What does constipation say. Causes of constipation. Causes of alimentary constipation

The diagnosis of "chronic constipation" has the code K59.0 according to ICD-10. At the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases, the mechanisms for the occurrence of constipation were considered. They are associated with malfunctions in digestion, therefore they are included in the list of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite this, constipation is not a disease, doctors consider the problem as a syndrome that accompanies pathology. digestive system.


Experts insist that the treatment of chronic constipation in adults, not associated with surgical intervention(tumors, polyps, etc.), must be initial stage carried out without medication.

Therapy for the chronic course of constipation includes:

  • nutrition regulation;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • activity;
  • compliance drinking regime;
  • phytotherapy.

Some patients manage to get rid of the chronic form of constipation forever by following the listed rules.


Pay attention to nutrition in chronic form.

  1. Do not eat harmful products: fried, salted, pickled, canned, fatty.
  2. Exclude from the menu sweet foods, pastries from pastry, flour products.
  3. Enter in daily diet fresh (boiled) vegetables and fruits.
  4. Include plenty of fiber in your menu.
  5. Replace coffee, cocoa, strong tea dried fruit compote.

  • ground flax seeds;
  • prunes, dried apricots;
  • boiled beets;
  • ground milk thistle seeds;
  • seaweed.

Physical activity

You can get rid of chronic constipation by observing active image life. Physical activity stimulates intestinal motility, improves digestion, regulates metabolic processes in the body.

To treat chronic constipation properly, help the intestines do their work, stimulate their work. Do it daily special gymnastics, visit GYM's, swimming pool.

The following sports will help stimulate bowel activity:

  • swimming;
  • hiking;
  • fitness;
  • Pilates;

Drinking regime

An organized drinking regimen helps to cope with constipation. Nutritionists advise drinking at least 2 liters per day.

The necessary liquid are:

  • soups;
  • compotes;
  • juices from fresh fruits and vegetables.

A balanced drinking regime is the prevention of the chronic course of constipation in the future.

Water helps soften feces, stimulates intestinal motility. The elimination of chronic constipation with the help of a drinking regimen is not recommended for people:

In this situation, consult your doctor.

emergency measures

When all else fails, constipation cannot be cured with conservative methods, emergency measures come to the rescue:

To fight with chronic form these means is difficult. They have only a short-term effect on the problem, alleviating the patient's condition, but not improving the clinical picture as a whole. The cause of constipation cannot be eliminated by enema and the use of suppositories.

Some patients relieve symptoms of chronic constipation with frequent use rectal suppositories or microclysters, which is not recommended. Excessive use of these drugs leads to a weakening of peristalsis, a lazy bowel syndrome occurs. Atonic constipation may occur when the muscles of the organ cease to perform their functions.

How to treat chronic constipation

Popular among instant laxatives are Microlax microclysters and rectal suppositories.


it the best remedy which helps to painlessly and effectively get rid of the main problem - stagnation stool in chronic constipation. Microclysters are not included in the main therapy, but they are an excellent help in severe constipation, when stool retention lasts more than 5 days, abdominal pain occurs.


Chewable tablets laxative action is prescribed for chronic constipation in complex therapy. It is a natural sorbent that stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Suitable for chronic atonic constipation. related to biological active additive to food (BAA).

Phytolax has a release form that is convenient for use: powder, chewable tablets, bars, tea.


  1. Dilute the powder in the amount of 1 teaspoon in water, drink during dinner, the average course of therapy is 10 days.
  2. Tablets are used to treat adults and children from 14 years old, 2-3 tablets during the evening meal, the average course is a week.
  3. tea drink use up to 2 times a day, 200 ml, course - 2 weeks.
  4. You can eat a bar no more than two pieces per day, the average course of admission is 7 days.

The use of dietary supplements during pregnancy is prohibited. Among additional contraindications:

Among adverse reactions- allergic reactions, diarrhea, severe flatulence.

The tool has a supporting effect, stimulates the intestines, helps to go to the toilet regularly.


A popular laxative based on lactulose. It is produced in the form of a syrup with a volume of 200, 500, 1000 ml. Manufacturers produce products in vials and individual sachets at a dosage of 15 ml (standard average dose), which is convenient.

The doctor should calculate the dose of Dufalac based on the results of the examination, research. The recommended initial dose is 30-45 ml, on the second or third day the dose is reduced to 15-10 ml.

The drug can cause side reactions in the form of:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea.

The mechanism of action is based on an increase in the volume of fluid in the intestines, softening and excretion of feces.

Doctors do not advise using the drug for a course of more than 10 days, long-term use is fraught with weakening of intestinal functions, leaching from the body essential substances, minerals.

Duphalac is contraindicated in:

  • galactosemia;
  • individual allergic reaction;
  • colostomy;
  • acute intestinal obstruction.


Dufalac's analogue, mainly active substance is lactulose. Produced in the form of syrup.

The regimen is similar to Duphalac:

  1. Doctors recommend starting with 30 ml, then switching to a smaller amount of the drug (10-15 ml).
  2. If constipation is chronic and lasts more than 5 days, the symptoms of the disease torment, you can drink the syrup twice, in the evening and in the morning.

The action occurs after 24-48 hours.

Normaz should not be used for:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • galactosemia;
  • ileostomy, colostomy;
  • bleeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

Remember: you can not simultaneously use drugs with lactulose and medicines "Maalox", "Phosphalugel", "Almagel" in the chronic course of constipation. The latter reduce the effect of laxative drugs.

Herbal remedy "Senade"

Popular drug "Senade", which has a strong laxative effect. vegetable base- cassia leaves, senna. Suitable drug for constipation various etiologies. The manufacturer says soft impact natural remedy without interacting with other human systems and organs.

Available in the form of tablets and chewable lozenges.

It is used for children from 6 years old, but it is forbidden to use it in the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Senna grass can lead to miscarriage. It is also not recommended to use the drug for:

  • peritonitis, appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergies to components;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • violations of water and electrolyte balance;
  • cystitis;
  • gynecological pathologies.

Tablets are inexpensive and effective, but due to the numerous contraindications and possible adverse reactions of the drug, it is prescribed extremely rarely, with severe forms chronic constipation.

Senade is able to cause:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea, weakness;
  • diarrhea
  • intestinal melanosis;
  • hypokalemia, hematuria;
  • vomiting;
  • kidney dysfunction.

The reasons

The causes of chronic constipation in children and adults are similar. It is not without reason that doctors during long-term therapy indicate the regularity and systematic adherence to recommendations regarding a healthy diet, an active lifestyle.

Often the decisive factor in the development of chronic constipation is:

Less common causes of chronic constipation are:

  • frequent stress;
  • psychological problems;
  • anatomical disorders (pathologies, defects in the structure of the intestine).


The diagnosis of "chronic constipation syndrome" is easier to prevent than to treat. Frequent walking tours fresh air, healthy, balanced diet, regular sports, compliance with the drinking regime will become the prevention of chronic constipation.

Many people do not attach importance to the fact that for many months and even years they experience difficulties with. But it should be understood that persistent constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness. The chronic course of constipation leads to poisoning of the whole body with toxins, to diverticulosis and other diseases in adults and children. Timely diagnosis is required to determine the type of constipation, causes and prescribe treatment.

Constipation has such causes that are not always easily determined even experienced doctors. First of all, it is necessary to complete diagnostics, learn about concomitant diseases and lifestyle of the patient. To date, scientists have established a link between constipation and the development of colon cancer.

One of the causes of difficulty with bowel movements is side effect some medical preparations, and in this case, a person may not even suspect why his digestion has changed.

Constipation often occurs for a variety of unrelated causes:

  1. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (fissures of the anus, rectum, hemorrhoids).
  2. Also at risk are people whose diet is not balanced, has an excess of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. Toxic substances that a person inhales can also affect the state of digestion. This has to do with people living near a road or near industrial factories.
  4. Enlarged uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy, squeezing the intestines.
  5. Taking medications, in particular antibiotics.

With functional disorders in the work of the intestines, there is also chronic constipation. This pathology includes atonic and spastic dyskinesia. Wherein poor peristalsis intestines in most cases is combined with flatulence.

Beneficial bacteria are essential part mechanism of self-regulation and bowel cleansing. These include lactobacilli, acidic bacteria, bifidobacteria and about 40 more species that maintain an optimal environment in the small and large intestines. If their balance is disturbed, there are violations of the entire work of the intestine.

What can cause dysbacteriosis:

  • lack of fiber in the body;
  • improper diet, prolonged fasting;
  • crash in nervous system, lack of sleep, overexertion, stress;
  • treatment with antibiotics and other medicines that adversely affect the intestinal mucosa.

There is no one main remedy for constipation, treatment in this case should be comprehensive. In order for self-regulation in the intestines to function normally, normal liver function and the presence of a sufficient amount of enzymes are necessary.

avoid this unpleasant illness there is only one way: to clearly understand the cause of constipation and know what situations can provoke it, how to reduce the risk of pathology.

Constipation is a problem that the vast majority are ashamed to talk about openly, a problem that is presented in every possible way by media advertising as medicines aimed at eliminating it, and a problem that significantly impairs the quality of life and general state those patients who have encountered it. Constipation, the symptoms of which are familiar to almost everyone to one degree or another and the frequency of occurrence, has a number of features that we will learn more about today.

general description

Constipation itself consists in a significant and sudden decrease in the frequency of bowel movements from the contents accumulating in it under the influence of various reasons, similarly, we can talk about total absence bowel emptying. Most often, such reasons are considered wrong image life or eating habits that also provoke this disorder.

A deviation in the consideration of the characteristics of emptying, subsequently defined as constipation, is bowel movement, which is observed in patients less than three times a week. Another characteristic feature of constipation is that the stool with it is characterized not only by its own rarity, but also by excessive rigidity with a meager volume of feces.

Features of the consistency of feces are determined based on the amount of water in it. If, for example, we are talking about solid feces, then here its amount is within the limits of 40%, while normal stool contains about 70% water in its composition, and liquid - about 95%. As an objective criterion in considering constipation and in confirming it as a diagnosis, the mass of excreted feces, not exceeding 35 grams per day, is also considered. Clinical picture can also be supplemented by difficulty in defecation, a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, as well as a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines. Basically, constipation is a chronic phenomenon, although its sudden development is also allowed.

Constipation: causes

The most common causes of constipation include the following:

  • the use of certain medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • errors in nutrition, combined with a lack of fiber in it;
  • spinal injury;
  • pelvic floor dysfunction.

There are a number of specific diseases against which constipation is also possible:

  • bowel cancer;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • anal fissure;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • depression, stress;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diverticulitis;
  • Hirschsprung's disease, etc.

Types of constipation

Based on the specific reasons that provoked constipation, the corresponding division into groups was determined, to which, due to certain circumstances, it belongs. So, constipation can be primary, secondary or idiopathic.

Primary constipation arises due to malformations and actual anomalies in the colon, including its innervation. Secondary constipation develops due to diseases or injuries that directly affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectum and colon. Similarly, diseases that affect other systems and organs, as well as metabolic disorders that develop against their background, are also included here. Also, constipation of this group can occur due to the intake of certain medications (a side effect is implied under their influence). idiopathic constipation, in turn, implies constipation that occurs due to impaired motility of the colon and rectum, but without the possibility of specifying the reasons that provoked it. Let us consider in more detail the features of the listed options for constipation.

Constipation, provoked by exposure to the body of certain medications and occurring as a side effect, as well as constipation that occurs against the background of certain diseases and pathological changes that develop in the intestine, are also defined as organic constipation, select a series options this group:

Already after intestinal diseases are excluded as a possible cause of constipation, as well as after excluding extraintestinal causes that provoke them from such consideration, it is already diagnosed functional constipation. As predisposing factors to the development of this type of constipation, psychological factors are considered, which, in fact, are most often observed in patients with a detailed survey of them. Psychological factors are directly related to the fact that in the centers of the cerebral cortex there is a dysregulation at the level of intestinal motility, which is directly related to the actual for patients anxiety states and depression. In addition, constipation against this background may occur due to the forced suppression of the urge to defecate, which is done with certain restrictions on the availability of the toilet, along with this, changes that violate the usual way and rhythm of life are also considered.

The next variant of the manifestation of constipation - alimentary constipation. This type of constipation is relevant with a monotonous and irrational diet of patients, in which, in addition, the amount of fiber is also limited. Coffee, muffins, chocolate, strong tea, rice and semolina porridge, jelly, etc. are considered as products that help delay bowel movements, and, accordingly, provoke constipation.

Hypodynamic constipation develops in patients long time located in bed rest or in people with low physical activity. This includes, respectively, bedridden patients, the elderly and, in general, patients with limited physical activity.

If such a condition as irritable bowel syndrome is relevant for patients, then, as they should also know, it is accompanied by a violation of general intestinal motility. Manifestations that also accompany this syndrome are pain in the abdomen, defecation disorders (constipation, diarrhea, alternation of both of these disorders). Pathological changes in the intestine, irritable bowel syndrome is not accompanied. As factors provoking the development of this syndrome, there are previous starvation, an altered psycho-emotional state (stress, depression), frequent use cleansing enemas and the use of laxatives.

With regard to the state already noted earlier, and this acute constipation , then it is characterized by a sharp disappearance of the stool, this condition develops mainly against the background of intestinal obstruction. Companions of this condition in combination with constipation are intense pain in the abdomen, gas retention and vomiting. Due to the rapid deterioration of the patient's well-being, he needs emergency medical care.

Constipation: symptoms

Regular intake of foods containing in their composition required for normal functioning the body, the amount of fiber, as well as a sufficiently active lifestyle - all this contributes to adequate bowel movement, which is ideally compared with food intake. That is, it is understood that how many times a person eats, the emptying occurs the same number of times. Meanwhile, if emptying occurs three times a week (and not less than the number of times that we noted above), then this is also a completely normal phenomenon, therefore it is premature to talk about any deviations in this area.

However, with a chronic form of delay in the process of bowel movement, accompanied by a pause of 48 hours, it is likely that the first signs of constipation manifest themselves in this way. With actual constipation, its symptoms are as follows:

  • the occurrence of difficulties in the process of emptying the intestines during the daily act of defecation, that is, the need for certain efforts (tension) to ensure the possibility of removing feces;
  • a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels, usually accompanied by the removal of dense and dry feces (in some cases it can be similar to sheep feces).

The listed signs accompanying defecation determine atonic constipation . There is also a form of constipation, such as spastic constipation , provoked by the occurrence in a particular section of the intestine of a characteristic spasm. Symptoms that occur when spastic constipation, similar to the symptoms noted in atonic constipation, however, in its case, such manifestations as abdominal pain, flatulence (gas), and bloating take place.

For chronic constipation characteristic is the occurrence of abdominal pain, characterized weak degree of their own severity, which do not have a specific area of ​​localization and manifest themselves with varying degrees of their own intensity. characteristic feature this form of disorder are heartburn, insomnia, poor appetite, increased irritability and development depression on the background general intoxication organism. Often, the symptoms of constipation are purely psychological manifestations, in particular, the appearance of obsessions, tantrums (in women), anxiety, etc.

Constipation in children and the symptoms that accompany it are somewhat different from those that accompany constipation in adults. The duration of stool retention during constipation is 36 hours, such a time can be called regulated in the definition. Constipation in newborns is somewhat similar to the problems noted during defecation in adults. In particular, efforts are required here for defecation, feces are passed in small quantities, dry. There is reason to believe that a child is constipated if the duration of stool retention is more than 36 hours. If the stool is more frequent, then here, probably, we are talking about inconsistency in the process of functioning of individual systems in developing organism child, and, accordingly, this is not an indication of the fact that his work intestinal tract has been violated.

An equally exciting issue is constipation during pregnancy . They arise due to the squeezing of the area of ​​​​the rectum by the fetus. Symptoms are similar big picture constipation, the only thing that can be added to it is rumbling in the stomach, which is also relevant in this situation. To establish normal bowel functionality, it is recommended that when this disorder occurs during pregnancy, it is recommended to consume as much fluid as possible, as well as include dried apricots and prunes in the diet, which ensures the achievement of the necessary state of stool liquefaction.

As we noted earlier, elderly patients are also prone to constipation, which is due to their low mobility. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in muscle tone, and the condition is reinforced by the fact that patients of this age group use a small amount of food, while experiencing a lack of fluid in the body. The picture is completed by taking certain medications, which in many cases are among side effects determine the corresponding risk of subsequent occurrence of constipation.

Mostly in older people, constipation is diagnosed in its chronic form, and therefore the signs of this disorder correspond to the general chronic form of its manifestation. Additionally, older people also experience such a symptom of constipation as yellowness of the skin, which is generally relevant for gastrointestinal pathologies and disorders associated with the excretion of waste from the body. The yellowness of the skin develops due to the long-term process of intoxication to which the body as a whole is exposed.

Post-surgical constipation , the symptoms of which appear in patients who have been in bed for a long time after surgical intervention, as well as after the stress that inevitably accompanies this, can also develop in those situations in which this intervention did not imply a direct effect on the intestines. In order to avoid the problem in question or to alleviate it, the issue of products recommended after surgery should be taken seriously, the same applies to accounting for drugs corresponding to given state. Often relief postoperative period, accompanied by constipation, is achieved through the use of special glycerin suppositories, their specialists often appoint patients for this purpose.

constipation treatment

In the treatment of constipation, it is necessary to adhere to a competent and delicate way to eliminate this problem. Before the immediate start of treatment, it is necessary to determine what exactly served as the "trigger", that is, it caused constipation and determine the nature of the disorder. The main directions of constipation treatment are based on methods implemented in the following areas: normalization of nutrition and lifestyle, dietary compliance, the use of laxatives focused on the treatment of the disorder and the use of therapeutic measures in part folk remedies in the treatment of constipation.

  • Lifestyle Adjustment

On this point, the recommendations, in general, are standard. In particular, they consist in focusing the attention of patients on the need for walks in the fresh air, as well as on physical exercises, daily gymnastics is shown in the morning (at least 15 minutes). By implementing measures in these areas, it is possible to improve intestinal motility, as well as muscle tone and the anterior region. abdominal wall. Due to sports and physical activity, it is possible to eliminate constipation in those people whose lifestyle is generally characterized by low physical activity (this is relevant, for example, for programmers, office staff, etc.). If there is no time or opportunity for visiting a fitness club or jogging in the morning, you can compensate for the lack of physical activity by replacing the usual movements (for example, replace the elevator with stairs, travel short distances with walking tour etc.).

  • Power adjustment

The treatment of constipation requires adjustments in this direction, they consist in eating at specifically set hours in accordance with the schedule. You should eat like this about 5 times a day. The basis of the diet should contain such foods that contain enough fiber, and these are fruits and vegetables, both in their natural raw form and in the form of boiled. Despite the fact that our body is not adapted to the absorption of fiber, there is no doubt about its benefits, especially in the context of considering the problem of interest to us - due to it, an increase in stool volume is provided, which, in turn, improves its passage through the intestines. In addition, it is also recommended to add cabbage, lean meat, seaweed, buckwheat, beans, prunes, green pea, oranges. But you should exclude peppered and fried foods, alcohol, canned food as well as carbonated drinks. An additional recommendation is the need to consume at least 1.5 liters of water daily, otherwise, against the background of a lack of fluid, the feces may harden, resulting in constipation.

Constipation: what to do?

This question, as is clear, is relevant already when symptoms appear that indicate the disorder we are considering. There are various recommendations for this. For example, pronounced constipation can be overcome with the help of wheat bran, for which 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mass of bran and a small amount of water. Bran is poured and infused, the resulting mass is used with regular food several times a day.

With constipation, a certain number of foods should also be excluded from consumption. Yes, from bakery products bread with the use of premium flour in it, as well as pastries based on puff and pastry, are excluded. As for liquid food, on the contrary, it is recommended for consumption, because in general it acts as an effective prophylactic from the disorder we are considering.

In terms of side dishes and cereals, pasta should be excluded, semolina and rice, meat is excluded from meat products ( fatty varieties), canned and fried meat, and from fish - oily fish including canned fish. Restrictions also apply to sweets and fruits. So, chocolate, cakes with a cream base, cakes, blueberries, dogwood and quince should also be excluded for constipation. Fats of animal origin, cocoa, tea and coffee are also excluded, but dairy products in any form, on the contrary, are indicated for consumption.

In addition to eliminating or adding to the diet certain products, there are a number of measures by which constipation can be eliminated, we will dwell separately on the most common options.

  • Taking laxatives

Laxatives are a common intervention in the treatment of constipation. They can be used in the treatment of elderly groups of people, with the appearance of constipation caused by reduced motor (motor) function of the intestine, as well as in the treatment of chronic and episodic constipation. It should be noted that laxatives are not only ineffective, but also completely contraindicated in case of actual intestinal obstruction (due to the formation of a tumor formation, with polyps, etc.).

  • The use of funds focused on increasing the total volume of intestinal contents

This includes, in particular, methylcellulose, flax seeds, Forlax and some other types of drugs with such an effect. Due to their use, water is retained within the intestinal lumen, which leads to an increase in the volume of feces while softening them. These variants of drugs and their analogues are effective in atonic constipation in the chronic form of their course (in particular, these are constipation in patients who have previously suffered trauma to the area or in patients who have undergone surgery that directly concerns it). Drugs with such an effect are quite well tolerated by patients, although in some cases bloating or diarrhea is allowed as a side effect.

  • Natural, mineral oils

AT this case we are talking about olive, vaseline, almond oils, with the help of which not only softening of the stool is provided in a short time period, but also lubrication of the walls of the rectum, due to which the contents of the intestine literally slip through it. Vaseline oil can be taken for 5 days, 1-2 tbsp. l/day. The episodic form of constipation can be eliminated through the use of glycerin suppositories, which have a sufficient degree of efficiency, simplicity and safety in use.

  • Synthetic and vegetable oils

This also includes funds plant origin. Their use allows you to achieve a certain degree of intestinal irritation with a subsequent increase in motility, which, in turn, contributes to the most rapid release from problematic intestinal contents. As the most common options for the means under consideration, one can single out Castor oil, preparations based on senna leaves (for example, Senade), buckthorn bark, etc. It is generally possible to achieve the appropriate effect with the preparations of this group within a time period of 8 hours or more, for this reason it is recommended to use them in the evening, at night. It is important to note that long-term use These drugs negatively affect the work of the intestines, respectively, they should not be abused.

  • Lactulose

Lactulose is prescribed for pregnant women and children, the action of the drug is focused on combating the chronic form of constipation. Lactulose is such a synthetic drug, the entry of which into the intestine leads to the retention of water in it and to the subsequent softening of the feces. Absorption into the blood does not occur. Due to lactulose, similarly to the examples discussed above, intestinal irritation occurs while increasing its peristalsis. The development of bloating and diarrhea during the first days of use is allowed.

  • Drugs that stimulate intestinal motility.

Constipation arising on the basis of a decrease in motor activity, characteristic of the intestine as a whole, can be eliminated through the use of funds aimed at increasing its mobility. The drugs of this group are prescribed mainly to those patients who have experienced intestinal injury or previous surgery.

  • Guttalax

Surely, many readers "on hearing" the name of these drops, which became possible due to an effective advertising campaign this tool from constipation. There is no addiction when taking it, moreover, drops can be freely used for a long period of time. In most cases, the effect of taking Guttalax drops can be achieved by using 10 drops in the morning - it is this practice among patients that indicates the possibility of achieving the desired result. Meanwhile, if necessary, the dosage can be increased.

Treatment of constipation in children

Treatment measures in this case are focused on recovery normal state intestinal microflora, because it has a corresponding effect on the appearance of constipation on the stool. Recommended for treatment dairy products containing bifidobacteria. A pronounced form of the course of dysbacteriosis, not only in children, but also in adults, requires the appointment of probiotics, as well as prebiotics.

The treatment of flatulence, which often accompanies the disorder we are considering, may require the use of "carminative drugs." Especially often this type of drugs are used to treat flatulence, as well as intestinal colic in children with breastfeeding. By the way, mostly disorders such as colic and abdominal pain in infants arise precisely because of the delay in the intestines of gases. The use of carminative drugs does not lead to their absorption, the output occurs along with feces. There is no effect on the child's body when using carminative drugs. Espumizan can be singled out as the most famous option, which the reader probably had to deal with when viewing ads or according to reviews regarding effective drugs providing the required action in this case.

Yandex.Zen Which doctor to contact

If you suspect a disease such as "Constipation", you need to consult a doctor:

Frequent constipation - problem modern World affecting people of different age category. Bowel dysfunction, manifested by the absence of a bowel movement, occurs for many reasons, both dangerous and harmless. But in order not to provoke constipation, natural emptying needs to be restored.

Frequent constipation causes have a wide variety. The main factor diagnosed in most cases is incorrect. Both consumed foods and shortcomings in the menu itself can provoke fecal stagnation in the intestines.

The main thing in therapy is the adjustment of nutrition and drinking regimen. It is by changing eating habits that it is possible to eliminate intestinal dysfunction caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which consists not only in choosing the right menu, but also in taking medications. Therefore, this kind of constipation should be eliminated under the supervision of a specialist.

Persistent stool problems in children

If a child has frequent constipation, then the first thing to do is contact your pediatrician. The reasons for this pathological process children have a lot, so before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis.

The main factor causing problems with bowel movements in children is unbalanced diet. Most often, this is a lack of vegetables on the menu, as well as ignoring the drinking regimen. It is important to understand that without proper intake of fiber into the body and excess fluid, the intestines cannot cope with their function, which provokes stagnation of feces.

If we talk about children under one year old, then the common causes of constipation in them are:

  • early introduction of complementary foods;
  • inappropriate nutritional formula;
  • non-compliance with the diet by the mother (when breastfeeding);
  • cooking cereals with goat or cow milk;
  • lack of conventional drinking water in the diet.

In addition, constipation in children often recurs if there are chronic diseases in the body. inflammatory processes, especially in the lower and upper divisions gastrointestinal tract. Often the cause of bad stool in babies is dysbacteriosis and the presence of helminthic invasions. Therefore, you should not self-medicate your child, but show it to specialists.

Women's frequent constipation

Problems with emptying in the weaker sex are observed more often than in men. The reason for this is regular hormonal changes that take place several times a month. Also frequent constipation in women appear in the background nervous fatigue, developing due to regular emotional overstrain.

Constipation often accompanies women during, which is the vein of psycho-emotional instability that occurs against the background of increased hormonal adjustment. During this period, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and take mild sedatives, but only with the permission of the doctor leading the pregnancy.

In addition, the development of constipation may be affected by some medical preparations, especially their long-term use. The main among these drugs are antibiotics, antihistamines and hormonal agents.

Constipation- this is a violation of the defecation process, characterized by the absence of stool for more than 48 hours or insufficient bowel movement. Manifestations of constipation are a decrease in the usual frequency of defecation, small portions of stool, a feeling incomplete emptying bowels, abdominal pain. Constipation causes the development of intestinal dysbiosis, chronic colitis cause intoxication of the body. Strong and frequent straining during the act of defecation leads to the development of anal fissures, hemorrhoids, hernia. Frequent constipation adversely affects the condition of the skin and contributes to its aging.


The concept of " constipation"implies difficulty in emptying the bowels, the absence of bowel movements for more than three days. It is necessary to distinguish chronic constipation from situational (episodic). Situational constipation occurs in various situations that provoke it in persons prone to difficulty defecation (pregnancy, travel - “tourist constipation”, the use of products that impede the transit of intestinal masses, insufficient fluid intake, psycho-emotional experiences, stress). In addition, constipation can be caused by taking medications. Situational constipation occurs for a short time and, as a rule, resolves successfully on its own or with the help of laxatives. These conditions are not considered diseases.

Chronic constipation is regular delay bowel movements for 48 hours or more. At the same time, a small amount of dense and dry feces is excreted. Often after a bowel movement there is no feeling of complete emptying of the intestine. You can talk about constipation taking place if the patient has one, several or all of these signs. Important diagnostic sign is a change in the habitual frequency and nature of bowel movements.

Constipation is a very common digestive disorder among the population, a tendency to constipation can lead to the development of serious proctological diseases, therefore this problem has a high degree of social significance. Due to its prevalence and a pronounced deterioration in the quality of life of patients, chronic constipation has been identified as an independent syndrome, and at present the problem of constipation is being actively studied by proctologists, gastroenterologists and other specialists.

Children are most often affected by constipation younger age and the elderly (over 60). Feeling of difficulty in emptying the intestines, the impossibility of relief, despite persistent straining, the need to apply additional actions that stimulate the release of the rectum from feces (pressure on the perineum, side walls anus, vagina).

The constant state of insufficient emptying of the rectal ampulla often leads to the development of the perineal prolapse syndrome. Chronic constipation is diagnosed in cases where the frequency of stool becomes less than 3 times a week, defecation is significantly difficult and requires pronounced effort, the consistency of the stool is dense, lumpy, there is a feeling of incomplete release of the rectum from feces.

Causes of constipation

Neurological disorders (stress, depression, nervous shocks) can also contribute to the development chronic disorders bowel emptying. In addition, many drugs can cause, as a side effect, inhibition of intestinal motility and contribute to constipation. Pathologies of the innervation of the intestinal wall (Hirschsprung's disease, multiple sclerosis, injuries and diseases of the spinal cord) also cause chronic constipation.


Constipation is classified according to etiological factor and development mechanism:

  • alimentary(related to dietary habits)
  • neurogenic(caused by disorders of neuro-reflex activity)
  • psychogenic(associated with the psycho-emotional state)
  • constipation in anorectal diseases(hemorrhoids, anal fissure, paraproctitis)
  • toxic(in case of poisoning with lead or mercury, some drugs, chronic intoxication)
  • proctogenic(associated with functional disorders of the muscles of the pelvic floor diaphragm)
  • constipation due to mechanical obstructions(with tumors, strictures, cicatricial changes, polyps, developmental anomalies digestive tract)
  • iatrogenic constipation (as a result of taking medications).


Constipation can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, depending on the diseases that cause them. In some cases, constipation is the only complaint of the patient. Individual bowel movements may vary. Depending on the change in the usual frequency of defecation, constipation can be considered emptying from once every 2-3 days or less. Defecation with constipation is characterized by severe tension, requires considerable effort. The stool is dense, dry, may resemble dry balls in shape, has the shape of beans, a cord.

In some cases, there may be a so-called constipation diarrhea, when, against the background of a long absence of normal bowel movements and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, there is diarrhea with loose stools with mucus. Liquid feces containing mucus can resolve long-term constipation as a result of irritation of the intestinal wall.

Constipation is often accompanied by pain and heaviness in the abdomen, relieved after bowel movements, the release of intestinal gases. Flatulence also often accompanies difficulty in the movement of intestinal masses. Increased gas formation is a consequence of the activity of microorganisms inhabiting the large intestine.

Patients suffering from constipation may notice a decrease in appetite, halitosis, and belching of air. As a rule, long-term chronic constipation contributes to a depressed mood, decreased performance, sleep disturbance, and other neurasthenic disorders.


Long-term chronic constipation can contribute to the development of complications from the digestive tract. It can be inflammatory diseases intestines (colitis, proctosigmoiditis), rectoanal pathologies (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, paraproctitis), diverticular disease of the large intestine, enlargement (stretching in width and length) of the large intestine - megacolon.

One of the most serious consequences for a long time existing constipation there may be persistent intestinal obstruction requiring emergency surgery. Long-term obstruction contributes to the development of ischemia of the intestinal walls and can lead to necrosis. In some cases, constipation can signal an ongoing tumor process, as well as be a sign of a disease prone to malignancy.

Alimentary constipation associated with a lack of fiber in the diet contributes to the formation of carcinogens in the intestine, and the difficulty in the passage of intestinal contents allows carcinogens to have a prolonged irritant effect. In people old age and persons suffering from mental disorders, may form fecal blockage as a result of forgetfulness and lack of control over the regularity of defecation.


Diagnosis of chronic constipation is carried out in stages. At the first stage, evaluate clinical symptoms(complaints, anamnesis, physical examination data) and an x-ray picture that allows you to assess the condition of the large intestine: peristalsis, lumen width, tumor formations, strictures, stretching of the wall, congenital anomalies development, megacolon. Irrigoscopy clearly reveals intestinal obstruction.

The second stage of diagnostic measures are colonoscopy ( endoscopic examination large intestine), taking biopsies of mucous membranes and their histological and, if necessary, cytological examination. Then research methods are assigned functional state intestines, depending on preliminary assumptions. These can be bacteriological tests, a coprogram, a study to detect occult blood, methods of manometry of the muscular walls of the intestine (sphincterometry, anorectometry), laboratory tests to detect functional disorders secretory organs of the digestive tract, etc.

The appointment of certain diagnostic methods is based on complaints, identified features of the bowel, assumptions about possible concomitant diseases and for the choice of treatment tactics.


Chronic constipation

Treatment of chronic constipation is not limited to the appointment of laxatives. Self-medication is unacceptable, since long-term persistent constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness or contribute to the development dangerous complications. In addition, self-administration of laxatives without taking into account their characteristics, mechanisms of action and possible side effects often leads to the formation of persistent problems with defecation as a result of a decrease in motor functions intestines. At the same time, the dosages of laxatives increase and over time, these drugs become completely ineffective.

Treatment of chronic constipation, in addition to symptomatic therapy, includes measures to identify and treat the condition that caused the development of constipation. Knowing the mechanism of chronic constipation in a patient, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account pathogenetic factors, which contributes to more effective action symptomatic remedies and does not cause a vicious circle that exacerbates intestinal motility disorders.

Functional constipation

Functional constipation can be caused various reasons, but their pathogenesis is always based on pathologies that interfere with the functional characteristics of the digestive tract (unlike constipation as a result of mechanical obstruction, when, as a rule, surgical treatment is optimal).

In the treatment of constipation, an important link is diet. AT diet patients must introduce foods rich in plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and a large amount of fluid (at least two liters per day). In the event that gas formation increases and flatulence develops against the background of the diet, Mucofalk is prescribed. In addition, all foods that contribute to the aggravation of constipation are excluded from the diet.

Nutrition must be carried out according to the regimen, at least five times a day in small portions. Under no circumstances allow long breaks between meals. You also need to carefully monitor the regularity of bowel movements. It is desirable to feel and restore the individual rhythm of natural defecation, to avoid holding back urges. In case of acceptance medicines, contributing to the difficulty of the transit of intestinal masses ( narcotic analgesics, ganglioblockers, iron preparations, diuretics, oral contraceptives), it is necessary to cancel them and, if possible, replace them with drugs that do not affect digestion.

As a stimulation of the digestive tract and strengthening the tone of the intestinal muscles, an active lifestyle, walking, swimming, and aerobics are recommended. In addition, active life position positively affects the psycho-emotional status and contributes to the easy experience of stress.

Laxatives are prescribed only in case of persistent constipation that cannot be corrected by diet and regimen. In this case, the drug is prescribed taking into account the mechanism of development of constipation. When prescribing laxatives, it must be remembered that prolonged use of drugs that irritate the intestinal wall that enhance peristalsis is fraught with the development of the "lazy bowel" syndrome, when, after discontinuation of the drug peristaltic activity bowel drops to a minimum.


Constipation prevention is timely detection and treatment of disorders of the digestive tract and other diseases that contribute to constipation, proper nutrition, a diet rich in organic fiber, adequate fluid intake, as well as an active lifestyle and adherence to the regimen of meals and bowel movements.

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