2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade. The heroic battle of the Pskov brigade of the GRU special forces (24 photos). Connection in the Armed Forces of Russia

The 2nd GRU special forces brigade, or military unit 64044, is located in Pskov. The division is completed both on a contract basis and on a fixed-term basis.


The connection began to form in September 1962. It was finally established in 1963. It consists of several structural units: management units, schools of junior specialists, a special radio communications detachment, logistics companies, as well as the 70th, 177th, 329th and 700th separate special forces detachments.

Sleeve emblem of the 2nd separate brigade of special forces

eyewitness impressions

They note fairly easy service conditions, the absence of hazing and competitive selection even for military service. The servicemen themselves jokingly call military unit 64044 "Kindergarten" Parashyutik ". The soldiers are settled in fairly good, renovated cockpit barracks (4 people live in a cockpit). There is a gym, dining room and library. The commandos eat well, they are offered several dishes to choose from. Food preparation is outsourced to civilians. There is also a chip on the territory.
There is an infirmary, but they say that the necessary medicines are not always there. Good reviews can be heard about the military hospital in Pskov. You can visit soldiers in a medical facility, but only with a passport.

Recruits of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade taking the oath of allegiance to the Russian Federation

Military unit 64044 pays due attention to the leisure of military personnel. A special weekend plan is being developed: the fighters attend hockey competitions, go on excursions to the museum with the unit. A lot of time is devoted to the physical and sports training of employees. In particular, many are interested in how the jumps go.
At first they jump from the training tower, which is in the stadium, then move on to more difficult tasks. Jumps to military unit 64044 will be performed from MI-8 transport helicopters. For personnel and officers, a different height of lifting aircraft into the air is established. Thus, conscripted military personnel jump from a height of 800 m, and officers - from 2000 m. Depending on the number of jumps, there is a bonus. Training in various types of combat - from hand-to-hand to attack using various types of weapons - is held three times a day.

Preparing for skydiving

Military unit 64044 performs monetary allowances on VTB-24 cards. An ATM is installed at the checkpoint of the garrison. Soldiers can withdraw money accompanied by officers or contractors.
Special forces receive theoretical skills in classrooms. Before taking the oath, the charter must be studied. Also, during the course of a young fighter (lasts about a month), recruits are introduced to the routine in the unit, they are engaged in drill and physical training. Practice firing is carried out approximately 3-4 times a month at a firing range not far from the unit. Sometimes employees of military unit 64044 take part in combined arms and international exercises.
As for the shortcomings of the service, several points are noted. Firstly, Pskov is located in a swampy area where there are a lot of mosquitoes. Secondly, the fighters take a long time to acclimatize, they often get sick, but only vitamins are allowed from medicines. During the period of illness, soldiers may be in the infirmary or hospital.

Parachute packing session

The oath is taken on Saturdays at 9.00. Entrance for visitors - upon presentation of a passport at the checkpoint. Both relatives and friends can come on the day of the oath, but they will be released on dismissal only on the security of the passport of their parents or wife. It is recommended to arrive at the checkpoint an hour before the event to find the oath table, the name of the soldier on the lists and register at the checkpoint.
Military personnel of military unit 64044 announce the date of the oath over the phone. Photo and video shooting is allowed on the oath. At the end of the event, the command gathers all parents in the club of the unit and conducts a conversation. They can conduct a short tour of the territory of the unit or the barracks.
Soldiers acquire equipment and uniforms on their own. There are enough military stores in Pskov, one of the stores is located not far from the unit.
You can contact relatives by mobile during the "soldier's hour" before lights out. The phones are not confiscated from the fighters, but they are allowed to be used at the time set by the unit commander.

Brigade parade ground

You can visit military personnel of military unit 64044 on weekends. To get a leave, a soldier must write an application (report). They do it on Thursday, leave is granted on Saturday and Sunday. Otherwise, you can only meet with the fighter in the visitor's room at the checkpoint.
In order to get into contract service in the brigade, the applicant must:

  • obtain a medical certificate not lower than Form A-1;
  • pass physical standards;
  • provide data of relatives for special verification;
  • not have problems with the law and a criminal record;
  • meet the physical parameters of the selection (GRU special forces accept young people from 18 to 35 years old with a height of at least 175 cm);
  • the presence of a sports category is welcome, for officers and ensigns - higher education.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

Unit address: 180004, Pskov, st. Soviet Army, military unit 64044, full name of the soldier, name of the unit:

  • B - OSRS;
  • ShMS: company No. 1 - V, company No. 2 - G, MTO company - E, special weapons company - Zh, commandant company - Ch, technical company - E.

View of the checkpoint of the military unit

The name of the company must be indicated on all correspondence, including parcels. It is advised to pass sweets, vitamins, plaster, stationery, "hoz packages", personal hygiene items, cigarettes.
Post office address: 180004, Pskov, st. Bastionnaya, 19. The department is open on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 18.00, on Sunday - from 9.00 to 14.00. They go for parcels in groups of 10-15 people, they receive them on a military ID. The contents can be checked at the headquarters.

Contact phone numbers

→ Russia Russia

(2nd obrspn ) - military formation of the Armed Forces of the USSR and.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ 12 ObrSpN in Chechnya and Engenoy


Part formation

On October 24, 1950, in accordance with the Directive of the Military Ministry of the USSR No. Org / 2 / 395832, the Leningrad Military District was formed 76th Separate Special Purpose Company (76th division or military unit 51404) with a staff of 120 people. 76th division directly subordinated to the headquarters of the district and deployed in the settlement. Promezhitsy around (at that time) Pskov.

In 1953, due to another reduction in the armed forces, many special forces companies were disbanded. Including 76th division.

At the end of 1957, at the site of the former deployment 76th detachment, is created 20th Separate Special Purpose Company (20th division), also subordinate to the district headquarters.

In connection with the decision of the military leadership to enlarge the special forces and increase the number of their personnel, on July 19, 1962, the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 was issued, according to which in the Leningrad Military District it was necessary to form 2nd Special Forces Brigade. The creation of the brigade began on September 17, 1962 and ended on March 1, 1963.

The brigade was created on the basis of the 20th separate special-purpose company with the involvement of the officers of the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division, also stationed in Pskov. The involvement of the military personnel of the Airborne Forces was caused by the need for specialists in airborne training.

The day of the unit was declared December 1, 1962. 2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade received a designation military unit 64044 (military unit 64044) .

Formation and development of the brigade

Like all special forces brigades created in the early 60s (with the exception of the 3rd brigade), 2nd obrspn It was a cropped formation, in which, according to the peacetime states, the personnel was 300-350 people. According to the plans of the military command during the introduction of martial law, due to the mobilization of reserve military personnel and holding 30-day training camps, 2nd obrspn unfolded into a full-fledged combat-ready unit with a personnel of 1,700 people.

According to the state of peacetime, the 2nd brigade consisted of the following units:

  • Brigade management;
  • detachment of special radio communications;
  • 2 special forces;
  • 2 separate special forces units (frame);
  • economic support company.

On April 16, 1963, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the brigade was awarded the Battle Banner.

In 1966 and 1967, the brigade was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District for the high performance of combat training demonstrated during the exercises.

The personnel of the brigade took part in the exercises "Ocean-70", "Horizon-74" and a number of others.

The servicemen of the 2nd detachment were the first of the GRU formations and units to parachute from the Il-76 military transport aircraft during the Dozor-86 exercise.

To create a detachment, in addition to the personnel of the 8th Special Forces, military personnel from the following 3 special forces brigades were also involved: 2nd brigade, 10th division (Stary Crimea of ​​the Ukrainian SSR) and 4th division (Viljandi, Estonian SSR).

This 186th detachment was created to participate in the so-called complex military measures Border Zone "Veza".

After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the 177th Separate Special Detachment (177th Special Forces), which was part of the 22nd Special Forces, was relocated in February 1989 to the military camp of the disbanded military unit of the Strategic Missile Forces near the settlement Taibola, Murmansk region and included in the 2nd brig.

Connection in the Armed Forces of Russia

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the 2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade came under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In July 1997, the 177th special forces detachment (military unit 83395), the 2nd detachment deployed in the Murmansk region, was disbanded. Contrary to the frequent mention in many sources of the existence of the 177th detachment in the former deployment point in a cropped form, this information is not true.

  • Brigade management (military unit 64044) - Promezhitsa (Pskov) area and subdivisions under management;
  • school of junior specialists (training battalion of 2 companies) - Promezhitsy;
  • a detachment of special radio communications (a communications battalion of 2 companies) - Pechory and Promezhitsa;
  • logistics company - Promezhitsa.
  • 70th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (military unit 75242) - Pechory;
  • 329th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (military unit 44917) - Promezhitsy;
  • 700th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (military unit 75143) - Pechory;

Participation of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade in combat operations

First Chechen War

In December 1994, on the basis of the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade, a combined detachment was created to carry out military operations in Chechnya while restoring constitutional order. The basis for the combined detachment was the 700th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (700th OOSPN), for which all 4 detachments of the brigade were involved (at that time, the 177th OOSPN in the Murmansk region was not disbanded). In a short time, the detachment, with a staff of 181 people, was staffed by the following staff:

  • Directorate of the 700th Special Forces - 17 military personnel;
  • 3 reconnaissance companies - 42 servicemen each;
  • communication group - 16 servicemen;
  • logistics platoon - 22 servicemen.

On January 9, 1995, the detachment was sent to Chechnya and arrived in Grozny by January 18.

The 700th OOSPN participated in the fighting to eliminate militants both in the city of Grozny itself and in the areas of the settlement. Zakan-Yurt, Samashki, Assinovskaya and Bamut.

The loss of the detachment for more than 3 months of hostilities amounted to 3 people killed.

On April 26, 1995, the combined detachment was withdrawn from the combat zone and by the beginning of the month of May returned to the point of permanent deployment.

Second Chechen War

In connection with the aggravation of the situation in the summer of 1999 in Dagestan, the leadership of the RF Armed Forces began to strengthen the grouping of troops in this region.

In August 1999, a combined detachment was assembled from the 2nd detachment, which included one reconnaissance company from each of the 3 detachments (70th, 329th and 700th detachment). The staff structure of the consolidated detachment was similar to the consolidated detachment in the first Chechen war, with the repetition of the same serial numbering in the name - the 700th Special Forces.

In September 1999, the 700th Special Forces took part in the hostilities in the Novolaksky region of Dagestan.

On January 1, 2000, the 700th Special Forces was stationed in the settlement. Achkhoy-Martan of Chechnya.

Together with other troops, the 700th Special Forces participated in preventing the capture of the settlement. Roshni-Chu by the enemy, who tried to create a corridor for the withdrawal of militants from Grozny, blocked by federal troops, to Urus-Martan.

Since March 10, 2000, the 700th Special Forces participated in the liquidation of the blocked bandit formation of Ruslan Gelaev in the village of Komsomolsky.

By the summer of 2000, the detachment occupied positions in the vicinity of the settlement. Greyhound. By January 2001, the reconnaissance groups of the 700th Special Forces were operating in the areas of the settlement. Sharo-Argun and Itum-Kali.

In September 2001, units of the 700th Special Operations Forces operated in the vicinity of the settlement. Aslanbek. In April 2002, the detachment successfully eliminated two groups of militants near the settlement. Yaryshmardy.

In 2006, the detachment was withdrawn from Chechnya to the point of permanent deployment.

In total, the 2nd separate brigade of special purpose in the second Chechen war lost 47 people killed.

The tragedy of February 21, 2000

In mid-February 2000, several reconnaissance groups of the 700th Special Forces were assigned the task of guarding motorized rifle units advancing into the southern mountainous part of Chechnya. The groups were to carry out reconnaissance of the terrain in the mountainous areas adjacent to the road connecting the flat part of Chechnya with the Shatoi region, in order to exclude the possibility of the enemy organizing an ambush on a convoy of troops.

8 days after the foot march through the mountainous terrain, the commanders of 3 groups marching in the forefront received an order by radio to collect near the village of Kharsenoy. They should have united and waited for reinforcements to arrive in the form of a motorized rifle unit. According to the plan of the command, the motorized riflemen were supposed to arrive at the village of Kharsenoy by 12.00 on February 21, change the reconnaissance groups of the 700th OOSPN and carry out further marching security of the column. Due to impassability and snowfall, the approach of the troop column was delayed. The total number of 3 reconnaissance groups was 35 people, of which 8 were seconded military personnel from other military units (sappers and artillery spotters from motorized rifle units). All 3 reconnaissance groups were assembled into a consolidated detachment from the 3rd reconnaissance company of the 329th Special Forces.

On the night of February 20-21, 3 reconnaissance groups united for the night near the village of Kharsenoy. The lowland was chosen as the place to spend the night. The condition of the tired fighters was critical: due to the long multi-day hike through the mountains, the lack of sleeping bags and low temperature, many of them had frostbite and colds.

Approximately by noon on February 21, dense fire from grenade launchers and automatic weapons was opened on the scouts located in the lowland, from the surrounding heights, creeping militants. At the very beginning of the battle, the only radio station with batteries remaining charged was destroyed. Within 15-20 minutes, the militants managed to destroy 33 scouts during a surprise attack. After collecting weapons from the dead servicemen, all the wounded servicemen were shot at point-blank range. Only 2 servicemen managed to survive, whom the militants mistook for the dead. One of them was seriously wounded by a grenade fragment, and the other received 3 bullet wounds and concussion.

Reinforcements of motorized riflemen approached the scene of the tragedy only after 3-4 hours.

The causes of the tragedy were both the extreme fatigue of the personnel and the gross mistake of the group commanders who did not set up proper combat guards.

The official version of the events of February 21, 2000 near the village of Kharsenoy, voiced in the press organ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, differs significantly from the testimony of eyewitnesses.

In connection with this tragedy, on February 21, for the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade, Memorial Day .

Russo-Georgian war

In the period from August 8, 2008 to March 7, 2009, the 329th special forces detachment of the 2nd detachment was in South Ossetia. There is no reliable information about participation in hostilities. As a result of an APC hitting a mine on October 6, 2008, 3 servicemen of the detachment were injured.

Connection Heroes

4 servicemen of the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade who died during the second Chechen war were awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously):

Kalinin Alexander Anatolyevich - captain, commander of the mining group of the 700th separate special forces detachment. The title was awarded on June 24, 2000.

Shantsev Sergey Vladimirovich - warrant officer, deputy commander of the reconnaissance group of the 700th separate special forces detachment. The title was awarded on October 24, 2000.

Samoilov, Sergey Vyacheslavovich - senior lieutenant, commander of the group of the 700th separate special forces detachment. The title was awarded on June 24, 2000.

From the memoirs of a veteran 2 ObrSpN GRU

That's what I remember, I was in 211 RGSpN 700 OOSpN, in Komsomolsk from 10.03 to 19.03.2000. (Karpov can be seen and abandoned during the retreat):

I'll tell you about what I saw myself. We stood near Urus-Martan and, starting on March 6, began to observe the work of artillery and attack aircraft along Komsomolskoye. Then they said that the Czechs destroyed a platoon of motorized riflemen and a tank crew, for which Shamanov ordered to wipe the village off the face of the earth (we fully supported this formulation of the issue, because we were angry with the heavy losses in February).

At that time, a replacement took place in the detachment, a new composition arrived in the third company instead of those who died on February 21, everyone began to prepare for the exits. Approximately around the 6th, the 2nd company of our detachment departed near Komsomolskoye (they later flashed in the report of RTR-shchikov when they departed from villages). And on the 9th, the battalion commander completed the task of our 211th group to escort the Urals with BCs and Pikes for the 2nd company. But on the 9th, armor from 84 ORB did not arrive, and only on the 10th in the morning did we advance to escort on 2 BRMs. Battalion commander Makarov admonished us that he was waiting for us by dinner, but he was somehow tense, as if he himself did not believe that we would return so quickly.

I took with me my VSS (7 stores with 10 rounds each), APSB (200 rounds in stores and packs) and 8 grenades (4 F-1.2 RGO, 2 RGN), and after the parting words of the battalion commander, I ran into the tent and took night sight on VSS (1PN51), for some reason I thought that not everything would be so simple. In addition, the entire L / C was forced to wear armor (the first and last time in 2 years in Chechnya). And I silently put it in the back pocket of the unloading and off we went. We arrived quickly and according to the words of the guys to whom the rations were handed over, they realized that the mess was serious.

The group commander was called to the headquarters, and we sat down at the fence along the road. Looking around, I saw familiar guys from the special forces of the GUIN "Typhoon" with whom they were sitting on a mountain near Kharsenoy. They said that they had been fighting since the 6th, they had entrenched themselves somewhere in the village, there were several dead and wounded, there was a complete mess and confusion with the command around, there were more generals than tanks assigned to the operation. Everyone portrays violent activity, while no one wants to take full responsibility. They praised their detachment commander very much, they said that it was only thanks to him that in the first days they managed to hold their positions. in my opinion, some detachment of the special forces of the explosives and several 200s were piled on each.

"The Typhoons said that in the well in the courtyard of the headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned a sniper, we laughed, but it became somehow dirty in our hearts, the general impression was: "We got stuck along the way, since we arrived, who the hell will let us go back." Finally came The CG said that until further notice, we will be under the command of a representative of the Special Intelligence Service with the call sign "Lenin".

Then they broke up in threes and discussed the order of movement and cover, but since the group was not in battle (a week after the replacement of the detachment, there were 4 people from the old composition, we don’t know the rest), we didn’t have any special illusions. We waited 2-3 hours, after which the commander again came running and said that we were redirected to PZD in greenery in the South-East of Komsomolsky. to the ambush area.

At that time, from the southeast, in a section of about 3 km, moving forward along the road, we met 1 or 2 infantry fighting vehicles with a detachment of fighters on each. These were blocking forces from the side of the green line turning into the foothills. That is, the village was not blocked by anyone from the southeast, and this was on the fourth day of the active phase of the operation. They dismounted, lined up in battle formation and went to ambush in the indicated area. a line of houses continuously shelled by artels, and a path ran along the bottom of the ravine. We decided as soon as we planted someone, we retreated into the greenery and called on the ambush square to strike artels, and if there was no artillery fire, then to hell with it, we didn’t want to play heroic death in a nameless ravine. The entire Bk group had an hour of battle and a couple of volleys from RPGs , RPO (we’ll start with them, we’ll add a rifle and retreat until we get mad). The night was chilly, in sweaters and armor in March it’s still cold. with one night light per group, you can’t really fight.

In general, in the morning they left the ambush and went to the armor. There we were additionally equipped with mines, warm clothes, ammunition and rations and sent to hold a green area where two ravines converged to the outskirts of the village. It turned out that they were some kind of carriers, they brought them, they left them on the road and they ordered to hold on, and for 8 people they had 3 AKS, 5 AKSU and 1 grenade, and 3-4 horns per machine gun. We left them cartridges, grenades, agreed on interaction signals, if we go out to them. They looked at us as gods who gave them life. We sat on a high-rise at the confluence of ravines in the visibility of the outskirts of the village, and behind us from the high-rise was a long, narrow clearing 50-70 meters wide and 400-600 meters long, which led to the road running along the southeastern outskirts of Komsomolskoye. we stocked up, assessed the forces (14 people, 3 PKM, 1 SVD, 1 VSS, the rest of the AKS and AKM) occupied the defense perimeter at a high-rise and on the first day put up about 15 monok and OZM-72 for stretching and control, and covered them in several tiers F-1 and RG-42 equipped instead of UZRGM with MD-shki C MUV (a grenade explodes instantly like a mine).

Later, only this total mining made it possible to hold out in the battle on March 14. As soon as they got a foothold, as the tasks from Lenin began, Alpha spotted some Greek snipers sitting in trees. We were sent to search for them, but we forgot to warn about a group of Ussuriians who went to the same area with the same task. Well, the firebrands reacted correctly when they met, recognized each other in time, otherwise it would have been trouble. The Ussuri people suggested a password recall something like "tururu-AGAGA". no one remembered. Then we were sent to check the outskirts of the village for the presence of militants and to correct artillery fire on identified targets.

They went out through their minefields, a group of 8 people, entrenched themselves in the extreme houses with rifts and began to observe. In a large clearing above a village in the south, tanks roll around and hit targets in the village, including houses on our street. to our reasonable question about whether the tankers know that we are working here, the answer was completely vague, like don’t piss, everything is under control. Okay, we began to move along the street, clearing the houses that came along the way. Here Edik distinguished himself, who served on Sputnik in the DSHB, and fought as a marine in 1 Chechen.

I have never seen such filigree work on cleaning houses before or after. A silent, calm guy of rather large size with his PC worked out the premises, along the way telling the newcomers what to do and how to do it. To my question, Edik, where did you jerk off like that, he modestly said that for six months he did not get out of the battles at the position of deputy comm. MP platoon and storming villages is not new to him.

We advanced 300 meters along the street and sat down in the house and the commander ordered our sniper pair to climb into the attic to look around the area. Everyone took up all-round defense in the house, and as soon as we were about to climb, like a fighter watching in the direction of our tanks, he yells. right now they are on our ear .. chat "and immediately the house across the road swells and falls, 50-70 meters from us. We put our feet in our hands and throw through 2 houses, the tank at this time demolishes another house. The windows of the house where we sat down looked out onto the street, and suddenly we hear the growing roar of the engines and then continuous machine-gun fire. I look obliquely out of the wall out the window and see how an armored personnel carrier is rushing at us, on which 5-6 people in spheres and armored vehicles are attacking in long bursts of PCs and RPKs in all directions.

We only managed to lie down, as in each window where 1-2 bullets, and where a full-fledged burst flew in. In general, the beginning was not pleasing, at first the tankers worked out, then the explosives or riot police on their miracle chariot made us lie down. In general, we decided to gain a foothold and direct artels if we identified targets. We contacted "Lenin" and in response to us: "Check your bridge position. Pinocchio" (TOS-1 is a terrible thing) is working in the area.

We are trying to give coordinates, but they don’t hear us. Then the command group made the only right decision, legs in hands and back to where they started from. We just got to the outskirts as in the place where we sat first with a flash then a huge explosion cloud, "Pinocchio" worked just there where we set up an NP. And then the SU-25 stood in a circle above the village. There is no connection. Sometimes they hear us, sometimes they don't, "Lenin" yells and demands to check the result of the blow. The KG spat and said, “He went to X .., the group is leaving for the high-rise.” They began to move away.

Imagine a picture: Ahead, a firebrand jumping over monks and OZM on a stretch breaks and yells "Attention mine", in the core there is a sniper with a basket of eggs, Edik has a bank of some marinades in his back (there, living creatures ran underfoot, in abandoned houses, chickens and cows , in each yard for 2-3 cars, everything burned and died in the fire). In this way, we retreated to the high-rise, miraculously did not hurt anyone and no one was blown up by their mines. KG got in touch and said that the artels worked just fine, filled up a bunch of Czechs and perhaps enough. and chicken skewers.

True, when the fire became more noticeable at dusk, I had to eat up in a prone position, while discussing what they were firing at: 5.45 or still 7.62? These are the everyday life of army special forces, if for real, and not like in the movies. And if they had stayed to adjust the fire, they would have fallen under their own volley and they also composed a fable about us about the battle of the heroic special forces group in full encirclement and the death of at least 100 militants from our well-aimed fire. And as a result of our work, I’ll say that for 9 days in this area, out of 5 special forces groups, one of our groups held its positions, despite the fact that when the militants broke through, they ran into us and could not approach us because of the cost center and the group’s competent fire system, plus the turntables helped, gave heat with the nurses and from their cannons, or machine guns (I don’t know what’s on the MI-24), though they hurt us, the only losses (2 shell-shocked NURSA) were from them. The Czechs, having checked us, bypassed our positions and went to our third company (3 groups), which was sitting with a group of Ussuri. The Czechs went out to one of the cells of the Ussuri, and at that moment the two of them (lying in pairs) muddied something from the food.

Their cell was shot point-blank. One died, his BC began to explode in unloading and he was burned all over, and the second fighter jumped out of fright and ran leaving the VSS, the Czechs entered the perimeter and the battle began at short distances. the one killed was a sniper from the 3rd company, he stuck his head out in search of a target and immediately flew into his skull.

The company is all young, they just arrived and immediately such a mess. They were given the go-ahead for the evacuation of the dead, and they broke off in a crowd and went, captain Golikov and machine gunner Shishkovsky Igor went in a goof (he was supposed to go home but went with the newcomers as a veteran, knowing that the way out was difficult). They ran into the Czechs and took them away themselves, allowing others to come out.

Those in a crowd, leaving everything, ran out of the green, reached the line of troops (then there were already a lot of them around the perimeter) and only then they noticed that there was no golovnyak. The bravest returned and found Golikov with a pistol in his hand and with the last clip, and in the other hand 3 or 4 bullet hits, Igor Shishkovsky cooled down next to him, and he was killed, firing from a machine gun (he never saw his newborn daughter). They were picked up and carried to the armor. The whole crowd stood at the armor and began to share their impressions while loading the wounded and the dead.

Then they discovered that when everyone ran, except for the abandoned taxiways, they also left the dead Ussuri somewhere in greenery, but no one wanted to follow him. At this moment, a Czech with an RPG-22 or 26 runs out of the green and offhand hits him directly into the crowd at the armor. The result is the fighter Sulimov, everyone's favorite and an excellent guitarist, falls. They notice a wound in the leg, pull it with a tourniquet and put it on a stretcher. When they bring it to the site, it is already cold, it bled from a wound in the back that was not immediately noticed because of the pea jacket, and Golikov died in Rostov about a week later. So 4 groups lost 4 killed in one battle, left their positions and abandoned a killed comrade and almost all the property strapped to the taxiway (radio stations 392 and 863, BN, night sights and TR). Our group remained for 2 days in greenery alone, we then moved out, found and they carried the Ussuri to our troops, collected what they could from the property, it was strange to see a clearing in which there were about 20-30 RDs, and a little to the side the corpse of a soldier wrapped in a cape and prepared for carrying.

The impression is that everyone, on command, dropped everything heavy, if only to Eat faster. Then, when we brought in 200 BB-s, our group entered in front of the combing chain and removed all our mines and stretch marks and what was left of the Czechs and the third company. They said that until we give a signal to no one to advance. We collected about 20 minutes and 30-40 pieces of stretch marks. Then, tired of moving slowly, the explosives rushed forward and in a couple of minutes two of them became legless. We yelled at this herd, but it was no use.

But we no longer interfered, it was already fucked up. Then they were also guarded by a group of General Bozhko from the VV during the last battles in Komsomolskoye. they run downhill, change stores, and again rush into nowhere in a crowd. Respect to the guys scouts from the 33rd brigade of explosives, This is a real hero.

Hollowed out (in a good way). We came to their stronghold, some were watching around the perimeter, others were preparing dinner, pinching chickens. Bozhko joked something about the fact that with such food, but in the fresh mountain air, not life, but raspberries. And then he said that we should try to take the street below the slope. The guys left the unplucked chickens, gathered, lined up and went without further ado. Reports sent one three hundredth, the second.

The team went to the retreat. We returned, again some to the perimeter, some for lunch. And zero visible emotions, and two were no longer with them. Then they ran after the general around the village, and he personally brought the tanks to direct fire and kept yelling at us that we were all climbing ahead of him, we were interfering with watching, and the commanders from the infantry said to him: "comrade general, leave, there are snipers working here. "And he doesn't give a fuck, so he had to cover himself.

But we must pay tribute to climbing to the front line, he did not spare himself, and even more so. In Komsomolskoye, the Czechs piled up great. I have never seen anything like this before or after. When we finally evacuated on the 19th, the group approached the armor, the guys silently without a command, although they were terribly exhausted (we slept 2-3 hours a day, caught galloons at night, near the trees the fighters asked for a light) everyone dispersed along the perimeter around the BRM, took positions in pairs lying behind shelters, despite the fact that there were quite enough around their troops and equipment. They just acted automatically, as they learned during these 9 days.

Here's a story...

From our group, they awarded 2 shell-shocked Orders of Courage, which were filled with a hundred uniforms, the rest were rolled, such as there were few losses in the group, so there was nothing. And in 2002, on the 3rd business trip, I was awarded the Suvorov Medal for the 1st business trip in total, although there was talk about 1 "Order of Courage", 2 "For Courage" and a medal "For Services to the Fatherland, 2nd degree with swords", but this is all garbage , the main thing is that for 2 years in our group, when I went to the senior smut, for the castle or com. group (as part of the RO) there was not one killed.

On October 24, 1950, in accordance with the Directive of the Military Ministry of the USSR No. Org / 2 / 395832, the Leningrad Military District was formed 76th Separate Special Purpose Company(or military unit 51404) with a staff of 120 people. 76th company directly subordinate to the headquarters of the district and stationed in n. p. Promezhitsy in the vicinity of (at that time) Pskov.

In 1953, due to another reduction in the armed forces, many special forces companies were disbanded. Including 76th company.

At the end of 1957, at the site of the former deployment 76th company, was created 20th Separate Special Purpose Company, also subordinate to the district headquarters.

In connection with the decision of the military leadership to enlarge the special forces and increase the number of their personnel, on July 19, 1962, the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces No. 140547 was issued, according to which in the Leningrad Military District it was necessary to form 2nd Special Forces Brigade. The creation of the brigade began on September 17, 1962 and ended on March 1, 1963.

The brigade was created on the basis of the 20th separate special-purpose company with the involvement of officers from the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division, also stationed in Pskov. The involvement of the Airborne Forces was due to the need for specialists in airborne training.

The day of the unit was declared December 1, 1962. 2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade received a designation military unit 64044 (military unit 64044) .

Like all special forces brigades created in the early 60s (with the exception of the 3rd brigade), 2nd brigade was a cropped formation, in which, according to the states of peacetime, the personnel was 300-350 people. According to the plans of the military command during the introduction of martial law, due to the mobilization of reserve military personnel and holding 30-day training camps, 2nd brigade unfolded into a full-fledged combat-ready unit with a personnel of 1,700 people.

According to the state of peacetime, the 2nd brigade consisted of the following units:

On April 16, 1963, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the brigade was awarded the Battle Banner.

In 1966 and 1967, the brigade was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District for the high performance of combat training demonstrated during the exercises.

The personnel of the brigade took part in the exercises "Ocean-70", "Horizon-74" and a number of others.

The servicemen of the 2nd brigade were the first of the GRU formations and units to parachute from the Il-76 military transport aircraft during the Dozor-86 exercise.

To create a detachment, in addition to the personnel of the 8th brigade, military personnel from the following 3 special forces brigades were also involved: the 2nd brigade, the 10th brigade (Stary Krym, Ukrainian SSR) and the 4th brigade (Viljandi, Estonian SSR) .

This 186th detachment was created to participate in the so-called complex military measures Border zone "Veil".

After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the 177th separate special forces detachment (detachment 177), which was part of the 22nd brigade, was relocated in February 1989 to the military camp of the disbanded military unit of the Strategic Missile Forces near the settlement. Taibol of the Murmansk region and included in the 2nd brigade.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the 2nd separate special forces brigade came under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In July 1997, the 177th detachment (military unit 83395) of the 2nd brigade stationed in the Murmansk region was disbanded. Contrary to the frequent mention in many sources of the existence of the 177th detachment in the former deployment point in a cropped form, this information is not true.

In May 1999, stationed in the city of Pechory, Pskov Region, it was disbanded with the creation of two new special forces detachments (70th and 329th detachments) at its permanent deployment point.

For 2010, the composition of the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade, which is part of the Western Military District, was as follows:

On February 15, 2019, Deputy Commander of the Western Military District, Lieutenant General Aleksey Zavizion presented the order of Zhukov to the brigade.

In December 1994, on the basis of the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade, a combined detachment was created to carry out military operations in Chechnya while restoring constitutional order. The 700th Separate Special Forces Detachment (700th Detachment) served as the basis for the combined detachment, for which all 4 detachments of the brigade were involved (at that time the 177th detachment in the Murmansk region was not disbanded). In a short time, the detachment, with a staff of 181 people, was staffed by the following staff:

On January 9, 1995, the detachment was sent to Chechnya and arrived in Grozny by January 18.

The 700th detachment took part in the fighting to eliminate militants both in the city of Grozny itself and in the areas of the settlement. Zakan-Yurt, Samashki, Assinovskaya and Bamut.

The loss of the detachment for more than 3 months of hostilities amounted to 3 people killed.

On April 26, 1995, the combined detachment was withdrawn from the combat zone and by the beginning of the month of May returned to the point of permanent deployment.

In connection with the aggravation of the situation in the summer of 1999 in Dagestan, the leadership of the RF Armed Forces began to strengthen the grouping of troops in this region.

In August 1999, a combined detachment was assembled from the 2nd detachment, which included one reconnaissance company from each of the 3 detachments (70th, 329th and 700th detachments). The staff structure of the consolidated detachment was similar to the consolidated detachment in the first Chechen war, with the repetition of the same serial numbering in the name - the 700th Special Forces.

In September 1999, the 700th detachment took part in the hostilities in the Novolaksky district of Dagestan.

On January 1, 2000, the 700th detachment was deployed in the settlement. Achkhoy-Martan of Chechnya.

Together with other troops, the 700th detachment participated in preventing the capture of the settlement. Roshni-Chu by the enemy, who tried to create a corridor for the withdrawal of militants from Grozny, blocked by federal troops, to Urus-Martan.

Since March 10, 2000, the 700th detachment participated in the elimination of the blocked gang of Ruslan Gelaev in the village of Komsomolsky.

By the summer of 2000, the detachment occupied positions in the vicinity of the settlement. Greyhound. By January 2001, reconnaissance groups of the 700th detachment were operating in the areas of the settlement. Sharo-Argun and Itum-Kali.

The losses of the detachment by March 6, 2001 amounted to 34 killed and 47 wounded.

In September 2001, units of the 700th detachment operated in the vicinity of the settlement. Aslanbek. In April 2002, the detachment successfully eliminated two groups of militants near the settlement. Yaryshmardy.

In total, the 2nd separate brigade of special purpose in the second Chechen war lost 47 people killed.

In mid-February 2000, several reconnaissance groups of the 700th detachment were assigned the task of guarding motorized rifle units advancing into the southern mountainous part of Chechnya. The groups were to conduct reconnaissance of the terrain in the mountainous areas adjacent to the road connecting the flat part of Chechnya with the Shatoi region, in order to exclude the possibility of an ambush by the enemy on a convoy of troops.

8 days after the foot march through the mountainous terrain, the commanders of 3 groups marching in the forefront received an order by radio to collect near the village of Kharsenoy. They should have united and waited for reinforcements to arrive in the form of a motorized rifle unit. According to the plan of the command, the motorized riflemen were to arrive at the village of Kharsenoy by 12.00 on February 21, change the reconnaissance groups of the 700th detachment and carry out further marching protection of the column. Due to impassability and snowfall, the approach of the troop column was delayed. The total number of 3 reconnaissance groups was 35 people, of which 8 were seconded military personnel from other military units (sappers and artillery spotters from motorized rifle units). All 3 reconnaissance groups were assembled into a combined detachment from the 3rd reconnaissance company of the 329th detachment.

On the night of February 20-21, 3 reconnaissance groups united for the night near the village of Kharsenoy. The lowland was chosen as the place to spend the night. The condition of the tired fighters was critical: due to the long multi-day hike through the mountains, the lack of sleeping bags and low temperature, many of them had frostbite and colds.

Approximately by noon on February 21, dense fire from grenade launchers and automatic weapons was opened on the scouts located in the lowland, from the surrounding heights, creeping militants. At the very beginning of the battle, the only radio station with batteries remaining charged was destroyed. Within 15-20 minutes, the militants managed to destroy 33 scouts during a surprise attack. After collecting weapons from the dead servicemen, all the wounded servicemen were shot at point-blank range. Only 2 servicemen managed to survive, whom the militants mistook for the dead. One of them was seriously wounded by a grenade fragment, and the other received 3 bullet wounds and concussion.

Reinforcements of motorized riflemen approached the scene of the tragedy only after 3-4 hours.

On December 1, the 2nd separate special-purpose brigade of the GRU General Staff celebrates its annual holiday. In honor of the day of part 2 of the ObrSpN, the Voentorg Voenpro prepared a report on the service and history of military unit 64044.

The history of the formation and combat path of the 2nd ObrSpN

The 2nd Special Forces Brigade was formed on the basis of the 20th Separate Special Forces Brigade. The recruitment of fighters and the preparation of conditions for their deployment were carried out in the period 09/17/1962-02/01/1963.

The directive on the creation of the 2nd OBRSPN GRU was issued by the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces and signed by the commander of the LenVO troops. Pskov was chosen as the location of the new unit. The prerequisites for the formation of a special forces brigade were the aggravation of relations between the USSR and the USA, which in the future will be called the "Caribbean Crisis".

The world was on the verge of a nuclear war, so the parties were preparing specially trained soldiers who could carry out operations with small forces.

Fortunately, a global conflict with America was avoided, so the baptism of fire of the 2nd brigade of the GRU special forces took place in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The fighters took part in operations against dushmans from 1985 until the withdrawal of the contingent of Soviet troops.

The province of Ghazni became the area of ​​hostilities. The special forces carried out reconnaissance operations and covered the supply columns of the troops, who had to pass routes through narrow gorges. During the four-year stay in Afghanistan, the brigade lost 167 people killed.

After the collapse of the USSR, the unit was named the 2nd OBRSPN GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation. Not all countries could easily secede, so Russia had to fight for territorial integrity.

2 separate special forces brigade in Chechnya and Dagestan

The main zone of conflict was the North Caucasus. Separatist militants announced the creation of an independent state of Ichkeria, which served as a pretext for the First Chechen War. The 2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade took an active part in the campaign. From January 19 to April 26, 1995, the soldiers were in close proximity to the front line.

The place of deployment was the city of Beslan, from where the special forces went on missions as part of consolidated groups. The main task was reconnaissance and detection of ambushes in the places where columns of federal forces were passing. During the operations, two comrades were lost.

The second Chechen war was more violent and bloody, as the government set the goal of finally destroying the separatist regime and establishing legal power on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The 2nd OBRSPN GRU from Pskov departed for Dagestan, where hostilities also took place.

The business trip began in August 1999, and since September the fighters were transferred to Chechnya. Tasks were carried out as part of consolidated groups, providing command of the intelligence data that was necessary for planning operations.

For the 2nd OBRSPN from Pskov, the day of February 21, 2000, became the most tragic page in history. When performing a combat mission in the Shatoi area, she was ambushed and a group of special forces was completely destroyed.

In open areas, the militants covered the group of captain Kalinin with heavy fire, and also shot the detachments of captain Bochenkov and senior lieutenant Samoilov who came to the rescue. In total, 25 fighters were killed, and the fighters lost more than 70 people in the battle.

Despite such a significant loss, the special forces continued to serve in Chechnya and were returned to military unit 64044 in Pskov only on September 19, 2006.

The 2nd Special Forces Brigade from Pskov took part in the South Ossetian conflict on the territory of Georgia. The fighters were sent to be reinforced in the war zone in August 2008.

They did not take part in the active phase, but as a result of an armored personnel carrier blowing up on a mine, three servicemen were slightly injured. The order to return to the place of permanent deployment was received on 03/07/2009.

Holiday Day 2nd OBRSPN is set for December 1st. Celebrations are traditionally planned for this date to celebrate distinguished employees, to present state awards and regular military ranks.

Moreover, every year February 21st is a day of remembrance and mourning. The current special forces soldiers lay flowers at the memorial to their fallen comrades and pay tribute to them.

Reviews about military unit 64044

The 2nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade from Pskov is an attractive option for military and contract service. Here you can get a large number of useful skills, as this type of troops is elite and is always supplied with modern equipment.

But the fighters also require maximum return, psychological stability and high patriotic qualities. In the 2nd OBRSPN, military unit 64044, there is a competitive recruitment even for conscripts, so getting here is very difficult and prestigious. You need to meet the criteria:

Successfully pass a medical examination and obtain from a doctor in the military registration and enlistment office a medical certificate not lower than form A-1;
. pass all the necessary physical standards;
. provide information about next of kin for verification;
. be a law-abiding citizen and not have a criminal record;
. possess the necessary anthropometric data (only men aged 18-35 years and not less than 175 cm tall can get into the GRU special forces);
. a desirable criterion is the presence of a sports category;
. for officers and ensigns, a higher education is required.

Reviews of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade of the GRU Spetsnaz in Pskov indicate that there is no hazing here, so the conditions for serving are as comfortable as possible. But at the same time, this thesis concerns only the absence of moral pressure from the elders.

But training requires maximum calculation, so only trained people can withstand them. In addition to the mandatory physical, fire and tactical training, the fighters also jump with a parachute.

The first jumps are from a training tower to teach the soldiers how to land. Further, the fighters take to the skies on MI-8T transport and landing helicopters and jump from a height of 800 meters, and for officers the bar is set at around 2,000 meters.

Depending on the number of jumps, a bonus is read. Hand-to-hand combat and classes with different types of weapons are held three times a day. Shooting takes place 3-4 times a month.

The oath is taken on Saturday at 9 am in a solemn atmosphere. You can invite friends and parents to the event and even give them an introductory tour of the territory. Address of military unit 64044: 180004, city of Pskov, street of the Soviet Army.

To send correspondence, it is necessary to indicate the department number. Parcels are received personally at the post office, but in parts they can check their contents. You can transfer sweets, personal hygiene items, items of equipment, vitamins, stationery, cigarettes.

Military unit phone number 64044: 8 (811-2) 22-17-17 - duty officer. Of the shortcomings of the service, it is fashionable to note only the swampy area near Pskov, which attracts a large number of mosquitoes and increases the acclimatization time.

Service in the 2nd ObrSpN GRU (Pskov)

The salary of a contract soldier in the 2nd brigade of the GRU special forces for 2016 is about 60 thousand rubles. This can be called a base amount, which will increase depending on the length of service, the number of jumps and additional parameters.

It is worth noting that when sending on a business trip, the allowance increases to 100 thousand. The salary comes to the cards of VTB-24 bank. ATM is available at the checkpoint part. The commanders pay much attention to the leisure of the fighters, so they arrange team sports tournaments for them and take them to military museums.

It is worth noting that the fighters acquire uniforms on their own. In the military trade Voenpro, you can profitably buy a flag, badge, chevron of the 2nd OBRSPN. Here you can also find all the necessary assortment of uniforms. The use of communications equipment is allowed at certain times, although mobile phones are not confiscated from military personnel.

On the territory of the unit there is a library, a gym, an infirmary, a canteen and a chip. The food is very good and they always offer several options for first courses and side dishes to choose from.

Hired civilian personnel are engaged in cooking and cleaning the territory. The infirmary does not always have the necessary medicines, but the soldiers are sent to the military hospital in Pskov during the illness, which is provided with everything necessary. They go on leave on weekends, but the application must be submitted no later than Thursday.

You can leave a review about the service in the 2nd Special Forces Brigade or congratulate the soldiers on the holiday in the comments to the article.


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