The puppy has a temperature of 37 what to do. What body temperature is considered normal for a dog? Signs of fever in a dog

An important indicator of the well-being of dogs is their body temperature. Deviations from the norm indicate the course of inflammatory processes in the body. A normal temperature in dogs is a sign that there are no health problems. If you are the owner of a pet, then you should know the rate of this indicator of well-being.

What is the norm?

The temperature in dogs is normally higher than human. It is 37.5-39 ° C. In specific animals, it differs, as it depends on several factors:

  • breeds;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • physiological state;
  • individual features.

In a small breed puppy, the norm is approximately 39 ° C. In an adult large breed, the normal temperature can be much lower. The value of the indicator increases in dogs in hot weather, after physical exertion, from excitement, fear, during estrus in bitches.

As an example, let's look at the normal temperature in animals:

  • small breed puppy - 38.6–39.3 ° C;
  • adult dog of small breed - 38.5–39.0 ° C;
  • puppy of medium breed - 38.3-39.1 ° C;
  • adult dog of medium breed - 37.5–39.0 ° C;
  • large breed puppy - 38.2–39.0 ° C;
  • an adult dog of a large breed - 37.4–38.3 ° C.

Body temperature in dogs is an individual indicator. This is clearly seen in the example.

When should measurements be taken?

If your dog is absolutely healthy, then daily measurements are not necessary. You just need to know what temperature is normal for your beloved pet.

Healthy breeding puppies are recommended to take regular measurements from birth according to a specific schedule. This indicator should be measured before and after childbirth. Its value determines how soon the dog will have puppies. As a rule, the temperature drops significantly before childbirth. It also needs to be measured before and after vaccinations.

In case of poor condition, regularly (morning and evening) measure the pet's body temperature. Get a special notebook. In it you will make daily notes.

Signs and causes of temperature deviation from the norm

Many owners evaluate the condition of a pet by the nose. They consider a dry, hot nose a sign of a health problem. This information is a myth. Dry, warm nose at night is normal. Animals do not lick it during sleep. Dry nose in dogs is not a reason to visit a veterinary clinic.

A healthy animal looks cheerful. It actively reacts to events, normally eats, plays. The dog's coat is shiny and tight. In a sick animal, the opposite characteristics are observed. There are such signs of ill health: fever in a puppy, an adult dog, refusal to eat throughout the day, lethargy, restlessness (with severe pain), vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, heart palpitations, breathing.

If the above symptoms are observed, then measure the body temperature, see if it is normal. The reasons for its change can be diseases, infections. High values ​​occur with plague, piroplasmosis, endometritis, heat stroke. The decrease occurs with parvovirus enteritis, helminthic invasion and other diseases.

How to determine?

The measurement is made with a thermometer (electronic or mercury). The use of an electronic thermometer is recommended. The measurement procedure will last no more than a minute. The mercury thermometer is not as fast. To obtain reliable information, they need to measure the temperature for 3-5 minutes. The only advantage of a mercury thermometer is its low price.

Buy a separate thermometer for your beloved puppy or adult dog. Family members for hygiene reasons should not use it. Zero scale before use. To make the procedure less unpleasant, grease the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly.

The pet will not like measuring body temperature, as it will be carried out rectally. During the procedure, talk to the animal, call it affectionate words, soothe, stroke, treat it with some treat.

When entering the thermometer, the dog can be positioned in one of the following two positions:

  1. lying on the side;
  2. standing.

For inexperienced owners, the first method is suitable. In dogs lying down, you will need to raise the tail, slowly insert the prepared thermometer into the anus by 1-2 cm (depending on the size of the animal).

A calm, quiet environment should prevail in the room during the procedure. The dog during the first measurement experiences excitement, fear. Hold your pet while introducing the thermometer. The animal can twitch, jump up, break the thermometer, injure itself.

After the procedure, it is very important to feed the animal something tasty, but before that, wash the thermometer in warm water using soap and disinfect it with alcohol. Don't forget to wash and sanitize your hands.

If you wish, you can teach the puppy to a specific team (for example, "treat", "thermometer"). If your dog understands, then it will be very easy to take measurements later on. The pet, hearing the command, will allow you to measure t °, it will calmly wait for the end of the procedure.

What to do if the temperature is increased (lowered)?

The deviation of this indicator from the normal value is a sign of the body's fight against infection, a symptom of the disease. If you find that the dog's body temperature has increased (decreased), do not try to influence it on your own. Normal indicators may be obtained in this way, but it will not be possible to get rid of a disease or infection in this way.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, call him at home. Due to delay, valuable minutes are lost, the condition of the animal worsens. You can take your pet to the veterinary clinic. If your pet's thermometer shows above 40 ° C, then apply something cool to his body during transportation. Be careful. The dog must not be cold. If the animal has a low temperature (below 36.5 ° C), then attach a warm heating pad to its body, cover with a blanket.

Do not give your pet medication of your choice. They will only worsen the situation, because the reason for the deviation of body temperature from the norm in dogs are infections, tumors, endocrine diseases, toxins.

Specialists of the veterinary clinic will be able to quickly and correctly diagnose, prescribe the necessary medications. Try to do everything that the veterinarians have recommended. Do not cancel self-administered drugs after the dog's condition improves. This can only be done by a doctor who is sure that the dog’s normal temperature will no longer change, the animal is completely healthy and absolutely nothing threatens its life.

general practitioner, ophthalmologist

What it is?

hypothermia- a condition characterized by a decrease in the dog's body temperature below 37.5 ° C as a result of the predominance of the body's heat transfer process over the heat production process. Described by the medical term » hypothermia».

Why might the temperature drop?

A decrease in body temperature in a dog can cause:

  1. Impact on the body of low ambient temperature, cold
  2. Long-term operations on the organs of the chest and abdomen (more than 1.5-2 hours), prolonged anesthesia (more than 4 hours)
  3. Animals with various types of injuries, endocrine diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  4. Influence of internal factors on the thermoregulation center of the brain. Such factors include
  • skull injuries, oncological and congenital diseases of the brain
  • accumulation in the body of various harmful substances as a result of a disease (for example, with diabetes mellitus or kidney failure)
  • ingestion of substances that act on the nervous system

Puppies are very prone to a decrease in body temperature due to the imperfection of thermoregulatory mechanisms.

What does it look like?

A decrease in body temperature causes behavioral and physiological responses in dogs aimed at maintaining it.

  • Dogs tend to lie down in a warm place, curl up into a ball
  • The wool is ruffled, due to which the air gap between the external air and the skin increases.
  • Muscle tremors appear, as a result of which additional heat is generated
  • There is a narrowing of the blood vessels on the surface of the body (peripheral vasospasm), which reduces heat loss from the surface of the skin. At the same time, the skin and visible mucous membranes become paler and cooler.

First aid

The dog should be placed in a warm room, wrapped in a blanket or overlaid with heating pads with warm water (water temperature 38-40 ° C).
Offer your dog a warm drink, such as broth or milk. It is necessary to periodically measure the body temperature of your pet.

When urgent qualified veterinary care is needed

If the body temperature drops below 36°C and continues to decrease, then the body's defense mechanisms have been exhausted, heat loss increases sharply, and progressive cooling of the body occurs.

It is accompanied by signs of oppression, up to loss of consciousness. The tremor disappears. The pulse becomes weak or absent. Breathing is shallow and rare. Heart contractions are difficult to determine, their frequency is sharply reduced. Severe cardiac arrhythmias develop. A further decrease in temperature is accompanied by severe disorders of the body's functions and its death.

The dog needs timely qualified assistance - active warming, which can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic under the constant supervision of a doctor.
The dog should be wrapped in a warm woolen blanket. Put warm heating pads on the body and immediately deliver to the veterinarian for resuscitation.

What will the doctor do?

The volume of therapeutic measures depends on the degree of cooling of the body.
In case of severe hypothermia, in addition to warming, the affected animal needs intensive therapy aimed not only at correcting existing disorders of the functions of organs and systems, but also at preventing possible complications. At the same time, the main efforts are focused on maintaining adequate breathing, efficient blood circulation, optimal metabolism, preventing further cooling and gradually actively warming the body.

It goes without saying that it is necessary to direct maximum efforts to identify and eliminate the causes of a decrease in body temperature.

In case of respiratory arrest and cardiac activity, it is necessary to carry out the entire complex of resuscitation measures.

During treatment, body temperature, blood pressure and changes in the electrocardiogram are constantly monitored.

The outcome of hypothermia depends on its cause, severity, the preexisting condition of the affected animal, and the time elapsed prior to treatment.

There is evidence that older animals that have experienced hypothermia retain residual brain damage that makes them more susceptible to repeated hypothermia.

It should be noted that during hypothermia, very long-term (several hours) resuscitation measures can be successful, therefore, ascertaining the death of an animal with hypothermia is legitimate only after it has been warmed to 30-32°C. However, deep metabolic disorders that have developed both as a result of hypothermia and during prolonged resuscitation can later cause fatal complications (cerebral edema, cardiovascular insufficiency).

Understanding the subtle mechanisms that develop during hypothermia, timely diagnosis, initiation of treatment and preventive measures, as well as adequate and reasoned intensive therapy for hypothermia will prevent the development of severe complications and improve the results of treatment of such patients.

Body temperature is not a constant value in dogs. It can change during the day or depending on the age and sex of the animal, its physiological state, intensity of physical activity, environmental conditions.

However, there is such an indicator as "normal temperature", which includes an interval, not a single digit.

In dogs, the temperature is from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but even in this case, age and size are taken into account:

  • for decorative breeds - 39-39.5;
  • for large dogs - 37.4-38.3;
  • for medium - 37.5-39;
  • for puppies - 38.2-39.3.

Based on these indicators, you can determine the average temperature of the pet and take appropriate measures when raising or lowering.

Small dog temperature

As a rule, the normal temperature in dogs of small, medium and large differs significantly. So, in adult small dogs, this indicator of the physiological state is 38.50 ° C - 39.0 0 ° C. In puppies of such breeds, it is even higher - up to 39.50 ° C. In addition, the normal temperature in small breed dogs depends not only on age, but also on external factors.

The temperature of dogs in the heat

A high temperature in a dog can be a consequence of overheating and even heat stroke. Our pets endure the heat much harder than humans. The physiology of dogs is such that the thermoregulation of their body is completely different from that of humans. Self-cooling in dogs occurs through the mouth, tongue, paw pads and nose. In the heat, any dog ​​will overheat much faster than a person, so it is better to protect your pet from high air temperatures. And, if a dog’s temperature of 39.50 ° C at a certain age and for a particular breed can be the norm, then a temperature of 40 ° C and above is already an indicator of overheating or heat stroke, if no other causes of high temperature in a dog are found.

When should you take your dog's temperature?

It is not necessary to constantly measure the temperature of a pet, according to a special schedule, the temperature of breeding puppies is checked. But knowing what body temperature a dog has is important so as not to miss a critical situation.

The temperature is constantly monitored in the following cases: before and after vaccinations, during pregnancy, before and after childbirth.

A number of suspicious symptoms that have appeared in a dog require an urgent temperature measurement in order to prevent a possible disease.

Pay attention to factors:

  • refusal to eat;
  • increased thirst;
  • lethargy;
  • pale tongue and gums;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • apathy, drowsiness;
  • dull faded coat;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • difficulty infrequent urination;
  • dark color of urine;
  • muscle spasms;
  • hot dry nose;
  • convulsions, vomiting and diarrhea.

Wet and cold or, conversely, a hot nose does not determine the temperature of the dog, but many owners believe the opposite. You can find out what temperature your pet has by measuring it. If the dog is sick, it makes sense to start a "temperature diary" and record the results in the morning and evening.

How to measure the temperature of a dog at home?

To carry out the measurement, a thermometer is used (mercury thermometer gives more accurate readings, but electronic shows the result faster). It is administered rectally (into the dog's anus). Here is an algorithm for how to measure the temperature of a dog correctly:

  1. Calm your pet, lay him on his side, stroke his stomach. The dog must relax.
  2. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with a greasy ointment (children's cream is usually used for this purpose).
  3. The tail of the animal is raised, the thermometer is slowly inserted into the rectum (2-2.5 cm for large individuals, 1-1.5 cm for small ones).
  4. While the measurement is in progress, talk to your pet, stroke it, treat it to your favorite treat.
  5. After the end of the measurement (5 minutes for mercury thermometers, 30-40 seconds for electronic ones), carefully remove the thermometer, praise the animal, write down the data obtained. Wash the thermometer and hands with warm soapy water, if necessary, disinfect with an alcohol solution.

Thanks to this algorithm, you can easily find out the status of your pet. Handle the dog gently and calmly, do not scare it. The pet should know that measuring with a thermometer is a simple and painless procedure.

How to check without a thermometer?

To measure temperature without a thermometer, veterinarians advise using 1 of the 4 methods below:

  1. Touch the paw pads and ears of the pet. If some kind of infection has entered the dog's body and provoked a rise in temperature, then you will find hot paws and ears of the animal. This is due to the accumulation of a large number of blood vessels in these places. When an infection occurs, blood flow to the paws increases.
  2. Touch the groin or armpit area. With an increase in temperature in the groin and armpits, it becomes unnaturally hot. In addition, there may be a slight swelling of these areas.
  3. Checking the condition of the gums. In a healthy animal, the gums should always be moist and have a pink tint. With dryness and pallor of the oral cavity in a pet, one can confidently assert the presence of temperature. And this is a direct indicator of infection in the body.
  4. Prolonged trembling of the limbs of the animal's body indicates a sharp decrease in body temperature. If at the same time you feel the appearance of heat, then urgently measure the temperature of the dog.

Can you tell by the nose?

Many also believe that a hot, dry nose is a characteristic symptom of a high fever. However, this is largely an erroneous opinion, since a dry nose does not directly determine whether a pet is sick or not.

Periodic drying and heating of the tip of the nose may be due to the following reasons:

  • excessively active games or physical activity;
  • general overwork of the dog's body due to a long walk on the street;
  • warm and dry apartment premises (especially during the winter months);
  • after sleep, the metabolism is slowed down and the secretion of moisture is reduced;
  • sharp nervous strain;
  • the reaction of the dog's body to a sharp change in weather;
  • hormonal fluctuations in a pet during estrus or after childbirth.

The reasons listed above should not be accompanied by potential signs of the disease - refusal of food and water, diarrhea, etc. If you observe several of these symptoms at the same time, then it is still worth checking the temperature.

Some Causes of Temperature Rise

The temperature rises when heat transfer is disturbed or physically impossible, or when heat retention mechanisms are activated during its increased production. Most often, the temperature rises in response to the action of certain substances, they are called pyrogens. For example, pyrogens can be parts of bacteria, during an infectious disease, destroyed tissues of the body, formed during trauma or tumor decay.

Also, those substances to which the animal has an individual sensitivity, that is, an allergy, can raise the temperature.

A low temperature in a dog is also considered a deviation from the norm. This can happen, for example, after surgery, in which case you need to cover it warmer and be sure to consult a veterinarian. The body temperature of a pregnant dog can also change, before giving birth it drops by one degree compared to the norm (up to 37-37.5 ° C). The normal body temperature of a newborn puppy on the first day is also slightly lower than usual - 33-36 ° C, about 15-20 days it will be about 36.5-38 ° C. During this period, it is desirable for the puppy to provide optimal conditions. Even short-term hypothermia can lead to a deterioration in his condition.

Causes of low temperature

Body temperature can drop for many reasons. There are 3 degrees of hypothermia:

  • Light (up to 32 degrees)
  • Moderate (up to 28 degrees)
  • Severe (less than 28 degrees)

If the dog's body temperature is below 36.5 degrees, then it must be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic. Hypothermia can be primary (exposure to cold, immersion of the dog in cold water) and secondary (serious injury, extensive blood loss).

The most common causes of low temperature:

  • hypothermia of the body in the winter season;
  • anesthesia during surgery;
  • exhaustion;
  • thermoregulation disorder in case of serious injuries, for example, craniocerebral;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, liver;
  • poisoning.

Also, low body temperature can be observed in small puppies due to the imperfection of their thermoregulation system. At the time when the mother dog left the kids, they must be placed under an infrared lamp or put on a heating pad. If this is not done, then the puppies begin to crawl in circles, show anxiety, they are cold, and they feel abandoned.

The optimum temperature in the nest for newborns is about 30 degrees Celsius. Short-term hypothermia is not dangerous for puppies, but if the mother or a heating pad replacing her is not available for a long time, then they can die from hypothermia. In the process of growing babies, the temperature in the nest should gradually decrease. By 3 weeks, the puppies begin to work their own thermoregulation system and they no longer need additional heating.

In pregnant bitches, the temperature begins to drop as labor approaches. On average, it drops to 36.9-36.6 degrees, which means that puppies will be born within 24 hours. After opening the birth canal, the temperature returns to normal and even rises higher. Usually, by the expulsion of the last fetus, it ranges from 39 to 39.5 degrees. Some dogs don't change their temperature before giving birth, so watch for other signs as well.

In the last days of pregnancy, be sure to monitor the behavior of the dog. Veterinarians advise taking temperature 2-4 times a day so as not to miss the onset of labor.


The best way to measure your dog's body temperature is to use a thermometer. If this is not possible for some reason, then pay attention to the visual signs of hypothermia:

  • shiver;
  • convulsions;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the animal seems cold to the touch;
  • the dog is lethargic, constantly sleeping;
  • unnatural behavior:
  • the animal can hide, be aggressive, or, on the contrary, be too affectionate;
  • breathing slows down, heart rate decreases;
  • in severe hypothermia, the pupils stop responding to light;
  • with a critical decrease in temperature, coma occurs.

If measures are not taken, then complications may develop: acute renal or cardiovascular failure, bronchopneumonia, pancreatitis. Be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian, as without treatment he may die.

First aid

With hypothermia, you need to deliver the animal to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Before this or during the trip, give the animal first aid:

  • Take your dog to a warm place. When you are away from home, you can go to the store or sit in a warm car;
  • Wrap your pet in a warm blanket or any heat-insulating material;
  • Have your dog drink warm water. It is strictly forbidden to use hot liquids, this can adversely affect the well-being of the animal;
  • Give your pet a light warming massage.

After that, immediately take the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic.


Now let's talk about how to raise the dog's body temperature. After examination, the veterinarian may recommend leaving the dog in the hospital. This is usually done in cases where the animal's temperature has dropped dramatically. The dog is often prescribed droppers. The method of passive superficial and active internal warming of the animal is used. With a slight decrease in body temperature, the animal is covered with heating pads and covered with a blanket in order to prevent further heat loss. With severe hypothermia, intravenous administration of warm solutions, gastric lavage, and warming enemas are added to these procedures. Upon reaching a body temperature of 36.7 degrees, the animal is given drugs to relieve pain attacks.

A dog's body temperature is the most important indicator of how it feels. When your dog has a low or high temperature, you need to take him to the veterinarian. In the event that, along with an abnormal temperature, symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, lack of appetite, urine with blood and frequent urination are observed, need to see a doctor immediately.

Normal body temperature in dogs

What body temperature should a dog have? The normal body temperature in an adult dog is slightly higher than in humans and is approximately 37.5⁰ - 38.5⁰C. Puppies have a temperature slightly higher, and it is approximately 39⁰С.

Depending on age, weight, height and other individual nuances, the temperature may vary slightly, but not significantly. For example, large dogs have a slightly lower temperature than small dogs. It depends on the metabolism in the body. For the same reason, human body temperature is lower than that of any dog.

It is also worth knowing that the temperature is capable of rise for short periods of time from fear or excitement, from physical exertion, in hot weather, as well as during. Immediately before childbirth, there is also a short decrease in temperature by about 0.5-1 ° C.

What temperature is considered normal for your dog? Knowing the temperature of the dog is necessary in order to quickly identify her illness. Due to the fact that different dogs have different body temperatures, too, the owner should know what temperature is normal for his dog, taking into account its breed, height and weight. To find out, it is enough just to measure the temperature of your dog from time to time in a calm environment.

Symptoms of high and low temperature

Signs of high fever in a dog:

  • the dog has no appetite, vomiting;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • sleep throughout the day;
  • desire to retire;
  • nose dry and hot;
  • gums are warm, dry and bright brick-colored;
  • the inside of the ear and paw pads are significantly hotter than your palm or cheek;
  • the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin are swollen and hot.

Signs of low temperature:

  • shiver;
  • goosebumps;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • problems with coordination and reaction.

When a dog has these symptoms, need to measure the temperature. You can do it yourself, it is not necessary to immediately go to the doctor. In a situation where the dog also has symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions, then you can’t put off even a minute: you should immediately take it to the doctor.

How to take a dog's temperature

In healthy dogs It is customary to measure the temperature before and after vaccinations, during pregnancy,. In the normal normal state, it is not necessary to constantly measure the temperature of an adult dog.

How to determine the temperature in a dog? The temperature is measured with the most common thermometer: medical, electronic or mercury. A mercury thermometer is the cheapest, but an electronic one is the simplest and most convenient. It is necessary to provide the dog with a separate thermometer for hygiene reasons. One thermometer with a dog should not be used not only by a person, but also by other pets.

How to take a dog's temperature? Temperature measurement is not a complicated procedure, but the dog may not like it very much, so you need to be gentle and careful with it. Measurement is carried out through the rectum. And if the dog does not like the very first measurements, then in the future it will gradually get used to it and begin to treat them calmly.

Before the procedure you must first prepare the thermometer, that is, reset the scale readings, lubricate its tip with petroleum jelly. It is best to lay the dog on its side, lift the tail and slowly insert the thermometer into the anus by about 1.5 - 2 cm.

If you measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer, then you will need to hold it for about a minute, but you will have to hold a mercury thermometer for 3-5 minutes.

The procedure is best in a quiet environment so as not to scare the dog. It is best at this time to pet the dog, talk to it affectionately, give it something tasty. Be sure to praise the dog after the procedure and give her her favorite treat as a reward.

If you behave correctly from the very first procedure, then almost all dogs calmly tolerate temperature measurements. After the end of the procedure it is necessary to wash the thermometer with warm water and soap, and then disinfect it with alcohol. It will not be superfluous to disinfect your hands after everything.

The dog has a temperature: what to do

Low or high body temperature in a dog is one of the symptoms and diagnostic signs of the disease. In no case do not try to bring down or, on the contrary, increase temperature, this will only damage the dog and make it difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

If the dog has low temperature, then this may be due to such reasons as:, (in puppies and young dogs), etc.

If the temperature is low, then need to keep the dog warm. It will be enough to wrap it with something warm, put a heating pad or warm compresses next to it. The most important thing is to act carefully so that there are no sudden changes in temperature, do not overheat the dog. In any case, it will be necessary to contact a specialist, and if it is below 37 ° C, then the dog should be urgently taken for examination to the veterinarian.

If the dog has heat, then this may be due to such reasons as: (in bitches), heat stroke, etc.

It is best to give her some cool water, put a towel soaked in cold water on her sides, open the window if it is hot (only without drafts), give a decoction of raspberries, chamomile and currants, fill bottles of cold water and put in the room. If the temperature is elevated, the dog is more likely to come and lie down near them. And you can not postpone a visit to the veterinary clinic.

If the dog has a temperature exceeded 40.0°С, then you need to put ice packs or something else cold on her body during transportation to the veterinary clinic.

Concerning diets, then, as a rule, dogs with temperature deviations suffer from a lack of appetite, so they should not be forced to eat.

The most important thing is not to forget that never self-medicate. If you do not show the dog to the veterinarian in time, then you seriously risk his health. High or low temperature is not the source of the disease, and if it is brought back to normal with medicines, it will not cure the disease.


We invite you to watch the video, where you will learn about how to measure temperature the body of a dog, which thermometer to choose and what is the range of normal temperature in dogs.

Dog owners commonly ask themselves the following questions about their pets temperature: What is a dog's normal body temperature? How to measure the temperature correctly? What to do if the temperature is above or below normal?

Those who care about their pets should always know the answers to these questions. If you don't know something, you can always discuss your question on our website.

High body temperature is a dangerous thing, it does not tolerate a careless attitude. If the temperature of the dog suddenly rises, then the owner must know what can be done at home. After all, normal temperature primarily reflects the state of health of any living organism. Every dog ​​has a different standard. In small breeds, the thermometer readings are lower, in large breeds, higher. During a stressful situation, indicators increase, in a calm environment they decrease. Therefore, it is worthwhile to clearly understand which temperature for a particular pet is deadly, and which is not a threat.

What does body temperature mean for dogs

It is unrealistic to tell about all the possible causes of an increase in the temperature of an animal; it is not feasible to protect it from many diseases. However, if you seek veterinary help in time, you can save a life by passing a general blood test. It is imperative to know the normal temperature of the pet in order to correctly determine at the right moment whether the indicator has increased greatly. In humans, 36.6 is constant; in dogs, this figure varies. Changes are quite natural, associated with age, breed, weight, activity, environment.

What temperature is normal for dogs

As mentioned above, the normal body temperature for each dog is different. In a healthy dog, the thermometer will show no lower than 37.5 degrees, no higher than 39 degrees, depending on the breed. Consider in the table the thermometer readings for various dogs:

After analyzing the readings, calculate the average temperature for your pet. The result may be affected by the time of year. During a hot summer, there is an increase of a whole unit of a degree. Serious changes are not recommended to be treated on your own, the best way to help is to visit the veterinarian.

Useful advice. In the last week of the dog's pregnancy, to record a sharp drop in temperature, it is measured twice a day. If the readings have decreased by 1.5 - 2 degrees, then the female will give birth in the next 24 hours.

Reasons why your dog might have a fever

Before we find out what can and should be given to a dog from a temperature, let's find out the causes. Why is there an increase in temperature, why is it so urgent to respond to it. Hyperthermia is a fairly common occurrence in pets.

The most common cause of high fever is sunstroke. Please tell me, have you noticed that many animals do not tolerate hot summers well. Being outside all day they get overheated. In this case, no medication is required, the main rule is a sufficient amount of water in an accessible place, moving to a cool place to bring down the pet's fever.

Even those dogs that experience stress and worries cannot do without a high temperature. For example, a long trip in transport, a change of permanent residence, a crowd. Medical intervention in this case is also not necessary, water will help.

The main reason that you should pay close attention to is, of course, an infectious, viral disease. An increase in temperature directly depends on the occurrence of inflammation. In these situations, of course, a visit to the veterinarian is the main thing to do. Here are some reasons for exceeding the norm of readings:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. Virus attacks of the animal body;
  3. Infectious diseases;
  4. Poisoning, intoxication;
  5. Diseases of the vascular system;
  6. Heart diseases;
  7. Hormonal disbalance;
  8. Allergic reaction;
  9. joint problems;
  10. The birth of puppies;
  11. Overheating of the body;
  12. stressful situations;
  13. Growing teeth.

If, during hyperthermia, the thermometer shows two divisions higher than it should, for example, 41 degrees, immediately go to the veterinary clinic. The reason may be serious. Terrible deadly diseases such as distemper, piroplasmosis. Bringing down the temperature of the dog is not a solution to the main problem, just a temporary relief to relieve pain.

Symptoms of hyperthermia

Some pet owners believe that the main symptom of a high fever is a dry nose. They are mistaken, as dogs can have a warm and dry nose after sleep. Therefore, relying on this sign is stupid. Consider the most common symptoms:

  1. Frequent heavy breathing;
  2. Lethargy, weakness, indifference;
  3. Appetite disappears;
  4. The dog mostly lies on the cold floor, another cool place;
  5. indigestion, diarrhea;
  6. Constantly drinks water;
  7. The language brightens;
  8. Trembling limbs, chills;
  9. Tachycardia;
  10. Seizures.

To determine whether a dog is healthy or not, it is worth measuring the temperature with a thermometer. Inexperienced emotional breeders, with any change in the thermometer readings in one direction or another, headlong run to show the dog to a specialist.

Useful advice. Watch your animal how it behaves. Whether there are other symptoms besides fever. Indications during the day can hang back and forth, this is normal for the animal. If the above symptoms increase, then you don’t need to bring down the temperature yourself, it’s better to take it to the clinic.

What to do if your dog has a fever

Only a veterinarian can tell how to help a pet fight fever. His conclusions and recommendations will be based on a complete picture describing the state of health, depending on what the general blood test and others show. Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is made. There are no exact instructions on how to get rid of hyperthermia, since this is a symptom, not a disease. Therefore, at a mark of 41 degrees or more, contact the veterinary clinic immediately.

How to take your dog's temperature correctly

We found out that it is impossible to determine the temperature by the humidity of the nose. To do this, use the most ordinary thermometer, mercury and electronic ones are sold in the pharmacy. Electronic is more convenient, quickly determines the indicators. Each individual must have a personal thermometer. After the dog, in no case can not be used by a person.

If you go to the section of the dogs of the participants on the veterinary forum, they will advise you to use an electronic thermometer, although mercury is cheaper, since it takes only a few minutes to find out the result. To measure the temperature of a simply accustomed pet, for the first time you will have to sweat. The main thing in this matter is caution and calmness, so as not to harm an already sick animal.

How to make the process comfortable

  1. Prepare a thermometer by knocking down the previous readings.
  2. Spread the end of the thermometer with petroleum jelly, a moisturizing cream for children, levomekol gel, to choose from what is in the house.
  3. Reassure the dog, lay on its side.
  4. Raise the tail, gently insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of no more than two centimeters, while slightly pressing it against the intestinal wall.
  5. Wait for 6 minutes with mercury, and the electronic will beep when the result is ready.
  6. Be sure to sanitize the thermometer after use.

Other ways, but less effective

  1. You can measure the temperature in the mouth of an animal. But only if it is calm, not aggressive, obedient, which does not want to gnaw the device with its teeth.
  2. In short-haired breeds, the device can take readings if pressed against the groin, inserted between the skin, like in humans.

In all of the above methods, the environment should be calm, without any extra sounds. Talk to your pet gently during the procedure. You can feed treats. If the thermometer shows a low, high temperature, immediately go to the clinic.

Help with high fever

After it turned out that the dog has a fever, you should take him to the veterinarian, or call him at home if such services are available in the city. But it often happens that there is no way to go at the same second, so here are a few recommendations to reduce the temperature:

  1. It is necessary to externally cool the animal, bring down the heat. To do this, take it to a cool place, put it on the floor, let the animal organism cool down. But the windows can not be opened so that there is no draft. And then harm your pet even more.
  2. It is not recommended to move the most four-legged friend, carry it on your hands, even if it is heavy.
  3. Be sure to drink small portions of pure water in a strict order to avoid dehydration. If you refuse, you can give the dog water with a syringe.
  4. If you refuse food, you can not force to eat.
  5. To reduce the temperature, it is desirable to make cold compresses. It is necessary to moisten the cloth, apply ice to the neck through it. Shave very thick wool.
  6. It is not recommended to treat your pet on your own. Human tablets are not suitable for animals. They can seriously harm animal health. In extreme cases, give the animal paracetamol. But just keep the proportions, 1 tablet of paracetamol is designed for 40 kg. For large breeds 1/4 of the tablet, for small breeds 1/10.

Useful advice. Do not waste time, take the dog to the doctor, maybe then you will save the life of your pet!

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