Definition of spastic constipation. What is spastic constipation

Constipation can occur in the event of a mechanical obstruction and this condition is called organic constipation. An example is a large tumor localized in the sigmoid colon. If there are no obstacles, then the constipation is called dynamic and it is divided into spastic constipation and atonic.

It is known that the intestine is not just a tube, but a muscular tube capable of active contraction. If there is not enough muscle strength, the intestines are atonic and sluggish, such constipation is called atonic. It was described in the corresponding article -.

But if the intestine develops excess strength, is in a state of constant spasm, then this also prevents normal defecation, and such constipation is called spastic. This constipation is a state of uneven increase in intestinal tone, but not all over, since this is impossible (the length of the human intestine reaches 10 m), but only in certain areas of the large intestine. Such spasms are permanent, they can often recur, and to a large extent prevent the normal passage of feces in the large intestine. What causes the state of spastic constipation to develop?

Only then, with a laxative purpose, are myotropic antispasmodics taken, such as drotoverin, Galidor. Improve the removal of spasm by taking choleretic drugs and true laxatives. Microclysters are used, for example, Microlax - they are able to soften the stool directly in the ampoule of the rectum, and not affect the overlying sections of the intestine.

Also of great importance is the fight against stress, the rejection of bad habits, the transition to a healthy lifestyle and increased physical activity. According to experts, 30 minutes of quiet walking a day is enough to avoid the unpleasant conditions associated with spastic constipation.

Many people at least once met with problems in the digestive system, which causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms, in particular, constipation. Prolonged absence of defecation, in such cases, may be atonic and spastic in nature, the difference between which lies in the causes and methods of treatment.

Spastic constipation is a violation of the process of excretion of feces from the body, caused by frequently recurring spasms of the intestines, through mental or mental trauma, or poisoning during the work process or smoking.

Spastic constipation: causes

As previously mentioned, spastic constipation is caused by intestinal spasms, as a result, its tone is significantly increased. Thus, individual intestinal segments are clamped, which leads to a delay in the movement of feces. During the development of the pathology, flatulence, spastic pains and a strong feeling of heaviness, overcrowding in the stomach are often encountered, the cause of which is strong gas formation.

Among the main causes of spastic constipation are:

  • various kinds of endocrine pathologies;
  • severe stress, high nervous tension;
  • the consequences of the presence of hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pituitary gland, ovarian dysfunction (in particular, during menopause);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • neurogenic colitis;
  • as a result of severe poisoning.

However, we want to emphasize that the main problem that forms spastic constipation is the disruption of the autonomic nervous system.

What are the symptoms of spastic constipation?

Speaking about the symptoms of the disease, it is not too different from the "standard" symptoms of ordinary constipation. Through this, the main symptom is a violation of the patency of the colon and the absence of bowel movements for two days. This “term” is average, since each organism is individual and there are no identical indicators. In particular, doctors note that if a patient has an act of defecation regularly three times a week and he does not feel discomfort, then this condition cannot be diagnosed as constipation (or other disorders in the digestive tract), as it is caused by physiological characteristics of the body.

Among the other signs of the disease, we can distinguish strong attempts during the hike "for the most part", which prevent the quick end of this action and can transfer pain to the lower part of the abdominal cavity.

In addition, such a symptom as a constant feeling of a full stomach may indicate constipation, which significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient.

Among the most dangerous signs of spastic constipation is the violation of the integrity of the colon by passing feces, which is caused by a dry, uneven and hard state of feces during the disease. It can scratch the walls of the intestine and anus, as a result of which the patient can see blood after going to the toilet.

Since feces stagnate in the body for a long time, they can cause various deviations in its work, for example: disturbed sleep patterns, inability to fall into deep sleep, unpleasant sensations and odors in the oral cavity, depression, lack of energy and decreased performance, sluggish condition, etc.

Spastic constipation during pregnancy

It is noted that problems with going to the toilet affect about 85% of pregnant girls, and 30% experience them in the postpartum period. In such cases, it is atonic constipation that most often worries as a violation of the functioning of intestinal motility. However, spastic constipation in pregnant women cannot be called a rarity either.

Speaking about the difference between these two types of constipation, we want to note that:

  • atonic constipation - a disease caused by relaxed intestinal muscles, as a result of an improper diet and lack of fiber in food, whereby all functions of peristalsis become silent and the body simply does not want to go to the toilet;
  • spastic constipation, on the contrary, occurs along with sharply appearing pain in the abdominal cavity, severe gas formation and episodic acts of defecation (diarrhea).
  • Among the reasons for delayed stool in the expectant mother are noted:
    • The last months of pregnancy, during which the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines and other organs increases significantly. As a result, there is a violation and slowing of blood circulation in the small pelvis, affecting the functions of intestinal motility.
    • The increased content of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman can relax the muscles of organs, in particular the intestines. At the same time, such a problem is likely to lead to atonic constipation.
    • Pregnancy is a period of intense nervous tension for many girls. Since the hormonal background is constantly changing, the emotional stability of most mothers decreases. As a result, the woman is quickly irritated, begins to be afraid of everything around and worry.
    • Allergies or food poisoning can also cause spastic constipation, so such diseases must be “treated” by the attending physician.

    Please note that taking laxatives during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby, so be sure to consult a doctor if you have any problems.

    Child and spastic constipation

    Lack of bowel movements in babies can be caused by dietary changes, such as switching from breastfeeding to artificial foods, or by introducing new foods into the diet. In addition, the still unformed nervous system can cause neurogenic constipation in children.

    Older children may be prone to spasmodic constipation through eating large amounts of sugary foods, lack of pure water in the diet, or eating dry food. There are times when the illness is caused by a lot of stress, for example, a new school, moving from one place to another, quarrels with friends, etc.

    Spastic constipation is observed in 70% of babies. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease occurs under the supervision of the attending physician, while antispasmodic therapy as such is rarely used. At most, it is enough just to take a course using rectal suppositories, which have a laxative and relaxing effect.

    Spastic constipation: diagnosis

    The correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor specializing in gastrointestinal disorders, so it is advisable to contact a coloproctologist, gastroenterologist-infectious disease specialist or general practitioner. In such cases, certain examinations are most often prescribed, for example:

    • sigmoidoscopy - the introduction of a sigmoidoscope - a special tube that examines the rectum
    • irrigoscopy is an X-ray technique involving the infusion of contrast agents into the intestines.
    • fibrocolonoscopy - examination of the rectum using an endoscope.

    The examinations described above help the doctor to assess the general condition of the patient and identify the correct cause of the obstruction, which is very important for prescribing drugs, in addition, in this way, the degree of peristalsis and the functional load on the intestine as a whole are assessed.

    Often, the patient is prescribed stool tests for the composition of the microflora, since there may be a lack of lactic acid bacteria that can cause putrefactive fermentation in the intestines and related organs.

    Spastic constipation: how to treat?

    To eliminate this problem, the main task facing the attending physician is to restore normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a course of medication is prescribed in combination with:

    • diet food (which will be described below);
    • taking homeopathy;
    • using traditional methods of treatment.

    We want to emphasize that it is not worth delaying a trip to the doctor, this can lead to serious consequences of obstruction. However, we will move on to reviewing the most frequently asked questions from patients:

    1. Does it make sense to do an enema during spastic constipation? We would like to note that the use of an enema often accompanies the treatment of problems with defecation. However, it should be understood that during spasms, the infusion of cool liquid is not welcome, as it can provoke even more contractions of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The temperature range of the enema, in such cases, should be in the region from 36 ° C to 39.3 ° (close to the usual body temperature), and the introduction, at the same time, should be carried out without strong pressure, easily and smoothly. It is recommended to prepare a relaxing mixture based on a decoction of lemon balm and mint (no more than 220 ml). Experts note that enemas based on oils heated to a temperature of 31 ° C (no more than 220 ml) or on a mixture of water and oil (up to 520 ml) have the highest efficiency. Among the oils, the most popular are castor, sunflower and olive.
    2. Are laxatives effective in such cases? In an antispasmodic condition, a laxative should be chosen carefully, giving preference to herbal medicines. If possible, try to do without such drugs at all, because most of these drugs can greatly stimulate intestinal motility, which, in turn, will only increase intestinal spasms already present. The main problem is that it is impossible to specifically provoke this process, since the nature of the spasms may not yet be determined. Laxatives in such cases can worsen the patient's condition and provoke the development of spastic constipation in the intestine itself.
      However, if you cannot do without laxatives, then you should approach the problem in a complex way. That is, combine the popular Dufalac with an antispasmodic drug, so you reduce the load on peristalsis, which will help eliminate spasms and "improve" the state of the pathology.
    3. How effective is home treatment for spastic constipation and can it be carried out? As previously mentioned, a trip to a specialist with such a problem cannot be canceled, since the patient himself is not able to determine the nature of the disease. If the general health of the patient is satisfactory and the problem with bowel movements has not yet become critical, then home treatment can come to the rescue. In this case, the selection of medicines should be competent and consistent: first of all, antispasmodic drugs are drunk, and only after (if necessary) - laxatives. In the presence of inflammatory processes, there is a need for anti-inflammatory treatment, restoration of the microflora of the body and taking drugs of a weak sedative nature. Warm water procedures, self-massages of the abdominal cavity, taking enzyme medications (for example, Enzistal, Pancreatin, Mezim, etc.) are effective.

    What folk remedies will help in solving the problem?

    Traditional medicine has not remained aloof from this problem, so many decoctions and infusions that improve patency can be prepared at home, in particular:

    • Take 1.5 teaspoons of dry mint and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it, then infuse the mixture for 30 minutes, strain. Consume after meals at least three times a day.
    • Buy wild flax at the pharmacy. Taking 4 tablespoons of flax, fill it with 350 ml of boiled water and insist for 30 minutes. Drink liquid (strained) 70 ml at least three times a day.
    • Take 30 g of dry horsetail, 30 g of yarrow leaves, 15 g of wormwood leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, then leave for at least two hours. Drink liquid (filtered) four times a day with meals, 100-150 ml.
    • A great helper in the fight against constipation is dill and fennel. Just take 1 tablespoon of this or that plant (can be seeds) and pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. It is worth consuming 100-150 mol of liquid during strong antispasmodic pressures.
    • Take 20 g of plantain leaves and 20 g of sage leaves, 10 g of mint, 15 g of St. John's wort leaves, mix herbs by pouring 500 ml of boiled water. It is necessary to insist the liquid for at least an hour. Use the infusion of 100 ml at least three times a day.

    Spastic constipation: diet

    The treatment of any type of constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot be accompanied by the wrong diet, so now we will take a closer look at what exactly the diet should include for such diseases. Among the general recommendations of doctors, there are: the exclusion of rough foods that can irritate the walls of the intestines and intestines, an increase in the volume of plant foods in the diet rich in fiber (if possible without skin), eating foods rich in fats, dairy products (sour cream, kefir, natural butter ) etc.

    Another important point in nutrition is that food should not be fried, it is best to steam or in the oven, in extreme cases, boil.

    • Various vegetable soups, meat broths, fruit cream soups, smoothies, etc.;
    • Sour-milk products and dishes prepared on their basis (excluding processed and hard cheeses);
    • Fish and meat in boiled or baked form;
    • Whole grain products, various cereals, dark wheat pasta, cereals, biscuit cookies, honey and bee products, homemade jam, marmalade sweets;
    • Any oil (sunflower, olive, butter) and cream;
    • All vegetables, but preferably boiled, as well as greens;
    • Any fruit (excluding those that strongly irritate the intestines - orange, cherry, blueberry);
    • Lots of tea, herbal infusions, juices, jelly, etc.
    • Fatty meats;
    • Flour products, especially from white flour;
    • Puff products;
    • Smoked meats and sausage;
    • Canned food and home preservation;
    • All types of legumes;
    • Cabbage (especially white cabbage);
    • Hot sauces, wig;
    • Minimize semolina;
    • Lard;
    • Garlic and onion;
    • Crackers, chips, nuts, seeds, anchovies, squids, etc.
    • Mushrooms, radish;
    • Sweet (except marshmallows and marmalade);
    • Chocolate and dishes based on it;
    • Alcoholic drinks;
    • Salo, pork and beef fats.

    Constipation can occur in anyone for a variety of reasons. This condition is caused by a violation of the process of emptying the intestines and often leads to serious consequences. Constipation is divided into atonic and spastic, which differ from each other not only in the causes of development, but also in the principles of treatment.

    Spastic is called constipation, which occurs due to spasms of the muscles of the intestine and is accompanied by swelling. As a rule, the stool with this type of constipation is fragmented, resembling goat feces. Lack of bowel movements is intermittent, sometimes alternating with normal or even loose stools. Spastic constipation worries a person for several days, after which the bowel function normalizes for a while.

    A distinctive feature of this type of constipation is an increase in gas formation, the occurrence of spastic pain and a decrease in the patient's performance. With a long course of the disease, a person notes increased fatigue, lethargy.

    The reasons

    Constipation due to intestinal spasms develops as a result of increased intestinal tone. In some areas, spasms are formed that pinch the feces and lead to the loss of their ability to move through the intestines.

    Often a spasm is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding in the abdomen, flatulence, pain.

    The main reasons for the development of spastic constipation are:

    • hypothyroidism;
    • diabetes;
    • dysfunction of the ovaries;
    • pathology of the pituitary gland;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • neurogenic colitis;
    • consequences of food poisoning;
    • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.


    The main sign of spastic constipation is the absence of stool for 2-3 days or longer. Also, the development of the disease is indicated by a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine after defecation. When emptying, the feces are represented by a solid mass, which explains the soreness and difficulty in exiting the intestines.

    With spastic constipation, the feces come out in small hard lumps, which are shaped like goat feces.

    Among the clinical signs of spastic constipation are:

    • a feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
    • excessive gas formation;
    • pain, resembling contractions in nature and localized in various parts of the intestine;
    • an admixture of mucus in the feces;
    • feeling of nausea;
    • headache;
    • emotional disorders;
    • decreased/lack of appetite.

    Attacks of pain in a person suffering from spastic constipation, intensify at the time of nervous shocks and completely disappear during sleep.


    The main methods for diagnosing spastic constipation are:

    • visual examination of the patient;
    • collection of anamnesis;
    • bacteriological examination of feces;
    • palpation of the intestine;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • irrigoscopy;
    • fibrocolonoscopy;

    Features of such constipation during pregnancy

    Up to 70% of pregnant women face the problem of stool disorders. With spastic constipation, the expectant mother notes the alternation of the absence of defecation with mild diarrhea, increasing pain in the abdomen.

    The longer the gestation period, the more pressure on the organs is exerted by the growing uterus. As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis, affecting intestinal motility.

    During the bearing of a child, many women become emotionally excitable, easily irritated, worried. Such a state associated with hormonal failure in the body of a woman and often leads to the development of spastic constipation. It is worth noting that after delivery, this condition disappears and does not require the intervention of doctors.

    Sometimes the causes of spasms in the intestines are the reactions of the female body to food poisoning.

    Treatment of constipation in women during pregnancy should be carried out only by a specialist.

    Constipation in the elderly

    The causes of constipation in the elderly are:

    • neurological disorders;
    • damage to the endocrine system;
    • inactive lifestyle;
    • nutritional errors.

    The vast majority of older people are prone to constipation, however, treatment and diagnosis of the causes of the condition should only be carried out by a specialist.

    Treatment of constipation in this case should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

    Intestinal spasms in young patients often occur due to changes in diet, for example, when switching from natural to artificial feeding or the introduction of complementary foods.

    In children over the age of 12 months, spastic constipation may occur due to excessive consumption of sweet, small amounts of fluid intake.

    Spastic type constipation can develop in a child as a result of emotional stress.

    Treatment of children with spastic type of constipation is rarely carried out with the appointment of antispasmodic drugs. As a rule, in such cases, it is sufficient to use rectal suppositories, which have a relaxing and laxative effect.

    Is it worth it to see a doctor?

    Long-term constipation of any type can lead to various complications:

    • secondary colitis;
    • inflammation of the rectum;
    • inflammation of the sigmoid colon;
    • the development of enteritis;
    • the development of pathologies of the biliary tract;
    • hepatitis;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • anal fissures;
    • paraproctitis, etc.

    It is necessary to contact a specialist if bowel movement does not occur within 3 days.

    If the patient begins to show signs of general intoxication of the body, as well as with unbearable pain in the abdomen.

    If constipation occurs in children, the elderly or pregnant women, specialist advice should be sought as soon as possible.

    Diagnosis and treatment of constipation are carried out by a proctologist and a gastroenterologist.


    Treatment of spastic constipation is complex. The main task of therapy is to relieve intestinal spasms and cleanse the intestines from feces (cleansing enema with spastic constipation is done in rare cases). Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist and includes:

    • taking medications;
    • adherence to a special diet;
    • treatment with homeopathic remedies (in some cases);
    • application of therapeutic exercises.


    As a rule, with spastic constipation, drugs are prescribed that have an antispasmodic effect, which relax the muscles of the intestine and restore its evacuation function.


    Antispasmodic, produced in the form of tablets, injections and rectal suppositories.


    • hypersensitivity to components;
    • AV block;
    • glaucoma;
    • functional disorders of the liver;
    • age up to 6 months;
    • age over 65 years.

    Average price: 10-60 rubles.


    It is sold in the form of tablets and solution for injection.


    • hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
    • insufficiency of kidney function;
    • insufficiency of liver functions;
    • heart failure.

    Average price: 60-110 rubles.


    available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.


    • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

    Average price: 40-80 rubles.


    Antispasmodic drug with the following contraindications:

    • AV conduction disorders;
    • patient's age up to 12 months;
    • epilepsy;
    • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
    • hypersensitivity to the drug.

    Average price: 60-80 rubles.

    belladonna extract


    • glaucoma;
    • stenosing pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • intestinal atony;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • intestinal obstruction of a mechanical nature;
    • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • bleeding;
    • myasthenia gravis;
    • breastfeeding period;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Average price: 60-110 rubles.


    For the treatment of spastic constipation, the diet must include:

    • vegetable, meat broths and soups based on them;
    • milk and dairy products;
    • meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
    • dark bread;
    • whole grain pasta;
    • biscuit cookies;
    • honey and other bee products;
    • marshmallow, marmalade, jam;
    • animal and vegetable fats;
    • fruits (except blueberries, citrus fruits, cherries);
    • juices, compotes, tea, rosehip broth.

    During the period of treatment it is necessary to exclude:

    • meat and fish of fatty varieties, lard;
    • rich, puff pastry, white bread;
    • smoked meats;
    • sausages;
    • canned food;
    • white cabbage;
    • beans;
    • spices;
    • rice and semolina;
    • mushrooms;
    • confectionery cream products;
    • chocolate;
    • radish, onion, horseradish, garlic;
    • alcohol.

    After waking up on an empty stomach, experts recommend drinking kefir or cold water.

    All dishes should be steamed or boiled, vegetables and fruits should be mashed. The number of meals is 5 times a day.

    Sample food menu

    1st breakfast: millet porridge with apple, vegetable salad, tea.

    2nd breakfast: Apple

    Dinner: vegetable soup, stewed cabbage with meat, pumpkin mousse.

    afternoon tea: cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream.

    Dinner: carrot-apple pudding with prunes, pancakes with meat.

    Before bedtime: curdled milk.

    Folk recipes

    It is necessary to treat spastic constipation with traditional medicine only after consulting with your doctor!

    1. 1 tsp dry crushed mint leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes. Take 50-100 ml twice a day after meals.
    2. 3 art. l. dry wild flax pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 30-40 minutes. Strain and take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.
    3. 30 g of horsetail, 30 g of yarrow, 15 g of wormwood pour 4 cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain the infusion and take half a glass 3-4 times a day with meals.
    4. 1 st. l. dill or fennel seeds pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain and take 50 ml each time an attack of pain occurs.
    5. Mix 20 g of dry plantain, 20 g of sage, 5 g of mint, 15 g of sushi and 20 g of St. John's wort. 1 tsp the resulting mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain the infusion and take 50 ml three times a day.


    In some cases, patients suffering from spastic constipation homeopathic remedies may be recommended, such as Berberis-Homaccord.


    For the treatment of spastic-type constipation, doctors recommend performing special exercises. To achieve the maximum effect, gymnastic exercises must be performed daily, gradually increasing the load. If during gymnastics the patient notes the occurrence of pain, increased heart rate, and other discomfort, the exercises should be canceled and consult a doctor.

    Exercises are performed smoothly, without jerks, observing the rhythm of breathing.

    Contraindication to therapeutic exercises is:

    • high body temperature;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • sharp pains in the abdomen;
    • diarrhea;
    • exacerbation of any chronic disease.

    Several useful exercise options are shown in the video

    Exercise examples

    • Standing, hands on the waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform rotational movements of the body in both directions. Breathing may be voluntary. The repetition rate is 3-4 times in each direction.
    • Standing, hands on waist, legs together. Squat on toes 6-8 times, keeping your back straight, breathing is free.
    • Lying on your back, arms along the body, legs close together. Bending the right leg at the knee, pull it to the chest and hold for a few seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat with the left leg. Alternate exercises for both legs 4-7 times. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, do not hold your breath.


    1. struggle with stress, exclusion of psycho-emotional stress.
    2. compliance with the regime and diet;
    3. maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

    Current forecast

    In very rare cases, the disease leads to the formation of fecal stones, the development of intestinal obstruction, fecal peritonitis. As a rule, elderly people and bedridden patients are susceptible to such complications.

    With the exact and conscientious fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions, the prognosis is favorable.

    Spastic constipation is an unpleasant and painful ailment. Delayed treatment can lead to complications that threaten the health and life of the patient. However, a timely visit to a doctor and the implementation of his recommendations can cure the patient of pathology in a matter of days.

    Constipation caused by spasm of the intestines appears as a result of an increase in intestinal tone.

    Muscle spasms appear in separate intestinal segments, as a result of which the feces seem to be clamped and lose the opportunity for further advancement.
    Spasm is often accompanied by flatulence, spastic pain and a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, which is associated with increased gas formation.

    Spasm can also occur as a result of endocrine pathology, or under the influence of emotional and mental stress:

    • with hypothyroidism;
    • with diabetes;
    • with ovarian dysfunction (for example, in menopause);
    • with diseases of the pituitary gland;
    • with irritable bowel syndrome;
    • with neurogenic colitis;
    • after poisoning.

    Most often, the main factor in the development of the disease becomes a regulatory violation of the autonomic nervous system.

    Symptoms of spastic constipation

    It is typical for intestinal spasm when a delay in defecation does not occur constantly, but periodically. In the intervals between constipation, the stool may have a normal or even liquefied appearance. Often you can observe situations that can be compared with a mild form of diarrhea - this is the result of the body's response to prolonged stagnation of feces and muscle spasm. In most cases, this occurs when the spasm is associated with nervous disorders.

    Clinically, muscular intestinal spasm is manifested by irritable bowel syndrome, which can be expressed in the following signs:

    • soreness in the abdomen, often cramping;
    • intermittent delay in defecation;
    • exit along with feces of mucus particles;
    • increased emotionality and irritability;
    • constant feeling of fatigue.

    Sometimes the stool retention may be insignificant, however, the excretion of feces is incomplete, with small elements. After such a bowel movement, there remains a feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying, heaviness in the abdomen, and unreasonable satiety.

    Spasmodic constipation during pregnancy

    70-80% of women complain about problems with bowel movements during pregnancy, as well as about 30% in the postpartum period. At this time, atonic constipation associated with the inactivity of intestinal motility may be more likely to disturb. However, intestinal cramps in pregnant women are not uncommon.

    Regarding how to distinguish spastic constipation from atonic, we can say the following:

    atony intestines is the absence of peristalsis, which may be due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestines, the lack of fiber in the diet, and other reasons. With atony, the intestines are “silent”, there is no urge to defecate;
    spastic the bowel condition is usually accompanied by increasing and temporarily relieving pain, rumbling in the abdomen, increased gas formation and irregular stools (constipation may be replaced by diarrhea).

    What causes stool retention:

    The longer the gestation period, the greater the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the intestines and other organs. As a result, blood circulation in the vascular system of the small pelvis is disturbed and slowed down, which can affect peristalsis.
    A large amount of progesterone in the blood relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the intestines. However, this is the reason, rather, not spasm, but atony of the intestines.
    During pregnancy, most women become emotionally unstable. They are easily irritated, causeless fears and experiences appear. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. However, a side effect of this condition can be neurogenic constipation, which goes away on its own after the stabilization of the woman's mental state.
    Less common causes of spasm are allergic reactions of the body or food poisoning.

    Taking laxatives without a doctor's prescription during the period of bearing a child is undesirable, you should consult a specialist.

    Spastic constipation in a child

    Intestinal cramps in young children may occur as a result of changes in diet, for example, when switching to artificial feeding, or when introducing a new complementary food. The reason may also be an incompletely formed nervous system, which causes the same neurogenic constipation.

    In older children, a spastic condition may occur due to the use of a large amount of sweets, insufficient fluid intake, dry food. Sometimes spasm is the result of stress - moving to a new area, transferring to another school, etc.

    Spastic conditions in childhood can occur in every third child. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease, however, therapy with antispasmodic drugs is rarely resorted to. Most often, a short course of treatment with rectal suppositories, which have laxative and relaxing properties, is sufficient.

    Diagnosis of spastic constipation

    The diagnosis can only be established by a specialist - a coloproctologist, a gastroenterologist-infectionist or a therapist, based on the results of the examination.

    The examination may include:

    sigmoidoscopy - a procedure for examining the rectum and lower sigmoid colon using a special device - a sigmoidoscope;
    irrigoscopy - an x-ray technique that involves the introduction of a contrast agent into the intestine;
    fibrocolonoscopy - endoscopic examination of the intestinal cavity.

    These studies are very important in order to assess the condition of the mucous tissues of the intestinal cavity, the degree of peristalsis, the elasticity of the intestine, and the functionality of the intestine as a whole.

    Sometimes an analysis of fecal masses for microflora is carried out, since due to a lack of lactic acid fermentation bacteria, putrefactive fermentation can occur, which directly affects the development of problems with intestinal function.

    Objectively, when feeling, the doctor can determine the pain in various parts of the intestine. In addition, the compressed flagellum sigmoid colon is well felt, while the caecum is assessed as relaxed.

    Treatment of spastic constipation

    Restoring the normal peristalsis of the digestive system is the No. 1 task in the treatment of a spastic condition of the intestine. Treatment should be comprehensive and include several therapeutic steps:

    • diet food (we will talk about it separately);
    • drug therapy;
    • taking homeopathic remedies;
    • folk remedies.

    If there is such a problem as a violation of defecation, then you need to get rid of it, like any other pathology, starting with a doctor's consultation. The correct diagnosis made in time makes the treatment more effective and faster.

    If, for some reason, the appeal to the doctor is delayed, then at first you can try to cope on your own, but in the future, a visit to the doctor should become mandatory. We will try to answer some of the questions of patients that most often arise in the treatment of intestinal spasms.

    Does an enema help with spastic constipation?

    Indeed, a cleansing enema is often used for difficulty defecation. But you need to know that for spasms do not use the introduction of a cool solution, as this can increase the spastic contraction of the muscles. The temperature of the cleansing enema with spastic constipation should be moderate: the liquid is heated to body temperature (approximately 36-39 ° C) and injected into the intestine without pressure, carefully. You can make a relaxing solution, for example, with a decoction of lemon balm or mint (200 ml). However, oil enemas are considered more effective, for which oil is used, heated to a temperature of 30-32 ° C, with a volume of 200 ml, or an oil-water mixture with a volume of approximately 500 ml. Most often used castor, sunflower, olive oil.

    Can I take a laxative for spastic constipation?

    Laxatives for intestinal spasms must be chosen very, very carefully, dwelling only on those remedies that consist of herbal ingredients. If possible, it is better to do without laxatives altogether. Why? The fact is that the vast majority of such medicines stimulate intestinal motility, which can aggravate an existing spasm and worsen the patient's condition. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to increase the motility of an already spasmodically contracted intestine without having an idea of ​​why this spasm occurred. Therefore, taking a laxative in this state, the patient runs the risk of intensifying pain and aggravating the problem up to spastic intestinal obstruction.

    If taking a laxative for spasms is inevitable, then you can resort to a complex intake of medicines. For example, the well-known Dufalac for spastic constipation is prescribed simultaneously with antispasmodic drugs. Only in this case it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition and solve the problem with defecation.

    What antispasmodics are most effective for spastic constipation?

    Antispasmodic drugs for the intestines are divided into several groups and have some restrictions on their use. Therefore, you should not use them without consulting a doctor.

    The main and most common intestinal antispasmodic counts Papaverine- it can be purchased in tablets, injection solution and rectal suppositories. In everyday life, suppositories with papaverine are more often used - they perfectly relax the intestinal muscles, eliminating spasm and restoring the evacuation function. Papaverine tablets are taken 1 pc. no more than 4 per day.

    In the absence of Papaverine, you can take antispasmodics such as No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Dibazol, which, moreover, is a peripheral vasodilator.

    Dibazol with spastic constipation can be used in injections or in tablets. Injections of the drug are administered intramuscularly, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution, up to 2-3 times a day, as needed. Tablets are taken in an amount of not more than 50 mg at a time and not more than 150 mg per day.

    A popular drug is Papazol - a combined remedy based on Papaverine and Dibazol.

    Can spastic constipation be treated at home?

    Of course, in any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is desirable. The patient himself will not be able to determine the cause of the spasm. In simple situations, it is quite possible to cope with treatment at home, but the drug regimen must be competent and consistent: first, antispasmodics, and only then (if necessary) - laxatives. If there is inflammation, then anti-inflammatory treatment will be required, recovery microflora intestines, general strengthening of the body. Warm baths, abdominal massage, light sedatives give a good effect. Enzyme preparations are also recommended, for example, Mezim, Enzistal. In some cases, alternative methods of therapy may also be relevant.

    Folk remedies for spastic constipation

    There are a large number of folk recipes that can be successfully prepared at home. It is enough to have certain harvested plants at home, or purchase them in dry form at a pharmacy.

    Pour 200 ml of boiled hot water 1 tsp. mint leaves, cover with a lid and insist a quarter of an hour. We use the infusion after meals at least twice a day.

    Pour 300 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. spoons of wild flax (flax), you can in a thermos. Let it brew for half an hour. We take a filtered infusion of 60 ml 3-4 times a day.

    We prepare a mixture of 20 g of horsetail, the same amount of yarrow, 10 g of wormwood, pour 400-500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours (preferably in a thermos). We filter the finished infusion and drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day with food.

    Well relieves spasm infusion of dill or fennel. Let's take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Take 100 ml during spasms.

    We mix 15 g of dry plantain leaf, the same amount of sage, 5 g of mint leaf, 10 g of marsh cudweed and 15 g of St. John's wort. One teaspoon of the resulting mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. We drink three times a day for 1/3 cup.

    In addition, you can use the following herbs:

    • buckthorn bark, fennel seeds, laxative joster, licorice rhizome;
    • senna leaf, buckthorn bark, laxative joster, anise, licorice rhizome;
    • St. John's wort, watch leaf, tansy grass, valerian root, calamus rhizome;
    • anise, fennel, cumin, mint leaf.

    Diet for spastic constipation

    With spasms of the intestines, it is necessary to exclude from the diet coarse food that irritates the walls of the intestines. For this reason, experts advise eating plant foods rich in fiber, but without a peel and preferably in a pureed state.

    An important role in defecation disorders associated with spasms is played by the use of fats, sour cream, natural butter - these products can alleviate the manifestation of muscle spasms.

    In addition, vegetable and fruit dishes should be consumed boiled, sugar or honey can be added to them.

    soup with vegetables, meat broth, fruit soup;
    dairy products and dairy dishes (except for hard or processed cheese);
    boiled meat and fish;
    dark breads, cereals, whole grain pasta, dry biscuits or crackers, bee products, homemade jams, marshmallows, marmalade, sugar;
    vegetable and butter oils, cream;
    mashed and boiled vegetables, greens;
    fruits (with the exception of cherries, citrus fruits, blueberries);
    tea, rosehip infusion, fresh juices, compotes.

    Foods to Avoid:

    lard, fatty meat;
    white bread, rich bakery products;
    puff pastry;
    smoked products, sausages;
    dishes based on white cabbage;
    sauces with spices and fats;
    from cereals - rice and semolina;
    radish, horseradish, onion and garlic;
    mushroom dishes;
    cakes, pastries;
    chips, nuts;
    jelly, cocoa, carbonated drinks;
    products with chocolate;
    spicy seasonings;
    alcoholic drinks;
    pork, beef fat, lard.

    You can not eat dry food, overeat. During spastic pains, it is better to refrain from eating.
    Menu for spastic constipation

    Breakfast with intestinal cramps may consist of cereals with water or milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese. You can add a piece of dark dried bread with butter, honey or jam. Oatmeal with additives, such as apple slices or banana, is great.
    As a second breakfast, or a snack, you can drink tea with dry cookies, or prepare a fruit or berry mix with strawberries, peeled apricots, pumpkin. It is recommended to pour berries with yogurt or sour cream.
    It is desirable to dine with the obligatory first course, which can be soup or borscht, without hot spices and seasonings. For the second, a piece of boiled meat or fish is suitable, you can cook them in a double boiler, with or without a side dish. Pureed vegetable stew or vegetable casserole will be an excellent addition.
    As an afternoon snack, cookies, berry smoothies, yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, or fruit puree are suitable.
    For dinner, it is allowed to cook steam cutlets, a vegetable side dish with dark bread, a vegetable omelet, porridge on the water.
    Before going to bed it is useful to drink 100-150 ml of fresh kefir, natural yogurt or curdled milk.

    Prevention of spastic constipation

    Preventive measures include a small list of useful tips:

    with a tendency to stagnation of the intestine, delete from the daily menu dishes and foods that can provoke a violation of bowel movements. These are fatty meat and lard, cakes, eggs, white flour pastries, chocolate and cocoa products;
    do not forget to eat a little daily fruits, vegetables, cereals - foods with fiber and coarse indigestible fibers, from which feces are formed;
    if you are prone to cramps, try not to eat cold foods, including ice cream and cold drinks;
    your #1 enemy is overeating, so get up from the table before you're full. Occasionally practice fasting days or daily water fasts;
    laxatives and antibiotic therapy should be used as infrequently as possible and only as directed by a doctor;
    do not forget to maintain a drinking regime - drink clean water, fresh juices, fruit drinks;
    with the urge to defecate, you should not suppress or wait them out - empty the intestines on time;
    lead an active lifestyle - constipation does not like physical activity, which has a positive effect on intestinal tone;
    eat only fresh food. Spoiled or suspicious products must be discarded.

    Spastic constipation prognosis

    The prognosis for defecation disorders caused by intestinal spasms is very favorable. But in rare cases, the disease can turn into a number of complications - this is the formation of fecal stones, the development of intestinal obstruction, fecal peritonitis. Such complications are most common in the elderly and bedridden paralyzed patients.

    With timely treatment, the prognosis remains good.

    Spastic constipation is an extremely unpleasant condition. However, timely treatment, including diet, bed rest in the acute period, the use of warm baths and heating pads, will help to say goodbye to the disease for 5-7 days.

    Bowel function can be impaired for various reasons. As a rule, its normal emptying is associated with two conditions - it is atony or spastic constipation. In this article we will talk about the second option - the occurrence of intestinal spasms, as a result of which constipation develops.

    ICD-10 code

    K59.0 Constipation

    Causes of spastic constipation

    Constipation caused by spasm of the intestines appears as a result of an increase in intestinal tone.

    • Muscle spasms appear in separate intestinal segments, as a result of which the feces seem to be clamped and lose the opportunity for further advancement.
    • Spasm is often accompanied by flatulence, spastic pain and a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, which is associated with increased gas formation.

    Spasm can also occur as a result of endocrine pathology, or under the influence of emotional and mental stress:

    • with hypothyroidism;
    • with diabetes;
    • with ovarian dysfunction (for example, in menopause);
    • with diseases of the pituitary gland;
    • with irritable bowel syndrome;
    • with neurogenic colitis;
    • after poisoning.

    Most often, the main factor in the development of the disease becomes a regulatory violation of the autonomic nervous system.

    Symptoms of spastic constipation

    It is typical for intestinal spasm when a delay in defecation does not occur constantly, but periodically. In the intervals between constipation, the stool may have a normal or even liquefied appearance. Often you can observe situations that can be compared with a mild form of diarrhea - this is the result of the body's response to prolonged stagnation of feces and muscle spasm. In most cases, this occurs when the spasm is associated with nervous disorders.

    Clinically, muscular intestinal spasm is manifested by irritable bowel syndrome, which can be expressed in the following signs:

    • soreness in the abdomen, often cramping;
    • intermittent delay in defecation;
    • exit along with feces of mucus particles;
    • increased emotionality and irritability;
    • constant feeling of fatigue.

    Sometimes the stool retention may be insignificant, however, the excretion of feces is incomplete, with small elements. After such a bowel movement, there remains a feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying, heaviness in the abdomen, and unreasonable satiety.

    Spasmodic constipation during pregnancy

    70-80% of women complain about problems with bowel movements during pregnancy, as well as about 30% in the postpartum period. At this time, atonic constipation associated with the inactivity of intestinal motility may be more likely to disturb. However, intestinal cramps in pregnant women are not uncommon.

    Regarding how to distinguish spastic constipation from atonic, we can say the following:

    • intestinal atony is the absence of peristalsis, which may be due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestines, the lack of fiber in the diet, and other reasons. With atony, the intestines are “silent”, there is no urge to defecate;
    • spastic bowel condition is usually accompanied by increasing and temporarily relieving pain, rumbling in the abdomen, increased gas formation and irregular stools (constipation may be replaced by diarrhea).

    What causes stool retention:

    • The longer the gestation period, the greater the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the intestines and other organs. As a result, blood circulation in the vascular system of the small pelvis is disturbed and slowed down, which can affect peristalsis.
    • A large amount of progesterone in the blood relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the intestines. However, this is the reason, rather, not spasm, but atony of the intestines.
    • During pregnancy, most women become emotionally unstable. They are easily irritated, causeless fears and experiences appear. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. However, a side effect of this condition can be neurogenic constipation, which goes away on its own after the stabilization of the woman's mental state.
    • Less common causes of spasm are allergic reactions of the body or food poisoning.

    Taking laxatives without a doctor's prescription during the period of bearing a child is undesirable, you should consult a specialist.

    Spastic constipation in a child

    Intestinal cramps in young children may occur as a result of changes in diet, for example, when switching to artificial feeding, or when introducing a new complementary food. The reason may also be an incompletely formed nervous system, which causes the same neurogenic constipation.

    In older children, a spastic condition may occur due to the use of a large amount of sweets, insufficient fluid intake, dry food. Sometimes spasm is the result of stress - moving to a new area, transferring to another school, etc.

    Spastic conditions in childhood can occur in every third child. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease, however, therapy with antispasmodic drugs is rarely resorted to. Most often, a short course of treatment with rectal suppositories, which have laxative and relaxing properties, is sufficient.

    Diagnosis of spastic constipation

    The diagnosis can only be established by a specialist - a coloproctologist, a gastroenterologist-infectionist or a therapist, based on the results of the examination.

    The examination may include:

    • sigmoidoscopy - a procedure for examining the rectum and lower sigmoid colon using a special device - a sigmoidoscope;
    • irrigoscopy - an x-ray technique that involves the introduction of a contrast agent into the intestine;
    • fibrocolonoscopy - endoscopic examination of the intestinal cavity.

    These studies are very important in order to assess the condition of the mucous tissues of the intestinal cavity, the degree of peristalsis, the elasticity of the intestine, and the functionality of the intestine as a whole.

    Sometimes an analysis of fecal masses for microflora is carried out, since due to a lack of lactic acid fermentation bacteria, putrefactive fermentation can occur, which directly affects the development of problems with intestinal function.

    Objectively, when feeling, the doctor can determine the pain in various parts of the intestine. In addition, the compressed flagellum sigmoid colon is well felt, while the caecum is assessed as relaxed.

    Treatment of spastic constipation

    Restoring the normal peristalsis of the digestive system is the No. 1 task in the treatment of a spastic condition of the intestine. Treatment should be comprehensive and include several therapeutic steps:

    • diet food (we will talk about it separately);
    • drug therapy;
    • taking homeopathic remedies;
    • folk remedies.

    If there is such a problem as a violation of defecation, then you need to get rid of it, like any other pathology, starting with a doctor's consultation. The correct diagnosis made in time makes the treatment more effective and faster.

    If, for some reason, the appeal to the doctor is delayed, then at first you can try to cope on your own, but in the future, a visit to the doctor should become mandatory. We will try to answer some of the questions of patients that most often arise in the treatment of intestinal spasms.

    Does an enema help with spastic constipation?

    • Indeed, a cleansing enema is often used for difficulty defecation. But you need to know that for spasms do not use the introduction of a cool solution, as this can increase the spastic contraction of the muscles. The temperature of the cleansing enema with spastic constipation should be moderate: the liquid is heated to body temperature (approximately 36-39 ° C) and injected into the intestine without pressure, carefully. You can make a relaxing solution, for example, with a decoction of lemon balm or mint (200 ml). However, oil enemas are considered more effective, for which oil is used, heated to a temperature of 30-32 ° C, with a volume of 200 ml, or an oil-water mixture with a volume of approximately 500 ml. Most often used castor, sunflower, olive oil.

    Can I take a laxative for spastic constipation?

    • Laxatives for intestinal spasms must be chosen very, very carefully, dwelling only on those remedies that consist of herbal ingredients. If possible, it is better to do without laxatives altogether. Why? The fact is that the vast majority of such medicines stimulate intestinal motility, which can aggravate an existing spasm and worsen the patient's condition. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to increase the motility of an already spasmodically contracted intestine without having an idea of ​​why this spasm occurred. Therefore, taking a laxative in this state, the patient runs the risk of intensifying pain and aggravating the problem up to spastic intestinal obstruction.

    If taking a laxative for spasms is inevitable, then you can resort to a complex intake of medicines. For example, the well-known Dufalac for spastic constipation is prescribed simultaneously with antispasmodic drugs. Only in this case it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition and solve the problem with defecation.

    What antispasmodics are most effective for spastic constipation?

    • Antispasmodic drugs for the intestines are divided into several groups and have some restrictions on their use. Therefore, you should not use them without consulting a doctor.

    Papaverine is considered the main and most common intestinal antispasmodic - it can be purchased in tablets, injection solution and rectal suppositories. In everyday life, suppositories with papaverine are more often used - they perfectly relax the intestinal muscles, eliminating spasm and restoring the evacuation function. Papaverine tablets are taken 1 pc. no more than 4 per day.

    In the absence of Papaverine, you can take antispasmodics such as No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Dibazol, which, moreover, is a peripheral vasodilator.

    Dibazol with spastic constipation can be used in injections or in tablets. Injections of the drug are administered intramuscularly, 1-2 ml of a 1% solution, up to 2-3 times a day, as needed. Tablets are taken in an amount of not more than 50 mg at a time and not more than 150 mg per day.

    A popular drug is Papazol - a combined remedy based on Papaverine and Dibazol.

    Can spastic constipation be treated at home?

    • Of course, in any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is desirable. The patient himself will not be able to determine the cause of the spasm. In simple situations, it is quite possible to cope with treatment at home, but the drug regimen must be competent and consistent: first, antispasmodics, and only then (if necessary) - laxatives. If there is inflammation, then anti-inflammatory treatment, restoration of intestinal microflora, and general strengthening of the body will be required. Warm baths, abdominal massage, light sedatives give a good effect. Enzyme preparations are also recommended, for example, Mezim, Enzistal. In some cases, alternative methods of therapy may also be relevant.

    Folk remedies for spastic constipation

    There are a large number of folk recipes that can be successfully prepared at home. It is enough to have certain harvested plants at home, or purchase them in dry form at a pharmacy.

    • Pour 200 ml of boiled hot water 1 tsp. mint leaves, cover with a lid and insist a quarter of an hour. We use the infusion after meals at least twice a day.
    • Pour 300 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. spoons of wild flax (flax), you can in a thermos. Let it brew for half an hour. We take a filtered infusion of 60 ml 3-4 times a day.
    • We prepare a mixture of 20 g of horsetail, the same amount of yarrow, 10 g of wormwood, pour 400-500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours (preferably in a thermos). We filter the finished infusion and drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day with food.
    • Well relieves spasm infusion of dill or fennel. Let's take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Take 100 ml during spasms.
    • We mix 15 g of dry plantain leaf, the same amount of sage, 5 g of mint leaf, 10 g of marsh cudweed and 15 g of St. John's wort. One teaspoon of the resulting mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. We drink three times a day for 1/3 cup.

    In addition, you can use the following herbs:

    • buckthorn bark, fennel seeds, laxative joster, licorice rhizome;
    • senna leaf, buckthorn bark, laxative joster, anise, licorice rhizome;
    • St. John's wort, watch leaf, tansy grass, valerian root, calamus rhizome;
    • anise, fennel, cumin, mint leaf.

    Diet for spastic constipation

    With spasms of the intestines, it is necessary to exclude from the diet coarse food that irritates the walls of the intestines. For this reason, experts advise eating plant foods rich in fiber, but without a peel and preferably in a pureed state.

    An important role in defecation disorders associated with spasms is played by the use of fats, sour cream, natural butter - these products can alleviate the manifestation of muscle spasms.

    In addition, vegetable and fruit dishes should be consumed boiled, sugar or honey can be added to them.

    • soup with vegetables, meat broth, fruit soup;
    • dairy products and dairy dishes (except for hard or processed cheese);
    • boiled meat and fish;
    • dark breads, cereals, whole grain pasta, dry biscuits or crackers, bee products, homemade jams, marshmallows, marmalade, sugar;
    • vegetable and butter oils, cream;
    • mashed and boiled vegetables, greens;
    • fruits (with the exception of cherries, citrus fruits, blueberries);
    • tea, rosehip infusion, fresh juices, compotes.

    Foods to Avoid:

    • lard, fatty meat;
    • white bread, rich bakery products;
    • puff pastry;
    • smoked products, sausages;
    • conservation;
    • legumes;
    • dishes based on white cabbage;
    • sauces with spices and fats;
    • from cereals - rice and semolina;
    • radish, horseradish, onion and garlic;
    • mushroom dishes;
    • cakes, pastries;
    • chips, nuts;
    • jelly, cocoa, carbonated drinks;
    • products with chocolate;
    • spicy seasonings;
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • pork, beef fat, lard.

    You can not eat dry food, overeat. During spastic pains, it is better to refrain from eating.

    Menu for spastic constipation

    • Breakfast with intestinal cramps may consist of cereals with water or milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese. You can add a piece of dark dried bread with butter, honey or jam. Oatmeal with additives, such as apple slices or banana, is great.
    • As a second breakfast, or a snack, you can drink tea with dry cookies, or prepare a fruit or berry mix with strawberries, peeled apricots, pumpkin. It is recommended to pour berries with yogurt or sour cream.
    • It is desirable to dine with the obligatory first course, which can be soup or borscht, without hot spices and seasonings. For the second, a piece of boiled meat or fish is suitable, you can cook them in a double boiler, with or without a side dish. Pureed vegetable stew or vegetable casserole will be an excellent addition.
    • As an afternoon snack, cookies, berry smoothies, yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, or fruit puree are suitable.
    • For dinner, it is allowed to cook steam cutlets, a vegetable side dish with dark bread, a vegetable omelet, porridge on the water.
    • Before going to bed it is useful to drink 100-150 ml of fresh kefir, natural yogurt or curdled milk.

    Prevention of spastic constipation

    Preventive measures include a small list of useful tips:

    • with a tendency to stagnation of the intestine, delete from the daily menu dishes and foods that can provoke a violation of bowel movements. These are fatty meat and lard, cakes, eggs, white flour pastries, chocolate and cocoa products;
    • do not forget to eat a little daily fruits, vegetables, cereals - foods with fiber and coarse indigestible fibers, from which feces are formed;
    • if you are prone to cramps, try not to eat cold foods, including ice cream and cold drinks;
    • your #1 enemy is overeating, so get up from the table before you're full. Occasionally practice fasting days or daily water fasts;
    • laxatives and antibiotic therapy should be used as infrequently as possible and only as directed by a doctor;
    • do not forget to maintain a drinking regime - drink clean water, fresh juices, fruit drinks;
    • with the urge to defecate, you should not suppress or wait them out - empty the intestines on time;
    • lead an active lifestyle - constipation does not like physical activity, which has a positive effect on intestinal tone;
    • eat only fresh food. Spoiled or suspicious products must be discarded.

    Spastic constipation prognosis

    The prognosis for defecation disorders caused by intestinal spasms is very favorable. But in rare cases, the disease can turn into a number of complications - this is the formation of fecal stones, the development of intestinal obstruction, fecal peritonitis. Such complications are most common in the elderly and bedridden paralyzed patients.

    With timely treatment, the prognosis remains good.

    Spastic constipation is an extremely unpleasant condition. However, timely treatment, including diet, bed rest in the acute period, the use of warm baths and heating pads, will help to say goodbye to the disease for 5-7 days.

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