How to bring the pressure back to normal? - effective recipes. How to quickly bring blood pressure back to normal at home

After reading this article, you will learn how to normalize blood pressure without medical devices. All of the recipes below contain only natural ingredients, making them affordable for regular use by people of all age groups.

How to bring the pressure back to normal? - effective recipes:

Recipe one.

It is necessary to mix the following ingredients in a small enameled saucepan: half a glass of horseradish rhizomes grated on a fine grater, a glass each fresh juice beets and carrots, a glass of chopped fresh lemon (with zest) and one glass of liquid honey. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients again, then let the product brew in a warm place under the lid for at least four to six hours. The finished medicine is taken at high pressure, one teaspoon three times a day.

Recipe two.

To prepare the following folk remedy, you need to mix one glass of crushed fresh lemon pulp with two full glasses of liquid honey and two glasses of fresh berries viburnum. Let the product brew for about two hours in a warm place under the lid, and then pour it into a glass container for further storage. accept finished product half a teaspoon three to four times a day, washed down with cold purified water. This remedy used to increase pressure.

Recipe three.

To prepare next remedy to normalize blood pressure, it is necessary to dissolve one large (tablespoon) of liquid honey in one glass mineral water, then add freshly squeezed lemon juice(taste). The finished drink should be consumed on an empty stomach in one go. The duration of one course of treatment is from ten to fifteen days. This healing remedy fights well with insomnia, nervous irritability and hypertension.

Recipe four.

It is necessary to grind fresh cranberries together with powder made from granulated sugar. Take the finished product one to two teaspoons one hour before meals three times a day. This mixture helps with mild forms of hypertension.

Recipe five.

Mix the following ingredients in a glass bowl: swamp cudweed- one hundred grams, honey - four full glasses, half a liter of high-quality vodka and four glasses beetroot juice. Pour the mixture into a bottle and let it brew for at least ten days. Take the finished remedy for hypertension in a teaspoon fifteen minutes before meals.

There are almost more folk tips on how to normalize blood pressure than there are ways to relieve a runny nose - from garlic to Mexican jerboa urine. It is understandable - in our country every third person is either hypertensive or hypotensive. If a person says that his blood pressure is excellent, they even look askance at him (as if he was absolutely non-drinker, they say, he either “sewn up”, or something is wrong with him). In general, any of us runs the risk of facing the problem of a hypertensive crisis.

And it often happens that a relative, friend or colleague, whose pressure is going through the roof, is ready to collapse right on top of you, but there is no doctor nearby. Here is what our expert, a cardiologist, Ph.D., thinks about this. Tamara Ogieva:

Many tips traditional medicine to normalize the pressure are quite reasonable and have scientific grounds. For example, the fact that soaked cranberries or viburnum with sugar are useful for hypertensive patients. These berries contain bioactive substances - antispasmodics, that is, helping to dilate blood vessels. Celery, for example, contains phthalides, which relax the muscles in the walls of arteries, preventing spasms and improving blood flow. And dandelion extract helps to gently reduce blood pressure by removing excess sodium from the body without losing potassium. All this is great, but it makes sense when long-term use- to maintain vascular tone. If we are talking that the pressure in a person jumped sharply or, conversely, fell, you need to take emergency measures.


Hypotension is considered to be pressure below 110/70 mm Hg.

There is no need to give any medication - there are simply no pills for hypotension.

Drink salted water (a teaspoon of salt per glass). The fluid will linger in the body, the pressure will rise.

A cup of strong sweet coffee.

You need to lie on your back, raising your legs and lowering your head. Lie down for at least 15 minutes. So the blood will flow to the brain and the pressure will rise.

You can take 20 drops of cordiamine or green tea extract tablets.


Valerian, valocordin, St. John's wort - sedative sedatives can further lower blood pressure.

Drink glycine - this "fashionable" amino acid activates the brain, but lowers blood pressure.

If, despite all the measures, the pressure continues to decrease and has become less than 85/60, call an ambulance, there is a threat of collapse.


Hypertension is considered to be pressure above 135-140/90 mm Hg.

Eat special means For emergency reduction pressure. You can’t drink them all the time without a doctor’s prescription, but in case of a crisis, it’s good to have on hand. This or anaprilin - a tablet of 10 mg under the tongue once. This drug is good if you were very nervous before the crisis - anaprilin relieves stress and reduces the heart rate.

Or nifedipine (Corinfar) - a 10 mg tablet under the tongue, you can repeat two more times with an interval of half an hour (you can drink a maximum of three tablets intermittently, no more!). If the pressure does not decrease, call a doctor.

Take a mild diuretic (hypothiazid 25 mg or triampur). They well "unload" the vessels of the brain, reducing intracranial pressure.

If there are no special equipment at hand, an antispasmodic is suitable - spazgan, spazmalgon, no-shpa. They will help if the pressure has increased due to spasms.

The simplest thing is to dip your feet in hot water for 10 minutes. The blood will drain to your feet, the vessels of your head and heart will become easier.


- "Treat" hypertension with a glass of cognac - at first it dilates blood vessels, but then causes a spasm.

It is undesirable to take drugs with caffeine (citramon, caffetin).


Not only the numbers of the tonometer are important, but also the difference between the upper and lower indicators. The greater this difference, the higher the risk of stroke (for example, high blood pressure of 180/100 is more dangerous than 180/130). This is a sign that the body does not have time to rebuild after pressure surges.


Drinks with a sour taste gently lower pressure (many fruit acids are antispasmodics, that is, they help vasodilation).

Spasms of blood vessels and vascular headache will help relieve a decoction of umbrella (cumin, fennel), advises phytotherapeutist Elena Korsun.

Also, sweet warm spices - cardamom, cloves, cinnamon - have an antispasmodic effect. They can be added to a collection of herbs or tea. By the way, about tea: green is better for hypertensive patients, and black sweet is better for hypotensive patients.


In men, an increase in pressure can exacerbate prostatitis. A long, untreated course of arterial hypertension may signal vascular diseases of the kidneys. Often, "renal" hypertension pursues young women.

It is believed that 3,500 calories equals approximately 500 grams of weight. Reduce your calorie intake or burn more with physical activity and you will start shedding pounds. This approach existed until recently, but it did not have a strong effect. A short-term dietary restriction will help you lose weight, but within a year, two-thirds of the weight lost will be restored, and in five years you will be the same weight as you were before you went on a diet.

Losing weight is not just getting rid of extra pounds. This conclusion was reached by the participants of the conference held by the National Institutes of Health in 1992. "Obesity implies not only a weak will, as is sometimes believed, but can also be directly related to metabolic disorders," the scientific report stated.

Many diets only work temporarily. If you want to lose weight permanently, you need to change your entire lifestyle. “I hope that one day we will treat semi-starved diets the way we treat archaic methods like bloodletting and laxatives now,” says Dr. S. Wayne Callaway. “Losing weight should be seen as a lifelong task.” "Obesity is not a cold when you can take a course of antibiotics and recover quickly. It takes a lot of work to bring the weight back to normal."

Diets have entered the lives of many people, especially women. They lose and gain weight, and everything repeats again. In 1991 in scientific work published in " medical journal New England,” pointed out that such methods shorten life. Most studies show that such repeated cycles of losing weight and gaining weight can lead to even more obesity, negatively affecting the metabolic process, in particular the number of calories burned. “First, you lose 4 kilograms of fat and kilograms of muscle mass,” explains Dr. Gabe Mirkin, author of Dr. healthy way life and nutrition. - And then you gain back 5 kilograms, and only fat. Thus, you add two kilograms of fat to your weight.” Callaway adds that the loss of muscle mass is bad for metabolism, since it is the muscles that burn calories.

How can you properly get rid of obesity so that it does not return again. Specialists offer:

First, decide if you really need to lose weight. Callaway suggests that you first look at the ratio of your parameters, height, weight, as well as hereditary factors. Then think about when your weight problems started: did you recently gain weight after being separated from your beloved spouse, or have you been overweight since you were a teenager?

Analyze your diet. "If you're still gaining weight while fasting, you need to figure out how you eat," says Callaway. He had to deal with many patients who were sitting on low calorie diets and continued to gain weight despite all their attempts to cut back on their diet. In his opinion, this is due to disordered eating, which interferes correct exchange substances, the fasting regime provokes the body to accumulate fat for future use.

Keep food records. Write down everything you eat when you eat and how you feel when you eat (for example, are you hungry, irritable, or tired). "A food diary can help a lot of people," says nutritionist Barbara Deskins. “Sometimes people don't realize that they are eating automatically.” When you visit a nutritionist, you can take this diary with you.

Develop a plan. If you decide to change your lifestyle in order to achieve your desired weight, you need to develop a plan of action. Many experts recommend that you do not cut your diet too much, consuming enough food every day and increasing physical activity. You can consult with your family doctor, dietician or nutritionist physiotherapy exercises. (Callaway warns that a nutritionist should advise on nutrition, and an exercise therapist should advise on exercise.) Some medical centers and hospitals have special brigades for the treatment of obesity, which include a nutritionist, a therapist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist.

If, despite everything, you are going to act on your own, you will be helped following tips.

Don't try to lose weight fast. According to Dr. Callaway, fast weight loss means rapid weight gain. Don't try to lose more than 250 grams per week.

Choose the right time. "Don't plan to start losing weight shortly before your wedding or right after you quit your job," says Deskins. "Don't add one stressor to another."

Don't try to change your diet right away. "It's not realistic to change all your eating habits overnight," says Deskins. Introduce changes gradually.

Control product purchases. If you personally purchase products, then it will be easier for you to deal with this. Or discuss this with a family member who goes to the grocery store. The advice is extremely simple: if there is no chocolate at home and fried potatoes, then you will not be tempted to gorge yourself on such nutritious things. Instead, buy low-calorie foods - raw vegetables or rice cakes. The same applies to food prepared at home. According to Dr. John X. Renner, obesity is usually a family problem, and part of the reason for this lies in the joint malnutrition.

Measure food portions. According to nutritionist Joanna Dwyer, this tedious exercise for several days will train you to measure food by eye.

Don't count calories. On this matter, there are different opinions, but many experts believe that it is more important to change the very psychology of eating than to drive yourself into a certain number of calories per day.

Don't drink alcohol. You might argue that a martini has almost no calories, and therefore it is impossible to gain weight from it. Callaway claims that alcohol provokes the deposition of fat around the waist. According to Deskins, the average American gets ten percent of their calories from alcohol daily. So abstaining from alcohol can significantly reduce the number of calories. "Some people can lose weight by stopping beer," says Renner.

Eat breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. Callaway explains that if you skip a meal, it increases your appetite. The body tries to make up for the missing food. He claims that if at every meal you eat a quarter of all daily calories, you will not have the desire to have a bite to eat in between.

Eat up. This is good to hear for any person who has resorted to a diet. Callaway is convinced that strict diets provoke the development of appetite and negatively affect metabolism.

Don't make big mistakes out of small mistakes. Dwyer advises not to get upset if you couldn't hold back one day and pounced on food. Don't worry, pack up and start over the next day.

Your diet should include all the necessary nutrients. You need to eat two servings per day of meat, poultry, or fish, or meat-replacing foods such as eggs, beans, or nuts; two servings of dairy products (three for children and four for teenagers); four servings of fruits or vegetables; four servings of pasta, flour products or cereals.

Reduce your fat intake. Fat is deposited at the waist due to the consumption of fatty foods. Not only will your figure benefit from reducing fat intake - you will also have a reduced risk of cancer or heart disease. Fat makes food high in calories. A gram of fat (a quarter of a teaspoon) corresponds to nine calories, while a gram of protein or carbohydrates only four.

What is the rate of fat consumption? According to Deskins, the average American has 37 percent of their daily calories from fat, up from 40 percent a few years ago. The American Heart Association believes that the percentage of fat in daily diet should not exceed 30 percent. Dr. Mirkin says if you want to lower your blood cholesterol, you need to consume even less.

Besides fatty foods mislead you. "They are small in volume, but very high in calories," says Dwyer.

To reduce your fat intake follow the following recommendations:

Use low-fat or low-fat salad dressings.

Buy a non-stick pan and use only a little fat when cooking.

Eat less meat and cheese, they contain a lot of fat.

Buy lean meats and trim off any remaining fat before cooking. Remove the skin from the bird.

Don't fry. Boil, bake, stew and grill meat instead

Eat dairy products with low content fats.

When you eat cereal or vegetable dishes don't put too much oil in them.

Experiment with spices, try to give a new taste to your dishes.

Avoid artificial dry creamers and dressings, as they tend to be high in saturated fats from palm or coconut oil.

Do physical exercise. Even nutritionists agree with this statement: the most important thing when losing weight is exercise. "Slender people eat a lot, but they are more physically active," says Callaway.

Obviously, exercise burns calories. According to some studies, they speed up the metabolism for about 18 hours after you have worked out. Thus, you continue to burn calories even after you have finished exercising.

Do muscle strengthening exercises. "IN slim body muscles burn more calories,” Callaway says. Aerobics are not the only way lose weight. By incorporating muscle strengthening exercises into your program, you will increase your muscle mass.

The effectiveness of physical activity depends on how active image life you have led before. If you are physically weakly developed, then you will be amazed at what effect ordinary hiking. And if before that you have already been engaged in physical education from time to time, then you need a more intense load, like running or cycling.

Callaway emphasizes that you first need to change your diet, and only then start training. After you sort out your nutritional issues, focus on physical activity. If you need advice, hire a personal trainer or sign up for a wellness section.

To increase physical activity, do the following:

Do not use elevators, but walk up the stairs.

Try to walk rather than use public transport.

If you can't do one thirty-minute walk a day, take several short walks. If you need a more intense workout:

Change the types of physical activity. Because exercise reduces muscle tissues, according to Mirkin, it is desirable to give the muscles the opportunity to recover within 48 hours. Of course, you can not exercise at all the next day, but it is better to give yourself an alternative load on other muscle groups. For example, on Monday, work out on the simulator, and on Tuesday, do jogging.

Alternate light and heavy loads. It also helps to avoid injury. One day let's ourselves heavy load(jog), in another smaller one (walk). "65 percent of people who jump into aerobics or running abruptly drop out after six weeks due to sprains," says Mirkin. The alternation of intensity and types of load will help you not to stray from the rhythm of classes.

Do you really need to lose weight?

Many people, especially women, do not pay attention to various height-weight ratio tables. They are starving in order to achieve a certain ideal, which, unfortunately, most of us cannot achieve.

How do you know if you need to lose weight? You can refer to the Met's height and weight charts, which were further revised in 1983. However, in order not to harm your health, consider the following:

Are you predisposed to high pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular vascular diseases? Your doctor will help you answer these questions by doing certain tests and taking a close look at your car. medical card and heredity in your family.

Where are your body fat? If they are mostly around your waist, then you need to lose weight. If you have slim stomach but thick thighs, don't worry too much about it. Fat around the waist is much more conducive to various diseases than thigh fat. Measure your waist and hips and compare their ratio: 70 to 75 is considered the norm for women, and 80 to 90 is the norm for men. If your numbers are higher, you need to lose weight.

Calculate your weight to height ratio. To do this, you need to divide your weight in kg by your height in meters squared. The ratio between 19 and 27 is considered the norm.

Pregnancy and dieting don't mix

According to experts, the beginning of pregnancy is not the time to lose weight, even if you are overweight. "If you weigh 180 kilograms, then during pregnancy you will gain another ten anyway," says Dr. Gabe Mirkin. "It's important to eat regularly and not skip meals," adds nutritionist Barbara Meskine. When fasting, the body shifts to eating its own fat reserves. When they are broken down, ketones are released by-products that can harm the fetus.

Obesity in children

It is likely that the appearance of a generation of fat children is to blame long sitting at the TV. The rate of obesity among children is on the rise.

Teach your kids to eat right. "If you can't track where they eat, teach them how to eat right," says Dr. Ted Williams. Advise them to choose pizza with vegetables instead of meat, to have a turkey cheeseburger, to eat low-fat cheese, to buy not white buns, but flour products from bran, teach them to eat pasta, not french fries.

Set a personal example. Instruct children not only with words, but show them a personal example.

Give your children low-fat milk.

After two years of age Teach your kids to drink low-fat milk. Williams says that children drinking a liter and a half whole milk per day, consume too many saturated fats.

Take more walks with your children outside. Engage in physical education with children (even if it will not be according to some special program). Encourage outdoor games. By riding a bike and playing in the yard, children will burn extra calories.

get busy exercise along with the children. Give yourself and your children regular exercise. For example, walk with them. "Take the kids with you," Williams suggests.

Don't overdo it. Some parents put their children on a diet too early. According to Williams, children under the age of two need to consume enough fat to proper development nervous system.

empty promises

Weight loss is a whole industry in America. Every year, Americans spend on various drugs and programs over $30 million. This is a wide field of activity for various charlatans and swindlers who promise much more than they can offer. The Federal Trade Commission over the past two years has reviewed great amount advertisements dietary preparations and products. Dr. John X. Renner advises against using products whose advertisements contain the following:

Words like painless, effortless, no exercise, your pounds will melt.

Programs that promise rapid weight loss, such as half a kilogram a day.

Programs that include the consumption of artificial supplements or pills.

The assurance that some certain product, for example, grapefruit, has magical properties get rid of overweight.

Diets or products that promise to get rid of fat only in certain parts of the body, such as the buttocks or chin.

Marketing trade programs that involve friends and acquaintances in the sale of goods ("You can not buy a weight loss drug from your teacher in Sunday school," says Renner.)

2012 -2-23 21:42


Both hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients suffer from pressure. And those and others change of weather or a little stress can unsettle for a long time. Both those and others risk becoming patients of a cardiologist in the future. Salvation is in lifestyle, says cardiologist Alexei Bashkirtsev

12:00 8.11.2014

What can a 25-year-old athletic guy and a 60-year-old have in common? fat woman? Both were brought to the Aleksandrovskaya (Oktyabrskaya) hospital in the capital in the afternoon. A guy with severe nosebleeds was taken to the ENT department: it was not possible to stop the blood by home methods, he had to be tamponed. A woman with a severe headache, dizziness and nausea was sent on a drip to cardiology.

She knew why she felt bad: after a quarrel with her son-in-law, the pressure jumped to 220/110. The guy's blood pressure was measured just in case. The result is 190/100. Both have a hypertensive crisis, only different reasons. Vera Ivanovna - from stress: any, even insignificant, experience for a hypertensive patient can become a trigger for a crisis. And the young man "dosed" in gym: exorbitant physical activity against the background of taking bioactive stimulant supplements has done its job. The body could not withstand such a rhythm - it reacted with bleeding. “And it’s also good that it flowed into the nose, and not into the head - how many patients are in neurosurgery with brain hemorrhages!” - says Alexei Bashkirtsev, cardiologist, head of the infarction department of the Alexander Hospital. Hundreds of cores pass through his hands, and he knows well what hypertensive crises are fraught with.

And 26-year-old Elena was admitted to the hospital a day later. She became ill in the store where she works as a salesman: there is no air conditioning there, and because of the stuffiness, the woman began to feel dizzy, weakness appeared. And then Elena lost consciousness. As it turned out, the cause of her illness is also in pressure, only for Elena it fell to 70/30.

Aleksey Vadimovich assures that these polar problems are treated in the same way: by way of life. We tend to underestimate the importance of prevention. Meanwhile, you should know about the predisposition to problems with blood vessels in advance so as not to aggravate them. unhealthy habits. And for this you just need to take a tonometer and measure your pressure. Moreover, in order to establish your own normal pressure(and everyone has their own), you need to measure blood pressure regularly for two weeks.

If your normal score is below 100/60, then you are prone to hypotension. Above 130/85 - to hypertension. “When the indicators differ from the norm, but the person feels good, there is no need to take any special steps - just take care of prevention. If high or low blood pressure is accompanied feeling unwell, you need to take yourself seriously, ”the doctor believes. And he cites sad statistics: in Ukraine average duration life is 10-12 years lower than in the EU countries. Moreover, the cause of 63% of deaths is cardiovascular diseases. So the jokes are bad with pressure.

Hypertension: who is at risk

From arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) affects 20-30% of adults. Many learn about the disease only when symptoms appear: dizziness, tinnitus, periodically annoying headache. The next stage is shortness of breath, pain in the heart, swelling of the legs - and long live heart failure (this is in best case, at worst - a stroke or heart attack). To protect yourself from these problems, determine if you are at risk. The risk factors are as follows:

  • age (55 years and older - almost every second with hypertension);
  • heredity (AH in parents, brothers, sisters);
  • overweight;
  • consumption of alcohol, coffee and caffeinated products;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary image life;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • prolonged stress.

Pressure is considered normal no higher than 139/89. Moreover, indicators of 130-139 / 85-89 already require a change in lifestyle! If the pressure is above 160/100, medications are indispensable. But in both cases, with or without medication, you need to change your habits. “It is worth fighting for every millimeter of mercury column! Because the arithmetic is simple: minus a few divisions of the tonometer - plus a few years of life, ”says Alexey Vadimovich.

How not to eat a pood of salt

The first thing you need to pay attention to both potential and experienced hypertensive patients is weight. For overweight doubles the risk of hypertension! And not only her. But fight with extra pounds follows wisely. Physical activity is a must! However, it is worth choosing those sports that do not give a colossal load on the heart. Swimming, yoga, tennis, hiking, cycling, dancing - yes. Bodybuilding, diving, all extreme sports - no. Not enough time and energy for sports? Then - mandatory exercises, walking, climbing stairs (first to the 3rd floor, then to the 4th, etc.).

The most important thing is to increase the load gradually! Important milestone in the matter of stabilizing both weight and pressure - dieting. Just don't starve! Nutrition must be balanced. The basis of the diet of hypertensive patients is vegetables and fruits (at least 400 g per day), cereals ( better buckwheat, oatmeal - they do not get better), legumes. Bread - only coarse grinding. Avoid saturated fats and cholesterol - eggs, fatty meat and fish, red caviar. Eat lean meat and fish, and skinless chicken. Choose low fat dairy products as well. Pay attention to foods rich in B vitamins and three trace elements important for heart function: potassium (dried apricots, raisins, black currants, pumpkin, beets, radishes, jacket potatoes), calcium (skim milk, dairy products, cheese, fish and seafood) and magnesium (buckwheat, oats, peas, parsley, pumpkin, beets).

Hypertensive patients need to limit sugar (up to 6 g per day) and this is very important! - salt. For people with high blood pressure, salt is a poison, and this is not an exaggeration. Sodium retains water in the cells, which increases pressure on the vessels. A day you need to eat no more than 5 g of salt (half a teaspoon). And many of us eat 20 times more. The problem is that 3/4 of the salt we get from finished products: sausages, smoked meats, cheese, etc. For example, 100 g of cold-smoked fish, cleaned of bones and skin, contains 15 g of salt - 3 times more than the daily norm for hypertension!

There are also hidden sources of salt - cookies, cakes, sodas, mustard, ketchup. “I recommend to my patients: do not salt food during cooking, it will absorb much more salt,” Alexey Bashkirtsev shares his observations. - Add it already prepared food using your half teaspoon. And to keep it fresh, add lemon juice, mild spices and garlic. You will notice the result of a low-salt diet after 3-4 weeks: according to my observations, it allows you to reduce pressure by about 10/5 mm Hg. Art.

One more thing. If you want to bring the pressure closer to normal, you will have to give up cigarettes, alcohol and coffee. An invigorating morning drink narrows the blood vessels in a couple of hours, due to which the lower pressure rises by 10 mm. Stress plus a few cups of coffee (or stimulants containing caffeine) - and a hypertensive crisis can happen. And this state life threatening(according to statistics, in 7% of cases).

Is lower better?

People who suffer from reduced pressure, no less than hypertensive patients. True, they turn to doctors much less often, attributing health problems to stress and fatigue.

“Hypotension can be acute - when blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels decreases suddenly and sharply, and chronic,” says Alexey Vadimovich. - acute condition usually occurs when serious illnesses: heart attack, heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy, myocarditis), severe arrhythmia, brain disease, allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). Chronic hypotension is usually neurocircular dystonia hypotonic type, i.e., diseases of the autonomic nervous system. The latter has a constitutional predisposition: infantile thin young ladies usually suffer from it. Sometimes hypotension accompanies people life motto which - "It still won't work ..."

Is this condition as safe as it is commonly believed? Not at all. “The paradox is that subsequently hypotension becomes hypertensive,” explains the doctor. - And for last years among young people, especially girls and women, the frequency of hypotension against autonomic dysfunction has increased significantly. Hence - and depression, and memory loss, and impaired egg maturation, and fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. But the saddest thing is the risk of developing early hypertension and coronary disease hearts."

What can make you suspect hypotension? Some of the following symptoms:

  • you endure the heat worse than the cold; you become uncomfortable when taking hot baths, prolonged stay in stuffy room;
  • you feel discomfort from forced immobility, your well-being improves when walking or other muscular physical activity;
  • abrupt transition from horizontal position vertical causes dizziness;
  • often feel lethargic, drowsy;
  • you cannot stand the feeling of hunger - it provokes headache attacks;
  • Do you often experience irregular menstrual cycles?

And if the tonometer confirms that your pressure is below 100/60, you should think about how to increase activity. of cardio-vascular system. After all, low blood pressure is a consequence of sluggishness of blood vessels.

Bring back the tone!

When the pressure has decreased, you can drink any stimulant, including strong tea or coffee, although doctors advise not to get involved in these drinks. It is more useful to take an adaptogen: tincture of ginseng, apilac, eleutherococcus, chinese lemongrass etc.

However, to return vitality this is not enough. First of all, take care of good rest. nervous tension And frequent stress- one of the causes of hypotension. Recommended to you cold and hot shower, hydromassage, acupuncture, yoga. Consult a therapist and choose natural tonics for yourself. In the winter-spring period, be sure to take a multivitamin maintenance course. Watch your diet - it should be balanced, rich fresh vegetables and fruits. But the most important doctor for both hypotensive and hypertensive patients is physical activity. And even if for a start it will be only 10-minute gymnastics in the morning - this is already an important contribution to your own health. And protection from heart problems in the future.

Hypertensive crisis - what to do?

Every sixth call to the ambulance about high blood pressure is a hypertensive crisis. Here are the symptoms that it usually accompanies (as a rule, the patient feels several of them):

  • headache;
  • flies or a veil before the eyes;
  • numbness of the tongue, lips, skin of the face and hands;
  • feeling of "creeping goosebumps";
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • double vision;
  • excitation;
  • rapid pulse;
  • frequent urination;
  • disorientation.

In a serious condition, it comes to vomiting, which does not bring relief, loss of consciousness, convulsions.

What to do? First of all, measure the pressure and make sure it is elevated. In a person for whom 110/70 is normal, a crisis can occur even at 140/100. While hypertensive patients with experience, an increase in pressure up to 200/150 is tolerated more easily and without complications.

Try to reduce the pressure to normal numbers for you with medicines, prescribed by the attending physician. (It is better to find out from him in advance which drugs and in what doses to take in case of a crisis).

Should be respected bed rest 2-3 hours. If you are at work, find a place to lie down, open the window, loosen tight clothes.

If during this time it was not possible to reduce the pressure or the crisis is accompanied by symptoms that are uncharacteristic for you, call an ambulance! Complications are possible. As a rule, ambulance doctors provide assistance on the spot. If this fails, they are taken to the hospital.

Fainting - ambulance

Reduced pressure leads to a decrease in the tone of the peripheral veins, which deposits blood in them and reduces its return to the heart. This explains fainting that may occur in hypotensive patients with physical stress, pain, in a hot room. To bring a person to life, it is necessary to restore the return of blood to the heart.

In case of fainting the victim cannot be seated - he must be laid as soon as possible (on the floor, sofa) and raise his legs to increase blood flow to the heart. The head must be below the level of the body!

Then you should improve the supply of oxygen to the lungs: unfasten the top buttons on the clothes, open the window.

You need to make sure the person is breathing. If within a minute or two he does not come to his senses, it is worth contacting specialized care either do outdoor massage hearts.

Stress, time pressure, lack of sleep - each of these inevitable urban troubles can become a risk factor for hypertension. And all of them put together - even more so. How to keep the pressure normal?

Stress, time pressure, lack of sleep - each of these inevitable urban troubles can become a risk factor for hypertension. And all of them put together - even more so. How to keep the pressure normal?

First, let's agree on terms. In 90% of cases, the cause of the increase in pressure is hypertension. It is equally likely to be provoked by bad heredity, chronic stress, malnutrition, physical inactivity and bad habits. The remaining 10% are so-called symptomatic hypertension, which develops as a result of a disease (for example, thyroid gland, adrenals, kidneys). Understanding the reasons is the doctor’s business, and we will try to answer the question “what to do?”.

The beginning of the disease is difficult to miss if you listen to yourself. Here are the symptoms to watch out for:


- tinnitus, dizziness after emotional or physical exertion;
pressing pain in the temples or the back of the head after stressful situations, in the middle or end of the working day;
- headache after drinking a large number liquids and in the heat;
- periodic appearance of "flies" before the eyes, unmotivated nausea, sweating;
- pain in chest, especially under load.


If the bell rang, we begin a trial measurement of pressure. To do this, it is enough to stock up on a tonometer (electronic, if you measure pressure in splendid isolation, or mechanical, if there is an assistant). It is best to measure blood pressure 4-5 times a day - in the morning, in the evening and 2-3 times in the middle of the day, and write the results in a lined notebook. Let's call it "The Diary of a Failed Hypertension", and draw a happy smiley on the cover. Cardiologists are sure: charge Have a good mood lowers blood pressure like pills.

It comes in 2 weeks. If during this period the pressure did not exceed 130/80 mm Hg. Art. (1-2 exceptions do not count), you failed to join the ranks of hypertensive patients. Don't worry, next year you can try again.
If the pressure often lingers in the “corridor” of 130–140 / 80–90 mm Hg. Art., you are a candidate for hypertension. It's time to take action, the bell starts to play a melody.

If you feel unwell, your blood pressure rises, you should definitely contact a cardiologist and choose a permanent doctor. “It is very important to be in the same hands,” warns Olga Zhikhareva, “then there really is an opportunity to prevent complications. When the doctor leads the patient, he knows the characteristics of his body and can choose an individual effective treatment».
When choosing a doctor, consider the degree of equipment of the clinic . Ideally, it should have all diagnostic capabilities. This will at least save your nerves and time.
Do not refuse to use modern high-tech methods atherosclerosis treatment, which often accompanies hypertension. Some of them are already widely used (vascular angioplasty, for example). Other methods, such as gravitational blood surgery, are unlikely to become widespread in the near future already in force. high cost equipment. However, they are approved, approved for use and effective, therefore, if a doctor recommends them and there is an opportunity to pass them, agree.

The third option is if the pressure often went off scale for 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Definitely time to see a doctor, it's time to supplement our easy tips antihypertensive drug.

How to get out of the risk zone? The American Heart Association calls lifestyle changes the very first step. This may well be enough for those who have 130-140 and "slightly" over 90. If your blood pressure is often in the corridor of 140-160 and 90-100 mm Hg. st., you will have to radically change your lifestyle.
But you should start with medical examination. “A huge number of heart attacks and strokes happen in 35-45-year-olds who considered themselves healthy,” complains Olga Zhikhareva, a cardiologist medical center"Capital". - Such people are too busy with business and career to pay attention to the first bells, including an increase in blood pressure. But if a person also has elevated cholesterol or blood sugar levels, there is excess weight the risk increases many times over. Against this background, even the mark of 145 mm Hg. Art. can be fatal. This is all the more offensive, because there are ways to prevent tragic consequences. It is only necessary that the person comes to the doctor on time.”
Only a cardiologist can determine which of the methods of prevention or treatment is right for you. One is enough to reduce emotional stress and adjust the diet, someone will have to add drugs, and someone needs more serious procedures. Such as, for example, cascade plasma filtration - purification of vessels from deposits deposited on their walls cholesterol plaques. This is a painless and very effective method: blood is taken from a vein, plasma is separated, passed through special filters that trap cholesterol, and returned back. All this time you just sit in a chair and watch, for example, TV.
Studies conducted in our country and abroad have shown that the total cholesterol level during cascade filtration is reduced by 82%, and the level of "bad" - by 91%. Gradually decrease and atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.


For those who have a particularly high risk of developing a cardiac catastrophe, it makes sense to use the services of a 24-hour cardiac service using the remote ECG method. “We give a person a personal electrocardiograph in his hands - a device a little larger than mobile phone. At the slightest suspicion of heart attack(weakness, dizziness, chest pain, heart palpitations, arrhythmia) he himself takes an ECG (just attach three wires), sends it to the doctor by phone and immediately receives an answer: it’s time to call an ambulance or just take medicine, ”explains our expert.
This method helps to save a huge number of lives. After all, if worldwide, according to statistics, only 40% of people die of a heart attack at home, then 80% of us die without having time to call an ambulance. Mostly out of ignorance: people endure pain, unaware of the onset of myocardial infarction and skipping the very “golden” hour when tragedy can still be prevented. New method gives you every opportunity to do so.

:Olga Zhikhareva
cardiologist the highest category medical center "Capital"

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