A 3 year old child is bleeding from the nose. What does nosebleed in a child indicate: causes

Epistaxis is a non-standard situation that requires the attention of parents and the determination of the cause of this condition. If the phenomenon is single and it was possible to stop it on your own, then the help of a doctor is not required. If bleeding began to appear regularly, then the child should be examined.

If the child often bleeds from the nose, then an examination by a doctor is necessary.

Why does a child's nose bleed

The discharge of blood from the nose can be both a sign of a pathological process in the sinuses, of a neurological nature, and a consequence of a violation of hygiene standards.

Causes of nosebleeds:

  1. "Playful hands" - the child often touches his nose with his hands, puts his fingers in the nasal passages. With such actions, the inner shell of hollow organs that communicate with the external environment is injured, and bleeding may begin.
  2. Violation of hygiene standards - dry and warm air in the room. The mucous membrane dries up, the capillaries become fragile, and bleeding begins. Scarlet blood most often appears in the morning, as the baby is indoors during the night.
  3. When blowing your nose, a vessel may burst - when the child blows his nose sharply with force and injures the mucous membrane.
  4. Diseases of inflammatory genesis of the maxillary sinus system - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis of various etiologies, polyposis.
  5. Nose injury.
  6. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  7. Side effects of drugs.
  8. Gastric bleeding - discharge resembles coffee grounds.
  9. Increased cranial pressure - most often observed in adolescence with hormonal changes.

A child can open his nose to blood by negligence

Which doctor should I contact?

Minor periodic bleeding does not cause concern to the child. But if the nose bleeds often, for a long time and strongly, black clots are present, the help of a specialist is needed.

Parents should contact the doctors of the following specialties:

  1. - for examination of the nasal passages, examination of the maxillary sinus system.
  2. and - in the absence of visible pathologies in the nasal passages.
  3. - to exclude neurological diseases, intracranial hypertension.
  4. or if there is a fact of trauma to the face, nose, upper jaw, a possible concussion.

There are a number of symptoms when an urgent examination by a doctor is required.

These include:

  • there was blood in the chest;
  • the presence of clots during bleeding;
  • sudden episodes without cause;
  • persistent episodes of profuse bleeding;
  • does not stop within 10 minutes;
  • blood runs sharply, in jerks, blotches of other tissues are observed;
  • accompanied by neurological symptoms - weakness, convulsions, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

In the last 2 cases, the best choice is to contact the emergency services.

If the baby is bleeding from the nose, then you need to see a doctor


Diagnostic measures begin with a visual examination and a conversation with the parents or the patient.

Standard procedures for nosebleeds:

  1. Examination of the nose using mirrors.
  2. Pharyngoscopy - to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, the identification of pathological formations.
  3. Rhinoscopy - using nasal and nasopharyngeal mirrors. Allows you to exclude polyposis, sinusitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.

Rhinoscopy is used to examine the nasal cavity.

The next step is to stop the bleeding. If signs of pathology of the nasopharynx are not detected, then additional symptoms are analyzed. The patient is referred to specialists of the appropriate specialization to determine the cause of the disease and its further treatment.

What to do about nosebleeds

If a child has nosebleeds, then parents should analyze whether they can stop it on their own or should consult a doctor.

First aid

First aid for nosebleeds is described in the WHO protocols.

What to do to stop epistaxis:

  1. Reassure the baby, especially if the trouble occurred at night.
  2. Sit the child in a comfortable position. Raise your head, but do not throw it back. Substitute a container for blood collection. This will determine the exact amount of blood loss.
  3. Pinch the wings of the nose in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe septum with your fingers. This will free the nasal passages from the accumulated fluid. Drip any children's vasoconstrictor drops - Naftizin, Tizin, Farmazolin. For each nasal passage, 5 drops are required.
  4. After that, drip into each nasal passage 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the drug is not more than 3%. Hydrogen peroxide has an antiseptic effect and accelerates the formation of a blood clot.
  5. Apply cold to the bridge of your nose. It can be a heating pad with ice, a cold compress. Every 15 minutes, the cold item is removed for a few minutes.
  6. If possible, insert a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passage. After a few minutes, the turunda is carefully removed.

How to stop folk remedies

Herbalists describe many recipes for stopping nosebleeds.

What should be done:

  1. Rub the green mass of yarrow officinalis in your fingers until the juice is released. Form a turunda and insert into the nasal passage. If you manage to squeeze the juice of the plant, then drip 5 drops into each nostril.
  2. Chop the green nettle and squeeze out the juice. Apply liquid to the turunda and insert into the nasal passage.
  3. Drip fresh lemon juice into the nose. Enough 2 drops in each nostril.

Nettle juice is good for stopping nosebleeds.

There are extremely unconventional recipes on the net to stop bleeding. For example, wearing a metal key around your neck. Or if there is blood, then you need to apply it to a wooden chip. Then bury the chips in the ground. According to the authors of the recipe, while the stick is underground, blood from the nose will not flow.

Prevention of nosebleeds

  1. Compliance with hygiene standards - air humidity, temperature conditions in the room.
  2. Mandatory walks in the fresh air and taking vitamin complexes as directed by a doctor.
  3. High-quality treatment of colds and prevention of their complications.
  4. Watch out for little hands. If the baby constantly climbs into the nose, then conduct a home examination. Maybe the child put a foreign object in the nasal passage.
  5. If the blood flows regularly, its appearance does not depend on the time of day - in the morning, afternoon, evening, then the baby should be shown to specialists.

Nosebleeds - can be the result of stress or violation of hygiene standards, as well as a sign of severe pathology. Therefore, if this is repeated often, it turns out to stop, but with difficulty, then do not delay and seek help from a doctor!

Nosebleeds can have completely harmless causes. But, they can also hide very serious diseases. Let's try to figure out the reasons and when you should immediately run for medical help in this article.

Bleeding is always scary. This is especially true for bleeding in children. The most harmless, according to medicine, bleeding from the nose. But, in this case, one should not lose vigilance, because frequent and abundant discharge of blood from the nose may indicate health problems in the child.

Why does my child have nosebleeds at night?

Nocturnal bleeding from the nose can greatly frighten not only parents, but also the baby himself. The right thing to do for parents is not to panic, but to react calmly to what is happening. You should be prepared that a frightened baby may even throw a tantrum. This should not be allowed, because the blood can go even stronger.


First of all, you need to know that bleeding can be minor, then the amount of blood loss is very small, and can be heavy. Blood can flow from one, or, immediately, from both nostrils. Run out of the nose, or run down the back of the throat, which is especially dangerous.

IMPORTANT: If the bleeding from the nose does not stop, and even intensifies, within ten to fifteen minutes, you should immediately seek medical help.

There are a lot of reasons for the onset of bleeding, consider the most possible:

  • The first and most common is that the walls of blood vessels are very sensitive and react to any external stimulus. This can be dry indoor air during the heating season, or dry and hot weather during the summer months. Both in winter and summer, it is necessary to take care of air humidification in the children's bedroom. No need to buy expensive humidifiers, hanging wet towels or a bowl of water near the battery will help solve the problem. In addition, it is necessary to ventilate the child's room before going to bed.
  • The baby may simply unsuccessfully roll over in a dream, hitting his own hand or on the bed.
  • Nose picking can damage delicate blood vessels and cause profuse bleeding.

nose picking can cause nosebleeds
  • Foreign objects stuck in the nostril while the parents are distracted very often cause night bleeding
  • Viruses and bacteria primarily affect the mucous membranes of the baby, making them more sensitive and loose, exposing the vessels to damage. Blood, at the same time, begins to flow more to the mucosa, causing bleeding
  • Dried mucus prevents the child from breathing normally in a dream, and he, trying to get rid of it, damages the walls of blood vessels
  • The cause of night bleeding can also be vasoconstrictor drops used during a viral infection. This can be provoked by uncontrolled, or too long use of drugs. The nasal mucosa atrophies, becomes thinner and more vulnerable, exposing the nasal vessels to damage
  • Night bleeding can occur due to high fever in the baby, rising against the background of diseases

high fever can cause nosebleeds

More serious reasons include such diseases that signal themselves with night bleeding:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. If headache, frequent nausea and vomiting are added to the bleeding, for no apparent reason, you should immediately seek help from a neurologist
  • Another serious illness, like tuberculosis, can prevent nosebleeds at night and during the day. But, then they should be joined by such symptoms as the fact that: bleeding is repeated every day, mucus in the form of pus is added to them, fever, a long period, sudden weight loss, fatigue and heavy sweating
  • Neoplasms can form in the nose of a child, they can be both benign and malignant. Symptoms that point to this particular cause can be nasal congestion, headache, and changes in the child's voice.

nasal polyps
  • Poor blood clotting can also be manifested by both nocturnal and daytime bleeding, while the bleeding itself is very plentiful and difficult to stop. And with repeated damage to blood vessels, they can resume. This reason is also signaled by bruises that appear at the slightest damage to the skin, poor healing of wounds and scratches.
  • As the cause of nosebleeds, one can also distinguish the lack of vitamins in the baby's body, especially vitamin C and routine, they are responsible for the condition of the vessels
  • Suddenly appearing bleeding, dark in color, from the nose, at any time of the day, can warn of heart failure. Such bleeding occurs spontaneously, at first twice a week, and, with the neglect of the disease, every day

IMPORTANT: If night bleeding disturbed only once, and this did not happen again, there is no reason for concern. If a systematic repetition of such a phenomenon is noticed, it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to find the cause and conduct the correct, comprehensive treatment.

Why does my child have a nosebleed in the morning?

The girl had a nosebleed in the morning

Morning bleeding is not much different from night bleeding. They can occur even when the child is in bed, while washing, on the way to school, or kindergarten. They always bring discomfort to both babies and their parents.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • As in night bleeding, the cause is increased fragility of blood vessels. The slightest exposure to them, such as dry and warm air, can trigger morning nosebleeds.
  • The child may hit his head on the bed or other piece of furniture.
  • Picking nose when trying to get mucus that has dried up overnight
  • Viral infections affect the mucous membranes, they also provoke bleeding
  • Body temperature rising to a critical level, or overheating of the child's body
  • Do not forget about the possibility of putting a foreign object into the baby's nose, this can also provoke morning bleeding.
  • Too strong emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, or the baby simply did not have time to rest during the night. Or maybe he is very worried about the upcoming test, or another significant event. All this individually, or taken together, can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon.
  • Septal curvature, and other anomalies in the development of ENT organs, can cause blood loss
  • The resulting polyps in the nasal cavity are quite often the cause of morning bleeding.
  • A sharp change in weather causes jumps in blood pressure, which, in turn, affects blood vessels, and morning bleeding

the girl, after an active game, started nosebleeds

IMPORTANT: As well as arising at any time of the day, morning bleeding can signal illness, or a lack of vitamins in a small body. You should not ignore it, but undergo a comprehensive examination.

Why does the child constantly bleed from the nose?

IMPORTANT: If a child has frequent and heavy bleeding, you need to seek help from doctors, because such a phenomenon can signal health problems in a small body:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • lung disease
  • allergic reactions
  • Neoplasms
  • Hemophilia
  • Increased intracranial pressure, or may be triggered by jumps in blood pressure
  • Anomalies in development, or mechanical damage to the nasal septum
  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs

persistent nosebleeds reason to seek medical attention

Also, frequent bleeding can occur:

  • With systematic and strong psycho-emotional stress, or shocks
  • With constant or prolonged exposure to the open sun, without a hat

IMPORTANT: This list is incomplete, with constant bleeding, you cannot self-medicate, or let the disease take its course, but you should contact the clinic for a complete examination of the child.

More serious causes of persistent nosebleeds can be found in this video.

Video: Nosebleed - All will be well

Why does a child have a nosebleed with a runny nose?

Very often, while blowing your nose, blood impurities can be seen on a handkerchief. Many mothers are frightened and begin to look for the reason for this. One should be able to distinguish between nosebleeds and snot mixed with blood. If during a runny nose the child begins to bleed, then there will be very little mucus in the blood. And if it is snot with blood, then the bulk will be occupied by mucus, there will be very little blood there.

  • A similar phenomenon can occur in children with improper blowing of the nose. The kid begins to blow hard, trying to blow his nose, thereby injuring the nasal mucosa, already damaged by a viral infection, the capillaries break and an admixture of blood appears
  • Trying to get the obstructing mucus accumulations, the baby can pick his nose with his finger, thereby provoking blood to enter the snot
  • The reason for the appearance of blood impurities in the mucus may be the use of vasoconstrictor drugs to eliminate nasal congestion
  • Vessels that are too thin and weak are easily injured, and a runny nose provokes blood to enter the mucus
  • The appearance of blood with a runny nose may indicate complications of diseases of the ENT organs, especially if impurities of pus were noticed
  • During illness, parents want to protect the baby from the cold, wrap up too much, open windows less to ventilate the room. All this indirectly affects the condition of the mucous membranes, they dry out, thin out, and the slightest impact on them can provoke blood to enter the snot. First of all, what parents should do is to ventilate and humidify the air in the room where the baby is.

blowing your nose incorrectly can cause nosebleeds

IMPORTANT: If such a phenomenon has occurred more than once, but occurs systematically, it is necessary to seek advice from a practicing ENT. To find out the cause, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

Causes of nosebleeds in a one-year-old child

The causes of nosebleeds in a one-year-old child may be the wrong actions of young and inexperienced parents:

  • Frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa can cause it to become thin and vulnerable
  • Constant picking in the nose of a baby with cotton swabs can injure the delicate mucous membrane
  • Too warm and dry air in the room where the baby is located can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon. Such bleeding may be noticed after the baby wakes up, sneezes, or coughs.
  • A child who is playing and interested in everything, taking advantage of an oversight, can put a foreign object into his nostril
  • Children at this age are very curious and require special supervision. After all, even a light blow by the baby to himself, or a slight fall, can cause bleeding.
  • You can’t allow the baby to pick his nose with his fingers, and even more so inherit the actions of his mother, and pick something else there

IMPORTANT: You should not try to get the stuck object into the baby's nostrils on your own, this can only do harm. You should seek immediate medical attention

In addition to these reasons, bleeding can occur due to health problems in the baby.

  • It is necessary to visit the ENT, to exclude pathologies in the structure of the nasopharynx itself and its mucosa
  • Neurologist, to check intracranial pressure
  • Get a blood test and other necessary tests
  • If necessary, visit a hematologist if problems with blood clotting are found

IMPORTANT: If the cause was not found, and other symptoms indicating serious diseases were added to the nosebleeds, you should visit other specialized specialists.

Causes of nosebleeds in a child at 5 years old

healthy child

The causes of nosebleeds in a child at 5 years old are not much different from bleeding in a one-year-old child, but still:

  • Babies at this age are very active, and it is not always possible to land safely. Falls, bruises and bumps can cause bleeding

IMPORTANT: If the baby, after hitting his head, has lost consciousness, or the bleeding cannot be stopped on his own, he is sick and vomiting has begun, possibly even with blood, an ambulance should be called urgently.

  • After a too active day of play, nosebleeds may begin in babies before bedtime. The reason for this phenomenon can also be a sharp change in climate, a trip to the mountains, an airplane flight
  • In the summer, nosebleeds can be caused by sunstroke, accompanied by symptoms such as severe headache, nausea, and possibly vomiting.

child receiving treatment
  • Even at the age of five, the baby is able to stick something up his nose, do not forget about this reason
  • Babies at this age are very sensitive to viral and bacterial infections, and they, in turn, have a negative effect on the delicate nasal mucosa. And even a harmless sneeze can cause bleeding.
  • Dry and warm air negatively affects the condition of the mucosa in babies and 5 years old, making it even more vulnerable to external stimuli
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs also have a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, especially their improper use, can provoke bleeding
  • A lack of vitamins, especially those responsible for the state of blood vessels in the norm, can cause a similar phenomenon.

child on examination at the ENT

IMPORTANT: If bleeding is heavy, it is difficult to stop them, they began to occur regularly, often for no apparent reason. Or, the reasons indicate a possible pathology in development, or a progressive disease, you should seek help from a competent specialist.

Why does a 10-year-old child have a nosebleed?

In addition to the causes of nosebleeds, at the age of 5, in a ten-year-old and older, a child may have the following reasons:

  • The reason for this phenomenon may be increased growth. During this period, vessels and joints are especially sensitive to changes in proportions in the body, they do not keep up with rapid growth. As a result, the vessels become thinner, more fragile and more susceptible to stimuli.
  • Changes in the hormonal background, especially for girls, can provoke nosebleeds, you should not be afraid of this phenomenon, everything will work out after adjusting the hormones
  • Very often, it is at this age that children may be disturbed by vegetovascular dystonia. Dizziness, weakness, sweating, too fast heartbeat are added to nosebleeds
  • A possible cause, at this age, may be increased intracranial pressure

The boy's nose bleeds

Why does a child bleed from the nose after crying?

  • The reason for the appearance of blood during and after crying may be thin and closely spaced blood vessels. At this time, the child is very tense, which provokes rupture of capillaries and the onset of bleeding.
  • If such situations become regular, you need to find a good ENT practitioner to examine the baby's nasopharynx. A possible cause may be an incorrect structure of the septum, closely spaced vessels, formed polyps
  • Also, the cause may be increased, within the normal range, arterial or intracranial pressure.
  • It may not be superfluous to consult a hematologist

How to stop a nosebleed in a child?

IMPORTANT: Most importantly, when a nosebleed begins in a child, do not panic. This can only scare the baby even more. He will begin to cry, throw a tantrum, thereby only increasing the bleeding.

  • You should put the child on a chair, or take the baby in your arms and sit on the chair, along with the baby, to the mother herself
  • Tilt the baby's head slightly forward

IMPORTANT: In no case should you tilt your child's head back, or lay him on a pillow, he can simply choke on his own blood.

  • Lightly press the nose with your fingers, regardless of which nostril the blood is coming from, you need to pinch two
  • To stop bleeding more quickly, you need to apply something cold to the bridge of your nose. It could be ice, a towel soaked in cold water.
  • Open a window for fresh air
  • In this position, you need to sit for 10 minutes, no less. After this period, the bleeding should stop
  • If blood flows down the throat into the mouth, ask the baby to spit it out, so it will become clear whether the bleeding has ended or not

Mom Stops Nosebleeds Correctly

IMPORTANT: If this did not happen, and the bleeding became more severe, the baby's condition deteriorated sharply, up to loss of consciousness, you must immediately go to the hospital.

  • After stopping the bleeding, do not let the baby blow his nose, no matter how much he wants to. The same ban applies to increased physical activity, let the baby play calm, effortless games until the end of the day.

IMPORTANT: Do not plug the nostrils with cotton swabs, this can provoke even more severe damage to the mucous membrane, or nearby vessels.

For information on how to act correctly with nosebleeds, you can see in this video.

Video: Nosebleeds – Emergency Care – School of Dr. Komarovsky

What to do if a child's nose bleeds: tips and reviews

  • The first piece of advice in this situation is not to panic. And, calming both yourself and the child, stop the bleeding that has begun with the right actions
  • Most often, during the heating season, the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon is dry and warm air. You should take care of purchasing a humidifier, or humidify the air yourself, with improvised means. Be sure to ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning
  • If the onset of bleeding can be associated with an allergic reaction, it is important to exclude allergens that irritate the nasal mucosa and subsequently injure blood vessels, start taking antihistamines
  • If bleeding, for no apparent reason, happened once or twice, it is not necessary to immediately sound the alarm. You should watch the child, perhaps he, after suffering a viral infection, has developed a habit of picking his nose
  • It is also necessary to teach the baby to blow his nose correctly, from time to time to stop too active play, to make sure that the too curious baby does not stick anything up his nose.

a drop of blood on a paper napkin

IMPORTANT: If bleeding began to appear more often, and even more regularly, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician or a narrowly specialized specialist.

  • Judging by the reviews from the Internet, even vitamin complexes can provoke nosebleeds. In this case, the abolition of their intake, relieves the problem of bleeding.
  • Very often, doctors advise not to worry, but to wait until the baby outgrows this unpleasant phenomenon, explaining the reason for the too close location of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. You should tune in that this may take not one month, but even several years.
  • The doctor may prescribe vitamin C in combination with routine, which will help strengthen blood vessels, lubricate the nasal cavity with sea buckthorn or vaseline oil, try not to use local vasoconstrictor drugs, drink enough fluids, ventilate the room more often and visit fresh air

IMPORTANT: In the case of oils, one must be very careful, before using, one should check for the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Video: What to do about nosebleeds?

If blood flows from the nose of a child, the reasons can be very different, ranging from simple mechanical damage to the mucosa to severe hematological diseases. If you have this symptom, you should contact your pediatrician and undergo an examination.

Not everyone knows why a child is bleeding from the nose and why it is dangerous. Children of all ages face similar problems.

Epistaxis is a pathological condition characterized by the outflow of blood due to damage to blood vessels. In childhood, this occurs 4-5 times more often than in adults.

There are the following causes of bleeding from the nose:

  • viral diseases (flu, measles, scarlet fever);
  • head tumors;
  • trauma;
  • the bad habit of picking your nose with your fingers;
  • frequent insertion of tampons;
  • regular use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • hemophilia;
  • vasculitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • lack of platelets;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • inhalation of dry air;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hormonal changes during puberty;
  • hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • congenital and acquired malformations;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • rise to a great height;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • heart disease.

Risk factors for developing this condition include poor nutrition, stress, exercise, changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

If a child's nose bleeds, prolonged exposure to the sun may be the cause. Dangerous and physical overload.

The state of blood vessels in children largely depends on external factors and the state of the body as a whole. Their fragility increases with a lack of any substances, with toxic effects or injury.

Mechanical damage to the nose

Children 10 years and older lead a very active lifestyle. At this age, trauma is the most common cause of bleeding. They are household, street, road.

Bleeding occurs as a result of a bruised nose, a fall, or a strong blow. This is possible under the following circumstances:

  • fights;
  • falling while running
  • falling from a height;
  • cycling.

Possible damage to blood vessels as a result of medical manipulations (catheterization, endoscopic examination, removal of polyps, sinus puncture). Injury often occurs when foreign objects hit. Children aged 4 years and younger like to put them in their noses. The most common injury is a bruise. It does not fracture.

Against the background of a bruise, the formation of a hematoma is possible. This is a cavity filled with blood.

Bleeding from the nose in children with a bruise is not the only symptom. There may be severe pain. Often, breathing is disturbed. With a fracture of the bones, the curvature of the nose in a child is visually determined. Isolated trauma is rare. Most often, the brain also suffers.

The reason for the lack of vitamins

A kid of any age needs good nutrition. The risk of bleeding increases with a lack of vitamins P and C in the body. This condition is called hypovitaminosis. The state of blood vessels depends on these substances. Vitamin P (rutin) is a flavonoid. It has the ability to reduce the permeability of blood vessels and strengthen their wall.

It is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, walnuts, cabbage, currants, chokeberry, buckwheat, lettuce, tomatoes. If a child rarely consumes these products, then a deficiency of the routine develops.

Hypovitaminosis can also be due to other causes (worm infestation, intoxication, antibiotics). Lack of routine is manifested by nosebleeds, hemorrhages, acne. Bruises often appear on the body of children. Often there is bleeding from the nose and gums.

Ascorbic acid is no less useful. The lack of this vitamin is due to a deficiency in the diet of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Hypovitaminosis is manifested by increased fragility of mainly small vessels (capillaries). Nosebleeds are observed in severe cases. Depending on age, the daily requirement for vitamin C is 30-90 mg.

Bleeding with high intracranial pressure

Rupture of small vessels in the nose is possible against the background of hypertension. Increased intracranial pressure is a common cause of bleeding in children.

The following etiological factors are of greatest importance:

  • the inability of young children to blow their nose correctly;
  • the presence of neoplasms (hematomas, tumors);
  • abscesses;
  • aneurysm;
  • edema on the background of encephalitis;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • toxic damage to the brain;
  • meningitis;
  • increased blood flow to the brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • compression of the brain;
  • microcephaly;
  • congenital malformations;
  • birth trauma;
  • fetal infection.

Hypertension is manifested by periodic bleeding from the nose, headache, visual and oculomotor disorders, nausea, and vomiting.

Both a baby and an older child can get sick.

Most often, bleeding occurs against the background of congenital pathology. In chronic hypertension, periodic crises are observed, in which the pressure rises sharply.

Bleeding in chronic atrophic rhinitis

In children 11 years of age and older, the cause may lie in diseases of the nasal cavity. These include chronic atrophic rhinitis.

Teenagers are more commonly affected. Ozena is a type of atrophic rhinitis. In girls, this disease is detected much more often.

In children, this pathology is much less common than in adults.

From what rhinitis develops, only doctors know. The following causes of nosebleeds and atrophy of the nasal mucosa in children are distinguished:

  • trauma;
  • severe infections;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines and biliary tract;
  • surgical interventions;
  • conducting radiation therapy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • living in a dry, hot climate;
  • frequent colds;
  • uncontrolled use of nasal drops.

With a simple form of rhinitis, the symptoms are specific. These include intermittent bleeding, runny nose, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, pale skin, child breathing through the mouth, crusting, itching in the nose, decreased sense of smell.

Rhinitis is focal and diffuse. The nose may bleed when you blow your nose. The reasons are thinning of the mucosa, its dryness and increased capillary fragility. The blood vessels in the nose are shallow.

Bleeding on the background of the tumor

There are serious diseases that lead to damage to blood vessels. The causes of nosebleeds in children include tumors. These can be angiofibromas and hemangiomas. This pathology often requires surgical treatment, otherwise bleeding can become permanent and lead to anemia. In children aged 5-12 years, angiomas are a common pathology.

These tumors account for up to 80% of all cases of congenital neoplasms. They form from dilated blood vessels. This pathology can be detected in a newborn. Symptoms are determined by the size of the neoplasm, its type and the age of the child. The tumor tends to grow.

If bleeding occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Nosebleeds in children indicate the development of complications. This symptom is associated with the formation of ulcerative defects on the mucosa, their damage and infection. In case of injury to hemangiomas, emergency care may be needed.

Bleeding in hemophilia

In children aged 3-9 years and older, hemorrhages are often caused by diathesis. This is a group of pathological conditions caused by impaired hemostasis. In sick children, there is a tendency to constant hemorrhages and bleeding. There are about 300 diatheses.

The most common are those associated with leukemia, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation, low platelets, and vascular defects.

Bleeding from the nose in childhood is a symptom of hemophilia. This is a hereditary disease characterized by a deficiency of a coagulation factor. The first symptoms appear in childhood.

The hereditary form of hemophilia develops only in boys. The acquired form of hemophilia, caused by gene mutation, is much less common. The age of children and the symptoms of the disease are interrelated.

Bleeding is caused by a violation of the formation of thromboplastin. This leads to a significant increase in clotting time. Massive blood loss can be fatal. It is known that a one-year-old child can already walk. This causes nosebleeds. At an earlier age, this symptom is absent.

In children aged 5-7 years, the manifestations of hemophilia are more pronounced. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • prolonged nosebleeds;
  • hematomas;
  • hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joint cavity);
  • hematuria;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding.

The disease causes disability. Often, soft tissues are also involved in the process. On visual examination, multiple bruises are visible on the skin. Sick children twelve years of age and older need lifelong replacement medications. There is no cure for hemophilia completely.

Leukemia as a cause of bleeding

In pediatric practice, a disease such as leukemia is common. This is blood cancer. The disease is detected among children and adults of different ages. The child may be one year old or ten years old.

This is a systemic disease that requires chemotherapy. The reason for the development of leukemia in children and bleeding is a change in the structure of chromosomes.

With this pathology, immature blood cells are formed in the bone marrow, which are not able to perform their functions. Girls get sick 1.5 times more often than boys.

This pathology is often detected in children with Down's disease and Klinefelter's syndrome. The acute form of leukemia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bleeding (nasal, gastric, intestinal, uterine);
  • signs of hypoxia of the body;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • enlargement of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes;
  • weight loss;
  • joint pain;
  • fever;
  • petechiae on the body.

DIC and anemia often develop. In leukemia, hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) occurs. The outflow of blood in cancer is possible from one nostril or from both at once. The development of hemorrhagic syndrome is based on hyperplasia of vascular cells, an increase in their permeability and impaired functioning of mast cells.

Bleeding in Werlhof disease

With nosebleeds in children, the cause may lie in thrombocytopenic purpura. This is a type of hemorrhagic diathesis.

This pathology is otherwise called Werlhof's disease. Its development is based on a lack of platelets. The first signs of the disease are detected in children of early and preschool age. The baby may look healthy after birth. Diathesis appears later.

There are the following reasons for the development of this pathology:

  • taking medications (mercury drugs, hormones);
  • immunization;
  • viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections;
  • irradiation.

Children at the age of four have a wide variety of symptoms. Bleeding from the gums and nose are the most common signs of Werlhof's disease. They are very intense. Nosebleeds are combined with hematuria, impaired stool, vomiting, hemoptysis. Large blood loss leads to acute post-hemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia.

Altitude sickness and bleeding

Children are very sensitive to lack of oxygen. Nosebleeds are a common symptom of altitude sickness. This is a condition associated with oxygen starvation. The reason is being at a high altitude above sea level.

The higher, the lower the partial pressure of oxygen. Often this condition is observed in adolescents who are fond of hiking, flying on airplanes and hot air balloons.

Many older children over the age of 12 go camping with their parents. When climbing to a height of more than 2 km, symptoms of altitude sickness appear. One of them is nosebleeds. Its occurrence is due to the following changes in the body:

  • hypoxia;
  • increased pressure in the blood vessels;
  • venous congestion;
  • fluid retention;
  • increased permeability of capillaries;
  • a decrease in the osmotic pressure of the blood.

With mild mountain sickness, nosebleeds do not occur. With an average - they appear. Severe altitude sickness is characterized by severe bleeding from the nose, mouth, stomach, and lungs. The condition of these children is unsatisfactory. Along with bleeding, symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, weakness, non-productive cough, cyanosis of the skin, abdominal pain, flatulence, chills, and fever are observed.

When these complaints appear, you should consult a doctor. If the bleeding does not stop or occurs repeatedly, then a comprehensive examination is required. Blood clotting and the condition of vital organs are assessed.

Thus, nosebleeds occur not only in adults, but also in children. It may indicate a serious pathology.

Nosebleeds are quite common in children. It confuses caring parents and scares the baby himself. The main thing at such a moment is not to panic, try to soberly assess the situation, provide the child with the necessary assistance or call a doctor.

The thin mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in children is easily injured. Bleeding from the nose can provoke even a small impact on it, for example, a sharp blowing of the nose or a washing procedure. In general, the causes of nosebleeds in children are local and systemic.

local causes

They usually have an external or internal effect on the nasal mucosa:

  1. Mucosal microtrauma is the most typical phenomenon among children from 2 to 5 years old. Children older than 6 years of age may have more serious injuries to the nose, especially during contact sports.
  2. Growth of adenoids or benign polyps.
  3. Anomaly in the structure of the nasal septum or the development of the vascular system (dilation of veins and arteries of various localization).
  4. Chronic rhinitis of an infectious or allergic nature, sinusitis.
  5. Dry air in the room, especially in winter when the heating is on. The nasal mucosa dries up, "sticking together" with the capillaries. When sneezing, the vessel breaks away from the mucosa and begins a slight bleeding.
  6. Abnormal use of vasoconstrictor sprays from the common cold.

Episodic nosebleeds with apparent causes are not a serious cause for alarm. You just need to know how to give the baby the help it needs.

Systemic causes

If a child often bleeds from the nose, this means that it is worth going through a medical examination with him. This syndrome can be a manifestation of any pathologies. In such cases, they speak of general or systemic causes:

  • vasculitis or inflammation of the vascular walls associated with infections;
  • vitamin C deficiency, in particular, it is responsible for the strength of the vascular wall, with its lack, the vessels become fragile, and bleeding occurs;
  • hemophilia, in which it is very difficult to stop any bleeding;
  • rises in pressure (provoke bleeding of blood vessels in the back of the nose);
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • periods of hormonal changes.

Children who play sports may bleed after heavy physical exertion. Most of all, parents are frightened if their children periodically bleed in the nose during sleep. Sometimes, to prevent such a syndrome, it is enough to organize normal humidity in the child's bedroom.

Are nosebleeds related to age?

Causes of nosebleeds in children are associated not so much with age as with their increasing activity and hormonal changes. Why does the nose bleed in children from one to 7 years old? What happens in adolescence?

preschool age

Closer to the year the baby learns to walk, he explores the world around him. Falls are inevitable, in which the nose can be injured. Therefore, accidental nosebleeds in a one-year-old child are not a cause for panic. To minimize the risk of minor injuries, you need to create a safe environment for him.

Getting older, at 3-4 years old, children begin to communicate with each other, they play outdoor games, during which minor injuries are also possible, as a result of which blood comes from the nose. In kindergarten, the child comes into contact with other children, including those who are sick.

Children are great experimenters. This circumstance obliges parents to be more attentive to children's games, especially when the baby is only 1-2 years old. Nosebleeds can be caused by a small part of a toy, a bead, or any small object that a child accidentally or intentionally puts up their nose.

Children of two or three years unconsciously pick their nose. After treating a runny nose with vasoconstrictors, crusts of dried mucus form on the inner surface of the nose, which interfere with free breathing. And the children are trying to get rid of them in this way.

In children under 3 years old, the thermoregulation system is immature, and the work of their blood vessels is associated with this. It is for this reason that it is dangerous for children to stay in the sun for a long time or in a stuffy enclosed space (for example, in a car). The body of the crumbs seeks to get rid of overheating through nosebleeds.


This period in the life of children, when adults need patience and increased attention to their health. Puberty in girls begins at 9-10 years old, in boys a little later - at 11 years old. Under the influence of hormones in adolescents, the vascular tone changes, and instability of their nervous regulation is observed. During the formation of the cycle, girls often bleed from the nose during menstruation.

Hormonal "explosion" in adolescence causes rises in pressure. Bleeding from the nose at such moments saves the child from the more serious consequences of high blood pressure.

Why are nosebleeds dangerous?

Epistaxis (as the flow of blood from the nose is called in medicine) can be of different intensity and duration. Blood can come from one nostril or both at once. Sometimes it flows out slowly, in drops, and sometimes it flows in a stream. When a child's nose does not flow much from one nostril and stops spontaneously, this indicates damage to a small vessel.

Help is required if the blood runs in a jet and does not stop for a long time. Severe bleeding, even as a result of a small injury, may indicate the presence of any pathology, for example, a bleeding disorder.

Frequent nosebleeds in children cannot be ignored for the following reasons:

  1. If a child constantly bleeds from the nose, even if only a little, then blood loss accumulates, eventually leading to anemia. He becomes lethargic, often gets sick, his immunity decreases. In addition, due to a decrease in hemoglobin, tissue nutrition and their oxygen supply deteriorate. As a result, pathologies of various organs develop.
  2. If frequent bleeding is caused by drying of the mucous membrane with dry air or due to the use of sprays, this can lead to its degenerative changes and result in thinning and fragility of the vessels.
  3. Large blood loss for young children is dangerous because hemorrhagic shock may develop.

If your child has a posterior nosebleed- this is an occasion to call an ambulance and go with him to the hospital. In this case, blood from the nostrils may not flow, but flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx directly into the esophagus or into the trachea. This condition has pronounced symptoms:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • increasing difficulty breathing;
  • constant thirst;
  • noise in ears;
  • may cough or vomit blood.

Such conditions are rare for children, but parents need to know about them, especially if the baby has chronic cardiovascular diseases. The danger of back bleeding also lies in the fact that it is impossible to visually assess the amount of blood lost.

When should you see a doctor?

Does your child often bleed? This is an occasion to contact an otolaryngologist. Even if epistaxis are short-term and not abundant. During the examination, the doctor examines the condition of the mucous membrane. On examination, you may find:

  • erosion (it is usually cauterized, preventing recurrence of bleeding);
  • the presence of puffiness and areas of atrophy;
  • a foreign object that injures the mucous membrane;
  • anomalies in the structure of the nasal septum.

Based on the detected problem, the doctor prescribes treatment. In the absence of local causes of frequent nosebleeds in a child, he is referred for a consultation with a pediatrician and narrow specialists - a cardiologist, neurologist, hematologist or endocrinologist. Examinations of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system and other organs are carried out, the pathologies of which can provoke nosebleeds.

When is emergency assistance needed?

What to do if the child has a nosebleed and it cannot be stopped? Emergency medical assistance is needed. It will also be needed in the following cases:

  • if blood loss is accompanied by dizziness or fainting;
  • the child is diagnosed with hemophilia;
  • the day before there was a head injury (especially if a clear liquid is released from the nose with blood);
  • if there is vomiting with blood;
  • if the blood loss is 200 ml or more;
  • have renal or cardiovascular disease.

An ambulance will also be needed in the case when the child’s nose bleeds due to a rise in temperature during a severe viral infection. A dangerous symptom is bleeding simultaneously from two nostrils.

First aid for nosebleeds

When spontaneous bleeding does not stop, the child needs help:

  1. It needs to be calmed and seated by tilting the body forward.
  2. Pressing the nostrils with your fingers is a mechanical stop of blood. You can insert a dense cotton swab soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide into the nostril. It takes 5-10 minutes to form a clot.
  3. Make a cold lotion or apply a piece of ice to the back of the nose, wrapping it in a plastic bag. The cold will have a vasoconstrictive effect and stop the blood. At the same time, put a heating pad on your feet. Heat will divert blood from the vessels of the nose, reduce pressure in them and make the bleeding less plentiful or even stop it.

If the blood does not stop, it is better to put a container under it. This will help determine the amount of blood loss.

Correct baby position to stop nosebleeds

These measures are usually sufficient to manage minor bleeding. But in any case, at this time it is necessary to control breathing, pulse and the general condition of the child.

What can not be done with a nosebleed?

  • Lay the baby, especially so that the head is below the level of the legs;
  • throw your head back, in this case, the blood will flow into the throat;
  • try to blow the child's nose;
  • independently remove an object from the nose if it turned out to be the cause of blood from the nose.

These actions will aggravate the situation and may increase bleeding.

Non-dangerous nosebleeds are easy to prevent. To do this, it is enough to eliminate provoking factors. Parents should provide the child with a normal mode of air humidity, teach him how to blow his nose correctly and wean him from picking his nose. And also, if possible, exclude small objects from falling into the rivers. In a word, to create a healthy and safe environment for the baby.

Nosebleeds are a common problem in childhood and adolescence. This is due both to the physiological features of the structure of the nasal passages and the functioning of the immune system in children.

The opinions of parents about nosebleeds differ: someone does not see the danger in this phenomenon and does not attach much importance to the problem, while someone, on the contrary, begins to worry and worry, even if there are no visible reasons for this.

In any case, recurrent bleeding should not be ignored - they can be the first signal of possible health problems.

Nosebleeds are the result of damage to capillaries, of which there are a huge number in the nasal cavity. Young children can simply "pick" the surface of the mucosa, which leads to the flow of blood.

But not always the reasons for this phenomenon can be harmless. Sometimes frequent nosebleeds indicate a serious pathology, so this symptom (especially if the baby is too small) cannot be ignored.

  • Reduced air humidity.

Dry air contains a lot of dust and harmful elements, which, when inhaled, settle on the mucous membranes and form growths (crusts). In addition, low air humidity adversely affects the condition of the mucosa, leading to its depletion. This process is called mucosal atrophy. If a child, picking his nose, picks up a dried outgrowth, a wound is formed, and capillary bleeding occurs.

  • Arterial hypertension.

Pressure problems can also lead to nosebleeds. In this case, bleeding only benefits the child, as it prevents more serious consequences, such as cerebral hemorrhage. Bleeding is usually preceded by headache, weakness, deterioration of health. After the bleeding stops, the child feels much better.

  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Violations in the processes of blood clotting (coagulopathy) is another serious cause of nosebleeds. In this case, the gums and other areas with mucous membranes will also bleed.

  • Vitamin deficiency.

A poor and monotonous diet with a low content of useful elements (minerals and vitamins) can lead to various deviations and diseases. A lack of vitamin C negatively affects the condition of blood vessels - they become brittle, and their walls are depleted, which increases the likelihood of damage.

  • Overheat.

Especially often children get sun and heat strokes during summer walks. To avoid them, it is necessary to follow the rules for children to stay in the sun in the summer. Walking during the high solstice (from 12 to 17 hours) for children under 6 years old is strictly prohibited.

  • Infectious and respiratory diseases.

Colds, as well as diseases caused mainly by viruses, lead to the formation of edema of the nasal mucosa and an increase in pressure in the capillaries, which cannot withstand the increased load and burst.

  • Inflammatory pathologies.

Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), as well as adenoids, contribute to the filling of the mucous membranes with blood.

  • fluctuations in barometric pressure.

During an air flight or traveling in the mountains, a child may have a nosebleed. The reason will be the increased rarefaction of air in unusual conditions for the child.

  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Pressure surges in the vessels located in the neck and head area leads to fragility of the vascular walls and the onset of bleeding.

  • Anatomical features of the structure.

Some children have very narrow nasal passages, so any impact in the nasal cavity leads to injury to the mucous membrane and bleeding.

  • Taking medication.

Some parents are too zealous in treating a runny nose and use vasoconstrictor drugs designed to eliminate swelling and restore normal breathing.

Such drugs should not be used for more than 3 days, as they not only lose their effectiveness (addiction sets in), but also dry out the mucous membrane, making it thin and susceptible to mechanical stress.

  • Injuries and bruises.

If a child is bleeding from the nose, the cause may be a bruise. During a fall, children often hit their head and face, so you should carefully examine the surface and nasal cavity for lacerations. If any are found, you should take the baby to the children's hospital.

Why does the nose bleed in a baby?

In newborns and infants, frequent nosebleeds are usually the result of anatomical features.

The nasal passages are still too narrow, and the capillaries are weak, so they often burst with any overvoltage or exposure to an irritating factor. For example, with a long and strong crying, the baby may bleed from the nose.

If the house is hot, and the air humidity does not meet the required standards, nosebleeds can also be repeated with enviable frequency.

Nosebleeds in teenagers: causes

The causes of nosebleeds in teenagers are the same as for other children. But some features can still be distinguished. For example, during puberty (especially in girls), the likelihood of bleeding increases by 2 times. Increased workload at school, rare walks also adversely affect the state of blood vessels, including nasal capillaries.

Walking is essential for children of all ages. Teenagers are no exception. Children over 12 years of age should be outside for at least 3-4 hours in good weather, and at least 2 hours if the temperature is low or there is little wind.

Action algorithm

Rules for the provision of first (emergency) care for nosebleeds in a child:

  • Reassure the child and persuade him to spit out blood.

If the child is too small and cannot spit, gently tilt his head down and try to open his jaws with his hands. In cases where the baby resists too actively, the action should be stopped.

  • Apply a clean, dense cloth to your nose and press it for 8-10 minutes.

If there are no tissues, or the bleeding is quite intense, you can take a towel.

  • Apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose.

You can use frozen vegetables from the freezer, after wrapping them with a towel or a thin diaper.

  • If after 10-15 minutes, the blood does not stop, call an ambulance.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky describes to parents the main mistakes they make when traveling to stop bleeding.

How to stop bleeding in the chest?

The technology for stopping bleeding in infants is not much different from the rules applied to older children and adolescents.

  • First you need to calm the baby.

If the baby is very frightened, this can cause an increase in blood pressure and increased bleeding. The baby should not be allowed to cry. Babies do not know how to spit out blood that has accumulated in the oral cavity, therefore, with an attack of strong crying, there is a possibility of blood clots getting into the throat and respiratory tract.

  • If the baby already knows how to sit, he should be put on his knees and tilt his head slightly forward.

If a newborn or a one-year-old baby is bleeding, you should take him in your arms with his back up, but at the same time you need to support your head with one hand so that it is constantly raised.

  • Then proceed according to the algorithm: attach a napkin or cloth and apply cold to the bridge of the nose.

What can not be done?

It is forbidden to tilt the child's head back, as he may choke on blood. For the same reason, do not use cotton swabs (put them in the nostril) in infants, as they do not know how to breathe through their mouths, and blood can enter the respiratory tract.

Hospitalization for frequent bleeding

Despite the fact that blood from the nose is most often not a sign of pathology, in some cases you still have to show the baby to the doctor.

Your child needs immediate medical attention when:

  • blood comes from both nostrils;
  • it is not possible to stop the bleeding on its own (within 15 minutes);
  • blood comes from the nose and from other organs (for example, bleeding from the vaginal tract is observed at the same time);
  • blood went after taking any drug (may mean the beginning of an anaphylactic reaction);
  • blood flows like a fountain.

Important! These conditions are the reason for the urgent hospitalization of the child and a thorough examination.

If the blood from the nose flows regularly (with a frequency of more than 1 time in 10-14 days), you should take tests, find out why the bleeding is bothering you and get expert advice. You can start with a visit to a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist, who, after reviewing the results of laboratory tests, will prescribe additional studies and an examination of specialized specialists, for example:

  • cardiologist;
  • pediatric oncologist;
  • hematologist.

Walking and spinning in the morning as a preventive measure

In order for the vessels to be strong and elastic, it is important to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals (zinc, potassium, sodium, vitamins C, A, E) into the body. To do this, the child's diet should contain all the main food groups recommended for the nutrition of children of a particular age category.

Without fail, fruits and vegetables (according to the season), meat and fish, eggs, liver, nuts, dairy products, greens and cereals must be present on the table.

Regular ventilation and humidification of the air in the room where the child spends most of the time will help to avoid thinning of the mucous membrane.

Ideally, a humidifier should be in the children's room, but if it is not possible to purchase one, you can use the old method: hang wet towels on the radiators or put pots of water on the shelves.

The use of heating devices is best done only in case of emergency. The optimal air temperature for a child's room is 20-22 °C in the morning (and 16-18 °C at night).

Regular walks, and in any weather, in the mornings and evenings, are also the key to the health of the mucous membranes. If a little rain drips outside, this is not a reason to cancel the walk. On the contrary, such air has a very positive effect on the condition of the nasal cavity, helping to fight bacteria and viruses.

Bleeding from the nose cannot be called a pathological condition, since in most cases the causes of this phenomenon are associated with anatomy and physiology. But it's not worth starting the problem, especially if it comes back again and again. With timely access to a doctor, violations can be detected in the early stages, which makes it possible to successfully treat many diseases and prevent the development of complications.

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