Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity. Symptoms and treatment of ADHD in adults. Getting rid of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychological condition characteristic of preschool children. Most often, this syndrome manifests itself in the form of increased impulsivity, lack of self-control and the difficulty of realizing one's own "I". Attention deficit disorder in adults is much less common. According to scientists, the development of this disease at a more mature age indicates unfavorable conditions for personality formation in childhood. The relevance of this problem at present can be explained by the fact that ADHD is diagnosed quite rarely. Problems with the timely detection of the disease lead to the fact that patients have to independently adapt to the conditions dictated by society.

People with attention deficit tend to engage in activities that do not require constant concentration. It should be noted that this mental disorder does not prevent the patient from fully living his own life. However, communication with others may present some difficulties for patients with this disease.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well-known problem in school-age children

According to experts, the disease in question is included in the group of organic and is characterized by minimal dysfunction of the brain lobes. Such disorders lead to the inability of certain brain regions to perform direct functions. Unfortunately, the modern level of medicine does not always allow diagnosing such changes. Special devices allow only to diagnose the first signs of the development of the disease.

According to experts, this syndrome often occurs before the very moment of birth. The development of hyperactivity and attention deficit in a child provokes the lifestyle and psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman. Passion for alcohol and drugs can adversely affect the condition of the embryo. According to recent studies, the lifestyle that a woman leads has a direct effect on the state of her eggs. Thus, all of the above factors begin to affect a woman's body long before pregnancy itself. In addition, severe pregnancy, toxicosis and preeclampsia are also factors that increase the risk of developing ADHD.

According to researchers, the risk of developing brain dysfunction in a child increases in the presence of infectious diseases suffered during gestation. In their opinion, attention deficit disorder is only a small part of the possible problems with brain activity. You should also pay attention to the fact that the appearance of ADHD may be associated with asphyxia in the first days of a child's life.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults can be caused by disadvantaged social conditions during childhood. A special role in this matter is assigned to the microclimate prevailing in the family, the model of raising a child and other household factors.

Clinical picture

In the international classification of diseases, a whole section is allocated for this disease. Each case of contacting a specialist with a similar problem is considered strictly on an individual basis. The clinical picture directly depends on the nature of the manifestation of symptoms and the degree of their severity.. You should also pay attention to the fact that many of the signs of the disease, characteristic of childhood, rarely appear in more mature years.

Recent studies show that more than half of children have the disease for life

The clinical picture of the manifestation of ADHD in adults differs significantly from the childhood form of pathology.

Often, the transferred attention deficit almost does not manifest itself upon reaching the age of majority. Experts explain this by the fact that age-related changes in the body lead to an increase in the energy resources of the body.

In adults, the pathology under consideration manifests itself in the form of instability. The presence of instability is expressed in problems with the implementation of routine daily activities. Cleaning, washing and cooking can be a real problem for a sick person. Often the presence of this disease leads to controversial and conflict situations. Many people do not find understanding and sympathy from their immediate environment, which greatly complicates their lives. Also, most people diagnosed with hyperactivity face various difficulties in the professional field. A pronounced asociality and a problem with communication skills lead to the fact that a person simply closes in his own world.

Signs of attention deficit in adults are manifested in the form of the following factors:

  1. Difficulty with various financial issues, including calculating your own salary, paying for various purchases and utility bills.
  2. Concentration problems, forgetfulness and distraction.
  3. Problems with communication and communication.
  4. Difficulties in making plans for the near future.

People with this diagnosis rarely show tact, and the ability to listen to the interlocutor. Many of the patients do not have ambitions, and rarely move up the career ladder. Little interest in various aspects leads to a lack of interests and hobbies. Disorganization leads to the fact that starting to do one thing, a person is often distracted by various stimuli. Attention deficit can be accompanied by difficulty in drawing conclusions and conclusions, as well as analyzing various situations. A person shows his inability to stick to a plan or save money. Forgetfulness and lack of concentration can lead to the fact that the patient forgets to take the medicine on time or is late for appointments.

People with attention deficit disorder are often overly impulsive and rarely think things through beforehand. Problems with tact lead to the fact that the patient practically does not control his speech and says only what he thinks. It is almost impossible for hyperactive people to curb their impulsiveness. Forgetfulness and lack of concentration is accompanied by difficulties in the professional sphere, due to problems with the performance of their work duties. The most acute attention deficit disorder is manifested in the management of transport. The road itself, other road users and road signs make it difficult to control the situation.

Sometimes ADHD manifests itself in the form of difficulty reading books and watching movies. Patients rarely show interest in slowly developing action, and have difficulty understanding works of art.

ADHD in adults is an organic disease that implies minimal dysfunction of the brain lobes.

Diagnostic methods

Once the symptoms of ADHD in adults have been considered, we can move on to a discussion of methods for diagnosing this disease. According to most researchers of this disease, the clear signs of ADHD appear in childhood. The lack of timely therapy leads to the fact that the disease manifests itself at a more mature age.. Based on this, the specialist must carefully study the patient's profile in order to detect signs of this disease in childhood. A detailed survey about the patient's childhood and climatic conditions in the family will allow you to collect all the elements of the puzzle and form a kind of picture that tells about the current state of the patient.

One of the important nuances of a diagnostic examination is the collection of information about various aspects of the patient's behavior in childhood. In addition, increased attention should be paid to the pace and conditions of mental development. At the next stage of diagnosis, a general examination of the state of the body is required. It is very important to exclude the presence of somatic and neurological diseases with similar symptoms. The use of special equipment for measuring organic changes in the brain area allows you to confirm or refute the diagnosis. An accurate diagnosis requires studies of brain activity at rest and concentration.

To obtain a complete clinical picture, various methods are used that determine temperament, personality type and other features of a psycho-emotional nature. Measurement of IQ, personality testing and other methods of psychoanalysis allow the most accurate diagnosis of the disease.

How to deal with ADHD

How to treat attention deficit in adults? To date, to combat this disease, an integrated approach is used, based on:

  • psychotherapy;
  • use of various medicines.

In order to overcome the disease in question, you will need to undergo a course of behavioral therapy. Working with a psychologist allows you to achieve a lasting result, however, in order to consolidate success, a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist should take part in the treatment of the patient.

The cause of the disease may occur even before the birth of the child.

After a person with this mental disorder contacts a psychotherapist, the doctor is obliged to develop an individual treatment strategy. The method of therapy is determined by the severity of the main symptoms characteristic of the disease. In order to raise the patient's self-esteem and strengthen his self-affirmation, it will be necessary to use behavioral and cognitive techniques. It is very important that all the methods used are adjusted precisely to the nature of the patient.

The task of the psychotherapist is to teach the patient to cope with various psychological stress and stress. Special trainings devoted to relaxation should teach a person to properly distribute his own energy. At such trainings, the patient learns various methods of distributing his own time to achieve maximum productivity. Creating a clear framework between working time and rest allows you to achieve a lasting result in therapy.

One of the important stages of working with a psychotherapist is family sessions, during which various disputes and conflicts between spouses are resolved. The diagnosis of ADHD quite often makes communication between spouses difficult, resulting in misunderstandings and domestic quarrels. The doctor must teach the patient's spouse how to properly communicate with his chosen one.

There are also special trainings, the purpose of which is the normalization of the professional sphere. The correct approach to the treatment of the disease allows you to normalize the communication skills of the patient, which favorably affects his productivity.

People with ADHD find it difficult to carry out routine daily activities.

Drug therapy is rarely used in adult patients. Most often, to achieve a stable result, the patient needs psychotherapy sessions. However, if necessary, various medications can be prescribed to the patient. Most often, the drugs used to treat the disease in children are also used by adults. It is very important that there is a person in the patient's family who will take control of the process of taking the drugs.

To date, various psychostimulants are used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This category of medicines allows you to achieve a lasting result, due to a decrease in the severity of the main symptoms characteristic of the disease. However, uncontrolled intake and lack of regimen can lead to addiction to this category of medicines. In addition to psychostimulants, nootropic drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at stimulating brain activity. In addition, the use of such tools normalizes the quality of thought processes. The correct approach to the use of medications allows you to completely eliminate the development of a relapse of the disease.

As part of complex treatment, drugs with a vasodilating effect are used. The use of such funds allows you to increase blood flow to certain brain regions, which favorably affects the dynamics of the disease. It is not recommended to use these drugs for self-medication, since uncontrolled intake of vasodilators can lead to negative consequences for the body.

organic lesions of the brain, and are well amenable to correction in the early stages of development. Behavioral disorders in adults are usually less pronounced, but no less dangerous. Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly diagnose and treat such disorders at any age.

One of the forms of a gradual quantitative increase in disorders of individual mental functions, most often manifested in behavioral changes, is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In most cases, this diagnosis is associated with children. However, adults can also suffer from the disorder. According to statistics, the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among people over 18 reaches 6-7%.

Basic concepts

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex borderline problem at the intersection of medicine, psychology and pedagogy. The pathology itself is a chronic behavioral disorder that manifests itself in childhood. The symptoms of the disorder, not corrected in time, make themselves felt in the adult state in at least 60% of patients.

Specific clinical manifestations of the disease are quite diverse. In this regard, initially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder had a number of synonyms that reflect the predominant clinic or pathogenesis of the disease - "deficit of moral control", "minimal brain dysfunction", "chronic hyperkinetic brain syndrome", "mild brain dysfunction" and others. However, none of them fully reflected the essence of the disease. The term "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" was introduced in 1980 and has proven to be the most appropriate description of behavioral disorders. Along with it, “attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity” and “residual type syndrome” were identified, diagnosed in people who suffered from ADHD at an earlier age.

ADHD is a polyetiological disease manifested by behavioral disorders that manifest in children over 5 years of age and are accompanied by decreased attention and hyperactivity. Potentially, such changes provoke problems with training and work, a decrease in the quality of life, and social maladjustment of a person.


Currently, ADHD is considered as a consequence of a developmental disorder of the nervous system that arose precisely in childhood. It is believed that ADHD cannot form as a primary disease in adults, and its presence is the result of a process launched in childhood.

The disease is based on a perinatal pathology of the nervous system with a violation of the coordinated work of cerebral structures that provide control of attention and organization of behavior. These entities include:

  • association and prefrontal cortex;
  • cerebellum;
  • thalamus;
  • corpus callosum;
  • An increase in the frequency of occurrence of ADHD among relatives gave reason to assume the presence of a genetic nature of the disorder. It has been proven that not one, but many genes are involved in the formation of the disease. In this regard, the clinical picture of ADHD in adults (just like in children) has such wide variability.

    There are also less common theories of the development of ADHD. According to them, the disorder may be associated with:

    • food allergies;
    • disorders of glucose metabolism;
    • pathology of the thyroid gland;
    • helminthiases;
    • diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.

    In addition, adverse social aspects may be important co-factors of ADHD. Subsequently, they act as complications of the disease.

    Clinical manifestations

    The clinical symptoms of ADHD in adults are somewhat different from those in children. At the same time, a retrospective assessment of the patient's behavior at the age of 5-15 years in most cases corresponds to the manifestation of the disorder in childhood.

    Mandatory manifestations of ADHD in adults are considered constant motor activity and impaired attention. The most typical complaints in this case are forgetfulness, inattention, absent-mindedness, impaired concentration.

    In addition, common symptoms of the disease are:

    • emotional lability;
    • inability to complete the planned action;
    • irascibility;
    • poor stress resistance;
    • impulsiveness.

    Additionally, frequent companions of ADHD are autonomic disorders, sleep disorders and headaches.

    There is no laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of ADHD. Therefore, the diagnosis is based on clinical criteria.

    The predominant predominance of one of the symptoms of the disease can manifest itself clinically in different ways. So, hyperactivity in adults can manifest itself as signs of an excessive desire for leadership. At the same time, reinforcements for such ambitions may be absent. Such patients talk a lot, often come into conflict, sometimes they are aggressive. They themselves choose too active work for themselves, are constantly loaded with business, which ultimately harms family relationships.

    With the predominance of impulsivity, people do not tolerate stressful situations, constantly change jobs, do not maintain social contacts, and are prone to depression. Characteristic for them is a predisposition to dependencies.

    Predominant Attention Deficit Disorder in adults manifests itself in the form of inability to plan one's time, disorganization and poor organization of work. At the same time, distracted attention and a lack of its concentration are clearly noted.

    The manifestations of symptoms can be combined with each other in any variation. The influence of the symptoms of the disease extends to all spheres of human life. At the same time, there is no pronounced cognitive deficit, and patients have a normal neurological status on physical examination.

    In adults, compared with children, the prevalence of inattention and less hyperactivity are more common in ADHD.


    Regardless of the age at which ADHD was diagnosed, it needs to be corrected. Early detection of the disorder and adequate therapy significantly improve treatment outcomes. The set of measures aimed at eliminating the clinical manifestations of ADHD includes:

    • cognitive behavioral therapy;
    • physiotherapy;
    • physiotherapy;
    • impact on comorbidity;
    • participation in addiction treatment programs (if any);
    • drug treatment (neuroprotectors, vegetocorrectors, antidepressants, and so on).

    The leading role in terms of treatment is given to psychotherapy, self-control and social adaptation of the patient. The fight against inattention, hyperactivity and absent-mindedness with the use of drugs is unreasonable due to the absence of an organic nature of the lesion. Medications can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Their expediency is justified only in case of ineffectiveness of neuropsychological correction and in the presence of comorbid pathology requiring prescription of drugs.

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, despite the traditional association with childhood, also occurs among the adult population, being a serious medical and social problem. It is more difficult for people with this disorder to get a job, adapt to a new team, take a high position, make friends, start a family. The significant prevalence of the disease, the variability of clinical manifestations and the severity of behavioral disorders dictate the need for early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of pathology. Despite the relevance of issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults, there is still no single standard for managing such patients. An individual approach to people suffering from behavioral disorders can significantly improve the effectiveness of the therapy, improve the quality of life of the patient and adapt it to the surrounding reality.

With such a long scientific title, I begin a new article. Do not rush to close the page if the term Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not familiar to you, because what it means is quite common among people, despite the low popularity of the concept itself. In the West, this syndrome has long been the subject of heated discussion and scientific debate. Many scientists express doubt that this syndrome can be recognized as a mental disorder and appropriate treatment can be prescribed. Some generally deny the existence of such a syndrome as a psychological phenomenon.

Here I will explain how to get rid of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to you or your children, based on the example of your own recovery from the syndrome.

Attention Deficit - Myth or Reality?

In this article, I am not going to refute the opinion of opponents of the diagnosis of attention deficit, and I will not prove the concepts of its supporters, since I do not have any competencies to participate in academic disputes. Yes, I don't need it. Because, within the framework of the question I am considering, it does not matter at all whether such a phenomenon exists in the form of a disease or is it just some kind of character trait. It is indisputable that there are certain mental traits or personality traits, or symptoms of a disorder, or all of this together, which is collectively, in certain circles, called attention deficit disorder. And it is impossible to deny that many people experience problems with, fussy, cannot sit still, constantly fiddling with something in their hands, it is not possible to stand in line for a long time. This is a fact, and how to call this fact and whether it is a disease or something else is not such a big deal to solve a particular problem.

It is also a fact that the aforementioned traits can lead to great personality problems and hinder the development of personality in every possible way. As a rule, all this begins to manifest itself in childhood and, then, can pass into adulthood, as, for example, it was with me. This peculiar illness adds to the list of my past psychological "sores", such as panic attacks, emotional instability and anxiety. I got rid of some of these ailments completely, some partially, but at the same time I made tangible progress towards getting rid of them, and I am sure that in the future I will be able to completely eliminate them.

In short, this experience of self-destruction of many psychological problems and the accompanying development of the personality made possible this site that you are now reading.

As for attention deficit disorder, I will explain in detail what it is. I’m not going to scare you with some kind of diagnosis, like you lived and lived, and then, suddenly, it turns out that you have some kind of disease or syndrome with a tricky name: “Thank you, Nikolai!” you say. No, I will tell you what it can threaten, and you yourself will draw a conclusion whether it is dangerous for you or not. Often people themselves do not suspect that they have such problems, just as I did not suspect, considering this my fussiness and eternal haste to be quite natural. And of course, I will tell you how to get rid of it, based on my experience.

If you have been reading my blog for a long time, then you may have seen an article about feeling bored. Many of the provisions of this article are similar to the one you are reading now. Let me explain the difference between chronic boredom and ADHD to avoid confusion. The first stems, to a greater extent, from some personal aspects, our hobbies, aspirations, habits, while the second relates more to the work of our nervous system and the fixed schemes of the brain.

If boredom is a symptom of spiritual limitation, inner emptiness, then ADHD is rooted in some habits of the mind to absorb information in a certain way. Boredom manifests itself over a long period of time, ADHD - over a short period of time. Both are very dangerous for the individual and, to a large extent, are interconnected and it is not always easy to separate one from the other, often chronic boredom and ADHD appear together. So I recommend reading after reading this article to have a complete picture of the problem.

How to know if you are suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

The following "symptoms" may indicate that you have this syndrome:

  • It is difficult for you to sit still for a long time without doing anything: you feel the need to constantly occupy your hands with something.
  • You hardly keep attention on any long process, you constantly want to be distracted.
  • It is difficult for you to wait for your turn: when you are standing in a store, waiting for your dish in a restaurant, or when you are participating in a conversation. In a dialogue, you mostly talk rather than listen to the other person.
  • You have a hard time listening to someone until the end.
  • You are talkative, often jumping from one to another in a conversation.
  • You feel a constant need for aimless movement: twisting in a chair, walking back and forth, etc.
  • Leisure activities on the Internet are characterized for you to a large extent by chaotic jumping from tab to tab, from one client window to another: they answered in ICQ, then immediately updated the mail, went to the site, without reading the post, switched somewhere else, and so the main part happens your internet time.
  • It is difficult for you to finish what you started, your work is in full swing, only in moments of short-term inspiration, when you are very passionate.
  • Your hands or mouth are always busy with something: cigarettes, a mobile phone or a tablet with a game, seeds, beer, etc.
  • You can't have a quiet time when you're not doing anything, like lying on the beach for a long time or reading a book that isn't the most exciting.
  • It is difficult for you to think methodically and consistently about something without jumping from one thought to another.
  • You experience impulsiveness in making decisions, you want to decide everything at once, right now, without waiting for more suitable circumstances for this decision. If you have some kind of need, you can’t wait to satisfy it right now, you want to implement the idea right away and not wait for the right conditions to solve the problem that has just appeared. As a result, you tend to make impulsive purchases, buying things that you can't afford. It is difficult for you to plan your life in advance, breaking it into temporary stages, and then stick to this plan. You want everything right now.
  • As a result of some of the above points, you experience problems in self-organization, building order in your life because you don’t know how plan, wait and be patient.

Do not be alarmed immediately if you see several of the above items at once. Many disorders are characterized by symptoms that are expressed in one way or another in normal people, but in the case of a disorder they are manifested more intensely, have a great impact on the patient's life and always exist in conjunction with accompanying symptoms. It is because of this that many people, having read about the symptoms of depression, are frightened and make such a diagnosis for themselves, since very many, for example, are inexplicably sad. But it's not depression yet. It implies a whole range of chronic symptoms.

So does attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is difficult for all of us to keep our attention for a long time on something that does not interest us, for example, to read boring professional literature. This is normal, because we are not robots. You should not immediately diagnose yourself if you observe something of what I have listed. You need to think about when:

  1. There is a clear fact of deviation from the conditionally "normal". For example, at a lecture, almost everyone sits quietly and takes notes, but you turn around all the time and cannot sit still and listen. Your friends can focus on work, but you can't. You chat the most in company, etc. In short, you see that you are not like others.
  2. ADHD symptoms interfere with your life. Because of this, you experience difficulties in communication, in learning (you cannot concentrate), in work, in trying to relax (you are always tense, twitching), in organizing your life.
  3. You have experienced most of these ADHD symptoms.

If these three conditions are met, then you most likely have something called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In order for you to have the opportunity to compare, I will say that some time ago I manifested all of the above symptoms in general (on the one hand, and no wonder, because I copied them, in part, from myself), moreover, in a rather intense form.

Now the picture is completely different. I still find it difficult to concentrate, often I want to be distracted (for example, from writing this article). But now it's much easier to control, I find the strength to resist these restless urges and follow through without distractions. Now I can tolerate long waits, relax, not make impulsive decisions, and not maintain aimless motor activity.

Thanks to this, I got rid of many ADHD problems, which include:

  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Tension, inability to relax.
  • A lot of tasks abandoned halfway through and the problems that accompany this (danger of being expelled from the institute, sanctions in connection with unfulfilled work).
  • Problems in communicating with people.
  • Difficulties in learning, mastering a craft, learning new things.
  • Bad habits: smoking and alcohol, "information hunger".

How I got rid of it and how you can get rid of it and will be discussed further.

Getting rid of ADHD

I don't think attention deficit is an ancient phenomenon that goes back a long time. In my opinion, this is mainly a product of our time, the current and past centuries. Avalanches of information rage furiously in our lives. A frantic rush and bustle, set the rhythm of public life. Under the onslaught of these factors, the brain begins to work in multitasking mode and gets used to constant activity, without which it can no longer do. The constant, chaotic, restless switching of the mind from one subject to another is fixed in us as a kind of mental reflex, which begins to work constantly. We become unable to direct our energy, it begins to be dispersed into many different tasks and unnecessary actions.

In the West, they try to “treat” ADHD with psychostimulants and even give it to children (The use of Ritalin in the prevention of ADHD is the subject of fierce debate, the drug has been withdrawn from drug circulation in many countries, including Russia). The drug causes side effects and addiction, akin to amphetamines. I strongly doubt the therapeutic success of such a “treatment”. In my opinion, this is an attempt by doctors and patients to ignore the causes of the problem and come up with an easy, but unreliable solution. Doctors do not want to understand the individual causes of the problem or simply do not know what to do, and patients do not want to work on themselves or with their children, and both parties are satisfied with a simple and quick solution.

It is obvious to me that to eliminate ADHD, you need to do a lot of work, eliminate the cause of the disorder, and this will give a much greater effect than all drugs and will not bring harm and addiction, unlike the latter. To me, this is as obvious as the fact that in order to work with the underlying causes of addiction, and no nicotine patches and pills will help you until you understand why you smoke.

These truths sound terribly banal, but what is even worse is that they are not accepted by most people, despite their simplicity and obviousness. If the causes of ADHD are the chaotic consumption of heterogeneous information, anxiety and fuss, then you need to get rid of these causes before talking about some pills! I recovered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with a simple method of directly addressing the symptoms of the disorder. This principle is that you should try to do the opposite of what ADHD "tells" you! And that's it! Everything is very simple. Let's explain in more detail.

Attention Deficit Treatment Techniques

Look after yourself

You must develop the habit of looking after yourself. How to do it? Follow the recommendations that I will give below and you will develop such a habit. It is needed not only for working with ADHD, but, for example, for self-knowledge. I covered this topic in detail in articles and in my self-development program, you can read these articles after you complete this one.

Don't allow aimless activity in your body

Watch the position of your body and its members. If you catch yourself turning around in your chair or fiddling with something in your hands, drop it, try to sit still. Implement this principle in your daily life. If you are waiting for a dish in a restaurant that is not brought for a long time - sit up straight, do not fidget, keep your hands in front of you on the table, put them palms down and try not to move too much. Get rid of the habits of lip biting, nail picking, pen biting, etc. These habits are markers of ADHD, and by giving them a go, you are cultivating the syndrome. Watch your posture, let it be almost motionless, if circumstances do not require movement.

I say right away that at first it will be difficult, when you try to follow these recommendations, you will feel the power that bursts you from the inside, makes you move and fuss, this is the "energy" of ADHD. It is as if you are trying to block with your body a turbulent flow of water and with difficulty restrain it. Nothing, be patient, then it will be easier, the flow will gradually, as you follow the recommendations, turn into a thin stream, and your body, which blocks it, will become wider and stronger.

Observe information hygiene when you are on the Internet

One of the causes of ADHD is constant chaotic wandering in the information space. This wandering, jumping from one thing to another, leaves a "cast" on our thinking, so that we can no longer focus on something else. Therefore, you need to gradually get rid of this cause. Organize your work on the Internet in such a way that it does not turn into moving from tab to tab. To do this, limit your stay at, for example, allocate a certain time for this, “until 15.00 I do not go into contact or twitter, and at 15.30 I end my visit to the social. networks and again I do not go there until the evening.

By the way, the widespread activity in the social. networks, apparently, is one of the causes of ADHD. Since social networks, by their very structure, organize the receipt of information by us in such a way that it is consumed by us in small and heterogeneous portions, quickly and intensively. We read the news, went to a friend's page, simultaneously launched an audio recording, published a tweet, and all this in 5 minutes. It's like eating a lot of different foods at the same time: they ate a piece of fish, immediately ate a cucumber, reached for ice cream, put a shrimp in their mouth and washed it all down with a sip of kefir and coffee. And then, indigestion.

The brain also gets very tired and wears out from the intensive receipt of various information in a short period of time, just like the stomach from the assimilation of a heap of food. That's why social networks are harmful. If you spend time on the Internet, then it is better to let the information come to you in larger portions and with a larger time interval. Read large articles on Wikipedia or elsewhere, look at pictures for a long time. There is no need to interrupt this process and frantically follow the update of your personal mail or social network page and press the F5 key.

At this time, turn off your ICQ and Skype, so as not to be distracted by them. And in general, when using these clients, try not to text your friends there for every possible reason, also, remember that you are not obliged to reply there immediately after someone has written to you. Finish what you started first, and then write, unless it's something very urgent. Remember, when something distracts you from some process, its execution is much less efficient, this is a scientific fact.

Force yourself to focus

Read books without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. The more boring the book, the better you train the ability to concentrate. But many boring books are quite useful, so let this exercise also serve as a good opportunity for you to learn new things, improve your professional and personal qualities. Mark the time during which you should not be distracted, but only read, let it be an hour or two. You can measure this in terms of pages read, however you like. And until this time passes - no extraneous affairs! The same applies to your work, affairs. Do all this without being distracted and marking the time to complete. (First of all, read this article to the end, with short breaks if necessary, but without being distracted by external stimuli)

Pay attention to what people say to you, learn to listen to the interlocutor. All this is very difficult at first. Attention will constantly drift away, but don’t let it upset or irritate you, just when you realize that you are distracted, calmly transfer your attention back to the subject of concentration. Slowly but surely your ability to concentrate will improve.

Talk less on the point

In the company of other people, you do not need to say everything that comes to your mind, interrupt and rush to speak out. Calmly listen to others to the end, try to speak to the point and on the topic. Pause before answering and think about your answers. No need to chatter, keep an even and calm intonation.

Quit bad habits

Smoking is the biggest ally of ADHD: a cigarette takes your attention and hands and only contributes to the development of the syndrome. People often begin to smoke from their inner restlessness, the inability to sit still doing nothing. So it was, for example, with me. I haven't smoked for a long time. On how to quit smoking, you can then read the article on my website, I gave the link above.

Drink less alcohol. Have you ever wondered what is the phenomenon of so-called beer alcoholism? Not only in love for a foamy drink, as such, but in the fact that beer, like light alcohol, allows you to take sips often, as a result, your hands and mouth are constantly busy. And if you also smoke during pauses, and chat between puffs, look at the screen with one eye, then this takes all your attention and only contributes to the development of attention deficit, in addition, it is also very harmful. So try to avoid noisy gatherings in bars for beer and cigarettes, it is better to rest in silence and try to relax.

Learn to be patient

Try to relax, do not fidget while standing in line, do not run out to smoke every 10 minutes, because you have nowhere to put yourself. During this time, try to relax.

Take long and relaxing walks

A measured walk in the fresh air is good for relaxation and getting out of the rhythm of ADHD. So after work, instead of continuing to bombard your brain with new portions of information (Internet, TV, conversation), take a calm walk down the street, even alone. Try not to think about the problems of today, think less in general and look around more, noticing your surroundings. Thoughts flow calmly and measuredly, try to relax as much as possible.


This is perhaps the most effective and trouble-free method in the prevention of ADHD and many other unpleasant ailments! How meditation works, I'll tell you now. Have you noticed what all of the above methods have in common? This is the principle of counteracting the symptoms of ADHD that I mentioned above. You do the opposite of what ADHD makes you do and get rid of it this way: if you want to twitch, you force yourself to sit still, there is a desire to switch from tab to tab - you control yourself and do not allow it, it is difficult to listen to a music album to the end, you experience strong impulses to get up - don't do it, that's all.

Meditation is a session of relaxation and concentration that has an extremely positive effect on the psyche and fully implements the principle of counteracting ADHD! When you meditate, you firstly try to direct your attention to some object (an image, a physiological process in your body, a phrase in your head), thereby developing concentration skills, and secondly, you calm down, sit for 20 minutes in a motionless, relaxed position. You will really want to get up and interrupt this process, your body will want activity, but you will fight this desire, pacify it and again direct your attention to its object!

Can you think of a better exercise to learn how to be relaxed and deal with inner restlessness?! Meditation helped me a lot, and not only in eliminating ADHD, thanks to it all the work on myself was done, during which all the positive metamorphoses took place in me and I was able to formulate the conclusions that fill my site and, in particular, this one. article.

Meditation is not magic, it is an easy exercise that anyone can do. To find out, read the article at the link.

Information starvation

In one of them, I described an exercise that will be very useful for people with ADHD!

If your child has ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often begins in childhood. But remember that when you are trying to determine the clinical picture in a child, make allowance for the fact that children are always more active than adults and it is more difficult for them to sit still and maintain attention than us. What is abnormal for us may be normal for a child. So do not sound the alarm if you find symptoms of ADHD in a child. It's okay, calmly work with him, using competent and gentle educational measures.

If your child is too active and absent-minded, then all the tips that are suitable for an adult will help him. Take long walks with him, teach him to do activities that require concentration (chess, reading, modeling airplanes, etc.), control his leisure time spent on the Internet, develop his memory and concentration, teach him to follow your body movements and calmly explain to him simple words about all the bad things that will happen to him if his anxiety and absent-mindedness are transferred into adulthood. The main thing is not to push or force, find the line that separates wise upbringing and aggressive dictatorship and do not go beyond it.

And if you teach a child to meditate from childhood, it will be generally excellent! Already when he reaches maturity, he will not have all the problems that we might have experienced: problems with the nervous system, anxiety, impulsiveness, anxiety, irritability, bad habits, etc. Only if an adult needs to meditate for 15-20 minutes per session, then 5-10 minutes is enough for a child.

Do not worry if working with a child does not immediately lead to the desired result. Don't lose patience. Most children's and also adult problems are solvable, but only if you do not turn away from them, do not ignore their causes, do not leave them to the arbitrariness of careless doctors, but work with them consciously, methodically, independently.

What is this?

Experts call the term "ADHD" a neurological behavioral disorder that begins in early childhood and manifests itself in the form of problems with concentration, increased activity and impulsivity. The hyperactivity syndrome is where excitation always prevails over inhibition.


Scientists, educators and doctors suggest that the appearance of ADHD symptoms depends on the influence of various factors. So, biological factors are divided into prenatal and postnatal period.

The causes of organic lesions can be:

  • the use of large quantities of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis and immune incompatibility;
  • premature, protracted birth, the threat of miscarriage and an attempt to terminate the pregnancy;
  • a consequence of anesthesia and caesarean section;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord or incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • stress and psychological trauma of the mother during pregnancy, unwillingness to have a child;
  • any diseases of the child during infancy, accompanied by high fever, can also affect the formation and development of the brain;
  • unfavorable psychosocial environment and hereditary predisposition;
  • emotional disorders, increased anxiety, trauma.

There are also social reasons - these are the peculiarities of upbringing in the family or pedagogical neglect - upbringing according to the "family idol" type.


How can parents determine if their child has hyperactivity. I think at the initial stage of the definition it is very easy to do. It is enough to note the symptoms that your child has for a certain time.

Signs of inattention:

  • dislikes noisy rooms;
  • it is difficult for him to concentrate;
  • he is distracted from the task, reacts to external stimuli;
  • with great pleasure grabs the job, but often moves from one unfinished action to another;
  • does not hear well and does not perceive instructions;
  • has difficulty in self-organization, often loses his things in the garden or at home.

Signs of hyperactivity:

  • climbs on the table, cabinets, cabinets, on the street on trees, fences;
  • more often runs, spins and spins in place;
  • during classes, walks around the room;
  • there are restless movements of the arms and legs, as if twitching;
  • if he does something, then with noise and shouting;
  • he constantly needs to do something (play, craft and draw) he does not know how to relax.

You can only talk about ADHD syndrome when your child has almost all of the above symptoms for a very long time.

The mental activity of children with ADHD syndrome is cyclical. The child can work well actively for 5-10 minutes, then there comes a period when the brain rests, accumulates energy for the next cycle. At this moment, the child is distracted, does not hear anyone. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready to work again within 5-15 minutes. Children with ADHD have "flickering attention", a lack of concentration without additional motor stimulation. They need to move, spin, and constantly turn their heads to stay 'conscious'.

In order to maintain concentration of attention, children activate the centers of balance with the help of physical activity. For example, they lean back on the chair so that the back legs do not touch the floor. If their head is still, they will be less active.

How to distinguish ADHD from being spoiled?

First of all, let's remember that all children are born with a temperament already laid down by mother nature. And how it will manifest itself depends on the development of the baby, and on the upbringing of the parents.

Temperament directly depends on nervous processes, such as excitation and inhibition. At the moment, there are four types of temperament - these are sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. The main thing that parents should know is that there are no pure temperaments, just one of them prevails to a greater extent than others.

If your child is mobile when you are talking with friends on the street, or he throws tantrums in the store, and at that time you are busy choosing products, then this is a normal, healthy, active child.

But we can talk about hyperactivity only when the child is constantly running around, it is impossible to distract him, in the kindergarten and at home the behavior is the same. That is, sometimes the symptoms of temperament can indeed overlap with the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Parents share their experiences of raising children with ADHD in the following video.

Classification of ADHD

The International Psychiatric Classification (DSM) identifies the following variants of ADHD:

  1. mixed - a combination of hyperactivity with impaired attention - occurs most often, especially in boys;
  2. inattentive - attention deficit prevails, more common in girls with violent imagination;
  3. hyperactive - hyperactivity dominates. It can be a consequence of both the individual characteristics of the temperament of children, and some disorders of the central nervous system.

Symptoms in children of different ages

Symptoms of hyperactivity can appear even before the baby is born. Such babies can be very active in the womb. An overly mobile child is a very dangerous phenomenon, because its activity can provoke cord entanglement, and this is fraught with hypoxia.

For babies under 1 year old

  1. Very active motor reaction to various actions.
  2. Excessive loudness and hyperexcitability.
  3. Speech development may be delayed.
  4. Sleep disturbance (rarely in a state of relaxation).
  5. High sensitivity to bright light or noise.
  6. It should be remembered that the capriciousness of a baby at this age can be caused by malnutrition, growing teeth, and colic.

For babies 2-3 years old

  • Restlessness.
  • Fine motor disorders.
  • Chaotic movements of the baby, as well as their redundancy.
  • At this age, the signs of ADHD are activated.


  1. They are unable to concentrate on their business (listen to a fairy tale, finish playing a game).
  2. In the classroom, he confuses assignments, quickly forgets the question asked.
  3. It's hard to get to sleep.
  4. Disobedience and whims.
  5. Babies at the age of 3 are very stubborn, wayward, as this age is accompanied by a crisis. But with ADHD, these characteristics are exacerbated.


  • Lack of focus in class.
  • He answers quickly, without hesitation, interrupting adults.
  • Experiencing self-doubt, low self-esteem.
  • Fears and anxiety.
  • Unbalance and unpredictability, changes in mood;
  • Enuresis, complaints of pain in the head.
  • Tics appear.
  • Unable to wait for long periods of time.

Which experts should be contacted for help?

To confirm such a diagnosis, parents should first of all contact a neurologist. It is he who, having collected the entire history, after examinations and tests, can confirm the presence of ADHD.

A child psychologist conducts psychological diagnostics using various questionnaires and methods for examining mental functions (memory, attention, thinking), as well as the emotional state of the child. Children of this type are often overexcited and tense.

If you look at their drawings, you can see superficial images, lack of color solutions or the presence of sharp strokes and pressure. When raising such a baby, one should adhere to a single parenting style.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed for a hyperactive child, since various diseases can be hidden behind such a syndrome.

Correction and treatment

Rehabilitation of a child with ADHD includes both individual support and psychological, pedagogical and medication correction.

At the first stage, a child psychologist and a neurologist conduct consultations, individual examinations, biofeedback technologies are used, where the child is taught to breathe correctly.

In the correction of ADHD, the entire social and related environment of a hyperactive child should interact: parents, educators and teachers.

Drug treatment is an additional, and sometimes the main method of correcting ADHD. In medicine, children are prescribed nootropic drugs (cortexin, encephabol), they have a beneficial effect on brain activity and are effective in cases of inattention. If, on the contrary, hyperactive symptoms predominate, then drugs that contain gamma-aminobutyric acid, pantogam, phenibut are used, they are responsible for inhibiting processes in the brain. It must be remembered that all of the above medicines can only be taken as directed by a neurologist.

It is important for parents to monitor the nutrition of the child.

  • It is mandatory to take 1000 mg of calcium, necessary for the development of a growing organism.
  • The need for magnesium ranges from 180 mg to 400 mg per day. It is found in buckwheat, wheat, peanuts, potatoes and spinach.
  • Omega 3 is a special type of fatty acid which provides the passage of impulses to the cells of the heart, brain, so it is also important in the treatment of ADHD.

The main thing is that vitamins such as "choline" and "lecithin" are still present in the baby's nutrition - these are the defenders and builders of the nervous system. Products that contain these substances are very useful (eggs, liver, milk, fish).

A very good effect is observed after the use of kinesiotherapy These are breathing exercises, stretching, oculomotor exercises. Timely massage courses (SHOP) of the cervical spine will also be useful, starting from an early age.

Sand therapy, work with clay, cereals and water will also be useful, but these games must be played under the strict supervision of adults. Especially if the child is small. Now on the shelves of children's stores you can find ready-made kits for such games, for example, Kinesthetic Sand, a table for playing with water and sand. The best result can be achieved if parents begin treatment and correction in a timely manner at an early age, when symptoms are just beginning to appear.

  • Learn to follow the daily routine, for a child with ADHD this is very important, do all the routine moments at the same time.
  • Create a comfortable environment for your child, where he can be active for his own good. Write down in sports sections, mugs and swimming. Protect from overwork, try to get enough sleep.
  • When you forbid one thing, always offer an alternative in return. For example, at home you can’t play with the ball, but on the street you can, offer to play together.
  • If possible, parents can attend behavioral programs that are held at the centers. There they will be taught how to properly interact with children, they will share the secrets of raising and developing such children. Also, such classes are held with children, both individually and in group form.
  • To reinforce verbal instructions, use visual stimulation, pictures of actions.
  • Children are very fond of stroking, massage each other, draw on the back with your hands.
  • Listen to music. It has long been proven that classical music helps children focus and concentrate.
  • W. Beethoven "Piano Concerto No. 5-6" controls all parts of your child's brain at the same time, stimulates speech skills, motor skills.
  • A. Mozart: "Symphony No. 40 in G minor" trains the muscles in the ear, the sound activates motor and auditory functions.
  • Parents in the home environment can correct children themselves with the help of games aimed at training one function.

Useful games

Attention Games

"Catch - do not catch." This is an analogue to everyone's favorite game "Edible - inedible". That is, one leading player throws the ball and says a word, for example, related to animals, and the second participant catches or discards it.

You can also play "Find the Difference"; "Forbidden Movement"; "Listen to the command."

Games to relieve emotional stress

  • "Touch." With the help of the game, you teach your child to relax, relieve anxiety and develop his tactile sensitivity. For this, use different objects and materials: scraps of fabric, furs, bottles made of glass and wood, cotton wool, paper. Spread it on the table in front of the child or put it in a bag. When he carefully examines them, invite him with his eyes closed to try to guess what object he took or touches. The games "Tender paws" are also interesting; "Talk with hands"
  • "Cake". Invite your child to bake their favorite cake, play with his imagination. Let the child be the dough, depict the preparation of the dough using the elements of massage, stroking, tapping. Ask what to cook, what to add. This fun game relaxes and relieves stress.

Games to control physical activity

  • "One, two, three freeze." Play some fun dance music for him. While it will sound, the baby can jump, run to portray animals, but as soon as it ends, he must stop in the position in which he was caught, the game teaches to concentrate his attention.
  • Family game "Fruit Salad". Each member of the family draws himself in the form of a fruit, then shows the drawings and talks about his features. Then all the fruits are cut out and glued to the salad bowl.
  • "Commander". The child is taught the rules of the game. One of the family members plays the commander, and the child plays the role of a fighter who clearly follows the instructions of an adult. For example, "We will build a tower, I will supervise the construction, and you will build." Then everyone changes places. This game teaches children and parents to hear and understand each other.
  • "Describe and draw." The purpose of the exercise is cohesion and mutual understanding. The kid draws a picture on any topic, then describes it in great detail, and an adult, according to his description, must recreate the picture.

What help can you give a baby when he is overexcited?

Your child flared up - then take his hand and, for example, go with the baby to another room. Offer to wash, and if that doesn't work, switch his attention to something interesting.

When he is angry, touch him, gently stroke his back, hug him, because emotional contact is very necessary for children with ADHD.

An excellent way to restore balance and harmony in children is to take a soothing bath at night with various herbs, such as chamomile or lavender. Before going to bed, you can read your favorite fairy tale together or watch a calm cartoon.

If the child already has a well-developed fantasy, try using meditative techniques. For example, ask them to close their eyes. Let him imagine a clearing or forest. He will pay attention to the singing of birds or the sound of a stream, let him feel the wind on his face, all this can be accompanied by musical accompaniment.


To prevent the occurrence of ADHD syndrome, every mother, even before the birth of a child, must provide herself with favorable conditions for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as create a positive microclimate in her home.

But if, nevertheless, a hyperactive baby has appeared in your family, remember, the main thing is to start complex therapy in time, which will teach the child to competently build relationships with adults and children, control their behavior and emotions.

For more information about ADHD, see Dr. Komarovsky's show.

How to behave to parents, see the following video by clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova.

Increased activity, unbalanced behavior, inability to concentrate are signs that are often found in people of different age categories. These symptoms indicate the presence of a serious disease called Attention Deficit Disorder. It is important to understand the problems of the course of the disease and to identify the optimal method of treatment, both for an adult patient and for a child.

Characteristics of the problem

The development of the disease is more common in children aged 2-3 years and older. Adults can also develop a disease, but such people are less susceptible to its negative effects, they control themselves more. Children, on the contrary, experience an acute lack of relationships with other people.

The occurrence at a conscious age of the disease is due to a genetic predisposition. But the manifested symptoms practically do not develop. This is due to the fact that family and work are in the foreground for an adult, so emotions are relegated to a secondary level.

Often the disease manifests itself in boys. In almost every classroom there is a bright representative of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder.

When the development of ADHD in children is recorded, it is characterized by the inability to keep one's own attention on a particular object or event. The patient is extremely active, trying to be in several places at the same time.

If in a lesson a child makes a mistake in a task, he does not concentrate on it, does not listen to explanations of his wrongness, and does not listen to instructive words. In some situations, the child's behavior goes beyond all limits, he cannot control himself, constantly spins, jumps up in his place. It is these reactions that are strongly noticeable against the background of other children who are calmly engaged in learning activities or joint role-playing.

In most cases, teachers notice developmental disabilities and tend to label the child as "ADHD". To confirm the symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis by a psychologist.

There are the following types of attention deficit in a child:

  1. Inattention - only this symptom, which predetermines the disease, manifests itself in a patient with ADHD. In this case, the likelihood of hyperactivity is almost completely excluded;
  2. Impulsivity and hyperactivity - the clinical picture is accompanied not only by increased activity compared to other children, but also by irascibility, imbalance, impulsivity and nervousness;
  3. Mixed type - formed in patients more often than other types. It includes both signs of the syndrome. It can develop not only in small patients, but also in adults.

If we omit the human factor and listen to the language of psychology, attention deficit disorder is a dysfunction of the nervous system, characterized by a violation of the normal functioning of the brain. Such problems associated with the most important human organ are the most dangerous and unpredictable.

To prevent the consequences of the development of the disease, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of the child and pay attention in time to possible problems in the formation of the individual. Timely detected symptoms are subject to therapeutic action. Therefore, it is not worth panicking for no reason and getting upset when a diagnosis is detected.

Causes of hyperactivity

Medicine cannot accurately determine the causes of hyperactivity and attention disorders in patients of different age categories. Development factors can be various situations that negatively affect the patient, as well as a set of ongoing processes. All influence negatively affects the human nervous system.

There are certain reasons that stimulate the formation of attention deficit in children:

  1. The development of a child inside the womb, in which negative changes occur in the formation of the central nervous system of the baby, which leads to oxygen starvation or cerebral hemorrhage;
  2. Reception by a pregnant woman of drugs, in uncontrolled dosages;
  3. The negative impact of addictions during pregnancy on the developing fetus (alcohol addiction, nicotine and drug addiction);
  4. Threat of miscarriage or cessation of blood supply through the umbilical cord to the fetus;
  5. Difficult childbirth, complications or, conversely, rapid childbirth, which can lead to a head injury to the baby or the development of problems with the spine;
  6. Conflict on the Rh factor of the blood, which leads to the immunological incompatibility of the mother and the developing child;
  7. At the age of one and earlier, the presence of diseases that provoke an increase in the temperature of the baby's body to critical levels (up to 39-40 degrees);
  8. Inflammation of the lungs or the flow of a minor illness into bronchial asthma;
  9. Kidney disease, characterized by a severe degree of leakage;
  10. Introduction into the body of a small patient, up to 1-2 years old, drugs with neurotoxic effects;
  11. Congenital malformation of the heart muscle or the detection of its insufficiency;
  12. genetic predisposition.

The heredity that manifested in a child can be viewed directly from the parents, and transmitted from distant relatives. Premature babies are more than 80% more likely to acquire attention deficit disorder in their early years than premature babies.

The reason for the appearance of the disease in adolescence is familiarity with a computer and other gadgets. When in contact with technology, a child produces cortisol (stress hormone), which leads to the inability of the brain to concentrate.

The manifestation of the process of violations in the development of the child should not be confused with spoiled. The diagnosis of ADHD is treatable, and the bad manners of a young person cannot be eradicated.

Clinical picture

A vivid picture of the course of symptoms is detected in children. In the adult period, the signs of the disorder are carefully hidden and hushed up, so it is rather problematic for an outsider to identify the disease at a conscious age. In most cases, caregivers send children to the hospital, noticing deviations and lack of attention in babies.

Vivid symptoms begin to appear in children upon reaching 5-12 years of age. The first signs can be replaced even earlier, they are revealed in the following:

  1. The baby early and for a long time begins to hold his head, sit down, roll over and crawl;
  2. The newborn sleeps little, is more awake;
  3. Before falling asleep, the child gets tired, but he is not able to fall asleep on his own, there is always a tantrum;
  4. Babies with this diagnosis are very sensitive to foreign objects, people, bright light and loud sound;
  5. Toys or any objects recline before the child has fully examined them.

These signs can both indicate a lack of attention in children in early life, and are present in some children with a restless character, under the age of 3 years. Often problems with activity leave a peculiar imprint on the work of all internal organs.

Children in this situation are often prone to indigestion. The presence of frequent diarrhea is a clear symptom of the constant stimulation of the small intestine by the baby's nervous system. In addition, in patients with an established diagnosis, allergic reactions and various skin rashes are more common than in peers.

With attention deficit in children, the main signs of a violation in the course of the normal development of the body are insufficient attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. For each specific symptom, its own signs are distinguished.

Lack of attention is manifested in the following:

  1. Concentration on one subject or situation quickly becomes a burden. The patient loses interest in details, does not try to distinguish the main from the secondary or additional. The kid at this moment begins to do several things at the same time. He tries to paint over all areas of the same color, but he cannot complete the work he has begun. When reading, jumps over a word or even a line. Such a manifestation means that the child does not know how to make plans. To treat a symptom, you need to teach the baby to plan: “First you need to do this item, and then move on to the next one.”
  2. The patient, under any pretext, tries not to resort to daily tasks, lessons or help around the house. In such a situation, the disease manifests itself either as a quiet protest, or an angry scandal or hysteria.
  3. Cyclic attention. In this situation, the preschooler concentrates his attention on a certain subject or lesson for up to 5 minutes, the student is able to study for up to 10 minutes. After that, the same period of time is needed to restore strength and concentration. In patients during the rest period, a feature is revealed: a person simply does not hear the interlocutor, does not react to what is happening, he is busy with his thoughts and deeds.
  4. Attention is manifested only if the patient is left alone with the teacher or parent. At this moment, the concentration is fully adjusted, the baby becomes obedient and diligent.

Children with Attention Deficit Disorder are unique. Their brain is improved at the moment when the little patient runs, takes apart toys or plays. Such motor activity makes the brain structures responsible for self-control and thinking work.

Symptoms of impulsivity are expressed in a certain way:

  • The child obeys and is guided only by his own problems and desires. All actions are based on the first impulse that enters the brain. In most cases, the consequences of the actions taken are never considered or planned. There are no situations in which the baby should be completely calm for him.
  • The patient cannot perform actions according to the instructions, especially if it includes several components. When performing a given action, the patient finds a new task for himself, abandoning the previous process.
  • There is no way to wait or endure. The patient demands that he be immediately presented with what he wants. If his requirements are not met, then the child begins to make a fuss, throw tantrums, leave previously started cases or perform aimless actions. Such a manifestation of increased motor activity is very noticeable when waiting in line;
  • Every few minutes there is a sudden change of mood. Transitions from hysterical laughter to hysterical crying are noticeable. If something did not suit the baby in his interlocutor, he throws things, can break or spoil the personal item of another child. All actions performed do not carry specific revenge, they are performed under impulse.
  • There is no sense of danger - acts are committed that are dangerous for the life of not only this child, but also his peers around him.

All these symptoms are manifested due to the fact that the patient's nervous system at an early age is quite vulnerable. It is difficult for her to accept and process the entire amount of incoming information. Lack of attention and activity - the ability to protect against excessive stress on the central nervous system.

With hyperactivity, the baby produces a large number of unnecessary movements. The child in this case does not even notice his own deeds. He can twitch his legs, move his arms, describing circles or other figures. All this is combined into a single distinguishing feature - aimlessness.

Such a child is not in the mood to speak quietly, he pronounces everything with a certain speed and in raised tones. He does not bother to wait for the end of the question, shouting over and interrupting. His words in most cases are not thoughtful, they are offensive to outsiders.

Hyperactivity is also expressed in the facial expressions of such a baby. On his face, in a short time, the whole spectrum of emotions jumps - from anger to happiness.

In some cases, additional symptoms are present:

  1. Disturbances in communication, both with their peers and with adults. The patient tries to be in time everywhere and everywhere, sometimes he is sharp and even aggressive. These signs in some cases prevent other people from making contact and set up a barrier to friendships.
  2. Difficulties in mastering the school curriculum are revealed, despite the fact that the patient's intellectual development is at a fairly high level;
  3. The patient's lag in the development of the emotional plan - whims or tearfulness often appear. An already grown child does not perceive criticism, does not accept an unsuccessful outcome, often behaves like a child. Medicine has established that with ADHD, developmental delay on an emotional level occurs on average by 30%. So a 10-year-old individual behaves like a 7-year-old preschooler.
  4. The self-esteem of such a person falls. This is due to the fact that during the day the baby hears a significant amount of criticism and comments addressed to him, he is compared with more obedient and successful peers. Such a state reduces its own importance and lowers the child in his eyes, which leads to aggressiveness, imbalance and disobedience, stimulates various disorders.

But along with all the negative aspects of the presence of the syndrome, such children are distinguished by specific positive features. They are mobile, easy to lift, effective. Upon contact with a person, they quickly perceive his condition, try to help by action or advice. Often such people are selfless, ready to give up all their affairs and rush to help a friend. A person does not have the ability to hold a grudge, to take revenge, he quickly forgets any troubles and treats others “with all his heart”.

If the symptoms clearly make themselves felt, they should not be neglected and put off going to the doctor. Early detection of such a disease helps to quickly get rid of the problem through medication or restraining the urges and impulses of the child.

Diagnosis of pathology

If any syndrome is detected, you should consult a doctor. Medicine advises to contact any of the specialists: psychiatrists, neurologists, social workers or psychologists. For starters, you can get advice from your family doctor or pediatrician.

But social workers, therapists and psychologists often do not have the right to prescribe treatment, they establish a diagnosis and refer for further consultation to a narrow specialist, such as a neurologist or psychiatrist.

In order to prescribe treatment for ADHD in children, the doctor will conduct the necessary examination. The latter is carried out in several stages, according to a certain algorithm.

Initially, the doctor will ask the patient to tell about himself. If a minor patient undergoes therapy, then his psychological portrait should be drawn. The narrative must necessarily include the child's behavior and the environment of life.

The second stage for the patient will be the passage of a certain test that reveals the degree of absent-mindedness of the baby.

The next step in the algorithm for determining the diagnosis is to conduct the required laboratory tests. Such a check is considered classic when establishing the correct diagnosis.

It is necessary to undergo a tomography of the brain and an ultrasound examination of the head. The course of the disease is clearly visible on the obtained pictures. In such a situation, the work of the brain is subject to change.

In addition to the basic diagnostic methods, you can resort to a complete examination:

  1. Genetic study of both parents to establish the causes that served as an impetus for the development of the problem;
  2. An examination of the neurological type is carried out, which requires the NESS technique;
  3. Conducting neuropsychological testing for toddlers, preschoolers and adolescents of school age.

Based on the results of tests and examinations, the doctor establishes a diagnosis. As a result of the testing, the presence of hyperactivity and excitability in the patient or its complete absence will be accurately revealed. After confirming the diagnosis, effective treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of the disease

In Russia, attention deficit in children is common, its treatment consists of a set of measures and is controlled at all stages. The main impact on the patient is psychotherapy, as well as behavior correction through pedagogical control and neuropsychological influence.

First of all, the doctor conducts a conversation with the parents and the immediate environment of the patient, explains to them the features of interaction with the patient. Parents are given tasks that must be completed:

  1. Education must be strict. You should not lisp, feel sorry for the child, allow him everything. Otherwise, excessive care and love will intensify the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Do not demand from the child to perform actions with which he is unable to cope. The impossibility of fulfilling the tasks set leads to an increase in capriciousness, nervousness, dissatisfaction with oneself and an even greater drop in the patient's self-esteem.

For drug treatment, complex therapy is prescribed. Drugs are selected on the basis of the identified signs on an individual basis. Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder include:

  1. For the central nervous system of an autonomic nature, its stimulation, Pemoline, Dextroamphetamine or Methylphenidate are prescribed;
  2. The use of tricyclic antidepressants such as Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Thioridazine is recommended;
  3. Nootropic pills should be taken: Semax, Nootropil, Phenibut, Cerebrolysin;
  4. Psychostimulants: Dexmethylphenidate, Dexamphetamine, or Levamphetamine.

Additionally, vitamins are prescribed that stimulate brain activity. Therapy is carried out in low dosages so as not to provoke the development of side effects in a minor.

The control of the course of this type of disease fixes that all drugs act only at the time of administration. After cancellation, their influence completely stops, and the symptoms return.

In addition to the drug effect, physiotherapy and therapeutic massage can be used. The procedures of this complex are aimed at eliminating injuries received at the birth of a baby. This has a positive effect on cerebral circulation and pressure inside the skull.

The list of exercises applies:

  1. Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out daily, stimulates the strengthening of the muscle tissue of the shoulder girdle and neck;
  2. Massage of the collar zone - should be carried out up to 3 times a year, 10 procedures daily for 10-15 minutes;
  3. Physiotherapy is carried out with the help of infrared radiation, which contributes to the heating of a certain area. It is carried out for 10-15 sessions no more than 2 times a year.

Only the attending physician should prescribe a set of measures for physiological effects. Turning to an unqualified specialist can cost the patient's health.

Hyperactivity can be eliminated without complex drug treatment. You can use folk remedies, drink sedative herbs such as sage, chamomile or calendula.

In addition, you should be patient and pay more attention to the little person by following these recommendations:

  1. Find time to communicate with the child;
  2. Send the baby to educational circles;
  3. With a schoolchild, you should learn lessons together, study more, educate his perseverance and attention;
  4. With hyperactivity, it is required to find a use for his restlessness and energy: give it to dancing, running or other outdoor sports activities;
  5. Do not show aggression, do not scold the patient, show more calmness and restraint;
  6. Support all initiatives and hobbies of your child. In this situation, it is important not to confuse permissiveness and acceptance of a small person as an independent individual.

If these rules are followed, the treatment of the child will gradually bring results. You should not expect instant progress, but you should not abandon classes. You can use pills, physiotherapy and exercises in combination, as well as independently influence a small patient. The main thing is not to lose hope and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

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