Peppermint tincture - instructions for use, reviews. Peppermint (cold) - Mentha piperita L. Lamiaceae family - Labiatae

Update: October 2018

Peppermint is a popular and common herbaceous plant with a specific smell from the Lamiaceae family. The cultural species was obtained by hybridization of wild varieties of garden mint and water mint.

The plant is widely cultivated by gardeners, and is also grown on an industrial scale, especially in the Voronezh region and the Krasnodar Territory. It is a valuable honey plant - the resulting honey has a pleasant mint flavor and an impeccable amber color. Prefers swampy terrain, but generally undemanding to soil and germination conditions. Some gardeners consider the plant a weed.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of peppermint have long been studied enough. As a result, the plant is actively used in industrial pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine, and is also used for deodorizing rooms, clothes and shoes, in cooking, perfumery, food industry, etc.

Morphological description

The rhizome is horizontal, branched, with fibrous thin roots. The stem is straight, from 30 to 100 cm in height, hollow inside, has 4 faces. The plant is characterized by a large number of lateral branches and leaves. The leaves are opposite, arranged crosswise, have an oblong-ovate shape and short petioles. The tips of the leaves are pointed, the base has a heart-shaped and sharp-edged edge.

The flowers are small in size, light purple in color, at the top are collected in semi-whorls, from which spike-shaped inflorescences are formed. Flowering falls in the summer, from June to September. The fruit consists of 4 nuts, it is formed quite rarely.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

The aerial part has medicinal value. For self-harvesting, mint leaves are most suitable, which should be collected in dry weather at the beginning of flowering.

The raw materials are dried in the air, in the shade. If the leaves are collected, they are dried on clean paper, if the branches - you can dry them with canopies. Mint dries well and quickly, after which it is placed in cardboard boxes for storage. The shelf life of dry raw materials is 2 years.

Grind raw materials should be immediately before preparing the medicine, but not in advance, so as not to lose valuable essential oil.

The chemical composition of peppermint

The well-known smell of mint is nothing more than an essential oil, which the plant is very rich in. Oil is a clear liquid with a greenish or yellowish tint, pleasant fresh taste and aroma. The content of essential oil is not the same in different parts of the plant: leaves contain 2.5-4.5% of essential oil, inflorescences - 4-6% of liquid, and stems - up to 0.3%. The more favorable the growing conditions, the more essential oil the plant contains. The composition of the essential oil is represented by menthol, menthol esters (valeric and acetic acids), alpha-pinene, pulegone, cineole, dipentene, beta-phellandrene and other terpenoids.

Fresh leaves also contain tannins and resinous substances, organic acids, betaine, carotene, trace elements, hesperidin, bitterness, vitamins, neutral saponins, glucose, and other substances.

So, 100 grams of fresh leaves of the plant contain:

Medicinal properties of mint

The plant is used for a number of diseases. A huge contribution to the study of the properties of mint was once made by the British, who, in the course of a series of experiments, found out the effect of menthol on the human body. Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, menthol causes irritation of cold receptors, stimulates constriction of superficially located vessels and reflex expansion of vessels that feed internal organs. It is this effect and a slight local anesthetic effect that is used in the relief of angina attacks (the well-known drug validol).

Mint preparations have the following therapeutic effects:

  • soothing;
  • vasodilating;
  • sedative;
  • painkiller;
  • antiemetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • improves digestion and appetite;
  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • anticancer.

The scope of mint is wide - it is used to treat diseases:

  • viral and bacterial nature, proceeding according to the type of acute respiratory infections:, pharyngitis, bronchospasm, rhinitis, and also;
  • of cardio-vascular system:, circulatory failure, spasm of the coronary vessels. Also used for the heart with palpitations;
  • nervous system: insomnia, depression, nervous excitement, stress, decreased attention and memory;
  • digestive systems: nausea, vomiting, spasmodic pain, colic, poor appetite, incl. caused by H. Pylori, cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, helminthic invasion, diseases of the oral cavity;
  • skin and mucous: itching, rash, including herpetic nature, dermatitis, burns, acne, acne, dandruff, sweating, increased oily skin, enlarged pores and wrinkles;
  • female genital area: profuse menstruation, ;
  • pain syndrome: dental and, spasm of smooth muscles, myalgia, bruises, sprains, neuralgia.

For prophylactic purposes, the anticarcinogenic effect of mint is actively used, especially pronounced in the prevention of the colon, pancreas, liver, lungs, breast and prostate.

Plant preparations are used to improve the functioning of the immune system. Peppermint increases the resistance of body cells to long-term exposure to small doses of radiation, so it can be used in parallel with the course of cancer treatment, as well as in cases of living in an unfavorable radiological environment.

Contraindications to the use of mint

  • Achlorhydria of the stomach;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Individual intolerance to plant preparations;
  • Severe allergic reactions, including to food;
  • hypotension;
  • , reduced ability to conceive, both in women and men;
  • Severe weakness, weakness, drowsiness;
  • Children's age up to 3 years, and for dosage forms with a high content of menthol - up to 6 years.

Use for women during pregnancy and lactation

If there are no contraindications, and the doctor allows the use of mint preparations, you can use them to combat the nausea that accompanies toxicosis. But mint during pregnancy should be taken in very small doses, since pregnant women often develop allergic reactions to various plants.

It is believed that mint in small quantities improves lactation, and in large quantities it suppresses it, therefore, in moderation, it can also be used in nursing mothers, again, if the attending physician and pediatrician allow. How much mint you can drink, you should also ask your doctor.

Dosage forms of mint and their use

Mint leaf infusion

Alcohol and water tincture is used:

  • For the preparation of water infusion 1 tbsp dry mint is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and insisted in a thermos for 60 minutes, filtered. Take a sip 3-4 r per day for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, colds, coughs, to relieve pain in the heart. In the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, take 100 ml three times a day so that the last dose is before bedtime. Externally used in cosmetology to improve, eliminate fine wrinkles, oily skin and enlarged pores.
  • To get the alcohol setting 1 part of dry raw materials is mixed with 5 parts of vodka, kept for 14 days in the dark. Used for rubbing with some skin diseases and migraines (rubbing temples). Inside, it is taken in the form diluted with water, 10-15 drops twice or thrice a day. - to relieve pain, with women's problems (heavy menstruation, menopause), for preventive purposes.

Mint decoction

1 tbsp dry raw materials are poured into 500 ml of water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and insisted for another 15 minutes, filtered. Drink 100 ml with the addition of honey (1 tsp) for nausea, palpitations, and bad breath.

  • With dermatoses, a decoction is added to the bath, but it is made more concentrated (50 g of herbs ~ 10 liters of water in the bath).
  • Mint decoction for hair is used as a final rinse after washing - it eliminates excess fat, strengthens the hair roots and adds shine to the hair.

Tea with mint

The most popular dosage form of the plant is mint tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied. To make tea, both dried and fresh leaves are taken in a volume of 2 tbsp. and fill them with 1 liter. boiling water in a teapot.

It should be understood that mint tea is medicinal, and you should not use it like the usual black or green tea. The optimal dose for adults is 100 ml 2-3 r per day, for a child - 50 ml with the same multiplicity.

It is used in the treatment of colitis, spasms and pain of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, flatulence, to improve digestion and appetite, as a choleretic drug. Good for colds and chronic fatigue. It is prescribed for rinsing the mouth, throat and washing the nose. It is used for diseases of the respiratory tract - for bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis for inhalation.

Peppermint Oil

It is difficult to get this dosage form on your own, so you should buy ready-made oil in a pharmacy. For internal use, 2-4 drops are dropped onto a piece of sugar and absorbed. It has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the heart, lungs, liver and nervous system, headaches, flatulence, helps to recover from a long illness.

Externally used for spot application on acne, insect bites, temples (for headaches), joints (for joint pain), throat and chest to alleviate the course of colds, muscle projection (for myalgia).

mint drops

To obtain them, you need to take medical alcohol 90% strength, mint oil and dry mint leaves. For 1 part of the raw material, 20 parts of alcohol are taken, insisted for 1 day, periodically shaking the contents. At the end, 1 part of mint oil is introduced. Take 10 drops 2 times a day with water for digestive disorders such as cramps, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea.


For a foot bath, 50 g of leaves are poured into 1000 ml of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes under the lid. In a warm state, pour into a basin and place the legs there for 15 minutes. Recommended for excessive sweating of the legs, at night.


  • Mint herb - used for making teas, infusions of decoctions;
  • Peppermint tea bags, indicated for the conditions described above;
  • Peppermint oil and menthol. They are sold in the form of independent dosage forms in bottles with a dispenser, and are also included in such preparations as Corvalol, Dr. Mom lozenges, Fitolor, Validol, Zelenin drops, Gevkamen, Menovazin, etc.
  • Peppermint tablets that help with vomiting, nausea, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tooth drops, dental elixir.

Side effects

  • Therapy with mint preparations may be accompanied by general lethargy, drowsiness, therefore, such treatment excludes the possibility of driving a car and working with precise mechanisms that require increased concentration.
  • Another unpleasant side effect for men is a decrease in potency. However, such a reaction is rare, with long-term treatment at high doses, and especially in those who have already had problems with potency.
  • It is believed that mint reduces the ability to conceive.
  • People with hypersensitivity may develop allergic reactions such as rash, dermatitis,.
  • Excessive consumption of mint provokes heartburn.

In the article we discuss peppermint tincture - application depending on the disease, recipes, useful properties and contraindications. You will learn how to get rid of fatigue and migraines with alcohol tincture, which will help with toxicosis and colds, how to relieve hangover symptoms.

Peppermint tincture is used in folk medicine

Peppermint tincture contains the following chemical compounds:

  • alcohol;
  • menthol, cineole and limonene;
  • saponins, rutin;
  • vitamins of group B, C;
  • glucose, betaine;
  • organic acids;
  • rhamnose, arginine;
  • chlorogenic, ursulic, oleanolic and caffeic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins and resins;
  • trace elements.

Useful properties of peppermint tincture

Due to the rich biochemical composition, tinctures and decoctions based on peppermint have a healing effect on the entire body:

  • relax blood vessels;
  • relieve spasms and relieve pain;
  • normalize the blood supply to the brain;
  • stabilize the psycho-emotional state;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • clear the airways with ARVI;
  • relieve nausea and heartburn;
  • improve appetite;
  • reduce gas formation in the intestines;
  • have a choleretic effect.
  • chronic fatigue, overexcitation, irritability;
  • tachycardia, angina pectoris, hypertension;
  • migraine, headache;
  • food poisoning;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • spasms with nausea and vomiting, flatulence;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • hangover.

Application in traditional medicine

For the treatment of various diseases in folk medicine, they use an alcohol tincture of peppermint from a pharmacy or make medicine at home.. Instead of an alcohol tincture, an infusion (decoction) is sometimes prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant.

The treatment regimen depends on what disease you are worried about. As soon as the symptoms of the disease disappear, stop taking the mint tincture.

For inhalation for colds

Add 1 tablespoon of mint water infusion to boiling water, turn off the heat and lean over the saucepan at a distance of 30-40 cm. Cover your head with a towel with your head and inhale the steam through your mouth and nose for 10 minutes.

Peppermint inhalations facilitate breathing in acute respiratory viral infections, eliminate sore throats, relieve swelling, and have an anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis.

For headaches and migraines

Drop 25 drops of mint alcohol tincture into a small container, rub mint into the skin of the forehead, nape and temples 3 times a day with massaging movements.

Menthol has a cooling, soothing and antispasmodic effect and quickly relieves headache and migraine pain.

From fatigue

Make a water infusion with mint and take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals. The medicine relieves nervous excitability, improves mood and makes you cheerful.

For nausea

Take mint infusion for nausea as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. every 2 hours during pregnancy;
  • 1 cup 3 times a day for food poisoning or stress.

You can add honey to the infusion, but not sugar.

Peppermint not only removes the painful feeling of nausea, but effectively neutralizes toxins and other harmful substances in case of food poisoning.


If you've had too much alcohol and want to quickly get rid of a hangover with an alcohol tincture of peppermint, the benefits and harms of the medicine will be almost the same. Peppermint in a couple of minutes removes a headache and improves overall well-being. Place 20 drops of tincture in 1 glass of water and drink.

However, if you have chronic alcoholism, alcohol along with mint can cause heart pain due to the unstable work of the cardiovascular system. To relieve the symptoms of a hangover, replace the alcohol infusion with a decoction of mint. The medicine will calm the tremors in the muscles and tachycardia and help to remove the breakdown products of alcohol.

For insomnia

Drink a decoction of peppermint undiluted 2-3 times a day for ½ cup. Do not abuse the remedy if you drive vehicles and complex mechanisms, as mint quickly causes drowsiness.

To relieve inflammation in the mouth

Prepare an aqueous infusion of mint leaves or use an alcoholic tincture of the plant - add 15 drops to 1 cup of water. Regardless of what you use to relieve inflammation - water infusion or peppermint tincture, the application will be the same. Rinse your mouth with prepared medicine 3-4 times a day.

Peppermint removes bad breath, relieves toothache and other symptoms that accompany inflammation in the oral cavity.

How to make peppermint tincture at home

Dried mint leaves are used to make the tincture.

To make your own peppermint tincture at home, either buy the herb or harvest it yourself during the flowering period and dry it.


  • Peppermint herb - 20 tablespoons
  • Alcohol 75% or vodka - 2 cups.

How to cook: Grind the mint with a blender or mortar. Pour the powder into a glass jar, fill with alcohol and cover with a lid. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake liquid regularly. After half a month, strain the tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into a bottle.

How to use: Take 15-25 drops 3 times daily or as a rub.

Result: Alcohol tincture of peppermint helps with colds, headaches and toothaches, relieves nervous tension and reduces high blood pressure. The use of peppermint water infusion is the same as that of alcohol tincture. At the same time, the infusion (decoction) is effective in situations where alcohol cannot be used.


  • Grass or mint leaves - 1 tbsp.
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 cup.

How to cook: Pour mint into a saucepan, cover with boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Remove the saucepan from the heat, strain the liquid through a strainer and squeeze out. Pour into a thermos and close the lid. Infuse the decoction for 1.5 hours.

How to use: Use every 2-3 hours according to treatment regimen.

Result: Water infusion with mint reduces nausea and vomiting in toxicosis in pregnant women, relieves hangover symptoms and reduces toothache. It improves well-being with signs of nervous exhaustion - depression, fatigue, insomnia.

Where to buy tincture

Peppermint tincture is sold in all city pharmacies, and mint tincture is not produced on an industrial scale.

For more information on making tincture, see the video:


Some people should not consume mint, despite the medicinal properties of peppermint tincture, and contraindications for them are as follows:

  • age under 3 years;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • low blood pressure;
  • problems with conception;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

The risk group for a possible allergic reaction includes people with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and hay fever. Peppermint tincture can cause shortness of breath, skin rashes, and allergic rhinitis.

What to remember

  1. Peppermint tincture quickly relieves headaches and spasms, relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and stops the inflammatory process.
  2. In case of a cold, inhale with an aqueous infusion of mint.
  3. For migraines, wipe your temples, forehead and neck with 25 drops of alcohol tincture, and for bad breath and toothache, rinse your mouth with 15 drops of tincture diluted in a glass of water.
  4. Water infusion helps when it is forbidden to drink alcohol, as well as insomnia, nausea and chronic fatigue.
  5. An alcohol tincture of peppermint will quickly relieve a hangover, but not in the case of chronic alcoholism. In this case, treat with mint decoction.

(from 1.4 to 3.6% by dry weight).

Essential mint oil contains menthol. In medicine from sheets peppermint infusion used inside nausea And How choleretic means.


From ground parts and leaves cook mint oil, mint drops or peppermint (assigned to ten - fifteen drops) from vomiting and nausea, improving the taste of other medicinal plants. Peppermint Oil, as an aromatic substance is used in the perfumery - cosmetic industry. Mint found in toothpaste, powder and rinse aids. In the food industry peppermint oil and leaf applied as spice.

Mint is used pain in the area , brain, metabolic disorders, inflammation of the upper respiratory , hypertensive , angina, diseases, cholecystitis, stones in and gallbladder, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, diseases , , , toothache, , , , spasms. For external use peppermint apply when tumors, as poultice at and .

Peppermint heals: , angina pectoris, neurosis, bad breath,.

Mint- its fragrant leaves, with green tea brewed can soothe and relax. Helps mint from indigestion, at T or heat is critical during the flu or cold period. Mint will relieve irritation and cough with bronchitis reduces.


Peppermint was valuable in Rome and Ancient Greece. The Romans believed that mint smell improves mood, contributing to a lively conversation at the table, in connection with which the halls for feasts sprinkled with mint water, rubbed the tables mint leaves, wreaths of mint. Then they considered that excites the work of thought mint flavor. The Roman historian Pliny always had a wreath on his head from fresh mint, recommended this to his students. The custom continued until the end of the Middle Ages. Peppermint was widely used for medicinal purposes in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic medicine. water mint recommended Avicenna for internal bleeding, with headaches , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking peppermint infusion(two tablespoons crushed dry leaves for half 1 liter. boiling water), drink which is a third or half a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Healing properties of mint. Video


peppermint leaves are part of sedatives gastric and choleretic collections c, mint drops ( from nausea) are used as antispasmodic, appetizing agent, for angina pectoris, is a part of ointments and drops from , from migraine- pencils, used for the production of medicines "Validol", "Drops of Zelenin", "Olimetin", "Valocordin" and others used in diseases that occur with spasms of muscles and coronary vessels.

Mint. Benefit and harm. Video


Mint tincture, how to prepare? Beneficial features. Video

Peppermint juice is recommended to take with Nausea, vomiting and flatulence, spastic colitis, digestive tract dysfunction, angina pectoris, itchy dermatosis, hysteria, insomnia, hyperexcitability, diarrhea, DISEASES, DISEASES AND GALL BLADDER.

From peppermint s it turns out oil from the leaves and stems of the ground part, contains 50% menthol and approximately 9% essential oil, menthol with acetic and valeric acids. Usually included in for rinsing tooth powder(antiseptic and refreshing), toothpastes. Contained in corvalole (valocordine). Antispasmodic and soothing exposure is associated with the presence of menthol.


mint drops - alcohol tincture of mint and peppermint oil. Use inside ten to fifteen drops at a time, as a remedy for VOMITING, NAUSEUS, PAIN RELIEF, FOR NEURALGIC PAIN.

BLANK. FIELD MINT. Medicinal raw materials - leaves and grass of field mint. All stages of harvesting are like peppermint. This plant is soothing , anti-inflammatory, well improves the secretion of the digestive glands and , stops vomiting and nausea, getting through the intestines, reduces white blood cells.

So what are the benefits of mint?


INTERNAL USE OF MINT. Field mint decoction used in folk medicine for spasms of the intestines and stomach, intestines, enterocolitis, . field mint applies when , how expectorant, at heart disease, how vasodilator. use decoction in the form of baths and externally, with joint pain, scrofula, rickets, accept field mint infusion at spasms of the stomach, intestines, gastritis, bloating, ; like a diaphoretic and expectorant means when coughing, diseases , disorders , colds.

Mint oil raises when applied appetite and regulates digestion, It has anthelmintic . In Tibet field mint and is now used for diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis, a outwardly- in the form of lotions and washing with convulsions, inflammation of the skin and itching, and rheumatic pains.

In case of GASTRITIS WITH INCREASED ACIDITY, field infusion of mint leaves is recommended, in case of DISEASES OF THE GALL BLADDER AND LIVER, IN DISEASES OF THE BODY, colitis, nausea. Use fresh leaves for poultices TUMORS AND ULCERS, WOUNDS.

Dry field mint leaves (in powder form) used when NAUSEUS, SPASTIC PAIN IN THE STOMACH, VOMITING. They are also included in gastric, choleretic, carminative, expectorant, diaphoretic.

decoctions and infusions of field mint

Two infusion recipesfield mint.

  1. Five gr. leaves of raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, leave for ten to fifteen minutes in a thermos, then decant. Take a tablespoon every three hours.
  2. honey, sugar, jam.

    Mint tea. Benefit and harm. Video

    Juicewith mint . Fresh white cabbage(500 gr.) cut, crush in a mortar, squeeze juice, decant mint drops add (to taste).

    Carrot-apple drink with mint. fresh apples cut (two hundred grams) add to boiling water (half a liter), add branches or mint leaves(to taste), insist one and a half - two hours in a closed container, add (one hundred ml.), pour Sahara(to taste).

    Mint drink with blueberry juice. mint leaves(one tablespoon) brew boiling water with a glass, cool, combine with juice (four hundred ml.), diluted with boiled water (two liters) Sahara add (from two to four tablespoons).

    Mint oil invigorates great, sniff it from the bottle directly, if in dream tends or light the aroma lamp.

    Be healthy!

    Mint, mint treatment. Video

Of all the varieties of mint grown by gardeners, peppermint is used in medicine. Other types of it may be useful only in cooking or for making aromatic tea. In order to preserve the medicinal properties of the plant for longer, to be able to use it not only in the summer, it is best to prepare an alcohol tincture of peppermint. Alcohol helps to obtain a concentrated product that takes up little space and does not require special storage rules. It allows you to maximize all the useful qualities of mint without brewing, infusion and other processing of dry raw materials.

Useful properties of mint tincture

Mint is popular in traditional and folk medicine, thanks to its menthol. It has anesthetic, stimulating and antiseptic properties. Peppermint tincture is used:

  • to relieve physical and mental fatigue;
  • with a cold;
  • in oral care;
  • to improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • with frequent migraines;
  • in hair and skin care;
  • as a sedative;
  • as a topical irritant for neuralgia, joint and muscle pain.

In pharmaceuticals, peppermint tincture is part of papaverine, which relieves spasms of various nature, and valemidin, which has sedative properties.

Medicinal uses of peppermint

When purchasing mint for a home first aid kit, you should remember that it is still a medicine. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use, even if it will be used externally.

Inhalations for colds

Add a few drops of peppermint tincture to a bowl of hot water. Breathe in the steam, covered with a towel, for 10 minutes. You should not bend too low, so as not to burn the mucous membrane. With the help of regular inhalations, you can get rid of a cold, constant nasal congestion or chronic runny nose.

Ingestion for the treatment of digestive organs, with fatigue

Dilute 10-20 drops in a tablespoon of boiled water. Take once daily with or without food, but not on an empty stomach.

As a remedy for vomiting, nausea

To cope with nausea, just inhale the smell of menthol. Apply the tincture to a cotton swab and hold it in the nose area, inhale deeply. This method is effective for motion sickness in transport.

For first aid with nausea from stress, drink a tablespoon of water with ten drops of tincture, go out into the fresh air. Indoors, you can put a couple of drops on a hot object (a battery, for example). Evaporating, the tincture will spread in the air of the room, giving it a minty aroma.

With vomiting, a glass of warm water with 20 drops of the remedy will soothe the mucosa of an irritated stomach, if you drink it at one time in small sips.

With a hangover syndrome

Menthol has detoxifying properties, so peppermint can be successfully used to get rid of a hangover. Pour twenty drops of tincture into a glass of water. Drink at one time. Relief will come in a few minutes.

For migraine, local pain

Apply a cotton swab moistened with the composition or a clean napkin to the temples during a headache, to the site of a bruise, to a sore joint.

For a compress, dilute the liquid with water in equal proportions. If the product is based on medical alcohol and has a higher degree than vodka, it should be diluted in a ratio of 1:3. Moisten a clean napkin, put on a sore joint under cellophane. Do the procedure as needed, preferably at night.

To relieve pain and inflammation in the oral cavity

For stomatitis and other diseases, rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with a glass of warm water with the addition of 20-30 drops of mint tincture. Compresses moistened with a liquid consisting of peppermint and water (1: 1) can be placed on the inflamed areas for several minutes.

For insomnia

Insomnia can affect anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Often this is a consequence of stress, overexcitation, sudden weather changes. To get rid of isolated cases of insomnia, it is enough to breathe a few minutes in pairs of mint tincture or drink a glass of warm water with 20-30 drops.

If a single dose of peppermint tincture did not help to even out sleep, it is necessary to take 20 drops of tincture diluted in a tablespoon of water for several days, 3 times a day, until the desired result is achieved. With established prolonged insomnia, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause. After all, insomnia is the first sign of a developing neurosis. Lack of treatment leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, unstable emotional state, chronic fatigue, decreased performance and attention.

The use of tincture in home cosmetology

Added 2-3 drops of mint tincture to a single dose of lotion have the following properties:

  • improve skin color;
  • well cleanse and narrow pores;
  • relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • lighten the vascular pattern, strengthen the vessels;
  • relieve swelling, refresh complexion.

To stimulate hair growth, dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and rub with a cotton swab into the scalp along the partings. The procedure can be carried out up to two times a week, if the scalp is not characterized by excessive dryness or sensitivity.

A few drops of peppermint tincture added to the rinse water are good for oily hair, drying it out, eliminating quick pollution.

Homemade serum will help prevent skin inflammation, strengthen bulbs, and prevent hair loss. To prepare it, dilute mint with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1, pour into a spray bottle. Apply drip to hair and skin no more than twice a week to avoid excessive drying.

Wiping the skin with mint infusion twice a day, you can get rid of greasy shine, dry out excessive fat content, relieve inflammation, reduce the localization of rashes, and refresh the complexion.

Video: Useful properties and preparation of mint tincture

Preparation of tincture at home

Peppermint tincture is sold in a pharmacy. If desired, you can cook it yourself. Pour dry or fresh leaves with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. Place in a dark bowl, cover tightly with a lid. Infuse for at least a day, shaking occasionally. Strain the finished tincture. Store in a tightly sealed container.

Video: Mint and thyme tincture with honey


Contraindications to the use of tincture are due to the alcohol base and the presence of a large amount of menthol. Therefore, this remedy cannot be used:

  • with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • in violation of the liver and kidneys;
  • people with low blood pressure;
  • with bradycardia, low pulse (up to 55 beats per minute);
  • suffering from chronic or acute heart failure;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 are better off using a water infusion on mint;
  • with varicose veins;
  • people who need to be driving.

For men, mint can be a bad helper in their health, since excessive passion for the plant in any form can significantly reduce potency. If necessary, treatment with tincture should be carefully adhere to the dosage and do not exceed the number of doses.

In ancient times, mint was considered a plant that can improve brain function. Students could be recognized by their wreaths of mint leaves. Today, this plant is very popular both in medicine and in cooking. It is consumed fresh or dried. Make infusion, decoction and tincture.

Mint tincture is good because its properties are absolutely not inferior to fresh leaves - it can be used in winter. And also this form allows you to better follow the dosage instructions.

Peppermint tincture application

It has many useful and is a strong anti-cold plant. Helps to get rid of various types of coughs, runny nose and headaches.

Tincture can treat problems of the nervous system - depression, insomnia. use with increased irritability before menstruation and during menopause. Helps with bruises and sprains.

Mint tincture has a beneficial effect on almost all systems in the body:

  • digestive system - promotes the outflow of bile and cleanses the liver and kidneys, relieves spasms and colic, helps fight flatulence, heartburn and nausea. Helps to digest even very fatty and heavy foods;
  • respiratory system - used for,;
  • cardiovascular system - soothes, relaxes muscles, normalizes blood pressure, is part of many heart medicines;
  • mint helps to eliminate bad smell, helps with;
  • is the most effective remedy for migraine;
  • in cosmetology it is used against dandruff, hair loss, skin aging, enlarged pores;
  • cooking - sauces, desserts, drinks and pastries.

Important! If you mix mint tincture and valerian in equal parts, you get an effective and safe remedy for hypertensive patients.

How to cook

Medical alcohol, cognac or moonshine can act as an alcoholic base for the preparation of tincture. To enhance the taste, you can add lemon and other natural medicines.

If there are contraindications for drinking alcohol, you can make a tincture with water. She will not be inferior to alcohol infusion. But it has a shorter shelf life. To prepare it, you need 13 g of dry mint and 190 ml of boiling water. Infuse for a quarter of an hour using a water bath. Then filter and put in a dark cool place.


For every 50 ml of alcohol, 10 g of mint is required. If moonshine is used, then its strength must be at least 60%. The tincture must mature in a dark place for at least 14 days.

The finished tincture has a bright green color. And the grass leaves become like old papyrus.

Essential oil tincture

  1. It should be well crushed 1 part of mint leaves and pour them with 20 parts of alcohol.
  2. Let the medicine brew for 1 day.
  3. Then add 1 part of peppermint essential oil (read about the use of peppermint oil).

Not only for health, but also for the soul and a warm company, you can prepare the following mint tinctures.

Mint sugar tincture

  • high-quality vodka - 750 ml;
  • sugar - 140 g;
  • fresh mint - 45 g;
  • water - 175 ml.

Grass for 2 hours pour hot water. Then add the rest of the ingredients. You can taste after 14 days.

Mint with lemon

Wash and peel half a large lemon. Cut the peel into small strips, put in a container. Squeeze juice from the pulp and mix with mint (15 g). Send the mixture to the zest.

Then add 15 g of sugar and 300 ml of vodka. Close the bottle tightly. Shake vigorously until the sugar is completely dissolved.

A pleasant and healthy drink will be ready in 3 days.

How to use

  • from toxicosis, nausea and abdominal pain, 15 drops of mint medicine should be dropped into 90 ml of water;
  • children can be given three times a day, diluted with water. This will help cure rickets and scrofula. The number of drops should equal the number of years. In the case of using an aqueous tincture, 35 ml of the drug can be given;
  • colds, rhinitis - if these phenomena are not accompanied by fever, inhalations should be done. In 1.6 liter of boiling water, dilute 7 ml of mint tincture. Breathe the steam for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • , - it is necessary to make an infusion for rinsing by diluting 30 drops of the medicine in 160 ml of water;
  • with angina pectoris, 12-17 drops should be dripped onto a piece of sugar;
  • when you should rub a little tincture into the temporal and occipital region. And also inhale the mint aroma for a few minutes;
  • for joint problems - dilute 20 ml of the mixture in water for taking a bath. Stay in the water for no longer than 20 minutes. Then rub the inflamed areas with mint tincture and insulate with a natural cloth.

For cosmetic purposes, dilute 23 ml of tincture in 2.5 liters of water. The resulting solution can be washed, rinsed hair. You can also freeze and use for rubbing. If the problem with the hair is quite severe, you should rub an undiluted tincture into the hair roots every 5 days. Wash off after 35 minutes.

Important! Mint tincture will quickly get rid of a hangover. For 120 ml, add 14 drops of tincture, a slice of lemon and an ice cube. Drink very quickly.


Mint tincture goes well with other potions. This greatly enhances its effectiveness and expands its scope.

Mint + motherwort

This mixture is one of the best remedies for stress, insomnia, panic attacks, neuroses. mixed with mint in a ratio of 4:1.

Mint + peony

This mixture relieves anxiety and fears. Improves sleep quality and normalizes blood pressure. Such a mixture should be in the medicine cabinet of everyone who suffers from cardiovascular diseases. For 4 parts you will need 1 part mint.

Mint + hawthorn

This mixture increases the heart rate, quickly reduces pressure, stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

The proportions for mixing are the same as in the previous versions.

Mint in cooking

Quite often, the word "mint" is associated with the famous Mojito cocktail. It is quite easy to prepare.

  1. Pour 25 ml of mint tincture into a tall glass (the amount can be changed, depending on the desired strength).
  2. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of a lemon (or half a lime). Cut the skin off the fruit in thin strips.

Put all this in a glass. Add a few pieces of ice.

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