"Festival of Folk Games" Scenario of a family holiday for children of preparatory groups and their parents. Russian folk games

Geese-swans ……………………………………………………….3

Ordinary blind man's buff……………………………………………4

At the bear in the forest ……………………………………………………5



Above the feet from the ground……………………………………………… 8

The Wolf in the Den………………………………………………………....8

Homeless hare…………………………………………………….8

Parts of the body………………………………………………………......8

Snow Queen………………………………………………….9

Hunters and Hares…………………………………………………….10

Two Frosts……………………………………………………………10

Kite and mother hen……………………………………………………..11

Carp and pike…………………………………………………………11


Needle and thread…………………………………………………………12

A goat went through the forest…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Like grandmother Larisa……………………………………………..13

Like grandma Malanya……………………………………………… 14

Swan geese

The participants in the game choose the wolf and the owner, the rest - swan geese. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - the wolf lives under the mountain. The owner releases the geese into the field for a walk, to pinch the green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese:



Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes.

Swan geese! Home!

Gray wolf under the mountain!

What is he doing there?

Ryabchikov pinches.

Well, run home!

The geese run into the house, the wolf tries to catch them. Those caught are out of the game. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes a wolf.

Rules of the game. Geese should "fly" all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after the words: “Well, run home!”

Ordinary blind man's buff

One of the players - blind man - is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they ask:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

At the pot.

What's in the pot?


Catch the mice, not us.

After these words, the participants in the game scatter, and the "blind man's blind man" catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man.

Rules of the game. If the blind man's blind man comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him by shouting: "Fire!" You can not shout this word in order to distract the blind man's blind man from a player who cannot escape from him. Players are not allowed to hide behind any objects or run very far. They can dodge blind man's buff, squat, walk on all fours. The blind man's blind man should recognize and call the caught player by name without removing the bandage.

At the bear in the forest

The bear, chosen by lot, lives in the forest. Children go to the forest for mushrooms, berries and sing a song:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries!

The bear is disgusted

Frozen on the stove!

When the players have spoken the last words, the bear, which has been dozing until now, begins to toss and turn, stretch, and reluctantly leaves the den. But then the bear suddenly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear.

Rules of the game. The bear leaves the den only after pronouncing the last words of the beginning. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but tease him with a song.


Participants of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it to the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color for themselves and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.

Buyer knocks:

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For what?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Go along the blue path, find blue boots, wear it and bring it back!” If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.

There is a second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come in turn and take apart the paints. The buyer with the most colors wins. If the buyer did not guess the color of the paint, the owner can give a more difficult task, for example: "Ride on one leg along the blue track."

Rules of the game. The owner becomes the buyer who guessed more colors.


The players stand in pairs one after another. Ahead of everyone at a distance of two steps is the driver - the burner.

Chant players say the words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Stay at the bottom

Look at the field, there are trumpeters

Yes, they eat kalachi.

Look at the sky

The stars are burning

Cranes cry:

Goo, goo, run away.

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner burns again. The game is repeated. If the burner succeeds in spotting one of the runners in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

Rules of the game. The burner must not look back. He catches up with fleeing players as soon as they run past him.

Higher feet off the ground

Players run around the court in different directions. The selected driver is given a flag in his hands. The driver raises the flag up and runs along with everyone. At the command "Catch!" children run away and “hide” on any elevation (gymnastic wall, bench, horizontal bar, etc.). Players who did not have time to "hide" are stained by the driver with a flag.

Players who are tarnished remain in the game. Drivers who have tarnished a greater number of players are noted.

Wolf in the ditch

Players - "goats" are on one side of the site. In the center of the site, a “ditch” is marked with parallel lines, 70-100 cm wide. The driver - the “wolf” stands in the ditch. At the command "Goats - in the field, the wolf in the ditch!" the goats run across to the opposite side, jumping over the moat. The wolf tries to tarnish the jumping goats. The game is repeated 2 times, then a new driver is selected.

In a jump, push off with one foot; the wolf cannot go beyond the ditch.

homeless hare

Players - "hares" stand in "houses" - hoops located on one side of the site. On command, the hares jump out of the houses and jump around the site on two legs. The teacher at this time removes one or more hoops. At the sound signal, the hares hide in the houses. The one who did not have enough house is a homeless hare, he remains in the game. The game continues 4-5 times, the most dexterous hares are marked.

You can hide in any house, two hares cannot hide in one house.

Body parts

Players move around the court in different directions (run, jump, step). At the command of the teacher "Hand-head!" each player quickly finds a partner and puts a hand on his head. The fastest and most attentive pairs are marked.

The teacher can come up with different combinations - “hand-hand”, “back-back”, “hand-nose”, etc.

The Snow Queen

The players are on the court, the driver is the "Snow Queen" away from the players. On command, the players scatter around the court, and the Snow Queen tries to catch up with them and tarnish them. The one she touches turns into an "icicle" and remains standing still.

When the game is repeated, another driver is selected from among the most dexterous players.

Hunters and hares

Players - "hares" are in the house on one side of the site, the driver - "hunter" is on the opposite side of the site. There are snowballs next to the driver. Hares jump around the site on two legs. At the command "Hunter!" they run away to the house, and the hunter throws snowballs at the feet of the hares. At the end of the game, the number of hares caught is counted and a new hunter is selected.

You can not throw snowballs at the torso and head of the players.

two frosts

The players are on one side of the site, the drivers are “Two Frosts”, in the center of the site facing the players. Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring!”

- "I'm Frost - Red Nose!",

- "I'm Frost - Blue nose!",

“Well, which of you will dare to take the path?”

The children say in chorus: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”

After these words, the players run across to the opposite side of the site, and the drivers try to stain them (“freeze”). At the end of the game, the number of “frozen” players is counted and new drivers are selected.

Run from one side of the court to the other, do not push or interfere with other players.

Kite and mother hen

Children stand in a column one by one in a clutch, putting their hands on the belt of the players in front. The first player in the column is the “hen”, the leader is the “kite”, is located opposite the players and tries to spot one of the “chickens” behind the hen. The mother hen does not let him through, moving from side to side, without holding the kite with her hands. The kite wins if it manages to tarnish the player within the set time (30-40 s) or if the chain breaks. The game is repeated with new drivers.

8-10 people play, players can be divided into 2-3 teams.

Carp and pike

There are two groups involved. One group is built in a circle - these are "pebbles", the other - "carp", which "swim" inside the circle. The driver - "pike" is away from the players. At the command "Pike!" the driver quickly runs into the circle, and the crucians hide behind the pebbles. Carp that did not have time to hide, the pike stains. Caught carp are temporarily out of the game. The game is repeated with another pike. At the end of the game, the best driver is marked.

Carp should not touch the pebbles with their hands.


Players of two teams line up in 2 lines on opposite sides of the site and form a “wattle fence” (bending their arms crosswise in front of their chest, they hold the opposite hands of their neighbors on the right and left). On a signal, the children release their hands and scatter around the hall in different directions, and about the "Wattle" team, they line up in their places, forming a wattle fence. The team that builds faster is noted.

The order of the players in the team can not be observed.

Needle and thread

Players line up in a circle, hold hands. Drivers - "needle" and "thread" are outside the circle. On a signal, the needle begins to run away from the thread, running like a “snake” under the hands of the players standing in a circle. The thread, catching up with the needle, runs in the same direction. If the thread catches up with the needle, or the thread confuses the path of movement behind the needle, then new drivers are chosen. If the thread in 20-30 seconds. I could not catch up with the needle, then the game stops and new drivers are selected.

If there are a lot of children, then you can make 2-3 circles. Players standing in a circle are not allowed to touch the drivers with their hands and interfere with them. The thread should run along the same path as the needle.

The goat went through the forest

Children stand in a circle holding hands. The driver is chosen - "goat". The driver, standing inside the circle, selects a pair from the players and brings it into the circle.

The goat went through the forest

Through the forest, through the forest

Found a princess

Princess, princess.

Come on, goat, let's jump,

Let's jump, let's jump.

And kicking our legs

We jump, we jump.

And clap our hands

Let's clap, clap.

And we'll stomp our feet

Let's drown, let's drown.

Children, together with the driver, perform the appropriate movements. The lyrics of the song can be sung.

Like grandmother Larisa

All players stand in a circle, one of them - the leader - becomes in the center of the circle. The players go in a circle with the words:

Like grandmother Larisa

There were seven children.

They neither drank nor ate

Everyone was looking at grandma

Together they did this!

The player standing in the center of the circle takes some unusual pose, the rest of the participants repeat it after the leader and freeze. The one who moves first gets out of the circle. If the driver is a boy, then the words “Like grandmother Larisa ....” are replaced by the words "Like grandfather Ivan's"

Grandma Malanya

At first, the main role is played by the educator. He invites children to play a very fun round dance game. At the same time, he warns that the guys will lead the round dance on their own. Children hold hands, and an adult stands in a circle and begins to sing a song, accompanying it with expressive movements.

At Malanya, at the old woman's Children move in a circle

Lived in a small hut in one direction, holding on to

Seven daughters, hands. Stop with

Seven sons using gestures and facial expressions

All without eyebrows. represent what is being said

With eyes like these, text: cover your eyebrows with your hands

With such ears, they make "round eyes" and

With such noses, "big nose", etc.

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Haven't eaten anything, squat down and

They sat all day, propped up with one hand

They looked at her (him), chin. Repeat for

They did it like this ... leading any funny


The movements that children repeat after an adult should be varied: for example, you can wag a playful finger, make horns, wave your hand, dance, etc.

The one who stands in the center of the round dance must himself figure out how to portray the children of grandmother Malanya. It is allowed to show any movements, but you can not grimace or fool around. All participants in the round dance repeat the movements of the leader.

Valentina Borisova

Festival of Folk Games

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle:


Please, dear guests!

We have been waiting for you for a long time.

We can't start the holiday without you.


We have something for everyone

Both the place and the word.


Today there will be games, dancing, laughter.

There is enough joy for everyone.

Dear parents! We have gathered today to remember the old days, to play Russian folk games that were played by grandparents. You probably played, and now your children are playing. Each nation has its own traditions, its own songs, fairy tales, games.

Let's start the holiday

Let's sing and dance

Let's start a round dance, we'll sing a ringing song!

Children perform a round dance "ON THE MOUNTAIN, KALINA." After the round dance, the children remain standing in a circle.


Guys, do you know what WHITE is? Come on, show me how it spins.

Children stand in two lines facing each other, and weave their hands into a WHITE.

And parents will be able to weave the WHITE? Come on, come out and show your skills.

Everyone plays the game "Wattle" together.

At our games, thousands of different games!

In games, do not open your mouth - show dexterity, courage!

Now I will invite the strong men to measure their strength. And the game is called HONEY and SUGAR.


Children sit on the floor two people on one side of a long stick and two on the other. On a signal, they begin to pull it, compete, on whose side there is more power, on the side of HONEY or SUGAR. Winners are determined by the results of the third game. The first time children play, and then dads.

And now, little girls! Sing ditties!

Sing more merrily to please the guests!

And boys, don't yawn! You girls sing along!



Oh dear girls! Let me tell you:

We have an offer to walk with you!

We know a lot of ditties, all ditties are different!

You are good guys, only your heels are dirty!


I'm sorry, dear, that I did not come to you.

Daddy's pants are big, but I couldn't find mine!

I fell in love with you, and you wonder.

I'll love Seryozhka, you can't figure it out!


I was going for a walk, my mother poured soup.

And he returned from the festivities - he gave slaps on the back of the head.

I wanted to get married, my mother won't give me a cow.

And the groom got caught - he won’t take it without a cow.


I am for brown eyes, but for a blond braid.

Darling, I'll bring a cow for you.

My mother gave birth to me, she thought she was good.

Unfolded, looked - snub-nosed button.


We have a lot of respect for the girls in our group.

Yes, let them love us - we do not mind.

Your feet are clubfoot, they don't stomp anything.

Look at ours - how fervently they spank.

We are preschool children, we live in Abakan.

We go to the Cinderella kindergarten and sing ditties there.

We sang ditties to you, dear audience.

Don't hold on to your pockets, we won't take a single ruble.

Tell me, guys, who is the mouse afraid of?

Who is running after her? (Cat)

What else is the mouse afraid of? (Mousetrap)

One, two, three, four, five - let's all play!

Our parents will make a mousetrap for us. And the mice will be children.

Parents stand in a circle in pairs facing each other, holding hands. Children run in a circle under the hands of their parents clasped and raised, at a signal they lower their hands and “the mousetrap catches mice”.

And now, friends, all together, we will sing a sonorous song.

The ensemble of girls sings the song “Give me a balalaika”, the whole hall sings the chorus.

And now you do not yawn, guess my riddle:

She does not eat herself, but feeds everyone? (A spoon)

The game is calling us again.

Let's play, kids!


Children and parents play. Spoons lie on chairs arranged in a circle. There are more players than chairs. Those who do not have time to take a spoon and take a chair are out of the game.

Orchestra POLYANKA

But whistles, rattles, spoons.

Who wants to play a little?

Noise instruments: spoons, boxes of cereals, crystal bells, chisels, pipes, ratchet are laid out on the tables. A pre-trained child conductor directs an orchestra of children and parents who accompany the Russian folk melody "Polyanka".

The Russian people have a holiday - "MASLENNITSA". So, at this holiday they always play the game “SHIN CLEAR”.

Let's continue the holiday.

Let's play in "BURN CLEAR"


Children stand in columns of 6 people, the leader with a handkerchief (there are 6 of them in total) stands on the opposite side of the teams. The first in both teams run around their team first, and then, they try to be the first to take the handkerchief from the driver. The team with the most handkerchiefs wins. Children play first, then parents.

Business time - fun hour.

Let's dance now.


For the first part of the music:

Children sit in a circle on one knee, imitating the corresponding movements to the beat of the music - they are “shoemakers”. Parents-customers stand in front of the shoemakers, putting out their foot for repairing shoes, knocking with the toe of the exposed foot, they can perform half-turns with the body to the right and left, slightly springing their legs.

For the second part of the music:

Shoemakers and customers hop around in pairs, first to the right, then to the left.

At the end of the music:

The client bows to his partner and moves in a circle to another shoemaker. The dance is repeated several times.

Oh, guys, hush, hush!

Something strange I hear!

Someone is coming to us...

A large Petrushka doll appears on the screen.


Hello kids, girls and boys!

Hello moms and dads!

I am a fun toy. And my name is ... (Petrushka).

And what is your name?

I brought you an interesting game, it's about fairy tales, it's called "ADDITIONS".


Will you play with me?

1. Ok-ok-ok - rolled ... (kolobok!

2. Su-su-su - the cockerel drove away ... (fox!

3. Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid ... (egg!

4. Yat-yat-yat - the gray wolf did not eat ... (goats!

5. A'na-a'na-a'na - swans carry ... (Ivan!

6. Yok-yok-yok - do not sit on ... (stump!


Well done boys! You know fairy tales well!

And for my parents, I also have something in store.

I went to the store, I bought balloons for you.

Each ball has a secret - can we guess it or not?

Whoever guesses the secret gets a gift!

The called parents are invited to burst the balloon with a note in any way. The parent reads the note and guesses who sent the letter. Each participant receives a small prize.

1. “I offer a new trough, a hut, a pillar nobility, in exchange for an Indesit washing machine.” (Old woman)

2. "I'm laying golden eggs." (Hen-Ryaba)

3. "Lost precious metal key." (Pinocchio)

4. "Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world." (Dr. Aibolit)

5. "I'll wash everything!". (Moidodyr)

6. "A travel company organizes an air travel along the milky river with kissel banks." (Swan geese)


And the last riddle for everyone:

Ok-ok-ok - standing in the field ... (Teremok)

Parsley, and we know the game about Teremok and we will play now!


Play, play, don't forget about me

Invite more often! Goodbye!

Do you want to play "Teremok"? Get into a round dance.


Children are chosen as characters, parents and children lead a round dance. The action follows the fairy tale "Teremok".

HOST: So our holiday has come to an end!

1ST CHILD: Kindergarten games and laughter are the main thing for everyone.

We are friends - you and I, we have a glorious family!

2ND CHILD: Because together - songs are sung more cheerfully!

Because together - games are twice as interesting!

Together, laughter is funnier and food is tastier!

LEADING: Games, but dancing will not be full.

The Russian people are famous for their hospitality and treats!

3RD CHILD (with samovar):

We go, we go, we go! We carry a samovar with us!

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies!

Hot tea on the table, donuts and jam!

We invite you to taste our treat!

HOST: Drinking tea is not chopping wood! We invite everyone to the table!

Everyone goes to tea.


N. G. Kuprina. Communicative dance games in the education of children. Yekaterinburg, 2002.

Conducting folklore holidays in kindergarten. Pskov, 1994.


Mobile game "STEP FAST!"

At one end of the playground, the players line up in one line. At the other end, the leader becomes his back to the players, facing the wall. He covers his face with his hands and says:

Walk fast! Look, don't yawn! Stop!

While the driver pronounces these words, all the players try to get closer to him as quickly as possible. But with the command "Stop!" they should immediately stop and freeze in place, and the driver quickly looks back. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one movement, the driver sends him back beyond the starting line. After that, the driver again stands against the wall and pronounces the same words.

This continues until one of the players manages to approach the driver so as to be able to stain him before he has time to look back. After that, all the players run for their line, the driver chases after them and tries to tarnish someone. The stained becomes the driver.

Mobile game "WATCH»

The players are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines, one against the other, at a distance of 10-15 steps.

The leader shows the guys how to build a wattle fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you, connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left with the right hand of the neighbor on the right.

When the guys learn this, both ranks, lowering their hands, move towards each other with the words:

One two three four.

We read and count

Dreaming of flying to the moon...

Repeating the same words, the ranks return back. The leader blows the whistle. The guys scatter, form one common circle in the middle of the site and dance merrily to the music. At the second whistle, they should return to their places, line up in ranks and interlace their hands, forming a wattle fence.

- a favorite pastime for preschoolers. While playing, kids strengthen their physical health, develop thinking, speed, dexterity and strength.

With the advent of autumn, children spend more and more time. Therefore, autumn games in kindergarten should be selected taking this factor into account.

What fall games are the most popular among children? Consider the most popular and beloved by all.

Musical game "Autumn ask" known since Soviet times.

Among the children, Rain and Autumn are chosen. While Rain is hiding, all the kids stand in a circle, in the middle of which is Autumn. They begin to dance and sing "Autumn Song":


Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn,

It's good that you came.

We, autumn, will ask you:

What did you bring as a gift?


I brought you autumn bad weather and seven weather in the yard:

sows, blows, twists, stirs up, pours from above, oppresses, sweeps.

I also brought a basket with my gifts.

Brought you honey

Full deck.


I brought you pain

So there will be pies.


Brought you buckwheat

The porridge will be in the oven.


Brought you fruits, berries!

We will cook jam for a year!


You and apples, you and bread,

You brought honey.

And good weather

Have you saved us autumn?


Are you happy with the rain?


We don't want to, we don't need to.

After the last words, Rain jumps out and begins to catch the participants. The one who gets caught becomes a new Rain and everything repeats again.

The game "Carousel" in kindergarten

Develops rhythmic movements and mindfulness.

Children stand in a circle, while holding on to a hoop or cord with tied ends. The task of children is to make the correct movements corresponding to the words of the song that the adult reads:

Barely, barely, barely,

The carousels spin

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two

Here the game is over.

After running 2 - 3 laps, you can change direction and gradually slow down the movement, end the game.

The game "Wattle" in kindergarten

Preschool children are divided into two groups and lined up in two lines opposite each other. In this case, a “living wattle fence” is formed - the children are taken crosswise through one by the hand.

At the beginning of the game, one rank steps on another, then returns back. In this case, you can not open your hands. Then the second line repeats the same actions. The game lasts until someone loses his balance.

Game "Traffic light" in kindergarten

Develops attentiveness and speed of reaction.

The host of the game is selected - the Traffic Light, which turns its back to the players. Preschoolers line up behind a conditional line (for 15–20 m). If the leader announces the "green light" - the children begin to move towards him. But at the words - "red light" should freeze. Whoever didn't make it, is out. The game continues until the participants touch the traffic light.

The game "Rain" in kindergarten

Allows you to develop mindfulness and rhythm.

The guys stand in a circle and begin to dance to the song, making certain movements in parallel.

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

You don't let us walk.

(3 hand claps)

Rain, rain, full of pouring,

Children, the earth, the forest to wet.

(3 stomps with each foot)

After the rain in the country

We will jump through the puddles

(3 jumps in place)

Game "Bubble" in kindergarten

Stimulates the correct pronunciation of the sound "Sh", develops dexterity.

Children, holding hands, form a circle. The host offers to inflate the players with a magic bubble, which will be very large, but will not burst. The task of the children is to carefully listen to the leader, to perform the named movements as accurately as possible.

Blow up, bubble!

(children, without letting go of each other, diverge as much as possible to the sides)

Blow up big...

stay like this

And don't crash!

(continuing to hold each other, the children stop)

(begins to converge towards the center of the circle)

The game "Traps" in kindergarten

Children stand in a circle, where Trap stands in the center. On a prearranged signal (“one, two, three”), the children scatter, and the leader seeks to touch someone. The game ends when 5-6 people are caught.

One has only to show imagination and games in kindergarten in the fall will bring preschoolers a lot of fun, joy and benefit.



Depicting a turnip (he is chosen with the help of a rhyme) clings tightly to an immovable object: a tree, a stump, a pole. The rest wrap their arms around each other's waists. One of the players is trying to "pull out the turnip". If this succeeds, all the players lose their balance and fall to the ground, only the most dexterous can stay on their feet. If the row is broken, and the turnip is not pulled out, everyone laughs: “We didn’t eat the turnips.”


In the center of the site in a circle with a diameter of 2 meters there is a leading "poplar", around it there are "fluffs" at any distance.

The leader says:

Spring has come to Kuban

Fluffed up the poplars.

Poplar fluff swirls

But it doesn't fall to the ground

Blow the winds from the steep,

Strong, powerful.

With the last words, the wind “blows”, it “takes away”, catches “fluff”. Caught fluffs become winds.


Riding on sticks, racing "horsemen" rush from the "start" to the "wattle fence", along the way they overcome the "water obstacle", jump over and not get their feet wet. Then, using a stick as a pole, they take out a Kubanka hat from the “lake”, the one who successfully reaches the goal (“wattle fence”) will win.


Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle lies a “kalach” (dummy). A rook (child) sits behind the "bush". Rooks can be 2-3. rooks are selected using a rhyme.

Beat swing, swing, swing!

Look, donuts.

From the heat of the oven -

All blush, hot.

Rooks flew here

They grabbed rolls.

We are left with lambs


Children go to the words of the game in a round dance, point to kalachi, imitate movements. On the words “rooks flew here”, “rooks” fly in, they grab rolls. Children in surprise at the words "Oh!" grab their heads with their hands.

"Curl, wattle"

Two teams of players: hares and wattle.

Hare, hare will not enter our green garden.

Weave the wattle, weave the wattle,

Hares are climbing, save yourself!

"hares" run to the "wattle fence" and try to get into the garden. Who could not get into the garden out of the game. “I didn’t get into the garden, go to the forest, gnaw on aspens.”


The host chooses a Cossack, the rest of the children form a circle in which a "cockerel" is appointed. The Cossack must guess by the voice who was the "cockerel".

Who the hell is driving in the morning

Songs sonorous sleeps

Sleep prevents the Cossack

And screams ... (crow)


With the help of a counting rhyme, Dunya and the shepherd are selected.

Bring up. Di, di-li, di, di-li.

Have you seen Dunya?

Children. We looked into the garden

Dunya tears the swan there!

The children make a circle, the girl Dunya enters the circle. Children go, sing to any tune.

In the garden, in the garden

Dunya takes a quinoa,

She tears and takes

He puts it in his apron and says:


Oh, doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo

The shepherd lost his pipe,

And I found a pipe

I gave it to the shepherd.

The Shepherd boy comes out, Dunya gives him a pipe, he takes her by the arm.

Let me, shepherd boy, take a walk in the open field.

I'll bring you many berries, shepherdess.

Shepherd: I don't want berries, I won't let you into the field.

Dunya: Let me, shepherd boy, take a walk in the green garden.

I'll bring you a lot of apples, shepherdess.

Shepherd: I don't want apples, I won't let you into the garden.

The children raise their clasped hands and make "collars" - Dunya runs away, and the Shepherd catches her.

"At Vasilka, at the Cossack"

Children go in a round dance, "Cossack" in a circle. Children show movements corresponding to the text of the game. At the end of the words, “Cossack” dances, and the rest of the children repeat the movements “Cossack” after him chooses the best dancer.

At Vasilka, at the Cossack

Lived in a shed

Seven sons - all without eyebrows,

With those ears

With such noses

With such a head

With such a beard

Didn't eat anything

Didn't drink anything

Sitting all day

They looked at him.


Military Cossacks went on campaigns and brought gifts to their girlfriends.

The host puts beads, scarves, ribbons in the center on a stump, the boys come out. Music sounds, any folk tune. The Cossacks are moving around the stump at a side gallop, the girls are clapping. At the end, whoever manages to take a gift gives the girl and dances with her. The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Children are divided into two teams, stand on opposite sides in a line, hands are clasped "wattle". 1st part. They alternately move towards each other, greet. 2nd part. Loosely moving around the hall. At the end, each must quickly build his own "wattle fence".

"With Kubanka"

Everyone is sitting in a circle, Kubankas are put on through one. To the music, quickly take off yourself and put on your neighbor. The music stopped - the game stopped. The one who does not have a Kubanka on his head wins.

Variants of the game "Take off the Kubanka", "Dress the Kubanka".


(talking together)

- You run along the road,

Pick a red apple.

The site is divided into two equal parts. Take two ropes of the same length. Each rope is laid out randomly on one of the halves of the site. It becomes a labyrinth. The two ends of the rope are connected in the middle of the platform at the line. This is the porch, on the porch of the girl who will bring apples. The players are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. The first pair starts the game, representatives from two teams. They stand at the porch and, on a signal, start running, each along his own rope to the end of the road. The one who runs first picks an apple (props) from the tree, takes it to his girl.


Children stand in a round dance. The rooster walks in a circle, the participants in the game pronounce words.

Ruh, roo, roo, roo.

A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs

Tail patterns.

Standing under the window

Screams all over the yard.

Whoever hears, he runs.

(the rooster crows: “Crow!” The children run away)


With a “gylky” (bat) blow, you need to be able to “score” the ball thrown up (leather, rubber) high and far in order to give your team the maximum time in which it must run to the “town” on the field

opponent and have time to return back (getting the right to another blow).

Opponents try to catch a flying ball before it hits the ground (if it succeeds, the teams change places, who hit goes “into the field” and vice versa).

If the ball falls, you must quickly pick it up and hit one of the running players of the team that served the ball.

If the player did not hit the ball with a “butt”, the blow can be repeated up to three times.


On a pre-leveled area, players try to roll 3 - 5 balls from a certain distance into the holes, located in the most intricate order. The one with the most balls in the holes wins.


A ball is placed on a solid plank laid in a deep hole (“well”). The upper end of the plank protrudes obliquely above the surface of the platform. They hit him with a bat - and the ball should fly up. He is caught by players standing "in the field", acquiring the right to another blow.


On the ground, a square is drawn measuring a meter by a meter. A plank is installed in the center of the square, and a chip (“chizhik”) is placed on top of it. The driver hits the "chizhik" with a bat, if the "chizhik" hit one of the players, then he is out of the game. The driver has the right to three strokes. After that, he is replaced by another player, who is chosen by lot.


A round hole is dug in the clearing - the central hole, and around it, at a distance of 5-6 meters from the central hole, there are small holes-holes. The game is attended by 8-10 people "watchmen" and one "forward". "Watchmen" with sticks in their hands line up in a circle near each hole. The attacker is behind the circle with a stick and a rubber ball. His task is to drive the ball into the center hole. The task of the watchmen is not to miss this ball.

3-5 attempts are given. On the last attempt, the attacker may take any free hole by dropping his stick into it. The one whose hole is occupied becomes the attacker.

"Cossack and Sparrow"

From the children, with the help of a counting rhyme, a Cossack and a Sparrow are selected. The rest of the children form a wattle circle. Nuts, apples, pears, plums, etc. are placed in the middle of the circle. - This is a vegetable garden. A circle is drawn aside from the circle - this is Sparrow's "nest". The round dance moves in a circle, humming (or saying):

little sparrow,

gray, remote,

Drifting around the yard

collects crumbs,

Sleeping in the garden

Steals berries.

Sparrow runs into the circle, takes a nut and tries to carry it to his "nest". The Cossack guards the Sparrow outside the circle and can catch him only there, on the way of the sparrow to the "nest". If Sparrow manages to put his “prey” from the “garden” into the “nest”, he plays again. If the Cossack caught Sparrow, then Sparrow changes roles with one of the participants in the game.

At the end of the game, the winner is determined as follows: they count which Sparrow brought the most nuts to the “nest”.


Sunflower players stand in several rows. One is a farmer, he stands aside and remembers who is where. At the command "Sun!" the farmer leaves, the sunflowers change places. Then a counting rhyme sounds, by the end of it the farmer must show who stood how. Leader thinks:

The sun is shining, the rain is falling

The seed grows, grows

A sprout reaches for the sun

Thin, thin stalk

The sky is all around,

The sun shines without blinking.

Farmer, don't yawn

Guess the changes!

"Duck and Drake"

While the drake is catching a duck, the players dance and sing:

The drake was catching a duck.

The young one caught the gray

Go home duck!

Go home, gray!

You have seven children

Small children squeak!

There are want!

Children open the gate, the duck can run into the "house". The drake catches the duck only around the circle.


Divided into two teams, the participants in the game alternately approach each other with a uniform step to the beat of the sentence. One group asks a question, the other answers.

Boyars, we came to visit you,

Dear friends, we have come to visit you.

Boyars, why did you come?

Dear, why did you come?

Boyars, we need a bride,

Dear, we need a bride,

Boyars, which one do you need,

Dear, which one do you need?

Boyars, we need this one,

Darlings, we need this one.

Boyars, her teeth hurt,

Darlings, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, and we gingerbread her,

Dear, and we gingerbread her.

Boyars, she doesn't eat gingerbread,

Dear, she doesn't eat gingerbread.

Boyars, and we whip it,

Dear, and we whip it.

Boyars, she is afraid of whips,

Darlings, she is afraid of whips.

Boyars, open the gates,

Give us the bride forever!

At the words “we need this one,” the selected player turns his back on the opposing team and walks in this position until the end of the “negotiations”. At the end of the "negotiations" he runs, trying to break through the clasped hands of the players of the other team. If he fails to break through the chain, he remains with his rivals, and if he succeeds, he returns to his team and takes the “prisoner” with him. Those who manage to transfer all the players to themselves win.


The leader is chosen by the reader. In the hands of the leader is a straw hat (bryl). The players are in a circle. The leader goes around the circle, at the command of the leader: “Sun”, the players close their eyes. The host puts a hat on the head of one of the players. After the host's words "Shadow", the players open their eyes and try to taunt the player in the hat. The player with the hat on his head must have time to jump out into the circle.

"Golden Gate"

The players choose two leaders. They agree on what names they will take: one calls himself "silver saucer", the other - "filling apple". After that, they join hands and raise them up, forming a "golden gate". The rest of the participants in the game line up one by one and go in single file to the game chorus at the gate:

Golden Gate,

Come on, gentlemen!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

At the last word of the game chorus, the presenters lower their hands and close the gate, detaining one of the players. He asks: “Golden Gate, let me through!” They answer him: “We let everyone through, but we leave you! What do you choose - a silver saucer or a bulk apple? The delayed player chooses and goes to one side or the other, he stands behind the leader and raises his hands. The same happens with other participants. So the players are divided into two teams. After that, they measure their strength - they take a long rope and pull it.


Option 1.

By the leader is selected for the counting rhyme. He picks up a "ring" - a pebble, something. All other participants sit on a bench, fold their hands like a boat and put them on their knees. The host goes around the children and puts his palms in each of his hands, while he says: “I'm walking along the mountain, I'm carrying a ring. Can you guys guess where the gold fell? To one of the players, the host imperceptibly puts a ring in his hands. Then he moves a few steps away from the shop and sings the words:

Ring, ring,

Get out on the porch!

Who will come down from the porch

He will find the ring!

The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump up from the bench and run away, and the children sitting nearby must guess who has it hidden and try, holding it with his hands, not to let this player in. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game.

Option 2.

Children form a tight circle. There is a girl Galya in it. The host quietly gives one of the children a ring. Children say words, showing hands in front of them with clenched fists:

Galya walked around the garden

And dropped a small ring.

Walks in the garden, walks

And the little ring whispers.

Do not be sad, Galya, heartily,

We found your ring

In the garden, by the raspberries,

Under the green leaf of viburnum.



Collect the eggs

Wooden eggs are placed on a stool (on a tray or on a saucer so that they do not roll).

The guys take turns picking up the ball and throwing it up. Until the ball touches the ground, you need to have time to take the egg from the stool. Those who succeed continue to play, i.e. take more eggs from the stool. The winner is the one who was able to take more eggs during the time that the ball was in the air.

Rules of the game: a child who throws the ball up and does not have time to take the egg during the flight of the ball passes the ball to the next player.

Find eggs

In various places, rooms are hidden in advance (there should be a lot of them). Children should find them and put them in their baskets or buckets. You can divide the children into teams and determine the winning team. You can define personal superiority. You can specify the search time, limiting the game in time.

Whose eggs will scroll longer

Children spin eggs. Whose egg scrolls the longest is the winner. He takes the egg of the losing child.

Egg rolling down the hill

Rolling eggs towards

Two players stand at different walls and roll eggs towards each other. One says: “Christ is risen!”, the other answers: “Truly He is risen!” Whoever breaks a testicle loses. He gives the egg to the winner.

egg rolling

They made a simple cardboard or wooden “skating rink”, around it they freed up a flat empty space on which they laid out either painted eggs, or small winnings and toys. The players take turns approaching the “skating rink” and rolling their egg. You win the item that your egg touches.



The snowballs collected from everyone are divided equally among the teams. The two teams are built according to their height so that the rivals are one after the other.

Players of one team turn 180 degrees and put their hands under the elbows of their neighbors on the right and left.

At the referee's signal, each team begins to stretch forward - to the line drawn on both sides parallel to the line two meters from it.

Wolf in the ditch

Two lines are drawn, they designate a "moat" in which a "wolf" runs. "Seven kids" (other players) jump over the "ditch". Players often slip, but falling into the snow in winter clothes is not painful, but even fun.

For each tagged or stepping into the territory of the moat, the team that fielded the wolf receives a point.


Two teams. The players stand one from each team facing the center of the circle they form. They join hands and run in a circle. At the same time, you can’t run into the center of the circle, that is, step on the “frying pan”, you will burn yourself, depriving the team of one point.

Hearing the command: "Plant!", Everyone stops and begins to pull inside the circle - "plant in the pan" - their neighbors-opponents. You need to do this, resting your feet, so as not to get there yourself.

On command: “Give fire!” Everyone is running in circles again. This is repeated until everyone in one of the teams is “baked”.

Sometimes lumps of snow are placed on the "frying pan" - "fritters". Then you can step on the circle, the main thing is not to step on the "fritters".

smash the tower

Teams build turrets 1 m high from snow. Teams build turrets 1 m high from snow, no more than 25 cm thick. Then the opponents begin to fire snowballs at the "enemy" tower.

The team that first destroys the tower by more than half is allowed to attack and destroy the tower to the ground.

Mountain Conquerors

Each team has to go through the following stages:

Go down the mountain on a sled while sitting; standing; going around the flags placed on the slope of the mountain; passing through the gate of the rods.

Go down the mountain - who will go further without pushing off with sticks after the descent; climb and descend without sticks; climb the "ladder"; go down in pairs, holding hands; rise "herringbone"; go down together on one pair of skis.

Go down the mountain on skis, circling the flags placed in different ways; driving, crouching, into the gate of the rods.

Go down on a sled, falling with snowballs on the go, into the targets placed on the right and left.

Go down the mountain on skis, jumping from jumps of different heights, built by the guys themselves from hard-packed snow.


Children pronounce "pevalka":

Firstborns, worms,

pigeons flew

by fresh dew

In a different lane.

There are cups, nuts,

Honey, sugar, silence

Everyone should be silent, and the host tries to make the players laugh with funny movements, funny jokes. Anyone who laughs or says something gives a phantom.

Baba Yaga

According to the counting rhyme, "Baba Yaga" is selected. She picks up a branch (“pomelo”) and stands in the center of the circle. The guys run around her and tease:

Baba Yaga, Bone leg, She drowned the stove, Cooked porridge, Fell off the stove, Broke her leg. Went to the market, crushed the samovar. Went outside, crushed the chicken. Went to the lawn, Scared the bunny. Went for a walk in the garden - Made all the guys laugh. Went to the garden - Made all the people laugh.

"Baba Yaga" jumps in a circle on one leg and tries to touch the guys with his "broom". As soon as he stains someone, he freezes in place. One of the players can help out the frozen one. To do this, he must lift the stained, help him stand in a circle. But if at the same time he himself is stained, then he becomes the new "Baba Yaga".


One of the lottery players becomes the "grandfather". He sits down on a chair in the middle of the room. A circle is drawn around it. All the players, holding hands, sing while moving in a circle:

You, gray-haired grandfather,

Why are you sitting underwater?

Look out for a minute, Look at least a little.

We came to you for an hour

Come on, try us!

As soon as the last word is spoken, "grandfather" gets up. He tries to grab one of the players. Moreover, unlike the rest of the players, the “grandfather” cannot step outside the line. The task of the "grandfather" is to touch one of the players without leaving the circle. Salted takes his place and becomes "grandfather".

The players, in turn, should also not go beyond the outlined circle. Anyone who breaks this rule must pay a fant.



Leading Braid, braid

Curl on the birch tree.

Children go in a semicircle and sentence.

Children. Let's go, let's go for a walk in the forest,

Curl a white birch.

Vyu, vyu, ah lyuli,

I'll call the birch.

Children make a semicircle. A birch girl comes out, she carries a cord for which the children are taken.

Birch I will bend to you,

I myself will curl myself into wreaths,

And you glorify me

Decorate with scarlet ribbon.

There will be green wreaths

And you are cheerful all year round.

I am a bleached birch, a poppy green,

Hairy in spring, knotty in winter,

I stand in the middle of the field, moving the leaves.

Children (in chorus):

White birch, go for a walk with us.

We will sing songs and amuse you!

Everyone follows the birch, holding on to the rope, and twists the ball, saying:

We walk around the birch

We weave ribbons into braids for her.

Whip, whip, wicker,

Our snake winds, winds,

In the field, dragging into the forest.

Unwind, our tangle, unwind,

Golden knot, untie.

Everyone throws the rope and runs away in all directions, on a signal everyone tries to step on the rope, and it is shortened all the time (an adult wraps it around his hand).

"Bird in a Cage"

The leader chooses a bird. The bird stands in the center blindfolded. Children walk in a circle, saying the following words:

Birdie, birdie

When are you going to heaven?

(3 times)

Then they stop and the one whom the host pointed to says:

birdie, birdie,

Guess who will open your cage.


Children are divided into two groups. Some children are horsemen, others are Cossacks. The site is divided by a line. Cossacks stand on one side, horsemen on the other. The horses come up to the line and all say together:

Tara, tara, tara-ra,

The horses came out of the yard.

After these words, they scatter, saying: “Tsok, tsok, tsok”, and the Cossacks catch them and take them to the other side of the site. When all horses are caught, the children change roles.


Players stand in two rows facing each other. One player walks between the rows, comes up behind one of the players, puts his hand on his shoulder and says:

- Swallow, swallow, will you run away?

- I'll run away.

- Will you bake some bread?

- Bake.

- Will you eat it yourself?

- Eat.

- Will you give it to me?

- I'm not giving it.

The swallow runs away, runs around those in the ranks, the other catches her, the players change roles.


The fastest and most agile girl is chosen as a goat. They lead her to a certain place and tease her from a distance:

Me-me-me, goat, goat be-be!

The goat begins to get angry, knock with his feet, threaten:

I am a dereza goat

Half of the side is peeled

Bought for a cop

Dumb-blunt feet

I will stab you with horns

I'll grab it with my paws,

I'll notice with a tail,


Then the goat is asked:

“Goat, goat, where have you been?”

- Eating grass.

- Why did you come here?

- Relax.

After these words, the girls run away, and the goat runs after them and catches someone. Whomever he catches becomes a goat.

Note . Game for girls.


Games of ecological and local history content

"Hold the bump"

Target. To consolidate in children knowledge about the flora of their native land, the diversity of coniferous trees; perform exercises in balance.

Game progress.

Divide the group into pairs and invite each pair to find a bump, hold it with their shoulders and jump without dropping it. After a short practice, join the pairs in fours (the pair that stands behind holds hands on the standing pair in front). Finally, connect the whole group in a chain or circle and offer to jump for 30 seconds without dropping cones.


Target. To form in children ideas about the diversity of the world of insects, their features, to perform exercises in balance.

Game progress.

Use a rope 4-5 meters long to play. Grab one end and invite one of the children to take the opposite. Place the rest along the rope on both sides in a checkerboard pattern so that they hold onto the rope with one hand. Invite them to stand on only one leg (the one closest to the rope), and bend the other at the knee and hold with their free hand. Announce that you are all together - a centipede, which lives very hard: try not to confuse which foot to step on! So, you are the head of a centipede, and each participant in the game is one of its legs: at your command, everyone jumps on that leg, trying to keep the formation.

Swap with the one at the end of the rope - now he will be the head of a centipede, and the children can change legs. Play until the centipede starts to fall apart.


Target. To consolidate in children knowledge about the flora and fauna of their native land, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Game progress.

Divide the children into three groups. One group is lumberjacks, the second is trees, the third is animals. At the command "Lumberjacks are coming!" lumberjacks tend to capture trees, and animals each save their own tree (by ecological relationship.) Animals must run to the trees before lumberjacks and take them by the hand. If the animals do not save the tree, the loggers take their prey.

"Who lives in the house?"

Target. Formation of knowledge in children about domestic animals, their cubs; development of attention and speech.

Game progress.

Children depict familiar animals sitting in houses. The teacher goes around the houses, knocks on each and asks: “Who lives in the house?”. Children answer: “Moo-mu-mu”, etc. the teacher guesses who lives in the house.

The fourth extra "

Target. To teach children to notice mistakes, develop observation skills, the ability to prove the correctness of their judgment; consolidate knowledge about the animals of your region.

Game progress

The teacher lays out cards with animals in front of the children, offering to choose an extra object from the group of animals. The child must mark the extra animal by covering its image with a chip and prove the correctness of his choice.

"Who Lives Nearby"

Target. Encourage children to learn about animals and their environment. Cultivate respect for nature.

Game progress.

Before the game, the teacher reminds that plants and animals are adapted to life in certain conditions and in close connection with each other; that some live in the water, others - near the water, in the forest or in the meadow. Forest, meadow, pond - these are their homes. There they find food for themselves, raise offspring.

Hoops of red, blue and green colors are laid out in different parts of the site. Children put on masks (hats).

Determine who you are and where you live, grow. You will be walking around the site for a while. At the command "Occupy your houses!" the inhabitants of the forest should take their place in the green hoop, the inhabitants of the meadow in red, the inhabitants of the reservoir in blue.

After the children take their place in the hoops, the teacher checks whether the task has been completed correctly: “animals” and “plants” call themselves and their habitat. Then the children change masks, the game is repeated several times.

"When does it happen?"

Target. Consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, the development of coherent speech, attention.

Game progress.

1st option . The teacher reads interspersed short texts in verse or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.

2nd option. The teacher calls the time of the year, and the children take turns answering what happens at this time of the year and what people do.

Lotto "Mysteries from Nastya's garden"

Rules of the game . The teacher makes a riddle on the back of the card. The card will be received by the one who guesses the riddle first and will be able to explain how he did it. The player with the most cards wins the game.

Material. Split cards with riddles on the reverse side., Large cards with the image of vegetables.

“Who lives in the forest and who lives at home?”

Target. To consolidate in children knowledge about domestic and wild animals of their native land. Cultivate respect for nature. Develop speech, attention.

Game progress

The teacher gives the children pictures of wild and domestic animals, makes a riddle about the animal. Children guess the riddle and place the picture on the flannelgraph. Explain their choice.

"Guess which house is ours?"

Target . Describe trees and find them by description.

Game progress.

The game is played in a park, a grove. A leader is selected from a group of children, the rest of the children are divided into two groups. Each group chooses a tree for itself, describes it to the leader, and he must recognize the plant and name the “house” in which the children “live”.

"Find a tree by seeds"

Target. Find the whole by the part. To consolidate in children knowledge about the flora of their city.

Game progress The game is played while walking. The teacher distributes the seeds to the children and asks the children to move freely around the site. At the signal of the teacher, each child runs to the plant whose seeds are in his hands.

"Find a leaf, fruit, bark, seeds" ( Board game )

Target. Find the part of the whole. To consolidate in children knowledge about the flora of their city.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children an image of a tree, and they must name it and pick up the appropriate leaves, bark, and fruits for it.

Preliminary work.Examining the leaves, bark, fruits of trees during a walk.


"Dress the Cossack and the Cossack"

Material : paper dolls - a Cossack and a Cossack, sets of different clothes for each.

Rules of the game .

1 option . The host shows parts of the costumes. Children must choose the clothes that the Cossacks and Cossacks wore. The one who correctly named this or that item of female (male) Cossack clothing takes it and dresses the doll.

The first person to dress their doll wins.

"Help the Cossack woman feed the cattle"

Material : a model of a Cossack barnyard, a Marusya doll dressed in a Cossack dress.

Rules of the game .

The doll Marusya comes to the children and asks them to help her manage the housework (leads them to the model of the barnyard).

The children look at the layout. Then, at the request of Marusya, they name the animal one at a time (from those available at this Cossack farmstead), show it to everyone and tell about it: what it eats, where it lives.

Talking about what the animal eats, the child looks for the right food on the threshing floor (the room where the feed for livestock is stored) and puts the box with food to the animal about which the story is.

At the end of the game, Marusya thanks the guys for their help, invites everyone to play (sing) a Cossack song with her. For example, "Unharness, boys, horses ...", folk words and music.

"The Street I Live On"

Material for the game:layout depicting a residential area.

Rules of the game:

The participants of the game (from 1 to 4 people) talk about their street where they live with the help of a layout. On which buildings, plants, vehicles, people, etc. are located.

Players name the street where they live and tell what is on it.

"Put the Whole"

Play material: cut pictures depicting objects of the city's architecture.

Rules of the game. Plays one or a group of children (family).According to the model, it is necessary to assemble a whole picture of the building (an image of an architectural monument).

"City Journey"

Play material: a playing field with the sights of the city depicted on it, a cube with the number of dots from 1 to 6, chips - 4 pcs., tokens.

Rules of the game.

Plays 1-4 people. By agreement, the players determine the order, roll the die, make a move. “Stopping” at a bus stop with a picture of a city landmark, the child talks about the object. Those who find it difficult to name and talk about the object come back. The correct answer gets a token.

The winner is the one who first completed the track from start to finish and scored the most tokens.

"Explain the Cossack word"

Material : cards with the image of objects.

Rules of the game .

Everyone can take part in the game. The teacher calls any Cossack word or expression (or shows a card with an image of an object). Playing children explain the meaning of the words spoken by the teacher.

If the teacher shows a picture, then the children call the depicted object in Cossack, then explain what the word means.

Note . During the game, you can take any words familiar to children and be sure to introduce them to new ones. For example:

The teacher calls any Cossack word or expression, the children explain the meaning of the said word.

During the game, children are introduced to new words.

  1. Krynka is a jug.
  2. Dude - slippers.
  3. Zherdely - apricots.
  4. Zhmen - a handful.
  5. Kabak (garbuz) - pumpkin.
  6. Kavun - watermelon.
  7. Burak - beets.
  8. Glechik - teapot.
  9. Khata - Cossack house.
  10. Great hut - upper room.
  11. Soot is a barn for pigs.
  12. Teplushka - kitchen.
  13. The cabin is a summer stove.
  14. Rough - oven.
  15. A cup is a plate.
  16. Sentsy is a corridor.
  17. Zagnetka - under the stove.
  1. Cibarka is a big bucket.
  2. Lopas - canopy.
  3. A quarter is a bank.
  4. Sopetka - basket.
  5. The supply is a cart.
  6. Twine - rope.
  7. Uzvar - compote.
  8. Towel - towel.
  9. Lakshina - noodles.
  10. Grout - soup.
  11. Kulesh (konder) - porridge.
  12. Kulish is a soup.
  13. Yushka - ear.
  14. Kohtochka - jacket.
  15. The undershirt is a light scarf.
  16. Spidnitsa - petticoat.

"Journey to the Past"

Material : household items of the Cossacks, cards with the image of objects(a spinning wheel, a bench, an image, a shawl with a fringe, a jacket, a comb, wax candles, needlework, knitting needles, yarn, a purse, a shelf, a grip, a cast iron, a stove damper, a blower, a kerosene lamp, etc.), color illustrations depicting the interior of a Cossack kitchens and chambers.

Rules of the game .

1 option . The teacher shows a Cossack household item (or a card with an image of the item). Children call it, talk about the purpose of this item.

Option 2 . One of the illustrations shows the interior of the upper room, the second - the interior of the kitchen. Cards depicting Cossack household items are in a "wonderful bag".

Players are divided into 2 groups. The player of each group (in turn) takes out a card, shows it to the opponents. They name the item, talk about its purpose and say where this item should be placed: in the upper room or in the kitchen. Then lay out the cards near the first or second illustration. For a correct answer, players receive a point.

The group with the most points wins.

"Exhibition of Cossack things"

Material: ancient Cossack and modern household items.

Rules . Ancient Cossack and modern household items (wooden bowls, pots, samovars, rags, stags, taganok, iron, electric kettle, toys) are laid out in disorder in front of the children.

Children must select old Cossack things within a certain time and “design an exhibition”.

"Connoisseur of the native city" (quiz)

Play material: photos of the hometown, questions for the game, tokens.

Rules of the game.

Players are asked questions

  • Name the streets of your hometown.
  • What is the name of the river at the mouth of which our city is located.
  • Name the river that flows through our city.
  • What lake is located in our city.
  • Name the enterprises of our city, what products do they produce?
  • What people glorified our city?

For each correct answer, the player receives a token. Whoever gets the most tokens wins.

"Think and Name"

Material for the game:photographs of antiques.

Rules of the game.

Photographs are laid out in front of the child, the teacher describes one of the things depicted in the photograph, the child names the described object.

Second option. The child describes - the adult guesses.

"Help an artist correct a mistake"

Material for the game:picture with the image of the Cossack upper room.

Rules of the game .

The child is shown a picture depicting the Kuban room. It is proposed to find the mistakes that the artist made.


"Guess What We're Thinking"

Target. Identify landscape, still life, portrait visually and verbally.

Material for the game:landscape, still life, portrait paintings.

Rules of the game. The driver is selected by the counting room. Children are given pictures that they will describe. The driver must guess what kind of picture the child describes.

"Assemble a Still Life of Vegetables"

Target. To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables growing in the Kuban. Exercise in the use of the names of shades of color (dark red, light green); in composition.

Material for the game:flannelgraph, carved dishes and vegetables.

Rules of the game. The teacher makes a riddle about vegetables. Whoever guesses, he has the right to take a vegetable and put it on his dish.

"Fold the Pattern"

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the content of the Kuban floral ornament. The use of various compositetechniques, based on the shape and purpose of the product. To study color combinations, the symmetry of the arrangement of elements in the pattern, to instill a conscious attitude to the beauty of folk ornament.

material for the game.Elements of floral ornament, several samples with floral ornament (towel, apron, skirt).

Rules of the game. Consider patterns on finished products (samples), then invite children to make a pattern on a strip of paper using elements of floral ornament.





(material collected by the MDOU team)

Ust-Labinsk, 2006

"Patterns scattered"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the content of folk craft ornaments: Khokhloma, Filimonov toys, Gorodets, Gzhel dishes. To study color combinations, the symmetry of the arrangement of elements in the pattern, to instill a conscious attitude to the beauty of folk ornament.

material for the game.Four cards with a fragment of an image of a folk ornament, split cards with the remaining fragments.

Rules of the game. The players are given cards, and they must choose fragments of their ornament from the cut cards and assemble it.

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