Hot body without temperature: causes of internal heat and sweating. Temperature and social comfort: a warm welcome or a cold welcome? Feeling warm when next to each other

Patients quite often turn to the therapist with complaints of a sensation of heat that covers the entire body.

Sometimes the feeling of warmth may be focused in only one or a few areas.

At the same time, the general body temperature remains within the normal range, even with repeated measurements at different times of the day.

The warmth that spreads through the body is familiar to many people. Such sensations may indicate serious health problems, especially if this symptom is combined with other clinical manifestations. Heat in the body when there is no temperature, usually occurs episodically and is characterized by a sudden onset.

Sometimes it is very difficult to associate fever with any objective cause, because the symptom occurs both in a cool room and in a hot one. Patients describe their condition in different ways: some feel heat from the inside of the whole body, others suffer from heat in the head or limbs, but there is no temperature.

Sweating and fever may indicate the onset of diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. Many patients associate fever without fever only with colds, but the symptom can be explained by other reasons:

  1. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  2. premenstrual syndrome;
  3. alcohol consumption;
  4. nutritional features.

To date, the exact causes of hot flashes are not known to doctors.

It is generally accepted that internal heat occurs only in women, but this is far from the case. The problem is equally common among men and women. In men, the feeling of heat is associated with a sharp decrease in testosterone levels after the removal of the testicles. Hot flashes may be the result of treatment with drugs that counteract testosterone.

The cause of periodic hot flashes without an increase in temperature may be the use of spicy dishes, seasonings. Along with a bright taste, a person will feel a subjective feeling of warmth, which is explained by:

  • irritation of receptors;
  • increased blood circulation.

This effect will be most pronounced from hot spicy food if consumed in the hot season.

Drinks containing alcohol can provoke a fever inside without temperature. Alcohol will expand the blood vessels for a while, and the person will feel a surge of heat.

However, you need to know that such a feeling is deceptive. Alcohol can cause internal chills, which are sure to come after a brief wave of heat.

Often, internal heat in the body, when there is no temperature, occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia. This diagnosis is quite common and at the same time the most difficult, because VVD is not an independent disease. Dystonia is a syndrome that can include many different symptoms.

It is possible to establish the presence of VVD in a patient only by the method of exclusion, after a long diagnosis and confirmation of the absence of other pathologies that explain the symptoms.

The causes of fever without fever in patients suffering from this syndrome are hidden:

  1. in violation of the regulatory function of blood vessels;
  2. in vasomotor disorders.

The sensation of increased internal temperature and sweating occurs only during the tide, but attacks are a secondary pathology. The underlying factors in the development of the problem may be related to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • frequent stay in stressful situations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking.

Other symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia: pain or discomfort around the heart, disruption of the rhythm of its work, bright fluctuations in the level of blood pressure. It can also be disorders of the digestive tract, biliary system, mood swings, sensation of a lump in the throat, spasms, cramps of the limbs. Sometimes patients suffer from a feeling of cold hands, feet, vestibular disorders and dizziness.

The heat wave that occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia is a consequence of the pathology that has arisen. For treatment, the doctor will offer to stop the manifestations that contribute to the disruption of daily activity, a decrease in the quality of life. Prevention of fever is simply impossible without following the rules of a healthy lifestyle, a rational diet, and regular physical education.

If a fever appears without an increase in the overall temperature, it is imperative to consult a therapist, he:

  • help determine the nature of the violation;
  • send for further diagnostics;
  • select the appropriate treatment.

If necessary, you should contact a narrow profile doctor, for example, a cardiologist, gynecologist, psychotherapist.

It should be noted right away that the causes of internal heat without an increase in body temperature that occur during the premenstrual period are not fully understood.

But there is a clear connection between this state and emotional lability. Often, doctors consider fever and sweating as a vegetative-vascular disorder.

There is no treatment that can completely eliminate the manifestation of PMS. Instead, doctors can offer complex regimens that are used depending on the presence of symptoms, their severity. Usually used:

  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • adjustment of the regime of rest and work;
  • psychotherapy.

As for drugs, the use of combined oral contraceptives, antihistamines, diuretics, vitamins A, B, C, nootropics, antidepressants, tranquilizers is indicated.

For partial relief of symptoms, and pain in particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken. They are prescribed courses, depending on the age of the patient, the characteristics of the organism.

Heat attacks during this period are explained by the transformation of the reproductive system, which is associated with age-related changes.

Hot flashes occur from time to time, usually only at night. The sensation of warmth spreads immediately throughout the body and is accompanied by:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • redness of the neck, face.

Red spots can sometimes be seen on the chest, arms and legs. The woman will feel chills, she sweats a lot. On average, such hot flashes last from 30 seconds to 20 minutes. A typical complaint of the patient will be a feeling of heat in the head without an increase in body temperature.

Together with the fever, a woman will present complaints, among which there will be headache attacks, sleep disturbance, mood swings, a feeling of weakness, a breakdown.

  1. balanced diet;
  2. rejection of bad habits;
  3. normalized physical activity;
  4. hormone replacement therapy;
  5. antidepressants.

You should know that hot flashes and sweating adversely affect not only women's health, but also the whole body as a whole.

The most harmless cause of the problem is considered to be a reaction to stress. In this case, you can help yourself if you take a deep breath, drink a glass of water and a few tablets of a sedative.

Feeling hot inside the body can be a characteristic symptom of hypertension. Especially often such hot flashes without temperature occur at night. Hypertensive patients who have had a heart attack or stroke complain about the problem. They burn the skin of the face and neck to a greater extent, which is associated with a sharp increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate due to feelings of fear and excitement. With a stroke, the face also turns red, becomes hot, and sweating increases.

As you can see, the feeling of heat inside the body is a wake-up call that simply cannot be ignored. If you do not seek medical help, the patient runs the risk of getting more serious health problems, which are quite difficult to get rid of without serious and long-term treatment.

There is also the opposite problem - chills. It should be understood as a subjective feeling of chilliness, coldness, which occurs due to sharp spasms of the skin and a decrease in body temperature. With chills, the patient will note trembling in the muscles, the appearance of "goose bumps". The most likely cause of chills will be an acute infectious disease, such as a cold, flu, bronchitis.

You need to know that chills are not a disease, but a natural reaction of the body to temperature changes, changes in metabolic processes.

If a person is shivering, but the temperature does not rise, the reasons should be sought in hypothermia and freezing of the body. Other symptoms will be:

  1. blue lips;
  2. weakness, lethargy.

To alleviate the condition, you will need to drink hot tea, take a warm shower, bath, lie under the covers. If nothing helps to warm up, you need to see a doctor, it is likely that the hypothermia turned out to be deeper than it seems at first glance.

Chills can begin with high blood pressure, then it is accompanied by headaches, weakness, hand tremors. Often the symptom occurs after the transferred stress. The patient should take a sedative, reduce pressure.

It is possible that chills become a symptom of:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus.

The patient should consult with a therapist, endocrinologist and donate blood to the level of hormones.

It happens that a person is shivering due to disorders of the digestive system: against the background of attacks of nausea or pain in the abdomen, as a result of a failure of metabolic processes, innervation of the intestines, stomach.

In chronic or sluggish ailments, chills can also begin without an increase in body temperature. The most common cause in this case will be pulmonary tuberculosis. What is dangerous vegetative-vascular dystonia and fever, the video in this article will tell.

Incredible Facts

There are generally accepted signs that you and your partner are the perfect couple: wonderful communication, a feeling of lightness, comfort and enjoyment when you are together.

However, there are others,less obvious signs that you are compatible.

Read also:Compatibility by date of birth: Top 12 happiest unions of the zodiac signs

Perhaps at first glance they will seem strange to you, but after a little thought, you will understand that they are quite reasonable, although they may not fit into the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal relationships.

Here 12 Ways You Didn't Know If You're Compatible With Your Partner.

Compatibility in love and marriage

1. You shop the same way.

According to experts, if you are both frequenters of sales, then you are more likely to be compatible than if one of you is a spender and the other is a thrifty person.

Money plays a big role in relationships, and we make purchases almost every day or week, including food, clothes, furniture, or household appliances. When you have the same shopping habits, you're less likely to fight over money. and it will be easier for you to get along in a relationship.

Therefore, the compatibility formula can be posted like this: " spender + spender = love, miser + miser = love", however," spender + miser "are unlikely to get along.

Before the development of the Internet, most couples met through mutual friends. If you are surrounded by the same people, chances are that your tastes and values ​​are similar..

This can be the basis for a happy, healthy relationship, and common friends help you get to know each other even better.

3. Your partner's friends like you.

As already mentioned, mutual friends make for good relationships, but it's even better if your friends (who didn't know your partner before) become your partner's friends, or his/her friends like you.

Your friends are most compatible with you and if they easily get along with your new partner, that's a good sign that you're both compatible. In this case, it is reasonable to apply the mathematical rule that since A = B and B = C, then A = C.

4. You fight.

Oddly enough, but if you argue with a partner, it means that he suits you.

Of course, this is only true up to a point. If you fight three times a week, then your relationship is clearly not all right. However occasional quarrels are normal and even preferred.

As you get to know each other, you find that the conflicts that arise are made for you.

The problems you face with your partner trigger your past hurts and conflicts. In this way, a partner gives you the opportunity to work through your own problems, and become happier and more prosperous.

If you can deal with them consciously and in an adult way, you will not only strengthen your relationships, but achieve personal growth and healing.

5. Youtake care of yourself.

A partner can engage in themselves next to you. Your morning routine remains the same, and you don't become a burden on the other person.

It's always nice when you can fit into another person's life and know that you're not taking up too much of their personal time or forcing them to make a drastic change. When your lifestyle matches, you can just relax.

It's good when you accept your partner's gifts as a sign of love, and your partner perceives receiving gifts as a sign that they are loved. It means that the way you express love is the same. The same applies to touch, emotional support and the fulfillment of some duties.

This means that you are on the same wavelength, and you can coexist harmoniously.

Partner Compatibility

6. You compromise.

Of course, you cannot do without conflicts, but it is better if you know how to resolve conflicts calmly. Conflicts are unfairly considered a source of problems in relationships, but this is not entirely true.

A truly compatible couple is the ability to overcome differences and come to a compromise. which suits both partners. Contradictions are good if you solve them in a timely manner.

Relationships are work, and compromise can be difficult. They won't always be perfect, but they should be satisfying enough for both of you.

7. You have acceptable differences.

These differences should not be a stumbling block, but they help you communicate with each other. What are acceptable differences?

For example, if you offer your partner to do something that he has never tried, but he is interested in it and, in principle, likes it.

Everyone has their own weird favorite things to do, and if you're willing to try it, you can accept some of the differences.

If you are looking for a compatible partner, then acceptable differences will help you get out of your comfort zone and it's a lot more fun than if your partner likes absolutely everything you like.

8. You understand their oddities.

One sign of compatibility is understanding your partner on a level that others don't. Your partner may say some things that are not so obvious, because he is comfortable with you.

It's about the fact that your partner can tell you about some quirks, their secrets, strange habits, and you can do the same.

When you feel at ease, can be yourself, and can tell things you haven't told anyone, you know you're compatible and there's an ease in the relationship.

9. You sleep naked.

You like to sleep next to your partner and feel the warmth of his body, you like to hug each other all night. You wake up together and are happy to see each other, and when you're naked, physical intimacy comes naturally.

10. You can relieve yourself in front of each other.

True compatibility is when you can both be yourself in each other's presence. The strangest sign of compatibility is the hardest to spot.

When you don't have to act eminently decent or pretend to bolster your self-confidence or self-esteem, you show that you can be yourself around your partner.

Then everyone will be happy because no one likes to build something out of themselves to feel loved, and no one likes to feel that their partner is also trying to make something out of themselves.

11. You are comfortable being silent together.

If both of you can comfortably sit next to each other for hours without saying a word, your relationship is going smoothly. For example, you can both sit comfortably next to each other in bed and read for hours.

Of course, long intimate conversations are also important, but you should be able to love each other silently. Don't forget that silence is golden.

Many violations of well-being are subjective in nature and can significantly disrupt the general condition of a person and his performance. However, if such manifestations are not accompanied by severe symptoms of some diseases, people rarely seek medical help. And completely in vain, because many seemingly minor violations become the first signals of serious problems in the body's activity. One of the possible unpleasant symptoms is a feeling of heat in the body without temperature, the causes of which will be discussed in a little more detail.

Therapists and neurologists are often faced with complaints about the feeling of heat, which covers the patient's body in a wave. In some cases, patients indicate only one area or several areas where the feeling of warmth is localized. With such a violation of well-being, the body temperature remains completely normal, despite repeated measurement.

Feeling of heat without temperature, usually occurs only from time to time. An attack of such unpleasant symptoms develops suddenly.

The reasons

Fever, which occurs without fever and is accompanied by sweating, may be the first symptom of sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. But you should not associate such a symptom only with colds, because it can be triggered by other health problems. Sometimes an incomprehensible fever occurs in patients with vegetovascular dystonia, it can also be a symptom of premenstrual syndrome and hypertension. In some cases, such a violation of well-being is provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages and dietary habits (for example, eating spicy foods, especially in the hot season).

Internal heat without temperature, which is classified as hot flashes, can occur in women under the influence of hormonal changes. Such symptoms are typical for the onset of menopause. Hot flashes can also occur in men, they can be provoked by a significant decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body, for example, due to the removal of the testicles. Also, an incomprehensible feeling of internal heat without temperature can occur in patients who take drugs that counteract testosterone.

Heat without fever with VVD

Vegetovascular dystonia is a fairly common disorder that is not considered as an independent disease. Dystonia is a syndrome that includes many different manifestations.

Heat without temperature in VVD is provoked by impaired regulatory function of blood vessels and vasomotor disorders.

Other manifestations of this disorder include painful or uncomfortable sensations near the heart, disturbances in the rhythm of its work, and changes in blood pressure.

Sometimes VVD leads to disorders in the activity of the digestive tract, the bile secretion system, causes mood swings and a feeling of a lump in the throat. In addition, this disease can cause cramps in the limbs, provoke cold hands, vestibular disorders and dizziness.

Fever without fever during the premenstrual period

Fever, which is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, is a fairly common symptom of PMS, which is associated with vegetative-vascular disorders.

Doctors cannot accurately identify the cause that causes its appearance, and choose the best methods for correcting such a violation. To cope with unpleasant symptoms and prevent its occurrence will help sports, compliance with work and rest standards, psychotherapy, adequate sleep, proper nutrition, etc.

Fever during menopause

This is a common manifestation of menopause, which is explained by the transformation of the reproductive system against the background of age-related changes. Hot flashes occur at night, with heat spreading over the whole body, accompanied by a marked reddening of the neck and face.

Such an attack is accompanied by intense sweating, can cause chills, it lasts from thirty seconds to twenty minutes.

In the heat during menopause, patients also complain of headaches, sleep disturbances, mood swings, general weakness and loss of strength.

Among the non-specific methods of treating such a disorder is a change in lifestyle towards the correct one. Drug treatment involves the use of hormonal drugs as hormone replacement therapy, as well as antidepressants.


Sometimes an internal feeling of heat is one of the manifestations of hypertension. In patients with this disorder, seizures occur at night. Often, attacks of heat occur in hypertensive patients who have had a stroke or heart attack. They complain of burning skin of the neck and face, which is usually due to a significant increase in blood pressure, as well as frequent heartbeats due to fear and excitement.

A stroke is also accompanied by reddening of the face, which becomes hot, sweating increases.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help to cope with hot flashes during menopause. So you can combine three parts of the cuff herb, and one part of hop cones, lemon balm herb and rose hips. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the collection with a liter of boiling water and soak in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain the finished medicine, take it in a couple of tablespoons half an hour before each meal.

R. Steiner calls the feeling of warmth the first feeling that arose in a person. This organ was originally located at the top of the head. You must have heard of the "third eye," but this third eye was never an eye. This organ can be found in reptiles, such as lizards: it is located just below the skull. There is a hole in the skull, so the organ really looks like a primitive eye. Scientists have found that with its help, animals can perceive infrared radiation - that is, nothing more than heat. It turns out that this is an organ of perception of heat. Previously, a person also had such an organ with the help of which he could find the most favorable places for himself where there was food. The "before" in anthroposophical literature is called the "Lemurian age". This organ was used to maintain its own life. But gradually the third eye atrophied and became only a small gland, which is called the pineal gland, or pineal gland. Later, the brain grows on it. Thus, embryology shows us that in the early epochs man went through a very long and strange way of development.

Science knows very little about the feeling of heat. Experts talk about cold nerves and warm nerves, but scientists contradict each other. I believe that there is only one correct theory, the lecture on which I listened to the only time in my life. This theory is as follows. Under the skin, we have many different, stacked layers of very small blood vessels and capillaries. Also under the skin is a number of different nerves with not very clear functions. They are simple nerves, naked nerves that do not terminate in any specialized sense organ. And these naked nerves pierce the layers of blood vessels that are on top of each other. Nerves that simply sense heat leaving or entering through the skin.

Longitudinal section of the skin

These are very simple nerves, because here we are talking about very simple movements of the human soul. The soul takes an interest and waits to see if there will be a reciprocal movement or not. To do this, she needs "nerves of interest." Is there a backlash? Yes? Then we feel warm. Then we feel that we are accepted, that the cosmos sympathizes with us, that we can act together. We are supported and inspired. Conversely, we, as soul beings, can also behave in this way. We do take care of each other. We inspire each other. This is exactly what we do, being interested in the world. The feeling of warmth is the first human organ, which is present as a basic ability in all other senses.

The essence of any sense organ is to show interest. The third eye, outwardly, as a local sense organ, atrophied, turning into the epiphysis, but its activity is the basis of all sensory perceptions. The twelve sense organs are at the same time twelve types of perception, twelve forms of inspiration from the world.

The fact remains that we, as heat-producing beings, want to act. Lack of work causes a feeling of isolation, shutdown. We want to gain experience through our interest. And strangely, in this area we need as much diversity as possible. Nature is responsible for the diversity of what we perceive with the help of the eye. We ourselves are responsible for the diversity of the experience that we want to acquire. It is because our body is a thermal organism that we are able to move on earth, but the experience we are looking for is something internal. With the help of the sense of life, we perceive pleasant or unpleasant, that is, external, bodily. The sense of temperature teaches us to feel a sense of joy or dissatisfaction. Even when we receive something for nothing, without involving our own activity, a wonderful gift or wonderful weather, we still need to actively respond to it. Even when we don’t like something or don’t succeed, when everything falls out of our hands, we still need to experience it internally. Animals move in order to find food that will support their physical existence. A person also moves in order to gain experience, that is, spiritual food.

Let us now consider the turn that has taken place in the use of the sense of warmth. The parent organ of thermal sensitivity, the third eye, was a "selfish" organ and served to take care of the existence of a person. The modern organ of heat just does not want to deal with external heat or cold. He wants, by giving away external heat, to give also internal warmth and interest (remember the temperature difference of 17°C).

I would like to draw your attention to a phenomenon well known to you, but no less strange for that. First, a few words about sneezing. Throughout life, we have learned to be careful with heat, not to burn ourselves with hot objects and fire, to dress ourselves so as not to catch a cold, and so on. Our body has a powerful warning reflex, which is an expression of the feeling of life and which, in the field of smell, with irresistible force, forces us to actively pounce on the enemy. Sneezing is really a very dramatic and comic performance, a kind of explosion. We sneeze not only from the sharp smells of pepper or tobacco, which even hurt, but also when we stand in a draft. What happens when we sneeze? We take short breaths, as if about to burst into tears, we gather in our upper pole. And then, at the highest point, we explode to the lower pole, to the stomach and limbs. We throw everything out. Tears of crying become tears of laughter. In the twinkling of an eye it covers our nose, and without a handkerchief we are finished. The feeling of life warns us: not everything is in order with your thermal organism. Come on, with all your might, give it a quick shake to make everything fall into place! It's like a bird whose feathers are ruffled by the wind. One quick shake and everything is right again. When we sneeze, we shake our warm feather robe so that it fits well.

Thus, the feeling of life wonderfully leads to the interaction of two polar senses - smell and the feeling of warmth. This is an example of the joint work of the senses. In this transition "from tears to laughter" we also produce very loud sounds. The international word "apchi", usually spoken three times, fills the space. Sneezing is the best preventive measure against a cold. It is no coincidence that people used to offer each other a pinch of tobacco with the wish: “Be healthy!”

Another phenomenon that speaks volumes and which also belongs to the feeling of warmth is shivering from cold. It is quite the opposite of sneezing, which comes from a very localized area (smell area). We tremble, or rather, we are shaking from head to toe, the entire surface of the body is shaking, and silently and constantly, without interruption. We feel that we can freeze, we feel how we are getting stiff, and therefore we do everything to prevent this from happening. Usually we help ourselves by moving: we rub our hands, we dance, we clap our hands. This is a clear example of what is required of us to be personally active. We find the polarity of feeling warm and smelling in the polarity of trembling and sneezing.

The feeling of warmth all the time prevents us from being indifferent. This needs to be learned very well - thanks to the feeling of warmth, we constantly perceive the difference between ourselves and the world, and this arouses our interest. We cease to be human when interest disappears. Then we are talking about dead souls, even God does not know what to do with them. They are not good enough for heaven, not bad enough for hell, so Dante places them at the entrance to hell, where they are bitten naked by flies and gadflies. They have to be externally urged to internal activity, since they themselves do nothing.

The sign of the zodiac for feeling warm is Leo (

Let us at the end take a closer look at this strange process: the first organ of thermal sensitivity has physically disappeared, but the ability to show versatile interest has been transferred to all other organs. The organ itself has evolved from a central organ into an organ that is distributed over the entire surface of our body: there has been a development from the center to the periphery. There is a remarkable example of such development. The Bible tells about the baptism in the Jordan. The essence of Christ at this moment connects with a human being, Jesus, who is 30 years old. A divine being incarnates in a human shell and acts among people. After two and a half years, he is betrayed, crucified, he descends into the underworld (the so-called descent into hell), and then rises again (Easter). For forty days, the resurrected Christ stays with the apostles and transfers to them his deep esoteric knowledge. He, although in a supersensible form, dwells between them. Then he leaves them (Ascension to Heaven, Thursday), as a result of which the apostles are left in the spiritual icy desert. On the tenth day of stay in this spiritually icy space - on the fiftieth day after the resurrection - consolation comes - the indulgence of the Holy Spirit; this is Trinity, Sunday (in German, this holiday is called Pfing -sten, from the Greek pentecoste, which means the fiftieth day). This descent comes from the periphery, which is symbolized by the flames that enter the apostles. Now each of them speaks his own language, and yet they understand each other. Fiery tongues are the image of enthusiasm. The apostles are able to fulfill their mission, to pass the flame on, each in accordance with his own strength. Only now have they become apostles in the true sense of the word. In the evolution of the sense organs we also find a similar majestic process from the center to the periphery. The sense organs have become the great teachers of mankind. Each sense organ speaks its own language, but they all understand each other and form a single whole.

I would like to close this chapter with two verses that will help you to feel how such different things can be born from the feeling of warmth. The first is taken from Friedrich Nietzsche's Gay Science (1882) and is called "Esce homo" - "Behold the man." These are the words that Pilate utters when addressing the crowd (Heb. John 19:5). The second poem is a saying by Rudolf Steiner, written in the last year of his life.

Esce homo

Yes! I know this secret! Insatiable like a flame, I'm torn upward, burning, I. Light is everything I touch, Coal is everything I leave behind: Passionate flame is who I am!

I would like to kindle each person from the cosmic spirit, so that he becomes a flame and fiery reveals the essence of his essence.

Others they want

Take water from space

that puts out the fire

And the whole essence makes

chained inside.

Oh joy when the human flame

It burns even where it rests!

Oh bitterness when a man

Binds where he wants to be mobile.

Why do we want hot coffee and tender hugs in cold weather? Science provides the answer! Surprisingly, our brain does not always separate physical characteristics from psychological ones: for example, we become warmer from gentle words and the closeness of loved ones.

Psychology professor and author of The Brain and Body, Cyan Beilock, provides evidence that bodily sensations of heat or cold can influence our judgments, relationships, and behavior - although we are not always aware of what exactly is happening.

The warmth of our bodies

The connection between temperature and social comfort is obvious and felt by a person from birth. Those who care for us in infancy give us their love and care, and we always feel their closeness. Through physical contact, we learn to associate warmth with close proximity to other people.

This association occurs in our adult life. When we get into the same room with a lot of people, or the cabin of an airplane, or a classroom, or an elevator, the ambient temperature rises because the bodies radiate heat.

The film "The Warmth of Our Bodies" is about how a warm attitude, sincerity and friendship transform all life on the planet. And even zombies :), - .

Warm weather is also associated with closer interaction. But this is not always good: crimes related to interpersonal conflicts increase in hot weather.

How language reflects our feelings

The connection between physical warmth and the warmth of communication is reflected even in the language. For example, we describe our friends as soft, warm, and even hot, and our enemies as callous, hard, cold. With one person we may have a warm and tender relationship that warms the soul, while with another we may have a cold welcome that chills the heart. All these metaphors arose due to the fact that we describe emotions by analogy with the properties of the physical world.

Moreover, when we think about the warmth of communication and when we feel the warmth of the body, the same parts of the brain are activated in us.

Cold of loneliness

Loneliness really feels like a social coldness. There are a number of wellness programs based on the connection of mind and body that can be safely recommended to a person who feels lonely. And you can also go on vacation to hot countries, put on a cozy warm sweater or even make yourself hot mulled wine - all this can really help you feel not so lonely and abandoned.

Our body and ambient temperature have a huge impact on the mind, -.

The reverse seems to hold as well. On a cold winter evening, you will more readily accept an offer to watch a life-affirming romantic comedy than a drama. In the cold season, we are more willing to seek psychological warmth in the form of "feminine" romantic stories.

When people sit near a warm fireplace, they have a greater sense of mutual understanding and unanimity. Warmth helps us feel closer to each other.

tenderness experiment

Neuroscientists have done an interesting experiment. Volunteers agreed to have their brains scanned while they performed various activities. At first, participants in the experiment read tender messages from close friends and family members, such as: “When I feel completely lost, I always turn to you” or “I love you more than anything in the world.”

But the physical sensation of cold makes us less trusting, -.

In the second part of the experiment, the volunteers were occasionally allowed to hold a warm bag in their hands or squeeze a rubber ball. Participants reported that they felt warmer in the room when they read gentle messages than when they read neutral messages like “You have curly hair” or “We've known you for ten years.”

The subjects also said that when holding a warm bag in their hands, they felt a closer connection with others than when they squeezed the ball.

Warmth + well-being + brain

The ability to connect the physical and the social is inherent in us genetically. The sensation of warmth is formed in a part of the brain called the "island", which is hidden deep in the brain structures. It is believed to be involved in organizing sensations of both physical and social temperature, that is, feelings of trust and empathy, as well as social isolation and mental discomfort.

The human brain is very complex. Scientists have to make thousands of discoveries, -.

In Latin, this department is called insula, which means "island" in translation. If you remove the outer layer of the brain, you will see a piece of the cortex that really looks like an island in the middle of a wavy surface.

The islet registers physical and psychological experiences, helping to bridge the gap between temperature and social closeness.


The structure of our brain suggests that the connection between physical and social warmth must work both ways. If the "neural temperature meter" works in two directions, then not only will physical warmth generate a sense of social comfort, but the opposite will also be true. And indeed it is!

Maybe the stereotypes about Italians as hot and friendly, and about the Swedes as cold and silent, partly appeared due to differences in the average annual temperature in these countries? - .

In one experiment, participants were asked to recall the day they were rejected by a former boyfriend or girlfriend and try to remember what the room temperature was at that time. Most of the respondents said that the air in the room was cooler than usual - especially compared to the times when they felt welcomed by their community.

When we feel rejected or isolated, we tend to crave hot food (a bowl of warm soup) and hot drinks (a cup of strong tea).

The “interchangeability” of emotional disturbances and temperature sensations helps us understand such mental disorders as seasonal affective disorder (or seasonal depression) and other phenomena of our inner world. For more fun facts about the connection between the brain and the body, see the book Brain and Body.

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