Apricots while breastfeeding in the third month. Possible harm to dried apricots when feeding. The benefits and harms of apricots during breastfeeding

Breast milk is best food for the baby - this statement is beyond doubt. From mother's milk the baby receives all the substances he needs for active and full growth, as well as, no less important, the development and strengthening of immunity. It has been established that the composition of the first food of the baby largely depends on what the "producer" eats. That is why women who are breastfeeding need to be as careful as possible about the choice of foods they eat.

When compiling a diet, attention is paid even to such a seemingly familiar, ordinary and harmless fruit, the appearance of which millions of people look forward to every summer, like an apricot.

After reviewing the information below, you will find out whether it is possible for nursing mothers to eat apricots, how they affect the composition of milk and the condition of the crumbs, when and how it is recommended to introduce this fruit into your diet, and also in what form it is better to use it.

In the absence of contraindications, the likelihood of which must be discussed with a qualified specialist in advance, apricot will be useful both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The composition of the fruit in question contains many beneficial vitamins and trace elements that contribute healthy growth and proper development the baby, as well as the formation of strong immunity in him.

In view of the foregoing, experts, answering the question about the possibility of eating apricots, most often give a positive verdict. The main thing is to know the measure and carefully monitor both your condition and the reaction of the baby's body after eating apricots.

More detailed information regarding the beneficial properties of apricot and the effect of this fruit on the body is given in the following table.

Table. Useful properties of apricot

Beneficial featuresAdditional information
Assistance in recovery after childbirth, support during lactationIt is no secret that pregnancy and childbirth is a huge stress for the female body, the consequences of which, in the absence of a timely competent reaction, may not be the best. That is why everything, including the diet, should benefit the future or already established mother, and a harmonious cocktail of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances in the composition of apricot, this is facilitated by the most in the best way.
Preservation and improvement of external beautyMany women lose their teeth, hair, and skin during or after childbirth. Regular consumption of apricots, subject to compliance in general healthy regimen Nutrition helps prevent these problems by keeping teeth intact, hair healthy, and skin clean and smooth.
Restoration of cells and normalization of the internal organsSubject to proper use, apricots will contribute to a more active production of new cells and body tissues. Also, this fruit allows you to quickly cope with hormonal disorders.
In addition, the substances that make up the apricot prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and edema - problems that many women have to face during pregnancy and lactation.

Apricots and their relatives: what about canned food and dried fruits?

From the use of canned apricots, especially of unknown origin, it is better to refrain from: heat treatment and different kind chemicals that are inevitably used in the conditions of factory preservation of various products will not have the best effect on both your health and the condition of the baby.

But in relation to dried apricots, experts have no complaints - rich content microelements and vitamins in this dried fruit makes its use expedient even during pregnancy, and not only during lactation.

Dried apricots have many useful properties, among which the following provisions deserve special attention:

Despite all beneficial features, dried apricots, as well as fresh apricots, during the first few months after the birth of a child (usually 3-4), it is better for mom not to include in her diet, because. The baby's digestive system will simply not be ready for this. As a result, the crumbs with big share probabilities will appear pain in the abdomen, intense gas formation, stool disorders are possible.

According to experts, it is preferable to use dried apricots in compotes during pregnancy - after appropriate processing, dried fruit has a less intense effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but all necessary elements, however, are preserved. No less useful are dried apricots as part of hot dishes, salads and a variety of desserts.

In general, doctors recommend starting to try to eat fresh apricots and dried apricots no earlier than the child reaches 3-4 months of age. These products, like any other fruits and vegetables, are introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a small piece. If within 1-2 days after the first "test" of any side effects from the side child's body not found, you can enjoy your favorite, delicious and very healthy treat.

Plan your diet wisely: Precautions

With uncontrolled use, apricots can lead to allergic reactions, so nursing mothers who decide to include this fruit in their diet should be extremely careful. As noted, the first thing to remember is a sense of proportion - doctors do not prohibit eating apricots during lactation, but insist that women eat them strictly in small quantities.

Before eating an apricot, it must be thoroughly washed. clean water. Do not rush to buy apricots immediately after they appear on sale - in this case the fruit can be either unripe or processed in various ways chemicals for faster maturation. The entry of these chemicals into female body, and from there, with milk, into the body of the baby, can lead to very serious and adverse consequences.

Before eating apricots, consider how common food allergies are in your family. If most of your family members have had similar problems, it is better to refrain from the temptation to eat the fruit in question, so as not to provoke allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the baby.

Sometimes there are cases when, after the mother eats a fresh apricot, the baby’s body does not react to this in the best way, while after jam, compote and various kinds of pastries with the addition of this fruit, no significant problems are noted. Under such circumstances, you should limit yourself to dishes that include this juicy fruit. The only thing is that it is not recommended that the apricot be subjected to prolonged heat treatment before use, because. because of it, the content of nutrients in fruits is significantly reduced.

Thus, in the absence of individual intolerance to the considered fruit by the mother or her baby, an apricot can be safely included in the diet of a nursing woman.

The main thing is not to eat apricots on an empty stomach, not to overeat them, to refrain from such a treat after a heavy fatty foods and carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body to New Product in the mother's diet.

For example, if a child starts having problems with stools in the form of diarrhea, it is better to refuse to use apricots. But in the fight against constipation, this fruit can become a real stick-rescued point.

Health to you and your baby!

Video - Can apricots be breastfed?

Often, after giving birth to a child, a woman does not know what dietary restrictions are, is it possible for a nursing mother to eat apricot fruits? Especially topical issue becomes if the child is breastfed. Can apricots be breastfed?

Apricot is a fruit that combines the qualities of a dietary, but at the same time very nutritious dish.

As it ripens, this fruit is saturated with vitamins, fructose, iron, and potassium. And here it should be noted that the content of potassium and iron depend on their content in the soil. But with vitamins and fructose, things are more complicated. Lack of sun, watering, bad weather- these factors reduce the amount of carbohydrates and vitamins in the apricot. Potassium in apricot is very good suitable for those who lost a lot. So, for a nursing mother, potassium-containing fruits are very healthy foods.

The benefits of apricot for a nursing mother during breastfeeding

It must be understood that immediately after childbirth, a special period begins - the formation breastfeeding. This means that the body needs help in the form of correct reception food. Takes a lot with milk nutrients. And they need to be taken somewhere. The need for food in a nursing mother is great - like a physically working man. But you need to eat food so that it does not affect the composition of the blood. Otherwise, the composition of milk during breastfeeding will change. This is already fraught with indigestion in the child. In the first months of life, babies often have colic. When breastfeeding, you should not eat foods that increase gas formation in the mother, and, therefore, in the child. And yet - apricots for nursing mothers, is it possible with breastfeeding? Of course you can, but no frills, which is described in general principles nutrition of a nursing mother. These principles of breastfeeding can be summarized as follows:

  • Sufficient calories. Those. A woman needs at least 2500 kcal per day.
  • The composition of food should be varied and meet all needs. Nursing mothers need to eat proteins in the amount of 125-140 grams per day. Please note that the amount of proteins in different products miscellaneous and, for example, 150 g of pork may contain about 30 g of protein. 60% of all proteins must be animal.
  • Be sure to take vitamins while breastfeeding. For full exchange substances are necessary for well-functioning body enzymes. And their work, in turn, depends on the presence of vitamins.
  • The most complete digestion is possible only with fractional nutrition. When less food passes through the intestines, the quality of digestion is higher. And vice versa, having eaten a lot of food once, the mother will overload the intestines, part of the food will still not be digested and will go into the large intestine. Due to regular overeating, the microflora located there will change its composition and dysbacteriosis will begin.
  • Allergen safety while breastfeeding. It is necessary to exclude foods that can cause problems in crumbs. The baby's intestines are not yet working so well, the barrier function is weak. This can cause allergies. Strawberries (like chocolate) contain histamine. The child's intestines will not filter out this substance, and problems may begin. Don't limit yourself too much. But spicy, salty, spices, etc. should be avoided. Spices change the taste of milk. Like garlic and onion. Do not eat foods with preservatives - mayonnaise, ketchup. Alcohol is simply contraindicated - the child does not need it at all.

Is it possible to have apricots while breastfeeding - a warning when using apricots for a nursing mother

Apricots are known for their ability to loosen stools. If the child has constipation, then by increasing the food intake, which will loosen the mother's stool, the child may be relaxed.

However, if the child is fine or there is a violation of the stool, with a tendency to diarrhea, then apricots to the mother, while breastfeeding, are not allowed. In addition, there is a possibility of an allergy in a child after a nursing mother eats apricots or other fruits. And this may not be due to the fact that the child is allergic to this fruit, but to imperfection. digestive system at breasts. In an adult digestive tract it is a powerful "machine" capable of digesting even microorganisms. Histamine, contained in a number of products, will not be absorbed into the blood. The barrier function of the gut will not allow this. However, in children, the intestines work differently. He is still growing. And its barrier function is poorly expressed. And the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat apricots turns out to be in the plane - how the child's intestines will perceive this food supplement.

Individual intolerance to apricots in a nursing mother during breastfeeding

Separately, there is the topic of individual intolerance to apricots. Someone can eat a few kilograms of apricots and not notice it, while someone after 5 pieces may have diarrhea. Obviously, if a mother has such a reaction to apricots during breastfeeding (or a father), then it is logical to expect such a reaction in a child. And it is better for mom to refrain from eating apricots at all. Such forms of intolerance are also possible, when the mother cannot even drink compote from apricots. Is it possible for a nursing mother to have apricots - a question not only concerning her. Nursing mother feeds the child. And her body is very closely connected with the child, although less than during pregnancy. Well, since a child can inherit intolerance from his father, the diet of a nursing mother will depend not only on her characteristics. But even if, after eating apricots, the mother does not find any abnormalities in the child's condition, then apricots should not be abused. During the breastfeeding period, the golden rule is everything in moderation.

For a nursing mother, it is necessary to make a diet. And stick to it. Unlike ordinary life, with problems with digestion, both mother and child suffer. And brushing aside the phrase “nothing will happen to me” is not safe for the child. But the diet for a nursing mother is not so complicated.

As you can see, nursing mothers can and even need to eat apricots - because they are rich in iron and potassium, which the baby needs so much and at the same time, you will not get fat from apricots. However, it is worth using apricots while breastfeeding carefully and with an eye on the reaction of the child.

Video: Do's and don'ts while breastfeeding? Can I have apricots?

With the birth of a child, a lot of trouble falls on a woman, sometimes quite unexpected. It would seem that the waiting period, accompanied by fairly strict restrictions, is over. You can relax and finally allow yourself your favorite delicacies, which you had to forget about for a long nine months. But it was not there. As it soon turns out, it is absolutely impossible for a young mother to forget about the diet.

What diet should be followed while breastfeeding? Is it possible for a nursing mother to have apricots and peaches, sausage, cheese, smoked meats? Will the cup drunk by the mother affect the health of the baby strong coffee? The answers to all these questions are trying to be found by a woman who recently gave birth to a child and firmly decided to provide him with the most the best nutrition- with your milk.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have apricots?

And also cherries, plums, watermelon and many others useful berries and fruits? Most women are at a loss. On the one hand, you really want to taste fresh fruits, because their season is so short. It would seem that fresh strawberries have just appeared, as the time for plums and grapes is already coming. And you have to forget about fresh red berries until next spring.

On the other hand, it is not clear how the consumption of fruits by a nursing mother will affect the well-being of her child. I don’t really want to, having eaten fresh plums, listen to the many hours of the “concert” of the baby, who had colic from these very plums. After all, now everything eaten by mom is divided into two.

As you know, apricots are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron. They contain many vitamins and nutrients. The body of a woman, exhausted by pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, is downright crying out for reinforcements. But what about the child? It's too early for him to eat apricots.

If you cannot calmly pass by these fruits, then you really need them. Our body is very wise, and listening to its signals means keeping yourself healthy. But since you are also a mother infant, then you should think about it too. Eat a few apricots and watch your baby's reaction after breastfeeding. If everything is in order with the child, then the answer to the question “can a nursing mother have apricots?” positive. Keep eating them. True, a small clarification should be made here. A few apricots are one, two, maximum three things, not half a bucket.

If, a few hours after you ate an apricot, your baby started screaming or his stomach was upset, then the answer to the question “can a nursing mother have apricots?” will be unambiguously negative. In this case, it is worth considering an alternative. The same goes for peaches. It is not forbidden to eat them if everything is fine with the baby's tummy.

Raw apricots are not allowed. What about boiled ones?

Some women decide that since fresh apricots are now contraindicated, maybe they should try eating apricots in the form of compote. Unfortunately, the answer to the question “is it possible for a nursing mother to compote apricots?” most likely to be negative.

As you know, these fruits contain a lot of fiber, which has strong impact on the peristalsis of the stomach. An attack of colic in a child after an apricot compote drunk by a nursing mother is quite likely. Especially if the mother not only drank the drink, but also ate fruit from it. True, this applies only to children under the age of 5-6 months. An older child may severe diarrhea. If you really want compote, then drink it without fruits, and no more than half a glass. Apricots from compote are not needed yet.

Should you eat apricot jam?

The same can be said about jam. Women who doubt whether a nursing mother can make apricot jam should think about how the delicacy she eats can affect her child's condition. All the restrictions associated with the use of sweet jam from these fruits by a breastfeeding woman come from their ability to affect digestion and bowel function.

If a child often suffers from increased gas formation and indigestion, then it is undesirable to include apricot jam in the mother's diet. If the baby often has constipation, then this delicacy is possible and even necessary.

How to eat apricot jam for a nursing mother

Breastfeeding (especially initial stage) is the period of many restrictions and it is enough strict diet. This is due to the fact that the child's digestive tract has not yet become accustomed to new conditions for him and often fails. Bloating in a baby, an attack of colic and increased gas formation- this is just evidence of a gradual adaptation to life outside the womb.

It is highly undesirable to introduce apricot jam into the diet of a nursing mother until the baby reaches three, and even better - four months. Try to eat quite a bit (two or three spoons) of a sweet product and watch the baby's reaction after breastfeeding.

Practice moderation

If during the day there are no troubles with the baby, then gradually add apricot jam to your diet. But there is no need to be zealous about it. Highly sweet food When breastfeeding, you need to eat in fairly moderate amounts.

Jam, like compote, use only home cooking. Buying these products industrial production, you run the risk of purchasing a set of preservatives, dyes and flavors. Natural fruits in store-bought jams, compotes and juices are found in minimum quantity. Alternatively, you can try drinking juices specifically designed for baby food.

Can a nursing mother eat cherries and apricots?

Oddly enough, but you can hear such questions. You are unlikely to succeed in eating cherries at the same time as an apricot. These fruits ripen different time. At the time of the appearance of the apricot, the cherry leaves completely. With the question "can a nursing mother eat apricots?" we've already figured it out. Let's talk about cherries now.

Can a nursing mother eat cherries

Cherries can be attributed to those few fruits that almost never cause allergies. Stomach problems after eating these fruits also usually do not occur. So if you really want fresh berries, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating them.

Cherries contain calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, iodine. All these trace elements are extremely useful for both mother and baby. In addition, these berries contain vitamins of group B, vitamins C, PP, E. There is also a lot of fiber in them. Unlike apricots, cherries do not cause stomach upset. However, as with other fruits, a nursing mother should start eating these berries with caution.

Eat a few berries and watch your child's reaction. If no side effects were observed, then you can increase the servings. But still, you should not eat kilograms of cherries. By at least as long as your baby is exclusively breastfed.

Which cherry is best?

It is best to eat yellow cherries. When eating red fruits, there is a risk of allergic reactions in a child. It is highly undesirable to eat cherries from trees growing along highways. In this case, in addition to useful trace elements, your body will be “enriched” with heavy metals and carcinogens.

Plums, apricots and other fruits

Plums lower the level of acidity and, due to the large amount of iron they contain, prevent the development of anemia. In addition, the use of plums (fresh or dried) helps to cope with constipation, which often annoys women who have recently given birth. Therefore, a nursing mother definitely needs plums. True, as is the case with other fruits, they should not be introduced into your diet immediately.

Start eating plums when your baby is at least a month old. Eat one plum in the morning and one in the evening. If your baby has taken the innovation in your diet well, then gradually increase the amount of fruit eaten per day.

Dried fruits for breastfeeding mothers

AT autumn-winter period, when fresh fruits on the table are very rare, doctors recommend replacing them with dried ones. If you do not know if plums and apricots in the form of dried fruits are possible for a nursing mother, consult a pediatrician. When buying dried treats, you should pay attention to product quality. On sale you can find smoked prunes. In no case should you buy it, since the fragrant smell of smoke is obtained due to a special chemical treatment of the fruit.

The same can be said about overly bright, having an attractive appearance dried fruits. Most likely, their "beautiful appearance" is the result of the action of preservatives and dyes.

Apricots during breastfeeding at one time even became a stumbling block among Soviet pediatricians. True, at that time feeding a baby for more than 6 months was a rarity, and there were also recommendations that to this day make the hair stand on end on the head of guards consultants. Therefore, let's turn to modern recommendations to find out if apricots can be given to a nursing mother and how to properly introduce them into the diet.

The benefits of apricot for gv

Apricots contain a lot of useful trace elements. They are especially rich in potassium, which is needed for the heart muscle and maintenance water-salt balance. They also contain iron and fructose. All this is preserved in dried apricots - dried apricots.

But vitamin benefits apricot is questioned. The fact is that due to its color, apricot can be considered a valuable source of vitamin A, carotene. However, it will only be enough in fruits if they have ripened under the rays of the sun, and not in a box in a store or warehouse.

The main property of apricots, which is a stumbling block and the subject of controversy, whether or not nursing mothers can eat them is laxative. Yes, these fruits have a lot of fiber and natural laxatives. Therefore, they are not only possible, but also necessary for mothers whose babies suffer from constipation at guards. But it should also be remembered that while being exclusively breastfed, children may not poop for up to 7 days. And that's okay! Of course, as long as it doesn't bother them.

Another point is the allergenicity of apricots. It is believed that this is one of the hypoallergenic fruits. However, reactions occur to it, it contains histamine. This implies the rule of introducing apricots into the diet of a nursing mother. Eat one fruit in the morning and watch your baby's reaction for 24 hours. Everything is fine? The stool has not become too liquid, there is no redness on the skin and around the anus? Excellent. Now eat 3 fruits, and the next day you can eat 5 apricots if everything went well. More than 10-12 pieces a day is not recommended for anyone at all, so be restrained.

Interestingly, even if there is some kind of reaction to an apricot, then almost certainly there will be no reaction when eating dried apricots. Therefore, sushi apricots, harvest them for the future and enjoy the bright taste.

Photo: shutterstock, depositphotos

Breastfeeding a baby often forces a young mother to give up her once-favorite foods, as they can harm the baby and provoke allergic reactions. However, this does not mean at all that women should be excluded from the diet. most famous dishes.

On the contrary, the daily should be correct, full and varied. In particular, its menu must certainly include fresh fruits and vegetables, which are natural source huge amount vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat apricots while breastfeeding, or is it better to refuse this tasty and juicy delicacy for a while.

The benefits and harms of apricots during breastfeeding

Of course, ripe and ripe apricots are useful for all children and adults, including lactating women. They are incredibly nutritious, and their beneficial trace elements can have the following beneficial actions on the human body:

  • potassium - normalizes the work of the heart muscle and helps to strengthen nervous system;
  • phosphorus and magnesium - activate the brain;
  • iodine and iron - support the work thyroid gland and prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with its improper functioning.

In addition, these small fruits contain a large number of vitamins, such as A, C, PP, B1 and B2, many pectins and natural acids. All these components are directly involved in ensuring the vital activity of the body and help internal organs cope with the tasks assigned to them by nature.

Is it possible to eat apricots while breastfeeding?

During the period of breastfeeding a baby, one should not refuse such a useful and unique fruit. Meanwhile, there is no need to overload the tiny organism, since this product can provoke intestinal colic or intense cramping pains in a stomach.

To prevent this from happening, you should not eat apricots while breastfeeding in the first month. You should wait for the crumbs to complete 2-3 months, and only after that try to introduce this into your diet. delicious fruit, starting with half a small fruit. If the baby does not have any adverse reaction as a result, the number of apricots in the diet of a nursing mother can be gradually increased to 3-4 pieces per day.

It is possible to consume these fruits while breastfeeding only in a ripe form and only on condition that no chemicals were used during the entire period of their cultivation. That is why young mothers can enjoy the fruits of an apricot tree only for a few months, and the rest of the time they are forced to give up tasty and healthy fruits.

Meanwhile, if desired, apricot compote can be prepared during the season, which can be drunk while breastfeeding throughout the year. To do this, you must use the following sequence of actions:

Cooked can be drunk throughout the year, diluted with clean water if necessary.

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