Lessons of phased drawing with a pencil. Drawing lessons with a simple pencil. Draw a portrait of a person with a pencil

In order for a portrait of a person to have the maximum resemblance to the depicted person, first of all, you need to correctly draw his eyes. In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a person's eyes in stages with a simple pencil.

If you are going to draw someone's portrait, even with a simple pencil, get ready for the fact that you will have to make several sketches and ruin a lot of sheets of paper.

On New Year's Eve, the drawing of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden becomes very relevant. I hope this step-by-step lesson in the technique of a simple pencil will help you draw Santa Claus correctly.

When drawing a portrait, it is often enough just to correctly draw the eyes, lips and nose, and a certain similarity of the posing person will appear.

The nose of each person has unique features, so it is impossible to give accurate advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man.

Drawing a hand is not difficult at all, especially life-size. To do this, just draw around the contours of your hand with a pencil.

Do not complicate the drawing of comic characters. The image of the figure and face of people should be without much detail, almost schematic, slightly in a cartoonish, comic tone.

If you know how to draw a human face, then drawing a mermaid will not be difficult, because instead of legs, a mermaid has a fishtail.

The eyes of the girls, drawn in anime style, are unnaturally large, with long eyelashes and huge black pupils.

The lesson on how to draw a cartoon character Sonic is designed for very young children. The lesson is made with a simple pencil, but you can draw with felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Drawing Winnie the Pooh in stages is not difficult at all and the picture of Winnie the Pooh will definitely turn out well.

This drawing of Spider-Man is done with a simple pencil, but you can draw it with felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

If you draw Iron Man in stages with a pencil, you will definitely get a beautiful picture of this hero. To make Iron Man more spectacular, be sure to color the drawing.

This manga style drawing is done in pencil, but there is almost the same color drawing on the site, done on a graphics tablet.

The hero of this lesson was the character of the famous cartoon about Pokemon. The drawing is made step by step, so even small children can handle this task.

Since Patrick is a starfish, the shape of his body resembles a five-pointed star. This lesson is intended for the youngest visitors to the site.

Another lesson is for children. I hope it will not be difficult to draw SpongeBob even for small children who are just starting to learn how to draw.

This doll looks more like a little princess with a high collar and lots of lace on her dress.

There are many Smeshariki and they all look alike, because their body resembles a ball or a ball. Try to draw Smesharik Krosh in stages with a pencil.

Smesharik the Hedgehog differs from Smeshariki Krosh only in that you need to draw needles along the contour of his body.

In this lesson we will draw a chimpanzee monkey step by step. If you need a drawing of a different species of monkey, you can draw it from a photograph.

Try to draw this graceful cat called jaguar. Of course, such a "cat" as the Jaguar only looks like a domestic cat and hunts not for mice, but for artiodactyls.

If you like to draw animals, be sure to draw this cute and cute Koala bear in stages with a pencil.

The bear in children's drawings has a friendly and peaceful character. In the wild, it is a dangerous and aggressive animal.

The fox looks like a dog, but in addition to a lush tail, the original bright red color of the fur has a number of other differences, for example, a narrow and long muzzle.

An elephant is very easy to draw. You will be convinced of this if you try to draw an elephant with me in stages with a simple pencil.

If you tried to draw a snake and a bird, then drawing a dragon will not be difficult for you. A drawing of a dragon made in black and white pencil does not even need to be painted.

When drawing a camel, be sure to draw the surrounding desert landscape. It's easy to draw sand and a bright sun, but you get a real picture.

The drawing of the spider does not have to be painted. It is quite enough to shade the spider with a simple pencil, and for realism, draw a web around the spider.

The snake inspires panic fear in many, since some snakes are very poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the reptile family, using poison for self-defense.

Drawing for children with a simple pencil is best done in stages, at first outlining only the general contours of the frog. And then, step by step, draw the whole picture.

The most difficult thing to draw a bee is transparent wings with veins. I think with the help of this lesson you can easily cope with it.

A black and white drawing of an ant made with a simple pencil will look quite realistic.

The main thing is to correctly draw a long and narrow muzzle of a hedgehog. Numerous hedgehog needles are easy to draw. To make the hedgehog look more realistic, draw nearby mushrooms or fallen apples that the hedgehog picks in the fall.

What only unusual animals are not on our planet. The panda bear is an extraordinarily beautiful and unique animal that lives only in China.

Draw a crocodile with an open mouth. So it will be easier for you to express in the drawing the ferocious and predatory nature of this most ancient creature of our planet.

A squirrel can be drawn "from life", because in any park you can meet this wonderful animal and even feed it from your hand.

No one knows exactly what a dinosaur looked like. It may have looked exactly like the picture.

Outwardly, the scorpion is somewhat reminiscent of cancer, only the claws of the scorpion are smaller, and on the edge of the tail there is a dangerous poisonous sting.

Think you can't draw such a beautiful dragonfly as in my drawing? And you try. The main thing is to take a sharper pencil so that the lines are thin and clear.

All dogs are similar to each other and at the same time no two dogs are the same. Let's draw a very cute and good-natured St. Bernard dog rescuing people caught in snow avalanches.

Many children keep hamsters at home, funny and cute animals. Take a piece of paper and a simple pencil and let's try to draw your pet step by step.

If you need to draw a pony, this cute little horse, then this lesson will help you do it step by step.

The donkey is very similar to a pony, but why does he need such long ears? However, it doesn't matter. It is only important that you can draw a donkey correctly and beautifully with the help of this lesson.

Beginning artists draw the horse's hind legs in the same way as the front. Don't make this standard mistake. Look carefully, the horse's hind legs are bent backwards.

I really like this assignment lesson. It is very simple, and at the same time allows any person to accurately draw a horse's head.

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a rabbit in stages with a simple pencil. With the help of simple steps, you can quickly and easily draw a rabbit, try it.

Drawing a kitten is exciting, especially when the drawing "succeeds". Try to draw a kitten step by step according to this lesson.

Do you need to draw mushrooms? Then take this lesson. Step by step, you will draw the most popular white mushroom among mushroom pickers.

The maple leaf is very beautiful, especially in autumn when it changes its green color to shades of yellow and red.

This lesson is quite simple, you just need to correctly draw the "house" of the snail. To make the snail drawing more realistic, also draw a leaf of grapes.

What kind of patterns does not happen on the wings of a butterfly. The wings of even an ordinary cabbage butterfly are like an artist's palette with multi-colored spots of paint.

It is not difficult to draw a sea landscape, it is much more difficult to convey the depth of color, breaking sea waves against the rocks.

Often we do not notice what surrounds us and what we cannot live without. Trees and plants are the basis of our nature. Protect the environment!

Flowers, green grass, tree leaves not only purify our air from harmful impurities, but also decorate our lives. Look around with "other" eyes and you will understand how carefully we need to treat our nature.

You may need a drawing of a Christmas tree closer to the New Year. In addition to drawing a festive tree, the site has a lesson on how to draw Santa Claus.

There are no identical snowflakes, so you can come up with any shape of a snowflake, the main thing is that its "rays" are absolutely symmetrical.

A ladybug must be painted with colored pencils or paints, or even better, draw it against the background of the nature surrounding it: green leaves, bright flower buds.

Against the backdrop of space darkness, the Shuttle will look especially impressive. This spacecraft can turn into a plane and, after descending from orbit, will land on its own on Earth.

Helicopters, like airplanes, are civil and military. In this lesson, you will be able to draw the most common brand of civil helicopter in our country in stages.

Drawing a military aircraft you will definitely turn out beautiful if you can draw the wings correctly and symmetrically.

Drawing of an English military fighter from the Second World War. The lesson is made with a simple pencil.

Drawing a car will be much easier for you if you do it in stages. First you need to mark up the body, and then, step by step, finish drawing other parts of the car.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction in artistic creativity, which was well owned and mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly executed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw in a similar way? Yes, you certainly may! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this direction.
  2. The next important issue that we will focus on is the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let's complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking of the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot but recall the ordinary pencil. Who among us is not familiar with him and did not hold him in his hands. All of us have been good at it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems that it’s so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of application of the pencil is huge, and you can use it in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another - lays them on the map the route of a round-the-world trip. And the third writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

That's how easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And the pictures drawn with a pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. Therefore, their possibilities are endless. Drawn with a simple pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. And small children are interested in looking at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display such beautiful pictures as a status or give them to their friend.
  • They can be copied or it is easy to learn how to perform (copy) yourself.
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can look like photographs.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing is incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page in social networks, but also the morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Drawing options for simple images

The biggest secret to why pencil drawings are fun, original, and eye-catching is that they look like they're alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to speak or laugh or cry, and objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What revives them? Take a closer look, through light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought over not only the accuracy of the lines that convey the image and silhouette, he paid special attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but almost material. What's this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves an apparent volume. Before us, as before, are simple black-and-white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you are right to visit us!

Step by step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw”, but how can you really do it if you have never studied it and it seems that there is no talent? The team of our site gives all its friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings in stages. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you accept our tips on how to master sketching, the technique of repetition. She's not complicated at all. Yes, and the result will please.

Drawing is an artistic skill that can be a lot of fun once you master it and can even turn into an amazing hobby over time. It may seem to you that in order to learn how to draw well, you need to attend professional lessons, but this is not so. By simply drawing for your own pleasure, you can save money and improve your skills. To learn how to draw without taking a class, sketch with short strokes, apply shadows, highlight individual shapes in objects of various shapes, and practice as much as possible.


Part 1

Initial sketches

    Select an object to draw from nature. If possible, find something meaningful for you, like your favorite flower or your dog. At the initial stage, you will most likely find it easier to draw from nature than from memory or imagination. Therefore, if you draw something that you like, it will help you concentrate.

    • If you're just trying to draw, you don't need special art supplies just yet. For work, any pen or pencil and paper at hand will do.
  1. Draw the general outline in short strokes. Lightly press the pencil onto the paper. Concentrate on the line you are drawing, forgetting about the object itself. If you are drawing a dog, forget about it. Instead, start drawing its outlines. They represent the boundaries between the dog's body and the environment. Draw these outlines with short strokes.

    • The shorter your strokes, the more accurate the sketch will be.
    • Don't criticize your work. Move quickly and sharpen your strokes as you go.
  2. Draw the details. As soon as a sketch of the object is ready in general terms, begin to draw its details. Try to identify distinguishing features or marks on the subject, for example, a chip on a cup or a tuft of fur on a dog, focusing on which you can place other nearby details in the drawing.

    Apply shadows. Applying shadows will be a little more difficult, but they allow you to reflect the play of chiaroscuro in the picture, and also create volume. See which side of the object is illuminated by the sun. Then take a sharpened pencil and evenly shade the penumbra. Once the pencil tip becomes dull, move on to shading the darker areas. To make the pencil leave darker strokes, press it harder.

    • You can practice applying shadows by drawing a smooth shadow scale. Start drawing the scale from the edge of the sheet. Move the pencil back and forth as you work. As you work, begin to press harder on the pencil to gradually make the strokes darker.
    • It is also useful to practice drawing a scale of achromatic colors. Divide the elongated rectangle into five sections. Leave the first section white. Paint the last section as dark as possible. In between these two sections (in the three central sections), distribute your strokes in such a way that you get transitional (from light to dark) shades of gray.
  3. Combine various geometric shapes into shapes. Learn how to make separate blocks from which the contours of the subject are formed. For example, a table can be represented as a set of rectangles and cylinders, and a snake as a series of circles. As soon as you learn how to distinguish individual geometric blocks in objects, you can even draw them from memory (without nature).

    • Spend some time looking closely at objects and trying to fit them into separate geometric shapes.
  4. Sketch the subject from different angles. Assemble the drawing object from various shapes. As you work on the sketch, erase the extra lines and draw the necessary lines so that the object in the drawing acquires the desired shape. When you have finished drawing this sketch, try drawing the same subject from other angles. For example, in profile, a horse's head may consist of a square nose, a circle of cheeks, and a triangle of ears, but the same head can be drawn from many other angles.

    • Return to these sketches later to improve the rest of your drawings.
  5. Draw the selected object again. The next time, correcting various mistakes on sketches from different angles, draw the object again. At first, you can even rely on prepared sketches. Compose an object from basic geometric shapes, then draw its details and correct possible errors. Once you have some experience, you can draw this object in various poses, even from memory.

    • It is perfectly acceptable to make some simplifications in the drawing, they can even become your individual style. For example, memorizing the location of each individual muscle on the body can take too long.

Part 3

Learning drawing techniques
  1. Learn about various drawing techniques. The local library should have books on various styles of drawing from realism to Japanese manga. Similar books are also available in bookstores. For free drawing ideas and demo tutorials, search "how to draw (subject)" on YouTube or on YouTube.

    • Anatomy books can also be a good source of information for realistic drawings. Learn from them to schematically draw the skeleton and muscles.
  2. Start working with additional materials. It's usually best to use one thing before you gain experience, such as pencil and paper. Then you can look for alternatives that you like better and help develop your own style, for example, start working with colored pencils or charcoal. In addition, even simple pencils come in different hardness, which allows you to expand the possibilities in applying shadows.

    • TM (HB) pencils are considered standard. T-grade (H) pencils are harder and are suitable for drawing light lines. M grade (B) pencils are softer and suitable for drawing darker lines.
    • The degree of hardness and softness of pencils is expressed as a number. For hard pencils (T or H), the highest hardness is expressed by a nine, and for soft pencils (M or B), a nine indicates the highest softness.
    • Vinyl and navy erasers won't damage paper like regular rubber erasers, but they won't erase colored pencils. Due to the plasticity of such erasers (they have a pasty consistency), they can be given any shape to accurately remove individual small details of a pencil sketch.
  3. Learn to imagine the drawing process itself. When you're not directly busy drawing, take a look around. Think about how you could reflect the environment in the drawing. For example, imagine how you apply shadows around the drawn eyes, draw pupils and irises. This way of thinking will allow you to think about working on the lines and creating your own style.

    • The goal is to learn to see details, not just general shapes. Instead of thinking about the eye itself, think about the lines and colors that will allow you to draw that eye.
  4. Practice. Drawing is in many ways similar to skills such as playing a musical instrument or riding a bicycle. As soon as you have free time, sit down and draw sketches. Practice applying shadows and using different drawing techniques. Work on sketching objects from different angles. In between drawing sessions, just spend time with the objects that interest you so you can learn more about them without overworking yourself.

  • Get in the habit of drawing every day. With this habit, it will be easier for you to force yourself to practice and you will improve your skills faster.
  • Do not be discouraged by the realization of the mistakes you have made. This perception stops many aspiring artists. Remember, even experienced artists continue to learn in the course of their work.
  • It will take time to master the exact coordination of hand movements. Keep practicing, apply short strokes to basic geometric shapes, and over time, the results will improve.
  • There is no need to purchase expensive art materials. For study, a notebook and simple pencils will be enough.
  • Developing the skill to isolate individual geometric shapes in objects also takes time, but this helps to make more accurate sketches.


  • Someone or even you yourself can try to talk yourself out of this venture. But do not listen to those who say that you have no talent. Drawing needs to be learned, and if you enjoy doing it, just keep working on yourself.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming an artist at least once? Especially in childhood, many of us wanted to learn how to draw beautifully, and maybe even paint real pictures. But, as often happens, dreams were shattered by a banal lack of skills. Either due to a change of interests, or because of ordinary laziness, many lacked the desire and patience to continue developing in this direction.

So how to learn to draw with a pencil for beginners?

Like any creative occupation, the art of drawing contains many subtleties and helps its owner not only to reveal his creative potential, but also to realize his worldview in a beautiful form. These subtleties will be discussed further.

Stages and principles of training

Often, in order to fully learn how to draw, they resort to phased learning and practice in drawing various compositions of different plans. There is quite a difference if you are, for example, trying to draw a person, or trying to realize a landscape on paper. That is why in this case it is very important to master the skills of drawing a variety of objects.

Another basic principle in teaching drawing is regularity. It is practice that is the decisive factor in the development of drawing skills. It would not be bad to make yourself a specific schedule for the week, according to which you could devote at least 20 minutes a day to this lesson. From this it follows that you also need to show some patience in such training.

What is needed to get started?

So, first of all, find yourself notebook with fairly large leaves. There should be at least 50 sheets. The second item in your preparation should be the choice pencil taste. There are a great variety of pencils, so in your case, the best choice is the one you are used to using. For example, it can be a pencil with a soft lead. Naturally, a little later, one way or another, you will have to buy the necessary pencils in order to improve the quality of your work.

Get yourself a calendar too. Where you will celebrate not only the schedule of classes, but also your successes. At first, you will have to force yourself to strictly follow the schedule, but over time it will become part of your lifestyle and will bring great pleasure.

Try to picture something on the first page. Don't worry about the high quality of the drawing. After a certain amount of time, you will open the notebook on the first page and be surprised at the difference between how it was and what changes have taken place.


Many people think that drawing is a skill that depends only on natural talent, so they easily find excuses for themselves in the format “not given” or “not working”. But the point is not only in talents, but also in acquired skills. A person who can draw well without knowing the basic principles is a rare exception. Every business needs to be learned. Therefore, further we will consider the basic laws and techniques of drawing.

There are 9 basic laws of drawing, having learned which you will learn how to draw at a fairly high level. Let's discuss them.

  • The law of perspective. Objects that the author wants to visually bring closer are distorted in such a way that one part of it seems closer than another part of it.
  • Location of items. Objects that are at the bottom of the sheet appear much closer than the rest.
  • size law. The object in the picture, which, according to the author's intention, should be located closer, should, accordingly, look larger than those that are further away.
  • overlap law. An object that is in front of another becomes visually closer to us.
  • Law of penumbra. The conditionally unlit part of the object, which is located on the opposite side of the light source, should be darker.
  • Shadow law. To make the drawn object seem voluminous, you need to add a casting shadow to it, also strictly on the back side of the light source.
  • The law of contours. It is necessary to accentuate the contours of rounded objects to give them depth.
  • Horizon law. The case when the horizon is drawn so that the depicted objects appear at different distances from the observer.
  • The law of density. To make it seem that objects are at different distances, it is also necessary to draw near objects in more detail and distant objects in less detail.

Using these 9 basic laws in practice, it will not be difficult for you to move to a new level in drawing.

Also, in order to avoid simple mistakes, a beginner needs to follow several important steps when creating a sketch of a drawing. Here they are:

Drawing from simple to complex

A more or less well-known fact is that a drawing is different for a drawing. First of all, it means that drawing a person is far from the same as drawing, say, a tree. Different things require different approaches for perfect performance. That is why we will further consider in detail the technique of drawing various compositions.

Do not immediately take on complex compositions. Because in the science of drawing, the attitude with which you start working is very important. If you immediately took up a complex drawing, but nothing worked out for you, then a bad mood is guaranteed to you. You may even lose the desire to pick up a pencil for good. Therefore, in our training, we will go from simple to complex, gradually learning new drawing techniques. Let's start simple.

Draw geometric shapes

Since it will take quite a long time to search for suitable layouts of geometric shapes, we will be based on our imagination. For convenience, you can even download ready-made pictures of various geometric shapes from the Internet.


Let's draw a cube. Take this picture as a base:

Repeat all the faces and sides of the geometric figure. Do not forget that the back wall of the cube is proportionally smaller than the front. Now let's pay attention to the shadow.

Imagine that the light source is in front. This will make the front of the cube lighter and the sides darker. Shade the sides. Highlight the lines of the front corner with a pencil, and leave the rest thin. It will collect all the attention of the observer.

To make the figure unique, you can slightly distort the proportions. So we end up with something like this.


Draw a plane on which your figure will be located. It should not be in the air, because the shadow should fall on something. Find on this plane the ideal location for the central axis of your cylinder. Draw a vertical line straight up from this point. Draw ellipses around both ends of this line. Connect the lower and upper ellipses with the same vertical lines. The sketch is almost ready. For convenience, you can add a couple of auxiliary lines. For example, in front, such a line can mark the border of the shadow. Draw a shadow outline on the horizontal plane where your shape is located. The result should be something like this:

When we're done with the frame, it's time shade the main parts of our figure. Again, given that the light should be in the exact opposite direction from the shadow, we mark by eye where the highlight will be. It is also worth considering that the glare on the cylinder will not form a spot, but a vertical stripe. We hatch with a darker shade the area from the shadow line to the rear border of the cylinder. Lubricate the hatching border to make the transition smooth. We shade the very shadow of the figure. Leave the top of the cylinder light.

Draw a sphere

Let's try to depict one of the basic geometric shapes, on the basis of which more complex objects will be drawn in the future. This figure is a sphere. She draws even easier than the rest. You need to draw a circle. Further, from the edges of this circle, you need to draw a few more concentric circles inside this figure. These circles may not be perfectly regular, in fact, they may take the form of an ellipse.

They will serve us in order to properly hatch. Refer to the picture below.

Shade the circles as shown. Draw another ellipse on the main plane. Shade this ellipse too to create a shadow. The sphere is ready.


Try using the sphere drawing skill to draw more complex compositions, such as a plum. Notice what changes happened to the shadow? What happened in the end?


Shadow and light have changed places. As a result, the berry acquired the illusion of transparency.

So, we found out that drawing geometric shapes is not such a difficult task.

Based on a basic knowledge of geometry and the skill of drawing such shapes, you can create more complex compositions with their help.

Drawing utensils

The next most difficult step in pencil drawing is drawing dishes. At the same time, the main difficulty lies more in the correct placement of shadows, both on the subject and around it.

Let's draw a simple vase. It will be great if you find a suitable example that you can study in advance.

At the very beginning, we need to designate the parameters of the subject using straight lines. Draw a small horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. This line will be the bottom of our vase. From the center of the horizontal line, perpendicular to it, draw a vertical line. This line will indicate the height of the object. Draw another horizontal line at the top of the vertical one. If something is not clear to you, refer to the figure below:

As we can see, we will need another horizontal line marking the narrow neck of the vase. Draw her. Next, you need to draw ellipses with centers coinciding with the intersection points of the vertical and horizontal lines. They are needed in order to give volume to the vase.

The next step is to draw the outline of the subject. For example, it could be like this:

The final step will be the drawing of light and shadows. This is done in the same way as with geometric shapes. Simply, first you need to decide what underlies each part of the object, a sphere, a cylinder, a cone or a cube.

Try to ensure that the outline of your vase is symmetrical on both sides.

Draw a cup

First, according to the proven method, we need to draw a vertical and horizontal lines. This time, the base of the cup will be much smaller than its mouth, and not the same. Draw ellipses for the top and bottom.


Unlike geometric figures and dishes, drawing various plants is a more difficult task than it might seem at the beginning. For example, unlike relatively simple objects, in the case of flowers, bushes, trees and many others, it is better to always have a living example in front of your eyes. It is very difficult to accurately imagine so many different details and correctly display them on paper. Or it can be a finished image of the original. With the degree of detail in the drawing, it is important to resolve the issue at the very beginning. After all, it can be as simple as possible, or, on the contrary, contain a large number of details.

Drawings by degree of detail:

Let's start drawing.

Make an initial sketch of your composition. If this is not one flower, but several, depict them so that the stems are slightly curved, and the buds look in different directions. Do not make all the lines perfectly correct.

One of the most interesting things is that the initial sketch can consist of geometric shapes, albeit a little distorted. Take a closer look.

What do you see? The picture contains at least a circle, ovals, a cylinder, a distorted rhombus and cones. This tells us that sometimes, even complex images at the initial stage can be drawn using simple shapes.

Start drawing details. Draw the petals and add irregularities to the petals. Add leaves to the composition. Focus on the original.

A tulip flower usually has about 6-7 petals that partially overlap each other.

If you pay attention, then note that the thickness of the stems along the entire length is the same. The leaves are long, with a sharp end, curved. The leaves wrap around the stem. Also pay attention to attaching the stem to the bud. This is noticeable on a flower turned back.

The final step is to add light and shadow. With light strokes, make more shaded areas inside the flower, as well as on the inside of the leaves. Places where the petals intersect can also be slightly shaded. This will give the petals a translucent effect. Draw the stamens. They can be emphasized with a darker color.

As you can see from the last lesson, creating a simple composition is not a problem if you know the basic basics of drawing, from simple to complex.

Draw an oak

Trees are very often an integral part of various complex paintings. For example, these can be landscapes where numerous trees echo images of animals, which will be discussed later.

Take a hard pencil. It will be needed in order to very weakly draw a general sketch of the tree. We will, as always, go from the general to the details.

Draw a tree trunk. Since we are drawing an oak, it must be thick. Draw branches from the tree trunk.

Add some leaf clouds inside the crown. It is necessary to leave empty areas on purpose so that some branches are visible.

Thicken the branches where they are not covered by leaves.

Start applying basic shadows. Before doing this, think about which side the light will fall on and how parts can be further shaded.

Draw the leaves. Add details to them and distribute the shadows correctly. Highlight a few leaves throughout the crown. This is to add volume to the picture. Oak is ready!

In the final image, it is not necessary to draw every leaf. You can simply thicken the contours of the leaves.

Since you got here, it means that you believe at least a little that you can learn to draw. And indeed it is! Even if you drew just a little, didn’t draw at all, or doubt your abilities, find a simple pencil and 20 minutes a day- and in a month you will learn how to create amazing images.

The hardest part is getting started

To learn how to draw, a person first needs to just start. You need to push him so that he picks up a pencil and begins to draw lines on a blank sheet of paper. Many people think that a blank sheet of paper is a problem that only a talented artist can handle. In fact, having mastered it, you will gain enough self-confidence to enjoy drawing.

After completing this course, in thirty days you will achieve the first creative successes, get an incentive to constant practice, strengthen your self-confidence and keep your interest in drawing for life.

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