Involuntary laughter. How to overcome an inappropriate and uncontrollable attack of laughter? "Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." Meaning

He laughs well who laughs of his own free will. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are a number of diseases in which a person either overcomes inappropriate and causeless laughter, or his facial features develop into a grimace resembling a smile. MedAboutMe talks about such diseases.

Mental disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and others

Stupidity, laughter, a tendency to strange and inappropriate jokes may indicate the presence of hebephrenic schizophrenia. The disease begins to manifest itself during puberty. The patient is characterized by an elevated mood and mannerisms, he laughs and giggles picturesquely, sometimes behaves obscenely. Attacks of fun can be replaced by aggression and malicious excitement, sometimes hallucinations appear. Patients are characterized by completely unmotivated actions, stupid pranks, grimacing. Over time, the behavior becomes completely meaningless and aimless.

Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive psychosis, can also manifest itself in bouts of euphoria, causeless laughter and joy, which are replaced by depression and depression. In a state of euphoria, the patient has fun for no reason, can laugh even at completely unfunny things, show inappropriate self-confidence and megalomania.

Tourette's syndrome manifests itself in childhood. This disorder is characterized by uncontrolled movements, vocal tics, and behavioral disturbances. The patient may shout out obscenities or obscenities (coprolalia), repeat what they hear (echolalia), grimace and laugh. Boys are affected twice as often as girls. The causes of the disease are not completely clear; Tourette's syndrome is the subject of research by geneticists, psychiatrists and neurologists. The intellect of the patient, as a rule, does not suffer, but living with Tourette's syndrome is not easy. And it's definitely not funny at all.

Angelman syndrome

Genetics is “to blame” for this disease: patients lack part of the 15th chromosome. Angelman's syndrome is also called Petrushka's or "happy doll" syndrome. A sick child is similar to a cloudlessly happy baby - a joyful smile never leaves his face.

Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about happiness and joy. Children with Parsley syndrome have problems with speech development, they have impaired coordination, and in 80% of cases, epilepsy is also observed.

Babies with Angelman syndrome are trusting and good-natured, they like to listen, they are drawn to people who show interest in them. As they grow older, developmental delays appear. Patients can be socially adapted to a certain extent, but they will need guardianship all their lives, since they remain “children” forever. The ability to adapt depends on the degree of damage to the chromosome. Some patients manage to learn how to take care of themselves and manage the household, others cannot even get up without outside help.

Laughter as a symptom of brain damage

Some forms of epilepsy cause fits of laughter in the patient. The cause of involuntary fits of laughter that is in no way related to the emotions experienced may be a brain tumor or cyst, as well as acute stroke. Laughter occurs when pressure is applied to the corresponding areas of the brain (the anterior cingulate cortex), and only a neurosurgical operation can eliminate the cause of unhealthy fun.

Uncontrollable laughter can signal the development of multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's disease, also known as "lateral amyotrophic sclerosis"or BAS. Sometimes causeless laughter is noted in Alzheimer's disease - in the early stages.

A smile or a grimace of pain? Myasthenia gravis and tetanus

Tetanus is a formidable disease that can be prevented, but extremely difficult to cure if it has gone too far. The causative agent of tetanus is Clostridium tetani. anaerobic bacterium in the form of a dumbbell, affecting the nervous system. The bacterium produces a strong poison - tetanotoxin, which is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body and penetrates into nerve fibers. Any random nerve impulse causes muscle contraction without subsequent relaxation.

When facial muscles are affected, a grimace occurs on the face, known as a “sardonic smile”: the corners of the mouth are stretched and lowered down, the eyes are narrowed, and tense folds gather on the forehead. It looks scary, despite the name "smile".

Worldwide famous painting the great Leonardo da Vinci, Gioconda is depicted with a slight half-smile. The lady's eyelids are slightly lowered, her face is serene. Apparently these external signs prompted doctors to call "Gioconda's smile" a symptom of another serious illness- myasthenia gravis.

The main signs of myasthenia are increasing muscle weakness and constant pathological fatigue. The disease can affect different groups muscles, causing the corresponding symptoms. With the defeat of mimic and chewing muscles the “Gioconda smile” appears: a motionless, like a mask, face, lowered eyelids (ptosis), lips stretched into a line. In this case, the patient may not even have the strength to open his mouth, chew and swallow food.

With damage to the respiratory muscles, shortness of breath develops, damage to the skeletal muscles makes it impossible for the patient to move.

The causes of myasthenia gravis are still debated. Researchers are looking for the origins of the disease in a violation of biochemical processes, in a disorder in the function of muscle tissues and in the work of the central nervous system. It has been established that the development of myasthenia gravis is influenced by thymus, and possibly lymphocytes, whose function is to protect the body from foreign agents. The latter gives reason to classify myasthenia gravis as an autoimmune disease.

Pathological laughter: "In pain, I laugh"

In some cases, uncontrollable laughter occurs as a reaction to severe stress, fear, grief.

There are cases when at a funeral or when receiving news of a death dear people the person begins to laugh, and so that he cannot stop. Tears can flow from the eyes, and laughter at times turns into sobs, but does not stop.

Severe stress can also cause uncontrollable laughter. For example, the fear of failing an exam or the extreme embarrassment of meeting the strict parents of a loved one are quite capable of provoking unstoppable laughter.

During the Great patriotic war a case of mass pathological laughter was described. A division of the Nazi army occupied a small village. Residents rushed to run through the deep snow towards the forest, and bursts of machine guns flew after them. Running away, people… laughed. Excited. Falling under bullets, covering children with themselves, dying - they laughed, with horror in their eyes and mortal longing in their hearts.

Uncontrollable laughter can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Angelman syndrome;
  • hebephrenic schizophrenia;
  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • tetanus;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Angelman syndrome is characterized by delayed neurological and mental development. It is extremely rare, affecting about 1 in 10,000 children. signs genetic disease can be detected in the first 6-12 months of life. It may be accompanied epileptic seizures, sleep disturbance, frequent smiles and laughter, jerky movements body parts. brightly severe symptoms Angelman's syndrome is noticeable only after reaching 2 years. Obesity and scoliosis are considered common deviations among adult patients. People with Angelman syndrome have a pointed chin and wide gaps between their teeth.

Hebephrenic schizophrenia develops during puberty. She is characterized by high spirits and mannerisms. Nervous laughter can be replaced by bouts of aggression and strong arousal sometimes hallucinations occur. Patients can grimace and do rash acts.

Tourette syndrome is diagnosed in childhood. It is accompanied by uncontrolled movements and behavioral disorders. The patient may behave obscenely, swear loudly and laugh, repeat the phrases he has heard. The patient's intellect is not affected.

Causes involuntary laughter may be a cyst or brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig's disease. Sometimes inappropriate laughter appears in people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

With tetanus, a person has a grimace resembling a sardonic smile. The disease also causes muscle weakness and constant fatigue, shortness of breath, and skeletal muscle damage.

In some cases, fits of laughter for no reason occur as a reaction to severe stress, grief or fear. A person may laugh at a funeral, during an exam, and in other serious situations.

Involuntary laughter is often observed in people who abuse drugs.

Have you ever heard such a funny proverb “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool”? What do you think it means?

After all, people very often pronounce it, almost without thinking about the meaning. But what if this is not a funny expression with meaning, but really a symptom of some kind of mental illness? Maybe the person about whom this proverb was said should make an appointment with a psychotherapist to check his well-being?

Do you want to know the truth about yourself and your loved ones? Then rather start reading the article. Discover the secrets that hides your psyche!

Joylessness - a character trait of Russian people?

Russian people really believe that laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness. And foreigners, watching the inhabitants of Russia, often note that Russian people are much more stingy with emotions expressing joy and happiness than representatives of other countries.

In order to figure out whether Russian people really do not know how to rejoice, we will comparative analysis between them and foreigners.

Russians focus on their work

Since foreigners consider a smile to be a sign good manners, when they meet, greeting acquaintances and strangers in the store, in the service, when doing serious work, they must certainly smile. For Russians, such behavior is irresponsibility and frivolity in relation to their work or service. Therefore, for them, laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.

In addition, a Russian person was brought up in such a way that rolling laughter is creepy, it comes from dark forces because only the devil and his minions laugh like that. Orthodox person so not laughing. And among foreigners, on the contrary, a good, loud laugh distinguishes a cheerful and positive person.

Russians against "duty" smiles

It is natural for foreigners to smile when greeting a person. This is just a polite expression that becomes more pronounced and stronger if the smile widens. A Russian person believes that a smile should be a sincere expression of sympathy. And the constant that foreigners use is "on duty", and she, on the contrary, is impolite.

Also foreigners used to smile strangers. This is a kind of greeting, an opportunity to share your joy with someone else. And for Russian people, such a smile is bad manners. After all, they are firmly convinced that smiling should only be known to people, and not to everyone in a row.

That is why foreigners, meeting an unfamiliar smiling person on their way, will certainly answer him with the same welcoming gesture. A Russian person, on the other hand, will consider such a “character” abnormal and in best case just pass by. If the person who was walking towards the smiling person regards the smile as a mockery, the situation can reach its climax - assault.

When should you start worrying about your mental health?

Remember, children sometimes have fun with each other by showing forefinger and laughing at it. Then parents like to say: "Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." But this laughter is quite natural, because this is how babies seek to attract the attention of adults.

If there is a reason for such a manifestation of joyful emotions, and it doesn’t matter at all whether others know about it or not, laughter is quite normal, and the proverb analyzed in this article is just a funny saying designed to reason a little, calm and shame the kids. But causeless laughter is a sign of a serious mental disorder. Do you want to know which one?

Laughter for no reason is not a sign of foolishness, but of illness?

In order to answer the question, we must first determine what kind of laughter is unreasonable.

To understand this, imagine the following picture: for example, your friend told you funny joke, and you laugh together at him.

You have a reason for fun - this is a joke, but from the outside, to a person who does not know the situation, it can easily seem that your laughter "for no reason" is a sign of a fool. After all, he has no idea about any anecdote, and therefore he can interpret the ongoing action in his own way.

Another scenario: you stopped sleeping, but continue to feel alert and full of energy. You are confident in your abilities, a feeling of euphoria covers you, it seems that you are capable of anything. Any situation amuses you, even if it can be fatal. And even on the edge of the abyss (both figuratively and literally) you don’t care, you continue to laugh.

Have you read? Great. Then answer now, which of the above situations looks more strange and abnormal?

symptom of bipolar disorder

Unreasonable laughter is a symptom of a serious mental illness. When people begin to show positive emotions, laugh in inappropriate situations, others should consider whether to stay away from such people. And close people of this person need to insist that he consult a doctor.

After all, causeless and uncontrollable laughter is the first warning sign, which does not bode well. Bipolar mental disorder is dangerous for both the patient and those around him. Because during periods of exacerbation, called mania, the patient becomes too impulsive, is not responsible for his actions and deeds, and therefore can harm not only himself, but also his loved ones.

I'm talking to myself

So, you already know that the inappropriate and unreasonable manifestation of positive emotions is a sign of a mental disorder. Whereas friendly laughter in the company of friends, acquaintances or relatives is quite normal and is not considered a sign of foolishness.

But then another question arises, which the following situation will help to formulate: you are walking down the street, listening to music on the radio. Then an entertainment program began, and suddenly the radio host said some phrase that made you laugh. You smiled. A person passing by noticed this and considered you crazy because you walk and smile to yourself. And it seemed strange to him.

Is such laughter a sign of mental illness?

"Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." Meaning

Such a statement is used only in Russia, it is not translated into other languages ​​due to the fact that foreigners simply do not understand it.

A similar experiment has already been carried out, and this is what came of it. Once a German student who came to study at a well-known Russian university was reprimanded by a teacher by saying exactly this phrase. The young man spoke Russian quite well and understood the expression in literally. And then he pestered his classmates, why laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool, and from which this conclusion follows.

Thus, this proverb is not a diagnosis, but only parting words, a decree to behave more restrained, observing order and decency in the place where you are.

Laughter is a sign of having a sense of humor

Yuri Nikulin argued that making a person cry is much easier than making him laugh. And indeed it is. Don't believe? And you remember how you watched some funny movie with your friends, relatives, acquaintances.

Did you have to laugh, not because it was actually funny, but as if for company, so as not to seem like a "black sheep" who did not understand the joke? Perhaps you did it unconsciously, or perhaps on purpose.

It has been like this for centuries, but a herd mentality is characteristic of man. And this is not an insult, but only a statement of fact. There is nothing shameful in this, because all people are a little bit alike, they have common features character, appearance, and therefore, at some subconscious level, they do not want to stand out from the crowd.

Cheerful, bursting laughter is considered a sign of a good sense of humor, but only when others see a real reason for it. If you (even though important occasion) smile to yourself, you can easily be considered a little strange. Therefore, learn to control your emotions, observing the rules of decency.

Thus, laughter can be a sign of a dangerous mental disorder. But in this case, it must manifest itself in an inappropriate place or situation. If laughter has a reason, even if it is incomprehensible to other people, it does not cause concern and is considered quite normal.

Therefore, the meaning of the proverb “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool” should not be taken literally and frantically run to a psychiatrist as soon as such a remark was made to you. Perhaps people are just jealous of your sense of humor, that's all.

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