning by bacteria in the throat.

Danger signs

An ambulance is needed in cases where the patient cannot get to the doctor on his own. Dangerous symptoms are:

  • high temperature above 39 ° C, which cannot be brought down;
  • swelling of the neck and severe pain when turning the head;
  • breathing difficulties;

Also, an ambulance is needed if there is a suspicion of a sore throat in a small child.

The patient must be provided with bed rest and make sure that he moves around the room as little as possible and does not spread bacteria. Close contact with the patient and the use of the same utensils and household items can lead to infection.

In order not to get infected, the caregiver should use a gauze bandage, which should be changed every three hours.

Comfortable conditions for the patient include the following aspects:

  • complete diet;
  • plentiful warm drink;
  • monitoring patient compliance.

In order to minimize the patient's motor activity, it is possible to rinse the throat without leaving the bed. To do this, you can use a bowl and rinse aid.


The prognosis for recovery directly depends on how competent the patient's treatment was. If the patient consulted the doctor on time and strictly followed the prescription, recovery is achieved in 100% of cases.

Many people are not serious about such a disease as tonsillitis. Often the choice stops on drugs that eliminate symptoms. Unfortunately, this tactic is wrong, because the disease can lead to serious complications - the pathology of the joints, the heart. That is why it is extremely important to know what treats angina. Adequate therapy will be prescribed, of course, by a doctor.

Brief description of the disease

The inflammatory process, covering the palatine tonsils and adjacent tissues, is called angina. In medicine, this pathology is called tonsillitis. Tonsils in the human body form a kind of ring in the nasopharynx, which protects against pathogens entering other organs. However, such an accumulation of lymphoid tissues reacts with inflammation to infection.

The pathological process is facilitated by factors such as:

  • hypothermia;
  • emotional stress;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of dental ailments (periodontal disease, caries);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • many chronic diseases.
  • The causative agent of purulent tonsillitis can be a bacterium. Often it is staphylococcus, streptococcus. These microbes are found in abundance in the environment. They are found on clothing and household items, in the air.

    Before or a child, you should accurately establish the diagnosis. Since this pathology can be a manifestation of most other diseases. For example, such symptoms are characteristic of blood ailments, viral infections (infectious mononucleosis). Therefore, angina should be treated at home only when there is no doubt about the correct diagnosis.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease

    With purulent tonsillitis, the following symptoms are observed:

    • high temperature (in some cases, the thermometer reaches 40 degrees);
    • the general condition worsens (fatigue, weakness, loss of strength);
    • there is discomfort in the throat, especially aggravated by swallowing;
    • discomfort is given to the ear, during swallowing there is a feeling of congestion;
    • the pain reaches such intensity that the patient refuses to eat, drinks only liquid;
    • when examining the throat, swelling of the tonsils, redness and the presence of plaque are visible.

    Most people believe that a sore throat is treated with an effective antibiotic. At the same time, they completely forget: only complex therapy can bring the desired result.

    How to treat angina at home? Initially, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Bed rest. During illness, physical activity should be limited. More sleep is recommended. It is advisable to refuse conversations for a while. The number of days spent in bed depends on the severity of the disease. If possible, the sick person is isolated from other family members, especially from young children.
    2. Hygiene items, dishes. The patient should be allocated separate household items.
    3. Wet cleaning. It is necessary to ventilate the patient's room. Wipe furniture with a damp cloth. It is recommended to humidify the air. This will reduce the concentration of bacteria in the room.
    4. Plentiful drink. If we treat angina quickly, then the intoxication of the body, which accompanies this pathology, should be eliminated. To do this, be sure to use a lot of liquid - juices, teas, water, fruit drinks.
    5. Diet. It is recommended to follow certain dietary rules. Food should be warm (hot and cold are unacceptable), soft, gentle. Avoid food irritants. Preference is given to food enriched with vitamins. Such a diet starts the recovery process in the mucous membrane of the tonsils.

    Try to avoid the smell of cleaning products, tobacco smoke. They irritate a sore throat too much.

    Disease treatment methods

    So, the patient is diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis. How to treat this pathology? The main drugs needed for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis are antibiotics. They allow for a few days (1-3 days) temperature indicators to return to normal. However, it should be remembered that only complex therapy treats angina. Therefore, the fight against pathology includes the following methods:

    1. Medical treatment.
    2. antiseptics. Such a procedure is prescribed for the lacunar form of the disease and is performed by an ENT doctor.
    3. Gargling with antiseptics.
    4. Irrigation of the tonsils with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial sprays.
    5. Lubrication of the tonsils.

    When making a diagnosis, the first question that arises in patients is usually the following: "How to treat a sore throat in an adult?" Initially, with this pathology, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. But it should be noted that it will be effective only when the disease is of a bacterial nature. After all, it is known that antibiotics are not able to have an effect on viruses.

    Since it is very difficult to visually determine the nature of the onset of angina, the doctor prescribes, without waiting for tests, drugs with a wide spectrum of effects. Only a doctor can tell you which antibiotics to treat purulent sore throat with. It is highly undesirable to select them yourself.

    The following drugs are quite effective in relation to many:

    • Fluoroquinolones (1st generation) - Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin;
    • Fluoroquinolones (2nd generation) - Levofloxacin;
    • Macrolides - "Azithromycin", "Erythromycin";
    • Penicillins - "Amoxicillin" and "Clavulanic acid";
    • 1st generation cephalosporins - Cefalexin, Cefazolin;
    • 2nd generation cephalosporins - "Cefuroxime", "Cefaclor".

    Doctors, advising patients how to treat angina, often recommend the use of local antibacterial drugs. This is usually the medicine "Bioparox". The product comes in the form of a spray. The combination of topical antibiotics and taking them orally allows you to recover from pathology much faster.

    An excellent remedy is the local Grammidin Neo medicine. The product contains an effective antibiotic. The drug is produced in the form of tablets intended for resorption.


    Purulent tonsillitis provoked by a viral disease requires special attention. How to treat such a pathology? In this case, the most effective data therapy is effective only at the beginning of treatment, in the first two days after the onset of symptoms.

    The range of prescribed antiviral agents is very wide:

    • "Arbidol";
    • "Kagocel";
    • "Ingavirin";
    • "Tamiflu";
    • "Anaferon";
    • "Relenza".

    Even with the timely start of treatment with such drugs, there is no guarantee that the bacterial flora, which needs antibiotics, will not join the pathology.


    Many patients are well aware of the best way to treat angina. It's about rinsing. It is advisable to carry out such procedures 5-6 times throughout the day. Solutions intended for rinsing must be warm.

    The safest means that are in demand for the procedure are:

    • soda-salt solution with the addition of iodine;
    • decoctions of herbs - sage, chamomile, calendula.

    A very effective drug, tested over the years, is the drug "Furacilin". It is easy to purchase at a pharmacy in the form of tablets or a ready-made solution.

    In addition, the following antiseptic drugs can be used for the rinsing procedure:

    • "Chlorhexidine";
    • "Givalex";
    • "Furasol";
    • "Miramistin";
    • "Geksoral";
    • "Chlorophyllipt".

    Effective sprays

    Unfortunately, the opportunity to gargle is not always the case. Therefore, remember that it treats a sore throat in this case. Many manufacturers produce drugs to combat pathology in several forms. If it is impossible to rinse, it is recommended to use sprays.

    It is extremely convenient to use such a dosage form to combat the disease in babies. After all, the crumbs do not know how to gargle on their own.

    The choice of medicines-sprays is quite wide and varied:

    • Strepsils plus;
    • "Miramistin";
    • "Yox";
    • "Tantum Verde";
    • "Hexoral".

    Means for resorption

    Various lozenges, lozenges, tablets are the most popular forms of drugs used by patients who are diagnosed with severe angina. Almost all patients know how to treat a sore throat.

    The most demanded medicines are:

    • Strepsils;
    • "Septolete";
    • "Faringosept";
    • "Anti-angin";
    • "Tantum Verde";
    • "Geksoral tabs";
    • "Lizobakt".

    These drugs, as a rule, have no contraindications. However, the possibility of individual intolerance to some components should be taken into account. Before use, you should carefully study the composition of the drug, especially for people prone to allergic reactions.

    It is recommended to be careful with iodine medications. This applies to those people who are thinking about how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, with thyroid pathologies, and nursing mothers. For such categories of patients, such drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

    Antipyretic drugs

    Severe painful discomfort in the throat is not the only symptom characteristic of purulent tonsillitis. Pathology is accompanied by intoxication of the body, which is manifested by weakness, headache, fever, chills.

    There is a need to eliminate this symptomatology. For such purposes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with antipyretic effects are used.

    The most appropriate appointment of the following funds:

    • "Ibuprofen";
    • "Nurofen";
    • "Paracetamol";
    • "Aspirin";
    • "Panadol";
    • "Fervex";
    • "Coldrex".

    The above drugs are not only effective but also have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. It should be remembered that these drugs only help to alleviate the condition. They have no effect on the cause of the disease. They are used exclusively for symptomatic treatment.

    The use of vitamins

    It is very important for this disease to support the immune system. This will allow the body to recover much faster. The following multivitamin complexes help to treat angina at home:

    • "Pikovit";
    • "Multi tabs";
    • "Alphabet";
    • "Complivit";
    • "Vitrum";
    • Biomax.

    Natural immunostimulants are very useful - tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea purpurea.

    Prescribing Probiotics

    In most cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed for the treatment of angina. Unfortunately, it is she who is often able to provoke intestinal dysbacteriosis. To protect the body from an unpleasant complication, the doctor prescribes lacto- and bifidobacteria.

    Popular probiotics are:

    • "Lineks";
    • "Acilact";
    • "Acipol";
    • "Bifidumbacterin";
    • "Bifiform";
    • "Normoflorin";
    • "Probifor".

    Treatment of children

    It is extremely unpleasant if the kids are sick. How to treat a purulent sore throat for a child, only a pediatrician will tell.

    The fight against pathology is based on the use of antibacterial drugs. Oral dosage forms may be recommended. With sufficiently serious pathologies, the doctor prescribes an injection of drugs. Often the choice stops on drugs:

    • "Stopangin";
    • "Geksoral";
    • "Ingalipt".

    It is definitely recommended to gargle. For babies, you can use decoctions of herbs, solutions of sea salt, soda. Propolis tincture, diluted in half a glass of warm water, will provide a positive effect. Kids can gargle with a solution of furacilin or Lugol.

    Warming compresses for purulent sore throat are strictly prohibited, since such a procedure contributes to increased blood flow to the area affected by the infection. Together with the flow, the infection spreads quite quickly throughout the body. Thus, parents need to remember that with purulent sore throat, warming up the throat can seriously aggravate the situation.

    Many folk remedies are quite effective. However, it should be understood that they act only as an additional therapy. It is impossible to base only on folk recipes, since there is a risk of various complications.

    Treatment of illness during pregnancy

    For women expecting a baby, a disease such as purulent tonsillitis is extremely dangerous, since pathology can lead to quite serious consequences:

    • rheumatism;
    • arthritis
    • heart defects;
    • kidney ailments;
    • pregnancy complications.

    This disease carries a double danger for the unborn baby and mother. It is completely unacceptable to independently decide how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, since the patient needs medical treatment, which includes antibiotics. After all, the risk of complications from this pathology is much higher than the threat from a specially selected medicine. It is the doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs and will monitor the condition of the expectant mother.

    Today, pharmacology has developed antibiotics that are not contraindicated for pregnant women. However, these drugs should not be taken on their own. The necessary remedy will be prescribed only by a doctor.

    Pregnant women must use local treatment methods:

    1. Gargling. It is recommended to use decoctions of medicinal herbs, the drug "Furacilin".
    2. Inhalations.
    3. Adhere to the necessary drinking regimen.
    4. Proper nutrition enriched with vitamins and carefully balanced.


    All patients diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis should understand how serious this disease is. In pathology, adequate therapy is necessary, since the disease, with improper treatment or its complete absence, can easily become chronic. The patient will periodically experience periods of exacerbation of angina, followed by temporary remission.

    The risk of developing unpleasant complications is quite high: sinusitis, otitis, paratonsillitis. And sometimes, against the background of improper treatment, a pathology such as rheumatism can develop. That is why, at the first symptoms of a sore throat, you should definitely consult a doctor and strictly follow all his appointments.

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