Treatment of chronic alcoholism with teturam. Reviews for teturs

Teturam is a real salvation for many people. It is recommended by doctors, but few people know about the real consequences of taking it and whether they can be combined.

Features of the drug

This drug is able to cure a person from addiction to alcohol. There are a lot of positive reviews about him. One of the main components is disulfiram. This substance is able to quickly destroy the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, it can easily inhibit enzymes. As a result, the decomposition of alcohol into water and carbon dioxide in the stage will not be observed, as a result of which acetaldehyde is released. It is he who is the very tissue poison that instantly poisons a person.

In most cases, Teturam is available in the form of tablets that contain 0.15g. the active substance disulfiram. In this case, the package comes with 10 tablets, drops are not produced.

How to take medicine without harm to the body

Who is prescribed the drug

In order to develop a negative reflex to the taste and even the smell of an alcoholic beverage, it is worth use Teturam. If the patient takes the medicine for quite a long time, then you can observe the development of something similar to an allergy to ethyl. The result will be a complete rejection of not only the use of alcoholic beverages, but even their smell and appearance will be disgusting. All this is possible because of 1 drunk tablet. At the same time, many doctors note that the substance can cause a number of side effects. Therefore, the drug is used only in the most extreme cases, when none of the methods that act on patients has brought results.

Signs of intoxication of the body after taking a pill with alcohol

  1. There will be a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  2. Rapid heartbeat and panic attacks.
  3. You should be prepared for severe nausea and even vomiting.
  4. Increased blood flow to the upper body. Therefore, there may be fever, and a feeling of fullness in the face or head.

In most cases, before the patient begins to take the drug, he must undergo a fairly thorough medical examination. Additionally, doctors must confirm that the patient has no contraindications for admission. Relatives are very often warned that the medicine is dangerous to use, and reviews on the network will say this. If it is decided to take Teturam, the attached instructions for use should be carefully studied.

How is this drug taken?

In 100% of cases, the use of this medication should be carried out only strictly under medical supervision. For each person, based on the stage of dependence, their own dosage will be selected. The average dose is considered to be up to 0.5 g of the drug per day. Such a dose, even in the case of fairly long-term use, will not lead to complications in the body.

Treatment is carried out in a special way. The first test is carried out 10 days after the start of treatment. After the first dose in the morning, the patient should take up to 30 ml of ethyl. In the next samples, this dose will be increased. It can be brought up to 120 ml. Physicians will observe the reaction to the drink. A severe case is one in which, after an hour and a half, a person will experience a headache and loss of consciousness. Of course, based on the side effects, it is possible to use additional drugs, and the dosage may vary, taking into account the degree of alcohol dependence, the age of the person, his blood pressure and other indicators.

If side effects are observed in the form of nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, pain in the heart, then additional medications are usually prescribed and applied. The important thing is that in most cases, during the test, the person must be in a horizontal state, this will be said in the hospital, and reviews on the network will be able to confirm.

Side effects and contraindications

Remember that pills with their contraindications are not suitable for everyone. The reason for this is a rather large list of side effects. These include:

These are not all side effects from the use, but it will cause great danger along with taking a large dose of alcohol.

The drug is not a panacea for the treatment of addiction, and there is a large list of those people for whom this drug is not suitable at all. Who can be included in this list?

  1. It is strictly forbidden to take it to people who have brain damage.
  2. Avoid taking it for those over 60 years of age.
  3. The use of the drug is excluded for patients who have exacerbations of gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  4. A negative effect will bring to those who have previously experienced a stroke or heart attack.
  5. Diabetes mellitus and diseases of the endocrine system.

This is only the initial list of diseases in which it is necessary to refuse admission. A complete list can be found in the instructions for use, or check with your doctor. Before buying pills, the luminaries of medicine must absolutely learn about all the features of the body and conduct a complete examination. Without this, the purchase and use of the drug is strictly prohibited, the reviews will confirm this. So quite often analogues are bought.

Disadvantages and analogues

Many note that drops are much more convenient to use than tablets. But Teturam has a shape only in the form of tablets, therefore, they are often looking for analogues. Of course, they can be found, and the price for them will be affordable, and the action will be effective. These include Disulfiram, Esperal, Antakson and others. However, not all remedies for alcoholism have such a form of release as drops. Although drugs in this form are quite convenient to use for those people who are not being treated for a severe degree, but for a weak or moderate one. In this case, the drops are quite easy to mix into food or drink, and the addict himself will not know about it. In the case of Teturam, this option will not work, because even if it were issued as drops, it could still only be used in a hospital under supervision.

In addition to the health hazard, this drug still has a high price, so a large number of people will look for more affordable analogues, which can also be obtained from pharmacies. It can be drops, including, which will be more convenient to take.

The effect on the body and the effectiveness of treatment

Before prescribing an individual course of treatment and determining the dose, a person will have to experience a whole withdrawal. It was then that absolutely all the signs of denying the acceptance of ethyl by the body will appear. This suggests that combining it with alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. The condition will be called on purpose, and will take place under the supervision of doctors, because teturam and alcohol are a dangerous combination. This is how the fear will be developed that while taking alcoholic beverages, no matter how much was drunk, a person can become ill very quickly. If you take Teturam itself, then you should not expect any side effects and its effect on the body. When used correctly, it is not dangerous. But together with ethyl alcohol, it can turn into a quick-action bomb. Even a lethal outcome after the joint intake of pills and alcohol is not ruled out.

Teturam is effective in the treatment of alcoholism, and for some people it can be a real lifesaver.

To avoid absolutely all the nuances, doctors must warn both the patient and his relatives in advance about possible side effects. There were cases when, years after the end of the intake, a small dose of alcohol could cause drastic changes in the body, and the person was taken to the hospital. In the future, even kvass, sauerkraut, fermented milk products and kombucha should be avoided. When calculating that alcohol will be consumed, consequences such as disruption of the central nervous system, stroke, heart attack, psychosis and hallucinations can be expected.

Neither a drop, nor many other tablets are able to lead to such a result, which gives the drug. However, in most cases, both the relatives of the patient and the doctors should remember that this is dangerous to health. Therefore, before starting treatment it is necessary:

At the same time, many drops and other tablets will not cause such a strong effect on the body when combined with alcoholic beverages. However, the efficiency of their use will be lower, because there is no such sharp development of negation to ethyl. It is also necessary to monitor that the patient does not reach for a glass, even purely mechanically. A person can still be saved from a small dose of an alcoholic drink taken. If the dose is large, and the body is weakened, one should expect tragic consequences.

In general, one can compare the action of Teturam (no drops give such an effect) with an experiment on Pavlov's dog. A person will remember what the consequences were after taking alcohol on pills, so he will not want to take vodka, cognac, or even beer on his own. Not only the components themselves will help, but also a clear understanding that a drunk glass can be the last in life. The effect is enhanced by the fact that even years after drinking alcohol, a person may become unwell.

A drug that is not available as drops can be equated with a harsh treatment, and in most cases the patient will almost forever have to forget about drinking alcoholic beverages. However, it is better to live such a life than to constantly get drunk in the trash and bring your body into a deplorable state day after day.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and one or another means and methods cannot be used without consulting a doctor. Be healthy!

Does your husband or father drink? You don't know what to do with it? Seek help from a narcologist and, perhaps, after talking with a specialist, your sick relative will decide to be coded. And Teturam tablets will be able to help him in this difficult matter. Today we will learn how to take pills, whether they can be purchased without the consent of the doctor, and what consequences if used incorrectly can be. And also find out the opinions of patients and doctors about the effectiveness of this medication.


The drug "Teturam", the instructions for which are always included in the package, refers to drugs prescribed by doctors for the treatment of alcoholism. The international name for this remedy is "Disulfiram". The main action of this medicine is the elimination of alcohol dependence. The drug is able to remove harmful substances from the body and relieve symptoms of intoxication. Often doctors prescribe these pills after a long binge.

How to take the drug "Teturam"?

Tablets must be chewed, cracking them is unacceptable. It is better to take pills before breakfast.

Before therapy, the doctor must inform the patient and inform him about the consequences and possible complications. The drug "Teturam", the instruction to which says that the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, can be prescribed 150-500 mg twice a day. However, the scheme for taking these pills is individual.

After a week of treatment, the doctor conducts a teturamalcohol test. After taking the drug in the morning, the patient drinks from 20 to 30 ml of a 40% solution of ethyl alcohol or another similar drink. If the reaction turns out to be weak, then the dosage of alcohol can be increased by 10-20 ml, however, so that in the end no more than 100 ml comes out. Then, after 1-2 days, the test is repeated again. According to the instructions for use of the drug "Teturam", in the future you can take this remedy as maintenance therapy at 150 or 200 mg per day for a sufficiently long period (up to 3 years).

Release form, composition

The active substance of this medication is disulfiram 0.15 g. The auxiliary components are as follows: potato starch, talc, aerosil, stearic acid.

The drug "Teturam", whose action is aimed at treating patients with alcohol dependence, is available in the form of tablets of 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 g. The package can contain from 10 to 50 pills.

Side effects

During the period of treatment with this remedy, the patient may experience a bitter taste in the mouth, headache, memory problems, and insomnia. Frequent side effects are allergic reactions - a rash on the body, urticaria, dermatitis.

In fact, the Teturam remedy for alcoholism is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. With prolonged treatment with this medication, the patient may experience various disorders of the cardiovascular, peripheral and central nervous system. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with the liver may begin. In addition, people who previously suffered from such ailments as gastritis, inflammation of the stomach, ulcers and some other diseases may become aggravated by these ailments.

In some cases, with prolonged use of Teturam tablets, patients may experience acute psychosis - a condition characterized by delusions of persecution, fear, and anxiety. Also, the patient may be tormented by acute alcoholic hallucinosis. And these are various visions that a person perceives as reality. Among other things, a hallucinatory syndrome can smoothly turn into a paronoid, and then into a schizophrenic.


The drug "Teturam", reviews of which can be read below, is forbidden to be prescribed to people if they have such features and health problems:

Severe cardiovascular disease.

Liver failure.




Neuropsychiatric diseases.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

With hypersensitivity to disulfiram.

Erosion of the gastric mucosa, ulcer.


Age up to 18 years.

With caution, the drug is prescribed to the elderly.

Positive feedback from people

The drug "Teturam" reviews are mostly flattering. People who consciously took this medication on the advice of a doctor really soon observed the effect: the craving for alcohol disappears, their health improves. No side effects were observed in patients. However, as the patients themselves write, you need to come to this yourself, be prepared for the fact that you will never drink even a glass of vodka again. After all, if you force a person to encode, then there will be no sense from this. And if he himself reveals the desire and agrees, then this is another matter.

Negative feedback from people

In addition to the good ones, there are also bad reviews from people about the Teturam remedy. Unflattering reviews are left, oddly enough, not by the sick, but by their relatives, who in the wrong way wanted to cure their husbands and sons from such a misfortune as alcohol addiction. According to them, the drug has many side effects. Often people had attacks of suffocation, a rash appeared on the body, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness were observed. However, such symptoms arose through no fault of the Teturam remedy, the reason had to be sought in relatives who, with their cunning and tricks, simply harmed their loved ones. After all, you can not treat a person with these pills without informing him himself. Because, throwing these crushed pills to him, the relative only makes the patient worse. Since an alcoholic, not knowing that he is taking these pills, continues to drink, and alcohol and the Teturam drug are generally two incompatible things. And as a result, side effects are not long in coming. Therefore, reading such negative reviews is stupid, because such actions of relatives can simply drive the patient to the grave.

Doctors responses

The drug "Teturam" reviews from doctors receives unequivocally positive. Narcologists are satisfied with the effect of this remedy. They are confident that with its proper use, a person can get rid of alcohol addiction for a long time, and even forever. However, narcologists unanimously argue that "Teturam" - pills aimed at treating alcohol dependence - should never be purchased on your own without visiting a specialist who can prescribe an individual treatment regimen. They also advise relatives of patients not to use prohibitive practices, such as pouring medication into food or drinks. And the best thing, according to narcologists, is to come to the doctor with a problem and, together with a specialist, discuss the topic, determine ways to solve the current situation. And most importantly - to bring to the consciousness of the alcoholic that he is sick and needs the help of a doctor.

The drug "Teturam": price

The cost of this medication is quite affordable for people. On average, Teturam tablets, the price of which depends on the number of pills in the package, on their dosage, as well as on pharmacy cheats, can be purchased for 80-120 rubles. If there are 30 tablets in a package, then the cost will be approximately 80-90 rubles. And if there are 50 pills, then, accordingly, the price will be higher - 110-120 rubles.

Now you know what Teturam tablets are for, what is their cost and people's reviews. We found out that it is forbidden to self-medicate, and even more so to sprinkle crushed pills on your sick relatives. After all, in the end it can end sadly.


Teturam (Teturamum)


Drug for the treatment of alcohol addiction.
It has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is involved in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol.
This leads to an increase in the concentration of the ethyl alcohol metabolite acetaldehyde, which causes flushing of the face, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, tachycardia, and a decrease in blood pressure, which make it extremely unpleasant to drink alcohol after taking disulfiram.

After oral administration, there is a rapid, but incomplete (70-90%) absorption of the active substance from the gastrointestinal tract.
Due to its high lipid solubility, disulfiram is widely distributed in the body and accumulates in various fat depots.
Disulfiram is rapidly metabolized to diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), which is partially excreted as carbon disulfide in exhaled air and partially metabolized in the liver to methyl-DDC. The latter is converted into an active metabolite - diethylthiocarbamic acid methyl ester (methyl-DTC).
Cmax in blood plasma of methyl-DTK is reached 4 hours after taking disulfiram, but the maximum inhibitory activity against aldehyde dehydrogenase is first observed after 3 days of taking it.

T1 / 2 methyl-DTK is about 10 hours, while the inhibitory activity against aldehyde dehydrogenase lasts much longer.
The effect, therefore, can persist for 7-14 days after withdrawal.
With mild or moderate deterioration in liver function, metabolism does not change. On the contrary, with cirrhosis of the liver, an increase in the concentration of metabolites in the blood is observed.
Metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine. Part is excreted with exhaled air in the form of carbon disulfide. 20% in the form of unchanged disulfiram is excreted through the intestines.
Up to 20% of a dose may remain in the body for 1 week or more.
After implantation, disulfiram penetrates into the blood.
The minimum content of disulfiram in the blood is about 20 ng / ml. The content of DDC and carbon disulfide in the blood reaches 0.14 µg/ml after implantation of 1-1.6 g of disulfiram.
However, despite these very low levels, disulfiram-ethanol reactions can occur up to 5-9 months after implantation.

Indications for

For oral administration: prevention of relapse during the treatment of chronic alcoholism.
For implantation: treatment of chronic alcoholism, as a detoxification agent for chronic nickel poisoning.

Mode of application:

Treatment with teturam is carried out under the supervision of a physician.
The dose is selected individually.
Optimal doses (0.25-0.5 g/day) are generally well tolerated and do not cause complications even with prolonged use. Teturam doses below 0.15 g/day. are quickly excreted from the body and do not cause the desired effect - sensitization (increased sensitivity of the body) to alcohol.
Treatment with teturam is usually carried out according to the following scheme.
The first teturam-alcohol test is carried out after 7-10 days from the start of treatment.
After taking 0.5-0.75 g of teturam in the morning, the patient takes 20-30 ml of an alcoholic drink, usually 40% vodka.

Repeated tests in stationary conditions are carried out after 1-2 days, on an outpatient basis - after 3-5 days. With a weak reaction, the dose of an alcoholic beverage is increased at the next sample by 10-20 ml.
The maximum dose of vodka is 100-120 ml.
Teturam-alcohol reactions can occur in mild, moderate and severe form.
In case of a severe reaction lasting 1-1.5 hours (severe headache with a feeling of fullness and pulsation, severe shortness of breath, a significant decrease in blood pressure, blackout of consciousness, psychomotor agitation /increased motor and speech activity/, convulsions), 15-20 ml is administered intravenously 1% aqueous solution of methylene blue, under the skin - cordiamine, camphor, intramuscularly - cytiton or lobelia, ephedrine, strychnine; produce oxygen inhalation.

Intravenously administered glucose solution with ascorbic acid.
For pain in the heart, Validol, Corvalol, and, if necessary, nitroglycerin are prescribed.
With low blood pressure, metasone or ephedrine is administered.
In the case of a sharp depression of cardiac activity, 0.25-0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution of strophanthin is administered intravenously in 20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. With convulsions - intramuscularly 10 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate.
With severe nausea and vomiting, 10 ml of a 10% solution of calcium chloride or gluconate is injected intravenously, 0.015 g of belladonna extract is given inside, 0.5 ml of a 0.1% solution of atropine is injected under the skin. In the event of convulsive reactions, chloral hydrate is administered as an enema (15-20 ml of a 6% water-starch solution) or tranquilizers (sedative drugs) are used; with psychomotor agitation, 1-2 ml of a 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine is administered intramuscularly. The patient should be in a horizontal position.

Side effects:

In the treatment of teturam, especially long-term, various violations may occur activity of the cardiovascular system, peripheral and central nervous system, functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.
Possible allergic reactions (itching, rash) and exacerbation of past diseases (gastritis / inflammation of the stomach /, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, thrombophlebitis / inflammation of the vein wall with their blockage / etc.).
In some cases, with long-term use teturama can experience acute psychoses resembling acute alcoholic paranoid (states characterized by delusions of persecution, anxiety, fear, motor agitation), acute alcoholic hallucinosis (delusions, visions that acquire the character of reality) or alcoholic delirium (delusional states).
The transition of a hallucinatory syndrome to a paranoid one, a paranoid one to a schizophrenia-like one, etc. is possible.


Relative contraindications are:
- residual effects of organic brain damage;
- age over 60 years;
- endarteritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the vessel);
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
- traumatic disease;
- residual effects after infectious lesions of the brain and stroke;
- previously transferred teturam psychoses.

Absolute contraindications for use teturama are:
- endocrine diseases (thyrotoxicosis /thyroid disease/, diabetes mellitus);
- pronounced cardiosclerosis (excessive development of connective tissue in the heart muscle);
- atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
- pre- and post-infarction conditions;
- aneurysm (expansion and / or bulging) of the aorta;
- coronary insufficiency (non-compliance of blood flow through the heart arteries with the heart's need for oxygen);
- hypertension II and III stages (persistent rise in blood pressure);
- severe vascular diseases of the brain;
- cardiac and vascular diseases in the stage of decompensation (in case of insufficiency of function);
- pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis;
- fresh tuberculous infiltrate (areas of tissue of increased density in the focus of tuberculous inflammation);
- bronchial asthma;
- severe emphysema (lung disease associated with increased air content in them);
- bleeding stomach ulcer;
- diseases of the liver and kidneys;
- diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
- mental illness;
- infectious diseases of the brain;
- epilepsy and epileptiform syndromes;
- polyneuritis (multiple inflammation of peripheral nerves);
- neuritis (inflammation) of the auditory and ophthalmic nerves;
- glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
- malignant tumors;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- idiosyncrasy (hereditary hypersensitivity) to teturam.

Apply with caution in patients with renal insufficiency, diseases of the liver, respiratory system.

other medicinal
by other means:

With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, coumarin derivatives (including warfarin) increased anticoagulant effect increases the risk of bleeding.
Disulfiram inhibits liver enzymes, therefore, with the simultaneous use of drugs metabolized in the liver, their metabolism may be impaired.
With the simultaneous use of disulfiram with tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazine derivatives, MAO inhibitors, there is a risk of developing serious adverse reactions associated with drug interactions.
A case of the development of mania in a patient taking disulfiram and buspirone is described.
With the simultaneous use decreased clearance of desipramine and imipramine from the body.
With simultaneous use with amitriptyline, it is possible to increase the therapeutic effect of disulfiram, but it is also possible to increase the toxic effect of amitriptyline on the central nervous system.

With simultaneous use, the concentration in the blood plasma of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide increases, in some cases accompanied by dizziness. Under the influence of diazepam, a decrease in the intensity of the disulfiram-alcohol reaction is possible. A case of increased toxicity of temazepam has been described.
With simultaneous use with isoniazid, cases of the development of dizziness, depression are described; with caffeine - the excretion of caffeine from the body decreases; with metronidazole - develops acute psychosis, confusion; with omeprazole - a case of development of impaired consciousness and catatonia is described.
When used concomitantly with perphenazine development of psychotic symptoms cannot be ruled out.
With the simultaneous use of disulfiram, it inhibits the metabolism and excretion of rifampicin.
With simultaneous use with phenazone, T1 / 2 of phenazone increases; with phenytoin - the effects of phenytoin are enhanced due to an increase in its concentration in the blood plasma, toxic reactions develop.
With simultaneous use with chlorzoxazone, the concentration of chlorzoxazone in the blood plasma increases; with chlorpromazine - it is possible to increase arterial hypotension. 1 tablet of Teturam contains:
- active substance: disulfiram - 150 mg;
- Excipients: potato starch; colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil); stearic acid - to obtain a tablet weighing 180 mg.

Leading narcologists have repeatedly proved that a successful fight against cravings for alcohol can only be when the treatment methods undertaken are selected in a complex, that is, you need to work not only with physical addiction, but also understand what is happening in the mind of the patient. Teturam pills for alcoholism are such a remedy, which is used to treat alcohol addiction and meets the requirements that were written about earlier, that is, it fights both the psychological and physical side of addiction.

The price of the drug is more than affordable - about 250 rubles per 1 package. We will find out how treatment with Teturam takes place, and what are its features and what they say about it in the reviews.

When is Teturam effective?

For the first time, Teturam was heard about in the days of the Soviet Union, but it was available only to a limited circle of people. To receive treatment in a hospital with this particular drug, one had to have serious connections. After the treatment, the former alcoholic left the medical facility free from addiction, and moreover, he simply could not imagine himself with a glass of beer or, worse, a glass of vodka. Their smell and taste are now unacceptable to him, he feels disgust. Unfortunately, the euphoria does not last long, after a year - two people could carefully try alcohol and, realizing that nothing terrible is happening, again return to alcohol abuse.

Currently, Teturam has been improved, it is widely used to treat alcoholism in the chronic stage. You can see for yourself that the drug is effective, there are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet from those people who were able to return to a normal sober life or helped a loved one.

However, before starting treatment with this drug, you need to undergo a complete examination of the body, get qualified advice from a narcologist, and preferably, take the drug under his strictest control. This is the only way you can be sure that the patient will not drink alcohol during treatment. Otherwise, if you plan to get rid of addiction on your own, you need to clearly understand that you yourself are responsible for your life and health.

Also, the drug manufacturer recommends starting treatment when the patient himself wants it, in which case the effect will be stronger. If the treatment is carried out in a hospital, the patient must give a written agreement that he agrees to the accepted course of treatment, undertakes to take all necessary medications and take tests. In some cases, it is allowed to give such an agreement to relatives and relatives.

With regard to treatment with Teturam, at the end of therapy, the patient will receive a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages, which is comparable to a kind of anti-reflex. Despite the positive effect, Teturam has a number of contraindications and side effects and consequences that you should know about after reading the instructions. It is not recommended to self-medicate, it can be dangerous for your health and life.

What is included in the preparation

The main ingredient of the drug is part of many drugs designed to fight alcohol addiction. Esperal, Torpedo and others can be such examples.

The action of Teturam is based on such active substances that are part of it:

  • Phenytoin
  • Isoniazid
  • Antidepressant component
  • Theophilus

A complete list of active ingredients is listed in the instructions. You need to carefully and thoroughly familiarize yourself with it, as there is a possibility that you have an individual intolerance to one of the above components.

How Teturam works

First, the drug Teturam is taken strictly inside after meals. The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. The root cause of taking Teturam is the lack of effect from other alternative treatments. The fact is that Teturam and alcohol are incompatible, and the essence of the work of the melikament is based on this. Its action is achieved by changing the process of processing alcohol by the body as such.

If we consider the process of processing alcohol without medical corrective therapy, then after oxidation by gastric juice, alcohol breaks down into vinegar acid and acetaldehyde. The strongest alcohol intoxication is caused, while the digestion of the drunk alcohol occurs.

The process of digestion of alcohol against the background of taking teturam changes. Acetic acid is produced in much smaller quantities, while acetaldehyde, on the contrary, is gaining in volume. In general, the entire chemical reaction can be described as blocking the enzymes that directly render ethanol alcohol harmless. The work of the liver also changes, the enzymes of which are involved in the action of processing alcohol.

What happens if you drink alcohol after a course of Teturama

If, after a course of treatment of alcoholism with Teturam or during it, the patient drinks alcohol, characteristic symptoms of a hangover syndrome appear, but its scale is stronger than usual. This condition is called not a simple alcohol intoxication, but an ethanol reaction of the body.

Symptoms of this condition:

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Sharp sharp pain in the head
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, often with vomiting
  • Caused by pain in the heart, arrhythmia
  • Decrease or increase in pressure
  • High body temperature, redness of the face and neck
  • Manifestation of neurosis - shortness of breath, fear

If the treatment is carried out by a professional narcologist, then all these symptoms are explained to the patient in advance so that they do not come as a surprise to him. This is an essential part of the treatment, so the patient will understand what they will experience when they stop abstinence from alcohol.

Often the doctor practices the following - after a certain stage of taking Teturam, it gives the patient the opportunity to try alcohol so that it is clearly clear what will happen to the patient next.

The dose of the drug

The described drug has a clear description of the method, which you can read in the annotation attached to each package. If a different dosage is not prescribed by the doctor, then you need to drink Teturam tablets twice a day. Moreover, at one time it is necessary to take a dose of 150 to 500 milligrams. More specifically, the dose is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the duration of the binge.

After 7-10 days from the start of therapy with Teturam, a test is carried out with the participation of the patient. He is offered to drink an alcoholic drink, which was the cause of drunkenness. Next, the doctor watches how the patient's behavior changes, and, if necessary, takes measurements of temperature, pressure, takes urine and blood for analysis. If the doctor remains dissatisfied with the result, that is, the patient's reaction is not so bright to the alcohol taken, the dose of Teturam may be revised upwards.

Reviews of the doctor about the drug Teturam: indications, methods of application, side effects, analogues

Teturam drug for alcoholism

What are the pills "from vodka" or what is teturam?

Is it possible to treat without the knowledge of the patient

Based on the current legislation, a patient in the Russian Federation has the right to know about his illness, the course of treatment and the prescribed therapy. In the case of treatment with Teturam, it is simply necessary to notify the start of treatment. The fact is that the effect of taking Teturam tablets is specific, and the reaction of the body is not always predictable. As long as the patient does not resort to alcohol, there is no chance to understand that for some time he has been taking medication, even without his knowledge. The effect of Teturam appears only when alcohol enters the body.

Even when it comes to small doses of alcohol, the health consequences can be deplorable. There are medical statistics that describe cases of death after treatment with Teturam, in cases where the patient did not know about the treatment and continued to drink alcohol.

Based on the above information, we can conclude that the patient must know that he is currently undergoing treatment.

It is worth saying that modern Teturam has a prolonged action, that is, the effect of taking it lasts longer than once upon a time during the USSR. How long does the effect of Teturam last? On average, based on reviews, we are talking about 2-5 years, depending on whether the patient is supported by his relatives and family, whether the person’s lifestyle has changed or not, and so on.

Be careful, as Teturam can give a false negative effect when interacting with alcohol. Often, the state of health deteriorates sharply when the patient consumes products such as:

  • You can drink regular kvass
  • Pickled and canned vegetables and fruits
  • Fermented products
  • Baked goods and sweets containing alcohol and so on

The use of such products can cause a negative reaction of the body, but this is extremely unlikely, and you need to eat a lot of the above products.

Are there any side effects of the drug

It is worth saying that health problems can arise already during the period of treatment itself. If you feel at least one of the following symptoms, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor:

  • may experience confusion
  • Interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system
  • The manifestation of allergies
  • The transition of chronic diseases to the acute stage
  • Increased nervousness
  • The appearance of auditory or visual hallucinations
  • Having paranoia and intrusive thoughts

In order to minimize the risk of such symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary examination before treatment, which includes a mandatory consultation with a psychiatrist.

Contraindications to the use of Teturam

Like any other medicine, Teturam tablets for alcoholism have a number of contraindications:

  • Do not resort to therapy with Teturam in old age (over 60 years)
  • The presence of ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract is considered a contraindication.
  • After a heart attack or stroke
  • Presence of an unstable nervous system

All of the above characteristics are classified as conditional contraindications, that is, on an individual basis, the doctor may decide to still allow the use of Teturam for the treatment of alcohol dependence.

As for absolute contraindications, they include the following:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland
  • Heart failure
  • Complications in the course of chronic diseases
  • Emphysema, tuberculosis
  • Severe damage to internal organs
  • Schizophrenia, manic psychosis and other serious mental disorders
  • Pregnancy and lactation period
  • Individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Thus, having studied the list of contraindications, you should, first of all, independently assess the risks of developing complications, and also consult a doctor before proceeding with the treatment of alcohol dependence with Teturam. In conclusion, it should be said that the best treatment for any disease is prevention. Drink wisely, observing the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, and then you will not have to treat alcoholism. The culture of drinking alcohol is respected and has recently become more than relevant.

Teturam is a reliable and effective drug that is used to treat alcoholism. Usually this remedy is prescribed when other drugs do not have the desired effect. An overdose often leads to neurological complications, depression of consciousness, coma, so it is extremely important to know how to promptly and quickly remove Teturam from the body.

General information about the drug

The drug contains a substance called disulfiram. In addition to this active component, there are additional auxiliary components. The manufacturer produces the drug in tablets and powder.

The main action of the drug is the blockade of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This component increases the content of acetaldehyde and affects the biotransformation of ethanol. As a result, when a person consumes alcohol, ethanol biotransformation does not occur, and alcohol in the body accumulates at the level of acetaldehyde (see). Then the person's face turns red, sometimes vomiting occurs, the heart rate rises, malaise occurs and pressure decreases, a feeling of fear appears.

Taking Teturam provokes all the above effects, as a result of which a conditioned reflex is formed in a person, in which there is an aversion to alcohol. It is this aversion to alcohol and the presence of side effects that is considered the therapeutic effect of the drug.

In medicine, the drug is sometimes sewn under the skin. Also take tablets and powder for dissolution in water.

Interesting!The therapeutic effect develops after four hours, but after discontinuation of the drug, the effect of the drug still lasts two days.

When the tablets are implanted under the patient's skin, the medicine begins to act immediately, and after their removal, the effect is observed for another 5-9 months. The drug is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use Teturam

This tool is shown to patients for the treatment of alcoholism. Taking the drug provokes an aversion to alcohol in patients. But you can take this remedy only when other drugs do not help, since the use of Teturam often causes severe side effects.

Teturam is shown:

  • with chronic drunkenness, as well as for the prevention of binges, breakdowns
  • as a treatment for nickel tetracarbonyl poisoning;

The subcutaneous tablet is indicated for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and also as an anti-nickel agent.

Find out which will help you make the right diagnosis

Read what to do if it appears: first aid, treatment.

How is the medication taken?

The use of Teturam tablets is carried out in three stages:

  1. The doctor examines the patient and prescribes a dose of the drug so that the active component accumulates in the blood in a sufficiently high concentration.
  2. Carrying out teturamalcohol tests. Their main principle is the intake of alcoholic beverages immediately after using a high (1.5–2 times higher than usual) dose of the drug and causing side effects from the drug. Such tests are carried out only under medical supervision. Their main task is the formation of a conditioned reflex to aversion to alcohol.
  3. After conducting teturamalcohol tests, low doses of the drug are continued for 3 years.

Dosage Teturam daily - 150-500 mg 2 times. The time for testing is 7-10 days. Carrying out maintenance therapy - 1-2 days in a hospital, 3-5 days on an outpatient basis. 1-3 years maintenance therapy.

Overdose of Teturam

Clinical manifestations of an overdose of Teturam are manifested in the form of neurological complications and cardiovascular collapse. There is also depression. Teturam poisoning is usually divided into three forms:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Alcoholic holteturam reaction.

The acute form of drug poisoning occurs 6-12 hours after the tablet has been drunk. At the same time, ataxia, tachycardia, the smell of acetone or sulfur from the mouth, blepharospasm are observed. The person may fall into a coma.

The chronic stage is characterized by weakness, the appearance of dermatitis, neuropathy and manifests itself 6-12 months after taking the medicine.

Alcoholic holteturam reactions occur 5-10 minutes after a patient who takes Teturam has drunk alcohol. At the same time, the skin of the face turns red, dizziness, fear, vomiting and nausea, chest pain, and hypotension appear.

An overdose of Teturam can occur not only after the use of alcohol, but also after taking wine vinegar or alcohol-containing drugs, such as Nitroglycerin, Valocordin, and some cough elixirs.

Important! A life-threatening dose is a blood ethanol level of 50 mg or more. This is 0.3–0.6 g/kg of human weight. An overdose in this case develops immediately, within 5-10 minutes after drinking alcohol. The reaction lasts approximately 2-3 hours. If measures were taken on time, a favorable outcome occurs after 4 hours.

The clinical picture with severe drug poisoning is characterized by headaches, nausea and repeated vomiting. A person does not realize what is happening to him, the pressure drops sharply, there is a loss of consciousness.

In order to provide timely and correct assistance to the patient, he needs to know and tell the doctor that he is taking Teturam. Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the patient does not know that he is "sitting on pills", while relatives secretly add medicines to his food. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to diagnose the cause of the appearance of all the above symptoms. Confirmation that the poisoning occurred while taking Teturam is a blood test for ethanol.

How to remove Teturam from the body

There is no antidote for the rapid elimination of a substance from the body. Therefore, doctors begin symptomatic treatment, which helps to reduce the severity of an overdose of the drug:

  1. Patients in a coma are intubated. If they develop hypotension at the same time, infusion therapy and the introduction of Norepinephrine are used.
  2. At the second stage of treatment, Pyridoxine is used at a dose of up to 1 g. If vomiting occurs, it is eliminated using Raglan or Ondansetron. Hyperthermia is treated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  3. At the third stage, high doses of vitamin C up to 1 g are used. The substance is administered as an effective antioxidant. It also shows the reception of Unitiol at 0.3 ml / kg of weight, sorbents, saline laxatives. Sorbents are used twice, since Teturam is involved in enterohepatic circulation, as a result of which it is released into the intestine and reabsorbed from it.

In rare cases, resort to blood transfusion or hemodialysis.

Find out why it appears: causes and treatment.

Read why and how to fix the problem.

Do you know what is a defense mechanism? Find out how to help the victim.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to quickly remove the remedy from the body, the effect will be observed for another two weeks after the drug is discontinued. The fact is that the active component accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, from there it enters the blood in small doses. Due to this, the concentration of the component in the blood is constantly maintained and is excreted only two weeks after the complete withdrawal of the drug.

For a quick "decoding", which is not accompanied by severe poisoning, the patient is usually injected with conditional Teturam antidotes, which only partially eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by the drug. These drugs include: 1% solution of methylene blue, Suprastin, Diazolin, Erius, Parlazin. Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the medicine from the body earlier.

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