Osteochondrodystrophy of Scottish Fold cats. Osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats: signs and treatment

And first of all, kittens that were conceived by crossing two representatives of the Scottish lop-eared cats and the root cause of this disease is a defect in the development of cartilage tissue, which provokes osteoarthritis of a progressive type.

The danger of osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats lies in mild symptoms in the initial stages of the disease, especially considering the small mass of these animals and their unique ability to redistribute the load in a special way due to frequent orthopedic deviations. Over time, osteochondrodysplasia is complicated by rather noticeable deformities. lower extremities that cease to develop and grow normally. Unfortunately, the matter is not limited to this, because against the background of negative processes occurring in the body and in bone tissues in particular, a disease such as arthritis can develop. It is quite natural that an acute painful syndrome is added to everything described above, which can be observed both in one and in both limbs, and therefore walking becomes very difficult, while jumping becomes completely impossible.

Osteochondrodysplasia in cats advanced stages leads to strong changes in gait and most often the owners notice that something is wrong with their pets exactly on this stage when their gait becomes unnaturally tight-fisted. At the same time, it often seems that the animal is hunting or is going to celebrate natural need, although in fact there is a progressive disease that can affect not only the lower paws, but also the main, as well as the transverse skeleton of the pet. It is noteworthy that the tail of a cat is often subjected to deformations, which can be either shortened or unnaturally straight and hard with an uncharacteristically thin base. And you should not assume that the occurrence of this disease is possible only in mature and / or elderly individuals, because most often it begins to manifest itself almost from the very birth of the pet.

So, the first signs of osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats can be observed already at the age of seven weeks, which most often come down to minor changes in the structure of the lower limbs and tail of the animal (wrists, phalanges, etc.).

At the same time, it is quite natural that the sooner treatment is started, the more chances there are to stop at least for a while. this disease. That is why doctors strongly recommend that all owners of cats of this breed closely monitor their limbs, especially in the first months of life. For any negative symptoms the animal should be taken to the nearest veterinary department, where specialists will take an x-ray of its limbs. Unfortunately, specific treatment this disease has not yet been developed, but there are a lot of effective interventions intended for the quality maintenance of the animal. Yes, one of the most effective means V this case is the use of special feed additives designed to strengthen the bone and cartilage tissues of the animal.

In addition, drug therapy for osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats is not excluded, which includes the use of the so-called NSAIDs ( nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect), but only in moderate doses and provided that the animal does not suffer from a disease such as renal polycystic. Some experts also recommend trying a therapy that inhibits this ailment, including pentotane polysulfate, as well as a complex of atropathies and glycosaminoglycans, called GAG among specialists, which together can provide a rather powerful palliative effect.

But the most successful case to date is precisely the case of experimental treatment of osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats, which involves radiation therapy, despite the fact that he has not yet received wide application. So, as a result of its 6 sessions, the animal completely disappeared all Clinical signs of this disease.

Unfortunately, the correction of this pathology is not excluded, carried out by surgical intervention, an indication for which are considered particularly severe cases of osteochondrodysplasia. At the same time, even a successful result of the operation does not imply a rejection of further control and diagnosis of the disease.

Even at the very caring owner the cat might get sick. The Scottish Fold is no exception. Veterinarians identify several breed-specific pathologies. Owners should study the information to be alert. Diseases of Scottish Fold cats - what they are, their characteristics, the main symptoms - read all this in our article.

It is generally accepted that Scottish cats and cats have strong immunity and rarely get sick. However, this rule applies only to straight-eared representatives of the Scottish Straight. Scottish fold lop-eared individuals are much more prone to ailments.

The problems of folds are due to the origin of the species. Ears bent to the skull with forward looking tips appeared as a result of a mutation of the straights. The altered gene simultaneously affects the development of bones, eyes, structural structure auditory shells. With repeated crossing of the lop-eared, the probability of pathologies of the offspring increases. Therefore, mating is always done with straight-eared cats. Such crossbreeding reduces the possibility of obtaining genetic disease, but it is still impossible to completely eliminate the negative gene.

Hereditary anomalies entail a general instability of the cat's body to different kind ailments and contribute to the development of side diseases. Cats cannot treat themselves on their own, so you need to watch your pet.

Experts have identified the following risk areas for folds:

  • bones;
  • blood;
  • eyes;
  • leather;
  • internal organs;
  • teeth.

Genetic diseases of Scottish cats

  • osteochondrodystrophy;
  • hemophilia type B.

Osteochondrodystrophy is expressed in a deformed skeleton, arthritis that appeared against this background. Mainly, this includes curved anterior and hind limbs, tail too thick, poorly developed cartilage tissue. It is impossible to cure the disease. Throughout life, the cat is supported by maintenance therapy, but eventually paralysis occurs.

No less terrible result of gene mutation was hemophilia B-type . In individuals, blood clotting is disturbed, bleeding increases with violations of the integrity of the body integument. Often the problem remains a mystery until surgery or lacerations. A protective crust does not form on the damaged area. The lack of fibrin does not allow blocking the bleeding. It is not possible to save an animal in every case.

On a note! The best prevention terrible genetic abnormalities is compliance with the rules of breeding.

Eye diseases

They are divided into two groups.

Table 1. Types of eye diseases

Congenital are associated with the structure of the skull. The skin fits over the muzzle in such a way that one or both eyelids may turn out. The ciliary edge begins to touch eyeball, constantly irritate him and deliver painful sensations. Without treatment, the pupil can be damaged to the point of blindness. A poorly covered eye reacts sharply to too aggressive light. Scottish fold is contraindicated in rooms with luminescent devices. Wide eyes need more gentle soft lamps.

The problem of the structure of the century is corrected only surgically. If the pet experiences only mild discomfort, prevention is sometimes offered with regular washes, drops, eye ointments.

Acquired eye pathologies are also associated with the structure of the century, but arise due to introduced infection. The mucous membrane of the Scottish fold is not well protected, so any dirt can lead to infection with conjunctivitis, keratitis,. Especially often the trouble occurs in childhood, when immunity is not yet formed.

Glaucoma and cataracts appear gradually. You may not notice them very much. for a long time. With glaucoma, pressure rises inside the eye, the apple begins to swell and increase. Cats with cataracts suffer from clouding of the lens. Both cases can end in total blindness. Veterinarians recommend checking your pet's eyesight at least once every six months. This is the only way to detect structural changes in time.

More about eye diseases cats read in on our portal.

Ear diseases

Ear congenital problems are rare. Usually they are expressed in an underdeveloped internal part or its irregular form. In this case, the shell is simply not adapted to the perception of sounds, and it cannot be corrected. In addition, lop-earedness contributes to the accumulation of dirt in the sink. Against this background, an infection may develop. Otitis, tumors reduce the cat's hearing. In the running version, complete deafness occurs. Treatment is with injections, local drops, ointments.

Skin diseases

Skin lesions in Scottish Folds are almost always associated with immune disorders, nervous deviations and diseases internal organs. The list includes:

Attention! Skin diseases are similar to each other; medical diagnosis is indispensable.

dental problems

Are born malocclusion, mechanical damage or poor diet. The leaders of the group are tartar, ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth. The conservative solution offers an improvement in the pet's quality of life. The consequences of genetic dental diseases in some cases are corrected by surgeons.

Pathologies of internal organs

List possible diseases internal organs is very extensive. Most often, the owners of lop-eared Scots come to the veterinarian with the following problem areas:

Attention! None of the items can be diagnosed and treated without the participation of a doctor. Many threaten lethal outcome without timely help.

Video - Diseases of the joints and bones in cats


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the general condition and mood of the cat. An unhealthy Scottish Fold will be characterized by lethargy, apathy, lack of appetite, sometimes irritable reactions and unreasonable aggression. The nose feels dry and very hot to the touch. Perspiration may appear on the coat. When measuring temperature, readings will exceed 38.5 °C.

On a note! Dry nose in hot weather and after sleep is an option physiological norm. Under such conditions, the signs, most likely, will not speak of the disease.

IN specific diseases the owner of the cat can be guided by the symptoms.

Table 2. Symptoms of diseases of internal organs

Type of diseaseFirst symptoms
VirusesSneezing, discharge from the mouth and nose, fever
earThe cat shakes its head, discharge from the ears (pus, fluid), putrid smell from the shells, redness of the skin in the shells, the cat scratches the ears
Ophthalmicredness, tearing, purulent discharge, swelling of the eyelids varying degrees, the cat tries to scratch its eyes, poor orientation in space, cloudy pupils
DigestiveRefusal of food, vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, undigested pieces in feces, increased thirst
DermalScabies, redness, bald patches, rashes, sores, blisters, peeling, knots
cardiacShortness of breath, cough, swelling, increased frequency of breaths, low temperature, fainting
genitourinary systemSudden weight loss pink color urine, apathy, frequent urination, the cat meows when urinating, fusses
BoneDisproportionately large head, crooked protruding jaw, shortened limbs, curvature of the spine, twisted forelegs, joints with swelling effect, too massive joints, growths on them, slow or absent growth of the cat, shortened thick tail, stiffness, clumsiness of movements, attempts not to bend the legs when moving
dentalFoam, pus, copious saliva from the mouth, bad smell from the mouth, yellow, brown, gray growths on the teeth, brittle teeth, refusal to eat (painful to eat)

On early stages 2-3 symptoms may be observed in mild form. As the pathology develops, the manifestations become more. It is necessary to monitor your fold and consult a doctor at the first suspicion of deviations.

Scottish Fold cat vaccination

Vaccination is one of the first preventive measures for animals. The risk of developing the disease with timely vaccinations drops significantly. A set of drugs is chosen by the doctor, based on the living conditions.

The first vaccine (usually complex or against rabies) is given after 1.5 months, but no later than 2.5 months. At six months, you will need to come for a second vaccination. Upon reaching 12 months, vaccination is carried out annually at regular intervals. Up to a year, drugs for rhinotracheitis, microsporia, panleukopenia, calicivirus and calicivirus must be supplied.

Offspring from a vaccinated cat, subject to the rules of mating, provides elevated level immunity. Depending on the date of the mother's last vaccination, the baby's first vaccination may be delayed up to 12 weeks. If there is no information about the cat, it is better not to delay the procedure beyond 8 weeks.

Important! When feeding, a cat gives a lot of energy and internal resources to babies, forming their immunity. It is impossible to carry out annual vaccination of the mother until her body is restored. Kittens are excluded from the procedure during the age-related change of the dentition.

The procedure requires preparation:

Veterinarians are constantly reminded that even domestic cat without outdoor walking needs disease prevention. The virus can come randomly with food, clothing, toys, water.

Advice. After the first vaccination, it is worth asking the doctor for a Scottish vaccination calendar. There are indicated the terms and types of recommended drugs.

No vaccine provides 100% protection against the disease, but it significantly reduces the risk of severe forms.

Questions and answers about cats

Below are the most popular questions about Scottish Fold cats and the answers to them.

Table 3. Answers to questions about the maintenance and care of the Scottish Fold cat

How long do Scottish Fold cats live?At proper care, pedigree diet, timely vaccinations, a cat or a cat can live from 15 to 18 years. Life expectancy is affected by genetics early treatment emerging problems, active lifestyle, regular hygiene. There are cases when Scottish folds lived for more than 20 years.
Self-care in treatment may have reverse effect. All procedures must be coordinated with the veterinarian after diagnosis. At home, you need to give your pet peace, provide easy access to clean water, fresh food, toilet. This is especially true for cases with bone diseases, when it is difficult for a cat to move around. During the period of illness, you need to follow a dietary diet to avoid obesity. Regular hygiene procedures to remove secretions, cleaning bedding, bowls from germs
What is disease prevention?Proper care, regular vaccination, feeding vitamin complexes. Courses of vitamin A and D for kittens up to a year. There are special preparations for the British lop-eared breed
How to remove fleas from a Scottish cat?Any special tool for cats with allergies from a veterinary pharmacy. Preferred shampoos, drops

Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) is a disease that often affects Scottish Fold cats due to their genetic characteristics. This disease is not treated, but cats are prescribed maintenance therapy, which improves the quality of life. This article is for those who want to get primary information about osteochondrodysplasia or to verify data received from a veterinarian.

HIP DYPLASIA - mismatch articular surface and heads femur, leading to a violation of congruence hip joint. It appears more often in young age. It is clinically expressed in a violation of the cat's gait, the impossibility of jumping.

OSTEOCHONDRODYSPLASIYA - malformation of bone and cartilage, leading to the absence normal growth bone tissue and to its deformation. Translated from Greek, "dysplasia" means "violation of education", this term refers to a violation of the development of tissues and organs. The disease is characterized by skeletal deformities and progressive osteoarthritis.

achondroplasia - one of the forms of osteochondrodysplasia. Bones don't grow up normal size, as a result, the cat's paws are abnormally short - dwarfism develops.

The first mention of skeletal deformities in Scottish cats belong to 1971, although the breed was registered in 1966.

Scottish Fold cats are at risk for this disease, because their rock-forming trait is the cartilage mutation gene that deforms them. In other words, in lop-eared cats (Scottish Fold and Highland Fold), the ears fall because the cartilage has a fold. This defect is noticeable on the ears, but it is also in other cartilage of the body that we do not see. Most Scottish fold cats live without knowing the trouble, because. the defect is not very developed. But it can also lead to the development of a disease called osteochondrodysplasia.

Breeders say that with proper crossing, when not two fold parents are brought together, but one is a fold, and the other is a straight (Scottish Straight), the risk of disease is minimized, because. cats get only one deformity gene. But life shows that the probability still remains - it is impossible to predict who will be unlucky. For this reason, breeding of the Scottish Fold breed is prohibited in many countries. You can read more about the lop-eared gene and why it leads to osteochondrodysplasia in another article.

Symptoms, signs and development of the disease

Usually the owners notice the problem only when it is already strongly expressed. The following signs of osteochondrodysplasia are distinguished:

  • lameness;
  • limb deformity;
  • enlarged head;
  • too much short nose;
  • crooked teeth;
  • slow growth;
  • protruding jaw;
  • ulceration of the skin under the growths;
  • shortened hind legs;
  • walking on bent legs;
  • difficulty in jumping to heights and jumping off;
  • the unwillingness of the cat to walk and jump, plaintive meowing in such situations;
  • stiffness and changes in gait;
  • short thickened inactive tail;
  • thin base of the tail.

The diagnosis of osteochondrodysplasia is based on behavioral symptoms as well as x-ray examination, which shows abnormalities in the structure of the paws, spine and tail.


There is no cure that can eliminate the disease once and for all. Cats with this problem are given maintenance therapy that can improve their quality of life. However, it does not always improve so much that the pet can at least walk.

In cats that have initial signs disease, pain can be controlled with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Chondroprotectors are also prescribed, most often it is glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. They help reduce cartilage degeneration and increase joint fluid.Performed well and manual therapy with massage: it should be carried out by a professional.

IN severe cases surgical operation (osteotomy and arthrodesis) is indicated. The operation can give very good results if there were indications for it.

There are also experimental treatment originally from England, where such cats are irradiated. Already proven effective radiotherapy: It relieves pain and prevents further destruction of the joints. However, the problem is that such treatment is practiced only in Europe, and our clinics lack the necessary equipment.

What to feed a cat with osteochondrodysplasia

The basis of the nutrition of sick cats is the correct balanced feeding with the use of additives that prevent fractures and destruction of the joints. It is desirable that the food be natural, but factory feeds can also be used. If we are talking about ready-made feeds, these are complexes containing vitamins, macro- and microelements. Supplements and the diet itself should be rich in calcium, vitamins B and E, phosphorus, iodine and iron. Among the professional brands of food, there are even special lines for cats with joint problems. Such feeds and supplements additionally contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which in combination mutually reinforce each other.

It is worth considering that cats with joint diseases are prone to obesity, because. it is unpleasant or even painful for them to move. The owner should monitor the calorie content of the diet, regularly weighing the animal and detecting deviations in time. If the cat is already obese, it is necessary to choose a diet for weight loss, because. excess fat risk of heart disease and greater load on the backbone.

How long do sick cats live

It is unlikely that anyone will tell you a specific prognosis for the life expectancy of cats with osteochondrodysplasia. Unless such responsibility will be assumed by the attending veterinarian, who has fully examined the animal. And the predictions are often wrong. Also, veterinarians often mistakenly suggest euthanizing a seriously ill animal or cutting off a limb, although, in fact, when correct selection medicines and proper care, as well as with the patience and love of the owner, the condition of the cat can be seriously improved. Therefore, do not be upset as soon as you hear from the doctor that the cat has no future. Be sure to consult with 1-2 more veterinarians. Only then make a decision!

The first signs of osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats can appear as early as a couple of months, so when choosing a kitten, it is so important to pay attention to the behavior of the cat, the curvature of the legs, the presence of kinks in the tail, its mobility and length. It all starts with minor changes that you may not notice if you do not set such a goal. In most cats, the disease becomes noticeable later, when they have already found permanent owners.

The rate of progress of the disease and its severity vary from individual to individual. Time visible manifestation illnesses too. However, veterinarians recommend that all owners of lop-eared cats closely monitor the condition of the pet and, at the first manifestations, run to the veterinary clinic, because. further quality of life will directly depend on how early treatment is started.

To increase the life expectancy of a sick cat, it is necessary, in addition to drug therapy, balance nutrition and prevent the appearance excess weight, because he creates additional load on the musculoskeletal system.

Pets with special strong manifestations diseases once again try not to move. Sometimes it is even difficult for such cats to reach the tray, and therefore they can relieve themselves in wrong place or for yourself. If this has become a system, you can buy special cat diapers. Then the cat will urinate and poop in them, thereby saving you from unnecessary problems.

If your cat has found such a disease, we want to advise you not to despair. For inspiration, watch a video about a rescued cat osteochondrodysplasia, which because of the illness the owners kicked out of the house in 40-degree frost, but a few days later the volunteers saved, went out - and now she lives happily in a new family.

However, in some cases, euthanasia is still recommended. These are cases of severe progressive disease with pain. If the animal suffers, cannot lead a normal life, sits on pills all the time, which do not help much, veterinarians advise stopping the suffering of the cat. And in this case, they are rather right. However, the final decision is up to the owner.

Do straight-eared Scottish cats suffer from this?

Varieties of Scottish cats with straight ears - Scottish Straight and Highland Straight - are not susceptible to osteochondrodysplasia, tk. they have strong cartilage, as in ordinary cats. It is the lop-eared gene that makes cats vulnerable to osteochondrodysplasia, which straights do not have. However, they can also have deformities of the musculoskeletal system, because Scottish breed problematic in this respect.

By the way, vulnerable given feature not only Scots are considered, but also Ukrainian Levkoy, in the selection of which Scottish Fold cats were used.

A feature of the appearance of the breed of Scottish Fold cats are short thick "plush" fur, round shape head and eyes, as well as small, bent down "envelope" ears. Such traits of the breed were selectively fixed from a spontaneously developed mutation of a half-wild cat living in Scotland, from where, in fact, the name of the breed came from. Scottish folds are very friendly, have a soft, affectionate character. Unfortunately, they are much more prone than other breeds to a disease that affects the skeletal system, which is the complex name of osteochondrodysplasia (OCD).

Translated from the Greek, “osteo” is a bone, and “dysplasia” is a developmental disorder. OHD is a genetic malformation of cartilage and bone tissue, leading to a slowdown in their growth. The result of this pathology is the underdevelopment of the bone and cartilage system, including ear cartilage(why do cats of this breed “fall” ears). Systemic lesions of the skeleton are most often expressed by deformation of the limbs. This disease often does not pose a direct threat to the life of the animal, but can greatly reduce its quality and duration.

Important! At risk for this disease are purebred breeds Scottish Scottish Folds and Highland Folds. Both those and others have a “defective” gene in the pedigree. If one of the cat's parents was a Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight or Highland Straight), he will inherit one mutated gene, and the chances of developing osteochondrodysplasia in the animal will be halved.

Clinical signs

Pathology usually manifests itself in cats at 1.5-2 months. At this age, it is already quite well expressed, since osteoarthritis (degenerative process of bone tissue) has time to develop in the bones. by the most typical symptom OHD is the deformity of the limbs. Hind legs in a cat with osteochondrodysplasia, they are shortened, so he is forced to groom on half-bent front. Due to the inflammatory process in the bones, the animal experiences constant pain, so he tries to move less. The pain syndrome can cause lameness, stiffness of the gait, the cat hardly jumps up and jumps down.

External signs of osteochondrodysplasia are also considered:

  • enlarged head;
  • crooked teeth, protruding jaw;
  • flattened, disproportionately short nose;
  • sedentary short tail with a refined base.

Helpful information! If you are purchasing a Scottish Fold kitten, please contact Special attention on the mobility of the tail (this is easy to determine by probing) and gait, which in a healthy animal should not be constrained.


The clinical signs of osteochondrodysplasia in cats are quite typical, so preliminary diagnosis carried out on the basis visual inspection animal. In cats with OHD, in addition to the characteristic external signs(shortened, deformed paws, stiff gait, sedentary tail), palpation of the limbs reveals bone growths (exostoses) located in the calcaneus. In the case of their large size, the skin over the growths becomes bald, ulcerations may appear on it.

To confirm the diagnosis, x-ray examination(as options - tomography or MRI). Depending on the degree of damage to cartilage and bone tissue on x-rays may be visible:

  • violations of the shape of the bones of the hand, metatarsus and calcaneal segment;
  • irregular shape of the tail vertebrae;
  • narrowing of joint spaces;
  • the formation of bone growths around the joints of the limbs.


Successful treatment of feline OCD depends on the extent of the lesion. skeletal system. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a good prognosis. Already developed changes in the skeleton persist until the end of life, but adequate therapy able to slow down or even stop their further development.

Anyway medical measures primarily aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of osteochondrodysplasia: relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness of the joints. If your pet does not suffer from kidney disease, he may be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Meloxivet, Ketoline, Ainil.

For stimulation proper development cartilage tissue can be prescribed Pentosan, which has a chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as glycosaminoglycans involved in the construction of the cartilage matrix:

  • Chondroitin-4-sulfate;
  • Chondroitin-6-sulfate;
  • Furinide;
  • Interpan.

These drugs slow down the degeneration of bone and cartilage tissues and maintain the amount synovial fluid in the joint bag.

Manual therapy or massage can alleviate the condition of the animal, but these physical procedures should be carried out by a professional specialist. If osteochondrodysplasia is severe, your pet may need surgery to remove bone growths called exostoses that have formed on the joints. After such an operation, the lameness of the cat usually decreases and partially or completely is removed. pain syndrome. In some countries, radiation therapy methods are used to treat OCD.

Important! In order to improve the quality of life of a cat with osteochondrodysplasia and increase its life expectancy, in addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to organize balanced diet and exclude the development of obesity, since overweight- This extra load on the diseased skeletal system.

If your cat has signs of osteochondrodysplasia, his diet should be special. Diet in without fail should include specialized supplements that help strengthen bone and cartilage tissue: calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, B vitamins. This will prevent the possibility of fractures and slow down degenerative processes.

Veterinarians consider the best option food for cats with OHD is natural, home-cooked. If they are used prepared feed, then you should choose specialized complexes intended for animals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such complexes contain all essential vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Osteochondrodysplasia in a Scottish Fold cat is not a sentence. If the pathology is detected in time, proper treatment With proper, caring care, your pet can feel good and live a long life.

Osteochondrodysplasia - a malformation of cartilage and bones, leading to the absence proper growth bone tissue and pathological modification of bones. The most susceptible to this disease are cats of the Scottish Fold breed. Osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats leads to osteoarthritis. In connection with the disease, the cat's general condition worsens significantly and movement is difficult.

Kitty fold scot is not born with this deviation, as well as with hanging ears. The disease occurs in an animal at any age, and its appearance does not depend on general condition his health. This ailment is also dangerous because the symptoms at an early stage are almost impossible to identify on their own.

Symptoms of osteochondrodysplasia

Osteochondrodysplasia refers to hereditary diseases.On initial stage the disease is almost asymptomatic, and over time, the following signs of osteochondrodysplasia appear:

  • pronounced deformity of the hind limbs;
  • lameness;
  • staggering gait.

Lameness has the ability to disappear and resume, and the cat does not necessarily limp on the same paw. Over time, the cat spends more and more time on the ground, since it is no longer able to jump onto a hill. In some cases, against the background of osteochondrodysplasia, a pet develops arthritis. The cat experiences pain in the limbs and begins to behave restlessly. IN advanced cases owners notice a significant change in gait pet as she becomes stingy. Such changes occur due to damage to the transverse skeleton of the cat.

At risk are kittens conceived by crossing a male and a female of the Scottish Fold breed (Scottish Fold). The initial symptoms of the disease appear in babies as early as the age of 7 weeks, and the structure of the tail and paws is slightly modified in them.

Upon detection of one or more characteristic features osteochondrodysplasia of a pet must be urgently taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. The sooner it starts drug treatment, topics more likely successful outcome. In the first months after the birth of a kitten, the owners need to closely monitor the condition of its limbs and, with the slightest change, take their pet to a veterinary clinic for an x-ray.

Chocolate Brit - photo, description and character

Treatment of the disease

There is no specific therapy aimed at ridding a pet of osteochondrodysplasia, and treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating symptoms. After the complete examination lop-eared Scot and confirmation of the diagnosis veterinarian prescribes medication. If a pet does not suffer from a disease such as polycystic kidney disease, then an appointment is prescribed nonsteroidal drugs who are struggling with inflammatory process. When taking them, the dosage recommended by the veterinarian should be strictly observed in order to prevent the occurrence of side effects.

In order for the disease not to progress, the veterinarian prescribes complex therapy, which includes glycosaminoglycans and a complex of atropathies. Since osteochondrodysplasia continues to develop due to a significant modification of the cartilage tissue, the use of Pentosan is recommended to stimulate its proper development.

As adjuvant therapy it is recommended to add specialized supplements to the diet of a pet with osteochondrodysplasia that help strengthen cartilage and bone tissue. In some cases, the veterinarian will surgical operation, but even she is unable to completely cure the Scottish Fold cat from osteochondrodysplasia. Some time after the operation, the cartilage tissue will grow again and the pet will lose the ability to move independently.

In the UK, treatment of osteochondrodysplasia in Scottish Fold cats is carried out by irradiating the injured limbs. The irradiation technique is quite effective and helps to rid your pet of pain. After radiation therapy, new exostoses do not form on the cat's joints for a long time. In Russian veterinary clinics similar treatment osteochondrodysplasia is not carried out, since the institutions are not equipped with specialized devices for irradiation.

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