How to recognize intracranial pressure in adults. What causes increased intracranial pressure. Emergency reduction of intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure can occur not only in the elderly. A significant proportion of newborns have elevated blood pressure. For this reason, they are prescribed special medications. In some patients, the pathology can remain for life. In this case, it is important to know how to treat intracranial pressure in both infants and adults.

Patients with increased intracranial pressure often suffer from headaches, migraine attacks, a sensation of pulsation in the head, which leads to unbearable discomfort. High intracranial pressure is formed due to increased pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates in the cranium. If the CSF pressure is elevated, then patients suffer from characteristic signs of pathology that must be treated without delay.

Features of treatment in a child

For the first time, you can find out about increased intracranial pressure in an infant at an appointment with a neurologist who examines babies a month after birth. Already the first examination of specialists indicates the need to normalize the indicators of intracranial pressure in babies, since in the future children will not be able to develop properly, neuropathologies and other disorders will appear.

The first thing they do after making a diagnosis is to deal with the cause.

If the causes of high blood pressure do not threaten the life of the baby, then intracranial pressure can be treated at home by taking medications. In difficult situations, when there is a need for surgical intervention, doctors resort to a surgical solution to the problem - they create workarounds to remove cerebrospinal fluid and normalize intracranial pressure. The choice of treatment method is determined after a thorough diagnosis of the child's body.

Drug treatment of pathology consists in the appointment of various groups of drugs:

  • drugs to stimulate blood flow - Actovegin, Somazin, Cinnarizine, Pantogam;
  • to remove excess fluid from the body, Diacarb or Triampur is prescribed;
  • neuroprotective drugs, for example, Ceraxon.

To relieve puffiness, you can use weak hormonal or anti-inflammatory drugs, Glycine and Magne B6 will also be useful.

Treatment with physiotherapy methods

If intracranial pressure (ICP) is not accompanied by severe pathologies, but is a benign process, then the pathology can be successfully cured with the help of physiotherapeutic methods.

Typically, patients are prescribed the following procedures:

  • Electrophoresis with eufillin. A course of ten procedures is recommended, the duration of each procedure is at least fifteen minutes. Eufillin, introduced into the collar zone, contributes to the activation of brain nutrition, blood circulation, since with ICP the brain suffers significantly from a lack of oxygen. After normalization of the vessels, the cerebral fluid is absorbed and flows from the brain, which lowers the intracranial pressure.
  • Applying a magnet to the collar area. With the help of a magnetic field, vascular tone decreases, the sensitivity of tissues to oxygen starvation decreases. Also, the use of a magnet makes it possible to remove swelling of tissues, improve the condition of nerve tissues.
  • Very often, on the recommendation of the attending physician, a massage of the cervical-collar zone is performed. This effective tool helps to establish the outflow of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid, reduce spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, and relax the muscle corset. All this contributes to the outflow of cranial fluid. The massage course consists of fifteen sessions. After that, patients can independently master the technique of massage and do it twice a day for fifteen minutes.
  • Physiotherapy exercises will help to eliminate the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, and swimming is best. This type of physical activity works all muscle groups. Swimming unloads the body as much as possible, tones the muscles of the neck and shoulder. It is useful to swim two or three times a week for thirty to forty minutes a day. If swimming is impossible for some reason, it is replaced with water aerobics or physiotherapy exercises with an emphasis on the cervical region.
  • With increased intracranial pressure, acupuncture gives good results. Treatment with this method allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, eliminate vascular spasm, restore the functioning of the nervous system, damaged by increased intracranial pressure. Acupuncture is not used as an independent method of therapy, it only complements the main treatment.
  • Circular douche is another effective way to treat increased intracranial pressure. With the help of a jet of water, the shower unit acts on certain areas of the neck, which allows you to activate sensitive receptors, increase muscle tone, normalize blood circulation and ensure the outflow of fluid from the cranium.

Uncomplicated cases of intracranial pressure can be treated with physiotherapy, but specialized medical treatment is indicated for more severe situations.

Medical treatment

Several groups of medications are used to treat intracranial hypertension. Diuretic drugs are aimed at reducing the production of cerebrospinal fluid, as they inhibit the transport of chloride ions. Among this group, the most famous are Diakarb, Furosemide. Diakarb is mainly prescribed for a child, including a baby, but Furosemide is used in adults.

Potassium-containing drugs - these drugs activate electrolyte metabolism and normalize the balance of electrolytes in the body. Thanks to the use of drugs of this drug group, the nutrition of the brain improves, oxygen enters in a larger volume. Usually, drugs are prescribed for severe conditions. For example, traumatic brain injuries, in which cerebral edema provoked increased intracranial pressure. The most famous representative of this group is Asparkam.

Corticosteroid drugs - this group of drugs is used for diagnosed meningitis, brain tumors, as well as severe intoxication or the development of an allergic reaction accompanied by cerebral edema. An effective drug in this group is Dexamethasone.

It is worth noting that recent studies have shown that previously actively prescribed drugs for ICP do not have the desired effects at all. Therefore, doctors today do not recommend taking such drugs: Notta, Cavinton, Sermion, Nootropil, which do not give a therapeutic effect.


If it is not possible to lower the cranial pressure with medications, a decision is made to conduct an operative intervention. In patients with severe congenital pathologies, severe injuries or tumors, surgery may be the only way to save their lives.

Various types of shunting are used for treatment. In this case, a hole is made in the skull, where the catheter is placed. With one end, it is immersed in the ventricle of the brain, and the other end is brought out into the abdominal cavity or other suitable area. Despite the progressiveness of such an operation, patients experience some inconvenience:

  • there is always a risk of clogging of the valve, due to which the intervention has to be repeated;
  • for young children, a series of surgical interventions will be necessary, since with the growth of the body it is necessary to reinstall the catheter.

The second option for removing fluid from the brain is a puncture. With this type of intervention, an incision is made in the soft tissues of the skull. A catheter is inserted into the incision to a shallow depth, which is fixed to a sterile reservoir. It will collect excess cerebrospinal fluid. The disadvantage of such an intervention is complications, as well as the need for a second procedure in fifty percent of cases. If a lumbar puncture is done, then the fluid is removed from the spinal canal, after which intracranial pressure normalizes.

Endoscopic surgery is performed in the form of perforation of the bottom of the third ventricle. A set of instruments for endoscopy under the control of video equipment performs the necessary manipulations to create a channel for the outflow of intracranial fluid. As a rule, such operations are used in adult patients. The operation has a favorable outcome in most cases. Complications after its implementation practically do not arise.

Alternative treatment

In addition to the main methods of therapy, you can also be treated with folk remedies. A decoction of mulberry branches will be useful for patients. Dried thin branches are cut into one and a half to two centimeters, two table boats of branches are poured with four glasses of water and boiled for twenty minutes over low heat.

The resulting broth should be filtered and drunk one glass three times a day.

The course of therapy with this remedy is three weeks. Improving the health of patients occurs due to the unique composition of the resulting liquid. It contains antioxidants, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, manganese, zinc, choline and many other active substances and trace elements that are useful for both adults and children.

Helps with increased intracranial pressure and a mixture of alcohol tinctures. For treatment, you need to take the following components:

  • hawthorn, motherwort, valerian - 4 parts each;
  • eucalyptus and peppermint - one part each.

All tinctures for the preparation of the product must be purchased at the pharmacy, and then combined in the right proportions. Ten sticks of cloves are added to the resulting liquid and left to infuse for two weeks. It is necessary to take liquid twenty-five drops along with sugar. Drink the medicine before meals three times a day. The resulting mixture allows you to eliminate venous spasm, which opposes the normal flow of CSF.

It is necessary to treat increased intracranial pressure as soon as possible, already when the first signs of pathology are detected. Otherwise, patients are threatened with cerebral circulatory arrest (ischemic stroke), compression of brain tissue, and damage to stem structures. Serious consequences are epileptic seizures and vision problems.

Every third person faces ICP. It occurs due to a lack or excess of CSF - cerebrospinal fluid, which serves to protect the brain from mechanical damage. Normal ICP of a healthy person is about 5-7 mmHg. If intracranial pressure is noted, symptoms in adults may vary.

Signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults

Self-diagnosis of ICP is very difficult. Often, one cannot do without the help of a specialist, only he will be able to prescribe the necessary studies and, based on the interpretation of the results, make a verdict. If you notice a deterioration in your health, listen to yourself, perhaps you are not just tired or nervous at work. The main signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults:

  • severe bursting headache;
  • dizziness, shortness of breath, chills;
  • increased blood pressure (BP);
  • reaction to changing weather conditions;
  • morning sickness, possible vomiting;
  • the appearance of dark circles under the eyes that do not go away after sleep;
  • increased sweating, sweating of the limbs;
  • decreased libido;
  • temporary blurred vision, double vision, black dots;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fatigue, increased agitation and nervousness.

Symptoms of low intracranial pressure

Reduced intracranial pressure is much less common, but no less dangerous. If you notice 2-3 signs of this disease behind you, contact a specialist as soon as possible. He will conduct the necessary studies and prescribe treatment, if necessary. The main symptoms of low intracranial pressure:

  • flashes, bright spots before the eyes;
  • evening headaches, migraine;
  • tinnitus, hearing loss;
  • swelling of the face;
  • weakness, low level of efficiency;
  • soreness of the skull when sneezing or coughing;
  • persistent drowsiness;
  • pain in the upper spine.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure in women

Basically, the symptoms of intracranial pressure in women are classic. Sometimes severe swelling and soreness of the extremities can be added to them. It is noticed that girls have a higher pain threshold, but at the same time they are much more sensitive to minor pain, so the disease in them can proceed in a more acute form. Often among the complaints of the weaker sex can be found:

  • high blood pressure;
  • redness of the eyeball;
  • pressing pain in the neck;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased salivation;
  • severe headache.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure in men

Often, the symptoms of intracranial pressure in men go unnoticed due to low sensitivity and a somewhat careless attitude towards their own health. It is much easier to take a pill from the head and continue your usual way of life than to decide to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. However, it is not worth starting ICP, because this is a serious pathology, due to which there is a high risk of earning more serious diseases. How does intracranial pressure manifest in adult men:

  • throbbing headache;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • paresis of the spinal muscles;
  • increased irritability and nervousness.

How to diagnose intracranial pressure in an adult

You can make a diagnosis of intracranial pressure in any clinic in the direction of a therapist. Basically, methods are used for this, which give only an approximate result, but this is enough to determine the need for treatment and prevention. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary recommendations and medicines after a full examination.

There are three main accurate measurement methods:

  1. The epidural method consists in trepanation of the cranium and the subsequent introduction of a special sensor into the hole that transmits data to a computer. In this way, ICP can be measured, but excess CSF cannot be removed.
  2. The subdural method is rarely used. During the procedure, a specialized screw is used, with which indicators are determined. It is removed immediately after the study.
  3. The intraventricular method is the most modern and widespread, it consists in introducing a catheter into the skull through a specially drilled hole. The main advantages of such a study are that it is possible to pump out excess fluid if necessary and reduce ICP.

Any of these methods is dangerous, and is used only if all the signs indicate the exact presence of the disease, there are injuries, cerebral edema, or other life-threatening indications for the patient. In other situations, less risky non-invasive examination methods are used that will not harm health. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve an accurate result.

How to determine intracranial pressure at home

Without a minimum knowledge in medicine, it is extremely difficult to determine intracranial pressure at home. Unfortunately, there is no device that helps to find out the level of ICP outside a medical institution. You should not postpone a visit to a specialist if you begin to notice symptoms of intracranial pressure in adults. It is much safer at the initial stage to recognize the disease and take action than to deal with the consequences.

Video: why intracranial pressure rises

Nature placed the human brain in a liquid protective environment called cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid. It is under a certain pressure, called intracranial pressure (ICP). Lack or accumulation of CSF in any part of the skull is caused by a violation of its circulation, which leads to the development of serious diseases. Intracranial pressure, the symptoms and treatment of which we will discuss below, can cause tumors, strokes, injuries, even death. Let's see what are the factors of deviations from the norm and methods of treating ICP.

Symptoms and signs of intracranial pressure

The cerebrospinal fluid is formed by the choroid plexuses of the brain and the secretion of glandular cells. It circulates in the ventricles, removes metabolic products of brain cells, protects them from microbes and mechanical shocks. A healthy person has about 1 liter of CSF, which will remain normal. The indicator of intracranial pressure depends not only on the amount of fluid, but also on the degree of absorption into the venous vessels and the conditions of circulation in the ventricles.

Intracranial pressure is not a constant value. Doctors compare it with arterial, which rises and rises several times during the day, depending on the psycho-emotional state or physical activity of a person. An increase in intracranial pressure in a child, especially in an infant, is often caused by such a congenital pathology as hydrocephalus of the brain, which, as a rule, develops during the mother's pregnancy. If you detect and start treating this disease in a timely manner, you can prevent the developmental delay of the baby.

Increased intracranial pressure

When cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the cranium in excess or it is not fully absorbed into the vessels, then a person develops increased intracranial pressure. The degree of danger of this condition is determined by the rate of its increase: if ICP rises slowly, then the body has time to adapt to the symptoms. If the pressure has risen sharply, then this leads to infringement of the cerebral hemispheres or damage to its vital centers, which can cause death.

Increased intracranial pressure is not an independent disease. This may be a manifestation of diseases such as:

  1. encephalitis, meningitis.
  2. congenital anomalies.
  3. Concussions, bruises, injuries, regardless of the degree of prescription.
  4. Hypoxia.
  5. Tumors of the brain or its membranes.
  6. Intracranial hematomas, hemorrhages.
  7. Violation of blood circulation in the vessels.
  8. Alcohol or drug poisoning.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure:

  • frequent headaches, especially in the morning;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • visual disturbances: double vision, throbbing pain;
  • bruising or small bruising under the eyes;
  • fatigue, nervousness;
  • deterioration of joint mobility;
  • decreased potency, sexual desire.


Decreased intracranial pressure or hypotension occurs with prolonged narrowing of the cerebral arteries, with the expiration of cerebrospinal fluid, or after prolonged and uncontrolled use of diuretics. Depending on the clinical picture of hypotension, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Due to the reduced tone of the vessels of the brain, the walls of the vessels are stretched, so pain is observed in the temples, the back of the head, or is localized in one part of the head. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, darkening in the eyes.
  2. The patient feels the outflow of venous blood when he lowers his head down or is in a prone position. The main symptom is headache in the morning.

Symptoms of low intracranial pressure can be varied:

  • headache that does not go away for several days in a row;
  • apathy, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, weakness;
  • dependence on atmospheric pressure, weather conditions;
  • violation of the heart rhythm, pain in the heart;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • depression, negative emotions, irritability.

Methods for the treatment of intracranial pressure

The presence of symptoms of intracranial pressure in a person is not yet an indicator of a deviation from the norm. To identify ICP, you need to go through certain diagnostic procedures. Modern medicine uses direct and indirect methods to make a diagnosis and apply the correct treatment. The direct ones include puncture of the spinal cord and ventricles of the brain, and the indirect ones include ultrasound, a visit to an ophthalmologist, MRI, EEG.

Before treating intracranial pressure, the underlying disease that caused the problems should be determined. As a prevention of jumps in intracranial pressure, experts recommend:

  • choose an individual dose and mode of fluid intake;
  • take diuretic folk remedies or medicines;
  • perform gymnastics to normalize intracranial pressure;
  • observe proper nutrition regimes;
  • go swimming;
  • regularly massage the collar zone;
  • do not expose the body to excessive physical exertion.

Medical treatment

Tablets for the treatment of intracranial pressure are prescribed, if necessary, after diagnosing a violation of the norm. This measure is always temporary, it is resorted to in extreme cases, if there is a risk of irreversible consequences of the brain. As a rule, in this situation, doctors prescribe for treatment:

  1. Diuretics (furosemide, diacarb, amiloride). They help to improve the absorption and withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid.
  2. Nootropic drugs (aminalon, pantogam) that help improve nutrition and blood circulation.
  3. Vascular compounds (sermion, cavinton) are prescribed to optimize the processes of cerebral circulation.
  4. Vitamin complexes (vita v-plus, neurobion) to improve health and increase immunity.


The following special exercises help to normalize or completely remove the symptoms of high intracranial pressure:

  1. Take a small (about 40 cm) cylindrical stick, put it behind your head, stroke the neck muscles to the left and right of the spine from top to bottom. Do 3 times daily for 15 minutes.
  2. Grasp your head with your fingers splayed so that your thumbs are at the level of attachment to the back of the neck muscles. Massage this point for half an hour in circular motions several times a day.
  3. Do gentle head tilts forward, backward, right, left, careful rotations and turns left and right every morning and evening 10-15 times.

Diet and Diet

With increased intracranial pressure, foods that cause thirst and provoke the body to fluid retention should be excluded from the diet. These include: smoked meat, salty and spicy foods, chips, canned food, sausages, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, cakes, chocolate, pickled foods. It is necessary to abandon fried and fatty foods, giving preference to steaming or in the oven. The mode of such nutrition must be set constant so that the jumps in intracranial pressure decrease or cease to bother at all.

Useful products for increased or decreased intracranial pressure include:

  1. Meat: low-fat varieties - chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal.
  2. Flour: yesterday's wheat bread, crackers, lean cookies, biscuits, durum wheat pasta.
  3. Low-fat fish.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Dairy products other than fatty/salty cheese and sour cream.
  6. All vegetables baked and boiled. Raw, they should be consumed sparingly.
  7. Fresh fruits and berries.
  8. Drinks: weak teas, vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip broth.

Learn more, green tea raises or lowers blood pressure, how to take it correctly.

How to reduce pressure folk remedies

Treatment of intracranial pressure with tablets is not always advisable, because it tends to rise and fall several times during the day. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment with herbs, honey, and lemons has proved to be effective. Folk remedies will help relieve the symptoms of ICP without risk to health:

  • Quickly relieves high blood pressure syndrome alcohol and camphor oil, taken 1:1. The ingredients must be mixed, moistened with a gauze bandage and applied before going to bed on the head, which needs to be wrapped in cellophane, and a warm scarf is tied on top of the compress. The next morning, all that remains is to wash your hair.
  • From a headache with ICP, inhalation with an infusion of 30 bay leaves is effective, which should be brewed in 1 liter of boiling water. Do inhalations twice a day for 10 minutes until the symptoms disappear.
  • To reduce intracranial pressure, it is necessary to drink 50 g of nettle infusion with a string for a month before each meal. For its preparation 3 tbsp. l. herbs, mixed in equal amounts, pour 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Lemon juice with honey perfectly removes the symptoms of ICP. To prepare it, you need the juice of 1 lemon, mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 100 ml of water. Mix all ingredients and drink immediately. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is used when conservative treatment of symptoms of intracranial pressure does not bring the expected results. This is especially true for hydrocephalus, when fluid accumulates in the skull, exerting strong pressure on the meninges, which causes serious complications, such as mental or mental deviations of the patient.

When treating with drugs, only part of the symptoms of hydrocephalus is removed, so surgery is necessary in this case. During the operation, the ventricles of the brain are drained, in which excess fluid is removed from the skull. If the cause of hydrocephalus lies in the tumor, then during surgery it is removed. After the operation, the patient must be prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment.

How to measure intracranial pressure at home

How to determine intracranial pressure at home - this question is of interest to many people. I would like to note right away that it is not possible to do this on your own. The only way to accurately check intracranial pressure is through an invasive procedure that measures changes in the cerebral ventricles with specialized sensors. But there are symptoms that indicate a change in the normal indicators of intracranial pressure, which we discussed above. If they constantly appear, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Video: how to lower intracranial pressure with massage

Some people confuse intracranial pressure with arterial pressure. They differ in that arterial pressure is the blood pressure in the vessels, and ICP is the amount of cerebrospinal fluid. In the first case, it is easy to control the situation on your own, and in the second case, if you have any symptoms, you must consult a doctor. But anyone can help themselves with chronically increased intracranial pressure.

Manual therapy, breathing exercises, simple forward bends, in which excess fluid is pumped out of the cranium, perfectly helps to cope with the disease. A severe headache during a change in the norm of intracranial pressure is removed with a massage. Watch a video showing simple exercises that quickly help reduce high ICP:

The name of the pathology "intracranial pressure", sometimes abbreviated as ICP, speaks for itself. But let's take a closer look at where exactly it increases, what are the symptoms and signs, when a person has increased intracranial pressure, and how is it treated?

Intracranial refers to the increase in pressure in the cranium, in particular, when the meninges and its sinuses, subarachnoid and epidural spaces, and some other departments are exposed to it. This phenomenon is caused by cerebrospinal fluid, called "liquor", accumulates or, conversely, its deficiency is formed. As a result of violation of its circulation, fluctuations in intracranial pressure are formed.

In adults people on average during the day formed approximately liter of liquor, which causes no change in pressure. This is due to the continuous absorption of CSF by the venous vessels of the brain. With various deviations, normal absorption does not occur, as a result, the remaining cerebrospinal fluid is excessive for the cavity in which it has accumulated, which leads to an increase in the indicator. The result is increased intracranial pressure. Summing up this part, we can conclude that the degree of intracranial pressure depends on the volume of cerebrospinal fluid, how well it circulates and the correct functioning of its absorption function.

The force with which the CSF presses on the walls of the ventricle can change. For example, like changes in blood pressure (BP), intracranial increases and decreases under the influence of various causes. This is a normal situation in adults up to a certain limit, after which it is fixed sustained excess indicator of ICP, which already refers to pathology.

Where does increased intracranial pressure come from?

Excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid or insufficiency of its consumption does not appear out of nowhere. Among the causes of the disease, the following diseases and disorders of the brain can be distinguished:

  • The presence of a bulky brain tumor, which may be malignant or benign
  • Inflammatory process of an infectious nature, for example, during meningitis
  • Thrombophlebitis in the sinuses, leading to a violation of their lumen and patency
  • Consequences of skull injuries, due to which large hematomas appear
  • Late pregnancy for women, when toxicosis leads to exorbitant jumps in blood pressure for short periods of time
  • Postponed ischemic stroke
  • Children and adults may develop increased intracranial pressure due to a congenital disorder of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, called hydrocephalus, which can manifest from birth. One of its causes is the infectious diseases carried by the pregnant woman.

Often, an increase in ICP occurs after injury leading to rupture of the aneurysm. In addition, pathologies associated with physical changes in the head, for example, due to tumors, serious brain diseases, and even poisoning, can be the cause. In any of the situations described, a different treatment is required, the disease should not be left to chance.

Symptoms when adults have increased intracranial pressure?

The usual indicator is the pressure in the cranium up to 15 millimeters of mercury. This is highly elevated around 30, in such a situation, a person usually faints. With further progression, even brain death is possible. Obviously, the pathology requires an immediate response in both adults and children in order to treat and remove the danger. To do this, you need to know the symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • Frequent pain in the head, especially in the morning
  • Unreasonable urge to vomit
  • Increased sweating
  • Increased heart rate at rest
  • Problems with the eyes of various kinds, they can double, flicker
  • The presence of bruises and small bruises in the eye area
  • Man gets tired quickly
  • Decreased joint mobility
  • Weak potency and libido

If the symptoms described above arose due to a head injury and at the same time there is instability of consciousness, drowsiness, fainting, then it is likely that the brain is damaged. In this situation, you must definitely see a doctor in order to analyze the signs of the disease, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

It must be remembered that increased intracranial pressure serious illness, it can lead to death. In addition, as a result of the regularity of the negative impact, a decrease in intellectual abilities, failures in the control of the nervous system and internal organs can occur. The result can be various disorders and additional diseases.

Symptoms of increased ICP in children

The manifestation of the first signs in a child is often associated with a disease such as hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain. It manifests itself in infants almost from birth and occurs due to excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles due to difficulty in moving from the place of its secretion.

Due to underdevelopment and weakness skull in children, their head is usually enlarged. In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • The fontanel is strongly pronounced and protrudes
  • Compared to peers, the child is more retarded
  • Constant anxiety
  • Low body weight for her age, frequent vomiting
  • The child is lethargic and sleepy
  • Graefe's sign is present. This is a situation where children's eyes look down instead of looking straight ahead.
Signs and symptoms that the infant has increased intracranial pressure are well visually identifiable, which facilitates the diagnosis and speeds up the transition to treatment.


In order to prescribe treatment, it is important to conduct a diagnosis in order to determine the causes and degree of increased intracranial pressure. Typically, diagnosis includes a series of examinations and laboratory tests. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to have results:

  • Complete blood count
  • The indicator of electrolytes in the blood
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging
  • Measurements of pressure exerted by the cerebrospinal fluid (determined by puncture in the lumbar region)
  • Various laboratory analyzes of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Differentiated diagnosis from other diseases with similar symptoms

Treatment is prescribed by considering the overall clinical picture and the results of the above examinations.

Measurement of intracranial pressure

Specialized methods involve invasive measurement index in the ventricles of the brain. Based on the signs of the disease, it does this with special sensors, for example:

  • A hydraulic venticular system is used when a catheter with a probe is inserted into the ventricular cavity. The procedure also involves the introduction of medicinal drugs.
  • Using a sensor that measures pressure in the parenchyma, which is inserted in the temple or forehead.
  • Measurement devices can be placed subdural, epidural, or subarachnoid, which reduces the risk of injury to the brain during measurement, but the accuracy is lower.

The most often indicative ICP is measured indirectly, for this, a lumbar puncture is taken at the level of the lower back.

Treatment of intracranial pressure in adults

If the diagnosis confirmed the desired pathology, then the treatment tactics will depend on what was the reason for the increase. In addition, for adults, the age factor matters. In general, therapy includes the use of diuretics, sedatives, vascular drugs. In addition, manual therapy, diet therapy, as well as special gymnastic complexes are often prescribed.

Some treatment is aimed only at relieving the symptoms of the disease to make you feel better. In others, the underlying cause is treated.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out with the help of diuretics. These drugs have a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase of the brain occurs, leading to a decrease in the production of cerebrospinal fluid. It is produced in a smaller volume, and, accordingly, increased intracranial pressure is excluded.

Such therapy consists in eliminating excess fluid in the body with the help of greater activation of the kidneys. However, it must be remembered that taking diuretic drugs can have dangerous consequences, they have a wide range of side effects, so their self-administration is not allowed. In addition, diuretic treatment is only suitable if the excess CSF is not caused by a tumor, hematoma or aneurysm.

Treatment tactics

Increased intracranial pressure in adults and children is caused by various reasons. To eliminate them, apply:

  • If the increase in the indicator is caused by the existence of an intracerebral pathological formation, for example, aneurysms, tumors, hematomas, then a surgical operation is performed to remove it.
  • If the reason lies in the increased activity in the production of cerebrospinal fluid, then a surgical intervention is performed, the task of which is to bypass and create a complementary path through which the cerebrospinal fluid will flow.

Thus, a decrease in ICP by surgical methods is ensured.

If the treatment is prescribed with medications, then it is usually used:

  • Loop diuretics
  • Hormonal means
  • diakarbom
  • Neuroprotectors
  • Osmodiuretics

In addition, it can often find application:

  • Taking a ventricular puncture and a decompression craniotomy procedure that removes excess fluid from the skull
  • Manual therapy, controlled arterial hypotension and others
  • Special diet leading to fluid and salt restriction

Preventive measures and what to do if there is an increase in ICP?

Below we list a number of simple tips on how to improve your well-being if an exacerbation occurs and how to prevent this if the patient is at risk:

  • Do not visit the bath and sauna
  • Go swimming
  • Use a high pillow while sleeping at night. After waking up, do not lie down for a long time.
  • Systematically conduct a professional massage of the "collar" area
  • Refuse fatty foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid a lack of various vitamins
  • Limit maximum physical activity
  • When consuming liquids, the choice is to make in favor of herbal tea, which has a mild diuretic effect.
  • Avoid sudden changes in ambient pressure, such as when taking off and landing in an airplane
  • Eliminate sudden changes in the surrounding climate
  • Try to eat more foods rich in potassium. Examples of these are ordinary potatoes, dried apricots, citrus fruits, green vegetables.

It is important to know that self-treatment in both adults and children (infants) of high intracranial pressure will at least not give a significant result. However, it can do a lot of damage. As soon as the first signs appear, for effective therapy, you need to see a doctor who will ask about the symptoms, send you for the necessary diagnostics, and only after that will prescribe adequate therapeutic measures.

Intracranial pressure is a symptom that affects both adults and young children and even infants. Therefore, it is not at all surprising when people, especially parents, upon hearing the diagnosis of "intracranial pressure" begin to panic and worry. But in no case should this be done, since it is in such situations that the pressure rises. First of all, you need to figure out what provoked the symptom and how to determine intracranial pressure in order to start immediate treatment in order to avoid possible undesirable consequences.

What is pathology

In medicine, intracranial pressure (ICP) is known as a condition that is not an independent pathology, but a syndrome indicating the development of a specific disease.

In the cavity of the human skull there is a parenchyma (brain tissue), intracerebral fluid and blood continuously circulating through the vessels - these structures create intracranial pressure, which, depending on the specific situation, can decrease or increase. The syndrome is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, discomfort, worsens the patient's quality of life. This diagnosis is often made by adults, there are cases of ICP in young children and even newborns.

In order to detect or exclude a dangerous pathology in time, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of the development of the condition in adults, children and infants, as well as ways to measure intracranial pressure at each age. Unfortunately, today there is no way to measure ICP on your own at home - such a procedure is available only in clinics where special equipment, devices and qualified specialists are available.

Methods of measurement in adults

Intracranial pressure in adults is expressed by high pressure of the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in the skull. In a healthy person, all the elements located in the brain work stably and balanced. If one of the organs increases in size, the balance is disturbed, as it begins to put pressure on other organs in the skull, thereby creating intracranial pressure.

Symptoms of the development of ICP in adults:

  • frequent headaches;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • vomiting and nausea in the morning;
  • fatigue, agitated and nervous state;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • in some cases - a decrease in potency.

In medicine, there are two forms of intracranial pressure. The acute form affects people who have suffered severe skull injuries, stroke, aneurysm rupture. In this case, without prompt medical attention, a fatal outcome is possible. Surgery to reduce intracranial pressure is called a craniotomy. The operation consists in the removal of certain areas in the skull area.

The chronic form is the result of a neurological disorder. In this case, hypertension can proceed for quite a long time, develops without any special reasons or due to trauma to the skull or prolonged use of medications.

Attention! The chronic form of ICP is dangerous because it can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. This condition is difficult to treat.

How is the measurement carried out

Today, there are two ways to measure ICP in adults, which are the most accurate and reliable:

  1. The first method is to insert a special catheter into the lateral stomach of the brain, where the spinal cord fluid is located.
  2. The second method is used very rarely, only in case of exception, when medical indications require it. In the skull, its trepanation hole, the specialist inserts a subdural screw, thus measuring the pressure. Before the procedure, it is necessary to shave the hair on the head, and treat the incision site with an antiseptic. When the specialist makes an incision, he pushes the skin aside a little, exposes the skull and inserts the sensor.

Attention! In a healthy person, ICP does not exceed 5–7 mm Hg. Art. Indicators exceeding the specified norm signal the development of pathology, disruption of the work of certain organs and systems.

To determine ICP in adults, a doctor may prescribe a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging.

Why does ICP rise in young children?

Intracranial pressure in infants is caused by a lack of cerebrospinal fluid (intracranial fluid) or, conversely, its excessive amount. It is impossible to independently measure ICP in infants - such procedures are carried out only in clinics where special measuring instruments are available.

Causes and symptoms

Newborn children are very tender and sensitive, their body reacts sharply even to minor negative factors that can lead to the development of pathology. In most cases, the causes of ICP in infants are:

  • long, difficult childbirth;
  • prolonged, painful toxicosis of the mother during the period of gestation;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus in the womb as a result of entanglement by the umbilical cord;
  • rapid maturation or exfoliation of the maternal placenta during gestation;
  • pathology of the ways in which the cerebrospinal fluid is transported;
  • diseases (encephalitis, hydrocephalus, intracerebral hemorrhage, skull trauma, cerebral edema, malignant and benign tumors, meningitis, delayed fusion of cranial bones).

Important! According to statistics, in most cases, ICP in infants develops due to birth injuries, severe pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, intrauterine infections. Among the many causes, hydrocephalus occupies the main place.

Symptoms of this pathology in a child largely depend on his age. In addition, the condition is often accompanied by signs of an underlying disease that provoked an increase in intracranial pressure. In medicine, the symptoms of ICP are distinguished by the age category of children.

Children under one year old who have pathology suffer from:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • anxiety;
  • constantly crying (loudly);
  • under the scalp, a venous network is pronounced;
  • the cranium is enlarged;
  • babies refuse to feed;
  • weight loss.

Children suffering from intracranial pressure lag behind their peers in psycho-emotional and physical development. Often they have a symptom of Graefe, which is characterized by a disruption in the functioning of the nerve endings responsible for the motor function of the eyeballs.

Interesting! Graefe's symptom is popularly known as the “setting sun symptom”.

Several other signs appear in children after one year. Among them are:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • pain behind the eyeball is felt;
  • double vision and the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, tapes or flashes;
  • headache at night and in the evening;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • restless, restless sleep.

As soon as parents notice similar symptoms in a child, it is urgent to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe an appropriate examination of the baby and find out the cause of his condition.

Methods of measurement in young children

More recently, spinal cord puncture was considered the most accurate method for diagnosing intracranial pressure in young children. Today, despite the accurate diagnostic results, this method is used in rare cases, since there are other equally effective and safer methods for measuring ICP in children.

Having noticed the first signs of a symptom, parents should first of all contact a pediatrician who will give a referral for examination to a neurologist. The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis after examining the head of the child, "fontanelles", taking into account the complaints received from the parents. You will also need an examination of the baby by an ophthalmologist. The development of ICP can be indicated by changes in the fundus and optic nerve head, dilated veins, arterial spasm. If a child suffers from Graefe's symptom, the doctor will be able to determine it after examining the baby.

In most cases, infants are prescribed neurosonography. It is carried out until the "font" on the head is completely closed. An ultrasound examination will help determine the size of the gap between the hemispheres of the brain, the size of the ventricles, their pathology or deformation, whether the brain structures are displaced to the sides, and whether there is any volumetric neoplasm in the brain.

Older children are prescribed computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

If a small child suffers from ICP, urgent treatment is needed. But first of all, you need to determine the cause that provoked the development of the symptom. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and talk about prevention methods in order to prevent relapse.

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