Plantain what parts are used for treatment. Useful properties of plantain: decoction, infusion, tincture. The benefits of plantain in respiratory diseases

Remember how in childhood we were in no hurry to fill our broken knees with iodine or brilliant green. Baked and ugly. The children knew another way to disinfect the wound - to attach a plantain leaf. There are other useful properties of roadside medicine. I testify to some of them. folk names plants: seven-veiner, chireva grass, wounded, cutlery, bloodsavior. Mentions about him healing power come across in ancient Slavic recipes and treatises Chinese medicine. Today it is in demand by the official pharmacopoeia. We propose to consider in more detail in what situations and how to prepare medicines from plantain, to get acquainted with contraindications for use.

Plantain: general information

The plant belongs to the flowering department, the Plantaginaceae family. Biologists have about 150 species distributed across all continents.

In medicine, plantain large (ordinary) and flea are in demand. traditional healers other varieties are also used: lanceolate, isfagula.

Separate variations are listed in the Red Books of regional significance.

Plantains are annual or perennial herbaceous, rarely semi-shrub plants with a wide threshold of compliance with various environmental conditions for the development of new populations. Their seeds are spread by wind and water, carried by animals, birds and people.

real natural healers:, and . They are able to save us from many ailments and replenish the body with useful vitamins.

Plantain: useful properties

Medicines prepared on the basis of plantain tops and roots characterize the widest range actions:

  • bacteriostatic;
  • hypotensive;
  • immunotonic (minor);
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • decongestant;
  • wound healing;
  • antispasmodic (moderate).

They are recommended for atherosclerosis and hypertension, diseases of the respiratory system, hepatobiliary system and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, diarrhea and intestinal inflammation (including bacterial etiology). Externally used for wounds, abrasions, boils and skin ulcers.

Plantain for men

For men, the beneficial properties of plantain are advised by healers for infertility. The use of seed-based medicine activates spermatozoa, which enhances the ability to conceive. Zinc and selenium in the composition of the leaves substantiate the expediency of using them for the treatment and early prevention impotence in the form of teas, lotions, for herbal baths.

Importance plantain for women

The importance of psyllium for women, especially during pregnancy, cannot be overstated. Nature has foreseen the decline immune functions maternal organism to prevent rejection at the time of laying and development of the fetus. During this period, resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and the application specific drugs highly undesirable. A fresh or dry leaf will help solve the problem. Natural medicine will have a bactericidal, antiviral and moderate immunomodulatory effect. Herbal tea based on this raw material, drunk 20-30 minutes before meals, will improve intestinal motility, relieve future mother from possible constipation. The composition of bioactive substances balanced by nature is safe for health.

Antispasmodic and hemostatic properties are valuable for women suffering from painful menstruation with increased bleeding, as well as during postpartum recovery walls of the uterus.

We also mention the benefits of plantain for weight loss. Dietary supplements with this component suppress appetite, have a strong diuretic effect.

For the treatment of babies

The plant is used as a natural antihistamine for the treatment of babies from infancy. Other indications for children:

  • bronchitis;
  • state of akhiliya;
  • all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are not accompanied by hyperacidity;
  • damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • diaper rash.

Thanks to allantoin (a component of plantain juice), skin itching, allergic dermatosis, painful syndrome from insect bites, consequences (scars) from burn injuries, age spots quickly disappear in babies, a mechanism for the growth of healthy and strong hair.

For teenagers, this medicine is useful for fighting acne. A decoction of psyllium seeds helps to cure bedwetting in children.

Plantain seeds: medicinal properties (recipes)

This part of the plant contains the following useful elements:

  • mucus;
  • fixed oils;
  • fiber.

In less significant amount there are amino acids, vitamin and probiotic components.

Seeds, as well as their husks, are used as a diuretic and mild laxative, recommended for hypertension and atherosclerosis, impotence in men, as well as for natural normalization and stimulation hormonal background female body. Based on them, compositions for external use are prepared, which are useful for lubricating abrasions, cracks in the nipples in nursing mothers, and calluses. Due to the dietary fiber content, it is excellent tool to stabilize work digestive system.

Readers on a note we offer sorcerer's recipes

With peptic ulcer and colitis

Knead 1 teaspoon of seeds, pour water (250 ml), boil for half an hour over low heat in a sealed container. Filter, bring the volume of boiled liquid to the original. Take 1-3 tbsp. spoons each time before meals.

Plantain decoction for pyelonephritis, inflammation Bladder, ducts

4 tbsp. spoons of seeds pour a liter of water, boil, stirring, boil for 5-7 minutes. After removing from heat, leave for ≥ hours. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of decoction half an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day.

The same composition, additionally steamed in a water bath, is recommended for men to improve ejaculation and activate spermatozoa.

With inflammation of the ureter and to improve the clinical effect

For weight loss and body cleansing

For weight loss and body cleansing, it is unnecessary to prepare a decoction. It is enough to fill the seeds with liquid overnight. It is important to eat both the swollen seeds and the infusion in which they were located. Binding to a meal: 30 minutes before and an hour after. Be sure to drink plenty.

Plantain leaf: medicinal properties (recipes)

This herbal raw material is suitable for both per oz and external use. In the leaves of a large plantain, the following are determined:

  • vitamins of groups C and K;
  • aucubin glycoside;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • useful macro- and microelements.

Medicines with this component have an antihistamine and sedative effect, reduce pressure, increase secretion bronchial mucus, have a wound healing, hemostatic and bacteriostatic effect.

And use medicinal properties plantain leaves can be used in different ways.

Infusion for bronchitis and colds accompanied by cough with viscous sputum

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves pour ½ liter of boiling water, stand for more than 15 minutes. The agent is filtered and drunk 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. To enhance the effect of expectoration, you can additionally dissolve the Mukaltin tablet at each dose. In the absence of harvested grass, it is recommended to breed pharmacy extract in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of hot water. Such a solution should be taken at least three times a day, like tea.

With inflammation of the eyes, it is kept twice as long, and is used in the form of a compress.

Alternative option:

Grind 5-6 fresh or 10-15 medium-sized dried leaves, insist for half an hour, pour a glass of boiling water. Add a pinch of baking soda and a teaspoon of honey to the composition. Gargle with the resulting solution every hour until improvement physical condition and withdrawals unpleasant symptoms.

plantain juice effective for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis.

The method of preparation and use of this miracle remedy.

Squeeze fresh phytomass, mix the resulting liquid with honey (1: 1), boil for 20 minutes. Take at regular intervals according to Art. spoon. Multiplicity - three times a day. Store in an airtight container in the cold.

For the prevention of atherosclerosis take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice with a half dose of honey 3-4 times a day before meals. The course is one month.

For cancer patients prepare a specific extract.

Fresh leaves, crushed with a stainless tool, are poured with honey or covered with sugar in equal volumes, after which the workpiece is placed in a warm and dark place for 10 days. It is necessary to ensure that the juice is always above the cake, in order to avoid the formation of mold. After the liquid is squeezed out, poured into a glass container, stored in the refrigerator door. Drink juice on a spoon 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Full course such treatment is recommended to be calculated based on the volume of 3-5 three-liter jars of crushed leaves and a similar amount of honey or sugar. If necessary, year-round intake instead of juice, plantain tincture is prepared. Freshly squeezed extract is mixed with alcohol (proportion 2: 1), stored in the refrigerator.

For external use, leaves crushed into gruel are coated with the affected area, put on top warm compress changing the bandage every 3 hours.

Plantain syrup- safe, versatile and effective remedy From cough. The medicine is sold in pharmacies, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, fresh leaves collected in an ecologically clean area, rinse thoroughly, wait for drying, chop. An additional ingredient is sugar. Spread layers 3-4 cm thick into a glass container, alternating sweet and medicinal components. Keep in a dark, cool place, periodically checking: pour the syrup that has come out on top into a separate vial.

Plantain root: medicinal properties

Many do not even know about the healing properties of psyllium roots. But for herbalists, it is also valuable, because it has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, it is useful for the adrenal glands, endocrine system. An elixir is squeezed out of the roots - an antidote for the bites of poisonous insects and reptiles.

The easiest way to use it is for toothache. To combat this trouble, a clean root is placed in the ear (from the side of the raging tooth). They say that after about half an hour the sensations become dull, which means that the medicine can be taken out.

Plantain: contraindications for use

Patients with thrombophlebitis and people with enhanced function blood clotting drugs plantain can not be taken. Another contraindication that excludes the use of plant-based drugs is gastritis or peptic ulcer with high acidity. In rare situations, individual intolerance to phytocomponents is possible, up to allergic reactions, which is a recommendation for use. therapeutic agents with other ingredients.

Alcohol tincture contraindicated in children, it is also not recommended for pregnant women

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Plantain is an unpretentious plant that is found everywhere. Everyone knows about the anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and healing effects of plantain. He is indispensable assistant for first aid for cuts and abrasions. Juice, leaves, root and seeds of psyllium are used to treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and skin. The effectiveness of the plant is due unique composition, which in combination creates a universal drug.

Composition of plantain

The composition of the plantain includes a large list of vitamins and trace elements that are successfully used for therapeutic purposes. Plantain contains vitamins C and K, tannins and alkaloids. The plant exhibits healing properties due to:

  • beta carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, copper, iron and magnesium;
  • polysaccharides.

The combination of unique elements makes psyllium indispensable in homeopathy and folk medicine. Considering the composition of the plantain, it is necessary to pay Special attention:

  1. Polysaccharides. They have an enveloping and antiseptic effect.
  2. Fatty oils. Promote regeneration and wound healing.
  3. Aucubins. They stimulate digestion, have a diuretic, sedative, wound healing, antispasmodic and antibiotic effect.
  4. Mineral salts. Normalize metabolism and regulate water balance.
  5. Oleanolic acid. Relieves spasms, improves blood circulation and slows down inflammatory process.
  6. nitrogenous substances. Relieve swelling and inflammation.

The plant is effective in bleeding, intestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases. All parts of plantain have been used in home treatment. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from them, and are also used for external use. The plant renders therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiulcer;
  • sedative;
  • soothing;
  • hypotensive.

The medicinal properties of the plant are indispensable for burns, cuts, bleeding and insect bites.

The use of the plant for medicinal purposes

The therapeutic use of the plant is very extensive. Active ingredients plantain are used for internal and external treatment. An infusion of the plant is used to treat the symptoms of scurvy, fever, jaundice, whooping cough, atherosclerosis, heartburn, belching, flatulence and as a preventive measure. oncological diseases. The fresh leaves are used externally for boils, wounds, ulcers, boils, burns and cuts.

Health benefits of pasta

Plantain leaves are crushed to the consistency of porridge and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. A decoction of plantain leaves is used to rinse the mouth, wash wounds and as a base for lotions. Useful Components in the composition of the plant are indispensable for bleeding and inflammatory diseases. The plant is used not only as a strong antiseptic, but also for:

  1. Treatment of gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis.
  2. Increase the protective functions of the immune system.
  3. Temperature drops.
  4. Removal of mucus and sputum from the lungs.
  5. Normalization of digestion.
  6. Stop internal bleeding.
  7. Increasing blood clotting.
  8. Treatment of hemorrhoids.
  9. Calming receptors of the central nervous system.
  10. SARS treatment.

Medicinal properties make effective application plantain for:

  • to relieve inflammation and accelerate healing with boils and rashes,
  • removing pus from wounds, relieving pain in the stomach and improving digestion,
  • getting rid of cough, thinning and withdrawal of sputum,
  • to normalize lipid metabolism and lower blood cholesterol levels,
  • relieve inflammation in the urinary tract.

The use of the plant is effective:

  • with insomnia and nervous disorders,
  • to reduce pressure,
  • with diarrhea and indigestion,
  • to stop internal bleeding in the female genital organs,
  • with migraines.

The herb is used to treat infertility in women and to normalize menstrual cycle.

Plantain contraindications

Before taking medicines it is recommended to consult with a specialist about the presence of contraindications. Due to the fact that the plant has a large list of components, it can cause an allergic reaction, dizziness and fever.

There are contraindications to the use of psyllium in people with varicose veins veins. Individual intolerance to the plant and other contraindications can cause reverse reactions of the body to active substances contained in the juice, leaves, root and seeds of the grass.

The main contraindications to the use of plantain:

  1. Increased clotting and blood density.
  2. Increased acidity of the intestine.
  3. The presence of gastritis and ulcers.
  4. Individual intolerance.

The use of chestnut fruit

The main contraindications to the use of psyllium pertain to people with a high degree of blood clotting. Grass juice contributes to thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to check all contraindications and consult a specialist.

The use of psyllium seeds

Psyllium seeds contain the highest concentration of mucus. The seeds have an enveloping effect and soothe the intestinal mucosa. Seeds are effective in intestinal diseases and help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Plantain seeds are used to treat infertility and normalize hormonal disruptions. Seeds can be used as a disease prevention of cardio-vascular system and to lower blood cholesterol. Seeds are insisted and used to relieve internal inflammation, as a diuretic. The seeds can be ground and used as a poultice for breastfeeding mothers.

The use of plantain leaves

The leaf of the plant has a disinfecting and hemostatic effect. The leaf is used as a sorbent and wound healing agent. The leaf can be washed and applied to the wound or crushed to a state of porridge and rubbed into the affected area. The leaf has an antiseptic and soothing effect, therefore it is used for the treatment purulent abscesses and inflammation. The leaf is a mucolytic and promotes expectoration and healing initial signs respiratory infections. The leaves are used to make cough syrups and tinctures for fever. Leaves insist and use as a laxative with a mild laxative effect. The leaves are effective for stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Application of the root of the plant

The root is the basis for making cough syrup. It is used to treat herpes. Psyllium root extract is taken as a diuretic and to treat inflammation of the kidneys and gallbladder. Infusions from the root of the plant are used for urolithiasis. Beneficial features roots make it effective for rashes, eczema and age spots.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be used to treat many diseases. Useful qualities the grass also retains in dried form, so you can make a blank from plantain. There is a large list of traditional medicine recipes using medicinal qualities plantain.

  • Wine against dermatitis.
    Grind fresh leaves in a meat grinder. Add the leaf to 750 ml of white wine and stir. Let it brew for 5 days, strain. Wipe the site of inflammation.
  • A decoction for constipation.
    Grind the dry leaf into powder and pour 200 ml of water. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.
  • The herb is also used externally. The leaf can be used for boils or as a hand remedy. The herb is used in cosmetology to give the skin elasticity, reduce pores and remove age spots.

    Everyone knows plantain, even children. As a small child, I remember how my grandmother applied a plantain leaf to my sore, after which the wound quickly healed. Today we will analyze in detail the topic "Plantain, medicinal properties and contraindications for women"

    The plant can be found anywhere: in wastelands, household plots, cottages, forest edges, fields, roadsides. The medicinal properties of psyllium seeds, stems, leaves, juice, roots, essential oil were known and used in Greece, Ancient Rome, Eastern countries.

    Botanical characteristics of the plant

    The plantain is known in the regions of Russia, the CIS countries under other names: fellow traveler, roadside, cutter, seven-veiner, chiry grass. Botanists attributed the plant to the Plantain family.

    The plant is distributed almost all over the world, has more than 200 species. original homeland medicinal herb- Central European region. From there, it was taken out by people and distributed in all countries of Asia.

    Plantain can now be seen on all continents - Japan, Russia, India, European countries, North and South America, Central Asia, Australia, Africa. Many countries cultivate the plant, in others it grows wild.

    Plantain grows everywhere, because it is completely unpretentious, to climatic conditions and soils. It can grow in the shade, on sandy soil, in the sun, on clay. Moreover, it rises easily after trampling.

    The main root of the plantain is thick, short, equipped with adnexal, lateral bundle-like roots. Depth of placement - up to 20 centimeters. The height of the aerial part is up to 60 centimeters. The stem can be bare or slightly pubescent, it is swept, straight.

    Near the ground, the leaves formed a rosette, ovoid, voluminous. On the surface of the leaves, arcuate veins of a dark green color are visible. The tip of the leaf is slightly pointed, its edges are solid or serrated.

    Inflorescences are represented by an elongated cylindrical cone, peduncles are erect. Plantain flowers are smallish, grayish in color. Seeds dull, small brown color.

    Plantain blooms for a long time: from May to October. Reproduction is carried out by mature seeds. Plantain is odorless, the leaves are astringent, bitter in taste.

    The chemical composition of plantain

    The seeds of the plant contain approximately 20% fatty oils, about 45% mucus. There are also proteins, aucubin glycoside, tannins, steroid saponins, oleanolic acid.

    found in leaves a large number of organic acids- chlorogenic, vanillic, parahydroxybenzoic, ferulic, neochlorogenic, paracoumaric, protocatechuic, fumaric; tannins, bitter substances, calcium, potassium, mineral salts.

    The composition of the stems: flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids. The roots have chemical substances: sitosterol, campesterol, linoleic acid, stigmasterol, vegetable.

    Beneficial features

    Medicinal decoctions, infusions of plantain leaves are useful for patients diabetes, anemia, inflammation, dental, , headache, conjunctivitis, dry eye, corneal injury.

    They also help with impotence, violations metabolism, neurasthenia, polyuria, gallbladder diseases,. Plantain is also used to treat gonorrhea, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), urethra(urethritis).

    Antimicrobial property medicinal plant pronounced destructive effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic (golden) staphylococcus, streptococcus. Plantain boosts production gastric juice, develops appetite, improves digestion.

    Has a healing effect gastritis, gastric ulcer and/or duodenum with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, flatulence, other diseases of the digestive system.

    Effective during treatment malignant tumors: lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia. Preparations prepared on its basis accelerate the resorption of metastases, small tumors protect the body from harmful effects chemotherapy, radiation therapy.

    Long-term treatment with psyllium provides reliable protection from cancer, To relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, fresh leaves are applied to chiryam, boils, scratches, abrasions, insect bites, phlegmon, ulcer, abscess.

    In addition to being used in traditional medicine, fresh and dried leaves are used in cosmetology to improve the condition of hair and skin. Plantain has not bypassed cooking - fresh leaves are used to prepare gourmet dishes.

    A decoction of psyllium roots purifies the blood various diseases skin: lichen, rashes, pustules (pyoderma), furunculosis.

    A decoction of the leaves is used to treat organs respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema), digestive, genitourinary systems. Plantain dilutes sputum, ensures its excretion in diseases accompanied by cough.

    An infusion of the leaves has a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure, relieves fatigue, and improves the tone of the body. Helps with cancer problems, fever, (inflammation of the bladder), hay fever, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.

    Shoots well intestinal colic, stomach pain decoction of plantain flowers. A decoction of seeds, gout, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the digestive system due to emollient, enveloping action.

    Intake of psyllium protects against the development of chemical or bacterial nature, since the contained mucus envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

    Plantain helps stop internal bleeding at . An extract from the roots lowers the body temperature during fever, alleviates the condition of a patient bitten by a snake.

    Preparations from the leaves, roots, seeds of psyllium have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties, are used for pulmonary diseases, stomach ulcers. Infections of bacterial etiology are cured pharmaceutical preparations containing juice, plantain leaves.

    Plantain juice - medicinal properties

    Juice is used during the treatment of diseases such as dysentery, peptic ulcer, colitis, enterocolitis, neurodermatitis, gastritis, cystitis, keratitis, acne, .

    Using plantain juice, you can alleviate the condition of the patient with enuresis, nephritis, diarrhea, anthrax. In combination with other medicines, it helps with lung cancer.

    Gynecologists use juice for myometritis, parametritis, and. In combination with honey, the juice has diuretic action, can be used to treat adults and children.

    Contraindications for women

    It should be noted right away that the contraindications listed below for the use of psyllium preparations apply not only to women, but also to other categories of people.

    Plantain is contraindicated in patients peptic ulcer with high acidity of gastric juice, hyperacid gastritis. Failure to follow this recommendation will sharp deterioration condition of the patient (patient).

    Other contraindications: increased production stomach juice, high performance blood clotting, thrombophlebitis. The reason is that plantain thickens the blood even more.

    Individual intolerance is also a reason to ban the use of the plant. In order not to arise at the pharmacy either folk remedy with plantain, it is worth starting with small doses, gradually increasing it to the therapeutic norm.

    Cough treatment

    An infusion of leaves stops coughing, has an expectorant effect, and thins sputum. You can decoction of plantain.

    Recipe #1

    For a glass of boiling water - 40g of dry leaves. For cooking, we use a thermos: pour boiling water over the leaves, insist for two hours. We drink four times a day on a tablespoon.

    For sick children under the age of ten, the dose of infusion is reduced to one teaspoon. For children over 11 years old - up to a dessert spoon. The infusion can also be used for, inside with kidney failure and vascular atherosclerosis.

    Recipe #2

    Applicable for strong cough. Pour fresh green leaves of the plant with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil. Leave to cool for a couple of minutes, add 4 tablespoons natural honey. The resulting drug is taken every hour for 1 tsp.

    Recipe #3

    Dry the washed leaves and roots, grind. Mix the crushed green leaves with roots with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. We place the mixture in an enamel saucepan with a tight lid and bury it in the ground for three months.

    After the specified period, the medicine is stored in a pantry, basement or refrigerator. We drink medicinal tea for coughs, sore throats, colds - one tablespoon of the drug in a glass of boiling water.

    Recipe No. 4

    Used for tracheitis. We insist 12 hours in a glass cold water 2 tablespoons crushed dried plantain leaves. The resulting cold water extract should be drunk during the day.

    Other traditional medicine recipes

    Decoction of plantain for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, genitourinary system, blood purification from toxins

    Pour a glass of boiling water 2s.l. dry crushed leaves. We heat in a water bath for half an hour in an enamel pan under the lid. Ten minutes after removing from the stove, filter, squeeze out the remainder.

    Adding boiled water to the decoction up to the 200 ml mark. Take orally half a glass four times a day 20 or 25 minutes before a meal.

    constipation treatment

    Take on an empty stomach a powder obtained from dry leaves, drink warm boiled water.

    Kidney disease, enuresis (urinary incontinence)

    Wrap up an infusion of leaves for one hour (1 tsp per glass of boiling water). Take 1s.l. four times a day 20 or 25 minutes before meals.

    Stomach cancer, lung cancer

    Mix washed plantain leaves with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, leave for fourteen days in a place protected from heat, sunlight. Use 1 s.l. 4r/d 20 minutes before each meal.

    For treatment external tumor a compress should be prepared: 2 s.l. dry crushed leaves per 200 ml of boiling water.

    Pour a glass of boiling water 25g of seeds, fill with water, leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. We filter through cheesecloth. We accept 1 s.l. 3 times a day before meals. Useful infusion for cracked nipples of a nursing mother (externally). Inside for diseases of the intestines, blood vessels, stomach, heart and other ailments.

    The use of plantain juice

    We wash the stems and leaves under running water, the water should drain without residue. We pour over the raw materials with boiling water, grind in a blender or meat grinder, squeeze the juice through gauze.

    We dilute the concentrated juice with water in equal proportions, then boil for two minutes. The medicine is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Take 3r / d 20-25m before meals in a course of 30 days. We dilute a spoonful of juice before taking it in 50 g of water. Store in the refrigerator in a dark glass container with a lid.

    External ointment with plantain juice

    Mix in a glass bowl, 25 g of lanolin and petroleum jelly, 50 g of pure juice. It is used externally for skin diseases as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, emollient.

    Ear pain, toothache

    Video: The healing properties of plantain herb, contraindications for women

    Plantain– herbaceous medicinal plant, a member of the Podorozhnikov family. Scientists consider Europe to be its homeland, but plantain is widespread almost everywhere. This inconspicuous plant can be found on roadsides, in the steppes, in wastelands.

    Plantain is a rosette of egg-shaped green leaves (see photo). Arrows form from the middle of the rosette, on which seeds form after flowering. Everyone knows the name "plantain" the plant received because of the places of its growth, since most often it can be found on roadsides. Another name for the plantain sounds like "seven-fellow traveler." He became seven-veined because his leaves have vertical veins, and he was called a fellow traveler because the ripe seeds of the plant stick not only to animal fur, but also to people's clothes. Thus, the plantain, as it were, suggests itself as a fellow traveler.

    There is a legend that two snakes were basking somehow in the sun, when suddenly a wagon suddenly drove out from behind a turn. One snake managed to crawl away, while the second one landed right under the wheels. The surviving snake crawled away and soon returned with a plantain leaf, which cured the crippled snake. People who saw it with their own eyes, at first did not believe in such miraculous effect, but soon they themselves began to use a green plant, which more than once rescued the inhabitants of their village. The second legend says that a long time ago there lived a grandfather who was famous for curing with living water. When the son of the king himself was dying of a serious illness, the father-king found the old man and ordered him to cure his son. Grandfather agreed to help, but accidentally dropped a vessel with living water. The old man cried at first, but then he saw that in the place where he spilled the water, an inconspicuous plant had grown, which said: “I took your living water take me and save the sick." So, thanks to the plantain, grandfather cured the king's son, and then healed ordinary people for a long time.

    Plantain species

    There are many types of this plant. The most common types are:

    Medicinal properties

    The medicinal properties of plantain are due to its valuable chemical composition. AT medical purposes they use, as a rule, the seeds of flea plantain and Indian, which contain mucus and glycoside, which makes them valuable medicinal raw material. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamin C and carotene. Phytoncides or volatile substances that release plantain leaves have a beneficial effect on immune system people, disinfect the air, kill harmful microorganisms.

    Long Scientific research, which were repeatedly carried out by scientists around the world, proved that plantain leaves contain special substances that positively affect cholesterol levels and are powerful tool in the treatment of ulcers. At severe forms ulcers are effective tincture of plantain, as well as its infusions. The juice of this plant contains antibacterial components that help with Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plantain is recommended for hemolytic staphylococci as well as various infections.

    Plantain is wonderful natural antiseptic. When applied externally, its leaves help wounds heal faster, reduce inflammation.

    When taken internally, plantain has a beneficial effect on the processes of secretion of gastric juice, which ensures the chemical processing of food, and also reduces pain, cleanses the blood. plant well analgesic, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a decoction, plantain is taken for many diseases. It helps to get rid of cough, and also in complex therapy gives nice results with such serious illness like tuberculosis.

    Application in cooking

    In cooking, the plant has found application in the preparation of savory salads and second courses. For the salad, you will need some young nettle leaves, plantain, celery, green onions. Greens are carefully crushed, vegetable oil is added. This salad is perfect for meat dishes. It is very light and tasty. Salads with plantain are recommended to be consumed in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins and minerals.

    Highly delicious dish considered a spring salad with plantain and onions. To prepare this salad, plantain and nettle leaves must be scalded, and then chopped together with onions. Add to salad boiled egg. The dish is served with homemade sour cream.

    In Russia, a pumpkin with the leaves of this plant is considered a popular recipe for preparing plantain. The pumpkin is washed, cut into pieces, without removing, but only peeling the peel. The prepared pumpkin is rubbed on a grater, and the seeds are crushed with a meat grinder. Plantain leaves are finely chopped and mixed with pumpkin. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to a paste-like state and seasoned. vegetable oil. The resulting salad is served with meat or fish dishes. Salad can be seasoned with homemade sour cream, yogurt, mayonnaise. If desired, you can add plants such as nettle, quinoa to it, green onions also work well.

    “Caviar” is also prepared from plantain. To do this, the leaves are washed, blanched in hot water and throw it into a colander. Then they are crushed with a meat grinder, nettle, sorrel, sorrel leaves are added and seasoned lemon juice and tomato sauce. This caviar is perfect for dressing fish and meat dishes, as well as for preparing vegetable soups, sauces, gravy. Plantain caviar can also be used as a sandwich paste.

    Plantain benefits and treatment

    The benefits of plantain have long been known to folk and official medicine, it is widely used in European and Asian countries. From the leaves, special infusions are obtained that help to heal gastritis and enteritis. AT medicinal purposes also use the juice from the young leaves of plantain. It is taken to improve digestive processes. Such funds successfully treat inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids. When applied externally, the plant heals skin rash, acne, sometimes it is used to treat lichen. Plantain juice helps cleanse the wound of pus, which speeds up the healing process. It is recommended to use it as a first aid, especially in cases where it is not possible to get a qualified medical care, for example in hiking trips.

    Plantain include in various drugs for the treatment of bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery. When used systematically, this plant cures the most complex diseases, for example pulmonary tuberculosis.

    It is known that grass has sedative effect , it is shown to be taken with increased irritability, sleep problems, neuroses.

    How antihypertensive plantain is an excellent prevention of edema. Infusions of this plant are indicated for use at high pressure , they gently lower it, while reducing the load on the cardiovascular system.

    Traditional medicine uses psyllium for the treatment of bronchitis. Preparations based on it increase the formation of mucus in the bronchi, thus thinning the sputum.

    The easiest way to use this herb is to use fresh leaves as an external agent. To do this, you need to pick a large sheet of plantain, knead it until the juice appears and apply it to the wound.

    To get the juice of this plant, its leaves must be collected along with the cuttings. All parts of the plant are thoroughly washed, scalded and ground in a meat grinder. Then they are squeezed through gauze and the resulting mass is boiled for several minutes. Take the remedy should be a few tablespoons, spreading in a glass of water, for one month.

    Plantain harm and contraindications

    The grass can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance. Although psyllium is generally considered a non-toxic herb, you should still seek medical advice before using it.

    It is not recommended to take plantain infusions for ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, because plantain increases the secretion of gastric juice.

    It is contraindicated to use them people with increased clotting blood, as well as in the event that blood clots were found in the blood.

    Pregnant and lactating women can use plantain infusions after consulting a doctor. Plantain can be used to treat coughs during pregnancy if the woman tolerates the herb well.

    Plantain is an herb whose benefits most people have known since early childhood. Many mothers, if the child suddenly received an abrasion or cut, immediately applied a bright green oblong leaf of this amazing plant to the sore spot. And a small miracle happened: the blood stopped, and the pain gradually subsided.

    Moms did exactly the right thing, because stopping bleeding, relieving inflammation and pain, preventing infection from getting into the wound are the most common beneficial properties of psyllium. But his help doesn't end there. It is effective in the treatment of cough and in the fight against inflammation. digestive tract and even in cosmetics.

    Plantain - one or perennial grass belonging to the Plantain family (lat. Plantaginaceae). The leaves are oblong, sometimes ovate, bright green, characterized by the presence of several longitudinal veins. It has a basal rosette, from the center of which grow long flower-bearing stems. The inflorescence is an ear, the fruit is a box with small seeds.

    In Latin, plantain sounds like "plantago". This word comes from the words "planta" - foot, and "agere" - to move. Indeed, the leaves of this plant lowered to the ground are a bit like traces from the human sole.

    The ancient names of the plantain: road builder, traveler, fellow traveler. There are also names that reflect its useful properties: a wounded man, a wounded man, a cutweed, and even an unusual one - “grandmother” (apparently, we are talking about a grandmother healer).

    Grass is common throughout Russia, except for northern regions. It grows in the forest, and along roads, and near residential buildings, and in fields, and in gardens, and vegetable gardens.

    An interesting point: the plantain adapts well to any type of soil, it can grow even in wastelands and in arid areas. It is considered a weed, but this does not detract from its healing qualities.

    For cooking medicines go stems, leaves and seeds of the plant. You can harvest them during all the warm months, from May to September. Most of useful properties of this vegetable raw material is preserved in dried form.


    The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its unique chemical composition. All parts contain:

    • vitamin C;
    • beta carotene;
    • vitamin K;
    • bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants;
    • enzymes;
    • citric acid and uronic acids;
    • tannins;
    • aukubin glycoside, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant;
    • phytoncides - substances that prevent infection;
    • alkaloids;
    • trace elements: potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, molybdenum, cobalt and selenium.

    The composition of psyllium seeds requires separate consideration. Thanks to their healing qualities they are used in official medicine and homeopathy to treat a whole range of diseases. In addition to the above substances, the seeds contain:

    • mucus - the content reaches 44%;
    • saponins (bitterness) - substances that thin sputum in the bronchi, help with coughing, increase the secretion of gastric juice;
    • irreplaceable fatty acid(oleic and oleanolic);
    • proteins;
    • amino acids.

    Medicinal properties

    The most famous beneficial properties of this plant are to stop bleeding, relieve pain, fast healing wounds, abrasions or cuts. This is due to the high content of vitamin K, tannins and phytoncides, which relieve inflammation and prevent infection.

    Plantain will help with insect bites and shallow burns. To do this, just crush the leaf a little in your hand so that the juice stands out, and apply it to the sore spot.

    The medicinal properties of the plant are not limited to this. Also:

    • improves appetite and enhances intestinal motility;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • increases the effectiveness of drugs in the fight against cancerous tumors;
    • softens the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
    • has a positive effect on nervous system man: helps with neurosis and depression, relieves stress.

    Sphere therapeutic use plantain is very extensive. Based on it, a large number of drugs are produced that have the following useful qualities:

    • antiseptic;
    • hemostatic;
    • painkillers;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • expectorants;
    • soothing;
    • diuretics;
    • laxatives or fixatives;
    • sleeping pills;
    • reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
    • normalizing blood pressure.


    The leaves of the plant are used in the manufacture of ointments, infusions, decoctions, extracts and juices. They have a negative effect on streptococci, staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and therefore do an excellent job with purulent wounds on the skin, abscesses and phlegmon (a type of acute purulent inflammation).

    Decoctions and tinctures from plantain leaves have pronounced mucolytic properties. In other words, they dilute sputum and help it to discharge from the bronchi and lungs, so they are effective not only in the treatment simple shapes respiratory infections. These medicinal drinks improve well-being with severe conditions, how bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and pneumonia.

    To prepare healing infusion, vegetable raw materials are poured with hot water, insisted and filtered.

    The leaves of the plant are used both as a mild laxative for difficult stools, and as a fixing agent for intestinal infections such as dysentery. And the extract is indispensable for gastritis, enteritis and gastric or duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas.

    Syrups are prepared from plantain. For these purposes, the juice squeezed from the leaves is mixed with honey. This composition is effective for acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis and colds, accompanied by high fever.

    Useful leaves of the plant have found application in dentistry. They are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. In these cases, rinsing is carried out oral cavity decoction 3-4 times a day.


    Useful mucus contained in the seeds envelop the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines and help relieve inflammation, and therefore they are good as part of the complex therapy of diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis with low acidity, colitis, enteritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

    A decoction of psyllium seeds is often used in complex treatment diabetes and infertility in men and women. But for patients suffering from these diseases, there are contraindications, so treatment should be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

    Plantain is able to lower blood cholesterol levels. With regular use of plant seeds, the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease is reduced.

    it herbal remedy helps the body get rid of toxins and bile acids.

    Hormonal disruptions and diseases of the genital area in women (adnexitis, endometriosis, adhesive processes in the pelvis) - an indication for the use of psyllium seeds.

    In addition, a decoction of the seeds of the plant is considered effective means for the treatment of childhood or senile enuresis. It has a diuretic effect and relieves swelling. Cotton pads moistened with warm broth help with eye diseases inflammatory nature(for example, with conjunctivitis).

    Poultices from the infusion or decoction of the seeds of this herb are excellent for nursing mothers to get rid of cracked nipples. To do this, it is enough to lower clean gauze into the decoction, wring it out and apply it as a compress to the sore spot for about 1 hour.

    In cosmetology

    The properties of plantain have also been used in cosmetology. The juice from the leaves cleanses the skin of the face, relieves inflammation, eliminates acne. As a result, the skin becomes clean, healthy and radiant. Juice can be frozen in molds and rubbed daily with ice cubes - a very useful and easy-to-perform procedure. Also, based on the vegetable juice of the plant, you can make homemade soap.

    Plantain is endowed with excellent moisturizing properties. Helps dry skin next mask: the infusion of the plant is mixed with starch until a mushy mass is obtained, it is applied in an even layer on the face and neck for half an hour, then removed with a cotton swab.

    Fresh plantain leaves are also suitable for speeding up the healing of calluses and cracked heels. Plant raw materials must be crushed and applied to the sore spot at night.

    Plantain has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. You can prepare a simple homemade cream: mix the infusion of the plant with honey and butter. You need to apply the composition on your hands before going to bed.


    Plantain is not such a harmless herb as it might seem at first. Specific properties plants impose a number of restrictions on its use for medicinal purposes.

    The main contraindications for use:

    • Individual intolerance is rare, but even the slightest probability should be taken into account.
    • The tendency to form blood clots, since the plant contains a large amount of vitamin K, which increases blood viscosity.
    • Phlebeurysm.
    • Gastritis with high acidity.

    The listed contraindications do not apply to the external use of the plant. But if you want to take decoctions or infusions of the plant inside, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Only he can make such responsible decisions.

    It is contraindicated to collect and harvest the leaves of the plant in areas with polluted ecology, in industrial areas, in urban areas or along roads. Plantain absorbs all the chemicals from the air and soil, and such a “medicine” will not bring any benefit at all - only harm.

    Application in cooking

    The plant is also widely used in cooking. Cooking with him healthy salads, soups, snacks, it is added to homemade preparations (canned tomatoes, cucumbers). The leaves of the plant add a fresh touch to casseroles, puddings, omelettes, cereals, meatballs and mashed potatoes. With them, very tasty cabbage soup is obtained, the recipe of which is almost the same as the recipe for cabbage soup from nettle.

    Plantain is suitable both as a fresh herb and as a condiment. By the way, in Japan, this plant is grown on an industrial scale for use in the food industry and pharmacology.

    That's how much benefit this, at first glance, nondescript, but amazing plant! Plantain has mass healing properties, thanks to which it is possible to use it in many areas of medicine for the treatment of a whole range of different diseases. In addition, he has great importance in cosmetology and cooking. But he has some contraindications, so be sure to ask your doctor for advice before using decoctions and infusions from plantain inside.

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