Catalog of professional journals and online publications on medicine and pharmaceutics. Fundamental medicine list of scientific articles Article in a medical journal about a vaporizer

Rembrandt. Anatomy Lesson by Dr. Tulp

Matthew Herper/Forbes

A new and extremely promising cancer treatment has already left the laboratories and has been tested on several patients. Forbes explains what this approach to the fight against cancer is, when everyone in need will be treated this way and what is preventing this now.

“For Novartis, everything changed with the arrival of a 64-year-old patient named Douglas Olson, who was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia 14 years ago. His body no longer responded to chemotherapy, and without a risky bone marrow transplant, he had two years to live. Then he underwent cell therapy using technology that Novartis soon acquired. His temperature rose sharply, and he had to be urgently hospitalized due to the fact that his kidneys were failing. But the kidneys survived, but the cancer cells did not. Two kilograms of cancer cells disappeared from the blood and bone marrow.”

Anna Dyer/"Snob"

A girl who studied for a year at the First Moscow State Medical University and then entered the medical faculty of the University of Göttingen (Germany) talks about the difference between the two systems for training doctors.

“To finish this mead, in my opinion, one must be either an extremely motivated and strong person, or completely unprincipled and rich.”

Alexey Vodovozov/Letidor

The number of harmful ideas in those who spilled boiling water on themselves or whose child touched the iron is usually off scale. Letidor explains what can and cannot be done.

“In any case, a burn is not a momentary incident, but a pathological process extended over time. Cell damage occurs not only at the moment of contact with an iron, stove or borscht. Even after the elimination of the traumatic agent, the dirty work he started continues - the excess heat received by the skin area does not go anywhere, it is transmitted to the deeper layers. An oil or greasy ointment applied over the burn will create a greenhouse effect.”

"Russian reporter"

Large and sensible material about what GMOs are, why genetically modified foods cause fear and whether people who talk about infertility and cancer caused by GMOs should be trusted.

“The war is also going on within the states. On one side of the barricade are the majority of scientists. Their position is as follows: of course, it is necessary to control and check transgenic organisms. But it is unlikely that they pose any serious threat. We need to stop panicking and invest more money in genetic engineering.

On the other side are environmental activists and millions of ordinary people. According to them, GMOs are a very dangerous thing. The most furious and consistent fighters against "Frankenstein food" assure that transgenic organisms are planted specifically for the destruction of the Russian people.

Elin Sachs (translated by Alexander Borzenko)/Esquire

How to achieve significant professional success, says lawyer Elin Sachs, a professor at two American universities at once. Elin also suffers from schizophrenia.

“From a subjective point of view, this is most like a waking nightmare: horror and confusion, strange images and thoughts. Only in a nightmare can you wake up, and during a psychosis you can’t even open your eyes and drive it all away.”

Artem Betev/Men's Health

Quite a useful text from which any man can find out which type of cancer prevention is especially important for him, where to look in order to detect warning symptoms in time, and whether it is worth undergoing certain studies.

“World, including Russian, practice shows that if the tumor is already in you, there is a real chance to cope with it with minimal harm to health only with the earliest possible diagnosis. But the catch is that this is not easy to do. Most tumors, if you do not try to treat them, go through all stages of development from the initial to the latest, lethal, on average in 900 days. During this time, the malignant tissue manages to turn from a tiny lump into a one and a half kilogram piece of flesh.

“The main trump card of homeopaths is the so-called "memory of water", inaccessible to the understanding of official physics and chemistry at this stage of human development. Homeopathy assures that water, in which a certain substance has been immersed, forms a stable structure around it and retains it, even when this substance is no longer in solution. Water with a modified structure penetrates into the blood plasma of patients and cures them. Experimental physics, which, unlike homeopathy, takes ideas for its experiments in all existing sciences, has repeatedly tried to prove the "memory of water".

Yulia Egorova/Katrenstil

Doctors are often accused by patients and the media of failing to provide medical care. But despite the fact that there really is such an article in the Criminal Code, in practice, fortunately, it is rarely used. The text tells in detail when the doctor really breaks the law, and when the doctor has good reasons for not helping the patient.

“Another good reason is the patient's refusal to help or his drunken state. For example, ambulance doctors are not new to hearing "Go ahead!". This should also be documented. The doctor is not obliged to determine the patient's legal capacity and the legitimacy of such a refusal on the spot. That is, if it turns out later that the patient suffers from schizophrenia and refused help because the doctor seemed to him a Martian invader, it would be difficult to blame the doctor, since he could hardly have known that he looked like an alien.

Svetlana Reuter/RBC

In August, a government decree restricting public procurement of imported medical equipment may come into force. In this large investigation, Svetlana Reiter explains what will happen to patients, doctors and hospitals if syringes and tomographs are replaced with domestic ones, as well as who and how produces domestic equipment.

“Complex visual equipment is vital for patients of the Dima Rogachev Federal Research and Clinical Center, where children with cancer are treated. The head of the department of bone marrow transplantation, hematologist Mikhail Maschan is wary of the import substitution decree: the draft document does not say whether it will be forbidden to import spare parts for equipment installed, for example, a year ago. The second problem will seem like a trifle to anyone except the oncologist. “If you administer high-dose chemotherapy to a patient before transplantation, you need to connect an infusion pump (peristaltic pump), which counts the medicine with milliliter per minute accuracy. There are batches of domestic syringes that Western infusion equipment simply does not accept,” Maschan explains.

Roman Efremov/PostNauka

The World Health Organization believes that the era of antibiotics is almost here. Due to the uncontrolled use of these drugs and the ability of bacteria to mutate, the resistance of such microorganisms to antibiotics has greatly increased. In the 21st century, people are dying from simple infections just because no drug is able to cope with such bacteria. Under these conditions, experts come up with new ways to fight infections.

“In order to fight these unwanted neighbors, bacteria have developed a number of interesting techniques in the course of evolution and synthesize a number of interesting molecules, which, in fact, need to be carefully looked at. These molecules are very effective and are very strong antibiotics.”

Claudia Hammond/BBC

What happens if you eat the way our ancestors ate, who lived in caves? Is it really bad for the human body to perceive milk? In this translated article, the whole history of changing views on the Paleolithic diet is described and the latest scientific data is provided.

"Proponents of this diet argue that new diseases - heart failure, diabetes and cancer - arose primarily due to the incompatibility of our modern eating habits with prehistoric anatomy."

Alice Poe/The Village

Children, pregnant women, people with an unstable psyche in no case follow the link. Although this monologue by the night nurse of the forensic morgue is very curious, the story contains details that can provoke nightmares, vomiting, disappointment in people, and other unpleasant effects.

“To get a corpse in the morgue, you need to go through a complex bureaucratic procedure. People from villages often come and want to take away one of their relatives without documents. You have to explain to them that you have no right to hand over the body without documents, and in response they swear and threaten. I always tried to keep the conversation diplomatic, but on several occasions I had to call the police. We had an agreement with the local police department that they would leave at the first call.”

All professions are important in their own way. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a more responsible field of activity for yourself than medicine. Basically, the doctor bases his practical actions on the theoretical knowledge that he received during his studies at the university, and on those scientific articles that he regularly refers to in his professional activities. Surgeon and therapist, dentist and endocrinologist, gynecologist and pediatrician - all doctors without exception need access to the latest medical information in their specialty. It is clear that such material should be written at a high scientific and theoretical level.

In this section of the site "site" we publish scientific articles on medical topics that can be useful for many employees of medical institutions.

What are the types of scientific medical articles

A scientific article deals with one or more interrelated problems of a certain topic. It can be argued that a scientific article is a kind of mini-investigation, where a narrow topic is very carefully considered from all sides.

There are the following types of medical scientific articles:

    Scientific and theoretical. They describe the results of research carried out on the basis of a theoretical search and explanation of the patterns of various phenomena.

    Empirical (scientific and practical) - created on the basis of real experience and experiments.

    Overview. They provide an analysis of scientific achievements in a certain direction in recent years.

In scientific articles on medicine, doctors and scientists present their own conclusions regarding the intermediate or final results of a scientific research, analytical or experimental activity. Such texts necessarily contain author's recommendations, developments and conclusions that will be useful to other specialists from the field of medicine and related fields.

The site "site" publishes scientific articles in Russian, which are devoted to versatile research in the field of medicine, including materials on medical equipment (ultrasound, MRI, ELISA). We invite authors to cooperate and are ready to publish your scientific article after passing the review procedure.

We remind you that the information provided on the site should not be used for self-treatment and cannot replace your face-to-face consultation with your doctor.

This section of the site is completely devoted to articles about human health and medicine in general. It is here that you will find popular medical publications written in human language about the treatment and prevention of many diseases, as well as descriptions of the ailments themselves.

Much attention on the pages of the site is given to the most topical and topical topics in medicine - the emergence of malignant tumors and the fight against them, female and male infertility, cardiovascular and venereal diseases. Translations of popular English-language medical articles are also presented here.

The female condom is a relatively new contraceptive, having only been on the market since 1990. The female condom is the only method for a woman not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to protect against sexually transmitted infections. It is simple and easy to use, but only with certain experience and skills.

Angina pectoris is a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is based on a deterioration in the blood supply to the myocardium during physical or emotional stress. This pathology leads to a deficiency in the delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle, which causes pain behind the sternum.

In the list of gynecological diseases, prolapse of the pelvic organs is about 28%, and 15% of the so-called major operations in gynecology are performed precisely for this reason.

Unstable angina pectoris is a disease that occurs when the blood circulation of the myocardium is disturbed due to narrowing of the coronary artery. In the absence of adequate therapy, the risk of developing large-focal myocardial infarction is high.

Chronic heart failure is a type of cardiac disorder in which the force of cardiac output decreases and blood stagnation occurs in the body. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the possible development of life-threatening complications.

Acute heart failure is a life-threatening condition that has suddenly arisen, accompanied by a violation of the release of blood into the bloodstream and, as a result, the occurrence of circulatory deficiency. With the timely provision of emergency care, the percentage of complete recovery of the patient is very high.

Childbirth at term never begins suddenly for a woman, which is especially feared by primiparous pregnant women. The beginning of regular labor activity is preceded by the harbingers of childbirth, which prepare the expectant mother for the birth of the baby and remind her of the imminent birth. And although the harbingers are necessarily manifested by certain signs, some women may not notice them.


We publish regularly medical articles, which are dedicated to the most valuable thing that a person has - health. We share not only useful tips, but also official medical material that will allow users to learn many new scientific facts, in general, delve into the world of this science and find out at what stage of development it is now. Most of the materials are written by professional doctors, as we avoid unreliable and unverified information.

The number of thematic articles is huge. For greater convenience, we have divided the content into topics. If you are interested in a particular medical field, you can easily find it on our portal. We publish only relevant material that has not been refuted by scientific facts.

Our articles on medicine will be of interest to both professional doctors, including medical workers occupying a variety of positions, and ordinary people who are interested in this science and want to learn more about their health and the human body. Being 100% knowledgeable in the field of health is quite difficult, because science is one of the most confusing - it is not fully understood. However, the theoretical material will help you increase your knowledge base. You will learn about the various details and subtleties of a particular medical profession. Get acquainted from our medical articles with diseases previously unknown to you and modern, safe ways to treat them. Our portal provides extremely useful and comprehensive information that will give you answers to your questions.

Scientific articles on medicine is not just information that is useful to know. It not only gives an idea of ​​science, but also allows you to start its in-depth study, which is necessary, for example, for students whose work begins precisely with theory.

In this section, the articles are devoted to all areas of medicine - from infectious diseases to psychotherapy, neurology and surgery. Most of our readers prefer to study in depth a particular area. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all areas in order to decide which area in medicine is of interest to you.

Our site places interesting professional lectures on medicine. They are written exclusively by qualified specialists and even professors who have something to tell their readers. Such material allows you to learn different views on the development of medicine. Professors not only tell known information about science in their lectures, but also share their professional opinion, which should be of interest to you.

Often we publish review articles in different thematic areas. They will allow you to get acquainted with many medical studies, get information about modern medicines that will be actively distributed now or in the near future.

Medical articles are an opportunity to always be aware of everything that happens in science, which can hardly be called stable, because it is actively developing. Some materials on medicine are losing relevance, other information is refuted. Despite all the mistakes that sometimes occur in the medical field, science is developing, which you will see for yourself if you read at least a few article materials that give a detailed idea of ​​​​what medicine is now and what it will be like in the near future.

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