How to knit birch brooms. When to prepare birch brooms for a bath: rules and features. Recommendations for further storage of birch brooms

A broom for a bath is an essential attribute when going to the steam room. Without it, wellness procedures will be inferior. The service life also depends on the harvesting, selection of raw materials, drying, storage conditions. No less attention should be paid to the question of how to knit brooms for a bath. We will try to understand all the nuances in the article.

Why do you need a broom in the bath?

Brooms have been used in the bath since ancient times, there are legends about their healing properties. What is this attribute used for?

People say: “To beat yourself with a broom means to expel an ailment from the body!” And this is a true statement. Whipping with such an attribute is a kind of massage of the whole body. In addition, improves metabolism, blood flow and circulation, sweating. A broom helps open pores, bring out dirt, toxins, bacteria, microbes. The leaves themselves, which contain phytoncides, are also useful. Getting on the skin, they act on pathogens, as a result of which they die. And essential oils stop aging.

Brooms made from various types of wood and plants even help fight serious diseases. Before choosing the right attribute, you need to learn about its healing properties.

Can you use a broom in the sauna?

When we prepare brooms for a bath, a logical question arises as to whether they can be used in a sauna. In order to deal with this, it is enough to find out the conditions that are created in the steam rooms.

In the bath, as you know, a relatively low temperature, but at the same time quite high humidity. Using a broom, you can achieve those conditions that will be favorable for your body. With this attribute, you can increase the load on the body by creating even more humidity in the steam room, which will contribute to profuse sweating and the removal of toxins.

In a sauna, conditions are reversed: temperatures are high and the air is dry. At the same time, the body experiences huge loads, and the use of a broom will only increase them. With a low level of humidity, it is very difficult to achieve profuse sweating. The blood begins to circulate rapidly, the heart to work with frantic force. In this case, the use of a broom is contraindicated so that there is no heart attack or stroke.

Bath brooms and their preparation: choosing the best time

It is advisable to start harvesting raw materials for brooms the next day after the Trinity, and finish on Ilyin's day. It is believed that during this period the leaves are juicy, soft and tender. You need to collect branches only in dry, warm weather, in the morning, after the dew has gone. Trees are recommended to be selected only in ecologically clean areas. The crown should be dense, and the branches not very thick.

Experienced bath attendants believe that a tree may not be suitable for a person. To understand whether it is yours or not, you need to bring a piece of foil to the trunk - if it sticks, then the broom must be prepared from this raw material.

We knit a strong broom

"How to knit brooms for a bath?" - perhaps the main question among fans of a good steam bath. This attribute should be light, not very thick and massive, so that it is easier for them to wield. Therefore, raw materials for work must be chosen carefully. After the required number of branches has been accumulated, you can proceed to the process itself.

Their lower part must be completely cleared of leaves and branches, if any. Leave about 6 centimeters for the handle, so that it is comfortable to hold, and tie with a thick piece of twine or twine. Before this, you need to carefully distribute the branches: thick ones should be in the middle, and thin ones - along the edges of the beam. The lower part should be leveled so that all the branches are the same length. To give them a round shape, you can chop off protruding leaves with an ax.

The finished broom must be placed under heavy oppression and left there for a day. After that, the leaves will have the same flat shape. Also, brooms can be laid out on the floor and turned over from one side to the other every day. This process will take an average of a week. The main rule is not to stack them on top of each other, otherwise the foliage will become damp and the process of decay will begin.

Will a simple rope work?

When wondering how to make brooms for a bath, a special role should be given to attribute binding:

    First you need to tie a place near the foliage. Thus, we will fix the branches of the broom so that they do not fall out when whipped. Then it is necessary to tightly tie the broom, leaving small distances between the twine. You need to do this until the very end of the broom.

    You can use twine or construction twine.

    The distance for the handle should not exceed 6 centimeters, otherwise the broom will not be connected enough and will quickly fall apart.

Such simple tips will help increase the life of the attribute, and there will be no questions about how to knit bath brooms correctly so that they are strong and reliable.

How to properly dry a broom

When going to the steam room, we want the effect of the visit to be maximum. Not only the temperature regime and air humidity affect this process, but also the attributes. What they should be, consider below.

In order for the steam room attribute to serve for a long time, you should know how to dry bath brooms. It is necessary to adhere to the rules, only then the fragrant "tool" will retain its healing properties, while the leaves will be dense, strong and with a good saturated color.

The main rule - ready-made brooms should dry well, but not in direct sunlight! The best place for these procedures is the attic. It is worth pulling a thick rope that would withstand more than one broom (and they are quite heavy when raw). Bunches are hung on it, you can in pairs. It is necessary to try to ensure that there is a distance between the manufactured products, so they dry faster. Typically, this takes a week. After all that has been done, the brooms are stacked (on top of each other) and periodically swapped. The bottom ones go up and vice versa.

When wondering how to dry bath brooms, you need to know a few rules:

    avoid direct sunlight;

    dry only in a cool dry place;

    do not put brooms on top of each other, there must be a distance.

If the bundles are poorly dried, mold will go, rotting of branches and foliage will begin.

Not every broom is equally useful. Choose the right option for you

There are many types of brooms, they differ in the raw materials from which they are made. Consider the most popular:

    Russian bath, oak broom - what else do you need for happiness? The aroma and essential oils of the branches and leaves of this tree help lower blood pressure, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. For owners of oily skin, oak resins will help to narrow the pores, while the foci of inflammation, if any, will heal twice as fast.

    Are you suffering from sciatica? Fir and juniper will help in the fight against this disease. A broom from these plants relieves fatigue in the muscles, spine, and is used for neurological diseases.

If you want to spend time in the bath with maximum benefit, then in this case you can not do without a birch broom. It is great for athletes because it relaxes the muscles and the central nervous system. A positive effect is also on the epidermis - acne is eliminated, skin color is normalized, and the body's regenerative abilities increase.

Use of birch brooms

The beneficial properties of birch brooms are due to a complex chemical composition, which includes vitamins and minerals, triterpene alcohol esters, flavonoids, essential oils, natural acids and much more. To achieve the best effect from visiting the bathhouse, the preparation of birch brooms must be carried out professionally. Next, we will tell you how to properly make blanks of birch brooms on your own, and what nuances to pay attention to.

The main rules for harvesting birch brooms

By tradition, preparation birch brooms for the bath was carried out 14 days after the Holy Trinity Day. Often the holiday is held in June, but you should not follow this rule. The period of harvesting birch brooms varies greatly depending on climatic conditions. Therefore, if the tree does not have time to bloom in June, then it is useless to collect branches for brooms - they will not be of any use.

Main harvesting rules


The use of birch brooms can significantly improve the functioning of the respiratory system, because they contain useful components that relax and expand the lungs. Because of this, the outflow of sputum increases, which often accumulates in allergy sufferers, asthmatics, smokers and employees of large enterprises.

It is important to collect branches after the dew has disappeared at about 5-6 o'clock in the morning. It is highly desirable that there is no precipitation. For collection in this case, it is preferable to opt for a weeping birch, since its branches are very strong, elastic and long. If you prefer soft brooms, then pay attention to young birch trees that have never bloomed.

The best brooms are obtained from long and thin branches that have velvety and soft leaves. It is very important that the leaves are not too hard or rough.

When harvesting birch brooms for a bath, it is important not to harm the tree. If you bend it gently and tie it to a nearby tree, there will be no problems due to the high elasticity of birch. But be extremely careful. For cutting, you can use a secateurs or a regular knife, which must first be well sharpened.

Preparation of brooms

In this case, you do not need to tie the branches with all your might. Immediately after collection, you need to hang them on a tight rope and protect them from exposure to ultraviolet rays (it is better to hang them at home, and not on a balcony or terrace). Indoors, it is desirable to maintain a favorable microclimate so that clean and fresh air always comes in (air circulation is very important). Once the branches are dry, you can arrange them on the shelves in a room with a low level of humidity. At the same time, the terms for harvesting birch brooms can be delayed for a week to get rid of excess moisture.

It is desirable to lay out the branches like a fan, not a broom. If you lay them out in the shape of a broom, the drying will be uneven. As practice shows, with a strong contraction of the branches, the inner sections darken and lose their useful properties. A good result is the bright green color of the leaves and the rich aroma of the essential oil, which is fully revealed when steamed.

The terms for harvesting birch brooms are 7-10 days, depending on the speed and uniformity of drying. Collection of branches is carried out in June-July, depending on the climatic zone and the time of flowering of birch. In this case, the leaves will be large, and the content of essential oil will be maximum. Additionally, they have excellent elasticity, thanks to which the procedure is easily tolerated (broom blows will not bring discomfort).

During the period of harvesting birch brooms for a bath, you need to choose branches with large and fresh leaves that have a rich color. This is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the procedure.

Where and when to collect branches?

The tenderness, aroma and service life of a birch broom will directly depend on the time and place of assembly. If you make a mistake with the deadline and collect too early, then after steaming, the workpiece will quickly lose strength and shape, and the branches will become too light and slippery. With proper timing, the workpiece will last you several procedures and retain its original shape.

Where and when to collect branches

It is important when searching for suitable branches to choose favorable weather. The best time is early morning, around 5-6 pm. You need to take into account the weather forecast in advance, as the quality of the foliage will deteriorate due to precipitation. To avoid high humidity, wait a few days after rain (approximately 5 days). The deadline for harvesting birch brooms is mid-July.


To avoid negative health effects when visiting a bath, consider the ecological state of the area in which the branches are collected. Areas near industrial enterprises, factories, solid waste landfills, and highways are unfavorable.

Drying branches

After harvesting, you need to put the branches on the floor in a dry room or hang them on a rope on the balcony, after wrapping them in a newspaper. The room should be well ventilated so that drying takes place evenly and quickly. For convenience, you can perform the procedure on the roof of the barn, after laying meadow hay. Next, branches are laid out on it, between which you need to leave a small distance. Then they are covered with a thin layer of hay. Every day for a month you need to turn them over so that drying is carried out evenly. Dried branches can be stored in small sheaves (the branches will be pulled out only before going to the bathhouse).

Rules for the preparation of birch brooms

Knitting is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. Training- dried birch branches are laid on burlap for 48 hours. The beginning of the preparation of birch brooms must be competent in order to avoid damage to the branches during assembly.
  2. Size selection- depends on your preferences, as you can create a light or very heavy broom. The main rule is the length up to 50-80 cm.
  3. Complete cleaning- you need to cut off all the leaves and knots in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe handle (approximately 30% of the total).
  4. Assembly- all branches after cleaning are collected in one dense bundle. To create the base, you need to use branches with increased thickness and density, and light blanks are fixed on the outside. You need to place the branches in the shape of a fan, but the foliage should look in the same direction. At the same time, the product is ideal for a steam room, as it will envelop the body. If everything is done correctly, then the broom will last for 3-4 visits to the bath (after that it will lose its shape and soften).
  5. Creating a handle- winding of selected branches with twine is carried out. This is done very simply: squeeze the branches in your hand and wind a tight rope. It is very desirable to wrap a soft cloth around the handle so as not to rub your corns during the procedure. The handle must be at least 15 cm long. It is important to tie with twine in several layers near the leaves (otherwise it will slip out).

Knitting branches


You can further enhance the healing properties of the product if you add useful herbs to the composition. During knitting, add a little blackcurrant, chamomile, rosemary. Thrill-seekers can add sprigs of coniferous plants (skin damage can be avoided by placing them in the inner area).

When knitting, it is important to maintain balance so that the product is not too light or heavy. Therefore, when making, consider your personal preferences.

Drying process

Drying is carried out only in a dark room. The penetration of sunlight is unacceptable. This is fraught with twisting and burning out of the foliage, damage to the appearance, as well as the loss of all the useful qualities of birch branches. As practice shows, drying with ultraviolet rays leads to accelerated shedding after steaming (therefore, the product will immediately become unusable when immersed in hot water).

Drying branches

Clean air must circulate freely in the room. But you can not create a strong draft, as this will lead to damage to the branches. The room should have a minimum humidity and a moderate temperature. For even drying, you need to turn the birch branches every 24 hours (even if you hung them on a rope). The easiest solution is hanging on a rope (if the procedure is carried out on the balcony, you will need paper bags to protect from direct ultraviolet rays).

To create fan-shaped brooms, you need to wait 7 days for the blanks to become dry, but not lose their freshness. Laying is carried out in a circle of a stack (the foliage should be in the central area). To preserve the natural aroma as much as possible, hay is additionally laid between the layers.

Drying branches

As a rule, in about 50% of cases, people overdry products. But this is not a serious problem. The issue is solved very easily - steaming takes longer, plus steam treatment from heated stones is additionally carried out. Thanks to this, they will acquire a great aroma. Do not forget to remove the leaves that have fallen from the workpiece from the heater.

How to keep foliage fresh?

To do this, you need to properly store products. In case of incorrect storage, all properties of the broom quickly deteriorate - freshness and aroma disappear, and the color becomes yellow or orange. Therefore, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate on the territory so that clean air always circulates, moisture and excessive heat do not accumulate. You can dry and store products with hay. It allows you to enhance the impregnation with useful substances and maintain the quality of the workpieces. If you store them in your apartment, then it is better to do it on the balcony. But paper bags are needed to protect birch branches from ultraviolet radiation.

Broom storage

Common Mistakes

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the blanks of birch brooms begin to crumble and lose all their qualities after 3-4 procedures. This is a natural wear and tear that cannot be avoided. But if the workpieces lost their integrity and fell apart after the first steaming, then this is a clear sign of non-compliance with the rules of the workpiece. Beginners often make the following mistakes:

  1. The collection of branches is carried out prematurely or late, so the product falls apart during the procedure. You need to know exactly when the preparation of birch brooms for a bath begins in your climate zone. As a rule, the season lasts from early June to mid-July.
  2. Drying is carried out as quickly as possible, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the leaves. If you used direct sunlight and dried all the branches in just 48 hours, then the broom may fly apart during the first visit to the bath. With natural drying in a dark room, the time for harvesting birch brooms for a bath increases, but high strength is maintained.
  3. Excessive moisture is guaranteed to ruin the workpiece, so it should be avoided. Birch branches are never collected during precipitation and within 5 days after heavy rain. Also, you can not wash them after collection, as excessive moisture will lead to a decrease in strength. You can wash them already during the procedure (it is enough to steam the broom and the dirt will completely disappear).

To avoid force majeure, create blanks with a margin. This will allow you to use a fresh and fragrant broom during each procedure, which will significantly enhance the healing effect.

How to properly prepare a broom for the procedure?

It is important to know not only what nuances are taken into account when preparing a birch broom, but also how to use it correctly and improve the healing effect. First you need to do steaming. Fresh brooms can not be prepared in any way, since when steaming, dehydration and loss of useful properties will occur. Dry brooms are dipped in hot water for 2 minutes, but first lie in cool water for 15 minutes. If the brooms turned out to be very dry or coarse branches with rough leaves were used for harvesting, then you need to place the brooms in a container with boiling water and cover with a lid.

Preparation for the procedure

You can also put brooms on the stove, after rinsing with boiling water. Since the broom must not be burned, it is necessary to regularly check the condition (rotate the product). In no case do not allow the branches to burn, as this will lead to a loss of integrity and the removal of useful substances. Place the brooms on the heater for 2 minutes, then turn them over. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, this is more than enough.

Massage technique

Do not go to the bath alone. It is advisable to walk alone, ideally with an experienced person. Before the massage, the person should protect their hands with gloves. If you used our instructions for preparing brooms, then you can do without gloves - the handle will be protected by a thick cloth anyway. In the absence of protection, abrasions and calluses on the palms may appear. We focus on the fact that the bath attendant is experienced, because not everyone can competently make a massage. Follow 3 rules for best results:

  1. Brooms should be moistened with water, both before the procedure and during it (do not allow the leaves to dry out).
  2. No need to aggressively whip a person in the hope of improving the healing effect. The blows should be light, and touching the skin should be almost imperceptible.
  3. At temperatures above 65 ° C, it is recommended to use brooms only for experienced bath attendants, since a strong burn can easily be obtained with a couple.

The use of high-quality brooms made of fragrant birch branches allows you to increase the effectiveness of the procedure by 200%. If brooms are not used in a traditional bath, then the therapeutic and restorative effect is noticeably reduced.

The procedure is quite simple - the first attendant lies on his stomach, and the second prepares brooms and begins to gently stroke his body with them. It is important when stroking to firmly press the branches to the skin. The movement from bottom to top goes to the back of the head, and on the way back along the body along the sides.

After that, the attendant captures hot air by lifting the products, and then lowers them to the lower back and holds them in this position for literally 1-2 seconds. This is especially true for athletes and older people who have lower back problems or whose muscular corset is enslaved. To eliminate pain in the back, you can do the wiring of brooms. For example, after laying products on the lower back, you need to separate them in opposite directions - one to the back of the head, the other to the knee joints. The movement must be done in sync. The same principle applies to other parts of the body.


To avoid serious damage to the epidermis due to thermal burns, brooms should touch the human body during massage. It is also necessary to consistently monitor the condition of the branches and the amount of moisture. If the product is too dry, then it is necessary to moisten it in water. This will help reduce the risk and avoid burns.

A worthy technique is also quilting, which is performed by the end of the workpiece on the bath attendant's body. Movements should be as fast as possible. The massage begins with the muscles of the back, after which the descent to the lumbar, pelvis, knees, feet is carried out. Since the movements are performed at a high speed, the entire procedure will take approximately 40-50 seconds. At the very end, you need to treat the body with strokes (the speed should be higher than in the early stages of the massage).

Whipping is one of the most effective techniques, but the result will greatly depend on the experience of the attendant (it can be harmful if whipped too hard). To perform it, you need to sharply raise the brooms up above the body, and then whip all areas no more than 3-4 times. In this case, the actions alternate - the attendant strikes, after which he presses the brooms to the body, and then strikes again. This alternation can significantly increase the healing effect.

It is imperative to master the plowing technique, which allows you to easily and painlessly process the entire body. At the same time, the brooms rise and lightly touch the skin (it is important to make gentle touches that are almost imperceptible to humans). You need to move from the bottom up, so the massage starts from the feet and ends in the back of the head. On the way back, plowing of the side parts of the body is carried out. If a person feels gentle strokes with warm air, you are doing everything right.

Fans of critical temperatures can increase the return on visiting the bath. To do this, the broom must be constantly lifted up and shaken, and then pressed against all parts of the body - feet, hips, buttocks, lower back, back, neck. If discomfort occurs, you need to moisten the workpiece in cool water, and then continue the session. The final stage is rubbing with a fragrant birch broom. It is strongly pressed against the body, due to which it releases all the essential oils and improves the condition of the skin.

Often, after such an intense massage, dizziness appears. To avoid this effect, reduce the duration of the procedure next time.

We wish you success in harvesting fragrant birch brooms!

Experts identify the following terms for preparing brooms: approximately from the 15th of June until about mid-July (after Peter's Day, i.e. after July 10), you can safely prepare birch bath accessories. By this time, the birch is already fading, the earrings are falling, and this is an ideal condition for cutting the stems. The leaves are filled with beneficial nutrients and natural essential oils.

But there is such a thing as an individual climate of the area, when in each region of Russia birch sheds catkins at different times. For example, in one area the birch tree has already shed its catkins, and in another it has not even blossomed. The task of a person who plans to knit birch brooms is to track all these moments, choose the optimal period and, in compliance with all the rules, prepare brooms for a bath.

TOP 10 tips on how and when to prepare birch brooms for a bath?

  1. Give preference to twigs growing at the bottom of the tree crown. These are the youngest and most elastic stems.
  1. The best option for a tree is a young birch that has never bloomed. The leaves of this tree are soft, smooth and silky.
  1. The average length of birch branches is about 50 cm.
  1. The place where the trees grow plays a role. Those that grow near roads and industrial areas are not suitable. It is better to look for a suitable birch in a forest thicket or in a grove, and even better if the tree grows near a lake or river.
  1. Check the texture of the leaves. They should be silky and with a barely perceptible roughness.
  1. When to collect birch brooms for a bath? Cutting down stems are needed when the weather is dry. The fact is that wet leaves, when dried, change their color, twist into a tube, and then fly around.
  1. Branches for brooms are torn strictly in the first half of the day, approximately until 9 am.
  1. For cutting branches, a classic “weeping birch” is chosen - a tall tree with elastic, long, unbreakable and falling branches.
  1. Take good care of the tree. Ideally, when only extra branches are broken. Thus, you thin out the birch.
  2. June and July birch is good because the leaves already have enough juice, they contain high concentrations of useful substances.

In proven bath complexes, attendants work with properly prepared birch brooms. In our catalog of baths in St. Petersburg, you can choose a suitable institution in order to personally see such an ideal broom, and evaluate the quality of massage with an impeccable bath accessory.

5 simple steps to properly tie a broom from birch branches

  • « We reach the handle". Before the weaving procedure, the stems should be cleaned of leaves and small knots by about 15 cm in order to properly prepare future "handle".
  • We form a dense middle. Thicker and more resilient stems are laid as a basis, which will become a reliable “backbone” for the future bath accessory.
  • Creating volume. Around the base we lay out thin branches with bends inward. It is easy to check whether you have laid the stems correctly - the leaves should “look” at you with their glossy side.
  • We tie the “bath fan” with a textile rope, but not with wire. Experts insist on tying the stems with a string in order to avoid injuries and burns during broom massage. The ends of the branches can be additionally wrapped with braid, which protects the attendant's hands from chafing.
  • We dry the branches. Tied brooms are hung on a pole or rope. Note! The stems should not be under direct ultraviolet rays (the sun will provoke overheating and twisting of the leaves) - it is better to hang them in the zone of active air circulation (in a draft).

The best place for drying is a veranda or area in the natural shade provided by the trees. After drying, ready-made bath accessories are stored for storage.

After tying, evaluate the weight of the broom, hold it in your hand, perform a few strokes. It should not be too heavy, even if the stems and leaves dry out. On average, about twenty stems go to one broom from a birch.

Rulesdrying and perfect storage of birch broom

  • Classic drying. Brooms are hung on a rope in a row and dried for two or three weeks.
  • Dryin Finnish. The Finns offer their own technology of "shock freezing". According to this technique, the accessory is packed in a sealed transparent film and then frozen at a temperature of −40 °C. To defrost, it is enough to dip the broom in warm water already in the steam room and hold it a little over the stones.
  • Technique "broom in the hayloft". Old Russian method of drying brooms in a haystack. Birch brooms are stacked on a stack in a circle, while alternating with a layer of hay. With this technology, the broom retains its shape and acquires an even more intense aroma.

The best place to store a finished birch broom is an area with a positive temperature (up to -15 ° C) and low humidity. High temperatures and lack of air circulation will cause the broom to lose its freshness or simply "suffocate". To get it right keep brooms, choose a place on the balcony, veranda, in a ventilated garage, shed, on the attic floor of a private house.

If the broom has become very flat during storage, do not worry. When steamed, it will restore its volume. And he will definitely take his ideal form in order to “hug the body” of the bath guest.

Experts share their secrets. Answers to questions about the preparation of birch brooms

  • Does the color of the leaves on the stems that are planned to be cut play a role? ?

Yes, he is playing! If the leaf has a light green tint, it is too early to cut the branches. If the leaves have already gained a rich green tint, the stems are ready to be cut. Branches with yellow leaves are not suitable for bath brooms.

  • How to taste the readiness of birch branches for cutting?

Experienced bath attendants who make blanks do just that. If the leaf has a sweetish aftertaste, it is too early to cut the branches. And, if there is bitterness in the taste, this is what you need!

  • How many times will a well-tied and properly prepared broom last?

With this accessory, you can safely bathe two or three times. An impeccable birch broom, as if "playing" in the hands of the attendant. Using them is an incredible pleasure, the broom does not slip out of your hands, and most importantly, it brings maximum benefit to a person.

  • Is it possible to "mix" birch stems with other plants?

Not only possible, but necessary! When preparing brooms, experts advise putting branches of aromatic herbs inside: mint, yarrow, lavender, chamomile stems, currant twigs, thyme. The healing mix will create a great atmosphere in the steam room, and most importantly, it will provide a healthy massage.

  • How to understand that the broom is prepared according to the rules?

The leaves of the finished bath accessory have a rich green color, and the broom itself has an amazing aroma (something similar to balsamic oil), fluffy, voluminous. After steaming, the aroma will be even more intense.

We are sure that our advice will help you prepare the best birch brooms and get real pleasure from using them!

What could be better than a Russian bath? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, relieve morale and relax, and a bath broom is an integral attribute of the procedure. Of course, you can buy a broom in a public bath, but connoisseurs prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms on their own. About when and in what terms the preparation of bath brooms is made, we will tell in this article.

Preparation of brooms is made depending on the breed of the plant from which it is planned to make a bath accessory. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015, it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

Birch broom

The first 2 weeks after the Trinity, as folk wisdom says, are the most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. Leaves on trees and plants have accumulated juice and a high concentration of nutrients is concentrated in them.

Depending on the breed of the plant, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: useful properties and terms of harvesting

Linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, mountain ash or willow. Such a broom is harvested from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow far from the industrial strip. Linden broom strengthens the skin, improves perspiration, and helps relieve headaches.

Linden broom

Nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, breaking up salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately the middle of summer. Remember that a nettle broom can be used once, if you want to treat sciatica with it, then stock up on healing herbs during the season.

Advice! So that the nettle does not burn, a contrast bath is arranged for the broom, lowering it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then for 3 minutes in cold water, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, the broom is steamed in boiling water and used immediately.

When oak brooms are harvested, and what they treat

Oak broom is a magical remedy for oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use of an oak broom in a bath will give the skin dullness and freshness.

oak broom

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. Harvesting of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For a bath broom, trees are selected from oak, under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not crumble during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the harvesting of raw materials, birch trees growing on wet lowlands are selected. Preparations begin to be collected after the Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin's day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch that has not yet had time to bud. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length is about half a meter.

For 1 birch broom, about 20-30 branches leave, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in one direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with a natural rope, remember that the branches will dry out and they must first be tightly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

Broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes skin irritation. With the help of a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bath procedures tie brooms as needed, and the collected raw materials are folded in layers so that the upper branches protect the middle ones. Such a sheaf is laid in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural cloth. Direct knitting is done like this:

Tie the broom tightly before drying
  • The branches are selected in length and stacked. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where there will be a handle, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted, a handle is formed. The handle is made with twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with a cloth that will protect the attendant's hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm, and not more than 80 cm. Otherwise, it will be simply inconvenient to use the broom.

How to dry ready-made brooms?

Drying is done outside, but brooms are hung in the shade. Under direct sunlight, the leaves curl, wither, lose their color and aroma. After steaming the “overheated” broom, all the leaves from it will fall off, and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under the trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have a negative effect on the broom branches. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly to each other and sent for storage. As a result, the broom is flattened and during the bath procedures one gets the feeling that he "hugging the body."

How to steam brooms for a bath correctly?

Steaming determines the stiffness of the broom, and it is carried out in well-hot water, but not in boiling water. To get stiffness, the broom is lowered into a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends steaming for 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Attendants also recommend keeping the broom in cold water for about 20 minutes, after which it is sharply immersed in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom was steamed receives some of the beneficial properties, so it is used for fragrant steam in the bath, rinsing the hair and bathing.

If you dry the broom, then before using it, you should cover it overnight with a damp towel or dip it in a container with cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are chosen for storage. A barn, a garage, an insulated balcony will do, because under the pressure of high temperature, the broom loses its freshness and leaves.

Steaming a broom

You can also store a broom according to Finnish technology, exposing it to shock freezing at a temperature above -40 C. Beforehand, brooms are packed in hermetic bags, for example, cling film.

Preparation of bath brooms must be started within the specified time, otherwise you will get a broom with too young or old leaves that will fall off the branch on the way to the bath. Properly prepared brooms will give a charge of vivacity and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Brooms are an essential attribute of the Russian bath. With the help of bath brooms, healing water procedures are carried out that have a positive effect on the body.

At the same time, it is important to know the most suitable types of plants, the features of their cutting, drying, knitting and other important aspects of preparing brooms.

By following the rules for steaming each type of bath broom, you can significantly improve their effect. Brooms are always on sale, but it is much more pleasant to collect and prepare them yourself.

Types of bath brooms and their properties

Bath brooms made from various types of trees and shrubs.

Each plant differs in the content of certain vitamins, essential oils, tannins.

Tannins- These are organic compounds found in many plants that can be used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal agent.

Depending on the desired effect, you need to use one or another broom, since their use not only brings pleasure, but also treats various diseases. The following bath brooms are considered the most useful:

  • birch
  • oak
  • linden
  • juniper
  • nettles
  • eucalyptus
  • maple

Birch broom

Birch is considered the best option for a broom due to strength, comfort and flexibility. Birch leaves are characterized by a rough and porous surface, due to which they effectively absorb moisture, tightly adhering to the skin. Weeping or curly birch brooms are especially useful.

In the first case, the broom turns out to be very light and flexible, and in the second - thick, resistant to hot steam. The use of a broom improves the condition of the skin, cleanses it, heals wounds, abrasions, eliminates the feeling of aching in the joints and muscles, and has a positive effect on mood.

The use of a birch broom will be useful for those who abuse smoking, suffer from asthmatic and other types of lung diseases.

oak broom

Oak leaves and bark are saturated with tannins and produce healing effect. The skin after applying a broom becomes elastic, matte, inflammatory processes stop, and the fat content of the skin disappears.

Regular bath procedures with the use of an oak broom can improve blood pressure, normalize its performance due to the aroma of oak. Compared to a birch broom, it absorbs moisture worse, but is characterized greater strength.

Linden broom

The main advantage of linden leaves is the content of many bactericidal substances as well as essential oils.

Especially useful is the use of a linden broom for those who suffer from colds with characteristic symptoms (runny nose, headache, sore throat, cough, fever), it is especially useful to use such a broom in winter.

The spreading aroma of linden helps to get rid of headaches, is able to lower the temperature, remove heat, and has a relaxing and calming effect. Linden also promotes wound healing, stimulates the kidneys.

juniper broom

A common juniper broom may not be used by everyone due to its rough and prickly branches. Improper use causes numerous wounds on the skin, so the broom must be soft, well steamed.

However, the plant is famous for its numerous positive properties. Juniper disinfects the surface of the skin, removes inflammation, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica. The use of a broom is effective for colds, allergic diseases and flu.

Another type of juniper is also common - Cossack, which is known for poisonous fruits, but branches and bark can be used without fear.

Terms of preparation of brooms

Any variety of brooms for a bath is harvested summer but in different periods.

Birch brooms are best harvested in early-mid July. For oak, the period from June to August. Good brooms are obtained from linden, collected in July or August.

Juniper shrubs have the best properties, starting with end of spring and ending with the middle of summer.

Important! Brooms from untimely harvested plants crumble at the first use due to weak or too old leaves.

Rules for the preparation of bath brooms

cut branches follows in dry and clear weather, the ideal time is the first half of the day. For cutting, several bushes and trees are used.

Young plants are best suited, the branches of which have the necessary flexibility. Avoid trees and bushes located next to the roadway. Optimum branch cut length - 50-60 cm.

After cutting the branches, they are laid out in 1 layer in the shade so that the leaves become a little lethargic ( an hour is enough). During transportation, it is not recommended to carefully pack the blanks - due to the elevated temperature that forms inside the package, the leaves may crumble.

Drying and knitting bath brooms

Not fresh plants knit, but dried- it is enough to spread the branches in the shade for 2 days.

Before tying the branch in place of the handle, carefully cleared from leaves and twigs. When collecting a broom, lay out each branch in such a way that the leaves are directed in one direction - you get a kind of fan.

Such a broom turns out to be thick and, when used, fits snugly to the skin. When assembling a broom, the following subsequence:

  • a broom is going (long and thick branches - inside, short and thin - outside)
  • the place of the future broom handle is tightly wrapped with a cord (closer to the leaves)
  • the cord is tied into several knots for durability
  • the ends of the handle are cut to the same length

Advice! To make the aroma emanating from the broom even more intense during application, add sprigs of mint, sage or thyme to the composition of the broom.

Drying brooms is carried out in a shady, dry and cool place. In the sun, the leaves curl, as a result, the leaves lose their beneficial properties, aroma, and original color.

Turn each broom daily so that the branches dry evenly. You can also dry them limbo is the easiest way. The result should be brooms in the form of a fan of a matte green hue.

Storage of bath brooms

Improper storage can spoil brooms from the best plants, make them yellow, stale, with a barely noticeable smell.

Brooms are well preserved in a room where there is no sunlight, but there is ventilation. The main thing is to be dry and dark. In urban conditions, brooms are placed in paper bags, and if possible, it is best to cover them with hay on all sides.

You can buy ready-made brooms from various materials in any bathhouse. They are sold at an affordable price: from 70 to 150 rubles per piece depending on size and plants used.

Often there are brooms in vacuum packed that had previously been frozen. Thanks to freezing, brooms retain both useful substances and odors. And vacuum packing helps to save brooms.

How to steam bath brooms

Brooms steamed up differently depending on the type of trees used.

  • Eucalyptus should be soaked in a bowl of hot water for half an hour. Eucalyptus is not used as a basis for a broom, but as an addition to the composition
  • birch washed under running water, dipped 1 time for 3-4 minutes in cold and 5 minutes in hot water. Then the broom should be scalded with boiling water directly in the basin and left there under the lid for 10 minutes
  • Oak leaves are denser and require a different approach. For about 20 minutes, they are steamed in boiling water, lowered into cold water, and then back into boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  • Juniper not dried, but used fresh because of its specific qualities. The steaming process takes a long time - more than half an hour in hot water. This is necessary to soften the branches and needles. If desired, you can use branches that have not been treated with water, but after such an application, many small scratches will appear on the skin.

How to properly prepare brooms for a bath, you can see in this video instruction.

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