Enlarged jaw lymph nodes. Submandibular lymph nodes: causes of inflammation and treatment. tips for speedy recovery of lymph nodes

Sometimes adults and children find painful bulges on the neck. This condition is associated with inflammation submandibular lymph nodes. The reasons inflammatory process may be different. These include inflammatory and infectious diseases, severe hypothermia and injury. Most often, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed when an infection enters the body. Treatment in this case should be complex, often with the use of antibiotics..

The function of the lymph nodes

Everyone knows how important it is normal life human strong immune system. But not everyone understands that it functions thanks to an extensive network of lymph nodes, their location throughout human body. Such a system is quite complex, it includes not only the lymph nodes themselves, but also the vessels that connect them together. Lymph flows through these vessels.

Lymph nodes are a kind of filters that, in the process of evolution, appeared throughout the body. They protect nearby organs from infection. When an infection enters the tissues, foreign proteins appear, and the cells in the body change somewhat. It is through the lymph that information about the infection is transmitted to the immune system, lymphocytes containing antibodies begin to be actively produced, and they fight the infection.

Submandibular lymph nodes protect the nasopharynx, teeth and ears of a person from infection.

Reasons for the increase

There are many reasons for the increase in submandibular lymph nodes. Such pathological condition occurs when the body is unable to cope with the infection on its own. In this case pathogenic microorganisms and the altered cells of the body begin to attack the lymph node, which leads to its increase.

Lymph nodes most often increase in close proximity to the diseased organ. It helps in diagnosing diseases. Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes is observed in such diseases and conditions:

  • In diseases of the ENT organs. These include sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and a number of other diseases.
  • Dental diseases - stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, tooth abscess and inflammation salivary glands.
  • Infectious diseases- measles, chicken pox, mumps and scarlet fever.
  • Injuries of the submandibular region.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Neoplasms - tooth cyst, lipoma, malignant tumors.
  • Diseases immune system– lupus, HIV, arthritis.

Lymph nodes can also increase with reduced immunity. But at the same time, there is no pain in them.

Types of magnification

Increase lymph nodes there may be several types. It depends on the symptoms and further tactics treatment.


In this case, the submandibular lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, but there is no inflammatory process as such. Signs of lymphadenopathy are:

  • There is no pain in the lymph node, although it is enlarged.
  • There is no adhesion of the nodule with fiber.
  • The skin around is not changed.

Lymphodenopathy is not individual disease, but just one of the symptoms of some kind of pathology.


The cause of submandibular lymphadenitis is an infection. In this case, pathogens release toxins, which lead to inflammation of the nodules. Lymphadenitis in an adult and a child is often accompanied by symptoms general intoxication organism. The disease is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • The nodules are painful and swollen.
  • Adhesion with nearby soft tissues is observed.
  • The lymph node is firm and hot to the touch.
  • conglomerates are formed.
  • The skin in the area of ​​the node is red.
  • Body temperature is almost always elevated.

An enlarged lymph node under the jaw is a kind of indicator. It is by its localization that one can determine what caused the inflammatory process.

After eliminating the root cause of the enlarged lymph nodes, the patient's condition quickly returns to normal.

Features of diagnostics

Only a doctor can identify the cause of an increase in lymph nodes, after examining the patient and collecting anamnesis. If at the same time a sore throat hurts, a cough and a runny nose are observed, then most likely the reason lies in respiratory disease. In the case when there are no characteristic symptoms of a cold, the cause may lie in a more serious illness.

First of all, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. He will conduct an examination, identify the cause of the ailment and determine the treatment regimen. If the ENT doctor does not find diseases of the nasopharynx and hearing organs, then the patient is referred for a consultation with narrow specialists. This may be a dentist, oncologist, hematologist or infectious disease specialist.

To make a diagnosis, a biopsy of the tissues of the lymph node can be taken and a tomography is prescribed. To exclude tuberculosis, the patient undergoes fluorography.

It should be borne in mind that the dentist does not treat lymphadenitis itself, but the cause that provoked it. After elimination of the focus of infection, the size of the nodules quickly normalizes.

Is it possible to warm the lymph nodes

Some people, if their lymph nodes are swollen, begin to actively warm these places. For this purpose, not only dry heat but also heating pads. It is absolutely impossible to do this, since the infection will quickly spread through healthy tissues and lead to their inflammation.

It is especially dangerous if the lymph node is not only inflamed, but also suppurated. In this case, warming up can lead to the spread of pus and sepsis.

How to treat

In most cases, treatment as such is not required. It is enough to eliminate the root cause and the size of the lymph nodes is normalized. But if the inflammation is purulent, then surgical intervention is indispensable.

An increase in the submandibular lymph nodes on one side or two at once often indicates a bacterial, viral or fungal infection of the body. Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are prescribed for sore throat, sinusitis and purulent otitis media. These medications necessary for some dental diseases- tooth cyst, tooth abscess and inflammation of the salivary glands.

Mostly antibiotics are prescribed. a wide range actions from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins or macrolides. Sulfonamides may also be prescribed. Antibacterial drugs should be taken for at least 5 days. In all cases, the treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician individually.

With a mild course of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets and suspensions. If the disease is severe, antibiotic injections are recommended.

It should be borne in mind that some people are allergic to drugs of the penicillin group. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to test for sensitivity.


Drugs that destroy viruses or help strengthen the immune system will help cure viral infections. These include Groprinosin, Isoprinosine, Aflubin and other similar drugs. If the cause of the enlargement of the lymph nodes is herpes, then the patient is prescribed Acyclovir.


cure fungal infections Clotrimazole, Fluconazole will help. Pimafucin or Nystatin. Medicines are selected by the doctor individually. After the course of treatment, swabs and scrapings are taken from the patient to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.


In children, the cause of swollen lymph nodes is often an allergy. This may be a reaction to household dust, plant pollen or animal hair. Often the cause of the pathological phenomenon is the saliva of animals, which enters the body while playing with cats and dogs. Such saliva is perceived by the immune system as a foreign protein, which leads to an inflammatory process.

If an allergy is suspected, Cetrin, Loratadin, Claritin and other similar drugs are prescribed. It is necessary to take antiallergic drugs 1-2 times a day, as prescribed by a doctor. It should be borne in mind that such drugs only reduce the manifestations of allergies. It is important to minimize patient contact with allergens. Excess textiles and animals should be removed from the house.

To pinpoint the cause allergic reaction You can do allergy testing.

Folk recipes

It should be said right away that it is impossible to cure lymphadenitis with the help of folk recipes alone. But due to them, you can somewhat alleviate the condition of the patient:

  1. Ginger tea. A tablespoon of grated ginger root poured hot water, insist 20 minutes and filter. Add honey and lemon to taste. You need to drink this tea 3 times a day.
  2. Echinacea tincture. This drug improves immunity, adults take it 2 times a day, 40 drops, in half a glass of water. Children are given as many drops of the drug as they are years old. children younger age you should not give the medicine, as it contains ethyl alcohol.
  3. Good to take fresh beetroot juice, a tablespoon every hour. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. If desired, carrot or celery juice can be added to beetroot juice.
  4. Rosehip decoction improves immunity and activates the work of all organs and systems in the body. Berries are brewed at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water. The berries are pre-washed and crushed. Rosehip broth should be drunk 4 times a day, ½ cup.
  5. If an increase in lymph nodes is associated with a sore throat, then it is recommended to gargle with a soda solution or a decoction of sage.

The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes can be pimples on the neck. In this case, the pustules are smeared with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol.

If the submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged long time then you need to see a doctor. This may be the first symptom oncological disease, treatment in this case begins immediately.

The most common type of inflammation of the lymph nodes is submandibular lymphadenitis. In fact, the disease is not considered severe, but if left unattended, you can wait for serious complications.

The lymphatic system of the body is connected with the cardiovascular system. It is designed to transport tissue fluid from the interstitial space into the blood. This fluid is called lymph.

The main elements of the lymphatic system are the lymph nodes. They are responsible for filtration in the body. It is the lymph nodes that prevent infections from entering the bloodstream and spreading. However, in the case when harmful microorganisms enter the body, provoking inflammation, they accumulate in the lymph nodes.

Submandibular lymphadenitis is the result of an infection entering the body and its spread. Often, the pathology is caused by various inflammatory processes in oral cavity (chronic tonsillitis, pustular lesions, etc.). When bacteria settle in the lymph nodes, they become inflamed and enlarge. As a rule, several lymph nodes are affected at once.

Typical symptoms of submandibular lymphadenitis:

  • when feeling the area under the jaw, pain occurs;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the oral mucosa.

If you experience any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. As the disease progresses, pain and swelling will increase, so complications should not be allowed.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

To identify submandibular lymphadenitis, you need to undergo a thorough physical examination. The doctor should evaluate the clinical picture and history. The purpose of the diagnosis will be to identify the primary focus of inflammation and establish the etiology of the disease.

Methods for diagnosing submandibular lymphadenitis:

  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes;
  • tuberculin tests;
  • chest x-ray;
  • puncture;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • biopsy of lymph nodes;
  • cytological and histological examination of tissues.

When detecting lymphadenitis, it is extremely important differential diagnosis. Therefore, it is often necessary additional consultation infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist, hematologist, phthisiatrician and surgeon.

Differential diagnosis allows to exclude:

  • tumors of the salivary glands;
  • phlegmon;
  • metastases of malignant tumors;
  • systemic diseases (leukemia or sarcoidosis);
  • diffuse pathologies connective tissue(lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • granulating periodontitis;
  • cysts of the neck and face;
  • HIV infection.

General principles for the treatment of lymphadenitis

You should always remember that only a doctor is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment. In the case of lymphadenitis, the symptoms of which are very vague, the loss of time can turn out very badly for the patient.

General therapy of lymphadenitis at home:

  1. Use of anti-inflammatory ointments. For the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes, it is recommended to apply bandages with Heparin ointment, boron vaseline, Vishnevsky ointment and Troxevasin.
  2. Strengthening the immune system with vitamins. With lymphadenitis, vitamin C is prescribed, which helps the body cope with inflammation. It is also allowed to take a multivitamin or increase the amount of foods with vitamins consumed (celery, spinach, parsley, onions, sauerkraut, kiwi and oranges).
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. The patient is advised to drink plenty of plain water so that the body is able to fight the infection.
  4. Stay warm.
  5. Avoid hypothermia.
  6. Perform physical therapy. With lymphadenitis, UHF and quartz irradiation are prescribed.
  7. Implement hygiene. If the disease was caused by inflammation in the mouth, you need to thoroughly clean the tongue and teeth to prevent the spread of germs.
  8. Take antibiotics at advanced cases lymphadenitis.
  9. Surgical manipulations are indicated in cases where any therapy is ineffective, and the lymph nodes continue to grow.

If lymphadenitis is found on early stage sufficient antibiotics and general measures for a full recovery. If the patient has purulent inflammation, an operation may be required to remove pus from the lymph node. Serious surgery is needed if several lymph nodes are affected.

Antibiotics for lymphadenitis

When submandibular lymphadenitis turns into running stage, it can only be overcome by taking antibiotics. However, it must be remembered that antibiotics help get rid of the infection, and not from inflammation in the lymph nodes. Only a doctor who has conducted a thorough examination should choose an antibiotic.

Most often, with lymphadenitis, the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Flemoxin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ceftazidime.

Traditional medicine against submandibular lymphadenitis

What compresses are allowed for lymphadenitis:

  1. Echinacea. One of the best for lymphadenitis is a compress with echinacea tincture. She is bred in warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Then moisten the bandage with the solution and apply it to the inflamed area. It is recommended to put such a compress at night, wrapping your neck with a warm scarf or scarf.
  2. Onion. head onion need to bake in the oven (15 minutes). After cooking, remove the peel and crush the pulp, adding a tablespoon of pharmacy tar to it. The mixture is applied to the inflammation at night.
  3. Herbal collection. For this compress, walnut leaves, St. John's wort, yarrow and mistletoe are taken. Add a teaspoon of each agent to a glass of water and boil for several minutes. After cooling, you can moisten the bandage with decoction and apply a compress for the night. The course of treatment should be 14 days.
  4. Mint. fresh leaves mint is crushed to the state of gruel, which is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation and fixed with a bandage. A similar compress can be made from dandelion leaves.
  5. Interior fat. Melt 200 g of fat in a water bath, add three tablespoons of chopped boletus herb to it. Simmer the mixture in a water bath for four hours. When hot, the mixture is filtered and poured into a glass container. Keep refrigerated. The tool is applied to inflamed lymph nodes three times a day.
  6. Chicory. Chicory root is crushed, poured boiled water. After twenty minutes of infusion, the mixture must be crushed and excess water should be poured out. Then the mixture is spread on a gauze napkin and applied to the affected area for two hours daily. The compress is fixed with a film.

Sometimes a tincture of pine shoots helps with lymphadenitis. It is necessary to add a glass of sugar and pine shoots (two-liter jar) to three liters of water. All this must be boiled for two hours over low heat, then strain and cook for another two hours. Drink a tablespoon after meals. The course of treatment is a month.

Don't forget about medicinal herbs. To prepare the product, you need to mix nettle(1 part), hop cones (1), yarrow (1), horsetail(3) and oregano (1). To prepare one dose, you need to mix a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and 0.3 liters of water, then warm in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the remedy and drink three parts a day.

To strengthen the immune system during the period of illness, you can regularly do healthy drinks based on blueberries, currants and cranberries. Berries need to be crushed in a glass and mixed with water. Before taking, you need to let the drink brew.

Garlic tincture is a natural antiseptic. To prepare it, you should chop two heads of garlic and pour a liter hot water(not boiling water). The infusion is required to infuse for three days, stirring regularly. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.

Submandibular lymphadenitis in children

Therapy of submandibular lymphadenitis in children is carried out in a similar way. It is noteworthy that suppuration of the lymph nodes is rare in children. Most often, an increase in nodes accompanies other infectious diseases. The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the cause of the inflammation. Specifically, lymphadenitis is treated only when there is severe discomfort.

Submandibular lymphadenitis in children often becomes chronic. In such a situation, it is important to find the hidden source of infection and block it. common cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in children becomes Infectious mononucleosis. In this case special treatment inflammation is not required.

Children with lymphadenitis need to strengthen the immune system. The child is prescribed multivitamins, hardening is carried out. However, it must be remembered that hardening cannot be carried out during the period of exacerbation.

Classification of children's lymphadenitis

Medicine distinguishes between specific and nonspecific lymphadenitis (depending on the cause). The disease may have acute course(2 weeks), subacute (2-4 weeks) and chronic. Depending on the etiology, odontogenic lymphadenitis (due to the pathology of the dentition) and non-odontogenic are divided.

By the nature of the changes in the lymph nodes, serous, necrotic and purulent lymphadenitis are distinguished. If we talk about the focus of the lesion, there are regional and generalized. Submandibular lymphadenitis refers to regional, as well as cervical, axillary, inguinal and others.


Most often in children, it is the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes that become inflamed, less often the axillary and inguinal. Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis causes an increase in lymph nodes, they acquire a dense and elastic structure. The child begins to suffer from pain, but the temperature does not rise. The skin over the affected areas does not change. Chronic lymphadenitis in children provokes a constant increase in nodes, they are limited in mobility, have a dense structure, and are painless.

During the transition from the acute stage to purulent symptoms become pronounced. The child's health deteriorates sharply, symptoms of intoxication appear (chills, fever, weakness, headaches, sleep disturbance). Appear in the area of ​​the lymph nodes drawing pains, swelling and hyperemia.

It must be remembered that without treatment, submandibular lymphadenitis is complicated by adenophlegmon. Purulent inflammation extends beyond the lymph node. Adenophlegmons, in turn, are complicated by thrombosis and sepsis.

Treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis in children

Therapy of lymphadenitis depends on the stage and type of the disease, as well as on the degree of intoxication. The doctor must stop inflammation in the lymph nodes, as well as find and eliminate primary focus infections.

Acute serous or chronic lymphadenitis require a conservative approach. For these purposes, antibiotics (macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins), desensitizing drugs are prescribed. Local effects include compresses and physiotherapy.

Often, children with lymphadenitis are prescribed restorative drugs (vitamins, calcium gluconate, immunostimulants). If therapy is ineffective, or the disease goes into acute stage, the child should be hospitalized and the purulent focus should be drained.

With necrotizing lymphadenitis in children, it is necessary to carry out curettage of the cavity, sometimes even removal of the lymph node is required. For the rehabilitation period, anti-inflammatory and disintoxication drugs are prescribed. Specific tuberculous lymphadenitis in children is treated in specialized institutions.

Prevention and prognosis

With timely treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis, the prognosis is almost always favorable. When the disease becomes chronic, the lymphoid tissue can be replaced by connective tissue, and a violation of the outflow of lymph in the affected area may develop. To never know problems with lymph nodes, it is enough to follow some simple rules.

Preventive measures for lymphadenitis:

  1. Observe the rules of hygiene (hands, mouth).
  2. Regularly visit the dentist, exclude caries, gingivitis, fungal infections.
  3. Avoid skin damage (cracks, wounds, scratches).
  4. Treat all injuries with special means.

Prevention of lymphadenitis is to eliminate infections, timely treatment of teeth and injuries (skin and mucous). It is also important to increase the general and local resistance of the organism.

The lymph nodes- These are filters in which lymphocytes mature, protecting the body from infections, foreign microorganisms and cells that provoke cancerous processes.

Getting into them with lymph, washing all organs and tissues, pathogens cause an immune response, causing the node or their group to increase in size. After all, with a sharp increase in the number of harmful cells, the number of lymphocytes that eliminate the danger also increases. Submandibular lymph nodes are "responsible" for the state of the organs hearing, nasopharynx, oral cavity.

For any disease from caries and periodontal disease to inflammation of the middle ear and tonsillitis. The inflammatory process, characterized by an increase in nodes, their soreness, causes an increase in temperature, a deterioration in well-being, is fraught with many complications, therefore, it is necessary to find out the cause of the increase in nodes under the jaw and begin treatment immediately.

The submandibular lymph nodes increase in size only when the body is unable to cope with the infiltrated bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Without appropriate treatment, suppuration in the node itself or their group may begin within a few days, the inflammatory process can quickly spread through the lymphatic system.

A patient who seeks help with the appearance of painful nodules ranging in size from a pea to a bean is first sent to a dentist and an otolaryngologist, because the causes of inflammation are often within the competence of these specialists. Conventionally, the reasons can be divided into several groups.

Typical infections: sore throat, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear, and chicken pox, measles, mumps.

Atypical infections: tuberculosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis (cat-scratch disease, caused by protozoa that enter through the damage caused by the claws of pets).

Diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gum disease, caries, tooth abscesses, wounds and lesions near this group of lymph nodes.

Tumors: inflammation and sometimes without painful increase nodes can talk about neoplasms, both benign and malignant. Cysts, lipoma, tumors of the tongue, thyroid and salivary glands, larynx, metastases of a tumor of the mammary gland, lungs can be manifested by such signs.

Oncological diseases rarely cause a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes and their inflammation, often the patient until the last does not pay attention to the “peas” growing under the jaw. Unfortunately, with metastases in the lymph nodes, we are usually talking about final stages cancer.

Autoimmune diseases: a malfunction of the immune system can provoke an increase in nodes in arthritis, lupus, and other diseases in which lymphocytes are mistaken for foreign healthy cells of the body and massively destroy them.

If only increased one node, while its size is not larger than a bean, it is mobile and does not hurt, this may not be due to the disease, but to the increased work of the nodule into which the infection has entered and is neutralized. Usually after 2-3 weeks the node becomes normal size, but it is still better to contact a therapist to clarify the diagnosis in order to exclude life-threatening tumor processes.

In the absence of treatment of the underlying disease and the further development of inflammation in the submandibular nodes, an abscess with a large amount of pus may occur, as well as infection of the bloodstream. The consequences of getting into the blood and tissues of a liquid containing both dead tissues and many pathogenic microbes are extremely severe, their elimination requires long-term treatment, sometimes leading to lethal outcome.


Finding a seal
under the skin, whether it is mobile or not, causes pain when you try to press your fingers or does not cause discomfort at all, you should immediately make an appointment with a therapist. Only after examination, blood test, he will refer the patient to the right specialist or prescribe necessary drugs and procedures.

If the increase is caused infectious disease, special measures to eliminate problems with the lymph nodes may not be required. The main thing will be the treatment of the root cause, that is, the disease, due to which the nodes began to work with a vengeance.

With serious Streptococcus lesions and staphylococcal treatment takes for a long time, are not excluded re-infections, which will call persistent inflammation nodes, reducing immunity, provoking the occurrence of complications. Therefore, the treatment prescribed by doctors must be taken seriously.

Discovering diseases oral cavity, doctors also prescribe drugs that can effectively deal with them. In case of caries, it is necessary to remove or cure all diseased teeth, carry out a complete sanitation, and carefully observe all hygiene measures. in a great way defeat the disease will become gargling like saline solution, and "Burov's liquid", other antiseptic solutions.

If a inflammatory process has caused suppuration, antibiotic treatment may be required. With advanced forms of lymphadenitis (the so-called inflammation of the lymph nodes), doctors resort to surgical intervention by removing the inflamed node. But, despite the simplicity of such an operation, the recovery process lasts quite a long time, requires constant medical supervision, so it is better not to delay contacting doctors.

Self-medication is dangerous with any form of lymphadenitis, you do not need to resort to prescriptions and advice from traditional medicine without consulting a doctor.

In children

Increase submandibular nodes in young patients, it can be caused both by the disease the body is fighting against and by an infection that the child has recently had.

It can be chickenpox or pig lesions of the ENT organs, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis of the tonsils and many other diseases. Often it is in this category that the so-called cat scratch disease occurs, when infection occurred through contact with an animal.

If a seal is found, the baby should definitely be shown to the doctor in order to start treatment of the disease that caused lymphodenitis in time. With recovery, the nodes return to normal in a fairly short time. If a serious illness is suspected, hidden infections only physicians can prescribe the necessary blood tests to make a diagnosis, and a biopsy may be required - taking material from the seal.

Lymphadenitis that accompanies a cold indicates a weakened immune system. An increase in nodes on only one side can also be caused by a reaction to the drug, introduced during vaccination.


An enlarged lymph node on the left indicates that the focus of infection is located on this side. Basically, the symptom is associated with caries or a bacterial infection, but among probable causes there is tumor lesions, tuberculosis, injuries and wounds.

The lymph node on the left can enlarge due to inflammation in the jawbone, the causes of which should be eliminated, tumor neoplasm, metastasis in the lymphatic system.

When to ask for help

  • The seal under the skin is palpable, rapidly increasing in size.
  • There were swelling of the neck, faces, redness of the skin.
  • Pain is felt when pressing on the node.
  • Intoxication of the body, causing headache, aching bones and muscles, high fever.
  • An enlarged node or group of lymph nodes limit the mobility of the neck, cause pain, swelling makes it difficult to breathe.

But you can't delay and with more smoothed symptoms, because lymphadenitis is most often just one of the signs of a disease that needs to be treated immediately.

What not to do with lymphadenitis

  • Warming will only increase inflammation, speeding up the spread of infection.
  • Refrigerate - ice is contraindicated as with infectious lesions as well as inflammation. Hypothermia of the affected area can complicate the course of the disease.
  • Uncontrolled taking medications without a doctor's prescription, including antibiotics and painkillers.

For many pathogens, antibiotics are harmless, but the picture of the disease can be "lubricated" so much that for an experienced doctor it will be difficult to make a correct diagnosis. And without this, it is impossible to start treatment acute infection, no cancer.

Submandibular lymph nodes can become inflamed at any age. Timely and complex treatment this pathology will provide fast recovery. This article describes the symptoms, etiology, diagnosis, methods of therapy, complications and prevention of inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes.

What is this disease

One of the most common forms of lymphadenitis is inflammation and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes. Often, such pathological process in the lymph nodes is associated with the reaction of the immune system to the presence of an infectious invasion near the lymph nodes.

AT medical practice There are three main stages of this pathology:

  • Initial.
  • Average.
  • Purulent.

Important! Availability purulent exudate in the lymph nodes is a manifestation of a serious complication, the resolution of which requires only urgent surgical intervention.

Inflammation cervical lymph nodes- this is an alarming symptom that indicates the development of a pathological process in the body, from the slightest inflammation before serious illnesses.


On the initial stage inflammation is palpable on palpation.

The initial stage of development of lymphadenitis of the cervical lymph nodes is hidden and does not show any signs.

With the progression of the disease, the lymph nodes located under lower jaw increase, become dense and painful on palpation. This means that the disease is sharp shape.

A characteristic symptomatology of this condition is the presence of:

  • Periodic shooting pain signals in the region of the cervical lymph nodes.
  • Hyperemia skin at the location of the lymph nodes, which, with the progression of the pathology, become a burgundy color.
  • Puffiness and swelling in the region of the lower jaw.
  • Local hyperthermia of the body.
  • Expressed pain when swallowing and turning the head.
  • Asomnia, deterioration of well-being.

Attention! Symptoms of lymphadenitis of the cervical lymph nodes are identical to inflammation of the salivary glands, phlegmon, tumor and abscess. Therefore, when showing the slightest sign development of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Causes in adults

Name Description
Pathologies of infectious etiology Inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes begin due to infection of organs located near the cervical lymph nodes. After entering the body, pathogens change the structure of human cells. Wherein defensive reaction organism on them is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.
Immune pathologies Associated with dysfunction of the defense system, which is the root cause of the development of pathologies such as AIDS, leukemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, joint damage and HIV infection.
Tumors They provoke lymphadenitis, regardless of the location. Significant amount cancer cells located just in the lymph, which entails metastasis in the lymph nodes. With such a pathology, the nodes do not increase and do not hurt.
Dental diseases (abscess, flux, alveolitis) Many pathologies associated with inflammation or accumulation of purulent exudate are characterized by an increase in cervical lymph nodes.
Toxoplasmosis It is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which is Toxoplasma, which affects the lymph nodes in the body.

The etiology of the development of lymphadenitis of the submandibular lymph nodes is very important, as it plays important role in the treatment of pathology. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is only a symptom of a disease that requires treatment in the first place.

Features of pathology in pediatrics

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes in a child

A characteristic symptom of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in a child is a pronounced deterioration in well-being, rapid hyperthermia, and signs of intoxication.

If the slightest symptom of lymphadenitis occurs in a child, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical assistance, due to high probability development of edema. Self-medication in this situation is strictly prohibited., as it can significantly worsen the condition of the child and even lead to death.

The main reasons for the development of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in children are:

  • Cat scratches.
  • Cold pathologies.
  • Infectious diseases, especially respiratory organs, head, throat, eyes, ENT organs and dental pathologies.

Treatment of pathology is based on the correct establishment of the etiology. A therapeutic course is prescribed only after a full diagnosis, taking into account necessary complex to eliminate the underlying pathology that caused the growth of submandibular lymph nodes.


You can determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the submandibular lymph nodes on your own. But accurate diagnosis established only by an otolaryngologist.

Self-diagnosis is carried out through palpation. Normal nodes:

  • Elastic.
  • They have a dense structure.
  • Doesn't cause pain.
  • Easily move under the finger when probing.
  • The size of the lymph node should not exceed 1 cm, and in most cases, in the absence of pathological processes, the nodes are not palpable at all.

Reference! If a self-examination reveals changes in the shape, structure and size of the submandibular lymph node, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Ultrasound of the submandibular lymph nodes

Specialized diagnosis of submandibular lymphadenitis includes several studies:

If necessary, the otolaryngologist may prescribe an additional examination by a dentist, infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, oncologist, hematologist. This will allow you to quickly differentiate inflammation, and put correct diagnosis in as soon as possible.


At the initial stage, you can do drug treatment.

pledge successful therapy is correct definition the causes that provoked inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes. Depending on the stage of development of the pathology and its etiology, you can do:

  • Medical therapy. Based on the results of the diagnosis, as prescribed by the doctor, the following can be prescribed:
  • Antibacterial drugs: ampicillin, amoxiclav, ceftriaxone, sumamed and amoxicillin. Their reception is effective in the presence of purulent exudate in the glands, infections, the pathogens of which are bacteria and in the prevention of complications. Their choice is determined clinical picture health and age category patient, as well as the stage of development of pathology.
  • Antivirals: kagocel, rimantadine, anaferon. Appointed at viral etiology. Under their influence, the process of reproduction of bacteria is suspended and the process of producing one's own interferon is stimulated.
  • Antitumor: aromasin, thioguanine, methotrexate. Block the development of cancer cells.
  • Immunosuppressants: tacrolimus, cyclosporine A. They are prescribed for autoimmune pathologies, which makes it possible to artificially suspend the activity of the immune system.
  • Also as adjuvant therapy may be assigned gargle antiseptic solutions , among which Burow's solution is the most popular. As additional treatment local preparations are used in the form of ointments: troxevasin, heparin, Veshnevsky.
  • Surgical treatment. It is prescribed in the presence of an abscess, oncology or complications of lymphadenitis. To eliminate it, surgical cleaning of the cavity after its removal is required. When a large number pus, after opening the abscess, drainage is established to ensure the outflow of the contents. After surgery, a course is prescribed to prevent recurrence and complications. antibiotic therapy with certain physiotherapy. In oncology, the nodes may be removed for additional examination or in the formation of metastases in them.
  • folk therapy. It can only act as an adjunct treatment. Usage alternative means contributes to the removal acute symptoms. For these purposes, only in agreement with the doctor can be used:
    • Phyto-decoctions from anti-inflammatory herbs: birch, wormwood, pine needles, thyme and St. John's wort.
    • Warm compresses from rosin, gauze soaked in decoctions of herbs, heated sea ​​salt.
    • Applications from fresh juice dandelion.
    • Lotions from chicory root on an inflamed lymph node.

Important! The choice of a therapeutic course, its type, duration and the use of auxiliary means of traditional medicine is established exclusively by the attending physician. Self-treatment of inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes is strictly prohibited.

Fundamentals of therapy for submandibular lymphadenitis

Therapy should begin at the initial stage of its development and, as a rule, it consists of:

  • Sanitation of the focus of infection.
  • Professional consultations and appointment of an abscess opening procedure
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity with Burov's liquid.
  • Applying a cold compress from anti-inflammatory drugs or potions natural origin.
  • Carrying out a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Reception multivitamin complexes.
  • Carrying out physiotherapy procedures.

If it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention and choose the method of its implementation, the number of inflamed lymph nodes is taken into account. If one focus is opened, a small incision is made above it and drainage under the capsule. In the presence of several inflamed nodes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation is opened, after which drainage is introduced into the hypodermis.

Negative consequences

Launched inflammation

In the absence of proper therapy or the patient ignoring the recommendations of a specialist, the disease can turn into chronic form. Untreated submandibular lymphadenitis leads to serious complications, dangerous for the health and life of the patient:

  • Inflammation can capture tissues located near the focus and provoke the development of periadenitis, adenophlegmon or abscess.
  • When the infectious focus is located in the region of the respiratory system, it is possible that the abscess itself opens on the affected lymph nodes, which will lead to the formation of a bronchial fistula or a fistula in the esophagus.
  • An incorrectly performed operation can provoke extensive bleeding, infection in the incision area, or cancer cells coming out of the node shape.
  • There is also a small chance of developing lymphedema.

Timely therapy and a correctly performed operation for inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes significantly minimizes the likelihood of complications.

Precautionary measures

It is forbidden to warm or cool the affected area!

To prevent the development of a severe form of inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes and the appearance of complications against its background, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Carry out self-treatment. This is due to the fact that education and technology should establish exact reason and it is impossible to choose the appropriate treatment for the pathology. Wrong treatment leads to aggravation of the state of health, and for some diseases and loss of time.
  • Warm up swollen lymph nodes. This provokes the spread of infection to neighboring tissues, an increase in swelling of the cervicofacial region, and an increase in the intensity of pain. With oncological etiology, warming up can contribute to the spread of affected cells with lymph and blood.
  • Cool the affected area with cold. Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes often occurs with the development viral infection. With this etiology, local hypothermia significantly worsen the general condition of the patient.


home preventive measure- Regular visits to the dentist.

You can avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the jaw by observing the elementary complex preventive measures. Among them, experts distinguish:

  • Timely treatment infectious pathologies oral cavity and upper respiratory tract from the onset of the first symptom.
  • Careful and proper hygiene oral cavity.
  • Regular visit dental clinic(semiannually).
  • Usage antiseptics in case of violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa and facial skin.
  • Strengthening general immunity by hardening, playing sports, refusing bad habits, application natural biostimulants.
  • Prevention of hypothermia of the body.
  • Limiting visits to crowded places during the peak incidence of acute respiratory infections.
  • Wearing hats and scarves in the cold season, which protect against the development of inflammatory processes in the neck and the appearance of lymph nodes large sizes under the jaw.
  • Correct and varied diet, which will enrich the body with vitamins and useful trace elements, improve digestion, improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the risk of infection of the body pathogenic microbes.
  • Caries treatment. In its presence, a sluggish infectious process, which can contribute to the appearance of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Reference! special measures to prevent the development of submandibular lymphadenitis does not exist. Prevention of the disease consists of eliminating the root causes that provoke the onset of the disease.

The problem of inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes often depends on many factors. The key to successful treatment of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is the timely diagnosis of the pathology, which only a doctor can do. Therefore, at the manifestation of the slightest symptomatology, you should immediately go to the doctor.

The lymphatic system plays an important role in shaping the immune response. A network of vessels and groups of nodes scattered throughout the body make it possible to prevent the spread of infection. Thanks to the lymph nodes, you can find out the localization of inflammation. Lymphadenitis often indicates that a pathological process is developing in nearby organs. If the submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, then the likelihood of diseases is high. dental profile or upper respiratory infections.

Structural features and localization

There are two main groups of lymph nodes located in the lower part of the head. Lymph nodes under the jaw are located at the lower edge of the bone in 6-10 pieces. Their size in the normal state does not exceed 0.5 centimeters. Lymph flows into the region of the submandibular nodes:

  • from the lower eyelid;
  • teeth, gums, tongue;
  • submandibular and sublingual salivary glands;
  • lips, nose and cheek tissues;
  • chin.

Above the hyoid bone, not far from the submandibular, another group of lymph nodes is localized. Chin nodes do not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter and are arranged in 2-8 pieces. They collect lymph from the muscles and skin of the chin, lower lip, apex of the tongue, sublingual and submandibular salivary glands.

How to understand that the lymph node under the lower jaw is enlarged

A change in the size of the lymph nodes can serve as a signal of the presence of an inflammatory process. Lymph nodes are among the first to respond to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body. Their palpation is required for diagnosis. During the examination of the submandibular region, the following rules are followed:

  • the patient's head should be slightly tilted forward;
  • palpation can take place on one side or simultaneously with two brushes;
  • the submandibular lymph node is gently pressed with fingers to the jaw;
  • fingers slide smoothly from the corner of the jaw to its edge, examining the entire chain of nodes.

On palpation, the nodes normally roll under the fingers, are not painful, and the local temperature is not elevated. Enlarged lymph nodes may be visible to the naked eye, often with reddening of the skin around. A size exceeding 0.5 centimeters and cohesion with surrounding tissues is the main symptom of lymphadenitis.

Why do submental and submandibular lymph nodes increase?

The reasons why the submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged lie in the circulation of the infectious agent in lymphatic system. Bacteria or viruses accumulate in the tissues of the node, reacting with lymphocytes and forcing it to increase in size. Symptoms of lymphadenopathy occur against the background of a number of diseases of the dental and ENT profile:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.

However, the underlying cause of the disease may also be general character. Lymph nodes increase in response to tuberculosis, anthrax, measles, leukemia and a number of other infectious diseases. Vaccinations and certain drugs can also cause an enlarged lymph node under the jaw. For example, the rabies vaccine (Kokav) can cause temporary lymphadenopathy. Injuries and local frostbite also cause enlargement of the nodes.

Clinical manifestation of submandibular lymphadenopathy

Enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes is accompanied by classic symptoms inflammatory process. When examining a patient, the doctor pays attention to the size of the nodes, their mobility, cohesion with surrounding tissues, consistency and local temperature. Symptoms of lymphadenitis include:

  • temperature rise;
  • soreness of the inflamed node on palpation;
  • the lymph node under the jaw increases in size;
  • worsening general condition;
  • immobility of the node, hard consistency;
  • severe swelling in the submental area;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • in the blood test, an increase in the level of leukocytes is traced.

If the node has increased, but does not hurt, this indicates the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Also, pain may be absent oncological processes. Enlargement of the node on the left or right often occurs due to illness cat scratches or infected wound.

Which doctor should I contact with an increase in lymph nodes

If the lymph nodes under the jaw are enlarged, then you should immediately consult a therapist. Lymphadenitis can be a signal of the presence of an infection or a nearby pathology even before the disease itself manifests itself. This will make it possible to identify increasing nodes on early stages. And also in time to diagnose the disease-root cause and contact a specialist who will advise what to do with certain pathologies. In addition to the therapist, if the reason for the enlargement of the lymph nodes is known, you can contact a number of doctors:

A narrow profile specialist is able, with the help of examination and additional research, to find out the cause of the disease, as well as prescribe treatment. If lymphadenitis has passed into the form of purulent inflammation, then intervention by the surgeon may be necessary.

Important! At the appointment with the therapist, you can find out why lymphadenitis has arisen, as well as get guidance on what to do to combat the disease.

What examinations can the doctor prescribe

Examination cannot give an accurate picture of the disease. Additional studies are needed for a qualitative diagnosis. The study of the composition of the blood, the structure and size of the inflamed node, as well as the presence of signs of oncology, makes it possible to prescribe necessary treatment. Additional research includes:

The main goal of additional research is to establish the cause of lymphadenitis. Hematological analysis makes it possible to identify an infectious agent, tomography and x-ray - to determine the type of inflammation. This directly affects the treatment, since acute and purulent form require a different therapeutic approach.

Diseases occurring with an increase in the submandibular and submental lymph nodes

The increase in nodes occurs under the influence of mechanical (wounds), pharmacological (vaccines) and physical factors (hypothermia). However, often submandibular lymphadenitis accompanies diseases of an infectious nature or inflammatory nature:

  • tuberculosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • syphilis;
  • measles;
  • brucellosis;
  • anthrax;
  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • stomatitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • glossitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina.

In adults, the disease may not be as pronounced as in children. However, if symptoms are ignored, swelling under the chin becomes noticeable even without palpation. Timely appeal to the doctor makes it possible not only to cure the disease on early dates but also to prevent its complication.

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