Oily solution of chlorophyllipt in the nose reviews. Is it possible to drip Chlorophyllipt into the nose? Oil-based chlorophyllipt: composition and properties

If there are small children in the family, the problem of infections is always acute: babies can catch a cold, scratches and abrasions appear on their knees, and mothers of newborns often experience inflammation of the umbilical wound or prickly heat. Prevent the development of infection and its serious complications can natural herbal preparation Chlorophyllipt. What parents need to know about this remedy, and how to use it correctly to treat children, we will consider in our review.

Chlorophyllipt is an antimicrobial drug of plant origin.

Mechanism of action and composition

Chlorophyllipt is often called an antiseptic, but it belongs to drugs with antimicrobial activity. It is based on an extract of the leaves of a spherical (ball) eucalyptus. This evergreen tree is called a natural antibiotic, as it has unique anti-inflammatory properties.

The name of the product comes from two words: "chlorophyll" - the green pigment of plants involved in the process of forming oxygen from water and carbon dioxide, and "eucalyptus".

  • bactericidal- destroys staphylococcal cells: the drug is active even against bacteria that are insensitive to antibiotics;
  • bacteriostatic- inhibits the growth and reproduction of microbial cells;
  • antihypoxant- saturates the inflamed cells of the body with oxygen;
  • anti-inflammatory- reduces pain, swelling and redness at the site of infection;
  • antipyogenic- blocks the formation of pus;
  • regenerating- accelerates healing;
  • immunostimulating- enhances the protective functions of the body, its resistance to bacterial and viral infections.

Indications for use

The pronounced antimicrobial effect and several forms of release of the drug explain the wide range of its application. The remedy in childhood can be prescribed for:

  • - infectious inflammation of the pharynx;
  • - inflammation of the larynx;
  • - tracheal infections;

The medicine will help with a strong cough.

  • bronchitis and pneumonia - inflammation of the lower respiratory tract;
  • sanitation (cleansing) of the body when carrying a pathogen;
  • superficial wounds, scratches of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • inflammatory, pustular skin lesions;

Release form: which is more convenient for children

Chlorophyllipt has as many as five release forms, which are not so easy for mom to figure out. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Oily solution for topical use

Most often, pediatricians prescribe an oil solution to their patients. It is mild and does not irritate the delicate skin of the baby. It consists of only two components:

  • eucalyptus leaf extract;
  • vegetable oil.

The domestic pharmaceutical company "Vifitech" uses refined sunflower oil for the production of the drug, the GNTsLS Pilot Plant (Ukraine) uses olive oil. The drug has a concentration of 2%. This dosage means that each milliliter contains 20 mg of active ingredient.

Oily Chlorophyllipt is a thick viscous liquid of rich green color with a bright herbal aroma. The product is available in dark glass bottles of 20 or 30 ml. Each bottle is supplied with instructions for use () and packed in a green box. Depending on the volume, the price of the drug ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

With angina, you need to lubricate the throat with an oil solution.

Throat irrigation spray

Spray Chlorophyllipt it is recommended to spray with inflammation of the larynx, pharynx or trachea. Due to the uniform irrigation of the oropharynx with the drug, its high concentration is achieved at the site of infection. So recovery comes faster.

The spray of the Ukrainian manufacturer "Experimental plant GNTsLS" is produced in small (15 ml) dark glass bottles equipped with a plastic spray nozzle. The average price in pharmacies is 100 rubles. Chlorophyllipt spray, produced by the Russian company Vialine, is placed in 45 ml plastic bottles and equipped with a spray nozzle. You can buy it for 190 rubles.

The composition of this dosage form includes:

  • purified water;
  • glycerin - a substance that softens and envelops the baby's sore throat;
  • eucalyptus extract - active ingredient;
  • nettle extract - a natural component that reduces swelling and inflammation;
  • triclosan - a substance with antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • emulsogen that maintains a uniform consistency of the spray.

The most convenient form of release of the drug is a spray.

Alcoholic solution for topical use and oral administration

The alcohol solution has a lower concentration of the active substance - 1%. The rest is ethyl alcohol. This form of the drug is available in a glass bottle or plastic jar with a volume of 100 ml.

The product is a saturated green liquid with a pronounced herbal and alcohol smell. The average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles.

Alcoholic solution - for gargling.


Lozenges are a form of the drug that it is convenient to use for the treatment of infections of the ENT organs. The content of the active substance is 12.5 mg or 25 mg. The average price of a pack of 20 tablets with a characteristic herbal odor is 100 rubles.

Alcoholic solution for intravenous administration

An alcohol solution at a concentration of 0.25% is used for serious infectious diseases: pneumonia, sepsis, staphylococcal meningitis. The drug is produced in ampoules that contain 2 ml of an alcohol solution of eucalyptus extract (of which 5 mg is the active substance). The average price of a package of 10 ampoules is 140 rubles.

Application methods

There are several ways to use Chlorophyllipt for children. Let's consider them.

oil solution

Most often, an oil solution is used for:

  • instillation into the nose with a cold;
  • throat treatment for pharyngitis.

An oil solution will help with a cold.

Chlorophyllipt helps well not only with a runny nose, but also with inflammation of the sinuses, in which abundant mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the nose interferes with the normal breathing of the baby. Follow a simple nasal cavity treatment algorithm oil solution of the drug:

  1. Prepare everything you need: a bottle of medicine (room temperature), a clean pipette, cotton wool, saline.
  2. Clean the baby's nose: drip 1-2 drops of a weak saline (physiological) solution into both nostrils of the baby, and after 2-3 minutes ask him to blow his nose or clean his nose with cotton flagella.
  3. Shake the medicine bottle thoroughly.
  4. Take a little Chlorophyllipt into the pipette. It is not necessary to dilute it with water or something else.
  5. If the little patient is already 3 years old, drip 1 drop of medicine into each nostril 2 times a day.
  6. For infants and children under 3 years of age, pediatricians recommend inserting cotton turundas soaked in 1-2 drops of the product into the nose for 2-3 minutes.

The course of treatment for and sinusitis - 5-7 days. During the procedure the baby may complain of a slight tingling and burning sensation in the nose- this is normal.

The drug also has pronounced antibacterial properties in infections of the oropharynx. To treat a sore throat for a baby:

  1. Shake the medicine vial well.
  2. Invite the baby to rinse his mouth and throat with warm boiled water (if he can).
  3. Ask the baby to open his mouth wide and carefully examine the pharynx and tonsils: if they have purulent deposits or films, try to remove them with a damp swab or a finger wrapped in gauze.
  4. In a separate container, measure a small amount of the product (approximately 10-20 drops).
  5. Dip a cotton swab into the medicine.
  6. Ask the baby to open his mouth wide again and hold his breath. With precise and confident movements, treat the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils with a cotton swab with a solution.
  7. For best effect the baby should not eat or drink anything for 30-40 minutes after treating the throat.

If your baby is under a year old, apply the solution to the nipple.

Repeat the procedure 2 times a day, morning and evening for 4-7 days. Doctors advise treating the throat with Chlorophyllipt for babies older than three to four years. Babies can be offered a pacifier with 1-2 drops of an oil solution applied to it (no need to dilute).

Note! If you buy Chlorophyllipt of domestic manufacturers, you will not find age restrictions on the use of the product. In the instructions for the drug, produced in Ukraine, its use is prohibited for children under 18 years of age. Why did it happen, and which opinion should be trusted?

Probably, the ban on the use of the drug for the throat, produced by Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies, is due to the lack of large-scale clinical studies and documentation confirming its safety. Despite this, most pediatricians prescribe a natural oil solution of eucalyptus extract to children, including infants up to a year old.


The spray is applied topically. Ask your child to open their mouth and hold their breath. Press the spray nozzle once or twice, evenly irrigating the throat with a jet of medicine. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day for a week.

Attention! You can not use the spray to treat children who are not yet two years old.

They do not know how to hold their breath, and getting the medicine into the respiratory tract can lead to laryngospasm - a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the larynx.


lozenges good help to cope with discomfort in the oropharynx with pharyngitis and quickly defeat the disease. As with the spray, the official instructions only allow adults to use them, but pediatricians prescribe them to children over 6 years of age. Before you give medicine to your baby, tell him about the important rules:

  1. Chlorophyllipt tablets for a child it is recommended to dissolve slowly, moving them with the tongue in the oral cavity.
  2. You can not hold them behind the cheek or under the tongue, as prolonged contact of the drug with the mucous membrane can cause irritation.
  3. You don't even need to chew the pill.- in this case, the effectiveness of the drug will significantly decrease.
  4. The standard treatment regimen for pharyngitis, tracheitis and laryngitis involves taking 1 tablet every 4-5 hours. The maximum daily dose is 5 tablets. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Alcohol solution (1%)

Alcohol solution is a multifunctional antimicrobial agent. It can be used to process:

  • scratches, wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • pustular rashes and acne;
  • itchy rashes with chickenpox;
  • umbilical wound in newborns;
  • baby skin with prickly heat or diaper dermatitis.

Dip a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the affected area. Repeat the procedure 1-4 times a day until healing. Apply the product pointwise, as alcohol dries the skin very much. Before external use, the drug does not need to be diluted with water.

If the undiluted medicine causes irritation, mix it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 immediately before use.

The same is true for the treatment of mucous membranes.

Another way to use this dosage form is to gargle. For the procedure, 1 teaspoon of the medicine is dissolved in 1 glass of warm boiled water. In the first days of illness, gargle as often as possible, every 2-3 hours. Then the frequency of rinsing is reduced to 2-3 per day. The full course of treatment is 4-7 days. Be close to the baby, making sure the procedure is followed correctly.

Gargling relieves inflammation of the tonsils and destroys pathogens.

If staphylococcus has settled in the intestines, children over 12 years old Chlorophyllipt is administered orally, 5 ml of a 1% solution (diluted in 30-50 ml of water) 3 times a day forty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Alcohol solution (0.25%)

Alcoholic solution of Chlorophyllipt for intravenous administration is used only in hospitals. It is not intended for home use. For the treatment of severe pneumonia, pleurisy, sepsis in children over 12 years of age, 2 ml (1 ampoule) of a 0.25% solution is diluted in 38 ml of isotonic fluid (0.9% sodium chloride solution) and injected slowly 4 times a day for 4 -5 days.

In septic conditions and intrauterine infections in newborns, 0.5 ml of Chlorophyllipt diluted in 10 ml of saline is used.

Contraindications and side effects

Chlorophyllipt is a natural herbal preparation with a minimum number of components in the composition, so it is usually well tolerated by children. The only contraindication for its use is individual intolerance, which is rare.

The remedy may cause the following side effects:

  • redness;
  • swelling of the skin and mucous membranes at the site of application.

Such a reaction indicates an allergy to one of the components of the product. In this case, stop using the medicine and show the baby to the doctor.

The medicine may cause allergies.


What can replace Chlorophyllipt? Popular analogues are in the table below.

Name Active substance Mechanism of action Use in children average price
Chlorophyllin Eucalyptus leaf extract The drug has a similar effect with Chlorophyllipt Since birth Bottle, 20 ml - 180 r.
Lugol's solution Iodine + potassium iodide Iodine in the composition of the drug is an excellent antiseptic that destroys most pathogens of pharyngitis and tonsillitis in children Over 3 years old Bottle, 25 g - 10 r.
Eucalyptus essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action Over 3 years old Aerosol, 30 ml - 80 r.
Miramistin Synthetic antiseptic Benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium Destroys microbial cells of the main causative agents of infections in children, is also active against viruses and fungi Over 3 years old Bottle, 50 ml -200 r.
Rotokan Calendula extract
+ chamomile extract
+ yarrow extract
Natural herbal remedy with anti-inflammatory action Over 3 years old Bottle, 50 ml - 50 r.
Hexoral Antiseptic Hexetidine When applied topically, it destroys most microbes, fungi and viruses Over 4 years old Bottle, 200 ml - 260 r.
Chlorobutanol + camphor + eucalyptus leaf oil + levomenthol Aerosol with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, local irritating action Over 4 years old Bottle with a spray nozzle, 30 g - 100 rubles.

An analogue of Chlorophyllipt is Hexoral.

"Chlorophyllipt" is suitable for both children and adults. The minimum side effects and the affordability of the drug will also please.

What is Chlorophyllipt?

They developed a medicine back in the Soviet Union. But to this day, no one doubts the effectiveness of the drug. "Chlorophyllipt" is a natural potent antibiotic. The composition of "Chlorophyllipt" includes only natural ingredients. Unlike other antibiotics, the drug does not destroy pathogenic microflora and, along with the destruction of microbes, does not harm the body. The medicine helps to strengthen the immune system, which is its main advantage. The main components that make up the drug are chlorophylls A and B isolated from the eucalyptus plant.

A solution of "Chlorophyllipt" eliminates staphylococci, which are difficult to treat with other antibiotics.

Diseases that the drug treats:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • pleurisy;
  • phlegmon;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • pneumonia;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • pharyngolaryngotracheitis;
  • peritonitis.

In pharmacies, you can buy Chlofollipt tablets, spray, alcohol and oil solution of Chlophyllipt.

After the first use of the drug, the human condition noticeably improves, pain decreases, pus is removed, irritation is removed and the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane is reduced.

Before purchasing the drug, a doctor's consultation is required, since the independent use of Chlophyllipt can give a reaction to the body in the form of an allergy.

Throat treatment

"Chlophyllipt" is actively used for gargling. The medicine after the first application will remove the inflammatory process and relieve pain. For these purposes, an alcohol solution is used, which is previously diluted with purified warm water. Dilute "Chlophyllipt" for gargling should be in the following proportions: for 20 ml of medicine (1 tablespoon) a glass of water. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

A child who does not yet know how to gargle on his own is recommended to lubricate the walls with a prepared solution. Children are not allowed to rinse the head with "Chlophyllipt" undiluted.

In adults, "Chlophyllipt for angina is used as follows:

  • 1 tablet of furacilin is dissolved in 250 ml of hot water;
  • the throat is gargled with a transparent yellowish solution;
  • an oily solution of "Chlophyllipt" is applied to a stick with a cotton tip;
  • the walls of the throat are lubricated.

In case of serious inflammation of the larynx, gargle with a diluted alcohol-based solution, and then lubricate the walls with oil.

Runny nose treatment

In the treatment of the common cold, an oily solution is used. It is recommended that children dilute the drug with natural vegetable oil in equal proportions before using the drug. The tool is quite caustic, and therefore there is a possibility of burning the mucous membrane. Adults can not dilute the medicine.

An alcohol solution is not used for these purposes. The tool can burn the mucous membrane.

"Chlophyllipt" is instilled into the nose with a pipette.

Medicine in a bottle

3 drops of medicine are injected into each nostril. The procedure is performed with the head thrown back. For greater effectiveness, before using the medicine, the nose is washed with saline (saline).

"Chlophyllipt" children are allowed to use only after 3 years. For a small child, the medicine is applied to the turunda and both nostrils are cleaned of excess mucus.

With sinusitis of a purulent nature (when the nasal passages are clogged with thick mucus), the medicine quickly clears the nasopharynx, diluting the contents.

It should be noted that during the procedure, the patient may feel a burning sensation and pain. Symptoms indicate that bacteria still live in the nasal cavity, which are exterminated under the influence of the drug. Using the solution will quickly relieve inflammation, swelling of the mucosa and remove purulent contents.

Nasal lavage

"Chlophyllipt" for the nose is also used as a rinse. For these purposes, take 1 tbsp. l. alcohol preparation and diluted with a glass of boiled or filtered warm water. The prepared solution is collected in a clean syringe. The patient bends over the sink and gradually injects the medicine into one nostril. With a severe runny nose, vasoconstrictor drops are introduced into the nasal cavity.

It is not allowed to use oil "Chlorophyllipt" for allergy sufferers. The fact is that the oily composition can cause swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx.

Before using the drug, an allergic reaction test is carried out. A drop of medicine is applied under the tongue. If after an hour no reactions are detected, then the drug can be used.

Inhalations, relieving the common cold

"Chlorophyllipt" is often used for inhalation with a cold. Doctors recommend this procedure for ailments developing in the upper respiratory tract. To do this, a special medicine for inhalation is bought in a pharmacy. The medicine can be prepared independently. To do this, acquire "Chlorophyllipt" (based on alcohol) and dilute it with saline 1:10. For one procedure, you will need 3 ml of Chlophyllipt and 30 ml of saline.

Is it possible to drip Chlorophyllipt into the nose?

Our mothers and grandmothers also treated us with Chlorophyllipt for sore throats and colds. This tool is still popular today because of its healing properties and low price. But there are people who have never come across this antimicrobial drug. They do not know if Chlorophyllipt can be used for sinusitis, since there is no information in the annotation.

About the drug

Chlorophyllipt combines bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties.


Chlorophyllipt is made from eucalyptus essential oil. Extracts of chlorophyll A and B are isolated from the leaves of this amazingly beautiful plant.

Due to its natural origin, the drug is harmless to children and adults. Chlorophyllipt can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Parents can take the drug to treat babies of a very young age.

Reference: Eucalyptus is an evergreen shrub that grows in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Currently, he feels good in many countries with a warm climate: Abkhazia, Cuba, Greece, etc.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed by a doctor for acute respiratory diseases caused by various staphylococci. The drug has a strong antibacterial effect and actively fights against the common cold, sinusitis and other problems of the upper respiratory organs.

Reference: Staphylococcus is a spherical bacterium. Outwardly, under a microscope, they resemble bunches of grapes. They belong to the group of gram-positive cocci. In the human body, these microorganisms are constantly, being part of the microflora.

Staphylococci become active when the immune system weakens and cause inflammation in healthy cells.

Release form

Chlorophyllipt is available in five dosage forms:

  1. Alcohol solution. Used for external use.
  2. Oil solution. Treatment of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.
  3. Spray. Irrigation of the oral cavity.
  4. Ampoules. Suitable for intravenous injection.
  5. Lozenges.

Each form is designed for its field of application and has a different effect on the foci of inflammation. Oil and alcohol solutions are often used for instillation and washing of the sinuses, as well as rinsing the mouth.

Side effects

Chlorophyllipt is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Few negative consequences make the drug in demand among Russian families. Side effects include:

  1. Allergic reactions that can cause swelling of the oral and nasal mucosa.
  2. Nausea and vomiting caused by the strong smell of the drug.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Muscle cramps.

Dryness of the mucous membranes is possible. But the side effect is observed only with prolonged use.

Important: In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

The use of the drug is permissible in acute and chronic rhinitis, since Chlorophyllipt has all the necessary properties for the treatment of staphylococcus aureus in the nose.

How to use Chlorophyllipt for the nose

Chlorophyllipt can be used for a cold. The drug is especially effective for purulent sinusitis or sinusitis, when the sinuses are filled with thick green mucus. The medicine acts on the nasopharynx in such a way that it dilutes the "snot", destroying harmful bacteria. But how to drip nose correctly to achieve the best effect?

Washing the nose and sinuses

Preparing a nasal rinse at home is quite simple.

To do this, you need 200 ml of physical. solution and 1 teaspoon of alcohol-based Chlorophyllipt.

The diluted liquid is injected into each nasal passage three times a day, 2 ml.

Then carefully blow out and repeat the manipulation until completely cleansed.

Manipulation is undesirable for infants and young children. An alcohol solution can dry out the delicate nasal mucosa. The indication for washing is infectious sinusitis and severe nasal congestion.

Important: You can check with your doctor for more information on how to dilute Chlorophyllipt for nasal lavage.

Nasal drops

For the preparation of nasal drops, oil Chlorophyllipt is required. In this case, the medicine does not need to be diluted with water or saline.

Using a pipette, 2-3 drops of liquid are injected into the nasal passage three times a day.

The method is well suited for both young children and adults.

The procedure will cause some discomfort. At first, there will be a little pinching in the nose. The sensation is associated with the interaction of active components with pathogenic bacteria. The mucous membrane thus reacts to the drug.

The dosage of the drug for babies is determined only by the pediatrician. It is not recommended to independently calculate the amount of medicine.

Important: For children under three years old, it is advisable to clean the nose by wetting it in oily Chlorophyllipt.


The method of administration of the drug, which is based on the inhalation of steam, is suitable for all age categories. Oil Chlorophyllipt with a cold must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Inhalations are carried out using a nebulizer or you can simply bend over a pot of hot liquid. The device can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. This procedure facilitates nasal breathing and actively fights the pathogenic bacteria of staphylococci.

Patient opinion

Reviews about the drug as a remedy for the common cold are positive. Chlorophyllipt has long established itself as a good assistant in the fight against the common cold and symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Different forms of release allow adults and children to use the drug without fear of side effects.

Oleg, 27 years old: Since childhood, I have been suffering from a chronic runny nose. Saves only Chlorophyllipt. At the first symptoms, I immediately drip my nose at night. In the morning, breathing is restored.

Ekaterina, 24 years old: The therapist prescribed me a solution of Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of sinusitis. First, washing, then immediately nose drops three times a day. After the second day of admission, I felt significant relief.

Maria, 30 years old: When my son started going to kindergarten, we were often on sick leave. Runny nose is a constant companion. The district doctor prescribed Chlorophyllipt in the form of a spray and an oil solution. The spray is a little more expensive than the solution, probably because of the bottle. But I am satisfied with the drug, the disease has receded. The son without tears allowed to treat his throat and drip his nose.

Elena, 23 years old: I read about the effectiveness of oil Chlorophyllipt for a cold on the forum. From the portal I learned how to rinse the nose with alcohol Chlorophyllipt. Therapy works only in slightly neglected cases. In general, a positive impression.

At the first sign of illness, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. The dosage and method of therapy is prescribed individually, depending on the severity and course of the disease.

Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

Methods of using chlorophyllipt for the treatment of the nose

Chlorophyllipt is a well-known drug, widely used in medicine and trusted by people. Excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent. It is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases, it is especially good for the treatment of ENT diseases, it can be prescribed for children and even pregnant women.

Release form

The drug is produced in a variety of forms:

  • Alcoholic solution, mainly for gargling.
  • Tablets that dissolve, which is very suitable for children.
  • Spray.
  • Chlorophyllipt oil in the nose, presented as a solution.

Medicinal properties

The main thing to note is that the product is based on essential oils of eucalyptus leaves, chlorophylls and is an excellent antiseptic. It has such useful properties as:

  • Elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • Stimulation of the body's immunity;
  • Improving the process of digestion;
  • Elimination of the spread of fungus and protozoa;
  • Regeneration of inflamed mucous membranes.

When treating the throat and respiratory tract in severe form, I often prescribe chlorophyllipt in combination with the main drugs, in rare cases this antiseptic is used alone. It is suitable for curing such ailments as:

  • Infectious disease of the tonsils (tonsillitis), in particular chronic;
  • Angina purulent;
  • Inflammation of the pharynx;
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis);
  • Purulent plugs in the tonsils;
  • Bronchitis.

Who should avoid using the drug:

  • People with individual intolerance to medicinal components;
  • Allergy sufferers.

Side effects when taken orally:

With abundant lubrication, spraying of the nasal cavity and throat:

When used on the skin:

When treating with chlorphyllipt, side effects are extremely rare!

  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water;
  • For external use, lubricate the skin area with an oil solution, hold for half an hour. In the absence of any negative manifestations, it can be used in treatment;
  • Allergy test by ingestion. In a glass of water (10 ml) drip 25 drops of a 1% solution (alcohol), drink. After 7 hours, in the absence of complaints, it is allowed to take.

Nasal congestion treatment with oil solution

Chlorophyllipt in the oily nose is used for treatment only when a runny nose manifests itself for a long time, and simple drops do not cope. Or in case of detection of sinusitis, although antibiotics are required here, it is quite possible to replace it with such a natural and safe drug.

  1. Rinse the nasal cavity with a slightly saline solution.
  2. Dial chlorophyllipt into a pipette.
  3. Tilt your head back and instill 2 drops into each nostril. When treating children in this way, chlorophyllipt oil must be diluted with vegetable oil, 1: 1. This is done so as not to burn the nasal mucosa in a child and slightly weaken the subsequent burning sensation.
  4. Leave the head thrown back for a second to completely spread the solution from the nose to the throat.

After the actions taken, an unpleasant burning sensation or tingling will be felt, which means that the drug has begun to act and eliminate bacteria. It will help to clean the maxillary sinuses from mucus, purulent deposits.

Children under the age of 3 years should not drip such oil. But there is a way out. You can use your own made turundas (cotton plaits). They will need to be soaked with a solution and put into one and the second nostril.

Before dripping the oil solution into the nose, it is recommended to rinse. For this, the same solution of chlorophyllipt is useful, but already alcohol, it is diluted in the proportion: 1 tablespoon of liquid per glass of warm purified water.

  1. Dial the prepared warm solution into a rubber bulb.
  2. Lean over the tub and turn your head to the side.
  3. Pour the solution into the upper nostril until it starts to pour out of the opposite one.
  4. Turn your head to the other side and repeat the procedure.

In addition to washing and instillation of the nose, the remedy is quite suitable for gargling. The course of therapy is 3-10 days, gargle 3 to 5 times a day, each time the solution should be fresh. In some cases, the course of treatment is extended. Chlorophyllipt does not have a cumulative property, so the extension of the course of treatment does not affect the human body in any way.

  1. Dilute 1 tsp. alcohol solution with warm water (200 ml), or as the doctor said.
  2. Gargle for 3 minutes.

After a couple of days, you will feel relief, the swelling will subside, the perspiration will begin to pass, the pain will disappear when swallowing, the redness will subside and the mucosa will return to normal.


In order to avoid the spread of infectious bacteria from the nasal passages, it is recommended to treat the tonsils and pharynx (its back wall) once a day.

  1. Wrap a sterile bandage around your finger.
  2. Soak in the oil solution of the medicine.
  3. Abundantly process the necessary areas.
  4. Refrain from eating and drinking for 2 hours.

In conclusion, we can say that the described medicine, although not a panacea for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, is definitely a good helper that deserves attention. Of course, severe forms of the disease require treatment with strong antibacterial drugs, but by noticing something was wrong in time and applying chlorophyllipt, you can avoid unnecessary consequences. In addition to the above, the bonuses are the naturalness of the medicine and the affordable price category, in comparison with analogues.

Chlorophyllipt for nasal instillation

Chlorophyllipt is widely used in medical practice due to its spectrum of action. The drug is safe during pregnancy, often prescribed for children. Chlorophyllipt effectively fights the common cold, inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory tract.

Properties and composition of the drug

Chlorophyllipt is a preparation based on extracts of chlorophylls A and B isolated from eucalyptus. Pure oil has a powerful antibacterial effect. First of all, the drug is used to destroy coccal microorganisms, in particular for the treatment of staphylococcus, which causes a number of serious infectious diseases. The main advantage of the agent is the strongest antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus, to which the microorganism is unable to develop resistance.

The drug is successfully used to treat the common cold, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and other ailments.

Dosage forms and scope

Chlorophyllipt has several forms of release, which makes it possible to make its use as effective as possible in different foci of infection. Also, the range of dosage forms makes it possible to use the drug in children of any age.

Alcohol, oil solution and spray Chlorophyllipt

The table shows the forms of release of the product and the scope of their application.

Oil and alcohol Chlorophyllipt are used for:

  • douching for diseases of the genital organs;
  • gargling with angina;
  • washing the sinuses with sinusitis;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • instillation of the nose with a cold;
  • treatment of wounds and burns.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has very few contraindications and side effects, so it can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy.

The main side effect is the property of Chlorophyllipt to cause allergic reactions on the skin, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and face.

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is the individual intolerance of its components.

Instructions for use

Depending on the disease, Chlorophyllipt can be used in several ways.

Nasal lavage

To prepare the solution, take 1 tsp of alcoholic Chlorophyllipt, mix it with 200 ml of saline. To rinse the nose, use 2 ml of the prepared solution in each nasal passage 3 times a day. Washings are prescribed for sinusitis of bacterial origin, streptococcal infection of the nasal cavity, with difficulty in nasal breathing during a runny nose. This method is more suitable for adults than for children.

Rinse your nose with a special syringe without a needle

Nasal drops

Use an oily solution of Chlorophyllipt without diluting it with water. Drip into the nose 2-3 drops of medication 3-4 times a day. This method is great for treating a runny nose in a child and an adult. How much to drip the solution to the child and its concentration is determined by the attending physician.


The oil solution of the drug should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Inhalations are carried out through a nebulizer or simply by bending over a container of hot water and covering with a towel. The procedure is effective for the common cold, staphylococcal lesions of the respiratory tract. Facilitates nasal breathing.

Inhalation can be carried out through a nebulizer

Use of the drug for the treatment of the throat

Chlorophyllipt for the throat can be used in the form of applications or rinses:

  1. Applications: an oily solution of the drug is used. After gargling with soda or furatsilin, Chlorophyllipt is applied to the affected areas of the mucous membrane and tonsils with a cotton swab. The procedure is effective for streptococcal tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and stomatitis. The multiplicity of processing is 3-4 times a day.
  2. Gargling: to prepare a gargle, dissolve 1 tsp. Chlorophyllipta in a glass of boiled warm water. Washing is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Gargle 4-5 times a day

How long can the drug be used

The medicine is practically harmless, does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the common cold or sore throat, the individual characteristics of the patient and in most cases does not exceed 10 days.

Patient reviews

“I worked half my life in a physical room, and doctors often used Chlorophyllipt. Many children were prescribed inhalations with the drug. After the first session, the runny nose receded.

“The doctor prescribed me Chlorophyllipt for exacerbation of sinusitis. He said to wash his nose several times a day, plus take a couple of drops inside. All this in a course of 7-10 days. After 2 days of use, I already felt much better. ”

“The pediatrician prescribed us a spray for angina. I am satisfied with the use, the taste is not nasty, the child was given to treat the throat. Improvement was visible on the 3rd day. Then they prescribed it for a runny nose, for a long time I doubted whether it was possible to wash their nose at such an early age, but after I tried it, I always use it.

The drug Chlorophyllipt is widely used in otolaryngological practice due to its antibacterial properties. Convenient dosage forms allow you to successfully treat problems of the nose and throat in both adults and young children.


Thank you for the article.

And our family smears the throat with an oil solution and recovers very quickly.

Who will spoil his nebulizer with an oil solution? All instructions indicate that oils are not poured into nebulizers.

Nebulizers are different. In ours, you can also use an oil solution.

And in general, doubts about inhalation with an oil solution - just through a nebulizer, such inhalations are strictly prohibited! The fact is that a nebulizer (unlike a steam inhaler) sprays very small particles of the solution - which settle in the lungs, which will lead to the development of oil pneumonia, the doctor also mentions this in the video for the article. Through the nebulizer, oil solutions are not inhaled! The text is misleading.

Probably, it means for inhalation an alcohol solution diluted in water.

You are absolutely right!)

I pour propolis tincture and rotokan, but in general I drink without diluting.

Nebulizers are used to produce cold vapor from a finely dispersed drug. Oily solutions can disable the nebulizer, so they are used for hot steam inhalations.

NOT applicable, sorry.

There is also a nebulizer for oily solutions, look on the internet.

We also partially use Chlorophyllipt against allergies in the family when we don’t have the right medicines at hand!

Douching with chlorophyllipt was prescribed. Allergy, itching, burning. What to do, than to remove?

Lor prescribed an oily solution of chlorophyllipt to be instilled into the nose and throat with streptococcus, but when I instill it into the nose, it burns in the throat until it becomes swollen (((And tears run until it all goes through. I tell Laura about this, but she replies that this should not be done with an oily solution.

So it burns me so much, I want to cry. Unbearable. Maybe you need to dilute it with water.

Yes, I also burn for about 2 minutes after instilling oil into my nose. chlorophyll, but after a couple of minutes. the burning sensation passes, I just want to sneeze)

And I have a terrible burning sensation in my nose and throat when I treat my staphylococci with it. Even my head hurts after that. N, since there is an effect, I endure.

Terrible burning from an oily solution when instilled in the nose. I can't stand it, I don't know how a child can stand it.

And everything burns with me .. apparently it should be so)

The article says CONCENTRATION, so you need to breed

And I moisten a cotton swab in an oil solution and insert it deeply into each nostril - very tolerable.

Yesterday I read on one of the official sites that the oil solution should be dripped into the nose diluted one to one with sterilized vegetable oil, that is, 3 drops of oily Chlorophyllipt + 3 drops of vegetable oil. But the preparation itself is based on olive .. maybe it’s better to dilute it with olive ?! Today I tested the drug on myself before dripping into the nose or mouth of the children. I dripped into my nose .. there really is a slight burning sensation, and it itched a lot in my throat and nose. But after about 5 minutes, my breathing really got better, and the discomfort in my throat from a cold went away.

People, you drive) The drops really burn a lot, because there is a strong concentration) Dilute a little with other oil drops.) and everything is wonderful.

Copying materials from the site is possible only with a link to our site.

ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

Chlorophyllipt oil in the nose: instructions for use

Most people prefer to be treated with medicines of natural origin, so chlorophyllipt in the nose is often used to combat a runny nose.

This drug is based on an extract of eucalyptus leaves and is available in the form of a spray, tablets, alcohol and oil solutions.

Chlorophyllipt for the nose: indications for use

The medicine shows a pronounced:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal action (especially it is active against staphylococci).

The main advantages of the drug is that it is not addictive and is able to suppress the activity of even those strains of microorganisms that have developed resistance to the action of antibiotics of the benzylpenicillin series, in particular Procaine and Benzatin.

In addition, chlorophyllipt helps to reduce the resistance (insensitivity) of microorganisms to various antibiotics, so it is often prescribed as part of the complex therapy of various diseases.

Thus, it is most advisable to use the drug for pathologies caused by staphylococci and other bacteria.

But the list of what chlorophyllipt helps from does not end there. Its use is indicated for:

  • burns of varying severity;
  • frostbite;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent processes;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • inflammatory skin diseases.

In otolaryngology, an oily solution of chlorophyllipt is mainly used, since it has a milder effect on the mucous membranes and less likely to cause burns. The main indications for its use in ENT practice are:

Sinusitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. Characteristic symptoms are snot discharge, sometimes with impurities of pus, fever, headaches and discomfort when pressing on the soft tissues over the affected sinuses. bacterial rhinitis. This is an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, provoked by various bacteria. A typical symptom is the discharge of greenish mucus. Adenoiditis. This is an inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil. It is most often diagnosed in preschool children.

Don't expect an immediate effect. Since chlorophyllipt is a natural product, it will take at least 2-3 days to show the first results from its use. After they expire, you can expect:

  • reducing the viscosity of mucus;
  • reducing the amount of secreted snot;
  • easier breathing.

Nevertheless, in the treatment of all kinds of colds, a 1% alcohol solution can be successfully used. With a cold, accompanied by soreness in the throat, rinsing is indicated.

But before proceeding with the procedure, the drug must be diluted, based on the fact that 1 tsp should fall on 100 ml of warm boiled water. alcohol chlorophyllipt.

From staphylococcus in the nose

But it is necessarily carried out in addition to the use of other medicines, in particular antibiotics.

The tool is effective even with Staphylococcus aureus, including those resistant to the action of antibacterial substances.

Microorganisms of this genus are among the representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora, with the exception of Staphylococcus aureus, that is, they are constantly on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

But the development of diseases is provoked only with a decrease in immunity, which is observed after suffering other ailments, severe stress, hypothermia, etc.

If they settled on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, this is manifested by rhinorrhea and can eventually develop into sinusitis and other serious pathologies.

Since people today often prescribe antibiotics themselves and take them without any medical supervision, microbes quickly develop resistance to them.

To cope with the situation, otolaryngologists often prescribe their patients to initially instill oily chlorophyllipt and only then take antibiotics. The drug kills bacteria and reduces their resistance to antibacterial substances and, therefore, enhances their effectiveness.

How much to drip in each case is decided by the doctor individually, but it is usually recommended to administer it in therapeutic doses: 2 drops for children and 3 drops for adults 3-4 times a day.


The drug in any form should not be used if it has previously caused the development of an allergic reaction. In all other cases, it can be safely used, even during pregnancy and lactation. But in such situations, it is still better to visit a doctor first and clarify whether chlorophyllipt is needed or whether another medicine should be chosen.

To make sure that there is no allergy to the drug, it is necessary to lubricate a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the forearm with an oil solution or take a small amount inside. If within 6-8 hours there are no changes in the condition of the skin and the body as a whole, you can start using the medication regularly.

Analogues and price

Although you can buy chlorophyllipt today at any pharmacy and even order it online, sometimes it is simply not available. In such situations, you should ask for analogues. These may be:

But still, the price of oil chlorophyllipt is much lower than its more modern counterparts. On average, it is 120-160 rubles.

Oily chlorophyllipt in the nose of a child

Before proceeding with the treatment of children, especially in the first years of life, it is imperative to consult a local pediatrician and find out if chlorophyllipt can be dripped into your baby's nose.

Since small patients may react differently to the drug, it is recommended to start treatment with the instillation of a minimum amount of the drug, moreover, diluted in equal proportions with vegetable oil.

Therefore, for the first time, it is enough for children to introduce only 1 drop of the resulting solution, after which it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body. If the child does not complain of discomfort, there is no swelling and itching, you can gradually increase the dose to the recommended one.

In general, the oil solution can be instilled even in infants. This should be done 3-4 times a day, injecting 2-3 drops diluted with vegetable oil into each nostril.

You do not need to immediately pick up the child in your arms or allow him to get up, as the fluid takes some time to spread over the mucous membrane and thereby produce a therapeutic effect.

But due to the fact that it is very difficult for children to lie still for at least 5 minutes, the introduction of the drug in the form of applications is widely practiced.

That is, tampons with chlorophyllipt are inserted into the nasal passages in turn for 10-15 minutes. To make them, it is enough to impregnate tightly twisted cotton cords with an oil solution. The method is suitable for both newborns and older toddlers. Applications are made up to two times a day.

Chlorophyllipt from the common cold

With a cold, you should choose an oil solution. Adults inject it in its pure form, 3 drops into each nasal passage, throwing back the head. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should maintain this position for at least 5 minutes, so it is better to do it lying down.

To get rid of snot faster, you should combine the use of chlorophyllipt with other medicines, in particular, vasoconstrictor drugs, saline, local antibiotics. But the latter are used only for severe forms of bacterial rhinitis, which does not go away within 2 weeks.

If a runny nose is observed with adenoids, it is necessary to try so that the oil flows down the nasopharynx. This can be achieved by taking a comfortable reclining position and throwing your head back a little. The drug is instilled and wait until it completely drains into the mouth. This usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

You can also fight a runny nose with inhalation. To conduct them, it is enough to dilute the alcohol solution in saline in a ratio of 1:10 and pour into the nebulizer.

Chlorophyllipt with sinusitis

With a mild uncomplicated course of the disease, chlorophyllipt oil can become the only remedy used. And in the presence of purulent discharge, it will perfectly complement the instillation of antibiotics.

  • make applications;
  • carry out inhalations;
  • rinse the nose (an alcohol solution diluted with water);
  • use inside (1 tsp 4 times a day for 10-14 days);
  • instillation into the nasal cavity.

With sinusitis, special attention should be paid to how to drip chlorophyllipt into the nose. Since it is necessary that the drug penetrate into the paranasal sinuses affected by microorganisms. Therefore, in such situations, it is extremely important to remain in bed with your head thrown back after the introduction of the drug for at least 10 minutes.

With proper manipulation, the patient's condition is quickly alleviated. A thick, viscous secret liquefies and begins to come out of the paranasal sinus. As a result, discomfort and headache disappear, nasal breathing normalizes.

Washing the nose with chlorophyllipt

Rinse the nose with an alcohol solution of the drug. The method of how to dilute the drug is similar to that used for gargling for a cold, that is, take 2 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon of the product per glass of water.

To rinse your nose:

  1. Take a syringe, syringe, teapot or special teapot.
  2. Dial the prepared composition into it (temperature 25–30 ° C).
  3. Lean over the sink and tilt your head to the side.
  4. Inject the solution into the upper nostril.
  5. Repeat with opposite.

Is there a child who never has a runny nose? If so, then we can congratulate his parents - they have a rare child, truly good health. Most children do not have it and therefore often pick up colds and fall ill with acute respiratory infections, accompanied by cough and runny nose. We want to tell their parents that if you instill the drug "Chlorophyllipt" into the nose of a baby with a complicated infectious disease, then the disease can be overcome much faster and more successfully. This very modestly priced domestic drug is stronger than many expensive antibiotics. If you want to know why this happens, read our article.

What kind of medicine is this - "Chlorophyllipt"?

Not a single normal parent will bury an unknown agent in the nose of a child. Therefore, before starting to give recommendations regarding the treatment of the common cold in children with Chlorophyllipt, we intend to tell about this medicine in as much detail as possible.

This drug was developed several decades ago in the former Soviet Union as a natural strong antibiotic. Naturalness, of course, is its main advantage. Everyone knows that conventional antibiotics, along with the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, at the same time destroy the beneficial microflora. "Chlorophyllipt" does not cause any harm to the body. Moreover, it actively affects the strengthening of immunity. The main active ingredients are chlorophylls A and B, isolated from eucalyptus leaves. The drug has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Antiviral.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Antiprotozoal.
  • Fungicidal.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

The value and uniqueness of this drug is that it is able to kill bacteria - staphylococci, which are difficult to treat with antibiotics. In the event that a child was found to have staphylococcus in the nose when taking a smear, treatment with Chlorophyllipt will be just in place. Due to its strong antibacterial properties, the solution can be successfully used in the treatment of even such serious diseases as:

  • Sepsis staphylococcal.
  • Inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).
  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).
  • Pleurisy.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Phlegmon (purulent acute inflammation, not clearly limited).
  • Severe burns.
  • Pharyngolaryngotracheitis (simultaneous inflammation in the larynx, pharynx and trachea).
  • In gynecology in the treatment of erosion on the cervix.

What is dangerous staphylococcal infection

As mentioned above, if there is staphylococcus in the nose, treatment with Chlorophyllipt is very desirable. The active substances of the solution have a powerful inhibitory effect on the vital activity of these microorganisms resistant to the action of most antibiotics. In the event that immunity is strong, the body itself can easily cope with pathogenic microbes, but in case of illness it can fail, and harmful microflora begins uncontrolled reproduction. This threatens to worsen the patient's condition, the occurrence of various complications and the gradual transition of the disease to the chronic stage, which is better to try to avoid.

Forms of release of the drug

For the treatment of colds, a solution is used (it is necessary to bury it in the nose) and an alcohol solution (it works well against inflammatory diseases of the throat). It is also available in tablets and spray form.

In what cases is an oil solution used to treat a runny nose?

This drug is "heavy artillery" and should not be used to treat common rhinitis. "Chlorophyllipt" should be instilled into the nose only if the runny nose is prolonged, and ordinary droplets can no longer cope with it. If a child has symptoms such as a headache, as well as pain to the left and right of the nose under the eyes, abundant discharge of green or yellow snot, this may indicate the activation of a staphylococcal infection and the development of sinusitis or sinusitis, which already requires the mandatory use of antibiotics. In our case, they will be replaced by a more effective, natural and harmless one - Chlorophyllipt. It must be instilled into the nose as described in the next chapter.

How to use "Chlorophyllipt" for the treatment of a cold

There is a strange paradox: pediatricians often advise using the drug for a runny nose in children, but for some reason, the instructions attached to the drug do not describe how exactly they should bury Chlorophyllipt in the nose, and the doctor also, apparently, often forgets to explain. This raises many questions for parents. Here are some tips to help you get it right:

1. For the treatment of the common cold, only an oily solution of the drug "Chlorophyllipt" is used! In no case should alcohol be instilled into the nose by adults, let alone children - it will burn the mucous membrane.

2. Before use, the solution must be diluted with vegetable oil (sterilized) in a ratio of 50 to 50. Please pay special attention to this! This should be done because even the oil solution of "Chlorophyllipt" is a rather caustic substance, and the sensations when it gets into the nose are far from pleasant. Adults can also use an undiluted drug, they can tolerate it if it pinches strongly in the nose for several minutes, and children need to drip "Chlorophyllipt" into the nose only in a diluted form.

3. A diluted oil solution is drawn into a pipette and 2-3 drops are instilled into each nostril, after which the head must be thrown back.

If the baby is less than three years old, then it is still too early to drip "Chlorophyllipt" into his nose. Here it is best to use homemade cotton turundas (small flagella rolled from cotton wool). Turundas should be dipped into the solution, and then, carefully inserting the child into each nostril, sanitize the nose.

Well, it’s best, before you start treating your baby with this remedy, get detailed instructions from the doctor regarding the use of the drug.


Now we know when and how to bury "Chlorophyllipt" in the child's nose. But colds most often affect the entire nasopharynx. What about a red sore throat? Is it possible to treat him with the help of this remedy? Yes, you certainly may. Actually, this will happen when the solution is instilled into the nose, because the drops will flow further and fall directly into the child's neck (if the parents make sure that the baby throws his head back).

But the drug "Chlorophyllipt" can and should also be used for In this case, it is best not to use an oil solution, but an alcohol one, which must be added to warm boiled water (1 tablespoon of the solution per glass of water) and then given to the child to rinse the neck (do not use undiluted product). At the same time, inflammation and pain are quickly removed. For very young children who cannot yet master rinsing on their own, it is recommended to simply lubricate the throat with a diluted preparation. Children over 12 years of age can use which is available in most pharmacies.

Attention! Allergy test

Unfortunately, no matter how good and effective Chlorophyllipt is, it can cause severe allergic reactions in adults and children. Therefore, before dripping "Chlorophyllipt" oil into the nose of a child, it is necessary to do an allergy test. To do this, it is recommended to apply a small amount of a diluted drug (literally a little bit) to the child under the tongue and wait a few hours. If no negative manifestations follow, then it will be possible to instill the medicine into the nose. For reinsurance, before using Chlorophyllipt, you can give a little patient any

Nasal lavage

With a severe runny nose and congestion of the nasal passages, before instilling an oily solution of "Chlorophyllipt" into the nose, it is recommended to carry out the procedure for washing it. Chlorophyllipt is also suitable for this, but not oil, but alcohol, diluted in the same proportion as for gargling (1 tbsp. Means for 1 glass of water). The next step is done like this:

1. An ordinary rubber syringe is taken.

2. A warm diluted solution is drawn into it.

3. The child leans over the sink or tub and turns his head to the side.

4. A solution is poured into the nostril, which is at the top, with a syringe, it should flow out of the other nostril.

5. The head is tilted to the opposite side and the procedure is repeated.

Side effects and contraindications

What negative reactions of the body can cause "Chlorophyllipt" oily? This remedy should not be instilled into the nose for allergy sufferers, as it can cause severe allergic manifestations (swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and lips, etc.). The only contraindication indicated in the instructions is idiosyncrasy (hereditary hypersensitivity to the components of the drug).

But there are people who have never come across this antimicrobial drug. They do not know if Chlorophyllipt can be used for sinusitis, since there is no information in the annotation.

About the drug

Chlorophyllipt combines bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties.


Chlorophyllipt is made from eucalyptus essential oil. Extracts of chlorophyll A and B are isolated from the leaves of this amazingly beautiful plant.

Due to its natural origin, the drug is harmless to children and adults. Chlorophyllipt can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Parents can take the drug to treat babies of a very young age.

Reference: Eucalyptus is an evergreen shrub that grows in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Currently, he feels good in many countries with a warm climate: Abkhazia, Cuba, Greece, etc.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed by a doctor for acute respiratory diseases caused by various staphylococci. The drug has a strong antibacterial effect and actively fights against the common cold, sinusitis and other problems of the upper respiratory organs.

Reference: Staphylococcus is a spherical bacterium. Outwardly, under a microscope, they resemble bunches of grapes. They belong to the group of gram-positive cocci. In the human body, these microorganisms are constantly, being part of the microflora.

Staphylococci become active when the immune system weakens and cause inflammation in healthy cells.

Release form

Chlorophyllipt is available in five dosage forms:

  1. Alcohol solution. Used for external use.
  2. Oil solution. Treatment of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.
  3. Spray. Irrigation of the oral cavity.
  4. Ampoules. Suitable for intravenous injection.
  5. Lozenges.

Each form is designed for its field of application and has a different effect on the foci of inflammation. Oil and alcohol solutions are often used for instillation and washing of the sinuses, as well as rinsing the mouth.

Side effects

Chlorophyllipt is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Few negative consequences make the drug in demand among Russian families. Side effects include:

  1. Allergic reactions that can cause swelling of the oral and nasal mucosa.
  2. Nausea and vomiting caused by the strong smell of the drug.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Muscle cramps.

Dryness of the mucous membranes is possible. But the side effect is observed only with prolonged use.

Important: In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

The use of the drug is permissible in acute and chronic rhinitis, since Chlorophyllipt has all the necessary properties for the treatment of staphylococcus aureus in the nose.

How to use Chlorophyllipt for the nose

Chlorophyllipt can be used for a cold. The drug is especially effective for purulent sinusitis or sinusitis, when the sinuses are filled with thick green mucus. The medicine acts on the nasopharynx in such a way that it dilutes the "snot", destroying harmful bacteria. But how to drip nose correctly to achieve the best effect?

Washing the nose and sinuses

Preparing a nasal rinse at home is quite simple.

To do this, you need 200 ml of physical. solution and 1 teaspoon of alcohol-based Chlorophyllipt.

The diluted liquid is injected into each nasal passage three times a day, 2 ml.

Then carefully blow out and repeat the manipulation until completely cleansed.

Manipulation is undesirable for infants and young children. An alcohol solution can dry out the delicate nasal mucosa. The indication for washing is infectious sinusitis and severe nasal congestion.

Important: You can check with your doctor for more information on how to dilute Chlorophyllipt for nasal lavage.

Nasal drops

For the preparation of nasal drops, oil Chlorophyllipt is required. In this case, the medicine does not need to be diluted with water or saline.

Using a pipette, 2-3 drops of liquid are injected into the nasal passage three times a day.

The method is well suited for both young children and adults.

The procedure will cause some discomfort. At first, there will be a little pinching in the nose. The sensation is associated with the interaction of active components with pathogenic bacteria. The mucous membrane thus reacts to the drug.

The dosage of the drug for babies is determined only by the pediatrician. It is not recommended to independently calculate the amount of medicine.

Important: For children under three years old, it is advisable to clean the nose by wetting it in oily Chlorophyllipt.


The method of administration of the drug, which is based on the inhalation of steam, is suitable for all age categories. Oil Chlorophyllipt with a cold must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Inhalations are carried out using a nebulizer or you can simply bend over a pot of hot liquid. The device can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. This procedure facilitates nasal breathing and actively fights the pathogenic bacteria of staphylococci.

Patient opinion

Reviews about the drug as a remedy for the common cold are positive. Chlorophyllipt has long established itself as a good assistant in the fight against the common cold and symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Different forms of release allow adults and children to use the drug without fear of side effects.

Oleg, 27 years old: Since childhood, I have been suffering from a chronic runny nose. Saves only Chlorophyllipt. At the first symptoms, I immediately drip my nose at night. In the morning, breathing is restored.

Ekaterina, 24 years old: The therapist prescribed me a solution of Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of sinusitis. First, washing, then immediately nose drops three times a day. After the second day of admission, I felt significant relief.

Maria, 30 years old: When my son started going to kindergarten, we were often on sick leave. Runny nose is a constant companion. The district doctor prescribed Chlorophyllipt in the form of a spray and an oil solution. The spray is a little more expensive than the solution, probably because of the bottle. But I am satisfied with the drug, the disease has receded. The son without tears allowed to treat his throat and drip his nose.

Elena, 23 years old: I read about the effectiveness of oil Chlorophyllipt for a cold on the forum. From the portal I learned how to rinse the nose with alcohol Chlorophyllipt. Therapy works only in slightly neglected cases. In general, a positive impression.

At the first sign of illness, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. The dosage and method of therapy is prescribed individually, depending on the severity and course of the disease.

Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

Chlorophyllipt for a runny nose and not only: the magic of medicine

Chlorophyllipt has been used in medical practice for a long time, since it has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is often recommended by doctors for inflammation in the nasal cavity, diseases of the throat and as inhalations, rinses with a runny nose. "Chlorophyllipt" is suitable for both children and adults. The minimum side effects and the affordability of the drug will also please.

What is Chlorophyllipt?

They developed a medicine back in the Soviet Union. But to this day, no one doubts the effectiveness of the drug. "Chlorophyllipt" is a natural potent antibiotic. The composition of "Chlorophyllipt" includes only natural ingredients. Unlike other antibiotics, the drug does not destroy pathogenic microflora and, along with the destruction of microbes, does not harm the body. The medicine helps to strengthen the immune system, which is its main advantage. The main components that make up the drug are chlorophylls A and B isolated from the eucalyptus plant.

The drug has the following effects on the human body:

A solution of "Chlorophyllipt" eliminates staphylococci, which are difficult to treat with other antibiotics.

Diseases that the drug treats:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • pleurisy;
  • phlegmon;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • pneumonia;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • pharyngolaryngotracheitis;
  • peritonitis.

In pharmacies, you can buy Chlofollipt tablets, spray, alcohol and oil solution of Chlophyllipt.

After the first use of the drug, the human condition noticeably improves, pain decreases, pus is removed, irritation is removed and the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane is reduced.

Before purchasing the drug, a doctor's consultation is required, since the independent use of Chlophyllipt can give a reaction to the body in the form of an allergy.

Throat treatment

"Chlophyllipt" is actively used for gargling. The medicine after the first application will remove the inflammatory process and relieve pain. For these purposes, an alcohol solution is used, which is previously diluted with purified warm water. Dilute "Chlophyllipt" for gargling should be in the following proportions: for 20 ml of medicine (1 tablespoon) a glass of water. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

A child who does not yet know how to gargle on his own is recommended to lubricate the walls with a prepared solution. Children are not allowed to rinse the head with "Chlophyllipt" undiluted.

In adults, "Chlophyllipt for angina is used as follows:

  • 1 tablet of furacilin is dissolved in 250 ml of hot water;
  • the throat is gargled with a transparent yellowish solution;
  • an oily solution of "Chlophyllipt" is applied to a stick with a cotton tip;
  • the walls of the throat are lubricated.

In case of serious inflammation of the larynx, gargle with a diluted alcohol-based solution, and then lubricate the walls with oil.

Runny nose treatment

In the treatment of the common cold, an oily solution is used. It is recommended that children dilute the drug with natural vegetable oil in equal proportions before using the drug. The tool is quite caustic, and therefore there is a possibility of burning the mucous membrane. Adults can not dilute the medicine.

An alcohol solution is not used for these purposes. The tool can burn the mucous membrane.

"Chlophyllipt" is instilled into the nose with a pipette.

Medicine in a bottle

3 drops of medicine are injected into each nostril. The procedure is performed with the head thrown back. For greater effectiveness, before using the medicine, the nose is washed with saline (saline).

"Chlophyllipt" children are allowed to use only after 3 years. For a small child, the medicine is applied to the turunda and both nostrils are cleaned of excess mucus.

With sinusitis of a purulent nature (when the nasal passages are clogged with thick mucus), the medicine quickly clears the nasopharynx, diluting the contents.

It should be noted that during the procedure, the patient may feel a burning sensation and pain. Symptoms indicate that bacteria still live in the nasal cavity, which are exterminated under the influence of the drug. Using the solution will quickly relieve inflammation, swelling of the mucosa and remove purulent contents.

Nasal lavage

"Chlophyllipt" for the nose is also used as a rinse. For these purposes, take 1 tbsp. l. alcohol preparation and diluted with a glass of boiled or filtered warm water. The prepared solution is collected in a clean syringe. The patient bends over the sink and gradually injects the medicine into one nostril. With a severe runny nose, vasoconstrictor drops are introduced into the nasal cavity.

It is not allowed to use oil "Chlorophyllipt" for allergy sufferers. The fact is that the oily composition can cause swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx.

Before using the drug, an allergic reaction test is carried out. A drop of medicine is applied under the tongue. If after an hour no reactions are detected, then the drug can be used.

Inhalations, relieving the common cold

"Chlorophyllipt" is often used for inhalation with a cold. Doctors recommend this procedure for ailments developing in the upper respiratory tract. To do this, a special medicine for inhalation is bought in a pharmacy. The medicine can be prepared independently. To do this, acquire "Chlorophyllipt" (based on alcohol) and dilute it with saline 1:10. For one procedure, you will need 3 ml of Chlophyllipt and 30 ml of saline.

Chlorophyllipt for nasal instillation

Chlorophyllipt is widely used in medical practice due to its spectrum of action. The drug is safe during pregnancy, often prescribed for children. Chlorophyllipt effectively fights the common cold, inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory tract.

Properties and composition of the drug

Chlorophyllipt is a preparation based on extracts of chlorophylls A and B isolated from eucalyptus. Pure oil has a powerful antibacterial effect. First of all, the drug is used to destroy coccal microorganisms, in particular for the treatment of staphylococcus, which causes a number of serious infectious diseases. The main advantage of the agent is the strongest antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus, to which the microorganism is unable to develop resistance.

The drug is successfully used to treat the common cold, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and other ailments.

Dosage forms and scope

Chlorophyllipt has several forms of release, which makes it possible to make its use as effective as possible in different foci of infection. Also, the range of dosage forms makes it possible to use the drug in children of any age.

Alcohol, oil solution and spray Chlorophyllipt

The table shows the forms of release of the product and the scope of their application.

Oil and alcohol Chlorophyllipt are used for:

  • douching for diseases of the genital organs;
  • gargling with angina;
  • washing the sinuses with sinusitis;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • instillation of the nose with a cold;
  • treatment of wounds and burns.

The drug has very few contraindications and side effects, so it can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy.

The main side effect is the property of Chlorophyllipt to cause allergic reactions on the skin, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and face.

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is the individual intolerance of its components.

Instructions for use

Depending on the disease, Chlorophyllipt can be used in several ways.

Nasal lavage

To prepare the solution, take 1 tsp of alcoholic Chlorophyllipt, mix it with 200 ml of saline. To rinse the nose, use 2 ml of the prepared solution in each nasal passage 3 times a day. Washings are prescribed for sinusitis of bacterial origin, streptococcal infection of the nasal cavity, with difficulty in nasal breathing during a runny nose. This method is more suitable for adults than for children.

Rinse your nose with a special syringe without a needle

Nasal drops

Use an oily solution of Chlorophyllipt without diluting it with water. Drip into the nose 2-3 drops of medication 3-4 times a day. This method is great for treating a runny nose in a child and an adult. How much to drip the solution to the child and its concentration is determined by the attending physician.


The oil solution of the drug should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Inhalations are carried out through a nebulizer or simply by bending over a container of hot water and covering with a towel. The procedure is effective for the common cold, staphylococcal lesions of the respiratory tract. Facilitates nasal breathing.

Inhalation can be carried out through a nebulizer

Use of the drug for the treatment of the throat

Chlorophyllipt for the throat can be used in the form of applications or rinses:

  1. Applications: an oily solution of the drug is used. After gargling with soda or furatsilin, Chlorophyllipt is applied to the affected areas of the mucous membrane and tonsils with a cotton swab. The procedure is effective for streptococcal tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and stomatitis. The multiplicity of processing is 3-4 times a day.
  2. Gargling: to prepare a gargle, dissolve 1 tsp. Chlorophyllipta in a glass of boiled warm water. Washing is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Gargle 4-5 times a day

How long can the drug be used

The medicine is practically harmless, does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the common cold or sore throat, the individual characteristics of the patient and in most cases does not exceed 10 days.

Patient reviews

“I worked half my life in a physical room, and doctors often used Chlorophyllipt. Many children were prescribed inhalations with the drug. After the first session, the runny nose receded.

“The doctor prescribed me Chlorophyllipt for exacerbation of sinusitis. He said to wash his nose several times a day, plus take a couple of drops inside. All this in a course of 7-10 days. After 2 days of use, I already felt much better. ”

“The pediatrician prescribed us a spray for angina. I am satisfied with the use, the taste is not nasty, the child was given to treat the throat. Improvement was visible on the 3rd day. Then they prescribed it for a runny nose, for a long time I doubted whether it was possible to wash their nose at such an early age, but after I tried it, I always use it.

The drug Chlorophyllipt is widely used in otolaryngological practice due to its antibacterial properties. Convenient dosage forms allow you to successfully treat problems of the nose and throat in both adults and young children.


Thank you for the article.

And our family smears the throat with an oil solution and recovers very quickly.

Who will spoil his nebulizer with an oil solution? All instructions indicate that oils are not poured into nebulizers.

Nebulizers are different. In ours, you can also use an oil solution.

And in general, doubts about inhalation with an oil solution - just through a nebulizer, such inhalations are strictly prohibited! The fact is that a nebulizer (unlike a steam inhaler) sprays very small particles of the solution - which settle in the lungs, which will lead to the development of oil pneumonia, the doctor also mentions this in the video for the article. Through the nebulizer, oil solutions are not inhaled! The text is misleading.

Probably, it means for inhalation an alcohol solution diluted in water.

You are absolutely right!)

I pour propolis tincture and rotokan, but in general I drink without diluting.

Nebulizers are used to produce cold vapor from a finely dispersed drug. Oily solutions can disable the nebulizer, so they are used for hot steam inhalations.

NOT applicable, sorry.

There is also a nebulizer for oily solutions, look on the internet.

We also partially use Chlorophyllipt against allergies in the family when we don’t have the right medicines at hand!

Douching with chlorophyllipt was prescribed. Allergy, itching, burning. What to do, than to remove?

Lor prescribed an oily solution of chlorophyllipt to be instilled into the nose and throat with streptococcus, but when I instill it into the nose, it burns in the throat until it becomes swollen (((And tears run until it all goes through. I tell Laura about this, but she replies that this should not be done with an oily solution.

So it burns me so much, I want to cry. Unbearable. Maybe you need to dilute it with water.

Yes, I also burn for about 2 minutes after instilling oil into my nose. chlorophyll, but after a couple of minutes. the burning sensation passes, I just want to sneeze)

And I have a terrible burning sensation in my nose and throat when I treat my staphylococci with it. Even my head hurts after that. N, since there is an effect, I endure.

Terrible burning from an oily solution when instilled in the nose. I can't stand it, I don't know how a child can stand it.

And everything burns with me .. apparently it should be so)

And I moisten a cotton swab in an oil solution and insert it deeply into each nostril - very tolerable.

Yesterday I read on one of the official sites that the oil solution should be dripped into the nose diluted one to one with sterilized vegetable oil, that is, 3 drops of oily Chlorophyllipt + 3 drops of vegetable oil. But the preparation itself is based on olive .. maybe it’s better to dilute it with olive ?! Today I tested the drug on myself before dripping into the nose or mouth of the children. I dripped into my nose .. there really is a slight burning sensation, and it itched a lot in my throat and nose. But after about 5 minutes, my breathing really got better, and the discomfort in my throat from a cold went away.

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

How to use Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of sinusitis?

What to do if sinusitis is tortured, and the tested drugs do not bring relief? It should be remembered that nature has given man many unique plants that act effectively in various ailments. One of these natural remedies is chlorophyllipt, the main active ingredient of which is eucalyptus extract.

Eucalyptus Properties

The main medicinal properties are the leaves of this tree. Biologically active substance - essential oil contains cineole - a chemical compound that has a therapeutic effect in high concentration, in addition, eucalyptus contains organic acids, resins, phytoncides and about forty other substances.

Due to this, it is the strongest antibacterial agent and is effective against staphylococcal infections. Since pathogenic microflora most often becomes the cause of sinusitis, it is this feature that allows eucalyptus to cope well with the disease.

In addition, the plant has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Its use in diseases of the maxillary sinus helps to quickly and effectively not only destroy the infection, but also facilitate the removal of secretions from the sinus, and soothe the inflamed mucosa.

Unlike conventional antibiotics, eucalyptus is not addictive and continues to actively act on the flora with repeated use. And being a means of plant origin, it has a beneficial effect on local and general immunity.


As already mentioned, the composition of the chlorophyllipt preparation includes an extract of eucalyptus, or rather, an extract of chlorophyll from this plant, which is many times stronger in its effect than a decoction and tincture made from a plant.

It is available in several types:

  • 2% oily solution (applied topically);
  • 1% alcohol for local use and ingestion;
  • Alcohol solution 0.25% in ampoules for intravenous injection;
  • The product is also available in the form of a spray and tablets.

With uncomplicated sinusitis, you can use the drug without the addition of synthetic antibacterial agents. If sinusitis occurs with high fever and purulent discharge, then complex treatment is recommended.

There are also analogue drugs on the pharmaceutical market, these are chlorophyllin-03, eucalimin, galenophyllipt. All of them are based on eucalyptus extract and have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.


Most often, an oil solution is used for sinusitis. They are moistened with cotton turundas and put into each nostril for several minutes.

In addition, you can instill chlorophyllipt into the nose, 3-4 drops several times a day will significantly improve the condition of the nasal passages, make breathing easier and, as a result, the main treatment will go faster and easier.

Chlorophyllipt is excellent for use in the form of inhalations, as part of the general therapy of the disease. To do this, you can add it to a container of hot water or use a special inhaler - a nebulizer.

Washing the nasal cavity.

You can use a nasal rinse. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of a 1% alcohol solution and dissolve it in a glass of water. Do nasal rinsing by bending over the sink, gently pour the solution into one of the nostrils so that it pours out of the other.

In combination with topical application, the effectiveness of the drug can be enhanced if it is taken orally at the same time. An oil solution for sinusitis is drunk one teaspoon four times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has no special contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to eucalyptus. In this case, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to refuse the use of the drug and try something similar to it, for example Vitaon.

Chlorophyllipt can cause a response of the body in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Therefore, before starting the use of the drug, it is necessary to check the sensitivity to the drug by taking the minimum dose orally or lubricating the forearm. If there is no response after 6-8 hours, treatment can be started.

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Treatment of sinusitis with Chlorophyllipt

The cause of sinusitis is often staphylococcus. These spherical bacteria are highly resistant to adverse conditions and antibiotic therapy. Treatment of diseases caused by them is very difficult. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, in addition to antibiotics, other drugs that can fight staphylococci are also included. That is why Chlorophyllipt with sinusitis is often found in doctor's prescriptions.

Characteristics of the means and the shown action

Chlorophyllipt is a medicinal product that is obtained from eucalyptus leaves by extraction.

The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect on antibiotic-dependent and antibiotic-resistant types of staphylococci. In addition, Chlorophyllipt helps to increase the oxygen content in tissues, which prevents the development of their hypoxia. It has a remedy and detoxification properties, and also significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

The use of Chlorophyllipt gives excellent results with sinusitis and the release of green snot. After all, their appearance is often associated with a staphylococcal infection.

Variety of release forms

Chlorophyllipt is produced in several dosage forms. It:

  • 2% oily solution for topical use;
  • 1% and 0.25% alcohol solutions;
  • spray;
  • lozenges.

In all types of the drug, the active substance is a thick extract of chlorophyllipt. The composition of auxiliary components differs depending on the form of release. For example, in an alcohol solution, 96% ethanol is an additional component; in tablets, ascorbic acid, sugar and calcium stearate play this role.

Such a variety of forms allows you to choose the optimal type of remedy for the treatment of patients of all age groups. In addition, it makes it possible to use the drug directly in the focus of infection, regardless of its location.

Diseases for which Chlorophyllipt is used

Judging by the main action of the drug, we can draw conclusions about the scope of its application. Chlorophyllipt is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases caused by staphylococci. It can be:

  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • infected wounds;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • burn disease;
  • staphylococcal septic conditions;
  • cervical erosion;
  • peritonitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • pneumonia;
  • carriage of staphylococci.

Features of use for sinusitis

Chlorophyllipt for sinusitis can be used in several ways. The attending physician will be able to indicate the most suitable one based on the results of tests and examination. In addition to Chlorophyllipt, other means will be prescribed, the use of which will help to quickly achieve recovery.

Before starting treatment, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, after the first use of the product, you need to take a break for 6 hours. If during this time no manifestations of allergies or other undesirable effects appear, then you can safely continue therapy.

Nasal lavage

Chlorophyllipt is great for washing the nose. During this process, staphylococci die and are washed out of the nasal cavities along with pus and secretions.

For washing use 1% alcohol solution. 1 tablespoon of this solution should be diluted in a glass of warm water.

To perform the procedure, you should stand near the sink or pelvis, lean forward slightly and turn your head to the side. The solution is poured into one nostril with a large syringe or a special nasal spray so that it flows out of the other. Then you need to blow your nose, turn your head to the other side and rinse the second nostril in the same way.

With the same diluted solution, you can additionally gargle in order to “wash out” staphylococci from the entire nasopharynx and prevent the spread of infection to the throat.

Nasal drops

For instillation into the nose, an oily solution of Chlorophyllipt is used, since there is no special form of release for the nose. Before the procedure, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages of mucus with saline solutions. Then draw the oil solution into a pipette, tilt your head back and instill the required amount of the drug. For children, it is recommended to dilute Chlorophyllipt with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1 before use, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor.

You should be aware that the oil solution strongly irritates the mucous membrane. Therefore, the procedure is rather unpleasant. After instillation, a burning sensation of the mucous membrane and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth immediately appear.


An alcohol solution can also be used for inhalation using a nebulizer. Chlorophyllipt must be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1 to 10 before using this method. On average, adults need to carry out the procedure for 8-10 minutes, and children - 3-5 minutes.

Turunds in the nose

An excellent option for using the remedy for sinusitis and green snot in children are cotton turundas in the nose. Before being placed in the nostrils, they are soaked with an oily solution of Chlorophyllipt. This application avoids the very unpleasant sensations that accompany instillation of the drug into the nose. Thus, adult patients can also use the drug.

Application of spray and tablets

To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, in addition to the local application of Chlorophyllipt in the nose, irrigation of the throat with a spray or resorption of tablets can be added. After all, staphylococci inhabit not only the nasal cavities. Quite often, with sinusitis, they are common throughout the nasopharynx. The additional use of tablets and spray helps prevent further spread of the infection through the tissues, as well as the development of complications of the disease.


The drug has a high safety profile. Its main contraindication is individual intolerance.

Side effects

Chlorophyllipt can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by skin rashes, swelling of the lips and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

When using tablets, irritation of the oral mucosa, headache, nausea and dizziness are also possible.

Use in special groups of patients

At the moment, there has not been a sufficient number of studies that would confirm the safety of the use of Chlorophyllipt in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and also in children. At the same time, there are no data on the negative impact on these categories of patients either. Therefore, the drug can be used for their treatment under medical supervision.

Chlorophyllipt is a popular drug for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This drug has an antimicrobial effect and is completely safe for humans. This drug helps to relieve inflammation, destroy pathogens and speed up recovery.

Oil-based chlorophyllipt: composition and properties

Chlorophyllipt is a natural drug that has an antiseptic effect. It is based on chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves. The biologically active substance Chlorophyllipt has a bactericidal and etiotropic effect on antibiotics resistant to and.

The oil solution contains the following components: olive or sunflower oil and eucalyptus leaf extract 2%. The solution appears as a clear emerald green oily liquid.

Chlorophyllipt is produced in vials, the volume of which can be 20 and 30 ml.

It is necessary to store the oil composition of the drug at room temperature. Do not store in the refrigerator. The medicinal product should not be exposed to sunlight. From this, the beneficial properties of the drug are lost.

Chlorophyllipt in any dosage form helps to effectively destroy pathogens. But many parents, when choosing a drug, are wondering what is the best oil or alcohol composition of Chlorophyllipt.

An alcohol solution is used to treat an umbilical wound, with prickly heat. Chlorophyllipt on alcohol is strictly prohibited to be used orally. For gargling, dilute 3 teaspoons of the solution in 100 ml of water.

An oily solution is used when the use of drugs containing alcohol is contraindicated. But unlike an alcohol solution, an oil-based drug acts longer on the affected area.

Moreover, this form of medication is more preferable for young children. They still do not know how to gargle on their own and with angina, you can use an oil solution without dilution.

Indications for use for children

Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to children for the treatment of diseases caused by streptococcus:

  • Acne
  • Stomatitis

In addition, the drug can be used for bacterial infections and to activate the body's defenses. You can also use the remedy for burns, inflammatory processes of the skin, frostbite, purulent wounds. Oil-based Chlorophyllipt in adults is used in gynecology.

Newborns are often attacked by a staph infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can not be located on the surface of the skin, but multiply in the internal organs, provoking the development of many serious diseases. To eliminate the infection, Chlorophyllipt is prescribed on an alcohol basis for intravenous administration and at the same time an oily solution for oral administration. Chlorophyllipt can be used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

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Application rules

The oily solution can be used for topical application and for oral administration.For the treatment of a runny nose, Chlorophyllipt is instilled into the nose in three drops. The interval between instillation should be 6 hours. You can not only bury, but also lubricate the mucous membrane. The nose must first be cleaned and rinsed with saline.

When instilling a nose, you can only from 3 years. Until this age, cotton turundas soaked in a solution are used and put into each nostril.When you need to moisten a cotton swab in the solution, wrap it around long forceps or moisten a cotton swab and lubricate the inflamed tonsils. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.

To reduce before using Chlorophyllipt, first dissolve in a glass of water and. Only after that, treat the throat with an oil solution. You can use another method: gargle should be alcohol Chlorophyllipt, and then lubricate with an oil composition.

Chlorophyllipt also helps to cope with acne. This tool reduces the inflammatory process and eliminates redness. Before treatment, you need to cleanse your face and apply the solution to the skin until completely absorbed. The manipulation is repeated after 12 hours.

With stomatitis or treatment of the oral cavity, the oil solution is also actively used. The swab is moistened in the solution and applied to the affected area for 5-10 minutes. The drug should be used only with a doctor's prescription.

Useful video - Inhalation with a nebulizer with Chlorophyllipt and saline:

The oil solution is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to chlorophylls. The active substance may cause an allergic reaction. In order to avoid a possible reaction to the drug, it is advisable to do a sensitivity test. To do this, a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is lubricated, and if no reaction is observed after 10 hours, then the product can be used.If side effects appear in the form of itching, burning, dryness of the mucous membranes while taking the drug, it is necessary to abandon its use.

Device analogues

There are several analogues of Chlorophyllipt with a similar active ingredient:

  • Galenophyllipt. It is an antimicrobial agent of plant origin. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and restores damaged tissues. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and children under 18 years of age.
  • Evkalimin. The drug is intended for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin, mucous membranes, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ENT organs. It has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. Applied topically, but can be used as a. Eucalimine solution can be used for irrigation, douching, as compresses or lotions.
  • Chlorophyllin-03. The plant preparation has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Designed for topical and oral use. Can be used in childhood.

When choosing a herbal remedy for the treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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