Genetic test for schizophrenia online. Eye movement test. Psychotherapy of schizophrenia

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Instant test for schizophrenia. Test yourself and your loved ones! If you are looking for a test that could instantly identify schizophrenia, check out this amazing optical illusion. Chaplin mask test was first proposed and described by a British psychologist and professor of neuropsychology Richard Gregory in scientific work"Meaning and Illusions of Perception". Exploring the difference between the perceptions of schizophrenics and healthy people, this neuropsychologist came to the conclusion that human perception directly depends on the processes of thinking based on past experience.

The more knowledge a person has about a perceived situation, the less often he needs to process it. new information. If a person is mentally healthy, his past experience begins to play a leading role in perception.

As you know, schizophrenia is accompanied by a violation of cognitive processes, as a result of which patients suffering from schizophrenia are not susceptible to various visual illusions.

Therefore, the observation of optical illusions helps to find out how adequately a person perceives the world around him.

Instant Schizophrenia Test: Instructions

Take a close look at this rotating mask. How do you see her? Do you notice any oddities? Remember your viewing experience.


So, congratulations, you just passed the schizophrenia test!This Instant Schizophrenia Test is interesting in that it this case distortion of reality and self-deception are signs of a healthy psyche. If the Chaplin mask seemed strange to you (convex on both sides), then you can be completely calm, you are an absolutely mentally healthy person!

Initially, we see Charlie Chaplin's face on outside masks. However, when the mask begins to rotate, our visual system does not want to accept inner part masks as a "hollow" face, because the brain of a normal person does not correctly perceive shadows and light on the concave side of the mask.

Downward flow of information(our idea of ​​what shape a face should have) goes into dissonance with ascending(sensory signal).

Descending knowledge in a mentally healthy person always has an advantage, so a face that is actually convex seems concave to us, and vice versa.

And so it turns out that a healthy person, passing this test, sees a strange face, bulging on both sides.

The brain of a schizophrenic cannot be deceived by an optical illusion- for him, the mask always remains concave. The reason why schizophrenics do not perceive optical illusions has not yet been fully elucidated.

There is a hypothesis that this is due to in a special way processing of visual information and recognition of visual images.

Therefore, if you can’t see the pink convex mask rotating in the opposite direction, seek the advice of a specialist.

In any case, do not panic - it has been proven that this optical illusion also does not affect people who are under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as on persons in a state of severe stress.

However, do not forget that the diagnosis of this serious mental illness should not be limited to just one mask. For an accurate diagnosis of a person who suspects schizophrenia, You need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

The psychiatric term "schizophrenia", and its derivatives - "schizophrenic", "schizo", "schizoid" - can often be heard in everyday life among ordinary people who are inexperienced in mental disorders and use it as a curse or a label.

What is schizophrenia really, what forms does it have, who is at risk of becoming schizophrenic, and how is such a serious diagnosis and treatment correct? mental disorder?

Today on the site site you will find out what are the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women, men and adolescent children.

And also, you can take a schizophrenia test online and for free, both for yourself and for another person.

Schizophrenia is, literally, “a splitting of the mind (mind)” - an internally conditioned (endogenous) psychotic disorder, manifested in the breakdown of thinking, perception and emotional reactions.

According to scientific research Russian and Western scientists, about 1 out of 100 inhabitants of the planet suffers from schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders, and every 7th has a schizoid psychotype.

The risk of becoming a schizophrenic is 6 people out of 1000, both in childhood, adolescence and youth, and in adulthood.

The main symptoms and signs of schizophrenia:

  • “Echo” of thoughts (sounding of one’s own thoughts), insertion or withdrawal of thoughts, openness of thoughts to others
  • Delusions of possession, influence, or passivity, distinctly referring to the body or limbs, thoughts, actions, or sensations; delusional perception
  • Hallucinatory "voices" commenting on or discussing the behavior of the patient; other types of "voices" coming from various parts body
  • Persistent delusions that are culturally inappropriate, ridiculous, impossible, and/or grandiose in content
  • Persistent hallucinations of any kind, if they occur daily for at least one month and are accompanied by delusions (which may be unstable and semi-formal) without a distinct affective content
  • Neologisms, sperrungs (breaks in thinking), leading to discontinuity or inconsistency in speech
  • Catatonic behavior such as agitation, stiffness or waxy flexibility, negativism, mutism, and stupor
  • "Negative symptoms" (but not due to depression or pharmacotherapy), as a rule, leading to social exclusion and a decrease in social indicators; symptoms that may be expressed:
    • apathy
    • speech impoverishment or smoothness
    • inadequacy of emotional reactions
  • Reliable and Consistent Changes overall quality behaviors manifested by loss of interest, aimlessness, preoccupation with one's own experiences, social alienation

The main causes of schizophrenia:

  • Heredity and genetic predisposition
  • Negative living conditions in early childhood
  • Psychological and social problems in relationships
  • Frequent and prolonged stress
  • Organic, neurobiological disorders (little studied so far)

Groups and risk factors:

  • Residents of metropolitan areas and large cities
  • Personalities with a schizoid psychotype or accentuation
  • Persons with schizophrenics up to the 3rd generation in the family
  • Suffering from loneliness and social isolation
  • Children in a dysfunctional family
  • Stressful professions
  • Seasonality (people born in winter and spring are more likely to get schizophrenia)
  • Short social status individual: poverty, poor living conditions, displacement and discrimination
  • Experienced psychotrauma, psychological and physical violence, including sexual, experience of illness

Forms of schizophrenia ^

There is various forms schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders, not counting the schizoid character - let's take a closer look ...

Mental illnesses in Russia are considered according to ICD-10 ( International classification diseases of the 10th revision - classes F00-F99"Mental and Behavioral Disorders"), used in Russia, the CIS and Europe (not everywhere).

The US has its own classification. mental illness- according to DSM-5 ( D diagnostic and S statistical M anual of mental disorders, fifth edition by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • F20 - Schizophrenia
    • F20.0 - Paranoid schizophrenia
    • F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
    • F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
    • F20.3 - Undifferentiated schizophrenia
    • F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression
    • F20.42 - Post-schizophrenic depression, post-psychotic stage of coat-like schizophrenia
    • F20.5 - Residual schizophrenia
    • F20.6 - Simple type of schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx1 - Hypochondriacal schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx2 Senestopathic schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx3 - Child type schizophrenia
    • F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified
    • F22.03 - Paranoid schizophrenia with sensitive delusions of attitude
    • F22.82 - Paranoid schizophrenia
    • F23.1 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia
    • F23.2 Acute schizophreniform psychotic disorder
    • F25.0 - Schizoaffective disorder, manic type
    • F25.1 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
    • F25.2 - Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
  • F21 - Schizotypal disorder(in Russia - "Slow-moving schizophrenia" is a borderline, smoothed level of the disease that does not fit the F20 criteria, this includes:
    • F21.1 Latent schizophrenia
    • F21.2 - Schizophrenic reaction
    • F21.3 - Pseudoneurotic (neurosis-like) schizophrenia
    • F21.4 - Pseudopsychopathic (psychopathic) schizophrenia
    • F21.5 - "Poor symptoms" schizophrenia
    • F21.8 Schizotypal personality disorder
    • F21.9 Schizotypal disorder unspecified
  • F60.1 Schizoid personality disorder(pronounced psychotype or accentuation of the schizoid, which is similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia and signs of borderline schizotypal disorder, but is not a serious psychopathology)

Diagnosis of schizophrenia ^

To put accurate diagnosis diseases, necessary differential diagnosis, because many symptoms and signs of schizophrenia are often similar to other mental, personality, psychosomatic and somatic disorders.

Only a psychiatrist, medical psychotherapist or clinical psychologist has the right to diagnose schizophrenia, after listening to the patient's complaints, interviewing relatives and friends, and observing.

Also, in order to differentiate from other diseases with similar symptoms, it is necessary to carry out, along with psychiatric, and medical examination(examination of blood, kidneys and liver, thyroid gland, urinalysis, pregnancy and analysis for narcotic and psychotropic substances).

Diagnosis of schizophrenia by the symptoms and signs outlined above implies one or two symptoms over a long period of time (usually at least a month).

Treatment of schizophrenia ^

The main treatment for schizophrenia is drug therapy (antipsychotics, antipsychotics).

Together with psychiatric pharmacological treatment use psychotherapeutic - cognitive behavioral therapy, relationship psychotherapy, transactional analysis, etc.

Recovery forecasts
With long-term, more than 20 years, studies and observations of the treatment of patients with schizophrenia in different countries, it was found that more than 50% can fully recover, and get rid of the symptoms of schizophrenia and improve their condition to an adequate and efficient large quantity(at normal treatment- both medically and psychotherapeutically for a long time).

The difference between a schizophrenic and a schizotype and a schizoid ^

You need to understand what is mental disorder- schizophrenia, but there is personality disorders schizotypal and schizoid.

Also, there is personality psychotype- schizoid (or schizoid character accentuation), which is not a disorder of the psyche and personality.

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders and illnesses are dealt with by psychiatrists, medical psychotherapists and clinical psychologists are "big psychiatry"

Psychological psychotherapists can also deal with schizotypal or schizoid personality disorder - this is “minor psychiatry”.

Schizoid accentuation of character (psychotype) can, with certain conditions, turn into a disease - schizophrenia.

To prevent this from happening, a preventive consultation with a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst is necessary.

Schizophrenia Test Online ^

Take the online test, for yourself or for someone else, and find out from your symptoms whether you have signs of schizophrenia, schizotypal or schizoid disorder.

Are you a schizophrenic or not?— take a test for schizophrenia online

How not to become a schizophrenic ^

If you are at risk (see above), then you should, in order not to become a schizophrenic, protect yourself by taking preventive measures.

Most the best option is to consult and, if necessary, undergo preventive, preventive psychotherapy (this is not treatment, but rather training ...)

Psychotherapy of schizophrenia ^

Preventive psychotherapy of schizophrenia is the removal or leveling of risk factors for the disease, especially internal, personal emotional and psychological problems, and training preventive methods and technicians.

Psychological therapy for schizophrenia or schizotypal, schizoid personality disorder is carried out in conjunction with drug therapy or after the last one.

If you have suspicions of schizophrenia, its symptoms and signs, or you have schizotypal disorder or schizoid accentuation, then undergo a psychoanalytic examination,

Schizophrenia, like any mental illness, has its own symptoms, which can only be considered in combination. Taken out of the general context, single manifestations are not only signs, but may correspond to the symptoms of other mental illnesses.

Scientists are looking for ways to diagnose schizophrenia, offering various test methods. However, none of them can accurately define schizophrenia.

The first begin to appear already in childhood and adolescence. Already to determine schizophrenia, you need to know the features of its manifestation.

External manifestations of schizophrenia: symptoms and signs

Schizophrenia differs from other mental illnesses in its variety of forms and a long period the time of its occurrence. The first, as a rule, shock the relatives of the patient. This reaction is understandable, since no one is ready to accept this disease in their family. Therefore, faced with the first signs, they reject even the thought of a disease, explaining the problems as overwork or stress.

This situation is fraught with consequences, as the symptoms will increase, and the person's well-being will worsen.

As a rule, patients with schizophrenia have several groups of symptoms:

  1. Psychotic. This group includes signs that are completely absent in healthy people: delirium, obsessions, .

Crazy ideas are not based on real situations, but are completely made up. Patients with schizophrenia create their own picture of the world around them. Patients develop aggressive inclinations: a person feels flawed, believes that the whole world wishes him harm.

Hallucinations can be of several types:

  • visual, when a schizophrenic sees non-existent objects, people, animals or other creatures;
  • auditory, in which a patient with schizophrenia hears voices or sounds that do not exist in reality;
  • tactile, causing non-existent pain and sensations in patients (burns, blows, touches);
  • olfactory, in which patients feel certain odors.
  1. Disorganized. This group of symptoms characterizes the situation of an inadequate reaction to what is happening due to problems with mental operations. Patients with schizophrenia may say meaningless things, and accompanying this aggressive behavior. Even with meaningful positions, the patient's speech is fragmentary without the possibility of its systematization. Schizophrenics cannot establish a sequence of actions. They are scattered.
  2. emotional symptoms. Patients with schizophrenia have abnormal emotional reactions on what is happening: a person can experience joy at a funeral and negativity in positive situations. Another characteristic component is the state of affect in patients with schizophrenia. Often there are situations when patients with schizophrenia show a tendency to suicide.

The appearance of signs of schizophrenia should alert loved ones and cause a desire to seek help from a specialist.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

Given the variety of forms of schizophrenia, the diagnosis of this disease must take into account the complex of symptoms that are observed in patients for six months. Single manifestations do not characterize the disease.

First of all, experts pay attention to mental disorders: thoughts, general mood, the presence of hallucinations, movement disorders, impaired mental operations. Special attention at the same time deserves a common emotional condition person.

The presence of schizophrenia in relatives speaks in favor of the disease.

When defining schizophrenia, it is worth distinguishing this disease from schizo states and psychotic disorders. The signs of these deviations are similar in many respects, but their main difference is that similar states last about two weeks, and people come out of them on their own, without the help of a doctor.

However, the presence of psychotic and schizo disorders is an indicator of the possibility of schizophrenia, which should cause alertness in both the patient and his environment.

Delusional disorders can be a symptom of schizophrenia, or they can characterize obsessions. Delusions can be caused by brain diseases that are easy to identify. In schizophrenia, brain diseases are not detected.

Signs of the hebephrenic form of schizophrenia are movement disorders which are not controlled by volitional manifestations. The patient can make faces, make caricature movements. At the same time, manifestations of inadequate emotional reactions are observed.

Symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia. Therefore, these states must be distinguished.

When defining schizophrenia, one must remember that it is characterized by manifestations in almost all areas of human existence:

  • apathy towards self: slovenliness, strange style of dress, lack of self-care, lack of interest in life;
  • violation of communication, lack of trust in people;
  • broken thinking and incoherent speech, the presence of neologisms (new invented words), meaningless texts;
  • conflicting emotions, inadequate environment;
  • anxiety;
  • changes in behavior, characterized as eccentricity and foolishness;
  • suspicion.

Schizophrenia is very specific disease. To determine it, it is necessary to take into account all the signs in the complex, which led to the need to develop tests for schizophrenia.

Tests for schizophrenia have been developed and improved over several decades. Some tests have gone through a lot of modifications and changes, while others are considered ineffective. On the present stage There are many tests that are in the testing phase.

Consider the most common tests for schizophrenia:

  • Mask. The essence of the test is that a person is shown a mask with the concave side towards the patient. Normal person immediately reacts to color, shadows, refraction of light and perceives the reverse side of the mask as convex. A schizophrenic patient's consciousness is split, and he does not combine the play of color and shadow and perceives the reverse side as a concave part.
  • Luscher test. The color test offers a set of eight different colors, from which you need to choose the color you like, building a color range according to the degree of sympathy. It is important that the colors are normal without any highlights and spots. The mechanism of this test is such that a person chooses a color at an unconscious level. Therefore, Luscher's results can be considered reliable.

Speaking about color preferences, it should be noted that schizophrenics perceive color in a peculiar way. Patients with schizophrenia may be negative towards certain colors or show irritation. Sometimes they absolutely abstract the colors. Therefore, the attitude towards color can also be an indicator of schizo disorders or the disease of schizophrenia itself.

How do doctors understand that in front of them is a patient with schizophrenia? By outward signs it is far from always possible to determine the “shizu”, so experts use a number of tests. The most popular of them are presented below.

Instruction (important!): When answering a question, be guided by sensations, not logic.

So the question is:

Is the mask convex on one side or both?

Correct answer:

The mask shown in the image is convex on one side only

Does the mask rotate one way or both?

Correct answer:

The mask only rotates to the right.

Analysis of results

If you answered both questions not properly- hurray, you are absolutely healthy! Artificial shapes and shadows in the picture mislead the brain, and it shows a healthy reaction - "completes" reality and, therefore, is mistaken. In our favor:).

If the correct answers were given to both questions ... The brain of a schizophrenic cannot analyze the whole picture and complete the reality. As a result, a person sees the mask only as it really is. Such a person, of course, is unhealthy.

But don't jump to conclusions! Let's figure it out. Have you really not seen ANYTHING, except for the convex and unidirectional rotating mask? It is quite possible that you simply answered at random or saw an illusion, but nevertheless decided to get to the bottom of the correct answer, looked for a long time and made a conclusion. Besides, optical illusion will not work if you have been drinking or under the influence of drugs.

There is a third conclusion - you ... genius! A man of genius has the mindset of both a healthy and a schizophrenic patient, and is able to instantly switch between them. In our case, the genius will see the illusion (healthy reaction), but will be able to figure out what the matter is and where the mask is rotating (schizophrenic reaction). Moreover - if he wants, he will simply stop perceiving the deception once and for all!

Important note: the results of all tests on this page do not diagnose you with 100% accuracy, only qualified specialist or medical council. Please treat the results as food for thought, not as a diagnosis!

… Not so long ago, a new test for schizophrenia, the Chaplin Mask, was developed in the UK. Look at the image below and say - a mask with reverse side convex or concave?

Correct answer:

A healthy person will see that the mask on the back is pink and bulging. As in the previous example, there is an optical illusion here (the brain is misled rounded shapes and shadows).

2. Luscher test

The method was developed in the 1940s. Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher. The scientist noticed that depending on psycho-emotional state Humans perceive colors differently.

The Luscher test exists in two versions: short and full.

Short version: the patient comes to the doctor during the day (because natural light is required). The doctor ensures the uniformity of illumination and the absence of sun glare. The patient is offered numbered cards in eight colors - black, brown, red, yellow, green, gray, blue and purple. His task is to distribute the cards in accordance with personal preferences at the current moment, and nothing else.

The full version includes 73 colors (various shades of gray, the eight colors mentioned above and a mix of the four primary colors - red, green, blue and yellow). They are grouped into tables, which are given to the patient one after the other. His task is to choose from each table one color that he likes the most. After a few minutes, the test is repeated again. So the doctor will understand what condition the patient is actually in, because. for the first time, a person chose colors for the state in which he would like to be.

Video with the Luscher test:

What colors do schizophrenics choose?

Most often they prefer colors. yellow color. Patients with schizophrenia in a sluggish form are indifferent to colors and confuse shades, in a progressive form they negatively perceive black and red.

Besides, good doctor during testing, look at the colors of the patient's clothes. You should be wary when observing extremes: inexpressive and boring or bright and incompatible shades.

3. Rorschach test

Another very good test from a Swiss psychologist (they know a lot about "shiz" back in Switzerland!). The patient is shown 10 cards with pictures in the form of black-and-white and color blots, they are presented in strict order. The doctor sets the task - carefully, slowly examine the card and answer the question "What does it look like?". The technique is very much appreciated by specialists - according to it, they not only see the whole picture of the psychopathologies of a particular person, but also receive answers to many questions of a personal nature.

Here is a test on an example of one picture:

But full version with comments:

4. Test pattern

A very revealing test. Schizophrenics, as noted above, confuse colors and shades: their sun can be black (a sign of fear and depression), trees are purple, and grass is red.

First stage of schizophrenia. Mastery

From the familiar, predictable real world the patient passes into a distorted, phantasmagoric world of visions, hallucinations, unusual colors and unusual proportions. Not only does his world change, he changes too. With the rapid course of schizophrenia in their eyes, the patient becomes a hero or an outcast, the savior of the universe or a victim of the universe.

If changes occur gradually, anxiety, confusion and fear may prevail in the first stage of schizophrenia: something is clearly happening to the outside world, people’s motives are unclear, but they do not bode well, in general, you need to prepare either for defense or for flight .

The first stage of schizophrenia can be called a period of discovery and insight. It seems to the patient that he sees the essence of things and the true meaning of events. In this phase, there is no place for routine and tranquility. The discovery of a new world can be wonderful (for example, when feeling omnipotent) or terrible (when realizing the insidious plans of enemies who supposedly poison the patient, kill him with rays or read his thoughts), but it is simply impossible to calmly survive such changes.

It happens that having survived a bright, stormy phase of mastery, the patient returns completely to normal life. And if not favorable course In schizophrenia, short, almost imperceptible periods of mastery and adaptation are quickly replaced by a long phase of degradation.
Second stage of schizophrenia. Adaptation

No matter how violent the course of schizophrenia is, sooner or later the patient gets used to the ongoing changes. The sense of novelty is lost. In the second stage of schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations and other manifestations of the disease become commonplace. The illusory world no longer obscures reality. The two realities coexist more or peacefully in the mind of the patient.

This stage of schizophrenia is characterized by the so-called "double orientation": the patient can see an evil alien in his neighbor, and, at the same time, an old acquaintance, Uncle Misha.

Regardless of the variant of the course of schizophrenia, the result of therapy largely depends on what the patient chooses: the real world or the world of illusions. If nothing keeps the patient in the real world, he simply does not need to return to reality.

In addition, this stage of schizophrenia is accompanied by preseveration (repetition of the same words, gestures and facial expressions that are not related to the current situation) and behavioral stereotypes. The more severe the course of schizophrenia, the more stereotypical the patient's behavior becomes.
Third stage of schizophrenia. Degradation

In this phase, emotional dullness comes to the fore. The time of onset of the third stage depends on both the form and the variant of the course of schizophrenia. Signs of emotional, and then - and intellectual degradation quickly develop in hebephrenic and simple forms of the disease. Patients with a catatonic and paranoid form, especially with a favorable course of schizophrenia, can remain emotionally and intellectually intact for a long time.

In the third stage, the patient seems to burn out from the inside: hallucinations fade, the expression of emotions becomes even more stereotyped. Space and time lose their significance.
With any type of course of schizophrenia, the third phase is unfavorable in terms of prognosis. However, thoughtful rehabilitation gives patients the opportunity to exist in society. In some cases (usually after severe emotional upheavals), a short-term or steady return to normal life is possible.
this quiz is bullshit

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