Aromatherapy is the treatment of smells. Essential oils are the basis of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy treatments

Smells overtake us everywhere and act in the most unexpected way. For example, in the morning, on the platform near the elevator, you suddenly smell the aroma of fresh pastries from somewhere - and immediately your heart will feel warm, you will remember your grandmother's house. Or in the crowd you will suddenly smell the delicate scent of a rose. You look around - no, this, of course, is not your mother, a strange woman, she just uses perfume, the smell of which is stored in your memory.

Fragrances affect mood and feelings. They may recall childhood or a certain person. They attract, invigorate, but they can also repel or alert.

At the beginning of the last century, it was established that essential oils can also be used in medicinal purposes, for example, to weaken burn and muscle pain help with sleep disorders stressful conditions, promote relaxation. Treatment "through the nose" is called aromatherapy.

Someone may say: “Again mysticism, esoteric treatments, again will be discussed about the soul that lives in the plant, and the choice of aromatic essences depends on your zodiac sign. Sorry, this is not for me!”

It's nothing you can do! Even if we do not take into account the magic, the trail of which stretches for aromatherapy from the depths of centuries, the positive effect of treatment with essential oils remains - you can’t get anywhere, there is still something in it. After all, the basis of herbal medicine is also healing power plant substances, and this science is recognized today by many doctors as one of the sections of naturopathy - the study of natural healing factors.

How essential oils work

Studies have shown that the substances that make up essential oils, after they are inhaled, lead to physiological changes in organism. However, in order for these changes to be registered, many reactions must occur: the molecules of essential oils activate the receptors of the nasal mucosa, and, consequently, the olfactory nerve. The irritation is transmitted further to the limbic system in the interstitial brain and begins to affect our feelings and memory. In addition, through the nervous system there is an effect on the vegetative processes of the body - respiration, cardiac activity, blood circulation, digestion.

The second mechanism of influence works more purposefully. When inhaled, aromatic molecules are absorbed by the nasal and/or bronchial mucosa; if the essential oil is rubbed in, it is absorbed by the skin. In this way, aromatic substances enter the circulatory system, are delivered to various organs and enter the brain. How much we can feel this effect depends on the amount and composition of the plant from which the oil was made, and on individual characteristics organism and its sensitivity to stimuli.

The effect of essential oils of certain plants has been studied especially well by naturopaths.

  • Muscat, eucalyptus, lemon: inhalation weakens.
  • Grapefruit and rosemary: added to bath water tones the body.
  • Lavender, bitter orange, rose and nutmeg: soothe and promote sleep.
  • Chinese cinnamon, Ceylon, coriander, spearmint, citrus fruits, cumin, saffron, lavender: disinfect the air.

The market today offers about 200 types of essential oils. If you want to try them, you should not buy and smell everything in a row, first consult a specialist knowledgeable in aromatherapy in pharmacies or sales departments where these fragrant products are sold.

By no means can it be assumed that essential oils are absolutely harmless and that their action is exceptionally mild just because it is herbal product. On the contrary, an overdose of concentrated eucalyptus oil, for example, can lead to respiratory arrest in an infant, and an excessive amount of sage oil can cause premature contractions in a pregnant woman. Accidental ingestion of oil or misuse it in diseases such as epilepsy, high blood pressure(hypertension) and are also very dangerous.

The main thing is the correct dose

When treating with pure essential oils, a few drops are enough to get the desired effect. But you should never take more than ten drops for one procedure, and for children - a maximum of five. It is also important to know that essential oils are not recommended for use in pure form. What to dissolve in depends on the form in which they will be used. For example, as an additive to bath water, essential oil is best mixed with vegetable, cream or honey. For massage oils, for example, almond oil or jojoba oil. Essential oils work especially intensively during inhalation: when a person is covered with his head to inhale the steam, one or three drops of oil per two liters are enough. hot water. Be careful: to avoid scalding or poisoning a child, never leave him alone with an inhaler or an aroma lamp.

It is the dose that is the main factor on which the main thing depends: whether the use of essential oil will bring benefit or harm.

A mixture of different essential oils helps well, for example, when rinsing children, you can mix cajuput oil (cajuput is a type of tea tree), tea tree oil and lemon. For nausea, you can prepare a mixture of oils of lemon, bergamot, sandalwood and cream, which must be dropped into the bath water.

First of all, essential oils are recommended for or with feeling unwell. Problems appear when essential oils are used to treat serious illnesses such as pneumonia or even cancer. These diseases are treated only with medicines, and aromatherapy can sometimes accompany course of treatment and if the doctor doesn't mind.

How to choose a good essential oil?

Natural essential oils are sold in special departments of large department stores, they can be found in pharmacies or in specialized outlets. As a rule, oils are poured into small vials of dark brown glass. They are much more expensive than synthetic ones. Experts in the field of aromatherapy believe that only natural essential oils have the full range of active medicinal substances.

A high quality essential oil should have the following information on the label: Latin name plants, an indication of the 100% natural composition, data on the plant from which the product is made, the country of manufacture, the method of growing the plant crop, the method of producing the oil. More detailed information can be obtained from specialized literature and books on aromatherapy and essential oils.

Flavors are everywhere

The scope of essential oils is very wide. Even if a person is perfectly healthy, he can use positive effect, which give pleasant smells and aromatic oils - for a good mood, body care, to stimulate sensuality. Yes, and in the kitchen they will come in handy - as components included in recipes for dishes and confectionery. In this case, you should not delve into the mechanism of action active substances individual oils, but trust your nose: you like what is pleasant to inhale.

And this is true: a nice-smelling cream or body lotion, an aromatic lamp next to the chair in which we like to spend time reading a book, give not only a feeling of bliss and comfort. A favorite scent signals emotions: in the brain, the smell is connected with the memory of a pleasant situation for us. Therefore, certain aromas help to relax more easily.

But all of the above does not mean that you should constantly surround yourself or your child with the smell of essential oils. Children's skin itself has a very nice smell, which does not need to be suppressed by any perfume, and over time, the constant inhalation of aromatic substances will have a bad effect on the sense of smell: we will simply lose it. Too frequent irritation of the olfactory nerve can also long-term effects- a person will begin to suffer from headaches or the state of health will worsen. The old principle applies here: less is better.

Essential oils

aromatic oil Properties Application area
cajeput oil
(Malaeuca leucadendron)
Antiseptic, relieves pain, dissolves mucus, relaxes muscle tissue.Sore throat, runny nose. Cough, muscle tension accompanied by pain. Especially shown to children.
LAVENDER OIL (Lavandula officinalis)Antibacterial, antiviral, activates blood circulation, antispasmodic; mental effect: relaxes, calms.burns, inflammation, headache, convulsive tension, insomnia, depressive mood.
(Mentha piperita off)
Anticonvulsant, relieves bloating, strengthens the immune system, cell renewal, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory.Colds, nausea, gastrointestinal ailments, apathy.
(Rosa damascena)
Antiseptic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory; mental effect: relaxes, eroticizes.Sleep disorders, stress, headaches, skin inflammations.
GERANIUM OIL (Pelargonium graveolens)Anti-infectious, anticonvulsant, indoors reduces ozone levels; mental effect: improves mood.Muscle pain, irritable stomach, depressive moods, upset menstrual cycle.
(Melaeuca alternifolia)
Antibacterial, antiviral, reduces itching, helps to reduce swelling, swelling.Ear pain, herpes, inflammation nail bed, acne (pimples), insect bites.
(Juniperus virginiana)
Antiseptic, strengthens the immune system, dissolves mucus; mental effect: calms, gives strength.Colds, striae of pregnant women, sleep disorders. Caution: fake Cedar oil, made from common juniper, contains a substance that can cause contractions!
(Citrus limonium)
Lowers body temperature, disinfects, reduces inflammatory process; mental effect: improves mood, promotes concentration.To strengthen immune system, at colds, sore throat, nausea during pregnancy.

aromatherapy- a popular way to help yourself in case of problems in the body and nervous system. Using essential oils, you can return good mood, adjust emotional condition, calm down and relax, get rid of tension and stress.

If there is even a light, slightly perceptible smell in the air, then its aromatic molecules enter our nostrils. Immediately there is a reaction of the part of the brain responsible for the sense of smell. This section is responsible for our mental health and condition nervous system. That is why smells and aromas can influence our emotions, behavior and even character. And penetrating into the lungs, particles of the aromatic substance are immediately absorbed by the blood, which carries them throughout the body. Surprisingly, aromatherapy treatment affects our blood pressure, temperature, vision and hearing, helps to strengthen sleep, relieve fatigue, change the rhythm of breathing, and even improve memory.

Aromatherapy treatment: the effect of essential oils

  • Essential oils of geranium, jasmine, bergamot, lavender, coriander, patchouli or mimosa are commonly used to relieve stress. If you have experienced a nervous shock or are having a hard time, use the scent of a rose to calm you down. Mint also helps with emotional shock. Mental stress, prolonged hard work or exam preparation are relieved by ginger, coriander and verbena, which increase mental productivity
  • WITH bad mood citrus aromas will help to cope: lime, orange, lemon, grapefruit. They give a charge of energy and allow you to achieve inner balance. Aromas of basil, mint and coriander effectively increase emotional activity. Great mood blend - ylang-ylang and orange
  • Constant lethargy, unwillingness to do business and lack of interest in the world around them are the first signs of depression. Aromatherapy treatment with citrus oils, as well as jasmine, mint, fennel, clove and geranium oils will help to overcome them. The aroma of juniper perfectly tones the nervous system. And the smells of immortelle, rosemary and verbena are well stimulated to mental activity.
  • Prevent mood swings, sudden and aggressive behavior allow essential oils of rose, frankincense, chamomile or oregano, which will soothe you and return a sense of emotional balance and harmony
  • If you want to relieve accumulated fatigue, escape from the everyday rhythm, relax and have a good rest, the aromas of lemon balm, chamomile and dill will come to the rescue.
  • Invigorating and exciting aromas of lemon, jasmine and lavender will help to increase efficiency and increase endurance. They will make you collected, optimize logical thinking and raise the body's resistance to difficulties. Eucalyptus gives mental clarity and revitalizes mental activity. Rosemary essential oil can help you focus when solving difficult problems
  • If you have been visited by a creative crisis, then the creative processes will be stimulated by the smell of Japanese cherries. And the birth original ideas contributes to the scent of jasmine
  • Soothing tea tree, chamomile or ylang-ylang oils will help restore sleep and cope with insomnia. Just put a couple of drops on your pillow right before going to bed or light an aroma lamp in the room.

Aromatherapy treatments

  • You can apply essential oil to various items intended for this purpose. These are pieces of raw wood, clay figurines, as well as small pillows. There are also special medallions for aroma oils. They will accompany you constantly, and aromatherapy treatment will not stop even for a minute. You can also put some oil on the corner of your pillow before going to bed. In this case, the smell will last all night
  • You can mix the essential oil with water and then spray the resulting solution with a spray bottle.
  • Use special aroma burners and aroma lamps
  • Do cold and hot inhalations. For cold inhalation you need to put a few drops of a suitable essential oil on a tissue and breathe through it. For hot inhalation mix the oil with warm water, bend your face over the bath, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 5-10 minutes
  • Do massage. Use any as a base. base oil: almond, olive or apricot. Add aroma oil to it at the rate of 10 drops per 6-8 teaspoons of the base. Aromatherapy treatment is also possible in the form acupressure. In this case, the essential oil is applied undiluted to specific points: temples, neck, wrists, etc.
  • Take warm baths. For best effect mix essential oil with foam and add to already filled bath.

remember, that permanent use the same oil reduces the effect of aromatherapy treatment. Therefore, change the fragrance at least every 10 days.

Smells have always attracted people. In ancient times, they were used by priests who burned fragrant plants during sacred rites, giving them a touch of mystery. Gradually, smells began to be used for other purposes - healing and cosmetic. They were used in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, in ancient Rome.

The experience of using healing odors has been replenished from generation to generation, and now aromatherapy is already used as one of the methods of treatment.

What are the health benefits of scents?

The main active principle of healing odors are essential oils. Essential oils are fragrant volatile substances found in some plants. Currently, there are more than 2000 plants containing essential oils.

Some essential oils have the properties of aphrodisiacs - substances that can cause a surge of strength and vitality, including sexual activity. The name "aphrodisiac" is rooted in Greek mythology. It was there that the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, with the help of a magic belt, in which love, desire and words of seduction were enclosed, was able to achieve the location of Zeus. Many essential oils have some form of aphrodisiac properties. Their smell affects the brain, stimulating the release of the "hormone of happiness" - endorphin. Endorphin sharpens sexual desire, as well as all the senses during intercourse. Such oils as pickle oil, citrus, jasmine, geranium and others have pronounced aphrodisiac properties.


Treatment with smells or aromatherapy dates back many centuries. Healing properties essential oils were known long before our era. When inhaling aromatic substances, the regulation of the body's activity occurs most natural way, causing fewer complications than when taking drugs orally or by injection.

Today, aromatherapy treats many ailments: relieves stress, pain, including headaches, fatigue, normalizes various functional (without visible changes) disorders in the body. Aromas cause cheerfulness, improve memory, make sound sleep can treat colds. Treatment with scents complex therapy helps to cope with serious diseases. Aromatherapy began to be combined with treatments such as massages and baths, they are used in spas and resorts.

Aromatic oils have different effects on human body, connecting in the body with hormones and affecting nerve endings. They are able to kill pathogenic microbes (for example, pine oil), improve human performance (citrus), regulate arterial pressure(geranium oil), calm the nervous system, including children's (valerian), many essential oils have a general positive impact on the body, regulating physiological processes.

Types of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can be natural (in nature) and carried out indoors using medicinal smells. Natural aromatherapy is carried out in the forest, in the meadow. Aromas of hawthorn, lilac, poplar, eucalyptus have a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, and oregano, pine, and spruce have a depressing effect. respiratory system stimulate aromas of birch, linden, eucalyptus, oregano, oppress - poplar, lilac, cudweed, valerian. The smell of common spruce, European larch, juniper, linden, onion and garlic have an anti-influenza effect. Aromas of mixed and deciduous forests are recommended to normalize sleep, reduce irritability.

Aromatherapy indoors is carried out in the form of inhalation sessions of aromatic medicines, massages, baths, compresses, saunas using essential oils, etc.

Rules to follow when doing aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, essential oils are applied externally. It must be remembered that undiluted oil should not be applied to the skin. If this oil is used for the first time, then an allergy test is first carried out: a few drops of essential oil are applied to a napkin or handkerchief, which must be inhaled several times a day for 1-2 days. Negative test- no runny nose and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. If fragrances are used in an incense burner, the first two sessions should last no more than 20 minutes. Do not use strong odors for epilepsy, they can provoke seizure. It is also not recommended to carry out aromatherapy for pregnant women. Store essential oils in a dark place in a tightly closed container at a temperature of 0 to 30°C, out of the reach of children.

Smells have always attracted people. In ancient times, they were used by priests who burned fragrant plants during sacred rites, giving them a touch of mystery. Gradually, smells began to be used for other purposes - healing and cosmetic. They were used in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, in ancient Rome.

The experience of using healing odors has been replenished from generation to generation, and now aromatherapy is already used as one of the methods of treatment.

What are the health benefits of scents?

The main active principle of healing odors are essential oils. Essential oils are fragrant volatile substances found in some plants. Currently, there are more than 2000 plants containing essential oils.

Some essential oils have the properties of aphrodisiacs - substances that can cause a surge of strength and vitality, including sexual activity. The name "aphrodisiac" is rooted in Greek mythology. It was there that the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, with the help of a magic belt, in which love, desire and words of seduction were enclosed, was able to achieve the location of Zeus. Many essential oils have some form of aphrodisiac properties. Their smell affects the brain, stimulating the release of the "hormone of happiness" -. Endorphin sharpens sexual desire, as well as all the senses during intercourse. Such oils as pickle oil, citrus, jasmine, geranium and others have pronounced aphrodisiac properties.


Treatment with smells or aromatherapy dates back many centuries. The healing properties of essential oils have been known long before our era. When inhaling aromatic substances, the regulation of the body's activities occurs in the most natural way, causing fewer complications than when taking drugs orally or by injection.

Today, aromatherapy treats many ailments: relieves stress, pain, including headaches, fatigue, normalizes various functional (without visible changes) disorders in the body. Aromas cause cheerfulness, improve memory, make sleep sound, and can treat colds. Treatment with odors as part of complex therapy helps to cope with serious diseases. Aromatherapy began to be combined with treatments such as massages and baths, they are used in spas and resorts.

Aromatic oils affect the human body in different ways, connecting with hormones in the body and affecting the nerve endings. They are able to kill pathogenic microbes (for example, pine oil), improve human performance (citrus), regulate blood pressure (geranium oil), calm the nervous system, including children's (valerian), many essential oils have a general positive effect on the body, regulating physiological processes.

Types of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can be natural (in nature) and carried out indoors using medicinal smells. Natural aromatherapy is carried out in the forest, in the meadow. The aromas of hawthorn, lilac, poplar, eucalyptus have a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, and oregano, pine, and spruce have a depressing effect. The respiratory system is stimulated by aromas of birch, linden, eucalyptus, oregano, oppressed by poplar, lilac, cudweed, valerian. The smell of common spruce, European larch, juniper, linden, onion and garlic have an anti-influenza effect. Aromas of mixed and deciduous forests are recommended to normalize sleep, reduce irritability.

Aromatherapy indoors is carried out in the form of inhalation sessions of aromatic medicines, massages, baths, compresses, saunas using essential oils, etc.

Rules to follow when doing aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, essential oils are applied externally. It must be remembered that undiluted oil should not be applied to the skin. If this oil is used for the first time, then an allergy test is first performed: a few drops of essential oil are applied to a napkin or handkerchief, which must be inhaled several times a day for 1-2 days. A negative test is the absence of a runny nose and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. If fragrances are used in an incense burner, the first two sessions should last no more than 20 minutes. Do not use strong odors for epilepsy, they can provoke a seizure. It is also not recommended to carry out aromatherapy for pregnant women. Store essential oils in a dark place in a tightly closed container at a temperature of 0 to 30°C, out of the reach of children.

Side effects of essential oils

Aromatherapy is not so harmless, essential oils can have a number of side effects, for example, an allergic effect, which manifests itself in the form allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. allergic action possess oils of lemon balm, parsley and sage.

When applying essential oil to the skin, photodermatosis can occur - skin irritations under the influence of the sun. Such properties are possessed, for example, by essential oils of citrus fruits.

Some essential oils have narcotic effect(for example, some varieties of sage growing in South America), which is caused by substances released during the destruction of tissues under the influence of essential oil.

Essential oils can cause stimulation of the pelvic circulation with simultaneous strong contraction of the uterus, which can cause a miscarriage in a pregnant woman. Such an action can be produced, for example, by parsley oil.

Some essential oils can irritate kidney tissues (juniper, sandalwood) and liver (sage oil).

Aromatherapy is a combination of pleasant and useful, but you should always remember that it is all the same. medical technique and it is better to carry it out under the guidance of a doctor.


Comment on the article "Aromatherapy treatment"

Most patients prefer to start treatment for SARS at home. Nasal sprays, inhalations, nasal drops, syrups and antipyretics help to get rid of manifestations viral infection. But self-treatment does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Often the condition worsens and the patient needs urgent medical care. Symptoms that indicate the need to see a doctor include: heat for several days, intense pain...


Why bring to treatment when you can do prevention. Living vitamins in the form of fruits and greens, daily walks in any weather. I'm still a supporter of nose washing saline solution, preferably effective, such as morenazal immuno, marine solution mechanically cleans the mucosa, moisturizes + it creates local immunity in the throat, thanks to the peptides present in the composition. And that’s it ... viruses don’t rise further than the nose))

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I had coagulation done on the laparotomy. In general, endometriosis on the hystera is confirmed. I later carried a child (after treatment)

I also have endometriosis, adenomyosis and a little baby sniffling in the crib))). Endured safely on Duphaston. Getting pregnant, yes, is problematic, but enduring - progesterone preparations to help us, and then according to indications. We had IVF against the background of an artificial menopause (because + to my MF problems), so we couldn’t do without Duphaston. And further:
1. Endometriosis on ultrasound can only be SUSPECTED, but accurate diagnosis- this is only after the operation (gister, lapar).
2. Treatment of endometriosis with antibiotics, IMHO, nonsense.

3. On the issue of purchasing his books, incl. about gymnastics and methods of treatment, the scientist will inform the secret of the society additionally (I think that not earlier than 40 days) ...


Hello! My son was diagnosed with ASD adequate treatment not assigned. I read a lot about Buyanov and how everyone is cured by him! moms please help! Throw off the schemes that you used. We see ourselves losing a child... this treatment is the last hope. [email protected]

04/05/2018 01:23:36, Assoli

Dear girls, I ask you to send me any information that you have on the treatment of M. Buyanov. My son has been diagnosed with ASD. I would be grateful for any information. My address: [email protected]

Aromatherapy is a very good thing, you are in vain. Mastitis. Symptoms and treatment of mastitis. Print version. 4.4 5 (40 ratings) Rate the article. the vast majority...


if even a mammologist advises you aromatherapy, then it's worth a try. call the Mama City GV center (find their website on the net), they will help you deal with stagnation and advise an aromatherapy consultant.
and don’t think about breastfeeding in the categories “covered up”, in the first weeks many young mothers have difficulties. yes, and in general the word is sharp, straight, the lid just rattles. You know, I recently heard an amazing phrase: we don’t breastfeed, but with our hearts! so let your heart tune in to the child! this difficulty can be overcome. long and happy feeding to you!!!

Aromatherapy is a very good thing, you are in vain. But it's too early to look for a surgeon. :) Apply often-often to the chest, apply at night vodka compress ointment Traumeel. Before feeding, apply a hot diaper to the breast (heat with an iron or in the microwave). You can drink no-shpu (3tx3r per day). And my mammologist also recommended me to drink oxytocin 1 ampoule (from a teaspoon) 2 times a day. As a rule, somewhere around 3-4 days everything passes.
If a high temperature rises and lasts for a long time, antibiotics have to be connected. ((
By the way, if you need information where you can buy QUALITY and NATURAL Swiss-made essential oils, please contact us.

Yes, but not aromatherapy ... although to dissuade the useless .. the main thing is that you have the mind not to experiment. Mastitis. Symptoms and treatment of mastitis. Print version.


My local nurse said that up to a month is normal phenomenon, is caused by the fact that with milk your hormones get. We had this at 4, I watched for a couple of days, then sounded the alarm. The pediatrician advised before consulting with the surgeon compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. But I had to open it. Although the pediatrician says - if she had not missed the time, perhaps the compresses would have pulled out the pus, they would have done without an incision. Then they did an analysis - Staphyloccus aureus was sown in the pus, oxacillin (an antibiotic) was injected. Who else would have warned that it has a bad effect on the intestines, and that you should immediately give something like Linax. And I didn't even think about it right away. :(

you know, I've already learned with the second that mastitis in a child is just a normal phenomenon. Truth, not know, to what extent mastitis. maybe ask the doctor what other manifestations are dangerous - well, there is a temperature - and watch the child ... and more. maybe it’s of course old methods, but I can’t imagine what a cabbage compress can do harm. and the eldest we also made compresses from camphor oil

Hirudotherapy - treatment leeches. Methods are protected by RF Patents. treatment of metabolic diseases INDICATIONS: 1. obesity.


Skripochka, I don’t know anything about these sloths .... Maybe your husband will still mature and get checked somehow. Don’t push him hard, bring him quietly ... I know that many men think it’s worth it, which means there are no problems. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence.

Vegetables should be cooked and eaten warm. It is better to cook steamed and with spices. Broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, beets, asparagus, cilantro, radishes, turnips, sprouted seeds, potatoes, Bell pepper, cauliflower parsley, spinach...
A diet of whole grains is beneficial. Barley, dry and roasted grain, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye... the worst of all is semolina and polished rice.
legumes have a beneficial effect, draining mucus. (Try adding beans, lentils to soups, and I also recommend Ayurveda's super dish - kichadi (khichri), rice and mung (lentil) porridge in a ratio of 2/1 with onions fried in vegetable oil ...)
Mustard, safflower, sunflower, corn oils have a more drying effect.
Of all types of meat, poultry meat is the least mucus-forming. Animal fat should be avoided.
Should drink less water especially avoiding cold water and drinks with ice.
(And the fun part) Fat soluble vitamins(A,D,E) and mineral supplements recommended to use in limited quantities, as they can impair digestion, leading to increased mucus production.

No, giardiasis is transmitted in a complex way through drinking water rather than from person to person. For further prevention after recovery, it is necessary that he always wash his hands before eating and always drink only purified or boiled water. And he did not swallow water when he bathed in a river or a pond. Explain to him that he should never eat symbolically wiped and puffed apples and other vegetables and fruits. Only washed, and with clean drinking water.

Is it possible to use the swimming pool?
In the pool, the water is so chlorinated that any Giardia will die.
- what are the consequences?
If left untreated, it can be serious. Giardia (Lamblia Guardia) are not worms, but protozoa. They are not toxic in themselves, but densely cover the walls. small intestine, displacing beneficial bacteria and disrupting the absorption of fats and the synthesis of "B" vitamins. Treatment should be carried out persistently and combined with dubazh mineral water and a heating pad on the liver area (on an empty stomach in the morning), since dead Giardia can get into the bile ducts and cause cholecystitis.
Flagyl (I think it's also called Trichopolum) is not well tolerated by everyone and causes loss of appetite and a metallic taste in the mouth. Furazolidone is less toxic. During treatment, you can take Activated carbon and aloe juice to facilitate detoxification, and do the above described dubazh. After treatment, start giving drugs for recovery intestinal flora, and you can also apply allochol.
Many children in unopened cases tolerate treatment very well, so do not be afraid.
Yes, and one more thing - I'm not a doctor, I'm just sharing what helped us in case of persistent neglected giardiasis.

Ayurveda uses several levels of treatment. In the simplest of these, patients can self-medicate. Aromatherapy or essential oil treatment can be referred to such types of treatment. However, before starting treatment, you should understand the types of essential oils and determine the degree of impact of each oil on the human body.

It should be noted that the method of treatment with essential oils has a long history and has been tested for centuries. Aromatherapy refers to alternative medicine, along with homeopathy, herbal medicine, herbal medicine. In ancient times, there was only traditional medicine, which served humanity for thousands of years. IN modern world with the development of the pharmaceutical industry, it has moved into the category of alternative, that is, non-traditional in terms of modern doctors. Nevertheless, herbal medicine and traditional medicine have many adherents. modern medicine forced to reckon with this, and drugs using plant materials remain in the arsenal of pharmacotherapy.

The main tools of aromatherapy are essential oils. It has now been proven that the components of essential oils can be formed in various parts plants; to a large extent they accumulate in certain tissues, in dissolved or emulsified state.

Aromatherapy is the use of smells and aromas to restore the body and heal. It is believed that the use of aromatherapy gives excellent results in the treatment of people of all ages suffering from serious illnesses to the usual ailments. Aromatherapy can bring relief to people suffering from long-term or recurring ailments that cannot be controlled. traditional methods treatment. Sometimes medicines cause discomfort side effects, in such cases, aromatherapy can also help restore health. Some oils have proven to be effective antiseptics, while others, such as lavender, tea tree and geranium, work well against infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

Aromatherapy can bring quick relief to a stressed, depressed, or angry person and heal insomnia and headaches. Essential oils have a calming or mild stimulating effect, improve well-being.

Basic methods of aromatherapy

  • aromatic massage has an excellent effect on the central nervous system, blood circulation and respiratory organs. The essential oil is mixed with a base or massage cream, and massage is done with this homogeneous mass;
  • compresses with aromatic oils designed to affect a specific part of the body or organ. To do this, the essential oil is added to hot (or cold) water, then the cloth is moistened and applied to the desired area for 10-30 minutes;
  • aromatic baths usually taken in courses. Essential oil or a mixture of oils is added to the most last moment so that it doesn't evaporate. The action of oils in baths is based on the fact that they are instantly absorbed into the skin and penetrate into the skin in just a few seconds. internal organs: kidneys, lungs, liver;
  • inhalations with essential oils - aroma lamps (in warm water drops of oil are added, a candle is lit to heat the water), hot inhalations (when you need to breathe hot steam with the addition of oil, covered with a towel) and cold inhalations (oil is dripped onto a cloth and sniffed for five minutes).

Treatment of certain diseases with aromatherapy

Colds: inhalations and massages with essential oils of fir, sage, eucalyptus, bergamot, clove, ginger, lavender, mint, tea tree, chamomile.

Cardiovascular diseases: Some essential oils, such as hyssop, can have a tonic or regulatory effect on blood circulation. "Hot" essential oils, stimulate circulation, warm up, increase body temperature (benzoin, camphor, cinnamon bark, juniper, sage, thyme). "Cooling" oils help lower blood pressure (lavender, rose geranium). Like lemon balm and neroli, ylang-ylang essential oil has a calming effect on the heart, reduces heart palpitations, relieves heart spasm.

Diseases genitourinary system : with cystitis, baths are taken with the addition of pine, chamomile, birch, sandalwood, lavender, eucalyptus, thyme, with urolithiasis - chamomile, lemon, juniper, pine, thyme, cypress, cedar, rosewood.

Gynecological diseases: for menopause, PMS, menstrual disorders, aroma baths with essential oils of geranium, iris, cypress, mimosa, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sage, anise, jasmine, rose, verbena, juniper, lemon balm, vanilla, rosemary are used; at inflammatory diseases female genital organs use essential oils: birch, chamomile, lavender, tea tree, sandalwood, sage, basil, hyssop, cypress, rose, geranium, pine, thyme, eucalyptus.

Diseases of the nervous system: for depression, inhalations and aroma lamps are made with essential oils of bergamot, geranium, lavender, mimosa, verbena, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cedar and thyme; with neurasthenia - oils of fir, geranium, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage, lemon; in a depressed state - essential oils of basil, pine, lavender, mimosa, nutmeg, orange, oregano, vanilla and lemon, wormwood, lemon wormwood and thyme.

Fragrances for Meditation

Sandalwood, vanilla, valerian and frankincense are ideal for meditation and relaxation. It is also appropriate to use the smells of ylang-ylang, patchouli. If you are lacking vitality If you want to make up for it, experiment with flavors by adding a little lemon or lime to the vanilla. For morning meditation, it is good to use orange-scented oil.

Specialty stores now sell special aroma sticks for meditation. They can be a good substitute for an aroma lamp. You can use scented candles. In this case, you will not only enjoy the desired aroma, but also add intimacy to the illumination of the room.

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