What to cook with buckwheat: the best recipes. Buckwheat. How to cook buckwheat. Beneficial features. Buckwheat

What to cook for a side dish

how to cook delicious buckwheat for a side dish

20 minutes

160 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Buckwheat porridge is a very valuable, nutritious and healthy product that should be in the diet of every person. However, it should be said that it is difficult to simply eat buckwheat porridge, because it is too dry. It is for this reason that many people refuse this dish. Today we will solve this problem and find out how to properly cook buckwheat for a side dish so that it is juicy, fragrant and very tasty.

Before we start preparing a variety of buckwheat side dishes with you, some may have a question: how delicious is it to cook crumbly buckwheat for a side dish?

How to cook buckwheat

There are several tips that will help you get just such a porridge.

Delicious crumbly buckwheat is ready and now we can definitely talk about the side dish.

Recipe for a side dish of buckwheat with onions and mushrooms

Necessary utensils and accessories: knife, cutting board, pan, mixing spatula,serving utensils.


How to choose the right ingredients

Buckwheat grain. When choosing buckwheat, it is important to pay attention

Mushrooms. For such a dish, any mushrooms are suitable: fresh or frozen, as you like. The main thing is to properly process this product before preparing the main dish. If you take porcini mushrooms or champignons, it is better to boil them for 15 minutes, if forest mushrooms, you need to cook longer, depending on the type. And then put it on the pan. If you are sure that the frozen mushrooms were boiled before freezing, you can immediately send them to the pan, if you are not sure, it is better to boil them for about 15 minutes too.

Step by step cooking

What is this side dish served with?

Buckwheat with mushrooms can be served as an independent dish, it is very nutritious and satisfying. And you can serve various vegetable and meat products with it.

You can also cook a side dish of buckwheat with onions and carrots. Just instead of mushrooms, you need to add a small carrot, grated on a grater, to the onion. Such a side dish is made in the same way as in the recipe described above. And you can also serve any vegetables or salads with it.

Video recipe: how to cook delicious buckwheat for a side dish

After watching the video, you can learn how to make a very easy side dish of buckwheat, which is suitable for any lunch or just for a snack.

How to cook BUCKWHEAT for a side dish DELICIOUS?

Today you will learn how to cook buckwheat for a side dish is really tasty! By itself, boiled buckwheat without additional sauces is quite difficult, so this recipe will help improve its taste quickly and healthy!

To make buckwheat juicy, it must be combined with some vegetable frying. You can use mushrooms, onions, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, or your favorite vegetables.

Each of us is familiar with buckwheat since childhood. Parents often cooked us buckwheat porridge with milk. And no wonder, it is very satisfying and healthy. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements, such as iodine, folic acid, iron, calcium, zinc, B vitamins. It also contains protein, polyunsaturated fats and fiber. All this set of useful substances perfectly improves immunity, lowers cholesterol, improves metabolism and improves health in general. However, in order to save the benefits, you need to know how to cook buckwheat correctly.

There are two types of buckwheat - this is the core and prodel. The first type is a whole buckwheat kernel, and the second is a split kernel in two. Both of these types of buckwheat have benefits, but there are some differences in their cooking. Prodel is cooked in only twenty minutes, and the core takes from half an hour to forty minutes, while it is usually very soft and increases several times in volume. Flakes and flour are also made from buckwheat, they do not need to be boiled, but simply poured with boiling water.

We cook porridge correctly

To make the porridge as healthy and tasty as possible, the cereal must be prepared. The first thing to do is sort it out from pebbles and undertreated kernels. Then buckwheat should be thoroughly washed with plenty of cool water. Before cooking, the cereal must be dried or even fried in a pan.

When starting to cook buckwheat, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of cereals and water. It is better if they have a ratio of one to two. It is necessary to measure the amount with glasses, and not by eye, it is so easy to make a mistake.

Ideally, buckwheat porridge is cooked in a cast iron pan. If this is not available, then you can simply use dishes with a thickened bottom. In this case, it is better not to use an aluminum pan.

Groats are poured into a saucepan and poured with cold water, salted and put on a large fire. After the porridge boils, the fire must be reduced to a minimum and then cooked until ready.

It is best if the fire is almost at the maximum before boiling, then such that the porridge continues to boil, but not so intensively. And in the end, when the porridge is almost ready, the fire must be made minimal so that the remaining water gradually evaporates. This takes up to twenty minutes.

It is also recommended not to remove the lid during the entire cooking process, because the porridge is steamed. Also, do not mix the cereal during cooking. To get crumbly porridge, after it is completely ready, it is wrapped with a cloth or towel for twenty minutes. In order for the porridge to become even tastier, oil is added to it before serving. That's the whole secret of how to cook buckwheat to make it delicious.

How is buckwheat prepared in a slow cooker?

Using a slow cooker, you can get a wide variety of buckwheat dishes. But if you need to cook just buckwheat porridge as a side dish, then you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. prepare all the ingredients in advance: a glass of buckwheat, 2 glasses of water, 2 tablespoons of butter and salt;
  2. on the slow cooker you need to set the mode for baking and melt the butter;
  3. fry the cereal to give it a pleasant smell and taste;
  4. turn off the baking mode and pour water. Water can be any temperature.
  5. salt the grits, close the lid of the multicooker and set the appropriate mode. Most models have a "buckwheat" mode, and you should use it. When the time required for cooking has elapsed, the appliance will switch itself off.

How to cook buckwheat in the oven?

Buckwheat porridge turns out to be very tasty and healthy if you cook it in the oven. For some, this option will seem easier than traditional brewing. For this method of cooking, you need to stock up on a special pot for the oven.

As for the ingredients, they remain the same - buckwheat and water in a ratio of 1: 2, salt and oil to taste. The groats are also sorted and washed, and then they are poured into a pot. The amount of buckwheat in the pot should not exceed half the capacity, otherwise the buckwheat that has increased during the cooking process may go beyond the pot. Water should cover the buckwheat completely.

Porridge is salted and put in a preheated oven for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, when the water has already boiled away, the pot is removed and oil is spread on the surface of the porridge, and then put in the oven for another five minutes.

The most popular dishes with buckwheat

Many traditionally prepared buckwheat porridge is already boring, and they want to try something new. It is quite easy to do this, a lot of interesting and tasty dishes are prepared from buckwheat.

If the option of buckwheat porridge with milk also seems too banal, then you can try making pancakes using buckwheat flour. You can get flour yourself by simply grinding buckwheat in a blender or coffee grinder.

It is also very easy to cook meatballs from buckwheat. For this, in addition to buckwheat, you will need an egg and spices, and fried mushrooms and meat can also be used if desired.

In addition, pilaf, cabbage rolls, meatballs and even confectionery are excellent from buckwheat.

Why can you serve buckwheat?

Buckwheat can be a wonderful side dish for almost any dish. It goes well with various meat dishes, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs or onions. Buckwheat is perfectly complemented by tomato sauce with fried carrots and sweet peppers.

You can cook buckwheat and serve it with mushrooms and onions fried in sour cream, such a dish will come out that you just lick your fingers.

If milk porridge is still preferable, then it will go well with oatmeal cookies. Your child will love this breakfast.

And yet, how to cook buckwheat to make it tasty? Many people think that it is impossible to spoil such porridge as buckwheat. But for some reason, not everyone succeeds. Very often, one hostess has porridge that is crumbly and fragrant, while the other has boiled and tasteless porridge. As it turned out, even such a simple and well-known porridge has its own secrets and subtleties of cooking.

Here are the basic rules, following which the porridge will turn out the way it should be:

  • before cooking, cereals must be sorted by hand and well washed,
  • cereal must be fried,
  • cooking water should be well filtered,
  • it is necessary to observe the ratio of 1: 2 buckwheat with water,
  • cook should be in a cauldron with a convex bottom.

Despite the fact that many manufacturers of buckwheat recommend using it without sorting or washing it, it is still better to do it. Washing is generally better in several waters. It is also necessary to dry the cereal and calcine it in a pan for several minutes. After frying, the cereal is cooked much faster, and the porridge is tastier.

Porridge cooked in well-filtered water will be much tastier than the one cooked in ordinary untreated tap water. The fact is that during cooking, the water goes to ensure that the buckwheat grains swell and boil well. Because of this, porridge, for which hard, tasteless water was taken, may not taste good, despite the high quality of the cereal itself.

If there is no water filter in the house, then you can use the following method. The prepared cereal is poured with boiled water with the addition of one tablespoon of vegetable oil. You can also take butter or a few tablespoons of milk. This will greatly soften hard water and improve the taste of porridge.

Another rule that applies to dishes for cooking porridge says that you can not use an enamel pan. Still, it is better to take a cauldron with a convex bottom for this. Then the buckwheat will heat up more evenly and swell.

After the buckwheat has boiled, it is necessary to remove the foam. Then reduce the heat and simmer the porridge over low heat for 10-15 minutes, without opening the lid and without stirring. Only after the required time has elapsed, when the water has completely boiled away, can the lid finally be opened.

50 grams of butter is cut into thin slices and spread over the entire surface of the porridge. The cauldron is covered with a paper napkin, then covered with a lid and wrapped in something warm for about an hour. Previously, instead of wrapping, an oven was used.

If you do everything right, then buckwheat porridge will turn out to be very tasty and crumbly and suitable as a side dish for any dish.


Every business has its subtleties. Even to properly cook buckwheat, you need experience, otherwise it will never turn out crumbly, fragrant and really tasty. Well, if you still don’t have enough personal experience, but the desire to cook does not weaken from this, welcome here. What kind of buckwheat do you want? Traditional, green, in bags? Cooked on the stovetop or in the microwave? We have many recipes.

Many Western European countries treat buckwheat porridge with coolness, preferring risotto, semolina, oatmeal and other cereal dishes to it. Poor fellows! They don’t know what they are giving up, because buckwheat is simply filled to capacity with vitamins and microelements that you won’t find in its brothers, more popular among Western people. Their reserves in buckwheat are so high that you can spend some time eating only porridge and not undermine your health. Although this, of course, we will not advise you. Everything is good in moderation, and love for buckwheat too.

What can boast of buckwheat?

  1. Vitamins of groups B, E, C, PP.
  2. Minerals: potassium, calcium, cobalt, iodine, boron, zinc, phosphorus. There is especially a lot of iron here, which saves us from anemia, provides organs and tissues with oxygen and is involved in metabolism. Well, for female beauty, copper present in cereals is of increased importance - thanks to it, nails do not break, hair does not split, and lovers of cereals have a fresh and cheerful look.
  3. Proteins, which, unlike proteins of animal origin, are absorbed almost completely.
  4. Carbohydrates, for a long time relieving hunger. Therefore, fasting days on buckwheat are not only useful, but also satisfying.
  5. Fiber, beneficial to the digestive tract.
  6. Amino acids and fatty acids, the benefits of which for health, youth and beauty cannot be overestimated.
  • The habit of regularly introducing buckwheat porridge into your menu significantly reduces the risk of acquiring diabetes, high cholesterol, diseases associated with blood vessels (varicose veins, hemorrhoids) and other unpleasant ailments. Buckwheat increases the level of hemoglobin, prevents the formation of blood clots, makes capillary walls more elastic, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, fights excess weight and removes excess fluid from the body.

Green buckwheat has a light shade, a nutty aroma and a delicate aftertaste.

On the shelves of stores, you can most often find buckwheat, obtained from whole grains, which were previously removed from the shell - it is called the core and is great for making healthy and crumbly cereals. Those who have stomach problems or are going to cook for the smallest members of the family should look for prodel - crushed buckwheat, ideal for cooking dietary porridges and soups. And if you are seriously concerned about healthy eating, go to a specialized store and look for green buckwheat there. Such a product is not subjected to heat treatment, therefore it retains a maximum of vitamins and minerals in its composition. In addition, green cereals can be germinated.

Counting calories

Oddly enough, buckwheat is quite weighty in terms of nutritional value: every 100 g of the product contains, on average, 329–335 kcal. However, rice, beloved by many dieters, is no less nutritious, but it is inferior to its “sister” in the presence of antioxidants - almost 80 times!

So you can gobble up porridge with a light soul, without fear of getting better. Just watch the amount of butter that you add to it when cooking - that's really high-calorie.

Secrets of cooking crumbly buckwheat porridge

How much skill is needed to fill the grain with water, put it on the fire and wait a bit? Approximately this is how novice cooks argue, starting to cook buckwheat for the first time. And then they wonder why it came out not so fragrant and “grainy” as it used to be in childhood? The fact is that there are important subtleties and secrets here, and steamed turnip ... that is, buckwheat, is not at all as simple as it might seem.

  1. You probably remember how, as a child, your mother sorted through buckwheat before cooking it? It doesn’t hurt to do this for you too, to make sure that small rubbish, pebbles and the remnants of hard husks do not get into the finished dish.
  2. To make the porridge crumbly and acquire a special, pronounced aroma and new notes of taste, it is recommended to fry the cereal a little in a dry frying pan before cooking.
  3. It is better to pour buckwheat with cold water. Although, in principle, you will not lose anything by pouring it into boiling water - the cooking time will simply increase by 4–5 minutes.

    Mud porridges are more beneficial for the stomach

  4. If you want to get a crumbly porridge, make sure that there is exactly twice as much water as cereals. Is your goal a liquid dish? Use the proportion of 2.5 cups of water for every glass of buckwheat. And at the same time, take into account the fact that boiled porridge will double in volume! So you need to think about the size of the container for cooking in advance.
  5. Salt porridge at the very beginning of cooking, be sure to cover it with a lid and try not to stir until the water boils away.
  6. They begin to cook buckwheat over high heat, reducing it after boiling to medium, and as the water in the saucepan decreases, to a minimum. The last 15–20 minutes, the porridge reaches the desired condition without fire at all, standing on the table under a thick towel or blanket.
  7. Unground buckwheat is cooked for 20-30 minutes. It is very undesirable to digest it: this will affect both the consistency and the taste of the finished dish. Not to mention the fact that an extra stay in boiling water will deprive the porridge of some vitamins and other useful substances.

    How to cook buckwheat - methods and proportions

    Our short educational program is over, it's time to move on to the practical part. So, how would you like to cook your first buckwheat culinary masterpiece - in the traditional way on the stove, steamed in the oven, or with the help of the latest technical innovations?

    Before cooking, do not forget to sort out the buckwheat, rinse it well with running water several times - this also contributes to obtaining a crumbly consistency - and dry it slightly. And then, if you wish, fry a little in a pan without oil.

    With water, milk and broth

    Option one is the easiest. For it you will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400–500 ml of water;
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. oils - it is permissible to use both vegetable and butter;
  • salt to taste.


Option two, for children and milk lovers. To cook porridge with a pleasant aftertaste of fresh cream and make it healthier, you will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400 ml taken in equal parts of water and milk;
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • if you decide to make the porridge sweet, you will need some sugar, depending on your eating habits.


  1. First, pour only cold water into the saucepan - you will need milk a little later. Add salt, pour in the cereal and leave it to cook over high heat under the lid until it boils.

    Everything is exactly the same as in the first version.

  2. When the water boils, remove the foam, make the fire smaller and leave the porridge to evaporate for some more time.

    There should be very little water left.

  3. When the water boils almost to the end, pour in the milk (some people prefer to warm it up beforehand) and add the sugar. And then completely reduce the heat and wait another 10 minutes.

    If the milk is warmed up, the cooking time will be reduced.

  4. Add butter to the finished dish.

    With such a breakfast, you won’t want to eat until lunchtime.

  5. At the very end, removing the saucepan from the stove, you can mix 1 tbsp. l. honey. This will provide it with unique flavor notes and a wonderful aroma, although it will slightly increase the calorie content.

    Honey and walnuts are a great company for buckwheat

  6. Option three, for gourmets. Do you want to treat yourself to a hearty, tasty and unusual dish? Boil porridge in broth! You will need:

  • 500 buckwheat;
  • 1 liter beef or chicken broth;
  • salt to taste.


Video: recipe from the chef

In a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler and oven

Our ancestors cooked buckwheat exclusively in cast iron pots or pots - this is how it turned out to be intoxicatingly fragrant and rich in taste. In the kitchen of a modern housewife, a cast iron is hardly found, but you can pick up a thick-walled pan for cereals, in which the cereals can steam and swell properly. Then the result will not disappoint you.

Porridge in the oven

But to cook downright breathtaking, juicy buckwheat in the oven, you can’t do without a pot. And also you will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • medium bulb;
  • salt to taste;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of champignons - optional.


In a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • a piece of gray butter;
  • salt to taste.


Do you know that a slow cooker will successfully replace a frying pan if you pour washed and dried cereals into it and leave it for 5 minutes in the “Frying” mode?

Video: buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots

In a double boiler

Do you want porridge to become even healthier and retain a maximum of vitamins and minerals? You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400–500 ml of water;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.


In order not to spoil your discontent with empty buckwheat, which is not to everyone's taste, place sweet peppers, carrots, onions, cauliflower and your favorite spices on raw cereals, and only after that start the double boiler. You can also add thin strips of chicken to buckwheat - given that it cooks quickly, you don’t even have to increase the cooking time.

in the microwave

How not to take advantage of another useful invention designed to make life easier for housewives? Moreover, cooking buckwheat in the microwave is a pleasure. Fast and easy.

You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • salt.


  1. Pour the buckwheat into a microwave safe dish, cover with water and add salt.

    Don't forget that microwave ovens have strict requirements for cookware.

  2. Select the maximum power (from 800 to 1000 W) and start the oven for 4-5 minutes.

    With a powerful oven, 3 minutes is enough

  3. Switch the microwave to medium power mode (about 600–700 W) and leave the porridge to cook for another 15–20 minutes.

    Still, technology makes life much easier.

  4. You can cook buckwheat without cooking. It is enough to put the cereal in a thermos, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1, add a little oil and let it brew under a tightly screwed lid for 3-4 hours, and preferably overnight.

    How to cook different types of buckwheat

    Until now, we have been talking about the usual core. But what if you have to cook buckwheat prodel or porridge in bags? Are there any nuances here? There is.

    In packages

    How to cook crushed cereal

    If you soak the sample in water for a couple of hours before cooking, the dish will turn out to be extremely tender and light. True, a significant part of the vitamins will “float” into the water.

    Video: friable green cereal porridge

    Here, in fact, is all the wisdom. Agree, nothing complicated? Learn a few simple rules, pick up a suitable saucepan, stock up on a thick blanket in order to bring buckwheat to the desired condition according to all the rules, and your cereals will not be equal.

Buckwheat is called the "queen of cereals", this name fully justifies itself. It contains a whole complex of substances necessary for the body, moreover, in an easily digestible form. For dietary and baby food, this cereal is ideal. How to cook buckwheat so that it does not lose its valuable properties?

How useful is buckwheat?

Buckwheat surpasses all cereals in the content of vitamin P, it contains a huge amount of magnesium (Mg), iron, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9). It contains vitamin E, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants, useful organic acids (oxalic, citric and several others). It contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid.

How to cook buckwheat in water

What to do if you made a mistake with the amount of water?

Sometimes it happens that the porridge is completely ready, but for some reason the liquid remains, gurgles in the pan and does not decrease, the cereal no longer absorbs it. Just drain it carefully, holding the lid with a towel, put in the oil, cover the pan with a lid and let it stand for a couple of minutes.

If you forgot to turn down the fire on time, the water boiled away, and the buckwheat is still undercooked, then you can add water. But first you need to try: if the porridge is almost ready, then do not rush to pour water. It is better to add butter, cover tightly with a lid, turn off the heat and just let it stand quietly for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in milk

Buckwheat can also be boiled in milk: you get an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 cup of buckwheat, you need 4 cups of milk, cook under a lid over low heat for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Milk porridge can also be prepared in another way: boil buckwheat in water and pour hot milk over it. After that, season with butter and sugar and let stand for a while. In this case, a little milk is required, it is simply added to the required porridge density.

How to cook buckwheat very quickly?

Sometimes the hostess has no time to monitor the stove, you need to get the result quickly. Buckwheat can be cooked in 15 minutes if soaked in cold water for several hours. This is a convenient way if you do not know when you need to serve a ready-made dinner to the table.

Buckwheat is washed 2-3 times in cold water, poured into a saucepan with clean water for cooking and left like that. Buckwheat gradually swells, increasing in volume. At the right time, put the pan on a large fire, add salt and hold until it boils. Then the fire is reduced, after 10 minutes the porridge may already be quite ready to eat.

Another useful feature of buckwheat is that it can be removed from the fire a little undercooked if you have to hurry somewhere, and leaving the stove on is dangerous. In this case, the pan with undercooked porridge should be left in a warm place and covered with a towel on top so that it stays hot longer. In the heat, the porridge will “reach” and become completely ready for use.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker has some advantages in its simplicity and ease. You will not need to stand over the stove and wait for the porridge to cook. You just need to lay the necessary ingredients in the multicooker saucepan, select the desired mode and wait.

So the required ingredients are:

  • buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • a little butter.

Now the cooking sequence.

In order for a delicious dish to please your table, you need to know how to cook loose buckwheat properly. Not always the right food is enthusiastically perceived by all family members, but health is more important. Therefore, the hostess always has a question - what dish to cook so that it is both tasty and no less healthy. Buckwheat is the perfect solution. It is delicious to eat without any additives or in a combined form with the addition of mushrooms, meat, sour cream or milk.

In what proportions to cook buckwheat

The most delicious buckwheat porridge - freshly prepared, you should not overcook the portion. Keep in mind that the cereal swells greatly, based on this, determine the amount of product you need in advance. In what proportions is better to cook this cereal, every housewife needs to know. The rule for its preparation is very simple, water must exceed the amount of cereal twice .

How to cook buckwheat - proportions of water

Cooking buckwheat delicious- real and easy enough. To be successful, follow a few rules. Filtered and purified water is preferred for making a side dish. If you want to know how to cook buckwheat, keep the proportions of water strictly 1:2. In fact, a couple of glasses of filtered water are used per glass of cereal.

Secrets of how to cook friable buckwheat

The quality of the dish directly depends on the selected cereal. Determining the right product is quite simple - cereals should be homogeneous, one color and do not contain rubbish.

Many manufacturers insist that their goods do not need to be sorted out, nevertheless, do it desirable. Rinse the selected cereal several times, the appearance of clean water will be an indicator for you. The next step is to dry it well, and then fry the buckwheat in a hot frying pan. At the same time, bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Before adding the cereal to the pan, be sure to salt the water to your taste.

Remove the foam that appears and reduce the heat to a minimum. Need more 8 minutes and the porridge will be ready. The above steps explain how best to cook buckwheat properly so that it turns out tasty, fragrant and crumbly. Do not forget to add a piece to the finished porridge butter(or any other). Wrap the pan with a warm blanket or towel, do not forget to cover with a lid. Enough 20 minutes so that the porridge is infused.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave

Knowing how to cook buckwheat porridge for a side dish under normal conditions, you can easily cook it in the microwave. Prepare a glass of sorted and pre-washed buckwheat. At the same time, prepare boiling water. Pour the prepared cereal with two cups of boiling water. Put get ready for 7 minutes in the microwave, the optimum temperature for this is 650 degrees. As soon as the indicated time has passed, remove the dishes, stir the cereal. Place it back in the microwave for 20-25 minutes, but now the temperature must be set 300-350 degrees. As soon as you take the bowl out of the microwave, add the oil to it.

How to cook buckwheat in bags

There are several advantages of cooking buckwheat in bags. It is not necessary to measure the amount of water used too carefully, the main thing is to fill the pan so that the bags are completely immersed in it. There is no need to rinse these bags before cooking.

There are several subtleties of how to cook buckwheat in bags. As soon as the water in the pan boils, you need to salt it, then place the bags there, through 12 minutes add a piece of butter to the water. Through 3 minutes take out the bags of cooked cereals and let it drain.

Cooking buckwheat in a steamer

The use of a double boiler makes it much easier for housewives to prepare any dishes. She does not require personal presence at work, respectively, they free up a large amount of time for a woman.

In a double boiler Buckwheat is easy to prepare. Water and buckwheat for this are taken in equal quantities. The sorted and thoroughly washed cereals are placed in a double boiler bowl, salted, and then poured with water. Add water to the steamer tank and turn on the appliance for 30 - 35 minutes. Butter, as in previous recipes, is added last.

About the benefits of buckwheat

You can talk about the beneficial properties of buckwheat for hours. This product is equally useful to eat at any age from infancy. Thanks to it, hemoglobin in the blood rises, intestinal motility improves, and blood vessels strengthen. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots, and is also an excellent remedy for heartburn.

By the way, buckwheat is absolutely not amenable to genetic modification, which is extremely important when choosing food. In addition, the use of cereals in food improves mood. If you or your friends suffer from insomnia - pay attention to this product, it helps to normalize sleep. Groats categorically do not like sugar, which neutralizes all its beneficial properties, it is better to add honey to it.

How to properly cook friable buckwheat was discussed in this article. I would also like to add that this cereal in Europe is considered medical and dietary means and is sold exclusively in pharmacies. The one who takes care of the state of his body knows how to cook buckwheat for weight loss, the cooking algorithm is similar. Just forget about adding oil at the same time - with a diet, adding it is highly undesirable due to the high calorie content of the product.

Video on how to cook buckwheat

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