Early and long-term complications of measles.  Consequences of measles in children: complications and prevention

Measles- an acute infectious viral disease with a high level of contagiousness, characterized by general intoxication, high body temperature (up to 40.5 ° C), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis and a characteristic maculopapular skin rash.

Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets, the virus is excreted with saliva when talking, coughing, with droplets of saliva it spreads with air currents not only in the room where the patient is located, but can even penetrate through the ventilation system to other floors of a residential building. A patient with measles is contagious to others from the last days of the incubation period (the last 2 days) until the 4th day of the rash. From the 5th day of the rash, the patient is considered non-infectious. Measles is an anthroponotic disease, animals and birds do not get measles and cannot be carriers of it.

The incubation period for measles averages 8-14 days, with atypical measles the incubation period can be extended up to 21 days. The proportion of measles is characterized by an acute onset - a sharp rise in temperature to 38-40 ° C, headache, pain in the eyes, tearing, redness and swelling of the eyes, dry cough, runny nose. Therefore, often the first signs of the disease can be mistaken for manifestations of the flu or other respiratory infections. However, when examining the pharynx, one can seemeasles enanthem - red spots on the hard and soft palate. On the 2nd day of illness, small whitish spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the area of ​​​​large molars, surrounded by a narrow red border - Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots - characteristic only of measles. A measles rash (exanthema) appears on the 4-5th day of illness, first on the face, neck, behind the ears, the next day on the trunk and on the 3rd day, the rash covers the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, including fingers. The rash consists of small papules surrounded by a spot and prone to confluence (this is its characteristic difference from rubella, in which the rash does not merge).

Starting from day 4, body temperature returns to normal, the rash becomes dark and begins to peel off. After 1.5-2 weeks, the rash completely disappears.

With measles, especially with its complex, atypical course, it is possible to develop various complications associated with damage to the respiratory, digestive and central nervous systems.

It is with the complications of measles that most of the lethal outcomes of the disease are associated. Most often, complications develop in unvaccinated children under 5 years of age, as well as in adults over 20 years of age. Measles is dangerous for pregnant women. They often have complications, in addition, measles can provoke premature birth or spontaneous abortion. In this case, the fetus also becomes infected and sick, often children are born with a characteristic measles rash.

1. Primarymeasles complications, occur in the midst of the disease. Simultaneously with the mitigation of measles intoxication and the end of the rashes, the changes caused by these complications also weaken. As a rule, primary measles complications occur in the form of laryngitis, tracheobronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Encephalitis is a rare and severe complication of measles. More often, encephalitis develops already at the decline of intoxication, at the end of the period of rashes, during the transition to the stage of pigmentation. This disease is observed mainly in older children, it is extremely dangerous, it is severe, it can lead to the death of the patient or leave severe changes (paralysis, mental disorders, epilepsy).

2. Complications causedsecondaryinfection, affecting mainly the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems. Often, bacterial complications of measles develop after exposure to children and adults who have inflammatory conditions. People with measles can easily become infected with acute respiratory viral infections, which increase the likelihood of bacterial complications. The frequency of complications is inversely proportional to the age of patients, their maximum occurs in children of the first 3 years of life. The condition of the patient also matters. Complications occur more frequently and are more severe in debilitated, unvaccinated children.

Secondary complications can occur at any stage of measles. Appearing in the early stages, they "weigh" the course of measles and themselves are more difficult. For proper treatment, it is very important to identify complications in a timely manner, which is often difficult in the early stages of the disease, due to masking by pronounced manifestations of the underlying disease. At a later date, the diagnosis of complications is facilitated, as the symptoms of measles smooth out, the temperature decreases.

Complications fromrespiratory organsinclude the entire range of possible inflammatory processes in this system (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pleurisy, pneumonia).

Until the 40s of the last century, pneumonia in measles was most often pneumococcal etiology, streptococcal was in second place and staphylococcal pneumonia was more rare. After the introduction of antibiotics into practice, pneumococcal and streptococcal pneumonias gradually gave way to staphylococcal ones, which still retain their dominant position.
Secondary pneumonia in patients with measles is often severe, become extensive, may be accompanied by abscess formation, the development of pleurisy.
Among the secondary complications, laryngitis, caused mainly by staphylococci, is quite common.

Organ Complicationsdigestionproceed more favorably. In some cases, stomatitis is observed, currently predominantly catarrhal, aphthous. Gangrenous forms (noma) have been noted in the past.

Defeat hearing organsmanifests itself mainly in the form of otitis media, usually catarrhal, due to the spread of the inflammatory process from the pharynx. For the same reason, cervical lymphadenitis may occur. Rarely, purulent otitis can be observed.

Eye damage, as a rule, in the form of blepharitis, keratitis.

Skin lesionmanifest in the form of pustular diseases.

One of the most formidable complications of measles is purulent meningitis of a bacterial nature, which has developed as a result of generalization of the infection.


Vaccination is the only reliable way to prevent measles. In our country, vaccination is carried out in a planned manner, in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule, which regulates the timing of the introduction of drugs and provides for routine vaccination up to 35 years.

After two doses of the vaccine, the risk of getting measles does not exceed 5%. All children who have been in contact with the patient are given emergency prophylaxis, which consists in the introduction of human immunoglobulin during the first 5 days from the moment of contact. The drug is administered for the purpose of emergency prevention to persons with contraindications to vaccination and children under the age of 1 year.

In some cases, after the introduction of a vaccine or human immunoglobulin, there ismitigatedmeasles - this form of the disease, which proceeds more easily, is characterized by the absence of a number of symptoms, mild intoxication.

There is no specific cure for measles, so only vaccination can protect you and your child from measles.

Measles is a dangerous viral infection. Often, patients suffering from this disease die.

The disease for the most part refers to childhood diseases, but there are cases when adults get sick with it. The main factor in the development of the disease is a special measles virus.

It is very stable, therefore, even at low temperatures, it retains its vital activity perfectly.

The disease can go away on its own. Re-infection is excluded. There is a special vaccination that protects children and adults from the disease.

Causes of the disease

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, when a sick person sneezes, the virus acts detrimentally on white blood cells, destroying them, after which measles symptoms begin to appear.

The course of the disease can be different, as a rule, there are three main degrees:

  1. A mild degree is characterized by a slight manifestation of symptoms that can go away on their own after four days;
  2. Moderate severity is accompanied by various symptoms and requires immediate treatment;
  3. A severe degree manifests itself at lightning speed, so a person feels all the symptoms of measles completely. After that, complications begin to appear, since the virus acts detrimentally on the cells in the blood, which perform a protective role.

The main reason why this disease can manifest itself is poor immunity, especially if the person was not vaccinated on time.

Symptoms and stages of measles in adults

It is worth noting that rubella is accompanied by many symptoms that are characteristic only for it.

Therefore, it is not difficult to recognize the disease. The incubation period can be about two weeks.

Consider the main characteristic symptoms for measles.

  • it may not always rise, such a phenomenon occurs in waves, while the patient himself may lose consciousness;
  • Constant drowsiness appears, the person quickly gets tired, shortness of breath occurs, appetite decreases significantly, the patient may experience nausea and the urge to vomit;
  • The skin becomes pale, a characteristic rash appears, which spreads evenly throughout the body and has a red halo around the bubble with liquid;
  • The catarrhal (initial) stage may manifest as rhinitis or even conjunctivitis;
  • Men may have problems with urination, blood may come out with urine. The infection can even affect the intestines, then a large amount of blood will come out with the feces, and the defecation itself will take place with severe pain;
  • Rashes begin to appear on the third day after infection. The rash spreads evenly throughout the body;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the oral cavity, because it is there that the Filatov-Belsky-Koplik spots begin to appear. It may take a month from the period of pigmentation to complete recovery.

Consequences and complications of measles

Adults are much more difficult to tolerate measles than children. They can develop various kinds of consequences and complications with measles, which relate to the ENT organs and the central nervous system.

For example, adults can develop sciatica and even.

Complications on the respiratory system can be in the form of tracheobronchitis and laryngitis.

Diagnosis and treatment of measles in adults

You can recognize the disease by the symptoms that accompany the disease, but additional laboratory tests of urine and blood are also carried out.

As a rule, treatment is carried out with the help of special tools that help prevent complications.

The most difficult thing is not for children, but when measles symptoms appear in adults. The consequences can be the most difficult.

The patient should adhere to such treatment:

  1. First of all, you should ensure bed rest, plenty of fluids and proper;
  2. In the room where the patient is located, it should be humid and cool;
  3. During this period, special attention should be paid to hygiene and change bed linen during this period;
  4. Take medications to lower body temperature;
  5. For a rash, you can use special preparations, you can use alcohol, and even cologne;
  6. Injections are made that strengthen the body's immune system;
  7. Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor are used.

The main goal of treatment is to prevent complications after measles, because they can lead to death.


It is important to do everything possible to prevent the disease, especially for adults who do not have any immunity and resistance to this disease.

To do this, you can enter the vaccine, especially if the person has been in contact with the patient. This must be done no later than three days after communication.

Natural immunoglobulin will also be effective, the dosage of which is calculated per kilogram of the patient's weight.

If you take all preventive measures in time and constantly monitor your health, you may not encounter the disease at all.

Video: Measles in adults

Measles (morbilli) is a highly contagious acute viral infection, manifested by high (febrile) temperature, specific exanthema, symptoms of general intoxication, generalized inflammatory lesions of the pharyngeal mucosa, conjunctiva and respiratory organs. The source of infection is a sick person, forms of measles, which can occur not only with a typical picture, but also atypical. The disease is also dangerous due to the possibility of developing various complications, which is especially dangerous with weakened immunity. Let's find out what measles looks like in children in the photo, what are the causes and symptoms of the disease, as well as the treatment and prevention methods that must be followed.

What is measles?

Measles is an acute viral disease of an infectious nature, usually transmitted by airborne droplets.
This disease is ill only 1 time. After it, a person develops immunity. However, not only the pathology itself is dangerous, but also the consequences that it can provoke.

A sick person always acts as a source of infection. Often it is dangerous for people around from the 7th day of infection, and especially when a rash appears. The measles virus ceases to enter the environment on the 4th day from the moment the elements appear on the skin, and from that day on, the person becomes non-infectious.

Measles depletes the immune system and for several months after illness, protection against infections is weakened. During this period, the child often gets sick. That's why try not to visit with a baby, mass gatherings of people. Feed him protein and vitamin food, walk more in the fresh air.

The reasons

The cause of the spread of infection is always a sick person. The virus enters the air through droplets of saliva released when coughing, sneezing or talking, and then "moves" into the respiratory tract of a nearby child. The patient is considered contagious during the last two days of the virus incubation period and up to the 4th day of the rash.

Measles is most common in children under 5 years of age. Adults who have not undergone mandatory vaccination get sick less often, but their risk of infection is very high, and the disease is more severe than in children. In the spring-winter period, the peak incidence is noted, and the decline occurs in August and September. After recovery, persistent lifelong immunity is maintained with the preservation of anti-measles antibodies in the blood.

Infants under 1 year of age practically cannot get measles, since antibodies received from the mother remain in their blood, but gradually by the year their number decreases, respectively increasing the risk of developing the disease without vaccination. When a pregnant woman is infected, the virus can be transmitted through the placenta to the fetus and the development of congenital measles.

Incubation period

This is the time period that begins at the time of infection and continues until the first signs of the disease appear. It is generally accepted that this period in children is 7-14 days. At this stage, the virus in the body multiplies "quietly", there are no symptoms of measles, absolutely nothing bothers the child. In this case, the baby becomes contagious to others only in the last 5 days of the incubation period.

For prevention in preschool settings, children with measles symptoms should be limited to 5 days after the onset of the first rash.

How measles manifests itself: photos of children with a rash

Measles can be distinguished from other diseases by the nature of the course. At first, a temperature of up to 39 degrees appears, then they turn red, the eyes begin to water and fester.

Pay attention to the photo - Velsky-Filatov spots on the mucous membrane of the cheeks are also a symptom of measles in children at the initial stage:

Symptoms of measles in children

Oddly enough, but how measles begins, even the most astute parent will not see. This insidious disease develops in stages, and the initial period can last weeks and not manifest itself at all. The child will continue to have fun and play, and the malicious virus will thus undermine his body from the inside.

The first signs of measles are very similar to the symptoms of SARS. The child has:

  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • the temperature rises.

This period is considered the first and is called the incubation period.

The most characteristic sign of measles disease are spots at the base of the molars. They occur due to the fact that the virus destroys the mucous membrane. She is getting thinner. White spots are surrounded by a red swollen border. On this basis, measles can be distinguished from other diseases that have similar manifestations.

The course of measles in a child is a sequential change of 3 stages:

  • catarrhal period;
  • rash stage;
  • convalescence period.

Each of them has its own time range and corresponding symptoms.

In the table, we will consider how measles manifests itself at different stages.

Description of symptoms
catarrhal period Lasts in children from 3 to 5 days. At this time, a number of symptoms similar to the common cold appear, which are caused by the circulation of the virus in the blood (viremia):
  • body temperature in some cases rises to 39 degrees,
  • runny nose appears
  • dry cough,
  • eyelid redness,
  • there is insomnia
  • vomiting, loss of consciousness and short-term convulsions are sometimes noted.

During this period, activity in children decreases. They become lethargic, capricious and inactive due to weakness. Sleep is disturbed and appetite worsens.

rashes The measles rash appears 3-4 days after the onset of the disease. The period of rashes lasts 4-5 days.
  • The beginning of the precipitation period is due to the rise in the maximum temperature. A typical measles rash begins to form on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • On the first day, bright burgundy spots can be found only on the head, face and neck of the child.
  • On the second day, rashes can be seen on the arms, chest and back.
  • On the third day, the measles rash spreads to the whole body, legs and feet. At the same time, the rash on the face and head is already brightening.
Pigmentation From about the fourth day of the rash period, the condition of the crumbs begins to improve. The baby is no longer contagious. The pigmentation stage can last 7-10 days. The spots gradually lighten, disappear:
  • first cleanse the skin of the face, neck, hands,
  • then the torso and legs.

After the rash does not leave traces and scars on the skin.

Any of these symptoms should be a reason to see a doctor. If necessary, a pediatric therapist will refer a small patient to highly specialized specialists for additional examination.


Various consequences arise due to a weakened immune system, due to which a viral infection is complicated by an attached bacterial one. Secondary bacterial pneumonia is often diagnosed in patients with measles. Rare, but possible stomatitis.

Most often it is:

  • bronchopneumonia;
  • stomatitis;
  • blindness;
  • encephalitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • polyneuritis;
  • CNS damage.

Complications that occur in young children can hardly be called a rare occurrence. That is why it is necessary to treat the baby under the strict supervision of the local pediatrician. Ideally, if the doctor will visit your child at least once every three days.


To make a reliable diagnosis, your child must be sent to the following types of laboratory tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • serological examination (detection of antibodies to the measles virus in the child's blood serum);
  • isolation from the blood of the virus;
  • chest x-ray (done only in exceptional cases);
  • electroencephalography (performed only in the presence of complications on the nervous system).

Despite the severity of the disease, the prognosis for childhood measles is favorable.

If the child has measles, the district pediatrician should examine the patient as often as possible at least once every two days. This will help prevent dangerous consequences. Most complications require immediate hospitalization of the child.

measles treatment

The disease is quite severe at any age, so parents have a completely logical question, how to treat measles in a child, what methods are considered the most effective today.

Measles is treated on an outpatient basis in most cases. Hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is required in case of a severe course of the disease with complications. Compliance with bed rest is necessary throughout the entire period of fever and in the next two days after normalization of temperature.

Symptomatic treatment includes the appointment of such groups of drugs:

  • antipyretic;
  • antitussives;
  • eye drops for conjunctivitis (for example, Albucid or Retinol);
  • vasoconstrictor drops for the nose from the common cold;
  • expectorants;
  • antiviral (Arbidol, Interferon, Gripferon);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs for sore throat;
  • antihistamines (, cetirizine, levocetirizine)
  • immunomodulators;
  • antiseptics for gargling.

Antibacterial therapy for measles in children is not prescribedbecause the disease is viral, not bacterial in nature.

Interestingly, children who are deficient in vitamin A are the most severely ill. Therefore, WHO recommends taking it 2 days during treatment to speed up recovery.

The following procedures will also be of great benefit, which, however, do not cancel drug treatment:

  • rinsing the oral mucosa with a weak solution of soda (1 tsp per glass of water);
  • washing eyes with boiled water;
  • cleaning the nose with cotton flagella soaked in warm vaseline oil;
  • use of moisturizers for the treatment of dry skin of the lips.

Compliance with the regime

High-quality care for children with measles by parents and other households will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the doctor, and, therefore, will speed up the recovery of the child and prevent the development of complications, sometimes life-threatening.

  1. child with measles bed rest required as long as the temperature is maintained. If possible, give him a separate room. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least 2 times a day. It is very important that the air always remains fresh, so ventilate the room more often.
  2. If bright light causes discomfort, then close the curtains, and in the evening, turn on a table lamp instead of a chandelier.
  3. Protect the mucous membrane of the lips from cracking with regular lubrication with petroleum jelly or baby cream; animal fats can also be used for lubrication;
  4. Conducted at home gargling soda solution or decoctions of chamomile, calendula. They can also be used to wash the eyes.
  5. With measles, an abundant warm fortified drink is shown: freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, fruit drinks, alkaline mineral waters, tea, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.
  6. Food should be warm, but not hot. It is best to cook mashed and semi-liquid dishes for the child. Such food is the least irritating for a sore throat.
  7. A very important preventive measure is the daily change of underwear and bed linen. This is necessary so that the rash in the child does not occur again. You should also regularly ventilate the room in which the sick baby spends time, and carry out wet cleaning every day.
  8. Follow the daily routine. Although sleep is disturbed and appeared, try to go to bed on time. This is especially true for children.


The main role in the prevention of measles in children belongs to active immunization. Vaccination is based on the process of artificially creating an immune response to infections by introducing into the body the protein components of bacteria and viruses that cause the development of infectious processes.

When the first signs of the disease appear, parents are obliged to isolate the child from other children, call the local pediatrician to the house; if the child attended a children's institution (kindergarten, school), the mother must inform this institution about the child's illness.

  • isolation of children with measles from the team;
  • compliance with quarantine measures in groups for 21 days;
  • regular airing and wet cleaning of the premises, especially if there was a sick child;
  • timely administration of immunoglobulin to contact children no later than 3-5 days from the moment of contact;
  • scheduled vaccination and revaccination of children according to the vaccination schedule.

Re-infection with measles is extremely rare. After the illness, immunity is lifelong. After vaccination, persistent immunity is maintained for 15 years. Noticing the appearance of a rash in a child, you should consult a doctor, he will help you with his explanations. It is important to remember that it is not the virus itself that is dangerous, but the negative consequences in the form of complications that it often has.

The most optimistic option is when the baby got infected with the measles virus, got a little fever, rashes appeared, and after four days it was all over. But mothers are interested in what the consequences and complications can be after measles in children, because many have heard about the severe course of the disease. Let's look at possible options for the development of the disease and the main ways, if not protection, then at least reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Measles is a very serious viral respiratory disease (starts in the respiratory system) that causes a rash and fever.

It is highly contagious, as out of 100% of uninfected and unvaccinated people, 99% will get sick. Infection can occur even if you entered an empty room, and 2 hours ago there was a sick measles infection in it.

The risk group, of course, are children under 5 years old and adults over 20 years old. Babies who have not reached the age of one are of particular danger.

When ingested, it begins to multiply in the throat, lungs and lymphatic system.

A sick person can get infected by sneezing or coughing.

The main manifestations of measles in children

Read more about that in my article.

Measles starts with a temperature that can reach high values ​​(up to 40 degrees Celsius).

A distinctive feature of measles in crumbs are Koplik spots. These are white - gray dots on the inside of the oral cavity, as a rule, opposite the molars (the name of the teeth). If the doctor finds these dots, then he can safely diagnose measles. But sometimes such spots do not appear. Koplik spots appear 2-3 days before the first rashes on the body.

Then pimples appear. First on the head, in a few hours, and sometimes days, gradually descends lower and lower, to the limbs. Pimples from solitary merge into huge "islands" in appearance and shape resemble the bark of a tree, hence the name of the disease.

After 4-5 days, the gradual fading of the rash begins. At first, they become smaller on the face and gradually disappear on the whole body. There remains a slight peeling, which also disappears over time.

About the consequences and complications after measles in crumbs

Of course, the question immediately arises, what is so terrible here, a few days of fever, then rashes on the body and that's it, healthy. By itself, measles is not as terrible as the consequences that it causes in babies.

People who are particularly susceptible to complications are those with weakened immune systems, such as those with tuberculosis or HIV; regions with a poor standard of living, lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin A, infants and adults over 20 years old.

In older people, a severe course of the virus occurs more often than in healthy children older than 5 years.

The complicated course of measles in a child can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Caused by the measles virus itself - primary;
  2. Appeared in connection with the addition of a bacterial infection - secondary.

By development time:

  1. Early problems (they occur only when the temperature appears and the rash begins);
  2. Late (appear when acne darkens and looks like a crust on the body);
  3. The latest (may manifest themselves a few months after the end of the disease, for example, encephalitis, but this is 1 in 1000 cases).

Here is a list of the main complications:

  • Diarrhea (dangerous due to dehydration, so the main recommendation for measles in babies is constant drinking of plenty of water and rehydrating agents, such as Regidron);
  • Vomiting (also dangerous with dehydration, with a strong loss of fluid, doctors prescribe droppers);
  • Eye infections (photophobia, sour eyes with purulent discharge);
  • Respiratory tract infections (laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia - the measles virus causes inflammation of the larynx, through which air enters the lungs, children under 3 years of age are at risk);
  • Bronchiolitis (quite severe obstruction of the lower respiratory tract);
  • Ear infections, which can lead to complete hearing loss (the most common complication is a bacterial ear infection)
  • Stomatitis;
  • Febrile convulsions.

Immunocompromised patients may be prone to bacterial pneumonia, which can be fatal if left untreated.

Here is a list of less common problems:

  • Hepatitis (may occur against the background of the use of certain drugs);
  • Encephalitis (occurs in 1 in 1,000 cases, may occur immediately or several months after illness);
  • Thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets that are responsible for blood clotting. In this case, any cut can lead to a large loss of blood);
  • Strabismus (if the eye muscles and nerves are affected).

The most rare consequences:

  • Neuritis (an infection of the optic nerve that can lead to loss of vision);
  • Complications from the cardiac system;
  • Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (2 per 100,000 people).

Prevention methods during and after measles in boys and girls

The best prevention is to get vaccinated. The vaccine can even be given if there has been contact with the patient and no more than three days have passed. But this is true for all crumbs older than 12 months. If more than 3, but less than 7 days have passed from the moment of contact with the patient, immunoglobulin is administered.

read the article.

A good prevention would be an increased dose of vitamin A.

Isolation - if we are talking about babies, then it is better to stay at home during the epidemic.

If the child is sick, call your pediatrician or an ambulance (no need to come to the appointment, you will infect everyone around you).

If you doubt that it is measles, call too, embarrassment is not appropriate, the doctor should make a diagnosis. And then, depending on the course of the measles infection in your baby, the doctor will decide whether he can be left for treatment at home or it is better to watch him in the hospital to avoid complications.

Measles- an acute infectious disease, which is manifested by a temperature above 39 degrees, severe intoxication, sore throat, cough and a characteristic rash. The disease is caused by a virus that enters the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. You can only get measles once in a lifetime, after which a strong immunity is produced in the body.

General blood analysis

With measles in the blood, the following changes are detected:

  • decrease in the level of lymphocytes, leukocytes, monocytes and neutrophils;
  • decrease in the level of eosinophils (may be completely absent);
  • the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is moderately increased.

Enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to the measles virus

For research, blood is taken from a vein, its serum is separated and processed using special enzymes. To study the antibody titer is widely used - the hemagglutination inhibition reaction (RTGA) and the neutralization reaction (RN), less often the radial hemolysis reaction (RRH) and the immunofluorescence reaction (RIF).

Immunoglobulins M (IgM)- substances that are produced in the body to fight the measles virus from 3-4 days of illness. The diagnosis of measles is confirmed by the following results:

  • 0.12 - 0.18 IU / ml - a questionable result. Antibodies have not yet developed, perhaps not enough time has passed since the onset of the disease. It is necessary to repeat the analysis after 10 days.
  • >0.18 IU/ml - positive result. The body recognized the measles virus and began to fight it.

If the antibody titer is less than 0.12 IU / ml, then the body has never met with the measles virus and another microorganism has become the cause of poor health.

Immunoglobulins G (IgG)- antibodies to fight the measles virus, which begin to stand out from the second day of the rash or 10-14 days after infection. They last for life, providing protection from reinfection.

When infected with measles, the following results are possible:

  • 0 - 0.12 IU / ml - no antibodies to measles were detected. The disease is caused by another virus.
  • 0.12 - 0.18 IU / ml - a questionable result.
  • >0.18 IU/ml - positive result. The body has developed enough antibodies to protect against the virus.

Additional tests although they cannot identify the cause of the disease, they talk a lot about the state of the body and the complications that have arisen.

General urine analysis

With measles in the urine is observed:

  • protein impurity (microproteinuria);
  • an increase in the level of leukocytes (leukocyturia).

X-ray of the chest

Shadows corresponding to areas of inflammation in the lungs indicate that measles was complicated by pneumonia.

measles treatment

Is hospital treatment necessary?

Measles is usually treated at home. The doctor will visit you periodically during this period and monitor the course of the disease. He will prescribe you the necessary medicines, recommend eating well and drinking plenty of fluids, and taking vitamins A and C.

Treatment in the infectious diseases department of the hospital is required in such cases:

  • if there are serious complications;
  • severe course of the disease, severe poisoning of the body (intoxication);
  • it is impossible to isolate the patient from other members of the team (in a boarding school or in the army).

Daily routine for measles

A patient with measles needs bed rest while the temperature persists. If possible, give him a separate room. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least 2 times a day. It is very important that the air always remains fresh, so ventilate the room more often.

If bright light causes discomfort, then close the curtains, and in the evening, turn on a table lamp instead of a chandelier.

Follow the daily routine. Although sleep is disturbed and insomnia has appeared, try to go to bed on time. This is especially true for children.

If it is difficult to keep the child in bed, then allow them to play quiet games, watch a little TV, read together. But it is desirable that after dinner he sleeps.

Diet for measles

The diet for measles should be light so as not to irritate the intestines and high in calories to maintain the strength of the body. It is very important to take enough vitamins A and C, which will improve the condition and speed up recovery.
If there are digestive disorders, then doctors prescribe diet number 2. When the work of the intestines returned to normal, then diet number 15 will help restore strength.

  • Drink plenty of fluids. The norm for an adult is 2.5-3 liters per day, and for a child, 100-150 ml / kg per day. Compliance with this rule helps to remove harmful waste products of viruses from the body, reduce the allergization of the body and prevent complications. You can drink clean water, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, teas.
  • Ready-made solutions for dehydration Regidron help restore water and mineral reserves, Humana Electrolyte. You can prepare a similar solution yourself by dissolving 1 tbsp in a liter of boiled water. sugar, 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1 tsp. salt.
  • The menu should have a lot of vegetables and fruits, both raw and stewed and boiled. Vegetable soups with cereals in a low-fat meat broth are well suited.
  • Food should be warm, but not hot, so as not to irritate the sore throat. For the same reason, it is desirable that the dishes are mashed and semi-liquid (mashed soups or milk porridges). Such food is easy to swallow without irritating the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • To strengthen the immune system, protein dishes from lean mashed meat and fish (steam cutlets, pate or soufflé) are needed. As well as omelettes, cottage cheese in its natural form or in a casserole with cereals and berries.
  • As a side dish, any semi-liquid cereals are suitable: rice, buckwheat, millet.
  • Fermented milk products, especially kefir, narine and homemade yoghurts, raise immunity well.
  • Exclude from food:
    1. hard, fatty and sinewy meat;
    2. animal fats (lard, cooking oil);
    3. fried foods;
    4. hot spices: hot red and black pepper, horseradish, mustard.

Treatment of measles with medicines

There is no specific medicine to fight the measles virus. Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and preventing the development of a bacterial infection.


Protein-based immunotherapy drugs are used for treatment and emergency prevention if you have been in contact with a person with measles. They help create immune defenses and have an antiviral effect, preventing the virus from multiplying.

Leukinferon dry is used for injections of 1000 IU / m. Injections are made daily for 3-5 days.

Anti-measles γ-globulin. 5 ml of the drug is administered intramuscularly once.


By blocking sensitive receptors, these drugs reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. The rash becomes less abundant, the general condition improves.

Suprastin- 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

Loratadine (Claritin) 1 tablet 1 time per day. Children 2-12 years old: 5 ml of syrup or 1/2 tablet 1 time per day for a week

Diazolin 1 tablet 3 times a day.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce fever, help get rid of headaches and sore throats, and reduce inflammation.

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, depending on the temperature.

Ibuprofen (Nurofen) 400 mg 3 times a day. Take as long as the temperature persists.
For children, these same drugs are prescribed in the form of syrups. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the child.


The measles virus disrupts vitamin metabolism in the body and destroys vitamin A, which increases the risk of complications. Therefore, an additional intake of vitamin preparations is necessary to protect against free radicals and normalize the work of cells damaged by the virus.

Vitamin A. For children older than a year and adults, 200,000 IU is administered once a day with an interval of a day. For the course, 2 doses are enough. For children under one year old, the dose is 100,000 IU.

Vitamin C take daily. Children 0.2 g and adults 0.6-0.8 g. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. After that, to strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take a vitamin complex for a month.

Symptomatic remedies

eye drops for conjunctivitis sodium sulfacyl solution. Use 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. This sulfanilamide the drug destroys bacteria that multiply on the eyelids.

When coughing Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Halixol) 1 tablet 3 times a day. Continue treatment for 7-10 days. For children, these same drugs are prescribed in syrup, 5-10 ml, depending on age. These drugs thin the mucus, making it less viscous and easier to pass.


The doctor will prescribe antibiotics if a secondary bacterial infection has joined the measles. They inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Sumamed (azithromycin) tablets (500 mg) are taken 1 time per day for 5-7 days.

Clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day intravenously drip. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Folk remedies for measles

Raspberry tea. Brew 1 tablespoon of dry raspberries with a glass of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for half an hour. Drink 150 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably add honey. The tool helps to reduce the temperature and strengthen the immune system.

A decoction of linden flowers. 1 tbsp dried linden flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take half a glass before meals in the morning and evening. Flavonoids, phytoncides and essential oils lower the temperature, treat cough, and eliminate intoxication.

Infusion of violet tricolor. Pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. dried violet flowers and 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 1-2 hours. Strain the infusion and drink on an empty stomach in small portions throughout the day. Violet helps to limit the spread of a rash, cleanses the blood of the virus, relieves stomach pain and reduces fever.

Tea from viburnum ordinary. 1 tablespoon of dried viburnum berries pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-5 hours. You can use fresh berries: mash 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour a glass of hot water. Take 4 tbsp. 3 times a day. Kalina has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, keep the infusion in your mouth as long as possible. And the high content of vitamin C helps to speed up recovery.

Infusion of parsley roots. Grind fresh or dry root and brew with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. raw materials in a glass of water. Wrap and leave for 4 hours. Drink an infusion of 100 ml 4 times a day before meals. Such an infusion helps to reduce the rash and prevent the merging of its elements. And thanks to the diuretic effect, it is possible to get rid of toxins.

Measles prevention

Is the measles vaccine effective?

The measles vaccine has been used worldwide for over 50 years. It is safe, effective and after its application the risk of serious complications is almost zero. Mass vaccination has turned measles from a deadly disease into an ordinary childhood infection.

Single vaccines are available that contain only a weakened measles virus. It cannot cause disease, but introduces the body to measles. After that, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. And if a person later meets with a measles patient, then infection does not occur. The three-component vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR) works on the same principle.

The first MMR vaccination at 12 months is given to all children who have no contraindications. But in 15% of children, immunity after this may not develop. Therefore, the second vaccination is done at 6 years before school. If the vaccination was not done in childhood, then it can be done in adulthood.
In 5-10% of children, a reaction to the vaccine that resembles a mild form of measles is possible: These reactions may appear 5-15 days after vaccination and disappear without treatment in 2-3 days. During this period, the child is not contagious and can visit the children's team.

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • mild rash on the face.

How to protect yourself if someone in the family has measles?

If you are vaccinated against measles, then you are practically not at risk. But it is still better to consult a doctor. He or she may recommend administering measles immunoglobulin to prevent infection. This must be done within the first 5 days of contact with the patient.

Measures to limit the spread of the measles virus. In conclusion, we recall once again that if you or your baby has a fever, runny nose, cough and rash, then immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment of measles will save you from dangerous complications.

  • The patient should remain in his room until the 4th day from the onset of the rash.
  • If the patient has a need to go out, then a cotton-gauze or disposable mask should be worn that covers the mouth and nose.
  • It is desirable that a sick or vaccinated family member take care of the patient.
  • Give the patient separate dishes and a towel.
  • There is no need to disinfect the apartment, as the virus dies on its own after 2 hours. But wet cleaning 2 times a day is required.
  • All family members should take vitamins, especially A and C.
  • If the family has a child who has not been sick or vaccinated, then he cannot visit the children's team from 8 to 17 days from contact with the patient.

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