Bacterial otitis media in dogs. Otitis externa is a severe ear disorder in dogs.

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Causes of otitis

Faced daily with inflammation in the ear canal, veterinarians identify the following causes of otitis media in dogs:

Ticks violate the integrity of the skin, damage blood vessels, release toxic waste products into the surrounding tissues. This leads to itching, the development of otitis in the animal. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with otodectosis.

  • allergic reactions. With the development of allergies, chemicals are produced in the body, leading to the fragility of blood vessels and irritating nerve endings. Combing the itchy area with the paws leads to the multiplication of opportunistic microflora and the development of an inflammatory reaction. Often it is the ears of the animal, well supplied with blood vessels, that suffer from a reaction to any allergen.
  • Keeping an animal in unfavorable conditions. Cold, damp, drafty rooms, bad weather, strong winds, rainy weather are common causes of the disease in dogs.
  • Violation of the rules of hygiene and pet care. Irregular cleaning of the ears from sulfur, water ingress during water procedures are common causes of otitis media in dogs. Foreign objects. Seeds and thorns from plants, insects, small objects caught during a walk lead to a violation of the ventilation of the auricle, increased production of protective sulfur.
  • Neoplasms, papillomas, polyps. Formations on the skin have a similar mechanism with foreign objects. By closing the ear canal, polyps or tumors interfere with normal air circulation, they can also spontaneously become inflamed, bleed, which leads to the development of inflammation in the ear canal. Neoplasms can be primary, or formed as a result of otitis media and in this case be secondary.

Canine ear tumor
  • Hormonal abnormalities. Diseases of the organs of the endocrine system - adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland, are often accompanied by a violation of the hormonal status. Failure leads to dry skin, itching, peeling, which provokes an inflammatory reaction.
  • The cause of otitis media can be autoimmune diseases when the body starts attacking its own cells.
  • Injuries. Damage to the auricle is typical during fights between relatives. Mechanical damage (wounds, cracks, abrasions) lead to the introduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation.
  • The presence of sugar in the dog's diet. Long-term studies show that feeding a pet with sweet foods causes excessive formation of earwax, which is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Factors contributing to the development of otitis in dogs, veterinarians include:

  • Thick hair in the ear. Excess hair reduces the natural ventilation of the ear canal, increases humidity, and intensive production of earwax. These factors lead to the activity of opportunistic microflora and provoke otitis media. The risk group includes dog breeds that are characterized by increased density of wool in the area of ​​​​the ears: lapdogs, giant schnauzers, setters.
  • Features of the anatomical structure. Erect, lop-eared, ears with a lot of folds give their four-legged owner a lot of health troubles. The peculiar structure of the auricle - hanging ears, many skin folds in the region of the outer ear are an ideal environment for the development of inflammation. With this structure, poor ventilation and self-cleaning mechanisms are noted.

The risk group includes breeds such as sharpei, basset hounds, spaniels, poodles. Owners of large erect ears - German Shepherds, suffer from otitis media due to the free entry of dirt and germs due to the large size of the ears.

Breed predisposition to the disease is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the auricles, the degree of their openness, the presence of many folds, thick wool. According to veterinary statistics, spaniels, sharpei, German shepherds, poodles, bulldogs, and many hunting breeds most often suffer from otitis media.

About the anatomy of the dog's ear and the causes of otitis externa, see this video:

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

The following clinical manifestations testify to the inflammatory process in the auricle in a tailed pet:

  • The dog often shakes its head, tilts it towards the diseased ear, constantly scratches its head in the ear area with its paws due to itching.
  • The purulent form of otitis is often accompanied by gurgling sounds when moving the head due to the accumulation of exudate.
  • When touched, the animal worries, whines and squeals.
  • At the entrance to the ear canal, the presence of crusts, scabs, and loose hair is noted.
  • Turning away the outer ear, you can observe redness, swelling of the tissues. The amount of sulfur produced exceeds its normal content. Often, purulent discharge of an unpleasant odor is found. The exudate may contain blood. Wool in the auricle stuck together.
  • The base of the ear is hot to the touch.
  • With a low level of immunity in a dog, general hyperthermia can be observed.
  • The animal loses its appetite. The thirst persists.
  • The state becomes apathetic, lethargic.
  • With a strong pain syndrome, the dog becomes aggressive, restless.

In severe cases, a sick dog may experience deafness (stops responding to sound stimuli) and strabismus due to a deep development of the inflammatory process that captures adjacent organs.

Types and their features

Veterinarians distinguish between primary and secondary types of the disease. An independent form of otitis media is primary. The most common is secondary otitis, which develops as a result of pet infection with ticks, the development of allergies, hormonal imbalance, etc.

outdoor, middle, indoor

According to the anatomical distribution of the inflammatory process, the disease of the outer, middle and inner ear is distinguished. The external form does not affect the eardrum, the inflammation is localized outside. Pathology of the middle part of the ear canal is fraught with hearing loss for the pet.

  • Otoscopy. The study of the auditory canal by the instrumental method allows to identify the nature and localization of the inflammatory process, to assess the condition of the tympanic membrane. The method allows you to detect a foreign body, neoplasms, polyps, etc.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. A blood test, microscopic and cytological examination of skin scrapings can identify the pathogen: determine the type of tick, bacteria, identify a pathogenic fungus, and also determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. The method allows you to identify neoplasms, polyps.
  • Magnetic resonance and. Modern research methods are indispensable in assessing damage to the internal structures of the ear and the membranes of the brain by the inflammatory process.

In a number of studies, the animal is sedated or lightly anesthetized. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a comprehensive examination with the identification of the cause of the disease.

pet treatment

Given the variety of forms and varieties of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate with problems with the ears of four-legged friends. Only a qualified specialist should treat a sick pet based on laboratory tests.

Therapy for otitis in dogs is complex and has a local and general focus. Antibacterial drops and ointments with anti-inflammatory action are applied locally. Drugs relieve swelling, reduce itching. In veterinary practice, for inflammation of the ear canal, the following drops are prescribed: Otipax, Sofradex, Ciprovet, Aurizon, Otoferonol, Otinum and others. Means are selected based on the root cause of the disease.

Drops should be prescribed only by a veterinarian, since some drugs in their composition have antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect and are contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum.

The general effect on the body with otitis is the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections. Antimicrobial agents are applied according to the sensitivity test. Effective for otitis media are drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone (injections are made on lidocaine), Baytril and others.

In order to increase the immunity of a sick pet, a course of immunomodulators is carried out. Such drugs as Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit are prescribed. Good results are obtained by the use of Cycloferon, Immunofan.

In the event that neoplasms, growths, polyps have become the cause of otitis media, they are removed surgically.

Get rid of inflammation at home

Therapeutic measures can be carried out by the owner and at home with strict adherence to the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. The success of treatment largely depends on the correct preparation of the inflamed area for the use of drugs.

Before dripping the prescribed funds to the pet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and passage from dirt, purulent masses, and accumulation of earwax. For this purpose, antiseptic agents are used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, boric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is used only to cleanse the outer ear.

Special wipes are suitable for the cleaning procedure. Ear sticks are not used in animal hygiene.


Based on many years of medical practice, veterinarians have developed a set of preventive measures that allow owners to avoid ear problems in their four-legged pets:

  • regularly, pollution;
  • cut thick hair in the auricle;
  • prevent hypothermia of the pet;
  • during hygiene procedures, protect the ears from water ingress;
  • use only high quality feed;
  • exclude sugary foods from the dog's diet;
  • twice a year to conduct a professional examination of the auricles in a veterinary clinic.

Otitis in a dog is a polyetiological disease. The disease causes pain to the pet. In advanced cases, there is a high risk of developing inflammation of the brain, sepsis. Comprehensive diagnosis allows you to clarify the root cause that caused the inflammation. Treatment of the disease should take place only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Useful video

To learn how to properly clean your dog's ears, see this video:

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, which gives a lot of discomfort not only to people, but also to our smaller brothers. It is worth noting that animals are much more likely to suffer from such an ailment. Special glands, which are located in the external auditory canal, should normally secrete a small amount of secretion necessary to protect the ear canal from foreign substances, water, dirt and dust. For each breed of dog, the type and nature of the secretion of such a secret is individual.

If, after cleaning your pet's ears, you notice that the dog's ears are dirty again the next day, she constantly scratches them and shakes her head, and the secretion secreted smells unpleasant, then you should immediately visit the veterinarian.

Otitis externa and otitis media in dogs

Depending on the localization of the pathological process, experts distinguish two types of the disease:

  • Otitis media is characterized by inflammation of the middle ear, which is located behind the eardrum and consists of 3 bones that conduct sounds to the inner ear.
  • Otitis externa is accompanied by inflammation of the external passage, located between the eardrum and the opening of this passage.

The severe stage of the disease can combine inflammation of both the outer ear and the middle ear.

Primary and secondary form of otitis media

Like other pathologies, otitis media has different causes. If the disease develops independently and self-sufficiently, then this is primary otitis media, and if it is a complication of some dermatological disease, then we are dealing with secondary otitis media. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

It is worth noting that some breeds of dogs have a predisposition to develop otitis media. As a rule, it depends on the structural features of the auricle. The risk group can primarily include animals with hanging large ears, which do not allow air to flow freely, as a result of which favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. This situation is often seen in poodles and spaniels. But, for example, East European Shepherds suffer from the opposite problem: their too open ears contribute to the entry of various bacteria into the ear canal.

In chronic otitis externa, excess discharge, inflammation and swelling of the eardrum can be observed in the affected ear. The verrucous form of the disease is characterized by reddening of the skin, the formation of warts, the appearance of pus and atypical sulfuric discharge.

Causes of otitis

This disease occurs due to many factors. The disease can be provoked by head injuries, hypothermia, malnutrition, helminthiasis, allergies and decreased immunity.

The causative agents of otitis are streptococci and staphylococci, which are considered the most famous bacteria. They live in the dog's body all the time. However, they are activated and cause harm only under favorable conditions for this. Any failures in the protective system lead to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic microflora.

Manifestations of the disease

Otitis media symptoms in dogs:

Consequences of the disease

Otitis in dogs, the treatment of which must be started immediately, can lead to serious complications:

  • chronic form of the disease;
  • temporary or permanent hearing loss;
  • discharge of pus through the eyes;
  • problems with feeding due to constant pain;
  • strabismus.

To protect your pet from such problems, you should seek the help of a qualified veterinarian in time, who will prescribe competent treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

There can be many etiological factors that provoke ear inflammation. Treatment of otitis in dogs depends on the nature and nature of the disease. To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to carefully examine the animal and make a clear diagnosis, otherwise all subsequent measures will not give a positive result and may even worsen the condition of the four-legged patient.

Stages of diagnostics:

A veterinarian can prescribe an effective treatment for otitis in dogs only after a comprehensive examination. Any form of the disease cannot go away on its own, so the launch of the pathological process and self-treatment can lead to serious complications. It should be noted that in the secondary form of otitis media it is very difficult to identify the main cause of the development of the disease.


Treatment of otitis media in dogs is complex. First of all, the symptoms are eliminated, and then the primary causes of the disease. It is very important to correctly combine anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, such as Otoferanol, Normax, Otibiovin, Otipax, with local treatment agents, such as camphor oil, Amidel-gel, Amit and aversectin ointment in the presence of ticks, "Acaromectin", "Dekta". Treatment of otitis in dogs with antibiotics should be supported by immunomodulators such as Askorutin, Gamavit, etc. To relieve pain, the veterinarian may recommend Framycetin ear drops.

We treat at home

Treatment of otitis in dogs with folk remedies should be carried out carefully so as not to harm even more. First of all, you need to remove the extra secret. To do this, use a special lotion, liquid paraffin, saline or hydrogen peroxide. If the disease is advanced, and crusts have already formed from prolonged combing of the affected area, you can remove them with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. The remaining wounds should be smeared with brilliant green to prevent infection.

Purulent otitis media in dogs requires immediate removal of the abnormal discharge. This can be done with boric alcohol. Such a disease is treated quickly if you turn to a specialist in time and start acting.

Disease prevention

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of otitis media. To do this, you should regularly carry out hygiene procedures and treat your pet's ears. Carefully monitor your dog's diet, which should contain the necessary fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. In addition, avoid stressful situations, which can also significantly reduce immunity.

Otitis is an ear disease that causes discomfort to the animal and trouble to the owner. Delay in treatment is fraught with deafness and meningitis. At the same time, the pathology itself may be the result of disturbances in the pet's body. Therefore, it is not recommended to take action without consulting a veterinarian.

The disease requires long-term systematic treatment. The prescriptions of the veterinarian depend on the causes of development, severity and stage. To prevent the disease from returning, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures and maintain the hygiene of the pet's ears.

Description of pathology

Otitis - inflammation of different parts of the ear, accompanied by pain, discharge and leading to partial or complete deafness. Most often, both ears are affected at once. The organ of hearing in a dog is arranged somewhat differently than in humans, it is more susceptible to external influences. Dust particles, insects, dirt, water easily enter the ear canal, which provokes inflammation.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in lop-eared individuals. Cocker spaniels, dachshunds, basset hounds are vulnerable. Under a dense lobe, an ideal warm environment is created for the development of microorganisms. Often the disease occurs in shepherd dogs.

The reasons

Basically, the pathology is provoked by external factors. Affect temperature, dust, arthropods. But there are also hereditary predisposition, hormonal balance, nutrition. The table shows the external and internal causes of the development of the disease.

Table - Causes of otitis media in Canids

The reasons for the development of pathology can be combined. For example, due to malnutrition, the dog's immunity has decreased (lack of vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium). On a walk, the pet became cold, and the body could not resist the development of pathogenic bacteria. The latter, in turn, provoked otitis media.


Otitis is classified according to three criteria - localization, development factor, pathogen.

Ear inflammation can affect the outer part of the organ or penetrate deep into the brain. Depending on the localization of infection, the disease is divided into three groups.

  1. Outdoor . It spreads to the outer part of the ear from the ear opening to the eardrum. It is the mildest form of the disease, which does not affect the hearing aid and is cured with local preparations.
  2. Average . The most common, affecting the area behind the eardrum. May affect the facial nerve. Accompanied by dry conjunctivitis and painful sensations when chewing.
  3. Internal . Rare, but the most dangerous form. The disease affects the deep structures of the ear. It affects the vestibular apparatus, which is manifested by impaired coordination of movements. May transfer to brain tissue. Left untreated, it leads to deafness.

According to the factor of occurrence, two forms of the disease are distinguished.

  1. Primary (idiopathic). It arises and develops independently due to the influence of external or internal factors. It can develop in any part of the body and is classified as external, middle or internal.
  2. Secondary . It manifests itself as a result of advanced skin diseases or pathologies of internal organs. In particular, inflammation is provoked by autoimmune diseases, diseases of the adrenal glands or the thyroid gland, atopic dermatitis, and dermatosis.

Depending on the nature of the pathogen, seven types of otitis media are distinguished.

Purulent otitis media develops as a complication of any type of pathology, if the treatment of the pet is not started in time. It is characterized by abundant secretions of yellow or greenish color with an unpleasant odor. May cause hearing loss.


There are five characteristic symptoms of pathology.

  1. Allocations. From the auditory organ stand out thick sulfur, pus, blood. In some cases, the eyes fester. The discharge has an unpleasant odor.
  2. Temperature . The affected ear is visibly hotter than normal. Also, the general body temperature may rise in the animal.
  3. Appearance . The ear is red and swollen. The lymph nodes are thickened.
  4. Combing. The dog feels itchy, often scratches the ear with its paw, leans on its side towards the affected organ and shakes its head.
  5. Behavior. The pet becomes lethargic, apathetic. Refuses to eat and lies most of the time. Some individuals whine plaintively or react aggressively to touching their ears.

The sooner full treatment begins, the better for the animal. Therefore, when symptoms are detected, contacting the veterinarian should not be postponed.


If the disease is not treated in the early stages, then it becomes chronic with periodic (seasonal) exacerbations. Also, neglected inflammation leads to the following consequences:

  • partial or complete deafness;
  • perforation (damage) of the eardrum;
  • strabismus;
  • meningitis;
  • discharge of pus from the eyes.

During periods of exacerbation, the dog experiences pain. It becomes difficult to chew, which leads to digestive problems.

In no case should you start otitis media. It won't go away on its own. The most dangerous consequence is meningitis (inflammation of the brain). The disease is difficult to treat, often leads to the death of the pet.

Therapeutic tactics

The first thing the owner should do is to alleviate the suffering of the animal and take it to the veterinarian.

First aid

Before visiting the doctor, the owner can relieve pain and clean the pet's ears. The following activities are allowed:

  • rinse - remove the formed crusts with a gauze swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide;
  • disinfect scratches- lubricate wounds and ulcers with brilliant green, iodine solution or "Fukortsin";
  • reduce pus - gently clean with a swab with boric acid;
  • relieve itching - drip "Otipaks", "Sofradex" or "Otinum".

The Streptocide tablet, ground into powder, will help absorb the pus. After cleaning with boric acid, so that the ear does not “squish”, carefully distribute the product. Carry out manipulations in surgical gloves so as not to introduce an additional infection.


Medicines are prescribed in accordance with the pathogen. Fungi are treated with antifungal drugs. For example, Miconazole, Nystatin, Clotrimazole. When pus is released, antibiotics are used, which are selected by the attending veterinarian. Antifungal and antibacterial agents are used in combination to reduce bacterial colonies. The allergic form is treated with antihistamines and antipruritics.

The most convenient form is drops. Liquids relieve pain, swelling, destroy bacteria, and promote wound healing. It should be dripped exclusively into the ear cleaned from secretions. The table shows the treatment regimens for different types of disease.

Table - Overview of ear drops for dogs

Complex therapy, in addition to drops, includes cleansing, strengthening immunity, fortification, and diet. Ears are regularly cleaned with a gauze pad moistened with Dioxidine, Chlorhexidine. When the tympanic membrane is ruptured, washing is carried out with a warm solution of sodium chloride. Hormonal, antiseptic, wound healing ointments help to speed up recovery.

With varying degrees of the disease, injections can be prescribed to relieve pain and strengthen the immune system. Novocaine blockade is effective, in which a smaller number of pain impulses enter the brain, and, consequently, the body does not respond with inflammation.

Preventive measures

This is an unpleasant disease, the treatment of which can take several months. For the peace of mind of the dog and the owner, it is recommended to carry out a prophylaxis consisting of three measures.

When swimming, especially in open water, make sure that water does not get inside the ear. Clean them with gauze swabs, not cotton wool, as the villi remaining in the ear canal can provoke inflammation.

Only a veterinarian can prescribe proper treatment after a complete examination of the animal. To make a diagnosis, a visual examination and analysis of blood, ear secretions, and skin are performed. If the equipment is available, the dog is given an X-ray and MRI, which gives a complete clinical picture. Perhaps the dog is suffering from a tumor or the disease is progressing to the brain.


As the owner of Sharpei, I know firsthand about the problems with the ears. Constant inflammation, squelching and purulent otitis accompanied us for a long time. Constantly treated with antibiotics, dripped a huge number of drops, strictly monitored nutrition, no sweets. acute. But periodically the ears became inflamed. The dog constantly shook his head, especially at night, his ears were hot and red. this went on for almost a year, until finally by chance I met an excellent veterinarian who told me that antibiotics are antibiotics, but the dog's ears, in this case I'm talking about the Shar-Pei breed, need to be constantly cleaned. Now without fail, in the morning and in the evening I clean my ears with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of chlorhexodine. And not only from above, but you need to get inside the auricle, the owners of Shar-Pei will understand me how difficult it is. But the result is on the face, we forgot about purulent otitis media. but inflammations still occur, and then on an emergency basis after cleaning I drip Levomikol 5%.

Basya Basikov,

I had to deal with such a topic directly. The pet of my friends had an earache, he became restless, he constantly tried to scratch the sore spot with his paw. This attracted attention - and naturally, we decided to establish the cause on the spot.

First of all, you need to know that there are three types of otitis media. And you can define it yourself. Our pet had an external variant of this disease. This most often occurs when the animal's ear is not properly cleaned. The infection has gone. And there was - inflammation, pain, purulent discharge, itching, and swelling of the lymph nodes.

Nobody canceled a trip to the doctor. But for treatment, you can use a warm compress. Before this, be sure to clean the auricle with a solution of furacilin - or boric acid. The animals do not like the procedure very much - but what can you do, you have to endure all the whims during this session. I can say right away that our Jack behaved like a real hero. He is a purebred German - and very scrupulous about his own well-being. And most importantly, in his sad muzzle, it was clear how he was suffering from this pain. After washing, be sure to insert swabs soaked in 70% alcohol solution into the ear canal. Then our four-legged patient was sent to rest in his corner. He blissfully dozed off and felt much better the next day.

To the doctor we vse-taki have got. This is a must to check that the dog's ear and hearing are all right. Our home health care has been fully approved. Just in case, Sofradex was prescribed. These are ear drops with antibacterial properties. They need to drip 10 days. This is how this problem is solved if it is not possible to immediately get to a specialist.

I warn you that this approach applies only to otitis externa. If the dog has a fever, sharp shooting pain, a sharp decrease in hearing - this is an infection that could become a complication in the dog's diseases. If there is no pus: then bed rest, instill warm 96% alcohol, and make a warm compress. Pus should appear within three days. If this does not occur - immediately to the clinic.

If all of the above symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, and high fever - run to the doctor. This is the most terrible type of otitis - internal. He can completely deprive the dog of hearing.


I was prescribed surolan drops for golden with otitis, otipax did not help us. They said that it is necessary to wash the ear with peroxide three times a day (directly wind a piece of cotton on the clip, soak it with peroxide and clean it), you can also rinse it with chlorhexidine if the otitis media is not neglected, it does not hurt them so much, but peroxide is better. Lactofiltrum, suprasatin and some kind of antibiotic were prescribed inside, I don’t remember now. But there was definitely allergic otitis media. It is necessary to understand what causes otitis, a lot depends on this.

Be sure to see the vet. It will be necessary to hand over the KLA and be checked for ear mites.

Flora Emberskaya,

In my opinion, certain breeds of dogs suffer most from otitis media. Shepherd dogs are very susceptible to this disease. Our dog first fell ill at eight months due to the fact that he was very fond of swimming, and at the same time diving with his head. Our doctor said that this disease is likely to become chronic. And so it happened. Now Rex is 12 years old, and we suffer severely from time to time with our ears. Recently treated with the Czech drug otiovin. It helped. Sold in veterinary pharmacies. At the very beginning, they also tried to treat with human drugs, but they immediately refused - the dog simply howled in pain. And yet, in addition to bathing - you can’t allow dogs to stick their heads out the window when traveling in a car - their ears immediately get cold.

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Pathology seriously affects the quality of life of a pet, causing discomfort and physical suffering. If the animal regularly shakes its head, after cleaning the ears are again filled with sulfur and the dog constantly scratches them, an unpleasant smell has appeared, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Most likely, the dog is sick with otitis media, and it is time to take urgent measures.

Otitis classification

Localization of the inflammatory process can be one of three:

  1. Otitis externa- develops in the outer part of the auditory canal (between the entrance to the auricle and the eardrum).
  2. Otitis media- the infection affects the space behind the eardrum, and in case of complications or neglect of the disease, the inflammation affects the middle and outer ear and is accompanied by suppuration. For which the form was called purulent otitis media.
  3. otitis media- the most serious form of pathology that affects the inner ear and often provokes complications of varying degrees.

Classification by type depends on the causes of the disease:

  • Primary- the disease is independent, not burdened by concomitant pathologies.
  • Secondary- otitis media developed against the background of dermatological, autoimmune, endocrine ailments.

According to the causative agent, otitis is divided into several types:

  • Chronic. The infection is caused by pathogenic rods - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, intestinal, staphylococcal, streptococcal.
  • Bacterial. Pathogenic microorganisms enter and multiply in the organ of hearing, often affecting both ears.
  • Fungal (otomycosis). Bacteria-fungi actively multiply in the sulfur mass and cause an inflammatory lesion.
  • Allergic. Consequence of allergic reactions or hormonal disorders.

Ear infections are caused, among other things, by breed predisposition. In fact, the structure of the ears of dogs plays a big role. Lop-eared and big-eared breeds automatically fall into the risk group, since air access to their hearing organs is difficult, and these are ideal conditions for “bad” microflora. Spaniels and poodles are No. 1 on the list of contenders.

But breeds with too open ear canals are also completely unprotected from the ingress of bacteria and pathogens and the development of infection. For example, East European Shepherds.

Reasons for the development of ear pathology

The infectious nature of the disease is due to the multiplication of bacteria, the most famous of which are staphylococci and streptococci. Normally, they are present in the body of any animal, but they are dangerous only for weakened pets.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

The external ear glands constantly secrete a secret, normally its amount should be such as to protect the auditory canals from the accumulation of dust, ingress of foreign substances or water. But, if the discharge is abundant, and later pus, blood impurities and an unpleasant odor join them, this is a clear sign of otitis media.

Other components of the clinical picture:

  • Pet anxiety, lethargy, loss of appetite.
  • The dog keeps shaking its head.
  • The opening of the ear canal is red, inflamed, swollen.
  • Lymph nodes are enlarged (from the affected ear).
  • The ear is hot to the touch.

In severe form, the animal may suffer from such complications:

  • Purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Significant reduction or complete loss of hearing.
  • The development of strabismus.
  • Problems with eating due to severe pain, incl. while chewing.

Diagnostics in a medical facility

To make a diagnosis, a whole range of measures is carried out:

  • Visual inspection using an otoscope to examine the outside of the ear canal and middle ear.
  • Sampling of biomaterial for laboratory study (blood for general analysis, secretory fluid, purulent discharge, particles of the epidermis).
  • X-ray. To complete the picture, a picture is taken to identify / exclude polyps, tumor-like formations.
  • CT and MRI. In especially severe cases, it is prescribed for examination, in addition to the diseased ear, also neighboring organs and the degree of their damage.

A correct and timely diagnosis is already half the key to a successful recovery. And here, neither self-determination of the causes of the disease, nor, moreover, self-treatment is unacceptable.

Medical treatment

Due to the variety of types, types and forms of pathology, we are not talking about one treatment regimen for all otitis media. The complex of therapeutic measures for each type of disease is different.

Purulent form:

  • Antibiotics (Otibiovin).
  • Treatment with chlorhexidine.
  • Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Chronic form:

  • Antibiotics (Otoferanol).
  • Compresses with dexamethasone.
  • Antifungal drops (Candibiotic).

fungal form:

  • 2% Gazelan solution.
  • Phosphoric acid treatment.
  • Drops of Candibiotic.

Bacterial form:

  • Antifungal.
  • Antibiotics (Normax).
  • Complex means (for example, Surolan).

Allergic form:

  • Antipruritic agent.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Diet.

To relieve pain and inflammation, Otipax and Framycetan are used. For the treatment of ear surfaces - camphor oil, averxetin ointment, Dekta, from ear mites - Amit (ointment, gel). It is imperative to maintain and strengthen the pet's immune system - Askorutin, Gamavit, Vitam, etc.

Prevention of otitis media in dogs

  • Do not overcool your pet.
  • Absorb water from the ears with a cotton swab after bathing.
  • Regularly clean and inspect the ears and passages (1-2 times a week).
  • Provide adequate nutrition and vitamins.
  • Limit your dog's contact with unverified animals.
  • Do not create traumatic and stressful situations.
  • If you suspect a disease, do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian.

It should be remembered that otitis media can cause deafness and other serious complications. Attention, care and constant control of a loving owner will ensure a happy and fulfilling life for a four-legged friend.

The inflammatory process in the ear, or in other words otitis media, can cause discomfort not only to a person. Pets often suffer from this disease, and for their acute hearing and delicate surfaces of the auricle, this is a rather difficult test. If the dog's ears get dirty very quickly, an unpleasant smell comes from them, the animal shakes its head very often and tries to comb its ears, then you should show the pet to the veterinarian. Most likely, we are talking about otitis media in dogs.

Otitis in a dog photo

There are several classifications of the disease. According to the localization of the infectious process, otitis is divided into:

  • External - inflammation affects the external auditory canal, located between the inlet and the surface of the tympanic membrane.
  • Medium - the inflammatory process penetrates deep into, behind the eardrum. Often accompanied by suppuration - this form of the disease is called purulent otitis media. With a neglected or complicated form of otitis media, inflammation of the outer and middle ear is often found.
  • Internal - a severe form of the disease, the lesion is localized in the inner ear and very often causes various kinds of complications.

Depending on the cause of the development of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  • Primary otitis - occurs as an independent disease and proceeds without concomitant diseases.
  • Secondary otitis - inflammation is a complication of a dermatological disease. Most often, this type of otitis media appears against the background of atopic, dermatosis, autoimmune diseases, damage to the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.

There is a classification based on the causative agent of the disease:

  • Chronic otitis media is a complex inflammation that requires specialist advice. It is provoked by streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and also Escherichia coli.
  • Fungal otitis media (otomycosis) - fungal bacteria mix with earwax, begin to multiply rapidly, causing inflammation.
  • Bacterial otitis - pathogenic bacteria often cause the development of otitis media, and both one or both ears can be affected.
  • Allergic otitis - develops due to allergies or hormonal imbalance.

Risk group

Predisposing factors include hereditary predisposition and thallium intoxication. There is a connection between breeds and the development of otitis media, since the disease and its course are associated with the structure of the auricle.

Most often, inflammation develops in owners of long, hanging ears, which are hidden from natural ventilation and are an ideal "hotbed" for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Among breeds with a similar problem, spaniels and poodles can be noted.

But not only the owners of such ears can suffer from otitis media. Pets with a too open ear canal, such as East European Shepherds, are also victims of frequent inflammatory processes. Their hearing organ is not protected from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Why does otitis media develop in dogs?

The primary form of the disease can manifest itself after hypothermia, injury to the animal, due to malnutrition or infection with helminths. There can be many reasons, and if the pet's immunity is reduced and cannot resist, then the disease affects the dog's ears.

If we are talking about an infectious agent, then most often they are streptococcus or staphylococcus, developing in a weakened animal body.

Signs of otitis media in dogs

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • the pet is restless, as he feels ear pain and itching;
  • purulent exudate flows from the ear, which has a nauseating odor, the discharge may contain an admixture of blood;
  • the pet often tilts its head and shakes its ears;
  • the ear canal turns red;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch, the temperature in the affected area rises;
  • tissue swelling in the ear;
  • enlarged lymph nodes can be felt from the side of the inflamed organ;
  • at the pet;
  • the dog is lethargic, does not find a place for itself, can circle in the direction of the inflamed ear.

During severe forms of otitis in dogs, the following symptoms and complications are possible:

  • hearing loss;
  • development of strabismus;
  • the dog has difficulty eating - it is hard to chew due to pain;
  • discharge of exudate from the eyes.

Diagnosis of disease in dogs

Making the right early diagnosis is half the road to recovery. Veterinarians warn owners not to ignore the condition of the pet and not treat the disease on their own.

Therapy for otitis media in dogs

Given the variety of forms and types of the disease, it is difficult not to guess that there is no single treatment for otitis media in dogs. Each variety requires an individual approach:

  • Purulent otitis media - antibiotic therapy is mandatory, the affected auricles are treated with chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Chronic otitis - involves the use of antibiotics, dexamethasone compresses are recommended. Candibiotic drops are also prescribed - a remedy that fights fungi and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Fungal otitis - Gaselan 2% is used, the ear is regularly treated using a phosphoric acid solution.
  • Bacterial otitis - complex preparations with antifungal and antibacterial action are used for treatment, for example, the drug in the form of Surolan spray drops.
  • Allergic form of otitis media - includes a three-month strict, antipruritic drops are prescribed to eliminate itching. If the allergy is of a permanent seasonal nature, you can use antihistamines prescribed by a veterinarian.

The most common antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs include the following:

  • Otibiovin;
  • Otipax;
  • Otofenarol;
  • Normax.

For local treatment, camphor oil, aversectin ointment, Dekta are used, with tick-borne lesions - Amit ointment.

To increase and maintain the immune system, a course of Askorutin, Vitam, Gamavit and other vitamin preparations is prescribed.

Ear drops Otipax, Framycetin have an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vaseline oil;
  • saline.

Also for these purposes, you can purchase special lotions for cleaning the ears of the animal. If the disease has developed to a late stage and crusts have formed in the pet's auricles, hydrogen peroxide will help remove them.

Pet owners need to know that ear inflammation is treated quite poorly, especially in protracted, severe forms. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian at the first sign of illness.

An example of otitis on video:

Preventive measures

The owner must take care of the health of his pet, and therefore prevent the development of various kinds of diseases. Prevention of otitis media consists in the following actions:

  • do not allow hypothermia of the dog;
  • after bathing, you need to remove excess water with a cotton swab;
  • it is worth carrying out regular hygiene procedures - daily examination of the auricles and cleaning a couple of times a week;
  • it is required to provide, if necessary, supplementing it with vitamin supplements;
  • limit contact of the dog with other unfamiliar animals;
  • If possible, avoid injury to your pet and stressful situations.

Otitis can cause deafness of the animal, and, in addition, cause a number of irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully monitor your beloved dog, and not try to prescribe and conduct therapy on your own.

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