Symptoms for which to consult a neurologist. Promotions and special offers. What laboratory tests can be prescribed by a neuropathologist

Neurology- a section in modern medicine dealing with the study of diseases of the nervous system - central and peripheral. A neurologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the nervous system, as well as prescribes preventive treatment.

The structure of the human nervous system includes:

  • Brain
  • Spinal cord
  • nerve bundles
  • Nerve plexuses
  • Nerve endings and fibers

  • The entire system is made up of nerve cells called neurons. If the work of neurons begins to fail, then inflammation occurs in the central nervous system (central nervous system), which can lead to serious problems for the whole organism as a whole.

    What does a neurologist treat?

    The list of diseases of the nervous system is quite wide and varied. Most often, these diseases are based on the following reasons:

  • Violation of the work of nerve cells and their surrounding connections
  • Infectious inflammation of the brain, spinal cord and nerve fibers
  • Non-infectious inflammation

  • The most common reason for visiting a neurologist is headache, and in particular migraine. This disease is characterized by severe pain in the temporal lobe of the head. Also, a neurologist is treated with the following diseases or symptoms:

  • Nervous tic - muscle contractions on the face, repeated at regular intervals.
  • Tremor - shaking fingers
  • Paralysis
  • Osteochondrosis - changes in the cartilage of the spine leading to pinched nerve endings
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Radiculitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Consequences of injuries of the skull and back
  • Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease
  • With frequent dizziness
  • with chronic fatigue
  • With fluctuations in blood pressure
  • With a sense of fear and anxiety

  • Unfortunately, this is not the whole list of diseases and symptoms, but only the most common ailments with which they turn to a neurologist.

    How much does it cost to see a neurologist?

    What are the symptoms to see a neurologist?

    It is important to know that disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system occur slowly and imperceptibly. For this reason, many people are not even aware of the serious danger of developing a particular disease, such as paralysis, psychosis, or intellectual impairment. In older people, the risk of developing various kinds of diseases associated with the nervous system increases significantly.

    If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your neurologist immediately:

  • Weekly migraine attacks accompanied by jumps in blood pressure, nausea and blurred vision
  • severe dizziness
  • Stiffness of body movement
  • Tremor of hands and feet
  • Brief loss of vision or consciousness
  • Unconscious seizures with convulsions
  • Pain along the spine
  • Increasing muscle weakness
  • Numbness of tissues, tingling or loss of sensation in certain areas
  • Memory impairment
  • Flushes of chills or heat
  • Chronic insomnia, or vice versa, constant drowsiness
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Panic attacks and depression
  • Disorder of smell and taste buds

  • To avoid various kinds of diseases of the nervous system, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the basic rules:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Refrain from the abuse of cigarettes and alcohol
  • Eat healthy food
  • Spend at least 2 hours outdoors a day
  • Do sport
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system

    Diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system implies a neurological examination of the patient, during which his consciousness, orientation in space, intelligence, sensitivity, reflexes, and so on are analyzed. Sometimes a neurological disease can be detected on the basis of clinical indicators, but most often you have to resort to various medical studies:

  • Computed tomography of the brain and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can detect neoplasms, hemorrhage and other foci of the disease in the patient's body.
  • Antiography and ultrasound can detect vascular disorders in the human body
  • Lumbar puncture, radiography and electroencephalography allow diagnosing diseases of the nervous system
  • Other diagnostic methods include biopsy and blood analysis.

  • Book an appointment with a neurologist

    Where to make an appointment with a neurologist in Moscow?

    In the multidisciplinary medical center "DoctorStolet" you can always book an appointment with a neurologist. Our medical center is located between the metro stations "Konkovo" and "Belyaevo" (South-West Administrative District of Moscow in the area of ​​the metro stations "Belyaevo", "Konkovo", Tyoply Stan, "Chertanovo", "Yasenevo", "Sevastopolskaya", "New Cheryomushki" "and" Trade Union "). Here you will find highly qualified staff and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Our customers will be pleasantly surprised by quite affordable prices.

    In modern times, such a disease as arthrosis occurs in people of a fairly young age (in the region of 20-25 years). In the increased development of the disease, experts blame poor ecology and not quite the right lifestyle.


    A large number of people do not at all attach importance to the primary symptoms that directly indicate the onset of the disease - arthrosis, and therefore do not even think about visiting and examining a doctor. This is a big omission, because such a disease, without treatment, can lead to disability, and with a perfect start, to a wheelchair.

    But sometimes the reasons for going to the doctor are far from a person’s laziness, but a simple lack of information about which doctor treats joints. Joints are treated by specialists of several categories, in each specific situation of the development of the disease, a doctor is required who deals with a specific problem.

    Symptoms that indicate the need to see a doctor

    Immediate medical attention requires the presence of certain symptoms:

    1. Discomfort in the joint area, gradually turning into constant, fairly severe pain.
    2. Sensation of sharp attacks of pain, with the inability to move the affected parts of the body.
    3. Swelling and redness of the skin, as well as a crunch in the joints: legs, arms or fingers.
    4. Shape change.

    Causes of joint pain:

    • Inflammatory processes in the body;
    • Infection through open wounds near the joint;
    • Injuries;
    • Metabolic disease.

    Which specialist treats joints

    Joint diseases have two types of development:

    1. Degenerative-dystrophic - in this case, the active nutrition of cartilage tissue is disrupted.
    2. Inflammatory - when serious inflammatory processes develop, including synovial membranes, cartilage, ligamentous apparatus.

    It is by the etiology and mechanism of the lesion that they determine which doctor should be consulted.


    A therapeutic profile doctor, works exclusively with the initial stages of diseases against the background of viral infections. If you find mild pain and increased fatigue of the joints due to stress, you should consult a rheumatologist. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary studies after he finds out the causes of pain in the joints of the arms and legs:

    • X-ray;
    • Rheumatic tests.

    Determine the presence or absence of viruses in the body. After carrying out all diagnostic measures, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, give recommendations for further treatment. The treatment of a rheumatologist is only conservative, with the use of intra-articular injections, physiotherapy, massage or exercise therapy. With more complicated stages of the disease, he will be able to refer you to the right specialist.


    When treatment with conservative methods does not bring results or the disease takes on a more complex form, then you should resort to the help of an orthopedic traumatologist. The doctor is engaged in surgical methods for restoring the functions of the joints. The main symptoms for contacting this specialist:

    1. Complete or partial destruction of the joint.
    2. Deformation up to a complete loss of motor ability.
    3. Pain is present all the time, even at night.

    An orthopedic traumatologist performs several types of surgical intervention:

    1. Organ-preserving operations (joint resection, arthroplasty, arthrodesis) - this type of intervention helps to eliminate pain, restore natural functions, while preserving as much of the patient's own tissue as possible;
    2. Endoprosthetics - this type of operation is performed in the most severe forms of arthrosis, with complete destruction of the joint. There is a complete replacement of the joint with a prosthesis to ensure full motor activity.

    Most often, prosthetics are performed on the knee and hip joints, restoring the normal course of life, avoiding the risk of disability.


    Naturally, few people go with joint pain for a consultation with a neurologist, but the role of this specialist is quite large in the treatment of pain, including pain in the joints of the arms, legs and fingers. There is a possibility of neurological causes of the development of the disease - pinching of the nerve by the spine or inflammation of the nerve ending, it is with such lesions that the neuropathologist will help to fight.


    A doctor of this profile can help with arthritis associated with metabolic disorders. After all, everyone knows that many diseases appear against the background of stress and malnutrition. Due to impaired metabolism, there is an active layering of salts on the joints, which quickly lose elasticity and are at risk of impaired functionality. An endocrinologist will help restore metabolic processes in the body and prevent the development of arthritis.

    Which doctor treats osteochondrosis

    To determine which doctor treats the joints of the spine, you need to know some features.

    Osteochondrosis is a pathological change in the spine. The development of the disease has two factors:

    1. Bone and cartilage tissues of the vertebrae change.
    2. Inflammation and pinching of the roots of the spine.

    Therefore, the treatment of this disease is carried out by doctors of two specialties:

    1. Orthopedist - prescribes treatment to restore the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, and also treats osteoporosis of bone tissues;
    2. Neurologist - deals with the treatment of osteochondrosis, the cause of which is the infringement of the spinal roots. Determines the exact location of the development of the disease.

    When spinal lesions require surgical interventions, this task falls on the shoulders of neurosurgeons.

    From the foregoing, it becomes clear which doctor treats joints.

    Some diseases of the joints and which doctor treats them

    Some diseases of the joints, their types, symptoms and which doctor treats:

    1. Bursitis is an inflammation of the articular sac, followed by accumulation of fluid. Bursitis is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and redness of the inflamed area. The most common is bursitis of the knee and elbow joint. With bursitis, first of all, you need to consult a rheumatologist or orthopedic doctor;
    2. Baker's cyst of the knee joint is a watery formation, the cyst is localized only under the kneecap. The disease was discovered by Dr. W. Baker, named after him. Baker's cyst is accompanied by pain in the knee area and swelling. The treatment of Becker's cysts is handled by a traumatologist and orthopedist. In some cases, therapists and rheumatologists can diagnose this disease;
    3. Synovitis is an inflammation process localized inside the synovium of the knee or elbow. It manifests itself in the form of severe swelling, rarely painful. Synovitis often affects the elbow and knee joints. Basically, a person is referred to a surgeon, but in some cases the victim immediately goes to see a traumatologist;
    4. Gonarthrosis of the knee joints is a complete decomposition of the cartilage tissue of the joints of a non-inflammatory nature. Gonarthrosis is accompanied by pain in the knee when walking. The patient can be referred to an orthopedic traumatologist, a rheumatologist, and in milder cases of arthrosis, even to a general practitioner.

    At the slightest suspicion of the presence of these diseases, it is urgently necessary to seek help from a professional specialist!

    Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: how to cure the disease, drugs for treatment

    Ankylosing spondylitis or Bechterew's disease is a systemic chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissues. As a rule, it affects the ligaments of the spine, peripheral joints and internal organs (kidneys, aorta, heart).

    Often, the course of the disease is progressive, while due to calcification of the spinal ligaments, the formation of syndesmophytes and ankylosing of the apophyseal joints, the mobility of the spine is limited.

    By the way, Bechterew's disease is the main form of seronegative spondyloarthritis. For the first time, a clinical description of this pathology was made by a scientist living in Russia - V. M. Bekhterev. The neurologist made ankylosing spondylitis an independent nosological unit.

    The peculiarity of the disease is chronic ankylosing inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine. Ankylosing spondylitis is common in different countries from 0.1 to 0.8%. Moreover, in relatives of patients who are carriers of HLA-B27, such a pathology is observed 8-10 times more often, and the incidence is 2-6 per 10,000 people.

    The disease usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 40. However, in 10% of cases, it develops in children and adolescents aged 10 to 15 years. It should also be noted that men suffer from this disease more often than women (6-9 times).

    The factors influencing the onset of Bechterew's disease have not been fully established. But the most valid reasons are:

    • supporting and trigger function of infectious causes (mycoplasmas, chlamydia, streptococci);
    • damage to the bones of the pelvis or spine;
    • seropositivity for HLA-B27 20 times increases the likelihood of ankylosing spondylitis;
    • hypothermia;
    • heredity (the chance of developing the disease is 16 times greater in HLA-B27-positive relatives than among HLA-B27-negative individuals);
    • hormonal changes;
    • chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system.


    The principles of therapy for ankylosing spondylitis are similar to the treatment of other rheumatic pathologies - timeliness, consistency, complexity, all drugs and their dosage are selected individually, etc. But the treatment of the disease has its own specifics:

    1. activation of immune processes;
    2. restoration and subsequent preservation of the functionality of the joints and spine;
    3. elimination of factors of occurrence or exacerbation of the disease;
    4. reduction or absolute prevention of hypertension of the longitudinal muscles of the back;
    5. the use of antirheumatic drugs (drugs eliminate inflammation and eliminate deformity of the joints and spines).

    To know how to treat Bechterew's disease, you first need to find out the causes of its occurrence. Mental and physical overstrain and even a common cold can contribute to its occurrence. Very often, the disease worsens after infection of the body, because of this, during the flu epidemic, in autumn and spring, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Sulfasalazine.

    No less significant procedures are the rehabilitation of infectious foci, such as recurrent prostatitis of non-gonococcal origin, urethritis, pharyngitis, and chronic tonsillitis. To reduce pain and stiffness of movements, the doctor prescribes NSAIDs (Sulfasalazine).

    NSAIDs have a pronounced analgesic effect in patients with central and peripheral ankylosing spondylitis. In the case of long-term therapy with NSAIDs, in which Sulfasalazine and non-selective COX inhibitors are taken, it is necessary to be aware of the possibility of complications such as dizziness and headache, allergies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes depression.

    Effective in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, which is in the active stage, is not only Sulfasalazine, but also Phenylbutazone, which allows you to control the main signs of the disease: stiffness, pain, swelling of the joints. But these drugs are taken only in some cases, because Phenylbutazone contributes to the occurrence of severe side effects.

    Corticosteroids in the treatment of Bechterew's disease, as a rule, are not prescribed. Only in some cases is prescribed Prednisolone with an average dosage if Sulfasalazine and other anti-inflammatory drugs have been ineffective.

    In case of damage to peripheral joints, excluding the hip joints, Sulfasalazine is prescribed together with intra-articular injections of Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Metipred, Kenalog. Systemic use of GCS is prescribed for Bechterew's disease in such cases:

    • polyarticular type of lesion;
    • the presence of systemic symptoms;
    • stable coxite;
    • severe peripheral arthritis with functional inferiority of the joints;
    • increased rates of acute phase signs for 3 months or more;
    • acute phase of ankylosing spondylitis, which lasts more than 3 months with resistance to other types of treatment.

    If the disease is torpid, the doctor may prescribe pulse therapy. A severe form of pathology with visceritis and fever, if there is no possibility of using glucocorticosteroids, is treated with anti-osteoporotic drugs (fosamax, myocalcic). As a rule, these agents have a local effect on structures in the area of ​​attachment of joint capsules, tendons and ligaments.

    Moreover, good results in the treatment of Bechterew's disease, as well as Sulfasalazine, were shown by biological agents: etanercept (recombinant human TNF-a receptors) and infliximab (monoclonal chimeric antibodies to TNF-s). Such drugs are effective in severe Bechterew's disease, they are resistant to other methods.

    When treated with biological agents, there is a slowdown in the development of damage to the sacroiliac joints of the spine and peripheral arthritis. But these medicines should not be used if the patient has severe infections (abscesses, sepsis, tuberculosis) and those who have heart failure.

    When inflammation is reduced, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are used. Radon baths and thermal procedures (sauna, paraffin, mud, ozocerite) are very effective, all this makes the prognosis for the life of Bechterav's disease positive.

    Therapeutic exercise is very important in Bechterew's disease. Exercise should be done regularly - in the morning and evening. Gymnastics should be done half an hour after Sulfasalazine and analgesics were taken, when the pain subsides and the spine becomes more mobile.

    During exercise therapy, it is extremely important to monitor your posture. And in order to prevent the appearance of muscle atrophy, stiffness of the spine and contracture, inductotherapy is prescribed, including magnetotherapy, Bernard currents, diadynamic currents and ultrasound.

    Their use is limited by the level of inflammation activity, since in the case of severe inflammatory processes, physiotherapy is contraindicated due to the possible occurrence of an exacerbation.

    When ankylosing spondylitis is in remission, mud therapy and balneotherapy have a very positive effect.

    Today, laser therapy is actively used in the treatment of Bechterew's disease. X-rays have an anti-inflammatory direct effect on the affected tissues, as a result of which lymphatic and vascular exudation is activated and the permeability of capillary membranes increases.

    In addition, the rays act on the ganglia of the vertebral nerves, causing their excitation and subsequent inhibition of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, blood circulation improves and pain decreases.

    If conservative treatment was not effective enough and when the ultrasound shows that the thickness of the synovial membrane is more than 4 mm, surgical intervention is used - synovectomy.

    If there is ankylosis, in particular of the hip joints, arthroplasty is performed, that is, the replacement of the joint with a metal prosthesis. And to correct spinal deformity when kyphosis progresses, spinal osteotomy is used.

    The parameters of the effectiveness of therapy are to slow down the development of a lesion of the musculoskeletal system, confirmed by x-ray, a decrease or normalization of clinical and laboratory indicators of disease activity.

    How to cure ankylosing spondylitis with medication?

    Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis cannot be complete without the use of certain drugs. So, therapy involves the appointment of selective COX-2 inhibitors belonging to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs - Celecoxib (200 mg 2 times a day), Nimesulide (100 mg 2 times a day) and Meloxicam (15-22.5 mg 1 time per day).

    Sulfasalazine and non-selective NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids are also prescribed:

    • Indomethacin (150 mg per day);
    • Voltaren (100 mg);
    • Butadione (600 mg);
    • Prednisolone (20 mg per day in small courses up to 3 months).

    Pulse therapy is also prescribed, including intravenous drip of 1000 mg of Methylprednisolone for 3 days.

    In addition, with Bechterew's disease, the doctor often prescribes immunosuppressive drugs:

    • Cyclophosphamide (up to 100 mg per day);
    • Azathioprine (up to 100 mg per day);
    • Chlorbutin (up to 10 mg per day);
    • Methotrexate (up to 15 mg per week).

    Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis at home

    Therapy for ankylosing spondylitis often involves home activities. But you can't refuse medical advice. If the doctor insists on hospitalization, then you should follow his advice, because the acute form of the disease must be treated in a hospital.

    When the inflammatory processes decrease, the patient is discharged. But the treatment should not stop, it just continues at home, since often the therapy is lifelong.

    Also, do not forget about physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. It is recommended to carry out light gymnastics for half an hour 1-2 times a day and conduct kinesitherapy. When the disease is in remission, it is useful to engage in skiing and swimming.

    In addition, in order to prevent atrophy of the leg muscles, they need to be constantly trained and massaged. And in order to prevent deformation of the spine, the patient needs to sleep on a hard bed, while the pillow should be small.

    The main goal of dispensary observation of this category of patients is to prevent exacerbation, establish indications for treatment in a sanatorium or re-hospitalization, and preserve or restore the functions of the vertebra and joints.

    Sanitary-resort therapy is the basic method of treating Bechterew's disease as a prevention of disability, reduction of pain, reduction of the progression of inflammation and improvement of motor functions of the spine.

    People suffering from ankylosing spondylitis are prescribed spa therapy every year in spring and summer, thanks to which medical treatment is not needed for half a year. Most useful are radon and hydrogen sulfide baths and mud applications in the sanatoriums of Tskhaltubo, Odessa, Pyatigorsk, Evpatoria and Sak.

    In addition to healing baths, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are often used at resorts.


    Ankylosing spondylitis proceeds for a long time, slowly moving from one phase to another, and various complications may occur. Therefore, in addition to drug therapy, in which Sulfasalazine is taken, treatment with folk remedies is actively used.

    So, in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, the following recipes have proven themselves well:

    10 gm of aconite roots is poured into 100 gm of alcohol (60%), after which the tincture must be infused for 14 days, shaking the bottle from time to time. After 2 weeks, the remedy is filtered, and then it is rubbed into the diseased joint. The course of therapy is 21 days, after which a monthly break is made, and then the treatment is repeated.

    Kirkazon, wild rosemary, gout, sweet clover, rue, alder, strawberry, speedwell, currant, cinquefoil, pine, elm, loboda, birch and dandelion are combined in equal parts. 300 mg of the herbal mixture is poured into a cotton bag, and then it is dipped in 5 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. The decoction is poured into a bath, which must be taken 2 times in 7 days for 9 weeks during remission.

    20 gm tamus root is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The agent is rubbed into the spine in the evening hours for 14 days.

    What does a neurologist treat and when to contact him: a useful educational program

    What does a neurologist treat? A neurologist, or, in the old way, a neuropathologist, is a specialist in diseases and traumatic injuries of the nervous system - central (the brain and spinal cord and membranes that protect the brain) and peripheral (all nerves responsible for communicating all organs and tissues of the human body with the brain). It can be said in another way - a neurologist deals with disorders of the somatic and autonomic nervous system.

    The somatic nervous system is a part of the human nervous system, which includes areas of the central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) nervous system responsible for the coordinated work of those actions that we can consciously control - the activity of skeletal muscles, sensory organs.

    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) also consists of certain areas of the CNS and PNS, but it has other functions - it controls the coordinated activity of organs and systems, which proceeds independently of our will.

    What are

    Neurologists are:

    • for children - doctors who treat diseases of the nervous system in children;
    • manual therapists - treating neurological disorders using manual techniques;
    • treating diseases of certain organs and systems:
      • otoneurologist - a specialist in neurological hearing impairment;
      • angioneurologist - deals with problems of cerebral blood supply;
      • vegetoneurologist - a doctor who treats diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
      • neurologist-somnologist - a specialist in various sleep disorders.

    Neurologists treat only those disorders that do not require surgery. Surgical diseases of the nervous system are dealt with by other doctors: neurosurgeons and vertebroneurologists - specialists in neurological disorders caused by diseases and injuries of the spine.

    A neurologist takes a long time to study his profession: in order to master the specialty, the future doctor first comprehends the general course of medical sciences at a university for six years, after which he studies his specialty in an internship residency for another 1-2 years.

    A neurologist's consultation can be obtained both free of charge - in a state medical institution, and for a fee - in a private clinic.

    What diseases does a neurologist treat?

    Here is an incomplete list of diseases treated by a neurologist:

    A pediatric neurologist, in addition, deals with the treatment and correction of impaired functions:

    • with a lag in mental and physical development of a neurological nature;
    • with congenital anomalies in the development of the spine and skull;
    • with cerebral palsy.

    Rehabilitation after injuries, surgical interventions, serious illnesses affecting the nervous system is also carried out under the supervision of a neurologist.

    For treatment, the neurologist prescribes medications (including in the form of blockades - anesthetic injections into the muscles, peripheral nerves, epidural space in order to treat neurological pain), physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises.

    When is it necessary to consult a neurologist?

    An appointment with a neurologist should be made if the following symptoms occur, which may indicate a neurological disease:

    A neurologist should also be consulted for injuries to the head, neck, and back.

    Additional reasons to show the child's neurologist:

    • in infancy:
      • disproportionate increase in head size;
      • frequent causeless regurgitation;
      • incorrect positioning of the fingers when lifting to the feet;
    • at an older age:
      • causeless prolonged state of capriciousness, lethargy or, conversely, increased excitability;
      • stuttering;
      • recurring episodes of nosebleeds.

    Consultation of a pediatric neurologist is required for children of any age group if signs of a violation of physical or mental development are found. Healthy preschool children also need regular check-ups by a neurologist for preventive purposes.

    • diabetes;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • neoplasms of the central and peripheral nervous system;
    • some congenital diseases of the nervous system (for example, cerebral palsy);
    • progressive neurological diseases - parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis.

    How a neurologist diagnoses

    Diagnosis of neurological diseases includes neurological examination, laboratory and instrumental studies.

    Neurological examination

    The appointment of a neurologist begins with listening to the patient's complaints, collecting an anamnesis. After a conversation with the patient, an examination is carried out, which includes several stages.

    The scope of research is determined individually.

    Instrumental and laboratory research

    To establish a diagnosis, a neurologist can give direction to certain additional studies:

    • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
    • dopplerography to assess the state and functions of large vessels;
    • electromyography - the study of muscle function;
    • electrocardiography - the study of brain impulses for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

    To clarify the diagnosis, the neurologist may also refer the patient to other narrow specialists.

    Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is established. If a neurologist has identified or suspected a surgical disease of the nervous system, or conservative treatment has not brought satisfactory results, the patient is referred to a neurosurgeon.

    Important fact:
    Joint diseases and excess weight are always associated with each other. If you effectively reduce weight, then your health will improve. Moreover, this year it is much easier to reduce weight. After all, there was a tool that ...
    Says a famous doctor >>>

    Headaches, back pain, sleep problems, fatigue - each of us has faced such problems at least once in a lifetime. Many people prefer to take an analgesic pill and forget about the pain. Others, quite rightly, believe that it is impossible to ignore such symptoms, because they can talk about the development of a particular pathology. But often the question is, which doctor's consultation is really necessary - a neurologist or a neurologist?

    What does a neurologist do?

    A neurologist is a medical doctor with a degree in neurology. The main tasks of a neurologist are the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system.

    Such diseases include neuralgia, neuritis, vascular diseases, epilepsy, the consequences of injuries, tumor formations in the spinal cord and brain. If all such violations do not lead to the development of mental disorders, they are within the competence of a neurologist.

    What does a neurologist do?

    The term "neuropathologist" arose in the medical science of the Soviet period. Until the 80s of the last century, a neuropathologist was a doctor who graduated from one of the medical universities with a specialization in neurology.

    At present, the concept of “neuropathologist” is outdated and is practically not used during the training of specialists, as well as in educational and reference literature. In fact, such a definition of a specialist in the field of neurology can be considered erroneous. In the professional medical environment, it has been replaced by the term "neurologist".

    Clinical neurology deals with the study of the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, clinical picture of diseases of the nervous system, as well as the development of methods for the successful diagnosis, therapy and preventive measures of nervous pathologies.

    Thus, in our country, a neurologist and a neuropathologist are different names for the same specialist.

    What problems should be addressed to a neurologist?


    The main reason for the first visit to a neurologist is a headache or migraine. Periodically or regularly, up to 75% of the total population of the globe experience attacks of headaches.

    Such pains can be the result of vascular diseases, hormonal disruptions, psycho-emotional stress, atherosclerosis, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

    The specialist's task is to determine the causes of headaches and choose the appropriate method of therapy depending on the underlying disease.

    Autonomic disorders

    The second actual problem of neurology is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic disorders of varying severity occur in 60% of people of different ages. They usually present with the following symptoms:

    • change in blood pressure;
    • heart rhythm failures;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • decreased performance, loss of concentration;
    • feelings of lack of air, dizziness;
    • increased sweating;
    • insomnia;
    • panic attacks;
    • irritability, depression.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    The field of activity of a neurologist also includes the following diseases of the spine and nerve endings:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • radiculitis;
    • herniated discs;
    • neuralgia;
    • consequences of traumatic lesions;
    • cerebrovascular accidents, strokes;
    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • tumor formations of the brain and spine;
    • infectious diseases that cause damage to the nervous system.

    In the Yusupov Hospital, patients with diseases of the nervous system are provided with a full range of medical services - outpatient care, inpatient treatment, diagnostics and rehabilitation. Doctors also deal with the prevention of neurological diseases. In the neurology clinic, patients are treated by professors and doctors of the highest category, who have extensive experience in neurology and regularly improve their skills.

    PhDs and MDs are leading experts in the field of neurology. They are engaged in medical and scientific work. For the treatment of patients, author's methods are used, the results of studies that are performed at the Yusupov Hospital.

    The neurology clinic is equipped with high-tech diagnostic equipment from leading companies in Europe, Japan and the USA. Patients can undergo the most complex examinations in partner clinics. Neurologists individually approach the treatment of each patient. They prescribe complex treatment with new effective drugs that have a minimal range of side effects. The most difficult cases are discussed at the Expert Council.

    What diseases does a neurologist treat?

    Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital treat patients with pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system. Diseases are manifested by paralysis, loss of temperature, pain, tactile sensitivity, convulsions or mental health disorders. The competence of neurologists includes the following conditions:

    • headache;
    • epileptic seizures;
    • disturbances of consciousness;
    • back pain;
    • head and spine injuries.

    Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital treat the following diseases:

    • Parkinson's disease - a demyelinating disease in which movements slow down, muscle tone increases, tremor appears;
    • transient disorders of cerebral circulation, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
    • sciatica - neuritis of the sciatic nerve, manifested by acute pain in the lumbar region and sacrum;
    • meningitis - inflammation of the meningeal membrane of the spinal cord;
    • myasthenia - a genetic disease, in the presence of which muscle weakness and pathological fatigue progresses;
    • myelitis - inflammation of the spinal cord of an infectious origin;
    • muscular dystrophy is a degenerative disease caused by damage to skeletal muscle fibers.

    The doctors of the neurology clinic of the Yusupov hospital treat all diseases of the nervous system.

    What does a neurologist do at the appointment

    At the appointment, a neurologist examines patients, first the doctor collects an anamnesis and finds out the circumstances of the disease or injury. If the patient finds it difficult to answer questions, the neurologist receives the necessary information from relatives or accompanying persons. It reveals violations of consciousness, speech, motor activity.

    After that, the neurologist conducts an external examination of the patient. During the examination, facial asymmetry, tremor, paralysis can be detected. By squeezing the hand, the strength of the muscles of the limb is checked (in the presence of neurological pathology, it can be reduced on one side).

    The neurologist conducts a study of reflexes (meningeal, pupillary, tendon (from the flexors and extensors), periosteal, as well as skin and mucous membranes). Tendon reflexes are tested by applying a short blow with a special hammer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendon of the desired muscle.

    There are the following types of reflexes from the mucous membranes:

    • palatine (when touching the mucous membrane of the palate, it tightens;
    • pharyngeal (impact on the mucous membrane of the pharynx provokes a swallowing movement);
    • corneal (eyelids close when touching the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye); anal (when the skin around the anus is tingled, the sphincter reflexively contracts).

    Skin reflexes are tested by irritating the skin with an object. As a result, local muscle contraction occurs. The following skin reflexes are distinguished:

    • abdominal - in response to the rapid movements of the handle of the neurological malleus over the skin of the abdomen, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles contract;
    • the plantar reflex is manifested by the toes when exposed to the skin of the foot;
    • cremasteric - when exposed to the skin of the inner side of the thigh, the testicle is pulled up.

    Applying test tubes filled with water of different temperatures to the patient's skin, the neurologist checks the surface temperature sensitivity. In order to determine pain sensitivity, the doctor conducts a slight tingling of the skin with a needle. Sensitivity to tactile stimuli is studied with the help of a brush, cotton wool, piece of soft tissue, brush, cotton wool.

    What does the neurologist do next? He studies deep sensitivity. In order to explore a deep muscular-articular feeling, it makes passive movements in various joints of the body of the subject. The doctor looks to see if the patient can explain what movements were performed. In order to test the feeling of pressure, objects of various weights are placed on the skin. Normally, a person feels pressure up to 0.02 g on the inner surface of the forearm and palmar surface of the hand.

    The next stage of the neurological examination is the study of complex (combined) sensitivity. The neurologist checks the sense of coordination, localization, coordination, the ability to reproduce graphic symbols "drawn" by a blunt object on the skin.

    Then he proceeds to the study of the functions of the cerebellum. The neurologist at the appointment checks the stability in the Romberg position, conducts a finger-nose test. A test for diadochokinesis is also performed. In a standing position with the patient's eyes closed, they are asked to rotate the hands in different directions. In the presence of an organic lesion of the cerebellum, the movements will be more sweeping on one side. The heel-knee test consists in the fact that the patient, lying on his back, touches the heel of one leg to the knee on the opposite lower limb. When conducting a pointing test, the patient must touch the tip of the doctor's neurological hammer with his index finger.

    Additional examination methods

    To conduct differential diagnosis and verify the diagnosis, the neurologist prescribes instrumental and laboratory tests. Some of them are performed on an outpatient basis, while others are performed on an inpatient basis.

    In the presence of diseases of the brain and spinal cord, injuries of the head, spine and other neurological diseases, X-ray methods of examination are used. With the help of a craniogram (roentgenogram of the skull), congenital defects of the bones of the skull, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, fractures or dystrophic changes in the bones of the skull are detected. X-rays show changes characteristic of neoplasms of the brain and increased intracranial pressure. Radiography of the spine allows you to identify malformations of the spine, traumatic injuries and changes in the vertebral bodies in their tuberculous lesions.

    Radiopaque methods of research include ventriculography and contrast myelography. Angiography is a valuable examination method that allows obtaining an image of the cerebral vessels after the introduction of a radiopaque substance. With the help of this diagnostic method, the localization of the pathological focus is clarified, its nature and character are clarified. X-rays show images of veins, arteries, venous sinuses.

    Computed tomography is a research method that allows you to see accurate and detailed slightest changes in the density of brain tissue. Neuroimaging methods include magnetic resonance imaging.

    Electroencephalography is a method of recording brain biocurrents. They are recorded on paper or on the screen of a cathode ray tube. Analysis of the electroencephalogram allows neurologists to identify waves that differ in frequency, shape, amplitude, regularity and severity to external stimuli. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor receives information about changes in the vessels of the brain.

    Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital prescribe clinical and biochemical tests to patients. Laboratory assistants use the most accurate reagents for research. If indicated, a genetic examination is carried out.

    Make an appointment with a neurologist by phone. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests and additional examinations. After receiving their results, after making the final diagnosis, he will prescribe individual treatment.


    • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
    • Yusupov hospital
    • "Diagnostics". - Brief Medical Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.
    • "Clinical evaluation of the results of laboratory studies" / / G. I. Nazarenko, A. A. Kishkun. Moscow, 2005
    • Clinical laboratory analytics. Fundamentals of clinical laboratory analysis V.V. Menshikov, 2002.

    Prices for diagnostic tests by a neurologist

    *The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

    *The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

    I suffered from chronic pain for 8 months, in the clinic and hospital they dismissed or made vague diagnoses, despite all the information that I provided ... Viktor Anatolyevich is a doctor who accurately diagnosed my problem in the shortest possible time. The professional skills of such a highly qualified specialist are what I have been critically lacking for a long time. Many thanks to the doctor and all the staff of the clinic!

    Maklashin B.

    I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Khislavskaya Elena Vladimirovna! Long and painful trips to the district clinic and the consultation center of the Kalininsky district led to nothing, none of the doctors could make an accurate diagnosis, they did not find anything, they just shrugged, and some of them were sent to a psychotherapist. I got worse and worse. As the last hope was this clinic, I got to Elena Vladimirovna. She was so attentive to my problem, correctly diagnosed (Tittze's syndrome), prescribed treatment, and slowly I began to get out. I believe that only her sensitive attitude to the person, the desire to understand gave the result. Since the disease was started, the treatment was for 2 months and then even after discharge, recovery. Yes, it costs money, but taking into account the fact that going through compulsory medical insurance and even paid specialists from other clinics did not bring results, it is definitely worth it. I was returned to a normal life, than it can be measured! I want to say special thanks to the orthopedist Rustam Fanilievich, he did the blockade, very carefully and accurately. I also express my deep gratitude to the masseur Gubernatorov Sergey Nikolaevich, he has golden hands. And to all the staff of the clinic for their friendly and sensitive attitude!

    Olga, St. Petersburg

    I express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic for the respectful and attentive attitude towards patients. I would like to separately thank such doctors as Soboleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kustova Marina Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, Chernov Andrey Alexandrovich for their professionalism, kindness of heart and great skill. It is a great happiness that such competent, skillful and talented, caring people work exactly where they are most needed. I wish prosperity and well-being to your clinic and the specialists who work in it.

    Kudryavtseva Natalya Pavlovna, 65 years old

    She underwent a course of treatment at the "Workshop of Health" and in particular with Stanislav Vladimirovich. I want to express my deep gratitude for the help rendered to me, for the golden hands. A very attentive and sensitive doctor, taking into account my diagnosis (hernias, protrusions, etc.), applied soft techniques and after each session my state of health improved and my life got better, I could not wait to see him so that he would alleviate my suffering. Stanislav Vladimirovich thank you very much, I will definitely recommend you to those who need the same help.


    She was treated by Lisina E.A. Very satisfied. She saved me from a nervous breakdown, healed me. Problems with the hip joints. She prescribed plasma therapy. I am very grateful to her. All clinic staff are polite and attentive. All medical staff are excellent workers. I am very grateful to all the staff of the Health Workshop. I also thank Alexander Sergeevich Kryukov, who immediately understood my condition and handed me over to E.A. Lisina.

    Kharevich Lyudmila Vladimirovna

    Doctor Kryukov Alexander Sergeevich. Thank you for your advice and treatment. Very competent, knowledgeable and caring doctor. Thank you!

    Pleskovskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna

    I would like to sincerely thank the entire team of the Health Workshop at 224B Moskovsky Ave. Absolutely everything: both doctors and administrators are very attentive and professional. I received the treatment that I wanted to receive. I will definitely apply again to maintain my current - very good condition - of the musculoskeletal system. I would especially like to thank the neurologist Lisina E.A., the hirudotherapist Lapin G.V., the chiropractor Daskovsky S.V. and physiotherapist Gvirdzhishvili D.T. It's just a pleasure to meet and work with them. Thank you!

    Alekseeva Yana Vladimirovna

    I want to thank Stanislav Vladimirovich for his professionalism, humanity and sensitive attention to patients. A huge thank you to this doctor! Stanislav Vladimirovich is simply a super-doctor, if only there were more such knowledgeable doctors.

    Larisa Ivleva

    Here is my saving circle - "Health Workshop": my legs do not walk, my back hurts, my head is ringing. I accidentally heard about this clinic on the radio and this is the second time I visit it. I enter and find myself in the kingdom of silence, peace and hope, if not cured, then at least improve my condition. Lovely, charming girls-consultants meet you with kind greetings. They patiently listen to your questions, fill out the necessary documents and escort you to the attending physician. During the waiting period, they offer to watch reference videos on TV, drink a cup of coffee or tea. And all fears behind! Thank you, dear friends. Without your well-coordinated work, attentive, friendly attitude towards the patient, there would not have been such an effect from the visit. And here is the first meeting with the doctor. I was lucky and I think others are as well. I met a real magician who, with just one word, gave me the confidence that I needed to be treated. This is Egorov Vladimir Leonidovich. Who in our district polyclinics would talk to a patient for an hour? Nobody! And Vladimir Leonidovich listened to me carefully, explained the essence of the disease - osteoporosis of the spine, and then selected the necessary treatment for the same amount of time. I am grateful to you, dear doctor, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and wish you health and creative success. With the same wonderful doctors, professionals in their field, very kind and attentive, I talked during the procedures. These are Alekhintseva Svetlana Evgenievna, Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nuriyevna, exercise therapy doctor and, of course, chiropractor Rakhmatov Tolmas Turaevich. This is a doctor from God. His warm hands do wonders. Thank you all for your conscientious work and respect for ordinary people. I want to say a special thank you to all the staff of the treatment room. The work of nurses and a nurse cannot be compared with anything in terms of difficulty and responsibility. And how sensitive, attentive and kind they all are... Forgive me, whom I didn't mention in my message. The whole team works just fine. Happy New Year to the entire team of the clinic! I wish you health, personal happiness, creative success, grateful patients.

    Kalinova A.V.

    Many thanks to Stanislav Daskovsky!!! Professional in his field with a capital letter!!! My entire spine is covered in numerous hernias and protrusions, for many years it was simply painful to walk. I went through six sessions of manual therapy and felt like a completely different person: the sharp pains were gone, my back really straightened up (I didn’t even think that I could bring the shoulder blades together again as in my youth), the lumbar region seemed to have a second wind. Take care of your hands Stanislav, they are not "simple" with you. Sincerely, Alexey Seregin.


    I want to say a big thank you to all the employees of the clinic "Health Workshop" for their attentive attitude to patients. I especially want to note my doctor Khislavskaya E.V. and manual therapist Kabailov A.A. I came to the clinic with acute pain in the groin and lower back. After complex treatment I feel much better. Thank you!

    Grigoryeva Elena Leonidovna, 62 years old

    I thank all the medical staff for their attention, kindness and competence. I am very grateful to everyone.

    Khaygonina Lyubov Fedorovna

    I thank you for your kind consideration. Special thanks to Elena Vladimirovna Khislavskaya and Angel Ankhelivich Kabailov.

    Sosedova Lidia Eduardovna

    I want to express my gratitude to your staff for the ability to organize attention and care for the patient.

    Excellent doctors Shkarupa A.A., Kryzhanovsky A.A., Paronko S.N. Thank you very much!

    Vasilyeva M.G.

    Thank you all for the warm welcome, professionalism and help.

    I wish you all a Happy New Year!

    Oblapenko Mira Pavlovna, 81 years old

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