Leek: useful properties. French salad with leeks. Leek in cosmetology

Leek can be called a unique member of the onion family. In this plant, the underground part is significantly inferior in size to the usual onion, but its leaves are much larger. But in terms of content useful substances the leek is not inferior, but in some ways even surpasses its fellows. In addition, this variety of onions does not have a pronounced irritant on the mucous membranes, and its taste is not so burning and even sweetish.

During storage, leeks increase the concentration of vitamin C.

Leeks can keep well until spring. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that during storage the amount of vitamin C, which is very unstable in the external environment, not only does not decrease, but rather increases by 1.5-2 times. That is why, by eating this plant in winter and spring, we help the body fight beriberi and increase its resistance to infectious diseases.

Leek is rich in B vitamins. Its regular use improves the condition of the nervous system and brain activity. Previously, it was even recommended to eat with depression, overwork, memory disorders and impaired attention.

It also contains quite a lot of vitamin A and carotenoids, which are its precursors. This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of the main visual pigment rhodopsin. So eating leeks can get rid of vision problems. Retinol, along with vitamin C, is involved in providing immune protection organism, also in a number of studies its antitumor properties were confirmed.

Due to the fact that leeks contain a large number of salts, it has a diuretic effect. It is useful to eat it for rheumatism, and especially for.

Leek for the heart and blood vessels

Leek - very healthy vegetable for of cardio-vascular system. Its white part and greens contain a large number of macronutrients that feed the myocardium. Due to the high content of potassium, normal rhythmic contractile activity cardiac muscles. This type of onion contains substances that normalize lipid metabolism and having .

Ascorbic acid, which it contains a lot, is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These substances are the basis connective tissue which is half the weight of the human body. It is collagen that is responsible for the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, ligamentous apparatus, skin and other organs. Vitamin C is needed for normal hematopoiesis, without it it is impossible to fully assimilate iron in the gastrointestinal tract, which is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. By the way, this plant also contains iron itself, so its use is indicated for.

Benefits for digestion

Even ancient healers noticed the benefits of leeks in diseases digestive system. This vegetable improves appetite, stimulates the production gastric juice and increases its acidity without irritating the gastric mucosa. He also provides choleretic action and improves liver function. Phytoncides and essential oils contained in the leek have antihelminthic and antimicrobial effects, they inhibit growth pathogenic microflora in the intestine, their activity against streptococcus and staphylococcus has been proven.

Also, the juicy dense white part of the leek contains alimentary fiber, which provide vital activity and stimulate its motility. This variety of onions is recommended to be added to your diet by those who wish, and for this purpose it is advisable to use it in fresh. The calorie content of leek is very low, only 36 kcal per 100 g of this plant.

Is it possible to eat leek with diabetes?

This product is highly recommended for diabetes. It belongs to foods with a very low glycemic index (15), meaning it has little to no effect on blood sugar levels. At the same time, it contains vitamins and other substances that are necessary for the prevention of complications of this serious disease. Onion promotes normalization fat metabolism, which is often disturbed in diabetes mellitus.

How to cook leeks?

Cooked leeks can be used in a variety of dishes.

Many housewives often wonder how to cook a particular product in order to maximize its benefits, and leeks are no exception. Of course, any vegetables are most useful fresh, because when heat treatment some of the vitamins are destroyed in them.

Leek is very often used as a component of salads, they are often replaced with onions, which contain much more irritating substances. The green leaves of the plant are sometimes quite tough, and therefore it is recommended to cut them very finely - so they will be easier to digest. Provitamin A and retinol itself are fat-soluble vitamins Therefore, for their full assimilation, the body needs fats. Lettuce with leeks is the best dressing vegetable oil, and to make it even more useful, it is better to choose unrefined oil.

Unfortunately, sometimes eating fresh leeks is not desirable. In such cases, it is stewed, baked, fried and used as a side dish for dishes. By the way, cooked onions can also be added to salads. This vegetable is added to soups and used as part of the filling for pies. Cooked in these ways, the onion, of course, loses some of its ascorbic acid and other vitamins, but it is fully preserved mineral salts and dietary fiber. That is why even in this form, this onion is useful for the body.

The harm of leeks

Leek is contraindicated in exacerbation inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, with caution it should be consumed fresh when hyperacidity gastric juice.

Care should be taken with this product, as it can give milk a taste that is unpleasant for the baby.

Few people are aware that not only the white part of the stem, but also the green part of the leek is edible. And in general, this unusual vegetable is practically not common in our country as a culture. Leek, the benefits and harms of which are little known, are undeservedly deprived of attention. And by the way, this plant can be safely called unusual. Let's figure it out today.

The benefits of leeks

Pro beneficial features entire treatises have been written on all types of bows. But it is leeks that doctors recommend eating for certain diseases.

Disturbed digestion. The plant contains a large amount of coarse fibers that make intestinal motility work actively. At the same time, green feathers do not cause increased gas formation and do not harm beneficial microorganisms.

Violations of the proper functioning of the nervous system. Leek is just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. For example, phosphorus and magnesium. They help the psyche to work like clockwork.

Inflammation. Of course, how independent medicine, leeks will not cope with diseases. But, as a tool in the composition complex therapy, very effective. For example, with some joint inflammations (gout, arthrosis, arthritis), doctors strongly advise adding both parts of the stem to food.

Oncological diseases. No, leeks are not a panacea. It won't cure cancer. But recent laboratory research showed that regular consumption of this healthy vegetable significantly reduces the risk of a primary disease. It also helps to inhibit the growth of already identified tumors.

Advice. Recent studies have shown that smokers who consume leeks in large quantities, the opposite happens. They dramatically increase the risk of developing tumors. Therefore, choose: either leeks or cigarettes.

Anemia. The entire stalk of the magic onion contains easily digestible iron in an accessible form. Therefore, people with low level hemoglobin will be very useful to include leeks in your menu.

Interesting. Did you know that iron is absorbed much faster by the body if it comes with vitamin C? In this regard, nature has generously endowed the leek. The content of trace elements in the stem almost perfectly complements each other.

Hypertension. The presence of potassium in leek juice makes it a truly valuable plant. After all, it is potassium that is responsible for correct work heart and vascular system. Regular consumption of competent doses of healing onions allows the human body to normalize blood pressure and water-salt balance.

Atherosclerosis. Leek stem fibers work as an oxidizing agent. They are already on initial stage digestion bind "bad" cholesterol. It is this process that reduces the risk of ill-fated plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

SARS. There is no need to talk about the antibacterial properties of onion essential oils. Leek is no exception. For example, if you do not like the taste of onions, then feel free to eat leek in the cold season. This will be an excellent prevention against colds and ailments of the upper respiratory tract.

No, you shouldn't make green masks. Much great benefit will bring the use of leek inside. The leaves and stems contain a large amount of ascorbic acid. She is the one responsible for normal synthesis collagen fibers. But they make up almost 50% of the human body.

So a diet with leek dishes has a beneficial effect on:

  • bundles
  • joints
  • nails

For an experiment, just try eating a daily serving of leek salad. And after about 30 days, evaluate the condition of your skin. We assure you will love the result. And you don't need expensive creams. After all, the body will produce right amount collagen.

The harm of leeks

Until now, it was believed that harm from leeks can occur only in one case: when overeating. But independent researchers conducted their experiments, and proved that leeks still bring harm.

This situation occurs when:

  1. Individual intolerance to nickel and its alloys. The high content of this element in the stem and leaves is a warning for allergies to this metal.
  2. High acidity. The vegetable itself increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, people who know this feature behind themselves should refrain from excessive consumption of vegetables in food.
  3. Breastfeeding. No, as such, leeks will not harm. But it will spoil the taste of milk if mommy is fond of dishes with leeks. And it is unlikely that the baby will like it.
  4. Diarrhea. Leek with this disease can further exacerbate the problem. Plus, coarse fibers will irritate the already inflamed intestines even more.
  5. Urolithiasis in the acute stage. The fact is that leek juice has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, in case of relapse, instead of benefit, it can harm the body. The kidneys are inflamed, unable to cope with their task. And here's another additional load, which 100% will lead to sad consequences.

If you know your ailments, then carefully watch your plate. Then the leek will not bring you unintentional harm. If you are not aware possible problems with health, you will receive very valuable advice: do not overeat. Then everything will be fine.

Interesting facts about the onion doctor

Now it is strange to read, and in ancient times, people considered leeks to be the strongest aphrodisiac. And they even recommended eating it in large quantities, eating garlic and celery. Allegedly, such a mixture significantly increases male libido, and women are completely crazy about it.

We do not recommend trying to seduce the lady of the heart after such a vitamin dressing, waving the repaired "libido". Because the amber after this mixture will be appropriate. And it is possible that the subjugated Mamzel will simply not have time to see you and appreciate you, because she will faint from miasma.

Scientists claim that the greatest benefit leek brings to the human body in winter and spring. And it's not the absence vitamin greens. Just with proper storage in the stem and feathers, the amount of trace elements and nutrients rises by about 2 times.

Therefore, it is better not to eat leeks freshly picked from the garden. He needs to be allowed to lie down in a cool place for at least a week. If it is possible to keep the plant longer, then by all means do it.

The benefits of leeks for the entire digestive system as a whole are invaluable. Here is just a small part of the effect of fresh herbs on the body:

  • appetite stimulation
  • increased production of gastric juice without irritation
  • antimicrobial action
  • improvement of liver function (choleretic effect)
  • antihelminthic action
  • soft work of intestinal peristalsis
  • growth inhibition of pathogenic microflora

Plus, leek has a very low calorie content. What undoubtedly makes him a leader in the preparation of diets for people who want to lose weight.

Did you know that leeks are recommended for a special diet for diabetics? Because he has a negligible low glycemic index. Therefore, the plant practically does not increase the level of glucose in the blood. And the leek does not interact with thyroid gland and does not affect its function. This is another reason for diabetics to pay close attention to the miracle bow.

Many people know the benefits of B vitamins. They help the brain fight depression, activate thought processes, improve memory and concentrate attention. But few people know that the amount of these vitamins in leeks is off scale.

Advice. As a rule, leeks are boiled, stewed and baked. At the same time, useful qualities practically do not decrease, but there is no harm at all.

Now you know almost everything about leeks. Its benefits and harms are also not a mystery to you. So feel free to use it most valuable plant food, feed the household and do not get sick.

Video: medicinal leek!

Leek This plant belongs to the Onion family, grows up to 0.5-0.9 meters high.

Unlike its "brother" onion, the leek does not have a formed bulb. Its dense green leaves emerge from the middle of the plant and are used in cooking. rare cases(usually while they are young and tender). The most valuable part is the white leg of the leek (up to 40 cm), which is stewed, fried, added to hot and cold dishes.

Leek does not have such a burning smell and taste as onions. His pleasant aroma and sweetish aftertaste give the dishes a special softness. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of the plant. The most popular combs of leeks are Bulgarian and carantan skip.

Several centuries ago, leeks were considered the number one remedy for increasing sexual attraction and used as an aphrodisiac. According to ancient legends, it was this vegetable that the builders of the pyramids used for food for strength and endurance. Today, the leek is the official symbol of Wales. The country even has a special “interest club” called the Leek Society.

leek calories

This noble vegetable belongs to dietary products and has low nutritional value - 100 g contains only 36-50 kcal. However, with such a low calorie content, it contains a lot of useful substances that are valuable for human health.

Leek contains:

  • Ascorbic, pantothenic, nicotinic acid
  • Carotene, thiamine, riboflavin
  • Salts of sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium
  • Dietary fiber, water
  • pyridoxine, folate
  • alpha tocopherol
  • Biotin
  • Essential oils

Leek contains a large amount of sulfur and potassium salts. What are the benefits of leeks? Vegetables are recommended for atherosclerosis, obesity, metabolic disorders, kidney stones. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, is famous for its diuretic and choleretic properties.

It is noteworthy that the upper film covering the leek contains the main concentration of valuable vitamins and microelements contained in this onion. It can be brewed and taken as a decoction for gout, anemia, rheumatic pains.


Leek harm

Surprisingly, there are practically no contraindications to the use of leeks. This is a natural, healthy vegetable that can be consumed by everyone. In order to exclude probable harm leek, it is not recommended to introduce it into the diet if there are digestive problems. When eating fresh leeks, some people experience intestinal upset.

You should also avoid frequent use this vegetable in dishes ulcerative lesions digestive organs.

More harm to leeks when consumed can be expected if a person has urolithiasis disease. The plant during the period of growth and maturation can accumulate in the stems a small amount of oxalates, which aggravate the course of the disease in people with a similar diagnosis.


Benefits of leeks

The healing properties of leeks are recognized official medicine due to which the plant is indicated for use in the treatment of certain diseases. Vegetables are also successfully included in recipes. traditional medicine and cosmetology.

What are the benefits of leeks? It has a positive effect on all systems of life and man, namely:

  • Stimulates digestion without irritating mucous membranes, does not cause flatulence
  • Useful for vitamin deficiencies spring beriberi
  • Promotes the outflow of bile, improves liver function
  • Slows growth and reproduction cancer cells
  • Helps with colds
  • Useful for male potency enhances libido
  • Cleans blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis
  • Protects from exposure free radicals, prevents early aging organism
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins and radioactive compounds
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Restores vision
  • Stimulates the metabolism in the body, which is useful for obesity
  • It is recommended to enter into the diet with physical exhaustion, depression
  • Enhances hemoglobin production
  • Useful for anemia, as it improves iron absorption

Due to the presence of phosphorus and magnesium in this vegetable, leeks have a positive effect on nervous system. Regular use of the vegetable improves memory, stimulates the brain.

When consumed fresh, leeks destroy microbes, stop the process of inflammation in the body, and treat inflammation. urinary tract, arthritis. Leek is especially useful for cystitis - passing through the urinary canals, the juice of the plant kills harmful bacteria and improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

It is worth knowing that the green stalks of leeks contain a lot of iron and vitamin C. Eating several stalks of this onion a day, you can completely saturate the body with ascorbic acid. The "onion" smell from this plant can be removed by sprinkling it lemon juice or olive oil.

Unlike his "brother" onion, leek does not irritate the mucous. It is less concentrated in terms of the content of essential oils in it.

Leek during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the bearing of a child, one should not exclude such healing vegetable from the diet. What are the benefits of leeks during pregnancy? Its use increases hemoglobin in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the digestion and functioning of the nervous system of a woman.

Thanks to the folic acid contained in it, the use of leek reduces the likelihood of developing intrauterine fetal pathologies and is recommended for use by pregnant women.

During the period breastfeeding The vegetable is best consumed stewed or boiled in ready-made dishes. Fresh leeks can negatively affect flavor breast milk and cause the infant to refuse to feed. The harm of leeks for a woman's body is excluded, however, in the first 6 months of lactation, fresh stalks in salads will have to be abandoned.

Leek in cooking

Regardless of the method of preparation in dishes, leeks are very tasty and give them a special piquancy. The aroma of the cooked vegetable resembles a mixture of young onions with garlic.

It is relevant to combine it in dressings for poultry, meat and fish dishes. Leek goes well with mashed potatoes, adds zest to salads and first courses.

Baked leeks are considered dietary and easily digestible food, due to which it is used for weight loss. And for those who don't suffer overweight, you can try making a vegetable or mushroom pie by adding leek to the filling instead of the usual onion. The taste and aroma of the cake will turn out just delicious!

How to store leeks

This vegetable crop perfectly preserves all useful qualities after harvest. It even becomes "more vitamin" - this is the only vegetable in which the amount of ascorbic acid increases by one and a half times during storage.

If you need to put the leek for storage in the cellar, then the roots of the onion are not removed.

There are several ways to harvest leeks for the winter:

Cellar storage. The dug out vegetable with roots is placed in a box with wet sand, cutting off the tops of the stems. Store at +1...-1 temperature and 85% humidity for 6 months.

In a refrigerator. AT lower section for vegetables, leeks placed in a plastic bag can be stored for 2 months.

Freeze. Before being placed in refrigerator compartment Leek is washed, cut into rings, dried and scattered in bags with airtight fasteners. Such onions are stored until the next harvest.

Drying. Leek stalks cut into rings are dried in an oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. Glass jars are used for storage.

Salting. Sprinkle leeks with salt and place in glass containers under oppression. Store in the refrigerator for up to six months.

About the benefits of onions - shallots and its other varieties - he knows, as they say, both old and young.

However, “onion therapy” is not suitable for everyone as the main way to get rid of ailments. It's all about the sharp and not very pleasant smell ...

True, there is one variety of this unique vegetable that has an undeniable advantage: the absence of a pronounced pungency and sharp aroma is leek.

By the way, not a single meal of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, who are famous for their beauty, health and longevity, can do without this variety of onions.

Overseas guest

Leek is a guest overseas. Some consider the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to be his homeland, others claim that he is from Wales, but be that as it may, the leek has long been widely available.

True, today, despite the ever-increasing popularity among consumers, leek is exported to our country (mostly from France), so its price may seem high to many.

But whoever has the desire, he can always grow delicious useful leek in my own garden. Some farmers are already quite successfully cultivating leeks on an industrial scale.

Agricultural technology is specific, but it does not present any difficulties.

The whole secret is that the final product - the bulb itself, has as much white part as possible (it is mainly used in cooking and medicine).

Leek greens are also edible and quite tasty, although not as juicy as the root.

In order for the “stalk root” to be as long as possible, during the growing season, leek seedlings are constantly spudded - the higher the layer of earth, the larger the white underground part of the vegetable.

Some innovators have even invented a way to get impressive leek crops without tedious hilling.

They simply put on top of the onion seedling a ring of cut plastic bottle and they fill it with earth, it turns out how high a bottle ring of such a length and a delicious root. That's it, no tricks.

Leek has been known to mankind for thousands of years. He was always served at the table and they were always healed various diseases. With regular use of leek, it is possible to get rid of many unpleasant conditions and serious ailments.

golden composition of leek

There are legends about the benefits of leeks, about his healing properties entire treatises have been written, many of which have come down to our times from ancient times.

What makes this unremarkable vegetable so useful?

Of course it chemical composition, the basis of which is the most useful for human body vitamins and minerals in large quantities: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid, calcium, manganese, B vitamins, K, C, A, iron, nickel, fiber, organic acids, starch and others.

Due to this rich variety of phytonutrients, leeks are effective in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases.

Leek - benefits

Very often it happens that what is healthy is not very tasty, and vice versa, what is tasty is not always healthy. Leek is unique in this regard.

It will appeal to even the most spoiled gourmets, it is suitable for preparing any dishes (from appetizers to desserts) and guarantees an excellent therapeutic effect Anyone who wants to improve their health.

1. Leek has long been considered a strong aphrodisiac, it has a beneficial effect on sexual activity, both men and women.

2. Necessary for all people suffering from anemia (anemia) and those who have other blood diseases.

3. Promotes the normalization of high blood pressure. Saturates the body with potassium and phosphorus - the best minerals that stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

Prevents deposits cholesterol plaques(reduces the intensity of absorption of cholesterol), cleans blood vessels, maintains their elasticity and patency.

4. Due great content fiber prevents constipation, improves digestion.

5. Contains bioactive substances that inhibit the growth of oncological neoplasms, have a preventive effect against cancer.

6. Folic acid prevents abnormalities in the development of the fetal nervous system, so leek is recommended for all pregnant women, especially in the first trimester.

7. B group vitamins, magnesium and other components are indispensable for everyone who experiences severe psycho-emotional stress.

Leek effectively relieves stress, supports normal work nervous system, helps to overcome depression, neurosis, insomnia.

8. Leek Essential Oils Accelerate Recovery Processes colds, treat cough.

9. A good vitaminizer of the body.

10. Proven antiseptic and anti-inflammatory remedy for external and internal abscesses. It alleviates the condition with gout, arthritis, arthrosis.

11. Maintains vision at a satisfactory level: does not increase sharpness, but also does not allow "sit down".

12. Maintains a favorable intestinal microflora, binds, removes toxins.

13. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

14. Eliminates the outflow of bile, normalizes liver function.

15. Slows down the aging process.

16. Recommended for diabetic diet as it has a very low glycemic index.

Leek has a delicate, delicate flavor. Fresh it appetizingly crunches, after heat treatment it becomes melting.

Such a product is an ideal side dish for anyone who strives for harmony, as it belongs to low-calorie vegetables. Leek is used to prepare salads, soups, fillings for casseroles and pies.

Leek - harm

Of course, it cannot be argued that stem onions are completely harmless and harmless. If consumed unrestrictedly, it can cause certain health problems.

Also it must be eaten very limited quantities those suffering from:

  • exacerbated urolithiasis;
  • indigestion, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea;
  • nickel intolerance (there is quite a lot of it in the leek);
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, since the leek makes it even more aggressive.

Onions, like any other product with a noticeable taste and aroma, can spoil the taste of breast milk, so breastfeeding mothers should refuse to “abuse” leeks. Be healthy.

The pearl onion or leek is a more commonly biennial plant from the onion family. Homelands are considered middle Asia, but then over time it ended up in the Mediterranean lands, where to this day it is found in the wild. The cultivation of this herbal plant seems to have taken place in ancient times. Memories of Leek as a Treasure food product found since the time of Egypt.

Among the Romans, leeks were supposedly food for the rich.

Today, this plant is successfully cultivated throughout Europe, and France is considered the forefront of production. Leek occupies a significant place in many cuisines of the world, it is used for cooking sautés, soups, gravies, side dishes. It is marinated, baked, fried and stewed in oil or sauce. Such popularity is due to the presence of many minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids that can benefit the body. Leek contains vitamins A, E, K, C and B (group), as well as minerals in the form of potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc and many other substances.

Leek has a white false bulb and many flat long leaves (up to 70 cm). The whole plant is eaten, the leaves are used as salads, and white bottom as a side dish or component vegetable dishes. Leek has a spicy taste and aroma, a bit like an onion, but not as spicy.

This plant has a peculiarity - during storage, the level of vitamin C in it doubles, while in all other vegetables the level of nutrients only decreases during storage.

Nutritional value (100 gr)

Leek is valuable dietary product. It is rich in fiber, which is involved in cleansing the body. This plant is often used in dietary or healthy eating. During heat treatment, it loses some vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of leeks for the body

  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • potassium, calcium and magnesium have a beneficial effect on vascular system, strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure;
  • amino acids in the composition of the leek improve the production of bile, have a positive effect on the liver, like the artichoke. You can read more about all the beneficial properties of the artichoke;
  • This vegetable has significant benefits as a dietary product that is rich in fiber. great allies in healthy food and diets can also become Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, daikon, sweet potato, they contain dietary fiber and cleanse the intestines of toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system, useful for beriberi;
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system, has a sedative property. Set up emotional condition and eggplant will also help overcome depression, which will perfectly cope with chronic fatigue;
  • iron in leek prevents the development of anemia. High content corn also has iron, which enriches the blood with oxygen;
  • this type of onion is rich in folic acid, which is simply necessary during pregnancy to prevent congenital pathology fetal neural tube. It is also useful for expectant mothers to use sea ​​kale, it also contains folic acid, it will help to avoid violations prenatal development child;
  • phosphorus improves memory, normalizes brainwork, it is recommended to include leek in the diet with systematic mental stress;
  • has an antiseptic, anti-sclerotic effect on the body;
  • used for gout, scurvy, rheumatism;
  • strengthens vision, is able to improve processes in the eyeball;
  • noticed the miraculous effect of leek in cancer and neoplastic diseases ovaries and prostate;
  • phytoncides in the composition will help fight pathogens of staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis and dysentery.

Harm and contraindications from the use of leeks

  • it is harmful to consume in large quantities with increased acidity of the stomach and peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract;
  • harmful frequent eating of leeks at high blood pressure, as this can further aggravate the situation;
  • during breastfeeding, it is better to limit the consumption of this vegetable. Its use can give bitterness mother's milk and cause digestive problems in the child.

The presence of vitamins in leeks (100 gr)

vitamins Content mg ​​(mcg) %DV
BUT 84 mcg 9 %
beta-carotene 1000 mcg 20 %
E 0.93 mg 6 %
To 46 mcg 39 %
FROM 13 mg 13 %
IN 1 0.05 mg 4 %
IN 2 0.04 mg 2 %
AT 5 0.15 mg 3 %
AT 6 0.24 mg 12 %
AT 9 65 mcg 16 %
RR 0.4 mg 20 %
AT 4 9.6 mg 2 %

Minerals in leek (100 gr)

Minerals Content mg ​​(mcg) %DV
Potassium 181 mg 7 %
Calcium 58 mg 6 %
Magnesium 28 mg 7 %
Sodium 20 mg 2 %
Phosphorus 36 mg 4 %
Iron 2.2 mg 12 %
Manganese 0.49 mg 24 %
Copper 0.13 mg 12 %
Selenium 1 mcg 2 %
Zinc 0.12 mg 1 %

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