Normal blood pressure for a 40 year old. Normal, optimal, working: what indicators of blood pressure are considered acceptable? What blood pressure is considered normal

Checking blood pressure for people over 45-50 years old is the key to a long, healthy life and a quick response to many pathologies. What should it be, depending on age, what is its norm, adopted in Russia and abroad?

Blood pressure (BP) readings are vital, they indicate the performance of the system of the heart and blood vessels, failures in which affect the vital activity of the whole organism. If deviations are present and the physiological norm of the indicator is not maintained, then this signals the possibility of serious pathologies. Abnormal blood pressure is usually found in adults, as it is caused by diseases acquired with age and other body problems.

What is blood pressure?

As you know, blood with certain properties flows through the arteries and vessels of the human body. Accordingly, its flow is associated with the provision of a mechanical effect on the walls. It should also be taken into account that the blood does not just flow, but is purposefully expelled with the help of the heart muscle, which further increases the effect on the vascular walls.

The heart "presses" not constantly, but makes well-known beats, due to which a new portion of blood is released. Thus, the impact of the liquid on the walls will have two indicators. The first is the pressure created during the shock, and the second is between the shocks during the calm period. The combination of these two indicators forms the same blood pressure. In medicine, the upper value of blood pressure is called systolic, and the lower diastolic.

For measurement, a special technique was invented that allows measurements to be made without intrusion into the vessel, very quickly and affordably. This is done with the help of a phonendoscope and an air cushion, put on a place above the elbow, where air is blown. By increasing the pressure in the pillow, the doctor listens to the beat in the artery below. As soon as the blows have stopped, this will mean equality of pressure in the pillow and vessels - the upper limit. Then the air is gradually bled off and, at a certain time, the blows appear again - this is an indicator of the lower limit. The values ​​of arterial, as well as atmospheric pressure, are measured in millimeters of mercury.

What blood pressure is normal?

Among physicians, there is no unequivocal opinion on the level of normal blood pressure in adults. The classic 120/80 is considered the standard, but the vessels in adults 25 years old are one thing, the elderly are another, besides, all kinds of physiological features can contribute. Differences in the readings of the level of male and female parameters are small. It is also important to note that blood pressure should be measured at rest, sitting position, and you need to take at least two measurements with a difference of a quarter of an hour. For completeness of information, we present tables from various sources demonstrating what the norm for adults by age is.

Table of norms by age, adopted in the USSR

As can be seen from the table in the USSR, the norm of the upper parameter was no more than 145, and the lower one was no more than 90. Going beyond these limits was considered a pathology and the presence of hypertension.

Current blood pressure standards

Today, the norm of blood pressure has changed a little. Currently, a table developed by the World Health Association in the late nineties of the last century is used. On its basis, the upper systolic blood pressure in the range of 110-130 is considered normal, and the lower diastolic 60-80 mm Hg. These parameters are relevant for adults who are under 40 years old.

WHO table defining normal blood pressure and hypertension

In general, medicine has come to the conclusion that a single indicator of the norm is not stipulated. When examining a patient, the doctor should focus on a comfortable blood pressure rate for a particular adult patient. It is better if there are statistics and a history of observations showing the usual levels. However, this only applies to the range around 120/80, blood pressure that goes beyond the interval of 110/60 and 140/90, all doctors unanimously consider it a sign of pathology.

Is there such a thing as working pressure?

In a colloquial environment, such a term is often found, “working” is usually called such blood pressure at which it can be overestimated or underestimated (that is, one or both indicators go beyond the norm indicated above), but the person does not experience discomfort.

Unfortunately, such logic is only self-deception and ignoring the existing problem. Doctors do not operate with such an expression as “working blood pressure”. Anything above will be called arterial hypertension, period. The key to good health lies in a slight decrease in the lumen of the vessels, due to limited age-related cholesterol deposits in the arteries. However, without a pronounced clinical deterioration in the condition of an adult, such a situation is still capable of causing various serious diseases.

What is the norm of blood pressure in foreign countries?

In the CIS countries and North America, slightly different approaches have been adopted to determine which blood pressure is considered normal, however, in terms of what is considered hypertension, the approaches are almost identical, with the exception that in the USA and Canada, a level above 130/90 is already considered an excess. . In our country, such a parameter is considered normal, for example, for a strong man who regularly goes in for sports or for an adult who has crossed the line of 40 years.

This is demonstrated by the following table

The Western European boundaries of normal blood pressure are almost the same as the North American ones. The only difference is a few peculiar definitions, such as "high normal", which are accepted in the medical institutions of these countries.

Changes for 2018

At the end of August 2018 2009, news came that the European Society of Cardiology had changed the guidelines for cardiologists on what should be considered normal blood pressure in adults.

Thus, in contrast to the criteria used after 2013, new parameters are used to determine arterial hypertension, namely the indicator 130/80 mmHg. Previously, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in Europe were considered normal if they did not exceed 140 and 90, respectively.

It should be noted that the rate of 130/80 will be considered the norm only for aged patients older than 55-60-65 years, and even patients after 80 years of age will be considered healthy only under conditions when these indicators are not exceeded. For young people, a healthy blood pressure is still 120/80 mmHg. Art.

It is expected that such measures to reduce the rate of elevated blood pressure will help to start responding to problems with the heart and blood vessels earlier, which will help reduce mortality.

Blood pressure by age

With increasing age in adults, the whole body undergoes certain changes. Of course, this also applies to blood vessels and the heart. Due to stress, malnutrition, hereditary and acquired negative factors, wear of the arteries, deposits on their walls and other processes that require constant increased work of the heart muscle occur, which in turn wears it out quickly.

For adults who have been diagnosed with any disease of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to check blood pressure on a daily basis and keep a table with its dynamics. At the same time, you can measure the pulse in a calm state and also fix it. The totality of these data gives an objective picture of the presence of vascular pathologies.

It should be remembered that with increasing age, the norm of blood pressure increases slightly. Periodic outputs of the parameter obtained after measurement are possible beyond the upper limit limit. If this exceeding no more than 10 units and appears only after active physical activities, prolonged physical work, then there is no particular cause for concern. Sustained systematic excess at rest should alert.

Normal blood pressure by age

The older a person becomes, the more his vessels wear out. This happens due to a general decrease in their tone, various deposits on the walls, for example, cholesterol, a blood clot. In addition, the heart also changes with age, so for reference, below is a table of blood pressure norms in adults by age.

Age, years







Infants under 1 year old

It can be noted that, for example, for a forty-year-old man and woman, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different. Men's is slightly higher. This can be explained by the greater mass, volume of the body and the ability of a man to withstand greater physical activity.

Normal blood pressure after 50 years

The hormonal background of a person also affects what blood pressure will be. This is especially true of steroids, which are characterized by an unstable presence in the blood, which, during the age-related restructuring of the body, turns into a large imbalance. It affects the number of heartbeats and the filling of the arteries, which ultimately translates into an upward shift in the norm towards 50 years, so that the upper value is in the region of 134-138, and the lower 82-85, which can be seen from the table above. Again, this is the maximum pressure at rest, the excess of which is not allowed.

What other factors affect the rise in blood pressure in an adult? For example, in women, by the age of 50, a process called menopause, which is primarily reflected in the level of various hormones in the body, and as a result, in blood pressure indicators. Thus, the risk of developing hypertension in women at this age is higher.

Blood pressure after 60 years

Upon reaching the age of 60 years, the trend towards an increase in blood pressure indicators continues. systolic pressure here rises above 140, and diastolic shows 85. All the same hormonal changes in the body slightly increase female values. Compared to men.

In adults over 60 years of age, readings above 140 over 90 are considered normal., which in a person of 25 years will mean the existence of a pathological disease. To determine whether such an elevated blood pressure is normal in an elderly person, it is required not only to measure and fix it, but also to monitor the symptomatic picture as a whole, the presence of other health complaints, the results of an ECG and ultrasound of the heart.

Concomitant diseases

In addition to the age factor, constantly elevated blood pressure can provoke metabolic disorders, kidney failure, smoking and alcoholic beverages. After smoking a cigarette constricts small blood vessels, which can gradually lead to a decrease in the lumen of important arteries and cause hypertension. If the kidneys do not work properly, then there is an excess of the hormone aldosterone, which leads to an increase in internal pressure indicators. The risk of arterial hypertension is also high in adults with diabetes mellitus, since in this case there is an increased tendency to form various kinds of deposits on the inner surface of the arteries. Thus, you need to generally monitor your health in order for your blood pressure to be normal. To do this, you should be aware of and control chronic diseases and bad habits.

How to prevent hypertension?

The best preventive measure is constant blood pressure monitoring. Many clinics carry out this procedure for free, in addition, you can smoke a device called a tonometer, which automatically measures indicators. Its accuracy is not always at its best, but it is possible to catch strong jumps. It is better to measure the pulse in parallel and briefly record all the parameters in the tables in the notebook.

Hypertension is very insidious, often it is not manifested in any way until it becomes a serious pathological condition that requires serious treatment. Usually the disease begins with an unexpected hypertensive crisis, therefore from the age of 45 you should develop the habit of regularly measuring blood pressure.

The norm of human pressure differs by age. Hypertension or hypotension leads to a deterioration in well-being and the appearance of complications. A frequent cause of significant shifts in the results obtained from the norm are diseases of the internal systems of the body. Changing the minimum and maximum allowable pressure limits depends on many unfavorable factors.

The level of two arterial indicators allows you to evaluate the work of the cardiac and vascular systems, as well as the whole organism as a whole. Upper or systolic pressure determines the strength of blood flow during the contraction of the heart muscle. Lower or diastolic pressure indicates the strength of blood flow at the time of relaxation of the heart muscle.

The difference between the two obtained indicators is called the pulse. Its level is in the range from 31 to 51 mm Hg. The numbers depend on the patient's well-being, his age and gender.

Normal pressure in adults under 45 is 119/79 mm Hg. But a person can feel great with other indicators. Therefore, the ideal systolic indicator is the numbers from 89 to 131, the numbers of normal diastolic pressure are in the range from 61 to 91 mm Hg.

Measurement indicators are affected by external adverse factors: stress, anxiety, anxiety, excessive physical activity, and improper diet.

In the table, you can clearly determine the rate of blood exposure to blood vessels in adults.

Patient's ageMinimum, mmHgMaximum, mm Hg
Upper levelLower levelUpper levelLower level
11-20 105 72 120 80
21-30 108 74 131 82
31-40 109 77 133 85
41-49 114 80 139 87
50-59 117 89 143 90
60-70 121 83 148 91
Over 70120 78 147 86

Any shifts from the normal indicators given in the table indicate a pathological process. The heart rate in an adult is normally between 61 and 99 beats per minute.

In men

The pressure in the male part of the population is higher than in women. This is due to the physiological structure of the body. A developed skeleton and muscles need more blood supply, as a result, blood flow increases.

The rate of pressure in men is shown in the table.

Patient's ageNorm in men, mm Hg.heart rate
21-31 125 to 7551-91
32-41 128 by 7861-91
42-51 131 to 8062-82
52-61 135 to 8364-84
62-67 137 to 8472-91
over 67135 to 8975-90

Among women

The pressure in women is largely determined by the state of the hormonal system. In the active reproductive phase, the body produces a special hormone that prevents the accumulation of cholesterol. The numbers 118/78 mm Hg are considered normal.

Normally, the level of blood pressure in women is in the range of the numbers indicated in the table.

Patient's ageThe norm in women, mm Hg.heart rate
21-30 123 to 7560-70
31-40 127 to 7970-75
41-50 130 to 8174-82
51-60 134 to 8279-83
61-67 137 to 8581-85
over 67135 to 8782-86

How to measure blood pressure

Systolic and diastolic pressure is the force of movement of blood through the vessels at the time of contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. To get reliable results, during blood pressure measurements, follow some recommendations:

  • 40 minutes before the measurement exclude the consumption of salty, spicy and fried foods, strong tea and coffee, and you can not smoke;
  • the results are affected by excessive physical activity, therefore, an hour before measurements, you need to engage in calm activities;
  • take a comfortable sitting or semi-sitting posture;
  • the hand involved in the measurement is taken aside and placed on a hard surface;
  • to establish an accurate result, two measurements are taken with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

The measurement is carried out with a mechanical or electronic tonometer. The cuff is placed 6 cm above the elbow. The stethoscope is placed on the fold and the pulse is heard at the moment of air descent. The first knock defines the upper bounds. Gradually, the intensity of the tones decreases, and the last sonorous blow marks the lower boundaries.

Increase in blood pressure

Pressure increases due to many adverse factors, the symptoms are unpleasant and cause serious consequences.

Degree of hypertensionMinimum valuesMaximum performance
Borderline with hypertension129/87 139/88
First degree hypertension139/91 160/100
Second degree hypertension161/101 179/110
Third degree hypertension180/111 210/121
fourth degree hypertensionAbove 210/121

Causes and symptoms

Measurement results may increase as a result of the following adverse factors:

  • excess body weight;
  • lack of rest, stress, unrest;
  • unhealthy diet containing harmful products;
  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

Hypertension develops in patients with aggravated heredity and the presence of diabetes mellitus.

In addition to the indicators of the tonometer, a deterioration in the condition indicates an increase in pressure. May be disturbed by dizziness, headache, rapid heart rate, redness of the face, sweating, nausea, tinnitus, weakness.

How to downgrade

In the case of an increase in the tonometer, they take a horizontal position, put several pillows under their heads and provide fresh air. Warm foot baths will help expand blood vessels and improve the outflow of blood from the head. If the condition allows, take a contrast shower or lie for 12 minutes in a bath with warm water.

Among folk recipes, compositions based on lemon juice, nettle and dill, cloves, and hawthorn are known. Taking medications without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.

In chronic hypertension, the doctor prescribes medications that can prevent a hypertensive crisis in time. Effective drugs with rapid action are considered: "Captopril", "Verapamil", "Bisoporolol", "Valsartan".

Low blood pressure

A decrease in measurement results is considered less dangerous. In the event that low rates are accompanied by a deterioration in health, it is imperative to consult a doctor to determine the cause and receive recommendations.

What diseases can you talk about

As a result of the decrease in pressure, blood flow slows down. The internal organs receive oxygen and nutrients in limited quantities. The brain and heart suffer the most from this condition.

Hypotension can develop against the background of:

  • cardiac pathologies: arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis;
  • endocrine system disorders: hypothyroidism, hypocorticism;
  • violations of vascular tone: vegetovascular dystonia, stroke, tumors;
  • allergic exacerbations;
  • body poisoning.

A patient who has low blood pressure may feel dizzy, weak, drowsy, headache, nausea. The skin turns pale, the pulse quickens or weakens. If hypotension is a consequence of the disease, then other characteristic signs join.

How to raise the pressure

The patient with low pressure is placed on a flat surface, while lifting the legs, in the room you need to open the window. Of the drugs that increase the pressure can be distinguished "Citramon", "Cordiamin". Eleutherococcus, Tonginal, Pantokrin have a tonic effect.

When to see a doctor

In case of hypertension or hypotension, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist, and other narrow specialists may need help.

In the case when the indicators of the tonometer have significantly increased or decreased, dizziness, nausea, repeated vomiting have appeared, severe headache and heart pain are disturbing, and a pre-syncope state is observed, an ambulance should be urgently called.


The basis for the prevention of hypotension and hypertension are the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  • excessive consumption of salt, fatty, salty, spicy foods should be excluded from the diet;
  • moderate physical activity, which must necessarily alternate with rest;
  • get rid of bad habits.

In case of any changes in health, it is imperative to consult a specialist; you should not allow the transition of any diseases to the chronic stage.

Blood pressure is a variable parameter that can vary under the influence of many factors - bad weather, severe stress, fatigue, physical activity, and so on.

Minor drops do not cause danger, most often, they pass unnoticed by a person. But, here, a persistent increase in blood pressure causes a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being, and can lead to serious complications.

To understand what constitutes normal blood pressure, what the BP numbers mean, and what pressure is considered elevated, it is not necessary to have a medical degree, it is enough just to be an interested person.

human blood pressure

Normal blood pressure in an adult is 120/80. But, how can such a value be fixed and not changing if a person is constantly moving and exposed to various factors?

Features of blood pressure indicators:

  • Given that all people are different, each has individual characteristics of the body, then blood pressure will still deviate slightly from the norm.
  • At the moment, although modern medicine has abandoned the outdated formulas for calculating blood pressure, which previously took into account a person's gender, weight, height, age, and so on. All the same, he often refers to past calculations.

For example, for thin women aged 20-30 years, the pressure is 110/70, and if there is a deviation of 20 mm Hg, their health will definitely worsen. For athletic men aged 20-30 years, a pressure of 130/80 is considered the norm.

When pressure is measured, indicators are always obtained, which mean the following:

  1. The first indicator is systolic or upper (patients call it heart) pressure, which is recorded at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart muscle.
  2. The second indicator - diastolic or lower (vascular) pressure, is recorded during the maximum relaxation of the muscle.
  3. Pulse pressure indicates the difference between cardiac and vascular pressure (normally 20-30 mm).

Why are normal scores so important? The fact is that it is precisely the pressure, the norm of which is not exceeded, that is considered ideal for the full functioning of the body and its internal organs, and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

In addition to blood pressure, there are also the following types of pressure:

  • Intracardiac.
  • Venous.
  • Capillary.

However, all these types of pressure cause difficulties in measuring indicators. Therefore, in almost all cases, with the exception of surgery, blood pressure is measured by the Korotkoff method.

Blood pressure, norms by age

As already mentioned above, it is 120/80 that is considered the norm for an adult aged 20-40 years, this value is suggested by the medical literature. Normal rates between the ages of 16 and 20 will be slightly lowered. There is such a thing as working pressure:

  1. As a rule, it almost never corresponds to the norm, but, at the same time, the person feels excellent, there are no complaints.
  2. Such pressure is more relevant for people over 60 who are diagnosed with hypertension.

The diagnosis of arterial hypertension is made when the indicators are exceeded 140/90 at the age of 20-40 years. Many older people over 60 feel great with 150/80 scores.

In this case, the pressure should not be reduced. The fact is that with age, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the cerebral hemispheres occurs, and in order to ensure full blood circulation, higher pressure is needed.

Another example can be given, young hypotensive patients aged 20-30 years old live with a pressure of 95/60 all their lives, and if they have an ideal pressure of 120/80, then all the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis will appear. Blood pressure, norms by age:

  • Up to 20 years in men 122/79, in women 116/72.
  • Up to 30 years in men 126/79, in women 120/75.
  • 30-40 years for men 129/81, for women 127/80.
  • 40-50 years for men 135/83, for women 137/84.
  • 50-60 years for men 142/85, for women 144/85.
  • 70 years for men 142/80, for women 159/85.

The table clearly shows that until the age of 30-40, women have lower blood pressure than the stronger sex, and from 40 to 70 years, blood pressure becomes higher.

However, these are average figures for the age of the person. There are many factors that affect pressure readings. A young guy at the age of 20 and an elderly woman after 60 are equally susceptible to a sharp jump in pressure.

Based on medical statistics, we can say that men over 40 who smoke, are overweight and have a history of diabetes are at greater risk. For this age group, constant monitoring of their pressure is necessary.

At a pressure of 280/140, a hypertensive crisis occurs, which must be immediately stopped. In this case, you first need to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, try to lower the pressure on your own.

You can measure indicators not only on the hands, but you can measure the pressure on the legs. As a rule, the pressure on the legs and arms does not differ by more than 20 mmHg.

If this indicator is exceeded, and the pressure on the legs is greater than on the hands, a reason to sound the alarm.

BP parameters in children differ from those in adults. Blood pressure rises from the birth of a child, then its growth becomes slower, there are some jumps in adolescence, after which the pressure stabilizes as in an adult.

The vessels of a newborn child are elastic, their lumen is wide enough, the network of capillaries is larger, so for him the normal pressure is 60/40. As the child grows and his body develops, blood pressure rises by the year and is 90 (100) / 40 (60).

Recently, arterial hypertension has been diagnosed in children and adolescents:

  1. Susceptibility to high blood pressure is observed during the restructuring of the body.
  2. Puberty is dangerous, because a person at this time is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

Often at this age, instability of the nervous system leads to sudden pressure drops. Pathological deviations from the norm should be noticed in time and promptly eliminated. This is the job of the parents.

The most common causes of high blood pressure in children and adolescents include:

  • Excess weight.
  • Children's fears and experiences when a child accumulates them in himself without telling his parents.
  • Lack of physical activity, which is typical of almost all modern children, because they are passionate about computer games, and move only in physical education classes.
  • Oxygen starvation of tissues, that is, the child spends very little time in the fresh air.
  • Abuse of fatty foods, fast food, chips, sweet soda and other things that children love so much.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Pathological condition of the kidneys.

All of these circumstances adversely affect the body of a teenager, therefore, vascular tension increases, the heart functions with a greater load, in particular its left section.

If nothing is done, then a teenager may come of age with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension, or some type of neurocirculatory dystonia.

Each person should know their normal pressure parameters, this will help them avoid serious problems in the future. But, how to find out what kind of blood pressure a person has?

On the one hand, it seems that there is nothing complicated here, put on a cuff, pump up air, slowly release and listen, after fixing the data.

But, as practice shows, most adult patients, carrying out the measurement procedure on their own, make many mistakes, as a result, they receive incorrect data.

To get the correct blood pressure numbers, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Before measuring, you need to be in a calm state for half an hour.
  2. Do not smoke half an hour before the measurement.
  3. When measuring immediately after eating, the numbers will be with errors upwards.
  4. The best position for measuring is to sit on a chair, and lean back against its back.
  5. The arm with the cuff should be at chest level.
  6. A full bladder increases blood pressure by 7-9 mmHg.
  7. During the procedure, you can not move and gesticulate, talking is also not recommended.

Blood pressure should always be measured on both arms, secondary measurements should be taken on the arm where the pressure was higher. If there is too much difference between the hands - this is not normal, you should contact a cardiologist, you can learn more about how to measure pressure correctly on the pages of our website.

Step-by-step measurement of blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer:

  • Put on the cuff so that it is 3-4 cm above the antecubital fossa.
  • Attach the stethoscope to the inner crook of the elbow, insert into the ears. At this time, you can hear clear beats of the pulse.
  • Inflate air to 200-220 mm, then very slowly start to bleed air, focusing on the numbers on the tonometer. Breathing out, you need to listen to the beats of the pulse.
  • As soon as the first beat of the pulse was heard, the upper blood pressure should be recorded.
  • When the beats disappear, you can fix the lower blood pressure.

To find out the pulse pressure, you need to subtract the lower pressure from the upper pressure, and get your readings.

Modern classification

There are three options for normal pressure in an adult:

  • optimal - less than 120/80;
  • normal - from 120/80 to 129/84;
  • high normal - from 130/85 to 139/89 mm Hg. Art.

Everything that fits into these numbers is absolutely normal. Only the lower limit is not specified. Hypotension is considered a condition in which the tonometer gives values ​​\u200b\u200bless than 90/60. That is why, depending on individual characteristics, everything above this limit is acceptable.

On this online calculator you can see the norms of blood pressure by age.

Pressure measurement must be carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  1. 30 minutes before the proposed procedure, you can not play sports or experience other physical activity.
  2. To determine the true indicators, you should not conduct a study in a state of stress.
  3. For 30 minutes, do not smoke, do not eat, drink alcohol, coffee.
  4. Do not talk during the measurement.
  5. The measurement results obtained on both hands should be evaluated. The highest value is taken as the basis. A difference of 10 mm Hg is allowed. Art.

Individual norm

The ideal pressure is that at which a person feels great, but at the same time it corresponds to the norm. Hereditary predisposition to hypertension or hypotension matters. The numbers may change during the day. They are lower at night than during the day. During wakefulness, pressure can increase with physical exertion, stress. Trained people and professional athletes often have indicators below the age norm. Medications and the use of stimulants like coffee, strong tea affect the measurement results. Fluctuations within 15–25 mm Hg are permissible. Art.

With age, the indicators begin to gradually shift from optimal to normal, and then to normal high. This is due to the fact that certain changes occur in the cardiovascular system. One of these factors is an increase in the stiffness of the vascular wall due to age-related characteristics. So, people who have lived all their lives with the numbers 90/60 may find that the tonometer began to show 120/80. And that's okay. A person feels good, because the process of pressure increase goes unnoticed, and the body gradually adapts to such changes.

There is also the concept of working pressure. It may not correspond to the norm, but at the same time a person feels better than with the one that is considered optimal for him. This is true for older people suffering from arterial hypertension. The diagnosis of hypertension is established if the blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Many older patients feel better at 150/80 than at lower values.

In such a situation, you should not seek the recommended rate. With age, atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels develops. Higher systemic pressure is required to ensure satisfactory blood flow. Otherwise, there are signs of ischemia: headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.

Another situation is a young hypotonic patient who has been living with the numbers 95/60 all his life. A sudden increase in pressure, even to the "cosmic" 120/80 mm Hg. Art. can cause a deterioration in well-being, reminiscent of a hypertensive crisis.

Possible white coat hypertension. At the same time, the doctor cannot determine the correct pressure, since at the reception it will be higher. And at home, normal indicators are fixed. Only regular monitoring at home will help determine the individual norm.

Ways to determine the norm

Each person is individual. This is determined not only by age, but also by other parameters: height, weight, gender. That is why formulas were created for the calculation, taking into account age and weight. They help determine what pressure will be optimal for a particular individual.

For this, the Volynsky formula is suitable. Used in people aged 17–79 years. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) pressure indicators are calculated separately.

SBP = 109 + (0.5 × number of years) + (0.1 × weight in kg)

DBP = 63 + (0.1 × life years) + (0.15 × weight in kg)

There is another formula that is applicable for an adult 20-80 years old. Weight is not taken into account here:

SBP = 109 + (0.4 × age)

DBP = 67 + (0.3 × age)

Approximate calculations for those who do not want to count:

Age in years SBP/DBP, mm Hg Art.
20 – 30 117/74 – 121/76
30 – 40 121/76 – 125/79
40 – 50 125/79 – 129/82
50 – 60 129/82 – 133/85
60 – 70 133/85 – 137/88
70 – 80 137/88 – 141/91

Another reference table can be used to determine the norm:

Age in years SBP/DBP in men, mm Hg Art. SBP/DBP in women, mm Hg Art.
Up to 1 year 96/66 95/65
1 – 10 103/69 103/70
10 – 20 123/76 116/72
20 – 30 126/79 120/75
30 – 40 129/81 127/80
40 – 50 135/83 137/84
50 – 60 142/85 144/85
60 – 70 145/82 159/85
70 – 80 147/82 157/83
80 – 90 145/78 150/79

The indicators here differ from what can be obtained using calculation formulas. Studying the numbers, you can see that with age they become higher. In people under 40, there are higher rates in men. After this milestone, the picture changes, and the pressure in women becomes higher. This is due to hormonal changes in the female body. Attention is drawn to the numbers in people after 50 years. They are higher than what is today defined as normal.


Evaluating the indicators of the tonometer, the doctor always focuses on the accepted classification, regardless of how old the person is. The same rate of blood pressure should be taken into account in home control. Only with such values ​​the body functions fully, vital organs do not suffer, the risk of cardiovascular complications decreases.

The exception is the elderly or those who have had a stroke. In this situation, it is better to keep the numbers no higher than 150/80 mm Hg. Art. In other cases, any significant deviations from the standards should be the reason for going to the doctor. This may hide diseases that require treatment.

The level of the upper limits of blood pressure

The upper norm of blood pressure, beyond which they speak of arterial hypertension, is 140/90. If the tonometer often shows high results, you need to look for reasons for the increase together with your doctor in order to normalize the condition with medicines, herbs, physiotherapy, auto-training, etc.

First of all, the lifestyle is assessed and adjusted if necessary. What normal pressure can a person have if he smokes, moves a little, eats everything in unlimited quantities? If the pressure rate is exceeded to 160/90, tablets are prescribed. In the presence of ischemia, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies, treatment is started earlier, when normal blood pressure is slightly exceeded. With hypertension, treatment is aimed at achieving a normal blood pressure in the range of 140-135 by about 65-90.

With atherosclerosis, it is impossible to sharply reduce the pressure, since this is fraught with a heart attack, stroke. With kidney pathology, with diabetes mellitus and everyone who has not reached the age of 60, there should be normal blood pressure in the range of 120-130 by about 85.

Lower limits of blood pressure

In ordinary people, normal pressure is better so that it does not fall below the 110 / 65 limits. If it systematically decreases, blood does not flow normally to the organs, and with it nutrition and oxygen enrichment. The brain will be especially sensitive to oxygen deficiency. Of course, there are people who, until their advanced years, feel great with pressure 90/60, and do not complain about anything. Usually, low numbers on the tonometer are found in people who once played sports, the reason is the hypertrophy of the heart. By the elderly, it is desirable not to have too low blood pressure, since this is fraught with the occurrence of brain pathologies. Upon reaching the age of 50, the norm for a person in terms of diastolic pressure is about 85-89.

Saying what pressure is considered normal and what is measured, it should be noted that doctors often take measurements on each of the hands. This is important, because normal pressure and pulse are the same on both hands, or a slight difference of 5 mm is allowed in the right hand if it is working.

But if a difference of 10 mm or more is detected, this may indicate the development of atherosclerosis, with a difference in indicators of 15-20 mm, stenosis of blood vessels or their abnormal development is possible.

Pulse pressure

In the normal state, the pulse pressure is kept within the limits of 35 + -10. Up to 35 years, 25-40 will be considered normal, in old age - 50. In situations where the pulse rate is too low, this is associated with a heart attack, the presence of atrial fibrillation, tamponade and other cardiac pathologies.

A high pulse in an adult can be a signal to the doctor about the presence of heart failure, atherosclerosis. This condition occurs against the background of endocarditis, pregnancy, anemia, blockades inside the heart.

Usually, specialists do not calculate pulse pressure by subtracting diastolic readings from systolic readings. There are special tables, and the pressure difference should not exceed 10%.

Pressure standards in tables

Speaking about what blood pressure should be in women and men, they do not mean the number of years itself, but those changes in the body that are characteristic of each stage of life and that affect the level of blood pressure.

If you look for information about female blood pressure, the norm by age, the table will contain the following data by year:

  • 20 – 116 / 72;
  • 30 –120 / 75;
  • 40 – 127 / 80;
  • 50 – 135 / 84;
  • 60-65 – 135 / 85;
  • For 65 - 135 / 89.

If we say what is the norm of blood pressure in adults, the table for men will contain the following indicators by year:

  • 20 – 123 / 76;
  • 30 – 126 / 79;
  • 40 – 129 / 81;
  • 50 – 135 / 83;
  • 60-65 – 135 / 85;
  • for 65 - 135 / 89.

The table given in the lists of pressure by age gives approximately, since much changes from the state and activity of a person. In females, the norms of pressure and pulse are different from those of men, which is associated, among other things, with a lower body weight. Already for 60 years, if we consider how blood pressure differs, the norm by age in relation to the sexes is similar.

The norm of pressure in a pregnant woman

If a woman in position does not suffer from pathology, then normal pressure and pulse do not change until the end of the second trimester. In the future, due to hormonal changes, the pressure slightly increases, but not more than 10 mm from the norm. If the course of pregnancy occurs with pathologies, jumps in blood pressure, problems with the functioning of the brain, kidneys, and even convulsions are possible.

If, before family planning, a woman's blood pressure was elevated, then against the background of bearing a baby, the condition may become worse - hypertensive crises are possible, constantly elevated blood pressure. In such situations, treatment in stationary walls, correction of the condition is possible.

pressure in children

When expressing what blood pressure is considered normal, children should be singled out separately. In infants, the rate is 80/50, and as they grow older, the rate will generally increase. Leading doctors observe the norm of pressure by age for babies in order to detect abnormalities in the work of the heart, malfunctions of the nervous system, any malformations, etc. For infants, the following blood pressure norms by age are calculated below:

  • 1 month min. 80 / 40 max. 112 / 74;
  • 2 months to 2 years min. 90 / 50 max. 112/74;
  • 2 to 3 years min. 100 / 50 max. 112/74;
  • 3 to 5 years min. 100 / 60 max. 115/76;
  • 5 to 11 years min. 100 / 60 max. 122/78.

pressure in teenagers

Continuing the conversation about human pressure, the age norm in relation to the younger generation is also negotiated separately. The period of growing up catches a small person at the age of 11 and is accompanied by the growth of all systems and organs, an increase in muscles, and hormonal surges.

Hormones actively influence the functions of the heart and blood vessels. For example, at the age of 11-12 years, blood pressure in the younger generation jumps in the range from 110/70 to 126/82. In the period of 13-15 years, the condition normalizes if the pressure is measured and the pulse rate is approximately the same as in adults - from 110/ 70 to 136/86.

Why is the pressure rising?

When the results of measuring blood pressure exceed approximately the established norms, there may be various reasons for this. For example, it can be hypertension, characterized by persistent high blood pressure and periodic crises. Another reason is tumors of the adrenal glands or pathology of the renal vessels, which will be characterized by the same signs as hypertension. With VVD, pressure surges usually do not exceed 140 to 90, pass with chills, pain, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

A surge in diastolic pressure is characteristic of kidney pathology, fraught with a heart attack and brain catastrophes. The increase in systolic pressure is typical for the elderly, patients with heart disease and anemia. An increase in pulse pressure threatens a stroke, a heart attack.

General information about blood pressure settings for adults

What does it mean to measure blood pressure and how to decipher the readings of a tonometer? The norm of pressure is 120/80 (one hundred and twenty to eighty), where 120 is the systolic (upper) value, and 80 is the diastolic (lower) value of the measured parameters. If at rest the indicators are less than or exceed the standard ones, then this is the reason for a complete examination and detection of violations in the functioning of vital organs: the heart, kidneys, endocrine organs. When measuring blood pressure, two parameters are recorded:

  • the systolic indicator is formed during the contraction of the heart muscle;
  • diastolic pressure is recorded between heartbeats.

It should be understood that normal pressure and pulse change upward with age. So, diastolic pressure increases up to 60-65 years, in a more mature period it stabilizes or begins to decline. The systolic index tends to constantly increase. To clarify the diagnosis, it is required to measure blood pressure three times a day, and record the results in a diary. Based on the observations, the doctor prescribes additional tests and selects the optimal treatment regimen.

The main causes of the disease depending on age

The change in blood pressure is manifested by characteristic symptoms: redness of the skin of the face, dizziness, nausea and a feeling of heat. At risk are people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes and the older age category. Of particular danger is the asymptomatic course of the disease, when elevated blood pressure does not affect well-being. We will understand the main reasons, including what is the normal pressure in a person in accordance with age.

  1. Up to 14 years of age, sharp deviations in blood pressure from the norm are the result of kidney diseases, congenital heart defects and large vessels. By the end of puberty, the role of endocrine diseases will increase sharply. Recently, there has also been a dependence of blood pressure on overweight.
  2. In an adult, the value of secondary hypertension decreases after 25-30 years, and a combination of factors leading to the development of reactive hypertension comes to the fore. During this period, hypertension is due to the work schedule, stress, lack of sleep and increased mental stress. The disease is transient, so the patient needs constant monitoring, timely correction of blood pressure and daily routine.
  3. The normal pressure of a person aged 30 to 40 years is characterized by standard measurement values ​​​​- 80-90 / 120-130. Deviation from the norm is manifested by headaches, meteosensitivity and hypertensive crises. The medical community urges not to neglect the daily measurement of blood pressure, even in the absence of symptoms. Since this period, the disease has not been cured, but modern medicine makes it possible to keep the disease under complete control until the end of life.
  4. From 40 to 50 years of age, the first signs of atherosclerosis appear, which tends to progress, especially against the background of uncontrolled blood pressure. The disease in most cases has a latent course and the person adapts to elevated blood pressure. Any stressful situation or a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure can lead to a crisis or a vascular accident - a heart attack or stroke.

After 50 years, persistent systolic hypertension is formed, which, in the absence of proper treatment, leads to serious complications, a decrease in the quality of life and disability. Arterial hypertension with a violation of the systolic index (upper pressure) increases with age. By the age of 70, the lower and upper values ​​of blood pressure have elevated values, which are recorded in 80% of cases.

Norm of pressure by age

The pressure of a person and the norm by age are not informative concepts, since the numbers vary in each clinical situation. But there are optimal values ​​that doctors and patients are guided by. Below is a table that describes what the pressure should be. Deviation from the norm is considered a pathology and requires therapeutic correction.

Table of norm indicators:

As can be seen from the table, with age, blood pressure indicators undergo significant changes, however, these figures are statistical averages. Chronic pathologies are of critical importance in the deterioration of the functional indicators of vital body systems. BP values ​​are a trigger for diseases and may have deviations, both upward and downward.

Risk factors

In addition to the ailments characteristic of each age category, doctors determine risk factors. By taking preventive measures, you can avoid unwanted pressure surges and unnecessary drug stress on the body. Pathological conditions that affect blood pressure indicators include:

  • increased levels of platelets in the blood;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • endocrinological and autoimmune pathologies;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Another factor of influence is weather fluctuations. Normal atmospheric pressure for a person and his well-being is approximately 760 mm Hg, if the readings change by 10 units, the condition of weather-sensitive people worsens. The changes are due to the dependence of blood pressure on atmospheric pressure, with a decrease in which metabolic processes and blood circulation speed slow down. In this case, in hypertensive patients, a drop in blood pressure is observed, and hypotensive patients fix an increase.

In old age, irreversible processes occur in the human body due to a slowdown in metabolism, changes in hormone levels and other objective reasons. What pressure corresponds to your age, taking into account vital signs, only a doctor can determine in each case.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Identification of the causes of abnormal blood pressure indicators occurs on the basis of anamnesis and general clinical examination. The patient is assigned:

  • clinical and biochemical studies of physiological fluids - blood and urine; analyzes allow you to identify the risks of endocrine diseases, the degree of kidney damage and ongoing inflammatory processes;
  • to clarify the diagnosis, a blood test is performed to determine the amount of chemical elements; deviations from the norm indicate a violation of metabolic processes and compensation mechanisms;
  • hardware examinations of the heart muscle - cardiogram, ultrasound;
  • Holter monitoring.

Based on the tests performed, the doctor prescribes a therapeutic treatment regimen aimed at stopping the underlying disease. Based on the clinical condition of each patient, a combination of antihypertensive and restorative drugs is simultaneously selected.

Hypertension is an incurable pathology, but using the achievements of modern medicine and pharmaceuticals, the disease can and should be kept under control!

The disease is insidious, and its symptoms are identified with overwork or chronic sleep deprivation. That is why most young and middle-aged patients learn about the diagnosis, finding themselves in a hospital bed after a crisis. Only systematic monitoring of blood pressure indicators, competent therapy and lifestyle correction make it possible to avoid critical situations and maintain physical health for a long time.

High diastolic pressure causes and treatment

In this article, we will consider the pressure of a person, what is the norm for age, weight and gender. To do this, we provided 2 tables with pressure standards for men and women, taking into account age. Normal blood pressure by weight must be calculated using the formula. For those who do not want to look at tables and calculate using formulas, we have prepared an online calculator.

But first, let's immediately decipher the designation of the terms SAD and DBP.

  • SBP - systolic blood pressure (upper).
  • DBP - diastolic blood pressure (lower).
  • Hypertension is high blood pressure.
  • Hypotension is low blood pressure.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the modern classification, which is considered within normal pressure.

Modern classification

In modern medicine, there are three options for normal pressure in an adult:

  • optimal - less than 120/80;
  • normal - from 120/80 to 129/84;
  • high normal - from 130/85 to 139/89 mm Hg. Art.
Optimal blood pressure index 120/80

Everything that fits into these numbers is absolutely normal. Only the lower limit is not specified. Hypotension is considered a condition in which the tonometer gives values ​​\u200b\u200bless than 90/60. That is why, depending on individual characteristics, everything above this limit is acceptable.

But you need to understand that these figures show without taking into account age, weight, gender, diseases, constitution, etc. Look at our prepared data on human pressure. But at the same time, after viewing your norms, read the column “Why pressure can change”, this is necessary for a complete understanding of the picture obtained.

Rules for measuring blood pressure

Many people make mistakes when measuring their pressure, and may see abnormal numbers. Therefore, it is very important to measure pressure in compliance with certain rules. This is necessary to avoid misinterpretation of the data.

  1. 30 minutes before the proposed procedure, you can not play sports or experience other physical activity.
  2. To determine the true indicators, you should not conduct a study in a state of stress.
  3. For 30 minutes, do not smoke, do not eat, drink alcohol, coffee.
  4. Do not talk during the measurement.
  5. The measurement results obtained on both hands should be evaluated. The highest value is taken as the basis. The difference between the indicators on different hands is 10 mm Hg. Art.

Table of normal blood pressure by age

Currently, generally accepted norms are used that are applicable to all ages. But there are also averaged optimal pressure values ​​for each age group. Deviation from them is not always a pathology. Each person has their own individual norm.

Table No. 1 - pressure indicators only for age, starting from 20 to 80 years.

Age in yearsPressure rate
20 – 30 117/74 – 121/76
30 – 40 121/76 – 125/79
40 – 50 125/79 – 129/82
50 – 60 129/82 – 133/85
60 – 70 133/85 – 137/88
70 – 80 137/88 – 141/91

Table No. 2 - blood pressure indicators with age and gender, beginning from 1 year to 90 years.

Age in years Norm of pressure in men Norm of pressure in women
Up to 1 year96/66 95/65
1 – 10 103/69 103/70
10 – 20 123/76 116/72
20 – 30 126/79 120/75
30 – 40 129/81 127/80
40 – 50 135/83 137/84
50 – 60 142/85 144/85
60 – 70 145/82 159/85
70 – 80 147/82 157/83
80 – 90 145/78 150/79

The indicators here differ from what can be obtained using calculation formulas. Studying the numbers, you can see that with age they become higher. In people under 40, there are higher rates in men. After this milestone, the picture changes, and the pressure in women becomes higher.

This is due to hormonal changes in the female body. Attention is drawn to the numbers in people after 50 years. They are higher than those that today are defined as normal.

Table number 3. Many people measure blood pressure with modern tonometers, where, in addition to pressure, the pulse is also shown. Therefore, we decided that some people will need this table.

Table with heart rate norms by age.

Formulas for calculating pressure

Every person is different and so is pressure. The norm of pressure is determined not only by age, but also by other parameters: height, weight, gender. That is why formulas were created for the calculation, taking into account age and weight. They help determine what pressure will be optimal for a particular person. In this article, we will consider 2 formulas and 2 tables, taking into account age and gender.

First formula. The Volynsky formula calculates the norm taking into account age and weight. Used in people aged 17–79 years. The upper (SBP) and lower (DBP) pressure indicators are calculated separately.

GARDEN \u003d 109 + (0.5 * number of years) + (0.1 * weight in kg.).

DBP \u003d 63 + (0.1 * years of life) + (0.15 * weight in kg.).

As an example, let's calculate the normal pressure for a person aged 60 and weighing 70 kg using the Volynsky formula.

GARDEN=109+(0.5*60 years)+(0.1*70 kg.)=109+30+7=146

DBP \u003d 63 + (0.1 * 60 years) + (0.15 * 70 kg.) \u003d 63 + 6 + 10.5 \u003d 79.5

The norm of blood pressure for this person with the age of 60 years and weighing 70 kg is - 146/79.5

The second formula: This formula calculates the norm of blood pressure, taking into account only age. Applicable for adults from 20-80 years.

GARDEN = 109 + (0.4 * age).

DBP = 67 + (0.3 * age).

As an example, using this formula, we calculate the pressure of a person aged 50 years.

SAD \u003d 109 + (0.4 * 50 years) \u003d 109 + 20 \u003d 139

SAD \u003d 67 + (0.3 * 50 years) \u003d 67 + 15 \u003d 82

The normal blood pressure for a person aged 50 is 139/82.

Online blood pressure calculator

With this online calculator, you can calculate the normal pressure for different ages. To do this, you must specify your age, as well as compare it with our table.

Enter your age

Why does pressure change?

The ideal pressure is that at which a person feels great, but at the same time it corresponds to the norm. Hereditary predisposition to hypertension or hypotension matters. The numbers may change during the day. They are lower at night than during the day. During wakefulness, pressure can increase with physical exertion, stress. Trained people and professional athletes often have indicators below the age norm. Medications and the use of stimulants like coffee, strong tea affect the measurement results. Fluctuations within 15–25 mm Hg are permissible. Art.

With age, the indicators begin to gradually shift from optimal to normal, and then to normal high. This is due to the fact that certain changes occur in the cardiovascular system. One of these factors is an increase in the stiffness of the vascular wall due to age-related characteristics. So, people who have lived all their lives with the numbers 90/60 may find that the tonometer began to show 120/80. And that's okay. A person feels good, because the process of pressure increase goes unnoticed, and the body gradually adapts to such changes.

There is also the concept of working pressure. It may not correspond to the norm, but at the same time a person feels better than what is considered optimal for him. This is true for older people suffering from arterial hypertension. The diagnosis of hypertension is established if the blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Many older patients feel better at 150/80 than at lower values.

In such a situation, you should not seek the recommended rate. With age, atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels develops. Higher systemic pressure is required to ensure satisfactory blood flow. Otherwise, there are signs of ischemia: headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.

Another situation is a young hypotonic patient who has been living with the numbers 95/60 all his life. A sudden increase in pressure, even to the "cosmic" 120/80 mm Hg. Art. can cause a deterioration in well-being, reminiscent of a hypertensive crisis.

Possible white coat hypertension. At the same time, the doctor cannot determine the correct pressure as it will be higher at the reception. And at home, normal indicators are fixed. Only regular monitoring at home will help determine the individual norm.


Evaluating the indicators of the tonometer, the doctor always focuses on the accepted classification, regardless of how old the person is. The same rate of blood pressure should be taken into account in home control. Only with such values ​​the body functions fully, vital organs do not suffer, the risk of cardiovascular complications decreases.

Mankind owes a lot to the Italian Riva-Rocci, who at the end of the century before last came up with a device that measures blood pressure (BP). At the beginning of the last century, this invention was wonderfully supplemented by the Russian scientist N.S. Korotkov, proposing a method for measuring pressure in the brachial artery with a phonendoscope. Although Riva-Rocci apparatus was bulky compared to current tonometers and really mercury, but the principle of its operation has not changed for almost 100 years. And the doctors loved him. Unfortunately, now you can only see it in a museum, because compact (mechanical and electronic) devices of a new generation have come to replace it. But auscultatory method N.S. Korotkov is still with us and is successfully used by both doctors and their patients.

Where is the norm?

The norm of blood pressure in adults is considered to be the value120/80 mmHg st. But how can this indicator be fixed if a living organism, which is a person, must constantly adapt to various conditions of existence? And people are all different, so within reasonable limits, blood pressure still deviates.

infographic: RIA Novosti

Although modern medicine has abandoned the previous complex formulas for calculating blood pressure, which took into account such parameters as gender, age, weight, there are still discounts for something. For example, for an asthenic "lightweight" woman, the pressure is 110/70 mm Hg. Art. considered quite normal, and if blood pressure rises by 20 mm Hg. Art., then she will certainly feel it. In the same way, a pressure of 130/80 mm Hg will be the norm. Art. for the trained young man. After all, athletes usually have it.

Fluctuations in blood pressure will still be influenced by factors such as age, physical activity, psycho-emotional environment, climatic and weather conditions. , perhaps, hypertension would not have suffered if he had lived in another country. How else to understand the fact that on the black African continent among the indigenous population of the AG can be found only occasionally, and blacks in the United States suffer from it indiscriminately? It turns out that only BP does not depend on race.

However, if the pressure rises slightly (10 mm Hg) and only to give a person the opportunity to adapt to the environment, that is, occasionally, all this is considered the norm and does not give reason to think about the disease.

With age, blood pressure also rises slightly. This is due to a change in blood vessels that deposit something on their walls. In practically healthy people, the deposits are quite small, so the pressure will increase by 10-15 mm Hg. pillar.

If the blood pressure values ​​cross the line of 140/90 mm Hg. st., will steadfastly hold on to this figure, and sometimes also move upwards, such a person will be diagnosed with arterial hypertension of the appropriate degree, depending on the pressure values. Therefore, for adults there is no norm for blood pressure by age, there is only a small discount for age. But with children, things are a little different.

And what about children?

Blood pressure in children has different values ​​than adults. And it grows, starting from birth, at first quite quickly, then growth slows down, with some upward jumps in adolescence, and reaches the level of adult blood pressure. Of course, it would be surprising if the pressure of such a small newborn child, having everything so "new", was 120/80 mm Hg. Art.

The structure of all organs of a newly born baby has not yet been completed, this also applies to the cardiovascular system. The vessels of the newborn are elastic, their lumen is wider, the network of capillaries is larger, so the pressure is 60/40 mm Hg. Art. it will be the norm for him. Although, perhaps, someone will be surprised by the fact that yellow lipid spots can be found in newborns in the aorta, which, however, do not affect health and disappear with time. But it is, digression.

As the baby develops and the further formation of his body, blood pressure rises and by the year of life the numbers 90-100 / 40-60 mm Hg will be normal. Art., and the child will reach the values ​​of an adult only by the age of 9-10. However, at this age, the pressure is 100/60 mm Hg. Art. will be considered normal and will not surprise anyone. But in adolescents, the normal value of blood pressure is slightly higher than that established for adults 120/80. This is probably due to the hormonal surge characteristic of adolescence. To calculate normal blood pressure values ​​in children, pediatricians use special table which we present to our readers.

AgeNormal minimum systolic pressureNormal maximum systolic pressureNormal low diastolic pressureNormal maximum diastolic pressure
Up to 2 weeks 60 96 40 50
2-4 weeks 80 112 40 74
2-12 months 90 112 50 74
2-3 years 100 112 60 74
3-5 years 100 116 60 76
6-9 years old 100 122 60 78
10-12 years old 110 126 70 82
13-15 years old 110 136 70 86

BP problems in children and adolescents

Unfortunately, such a pathology as arterial hypertension is no exception for the child's body. The lability of blood pressure is most often manifested in adolescence, when the body is being restructured, but the puberty period is dangerous because a person at this time is not yet an adult, but is no longer a child. This age is also difficult for the person himself, because often it leads to pressure surges. instability of the nervous system teenager, and for his parents, and for the attending physician. However, pathological deviations should be noticed and leveled in time. This is the task of adults.

The causes of high blood pressure in children and adolescents can be:

As a result of these factors, vascular tone increases, the heart begins to work with a load, especially its left section. If urgent measures are not taken, a young person can meet his majority with a ready-made diagnosis: arterial hypertension or, at best, one type or another.

Measurement of pressure at home

We have been talking about blood pressure for quite some time, implying that all people know how to measure it. It seems nothing complicated, we put a cuff above the elbow, pump air into it, slowly release it and listen.

Everything is correct, but before moving on to the blood pressure of adults, I would like to dwell on the algorithm for measuring blood pressure, since patients often do it on their own and not always according to the method. As a result, inadequate results are obtained, and, accordingly, the unreasonable use of antihypertensive drugs. In addition, people, talking about upper and lower blood pressure, do not always understand what it all means.

For the correct measurement of blood pressure, it is very important in what conditions a person is. In order not to get "random numbers", pressure is measured in America, observing the following rules:

  1. A comfortable environment for a person whose pressure is of interest should be at least 5 minutes;
  2. Do not smoke or eat for half an hour before the manipulation;
  3. Visit the toilet so that the bladder is not full;
  4. Take into account tension, pain, feeling unwell, taking medication;
  5. Measure pressure twice on both hands in the prone position, sitting, standing.

Probably, each of us will not agree with this, except that such a measurement is suitable for the military registration and enlistment office or in strict stationary conditions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to strive to fulfill at least some points. For example, it would be nice to measure the pressure in calm environment , having comfortably laid or seated a person, take into account the influence of a “good” smoke break or just eaten hearty lunch. It should be remembered that the accepted antihypertensive might not yet have had its effect (little time has passed) and not grab the next pill, seeing a disappointing result.

A person, especially if he is not completely healthy, usually does not cope well with measuring pressure on himself (it costs a lot to put on a cuff!). It is better if one of the relatives or neighbors does it. Highly Seriously need treat and to the method of measuring blood pressure.

Video: measuring pressure with an electronic tonometer

Cuff, blood pressure monitor, phonendoscope… systole and diastole

The algorithm for determining blood pressure (N.S. Korotkov's auscultatory method, 1905) is very simple if everything is done correctly. The patient is comfortably seated (you can lie down) and the measurement begins:

  • Air is released from the cuff connected to the tonometer and the pear, squeezing it with the palms of your hands;
  • Wrap the cuff around the patient's arm above the elbow (tightly and evenly), trying to keep the rubber connecting tube on the side of the artery, otherwise you can get an incorrect result;
  • Choose a place to listen and install a phonendoscope;
  • Inflate the cuff;
  • The cuff, when air is injected, compresses the arteries due to its own pressure, which is 20-30 mm Hg. Art. above the pressure at which the sounds heard on the brachial artery with each pulse wave completely disappear;
  • Slowly releasing air from the cuff, listen to the sounds of the artery on the elbow bend;
  • The first sound heard by the phonendoscope is fixed with a glance on the scale of the tonometer. It will mean a breakthrough of a portion of blood through the clamped area, since the pressure in the artery slightly exceeded the pressure in the cuff. The impact of escaping blood against the wall of an artery is called in Korotkov's tone, top or systolic pressure;
  • The series of sounds, noises, tones following the systole is understandable to cardiologists, and ordinary people should catch the last sound, which is called diastolic or lower, it is also noted visually.

Thus, contracting, the heart pushes blood into the arteries (systole), creates pressure on them equal to the upper or systolic pressure. Blood begins to be distributed through the vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure and relaxation of the heart (diastole). This is the last, lower, diastolic beat.

However, there are nuances…

Scientists have found that when measuring blood pressure by the traditional method, its values ​​are 10% different from the true ones (direct measurement in the artery during its puncture). Such an error is more than redeemed by the accessibility and simplicity of the procedure, moreover, as a rule, one measurement of blood pressure in the same patient is not enough, and this makes it possible to reduce the magnitude of the error.

In addition, patients do not differ in the same complexion. For example, in thin people, the determined values ​​​​are lower. And for full ones, on the contrary, it is higher than in reality. This difference can be leveled by a cuff with a width of more than 130 mm. However, there are not just fat people. Obesity of 3-4 degrees often makes it difficult to measure blood pressure on the arm. In such cases, the measurement is carried out on the leg, using a special cuff for this.

There are cases when, with the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure, in the interval between the upper and lower blood pressure in the sound wave, there is a break (10-20 mm Hg or more), when there are no sounds above the artery (complete silence), but on the vessel itself there is a pulse. This phenomenon is called auscultatory "failure", which can occur in the upper or middle third of the pressure amplitude. Such a "failure" should not go unnoticed, because then a lower value of blood pressure (the lower limit of the auscultatory "failure") will be mistakenly taken as the value of systolic pressure. Sometimes this difference can even be 50 mm Hg. Art., which, of course, will greatly affect the interpretation of the result and, accordingly, the treatment, if any.

This error is highly undesirable and can be avoided. To do this, simultaneously with the injection of air into the cuff, the pulse on the radial artery should be monitored. It is necessary to increase the pressure in the cuff to values ​​\u200b\u200bthat sufficiently exceed the level of disappearance of the pulse.

The phenomenon of "infinite tone" well known to teenage, sports doctors and in military enlistment offices when examining recruits. The nature of this phenomenon is considered to be a hyperkinetic type of blood circulation and low vascular tone, the cause of which is emotional or physical stress. In this case, it is not possible to determine the diastolic pressure, it seems that it is simply equal to zero. However, after a few days, in a relaxed state of a young man, the measurement of the lower pressure presents no difficulty.

Video: traditional pressure measurement

Blood pressure rises ... (hypertension)

The causes of high blood pressure in adults are not much different from those in children, but those who are over ... risk factors, of course, more:

  1. Of course, leading to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure;
  2. BP clearly correlates with being overweight;
  3. The level of glucose (diabetes mellitus) greatly affects the formation of arterial hypertension;
  4. Excess consumption of table salt;
  5. Life in the city, because it is known that the increase in pressure goes hand in hand with the acceleration of the pace of life;
  6. Alcohol. Strong tea and coffee become the cause only when they are consumed in excessive quantities;
  7. Oral contraceptives, which many women use to avoid unwanted pregnancies;
  8. By itself, smoking, perhaps, would not be among the causes of high blood pressure, but this bad habit affects the vessels too badly, especially peripheral ones;
  9. low physical activity;
  10. Professional activity associated with high psycho-emotional stress;
  11. Changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in weather conditions;
  12. Many other diseases, including surgical ones.

People suffering from arterial hypertension, as a rule, control their condition themselves, taking constantly drugs to lower blood pressure, prescribed by a doctor in individually selected dosages. It could be, or. Given the good awareness of patients about their illness, it makes no sense to dwell on arterial hypertension, its manifestations and treatment.

However, everything once begins, and with hypertension. It is necessary to determine whether this is a one-time increase in blood pressure caused by objective reasons (stress, drinking alcohol in inadequate doses, certain drugs), or there has been a tendency to increase it on an ongoing basis, for example, blood pressure rises in the evening, after a hard day.

It is clear that the nightly rise in blood pressure indicates that during the day a person carries an excessive load for himself, so he must analyze the day, find the cause and begin treatment (or prevention). Even more in such cases, the presence of hypertension in the family should alert, since it is known that this disease has a hereditary predisposition.

If high blood pressure is detected repeatedly, even if in numbers 135/90 mm Hg. Art., it is advisable to start taking measures so that it does not become high. It is not necessary to immediately resort to medications, you can first try to regulate blood pressure by observing the regime of work, rest and nutrition.

A special role in this regard belongs, of course, to diet. Giving preference to products that lower blood pressure, you can do without pharmaceuticals for a long time, or even avoid taking them altogether, if you do not forget about folk recipes containing medicinal herbs.

By compiling a menu of such affordable products as garlic, white and Brussels sprouts, beans and peas, milk, baked potatoes, salmon fish, spinach, you can eat well and not feel hungry. And bananas, kiwi, orange, pomegranate can perfectly replace any dessert and at the same time normalize blood pressure.

Blood pressure is low… (hypotension)

Although low blood pressure is not fraught with such formidable complications as high blood pressure, it is uncomfortable for a person to live with him. Usually, such patients have a fairly common diagnosis today of vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia of the hypotonic type, when, at the slightest sign of unfavorable conditions, blood pressure decreases, which is accompanied by pallor of the skin, dizziness, nausea, general weakness and malaise. Patients are thrown into a cold sweat, fainting may occur.

There are a great many reasons for this, the treatment of such people is very difficult and lengthy, besides, there are no drugs for permanent use, except that patients often drink freshly brewed green tea, coffee and occasionally take Eleutherococcus tincture, ginseng and pantocrine tablets. Again, the regimen helps to normalize blood pressure in such patients, and especially sleep, which requires at least 10 hours. Nutrition should be high enough in calories, because low blood pressure requires glucose. Green tea has a beneficial effect on blood vessels in case of hypotension, increasing pressure somewhat and thereby bringing a person to life, which is especially noticeable in the morning. A cup of coffee also helps, but be aware of the addictive property of the drink., that is, imperceptibly you can "get hooked" on it.

The complex of recreational activities for low blood pressure includes:

  1. Healthy lifestyle (active rest, sufficient exposure to fresh air);
  2. High physical activity, sports;
  3. Water procedures (aroma baths, hydromassage, swimming pool);
  4. Spa treatment;
  5. Diet;
  6. Elimination of provoking factors.

Help yourself!

If problems with blood pressure have begun, then you should not passively wait for the doctor to come and cure everything. The success of prevention and treatment largely depends on the patient himself. Of course, if you happen to end up in a hospital with a hypertensive crisis, then they will prescribe a blood pressure profile and pick up pills. But, when a patient comes to an outpatient appointment with complaints of an increased increase in pressure, then a lot will have to be taken on. For example, it is difficult to trace the dynamics of blood pressure from the words, therefore The patient is asked to keep a diary(at the stage of observation for the selection of antihypertensive drugs - a week, during a period of long-term use of drugs - 2 weeks 4 times a year, that is, every 3 months).

The diary can be an ordinary school notebook, divided into graphs for convenience. It should be remembered that the measurement of the first day, although performed, is not taken into account. In the morning (6-8 hours, but always before taking medication) and in the evening (18-21 hours), 2 measurements should be taken. Of course, it will be better if the patient is so careful that he measures the pressure every 12 hours at the same time.

  • Rest for 5 minutes, and if there was emotional or physical stress, then 15-20 minutes;
  • An hour before the procedure, do not drink strong tea and coffee, do not think about alcoholic beverages, do not smoke for half an hour (endure!);
  • Do not comment on the actions of the measuring person, do not discuss the news, remember that there should be silence when measuring blood pressure;
  • Sit comfortably with your hand on a hard surface.
  • Carefully enter the values ​​​​of blood pressure in a notebook, so that later you can show your notes to the attending physician.

You can talk about blood pressure for a long time and a lot, patients are very fond of doing this, sitting under the doctor's office, but you can argue, but you should not take advice and recommendations into service, because everyone has their own cause of arterial hypertension, their concomitant diseases and their medicine. For some patients, blood pressure lowering drugs are taken for more than one day, so it is better to trust one person - a doctor.

Video: blood pressure in the program “Live Healthy!”

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