Causes of low body temperature. What to do with low body temperature. The main causes of low body temperature

Temperature indicators in a person change under the influence various facts, their deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. If there is a low body temperature, the causes may be associated with certain diseases, overwork, hypothermia.

Diseases that cause hypothermia

The ideal temperature for a person is 36.6 degrees, but they can change even in healthy people throughout the day. In the morning, the values ​​are always slightly lower, in the evening they can rise. Therefore, a range of 35.8–37.0 degrees is considered normal. Hypothermia means a prolonged decrease in temperature to a level of 35.0 degrees and below. Pathology occurs when various diseases, accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

What diseases are accompanied by hypothermia:

The reason for the sharp drop in temperature values ​​to 35.2–35.5 degrees can be loading dose antipyretic drugs for colds, flu, uncontrolled intake sedatives, barbiturates, antidepressants, poisoning with poisonous and toxic substances. Hypothermia is often diagnosed after surgery, with severe burns. In women, the indicators are affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Important! A decrease in body temperature often occurs against the background of a deficiency of vitamin C - this substance is not synthesized in the body, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its reserves.

Other causes of low temperature

All people are different, so a long decline temperature indicators below 35.8 degrees is not always a pathology.

Why does the temperature drop?

  • advanced age - in older people, the temperature is often below normal, which is associated with certain processes in the body;
  • physiological features - a temperature at the level of 35.6–35.8 degrees occurs in people with chronically low blood pressure, while there is no particular deterioration in well-being;
  • asthenic physique - in such people metabolic processes flow slowly, so the temperature may be below 36 degrees;
  • pregnancy, menopause - if a woman feels normal at the same time, medical intervention is not required.

A temporary decrease in temperature values ​​occurs during hypothermia, prolonged stress, overwork, chronic sleep deprivation, shock, after fasting or extreme diets, against the background of alcohol intoxication. The causes of hypothermia in young children and adults are identical. A child after 10 years of age often has a low temperature, which is associated with the onset of puberty, significant changes in the body.

Important! Hypothermia is normal for a premature baby. In children in the first days of life lower rates do not pose a threat to health, but require control due to the imperfection of thermoregulation.


If hypothermia develops suddenly, there are characteristics that are hard to ignore. Most often they are a consequence of the underlying disease, a pathological condition.

How hypothermia manifests itself:

  • frequent and prolonged bouts of dizziness, fainting;
  • a person is very cold, chills occur;
  • the skin becomes pale, sweating increases, while the sweat is cold;
  • certain parts of the body become numb, tremble, there is a feeling of crawling goosebumps;
  • nausea.

At low temperature values, a person constantly feels weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, speech slows down, the patient becomes inhibited, sometimes anxiety appears, unreasonable fear. In children with a decrease in indicators below 35.8 degrees, lethargy, capriciousness, tearfulness are observed, appetite worsens, the child does not want to participate in active games.

Important! Hypothermia is the result of prolonged dehydration. Sometimes it is enough to start drinking at least 2 liters clean water a day to normalize.

What to do at home

Almost all drugs to increase the temperature are used only in a hospital, since they have many contraindications. If the dosage is not observed, serious complications can occur.

What can be done at home:

  • drink a decoction or tincture of ginseng, echinacea, St. John's wort;
  • strong black, sweet tea with cinnamon helps well;
  • ginger tea has a warming effect;
  • in case of hypothermia, you need to quickly change into warm clothes made from natural fabrics, put a hot heating pad on your feet, wrap yourself up well, drink something hot, you can’t warm yourself with alcohol;
  • a contrast shower quickly improves the condition - the method is not suitable for people with high blood pressure;
  • get enough sleep;
  • make warm foot bath with mustard powder;
  • if the cause of the temperature drop was stress, you can drink tea with mint, lemon balm, take a tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian.

With hypothermia, rubbing with alcohol, vinegar should not be used, especially for children.

If the temperature is constantly below 35.8 degrees, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you need to see a doctor. The list of required examinations includes general, biochemical analysis blood test, HIV test, ECG, ultrasound, CT scan of the brain, evaluation of thyroid function, chest x-ray.

Important! Tea with raspberries and honey is not suitable for raising the temperature - such drinks only temporarily increase the performance, but due to the strong diaphoretic and diuretic action through a short time values ​​are dropping rapidly.

When to call an ambulance

The lowest temperature that you can try to raise yourself at home is 34.5–35 degrees. If within an hour the condition does not improve, confusion, loss of consciousness is observed, it is necessary to call ambulance. With a further decrease in performance, a coma may occur, a fatal outcome is possible.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • sharp and significant reduction blood pressure;
  • visual impairment, hearing loss;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, tarry stools.

Important! Oppressed breathing, disturbance in the work of all internal systems and organs, slowing down the main processes that occur in the body, fainting - all this is a consequence of a prolonged decrease in temperature below 35 degrees.

Body temperature is a variable. Many people live with low scores life without any discomfort. But if hypothermia is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, weakness, fainting, and other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a thorough comprehensive examination.

Thermoregulation is one of the vital important functions human body. Thanks to many systems of vital activity, the temperature of the human body in normal condition kept within rather narrow limits, despite the conditions environment.

Thermoregulation of the human body is divided into chemical and physical. The first of them functions by increasing or decreasing the intensity of metabolic processes. And the processes of physical thermoregulation occur due to heat radiation, thermal conductivity and evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.

It is impossible not to list the methods of measuring temperature. The widespread holding of a thermometer under the arm is far from the most the best option. Fluctuations in the recorded body temperature from the real one can differ by a whole degree. In the West, the temperature of adults is measured in oral cavity, and in children (it is difficult for them to keep their mouth closed for a long time) in the rectum. These methods are much more accurate, although for some unknown reason they did not take root in our country.

The widely held belief that the normal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius is not correct. Each organism is purely individual and without the influence of third-party factors, the temperature human body can fluctuate within 36.5-37.2 degrees. But already outside these boundaries, you need to look for the reasons for this behavior of the body, since increased or low temperature body is a marker of any problems: diseases, poor functioning of life support systems, external factors.
Also, the normal body temperature of each individual person at a certain point in time depends on several other factors:

  • individual characteristics organism;
  • time of day (about six o'clock in the morning, a person's body temperature is at a minimum level, and at 16 o'clock at a maximum);
  • the age of the person (in children under three years old it is normal, and in the elderly - 36.2-36.3 degrees);
  • a number of factors that modern medicine not fully explored.

And if the state of elevated body temperature is known to the majority, then about its decrease below the normative limits, the processes that provoke this and possible consequences, few people know. But such a state is no less dangerous than a high temperature, so we will try to tell you about the low temperature in as much detail as possible.

Classification of hypothermia

Modern medicine distinguishes two types of lower body temperature below normal:

  • low body temperature - from 35 to 36.5 degrees;
  • low body temperature - up to 34.9 degrees. This condition is medically known as hypothermia.

In turn, there are several classifications of hypothermia. The first of them divides this condition into three degrees of severity:

    • light - temperature range 32.2-35 degrees;
    • average - 27-32.1 degrees;
    • heavy - up to 26.9 degrees.

The second divides hypothermia into moderate and severe with a border of 32 degrees. It is this mark in medicine that is considered the temperature at which the human body runs out of opportunities for self-warming. This classification is considered more convenient from a practical point of view.

According to this classification, with moderate hypothermia, the patient has drowsiness, lethargy, trembling, and tachycardia. The level of glucose in the blood rises. In most cases, a warm bed, dry clothes and warm drink. A mandatory examination for moderate hypothermia is an electrocardiogram. Violation of the processes of thermoregulation quite often entails problems with the heart rhythm.

Severe hypothermia, according to this classification, is extremely dangerous state. A decrease in temperature below 32 degrees leads to the dysfunction of many life support systems. In particular, the functional of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is disrupted, slows down mental activity and metabolic processes.
At the same time, 27 degrees are already considered critical indicator capable of causing the death of a person. At this temperature, patients develop a coma, the pupils do not react to light. No emergency medical care and very active warming, a person has very little chance of surviving.

Although there are unique cases in history when, after a long hypothermia (a six-hour stay of a two-year-old Canadian girl in the cold), a person's body temperature dropped to 14.2 degrees, but he survived. But this is rather an exception to the rule that hypothermia is an extremely dangerous condition.

Causes of Hypothermia

A significant decrease in body temperature relative to normal values ​​is a direct signal for further examination. And here you need to analyze in detail the reasons that provoke a serious decrease in body temperature. In principle, there are quite a lot of them, and for convenience, the prerequisites for low body temperature are divided into three groups:

      • physical prerequisites for low temperatures. Functional failures in the process of thermoregulation lead to excessive heat loss. In most cases, this is due to the extension blood vessels and the duration of such a state. In particular, hypothermia due to these causes occurs in people with low blood pressure, in whom dilated vessels are a typical condition.
        In addition, diseases of the endocrine system lead to physical hypothermia. And to be more precise - increased sweating that violates natural thermoregulation;
      • chemical causes of low body temperature. These include intoxication of the body, weakened immunity, low hemoglobin levels, emotional and physical overstrain, pregnancy;
      • behavioral prerequisites for low body temperature. This group includes causes that are the result of inadequate perception of the ambient temperature by a person. Often, behavioral hypothermia occurs due to the effects on the body of alcohol and narcotic substances, as well as an unbalanced mental state.

As already noted, each of these groups of prerequisites for hypothermia includes quite a few causes. Let us outline the main ones in more detail:

Cause Description and consequences
Alcohol and drug poisoning Under the influence of these substances, a person ceases to adequately perceive reality, often without feeling the cold. Often in such cases, people can even fall asleep on the street, undergoing severe hypothermia. In addition, ethanol and opium substances dilate blood vessels and create a deceptive impression of heat, which often leads to critical consequences.
hypothermia Prolonged exposure to low temperatures leads to the fact that the body simply cannot cope with thermoregulation, allowing the temperature to drop below normal. Under such conditions, energy is also intensively used up, due to which the time during which the body can resist hypothermia is drastically reduced.
Viral and bacterial infections Hypothermia during such diseases often occurs already when the disease itself is overcome. It is known that before certain temperature The body needs to be allowed to deal with it. If, at the same time, antipyretics are also used, then by eliminating the symptoms of infection, the body's defense mechanisms continue to work at full capacity for some time, which leads to a drop in body temperature below normal.
Diets and fasting For the functioning of thermoregulation systems, the body needs constant replenishment of calorie stores and body fat, due to which, in particular, there is a regulation of thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Insufficient nutrition (forced or planned) leads to violations of this functionality and a decrease in body temperature.
in immunocompromised and elderly people In most cases, sepsis is the cause of high fever. But in the indicated categories of people, one of the manifestations of this disease may be damage to the nervous system, including those segments that are responsible for thermoregulation. The body temperature of a person in such circumstances can drop to 34 degrees and requires immediate adjustment.
Incorrect application medical preparations or procedures (iatrogenic hypothermia) The concept of iatrogenic is understood as the consequences that have arisen due to wrong actions medical personnel or due to the incorrect use of medicines. In hypothermia, the causes of this group can be:
  • improper handling of patients after surgery;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictor and antipyretic drugs.

Any of these reasons can cause a critical drop in body temperature, so even the most harmless drugs, which include antipyretics and vasoconstrictors, should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Ovulation The menstrual cycle in women is often accompanied by abnormal fluctuations in body temperature. In most cases, it rises, but there are cases of lowering the temperature during this period. Often the temperature is 35.5-36.0 degrees, which is not a cause for concern. With the end of menstruation, the temperature will return to normal.
Wilson's Temperature Syndrome This disease is provoked by thyroid dysfunction, which is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature.

Low body temperature during pregnancy

Quite a lot of doctors note a separate reason for lowering body temperature. To be more precise, it is not the bearing of a child itself, but the processes that accompany this. Quite often, expectant mothers are malnourished due to toxicosis, which affects metabolic processes and, accordingly, body temperature, which can drop to 36 degrees or even lower. In addition, often in pregnant women there is a weakening of the immune system, against which the temperature may drop. These prerequisites do not bring any serious problems, but at the same time they require an adequate response: normalization of the diet and consumption enough calories, as well as work on strengthening immune system.

Actions when the temperature drops

Having fixed a low body temperature, first of all, you need to adequately assess your physical state. If there is no weakness, you are not afraid and there are no other signs of illness, it is worth remembering if you were sick or if you were hypothermic in recent times. A slight decrease in temperature may be a residual symptomatology of these causes. In this case, it is not necessary to consult a doctor. It is possible that a low temperature is the norm for your body.
You need to see a doctor in the following cases:

      • body temperature of 35 degrees and below even without other symptoms;
      • in addition to a decrease in temperature, weakness, trembling, vomiting and other symptoms are observed that are unusual healthy person. In such cases, even a temperature of 35.7-36.1 is a reason to seek help;
      • in a person against the background of low temperature, hallucinations, slurred speech, blurred vision, loss of consciousness are observed.

Any of these symptoms is a cause for immediate medical attention. Even a simple weakness at a low temperature should not be waited out at home, as irreversible processes can begin in the body, which will be very difficult to stop over time.
Before the doctor arrives, a patient with a low temperature should be put to bed and wrapped up. warm blanket after making sure his clothes are dry. Ensure complete calm, give a cup of warm sweet tea and, if possible, make a warm foot bath or put a heating pad under your feet. These actions will make it easier for the body to conduct the process of thermoregulation and the temperature in most cases will begin to rise to normal.

Usually people are worried fever body, although reduced is no less alarm signal. It will be useful for everyone to know why hypothermia occurs, what measures should be taken with this phenomenon. Low temperature capable of causing many dangerous diseases.

Causes of Hypothermia

Low body temperature is considered to be less than 35 degrees. With such a phenomenon, the body cannot fully function. If it happened because the person long time is in the cold, then treatment is not required, you just need to warm up. At severe hypothermia need help. It is worth talking in more detail about the reasons for hypothermia at a particular age.

Low temperature in an adult

A condition in a woman or a man can occur when:

  • chronic diseases(low body temperature in this situation means that an exacerbation has begun);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • taking certain medications (as a rule, the temperature stops dropping after the drug is discontinued);
  • constant fatigue, chronic lack of sleep;
  • flu, SARS (low temperature with a cold is possible, although it is much less common than high);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • brain diseases;
  • bearing a child (low temperature during pregnancy is very dangerous, it is recommended to fix the problem quickly);
  • HIV infection;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • old age (hypothermia in some cases is caused by aging of the body);
  • low blood pressure;
  • low weight, starvation;
  • stress, shock;
  • anemia;
  • weakened immunity, beriberi;
  • postoperative period.

At a low body temperature, if it is caused by a disease, a person first of all notices the symptoms of the latter. Hypothermia also appears general malaise, weakness, drowsiness, sweating. People with it become irritable, cannot concentrate on this or that business, they feel very dizzy. Sometimes a person feels that he is about to faint. His skin also turns pale, he is cold, his limbs may become numb.

low in a child

In children, it is observed due to:

  • a congenital phenomenon for infancy (a low temperature in a child may be normal sign, if it does not cause inconvenience);
  • taking antipyretic tablets, using vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • viral disease;
  • overwork;
  • inflammatory process in the body;
  • beriberi;
  • bronchitis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • poisoning;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, brain;
  • anemia;
  • hypothermia.

In a child with a low temperature, the symptoms are almost the same as in an adult. If he is small, then he may be too whiny and capricious, it is bad to eat. The child has drowsiness, weakness. In children school age there is a violation of concentration. It is difficult for them to learn, and they may refuse games altogether. If at least one of the above symptoms is observed, then you need to seek help from a specialist.

How to increase body temperature

There are a few effective ways. Please note that the options below are used, rather, not in medicinal purposes but to feign illness. However, in emergency cases they might fit:

  1. Drop a couple of drops of ordinary iodine on a slice of bread, in a spoonful of sugar or just in water and take it. This will help raise your body temperature for a few hours.
  2. Anoint the nostrils with simple clerical glue, preferably domestic.
  3. Eat 2-3 teaspoons of instant coffee.
  4. Get out of simple pencil lead and eat it, no need to grind. Drink water, but not too much.
  5. Rub your armpits with onion or garlic, salt and pepper.
  6. If you feel good, then take a few exercise. Due to the activity, blood circulation will improve.

Everyone should understand that all of the above methods of raising body temperature are considered risky and can cause health problems. Do not resort to them unless absolutely necessary. Taking any of the above substances can cause poisoning, allergic reaction. It is better for hypothermia to consult a doctor who will recommend how to solve the problem.

What to do at low temperatures

The following measures should be taken:

  1. Be sure to visit a doctor and make sure that hypothermia is not a symptom of any disease. Only then is it allowed to use the following methods.
  2. If you have a breakdown, you need to take a couple of days off and devote them to rest. This is especially important if the low body temperature is caused by overwork, too busy schedule.
  3. Talk to your doctor, he may prescribe drugs to treat hypothermia. In some cases, immunostimulants Normoxan, Pantokrin help to reduce the temperature. Children are often prescribed vitamin E or Apilac.
  4. Raising body temperature contributes to the regular consumption of a number of foods. Eat liver, red meat, pomegranates, drink fresh juices, add cinnamon, cloves, cayenne pepper to your meals. Good help chocolate, fatty chicken broths, peanuts, brown rice.
  5. If you are just cold, then drink hot tea in large quantities, take a bath, cover yourself with a warm blanket, steam your feet, and then put on woolen socks.
  6. Avoid starvation, try to keep a diet.
  7. Prepare and take tinctures or decoctions of St. John's wort, ginseng, echinacea, mint, lemon balm.

Video: why a person has a low body temperature

Everyone has long known that normal body temperature is one of the indispensable signs that a person is really healthy. The average norm for human body temperature has long been considered to be 36.6 ° C, and everyone knows this too. However, further "misunderstandings" begin.

For example, why does a doctor, to whom you complain about a temperature of 36.9 ° C, which stubbornly keeps for a month, almost joyfully reports that this is the norm, and does not prescribe any examinations? Or here's another: why, when complaining about constant temperature 35.6 ° C (a whole degree less than the average norm), a certified "specialist" advises to drink?

It seems that this is why people go to the polyclinic only in the very last resort, although this may not be the most right decision. And for better or worse, most people have learned to deal with fever, especially when they understand what caused such an increase. colds. But what to do with the temperature, which clearly "does not hold up"? And what should you think about in this case?

Norm issues

The usual value of 36.6 ° C, as it turns out upon closer examination, is a very conditional norm, because after a thorough study of this issue it turns out that the normal body temperature can be considered an interval from 35.5 to 37 ° C, but this is also an average indicator .

Recently, indicators from 36.4 ° C to 36.7 ° C are considered the norm, however, the indicators that are normal for each individual may differ, and different doctors have different points of view. And it is very important that when determining the “normality of temperature”, not some average statistical figures are taken into account, but indicators that are characteristic of each individual person.

There are opinions that normal temperature indicators should be considered those at which a person remains able to work without complaining about any discomfort, including weakness. If, however, the results of all studies fix normal performance, then a decrease in body temperature to 35.5 ° C and even more so will be considered a variant of the norm.

Very few doctors listen to complaints about a decrease in temperature and begin to seriously look for the cause if the values ​​​​do not become really critical.

Attention! A drop in body temperature can lead to a state of hypothermia, when the temperature becomes insufficient for normal metabolism (metabolism) and, accordingly, for normal operation organs and systems of the body.

Critical indicators

Absolutely unambiguously confirms the presence of serious health problems, the body temperature, which constantly does not exceed 35.0 ° C (most likely, we are talking about some kind of chronic disease).

If the body temperature drops to 29.5 ° C, then the person loses consciousness, a decrease in temperature to 27.0 ° C leads to a coma, and if the temperature drops further (up to 25.0 ° C), then this may indicate the onset of a state that is incompatible with life.

There is no doubt that some indicators will seriously alarm anyone, however, any disease develops gradually in most cases, and by responding in a timely manner to a decrease in temperature, quite a lot can be prevented. serious problems with health.

Therefore, you should not wait until the thermometer shows critical numbers, especially if the individual norm is known and differs from such indicators.

Possible causes of a decrease in body temperature

The reasons for the decrease in body temperature can be very different, respectively, the consequences will be different. You can deal with some causes of hypothermia on your own (in any case, you can take some independent steps), but in some cases, the help of a doctor is required.

  1. The first reason for a decrease in body temperature is considered to be a decrease in the temperature of the external environment, that is, a decrease in the temperature indicators of air and water.

Attention! According to world medical statistics, most hypothermia, including hypothermia with lethal outcome, falls on the interval from +10 °С to -12 °С.

It would seem that temperatures are not so low, but people most often lose their vigilance with seeming safety. And, of course, it is in this case that a lot depends on the person himself.

  1. Sometimes a decrease in body temperature can be caused by a significant increase in air humidity, since high humidity, among other things, contributes to heat loss. As experience shows and confirms the results of studies, a short-term increase in humidity rarely leads to detrimental consequences.
  2. Can cause a drop in body temperature unbalanced diet, especially if we are talking about a long-term unbalanced diet, in which the necessary balance of all nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements, without which the full functioning of the body is impossible. It is clear that in the vast majority of cases, nutrition can (and should!) be regulated, if necessary, seeking advice from a specialist.
  3. It provokes a decrease in body temperature and, especially, long-term fasting. That's why all the fans therapeutic fasting must remember that you can only starve medical indications, only certain time and only under medical supervision.
  4. Dehydration is another possible cause of low body temperature. Everyone knows about the importance of water for human life, but not everyone makes sure that water enters the body in the quantities necessary for quality life (the average consumption rate drinking water two liters per day is considered, but this amount may vary slightly for each individual person).
  5. Can cause a drop in body temperature severe fatigue, and physical overwork, and mental overwork. Do not neglect the advice to rationally organize your work schedule, because from overload great benefit You don’t have to wait, and neither for work, nor for health.
  6. It can cause a decrease in body temperature, both one-time and chronic; In addition, both anxiety and depressive states can negatively affect general state all organs and systems of the body, including body temperature.
  7. One of possible causes drop in body temperature alcohol intoxication. At the same time, the risk increases exponentially with chronic alcoholism. High doses of alcohol have a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the functioning of all organs and systems. Of course, the cardiovascular system suffers significantly, nervous system, endocrine system, which may lead to violations heart rate, and violations of blood pressure (decrease or increase), and violation of temperature parameters. The constant use of alcohol entails the most ill effects. If a alcohol addiction is too strong and cannot be overcome on its own, the professional help of a narcologist is required.
  8. Cause a decrease in body temperature can most various diseases and the state of the body, including constant low arterial pressure(blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is considered normal) and heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, in case of any temperature violations in the direction of decreasing temperature, it is necessary to check the operation of cardio-vascular system. In this case, you should contact your doctor or family doctor who will appoint necessary examinations and refer you to a cardiologist for advice.
  9. Body temperature can be affected by a constant deficiency in the body of calcium. Calcium deficiency can be caused different reasons, including these may be pathological conditions thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, surgical interventions, serious illnesses liver. To diagnose such a deficiency, special analysis blood, and further treatment should be carried out by an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist (depending on the diagnosis).
  10. Some drugs can cause a decrease in body temperature, for example, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, hypnotics. That is why the acceptance of any medicines possible only after a thorough examination and only as prescribed by the attending physician. At the slightest danger, any adverse reaction the appointment of such a drug is possible only on the condition that the expected benefit from taking it will exceed the potential danger to the body.

Attention! Self-prescription of any medicines is unacceptable!

  1. The reason for the decrease in body temperature may be a significant decrease muscle mass. Such a decrease is possible when a person is forced to remain motionless for a long time, for example, when he is paralyzed. When caring for such patients, special measures are needed that can prevent or at least slow down the onset. negative consequences. To such special measures include rubbing, and turning over, and massages, and other activities that are determined by the attending physician.
  2. Decreased body temperature without visible reasons may be a symptom of the appearance of neoplasms in the brain (brain tumors), which appeared in the hypothalamus. But it is the hypothalamus that regulates heat transfer in the body, blocks the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates and blocks chills, thereby changing the body's response to a decrease in body temperature.
  3. One of the most serious causes of a decrease in body temperature is damage to spinal cord or damage to the nerve trunks responsible for the work of skeletal muscles. Such severe injuries cause many disorders in the work of all organs and systems of the body. Treatment in such cases is very difficult, and the prognosis is practically meaningless. This is one of those cases where everything is in the hands of God.
  4. Another cause of low body temperature is brain injury. It should be noted that the injury does not have to be critical for life - it may not be very extensive (almost a bruise), but if the thermoregulation centers are affected, then it will be very difficult to influence it. Since the functioning of the brain in the vast majority of cases remains a mystery, the prognosis for most of these injuries is very difficult to make.
  5. The reason for a decrease in body temperature can be a change in hormonal levels, and a change in hormonal levels can be caused by various reasons, including menstruation, pregnancy, decreased thyroid function, and adrenal insufficiency. It is clear that hormonal changes during menstruation or during pregnancy are more or less temporary, therefore, the temperature drops caused by them are also temporary. However, any of the mentioned hormonal problems requires the most thorough diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
  6. Body temperature can drop in children and adolescents during periods of particularly intensive growth.

Attention! In violation of the body's thermoregulation system, not only the body temperature decreases, but also the temperature of all internal organs including the temperature of the brain and spinal cord.

What to do if the body temperature is low?

There is not the slightest doubt that if the body temperature is lowered for a long time, then it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. And even if the doctor insists that 35.8 ° C is still uncritical, but the person is frankly ill at the same time, then one should insist on prescribing all the necessary laboratory tests. clinical analyzes and surveys.

However, until it comes to the results of the tests, some steps to normalize the body temperature can be taken independently.

  1. Firstly It's no secret that stress or overwork can be the cause of hypothermia. That is why you should first give your body a proper rest. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to hide from everything that happens in life - it is enough to adjust the sleep pattern and establish proper nutrition.

    Concerning correct mode sleep, it should be understood that you need to sleep for at least eight hours, and you need to go to bed no later than eleven in the evening (preferably no later than ten). And about proper nutrition, probably absolutely everyone has the necessary knowledge, but for some reason they are in no hurry to put their knowledge into practice.

    We are talking about the obligatory breakfast, the dangers of snacking on the go, the dangers of eating fast food, the need to take into account everything in the menu. necessary components nutrition, about the dangers of fasting or overeating, about moderation - that is, we are talking about healthy eating.

    If the body is provided healthy sleep and healthy eating, then all reactions can normalize by themselves.

  2. Secondly , very useful procedure may become morning. Its undeniable advantages - metabolism is activated and thermoregulatory processes are activated.
  3. Thirdly , massage can be very useful, including the most common classic. If there are no contraindications, then a course of massage will certainly help to cheer up and help to establish thermoregulation processes.
  4. Fourth , in the absence of contraindications, you can take small amounts of sedatives natural remedies(20 drops of valerian tincture or 20 drops of motherwort).
  5. Fifth , you can contact your doctor with a request to consider taking vitamin E - such a course can strengthen blood vessels and improve cellular nutrition.
  6. At sixth , you need to reconsider your sedentary lifestyle and perform at least the minimum and most simple exercises during the day.
  7. Seventh , do not neglect hot coffee or tea. Chocolate (black) is very useful.

Attention! In case of hypothermia, any dietary restrictions should be abandoned, but overeating or abuse of fatty or sweet food and provide a healthy diet.


Considering the issue of low body temperature, of course, we can recall the Sleeping Beauty, and the fact that the lower the body temperature, the slower any organism ages ...

But the truth is completely different - only a healthy body ages more slowly!

Therefore, you should not console yourself with the fact that a temperature lowered by a degree is not as dangerous as an elevated temperature, but even a way to preserve youth. After all, we can talk about banal fatigue (and then it’s up to the small thing to sleep off and relax), but the problem may lie in very serious diseases, including cancerous tumors brain.

So jokes are inappropriate here, as, indeed, always when it comes to health, which cannot be bought for any money. But everyone knows very well that very often health depends on ourselves: all that is needed is that healthy lifestyle life.

Healthy sleep, healthy eating, regular physical exercise, positive emotions and lack of stressful situations, rejection bad habits(in fact, it would be better not to start) can provide healthy life for many years.

Cases where a person has a low body temperature, i.e. below normal, are much less common than elevated temperature. Many do not focus on this due attention, but this manifestation may indicate serious problems with the body, which must be addressed immediately.

What body temperature is considered low

A person has a thermoregulation center in the brain area, and with the slightest disturbance in its work, body temperature begins to change. It is impossible to determine exactly the lowered temperature in the same way for all people due to the individual characteristics of each organism.

The norm is considered to be a temperature of 36.4-36.8C. But doctors increase the range from 35.5C to 37C. Anything below or above this norm is already a deviation. The low temperature barrier can be raised by yourself at home. But if the problem lasts more than a day, it is better to go to a general practitioner for a definition. further action.

Lowering the temperature exposes the body to failures in the operation of all systems and threatens to disrupt normal exchange substances.

Aggravation chronic diseases can be manifested by a temperature of 35C. A decrease in temperature to 29.5 C leads to loss of consciousness, and with an indicator of 27.0 C, the patient falls into a coma.

Causes of low body temperature

Temperature 35.5 C - a person feels tired, cold, lethargic and drowsy, and the cause may be:

  • The presence of chronic diseases that have begun to progress. The help of a doctor will be required.
  • Regular overwork due to lack of sleep, constant worries, physical or mental stress.
  • Weakened immune system, which can be caused by a recent serious illness or dieting.
  • Lack of vitamin C in the body. Drinking hot tea with lemon, you need to know that this vitamin high temperature drink loses its properties.
  • Self-treatment. Many, having made their own diagnosis, begin to use the medicine at their discretion. Taking certain medications can lead to a drop in temperature.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • stressful situations. Their influence leads to a weakening of the immune system and malfunctions of most important systems organism.
  • Pregnancy, which changes hormonal background women.
  • In the area of ​​the hypothalamus (the center of thermoregulation), a tumor could appear, which leads to malfunctions in the brain, which leads to impaired heat transfer.
  • Low body temperature is observed more often in people who are bedridden. The reason is a weakened body.
  • Minor injuries in the head area can lead to a decrease in temperature (if the thermoregulatory center is affected).

The temperature in the body is maintained with the help of fats consumed in the form of food. Their processing gives heat transfer energy, and the lack leads to hypothermia (decrease temperature regime bodies).

What to do at low body temperature - 34,35,36

In case of frequent hypothermia, it is necessary to follow the following rules to activate the protective features of the body:

  • try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day;
  • go to bed no later than midnight;
  • getting rid of unhealthy habits (if any);
  • airing the room should take place at least 2 times a day;
  • Adoption contrast shower;
  • frequent walks to fresh air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • eat vegetables and fruits to replenish the body with vitamins;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • do physical exercises.

Boost immunity and raise vitality you can use a sweet delicacy consumed daily in 1 teaspoon, cooked at home.

For cooking you will need:

  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnut kernels and honey.

All ingredients (except honey) are crushed (stick to an approximate ratio of 1: 1). After the delicacy is poured with honey and taken daily before breakfast.

How to raise body temperature if it is low

Minor hypothermia can be corrected by the following methods:

An interesting method is considered to be the use of a stylus, which is in a pencil. To do this, break the pencil to get the core. Crush it and drink it with a small amount water. Helps for 2-3 hours.

During hypothermia, any restrictions that are required in diets are prohibited, but overeating will give an undesirable burden on a weakened body.

Even with slight drops in body temperature, you should not miss the problem by. The body is already signaling its failures. Try to find the cause and fix it. After all, it is much easier to cope with the disease at the initial stage.

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