Mavit is a device for the treatment of prostatitis. Mavit: contraindications to physiotherapy treatment. Complementary drug therapy

An excellent addition to the traditional treatment of prostatitis is massage. Today, many companies offer men to purchase devices that are completely different in form, price and functionality. Consider the well-known device Mavit for the treatment of prostatitis.

The main purpose of the device is to help the patient relieve inflammation in the prostate gland and get rid of such an unpleasant disease. One of the models is the Mavit ULP 01 device for the treatment of various types of prostatitis. And now directly about how it looks, how it works, and how it achieves efficiency.

What is Mavit?

It was developed specifically for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland and is one of the best inventions of modern medicine. Its distinguishing feature is that a man can use the device on his own, at home, and for its use it is not necessary to visit a medical institution every time.

Mavit is an excellent addition to the main treatment of prostatitis. The combination of drug therapy with physiotherapy is a guarantee of a speedy recovery and a decrease in the likelihood of side effects.

What does Mavit look like for the treatment of prostatitis?

Mavit in its set has a power source with a cord and a curly applicator, which has a small size, comfortable contours and a smooth surface, making it easy to insert into the rectum.

This process does not cause inconvenience to the man and does not cause additional pain. When the device is working, its surface heats up to 38-42 degrees. Since the temperature in the rectum is higher, the man will feel only warmth, but there will be no burning sensation.

During the work of Mavita, a magnetic field is also formed, which a person does not physically feel. Massage effect is achieved through vibration. Thus, the device has a therapeutic triple effect on the diseased male organ.

Influence of the device: therapeutic effect for the prostate

The Mavit device for the treatment of prostatitis has the following effects on the diseased organ:

  • Warm. This improves blood circulation, and also stimulates immunity in the tissues surrounding the prostate gland.
  • Magnetotherapy. As you know, the electromagnetic field can relieve pain, have a decongestant effect and relieve inflammation.
  • . Micro-influence with a massager restores muscle tone, contributes to the normal production of secretion and eliminates congestion in the prostate gland.

Thus, Mavit increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. Physiotherapeutic methods are widely used in medical practice today and have shown quite good results. Therefore, the purchase of such a device will be a justified decision.

The use of Mavita for prostatitis and possible contraindications

The device can be used for chronic prostatitis, as well as for some other diseases of the urethral canal, prostate dysfunction and dysfunction, for example, copulatory.

But Mavit can also be used to prevent the appearance of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland or when the very first and minor signs of prostatitis appear. Excellent helps to cope with congestion - blood or secretions. Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole and separately of each organ.

Of course, before buying or using the device, a consultation with a doctor is required. There are a number of contraindications, the use of which can lead to sad consequences, and the patient does not always know about the presence of a particular disease in himself.

It is forbidden to use the Mavit device for the treatment of prostatitis in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory process in the prostate gland in an acute form.
  • Chronic exacerbated form of inflammation of the prostate.
  • Diseases of the rectum in acute form.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the rectum or prostate.

What reviews did the device collect?

The Mavit device for the treatment of male prostatitis is widely known among men who have undergone this disease, as well as among urologists. It is important to note that it has no analogues on the market, since it has 3 actions at once: thermal, magnetic and massage.

According to consumer reviews, Mavit, in combination with drug therapy, is really able to reduce the treatment time and quickly return a man to his former, healthy life.

Device cost

The Mavit device has a different price, but it depends on the retailer. The cost of the device can start from 7600 and reach 13500 rubles. Mavit is sold in medical equipment stores, pharmacies and on various sites.

Statistics inevitably show that the number of men who have problems due to inflammation of the prostate is growing. The traditional treatment for prostate diseases is taking medications, because many still do not know that there are affordable and more effective methods that allow you to get rid of this disease once and for all.

Mavit (ULP 01) is one of the most striking achievements of modern science in this field, a device specially designed for the treatment of prostate diseases. The use of the Mavit apparatus provides effective methods of treatment, allowing prostate massage not only in hospitals, but also at home. Using the Mavit ULP 01 device, you can treat prostatitis at home, without the help of outsiders.

Tool for complex local treatment of prostate diseases in men "Mavit SFM 01 » was developed by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by leading urologists of the Ryazan Medical University, in order to increase the effectiveness of the course of treatment. Mavit is also the newest treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic prostatitis.
The warranty for the device is 2 years.

In Moscow, you can buy a MAVIT device by placing an order through our online store.

Price: 10585 rub.

Mavit SFM 01

Mavit ULP 01: indications for use

    Chronic prostatitis (out of the acute stage); urethroprostatitis, prostatovesiculitis;

    Violation of sexual function;

    BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) against the background of chronic prostatitis.

Like any medical device, "Mavit" has contraindications. Contraindications for use apparatus Mavit ULP 01 include exacerbation of chronic prostatitis; active tuberculosis, malignant tumors of the rectum and prostate; acute inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Download instructions for MAVIT ULP 01

What is the effect of using the Mavit apparatus?

After treatment with Mavit ULP 01, pain decreases, urination improves, erection normalizes. Almost all patients note the comfort and high efficiency of the procedures.
In the new modification of the Mavit device, a timer is set to turn off the device, since some patients who were treated with the device at home simply fell asleep during the procedure due to the analgesic and relaxing effect.

How does the MAVIT device work?

Treatment of chronic prostatitis is usually based on three methods: antibiotics, diet, and physical therapy. The exclusion of any of these methods, unfortunately, can in turn exclude a complete recovery. Only the complex effect of the above-mentioned methods of treatment will lead to a positive result, so you should not allow yourself to neglect any of them.

Thus, in the treatment of prostatitis, it is not enough just to “swallow pills” - you also need to eat right and regularly carry out physiotherapy procedures. This is usually a prostate finger massage procedure performed by a doctor. This procedure is quite uncomfortable and painful for the patient, especially when you consider that it is performed by an outsider, even a doctor. However, now there is a solution - the Mavit apparatus, which was created specifically for the treatment of prostatitis on your own at home.

Prostate massage is aimed at “squeezing out” the secret of the prostate, emptying it. Massage with the Mavit apparatus, in addition, leads to the strengthening and restoration of blood flow in the prostate gland, and therefore is much more effective.

To date, the Mavit apparatus (ULP 01) is a unique, unparalleled development. Its use with the use of three treatment factors (heat, magnetic field and vibration) makes it possible to have a complex effect on the prostate and provide a stable, significantly faster therapeutic effect in the treatment of its diseases. The combined effect of drugs, vibration massage, heat, magnetic field contributes to a fairly quick and effective cure for prostatitis in patients without any negative consequences and side effects.

Observations of patients and doctors prove that after 1-2 procedures with the device
magnetic therapy Mavit ULP 01 men get rid of pain, the work of the urinary-genital system improves, erection normalizes. Mavit is ideal for the prevention of prostate cancer and prostate congestion. In the end, any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. The Mavit device will help not only prevent the development of the disease, but also significantly increase sexual activity, strengthen erection and increase male strength.

Mavit ULP 01 is a device that effectively treats the prostate by simultaneous exposure to vibration massage, heat and magnetic field. The combined use of these three factors of physiotherapy is the most effective. In addition, the thermomagnetic vibration effect enhances the effect of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Mavit does not require special handling skills, is simple, effective and does not cause emotional stress in patients, as happens when a doctor massages the prostate. You can carry out procedures using the Mavit ULP 01 device on your own at home, without the help of strangers.
The procedure time using the Mavit device is 30 minutes, treatment procedures are carried out every day. During the procedure, the patient feels pleasant warmth and comfort, pain is relieved, and well-being improves. If necessary, the course of treatment with the Mavit apparatus can be repeated after two months.
Mavit allows you to influence physiotherapeutic factors directly on the prostate, improves blood circulation and thus enhances the effect of drugs.

You can buy the Mavit ULP 01 device in our online store by ordering pickup or ordering delivery.

The Mavit ULP-01 device is designed to provide a complex effect on inflammatory processes in the prostate tissue in men. Due to the presence of contraindications, it is recommended to consult a specialist before use.

Instructions for use contains a detailed description of the procedure. During treatment, one should not deviate from the recommendations set forth in the attached instructions.

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    What is the Mavit apparatus

    The Mavit apparatus is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. The use of the device is meant in the phase of remission of the disease - after the end of the acute inflammatory process. Treatment with this device can be combined with the use of medications:

    • antimicrobial;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • immunomodulating;
    • adaptogens.

    Mavit monotherapy is also possible.

    Carrying out procedures using this device does not require special knowledge, skills and medical education.

    As optimal conditions for working with the device, the manufacturer indicates:

    • air temperature 10 to 35 degrees;
    • air humidity not more than 80% at a temperature of 25 degrees;
    • atmospheric pressure 630-800 mm Hg.

    Indications for use

    The Mavit device is intended for use when the patient has the following conditions:

    • Chronic prostatitis without the stage of exacerbation.
    • Prostatovesiculitis.
    • Urethroprostatitis.
    • Presence of erectile dysfunction.
    • Chronic prostatitis in the presence of benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma).


    Treatment with the Mavit device cannot be carried out in the following cases:

    • Acute prostatitis.
    • Chronic prostatitis in the acute stage.
    • Malignant neoplasms of the prostate gland, rectum.
    • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
    • Suspicion of prostate tuberculosis.
    • Acute inflammatory diseases of the rectum.

    Apparatus action

    Methods of local physiotherapy for chronic prostatitis are used in medicine to enhance the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. Thermal effect on the prostate gland through the rectum is one of the recognized methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia and is reflected in international therapeutic standards.

    During the course of treatment, dynamic monitoring of the patient is necessary.

    Hyperthermia is understood as the effect of temperature in the range from 40 to 45 degrees, which has a beneficial effect on microcirculation in the prostate tissue and stimulation of immunity in the surrounding tissues.

    The Mavit device, designed specifically for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, combines the effect on the prostate of three physical factors at once:

    • hyperthermia,
    • pulsed magnetic field,
    • mechanical micro-vibration.

    These effects not only improve microcirculation and increase the activity of the immune system, but also restore the tone of the pelvic floor muscles in the prostate gland.

    Device device

    The device consists of the following elements:

    • power supply connected to the electrical network;
    • electrical cord;
    • applicator, which is a source of thermal effects on the prostate, as well as a source of mechanical vibration that has a massage effect, and a pulsed magnetic field generator.

    Thanks to the pulsed magnetic field, an analgesic effect, a decrease in the spastic component and swelling are achieved.

    Treatment rules

    During the course of treatment, certain conditions must be observed:

    • Therapeutic manipulations must be carried out regularly at the same time.
    • After the end of the procedure, you need to rest for 30-60 minutes.
    • A repeated course of therapy for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes can be carried out no earlier than after 2 months.
    • During the course of treatment procedures, alcohol is not allowed.
    • During the course of treatment, stress should be avoided.
    • It is impossible to carry out procedures against the background of overwork or psychological exhaustion.

    Rules for using the device:

    • Before using the device for the first time, it is necessary to disinfect all external surfaces of the device.
    • In the future, the applicator should be disinfected together with the part of the cable adjacent to it after each use of the device.

    Discoloration of the treated surface of the applicator and the part of the electric cord adjacent to it after disinfection is not a defect.

    The order of the procedure:

    • The procedure must be carried out after emptying the intestines and bladder.
    • The applicator should be placed in a protective sheath (a condom is used for this purpose).
    • The cable connector is connected to the power supply.
    • The power source is connected to the electrical network; switching on is signaled by the network indicator.
    • The patient should lie in a supine position with legs bent.
    • The protective sheath on the applicator is lubricated with sterile vaseline.
    • The applicator is inserted into the rectum in such a way that the working surface is directed upwards.
    • Switch on the operating mode by briefly pressing the start/stop button; in this case, the inclusion will signal the glow of the operation indicator and a short beep.
    • The procedure should be carried out 1 time per day, and its duration is not more than 30 minutes.
    • The course of procedures is 7-9 days; manipulation is performed daily.

    Precautionary measures

    When conducting a course of therapeutic manipulations, the exposure time specified in the instructions should not be exceeded. While working with the device, do not allow the cord to be pulled.

    The Mavit device must be protected from dampness, impacts, and concussions.

Treats prostatitis

The device consists of a battery and a tube that must be inserted directly into the anus. This is necessary to get as close as possible to the inflamed gland without surgery. Many people go to the doctor for a massage, but it is much more convenient for me to do sessions at home. It is simple to use, at first, however, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures, namely an enema. After that, you need to take a new condom and treat it with special Vaseline. I bought the most inexpensive sterile Vaseline at a pharmacy. And enter inside to the mark.
After the procedure, you need to lie down quietly for at least an hour so that the magnetic effect becomes as effective as possible. Of the minuses: for the duration of therapy, I had to give up alcohol, even the minimum that I can afford, for this I lower my rating.

Weak effect

I must say right away that this device helped me a little. I expected a completely different effect from him. Moreover, it was very expensive and I still hoped for a more realistic result. This procedure should take 30 minutes.
It is necessary to clean the rectum (required) and the bladder, then take a condom, lubricate it with petroleum jelly, put Mavit inside and insert it into the anus, turn it on. It sounds scary, but when you get prostatitis and you won’t go for it. Then after the procedure, you must lie down for at least 15 minutes. It took a week to do all this, the procedure seemed like torture to me. But finally, when it all ended, I did not get the expected result. The general condition improved, the pain during urination seemed to have disappeared, but the inflammation itself did not go away and had to be treated with medication. Strangely, the reviews about Mavita are the best, but he helped me weakly.

Unfortunately it didn't help me

The principle of operation of Mavit ULP-01 is simple: heating and massage of the prostate. I started doing procedures according to the instructions that come with the device. The "electrode" itself is small, heats up a little and vibrates. Only here is the impression that these vibrations and heat do not reach the prostate. I did several procedures, 9-10 and gave up. They are very difficult to come by, but there is no quick effect.

For the treatment of prostatitis

A good device, it is used not only at home, but also in hospitals, I have not yet seen analogues anywhere, so I was satisfied with my purchase. I was attracted by the fact that literally after 2-3 sessions I had a stable improvement in the condition of the prostate gland.
The device itself is quite easy to use, with constant exposure to the prostate gland with heat and electrical impulses, inflammation is eliminated.
Sessions usually take place in the evening, before bed. Since after the procedure, it is not recommended to move for at least an hour. Unfortunately, during the day I can’t afford such luxury, so the best solution is to do the procedures for the coming sleep. For the procedure, condoms are needed, I buy the cheapest ones, there is absolutely no difference. I personally do not need any additional lubricants.
It is a pity that at least a couple of dozen condoms are not included in the kit. It would be great if I didn't have to buy it myself.

It is very expensive

Mavit is a good thing to do prostate massage at home. There is nothing pleasant in this procedure, but the fact that I do it at home and on my own makes everything much easier.
Naturally, it makes no sense to treat prostatitis with just one Mavit, the device complements the complex treatment and I doubt very much that it would give me any result on its own. It costs about 10 thousand rubles, when I bought it, I doubted it very much, because I counted on only 1 course of treatment. But, alas, prostatitis is an insidious disease that periodically returns.
As for the use of the device itself, it is not much different from the classic prostate massage. The nozzle is inserted deep into the anus so that it is close to the gland, it vibrates, heats and emits magnetic impulses. After the massage, the sensations are pleasant. The main thing is to relax during it. The device fully justified its cost and has come in handy more than once.

The procedure is unpleasant, but useful

The device is small, it includes a power source that is plugged into an outlet, the massager itself is connected to it using a cord. The source is a plastic box the size of half the palm of your hand, you can put it on the table, on the floor, put it next to you on the bed. If the outlet is far away, connect through an extension cord. The cord leading to the massager is long, does not limit the actions. The method of application is described in detail in the instructions, there is nothing complicated, you must follow the safety precautions and not allow moisture to get on the massager.
It is easy to insert because of the shape, you do not need to hold it with your hand, it is fixed by itself due to muscle pressure. Frankly, I will say that there is nothing pleasant in the procedure, but for the sake of recovery, you can endure. The massage lasted half an hour, then I removed the device and lay motionless for another half an hour to give my body a rest. I did this every day for a week, then I went to the doctor, who approved. According to him, Mavit ULP-01 works no worse than therapeutic massage.

Device for prostatitis

The therapeutic effect of the use of the device felt quickly enough. I like products that provide immediate relief. The device is quite popular, as the effect really gives. It is easy to use and compact.
I usually use it before going to bed, the session lasts about half an hour, at first it is much less, because I had to get used to the sensations that the device caused. But after the first procedure, I felt better, fell asleep faster and slept until the morning. I didn’t expect it myself, since then I’ve been doing sessions every day. Mavit acts directly on the prostate gland, relieves inflammation and pressure, relief comes almost immediately.

Mavit is a special device that is successfully used for the treatment of prostatitis along with traditional drug treatment. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the potency of a man, preventing malfunctions in the male body.

What is Mavit and how does it work

The device is considered very effective when used in patients with prostatitis. At the same time, the manual indicates that it can be used at home. Treatment occurs with the help of magnetic radiation.

The device consists of a main unit, a cord and an applicator for insertion into the rectum. Mavit itself, according to the instructions, heats up to 42 degrees during operation. The patient feels pleasant warmth without any discomfort. The massage effect of the vibration of the applicator is added to the main action of the magnetic field. This effect contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs and prostate.

Due to the heat, massage effect and magnetic effect, the removal of congestion in the prostate is observed, the secretion is normalized, and pain is also relieved in case of prostatitis and diseases of the genitourinary system. There is also an anti-inflammatory effect and removal of puffiness. All this, in the end, leads to relief of symptoms, as well as increased potency and improved quality of sexual life.

The effect of Mavita

With regular treatment, the following results are observed:

  1. Facilitates the process of urination.
  2. Pain is relieved during urination and ejaculation.
  3. The effect of drugs used for prostatitis is enhanced.
  4. The quantity and quality of intimate life improves.

At the same time, the device has no side effects, which allows it to be used when other methods of treatment are unavailable.


Any method of treatment, including physiotherapy, has a number of contraindications that must be considered when applying this method of treatment. In any case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to calmly use the device and get the desired effect. Contraindications include:

  1. tuberculosis of the prostate.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the acute stage.
  3. Problems with the rectum in severe or aggravated form.
  4. Oncology of the rectum or neoplasm.

If you have one or more diseases from the list, you will have to abandon the use of the device and choose another method to improve potency and treat prostatitis.

How to use the machine

According to doctors, you can use Mavit ULP-01 both at home and in a medical institution. To do this, you must strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Wipe the applicator with alcohol or other disinfectant.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the intestines, as well as the bladder.
  3. Plug into the outlet and follow the indicator.
  4. Put a condom on the device and apply lubricant.
  5. Enter in the supine position with bent legs.
  6. Enable the start button.
  7. After half an hour, the timer signal should go off.
  8. Disconnect first with the button, and then from the network.
  9. Disinfect again.
  10. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for an hour.

With proper use, relief can be felt after the first applications. It is necessary to use the device for a week, and then take a break. The next weekly course must be completed in 2 months.

It can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

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