After childbirth 3 weeks there is bleeding. How much blood flow (lochia) after childbirth? Bleeding in the room...

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Postpartum hemorrhage is a normal process, which results in a natural cleansing of the uterine cavity from lochia and lingering remnants of placental tissue. The severity of bleeding depends on its nature, total blood loss and duration. How much blood flows after childbirth is a question that worries every young mother.

For many women, bleeding from childbirth is neither a cause for alarm nor a threat. Abundant in the first days, it gradually decreases and disappears within a few weeks. Severe bleeding, which occurs with painful contractions and pulling pains, a pronounced odor and putrefactive discharge, is not the norm and requires urgent medical intervention.

Causes of bleeding after childbirth

Severe bleeding in the first hours after the birth of a newborn can be provoked by:

  • Poor indicators of blood coagulability, individual for a woman in labor, as a result of which blood flows out of the genital tract in liquid streams without any symptoms of thrombus formation (thickened lumps, darkening of the color of the blood). It is not difficult to prevent such bleeding if, on the eve of childbirth, a woman passes an appropriate blood test for coagulation.
  • resulting in injury to the birth canal.
  • An increase in placental tissue, as a result of which blood will flow, since the uterus cannot fully.
  • Unsatisfactory ability of the genital organ to contract due to overstretching of its tissues caused by, and.
  • Gynecological problems associated with changes in the structure of the reproductive organ - myoma or uterine fibroids.

Late bleeding may develop 2 hours after delivery and within the next 6 weeks.

Why does blood flow after childbirth in this case:

  • particles of placental tissue linger in the uterus;
  • a blood clot or several clots cannot leave the uterus as a result of its spasm in the cervical region;
  • the recovery time of the uterus is delayed due to the inflammatory process in the pelvic area, this condition is characterized by an increase in overall body temperature and prolonged bleeding.

How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

Every woman who cares about her health is sure to ask the doctor about how and how many days blood flows after childbirth. Normally, postpartum discharge lasts up to 6 weeks, but for many new mothers it ends a little earlier.

During this period of time, the mucous layer of the uterus is restored, while the organ takes its prenatal form. bleeding lasts longer, because the muscles and walls of the uterus were injured during surgery, and it takes longer to return to its original state.

How much blood will flow after childbirth directly depends on the following factors:

  • features of the course of pregnancy and labor;
  • way of delivery - or;
  • natural contractile activity of the uterus;
  • , for example, inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • features of the physiological status of women, health status;
  • features of lactation - regular attachment of the baby to the breast, on demand, reduces the number of lochia and increases the contractile activity of the uterus, as a result of which the organ begins to be cleansed more efficiently.

To reduce the duration of postpartum bleeding and avoid possible complications, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • regularly empty the bladder and intestines so that crowded organs do not create excessive pressure on the uterus and do not interfere with its contractility;
  • carefully observe hygiene rules to prevent infection of the birth canal;
  • exclude physical activity and intimate relationships for 6 weeks after the birth of the child;
  • sleep on your stomach, as in this position the uterus is cleansed more intensively;
  • establish breastfeeding as much as possible.

Despite the fact that bleeding after childbirth is a natural process, this condition requires attention from the woman and the doctor.

normal bleeding

How much blood normally flows after childbirth was said above - about 6 weeks. Postpartum hemorrhage is divided into several stages, which differ from each other in specific signs: staining and intensity of discharge.

On the first day after childbirth, the amount of discharge will be greater than during normal menstruation. The blood will flow bright scarlet. On the first day, blood is removed from the vessels that attached the placental membranes to the wall of the uterus, so there will be a lot of it. Such bleeding is considered normal from the first to the fourth day after delivery.

In the next 10-14 days, the amount of discharge decreases significantly. The scarlet shade of discharge taken immediately after childbirth at this time changes to slightly pink, brownish or yellow. The uterus continues to contract, and after 2 weeks, bleeding is minimized to a small amount of discharge per day.

Less often, bleeding lasts longer, and until the 6th week of the postpartum period, a woman is disturbed by uterine discharge with scarlet blood. If they are not abundant and fickle, there is nothing wrong with that. Most often, their appearance is preceded by physical exertion, nervous shock and other unfavorable factors.

Pathological bleeding

How much postpartum bleeding will go normally and what it depends on, we described above. But there are pathological conditions.

The need for medical attention arises if postpartum discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • they last more than 6 weeks;
  • slight sanious discharge suddenly changes to bright scarlet blood;
  • the health and general condition of the woman worsens;
  • discharge is accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • clinical manifestations of intoxication develop - body temperature rises, dizziness, general weakness, nausea, etc .;
  • spotting instead of physiological shades acquire yellow-green and dark brown colors, complemented by a repulsive odor.

Regardless of how much blood flows after childbirth, if the discharge has become more intense and has acquired a scarlet color and a liquid structure, you should urgently contact the Ambulance service. Painful sensations, an increase in body temperature, a change in the nature and staining of uterine secretions always become evidence of postpartum complications that have developed, for example, endometriosis, an inflammatory process in the small pelvis and other pathological conditions. In such cases, the correct scheme of action will be timely thorough diagnosis and treatment.

How many days after delivery a young mother will have discharge is an ambiguous question. Postpartum hemorrhage normally lasts no more than 6 weeks, but this can be influenced by many factors, including the physiological characteristics of a woman.

During the postpartum period, the woman in labor should observe the nature of the bleeding, for any changes and accompanying symptoms of this condition. If everything is normal, and the body recovers without complications after the birth of the child, then after 6 weeks any uterine discharge should stop.

Useful video about postpartum hemorrhage

How much blood goes after childbirth? Postpartum bleeding is a physiological norm, which manifests itself in ninety-eight cases. With the help of it, the woman's body can gradually return to normal. Postpartum hemorrhage cleans the uterus itself from the placenta present in it and the so-called lochia, as well as from the remaining pieces of the placenta. These specific secretions begin to be released almost immediately after the completion of childbirth, and this can last for about a month and a half, in some cases more. But this does not always happen and the blood can flow quite strongly, which is a pathology.

Causes of bleeding

The duration of these secretions can be from two to six weeks, which is the norm. The amount of time that blood flows after childbirth directly depends on the blood clotting of the woman who has given birth, the ability of the uterus to contract, the function of tissue repair, and so on. An interesting fact is that breastfeeding women endure the recovery process much easier and faster.

Normally, it bleeds quite intensively after childbirth, but then less blood gradually begins to be released and, as a result, it turns into meager brown discharge, which ends. It is this condition that is the norm and lasts about six weeks.

In itself, postpartum hemorrhage after the birth of a child during the first two hours and the first day is caused by such reasons:

In itself, postpartum hemorrhage after the birth of a child during the first two hours and the first day is caused by such reasons:

  1. Poor blood clotting of a woman in labor, it is quite simple to distinguish it - bleeding in the afterbirth period occurs without clots and lumps, that is, in a stream. That is, thrombosis in this situation is violated. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, immediately before the birth itself and shortly before them, blood should be taken for a general analysis. In addition, the use of any anticoagulant drugs should be discontinued.
  2. Too rapid delivery, which is accompanied by ruptures, that is, the uterus and its neck in particular, as well as the vagina are damaged, here the bleeding continues much longer.
  3. Placenta accreta, which makes it difficult to restore the uterus and causes bleeding in the afterbirth.
  4. The impossibility of the contractile function of the uterus, which occurs due to excessive stretching of the walls, due to polyhydramnios, a large fetus or twins.
  5. Myoma of the uterus and fibroids inside it.

There are certain causes of bleeding, for which blood is released even after two weeks, these include:

  • after a cesarean section, a woman may experience spasms, after which blood clots are released;
  • if parts of the placenta remain in the uterine region;
  • inflammation, due to which the recovery process is difficult.

Thus, if a woman in the early period does not stop bleeding from the genital organs for a long time and, in addition, it has an abundant character, you need to turn, since the reason lies in pathological changes.


Bleeding after childbirth is a physiological process that occurs normally, but women often have a question - how long does bleeding after childbirth last and why. The answer to this question is quite simple, the point here is that when carrying a baby, the placenta is attached to the uterine walls and communicates with it with the help of blood vessels. During labor, the placenta is released from attachment, exposing the vessels. Naturally, they begin to bleed, which leads to a copious discharge of blood.

Normally, literally after the birth of a baby, mothers who have given birth experience new contractions that provoke the uterus to contract and squeeze the vessels, which prevents postpartum hemorrhage, this happens at an early stage.

You should not be afraid of blood loss, as it was invented by nature itself, that is, when carrying a baby, the volume of this fluid doubles and bleeding in the early postpartum period is a protective reaction of the body itself, aimed at a speedy recovery.

When contacting a doctor due to the fact that blood discharge does not stop after childbirth, a woman needs to indicate two parameters for the study: the specificity and volume of blood. In this case, the specialist often notes a violation of the rhythm of the heart, pressure, as well as general malaise.

Based on physiological parameters, normal bleeding in the early postpartum period is no more than 0.5% of the total body weight of the woman who has given birth. But often there are situations in which the indicator is higher and severe bleeding occurs after childbirth, which is a pathology.

If this volume of blood lost begins to exceed 1% of the total body weight of the woman in labor, then critical blood loss occurs. Such conditions lead to irreversible consequences and can be fatal.

This condition occurs with a weak tone of the uterus or with its complete absence. The more neglected the condition, the worse it can be restored with treatment. Moreover, the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing the myometrium, allows you to stop heavy postpartum bleeding a little, but only for a short time.

The reaction of the body in this case is manifested as follows:

  1. Arterial hypotension.
  2. Paleness of the skin.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. General malaise.

In the female body, the blood released from the uterus after childbirth is called lochia, it is the blood itself with the remnants of the endometrium of the uterus and with an admixture of bacteria.

A deviation from the norm is considered to be a state in which the following situations occur:

  • the duration of bleeding exceeds six weeks;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • the discharge becomes yellow-green, turning periodically into brown, which also occurs in the early postpartum period;
  • after childbirth, bleeding of an unstable nature, which can be either scarce or plentiful;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • symptoms of intoxication.

An unpleasant odor indicates the presence of an infection in the body, which penetrates quite easily into the body weakened after childbirth.

If a woman has the symptoms described above, and they last more than a month, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, as they are about the development of infectious diseases, endometriosis, and so on. This should be done even in the early postpartum period, which will greatly facilitate the recovery process.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

Diagnosing the presence of pathologies is possible even during pregnancy, using the study of red blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets, which can be done even at an early stage of bearing a baby. It is also important to take into account blood clotting.

The muscular reaction of the uterus is examined in the third period of labor, and the muscles should not be flabby or contract weakly, as well as:

  • first of all, it is necessary to examine the placenta, which, after the birth of the child, should come out intact;
  • the fetal membrane is examined;
  • the birth canal is examined, on which no injuries should be seen.

In special cases, doctors practice the introduction of general anesthesia to the woman who has given birth, after which the uterus can be manually examined for ruptures, placenta remnants, tumors and other pathologies that interfere with the contractility of the myometrium.

If bleeding needs to be examined in the late postpartum period, then only the ultrasound method is used, which helps to detect the remains of the placenta or membranes.

Normally, the discharge of blood itself should eventually change to yellowish leukocyte discharge, but if this does not happen and the discharge begins to smell strange or the blood is released with greater intensity, then it is necessary to seek help from specialists. The same applies to the situation if a month has already passed after the birth, but the blood continues to flow with the same intensity.

To start treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of this situation. For the purpose of treatment, an exclusively integrated approach should be used, including the use of medications and invasive methods.

In order to provoke the contractile function of the uterus, a special catheter is inserted into the woman's urethra, allowing her to go to urinate, and ice is applied to her stomach. If necessary, massage of the uterus is allowed, but only with a gentle method. Sometimes all the measures taken do not give results, then uterotonic drugs are administered intravenously, sometimes injections of drugs with prostaglandins are made into the cervix.

The lost plasma volume is replenished with specific infusion-transfusion therapy. To do this, plasma-replacing medicines, as well as blood components, are injected into the vein of the woman who gave birth.

When tears are noticed, anesthesia is administered, after which the specialist sews up the damage. Abundant bleeding after childbirth, the causes of which are injuries and damage, is eliminated by the same method.

The applied manual cleansing of the uterus takes place in case of violation of the integrity of the placenta, which occurs only after the introduction of general anesthesia, this will help the discharge to pass more quickly.

There are cases when, as a result of a manual rupture, a uterine rupture is detected, in this case, there is a need for suturing, laparotomy, or even removal of this organ.

Surgical intervention is necessary in case of placenta accreta to the uterus, and also if it is impossible to stop bleeding in the postpartum period.

These manipulations are carried out only in combination with the compensation of lost blood and the stabilization of blood pressure. All these manipulations are carried out in the maternity ward.

As for preventive methods, the following activities will help to reduce the intensity and duration:

  1. Try to go to the toilet as often as possible, as a full intestine and bladder squeeze the uterus, which prevents it from contracting normally and it bleeds with renewed vigor.
  2. Observe the hygiene of the genitals, do not have sexual intercourse and do not take a bath. These measures will help to avoid infection of the weakened body of the woman who has given birth.
  3. A month after giving birth, do not engage in physical activity.
  4. To end the bleeding as soon as possible, you need to sleep on your stomach, which will help the uterus contract faster.
  5. Feed your baby exclusively with breast milk, which leads to the fact that the discharge of blood ends faster.
  6. Do not overheat.

Using these simple tips, many women will be able to protect themselves from many unpleasant consequences during the period when they have bleeding in the afterbirth and early postpartum period.

But, first of all, you should know that the fact how many days after childbirth women bleed from the genitals is a purely individual feature and the approach to this problem should also be individual.

By the birth of a child, a woman's body is freed from excess fluid and a woman should not be afraid that she will experience severe dehydration due to blood loss.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Postpartum hemorrhage is a physiological process. Discharge from the genitals of a woman lasts an average of several weeks. In some cases, bleeding is observed up to 6 weeks after birth - this is also a variant of the norm.

Postpartum hemorrhage is an inevitable part of the post-pregnancy and delivery period. This is a normal physiological process that accompanies the postpartum period of every woman. After childbirth, the uterus is greatly enlarged and is a huge wound. In order to recover, get rid of the placenta, the remnants of the placenta and take the previous size, it needs to be reduced. Uterine contractions are accompanied by secretions, or lochia. Such bleeding after childbirth is considered normal.

Features of the postpartum period

It is generally accepted that the postpartum period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. Discharge from the uterus during this period is a variant of the norm. During this time, the uterus gradually returns to its previous state, menstruation may even return to the woman. Sometimes uterine bleeding stops a month after childbirth, the following factors contribute to this early recovery of the body:

  • lactation- lactation stimulates uterine contraction, and therefore - the discharge increases;
  • regular bladder emptying.

Important! If a woman often lies on her stomach, the outflow of lochia occurs faster.

Bleeding after childbirth: duration

Many women who have given birth do not know how long afterbirth bleeding lasts, and begin to worry if it does not end immediately after childbirth. How many days does it bleed?

Earlier postpartum bleeding is observed in the first few days. The discharge has a bright red tint. Gradually, the color and intensity of lochia changes. Bleeding may be light pink, brown, or yellowish red.

The period with late uterine discharge is called pathological. This condition is accompanied by heavy bleeding a week after childbirth. As a rule, this is due to the fact that part of the placenta or afterbirth remains in the uterus.

If the bleeding after childbirth after a month is bright red, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. It often happens that postpartum discharge is accompanied by fever and pain. Often this indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus.


  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Women who have given birth should wash themselves thoroughly after each emptying of the bladder. Gaskets should be changed as needed, but at least every 3-4 hours.
  2. Do not rush to resume sexual activity. Sexual intercourse during the postpartum period increases the chance of infection.
  3. Within 6-8 weeks after childbirth, in no case do not use vaginal tampons and douche.

Read also the article

After giving birth, any woman should be ready for spotting for another 42 days. Immediately they are represented by clots and blood, gradually the intensity decreases, and they acquire a mucous character. But the postpartum period can be complicated. Often this is bleeding, which can pose a threat to a woman's life. What are the causes of such conditions, how to understand whether this is a norm or a pathology?

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Normal postpartum discharge

Normally, for six weeks (42 days), a woman has a discharge from the genital tract - lochia. Intensity, consistency, color and other parameters undergo significant changes during this time. Approximately it looks like this:

  • The first hours after childbirth. The discharge is copious, often with clots. As a rule, at this time the woman is still lying, resting, and the doctor and midwife are watching her.
  • The first few days. Gradually, the discharge becomes smaller, clots appear less and less. At this time, a woman can safely use maxi. After breastfeeding, there are more of them, as sucking stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Approximately from 7 to 10 days, spotting is already smearing in nature, increasing in periods.
  • From the second week, the lochia becomes more mucous with streaks of blood. Periodic small daub also persists. At this time, even for several days, the discharge may no longer be, and then reappear. This is an absolutely normal rhythm up to and including 42 days after birth.

If the discharge continues after six weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is an alarming sign of a possible pathology.

Periods of uterine bleeding after childbirth

Uterine bleeding is an abnormal discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. The issue is especially relevant in the postpartum period. At this time, due to some features of the discharge, the girl cannot always correctly assess their volume.

Uterine bleeding after childbirth can be divided into the following types:

  • early if occur within 2 hours after birth;
  • late - up to 42 days inclusive;
  • after 42 days.

In the first case, the woman is still in the maternity ward under the close supervision of obstetrician-gynecologists. Bleeding during this period is very massive and can even threaten life. Only a doctor or midwife evaluates the nature of the discharge.

Late bleeding occurs for various reasons. At this time, the woman is already at home, and if she suspects a pathology, she should consult a doctor.

Causes of postpartum hemorrhage

The causes of bleeding in the early and late postpartum period are somewhat different, as are the tactics of women.

Early postpartum hemorrhage

Such complications with untimely assistance can lead to the death of a woman. Therefore, all the actions of doctors must be honed, coordinated and fast. The main reasons for bleeding within two hours of giving birth are:

Cause of bleeding Why is it happening
Atony or hypotension of the uterus Pathology is an insufficient contraction of the myometrium, as a result of which the gaping vessels of the placental site (the area where the child's place was attached) do not collapse and continue to bleed profusely. In a few minutes, a woman can lose up to 2 liters of blood, which is extremely dangerous.
Incomplete separation of placenta The remaining part, usually a few centimeters, interferes with the normal contraction of the uterus, and as a result, this provokes bleeding.
postpartum trauma Ruptures of the cervix, body, vagina, external genital organs are always accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity. Sometimes with the formation of hematomas, if the blood enters a closed cavity or tissue (for example, into muscles, etc.).

In most cases, they are all diagnosed immediately after the birth of the baby. Late detection of tears or poor closure can cost a woman's life.

Blood disorders that affect blood clotting, such as hemophilia and the like In this case, the bleeding does not stop, since the ability to form microthrommas in the damaged vessels of the placental site is lost.

Late postpartum hemorrhage

If bleeding develops within a few days after childbirth, then the reasons may be all the same factors that lead to a similar condition in the early period. The more distant there are very abundant lochia, the higher the likelihood of some additional pathological process.

Late postpartum hemorrhage can also provoke the following conditions:

  • The presence of a placental Its formation occurs from the remnants of the child's place, if during childbirth there was no complete rejection of the tissues. The placental polyp is small, but is almost always visible on pelvic ultrasound.
  • The development of the inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. It can be provoked by an infection in the vagina, chronic foci (even carious teeth with immunodeficiency), etc.
  • Hereditary features of myometrium contraction. This is the most harmless option for bleeding after childbirth. As a rule, in this case, it passes quickly against the background of conservative treatment.
  • Bubble skid is a fairly rare pathology. It can be both benign and malignant. Allocations are often not abundant.

They are often more profuse than usual, painful, and even clotted. But their duration should be no more than 3 - 7 days. In any case, the first critical days should not go beyond the parameters of normal menstruation - approximately 20 ml of discharge per day.

Watch the video about uterine bleeding:

Symptoms of uterine bleeding after a month, in which you need to see a doctor

Immediately after childbirth, the woman is in the hospital for 3-5 or even more days. Doctors carefully monitor the nature of the discharge and, if a pathology is suspected, they immediately conduct an additional examination and, if necessary, medical manipulations.

Once a woman is discharged, she should monitor her condition on her own. In the event of the following situations, it is imperative to seek medical help:

  • If the discharge is very plentiful, bloody (not enough maxi pads for an hour).
  • When, for unknown reasons, they appeared.
  • In the case when the lochia acquire a strange character - they become purulent,.
  • If the discharge continues for more than 42 days, even if it is not strong.

Diagnosis of the mother's condition with uterine bleeding

When bleeding occurs, it is necessary to correctly assume its cause. Only in this case it is possible to take the most correct therapeutic and diagnostic measures.

With early postpartum bleeding, there is no time for any additional manipulations. Therefore, everything is immediately performed to stop it. In this case, only the amount of blood that the woman has lost is estimated. This is of fundamental importance for the course of therapeutic measures.

Regarding late postpartum hemorrhage, it is necessary to clarify the reason for which it arose. The following methods are used:

  • . With it, you can identify signs of inflammation, suspect a placental polyp. It is also important to exclude a new pregnancy, the first menstruation and other pathologies.
  • Hysteroscopy, which is performed if a placental polyp or pathology of the uterine cavity is suspected.
  • Usual WFD when not available in another examination.
  • The study of blood coagulation - coagulogram.

All obtained material is sent for histological examination. According to his conclusion, we can talk about the true cause of bleeding.

Treatment of uterine bleeding after childbirth

Therapy for early and late postpartum hemorrhage is different. This is due to the different nature of the secretions and the possible reasons for the development of such conditions.

Early postpartum hemorrhage

Based on the possible cause, treatment is carried out. The sequence of actions is approximately the following:

  • The introduction of drugs that enhance the contractile activity of the uterus, for example, oxytocin.
  • Manual examination of the uterine cavity. Allows you to identify parts of the placenta that prevent the myometrium from contracting. If necessary, a manual massage is performed to increase the tone of the uterus (with atony).
  • Inspection of the birth canal for tears and injuries. Suturing if necessary.
  • With the ineffectiveness of previous measures, a complex of hemostatic actions is carried out: the imposition of clamps on the vaginal vaults, the repetition of the introduction of uterotonics, and some others.
  • If bleeding continues, the woman is transferred to the operating room. An intervention is carried out, the volume of which depends on many factors. This may be the imposition of special compression sutures on the uterus to compress it, and other methods. If necessary, the organ is removed, which is the last hope for saving the woman.

Late uterine bleeding after childbirth

Therapy of late bleeding in most cases begins with conservative measures. These are reducing drugs, antibiotics, hemostatic, etc.

As a rule, after performing a pelvic ultrasound, it becomes clear whether curettage or hysteroscopy is necessary. It is performed with suspicion of placental remnants, hydatidiform mole. The resulting material is sent for histological examination.

Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage

No woman can be immune from such bleeding, even if she has already had a successful uncomplicated delivery. Therefore, all without exception, prophylaxis is carried out in the early postpartum period. It includes the following:

  • Excretion of urine with a catheter so that a full bladder does not prevent the uterus from contracting.
  • Cold on the lower abdomen for an hour or two for 20 minutes with breaks.
  • Risk groups (large fetus, bleeding in the past, etc.) are given reducing agents, usually oxytocin.

After discharge from the hospital, a woman should also take good care of her health. To prevent bleeding, the following is recommended:

  • Practice breastfeeding.
  • Observe sexual rest from 2 - 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on the complexity of childbirth.

Bleeding after childbirth is a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition for a woman. Only timely and qualified medical care will help remove its cause and save the young mother. The task of a woman is to turn to specialists in time and follow all the advice after childbirth.

The birth of the afterbirth occurs, which means the completion of the birth process. This is accompanied by the release of a large amount of blood and mucus: since the surface of the uterus is damaged, a wound from the former attachment of the placenta remains on it. Until the surface of the uterus heals and the mucosa does not recover, the wound contents will be released from the vagina of the puerperal, gradually changing in color (blood impurities will be less and less) and decreasing in number. These are called lochia.

Immediately after the completion of childbirth, a woman is injected with a drug to stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus. Usually it is Oxytocin or Methylegrometril. The bladder is emptied through the catheter (so that it does not put pressure on the uterus and does not interfere with its contractions), and an ice heating pad is placed on the lower abdomen. This time is very dangerous due to the discovery of hypotonic uterine bleeding, so the puerperal is observed for two hours in the delivery room.

Bloody discharge is now very abundant, but still should not exceed the norm. The woman does not experience any pain, but bleeding quickly leads to weakness and dizziness. Therefore, if you feel that the blood is very strong (for example, the diaper under you is all wet), be sure to tell the medical staff about it.

If the discharge during these two hours does not exceed half a liter and the condition of the puerperal is satisfactory, then she is transferred to the postpartum ward. Now you must monitor your secretions, and for this you need to know what they are and how long they last. Do not be afraid: of course, the nurse will control everything. Yes, and the doctor will certainly come in, including to assess the nature and amount of discharge. But in order to be confident and calm, it is better to know in advance what will happen to you in the first time after childbirth, and what character normal postpartum discharge should have.

What is the discharge after childbirth?

Lochia are made up of blood cells, ichorus, plasma, scraps of the lining of the uterine cavity (dying epithelium) and mucus from the cervical canal, so you will notice mucus and clots in them, especially in the first days after childbirth. With pressure on the abdomen, as well as during movement, the discharge of wound contents may increase. Keep this in mind if you want to get out of bed - you immediately gush. Therefore, we recommend that you first put a diaper under your feet.

Lochia will constantly change their character. At first, they resemble discharge during menstruation, only much more abundant. This is good, because the uterine cavity is being cleansed of wound contents. After a few days, the lochia will become a little darker in color and less in number. In the second week, the discharge will be brownish-yellow, take on a slimy consistency, and after the third week it will be yellowish-white. But blood impurities can be observed for a whole month after childbirth - this is normal.

To avoid bleeding?

Even after the transfer of the puerperal to the postpartum ward, the likelihood of opening bleeding is still high. If the amount of discharge has increased sharply, call your doctor immediately. And to prevent bleeding, do the following:

  • Roll over on your stomach regularly: this will help empty the uterine cavity from wound contents. Better yet, lie more on your stomach than on your back or side.
  • Go to the bathroom as often as possible, even if you don't feel the urge. Ideally every 2-3 hours as a full bladder puts pressure on the uterus and prevents it from contracting.
  • Several times a day, put a heating pad with ice on the lower abdomen: the vessels will contract, which also prevents bleeding.
  • Do not lift anything heavy - with physical exertion, the amount of discharge may increase.

In addition, in nursing mothers, lochia ends much faster. Therefore, breastfeed your baby on demand - during suckling, the mother's body produces oxytocin, which provokes contraction of the uterine muscles. At the same time, the woman feels cramping pains, and the discharge itself intensifies.

To prevent infection?

Abundant discharge in the early days is very desirable - this is how the uterine cavity is cleansed faster. In addition, already from the first days of the postpartum period, a diverse microbial flora is found in the lochia, which, multiplying, can cause an inflammatory process.

In addition, like any other, this wound (on the uterus) bleeds and can be infected very easily - access to it is now open. To prevent this from happening, you should strictly observe hygiene and follow these recommendations:

  • Wash your genitals with warm water every time you go to the toilet. Wash outside, not inside, from front to back.
  • Take a shower daily. But refrain from bathing - in this case, the risk of infection increases. For the same reason, you can not douche.
  • In the first days after childbirth, use sterile diapers instead of sanitary pads.
  • Later, change your pads at least eight times a day. It is better to take the ones you are used to, only for more drops. And wear them under disposable mesh panties.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use hygienic tampons: they retain the wound contents inside, preventing its discharge, and provoke the development of infections.

How much is the discharge after childbirth?

Lochia begins to stand out from the moment of rejection of the placenta and normally will last an average of 6-8 weeks. The intensity of postpartum discharge will decrease over time, lochia will gradually brighten and come to naught. This period is not the same for everyone, as it depends on many different factors:

  • intensity of uterine contraction;
  • physiological characteristics of the female body (its ability to fast);
  • the course of the pregnancy period;
  • the course of childbirth;
  • the presence or absence of postpartum complications (in particular inflammation of an infectious nature);
  • method of delivery (with caesarean section, lochia can last a little longer than with physiological childbirth);
  • breastfeeding (the more often a woman puts a baby to her breast, the more intensively the uterus contracts and clears).

But in general, on average, discharge after childbirth lasts a month and a half: this period is just enough to restore the mucous epithelium of the uterus. If the lochia ended much earlier or does not stop much longer, then the woman needs to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

As soon as the discharge becomes natural, you should visit a gynecologist. But there are situations when a doctor's examination is necessary much earlier. If the lochia stopped abruptly (much earlier than they should have) or in the first days after childbirth their number is very small, you should see a gynecologist. The development of lochiometers (delay of wound contents in the uterine cavity) can lead to the appearance of endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). In this case, the wound contents accumulate inside and create a favorable environment for bacteria to live, which is fraught with the development of infections. Therefore, contraction is caused by medication.

However, the opposite option is also possible: when, after a stable decrease in the amount and volume of the discharge, they sharply became abundant, bleeding began. If you are still in the hospital, call a doctor immediately, and if you are already at home, call an ambulance.

A cause for concern is a yellow-green discharge with a sharp unpleasant putrefactive odor, as well as the appearance of pain in the abdomen, combined with fever. This indicates the development of endometritis. The appearance of curdled discharge and itching indicates the development of yeast colpitis (thrush).

Otherwise, if everything goes well, then one and a half to two months after the birth, the discharge will take on the character of a pre-pregnant one, and you will begin to live an old new life. The onset of the usual menstruation will mark the return of the female body to the prenatal state and its readiness for a new pregnancy. That's just better to wait with this: take care of a reliable method of contraception, at least for 2-3 years.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

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