What to give a child from diarrhea 1 year. What to give a child for diarrhea. What is called diarrhea

Diarrhea in a child: what to do? First, you need to know that diarrhea, like vomiting, is the body's defense mechanism against pathogens and toxins. Therefore, do not rush to suppress diarrhea with drugs. Secondly, it is necessary to catch the line when the child needs medical assistance, and not just a diet and drinking regimen.

If a baby over a year old has diarrhea, but at the same time he feels good, his appetite does not disappear, he does not act up, there is no temperature and vomiting, you should not be very worried. Perhaps this is "physiological diarrhea" not associated with an acute intestinal infection. Diarrhea may be a reaction to New Product, water change, climate change, moving, stressful situations, etc. How to treat diarrhea in a child in this case? Usually such diarrhea happens once, passes quickly and does not require special treatment with medications.

The reasons

The causes of diarrhea in children sometimes lie on the surface: they ate something wrong or too much, and even with unwashed hands. Diarrhea is a very common symptom of various diseases. It is impossible to neglect its appearance, especially in a child before school age.

irritable bowel syndrome

This diagnosis is often made in children from 1 to 5 years who have chronic diarrhea(more than 2 weeks in a row). It is placed when the stool and urine tests are in order, no intestinal pathogens or pathologies are found. What treatment can a doctor prescribe?

  • Psychological work with parents. the main task doctors - to convince parents that diarrhea is not dangerous. The psycho-emotional state of the parents is important for the recovery of the child. In some cases, work with a psychotherapist and psychologist is required.
  • Diet. You must adhere to a strict diet prescribed by your doctor. Sweets are completely excluded.
  • Hospitalization. Indicated if the diet does not help. If the diarrhea stops in the hospital, this once again confirms that the cause of the baby's diarrhea is in the psycho-emotional sphere.

The cause of irritable bowel has not been fully identified. Many physicians tend to main factor - psychological condition child, negative emotions, fears, stress, unfavorable atmosphere in the family.

Why does the temperature

Diarrhea and fever in a child are symptoms that may indicate the infectious and non-infectious nature of the disease.

  • Infection. Acute intestinal infections are characterized by high fever. Also, it, in combination with diarrhea, vomiting and acute pain in the abdomen, may indicate cases acute surgery. The cause of diarrhea and fever can be a viral infection and its complications - tonsillitis, scarlet fever, measles, rubella, otitis media.
  • Indigestion. This term is often used in everyday life when a child ate a food that his immature digestive system could not cope with due to a lack of enzymes. The baby may also be allergic to some food or medicine. The temperature rise in this case is insignificant, the diarrhea passes quickly.

High temperature with diarrhea must be brought down with antipyretics. You definitely need to call a doctor.

Diarrhea treatment

How to cure diarrhea in a child at home? In order not to harm the health of the baby, you need to remember two important and safe ways.

  • Hungry pause or sparing diet. Usually the child himself refuses food. You can't force feed him. Some modern pediatricians believe that a hungry pause can harm the child and lead to quick loss weight, violation of the protein balance in the body, long-term recovery after illness. By at least if a child has diarrhea at 1 year old, a hungry pause is contraindicated for him. Moreover, it cannot be used as a treatment for infants. But if the child is 4-5 years old, he may well go without food for a while. A hungry pause can be replaced by a sparing diet.
  • Plentiful drink. It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid by the body at any age. The older the baby, the greater the volume of drinking should be. How to cook and how much to give, read below.

What else can you do if your child has diarrhea? In this situation, it is important to know how not to "treat".

  • You can not immediately stop diarrhea with antidiarrheal drugs. At intestinal infection do not rush to get rid of diarrhea and vomiting, because in this way the body is freed from toxins. At the very least, it is not necessary to give medicines for diarrhea in the first hours of illness. To help cleanse the body, in addition to drinking, you can give the child an enema with water at room temperature. Anti-diarrhea medicines should not be given if the child has a high temperature, there is blood in the stool.
  • The use of "Smecta" and other enterosorbents. With abundant, frequent diarrhea, the child loses a lot of fluid. It is necessary to monitor his condition, if necessary, you need to give an antidiarrheal agent. The safest medicine for diarrhea for children under one year old and older babies is the Smecta enterosorbent. It contains an astringent, it quickly restores the affected intestinal mucosa, and has absorbent properties.
  • It is necessary to treat not the symptom of diarrhea, but the root cause of the disease. It is important to establish it, and only then prescribe treatment. Let the doctor tell you better than to treat diarrhea in a child, and not a neighbor or an alarmed grandmother. You can not use any medications, except for enterosorbents, without the appointment of a pediatrician. The doctor must establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the baby has an acute intestinal infection, he must be examined, in severe forms - hospitalized. For bacterial intestinal infections, antibiotic treatment is effective.

Diet for diarrhea

What should be the diet for diarrhea in children?

  • Fractionality. Increase the number of meals and reduce portions by half. The child can eat during the day 6 times.
  • Meal frequency. It is recommended to skip one or two meals when serious condition when the baby refuses to eat. Portions should be twice as small.
  • Mashed food. You can rub through a sieve or grind in a blender.
  • First day . They start with mashed soups based on cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) and cereals cooked in water from the same cereals without adding oil.
  • Second day . White bread crackers, biscuit cookies, boiled potatoes without oil are added.
  • Third day . Pediatricians of the old school can prescribe a diet for diarrhea in a child under the “code name” BRYAS: this includes bananas, rice, applesauce, crackers. You can also add not fatty cottage cheese. Applesauce can be replaced with baked apples.
  • Fourth day . Included in the diet is fresh biokefir without low-fat additives.
  • Fifth day . At good health and the presence of a heroic appetite, you can offer the child cutlets or meatballs from turkey, chicken, veal, lean fish, steamed.

What to give a child with diarrhea? Only freshly prepared and high quality dishes. What to exclude from the menu? Milk, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, fresh bread, rolls, sweets, sweet drinks. As well as fried, spicy, smoked, pickled dishes, meat broths. Food and drink should be served warm.

What and how to drink a child with diarrhea

With diarrhea, it is important to replace the loss of fluid. What drinks are best to offer the baby?

  • Electrolyte solutions. Designed to restore and maintain the water-salt balance in the body. A universal remedy: you can give it to a baby, and with diarrhea in a child of 3 years. In the pharmacy, you can buy special powders from which these solutions are made. The most famous of them is Regidron.
  • Self-prepared solution. If it is not possible to buy a ready-made mixture, you can prepare a solution at home. To do this, dilute in 1 liter of boiled water 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of sugar. The liquid is stored for no more than 24 hours.
  • Volume of liquid. The child should drink the solution at the rate of: 50 ml per kilogram of weight. If he has a desire to drink more, you need to give as much as he wants. You need to drink after each bout of diarrhea or vomiting. It is important to give drink in fractional portions. If the baby vomited, you need to offer him a drink again.
  • Dried fruits compote. It is indicated for all diseases of the intestines, contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are necessary to maintain the water-salt balance during diarrhea.
  • Raisin compote. Raisin decoction is nutritious, gives the body essential minerals and micronutrients.
  • Weak green tea. It contains bioactive substances and trace elements that normalize bowel function.
  • alkaline mineral water . Should be non-carbonated and warm.

If the child refuses to drink within a few hours, and the diarrhea gets worse, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Medicines for diarrhea

Table - Overview of diarrhea medicines for children

Drug groupPurposeName of medicines
EnterosorbentsThey have sorption properties, remove toxins from the bodyActivated carbon, Gastrolit, Smecta, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Filtrum-STI, Enterosgel
ProbioticsUseful bacteria for the body, prescribed for dysbacteriosis, taking antibiotics, intestinal infectionsAcipol, Atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Linex, Hilak Forte
AntimicrobialThey are prescribed for intestinal infections, slow down peristalsis, stop diarrheaNifuroxazide, Sulfaguanidine, Ftalazol, Enterofuril; for children after a year: Sulgin, Furazolidone, Enterol
vegetableThey have an antiseptic, astringent, antidiarrheal effect.Bilberry fruits, bird cherry, St.

Effective folk remedies: 7 recipes

Folk remedies for diarrhea for children are decoctions and tinctures from various herbs, compotes and kissels from dry berries and dried fruits, etc.

  1. Rice broth. Perhaps the most popular remedy for diarrhea in children and adults. How to cook it? 1-2 tablespoons of rice are placed on half a liter of water, simmered over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then you need to “evaporate” the broth for 20 minutes, covering the pan with something warm. It is advisable to give on the first day of diarrhea 3-4 times a day, 50 g or 100 g (volume depends on age) in a warm form. Rice broth not only has an astringent effect, normalizes bowel function, but also nourishes a weakened body.
  2. Kissel. Prepared on the basis of starch, which acts as a sorbent, has a calming effect. In addition, it is also "tasty" with a strict diet during diarrhea. It is better not to take jelly fresh berries and fruits, rather dried.
  3. Oatmeal jelly. For cooking you will need: half a liter of oxen, 3 tablespoons oatmeal(not cereal). Boil for 15 minutes, then let it brew for about an hour. Give to drink jelly 50 or 100 g twice a day.
  4. Dried pear compote. They have an astringent effect. It is advisable to cook compote without sugar (or with a minimum content), because sugar provokes fermentation processes in the intestines.
  5. Dried blueberries. Compote or jelly is prepared from it. Blueberries have an antiseptic, astringent effect.
  6. Decoctions based on tannins. It can be a decoction of oak bark or rhizomes of urban gravilate. For 15 g of crushed bark or rhizome, you need 1 glass of water. Cook the broth in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Give 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  7. Herbal decoction. Take 1 teaspoon of oregano, chamomile, yarrow, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 30 minutes. Offer the child to drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Alternative methods of treatment sometimes lead to unpredictable results. Great care must be taken with herbs and their dosages. Children often have acute allergic reactions to them. If you have any doubts about the use of a folk remedy, it is better to check with your doctor. You can not use recipes using alcohol, pepper, pomegranate peel, walnut.

In what situations you need to urgently consult a doctor

The listed symptoms should serve as a signal for immediate action:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • plentiful and frequent diarrhea during the day, which is not eliminated by a hungry pause and drinking;
  • profuse vomiting, which prevents the child from drinking;
  • dark urine - fluid deficiency;
  • no urine for 6 hours;
  • feces with blood;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • dry tongue, grayish skin;
  • sunken eyes;
  • lethargy, weakness.

Most dangerous consequence prolonged diarrhea- dehydration of the body. It cannot be allowed. And when the question arises of what to do with diarrhea in a child at 2 years old, you will never go wrong if you drink, drink and drink again. If dehydration still could not be avoided, in the hospital urgent care will consist in the fact that the baby will be injected intravenously with a saline solution.

What to do after diarrhea

If the baby has run out of diarrhea, his body needs time to recover. How to help and not harm?

  • Do not overfeed. The child may lose weight during diarrhea. But this does not mean that now he needs to be fed from the belly. It is important during the recovery period to feed the baby more often, in fractional portions, not to overfeed.
  • Avoid dairy and meat products. Vegetarian diet will go to the child to the benefit. How long to diet? This issue must be agreed with the pediatrician. It can last several days or several weeks, depending on the severity of the disease and the cause of the diarrhea.
  • enzyme deficiency. First of all, there is a lack of enzymes that help digest dairy products, food of animal origin. The doctor may prescribe enzyme therapy for the child to quickly resume normal work digestive system.

The baby can be very weak after diarrhea. It is advisable to postpone long trips, cultural events, visits, etc. However, his condition should not become an obstacle to calm walks in the fresh air.

Treatment of diarrhea in children at home involves two essential principles: sparing diet and replenishment of fluid loss. If these methods fail to stop diarrhea during the day, and symptoms such as vomiting, fever, dehydration are added to it, you should urgently seek medical help.


diarrhea in childhood can be caused by several factors:

  • infectious disease;
  • functional problems;
  • Power supply errors;
  • Stressful situations and many others.

The child's body is individual and approaches to its treatment should be justified.

Etiology of diarrhea in children

Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of childhood illness. It can accompany acute respiratory viral infections, then their etiological factors are:

  • enteroviruses,
  • adenoviruses,
  • rotaviruses;
  • Coxsackie viruses and others

Viral diarrhea can also be an independent clinical symptom, they do not require special treatment and disappear after 5-7 days. Viruses are characterized by resistance in the external environment. The diseases they cause cannot be treated with antibiotics.
Diarrhea with intestinal infections such as:

  • salmonellosis;
  • Shigellosis (Dysentery);
  • Acute gastroenterocolitis;
  • Escherichiosis;
  • Typhoid fever

is the result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body with contaminated food and water, as well as through a contact-household transmission factor - from a sick person or a healthy carrier.

A fairly common disease accompanied by diarrhea is food poisoning. It occurs as a result of poisoning the body with toxins - products released by microorganisms in the course of their life.

Diarrhea can also be the result of an infection in a child's body. helminthic invasion(pinworms, roundworms) and protozoa (giardia, ciliates, amoeba).

functional diarrhea

In addition to diseases, the development of which requires the entry of pathogenic microbes into the body, diarrhea in childhood is possible as a result of:

  • allergic reaction;
  • Fermentopathies;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In some children, diarrhea accompanies a feeling of fear, psycho-emotional disorders, teething, and acclimatization processes.

Treatment approaches

It is necessary to treat diarrhea in a child very carefully, clearly knowing its cause and provoking factors. You should never start with antibiotics: if the disease is non-bacterial in nature, their use will cause dysbacteriosis and deterioration in general health.

With the diagnosis of an infectious nature, antibiotics are indispensable. It is better if the microbe and its sensitivity to antibiotics are determined bacteriologically. This will allow you to choose targeted and effective treatment and reliably answer the question: what to give a child for diarrhea? Although such a study takes several days, and most often treatment should be started promptly. In such cases, modern antimicrobials a wide range actions. Recommended for pediatric use: nifuroxazide,
It is possible to alleviate the condition of a sick child with the help of enterosorbents. Lactofiltrum, polysorb, atoxil, Activated carbon, white coal, enterosgel (after 3 years) and a number of other medicines of this group adsorb toxins on their surface, thereby reducing gas formation, a feeling of fullness in the intestines, and relieve symptoms of intoxication.

In cases of antibiotic treatment of diarrhea, it is important to immediately restore the composition and quantity of healthy intestinal microflora. For this, the use of linnex, bifidumbacterin and other probiotics is recommended. A number of them contain beneficial microbes in an encapsulated form that is resistant to the action of gastric juice. They penetrate the intestine unchanged, germinate in vegetative forms and fulfill their functional purpose.

If diarrhea is caused by indigestion of food, the doctor will prescribe enzyme preparations: mezim, festal, and others.

Diet in the treatment of diarrhea

During the treatment period, the child needs a special diet, which:

  1. Eliminates the introduction of new products;
  2. Prohibits the use of spicy, smoked, fried foods;
  3. Limits the use of legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned food, carbonated drinks, products containing artificial flavor enhancers, flavors, preservatives.
  • Porridges boiled on water;
  • Kiseli;
  • Lean meats;
  • Baked apples;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • Dairy products;
  • Rosehip decoction

We must not forget about drinking. Main danger diarrhea - dehydration, which helps to remove the necessary moisture from the tissues of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to drink as many neutral warm drinks as possible. It is better if it is herbal tea, carrot-rice broth, liquids that restore water and electrolyte balance (rehydron, gastrolith). Can help rice water, diluted in a ratio of 1: 3 warm boiled water.

Reestablish normal microflora decoction of the common cuff helps.

On the first day, it is better to refuse food altogether. In the future, you should feed as usual, without overloading the body. It is better to start with steamed vegetables and porridge boiled in water.

Babies who are on breastfeeding, continue to feed without changes, excluding extraneous foods for several days. After each act of defecation, the baby is given 50-100 ml of rehydrant to drink to replenish the lost fluid.

Oatmeal has proven itself as a useful product in the treatment of diarrhea. You can use it ready-made, or you can drink the liquid drained during its preparation.

Traditional medicine recipes for diarrhea

Nature has taken care of the possibility of curing childhood diarrhea with natural remedies. Traditional medicine suggests using infusions:

  • hawthorn fruit;
  • green aspen buds;
  • mint;
  • blueberry fruits;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • oak bark;
  • stinging nettle leaf;
  • dried chamomile flowers;
  • dill seeds;
  • bird cherry fruit

The preparation of infusions is identical. Pour a certain amount of the main component with a glass of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the amount of a medicinal plant.

Treatment of diarrhea with folk remedies is based on the astringent, antiseptic and restorative effect of individual natural ingredients. Blueberries have a good astringent property. From them you can make jelly, compote, tea or infusion.

Potato starch is an effective and simple home remedy for diarrhea. In case of indigestion, natural or prepared starch from potato powder should be poured with half a glass of cold boiled water and drunk at a time.

Green tea, being a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic, will also be useful in the treatment of diarrhea. From it you can prepare the following composition: 100 g of dry green tea, pour 2 liters of water. Infuse for half an hour, boil for an hour with stirring. Pour the rest of the tea with a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Mix two decoctions and pour into sterile bottles. You can store the product for 3 months at room temperature and six months - in a refrigerator.

For the treatment of diarrhea, complex compositions of infusions are also recommended, for example, consisting of blackberry leaves and calendula inflorescences in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist and strain. The recommended dosage is 3 tablespoons per day.

Special marks

When treating diarrhea at home, you should carefully monitor the functioning of other organs and systems. Thus, the darkening of urine and the color of the feces of rice water may indicate viral hepatitis, and the appearance of a rash is about scarlet fever, measles, rubella, chicken pox and other infectious diseases.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention include:

  1. blood in stool;
  2. Temperature above 38
  3. Accession of vomiting;
  4. Dry lips;
  5. sunken eyes;
  6. Drowsiness, lethargy

Diarrhea prevention

Diarrhea caused by infectious agents can be prevented. For this you need:

  • Teach your child to follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Comply with the rules of preparation and shelf life of food products;
  • It is good to wash vegetables and fruits before eating them raw;
  • Thoroughly heat-treat eggs, fish, meat;
  • Follow the rules for processing dishes, refrigerator, personal hygiene.

The child temporarily does not need to communicate with children suffering from diarrhea, since the fecal-oral transmission mechanism does not exclude household infection.

Diarrhea or diarrhoea- unpleasant disease, a common cause of which are intestinal infections. Frequent bowel movements, loose or loose stools are the first symptoms of an intestinal infection. And in order to protect the baby from dehydration and complications, it is important to know what to give the child from diarrhea.

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Causes of diarrhea

The most common causes of diarrhea in children during the first months of life:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • a large amount of food;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • individual intolerance to products;
  • teething;
  • change in diet.

For older children liquid stool may be caused by other reasons:

  • viral or bacterial infection (including rotavirus, which causes salmonellosis, dysentery);
  • damage to the body with worms;
  • poisoning;
  • reaction to taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • nervous stress;
  • negative emotions;
  • anger.

In the video, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Gorelov draws attention to the important components in the treatment of infectious diarrhea. Filmed by the Bosnalek Company channel.

Diet for diarrhea

The digestive system of the child's body is not fully formed, so following a diet will greatly alleviate the condition:

  1. For children 1 year old and under. If the child is breastfed, you need to reduce the number of attachments to the breast. Instead of breast milk give the child boiled water. In the case when the child refuses water, you can breastfeed, but infrequently.
  2. For a child aged 3-5 years or more. The diet consists of cereals ( boiled rice, buckwheat), which must be boiled in water (milk is strictly prohibited). Light soups on vegetable broth, biscuits, crackers, baked apple, banana - all this is included in the diet. Forbidden: fatty, fried, dairy products, mushrooms and all foods that are hard to digest by the body.

To prevent dehydration, you need to drink a lot of your child:

  • rice water;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • water from steamed raisins;
  • herbal tea (chamomile, fennel);
  • boiled water.

Fruit juices and mineral water should not be given. But if the baby refuses to drink the recommended liquids, then it is better to give juice than nothing at all.

Medical treatment

What to give a child for diarrhea depends on the cause of diarrhea and the age of the baby. But in any case, you need to replenish the lost fluid, restore the water-salt balance and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Saline solutions

To restore the water-salt balance in the body, the child is given Regidron. The medicine is effective and safe, therefore it is allowed even for newborns. A sachet of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of cold boiled water and given 30-60 ml (2-3 tablespoons) per 1 kg of the child's body weight. The reception of Regidron is indicated for loose stools, vomiting, that is, with each successive loss of fluid. Treatment ends with the disappearance of symptoms, but you can not drink the medicine for more than 4 days.

Regidron (419 rubles)

Salt solution can be prepared at home by yourself. To do this, one teaspoon of salt, soda and two tablespoons of sugar are mixed in one liter of boiled water. Mix well, give the solution to the child in a teaspoon every 30 minutes for 2-4 hours. The frequency of water intake depends on the severity of the disease and the amount of fluid lost.

Sorbents and symptomatic preparations

As a sorbent, a child can be given Smektu - a drug that is used to treat diarrhea and indigestion. The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in 50 ml of liquid; for infants, it is allowed to dilute the powder in expressed milk or infant formula. Children under 1 year old should be given 1-2 sachets of medication per day. For children over 1 year old - 2-4 sachets. Take from 3 to 5 days.

Imodium is a symptomatic drug that is an antidiarrheal agent. The active substance is loperamide. The drug is approved for children over 6 years of age. The dose is prescribed individually depending on the severity of the disease. Optimal - 1 capsule per day. The maximum possible dosage for a child is 3 capsules per day, but under medical supervision.

Linex (272 rubles)


From antihistamines the safest is Fenistil, which is approved for use in children early age. It is taken at the rate of 2 drops per 1 kg of body weight of the child. The daily dose should be divided into 3 doses. To prescribe a course of treatment, a doctor's consultation is required.

Fenistil (356 rubles)


As an antispasmodic use No-shpu, Papaverine:

  1. No-shpa is intended for children from 6 years of age. The daily dose should not exceed 80 mg and is divided into 2 doses. Do not take more than two days without a doctor's prescription.
  2. One-time and daily dose Papaverine (candles) is determined individually for each child at the rate of 200 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. Children from 1 to 12 years old are prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day. The interval between doses should not exceed 4 hours.

Papaverine (84 rubles) No-shpa (130 rubles)

Can antibiotics be given?

In only 5% of cases, the baby needs antibiotic treatment. They are prescribed only after passing tests, a thorough examination and monitoring of the patient. Antibiotics are treated severe forms cholera and other infectious diseases, but always in a hospital or under medical supervision.

Folk remedies

From folk remedies The most effective for children's diarrhea are:

  1. Rice broth. Rice is boiled without salt, then the broth is filtered and, if desired, a little honey is added. You need to water the baby every 10-30 minutes for 2-4 hours. The amount of liquid and the time of intake should be adjusted depending on how often the child goes to the toilet.
  2. A decoction of dried fruits, steamed raisins, wild rose - are designed to relieve inflammation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At home, this is the best treatment for diarrhea. Steam a spoonful of raisins in a glass of water, cool and give to the child. Rosehip is preferably steamed in a thermos and let it brew for 4-6 hours. The dosage depends on what other liquid the child consumes. Optimally - about 200 ml of liquid for 1-2 hours.
  3. Herbal teas. Chamomile, marigold flowers or fennel can be brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Such tea should be infused for 1-2 hours, cooled and given one teaspoon in a similar way to another liquid. For children from 6 to 12 months, each herb should be brewed separately. For children over 1 year old - can be combined.

What should not be done?

You should not self-medicate if the child has at least one of the factors:

  • blood in the stool;
  • refusal of fluid;
  • pale skin and lethargy;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • heat;
  • vomit.

With such signs, the child must be examined by a doctor, prescribe treatment and stipulate further actions.

Possible complications and consequences

With loose stools, which may be accompanied by vomiting,Withmost serious consequencesforchild's bodybears dehydration.

An insufficient amount of fluid affects the functioning of all organs, which can cause:

  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • convulsions;
  • kidney failure;
  • disruption of the brain and other dangerous consequences.


For babies, it is worth consistently introducing products, not overfeeding and not rushing with an “adult” table. For older children, hygiene (washing hands before eating) is important. Parents should pay attention Special attention for food and give the baby clean water to drink. Proper heat treatment of products, compliance with the terms and conditions of storage, will protect the child from illness.

An alarming factor for parents should always be when the frequency of defecation in younger students increases to several times a day, and the feces acquire a watery consistency or have pathological inclusions.

Children's diarrhea is commonly referred to as "dirty hands disease": the youngest children grab and put everything they see into their mouths, and schoolchildren often do not follow the rules of hygiene. Drink dirty water, communication with animals, unwashed fruits - all these factors contribute to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the digestive tract. Therefore, when diarrhea occurs in a 6-year-old child, the first thing to do is to exclude a possible intestinal infection.

Its most common pathogens in growing children 6-7 years old are the same as in babies - coli, salmonella and similar bacteria. Infection with them occurs through direct contact with a sick person and the fecal-oral route, through unwashed hands, insufficiently clean dishes or poor-quality products. Intestinal infections that can cause diarrhea in a child are characterized by acute indigestion with loose stools and accompanying symptoms: fever, nausea turning into vomiting, lack of appetite. The manifestations of food poisoning, due to which diarrhea appears in a 6-year-old child, are similar. It is caused by spoiled food consumed by children. With this form of pathology, acute diarrhea is accompanied by signs of intoxication: high fever, sweating, pallor and general weakness.

Causes of diarrhea in a child 8-9 years old

At the age of 8-9 years, the development of loose stools, in addition to the above factors, can also contribute to the use of certain types food, especially if they are eaten in large quantities. Diarrhea in this case is short-lived. Indigestible foods can provoke diarrhea in a child of 8-9 years old. Most often, children consume large quantities of raw vegetables and fruits, and fatty foods, especially fast food, especially if they drink milk or sweet soda. Such loose stools are usually accompanied by bloating and pain in it. This is due to the reaction gallbladder and strong irritation gut receptors.

If such diarrhea in a child of 8-9 years old was a single occurrence, and his condition improved within a few hours, special therapeutic measures should not be taken. After the diarrhea has passed, children can return to their usual diet, but such overeating should not be allowed in the future. But if parents began to notice that at the age of 9, diarrhea has become a frequent occurrence in a child and, moreover, is accompanied by abdominal pain that occurs after taking the usual foods, it is necessary to contact a specialist to undergo appropriate diagnostic studies. Such symptoms presumably indicate the appearance of serious disorders in the digestive system.

Diarrhea in a child 10, 11, 12 years old

In children at 10, 11, 12 years old, constant watery stools may also appear with an increase in defecation acts, that is, there is chronic course diarrhea. The following reasons may contribute to the appearance of this condition:

  • The appearance of oncological diseases of the digestive system;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • Chronic inflammation in certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract due to previously untreated diseases.

In the event that a liquid stool appears, and the child is 10 years old, and the watery feces become black, or the parents begin to notice red streaks in them, it should be urgently shown to a specialist. This situation may arise not only due to the use of certain drugs or food, but also due to the development of enough severe pathologies, the least dangerous of which are anal fissures.

Diarrhea in an 11-year-old child has a total of the same causes as in the rest. For the most part, they consist in non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and the abuse of substandard or unsuitable products. But even more serious prerequisites for the emergence of such a state cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in the case frequent occurrence diarrhea in children is necessary in without fail identify the root cause, which will allow you to take the necessary measures and conduct timely adequate treatment.

To prevent the appearance of diarrhea in a child of 12 years old, it is necessary to observe prophylaxis. Children of this age are already old enough, so they must consciously adhere to clear hygiene rules:

  • Do not buy food in questionable tents or from hands, and do not eat food on the street;
  • Use bottled or purified water for drinking;
  • Wash vegetables, fruits and berries before eating.

These simple rules can prevent loose stools in school-age children when diarrhea is not caused by any serious illness.

What to give a child from diarrhea 9 years

What to give a child for diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a defensive reaction of the body. When a child eats something inedible, either vomiting or diarrhea appears. There is no need to be afraid of this, it is better to help the body get rid of what can harm it as soon as possible. The danger of diarrhea is that it can lead to dehydration. Therefore, with diarrhea, you need to drink plenty of water, preferably salted.

Medicines for diarrhea in children

Diarrhea in a child may occur different reasons: against the background of teething, due to vaccination, due to the fact that the pathogenic flora somehow got into the body. Often diarrhea occurs after taking antibiotics that kill all life in the body. If the diarrhea lasts longer than two days, you need to go to the pediatrician, get tested and get a prescription from the doctor. In some cases, hospitalization is necessary, because the cause of diarrhea may be an infection.

Smecta for children with diarrhea

Smecta is universal remedy from diarrhea, which can be given not only to adults, but also to newborn children. The drug adsorbs and removes active bile acids, excess of hydrochloric acid and pathogenic bacteria from the body. Smekta is given to children with diarrhea, it lines the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, restores the microflora.

Activated charcoal for children with diarrhea

Activated charcoal removes any toxins from the body. They can treat patients of any age. The only drawback of this drug is that it washes away beneficial substances from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, with dysbacteriosis, probiotics are prescribed, activated charcoal is only given to children with diarrhea when it is necessary to remove the consequences of poisoning.

What to feed a child with diarrhea?

Ate diarrhea in infants, then changing his diet is not recommended. Only feed should be in small portions and often, and not vice versa.

If the child is already eating regular food, then he should not be given legumes, fatty foods, whole milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned food, broths, confectionery and flour products.

What to feed a child with diarrhea? The diet should be light food, steamed or in the oven. It is advisable to grind all food with a blender or wipe through a sieve. To avoid dehydration, you need to provide the child plentiful drink. Weak tea, rosehip broth, purified still water and dried fruit compote are suitable.

Diet for a child with diarrhea

In order to restore the intestinal flora after diarrhea, it is necessary not only to give the right medicines but also comply strict diet. You can eat boiled cereals on the water, jelly, cottage cheese and dairy products, lean fish and meat, boiled chicken eggs and baked apples. After the stool returns to normal, it is necessary for another five days not to give fresh fruits and vegetables, whole milk and everything that is forbidden, to give with diarrhea.

The diet of a child with diarrhea depends on the reasons for the disorder of the stool. Perhaps the cause is not infection, but food poisoning, allergies, metabolic or nutritional disorders.

In order to help the child recover quickly, you do not need to self-medicate, but immediately visit a doctor. If necessary, you need to go to the hospital and go through full course treatment. It is important not only to strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor, but also to adhere to the diet. You also need to remember to drink. The worst thing about diarrhea is dehydration. For a newborn baby, it can be fatal. You need to drink often and in small portions. There is nothing difficult. We must be patient and believe that soon everything will pass, and the baby will again become cheerful and mobile.

What to give a child for diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a bowel disorder. Due to prolonged diarrhea, the child becomes dehydrated. As soon as it reaches a critical point, a protective reaction is an increase in temperature. The main and primary task is to replenish the lost fluid in the body of a sick child.

Soldering should be done in small portions, but often. It is strictly forbidden to solder with fruit juices, tea, milk, broth, soda or sweet compotes. Such drinking provokes increased dehydration due to insufficient amounts of trace elements.

Quite often, the cause of diarrhea in a child can be a banal incompatibility of products or a lactose failure. Almost all young children swallow water when swimming in pools and ponds, and this provokes diarrhea. You can give a child for diarrhea potent drug or use folk recipes. In this article, we will tell you when and what measures to take.

If the child's diarrhea is short-lived and there are no serious changes in the general condition of the body, then it is quite possible to use light drugs to maintain the body's strength.

Phytotherapy and folk remedies for diarrhea

  • strong infusion of chamomile;

It is recommended to stick to the diet for 2-3 days, up to full recovery organism. At this time, exclude fatty meats and fish from food. Eat a lot of cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Avoid dairy products and fats.

Medical treatment with enterosorbents

Enterosorbents thicken the stool and remove toxins from the body. It is necessary to take drugs on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account possible adverse reactions organism.

Treatment of diarrhea with zinc preparations

In European countries, zinc preparations have long been prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea in children. In our open spaces, this technique appeared recently. Of the widely used drugs, "Zincrit" can be recommended. Zinc helps to reduce the severity of diarrhea and the speedy recovery of the body of a sick child.

Recommended diet for 2-3 days. Boiled vegetables and lean boiled meat will restore the body's strength. Plentiful drink. On the first day, the drug "Regidron" is recommended (to restore the salt balance and replenish the lost fluid).

Probiotics in the treatment of diarrhea

Probiotics have a gentle effect on the body. They are rebuilding healthy microflora in the intestine. This helps the intestines to fight off the infection that caused the disorder on its own.

The course of prebiotics is usually carried out from a week to one month (depending on the severity of the disease and its consequences). At this time, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as sour-milk products, are excluded from the diet. Breast milk is allowed. Meat and fish - only low-fat varieties and boiled or steamed.

Antibiotics for treating diarrhea in children

Antibiotics are required to treat a bacterial intestinal infection or severe food poisoning. Antibiotics are not recommended unless absolutely necessary. After a course of antibiotics, a course of restoration of the intestinal microflora is necessary.

[b] Signs that should immediately consult a specialist

  • severe diarrhea in a child under 2 years of age;

Temperature 38 in a child

For every mother, there is nothing more important than the health of her child. The most pleasant thing for parents is to see their baby.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child with fever

Children's illness always worries more than their own. It is especially alarming if the child has diarrhea, vomiting.

Vomiting and fever in a child

Even a slight deterioration in the well-being of a beloved child, expressed in lethargy or lack of appetite, delivers.

Food poisoning in a child: symptoms and treatment

Food poisoning or intestinal infection is a digestive disorder resulting from eating spoiled foods.

Vomiting bile in a child

Vomiting indicates the presence of certain disorders and certain disorders human body. Probably none of the people.

September 17, 2013

Children are most vulnerable to various infections and viruses. They are more likely than adults to suffer from colds and intestinal disorders. This is explained by children's body is at the stage of growing up, the immune system is not yet so strengthened, which is why babies suffer from various diseases. Our article is devoted to such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as diarrhea (diarrhea). This disorder is associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora, and completely different diseases can serve as its cause.

Diarrhea in children is a serious threat to life. It can lead to dehydration of the body and cause negative consequences. It is not worth procrastinating and waiting for improvement. What to give a child for diarrhea? Here is the main question that worries every mother. The main point in the treatment of diarrhea caused by an intestinal infection is to drink plenty of fluids.

Such disorders can be cured at home, if it is not associated with another pathology. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the general condition. What can be given to a child for diarrhea? Verified folk recipes will relieve the symptoms. Well, in this condition, rice water diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 will help. The drink should be given to the child every hour or two in small portions. If the next day there is no positive dynamics, then you need to call a doctor.

Often, a violation of the intestinal microflora is associated with dysbacteriosis, which can be triggered by taking antibiotics or low-quality products. This disease is easy to recognize. With this disease, the child's stool acquires a greenish color and an unpleasant sour smell. With diarrhea, there may be foamy liquid feces and pain in the navel.

What to give a child from diarrhea with dysbacteriosis? It is mainly necessary to restore the microflora, this will help lactobacilli. You can make mint tea for your child. To do this, you need to buy grass in a pharmacy and prepare a decoction. Honey can be added to this tea to improve the taste (if there is no allergy). A decoction of an ordinary cuff helps well.

The causes of diarrhea in children are acute respiratory infections, influenza and tonsillitis. In these cases, folk remedies alone will not be able to cure the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive in order to suppress pathogenic bacteria and remove the pronounced manifestations of the disease. Warm drink helps to cleanse the stomach. Rose hips have an anti-inflammatory effect, from which it turns out very tasty and useful compote. But all these methods are suitable for treating children older than a year.

What to do if diarrhea starts in a very tiny baby? What to give a baby for diarrhea? In addition to formula milk or breast milk, it is necessary to give the child a solution of Regidron to drink - a tablespoon of powder per liter of water. You can add some sugar to the drink. It is important not to leave the baby hungry - offer the mixture more often. If, in addition to diarrhea, the newborn has vomiting, fever, refusal to eat, and blood in the stool, a pediatrician should be called.

Any child loves sweets, which very often cause frustration. What to give a child for diarrhea when overeating? First of all, you need a diet. Any flour and chocolate products, fatty and salty foods are completely excluded. Boil creamy soups, best with rice. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the body and the color of the stool.

The child needs to create comfortable conditions, provide healthy sleep and positive emotional atmosphere. If you notice infrequent urination, darkening of urine, pallor of the skin, dryness of the mucous membrane, then immediately contact for medical care, especially in the case when this continues for more than one day. Only a doctor will tell you what to give your child for diarrhea and prescribe the right treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky about diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in a child can accompany a wide variety of diseases. However, this symptom is dangerous in itself, especially if we are talking about small children. A well-known doctor and author of books and articles on children's health, Yevgeny Komarovsky, tells what the danger of diarrhea is and what parents should do if such a "trouble" happened to their child.

About the problem

Diarrhea is a manifestation of the body's ability to get rid of bacteria and viruses, of which there are a great many around the child. Neither the water that the baby drinks, nor the food, nor the air is sterile. What can we say about playing in the sandbox, crawling on the grass, on the floor, etc. A person has several such protective “systems”: saliva is designed to destroy microbes at the stage of getting into the mouth, bronchial and nasal mucus protect the respiratory organs from getting into them bacteria and viruses gastric juice effectively destroys those microorganisms that managed to enter the body through the mouth and reach the digestive organs unharmed. Bacteria, which are indigenous inhabitants, are waiting in the intestines of "intruders". Their task is to prevent malicious agents from taking root.

Diarrhea in a child can be caused by an intestinal infection that enters the mouth through unwashed hands, poorly washed vegetables and fruits, through water, with food. Often these are bacteria.

Certain viruses, such as rotavirus, also cause diarrhea. The intestinal mucosa is an excellent breeding ground for their reproduction, and therefore digestion is disturbed, the intestinal mucosa is irritated and diarrhea occurs.

Danger of diarrhea

The most serious danger diarrhea lies in the likelihood of dehydration. How younger child the higher the risk. Salts of potassium, calcium, and sodium, which are extremely important for life, come out with feces. Liquid is rapidly lost. Therefore, it is not so scary if a child at 3 years old goes to the toilet five times a day and does not show signs of dehydration, as if five times diarrhea happened to a 6-month-old baby. After all, the reserves of water and mineral salts in the crumbs are much more scarce, he loses them at a faster pace.

Severe dehydration can cause serious performance problems nervous system and also become fatal to the infant.


If diarrhea is caused viral infections, and apart from frequent trips to the toilet, there are all the signs exactly viral disease don't feed the baby antiviral agents, they do not help and their effectiveness has not been clinically proven. Antibiotics are also inappropriate, since they do not act on viruses. No special treatment is required, it is enough to provide the child with the right assistance and prevent dehydration. If the diarrhea is the result of food poisoning or an intestinal infection, the treatment approach should be the same.

First of all, you should make sure that the baby is not dehydrated.

If a child does not pee for 6 hours, if he cries with dry eyes, without tears, if he has blue circles under his eyes, facial features are sharpened, he has dry lips, tongue, dry mucous membranes - these are very disturbing symptoms. The immediate help of doctors is required, you need to call an ambulance.

To prevent this dangerous state, the actions of parents with diarrhea should be coordinated and clear:

  • The child needs to drink. And drink a lot. All drinking should be warm, about 20 degrees, so that the liquid is absorbed and absorbed by the body as soon as possible. If the child refuses to drink from a cup, it should be fed with a spoon, little by little, but often. If he does not drink from a spoon, as children under 7-9 months old often do, then you need to draw liquid into a disposable syringe without a needle and drink drip from it. If the baby resists this method, you should not wait and persuade, you should immediately call an "ambulance" so that it is possible to introduce liquid to the child by drip.
  • The child needs to restore the balance of salts. To do this, Komarovsky advises using ready-made pharmaceutical bags with oral rehydration agents. Suitable "Smekta", you can buy "Regidron" or "Humana-Electrolyte". These drugs must be home first aid kit every family. If diarrhea has already happened, but there are no such drugs, you can use a recipe that has received the full approval of the World Health Organization: add a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda per liter of water. You can drink the child with this solution.
  • You need to control the discharge. Drinking should stand out. As long as the baby, who has not yet reached the age of one, walks in diapers, mom has nothing to worry about. At any time, she can measure the amount drunk by the child, and after 3 hours weigh his used diaper on an electronic kitchen scale to understand whether the water is normally excreted. If the child is already going to the potty, control is also not difficult. But for a child at 2 years old, who is already with big share probability has mastered the toilet, will have to follow on the heels.
  • The child does not need food. Do not try to feed him at any cost. Diarrhea much will pass faster if the baby is hungry. Give food only when he asks. You can not eat fatty, sweet, drink carbonated drinks and milk with diarrhea. It is better to give porridge, mashed potatoes, yeast-free bread croutons, vegetable soup in lean broth.
  • Activated charcoal - in the right dosage. Another useful drug which should be in your first aid kit. Parents should remember that activated charcoal is dosed 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight at a time. Thus, a child weighing 10 kilograms is given 1 tablet, and a baby whose weight is 15 kilograms is given 1.5 tablets. Modern medicine recommends modern enterosorbents that are easier to take. If the financial possibilities of the family allow, you can buy and keep Enterosgel in the first-aid kit in such a case.

Nutrition after diarrhea

When the diarrhea has ended successfully, you do not need to immediately cook all those cutlets for your son or daughter and carry all the cookies that the child did not eat while he was ill. A few more days should follow a sparing diet. In the diet of a child from 1.5 years old, there may be cereals, tea, vegetable soups without meat. A kid from 2 years old can add one small curd to tea without additives, pieces of fruit and food coloring.

Then the diet should be increased gradually, daily adding new products to the peanut menu, starting with boiled meat, steam cutlets and ending (last) with a piece of chocolate or his favorite candy.

Safe home remedies for diarrhea are fasting and drinking. Everything else, including the use of antidiarrheals in children, must be agreed with the doctor.

If diarrhea occurs in a baby under one year old, you should definitely consult a doctor. For children under one and a half years old - the rule is exactly the same, provided that during the day the baby does not get better. Urgent hospitalization requires the presence of bloody impurities in the feces.

When contacting a doctor, be sure to remember what the child ate over the past day, what changes in his behavior were. It will be great if the doctor can personally evaluate the view stool on the diaper: their color, smell, texture.

In case of an intestinal infection, a sick little one must immediately allocate separate dishes, a towel and bed sheets. It can be extremely contagious, and therefore it is worth protecting other family members, especially children, from possible infection.

Folk remedies that "experts" recommend on the Internet to treat diarrhea, especially garlic or onion enemas, can be extremely dangerous for a baby. If you drink enough water and make up for the lack of mineral salts, then diarrhea will recede without complications quickly enough (1-2 days). If the diarrhea continues, alternative medicine will not help, but an appeal to a completely traditional doctor will help.

How to treat diarrhea in a child, see Dr. Komaorovsky's program.

Diarrhea and constipation in children 9 years old

Children may have several problems with stools - these are irregular stools, constipation or diarrhea. Such conditions should cause anxiety in parents, as they lead to disturbances in the absorption and assimilation of food, as well as psychological discomfort.

Constipation in a child 9 years old: what to do

Constipation is the absence of stool for several days, or even daily bowel movements with difficulty when the stool is hard. Constipation is stated in the absence of stool in children aged 9 years for 2-3 or more days, or even with daily stool that looks like sheep feces, a dense cylinder (similar to smoked sausage), fragmented dense stool. Defecation under such conditions causes strong tension, straining is necessary, which gives soreness and cracks in the rectum. long delay stool leads to pain in the abdomen, in the rectal area, nausea, loss of appetite.

If a boy or girl of 9 years old has no stool for several days, it is important to provide first aid. This is a microclyster or a regular enema, the use of laxative suppositories to pass the stool. If this is episodic constipation, it does not require much concern. But if constipation has become frequent, you should definitely consult a doctor for examination and finding out the reasons.

Usually constipation occurs due to fluid deficiency, if the child drinks little, while eating dense food, ignoring the reception of first courses.

Constipation can occur with an excess of fatty, carbohydrate foods in the diet, with a deficiency in the diet of vegetables and fruits. Constipation is provoked in a sedentary manner life and lack of physical activity, psychological reasons - holding back a chair at school due to embarrassment or unusual conditions for defecation. Influence on the occurrence of constipation deficiency of iron, iodine in food or taking antibiotics.

Diarrhea in a 9 year old

It is worth worrying about the presence of diarrhea in children. It often accompanies food poisoning and intestinal infections. Then, in addition to loose stools, there is also nausea, vomiting, the temperature rises, and the general condition suffers. In this condition, you need to call a doctor and complete treatment up to hospitalization. However, diarrhea often occurs in a 9-year-old child without fever. It can be provoked by errors in nutrition - taking laxative foods, excess greens, fatty foods. Also, diarrhea can provoke a violation of the diet, with the consumption of acute, fatty foods, which provokes a sharp selection of bile into the intestines, and it has a strongly laxative effect. Diarrhea is accompanied by pathologies such as enteritis or colitis, abnormalities in the liver, taking antibiotics and some other drugs, and an overdose of laxative drugs.

Sometimes, with increased nervous stress, stool disorders can occur - “ bear disease”, Liquefaction of the stool before important events, exams due to the excitability of the nervous system.

What to eat with diarrhea for a child of 9 years

It is important to know that in violation of the nature of the stool, especially with diarrhea, it is important to eat right. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate from the diet all irritating and laxative, fatty, spicy foods, fast food. In case of infectious diarrhea, light food for petite and a large amount of liquid to drink (mineral water, weak tea, dried fruit compote, rice water, broth with crackers) are indicated. As the condition improves, porridges with water and half milk, light vegetable soups, and noodles are shown. As the stool and condition normalize, nutrition expands to the usual healthy eating about 7-10 days. With non-infectious diarrhea, nutrition depends on the type of pathology; a special diet is usually prescribed for a long time, in parallel with treatment.

Diarrhea in a child of 9 years: how to treat

With a single diarrhea in children and normal condition, in addition to changes in nutrition, no action is worth taking. With repeated diarrhea, you can take sorbents and call a doctor. If a child of 9 years old has diarrhea, what should be done first of all? Before consulting a doctor, if you have repeated diarrhea, you should not take any drugs that stop diarrhea or antibiotics. Let's say rice water, drink plenty of water, sorbents and diet. All other drugs can only be recommended by a doctor.

We don’t give up - the child’s diarrhea is treated, the main thing is to know how to knock out diarrhea correctly

Diarrhea in childhood is very common, especially in preschool age. Indigestion can be caused by nutritional errors, infections, or diseases of the internal organs. To effectively treat diarrhea in children, it is important to correctly identify the cause.

What is called diarrhea?

A child is born with an unformed digestive system: intestinal loops are not formed, less enzymes are produced. For this reason, food passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster. The formation process is completed by an average of 3-5 years, so the stool rate varies depending on age.

Loose stools are the absolute norm for children under six months of age who are breastfed. The first 2-3 months of life, babies empty their intestines after each feeding (6-10 times a day), while the consistency of feces is liquid.

As the child develops, the intestines are populated beneficial bacteria, develop organs that secrete digestive enzymes, therefore, the number of bowel movements increases, and the density of feces increases.

For babies whose diet is dominated by mixtures, the stool norm is different: the feces are more formed, the number of bowel movements does not exceed 3.

After the introduction of complementary foods (at 4-6 months), the baby's stool changes. Babies walk in a big way up to 2 times a day, the consistency of feces depends on the foods consumed.

Classification of diarrhea in children

There are several types of diarrhea in children:

Indigestion caused by the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the child's body (dysentery, intestinal flu, salmonellosis).

Diarrhea caused by poisoning chemicals: mercury, arsenic, household chemicals.

Indigestion is associated with the peculiarities of nutrition, may be caused by intolerance to a certain product.

Diarrhea is a symptom enzyme deficiency with pathologies of the pancreas, small intestine or liver.

Diarrhea develops after long-term use drugs (usually antibiotics) due to a violation of the intestinal microflora.

Diarrhea occurs after an experienced fright or stress due to a violation of the nervous regulation of intestinal motility.

Any kind of diarrhea can be acute - it occurs suddenly, the symptoms develop rapidly.

Chronic diarrhea occurs due to intestinal irritation, loose stools do not stop for several weeks. Violation can be caused by diseases of the digestive system or lactose intolerance.

Causes of chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea that lasts for weeks or months with occasional flare-ups is a symptom common disease or pathology of the digestive tract:

The violation is very rare, diarrhea begins after eating foods with gluten. This vegetable protein found in wheat, rye, oats. The disease is accompanied by constant diarrhea, severe gas formation.

Imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the gut. It develops due to the use of antibiotics.

Manifested by diarrhea after eating dairy products. It occurs due to a lack of an enzyme in the body that breaks down milk sugar.

  • Bowel disease not infectious nature(Crohn's disease, Duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome) cause inflammation of the mucosa, increase peristalsis, so food comes out very quickly.

In the case of celiac disease, a gluten-free diet must be followed for life.

Causes of acute diarrhea

Most often, children develop acute diarrhea. Violation of the stool can be caused by a variety of reasons:

The intestinal microflora and the immune system of children are very unstable, so diarrhea can appear after eating new foods. Such symptoms are often observed with the introduction of complementary foods.

In infants, diarrhea may occur due to the product eaten by the mother.

Diarrhea may be side effect some drugs: choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Diarrhea occurs due to the development of dysbacteriosis, long-term treatment or dosage violations.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx, which drains into the stomach and changes the consistency of feces. In children under one year, diarrhea often occurs against the background of teething.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Toxic Substances enter the body when using stale or low-quality products.

  • Intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses (dysentery, rotovirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus aureus).

Such diseases are susceptible to children attending Kindergarten and school. Infection occurs through contact with the carrier and non-compliance with personal hygiene.

It can happen to anyone… None of us are immune to diarrhea. This is a very unpleasant matter, but if an upset stomach did not occur from any serious illness, but due to a violation intestinal microflora due to antibiotics mild poisoning stale food due to stressful situation, the body's reaction to a change in the climatic zone or something else like that, then you can not call a doctor, but try to heal yourself from diarrhea. Tablets for both adults and children can be bought at a pharmacy. About the best and most effective modern preparations for diarrhea you can read in this article.

The drug "Ftalazol"

There are newfangled drugs and very expensive ones. And there are diarrhea pills that are inexpensive, but nevertheless very effective in a number of situations. Such is the good old drug "Ftalazol" (it costs only about 25 rubles per pack). This drug can be used for such painful conditions as:

  • Dysentery.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Enterocolitis due to infection.
  • Food poisoning.
  • As a means of preventing various infectious complications after gastrointestinal surgery.
  • Salmonella infection.

As you can see, this is a serious drug. It is hardly reasonable to take Ftalazol tablets for diarrhea if the disease was caused by simple indigestion.

You need to drink this drug in 2 tab. every 2 hours (this is an average). Therapeutic effect after taking the drug, it does not occur immediately, but after two or three days, which is explained by the gradual suppression of the painful intestinal microflora by it.

It is believed that tablets "Ftalazol" give very little side effects. Therefore, they can be taken even by small children. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to drink this medicine for people with kidney and liver diseases, as well as for hematopoietic diseases and hemophilia. It is also forbidden to take this remedy for pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The drug "Furazolidone"

Another cheap diarrhea pill is Furazolidone. It's good efficient antibacterial drug from the group of nitrofurans, which can be used for:

  • Infectious diarrhea.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Salmonella.
  • Dysentery.

If the diarrhea is indeed caused by an infection, the symptoms usually resolve within three days. In the case of diarrhea that does not depend on the vital activity of bacteria and viruses, taking this medicine is unlikely to help. Means "Furazolidone" can be given to young children. But you should not treat the child yourself for diarrhea, the doctor should prescribe the pills for babies. After all, only he can make a correct diagnosis and determine the cause of diarrhea. Pregnant women are also not recommended self-medication. This medicine can only be prescribed by a doctor.

The drug "Levomitsetin"

And this drug is already stronger, able to stop diarrhea almost instantly, within three to four hours after ingestion. "Levomitsetin" - tablets for diarrhea, belonging to the group of antibiotics. They are effective against intestinal disorders caused by bacterial activity. But this drug, unfortunately, does not work on viruses and fungi.

In the event that the diarrhea is not too severe, you can take one tablet. If after 3-4 hours relief does not come, you should definitely consult a doctor. "Levomitsetin" - tablets for diarrhea, the price of which is very affordable and accessible to absolutely everyone (an average of 20-50 rubles per pack). This drug is freely sold in a pharmacy, but it is completely unacceptable to give it to children on their own, only as prescribed by a doctor! Pregnant women and children of a very young age, Levomycetin tablets are not recommended for use.

Tablets "Tetracycline"

This is an excellent antibiotic that can cure even very strong bacterial diarrhea. The action of the drug is based on its ability to quickly suppress the growth of bacteria in the intestine. The causative agents of diarrhea when tetracycline enters the housing and communal services gradually die out and diarrhea stops. But, like other antibiotics, this medicine has the other side of the coin ... It can provoke subsequent severe dysbacteriosis and enterocolitis.

After all, antibiotics do not distinguish between bad bacteria and good ones, they kill everything in a row. That is why you can not take "Tetracycline" without medical prescription. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as for children under 8 years of age this drug forbidden.

Means "Imodium"

Tablets from diarrhea "Imodium" is recommended to have in the home first aid kit. This medicine is excellent for diarrhea that is non-infectious in nature, i.e. from diarrhea caused by stress, malnutrition etc. The undoubted advantage of this remedy is that these tablets begin to work within one hour after taking.

In some cases, the drug "Imodium" even helps with infectious diarrhea, if taken at the very first symptoms. But for children under 6 years of age, this drug is not recommended, as well as for ladies in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.

If you are advised tablets for diarrhea "Loperamide", then know that this is an analogue of the "Imodium" remedy, as well as the drugs "Lopedium" and "Suprelol". There is also a drug called Imodium Plus. It is a chewable tablet that includes the substance simethicone - an antifoam agent that has the ability to adsorb gases in the intestines and thereby eliminate its swelling and pain in the intestines. abdominal cavity spastic nature. Loperamide can be used by adults and children from 12 years of age.

The drug "Enterofuril"

Excellent medicinal antimicrobial agent, designed specifically for the treatment of various intestinal infections. The valuable quality of this drug: having a strong antibacterial effect, "Enterofuril" nevertheless does not violate the normal intestinal flora. Doctors prescribe this drug for acute or chronic diarrhea infectious nature for adults and children from 7 years. You can take this medicine for no longer than a seven-day period.

The drug "Tannacomp"

Here is a good remedy for those who are going on a trip to distant exotic countries. With a rapid change in climatic zones and cuisine, problems with the intestines often arise. In these cases, "Tannacomp" is an indispensable medicine! It really cures diarrhea. Tablets in a gelatinous shell contain tannin albuminate, which is extracted from natural raw materials, and ethacridine lactate. The first substance, when it enters the intestine, has an active anti-inflammatory and astringent action, and the second deals a crushing blow to bacteria and relieves painful spasms.

This drug can also be drunk for prevention: 1 tab. 2 times a day. The good news is that this drug can be taken even by infants.

Nursing "Linex"

This medicine, which includes live bifidobacteria, is available in capsules and has a pronounced antidiarrheal effect, and also restores the disturbed microflora in the intestine well. Suitable for patients suffering from dysbacteriosis due to long-term use of antibiotics. Perfectly copes with flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines). Can be used for acute and chronic enterocolitis. Linex capsules can be recommended for the treatment of both adults and children of different ages, including infants.

Means "Intetrix" (capsules)

The drug has an antimicrobial effect, inhibits bacteria, fungi and various pathogenic microorganisms. It has been successfully used to treat infectious diarrhea and as a prophylactic against intestinal infections. Contraindication to use may be excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Diarrhea pills for children

Children's bodies are very different from adults' bodies. Therefore, many drugs that are great for moms and dads, grandparents, can be detrimental to their beloved babies.

This is especially true for children under 1 year old. Yes, these babies often have problems with the stool. It is best not to take risks when they occur, but to show the child to a pediatrician. Smecta, Enterosgel and Linex are considered safe medicines for diarrhea for young patients.

Group of enterosorbents

What pills for diarrhea can be auxiliary in the complex therapy for diarrhea? These are the so-called enterosorbents. They have a calming effect on the intestinal mucosa and at the same time bind toxins, viruses, bacteria, water in it, and then remove it all from the body. Here is a list of such medicines:

  • Activated carbon. These black pills are often undeservedly forgotten today. Meanwhile, for those who are looking for inexpensive (it costs only about 10-15 rubles per pack), but reliable, anti-diarrhea pills, activated charcoal can be an excellent adsorbent adsorbent. In addition, it is absolutely safe even for very tiny children and is able not only to cleanse the intestines of various toxins, but also to destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  • "Smecta" is a natural drug. As a rule, doctors prescribe it to their patients if they have symptoms of an acute intestinal infection. The entire course of treatment does not last longer than a week. Attention: this drug has a number of contraindications! Read the instructions carefully.
  • "Kaopektat" is also a remedy of natural origin. It is available in two forms: tablets (children can only be taken from 6 years old) and suspension (children can be given it from the age of three).
  • The drug "Enterodez" - works very well in the complex treatment of acute infectious diarrhea. This drug is well tolerated by patients.
  • Tablets "Attapulgite" are also successfully used in the treatment of diarrhea. They adsorb pathogenic microorganisms that have bred in the intestine, bind toxins and normalize the microflora. They have an astringent effect, which reduces inflammatory processes in the mucosa and spasms. Means "Attapulgite" thickens the stool, improves its consistency and reduces the number of urges to the toilet. These tablets should be swallowed without chewing with liquid.

Actions for food poisoning

Often in pharmacies, people ask for pills for poisoning and diarrhea. In fact, at acute poisoning treatment should not begin with the ingestion of various drugs, but to perform completely different actions:

  • If the poisoning was caused by poor-quality food, which contained pathogenic microbes, leading to vomiting and diarrhea, do not try to drink antiemetic drugs. With the help of vomiting, the body cleanses itself. He can and should be helped by gastric lavage. To do this, drink as much water (warm) as possible at the same time. Five or six glasses will be enough. After that, you need to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers and induce vomiting. The procedure can be repeated several times until the vomit is clear of food.
  • Abdominal pain can be soothed by gently massaging the abdomen (clockwise), then apply to it dry heat such as a warm wool scarf.
  • Due to vomiting and diarrhea, important substances such as potassium, sodium and calcium are washed out of the body at a breakneck pace. To restore the water-salt balance, it is recommended to take Regidron, Gastrolit or Glucosolan powders.
  • For food poisoning, you can use recipes traditional medicine and drink in small sips (so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting) decoctions of blueberries, St. John's wort, oak bark, Chamomile Flowers.
  • In addition to folk remedies, you can drink a natural sorbent - activated carbon or preparations "Smekta", "Enterosgel", "Polifepan".
  • In the first one or two days, it is recommended not to eat anything, only drink tea (preferably without sugar), water with the addition of a small amount lemon juice or plain boiled water. Usually all this is enough to stop diarrhea.
  • After the end of a two-day fast, you can slowly start eating cereals on the water (rice or oatmeal) and crackers with tea.


We told you which diarrhea pills can be taken in different situations for children and adults. I would like to remind you that sometimes diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting can be symptoms serious illnesses. It can be difficult to figure out the causes that caused diarrhea on your own, so it’s best not to buy medicines at your own discretion, but to consult a doctor for a diagnosis and qualified treatment. In parting, we wish you to carefully take care of your health and never get sick!

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