Grass kirkazon medicinal properties and contraindications. Fish pie with pollock and fried potatoes Kirkazon herb folk use

Name in Latin: Aristolochia clematitis

Synonyms: fever grass, common kirkazon, serpentine, kumashnik, kumashny apples, ball grass, puffer, steppe filonik, hvilovnik, kutyash berries, kokornik, evil grass, fenovnik, royal beard, finovnik

Perennial herbaceous plant of the kirkazon family up to 90 cm high. Stem erect, unbranched. The leaves are ovate or heart-shaped, alternate, finely serrated along the edges, with petioles. Blooms in May - July. The flowers are collected in axillary bunches with a simple yellow pericarp of three leaflets. The fruit is a spherical or pear-shaped capsule. Seeds are large and flat. Ripen in August - September.

Kirkazon clematis is distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It grows in water meadows and ravines, steep banks of water bodies and floodplain thickets of shrubs. It is used for fodder for spotted deer and in the fight against infertility in cattle.

Medicinal raw materials are the aerial part of the plant and roots. Grass is harvested during flowering, roots - in the fall. The leafy parts of the plant are loosely placed in baskets and dried in the shade or under a canopy, spread out in a thin layer and periodically turning over. The roots are dug up, shaken off the ground, washed in cold water and dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 50 ... 60 ° C. Store in a closed container in a dry place for 2 years

Experienced healers highly appreciate this plant, which helps to cope with various diseases of the lungs, heart, joints, female organs, stomach and intestines, pancreas.

Kirkazon is used for phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. Kirkazon in the initial stage of hypertension reduces pressure. Water infusions, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures of the roots and leaves of Kirkazon are drunk with dropsy, cystitis, cough, shortness of breath, skin rashes. Kirkazon is believed to help cure infertility caused by spoilage. In folk medicine, it has long been used as the best remedy for expelling the placenta and enhancing postpartum cleansing.

It should be added that Kirkazon helps with tuberculosis, gout, malaria, influenza, tonsillitis. A unique property of Kirkazon is considered to be assistance in adapting the body when moving with a change in climate.

When taking Kirkazon, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, the plant is poisonous

plant parts used

  • Grass


For part of the plant - Grass


For part of the plant - Grass

With gout, muscle pain, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, chronic cough, dropsy.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped grass with 2 cups of cold boiled water in a thermos, leave for 8 hours, squeeze, strain, bring the boiled water to the original volume. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day, after meals.

With cough, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal disorders, colds, migraine, headache.

1/2-1/3 teaspoon of chopped herbs pour 200 ml. boiling water, simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, insist until cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With menstrual disorders, female diseases.

2 teaspoons of chopped herbs pour 300 ml. boiled cooled water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. The course is 1.5-2 months.

With insomnia, stuttering, neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nervous fatigue and exhaustion.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs into 0.4 liters of cold boiled water in a thermos, insist overnight, strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3-5 times before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tablespoon.


Pour 1/2 teaspoon of chopped grass with 100 grams of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.

Foot baths, compresses. With festering hard-healing wounds, bedsores, eczema, trophic, varicose ulcers, itchy dermatoses, rashes, swelling, diaper rash, abrasions.

Pour 50 grams of chopped grass into 0.5 liters of water in a thermos, leave for 4 hours, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, leave to cool, strain. Pour into a basin or bucket of warm water, lower your legs and wash the affected areas for 20-30 minutes or make compresses at night.


Pour 100 grams of chopped grass into a liter jar into the floor, pour in interior unsalted pork fat, without adding 2 fingers to the edge of the jar, simmer for 2 hours in a water bath, cool. Rub into sore spots 2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Douching. With an irregular monthly cycle, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometritis, fibroids, erosion.

Mix 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs with 1 tablespoon of celandine herbs, pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, leave to cool, strain. Douche with warm infusion, at night, for 10-12 days.

baths. With furunculosis, scrofula, psoriasis, pustular skin diseases, mastitis.

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs into 250 ml. boiling water, simmer on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Pour the infusion into a bath with a water temperature of 35-38°C, the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes.

Additional materials


10/30/14 Ksenia

I continue the treatment - I take stone oil (3 grams per day per 600 ml), Agaricus, Vetom 2 (thanks for recommending the powder - it's so delicious). I smear the chest with ointment and apply a copper plate. I continue to receive cyclic therapy: fees depending on the phase, fenugreek. I don't drink marin root yet. Like you said, I took a break. I wanted to clarify when to resume taking marina root? I did 10 irrigation times: kirkazon, red brush and rosemary.

Dear doctor, I passed a mandatory medical examination. Smears for gynecology are attached. The gynecologist said - everything is okay). If you allow, I will repeat in the next irrigation cycle)

Yulechka Evgenievna, I did folliculometry. The uzist doctor said that she does not see polycystosis (for which many thanks to you and low bow).

Yulechka Evgenievna, I am enclosing the main results of the tests. The doctors said everything was fine.

With great gratitude, gratitude and love, your Ksyusha))))

I prepared a collection of herbs according to the recipe, but it is impossible to drink, the broth turned out to be very bitter twice, it is even hard to take it in your mouth. Can it be diluted with water?

Maybe I rubbed the grass too much, because I passed everything through a coffee grinder (brittle turned out close to the powder).

If this collection is meant, kirkazon gives a bitter taste.

Now change the brewing method:

After the mixture is finished, put only 1 tsp into the mixture. kirkazon.

GOOD LUCK and keep in touch!

05/21/19 Alena

Yulia Evgenievna.

I forgot to write to you that I was taking hormones at the time of writing the letter, that is, in principle, it was a long time ago and I should have retaken it, but I would like you to say something based on the results. This problem still bothers me when I took hormonal pills (5 months instead of 6), at first there was nothing, but then it affected my legs, the veins became more visible, a new mesh appeared. Passed tests during the reception and after a while.

The blood is not thick, although I used to think that this was the reason. Previously, the legs were absolutely clean, without vascular networks, apparently, by growing up, they began to appear, perhaps at the age of 17, all my life, the legs are no, no, but they are covered with marbling, like the hands. Parents don't have anything like that, including grandparents. The mesh, like the veins, remained calm for a long time and new ones did not appear, but hormonal pills started this process and I don’t know what is the reason. Fragility, from what? For example, veins and a small mesh are visible under the knee, from the fact that I often bend my legs, once often the side of the leg rested against the stool on which I laid my legs, a mesh also formed there. Just below the priests, on the back of the legs, veins also appeared, apparently from chairs, stools, etc.

On the left arm in the fold, from where blood is taken from a vein, there is also a vascular network, the second is clean. I don’t understand where this process comes from, where such fragility comes from. Hormones can influence? Feet and hands are often cold. Maybe something endocrine? As for marbling, is it treatable? Because when the legs are warm, it disappears, although it can appear on the beach in the summer in the heat.

One woman with marbling said it was a bacterium in her body and could never be cured. What do you think? As for sports, I’m also interested, I do exercises, I know that it’s useful to load my legs, but won’t they get out of it even more

grids? Recently I bought a brush for dry massage. I don’t know if it’s harmful, it warms up well, but it won’t hurt later or not, I have doubts. I understand that you most likely will not be able to say for sure, but perhaps based on the experience of others

women who could apply, in which direction does the scale tilt more? Will the brush have a negative effect or not?

Attached are the analysis files.

You asked to evaluate your tests:

You have very little estradiol, and progesterone is elevated. This indicates a disturbed balance of estradiol-progesterone. But I cannot give recommendations, without the exact date of the day of the cycle on which you donated blood.

Otherwise, judging by the description, you have varicose veins. So far, everything is in order with the rheology of the blood. But the deep veins of the legs and thighs lose their ability to pump blood and need to be strengthened. The venous network is the superficial capillaries of the skin connected with deep vessels and included in the common venous network. According to them, the state of deep veins, invisible to the naked eye, is determined.

You should immediately contact a phlebologist, undergo a deep vein ultrasound and start therapy.

Exercises must be done, they strengthen the calf muscles. And the muscles compress the veins - and then the blood circulation improves dramatically.

Dry massage - do without strong pressure.

Of the herbs, most likely, you will need kirkazon and Japanese Sophora fruits.

And tell the "marble" woman that these are only manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia and can be easily eliminated.

See you, Alena!

05/21/19 Larisa

Forgive me, it was probably my fault that there was an oversight and inaccuracy in my mailing address, and I was not able to receive your answer in my mailbox. Therefore, I'm sorry, I'm writing again here, in the "Questions and Answers" section.

I made a tincture of kirkazon. I am finishing taking the first two-month course of drugs advised by you. Probably it is necessary to recall briefly my problem.

Thank you very much for your responsiveness and attention to the visitors of your site.

Why did I choose these herbs for you? Because endometrial hyperplasia depends on the state of the liver, hormones and the state of antitumor immunity. Herbs are predominantly masculine, antitumor and improve local lymphatic circulation.

A liana-like plant with large bright leaves and fast growth is often used for landscaping garden plots, arbors, and arches. Liana kirkazona noticeably stands out against the background of other climbing plants with unusual flowers of an exotic look. Other names for kirkazon or aristolochia are fever grass, serpentine, puffy, hvilovnik, kokornik, evil grass, royal beard, finn.

Various species, such as Manchurian chirkazone, clematis-shaped, graceful, sipho kirkazon vines, tubular, clematis-shaped kirkazon lianas and others, find practical application in many gardens. In addition, the plant has a number of healing properties that are actively used in the treatment of various diseases.

Kirkazon grass belongs to the Kirkazon family and has about 180 species. In its natural environment, it is found in temperate and tropical regions of America, Asia, and Africa. Only 5 species are found on the territory of Russia, mainly in the Far East, the North Caucasus, and also in the European part.

The plant is a perennial, deciduous, woody, large creeping vine. Stems are smooth, erect or curly. On average, the stem of the chirkazon stretches up to 10 m in length, many species, such as the Manchurian chirkazon, reach a height of up to 20 m, and the clematis chirkazone stretches up to 15 m. A characteristic feature of the plant is a wide crown, abundant foliage, rapid growth in warm season up to 12 - 15 cm per day.

The leaves are rich green, large, wide, rounded or heart-shaped, with smooth edges. The arrangement of the leaves distinguishes the chircason creepers from other creeping plants. They are located one above the other, creating wide crowns, reminiscent of the tiled roofs of houses.

The flowers of the plant are very unusual: they do not have a corolla, but only a perianth that resembles a horseshoe, a jug, a gramophone or a curved tube, as a rule, it is wider at the bottom, and at the top there is a limb resembling a tongue. Grows in leaf axils.

Flowering begins at the age of 5 - 8 years, the duration of flowering is 5 - 25 days. Flowers are usually hidden under dense foliage.

The fruits are enclosed in cylindrical or spherical capsules.

Places of growth of chirkazone clematis

The best place for growing is a shade or partial shade, a space closed from drafts. In the natural environment on the territory of Russia, it is found in the southern regions. Unpretentious to the soil, can germinate on solid ground.

Species and varieties

Aristolochia is perceived by many as a weed that quickly takes root in the ground, has a rapid growth of foliage, and is able to quickly climb a support in a short period of time. Bizarrely shaped flowers look spectacular. So, Salvadoran kirkazon has a flower resembling the shape of a skull with gaping wide eye sockets, it is not for nothing that its other name is the flower of the devil. Kirkazon Manchurian is hardy, found in Central Russia.

Kirkazon Salvadoran

Kirkazon Manchurian

Liana with a stiff trunk. An adult plant stretches up to 15 m in height. Stems up to 6 - 8 cm in diameter, soft cork bark. Young shoots in the first three years do not grow rapidly. Needs support.

The leaves are large, up to 25 - 30 cm in length, round, heart-shaped, slightly pointed at the end, have a specific camphor smell. At the beginning of growth, the bottom of the leaf has a characteristic fluff, and the upper part is less fleecy. In an adult leaf, both sides are covered with a small, sparse pile.

The flowers are small, brown in color, reminiscent of jugs. The peak of flowering is the end of May. After flowering, the Manchurian Kirkazon forms fruits similar to cucumbers: elongated dark boxes up to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide, inside about 50 - 130 bare dark seeds of a concave-convex shape up to 7 mm in diameter. Seeds ripen in mid-October.
For better development, nutritious moist soil is selected. Landing site in partial shade, should be protected from drafts. In one year, the plant can stretch up to three meters. Propagated by seeds (sown immediately after ripening) and layering. For a cold period of time, it is desirable to cover, especially young seedlings.

Kirkazon Manchurian

Kirkazon felt or fluffy

More like a branched shrub. Prefers shady places, closed from the wind. Reaches up to 10 m in height.

Leaves on long cuttings up to 5 - 7 cm, wide, round-ovate in shape with a diameter of 12 - 15 cm, with a smooth rounded edge. The stem, underside of the leaf and the stalk are covered with fluff, the upper side with a sparse pile.

The flowers are light green, fleecy, solitary, sprout from the base of the leaf, resemble a curved tube up to 3.5 cm in diameter, on a long pedicel up to 5 cm long, with a wrinkled, three-lobed, yellow limb.

The soil prefers moist and fertile. Kirkazon fluffy is distinguished by abundant young root shoots. Seeds are formed in elongated, hexagonal boxes up to 6 - 8 cm in length.

Kirkazon felt or fluffy

Kirkazon graceful

Evergreen liana. It grows in the tropics of South America.
The leaves are large, heart-shaped. Flowers up to 12 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, white, with dark spots of red and brown hues. It is shaped like a gramophone trumpet. Flowering period from July to September. Pollinated by flies and other insects. After pollination, the entrance to the flower is closed. A very heat-loving plant, prefers bright areas of the garden, does not like drafts and frosts. For wintering, the liana is dug out of the ground and transferred to a warm room.
Requires abundant and constant watering, periodically make organic top dressing. Propagated by cuttings, which take root quickly. Seeds have poor germination, because they do not have time to ripen, seedlings grow slowly.

Kirkazon graceful Aristolochia elegans

Kirkazon ordinary or clematis

Perennial herbaceous vine. An adult plant grows up to 15 m. Young shoots stretch up to 1.5 meters. The stem is erect, bare, slightly curly, light green in color. The rhizome is creeping. The plant prefers semi-shady areas of the garden.

Heart-shaped, up to 10 cm long, rounded matte green leaves with rough edges. Arranged alternately, they emit a subtle unpleasant odor that attracts flies for pollination.

Kirkazon clematis blooms with yellow pitcher-shaped flowers from May to June, for 30 days. Solitary or simultaneously several flowers grow from the bases of the leaves. The first flowers appear after the age of five.

Common kirkazon creepers calmly endure dry weather, do not endure abundant watering. This is a cold hardy species. Propagated by segments of rhizomes, since the seeds are rarely tied, they do not have time to ripen.

Kirkazon ordinary or clematis

Kirkazon large-leaved or tubular

Shrub liana up to 10 - 12 m long, with large rounded, heart-shaped leaves up to 25 - 30 cm in diameter, on short cuttings 5 ​​- 7 cm long.

The flowers are solitary green-yellow shades, similar to a curved tube, with a three-lobed brown limb, not more than three cm in length. Duration of flowering 5 - 25 days.

Kirkazon tubular is pollinated by flies. After pollination, the entrance to the flower is closed. The first flowering is observed not earlier than the age of five. After flowering, seeds are formed in a hexagonal cylinder on a long stem.

For better development, well-fertilized soil is selected, a semi-shady, draft-free place, since a strong wind can tear the leaves.

Watering is required constant, since the drying of the soil adversely affects the well-being of the plant.

Kirkazon large-leaved reproduces by seeds and layering. Due to the rapid loss of germination, the seeds do not store for more than one year.

Kirkazon large-leaved or tubular


  • Liana requires periodic watering, the soil should not dry out, it is advisable to spray the foliage on dry days.
  • Fertilize twice a season with a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10.
  • The earth is loosened shallowly, since the root system of aristolochia is superficial.
  • Weeding weeds as extraneous grass grows.
  • The root system is sprinkled with fallen, half-rotted leaves, which save the soil from drying out and fertilize the soil in the process of overheating.
  • So that the dried shoots and leaves do not spoil the appearance, they are cut off.

Pest and disease control

In most cases, aristolochia are extremely rarely exposed to pests and are resistant to diseases. However, when next to sick, infected plants, they can be harmed aphids and spider mites.

When the leaves are affected by a spider mite, a decoction is prepared from creeping mustard. 100 - 120 grams of chopped dry grass are taken per 1 liter of water, boiled over low heat for 20 - 30 minutes, then removed from the fire, wrapped and infused for 15 - 25 minutes. Filter, the resulting liquid is diluted by half with water. The affected leaves are carefully sprayed.

Cultivation and reproduction

Kirkazon grass is propagated by seeds, cuttings, root layers.

Cuttings are prepared in spring or autumn: cut annual shoots 20 cm long with several buds. Sand is added to the soil fertilized with humus. The cuttings are inserted into the ground at an angle, leaving a few buds above the surface, watered and fertilized abundantly. Then cover with a transparent cap, which, after the appearance of the first leaves, is removed.

Growing layering- a simpler and more efficient method. The shoot of the creeper is laid and pressed to the ground, after a season the shoot takes root, it is cut off from an adult plant, transplanted to a permanent place of germination. The method of propagation and cultivation by layering is the fastest and most popular among gardeners.

Planting kirkazon aristolochia

Depending on the resistance to cold, the vine is planted in open ground in spring or autumn. Frost-resistant species, in the form of two or three-year-old seedlings, are planted in the fall, non-frost-resistant species in the spring. Due to the wide root system, to ensure good development, plants are planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other.

For planting, a hole is prepared up to half a meter in depth and width. 10 - 20 cm of drainage (expanded clay, crushed stone, gravel, broken brick) are laid at the bottom, 5 - 10 cm of sand are sprinkled on top, and organic fertilizers are applied. Humus, sand and clay are added to the soil. A support is installed in the pit, no more than 8 m in length, along which, counterclockwise, the plant will climb. The root system is cut off by one third before planting, the root neck of the seedling should be at ground level.

Transplanting from one place to another is possible only in early spring before the leaves grow.

Wintering of Kirkazon Aristolochia

Resistance to low temperatures is manifested only in adult vines aged 2-3 years. Young plants are laid on the ground by the first frosts and sprinkled with dry foliage for 8–10 cm. If after the winter period the tips of the shoots freeze slightly, the plant quickly restores its original appearance.

For an elegant kirkazon, wintering in the garden is detrimental, therefore, to save the plant, it is dug up and transferred to a bright, warm room.

To avoid the annual digging of an ornamental plant from the ground, followed by returning it back to the ground in spring, experienced gardeners advise planting a vine in large boxes, containers that can be brought indoors before the first frost.


The plant is poisonous, as a result of which, clematis chircas is used for medicinal purposes only on the recommendation and prescription of a doctor, strictly in the agreed dose. The healing properties of the Manchurian kirkazon and other species have been studied in detail for many centuries, in various works and manuscripts one can find a description and application of this herb.

Useful and medicinal properties

It has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and healing properties. The healing properties of the herb kirkazon are used to normalize metabolism, support the immune system.

The use of clematis aureus in medicine

The plant is used in the treatment of various diseases:

  • with ailments of the skin (bedsores, scabies, itching, psoriasis, festering wounds, dermatoses, varicose ulcers, edema, eczema, rashes, diaper rash, abrasions),
  • with diseases of the respiratory system (shortness of breath, cough, tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, pulmonary tuberculosis),
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, varicose veins),
  • with problems in the female reproductive system (erosion, cystitis, infertility, menstrual irregularities, fibroids),
  • in violation of the nervous system (insomnia, migraine, neurasthenia, nervous fatigue and exhaustion, stuttering, headache).

Kirkazon clematis in folk medicine is used for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures, ointments for external use. The medicinal properties of the kirkazon plant have been known for a long time. In Chinese traditional and oriental medicine, kirkazon is used to treat various ailments, in African peoples it is used as an antidote for snake bites.

Contraindications for the use of chirkazone clematis

You should know that Kirkazon clematis is a poisonous plant and it is very dangerous to use medicines based on this plant in excess of the norm.

It is forbidden to use children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastritis, uterine bleeding, kidney and liver diseases, individual intolerance to plant components.

During use for wiping and compresses, burns (with sensitive skin), burning (with fungal skin lesions) may occur. Often used only externally.

Decoction of kirkazon roots

Used for the preparation of baths, compresses, with lesions of the skin, diseases of the joints, metabolic disorders. In a thermos fall asleep 2 - 3 tbsp. l. crushed dried roots, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours, then boil in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes. When the pan is removed from the heat, it is covered with a towel for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered. They are added to foot baths, used as rubbing of the affected areas (for 15-25 minutes), compresses are made at night.

Kirkazon herb infusion

Used as a lotion to relieve skin inflammation and pain. Half a teaspoon of the dried crushed plant is poured into the container, 100 ml of vodka is poured, tightly closed, cleaned in a dark, cool place for a week. Every two days, the container with tincture must be shaken. Take 3 times a day for 15 - 20 drops.

Collection and harvesting of clematis chircason

For medicinal purposes, the aboveground and underground parts of the plant are collected.

During the peak of flowering, the stems and leaves are cut off, the roots are dug up in the fall. The upper leafy part is dried on a plane, in a well-ventilated area, laid out quite freely, periodically turning over. Cut grass should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The excavated underground part is washed in cool water from the ground, dried in an oven at 60 C. Clematis-like Kirkazon is stored for no more than two years, in a dry room and in a closed container.

Pharmacological properties of kirkazon clematis

Aristolochine acids provoke an increase in heart rate, dilate blood vessels, help remove excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing the chance of edema. Preparations from kirkazon affect the foci of fungal and viral diseases.

The plant contains a capillary poison that can accumulate in tissue cells. It must be used carefully, since the manifestation of a carcinogenic effect is possible after a long period of time.

The chemical composition of clematis

In terms of chemical composition, various types of kirkazon differ greatly, but they are united by the content of aristolochic acids and their compounds (lactones, glycosides, esters). The most dangerous, in terms of toxicity, is clematis chirkazone, since it has the highest concentration of aristolochic acids I and II.

Also contains tannins and bitter substances, phenolic acids, essential oil.

Kirkazon in landscape design

Due to the dense green cover and rapid growth, the liana is used in ornamental gardening to create a green background for flower beds, vertical gardening of fences, house facades, gazebos, balconies and terraces, creating green tunnels and verandas.

Manchurian kirkazon (aristolochia) is used as a medicine used in folk medicine to treat various diseases.

The proposed material provides a description of this plant, its medicinal properties and application features.

In our country, the growth of kirkazon is typical in a warm and humid climate on the coasts of reservoirs and water meadows.

It is found in the Far East in the forest zone and mountainous terrain, it also grows in open places. It spread to Russia from China.

The structure of the plant is as follows: it is a climbing herbaceous or lignified liana with branched roots and large rounded leaves, clearly symmetrical in outline.

It wraps around trees or shrubs, reaching a height of twenty meters.

It blooms in late spring - early summer, flowers are yellow or red-brown in color, followed by the formation of fruits resembling a pear-shaped hexagonal box.

Seed ripening occurs by the end of September.

If you study the anatomical photo of the stem in cross section under a microscope, you can see the protective layer of the epidermis.

As well as the central channel with collateral bundles that conduct moisture and nutrients, the interbundle cambium, the core, like in other dicotyledonous herbs.

Manchurian (ordinary) is not the only variety of this herb, they also distinguish:

On the Internet there are photos of various varieties of this plant, including a sectional stem. Kirkazon is classified as rare.

Propagated by layering or cuttings. The ideal time for harvesting cuttings is the beginning of summer, immediately after flowering.

Planting seeds is allowed, before the onset of cold weather.

The plant can be used for decorative purposes, greening the veranda, balcony, walls of houses and other structures.

Medicinal properties

For treatment apply:

  • The root part - after drying and grinding, make decoctions and tinctures.
  • Stems are young shoots collected during flowering.

Note! Due to the poisonousness of the plant, gloves are used when harvesting.

This reason in Russia is associated with a ban on the use of kirkazon for the manufacture of dietary supplements.

The collected composition is dried in a place protected from direct sunlight. Shelf life - up to three years, after the specified period, the healing properties of the material are lost.

Medicinal properties are provided by the content in the plant of the components shown in the table:

The chemical composition of the plant is not fully understood.

In addition to the above, the tool is used for the following purposes:

  • To increase the production of breast milk in women during breastfeeding.
  • To counteract cancer.
  • With physical, mental or emotional overwork.
  • For problems with blood pressure, heart, kidneys.
  • From inflammation in the mouth.
  • From a wide range of skin diseases and other ailments.

Application in traditional medicine and gynecology

Despite the poisonous composition, the remedy has been widely used in folk medicine.

The following herbal formulations are known:

  • Infusion - two teaspoons of crushed dried leaves are poured with half a liter of boiling water and filtered after sixty minutes.

    It is used for fever, as a decongestant, four times a day, two tablespoons before meals.

  • Tincture - three grams of grass are poured with one hundred milliliters of vodka, infused for seven days and filtered.

    The order of admission is three times a day, fifteen drops diluted with water.

  • Broth - one teaspoon of creeper and two tablespoons of foliage are poured with boiling water and boiled for half an hour, the composition is filtered and cooled.

    It is used externally to treat wounds on the skin, boils, ulcers, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

In gynecology, a remedy is used that is prepared by infusion of two grams of dried herb 300 ml. non-hot water. Infused for eight hours.

Helps with menstrual irregularities, from female diseases. Admission rules: forty grams four times a day for two months.


As already noted, the plant is characterized by toxic properties, so it must be used with caution. This is caused by aristolochic acid, which is part of the composition.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor, and in the process of taking it, you need to undergo regular monitoring in order to exclude undesirable effects.

When used, the dosage must be carefully observed.

Means based on kirkazon are characterized by the following contraindications and undesirable effects:

  • Allergic exposure and chemical burns up to the second degree, in case of direct contact.
  • Not suitable for pregnant women and people with kidney and liver failure.
  • Not recommended for gastritis.

As can be seen from the article, the Manchurian kirkazon is an effective remedy for a wide range of diseases.

But when using it, care must be taken due to the poisonous properties of the plant. The same applies to its preparation.

Due to its healing qualities, kirkazon is considered a medicinal herb for many diseases. This plant improves immunity, improves metabolism. However, it must be used very carefully, as this herb is poisonous.

The healing properties of this plant were known to the ancient Greeks. For therapy, use the stem, rhizome and less often the seeds of the plant.

Kirkazon has many healing properties, such as:

  • Lowers heat.
  • It has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It has a diaphoretic effect and antibacterial.

Due to these qualities, the plant is used in medicine, for:

  • Expansion of the amplitude of contraction of the heart muscle.
  • Vascular expansion.
  • Strengthening the respiratory function.
  • Decrease in BP.
  • Healing of wounds.
  • CNS activation.

The exceptional substances contained in this medicinal herb facilitate the patient's well-being in case of:

  • Skin ailments.
  • Women's diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Colds.

But along with the healing properties, the plant, due to its composition, has some serious limitations.

woolly erva - medicinal properties and contraindications


  • Children;
  • Women in position;
  • People suffering from gastritis and kidney failure.

In addition, therapy with drugs that have kirkazon in their composition is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

The use of medicinal herbs in gynecology

In ancient times, kirkazon was used for postpartum cleansing. It is also used for:

  • Absence or displacement of the menstrual cycle.
  • Inflammatory process, and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Discharges that are associated with the presence of a fungal infection.
  • The initial stage of tumors in the uterus.

Also, this plant is advised to be used in therapy:

  • Polypov.
  • Inflammation of the testes and fallopian tubes.
  • Cyst.
  • Erosion of the cervix.
  • Myom.

For women who are breastfeeding, kirkazon helps:

  • Increase lactation.
  • Prevent mastitis.

For therapy, a medicinal plant is used:

  1. In the form of a blast. 2 spoons of raw materials pour the floor with liters of boiling water and insist for a while. Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. In the form of a tincture for douching.

Important! In the period of expectation of the child, this remedy should not be taken in any case, it can cause uterine contractions and premature birth.

With inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes

Very often, for the treatment of endometriosis, doctors advise using the plant kirkazon. To cure the disease, kirkazon is used in the form of a decoction for douching. You can prepare it as follows: 3 tablespoons of chirkazon and a spoonful of celandine stems are thoroughly mixed and a liter of hot water is added. The broth is allowed to stand for several hours and filtered. Douching should be carried out with a warm decoction daily, it is better to carry out the procedure at night. The course of treatment is 10 days without a break. Then a pause is made for 10 days and the treatment is continued.

In addition, for the treatment of inflammation of the testes and fallopian tubes, it is advised to take an infusion of this healing herb. The infusion is prepared as follows: 100 grams of chircason seeds are poured with a bottle of vodka and infused for 10 days. 20 g of the prepared infusion is diluted with a cup of boiled water and taken 100 g before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

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Application in alternative medicine

From the foliage and root of the plant, tinctures are prepared with alcohol and ether. In alternative medicine, there are many recipes using the plant. Tinctures in a small amount can be drunk with dropsy and malaria. It cleans wounds and helps them to heal as soon as possible.

  1. Tincture. 2 tablespoons of grass pour a glass of warm water and leave for 6 hours. Then filter and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day. The duration of therapy is 2 months.
  2. Explosion. 1 spoonful of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 30 minutes. While the broth is hot, it is filtered. Drink warm after meals three times a day for a spoon. With abscesses, lotions are made. Bandages need to be changed daily. Duration of treatment - 7 days. It is necessary to store the broth in a warm, cold place.
  3. Recipes for home therapy of diseases:
  4. Remedy for cough, dropsy and high blood pressure. A spoonful of dry grass is poured into a glass of warm water and left for 8 hours, preferably at night. Then the broth is cleaned and diluted with water to the original volume. Drink 14 cups three times a day after meals.
  5. A decoction for colds, headaches and gastrointestinal disorders. Half a spoon of the leaves of the plant is poured into a glass of hot water. The container is put on a small fire and boiled for about a quarter of an hour. The composition is allowed to cool, then it is cleaned. Take a spoonful three times a day.
  6. The cure for neurosis, sleep disorders and stuttering. A small spoonful of a medicinal plant is diluted with half liters of water and infused for 10 hours. Take a spoonful on an empty stomach four times a day.
  7. From heat and inflammation of the skeletal muscles. A spoonful of kirkazon root is poured with a liter of hot water. The container is placed on the stove and simmered for 10 minutes. Then they insist another 30 minutes and take a mug twice a day.
  8. Tinctures on water for external use. Aqueous infusion is used in the treatment of abscesses, furunculosis and scrofula. A spoonful of rhizomes or stems is poured into a mug of hot water. The vessel is placed in a water bath and simmered for 20 minutes. Leave for 30 min. and filtered out. Then dilute with warm water to the original volume. A gauze cut is moistened with a decoction and applied to the affected area.
  9. Healing baths. With their help, a rash on the skin, eczema, salt deposits and rheumatism are treated. 3 small spoons of raw materials (rhizome) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The container is placed on the stove and boiled for another 10 minutes. Then it is filtered. The resulting broth is added to the bath. It must be taken for 20 minutes.
  10. Healing ointment. It is used to heal wounds, relieve skin irritation. It is necessary to mix 100 g of kirkazon stalks with 0.5 kg of pork visceral fat. The vessel is placed on the stove and boiled for 2 hours in a water bath. Keep the ointment in a cool place. Twice a day you need to rub it into the affected areas of the skin.

The use of medicinal herbs for psoriasis
The healing properties of the plant have a positive effect on a person suffering from psoriasis:

  • The work of the central nervous system is normalized.
  • The blood is cleansed.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Eliminates pain.

The medicine is used both for external use and for oral administration. But a great effect is achieved when using the product externally:

  1. Gadgets. A broth is being prepared: 3 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 2 cups of hot water. Allow the composition to cool and wash the wounds on the skin with it.
  2. Compress. A spoonful of kirkazon is infused in a glass of boiling water. A compress is applied to the affected area for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse without using soap.
  3. Healing bath. 0.5 liters of the decoction prepared from the root is poured into the bath. They take it for a quarter of an hour, it is not necessary to wash off the broth.
  4. Rubbing infusion. It is necessary to prepare an alcohol infusion and wipe the affected areas with it. But this tool can have a side effect, so you first need to check the skin for an allergic reaction.
  5. Cream. To prepare it, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of comfrey with 2 tablespoons of kirkazon. Add a glass of melted pork fat to the resulting collection. The resulting cream should be lubricated with wounds on the skin every day. But before using it, you must also conduct a test for the reaction of the skin.

The use of medicinal herbs in oncology

  1. Tincture for testicular cancer. A spoonful of dry kirkazon, celandine and cornflower petals, mixed with 2 tablespoons of hemlock. The resulting collection is poured with a liter of hot water. The composition is allowed to cool and a spoonful of befungin is added to it. The medicine is used in the form of an enema: 2 enemas are made with a volume of 400 g and 150 g.
  2. Medicine for metastases. Half a glass of finely chopped plant root with a glass of honey, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 3 liters of cool water. Let the composition stand for about 7 days and take 100 g orally a quarter of an hour before meals.

Adam's apple - medicinal properties and uses

Kirkazon is known as a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of certain diseases. That is why the herb is widely used in folk medicine. What does kirkazon contain in its composition, the medicinal properties of which make it possible to use it in the treatment of ailments? First, it is recommended to read the description of the plant.

What is grass?

Kirkazon is a grassy or desiccated vine. The plant has unusual roots. They are branched and smoothly pass into the stem, as well as large leaves that are on long ropes. Kirkazon has flowers of yellow or red-brown color, placed in the axils of the leaves. The fruits are hanging, in appearance they resemble pear-shaped boxes. Seeds are finely wrinkled. The plant blooms from May to June.

There are several types of grass: common kirkazon, Manchurian kirkazon, clematis kirkazon, long, round, large-leaved.

The plant grows along the banks of reservoirs, water meadows, in the steppe zone, deciduous forests. It can be seen in Russia, mainly in its European part. In gardens and orchards, it is considered a weed.


Medicinal properties are present in the roots and grass of the plant. The upper part is stored during the flowering period. The grass needs to be dried in the fresh air, placing it in the shade. Another option would be a ventilated room. Raw materials are laid out in one layer. Roots are harvested in autumn. After they are dug up, they must be cleaned from the ground, washed under cold running water and dried in the sun.

Beneficial features

Kirkazon ordinary and its other varieties contain aristolochin, which excites the respiratory center, and also increases the amplitude of heart contractions. In addition, this substance dilates blood vessels, its diuretic effect is observed.

The plant kills bacteria, has a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect on the human body. Kirkazon clematis, common and other species, despite its medicinal properties, is considered a poison. And although the plant is used in traditional medicine, it should be used with caution. If you exceed the dosage, hemorrhagic nephritis is not excluded. That is why dietary supplements based on kirkazon are prohibited in Russian cities.

The plant has a diaphoretic, antiseptic, wound-healing effect. It purifies the blood. There is an analgesic effect if you take funds based on this herb. Kirkazon clematis is able to reduce blood pressure, dilate blood vessels.

What ailments is it used to treat?

In small doses, Manchurian, common and clematis kirkazon is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension in the initial stages of development;
  • tuberculosis;
  • edema;
  • neurasthenia;
  • physical and mental overwork;
  • gout;
  • furunculosis;
  • mast;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • pyoderma;
  • skin itching.

The medicinal properties of the seeds help reduce the intensity of epilepsy symptoms when burned and inhaled.

Folk recipes

The upper part and roots of the plant are used to prepare infusions, decoctions, tinctures. It is also suitable for external use raw. First, the grass must be chopped.
In folk medicine, the following recipes are known:

  • Kirkazon clematis in the form of infusion. Dry raw materials (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water (300 ml) and infused for two hours. Then the remedy is filtered and taken in a quarter cup three times a day before meals.
  • Kirkazon Manchurian or ordinary in the form of tincture. Dry raw materials (3 g) are infused in 100 ml of vodka for a week. After that, the tincture is filtered and used 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • A decoction of kirkazon. Dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. The decoction is used externally for compresses or washings.


Despite its medicinal properties, kirkazon belongs to poisonous plants, due to the content of aristolochic acid in it. Therefore, you should carefully read the dosage of the remedy based on this herb. An overdose threatens to destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Contact with the plant can result in allergic manifestations that are similar to chemical burns of 1 or 2 degrees.

Children taking decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of this herb are strictly prohibited. Do not use the plant for the treatment of pregnant women, as well as people suffering from liver and kidney failure. Patients with gastritis are also not recommended to use grass. Kirkazon treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical professionals.

Despite the medicinal properties, the plant can harm the human body. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult a doctor without fail. Only he can approve or prohibit the use of kirkazon, as well as prescribe the required dosages, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Otherwise, instead of treatment, you can get a lot of complications.

Kirkazon is a perennial herb that can grow up to 50 cm tall. It has a creeping rhizome and an upright stem, a specific smell emanates from it. It produces petiolate, heart-shaped leaves. Like many other perennial plants, kirkazon is valued for its healing properties.

general description

Kirkazon produces yellow flowers, hiding in bunches in the corners of the leaves. Abundant flowering of kirkazon can be observed from mid-May to July. Fruits in pear-shaped boxes, where the seeds are hidden. Fruiting begins in July. Most often, this plant can be found in the European part of our country or in the Caucasus.

Healing composition of the plant

The creeping rhizomes of the tenacious kirkazon contain important alkaloids - magnoflorin, tannins necessary for the human body, and healing essential oils. In fresh leaves of kirkazon, such useful components as aristolochic acid, aristolochin were found. Ripened seeds also contain these beneficial acids, fatty oil. This unique chemical composition of the herb serves as the basis for its use in traditional medicine.

The process of harvesting healing kirkazon

Creeping rhizomes, ripened fruits, leaves are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Medicinal grass is harvested during its active flowering in the summer, the roots are dug up in the fall. You can dry the finished material in any known way, including under direct sunlight.

Main pharmacological properties

Green kirkazon is recognized as a medicinal plant with a rich centuries-old history of use. Even the Great Ibn Sina in his writings quite often described the beneficial properties of this unique plant: “a healing herb can be applied in the form of an ointment to cleanse the skin, open external blockages; when peeling the skin, it is able to grow new cells, cleansing dirty malignant ulcers, it is also good for seizures, for strengthening inflamed gums, for chronic asthma, hiccups.

The main medicinal use of the plant

Due to the high content of aristocholic acid, the plant is considered poisonous. In folk medicine, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures of dried rhizomes or leaves of this medicinal herb are used exclusively in small doses to lower blood pressure, with identified edema, diagnosed tuberculosis, various colds, with gout, poor digestion, with general exhaustion of the body.

In gynecology, this remedy is actively used to enhance menstruation, with increased excitability, identified endometriosis, various forms of fibroids, cysts, to reduce the strength and tone of uterine contractions. In this case, the infusions are applied in the form of douching.

In the common people, this medicine has been successfully used for a long time as the best remedy for expelling the birth placenta and enhancing the process of postpartum cleansing.

Also, this common herb is recognized as an effective remedy for female infertility, but it is still not recommended to use this remedy without consultation.

Outwardly healing kirkazon is used exclusively as a wound healing agent. Fresh infusions are used as local compresses for scrofula, various pustular skin diseases, severe skin itching. It has been experimentally proven that an infusion of ripened seeds can improve cardiac activity.


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In case of purulent skin lesions, attention should be paid to the following methods of using healing chirkazone: adding to the bath, local lotions, compresses for scrofula, pronounced skin rashes, open ulcers and wounds. Fresh infusion helps cleanse open wounds from accumulated pus, reduces inflammation and enhances the regenerative properties of skin cells.

The effectiveness of infusions of rhizomes as an expectorant has been proven.

When bitten by poisonous snakes, fresh infusions of kirkazon are used as an effective antidote. As the main advantage of dried kirkazon, it is worth noting that it helps to undergo adaptation during the move, associated with climate change.

In oncology, Chinese traditional medicine experts advise the use of products based on twisted auricone as an effective antidote. Another variety of this plant in cancer will not have the proper result. The use of any dosage form of kirkazon should take place under the close supervision of the attending specialist.

Available recipes for use

In the presence of disorders of the nervous system, neurosis, nervous exhaustion, the following infusion is prepared from the healing chirkazone: 1 teaspoon is poured into 400 ml of water, boiled and cooled. The resulting mixture is infused for 8 hours, then decant. To restore life-giving forces and calm the nervous system, use 1 teaspoon three times a day before direct meals.

For colds and severe headaches, the following infusion is prepared: ½ teaspoon of dried chircasone is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, simmered for 10 minutes, squeezed thoroughly and decanted, adding boiling water as needed to bring the amount of infusion to the original. It is used in its pure form three times a day for ¼ cup.

Main detrimental effects

Like any other drug, kirkazon has its own side effects that may occur during its use. Among them, the poisonousness of the plant, non-compliance with the dosage can have the opposite effect, use during gestation can cause an unexpected miscarriage.

Also, do not use infusions based on it with identified uterine bleeding. It is necessary to use this remedy with extreme caution so that an undesirable result is not obtained. Only the attending specialist will help with the choice of one or another natural medicinal herb for the treatment of an identified disease.

Good afternoon to all readers of the wonderful blog “Notes of a Village Aibolit”. Me my name is Shibarova Irina Sergeevna, I am a phytotherapist and recently I have been writing articles for you under the heading “Medicinal plants”.

This topic has been terribly interesting for me literally since childhood, which I spent visiting my grandmother in the village. It was she who instilled in me a love for medicinal herbs and, as I believe, influenced the choice of my future profession.

Today I will tell you about a plant that is known only to a narrow circle of specialists and true herbalists, but despite this deserves the closest attention, because it has excellent medicinal properties and has been used for treatment in traditional medicine for a long time.

So, get acquainted - common kirkazon (second name - clematis). The plant is poisonous. You can meet him wherever there is moisture: along the banks of streams, rivers and streams, near lakes, in forests.

Kirkazon is a plant with a characteristic, not very pleasant smell. It grows up to about 80 cm and has oval heart-shaped leaves. Its flowers are yellow, located at the very base of the leaves, the fruits of the plant are pear-shaped hanging boxes.

Photo of kirkazon

Medicinal properties of clematis chircason

Kirkazon is not a simple plant. Once upon a time, special studies were even carried out, the purpose of which was to find out how this plant affects the human cardiovascular system.

As a result of these studies, it was found that preparations from kirkazon are able to increase the strength of heart contractions, restore the correct rhythm of the heart, stimulate its work and at the same time dilate blood vessels.

Experimentally, it was found that if you take drugs based on kirkazon for a long time, then this has a positive effect on the whole body.

What is going on? Firstly, breathing quickens a little, the minute volume of breathing and inhalation deepen, but that's not all. In addition, the functioning of the kidneys is noticeably improved: blood flow and oxygen supply to them increase.

As a result, urination increases without any diuretics, and kidney enzymes break down better and, accordingly, remove all harmful substances from the human body faster.

The use of kirkazon in folk medicine

It is time to tell you about where this medicinal plant is used. Fans of traditional medicine drugs based on kirkazon use:

  1. for the treatment of various difficult-to-heal wounds
  2. eczema
  3. trophic ulcers
  4. various skin rashes
  5. dermatoses
  6. diaper rash
  7. to treat insomnia
  8. neuroses
  9. nervous exhaustion
  10. in the treatment of tuberculosis
  11. thrombophlebitis
  12. bedsores

Here is such an extensive list. Isn't it impressive? Below are recipes for the manufacture of preparations based on kirkazon, for the treatment of certain diseases. I want to remind you that this plant is poisonous! Therefore, store tinctures, kirkazon juice, etc. in a place inaccessible to other family members.

Tincture and juice for the treatment of hard-healing and festering wounds

  • Take the herb kirkazon (dry - 40 grams, raw - 150 grams), chop it and pour a liter of vodka.
  • This tincture must be kept for exactly 2 weeks, then strain.
  • Apply for medicinal purposes 10-15 drops 3 times a day.
  • Since the tincture is somewhat poisonous, it is better to store it in an inaccessible place in order to completely exclude its use by unauthorized persons.

If you do not want to prepare a tincture, you can just as well use the juice of this plant. Prepare it like this:

  • plants are harvested during the flowering period, for this only the tops of the kirkazon are cut off, about 30 cm.
  • They are washed and passed through a conventional or electric meat grinder, squeezing out the juice in such a simple way.
  • Juice is preserved by adding alcohol until its 10% concentration is obtained. Such juice, as a rule, is stored for a very long time.

Baths for the treatment of eczema, bedsores, trophic ulcers, dermatoses, diaper rash and various skin rashes

For the treatment of all the above diseases, it is appropriate to use the healing properties of kirkazon, making healing baths based on it. They are made quite simply:

  • the proportion of bath preparation is as follows: for 2 cups of fresh herbs - 5 - 7 liters of boiling water.
  • Accordingly, if the herbs are 4 cups, then you need 10-14 liters of boiling water, etc. The grass of the Kirkazon should be steamed for 30 minutes, after which you can soak the sore spots in such a bath for 40 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment with baths is 2 weeks.

Kirkazone treatment of insomnia, neurosis, stuttering, nervous exhaustion

For the successful treatment of all these diseases, kirkazon is used both in the form of tinctures, juice, and as part of other fees or mixtures. This is how the maximum effect is achieved.

In its pure form, this proportion will be enough - 1 teaspoon of grass per 0.4 liters of cold water, and after insisting for 1 night, treatment can already begin.

On the first day, take 1 teaspoon 3 to 5 times a day before meals. Then the dose is gradually increased: 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day. Since the plant is poisonous, it is best to play it safe and use it under the supervision of a doctor. In rare cases, doctors may increase the dose to 2 tablespoons a day, which is then gradually reduced.

The use of kirkazon in the treatment of tuberculosis

You will be surprised, but this plant is also used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The healing effect is explained by the fact that the causative agent of tuberculosis is very sensitive to the active substances of this plant.

These most active substances destroy the tubercle bacillus, and very effectively. Kirkazon, with its active use, stimulates expectoration, it becomes easier for a patient with tuberculosis to breathe.

The method of treating tuberculosis with kirkazon is as follows:

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of grass at night with water in the amount of 0.4 liters, strain in the morning.
  • In this infusion, then you need to add 1 tablespoon of plantain juice or black elderberry.
  • Reception: 6 - 8 times a day before meals, 50 ml.
  • The course of treatment for tuberculosis is from 3 to 5 months. The effect will be better if such treatment is supplemented with a collection of herbs from tuberculosis. Some of the best are: honey with propolis, pine pollen, bee pollen.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

Kirkazon ordinary, in addition to all its advantages described above, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is perfectly manifested in the treatment of thrombophlebitis with this plant.

For treatment, the leaves of the herb must be crushed and mixed with boiled water 1/1. It turns out a kind of gruel, which must be applied to a napkin and applied to a sore spot for 8 hours. A napkin with kirkazon gruel is regularly changed, up to the complete healing of ulcers. Usually the patient notices relief after 15 - 20 days, in some cases a little earlier.

Pounded leaves of this plant can also be used to treat furunculosis, festering wounds, skin diaper rash and various skin rashes.

The use of kirkazon in gynecological diseases

This medicinal plant can be used for delayed menstruation. For this you need:

  • Take 2 teaspoons of herb and infuse it in 300 ml. water for 6 hours. Water should be at room temperature.
  • Take tincture 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 2 months.

One such course may not be enough. If you have just such a case, then the treatment is carried out 2 or even 3 times with the appointment of other forms of this plant (it can be juice or tincture) with the addition of other medicinal plants, such as sage, oregano, shandra, etc.

In conclusion, I want to warn you again. An overdose of preparations based on kirkazon is unacceptable! This can cause very unpleasant consequences. Treatment with the use of this plant during pregnancy is also prohibited.

Kirkazon ordinary - a unique medicinal plant with excellent medicinal properties. Recipes for the use of kirkazon in folk medicine for various diseases.

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Kirkazon is known as a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of certain diseases. That is why the herb is widely used in folk medicine. What does kirkazon contain in its composition, the medicinal properties of which make it possible to use it in the treatment of ailments? First, it is recommended to read the description of the plant.

What is grass?

Kirkazon is a grassy or desiccated vine. The plant has unusual roots. They are branched and smoothly pass into the stem, as well as large leaves that are on long ropes. Kirkazon has flowers of yellow or red-brown color, placed in the axils of the leaves. The fruits are hanging, in appearance they resemble pear-shaped boxes. Seeds are finely wrinkled. The plant blooms from May to June.

There are several types of grass: common kirkazon, Manchurian kirkazon, clematis kirkazon, long, round, large-leaved.

The plant grows along the banks of reservoirs, water meadows, in the steppe zone, deciduous forests. It can be seen in Russia, mainly in its European part. In gardens and orchards, it is considered a weed.


Medicinal properties are present in the roots and grass of the plant. The upper part is stored during the flowering period. The grass needs to be dried in the fresh air, placing it in the shade. Another option would be a ventilated room. Raw materials are laid out in one layer. Roots are harvested in autumn. After they are dug up, they must be cleaned from the ground, washed under cold running water and dried in the sun.

Beneficial features

Kirkazon ordinary and its other varieties contain aristolochin, which excites the respiratory center, and also increases the amplitude of heart contractions. In addition, this substance dilates blood vessels, its diuretic effect is observed.

The plant kills bacteria, has a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect on the human body. Kirkazon clematis, common and other species, despite its medicinal properties, is considered a poison. And although the plant is used in traditional medicine, it should be used with caution. If you exceed the dosage, hemorrhagic nephritis is not excluded. That is why dietary supplements based on kirkazon are prohibited in Russian cities.

The plant has a diaphoretic, antiseptic, wound-healing effect. It purifies the blood. There is an analgesic effect if you take funds based on this herb. Kirkazon clematis is able to reduce blood pressure, dilate blood vessels.

What ailments is it used to treat?

In small doses, Manchurian, common and clematis kirkazon is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension in the initial stages of development;
  • tuberculosis;
  • edema;
  • neurasthenia;
  • physical and mental overwork;
  • gout;
  • furunculosis;
  • mast;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • pyoderma;
  • skin itching.

The medicinal properties of the seeds help reduce the intensity of epilepsy symptoms when burned and inhaled.

Folk recipes

The upper part and roots of the plant are used to prepare infusions, decoctions, tinctures. It is also suitable for external use raw. First, the grass must be chopped.
In folk medicine, the following recipes are known:

  • Kirkazon clematis in the form of infusion. Dry raw materials (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water (300 ml) and infused for two hours. Then the remedy is filtered and taken in a quarter cup three times a day before meals.
  • Kirkazon Manchurian or ordinary in the form of tincture. Dry raw materials (3 g) are infused in 100 ml of vodka for a week. After that, the tincture is filtered and used 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • A decoction of kirkazon. Dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. The decoction is used externally for compresses or washings.


Despite its medicinal properties, kirkazon belongs to poisonous plants, due to the content of aristolochic acid in it. Therefore, you should carefully read the dosage of the remedy based on this herb. An overdose threatens to destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Contact with the plant can result in allergic manifestations that are similar to chemical burns of 1 or 2 degrees.

Children taking decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of this herb are strictly prohibited. Do not use the plant for the treatment of pregnant women, as well as people suffering from liver and kidney failure. Patients with gastritis are also not recommended to use grass. Kirkazon treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical professionals.

Despite the medicinal properties, the plant can harm the human body. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult a doctor without fail. Only he can approve or prohibit the use of kirkazon, as well as prescribe the required dosages, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Otherwise, instead of treatment, you can get a lot of complications.

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