Preventive measures to prevent terrorist acts. The attack warning did not cause panic in Barcelona. Upon receipt of a threat in writing

SIC! THEY SAY ONE THING AND DO IT...?! “The Kremlin does not plan to increase security after the US warnings about terrorist attacks in Russian cities. Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that measures to prevent the terrorist threat in Russia are being taken regularly, so the statement from Washington that terrorists from Syria will come to Russia, nothing will change in this work." We have special services that deal with the fight against terrorism. They do this on an ongoing basis. All necessary measures are taken not on the occasion of something, they are taken on an ongoing basis." ()

I would very much not like to whip up panic in order to avoid speculation and accusations of any lies and misinformation, but "he who is warned is armed" - be vigilant, be careful! Analysis of the situation and "stuffing" in the information field of reports about the possibility of new terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia, the alleged penetration of 18 ISIS suicide bombers (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) in connection with the war in Syria, preparing sabotage against the civilian population in large cities, with a mass gathering of people, in shopping and shopping and entertainment centers (hypermarkets, malls, etc.) and at transport infrastructure facilities (metro, surface transport, railway). According to indirect data, according to the alleged warnings that are rapidly spreading in social networks about the possibility of such actions, starting from the next weekend; allegedly canceling weekends and holidays among the personnel of special services, law enforcement agencies, enhanced (including covert) patrols, surveillance, inspections of housing stock, etc.

Under the "mask of the world" (fragment)

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation saw in the statements of US State Department spokesman John Kirby about the terrorist attacks in Russia a "frank admission" of American influence on terrorists. This is stated in the statement of the Russian military department received by Slon. “Particularly striking is Kirby's admission that the extent of direct American influence on terrorist activities is global. And reach out including to Russia. Are the masks off, gentlemen? - the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov are quoted in the message. The Ministry of Defense also considered the words of the representative of the State Department “a recognition that the entire opposition” allegedly waging a “civil war” in Syria is an international terrorist “international” controlled by the United States. Earlier, Kirby, in response to a question about the consequences for Russia of the failure of the agreement between Moscow and Washington on cooperation in Syria, noted that "extremists will continue to exploit the gaps to expand their operations, including<…>in Russian cities, and Russia will continue to send soldiers home in body bags". As stated in the response of the Ministry of Defense to these words, "in the event of attempts to implement threats to Russia and Russian military personnel in Syria, it is far from certain that the militants will have bags and time to run away"() The last "roaring" statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not testify to the "mind" of the presumptuous propagandists - God forbid they let someone through, the shoulder straps will fly, the "starfall" will begin, but the hawks ... all "God's dew".


Moscow and Washington, after the failure of the ceasefire, which the parties agreed on for several months, accused each other of failing to fulfill their part of the obligations to establish a truce. In particular, on September 28, the United States threatened to completely suspend cooperation with Russia. A ceasefire in Syria was announced on September 12, the Syrian army announced that the ceasefire was over, on September 19 ()

P.S. ...

On the eve of terrorist attacks, judging by past attempts (successful and thwarted), preventive so-called. "checks" - a reaction to the actions of operatives, special services, etc. Therefore, "ordinary", it would seem "hooliganism" in the Moscow metro, can have very, very far-reaching consequences. Three men who shot at a train in the Moscow metro were detained: "Three suspects who shot at a train in the Moscow metro were detained in Moscow. Alexei Myshlyaev, head of the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate at the Moscow metro, told the RG correspondent. As RG already wrote, hooligans , armed with a traumatic pistol, began firing at the cars between the Vykhino and Lermontovsky Prospekt stations. On this stretch, the metro train passes part of the way on the ground. As a result, the glass was damaged in the train "() One of the Moscow metro trains was fired on in the open section of Tagansko -Krasnopresnenskaya line Shooting was carried out from an air pistol, - reports the Department of Internal Affairs on the Moscow metro. It is noteworthy that the Department of Internal Affairs sends to the media information and operational footage about the shooting in the subway under the heading "Glorious son of the Dagestan people." This is wrong and not politically correct, - says the director of the information-analytical center "Sova" A. Verkhovsky. According to Verkhovsky, in this case, a disciplinary sanction can be applied, for example, to deprive the prize of the person who compiled the press release "()

N.B. ...

Meanwhile, credible sources testify that the post of the head of the Ministry of State Security is being prepared for the ex-Speaker of the State Duma (for more details, "The reason" for the reform will be "tied", I hope it will not be so "bloody" ?!

Netizens were frightened by fake messages about terrorist attacks being prepared throughout Russia, sent by unknown people on VKontakte, WhatsApp and Viber. The same messages were distributed in a number of schools and kindergartens, writes In them, on behalf of the "original source in the FSB of the Russian Federation," it is stated that in connection with Russia's actions in Syria, large cities of Russia are expecting terrorist attacks. People are advised not to go to hypermarkets and entertainment complexes, as "18 suicide bombers have been sent to Russia." “These leaflets are being spammed everywhere and everywhere, on Viber, WhatsApp and in public VKontakte. We were also spammed. This crap was thrown in last November and December, and now, too, they didn’t even bother to change the text, ”- complains one of the users.

At the same time, many users took the threat seriously and urged others to be on their guard: “Once again, it would not hurt to keep your ears open. Who is forewarned is forearmed. Otherwise, you yourself don’t see what clouds are gathering.” Others were suspicious of the attack warning and hoped that the message would eventually turn out to be a fake.

The most notorious terrorist attacks in the world

Spreaders of disinformation play on human fear, sowing panic among the population. Despite the fact that the warning still refers to DAISH banned in Russia in the old way - ISIS - people still believe. They can be understood. The scope of terrorism in recent years is too monstrous. HistoryTime decided to recall the most high-profile terrorist attacks in recent times.

July 22, 2011 There was a double attack in Norway. First, there was an explosion near the government complex in the center of the Norwegian capital Oslo, where the office of the Prime Minister of the country is located. The power of the explosive device, according to experts, ranged from 400 to 700 kilograms of TNT. About 250 people were inside the government building at the time of the explosion. A few hours later, a man in a police uniform opened fire at the Norwegian Workers' Party youth camp on the island of Uteya, located in the Buskerud district on Lake Tyrfjord. The criminal shot defenseless people for an hour and a half. 77 people became victims of the terrorist attack, 151 people were injured. At the scene of the second terrorist attack, the suspected 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian Anders Breivik was detained by the authorities. The terrorist surrendered to the police without offering resistance.

April 11, 2011 An explosion occurred at the Oktyabrskaya station of the Moscow line of the Minsk metro (Belarus). The attack claimed the lives of 15 people, more than 200 were injured. The terrorists, citizens of Belarus - Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev, were soon arrested. In the fall of 2011, the court sentenced both to capital punishment - the death penalty. Kovalev filed a petition for pardon, but the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko refused to pardon the convicts - due to "the exceptional danger and severity of the consequences for society from the crimes committed." In March 2012, the sentence was carried out.

October 18, 2007 One of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Pakistani history took place. The motorcade of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, who returned to his homeland, was moving along one of the central streets of Karachi when two explosions thundered. Explosive devices went off just five to seven meters from the armored van in which Benazir and her supporters were traveling. The death toll reached 140 people, more than 500 were injured. Bhutto herself was not seriously injured.

July 7, 2005 in London (UK) there was a series of explosions: one after another, four explosive devices went off at the central stations of the London Underground (King's Cross, Edgeware Road and Aldgate) and on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. The four suicide bombings claimed the lives of 52 passengers and injured 700 others. The attacks went down in history under the name "7/7". The perpetrators of the "7/7 attacks" were four men aged 18 to 30 years. Three of them were born and raised in Pakistani families in the UK, and the fourth was a Jamaican living in Britain.

September 1, 2004 in Beslan (North Ossetia), a detachment of terrorists led by Rasul Khachbarov, numbering more than 30 people, seized the building of school No. 1. 1128 people were taken hostage, mostly children. On September 2, 2004, the terrorists agreed to let Ruslan Aushev, ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, into the school building. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only about 25 women and small children with him. On September 3, 2004, a spontaneous operation was carried out to free the hostages. At noon, a car with four employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation arrived at the school building, who were supposed to pick up the corpses of people shot by terrorists from the schoolyard. At that moment, two or three explosions were suddenly heard in the building itself, after which random shooting began from both sides, and children and women began to jump out of the windows and the gap formed in the wall (almost all the men who found themselves in the school were shot by terrorists during the first two days ). The result of the terrorist action was 335 dead, including 318 hostages, of which 186 were children. 810 hostages and residents of Beslan were wounded, as well as members of the FSB special forces, police and military personnel. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Beslan.

March 11, 2004 Several bombs were detonated at the central station of the Spanish capital Atocha. As a result of the attack, 191 people died and about two thousand were injured. A SWAT soldier who died during the storming of a terrorist safe house in the Madrid suburb of Leganes in April 2004 became the 192nd victim. Explosions in four Madrid electric trains were organized by international terrorists - immigrants from North African countries - in order to take revenge on Spain for participating in the war in Iraq. Seven direct participants in the attack, who did not want to surrender to the police, committed suicide in Leganes. Two dozen of their accomplices were sentenced in autumn 2007 to various prison terms.

October 23, 2002 at 9:15 pm, a group of armed militants led by Movsar Barayev broke into the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, on Melnikova Street (the former Palace of Culture of the State Bearing Plant). At that time, the musical "Nord-Ost" was going on in the Palace of Culture, there were more than 900 people in the hall. The terrorists declared all people - spectators and theater workers - hostages and began to mine the building. After attempts by the secret services to establish contact with the militants, State Duma deputy Iosif Kobzon, British journalist Mark Franchetti and two Red Cross doctors entered the center. Soon they took a woman and three children out of the building. At 19:00 on October 24, 2002, the Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera showed the appeal of Movsar Barayev's militants, recorded a few days before the capture of the Palace of Culture: the terrorists declared themselves suicide bombers and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. On the morning of October 26, 2002, the special forces launched an assault, during which nerve gas was used, soon the Theater Center was taken by special services, Movsar Barayev and most of the terrorists were destroyed. The number of neutralized terrorists was 50 people - 18 women and 32 men. Three terrorists were detained. The attack killed 130 people.

September 11, 2001 19 terrorists related to the ultra-radical international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, divided into four groups, hijacked four scheduled airliners in the United States. The terrorists sent two of these planes to the towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC-1 tower (north), and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the WTC-2 tower (south). As a result, both towers collapsed, causing serious damage to adjacent buildings. The third plane (American Airlines Flight 77) was sent by terrorists to the Pentagon, located near Washington. The passengers and crew of the fourth airliner (United Airlines Flight 93) tried to take control of the plane from the terrorists, the liner crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The victims of the attacks were 2973 people, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers.

Moscow, December 25 - AiF-Moscow.

The warning about a possible terrorist attack in Barcelona did not lead to panic, residents and guests of the city continue to celebrate Christmas, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Fermin Villar, president of the Friends of the Rambla public organization.

He told the agency about the situation on the Rambla, which, according to the US State Department, could become a target for terrorists. On August 17, 2017, a terrorist attack was already committed here: the driver of a minivan knocked down 15 people to death. About the possible repetition of the attack in the US military department on Sunday, December 23. According to him, the attack can be staged during the Christmas and New Year holidays. In this regard, the police are taking enhanced security measures: they check cars and buses, as well as drivers' documents. Patrolling in the city has been stepped up, especially in crowded places.

According to unconfirmed information from the Spanish media, a native of Morocco named Brahim Lmidi is wanted. According to El Periodico, he planned to hit pedestrians on a bus or similar vehicle. In this regard, drivers were instructed to carry the keys to the buses with them at all times.

According to Villar, despite the precautions, the city continues to live its own life. At the same time, it is noted that only after the terrorist attack in 2017, the Barcelona City Hall installed entry restrictions on the main pedestrian street, which have long been in many other cities, and increased patrolling. Cars and minibuses of law enforcement agencies of Catalonia Mossos d "Esquadra constantly block the entrance to the Rambla from both sides.

“There are always a lot of police in the Rambla area after the terrorist attack in 2017, so I didn’t see much difference. But, indeed, they clearly strengthened control in public transport, on the streets adjacent to the Rambla, in other areas of the city,” Villar said. He called the situation in the city calm. “There is no panic, normal life goes on. Yesterday, on the eve of Christmas, there were a lot of people. All shops, restaurants, cafes were open. This morning, due to the holiday, many shops are closed, but this is all over Spain. All cafes and bars are open,” the source said.

Tomorrow is also a day off in Catalonia - Saint Stephen's Day will be celebrated here.

Yesterday, a meeting of the anti-terrorist committee was held in Madrid, the participants of which decided to maintain the fourth level of the terrorist threat out of five possible, which has been in force in Spain since the summer of 2015 and did not increase even during the terrorist attacks last summer.

Chapter 6

Antiterrorist activity is a new priority direction in the education system of Russia, aimed at improving the security measures of the individual, society and the state.

An analysis of the state of security of the education system shows that, unfortunately, despite the repeated terrorist manifestations in the educational institution, it is fragmented and unsystematic. This is manifested in the poor technical equipment of the educational institution, the low level of training of students, teaching staff and employees of the educational institution.

Training of trainees and employees of educational institutions for actions in situations caused by terrorist acts, as well as threats of a social and criminal nature, and taking measures to prevent them at the present stage, is becoming one of the priority areas in the general system of providing life safety.

6.1. Legal basis, goals and principles of combating terrorism

legal basis fight against terrorism are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism", other federal laws, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to counter terrorism ”, as well as other regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.

In addition, the legal regulation of the fight against terrorist activities is carried out on the basis of the following international treaties:

Declaration on measures to eliminate international terrorism (approved by resolution 49/60 of the UN General Assembly of December 9, 1994, additions approved by resolution 51/120 of the UN General Assembly of December 17, 1996);

Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection (adopted March 1, 1991).

basic principles of combating terrorism:


the priority of measures to prevent terrorism; the inevitability of punishment for carrying out terrorist activities;

a combination of overt and covert methods of combating terrorism;

integrated use of preventive legal, political, socio-economic, propaganda measures;

the priority of protecting the rights of persons endangered as a result of a terrorist act;

minimal concessions to terrorists;

unity of command in the management of the forces and means involved in the conduct of counter-terrorist operations;

minimal publicity of the technical methods and tactics of conducting counter-terrorist operations, as well as the composition of the participants in these operations;

objectives of the fight against terrorism:

protection of the individual, society and the state from terrorism;

prevention, detection, suppression of terrorist activities and minimization of its consequences;

identification and elimination of the causes contributing to the implementation of terrorist activities.

In addition, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the fight against terrorism" establishes:

competencies of entities engaged in the fight against terrorism; the procedure and legal regime for conducting counter-terrorist operations;

the procedure for compensation for harm caused as a result of a terrorist act, as well as the social rehabilitation of persons affected as a result of a terrorist act;

legal and social protection of persons participating in the fight against terrorism;

liability for participation in terrorist activities; procedure for control and supervision of the legality of the implementation of the fight against terrorism.

Main the subject of counter-terrorism leadership and providing it with the necessary forces, means and resources is the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal executive authorities participate in the fight against terrorism within the limits of their competence established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Subjects directly involved in the fight against terrorism within their competence are:

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation;

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.

In order to coordinate the activities of entities engaged in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation or decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, anti-terrorist commissions at the federal and regional levels.

The Federal Anti-Terrorism Commission performs the following main tasks:

develops the foundations of state policy in the field of combating terrorism in the Russian Federation and recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of work to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of terrorism and the implementation of terrorist activities;

collects and analyzes information on the state and trends of terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation;

coordinates the activities of the federal executive authorities engaged in the fight against terrorism in order to achieve coordination of their actions to prevent, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the preparation and implementation of terrorist actions;

takes part in the preparation of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of combating terrorism;

develops proposals for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of combating terrorism.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1999 No. 1040 “On Measures to Counter Terrorism”, in particular, recommended :

create temporary operational headquarters under these bodies to solve problems in the field of protecting the population, objects of special importance and objects related to the life support of the population from manifestations of terrorism.

develop and implement a set of urgent measures to improve the security of residential microdistricts, places of mass stay of people, educational, health care, culture and sports institutions. To provide for the allocation of the necessary financial resources for these purposes, including for the technical strengthening of attics and basements, the installation of code locks and intercoms in entrances, the placement of means of emergency communication between citizens and the police and television viewing installations in crowded places;

deploy explanatory work among the population aimed at increasing organization and vigilance, readiness for action in emergencies, strengthening interaction with law enforcement agencies;

to strengthen control over compliance with the rules of registration of citizens at their place of residence and at the place of residence and over the use of premises of residential buildings for industrial, commercial and other purposes;

provide for the allocation of appropriations to increase the number of search dogs in the internal affairs bodies, technical means for detecting and neutralizing explosive devices and explosives;

more actively involve the population, private security companies, security services of organizations and public organizations in assisting law enforcement agencies in carrying out preventive work at the place of residence of citizens, including the protection of residential buildings and entrances, ensuring public order in residential areas.

In addition, in accordance with the Federal Laws “On Civil Defense” (Article 10), “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-made Emergencies” (Articles 18, 19), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1999 No. No. 620 “On civil organizations of civil defense” by housing and communal and other organizations responsible for the maintenance and operation of electrical, heat and gas networks for domestic purposes, water supply systems for the population and sewer networks, representing a high degree of danger of emergency situations in wartime and peacetime , on the territories of municipalities (territories of settlements that are municipalities, districts, microdistricts, residential areas, streets, yards and other territories) by decisions of the heads of local governments - heads of civil defense, Civil GO organizations.

The fulfillment of tasks by these formations is a form of participation of the population in measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural and other disasters, as well as terrorist acts.

Direct management of the creation and functioning of civil civil defense organizations is entrusted to the organizations that create them.

Methodical management of the creation and functioning of civil defense organizations in the territories of municipalities is assigned to the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations.

The procedure for the creation of civil civil defense organizations in the territories of municipalities is determined by local governments in agreement with the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

The composition of civil civil society organizations may include persons permanently residing in the territory of municipalities.

Accounting for civil defense organizations is organized by the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations under self-government bodies.

In detachments of civilian civil defense organizations, a list of posts and strongholds of civil defense is kept.

In the administrative bodies for civil defense and emergency situations at local governments, a quantitative record is kept of detachments of civil defense organizations.

In recent years, there have been many phone calls about false acts of terrorism, about mining objects of education, healthcare, transport, energy and other life support facilities.

Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines penalties for knowingly false information about impending explosions, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people or causing significant property damage. The specified act is punishable either by a fine, or by execution, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.

6.2. Basic concepts

Terrorism- violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as the destruction (damage) or the threat of destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, creating the danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or other socially dangerous consequences, carried out in order to violation of public security, intimidation of the population or influence on the adoption by the authorities of decisions beneficial to terrorists, or the satisfaction of their illegal property and (or) other interests;

encroachment on the life of a statesman or public figure, committed in order to stop his state or other political activities or out of revenge for such activities;

an attack on a representative of a foreign state or an employee of an international organization enjoying international protection, as well as on office premises or vehicles of persons enjoying international protection, if this act was committed with the aim of provoking war or complicating international relations.

Terrorist activity- activities that include:

organization, planning, preparation and implementation of a terrorist action;

incitement to a terrorist act, violence against individuals or organizations, destruction of material objects for terrorist purposes;

the organization of an illegal armed formation, a criminal community (criminal organization), an organized group to commit a terrorist act, as well as participation in such an action;

recruitment, arming, training and use of terrorists;

financing or other assistance to a knowingly terrorist organization or terrorist group.

Terrorist action (terrorist act)- direct commission of a crime of a terrorist nature in the form of:

explosion, arson, use or threat of use of nuclear explosive devices, radioactive, chemical, biological, explosive, toxic, poisonous, potent, poisonous substances;

destruction, damage or seizure of vehicles or other objects;

encroachments on the life of a statesman or public figure, a representative of national, ethnic, religious or other groups of the population;

hostage-taking, kidnapping;

creating a danger of causing harm to life, health or property of an indefinite number of persons by creating conditions for accidents and man-made disasters or a real threat of creating such a danger;

dissemination of threats in any form and by any means;

other actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or the onset of other socially dangerous consequences.

A terrorist act is usually the final stage terrorist operation.

Terrorist- a person involved in the implementation of terrorist activities in any form.

Fight against terrorism- activities to prevent, detect, suppress, minimize the consequences of terrorist activities.

Hostage- an individual captured and (or) held for the purpose of compelling the state, organization or individuals to take any action or refrain from taking any action, subject to the release of the detained person.

Crimes of a terrorist nature- crimes under Articles 205-208, 277 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Other crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may also be classified as crimes of a terrorist nature if they are committed for terrorist purposes. Responsibility for the commission of such crimes comes in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Terrorist acts are carried out in the following main forms.

Sabotage(explosion, spraying of poisonous substances, etc.). Explosions of vehicles, explosions in buildings or in open space in crowded places are carried out in order to cause damage and cause human casualties. As a result of explosions, a large number of random people suffer, so it is this tactic that leads to the strongest psychological effect and takes place in cases where all potential victims are considered by terrorists as political opponents.

Abduction. As a rule, significant figures capable of attracting public attention are abducted: well-known politicians, officials, journalists, diplomats.

Assassination and assassination. One of the main methods of terrorism. Carried out by armed groups. It is distinguished by demonstrative targeting, therefore it is effective for targeted psychological impact on a narrow audience.

Robbery (expropriation). It is carried out both in order to obtain the funds necessary for the struggle, and for propaganda purposes. It acquires the greatest scope during periods of revolutionary destabilization.

"Hijacking"- seizure of a vehicle: an aircraft, a train, a car, a ship. The most common are aircraft hijackings, also referred to as "skyjacking". Skyjacking is the most effective among other types of hijacking, because, firstly, it keeps the special services from carrying out attacks on terrorists due to the high risk of hitting hostages, and secondly, air transport seems to be the most convenient way to hide from persecution.

Capturing buildings. Most often, the buildings of embassies, government offices, party offices are subjected to raids. Chechen terrorism has shown an example of attacks on hospitals and schools. As a rule, a terrorist operation is not limited to the seizure of a building. In the event of a successful course of affairs for the terrorists, they have the opportunity to leave the captured building under the cover of hostages.

Armed attack without death or significant property damage. It is carried out by terrorist organizations at the stage of formation, when the experience of conducting large-scale operations has not yet been accumulated, as well as by active organizations that only need to demonstrate the ability to conduct armed operations.

Cyberterrorism- attacks on computer networks. The emergence of this form of terrorism is associated with the increased role of computers in all spheres of life and with the dependence of the normal life of society on the safety of computer networks. An attack on computers through unauthorized access is carried out in order to sabotage the work of the relevant institutions.

At present, the possibility of using nuclear, chemical, and biological munitions by terrorists for criminal purposes is being considered.

Nuclear terrorism involves the use of radioactive materials as weapons. It can be: a nuclear explosive device; contamination of the area with radioactive substances without a nuclear explosion; an attack by terrorists on a nuclear reactor with the intention of destroying it and carrying out radioactive contamination of the area.

Biological terrorism is the use of biological means of warfare (bacteria, viruses, rickettsia) against the population in order to destroy the maximum number of people. The most common and accessible biological agents for carrying out terrorist acts are pathogens of dangerous infections such as anthrax, smallpox, and tularemia.

Chemical terrorism involves the use of chemical weapons for terrorist purposes. This may be an attack with the intent to kill the maximum number of people (the most famous example is the sarin gas attack carried out by the AUM Shinrikyo religious sect in the subway of the Japanese city of Nagano in June 1994) or the poisoning of food products, water, etc. for the purpose of blackmail or causing real economic damage (for example, in 1978, Palestinian terrorists contaminated batches of oranges shipped from Israel to European countries with mercury).

The current threat electromagnetic terrorism, which consists in creating a powerful electromagnetic impulse that affects the vulnerable electronic elements of the civilizational environment: electronic equipment for the most diverse purposes - from computers to burglar alarms and communications. Thus, computer terrorism can be considered as a special case of electromagnetic terrorism.

space terrorism means the destruction of satellites and other spacecraft or the creation of interference that prevents their normal operation, or the capture and use of spacecraft to provide terrorists with communications or for use in terrorist combat operations.

The trends in the manifestations of terrorism are such that the most urgent is the threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction, since today the components of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons have become more accessible than they were a few years ago. At the same time, chemical weapons are more accessible, simpler and cheaper to manufacture, more compact in comparison with nuclear and biological materials. Therefore, the use of chemical weapons is the most promising from the point of view of terrorists.

There is a real danger of using means of electromagnetic and cybernetic terrorism. Indeed, unlike nuclear, biological, chemical terrorism, electromagnetic impact leaves no traces, does not require individual protection and disguise from terrorists. Actions can be carried out simultaneously for a large number of purposes, remotely and using mobile means.

Space terrorism today seems to be a distant prospect. But the increasing number of satellites in orbit and the real possibility of building spacecraft by third world countries is approaching the time when it will become as feasible as hijacking an aircraft.

Further development of technological and psychological terrorism is expected.

Under technological terrorism refers to the destruction (damage) or the threat of destruction (damage) of potentially dangerous objects (radiation-, chemical-, explosion-, fire-hazardous objects, main pipelines, hydraulic structures, etc.) that create the danger of an emergency.

Recently, the scale of the so-called psychological terror in the form of anonymous threats against senior officials, heads of ministries, departments, regions, members of the deputy corps, entrepreneurs.

6.3. General characteristics of terrorist and socio-criminal threats

As a threat to Russia's national security, terrorism covers all the main spheres of the country's public life with its destructive impact.

Direct violent encroachments on the life, health and property of citizens, as well as on material objects for various purposes, entail serious damage to the security of the population and the country's economy. At the same time, they undermine the stability of the political system of society, the stability of the political course, and in some cases even paralyze the actions of the authorities and contribute to undermining their authority among the population.

The organizers of terrorist acts seek to sow fear among the population, protest government policies, cause economic damage to the state or private firms, destroy their rivals, and impede the work of law enforcement agencies.

Under certain conditions, terrorist actions can lead to large-scale environmental and economic disasters and mass deaths. Thus, the number of threats of explosions at nuclear power facilities, transport, environmentally hazardous industries, as well as explosions in crowded places, including the metro, large shopping and entertainment complexes, has recently increased significantly.

An equally terrible effect of terrorist acts is the demoralization of society, forcing an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty, intimidation, paralysis and suppression of public will, dissatisfaction with the authorities and law enforcement agencies, the elimination of democratic institutions of society, and the difficulty in the normal functioning of state bodies.

The term "terrorism" comes from the Latin terror- fear, horror. It is precisely bringing people to a state of horror that is the psychological stake of modern terrorism. To this end, terrorist attacks are often carried out in the so-called "sleeping" areas, at night, that is, exactly where and when a person is used to feeling most safe - under the roof of his own house.

Terrorist threats

Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous challenges to the security of society. It poses a particular danger to large objects, educational, political, economic and cultural centers. Terrorist acts are becoming more and more large-scale and diverse in the forms of manifestation and the use of technical means.

The main terrorist threats include:

attack on military targets (capture, explosion, shelling, etc.);

explosions in crowded places (metro, railway stations, transport, residential areas); kidnapping and hostage-taking;

seizure of aircraft and other passenger vehicles;

destruction of objects important for the life of the population;

disruption of aviation and railway traffic control systems, power supply lines, communications equipment, computer equipment and other electronic devices (electromagnetic terrorism);

violation of the psychophysical state of people;

penetration with the aim of disrupting work in information networks;

hacker attacks on computer networks;

introduction through the press, radio and television of information that can cause distorted public opinion, unrest in society;

the use of chemical and radioactive substances in places of mass stay of people;

poisoning (contamination) of water supply systems, food;

artificial spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The main prerequisites that aggravate the emergence of a terrorist threat are:

the persistence of social tension, the unresolved socio-economic, political and everyday problems in a number of regions;

a combination of organized terrorist organizations with a large number of independent autonomous cells and individuals;

the growth of the "intellectual" level of terrorism and the emergence of new types of terrorism (information, technogenic, cybernetic, etc.);

expansion of the number of methods of terrorist activity (biological, chemical, radiation, computer, psychotronic, etc.);

the unpredictability of acts of terrorism, when violence is directed not against specific persons and objects, but at the indiscriminate killing of random people.

The implementation of these threats can lead to:

to disruption for a long period of normal life of the city, region;

to create an atmosphere of fear;

to a large number of victims.

Criminal threats

The increased criminalization of various aspects of society's life causes serious damage to the ideas of democratization and disrupts the normal life of the population.

The main criminal threats include:

increased criminal pressure on the life of society;

the possibility of merging of criminal forces with representatives of power structures;

transition under the control of criminal groups of banks, economic and trade and educational centers;

corruption in state, regional and local bodies, as well as in law enforcement agencies;

the influence of criminal structures on market prices - on food, building materials, textbooks, etc.

The main prerequisites that exacerbate the emergence of criminal and terrorist threats are:

shortcomings in the implementation of legislation both at the federal and local levels;

insufficient level of security and training of law enforcement officers in the fight against crime;

decrease in the level of culture and legal consciousness of the population;

the weakening of social control, for example, in the field of migration;

poor detection of crimes.

These events lead to:

creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty;

to the growth of the influence of criminal groups in settlements;

to the paralysis of the upbringing and educational process in individual educational institutions;

to the depreciation of democratic values ​​in the minds of trainees.

Significant burdens on the psyche and consciousness of people caused by social, political, economic, criminal dangers create psychological threats for the individual, social groups and society as a whole.

To threats of a socio-psychological nature OU includes:

the growth of psychological tension due to the increase in the number of stressful situations in society, in the staff of the educational institution, in families;

increased psychological tension due to an increased sense of social insecurity:

in children - from the impossibility of understanding what is happening in the world;

among the unsecured segments of the population - from the lack of material security.

Against this background, aggravated:

opposition of generations on the basis of differences in living conditions and motivations;

informational imposition of "Western" stereotypes of perception, thinking, behavior, introduced into the minds of young people without taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality and the real capabilities of people;

"zombification" of people's consciousness through the media, for example, advertising and psychotronic methods of influence;

legal nihilism, loss of faith in reason, honesty and humanity of political leaders;

changing the life values ​​of students in the direction of consumer and individualistic (egocentric) psychology;

an increase in the number of mental illnesses among adolescents, parents and educators;

the growth of alcohol consumption, the spread of drug addiction;

the formation in the media of the cult of wealth (due to its acquisition by any means), aggression and violence, as the most modern life values, and, as a result, the loss of orientation towards moral, spiritual and cultural values.

So, the main prerequisites that aggravate the emergence of threats of a terrorist, criminal and socio-psychological nature in the OS are:

an increase in tension due to the instability of the economic and financial situation, an increase in stressful and psychogenic factors in the family, in educational institutions, at work, on the street, etc.;

strengthening of criminogenic factors and temptations;

social and psychological isolation of children and adolescents from adults;

lack of legal and psychological culture among some teachers, representatives of authorities and the population as a whole;

destruction and lack of purposeful ways of forming spiritual, moral, cultural, social and economic foundations for the unification of society;

a decrease in the general humanitarian culture in the education system, a violation of the continuity of socio-cultural, national traditions and, as a result, the assimilation of standards and models alien to the Russian mentality (the Russian mentality is catholicity, the Western one is individualism);

weakening state and social control over illegal behavior;

insufficiency of spatial (landscape), housing, cultural, sports and other social conditions for psychological relief and comfort of the population (parks, squares, interest clubs, free sports grounds, inexpensive cafes, etc.);

a sharp decrease in the opportunities for productive and morally appropriate implementation of the activity of children and adolescents, which is why their activity is realized in illegal and immoral forms (from vandalism to crime);

aggressiveness of the information video environment.

Implementation of threats of a psychological nature in the OS can lead to:

to mental health problems;

to an increase in mental illness, suicide and crime.

It can be concluded that in conditions of social tension and crisis phenomena, a vicious circle of self-reproduction of dangers is formed: some threats become prerequisites for others, those for others, etc. Therefore, a one-sided approach - fighting one of the segments of this vicious circle - is practically useless. A comprehensive impact on all these phenomena is necessary.

6.4. Explosives and explosive devices

The main methods of protection against threats of terrorism, in particular, from the use of explosive devices (ED) should be known to every security officer, head of security units, civil defense formations, every employee of the educational institution.

Let's consider some principles of operation of the WU, their external features and possible consequences of the application.

Explosive items

explosive item- a device or substance capable, in the presence of a source of initiation (excitation), to quickly release chemical, electromagnetic, mechanical and other types of energy.

The main types of explosive objects include: aerial bombs (cassettes, bomb bundles, incendiary tanks); missiles and their warheads; shells, mortar rounds and mines; cartridges; grenades; torpedoes, sea mines, etc.; engineering ammunition; explosives; service, home-made and other devices containing explosive materials; chemical and special ammunition.

All explosive objects are divided into four degrees of danger.

1st degree of danger (medium):

aviation bombs; rockets; rocket projectiles; artillery shots and shells, mortar rounds and mines; ammunition for missile systems and grenade launchers; engineering and other ammunition without fuses or with fuses, but without traces of passing through the bore, guide or starting device (without rifling on the leading belts or pins of igniter primers, with folded plumage);

engineering ammunition and hand grenades;

explosive materials without means of blasting (initiation).

2nd degree of danger (high):

ammunition of all types with traces of passing through the bore, guide or starting device (with rifling on the leading bands, with traces of an igniter primer prick or with open plumage); aviation bombs; ammunition that “hung” (did not leave the bore, did not leave the guide, etc.) during combat use;

engineering ammunition and hand grenades with fuses without safety pins;

improvised explosive devices (guided and unguided) without elements of non-removability and non-disposal, explosive nets with initiation devices inserted into the charges;

ammunition of all types with magnetic, acoustic, seismic and other proximity fuses with power sources that have not been transferred to the firing position;

ammunition of all types with traces of mechanical, chemical, thermal and other types of impact.

3rd degree of danger (very high):

ammunition and explosive devices of all types installed in a non-retrievable or non-disposable position;

ammunition of all types with magnetic, acoustic, seismic and other proximity fuses with power sources and transfer to a combat position;

improvised explosive devices (guided and unguided) with elements of indestructibility and non-removability;

explosive objects that cannot be diagnosed.

4th degree of danger (highest): chemical and special (including those based on volumetric detonating systems) ammunition (warheads) in any condition.

All detected explosive objects before their diagnosis are classified as 3rd degree of danger.


Explosives (EX) are chemical compounds or their mixtures that can explode under the influence of an external impulse (impact, puncture, friction, heating, etc.).

They are characterized by the rate of explosive transformation (speed of detonation), the amount of heat released during the explosion, the composition and volume of gas-forming products, their maximum temperature, sensitivity to thermal and mechanical stress, physical and chemical resistance, as well as brisance, performance (high explosive).

According to their composition, explosives are divided into explosive chemical compounds and explosive mixtures, and by purpose - into initiating (primary) and blasting (secondary).

Initiating explosives include mercury fulminate, lead azide, tetrazene, TIRS.

Brisant explosives include RDX, HMX, PETN, tetryl, picric acid, some types of ammonals and ammonites, plastic mixtures of blasting explosives (RDX, tetryl, etc.) with plasticized additives.

Most of the explosives used today are, to one degree or another, derivatives of the products of interaction with nitric acid, which, while not itself an explosive, acquires similar properties in compounds with other substances.

The composition of incendiary devices includes various flammable and self-igniting substances with a high combustion temperature, such as gasolines, oils, magnesia, phosphorus-containing compounds, etc. When interacting, they give a combustion reaction rather than an explosion.

explosive devices

Explosive devices can be very diverse both in appearance and in principle of operation. For example, explosive devices in the form of a bag, a case, a suitcase can explode when you try to move them from their place, lift them, open them.

An explosion can also occur as a result of the triggering of a mechanical or electromechanical delayed fuse, without direct impact on the object, after a predetermined deceleration time has elapsed.

If the VU has a radio fuse, then the explosion can also occur without contact with the VU at any time by a command transmitted by radio.

An explosion can be carried out along the wires of an electroexplosive circuit by connecting any current source.

VUs are common that are triggered when a radio, TV, electric flashlight, mobile phone or other household appliances powered by an electrical network, batteries or batteries are turned on. By turning on these devices, the electrical explosive network is closed, as a result of which the electric detonator or electric fuse is activated and the explosive charge explodes.

For example, in a car, the VU can work when the ignition key is turned or even at the moment when the key is inserted into the ignition lock or energy consumers (headlights, power windows, windshield wipers, etc.) are turned on. The fuse can be installed in the exhaust manifold of the engine, in the muffler. Contact closure will occur after heating the sensitive elements of the fuse (contacts) to a certain temperature.

VUs with clockwork from mechanical, electromechanical or electronic clocks can also be used. Such VU work at a predetermined time.

When exposed to the VU, tension, breaking, unloading, vibration and other elements are triggered, which actuate the fuses.

In addition, the explosive device may contain fuses triggered by a change in the Earth's magnetic field, an acoustic signal in a certain frequency range, the characteristic smell of a person or animal, as well as all types of delayed action fuses.

VU masking methods:

baby carriages;

boxes of fruits and vegetables, confectionery and culinary products;

briefcases, bags, suitcases; wearable "belts of martyrs";

vehicles (trucks, cars, large-tonnage), motorcycles;


under the guise of a baby; radiotelephone, radio station; cinema, photographic equipment, player;

children's toys, etc.

As a cover and to divert attention, the perpetrators of terrorist attacks can use young children.

The so-called surprise mines, which camouflage under attractive gizmos and throw up in prominent places.

"Bomb-souvenir" triggered either when touched, or when you try to open or turn on.

Most of the time these surprises attract the attention of children. The death of a child causes no less resonance than the explosion of a bus, and may be an independent goal of terrorists.

Probable places of explosives bookmarks and committing sabotage and terrorist acts:

state institutions, authorities and administrations, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, places of worship, etc.;

life support facilities;

crowded places (metro, markets, supermarkets, discos, etc.).

Ways to carry VU:

homeless children; disabled people; persons "Homeless";

terrorists with a modified appearance;

terrorists in the uniform of public utilities, special services, private security companies, etc.;

terrorists under the guise of married couples with young children.

Unmasking signs of explosive devices and objects

The unmasking signs of VU are:

the presence of explosives in the design of the WU;

the presence of an antenna with a radio receiver for a radio-controlled VU;

the presence of a clock mechanism or an electronic timer (temporary fuse);

the presence of a wired control line;

the presence of a locally located mass of metal;

inhomogeneity of the host environment (violation of the soil surface, road surface, building walls, violation of the color of vegetation or snow cover, etc.);

the presence of thermal contrast between the installation site of the WU and the surrounding background;

characteristic form of WU;

unusual smell, greasy spots on the package.

The object of the explosion is a personal or company car

The main places for mining in the car are the driver's seat, the bottom under the front seats, the gas tank, the hood and other places. In addition, a mine can be installed near the car or in a neighboring car. But in this case, it is required to control it from the outside by radio or undermine it with an electric wire. In other words, the offender must be close to the scene of the crime and conduct surveillance, which is considered undesirable for him. Warning signs should be: the appearance of any new part inside or outside the car;

remnants of packaging materials, insulating tape, wire cuttings near the car or inside the cabin;

stretched fishing line, wire, wire, cord, rope, one way or another attached to any part of the car;

an antenna-like device;

someone else's bag, box, suitcase, package, bundle inside the cabin or in the trunk;

bags of juices, milk, cans, bundles, boxes, etc. that appeared near the car after parking the car

postal channel

Explosive devices that are placed in envelopes, parcels and parcels can be either instant or delayed. Instantaneous fuses trigger an ED when pressed, struck, pierced, unloaded, structural elements are destroyed, a bright light shines through, etc. For example, EDs in parcels are triggered either when opening or when trying to remove a book or box from a package. Explosive devices in parcels are usually triggered when the lid of the parcel box is opened.

Delayed fuses after a set period (from several hours to several days) either cause an explosion or bring the explosive device into a combat position, after which the triggering of the explosive device occurs instantly in the event of any of the above external influences.

Letters, parcels and parcels with VU have a number of features by which they can be distinguished from ordinary mail. The main features include the following:

the thickness of the letter is from 3 mm and above, while it has separate thickenings;

displacement of the center of gravity of the letter (package) to one of its sides;

the presence in the envelope of moving objects or powdery materials;

the presence of metal or plastic objects in the attachment;

the presence of oil stains, punctures, metal buttons, stripes, etc. on the envelope;

the presence of an unusual smell (grease, burnt plastic, etc.);

“ticking” in parcels and parcels of a clockwork (one of the simplest and most common fuses is made using an ordinary alarm clock);

in envelopes and packages, in parcel boxes, when they are turned over, the rustle of pouring powder is heard.

The presence of at least one of the listed signs (and even more so several at once) suggests the presence of an explosive "filling" in the mail.

Ancillary features include:

especially careful sealing of letters, parcels, parcels, including adhesive tape, paper strips, etc.;

the presence of inscriptions such as “in person”, “open only in person”, “hand in personally”, “secret”, “only to the director (owner, chairman)”, etc.;

the absence of a return address or the name of the sender, their illegible spelling, an obviously fictitious address; homemade non-standard packaging.

The coincidence of several signs increases the risk of a possible explosion.

Preventive inspection of the territory and premises

Such an inspection should be carried out according to the established schedule by at least two people (on the principle that what one misses, another can notice). At the same time, it is not recommended to accumulate in large groups. If possible, do not use radio intercoms in order to exclude accidental operation of a radio-controlled VU, and in order to exclude the operation of a VU with a magnetic type of fuse, do not approach a suspicious object with metal objects.

In the open area, in addition to specific places (for each specific object), garbage bins, sewer manholes, drain grates, basement and basement niches, garbage bins, closed kiosks, sheds, extraneous vehicles, distribution telephone and electrical panels, spillways are inspected without fail. It is also necessary to pay attention to trees, poles, walls of buildings, cornices, roofs of low-rise buildings, etc.

It is necessary to have a plan of the premises to be inspected, to know the location of rooms, stairs, niches, power and telephone communications, ventilation, and sewerage. This allows you to predict in advance the places of possible bookmarks. It is also necessary to have a set of keys to rooms, cabinets, drawers, etc. Before the inspection, it is advisable to turn off the external power supply; if this is difficult for any reason, then during the inspection try not to turn on the equipment being inspected. If there is a suspicion of the presence of an explosive device, open windows and doors in the premises being inspected to disperse a possible blast wave. It is necessary to avoid sudden, ill-conceived movements, especially those associated with moving in space and opening doors, shelves, pressing switches, etc.

In the premises, special attention should be paid to such places as suspended ceilings, ventilation shafts, internal electrical and junction boxes, places behind radiators, lighting ceilings, waste chute trays, garbage bins, elevators, stairwells and other enclosed spaces.

The places where fire equipment is stored (fire extinguishers, hoses, hydrants), niches for storing cleaning equipment, places where power and communication lines pass are also checked.

The greatest danger is posed by places of constant congestion of people, especially those where casual visitors may be: trading floors, secretarial rooms, smoking rooms, toilets, rest rooms, waiting rooms, places where especially chain equipment is located, paints and varnishes, fuels and lubricants, etc. flammable and explosive materials and substances.

Such places must be kept under control. Ventilation shafts, drainpipes and other similar places can be sealed with gratings that restrict access. On the doors of niches, cabinets, attics, basements, switchboards, etc., locks should be hung and sealed.

Actions upon detection of explosive devices and objects

Upon receipt of a message about a laid down VU, the discovery of objects that cause such suspicion, immediately notify the management and the duty service of the facility (where it exists) and report the information received to the duty unit of the ATS. At the same time, give the exact address and name of the organization where the VU was found, phone number.

Prior to the arrival of police officers, it is advisable to stop all work and take measures to fence off a suspicious object and prevent people from reaching it within a radius of up to 50-100 m, evacuate all people from the building (premises) at a distance of at least 200 m.

Upon arrival of specialists in the detection of VU, act in accordance with their instructions.

independently take actions that violate the state of a suspicious object, touch or move a suspicious object and other objects that are in contact with them;

fill with liquids, cover with soil or cover the detected object with fabric and other materials;

use electrical, radio equipment, intercoms or a walkie-talkie near the detected object, move by car;

provide temperature, sound, light, mechanical impact on an explosive object;

touch an explosive object while wearing clothing with synthetic fibers.

In case of detection of an explosive bookmark (as well as an attack, fire and other emergencies), an appropriate plan must be drawn up and tested in advance. Everyone should know who is in charge in such cases (whose orders in a critical situation are not disputed). As a rule, such functions should be assumed by the head responsible for the security of the facility. Security personnel ensure coordination and panic prevention. Everyone should know the ways of evacuating people, removing equipment, valuables. Places of concentration of people at a safe distance should be determined and their census and subsequent protection at the place of concentration should be provided. The procedure for notifying people at the facility and authorities should be determined. Emergency phone numbers should be kept by the duty officer, the security service, and the secretary. It is necessary to conduct mandatory training exercises, because they will inevitably reveal the hidden flaws of the most thoughtful plan and allow them to be avoided in a real situation. In the event of a threat to use the VU when alerting people, it is better to roll out a less dangerous, but fairly plausible version in order to avoid unnecessary panic during evacuation.

After the end of the working day (the departure of employees), the security forces must carry out a thorough inspection of the area and premises to detect explosive and flammable objects, non-switched off devices.

The neutralization of the VU or the localization of the explosion must be carried out by trained demolition miners or other trained specialists after the removal of people from the danger zone and setting up the cordon.

An explosive device can be detected by registering gaseous vapors of products of slow decomposition or evaporation of explosives using chemical, spectrometric and other methods. Special means that react to the presence of explosives include gas analyzers - a family of devices similar in design and principle of operation to the military chemical reconnaissance device (VPKhR), which is used to detect poisonous substances. Depending on the type of explosives used, gas analyzers can quite successfully detect them on the ground, in rooms, in hidden volumes by traces of these explosive vapors in the air. There are stationary models with an autonomous sampler and portable autonomous models, for example, domestic portable gas analyzers VV M-01, M-02.

Recent achievements include neutron flaw detectors, whose operation is based on the detection of explosives as objects with a high content of hydrogen atoms. Neutrons from a weak source of the flaw detector, falling on the explosive, are scattered by hydrogen atoms and are fixed by a receiving device. The domestically produced neutron flaw detector Istok-N is already being produced in a portable version.

However, the best explosive detector is a dog's nose. Specially trained mine detection dogs are able to selectively detect very small amounts of explosives in the ground, passengers' luggage, a case, a car, etc. Unfortunately, the search efficiency depends on the psychophysiological state of the dog. Dogs need constant exercise. Missing work or training for more than 1-2 months reduces the effectiveness of the search.

Facilities security measures

Given the possibility of committing terrorist acts and other crimes on the territory of the OS (hereinafter referred to as facilities), their leaders, together with specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, should develop instructions and action plans in case of various types of emergencies.

In order to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence in the Shelter, the following preventive measures are recommended:

tightening the elements of access control at the entrance and entrance to the territory of the facility, installation of alarm systems, audio and video recordings;

daily bypass of the territory of the Shelter and inspection of places of concentration of valuable or hazardous substances for the timely detection of explosive devices or suspicious persons and objects;

periodic commission inspection of storage facilities;

more careful selection and verification of personnel, individual work with individual students;

organizing and conducting, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical exercises on actions in emergency situations;

when concluding contracts for the lease of warehouse premises, it is mandatory to include clauses that give the right to the administration of the OS, if necessary, to inspect the leased premises at its own discretion.

It is useful to study the premises, components, units installed (built) in the building or near it and around the entire perimeter, to find out who they are served (occupied), who is responsible for their operation and maintenance. You should find out the telephone numbers of tenants and owners of premises and equipment, telephone numbers of higher organizations.

to study the places of possible laying of VU, storage of explosive substances or creation of explosive air or loose mixtures;

to know by sight the employees of public utilities serving the OS;

do not disregard the appearance of strangers who are not related to the educational institution, their desire to examine the object, obtain information about the territory, working hours, employees and students of the educational institution;

pay special attention to the parking near the Shelter of unfamiliar, neglected vehicles, loaded or closed containers and other suspicious items;

install and repair warning and mutual information systems, alarm buttons in a timely manner.

In the interests personal security it is advisable to provide the staff of the educational institution, students and their parents with the following recommendations:

avoid leaving home and work alone, moving in a group is always safer;

make it so that your children go to and from school accompanied by adults. Warn teachers that under no circumstances may your children be met and taken home by strangers, including women;

warn relatives and people close to you that they do not let strangers into the house, do not tell anyone information about your activities, whereabouts at the moment, do not accept any packages or items if they do not know who they were sent from;

do not open the door to strangers, including persons posing as utility workers, maintenance workers, retailers and showing up without prior appointment;

maintain friendly relations with neighbors. Pensioners and women who spend a lot of time around the house can warn you about suspicious types who are interested in you or your car, children, tried to enter the house, etc.;

Discuss with your family what to do if one of you is kidnapped. Make the necessary arrangements for this case, indicate the phone numbers to call, develop your "crisis plan";

if possible, change routes when commuting to and from work. Experience shows that perpetrators usually keep their victim under surveillance in order to choose the right place and time to attack;

try to walk and drive on busy roads, avoid deserted streets and country roads. Check if any person or vehicle is following you;

close all doors in the car with buttons. If you are stopped (for example, by the traffic police), do not get out of the car if the place is deserted and the time of day is dark. Keep the car in gear to leave immediately in case of danger;

if you are being followed from another car, contact the police immediately;

always leave the car in a place where it is supervised: in a guarded parking lot, in sight from a window, in a garage;

when approaching the car, make sure that no one is in it, no one is hiding on the floor between the seats. Look around for a suspicious company nearby. Sometimes criminals "catch" car owners at the very moment when they open the doors, especially in a deserted and dark place.

If you find an explosive item:

do not come close to him;

immediately report the find to the police;

do not let random people touch a suspicious item, try to check it or neutralize it.

Residential protection

The main ways of penetration of criminals into the premises: doors, windows, balconies, less often - breaking through the walls with a directed explosion or in another way.

The door should be made of durable material with a thickness of at least 7 cm. It is not bad to cover it with a metal sheet, mask it with paint, slats, leatherette so as not to attract attention. It is even better to put a double door: the first is made of wood, the second is metal.

In standard rooms, the door is knocked out together with the door frame. You can strengthen the door frame with metal pins concreted in the walls, ceiling and floor. The door should open outward, this is more difficult to knock out. If, in addition, you put an overhead lock on it, then it will be more difficult to crack it, to wring out the bolt of the lock. It is possible to strengthen the door frame and the door frame with steel squares so that the criminal cannot insert a crowbar or an ax into the slot. The outer door must be equipped with a strong metal chain, at least one reliable deadbolt and a viewing eye.

Put at least two reliable locks of various designs on the door (for example, one cylinder and the other lever). They should be at least 35-40 cm apart from each other. It is better to use locks with mechanisms of high secrecy and strength, such as cross-shaped keys or digital dialing. Before installing locks, ask a specialist to slightly complicate the key configuration, as well as modify the locks: you can insert an emphasis into the cylinder lock, and screw an additional screw into the lever lock.

It is desirable that the locking device of the outer door does not have a hole for the key (for example, an electronic lock with code control and an independent power supply system).

To protect the windows, you can recommend double frames of increased strength. If the windows open, make sure that they have strong and reliable latches, as well as a grill or armored film. This also applies to balconies (loggias), regardless of the floor.

It is advisable to conclude an agreement with the local department of private security or internal affairs department on the technical protection of the premises or equip them with an alarm system, that is, a whole range of devices, and not a single device on the door.

Currently, there is a wide range of devices for the protection of premises: detectors for breaking glass, breaking doors and locks, moving people, moving objects. Sensors can be placed on doors, windows, gratings, walls, ceilings, furniture, installed in lighting fixtures, household electrical appliances.

Technical security features are discussed in detail in Chapter 8.

6.6. Actions in the event of a threat of terrorist acts

Detection of suspicious objects

If a suspicious item is found, immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies by calling the territorial divisions of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is necessary to immediately stop the operation of the Shelter and proceed to the evacuation of people in accordance with the existing plan.

Prior to the arrival of the operational-investigative team, instruct employees to stay at a safe distance from the discovered object.

Zones of evacuation and cordon of the place of a probable explosion

It must be remembered that in accordance with the current legislation, the head is personally responsible for the life and health of students and employees.

Ensure the possibility of unhindered access to the place of detection of vehicles of law enforcement agencies, ambulance, fire brigade, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and maintenance services. Ensure the presence of the persons who discovered the find before the arrival of the operational-investigative group and fix their installation data, the time of detection of the VU.

In all cases, demand not to approach, touch, open or move the find. Remember: the appearance of an item can hide its true purpose. Ordinary household items are used as camouflage for VU: bags, packages, bundles, boxes, toys, etc. Do not take any actions on your own with VU or suspicious objects: this can lead to an explosion, numerous casualties and destruction.

Threats received by phone

Often, the telephone is one of the channels for receiving messages about the pledged VU, about taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

Do not ignore any such signal. Significant assistance to law enforcement agencies will be provided by the following preventive actions:

instructing personnel on the procedure for receiving telephone messages with threats of a terrorist nature;

equipping the phones of the facility, indicated in the official directories, with automatic caller ID (CALL) and sound recording equipment.

When receiving telephone messages containing threats of a terrorist or criminal nature, the following recommendations should be followed.

Don't panic, be calm and polite.

Introduce yourself and try to calm the speaker, do not interrupt him.

Assure him that all requirements will be transferred to the administration, and for this you must write them down in detail and understand them correctly.

If you have a tape recorder, turn it on and bring it to the phone. If you have a tape recorder connected to your phone, start recording. Refer to poor hearing, ask to repeat what was said in order to buy time and completely record the conversation.

If possible, even during the conversation, inform a colleague about it to organize number identification, as well as the management of the facility.

Try to verbatim remember the conversation and fix it on paper.

During the conversation, note the gender, age of the caller and the features of his (her) speech:

speech: fast, slow, illegible, distorted;

defects: stutters, speaks “in the nose”, lisps, burrs and others;

language: excellent, good, mediocre, bad, other;

pronunciation: distinct, distorted, with an accent or dialect;

accent: local, non-local, foreign, regional, what nationality;

manner of speech: calm, angry, reasonable, unreasonable, consistent, inconsistent, cautious, emotional, mocking, edifying, cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions.

Be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railways, aircraft, factory equipment, the sound of television and radio equipment, voices, mixing sounds, signs of a party, etc.).

In any case, try to get answers to the following questions during the conversation:

where, to whom, on what phone is this person calling?

What specific requirements does he/she make?

Does he/she make demands personally, act as an intermediary or represent some group of people?

on what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?

How and when can I contact him/her?

Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get as much time as possible from the caller for you and your management to make decisions or take any action.

If a Bomb Threat Report Acceptance Form is available, use it to record all useful information.

Information about the location of the explosive device and the time of the explosion is especially important. If the speaker does not provide such information, try to get it during the conversation by asking the following questions:

When is the bomb supposed to explode?

Where is the bomb now?

How she looks like?

Is there an explosive device somewhere else?

What is the bomb for?

What are your requirements?

Are you alone or is there someone else with you?

At the end of the conversation, do not hang up the phone, put it next to you.

On another device, immediately report a call to law enforcement agencies and a communication center, give your name, organization, address and telephone number.

Do not expand on the fact of the conversation and its content. Limit the number of people with information as much as possible so as not to cause panic and exclude unprofessional actions to detect VU.

If you have a caller ID, write down the determined phone number on paper in order to avoid its accidental loss. When using sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (disk) with the recording of the conversation and take measures to preserve it. Be sure to install another one in its place.

Threats in writing

Threats in writing may come by mail or as a result of the discovery of various kinds of notes, inscriptions, information on a diskette, etc.

Practice shows the need to comply with the following rules for handling such materials.

If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only on the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.

After understanding the essence of the document, handle it with the utmost care. If possible, put it in a clean plastic bag and use tweezers (paper clips) to place it in a separate hard folder. Try not to leave your fingerprints.

Save the document itself with text, as well as any attachments, envelope and packaging in bags and folders.

Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the content of the document.

Take measures for the safety and timely transfer of the received materials to law enforcement agencies.

The materials are sent to law enforcement agencies with a cover letter, which indicates specific features of anonymous materials (type, quantity, how and on what they were executed, with what words the text begins and ends, the presence of a signature, etc.), as well as the circumstances related to their distribution, discovery or receipt.

Anonymous materials should not be stapled, glued, it is not allowed to make inscriptions on them, to underline or circle certain places in the text, to write resolutions and instructions, it is also forbidden to crumple and bend them. When implementing the resolution and other inscriptions on the accompanying documents, there should not be crushed marks on anonymous materials.

The registration stamp is affixed only to cover letters of the organization and statements of citizens who submitted anonymous materials to the authorities.

hostage taking

Any object can become a place for capturing or holding hostages. At the same time, criminals can achieve their political goals or criminal ones, for example, obtaining a ransom. As a rule, in such situations, criminals use facility managers as an intermediary in negotiations. In all cases, people's lives become the subject of bargaining and are in constant danger.

Capture always happens unexpectedly. At the same time, the implementation of the preventive measures listed above will help reduce the likelihood of hostage-taking.

When taking people hostage, you must:

immediately inform law enforcement authorities about the situation at the facility;

not proactively enter into negotiations with terrorists;

if necessary, comply with the requirements of criminals, if this is not associated with damage to human life and health. Do not contradict criminals, do not risk the lives of others and your own;

prevent actions that can provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to human casualties;

take measures for the unhindered passage (travel) to the facility of law enforcement officers, ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

upon arrival of the officers of the special forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to assist them in obtaining the necessary information, without interfering in operational actions.

Personal Safety Measures

When threatened by criminals:

consult with experts and friends without disclosing the object of the threat and your plans;

if possible, leave your home, secretly go with children and the elderly for a few days to the country, to the village, to relatives or friends;

remove flammable items at the place of stay - old stocks of paints, solvents, varnishes, gasoline, etc.;

draw the curtains on the windows, this will protect you from damage by glass fragments;

remove flower pots from windows (put them on the floor);

remove all items standing on cabinets, sideboards, shelves, etc.;

check if your shelves and hanging pictures (objects) are tightly fixed:

put in a bag the necessary documents, non-bulky wearables, money and valuables in case of an emergency evacuation;

Postpone visiting public places.

Provide psychological support to the old, sick, children.

6.7. Measures of protection in the implementation of terrorist acts

Actions in the event of a sudden explosion

Try to calm down and clarify the situation.

Open flames (matches, lighters, candles, torches, etc.) must not be used in a destroyed or damaged room due to the danger of an explosion of accumulated gases. Move carefully, do not touch damaged structures or exposed wires. Cover your head with a hat, pillow (from splinters). In case of smoke, protect the respiratory organs with a moistened handkerchief (cloth flap, towel).

Take personal documents, necessary wearable and warm clothes, money, valuables. Notify neighbors of the evacuation. Help the elderly and disabled to leave the premises. Keep a record of the persons left in the room. Report the incident by phone to the appropriate service at the place of residence. Close the front door tightly without locking it.

If it is impossible to evacuate from the premises, it is necessary to take measures so that they know about you, go to the balcony or open the window and call for help.

After leaving the house, you should move to a safe distance from it and not make independent decisions about leaving (departure) from the scene.

Act in strict accordance with the instructions of officials.

If you were knocked down by the explosion

Try to pull yourself together, do not lose heart, be patient, try to breathe deeply, evenly. Get people's attention with your voice and knocking. If you are deep from the ground, move any metal object (ring, keys, etc.) left or right to be detected by the metal detector.

If the space around you is relatively free, do not light matches, candles, take care of oxygen. Move carefully, trying not to cause a new collapse, be guided by the movement of air coming from outside. If possible, with the help of improvised items (boards, bricks, etc.), strengthen the sagging beams, the ceiling from collapse and wait for help. If you are very thirsty, put a small piece of tissue (smooth pebble) in your mouth and suck it while breathing through your nose. If there are signs of presence near people, knock and voice signal about yourself.

Measures to protect against chemical and biological terrorism

The most common and available chemicals and biological agents that can be used in terrorist attacks are:

chemical substances:

toxic herbicides and insecticides; emergency chemically hazardous substances; toxic substances; psychogenic and narcotic substances;

biological agents:

pathogens of dangerous infections such as anthrax, smallpox, tularemia, etc.;

natural poisons and toxins of plant and animal origin.

Based on the possible threat of chemical and biological terrorism, each worker of the educational institution in the classes on civil defense and safety needs to study:

physico-chemical and damaging properties of hazardous chemicals and biological agents;

the main methods of application and features of their impact on the human body;

basic techniques and means of protection, first aid measures;

the procedure for dealing with a threat or real exposure to chemicals and biological agents, including notification of the relevant services.

The use of chemicals and biological agents is possible by the following methods:

using ordinary household items (bags, packages, bundles, boxes, toys, etc.) left in crowded places;

contamination (poisoning) of reservoirs, water supply systems with chemically hazardous substances (cyanides, poisonous substances, etc.)

the supply or deliberate contamination of large quantities of food with both chemicals and biological agents;

using carriers of infectious diseases (insects, rodents, animals, etc.).

It is possible to establish the facts of the use of chemicals and biological agents by external signs: a change in the color and smell (taste) of air, water, food; deviations in the behavior of people, animals and birds exposed to them; the appearance of suspicious persons on the territory of the OS, etc. The most important condition for the timely detection of the facts of their use (or the threat of use) is observation and immediate notification of all suspicious phenomena to the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and medical institutions.

When detecting or establishing the use of chemicals, the following actions should be taken:

do not panic;

leave a dangerous place;

being on the street, using improvised means of respiratory protection, quickly leave the zone of infection or exposure to chemicals, and, if possible, take refuge in shelters (premises);

while indoors, tightly close and seal with a cloth, gauze or sheets moistened with soda solution or water, windows and doors, turn off heaters and air conditioners, turn on the city radio broadcasting network, listen to the voice message of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and act in accordance with the recommendations received;

being in a public place (theater, shop, stadium, etc.) listen to the instructions of the administration on the order of conduct and act in accordance with them;

in the event of a real chemical injury, the victim should immediately be removed (taken out) to fresh air and given first aid (provide warmth and rest, if necessary - gastric lavage, oxygen or artificial respiration, taking the necessary medications - depending on the type of exposure), and send the victim to a medical facility.

If there is a danger of an epidemic or exposure to a biological agent, it is necessary:

reduce contact with other people as much as possible;

stop visiting public places;

do not leave the house unless absolutely necessary;

go outside, work in open areas only in personal protective equipment;

at the first signs of the disease, immediately consult a doctor;

eat food and water only after being checked by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service;

6.8. Kidnappings and hostage-taking

Kidnapping for ransom or exchange has become a common type of criminal offence. In addition, you can become a hostage by accident, for example, when you visit a theater, rob a store, bank, apartment, country cottage, or capture people in a vehicle.

A hostage is a person who is at the mercy of criminals, and sometimes he is generally deprived of the opportunity to fight for a successful resolution of the situation. But much depends on his behavior. And choosing the right line of behavior requires appropriate knowledge and composure.

At the planning stage, the criminals outline the object for the kidnapping, the amount of the alleged ransom, the participants in the operation, the most suitable places for the kidnapping, negotiating, and receiving the ransom.

The largest known ransom in our country was paid to the gang of Yakshiyants (5 people), who in December 1989 captured 40 schoolchildren along with a teacher - $ 3 million.

At the preparation stage, criminals pay great attention to a detailed study of the object, approaches to it, the lifestyle of the intended victim and all his (her) relatives, collect information about the places where he most often visits, about the security measures he takes. They conduct a thorough study of the area, clarify the routes of movement between the house, work, other places visited, find out the location of the premises in the building, the viewing sectors from the windows, etc.

They study criminals and friends, business partners, employees to identify individuals who may be useful in negotiating. Clarify their names, addresses, phone numbers, car numbers, signs of appearance.

How to deal with kidnapping and becoming a hostage of terrorists

The most real opportunity to escape from the hands of criminals occurs in the initial stage of capture, at the moment of attack. But if the danger of trying to free yourself is obvious, it is better not to risk your life, but to act according to the circumstances.

From the moment of capture, it is necessary to control your actions and fix everything that can contribute to the release. We must try to remember all the details of transportation from the place of capture: time and speed, ups and downs, sharp turns, stops at traffic lights, railway crossings, characteristic sounds. If possible, all this information should be tried to convey to those who negotiate with the criminals. In any case, remember that even a little information about the “hostage prison” can be useful for his release and exposing the criminals. It is necessary to remember everything in conclusion - the location of windows, doors, stairs, the color of the wallpaper, smells, voices, appearance and manners of criminals. It is necessary to carefully listen to their conversations among themselves, remember the distribution of roles, make psychological portraits in your mind.

There are cases when abducted people managed to leave conventional signs at the stops, throw away objects, notes, mark the place of their imprisonment in one way or another.

However, such things should be done carefully, since if they are discovered by criminals, severe punishment will inevitably follow.

From the moment of capture, a person always experiences a strong mental shock (shock), due to a sharp transition from the calm phase to the stress phase. People react to this in different ways: some are paralyzed with fear, others try to fight back. It is vital to manage your emotions in order to behave rationally, increasing the chances of salvation.

If there are familiar faces among the criminals, turn away, take cover, do not let it be understood that you know them: this is dangerous. Don't ask unnecessary questions, don't look the terrorists in the eye. Try not to draw attention to yourself. Remove bright things, jewelry. To avoid sexual violence, women should cover their legs and chest, change their appearance for the worse, for example, deliberately get dirty.

External readiness for contact with criminals must be combined with the main rule: I help not criminals, but myself. After all, the information they receive from the hostage is ultimately used to the detriment of him and his loved ones. You should carefully answer the questions of the bandits about the possible reaction of your entourage to the kidnapping, about the amount of the ransom, about the possibility of satisfying other requirements.

The main task is to help with their answers people who want to free the hostage, and not put them in a difficult situation. In particular, the reasoned persuasion of criminals that certain demands are unrealistic can help resolve the incident with little bloodshed. At the same time, it is unacceptable to overdo it. The reaction of the bandits to the impracticability of their plan, combined with an excited mental state, can be fatal for the hostage. In addition, criminals are often under the influence of drugs, in a state of intoxication. It is useful to try to soften the hostility of the bandits, to seek individual contacts with some of them. You can talk about a separate reward, help in solving personal problems. This is necessary to avoid physical suffering or to improve conditions of detention. But the outward readiness to find a common language with criminals, participation in the discussion of the problems that concern them should not contradict the main principle mentioned above: help yourself, not the bandits.

In order to break the hostage psychologically, criminals restrict mobility, access to information, bad food, hunger and thirst, deprive them of cigarettes, take away watches, and create unbearable living conditions. Therefore, maintaining psychological stability is one of the most important conditions for salvation. Here, any tricks are good that distract from unpleasant sensations and experiences, allowing you to maintain clarity of thought. It is useful to learn the following rules:

try, as far as possible, to observe personal hygiene;

do physical exercises available in these conditions. At a minimum, tense and relax all the muscles of the body in turn, if you cannot perform the usual gymnastic complex. It is advisable to repeat such exercises at least three times a day;

use auto-training and meditation, it helps to keep the psyche under control;

remember the books you read, consistently think over various abstract processes, solve mathematical problems, remember foreign words, etc. Your brain must work;

read everything that is at hand, even if this text is completely uninteresting to you. You can also write, despite the fact that what is written will be selected. The process itself is important, helping to maintain sanity;

watch the time, especially since the kidnappers usually refuse to say what day and time it is, they isolate you from the outside world. Mark the change of day and night (according to the activity of criminals, by sounds, diet, etc.);

try to treat what is happening to you as if from the outside, without taking what happened to heart, always hope for a successful outcome. Fear, depression and apathy are your three main enemies;

do not respond to insults;

do not throw away things that may be useful to you (medicines, glasses, pencils, etc.), try to create at least a minimum supply of drinking water and food in case you are left alone for a long time or stop being fed;

do not leave cover, do not get up and do not walk without the permission of armed people.

Sometimes intelligence agencies use the means they have to listen to conversations going on in the room. Keep this in mind, and in conversations voice information that, if intercepted, can be used by intelligence officers. Particularly important is information about the signs by which one can distinguish a hostage from a criminal, about the weapons of the bandits, their number, location inside the premises, morale and intentions.


Sometimes the criminals themselves release the hostage. They take him to some deserted place and leave him there. Another option is to throw him in a locked room, the exit from which requires a lot of time and effort. The third option is to drop the hostage on a busy street, after which the car is abandoned, or the number is changed on it.

It may also happen that the police or other special services will release you. In this case, one should try to convince the criminals that it is best for them to surrender: then they can count on leniency. Try to convince them that their fate is directly dependent on yours. If they go or are ready to kill, then all negotiations between the authorities and them lose their meaning. And then there is only an assault with the use of weapons.

If an assault has begun, try to cover your body from bullets. It is best to lie on the floor away from windows and doors, face down, not in a straight line from window and door openings.

In case of smoke or gas attack, breathe through a wet cloth (wet it), any piece of clothing. If there is a risk of fire, dispose of synthetic clothing to avoid burns.

Do not move during the assault. Do not pick up the weapons of bandits: you may be mistaken for a criminal and shot to kill.

Criminals during the assault often seek to hide among the hostages. Try to save yourself and only at the end of the assault report them to your liberators.

When criminals and hostages come out of the shelter, they are all ordered to keep their hands behind their heads. You should not be indignant at this, make sudden movements. Until the identification procedure is completed, precautions are necessary.

6.9. Organization of measures to counter terrorism in educational institutions

Management of measures to counter terrorism and extremism in the educational institution is carried out by its full-time head. To organize practical actions and work with documents on these issues, by the decision of the head, one of the employees with experience in managerial work, as well as his backup person (assistant), is appointed. An anti-terrorist working group (ATG) is being created.

Planning of antiterrorist work in the OS

Planning of anti-terrorist measures is carried out for half a year or for a quarter.

The work plan includes:

meetings of the AWG on countering terrorism and extremism;

instruction and training;

practical measures to implement the decisions of the higher ARG of the educational authorities, the decisions of the head of the educational institution;

local monitoring and assistance measures;

work on the preparation of methodological materials, the development of instructions and memos.

The head of the educational institution approves the system of work to counter extremism and terrorism, which includes:

frequency of meetings, briefings;

the frequency of monitoring the implementation of the main activities in the OS;

organization of interaction with the Department of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, the parent community and events held together with them;

timing of various cultural, sports and other mass events, measures to ensure the safety of their conduct;

reports on the activities carried out to higher authorities;

deadlines for submitting information and reports to the anti-terrorist working group of educational authorities.

Documentation (clerical work)

The head of the OS (or the employee responsible for anti-terrorist work in the OS) must have the following folders of documents (cases):

guidelines of federal and local authorities, administrative documents of educational authorities;

orders of the head of the facility;

decisions of the AWG of educational authorities, reference materials on the implementation of decisions regarding the object;

correspondence on countering terrorism and extremism;

work plans of the educational institution, materials of practical checks, conducted trainings, reports and reports;

security passport (anti-terrorist protection) of the facility;

Shelter protection plan and safety assurance during public events;

Shelter security scheme and other materials about the facility, its characteristics and security.

The following materials must be included in the files (special attention is paid to this during inspections):

the order of the head of the educational institution on the appointment of an employee responsible for anti-terrorist work in the educational institution and his assistant, on the approval of the system of work to counter terrorism and extremism, on the approval of the Regulations on the employee responsible for anti-terrorist work in the educational institution (Appendix 2);

system of work on countering terrorism and extremism in educational institutions (Appendix 3);

regulation on the employee responsible for anti-terrorist work in the educational institution (Appendix 4);

quarterly work plans of the educational institution for combating terrorism (Appendix 5);

an action plan (in a preschool educational institution - an instruction) to ensure the safety of the personnel and pupils of the educational institution from manifestations of terrorism;

minutes of meetings of the AWG on countering terrorism (according to the work plan of the MA);

acts of inspections, including internal ones (according to the work plan of the OS); reports (reports):

on the results of work on countering terrorism; about all incidents and emergencies, indicating the measures taken to prevent and prevent such emergencies. Appendices 2 - 5 provide exemplary examples of individual documents.

Action plans (instructions) to ensure the safety of the staff and pupils of the educational institution from manifestations of terrorism can be drawn up on the basis of the materials of this chapter.

It is important to understand that all anti-terrorist measures simultaneously help protect the OS from other social, criminal, man-made and even some natural hazards and emergencies.

In the context of the continuing threat of terrorist acts, the possibility of involving students in various extremist, criminal organizations and religious sects, the following tasks should be considered a priority:

instilling in students a sense of patriotism, high vigilance, collectivism, internationalism and discipline;

creation in the educational institution of an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding among pupils, intolerance to the facts of indiscipline and other negative phenomena;

the formation of a culture of behavior among students that ensures their own safety and the safety of others.

Among these areas, the most relevant are the following:

expansion and deepening of knowledge on the prevention of crime and terrorist acts in educational institutions;

improvement of interaction on the prevention of acts of terrorism with the departments of the Federal Security Service, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the provision of practical assistance from these departments;

stepping up work with parental assets and local governments to prevent the involvement of children in extremist and terrorist organizations;

improving the legal education of students, aimed at ensuring their social, property and personal security;

decisive struggle against manifestations of acts of hooliganism, extortion, humiliation, as well as the use of drugs and alcohol, and smoking on the territory of the OS.

In order to implement measures to increase vigilance, ensure the safety of life and health of students and employees, the head of the educational institution must:

study guidance documents and methodological materials on the prevention of sabotage and terrorist acts;

to take under personal control the organization of the anti-terrorist protection of the educational institution, to launch explanatory work among the personnel of the educational institution, students and their parents, aimed at strengthening vigilance, organization, readiness for action in emergencies.

Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of the following activities:

together with representatives of authorities, the media, Councils and Boards of Trustees, parents, carry out a set of preventive measures to increase vigilance, ensure the safety of students and teachers;

maintain interaction with local bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, military commissariats and military command;

to strengthen the control of access of citizens and vehicles to the territory, to exclude uncontrolled stay on the territory of the OS by unauthorized persons;

exclude the possibility of finding ownerless vehicles in the immediate vicinity and on the territory;

strengthen the security of the educational institution, organize the duty of teaching and service personnel;

not to allow workers who do not have the appropriate documents and approvals from the educational authorities to carry out repair work;

ensure reliable control over the goods (objects) brought (imported) into the territory of the Shelter and timely removal of municipal solid waste;

daily check basements, attics, utility rooms, keep them locked and sealed, check the condition of gratings and fences;

keep entrance doors closed;

provide illumination of the territory of the Shelter in the dark;

check the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment, train freelance fire brigades;

systematically adjust the notification scheme for employees of the educational institution;

have in the educational institution an action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies (in the preschool educational institution - instructions);

ensure preventive control of classes, auditoriums and premises where classes, meetings, meetings, cultural events will be held;

bring to all employees the telephone numbers of local departments of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the military commissariat, the fire service, ambulance and emergency teams;

about cases of detection of prerequisites for possible terrorist acts, emergencies, immediately report to law enforcement and education authorities.

6.10. Phone hooliganism (terrorism)

Actions of the administration of the educational institution in case of manifestation of facts of telephone hooliganism (terrorism)

In a crisis situation, school staff must plan actions in accordance with the characteristics of the incident, provide psychological and pedagogical support at all stages of work with students caught in telephone hooliganism (terrorism).

By law, parents (legal representatives), or a psychologist, or a class teacher must participate in all conversations conducted with the child by law enforcement specialists. This prevents students from being traumatized.

When a fact of telephone hooliganism is revealed, the administration of the educational institution is recommended the following action plan:

call family, offer help, support. In this situation, it is important to remember the mandatory psychological and pedagogical work with the parents of the offender. Outline the actions to be taken. Appoint a responsible employee of the educational institution;

notify persons directly related to the event (teachers, classmates, school staff). Determine the sequence of actions. Assign responsible;

educate teachers on strategies to help students cope with the emotional consequences of a disaster (if it occurs);

determine the policy of contact with the media: what information to provide so as not to worsen the situation;

assess the need to apply for assistance to the regional (city, district) anti-crisis center and other organizations;

notify the superior organization of the emergency;

adjust the schedule of classes (depending on the situation, the school may be closed for a day, the work of the school may continue as usual with special attention to the risk group, etc.);

determine the need to contact the parents of students at risk to prevent new emergencies and suicides;

invite specialists from the emergency psychological assistance service to work with a post-traumatic situation, allocate the necessary premises, gather students;

submit the necessary information to the regional psychological emergency service (name of the educational institution, date of the incident, a brief description of what was done by the anti-crisis team of the educational institution, whether the regional psychological emergency service was involved, its actions);

to distribute among students, teachers and parents memos on behavior in emergency situations.

Actions of class teachers during independent work with students convicted of telephone hooliganism (terrorism):

correctly identify the cause of the student's behavior and assess the situation. In a difficult case, seek help from a psychologist;

determine what is disturbing the student, involving him in a conversation about what is happening to him;

try to find out what exactly is causing him anxiety at this particular moment;

identify the most pressing problem from the student's point of view;

identify problems that can be solved directly with the help of a teacher or adult;

together with the student to think about what may interfere with solving problems;

discuss what can be done with the greatest efficiency in the shortest possible time to deal with the problem;

try to notice the similarity of this situation with previous, recent incidents. (For example, in the same cases of non-compliance with social rules and norms.)

The class teacher should pay special attention to the pronounced problems encountered by students who need additional help.

Criteria for identifying students who constitute a "risk group":

the student does not complete school assignments or assignments for a long time (whereas most peers cope with work);

a student with a high level of emotional reactions (for example, aggressiveness, crying, tearfulness);

a student who is depressed and also unwilling to communicate;

a student with poor academic performance and a weak level of concentration;

a student with suicidal ideas, as well as a student who deliberately injures himself (injures himself);

a student with an apparent increase in alcohol or drug use;

a student gaining or losing significant weight in a short period of time;

a student who ceases to pay attention to personal hygiene.

Actions of school teachers when working with students convicted of telephone hooliganism (terrorism):

first of all, before starting work with students, it is necessary to calm down in order to be able to control their students, while they themselves may experience a surge of emotions associated with the current situation;

be careful not to invade the student's personal space (both literally and psychologically);

after receiving information related to the incident, and director's permission to disclose it, Explain what happened to the students carefully and honestly. Pupils should receive information in a form that is accessible to them, taking into account their age and level of development;

consult with a school psychologist or a district crisis management specialist about the best strategy for dealing with such situations;

organize a discussion of emergencies, allow students to verbalize emotions. It is important that during this work the teachers control their own emotions, even though the teachers themselves may be “hurt” by the situation. Children look at adults, imitate their reactions. A teacher who experiences emotional difficulties may not be the best example for students. If the teacher is not able to adequately act in the current situation, then another teacher should immediately replace him (or help in his work).

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