Causes of salivation in a cat. In total, there are three types of the disease. What to do: how to help a pet

Having a cat in the house, many do not think about her possible hanging salivation. But faced with this problem, the owner begins to look for how to deal with it. Therefore, you need to know in advance the causes of salivation in cats in order to prevent such a disease in your pet in time. And then the animal will be able to thank you with its surprisingly good mood.

Process features

In the body of an animal, saliva performs a number of important functions. First of all, it is the protection of the teeth, gums and oral mucosa of the cat from any damage. It softens food to make it easier to swallow. And besides, it stimulates the receptors of the tongue.

This fluid is constantly produced by the pet's salivary glands. And when it happens strong salivation, then it, accordingly, flows abundantly from the cat's mouth. This process is called hypersalivation. And there can be many reasons for this phenomenon.

Clear signs

When any illness manifests itself in a cat, she cannot approach the owner and tell him about it. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your pet, especially the process of salivation. After all, any disease can become a chronic disease.

Signs that your cat is constantly drooling:

  • wet neck, chin and hair on the pet’s chest;
  • the animal regularly swallows saliva;
  • washes very often;
  • rubs against furniture and corners in the house;
  • the pet's tongue is sluggish, sometimes even falling out;
  • wet spots can be seen in the sleeping corner of the animal.

If the owner sees this behavior in his cat, then you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Why is this happening

Hanging salivation in a cat can be due to a number of reasons. They fall into several categories. And in accordance with this, it is easy to determine why your pet is drooling so profusely.

Main reasons

The most serious disease can be an infection or even the presence of a neoplasm in the body of an animal. In the case of such a disease, extremely profuse salivation is observed. The situation is similar when a cat is poisoned. Except elevated department saliva, the pet looks lethargic, loses appetite and may vomit.

In the case of problems associated with the oral cavity, they are also characterized by profuse salivation. In addition, the cat will chew food carefully and slowly, swallowing it with difficulty. In this case, the tongue of the pet will stick out and, with the exception of profuse salivation, will bad smell from mouth.

Such symptoms are the cause of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, these may be allergic reactions or the presence of helminths in a pet. And it can provoke untimely treatment from worms or not timely vaccinated.

More dangerous disease is rabies. And when a cat drools from the mouth due to the presence of this disease, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. After all, such a disease is considered very dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans.

Drooling as a side effect

There are a number of reasons why such a reaction of the body occurs to various changes what's happening with the pet:

  • After a huge shock, the result of which will be a breakdown nervous system animal.
  • Before eating, cats show an increase in salivation.
  • During treatment, when the pet is given unpleasant-tasting pills.
  • When I offer a cat new food, different from the previous one in taste.
  • As a result of excessive communication with children.
  • In some animals - a reaction to the caress of the owner.

All of the above causes increased salivation in cats, and this directly affects their health. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and immediately treat it.

Required Host Actions

With hanging salivation in cats, a constantly sticking out tongue or other unnatural behavior, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe certain tests or examine a sick pet to make a diagnosis. And only after that it will be possible to begin treatment.

During a visit to the doctor, you need to describe in detail the last few days, during which the cat has a hanging salivation. What was the appetite, changes in the nature of the animal and its appearance. Not less than important information are information about vaccinations, medications used and possible impact toxins. So you can find out why the cat has a strong salivation and prescribe proper treatment.

If a pet has a throat foreign body then the veterinarian should remove it. This can be determined after the doctor sees and examines the x-ray. And only then, having taken out a bone or even a toy, the doctor treats the oral cavity disinfectant so as not to infect the wound.

Methods of treatment

A necessary criterion for determining profuse salivation is the delivery of all tests prescribed by the doctor. If it is feces and blood, then with their help you can find out about the presence of helminths in an animal. In the case of a urine test, the results will show possible changes V genitourinary system pet.

After passing all necessary analyzes and other procedures, the veterinarian will be able to find the cause profuse salivation. In addition, he will put accurate diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment. And it will contribute to the recovery of the cat and at the same time affect the increase in the function of the salivary glands.

When a doctor discovers an injury or wound in oral cavity animal, then he prescribes certain drops and ointments. The first remedy should be dripped onto the cat's tongue, and the second should be lubricated with a throat and inner part graze. This is necessary for the healing of wounds and the recovery of the pet.

In more serious cases needed complete diagnostics. It will help determine the causes of excessive salivation, the degree of the disease and possible ways his treatment. In some cases, hospitalization may also be required.

Preventive actions

When a cat begins to drool, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. But sometimes to prevent similar situations, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of such diseases, especially excessive salivation. And in the future, do not worry about the health of your pet.

  • Regularly clean the animal's oral cavity (teeth, tongue).
  • Flea drops should be applied to the coat in places where the cat cannot lick them off.
  • Carrying out deworming at the right time.
  • Regular doctor check-ups to avoid serious illness.

Only such prevention will help your pet not get sick. After all constant control health of a cat will not be able to contribute to hung salivation.

Heart failure in cats, like in humans, is a severe diagnosis that needs to be lived with. The heart is a kind of engine of the whole organism. It pumps blood, without which no other organ can function. Lungs and heart - this is the trio, without which the death of the whole organism will come. Today we will tell you in detail about the main symptoms and treatments for heart failure in cats.

For some reason, the heart of a pet may sometimes not perform all its functions. This leads to a "failure" of the work of the whole organism as a whole. And if heart problems are not noticed in time, heart failure will develop. But everything starts small, gradually “gaining strength”.

This disease in cats, the symptoms of which are not familiar to many, is associated with a complex of disorders. The wrong rhythm in which the heart muscle contracts in this pathology disrupts blood circulation throughout the body. Uncontrolled seizures“eat up” all the energy that can barely cope with the supply of oxygen and the necessary nutrients to tissues and organs. Therefore, pathology is considered very dangerous. And it's in calm state. But as soon as the animal starts to run, symptoms of asphyxia appear (lack of oxygen, suffocation).

This is interesting! Cats suffer from acute heart failure less frequently than humans. This is facilitated by nutrition and the specificity of biochemical processes in the animal's body.

Pathology is more common in individuals older than 6 years of age. But it happens that the symptoms of the disease appear in kittens as early as six months. Therefore, it is a mistake to believe that only old animals suffer from heart failure. Small puppies and kittens can also hear this terrible diagnosis. And there are a number of reasons for this.

There are several types of heart failure in cats. Along the course, there is acute and chronic heart failure. But they also talk about congenital or acquired insufficiency. In addition, there are primary and secondary (heart problems occur after infectious diseases).

It is worth knowing about the predisposition of some breeds to the development of heart disease. vascular system. Large breeds cats (for example, Maine Coon and others) are more likely than others to develop diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of heart failure

The causes of heart failure in cats can be very diverse, but for the most part, the onset is “taken” from heart diseases (of a wide variety). For example, congenital malformations, myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy. A little more about her.


The most common form of cardiomyopathy. With this type of heart failure, the heart muscle increases in size several times, and the ventricular myocardium increases mainly. This leads to the fact that the volume of the ventricle of the heart decreases. As a result, there is less blood in it, but the body needs oxygen! Therefore, the myocardium has to contract more often, it rests less. But rest is necessary. Hence the “fatigue” of the muscle, followed by heart failure in dogs and cats.

Dilated cardiomyopathy

With this type of heart failure in cats and dogs, the wall of the ventricle does not thicken, but stretches. But despite the fact that the volume of the ventricle increases and there is a lot of blood in the heart, all the same normal function hearts broken. The myocardium cannot fully contract, thereby throwing all the blood out of the ventricle. Part of it "stagnates", which further stretches the walls.


In this case, the muscles are like “wooden”, they practically do not stretch. Their elasticity is lost. And, despite the fact that the volume of the ventricle does not change, but the myocardium cannot cope. It is not elastic, it is extremely difficult for him to contract.


A very complex type of cardiomyopathy. And all because it is not always possible to diagnose it, because changes from various kinds cardiomyopathy.

  • Age. Where do without him. Older people are more likely to suffer from various kinds deficiencies. All this is elementarily explained by the fact that organs “get tired” throughout their life, become “targets” for pathogens of infectious diseases. And the heart is experiencing a crazy load.
  • Large animals have the hardest time, because the heart, like a pump, needs to pump a lot of blood under high pressure. But also miniature breeds unsweetened, because their “motor” beats with a much greater frequency, and this decently “wears out” the heart muscle.
  • Infectious diseases. Often they lead to the fact that the heart suffers.
  • If the thyroid gland is too "active", it produces too much hormone.
  • High blood pressure. Among animals, too, there are hypertensive patients.
  • Wrong diet. Salt should not be!
  • Toxins, drugs. All this is in the blood, which will definitely be in the heart. Poisons "settle", destroy the myocardium.
  • Genetics (predisposition also affects, it was written about above). The tendency to heart disease is inherited. That's why it's so important to know who your pet's parents are.

Symptoms of heart failure in cats

Symptoms of heart failure in cats depend on many factors. One of which is the age of the animal.

Signs of heart failure in cats Manifestation
Kittens Everything starts with birth defect heart. The owner may not even know that the crumbs have problems with cardiovascular system. But some signs should alert the owner of the mustache. These include loss of appetite, fatigue and lethargy (even though babies sleep a lot, they also run, misbehave, are full of life), there may be shortness of breath, even wheezing. Hard breath after physical activity certainly should not go unnoticed. You can notice anemia - the mucous membranes turn blue. But most often, a blue tongue is noticeable. By evening, the condition only worsens. Sometimes there are fainting spells.
In adult cats In addition to the signs of cardiovascular insufficiency characteristic of kittens and puppies, increased thirst is added (against the background constant lethargy And poor appetite) And rapid increase body weight. And about " heart cough” have been heard by many. Yes, more often it appears at night when the heart is tired during the day. But even during rest, there may be wheezing when breathing, shortness of breath and cough up to vomiting.
In old cats Old people are the hardest. Symptoms of heart failure in older dogs and cats impossible not to notice! One deaf almost incessant cough is worth something. Add to that wobbly gait, periodic fainting and loss of orientation in space. Movement coordination is impaired. But most bright signs problems with the heart are the elbows spaced to the side and the huge belly.

Chronic heart failure in cats appears gradually. Symptoms do not appear all at once and increase slowly. Therefore, even the most attentive owners may not immediately notice the disease. Often the limbs and the dewlap area swell.

How to diagnose a disease

For the treatment to positive results The diagnosis should be carried out by an experienced veterinarian - a cardiologist. It usually includes:

  1. Blood and urine tests.
  2. X-ray examination of the chest.

If a cat has been diagnosed with heart failure, then it is recommended to protect it from breeding, since the disease is often inherited.

Among other things, the development of this anomaly in an animal is determined using the following methods:

Collection of a complete anamnesis (data about the pet from the owner). It is important to prepare and provide the veterinarian with detailed comprehensive information, it is best to bring them to the appointment at writing so as not to miss important details about the health and life of a pet.

Listening, palpation and other methods of visual and physical examination. Even by measuring the animal's pressure, you can come across a sign of the disease: lower rates usually indicate the presence serious problems with heart.

How to provide first aid for heart failure

If you do not immediately come to the aid of a pet when acute attack heart failure, he can die suddenly.

You need to act measuredly, but quickly, as follows:

  • lay the pet head to one side;
  • remove the tongue from the mouth;
  • apply a cool compress prepared in advance to the cat’s head;
  • try to bring the animal to life by bringing a cotton ball soaked in ammonia;
  • paws should be held above the head in order to increase blood flow to it.

Treatment of cats with heart failure

Any treatment of a cat with symptoms of heart failure should be under the supervision of a veterinarian! Self-medication can not only aggravate the course of the disease, but also lead to the death of the animal! Be sure to find out the cause of the ailment!

Ignoring the problem over time can lead to irreversible changes in the heart and blood vessels.

Owners are required to reduce walks (no more than 20 minutes at a time), at least physical activity and stress. And diet is very important. You will have to limit salt, drink, as this provokes the formation of edema.

If we talk about drug therapy the treatment will be lifelong. The heart needs to be supported. To do this, the veterinarian may prescribe medications to treat a cat with heart failure, such as: cardiac glycosides, potassium supplements. Drugs that prevent blood from clotting (anticoagulants). Diuretics help to remove from the body excess liquid, reduce swelling.

It is necessary to strictly follow all medical prescriptions and recommendations. The slightest deviation from the treatment regimen will negate all progress on the path to recovery. heart rate, and continuation of the course may in some cases become hazardous to health.

How to act so that the kitten never encounters this disease? First of all, care must be taken that affected cats do not produce offspring. Or, when choosing a pet, check its pedigree for registration of cases of cardiac anomalies, and if any are found, do not acquire a “pig in a poke”.

But even a healthy animal must be cared for, making sure that the cat eats rationally and leads active image life. A balanced amount of nutrients will help to avoid pet obesity, which is often observed in lazy neutered cats, which need to be monitored more closely. Prevent obesity and regular walks with games on the street, which are also useful for the respiratory, and, therefore, the heart system. In addition, cardiac problems may worsen in adult cats after general anesthesia. Therefore, before the operation involving it, the animal must be carefully examined.

How long a cat with heart failure lives depends only on how badly the heart is affected and how skilled veterinary care given to the animal. Self-medication is extremely dangerous. Due to incorrectly prescribed drugs, the animal may develop pulmonary edema, and in combination with heart failure, this will lead to the death of the animal. It should be understood that medicines to treat a cat / dog with heart failure will have to be given for the rest of the pet's life. If cardiomyopathy has developed, then, alas, it is forever. But the owner, together with the veterinarian, is able to make life easier for the mustache.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our website staff veterinarian in the comment box below, which in as soon as possible will answer them.

Heart disease, both congenital and acquired, is quite common in cats. Their characteristic feature is a constant progression, the onset is usually missed due to non-specificity or lack of visible symptoms. Since a violation of the pumping function leads to a deterioration in the functioning of other organs, cardiac pathologies directly affect the duration and quality of a cat's life.

Causes of heart disease in cats

Factors leading to damage to the heart muscle have different mechanisms of development. Among them are:

  • Valvular pathologies (stenosis, atresia, aplasia).
  • Insufficient compression or incomplete relaxation of the myocardium.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Diseases of the vessels, due to which the resistance to blood flow increases.
  • Shunts between chambers of the heart.
  • Infection with heartworms.
  • Influence of infectious agents.

In most cases, due to these factors, heart failure develops. If there is an insufficient outflow of blood from the organs, then it is accordingly called stagnant.

Heart disease in cats symptoms

There are many diseases that affect the heart muscle. The symptomatology is quite extensive, therefore, there are several main factors according to which the classification takes place in the future:

  • Origin of the disease. There are congenital and acquired pathologies, which affects the rate of manifestation of the first symptoms.
  • Impact external factors. Common causes of heart disease are infectious lesions, trauma, degenerative processes.
  • duration. Heart disease in cats is divided into acute, subacute, and chronic.
  • Clinical status, according to which treatment is prescribed. These include left and right ventricular failure, disruption of both ventricles, atrial pathologies, valve diseases, and so on.
  • visualized defects. Causes of heart disease in cats can be in defects in the septa between its different departments, valvular insufficiency, total absence functionally important structures or their disposition (defects).

Owners most often note respiratory disorders in sick cats. Dyspnea is taken as a sign acute pathology, but in reality it develops over months, sometimes years. Its appearance indicates severe damage to the heart, when the insufficiency reaches a peak and the internal organs (primarily the brain) receive an insufficient amount of oxygen. Some cases of shortness of breath develop due to increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels, which also indicates the severity of the pathology.

Changes in the body weight of the animal are possible. Fluctuations reach 500g within a week. Weight disorders are classified as speed dial and sudden weight loss.

Cough - nonspecific sign cardio diseases, almost indistinguishable from the attempts of the animal to burp something. Diagnostic value has a dry, recurrent cough that is not associated with meals, often occurring after exercise or exposure to stress factors.

Paralysis, weakness of the limbs (often pelvic). A complex symptom complex, the root cause of which is the formation of blood clots in the chambers of the heart. They are able to go to bloodstream and obturate the arteries that supply blood to different parts of the body. The arteries of the pelvic limbs are often clogged, but damage to the kidneys, brain, forepaws and other parts of the body is also possible.

Signs of heart disease in cats early stages are usually nonspecific, which complicates diagnostic measures.


To make a diagnosis,:

  • History taking, including character visible manifestations and their start time.
  • The appearance of the animal. Stagnation in the left and right sections has different mechanisms of development, which is reflected in appearance cats.
  • Physical examinations. Standard percussion and auscultation - informative method diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. They allow you to detect the expansion of the boundaries of the body, hear the noise without resorting to expensive procedures.
  • Lab tests. At chronic lesion heart muscle can reveal a change in the results of clinical and biochemical studies.
  • Instrumental examination. X-ray allows you to see changes in the shape and size of the heart, but the decisive method in making a diagnosis is echocardiography, which allows you to visualize the movement of blood through the chambers, evaluate functional state valves and walls, determine the load volume.
  • In some cases, cardiac catheterization is performed, which is considered specific method. With the help of a flexible tube inserted into the cavity of the heart, not only the functional, but also the anatomical state of the walls and partitions is assessed.

Heart disease in cats treatment

After the diagnosis, the veterinarian develops a treatment plan that includes medication, follow-up visits, and dietary changes.

The main goals of therapy are to slow down destructive processes in the heart, prevent the appearance of fluid in the lungs, and normalize blood circulation and heart rate.

Depending on the specific disease, the following remedies may be prescribed:

  • Antihypertensive drugs.
  • Diuretics.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • cardiac glycosides.
  • Fortifying drugs - vitamins, immunostimulants.

Some heart diseases in cats that are treated medications ineffective, require surgical correction. It is aimed at correcting anatomical defects, facilitating the functional load and optimizing the ejection.

Dear patients, in our clinic your animal can receive a complete cardiological examination, an assessment of the work of the cardiovascular system and a consultation with a veterinary cardiologist. Cardiological examination and reception are conducted by doctors - Biryukova Lidia Mikhailovna and Evstifeeva Olga Vladimirovna.

Heart failure is the inability to pump the heart needed by the body blood volume. This disease occurs as a result of infectious diseases. Heart failure is the most common cause sudden deaths pets. Not only dogs, but also cats suffer from it.

Types of heart failure:

  1. Chronic heart failure. It develops slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, but at the same time, steadily.
  2. Acute heart failure develops quite rapidly, its time varies from several minutes to several hours.

As a result acute form, the cat instantly develops, the symptoms of which may be bleeding from the mouth and nose, as well as shortness of breath.

Symptoms of heart disease in cats are not always visible, and she cannot complain about her well-being. Therefore, the health of the pet is completely in the hands of the owner. He must monitor the pet and, upon discovering the first symptoms of the disease, must seek the advice of a veterinarian.

In a cat, rapid breathing with tongue hanging out is a sign of heart disease.

  • Fatigue is difficult to notice in a cat, as it leads a mostly calm lifestyle.
  • Dyspnea. Breathing takes place in the abdomen, without the participation of the chest.
  • An attack accompanied by loss of consciousness. The cat, at this time, can be mistaken for a dead animal. Usually the attack passes quickly, but it happens that the pets die, as their body experiences an acute lack of oxygen.
  • The animal wheezes, scary meows.
  • Heavy breathing indicates pulmonary edema.
  • Complete or partial paralysis of the hind legs.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Gingival cyanosis.
  • Loss of appetite.

In cats, coughing is not a heart symptom.

First aid for a cat with fainting

The attack that has begun needs quick and right action host, as, sometimes, it can be fatal.

  1. Put the cat, and it is necessary to give it a lateral position of the head.
  2. Pull out tongue.
  3. Put a cool compress on your head.
  4. Bring a piece of cotton wool soaked in ammonia to the nose.
  5. The paws must be fixed above the head, so there will be more blood flow to the head.
  6. Call the vet.

How to distinguish a healthy cat from a sick one

Since cats generally lead a calm lifestyle, they are couch potatoes, not all owners can distinguish a healthy animal from a sick one. She can report all changes in her state of health by a change in behavior, that is, if used to be a cat kept independently of the owner, and now does not move away from him, then this indicates that something is bothering her.

Some people think it's a sign of health. This is wrong. Purring, abruptly replaced by aggression or growling, indicates that she is in pain.

A healthy animal has:

  • Smooth wool.
  • The nose is wet and cold.
  • The mucous membranes of the eyes are pinkish.
  • The animal is alert and active.

sick animal:

  • Sluggish, lies more than usual.
  • He tries to get away from everyone in a secluded place.
  • Can be very aroused.
  • Meowing is pathetic.
  • The movements are clumsy.
  • The nose is warm with cracks.

Causes of heart failure

  1. Congenital cardiac pathologies. In cats, they are quite rare, about 2% of all cases.
  2. Diseases of the heart muscle caused by infectious diseases.
  3. Cardiomyopathy, which is caused by an inadequate diet of cats. They tend to receive less taurine, which is part of raw fish and meat. During cooking, it collapses.
  4. Heartworms, their larvae are found in mosquitoes. They are microscopic in size. During a mosquito bite, their larvae enter the animal's blood and settle in pulmonary artery. Heartworms can be up to 30 centimeters in size. By his presence in circulatory system they interfere with the outflow of blood and cause tremendous damage to the arteries. Adult individuals entangle the heart, thereby interfering with its full-fledged work. You can detect heartworms with a blood test.
  5. Age hormonal changes. Heart failure is thought to occur in cats older than 6 years of age.
  6. Metabolic disease. Sometimes it leads to improperly constructed food.

Cats should be periodically examined for the presence of heartworms, this will help to avoid heart disease. A lack of taurine, noticed in a timely manner, must be introduced into the feed of cats, due to which the vital activity of the heart muscle is restored.


Diagnosis should be carried out by a qualified veterinary cardiologist in order to prescribe the correct treatment. It usually includes:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Chest X-ray.

If a cat has been diagnosed with heart failure, then it should be excluded from planning for breeding offspring, since important role plays a hereditary factor.

Treatment and care

Treatment of cats from this disease depends on the severity of the course of the disease. Sometimes it is carried out exclusively in the conditions of a daily stay in veterinary clinic. Cats do not undergo heart surgery. They, during illness, are assigned only drug treatment. The sooner they are diagnosed with heart failure, the more likely they are to survive. For recovery it is necessary:

  • Complete peace of mind. The pet must be limited from any stress - it can be a working vacuum cleaner, a trip to public transport or the arrival of guests.
  • Treatment with diuretics removes excess fluid from the body. Fluid during illness can accumulate near the lungs, thereby causing swelling. IN chest causing pleurisy. IN abdominal cavity causing ascites. Reducing the amount of fluid in the body helps reduce the workload on the heart.
  • Treatment ACE inhibitors, which reduce the load on the heart by increasing the outflow of blood.
  • Positive inotropes make the heart pump harder, control the heartbeat, slow it down so that it throws more blood into the body.
  • When the fluid content in the body of cats is greatly increased, the veterinarian will pump out and, thereby, remove it from the body. The cat will feel relieved for a while, but this will not last long, as the liquid will return back. Pumping is carried out by inserting a sterile needle into the desired location.
  • Balanced diet.

Heart failure in an animal requires careful care:

  • Cats need food that is low in salt. Salt retains water in the body, which leads to poor blood circulation.
  • Feed with high content taurine and protein.
  • Heart failure means regular veterinary consultations and ongoing treatment.


Cats with heart failure need prophylaxis to keep them active. It is necessary to try to "stir up" animals leading a "sofa" lifestyle. Obese cats are at risk for heart disease. It is necessary to monitor the correct nutrition of the pet. An annual check-up by the veterinarian will protect him from heart disease.

Also prone to heart disease are sphinxes, British, Persian, Scottish cats, maine coons. This does not mean that all cats of these breeds, sooner or later, have heart problems. Such a statement means that in representatives of these breeds, heart disease manifests itself at an earlier age.

Heart failure in neutered cats is quite common because these animals are very lazy. They drive sedentary image life and are obese.

Need to increased attention give, as they are more prone to heart disease.

The diagnosis of heart failure in cats is not a sentence. The main thing is to notice the first symptoms of the disease in time, to carry out regular examination and treatment. Monitor your pet's diet. With proper care and care, a cat can please its owner with caress and beauty for a long time.

Salivation is normal physiological process . However, one of the most FAQ veterinarian Why do cats drool from their mouths?

Despite the outward resemblance to water, saliva has little in common with it. Its viscosity is 35 times higher than the viscosity of water.

Saliva moistens food, helps taste buds to distinguish the taste of food, lubricates it, making it easier to swallow. She is the first to take part in the process of digestion, breaking down carbohydrates.

Saliva are hardworking orderlies. They fight germs and keep your mouth clean.

Saliva is constantly produced in salivary glands . healthy cats they do not blow bubbles out of their mouths, however, some especially emotional persons are able to do this for pleasure, for example, when their owner strokes them. Fragrant food can also cause profuse salivation in some felines.. Increased salivation is observed in animals in stressful situations and when motion sickness in transport. Stress for a cat is not only some events of extraordinary importance. noisy company or small children can cause nervous strain in an animal. So, ptyalism is provoked:

  • Fragrant odors.
  • The caress of the owner.
  • Stress.
  • Transport.

At the kitten increased salivation may be associated with tooth replacement, which occurs at about 3 and 7 months. Sometimes ptyalism is a consequence anatomical features skull structures.

Excessive ptyalism in cats

First you need to decide what excessive salivation is. Signs of increased salivation:

  • Wet muzzle, chest and front paws;
  • Frequent swallowing;
  • Excessive hygiene procedures;
  • After sleeping and resting, the bedding of the animal remains wet.

Salivation itself is not a disease, but its excess clearly indicates that the cat is unwell.

Diseases that accompany hypersalivation

Viral diseases, poisoning, diseases of the teeth and gums, problems with the pharynx and digestive system, and chronic diseases may cause profuse salivation.

A common cause of drooling rivers is poisoning from house flowers.. Many houseplants safe for humans, but pose a threat to the health of the animal.

If the house grows: azalea, dieffenbachia, monstera, begonia, Decembrist, dracaena or cyclamen - you have cause for concern. This is far from full list dangerous colors for cats.

Can provoke pet poisoning and medications forgotten on the table, and household chemicals not cleaned up well enough. If poisoning is suspected, the cat must be taken to urgently deliver to the veterinary clinic.

Caries and gingivitis are often accompanied by saliva. Do not forget to brush your pet's teeth, if you find caries on your teeth, you need to see a doctor and cure it or remove a bad tooth. Gingivitis - serious illness that requires treatment under the guidance an experienced doctor. Injuries and microtraumas of the oral cavity cause anxiety and increased salivation.

IMPORTANT! Grow at home useful herbs: oats, wheat, barley.

A foreign object in the throat causes the cat to cough, trying to drive out the stranger. Accompanied by all streams of saliva. This is mainly a problem of long-haired felines, which have hairballs clogged in their throats. Don't forget to brush your long-haired beauties and give them periodically special means to remove the eaten wool.

Viral infection is often accompanied transparent saliva . An increase in body temperature causes the cat to drink a lot. Excess fluid causes nausea and hypersalivation. Symptoms viral infection are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • cough.

Herpes, calicivirus - one of the strongest provocateurs of ptyalism.

Drooling profusely with problems with internal organs : liver, kidneys, stomach. Ptyalism is characteristic of animals suffering from allergies and diabetes. There are frequent cases when salivation was the only symptom helminthic invasion animal.

Cancer of the stomach and intestines is accompanied by ptyalism. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of this disease in the vast majority of cases occurs on late stages and all that the doctor can offer is to alleviate and stabilize the condition of the animal.

by the most terrible diagnosis that accompanies salivation is rabies. There is little chance of getting infected by a cat living in an apartment, however, it is necessary to know about this terrible disease.

In addition to profuse salivation can be fixed abrupt change sentiments, the animal becomes aggressive or, on the contrary, too affectionate, there is a violation of coordination, seizures similar to epileptic ones are possible. The cat has photophobia.

ATTENTION! Rabies is contagious to humans!

What to do with excessive salivation

As soon as you notice increased drooling of a pet, analyzed its behavior, realized that your cat's ptyalism has nothing to do with kitchen aromas, anxiety, or excessive pleasure, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

The doctor will visual inspection animal, palpation of organs, prescribe laboratory research, after which he will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

How to protect your pet

Prevention of hypersalivation is Attentive attitude to the pet. Remove plants from the house, leaving only herbs that are safe for the cat.

Take good care of your oral health. Brush your cat regularly. Medicines and household chemicals should always be removed in a place inaccessible to the animal.

Do not forget about annual vaccination, including against rabies. Treat your pet for fleas and ticks twice a year and deworm.

Useful video

A wet muzzle and wet paws are an occasion to look into the cat's mouth and find out why the saliva is flowing:

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