What to do if a dry cough does not go away. If the cough does not go away for a long time: what to do? Heart and lung failure

Cough is a common occurrence. Often in the fight against him, the state remains the same, and nothing helps. What actions to take if the child has a cough for a long time? Why does it appear, and how to cure it? Before talking about the correct treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of the pathological condition.

In order for cough treatment to be quick and effective, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence.

What is a persistent cough and why does it occur in children?

Cough is defensive reflex organism, with the help of which the respiratory tract is cleansed of viruses, mucus, dust. Occurs due to mechanical, chemical, viral and inflammatory effects.

A long cough in a child is divided into two types - dry and wet, which are formed according to various reasons. Rare morning cough after sleep is considered normal.

This symptom may be rudimentary - due to a recent or undertreated colds. Many parents stop taking therapy or reduce the dosage of medication (including antibiotics) when the main symptoms of the disease disappear. As a result, there is a long lingering cough that can last 2-3 months.

A persistent cough in a child is divided into the following forms:

  • barking (croaking) - often accompanied by wheezing, typical feature viral pathologies that are localized in the trachea and larynx;
  • hoarse - formed when bronchial asthma/ penetration of a foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • nocturnal - usually observed in a baby sleeping on his back, as the mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx flows down back wall and causes irritation, characteristic of bronchial asthma;
  • emetic - appears during acute pathologies respiratory organs (eg. acute bronchitis), sputum accumulates, enters the throat, and then into the stomach, which additionally provokes vomiting.

There are many development factors persistent cough in children. The main reasons for its appearance are discussed in the table:

Type of coughReason for developmentPeculiarities
DryUnfavorable microclimateThe mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in a child is particularly sensitive, so dry air, smoke, dust, stuffiness in the room can irritate it.
Acute bronchitisThis pathology is accompanied by bouts of barking cough, which does not go away at night, and an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees.
Laryngitis / pharyngitisFormed severe swelling larynx, this causes a constant sore throat, the voice becomes hoarse, a small physical activity leads to shortness of breath.
Whooping coughThe disease can be even in vaccinated children (in mild form). The initial symptoms are similar to the common cold or allergies. Initially, there is a dry cough, gradually the frequency and duration of attacks increases.
Croup (oropharyngeal diphtheria)A dangerous disease, and if not treated in time, it turns into chronic form sometimes pneumonia develops additionally.
TuberculosisMinor symptoms are rare, the disease is detected only with a comprehensive examination.
AllergyThe cough is sudden, aggravated during prolonged contact with an irritant.
The presence of helminths in the bodySome types of worms actively move around internal organs person, thereby causing coughing fits.
Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (reflux, swallowing anomalies, bronchoesophageal fistula)Attacks are often accompanied by the release of vomit.
Constant psycho-emotional stressThe pathological condition develops against the background of loneliness, frequent family quarrels, prolonged depression. Rare coughing persists throughout the day, during sleep and eating they disappear.
WetBronchial asthmaThe disease is formed as a result of the entry of a pathological agent into the respiratory tract. During attacks, severe suffocation appears, which provokes bronchospasm, transparent sputum is separated in small quantities.
Sinusitis / sinusitisAt purulent inflammation sinuses, the accumulated mucus enters the throat, causing a reflex cough. The lower respiratory tract is completely healthy.
BronchitisAfter the therapy, a cough can be observed for 2 weeks. Thus, the natural purification of the respiratory organs from the remaining sputum occurs.
Acute bronchotracheitisThis pathology provokes an increase in the production of mucus in the bronchi.

Why is a persistent cough, dry or with sputum, dangerous for a child?

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Persistent cough, especially in the absence of additional symptoms(runny nose, elevated temperature body) should not be ignored. This condition may indicate serious pathological processes in the body.

When the baby coughs for the second month, this provokes a weakening of the immune system and thermoregulatory functions, which in the future will lead to frequent colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases. If the child attends Kindergarten or school, the risk of infection with various bacterial infections is greatly increased.

In addition, it suffers nervous system, decreased performance and concentration. As a result, it appears fast fatiguability, constant fatigue, nervousness and irritability.

Diagnostic methods

A protracted cough in a child should be diagnosed by specialists (more in the article:). Where and how can the baby be examined? When this symptom persists for 2-3 weeks, the first thing to do is to go to see a pediatrician. He will listen to the lungs and bronchi, assess the degree of breathing rigidity, and also determine whether there are wheezing and other extraneous sounds characteristic of pathologies. respiratory system. For the correct diagnosis, diagnostic studies will be required:

  • x-ray;
  • computed tomography;
  • bronchoscopy - a detailed study of the bronchial mucosa;
  • sputum analysis - allows you to identify the causative agent of pathology;
  • spirography - the examination consists in measuring the volume of the lungs;

If pneumonia is suspected, the child must be given an x-ray of the lungs (we recommend reading:)

At the discretion of the doctor, consultations of narrow specialists - an allergist, an otolaryngologist, a pulmonologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist - can be appointed. If the patient has diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, an additional ultrasound of the heart and abdominal cavity, electrocardiogram, EGD and echocardiogram.

Features of cough treatment depending on its cause

What to do if a prolonged cough does not go away for a long time and lasts for several weeks? Parents buy all kinds of mucolytic drugs, but the effect of their use is not observed.

When a child has been coughing for more than a month, hospital treatment is often required, for example, for acute bronchitis or whooping cough. Such diseases occur with an increase in body temperature and develop rapidly, which can lead to serious complications.

In order for therapy to bring quick results, one medication is not enough, you need to carry out complex treatment, which includes physiotherapy, daily inhalations, warming compresses, massage. From the implementation of all these manipulations will depend on how long the disease will last.

Medical therapy

Well drug therapy depends on the cause that provoked a prolonged cough. For example, if pathological condition formed against the background of an allergic reaction, the doctor will additionally prescribe antihistamines, and if bacterial infection- antibiotics. The course of therapy, as a rule, lasts from a week to 10 days.

Any medications for the treatment of cough can be given only after consulting a doctor
Drug groupTherapeutic actionName of medicines
AntibioticsThey have an anti-inflammatory effect. Destroy viruses and bacteria, prevent their reproduction.
  • Kipferon;
  • Augmentin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ceftriaxone.
AntihistaminesThey inhibit the development of an allergic reaction, relieve swelling of the respiratory tract.
  • Zyrtec;
  • Fenistil;
  • Tavegil.
HormonalHormones are indicated in the complicated course of the disease (in acute or obstructive bronchitis), such drugs are prescribed for inhalation. Restore breathing, eliminate shortness of breath.
  • Berodual;
  • Pulmicort.
MucolyticsRecommended for the transition of a dry cough into a productive one. Expectorants thin the mucus and promote its rapid removal.For dry cough:
  • Libeksin;
  • Glaucine;
  • Tusuprex.

For wet cough:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Lazolvan.
MultivitaminsIncrease immunity and body resistance.
  • Complivit;
  • Sana Sol;
  • Vitrum Kids.

Inhalations and compresses

Inhalations contribute to the acceleration of sputum discharge and its liquefaction. After the procedure, breathing becomes much easier, coughing attacks occur less frequently.

Inhalations have a positive effect on the healing process, allowing you to get rid of cough much faster

The medicine is sprayed with special device- nebulizer. When inhaled, it enters the bronchi and begins to act actively, inhibiting inflammatory processes. For inhalation use saline and medicine, for example, Ambrobene.

Means of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and warming action are compresses, which are done before bedtime. They are applied to the area chest. However, such procedures are not recommended for newborns and children under one year old. For compresses use:


To improve sputum discharge and prevent the development of complications, young children need to do drainage massage. It is better if it is carried out by a qualified doctor, but when this is not possible, you can handle it yourself.

For the procedure, a special oil is used or baby cream. The child lies on his stomach, after which massaging movements are made:

  • light strokes;
  • rubbing / kneading;
  • vibration slap.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors recommend procedures drainage massage

Folk remedies

If a long cough does not pass in any way, and nothing helps, you can treat the baby with the help of prescriptions traditional medicine. Before using them, consult your doctor to prevent complications. Popular folk remedies:

  • rubbing with honey, goat or badger fat(more in the article:);
  • boiled with calcined sugar wheat bran- taken orally hot several times a day;
  • make an infusion of raisins (50 g per 1 liter of water), add 60 ml to it onion juice, taken orally during the day;
  • Boil chopped onion with honey and sugar, drink the mixture inside 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about a lingering cough

According to O.E. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, a dry cough should turn into a wet one in 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then the prescribed treatment is incorrect. You should re-consult your doctor, as a dry cough without fever can be caused by a bacterial infection.

Komarovsky does not advise giving the child mucolytics often, even if he has been coughing for more than a week. In babies up to 2-3 years old, they provoke a prolonged cough. To normalize the state, it is enough to provide plentiful drink and constant flow fresh air, daily walks and physical activity.

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    At the age of three, my daughter began to cough, the cough was dry, with attacks that lasted for a long time. So she coughed for more than a month. The doctors did not prescribe anything new, the cough was allergic. The pulmonologist advised us to take pulmicort inhalations, everything went well.

Cough is difficult defense mechanism the body in cleansing the respiratory tract from dangerous and foreign substances. pathogenic agent, damaging mucosa, expelled along with phlegm. The respiratory muscles force the exhalation of air from the bronchi, and the bronchial epithelium pushes sputum out with cilia. But when there is no sputum, the cough is called dry. There is either no mucus, or it is much less. This causes the person to constantly try to cough.

Dry cough lasting no more than 3 weeks is acute cough, from 3 weeks to 3 months - protracted. A persistent cough for more than 3 months is a sign of a chronic process.

Causes of dry cough

The causes of the disease can be different. The most common of these are different kinds inflammation in the area

  • trachea;
  • larynx;
  • bronchi.

Pneumonia and bronchial asthma can also cause dry cough. Sometimes the reasons lie in the availability malignant neoplasms in the trachea, bronchi or lungs. Whooping cough in children also contributes to such a cough. Dry cough manifests itself almost immediately and when caustic fumes are inhaled, in this case, you need to leave the danger zone as soon as possible. This is not yet a symptom of the disease, but a warning of danger.

Conventionally, all reasons can be divided into two main groups:

  • Diseases bronchopulmonary system and ENT organs.
  • Conditions not associated with the primary pathology of the respiratory system.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and ENT organs

Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and the occurrence of coughing can provoke various factors. These include:

1. Infections.

In the first place in the structure of these causes are acute respiratory infections. The cause of ARI can be a virus or a bacterium. Rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis usually develop, less often tracheitis or bronchitis. With these diseases, there is an acute cough, which can turn into a wet one. It occurs due to an increase in the sensitivity of cough receptors and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which are irritated by postnasal secretions. It worries more often at night, since during the day the post-nasal secret flows down and is reflexively swallowed. This cough can run on its own. Good help

  • plentiful warm drink;
  • antiallergic drugs of the first generation;
  • local antiseptics;
  • antivirals as indicated.

With laryngitis and tracheitis, the cough is debilitating, hacking, at night it intensifies. In such cases, antitussive drugs are additionally prescribed.

After ARI cold cough can last one week, three or even a month. So the body tries to get rid of the remnants of mucus. Usually this rare cough, quickly passing after the appointment of bronchodilators, since the cold in such patients is delayed due to the increased reactivity of the bronchi.

The danger of diseases of the respiratory system is that patients like to treat them folk remedies. As a result, doctors treat chronic process or its consequences. Periodic inflammatory process will cause cell atrophy, the mucous membrane will be dry, the throat will tickle and even a short conversation will cause coughing.

Pneumonia is somewhat less common with a dry cough, usually this happens when infected with atypical flora (mycoplasma, chlamydia).

Strong pain syndrome, aggravated by breathing, may occur against the background of pleurisy. It is important that pleurisy occurs not only with infection, but is also possible with oncology, cirrhosis of the liver, and heart failure. Therefore, it is so necessary to find out the causes of dry cough in time.

Scary barking cough in children, it is primarily suggestive of whooping cough. The disease is characterized by reprisals (repeated episodes) unproductive cough with vomiting. A complication of the disease is false croup. If the child experiences a feeling of lack of air, it is urgent to seek medical help.

Tuberculosis - socially significant illness, some of its forms may begin with a cough, accompanied by weakness and mild low-grade fever in the evening. Tuberculosis has now acquired the character of an epidemic. Not only antisocial strata of the population are ill, but also socially prosperous. This is due to an increase in factors contributing to chronic stress.

2. Allergy. Atopy is a distorted reaction of the body's immune system to some factors. environment or the state of the organism itself. Allergens get on the respiratory mucosa during breathing, it can be pollen, dust, particles of washing powder and others. Such diseases include allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

Allergic rhinitis has a chronic seasonal course, and the quality of life of the patient suffers. On the this moment the pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of antihistamines that can reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Bronchial asthma - chronic illness, accompanied mainly by shortness of breath and lack of air. Occasionally, a cough form of the manifestation of the disease is characteristic. The cough can be both debilitating dry and wet. Tests with bronchodilators allow to clarify the diagnosis. Modern means provide good disease control, but it is important to get qualified help in a timely manner.

3. Oncological pathology of the respiratory and mediastinal organs. Long agonizing cough should be examined for the possibility of oncopathology. The cause of cough in cancer of the lungs, bronchi, larynx, mediastinal organs is a decrease in the lumen of the respiratory tract by a growing tumor and inflammatory secretion, followed by reflex irritation of cough receptors. Early detection cancer offers a huge chance for a cure.

4. Smoker's bronchitis. Periodic cough worries both active and passive smokers.

5. Occupational diseases lungs. The reason is the industrial dust particles that cause chronic inflammation and persistent cough. Gradually, areas of inflammation are limited to strands connective tissue(pneumoconiosis). The lungs lose their elasticity and the drainage function of the airways decreases.

6. Foreign body in the respiratory tract. Cough in these cases is sudden, hacking without relief, accompanied by severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure. As a rule, if foreign body not coughed up, then it can be removed by bronchoscopy.

Conditions not associated with the primary pathology of the respiratory system

These states include:

  1. Pathology of cardio-vascular system. Coughing is a sign of stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lungs. Treatment in this case aimed at improving blood circulation. Thromboembolism is a serious life-threatening condition. pulmonary artery(PE), when the patient suddenly develops severe shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough and hemoptysis. PE can be fatal.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This disease is characterized by weakness of the pulp between the stomach and esophagus. The acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and respiratory tract, causing irritation. Cough worse at night when lying down. Overeating, increased weight, and the use of certain foods (coffee, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks) contribute to increased casting (reflux). Cough in this case will be difficult to treat if the reflux is not eliminated. Patients are recommended drugs that reduce acidity, improve the tone of the gastroesophageal sphincter, diet, and sleep with an elevated position of the head and chest.
  3. Worm infection. Ascaris larvae go through the pulmonary migration stage in the human body. Getting into the bloodstream into the lungs and bronchi, they irritate the mucous membrane and cause an unproductive cough.
  4. Nervous and hysterical cough. Prolonged stress can make people cough.
  5. Reception of some medicines. so frequent side effect reception ACE inhibitors is a mild dry cough. These drugs are used to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, so replacing the drug with another drug will help solve the problem.

Important! A prolonged cough may indicate a serious illness, therefore it is imperative to contact a specialist for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Always see a doctor if your cough is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of suffocation and inability to take a deep breath;
  • shortness of breath does not allow to speak;
  • cough accompanied by fever (body temperature above 38C);
  • hacking cough accompanied by hemoptysis, vomiting, severe pain in the chest or throat;
  • dry cough accompanied by weight loss, general weakness, sweating.

Diagnostic search for a symptom of dry cough

If the cough does not go away for a long time, you should consult a therapist or doctor. general practice. Based on the results of the survey and careful examination, they appoint general analysis blood and chest X-ray. If necessary, the doctor will refer to additional examinations or advice:

  • spirography and test with a bronchodilator;
  • allergy tests;
  • CT or MRI;
  • EFGDS;
  • consultations of specialists (allergist, otorhinolaryngologist, pulmonologist, occupational pathologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist or oncologist).

Timely treatment and timely treatment is the key to a favorable outcome of any disease.

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

After an illness, the question may arise: “Cough does not go away for 2 weeks, what should I do and how to recover?”

Any cold ends sooner or later - the runny nose disappears, the body temperature drops to normal, the person feels good and returns to ordinary life. Why do the main symptoms of the disease go away, except for a constant cough?

Causes of a persistent cough

A cough that lasts more than two to three weeks after an illness is called post-infectious. Basically, its cause is damage to the mucous membranes, which continue to become irritated and inflamed.

Such a cough lasts up to two months, sometimes it is accompanied by discomfort when swallowing, itching and sore throat.

Treatment of post-infectious cough should begin with the determination exact reason that provoked him.

These could be the following issues:

If an adult's cough does not stop for more than a month after a cold, you will need to do complex diagnostics body and get tested. Once the cause is identified, appropriate therapy can begin.

Treatment of persistent cough depending on the cause

reduced immunity

After an illness, especially a long one, the body is too weakened. As a result, some of its functions may not fully recover for a long time. If the cough continues to bother the second or third week, you should direct your efforts to restore health.

To increase immunity, complex measures should be taken. First of all, it is control over nutrition, filling the body with the missing trace elements and minerals. Need to drink enough liquids, carry out hardening procedures.

Allergic reaction

Cough due to allergies can last more than a month. The action of the allergen in this case is weak, and the body reports the reaction only by coughing.

In most cases, there are no skin rashes, runny nose, watery eyes and other signs that indicate allergies. Coughing continues due to non-falling swelling of the mucous membranes.

The difficult task is correct definition allergen.

With a sluggish reaction, the most common cause of an allergy is:

  • Strong odors;
  • Food;
  • Dust;
  • Pets;
  • Houseplants;
  • Household chemicals.

Consultation with an allergist will help identify the allergen and laboratory research. Once the cause of the allergy is found, it will be possible to eliminate it and alleviate your condition by taking antihistamines.

Smoker's cough

A common cause of a persistent cough is smoking. Such a cough has its own characteristics - it occurs most often in the morning, is characterized as sharp and dry.

Long lasting toxins on respiratory organs damages the cilia, which are designed to remove excess mucus. The sputum from the lungs and bronchi can no longer go outside, as a result of which harmful bacteria causing inflammation.

Smoker's cough can be cured in only one way - to give up nicotine. In the first month or two without cigarettes, the body will get rid of mucus, and the cough will intensify. To alleviate the condition during this period will help various drugs for expectoration.

Reflux disease

A cough caused by reflux disease comes on at night and goes away in the morning.

The cause is an unclosed reflux valve, designed to transfer gastric secretions into the esophagus. AT daytime this pathology causes heartburn in a person.

Due to the fact that at night the patient is in horizontal position, the gastric secret accumulates and irritates the throat, provoking a cough. To forget about the problem will help the treatment of the disease.

For prevention, doctors advise not to eat at night, rest on a high pillow and take off violent attack cough herbal tea.

Occupational diseases

Work in hazardous production without individual funds protection may cause coughing.

The respiratory organs are irritated as a result of many factors:

  • Pungent odors;
  • The presence of dust and small chips in the air;
  • Working with solvents, stains, paints;
  • Evaporation of chemicals;
  • Use of strong household chemicals;
  • Dry hot air in the workshop.

Even when using a protective mask, after several years of work, a person may experience a prolonged cough. Most often, the problem can be managed if the right course of treatment is prescribed.

chronic problems

Infection, affecting organs breathing, causing certain diseases bronchopulmonary system: tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

The chronic form of any respiratory disease is more difficult to treat than the acute form. The doctor prescribes complex therapy, including the reception various medicines, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic gymnastics and diet. How quickly the cough will pass depends on the correct implementation of the recommendations.

Such serious illness like asthma, emphysema and pneumonia require inpatient treatment. After the condition improves, you can continue to be treated on an outpatient basis.

Dry cough treatment

In the fight against dry cough, the main effect of drugs is aimed at improving sputum discharge. Most often, doctors prescribe various drops and cough syrups.

An effective tool is Sinekod, which can suppress dry paroxysmal cough caused by smoking and whooping cough.

Herbion syrup no less effectively fights cough, as it contains herbal ingredients conducive to recovery.

Another quality drug, which is available not only in syrup and drops, but also in tablets - Stoptussin. It improves sputum discharge and suppresses paroxysmal cough.

Wet cough treatment

In the fight against wet cough, means are used that expand the bronchi.

An effective drug is Lazolvan, which quickly removes sputum. It can be used even by children. Lazolvan is especially effective in a solution for inhalation.

If a wet cough observed for no more than a week, mucolytics are recommended. They help thin the sputum and make it easier to remove. Various treatment sprays oral cavity help reduce pain when coughing.

The use of medicinal herbs

Traditional medicine often helps out if the cough lasts longer than two weeks. The advantage of medicinal herbs is that they can be used for a long time.

The most effective in combating the effects of a cold is breast collection.

It is of four types, depending on the composition:

Persistent cough in a child

It is only possible with a doctor to determine why a child continues to cough after a SARS or flu.

Not worth doing self-treatment. The specialist will tell you how to act so that the baby stops complaining “I am coughing” and recovers sooner.

Perhaps the child's immune system needs to be restored. You will also need to take tests to identify possible allergic reactions. When is it time to see a doctor?

If a children's cough did not stop on the 10th day after the onset of the disease, you need to go to the pediatrician.

Preventive measures

In order for the cough not to drag on for the second month, certain preventive measures must be observed:

  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia;
  • Monitor the humidity in the rooms where you are most time;
  • Do not use household chemicals in a poorly ventilated area and without gloves;
  • Use protective equipment at work;
  • Install a humidifier in the bedroom;
  • Ventilate the apartment and office;
  • pass medical examinations including fluorogram.

The above rules will significantly reduce the risk of lung diseases. Strengthening immunity and healthy lifestyle life will help protect the body from respiratory infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways. During illness, this reflex is necessary, but if an adult does not cough for a long time even after recovery, then this rightly causes concern.

If a cough after an acute respiratory infection or bronchitis does not go away for more than 2 weeks, this means that the inflammatory process continues in the body. The reason for this residual phenomenon there may be a secondary infection.

A patient whose immunity is weakened by a respiratory infection can easily become re-infected. The infection may be caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora, which healthy person suppressed by the immune system.

The cause of frequent coughing attacks may be an attached secondary external infection that occurs against a background of weakened immunity, for example:

  • bacteria streptococci, staphylococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • candida fungi;
  • tuberculosis bacillus.

Without visible reasons there may be bouts of dry cough shocks with allergies. An allergic cough reflex is caused by the presence of an allergen, the duration of this phenomenon depends on the concentration of the allergen, the reactivity of the immune system.

An allergic cough occurs in adults without a temperature, which distinguishes it from a cold, does not go away for a long time, and if treated on its own, inhaling with herbs is very dangerous. Self-medication can cause a powerful allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock, angioedema.

Cough for more than a month

With a cough that lasts more than a month, a visit to the doctor must take place, and in the very near future. Of course, long coughing fits most often cause diseases of the respiratory system.

However, quite often such attacks are caused by allergic sensitization of the body, disorders of the heart, lungs, and nervous system.

Cough reflex in lung diseases

The reasons why an adult does not go through coughing fits for a particularly long time may be the following violations respiratory system:

  • COPD;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;

A particularly obsessive dry cough is noted in bronchial asthma. In 50% of patients, this disease begins before the age of 10 years. But in about a third of asthmatics, the disease manifests itself after 40 years.

And if such a cough in an adult does not pass for more than a month and it is not treated correctly, but tinctures are made according to folk recipes, drink decoctions, then the patient will only get worse, which can manifest itself as suffocation.

Bronchial asthma often has an infectious-allergic origin, and pollen of various flowering plants acts as allergens. Without knowing the cause of asthma, self-medication can provoke a severe attack.

Possible reasons

The causes of a cough in an adult who does not pass more than 3-4 weeks can be:

For a long time, much more than 2-3 months, a cough caused by work in a hazardous industry does not go away in adults, and it needs to be treated. This is necessary so that the constant dry, unproductive cough turns into a wet cough.

Together with sputum, fine dust is removed from the lungs, clogging the lungs of workers Agriculture, workers of the coal, construction, metallurgical industries. With professional dust bronchitis, expectorants are effective natural origin such as thermopsis, marshmallow, licorice.

It is more difficult to cope with seizures caused by work in the chemical industry, household services. , which occurs in nail service workers, hairdressers, is treated antihistamines or a change of profession.

Neurogenic cough reflex

The cause of the attacks may not be an organic disease of the respiratory system, but a neurosis. Painful attacks caused by the formation of persistent cough reflex with the involvement of the cerebral cortex, occur in both children and adults.

These seizures occur with increased nervous tension caused by anxiety, expectation, excitement. The first thing to do with a neurogenic cough that does not go away in an adult for more than two weeks is to give the patient a sedative, switch attention to reduce nervous tension.

The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the characteristics of the human psyche. Treatment of seizures should be carried out with the participation of a psychotherapist. A feature of the manifestation of the reflex is the weakening and even cessation of the attack, when the patient is sure that he is not being watched.

Heart and lung failure

The work of the heart and lungs are interconnected. Decreased lung function causes oxygen starvation all organs, worsens contractility heart, leads to stagnation of blood in pulmonary circle circulation.

With pathology of the heart, the cough is joined by:

  • confused, rapid breathing;
  • bluish discoloration of the hands (acrocyanosis).

Pulmonary insufficiency caused by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation is indicated by:

  • visible pulsation of the veins in the neck - a positive venous pulse;
  • cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes.

Read Heart Cough.

ENT diseases

Chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract can also cause a long-term persistent cough, such diseases include:

  • – , ;

Cough with adenoiditis caused by increased pharyngeal tonsil rarely occurs in adults. However, if a cough without fever persists for more than a month, an adenotomy may need to be performed, which will improve the flow of mucus from maxillary sinuses and get rid of seizures.

Oncological diseases

Can cause persistent cough oncological diseases larynx, trachea or lungs, the signs of which are:

  • enlarged The lymph nodes neck;
  • special shape of the fingers, reminiscent of appearance Drumsticks;
  • sudden weight loss unrelated to diet.

Cough with oncological diseases is dry, it worries the patient both in the daytime and. Coughing attacks are not necessarily strong, but if they do not go away for 2-3 months, cancer may be the cause, and this disease is diagnosed today not only in older people, but also in adults a little over 40 years old.


For prevention chronic cough you need to treat acute respiratory infections under the supervision of a doctor, do not self-medicate. Useful for strengthening the lungs, tempering the body, strengthening immune system, fulfill breathing exercises outdoors.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Cough is a reflex that is of the same nature as the process of breathing. It appears as a reaction to some annoying factor. The reasons for it range from the simplest and most easily eliminated to the very serious. Cough is not a disease, but a symptom, so if a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult, then this is an occasion to take the appropriate tests and undergo treatment from specialists.

Features of dry cough in an adult

Dry cough is a reaction of the human body to irritation by any respiratory tract factors. It can occur as a symptom of more than 50 diseases, including:

  1. bronchial asthma;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. heart problems;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. common cold;
  6. allergies, etc.

The most standard situation is when a dry cough gradually turns into a wet one with sputum, but it can also drag on for a long time. There are types of dry cough depending on how long it lasts:

  1. acute cough - a few days, but less than a week;
  2. protracted - from 1 month to 3;
  3. chronic - over 3 months.
Why dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult: because there are inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, lung disease, tuberculosis, croup, measles, whooping cough, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, asthma, allergies, gastrointestinal or occupational diseases

Causes of dry cough in adults

There may be several factors contributing to cough of any kind - acute or protracted, as well as chronic. The bulk is associated with respiratory problems.

Inflammatory processes as the cause of dry cough

Upper airway inflammation and dry cough

The most common cause of cough is inflammation in the upper airways. If the immune system is strong, then the disease passes easily, sometimes antibiotics and other special preparations are required. With the flu, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the lungs, because these diseases often give complications. However, if a dry cough does not turn into a cough with sputum and does not go away, then there are several reasons for this:

  1. weakened immune system;
  2. additional adverse factors- smoking, dry air, etc.;
  3. associated infection;
  4. complications.

Lung disease is manifested by dry cough

The reason that a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult is often a disease of the lungs or pleura. They can be determined only by fever, pain in the chest, shortness of breath.

A cough that lasts more than a week can be a symptom of many forms of pneumonia and bronchitis. They are caused by pathogens, to identify them is assigned special analysis blood.

Whooping cough, measles and false croup as causes of dry cough

Despite the fact that these diseases are often called children's diseases, some adults with a weakened immune system can get sick with them. Doctors diagnose the disease accompanying symptoms, which sometimes appear later than the cough itself.

Tuberculosis causes dry cough

Unfortunately, tuberculosis is now becoming epidemic and is spreading not only among the lower strata of the population. Constant stress, malnutrition, weakening of the body by infections create favorable conditions in order for Koch's wand, which many people carry, to become more active. If a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult, then this is an occasion to repeat a fluorography or to take an x-ray of the lungs.

Tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis as causes of dry cough

All diseases affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx, trachea can cause dry prolonged cough. They easily become chronic, which also determines the duration of the cough.

Diseases of the nasopharynx and dry cough

Rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis can cause dry cough. The function of nasal free breathing is disturbed, which provokes it.

Causes of dry cough are not inflammatory

Allergy causes dry cough

Today, allergies are a very common phenomenon, not only among children. Even adults acquire specific responses to different kind products, pollen, dust, wool and much more.

When the allergen enters the mucous membrane of the nose or throat, as well as the eye, allergic reaction organism. It is expressed in the form of rhinitis, sneezing, rash or cough.

Bronchial asthma causes dry cough

Bronchial asthma is severe violation immune system in connection with the reaction to the allergen. Dry cough is a true companion, which can become more intense if the concentration of irritants in the air increases.

Dry cough from diseases of the digestive system

Problems gastrointestinal tract can cause a dry cough. If you know about disorders digestive system contact a gastroenterologist for advice.

Occupational disease and dry cough

If a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult who works in a coal mine or in a stone mining enterprise, then the reason lies in the fact that accumulates in the air a large number of toxic substances. The same applies to harmful production. The body reacts with a cough. Sometimes it can become a symptom of respiratory failure.

Dry cough treatment

The causes of dry cough should be established with the help of a doctor. You can suppress an obsessive cough by using menthol, camphor. Ambrobene, Mukaltin contributes to sputum discharge. Erespal has an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhalations with plant oils are useful.

In any case, if a dry cough does not go away for a long time in an adult, one should seek advice and appropriate treatment.

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