Treatment of advanced nail fungus. Grass wood lice - medicinal properties and contraindications

Woodlouse, or medium chickweed, has a huge amount of medicinal properties. It contains many vitamins, organic acids, lipids and essential oils. It finds its application in a variety of traditional medicine recipes. Woodlice herb treatment is practiced to alleviate pain syndromes, prolonged cough, to improve bile secretion, fight internal inflammation, increased anxiety and various disorders of the nervous system.

Woodlice in folk medicine is used both freshly picked and dried. It grows in humid places along the banks of water bodies throughout almost the entire territory of the middle climatic zone. Best of all, woodlice collected in May retain their medicinal properties. To dry, it should be spread out in a thin layer in a place protected from direct sunlight. The juice squeezed from fresh herbs is used as eye drops, and its gruel is used as compresses for healing wounds.

Mokritsa in cooking

Woodlouse is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements; to get them, you can simply eat a certain amount of this herb in the form of salads and other dishes. To prepare a vitamin salad from woodlice, you need to take:

  • 100 grams of fresh wood lice;
  • 100 grams of beet tops;
  • green onion feather;
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill;
  • a small onion;
  • sour cream to taste.

Cut all the ingredients, mix, sprinkle with salt and leave for five minutes. After that, mix again and add sour cream. You can also cook diet sandwiches. To do this, a thin layer of butter, 2 crushed cloves of garlic and finely chopped wood lice should be applied to bran bread, sprinkled with salt on top. These sandwiches provide most of the daily requirement of vitamins and other nutrients.


The only contraindication of wood lice is its ability to lower blood pressure. That is why its use is not recommended for hypotensive patients. Like any other herb, woodlice can cause allergic reactions, in which case it should be stopped immediately. People with disorders of the cardiovascular system should use wood lice as a medicinal herb only after obtaining the consent of the attending physician.

When collecting it on your own, you need to be very careful not to pluck the lanceolate stellate, which looks like a wood lice. She is a close relative of woodlice, but has a very poisonous juice.

Infusion against chronic fatigue and insomnia

This recipe is suitable for calming nervous conditions of various origins. It has a healing effect on both PMS and chronic fatigue in the workplace. To prepare a decoction you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry wood lice;
  • 250 ml hot water.

Grass pour hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the broth for ten minutes, then let it brew for half an hour and filter. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day, before each meal. With a pronounced premenstrual syndrome, you should start taking this decoction a week before it starts.

Against anemia and weakness

Woodlouse has a strongly pronounced tonic effect, which is complemented by a rich vitamin composition. That is why it is used in the treatment of anemia, anemia and general weakness of the body.

This recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. woodlice.
  • 250 ml hot water.

Grass should be poured with boiling water, and left for half an hour in a container with a lid. After the infusion must be filtered and topped up with boiled water so that the volume of the infusion is exactly one glass. Drink a quarter cup four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Radiculitis tincture

For this recipe, you need to collect fresh grass woodlice. She needs to tightly fill a three-liter jar, pour half a liter of vodka into it, add the rest of the volume with freshly boiled water. A jar of tincture should be placed in a dark place and kept for three weeks, then filtered, carefully squeezing the grass. The tincture should be taken orally, a third of a glass before meals, 1 time per day. The course of treatment is up to three weeks.

For stomach pain

This tincture is good for pain in the stomach and intestines. To prepare it, you should take:

  • 1 st. l. woodlice.
  • 300 ml of very pure water.

The grass is poured with water and left for 14 days in a place inaccessible to light, then strain. Take 20 drops in half a glass of water before meals. The use of this tincture has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of gastric and intestinal colic.

For pressure reduction and coronary disease

Woodlouse effectively lowers blood pressure, making it an excellent choice for hypertensive patients. It can also alleviate conditions with ischemia. In any case, before taking it, you should consult a cardiologist so as not to harm the heart and not have an undesirable effect on previously prescribed drugs. To prepare the infusion you need:

  • 5 st. l. woodlice.
  • 350 ml hot water.

Grass pour boiling water and insist for an hour, then filter. Drink half a glass of infusion 20 minutes before each meal.

The benefits of compresses from woodlice

Woodlice compresses are used to alleviate a variety of skin conditions and eliminate pain symptoms. For their manufacture, fresh grass is needed, it is steamed and wrapped in gauze or a scarf. The resulting compress is used to wipe ulcers, irritations, non-healing wounds and other problem areas on the skin. Warm compresses are applied to places prone to rheumatism and arthritis. The compress also helps to relieve pain in cervical osteochondrosis.

Video: Use of wood lice in traditional medicine

Improving lactation

With a shortage of milk, nursing mothers can prepare a simple but effective remedy based on woodlice. For him you should take:

  • 5 tsp freshly squeezed woodlice juice.
  • 5 tsp honey.

Mix juice and honey and eat it three times a day 20 minutes before meals. This remedy is very effective, but attention should be paid to the possible predisposition of the infant to allergic reactions to herbal ingredients and honey consumed by his mother.


Woodlice can be found in any garden, gardeners consider it a weed and often get rid of it. However, it contains many healing components and can be used to treat many diseases. In addition to the above recipes, woodlice juice relieves inflammation of the eyes well, for this you should squeeze fresh juice out of it and wash the diseased organ twice a day.

Compresses greatly facilitate the manifestations of eczema, eliminate skin rashes, and also have an analgesic effect. Regular intake of a decoction of wood lice will increase the level of red blood cells in the blood, as well as give strength and energy. In addition, it effectively fights enuresis and restores the urinary function of the kidneys. All this makes wood lice a full-fledged and very affordable remedy for use in traditional medicine.

Herb wood lice treatment, beneficial properties and contraindications

Our ancestors living in the villages always knew that wood lice are an excellent remedy for shattered nerves. To treat the nervous system and forget about daily city stresses, not only work on the ground and fresh country air will help, but also wet infusion.

Woodlouse classic recipe

Finely chop a tablespoon of leaves and stalks of the mosquito mushroom, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours, then filter. Drink such an antidepressant - twice a day for half a glass, and once again - at night. The same wet recipe will help if the heart is messed up, as well as to cleanse the blood.

For the hematopoietic system, wood lice are especially important - its medicinal properties help to increase hemoglobin, and wet infusion is especially recommended for women during menstruation.

Woodlouse vitamin tea

Woodlouse is a repository of vitamins E, B and C, various acids and elements, which makes it an excellent general tonic. To strengthen immunity in the cold season, you can drink healthy wet tea: two tablespoons of dried chickweed grass per half liter of boiling water, brew for one hour in a thermos.

If desired, you can add honey, cinnamon, cloves and ginger - the drink will become very fragrant, and the benefits will only increase. An interesting point: homeopaths recommend not closing the lid for the first 20 minutes when brewing starch tea, otherwise the herb will “suffocate” and the healing properties will evaporate.

Woodlice from inflammation and tumors

Woodlouse is a herb full of surprises, its healing qualities are very diverse. Among the people, she was especially revered for her ability to relieve inflammation and pull out tumors.

An infusion of wood lice was instilled into the eyes for inflammation and visual impairment, but if you are not ready for such experiments, you can simply wash tired and reddened eyes with wet broth - the effect is no worse than from the famous blueberries or fragrant dill.

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Woodlice treatment of joints and muscles

If in the spring and summer you don’t get out of the country, then you are familiar with muscle fatigue and joint pain after an active day in the garden. And here the grass woodlice will help - its benefits and harms have been known for a long time, it was used for arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and sprains.

With bruises, you can simply attach the chopped grass to the sore spot, tie it with a scarf and leave it for a couple of hours. For problems with the joints, it is advised to drink a classic infusion of chickweed, a quarter cup a day, and also take a bath.

In pharmacology, woodlice are part of many drugs used for diseases: kidneys, heart, liver, vision, with low hemoglobin, for the treatment of tumors.

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Bath woodlouse

Wet bath: a jar of 0.25 ml of dried or 0.5 l of chopped fresh woodlice is steamed with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes under a towel, poured into the bath.!

The benefits of the mosquito mushroom have long been appreciated by young mothers - they gave babies a decoction of chickweed with urinary incontinence. Interestingly, women's forums assure that this recipe is still popular, and most importantly - very effective!

Woodlouse contraindications

If the weed woodlice has settled in your home first-aid kit, its useful properties will pleasantly surprise you, and contraindications will surprise you even more. Starfish has practically no dangerous properties (provided that you follow the dosage and do not drink decoctions of miracle grass in large quantities).

The only advice is that woodlice significantly lowers blood pressure, therefore, with hypotension, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Mokritsa in cosmetology

Woodlouse is a plant that all women love, because chickweed is an excellent beautician of a rare profile. With the help of inconspicuous grass, you can easily get rid of cracked heels, calluses and corns, but beautiful heels in summer sandals are the dream of every lady.

If you work on the ground all day, you can just pick up a mosquito and put it in galoshes or rubber slippers. And it's soft on the feet, and it's good for the skin. And in the evening, just wash your feet, spread with fat baby cream and put on cotton socks for the night.

If the cottage for you is the time to lie down in a hammock with a book, the recipe can be slightly changed: the same socks, but with chopped weed grass inside. Four hours of rest, then a foot bath, your favorite cream - and you're done!

Woodlouse composition and use

The entire aerial part of the woodlice is edible. Per 100 g of mass, it contains up to 115 mg of vitamin C, up to 23 mg of carotene, 44 mg of vitamin E, a lot of potassium and chlorine.

Delicate greens of wood lice are used for making salads, borscht, soups, mashed potatoes, fillings for pies. When boiled, it is eaten like spinach, with butter. Greens can be used to make carotene paste.

Woodlice in green smoothies

Along with other herbs, such as nettle, gout, plantain, fireweed (willow tea), clover, quinoa, burdock, dandelion, etc., wood lice are used in the preparation of green cocktails. The composition of such drinks is the most diverse. They are often made from your favorite fruits and/or vegetables, with a few leaves or sprigs of various herbs added.

The only caveat is not to drink a large amount of a green smoothie at once, half a mug is enough, and see if there is an allergy. And, if you drink green smoothies for the first time, then colon cleansing is possible.

Woodlice and any herbs that do not have poisonous properties can be added to any cocktails and juice mixtures. On our site for you , , and many different recipes.

Woodlice for vision

1 tbsp crushed leaves and stalk of grass, brew 1 glass of water. Insist 60 minutes. With this infusion, instill eyes, 1-2 drops in each eye, 4 times a day. Drops help with loss of vision, eliminates the cornea with clouding.

Woodlice improve VISION many times more effectively than blueberries!

Woodlice for lactation and from swelling of the mammary glands

Taking the above infusion recipe, you can increase lactation and get rid of swelling of the mammary glands. Take 0.5 cup of infusion 3 times a day. Compress infusion, well relieves swelling of the mammary gland. The compress is applied to the chest for 20 minutes.

Woodlice for poisoning and gastritis

To cleanse the body in case of poisoning, relieve a painful symptom in gastrointestinal diseases, cure chronic gastritis - alcohol-based tincture of woodlice will help.

How to prepare tincture: 1 tbsp. pour herbs with vodka - 300 ml. Insist two weeks. Take 20 drops of tincture, previously diluted with 1 glass of boiled water.

Woodlice for skin diseases

In many skin diseases, it is used for treatment, and as a sedative - a concentrated infusion of herbs.

Cooking method: 10 tbsp. wood lice leaves - chop, pour 1 cup boiling water (80 degrees). Cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes and leave for 4 hours, strain and drink.

Woodlice for the thyroid gland and liver

If the thyroid gland or liver is sick, fresh juice from wood lice grass with honey will help. Syrup is taken orally 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

Once you pick a weed, don't throw it away. Prepare healing infusions, decoctions, syrups.

Woodlouse rejuvenates, improves blood memory, vision and the whole body in general!

Woodlice juice treatment

For a long time, village healers used the juice of fresh wood lice to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys, the thyroid gland (goiter in common parlance), and hemorrhoids. It is very useful to wipe her face, especially for those young people who often have blackheads and pimples. Woodlouse has practically no taste and smell, just fresh grass.

And if you regularly take the juice of fresh wood lice, you can cure headaches, relieve irritability, fatigue, improve MEMORY. Vitamin E, which is contained in fresh juice, slows down the aging process, cleanses blood vessels, improves blood composition, and helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

Of course, a single dose of juice is not enough for this. It is necessary to drink wood lice juice half a cup three times a day before meals for three months - almost the entire summer summer season.

In early spring, along with nettle, it is suitable for salads and seasonings.

Harvesting woodlice

You can harvest wood lice and for future use. Medicinal raw material is the ground part, it is collected during flowering. It is necessary to dry in the shade, at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Store either in a canvas bag or in a glass or wooden container with a lid. Dry powder of woodlice can be added to different foods in winter.


Unfortunately, medical science practically does not pay attention to this plant. And practice shows that wood lice are a highly nutritious and vitamin product, a versatile drug that improves metabolism, including in seriously ill patients.
This annoying weed is found in almost every area. Gardeners have a special score with him. This plant got its popular name for an interesting feature - its hairs covering the stem retain moisture well after rain. That is why the plant is always wet.

Yes, this is not a mistake. We are talking about the very plant that all gardeners and gardeners spend so much effort on fighting, especially in wet and slightly shaded areas, not at all realizing that this plant has been asking for salads for a long time and is a great addition to the main crop and home " Ambulance".

This plant has many names. Botanists call it medium stellate, people call it woodlice, because it is always wet, and many villagers call it “bird salad” for the special love for this herb of geese, ducks, chickens and other poultry.
Woodlouse is an annual herbaceous plant with a recumbent knotty branched stem and small pointed leaves. Woodlouse loves fertile, slightly shaded and moist beds, where it grows from early spring to late autumn, drowning out any vegetable shoots.

The plant is unpretentious, not afraid of frost or drought. Under the snow, it goes green and well developed. Neither blizzards nor severe frosts are terrible for her. It is worth descending the spring water, and she, as if nothing had happened, is alive and well.
Woodlice bloom from May to September, multiplying by seeds at an incredible rate, giving up to ten thousand seeds per season from each plant. It is worth weeding the bed from wood lice, as after a week or two shoots appear on it again, which in a month and a half, in turn, will begin to bear fruit.

Its seeds germinate already at a temperature of 3–4°C, and the lying long stems quickly take root at the nodes. In addition, the smallest piece of its stem in the soil takes root very quickly and gives a new plant.
And so they race one generation after another, creating a continuous flowering carpet in those areas where the owner of the site does not fight it or does not know how to fight it.

But this very wood lice has wonderful nutritional and medicinal properties, which we often simply do not suspect. In terms of saturation with vitamins, it is not inferior to many cultivated plants. It contains up to 100 mg% of vitamin C, i.e. one and a half times more than the noble and revered by us lemon. Vitamin salad from its young tender leaves is especially useful for anemia and scurvy.
Woodlouse contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is most valuable to humans, which is found in very small amounts or absent in most cultivated plants in all your beds.

Woodlice should be eaten, not fought with. It is only necessary to remember that with the beginning of flowering, its stems are of little use for food, as they become fibrous and stiff, like threads. It is for its exceptional usefulness that in Russia our “illiterate” ancestors always added wood lice to spring salads as an early green culture rich in vitamins.
In folk medicine, among many peoples, wood lice have found their fairly wide application. Steamed herb woodlice in the form of compresses is applied to sore spots with radiculitis, with aching joints, sprains.

Woodlice stimulate the secretion of synovial fluid in the joint capsules, which can reduce pain on movement. Whether this effect or not, in any case, vitamin greens will benefit in the complete absence of toxicity. Woodlice juice improves cardiac activity, relieves nervous tension, reduces pain, reduces and resolves tumors. It is also used as a hemostatic agent.
Infusion or fresh juice of woodlice is taken for diseases of the liver and lungs, chest pains, hemoptysis, hemorrhoids, thyroid disease, gastrointestinal diseases, cirrhosis of the liver. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins in wood lice, it quickly restores strength in humans.

To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry grass with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1.5–2 hours, strain. Take 3-4 times a day before meals for 0.3 cups. And woodlice juice is taken 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day, adding a little honey to it.
In folk medicine, fresh woodlice juice is used to treat clouding of the cornea in the early stages of the disease by instilling it into the eyes. No medicine helps to relieve fatigue from the feet like fresh wood lice grass, which you put in garden shoes instead of an insole.
Outwardly, an infusion of herbs is used for baths, lotions, compresses, it is believed that such baths strengthen the nervous system. Juice or infusion of wood lice is treated for a long time not healing and festering wounds.

As an external agent for baths and washing, you need 12-15 tbsp. spoons of fresh grass pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a warm place for at least 1 hour, strain.
In summer, vitamin greens of wood lice should be used in salads. To do this, you need to cut the greens of wood lice and onions, add a boiled egg and sour cream and ... the salad is ready.

V.A. Loiko


Salad with onions and wood lice

Ingredients: woodlice (grass) - 40g, green onions - 40g, egg - 1/4 pc., sour cream - 8g, dill - 3g, salt.
Chopped and washed wood lice greens are chopped, combined with chopped green onions, finely chopped egg, seasoned with sour cream, salted, garnished with boiled egg slices, sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

Summer borscht with wood lice

Ingredients: woodlice (grass) - 50g, beet tops - 50g, beans - 25g, onions - 15g, carrots - 8g, parsley - 8g, tomatoes - 50g, fat - 8g, sugar - 3g, vinegar 3% - 3g, sour cream - 10g, broth or water - 350g.
Carrots and onions are cut into slices, the leaves of the tops are cut into pieces. Beans are pre-boiled, carrots and onions are browned. Passionized carrots and onions, beet tops are placed in boiling broth or water and boiled until tender. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, sliced ​​​​tomatoes, chopped wood lice, boiled beans, salt, spices, vinegar, sugar are added. When serving, put sour cream on the table.

Seasoning from chickweed (wood louse)

Add grated horseradish (2 tablespoons), crushed garlic (1 tablespoon), salt and vinegar (to taste) to minced greens of starfish (200 g). Use as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Starfish drink (wood louse)

Passed through a meat grinder green starfish (200 g) and horseradish (100 g) pour boiled water (2 l) and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain through a sieve and add granulated sugar (60 g). Serve chilled.

Vegetable soup with starfish (wood louse)

Boil potatoes (200 g) in salted water (500 ml) until tender, season with sautéed carrots (100 g), onions, parsley root (15 g), tomato sauce (50 g), add chopped chickweed (150 g), bring to boiling. Before serving, put sour cream (50 g), dill and parsley on a plate.

Starfish and Dandelion Salad

Grind starch greens (100 g), dandelion leaves (50 g) and lettuce (50 g), add curdled milk (40 g), salt and granulated sugar (to taste), mix everything.

Dumplings with wood lice

For 200 g of green woodlice - 300 g of wheat flour, 1 egg, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, 0.5 cups of sour cream, salt to taste.
Rinse the young shoots of wood lice thoroughly, finely chop, salt, add fried onions and raw eggs. Roll out the dough, make dumplings and boil them in salted water. Serve with sour cream or butter.

Fried eggs with woodlice

For 150 g of woodlice - 20 g of ghee, 30 g of onions, 2 eggs, salt and herbs to taste.
Boil wood lice in salted boiling water and chop. In a pan, lightly fry finely chopped onions, add prepared wood lice, parsley, dill, salt, melted butter to it, stew everything. Then pour in the eggs and fry until done.

Obtaining carotene paste from woodlice

For 1 kg of paste, 750 g of filling is required.
Rinse the wood lice greens, chop and grind thoroughly. Dilute the mass with water at the rate of 1:3, strain through cheesecloth. Rinse the pulp several times and squeeze.

Strain the resulting liquid through 3-4 layers of gauze and heat to 80°C. In this case, the protein substances dissolved in the liquid coagulate in the form of a clot and float to the surface. This clot contains carotene, vitamins E and K. The curdled mass must be removed with a slotted spoon and squeezed out in a dense tissue.

To keep the carotene paste for a long time, it should be spread in a thin layer on a plate and dried at a temperature of 80-100°C for 30-50 minutes. The powder from it is stored in well-corked jars in a cold, dark room.

Pasta can be salted by putting 7-8 g of salt per 100 g of mass. Salty pasta should be stored in a cool place. Carotene paste can be marinated. To prepare the marinade, dilute 1 cup of 8% vinegar with 2 cups of water and add 40 g of salt to the resulting solution. Put the filling on the fire, bring to a boil, then cool. Mix the paste with cold filling, put it in a glass dish, filling it to the top, and cork tightly.

How to store wood lice in sugar

It is good for both fruits and LEAVES. site And in winter, tea from such raw materials is a pleasure to prepare. The recipe is simple: in a glass container, we add vegetable raw materials sprinkled with sugar between the layers in layers. The leaves secrete juice and it turns out a very tasty, vitamin-rich sugar syrup.

Plants are selected at the discretion of the harvester. For this, I use raspberry, currant, rose petals, jasmine, mint, oregano, St. John's wort leaves. Optionally, you can add the fruits of viburnum, mountain ash, hawthorn.

The site warns that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Be sure to check with your doctor!

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Grass woodlice is a medicinal and edible plant. It is healthy and nutritious, with a high level of vitamins and minerals. The herb is added to salads, baked in a pot, or ground into a pâté.

Description of the herb woodlice

Grass woodlice grows in gardens and orchards, near residential village houses and along damp forest paths. The plant reaches about half a meter in length, and its leaves are oval in shape. The flowering of woodlice begins in early spring, at which time small white flowers appear.

Alternative names for woodlice herb are medium stellate, heart grass, woodlice, hernia, woodlice, and canary grass.

In horticulture, woodlice are often overlooked because they have a reputation for being a weed. One of the first thoughts when looking at a plant that has appeared in the garden is to get rid of it immediately. However, the grass does not pose a particular danger to other garden species, as it grows in isolation.

Useful edible part of chickweed should be collected between May and June. The herb can be consumed fresh or dried to make infusions.

Chemical composition

Chemical elements in starch can have a medicinal effect on the human body. The beneficial benefits of wood lice appear at their best after the preparation of healing infusions, as well as after squeezing herbal juice.

Rich composition of woodlice impressive, and some of its useful ingredients include:

  • Vitamin C;
  • beta carotene;
  • Calcium;
  • Coumarins;
  • Genistein;
  • Gamma-linolenic acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Khentariaton;
  • Magnesium;
  • Niacin;
  • Oleic acid;
  • Potassium;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Rutin;
  • Selenium;
  • triterpenoid saponins;
  • Thiamine;
  • Zinc.

All components of chickweed are used in folk medicine. They have a sedative, diuretic, carminative, astringent, expectorant, laxative, antipyretic and antiseptic action.

Beneficial features

Grass woodlice helps in digestion, controls weight, relieves the body of toxic substances. The consumption of starch has a positive effect on the metabolic system, reducing the body fat index and strengthening muscle mass.

The fresh chickweed herb is also used as an expectorant. The plant normalizes the bronchial tubes and lungs, helps to expel mucus and phlegm. This is due to the content of saponin in the composition of woodlice - an element that accelerates the process of splitting secretions from membranes.

The plant is useful for inflammation. People suffering from can use woodlice weed to relieve inflammation in the joints and caused by the disease. Infusions of chickweed are used for inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis.

The herb woodlice helps in the treatment of physical injuries. Its antiseptic and antifungal properties have a disinfecting effect and accelerate wound healing.

Application in traditional medicine

Folk doctors use fresh and dried herb woodlice in the preparation of medicinal infusions. Starburst stems and leaves are ingredients in poultices that restore skin health during eczema. Fresh woodlice grass is also added to pet food, as it helps cleanse the body of hairballs and normalizes the digestive tract.

Folk medicines are prepared from wood lice herb, depending on human diseases:

  • The poultice relieves tension and reduces inflammation. To use fresh herb woodlice as a poultice, the plant must be crushed and applied directly to the area of ​​bruises and diseased parts of the body;
  • Compresses are made from the herb of woodlice, which are applied to sore joints and muscles to relieve pain;
  • An extractive perfume oil is squeezed out of the starburst, which can then be added to the bath to relieve the symptoms of eczema;
  • The plant is also used as a topical treatment for insect bites and other skin lesions. The woodlice herb helps to minimize itching;
  • Useful infusions are used to treat various diseases, such as gastrointestinal problems such as constipation.
  • Herbal teas to strengthen immunity are prepared in the same way as strong black tea, the brewing time varies from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the person's taste preferences. Teas are also useful to drink several cups a day during seasonal illnesses such as a sore throat or flu.

For eyes

The healthy human eye prefers to stay moist and cool. Discomfort, irritation, redness and dryness can be eliminated with woodlice. For best results, rinse your face with warm water before treatment.

To prepare poultice to eliminate redness, grind fresh grass, and apply the resulting mass on closed eyes. When the poultice is warm, which will be after about 15-20 minutes, remove the old mixture and apply a new one. Follow the procedure for several days.

For cooking emollient lotion for dry eyes prepare one tablespoon of dry herb woodlice, seven tablespoons of Verginsky lezhina and a glass of distilled water. Mix all the ingredients and place them in a clean bottle. Shake before use. Soak a cotton ball in the prepared woodlice lotion and place it over your closed eye. Leave for three minutes. If after the first session you feel that your eyes are sensitive to the lotion, it is better not to carry out the procedure any more.

For the prevention of the gastrointestinal tract

Woodlice can help you lose weight and lower your body fat mass index. The reason for this is the high content of saponin, as well as the beneficial effect of the plant on the metabolic system and endocrine functions. Herbal infusion of woodlice regulates water balance and eliminates excess fats. As a result, the infusion stimulates both sides of the metabolism, building and cleansing. This happens not only through the liver, but also through the endocrine system.

For the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advised to drink herbal infusion of wood lice thirty minutes before meals. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of herbs into 300 ml of vodka and leave to infuse in some dark place for ten days.

For joints

Tumors and inflamed joints can be treated with an alcoholic infusion of chickweed. The preparation of such an infusion is a lengthy process. In order for the remedy to become truly effective, it must absorb all the beneficial substances of the wood lice. To prepare the medicine, you must use alcohol or vodka.

To prepare infusion for the treatment of joints, grind the collected grass of woodlice with a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mass should be poured with a liter of pure vodka or alcohol. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and close the lid tightly. Leave in some dark place for fifteen days, only during this time take out the container daily and shake it. At the end, strain the mass through cheesecloth. The infusion can be stored anywhere where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
Use a decoction to treat joints several times a day. Rub the sore spot, then wrap it with a woolen cloth. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

With edema

With edema, woodlouse grass is used as an ingredient to create infusions and compresses. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling, strengthen the structure of organs, and also saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

The advantage of using the plant is that home use is effective even in severe cases. Often, the use of drugs based on woodlice avoids surgical intervention.

As external means of local action compresses can be used. Fresh stems of woodlice must be kneaded in the hands, and then put on the swollen area and wrapped with a bandage.

To prepare infusion for internal consumption, it is necessary to grind fresh wood lice leaves. Then measure 10 grams of the resulting mass and pour a glass of hot water. The resulting mixture should be steamed for two hours, then filtered and allowed to cool. Infusion take 50 ml before each meal.

For the prevention of the cardiovascular system

People with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system are advised to regularly use wood lice during cooking, as well as prepare medicines based on the plant. Fresh herbs are perfect for a vegetable salad.

For cooking prophylactic tea based on wood lice herb you will need a thermos. Pour a large handful of dried grass inside it and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Wrap the thermos with a warm blanket or blanket, leave the infusion for several hours, then strain it. Drink a small cup of tea thirty minutes before meals. The course lasts ten days, then a break, and again ten days.

For skin diseases

A poultice of fresh woodlice herb can relieve itching and soothe irritated skin. The tool also cools fresh burns well. For the treatment of serious skin defects, woodlice herb is used as an ingredient in the creation of ointments and creams. Starch helps to get rid of blisters and scratches. It is used in the treatment of rashes caused by poison ivy or poison oak, and also treats boils and abscesses.

For the treatment of wounds and ulcers create special lotions or healing baths herb based. You can prepare a decoction from a dried plant. Pour one glass of grass with three liters of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. If the location of the wound allows, use the chilled infusion as a healing bath. Otherwise, wet pieces of a soft cloth and apply them to the problem area for half an hour.

To improve lactation

In cases where a nursing mother needs to artificially increase the amount of milk, woodlice herb can have a truly effective effect. This happens if the process of starting the lactation mechanism has been disrupted. After a caesarean section, as well as during postpartum complications, the child eats special mixtures, so it is not always easy to transfer his regimen to natural breastfeeding.

For cooking lactation-improving infusion from wood lice herb, you need to steam a glass of crushed plant with one liter of boiling water. The resulting solution must be allowed to brew for several hours. To improve lactation, a decoction is useful for nursing mothers to drink half a glass a day.
Also, this infusion is used to create a compress for swelling of the chest, and a bath with the addition of one liter of decoction can be a good method of general healing of the body and strengthening the immune system.

For gynecological diseases

Decoctions based on chickweed help relieve symptoms associated with gynecological diseases. Herbal prescription drugs successfully fight cysts, fibroids, and cervical erosion. A vegetable decoction with alcohol or herbal tea relieves inflammation that occurs in the pelvic organs. An infusion of woodlice is also used to prevent infertility.

For the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, there is several ways to use wood lice:

  • Take a bath with the addition of starch decoction;
  • Regularly brew healing tea based on fresh or dried grass wood lice;
  • Prepare vegetable salads with the addition of wood lice herb.

For baths with infusion of wood lice, first you need to prepare the solution itself. Steam a glass of finely chopped plant with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Now just add the resulting decoction to the bath you are about to take.

Application in cosmetology

Woodlice herb is used in the production of hair care products, soaps and other bath and body products. Starburst soap helps soothe itchy skin and reduce inflammation.

The most popular cosmetic products with the addition of woodlice herb:

  • Face masks;
  • scrubs;
  • Toners;
  • Shampoos and conditioners;
  • Creams;
  • Ointments;
  • Lotions.

Woodlice herb softens the hair structure, facial skin and helps to normalize fluid balance. The plant also makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the hair structure.

The composition of the skin only benefits from the use of starch. Cosmetics based on it heal wounds and traces of small scars, help with the removal of splinters, treat burns and insect bites, and restore the health of dry and irritated skin. Below are traditional medicine recipes using wood lice to prevent the health of the skin of the face and hair.

For cooking wood louse herb face masks, you need to grind half a kilo of the plant into a fine gruel. Use a meat grinder or blender for this. Add a tablespoon of natural liquid honey. Before applying the mask, wash your face with warm water and soap. Then apply the mask on the surface of the face and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. After the procedure, the face can be lubricated with a soft cream. This is an excellent remedy for acne, acne, skin inflammation and irritation.

To prepare wood lice decoction hair rinse, you need to pour a large handful of plants with a liter of boiled water and let the liquid brew for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with herbal infusion. After the procedure, the remnants of the broth should not be washed off with shampoo. Also, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer, let your hair dry on its own. Carry out these procedures several times a week. The decoction returns vital shine and strength to the hair.

Application in cooking

Cooking is one of the most popular uses for woodlice herb. The plant is used as an ingredient in salads, sauces and lasagna. In restaurants, it is cut and served with scrambled eggs. Some people say that weed tastes like spinach, which is often added to various vitamin dishes. Woodlice grass can also make a good salad.

For cooking winter salad, you will need:

  • Fresh herb woodlice;
  • boiled egg;
  • green onions;
  • Sour cream.

Grind all ingredients in equal parts. Salt. Add sour cream and stir. Before serving, you can leave the salad in the refrigerator for thirty minutes, then its taste will become fresher and richer.

Another easy dish scrambled eggs with wood lice. It is prepared not much more complicated than regular fried eggs, but much more useful.

To prepare scrambled eggs with wood lice, you will need:

  • 150 grams of wood lice herb;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • Greens;
  • Melted butter.

Scald the wood lice grass with boiling water and finely chop. Add vegetable oil to the pan and fry the chopped onion. Then add woodlice herb, herbs and ghee. Salt and cover. After a few minutes, pour the mixture over the eggs.

Contraindications and harm

Along with a rich set of useful qualities, chickweed has a list of certain contraindications. This is typical of natural remedies, so do not panic prematurely.

Remember that there is a plant called "stellate lanceolate." Unlike stellate medium, or wood lice, it is poisonous.

During the use of grass woodlice, or medium stellate, gotta be careful due to the following reasons:

  • It should be noted that excessive use of woodlice can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. As with all herbs, use it in moderation;
  • Infusions of wood lice cause an allergic skin reaction. Allergy-sensitive people should try a small amount of the plant before using this herb as a medicine or food;
  • Herbal decoctions based on woodlice lower blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should not drink them. People with autonomic disorders also need to be extremely careful;
  • When giving a plant to children, it must be borne in mind that their body can react to it with intoxication and allergies;
  • People with stomach ulcers can use any means with the addition of wood lice herb, except for those that are alcohol-based.

And most importantly - remember that the woodlice that grows by the road collects toxins, and this is not the best ingredient for healing tea.

Each gardener observed in his summer cottage an annoying little grass with oval leaves and white flowers, growing in a green blanket over the surface of the soil. The name of this plant is "louse". Grass is considered a malicious indestructible weed, but many gardeners do not even mean what healing properties it has. In terms of saturation and vitamin range, it is ahead of most cultivated plants.

By the way, her official name is very beautiful - medium starfish. It is moist to the touch, and under the sun's rays it seems crystal. As you already understood, we will talk about this useful weed. We hope that after reading the information you will radically change your mind about this herb.


The life of an ephemeral plant is very short - only a month, but the seeds that it gives germinate quickly, forming entire colonies of thickets. Selectors and scientists have proven that seeds can germinate up to 30 years. Even a plant uprooted with roots still continues to grow actively, and it is quite difficult to eradicate it.

Chickweed medium belongs to the clove family. Found in temperate climates. The grass woodlice has a branched stem covered with multiple sticky hairs that retain water and a thin rhizome. The maximum height is up to 25 cm. It begins to ripen from late spring to September, releasing up to 30 thousand kidney-shaped seeds.

By the way, they like to feast on poultry and livestock: chickens, turkeys, goats. It is noticed that if you add the plant to the feed for cows, then they begin to give more milk. Fresh chickweed can be used in cooking, it makes excellent fortified salads, but it is especially popular in folk medicine.

When to collect and how to store?

The entire weed is considered to be medicinal raw material; it is harvested during the flowering season. It is best to harvest grass in early May, when the plant is still juicy and soft. Pull it out of the soil along with the roots, clean it well from the earth and dirt, then spread it on an oilcloth and dry it. Transfer to a cloth bag and store in a dark place for no more than a year.

Healing potions (decoctions, infusions, compresses) are prepared from dried raw materials. Helps to get rid of pain and eliminate puffiness grass woodlice, the healing properties of which have been known to healers for more than a decade. Even our ancestors used it to fight diarrhea, asthma, diseases of the thyroid gland and blood vessels.

What is the value?

Actively destroying the weed in your gardens, you do not even understand what medicinal raw materials you are destroying. Grass woodlice, the properties of which are due to the huge content of trace elements, helps to get rid of beriberi and supply the body with the necessary vitamins. Nature itself gave humanity this unique plant.

Despite the unattractive appearance, the weed has a rich biochemical composition, and the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the plant is four times greater than in the lemon. The stems contain synalic acid, traces of essential oil and organic matter. Two tablespoons of grass can supply the body with a daily dose of carotene.

The average chickweed is famous for its vitamin E content, which helps to prolong youth and cleanse the capillaries. It also contains a lot of saponins, retinol, lipids, wax, tannins and trace elements that maintain normal health (iron, calcium, magnesium, bromine, potassium).

Substances that endow the plant with medicinal qualities have antimicrobial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, hemostatic and choleretic effects. Decoctions are taken as an analgesic, tonic, antiseptic and diuretic.

Grass wood lice: use for therapeutic purposes

Grass is not used in traditional pharmaceuticals, but scientists have closely studied the medicinal properties and came to the conclusion that chickweed is indeed a valuable plant with a unique chemical composition. The wood louse herb is also highly valued by folk healers.

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, which help to relieve a person from debilitating constipation, restore the functional activity of the intestinal tract and normalize motor skills. Raw materials are used for the treatment of bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the lungs. This is the best remedy for a wet cough. A wonderful weed in a steamed form is used for stretching the joints, treats sciatica and gout.

Freshly squeezed juice helps to eliminate beriberi, strengthen the immune system due to the high content of vitamin C. Take it for disorders of the digestive tract, anemia, chest pain and scurvy. The chemicals that make up the plant help reduce benign tumors. You can use raw materials to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and improve metabolic processes. An infusion is indicated for high blood pressure and nervous disorders.

Dosage forms

Traditional healers often use ground parts in any form (dried and fresh). The medicinal herb woodlice has a wide range of applications. It is used internally (juice, infusions, decoctions), used externally in the form of compresses, lotions, rubbing and baths. Instilled into the eyes for inflammatory diseases, applied to damaged skin and compresses are made.

Folk recipes

During its existence on earth, the plant received good fame and helped people find hope for recovery. There is an unthinkable number of recipes based on medium starch, and all of them have been tested by practice. It has long been known that the herb wood lice has a decongestant effect. Useful properties are noticed by healers.

Treatment of gynecological diseases

The healing herb woodlice will help eliminate female diseases. What does she treat? Almost everything! Write down recipes.

  • We prepare a decoction from a glass of fresh starfish and the same amount of boiling water. We filter the warm solution, moisten the swab in it and put it on overnight. Repeat for five days. We take a break for a week and repeat the course again. This folk remedy for fibroids, cysts and erosion helps.
  • From mastitis and tumors: prepare a compress from fresh finely chopped grass and apply for 25 minutes on the chest. Perform the procedure at least three times a day.
  • You can increase the amount of breast milk for feeding in the following way: daily use a small spoonful of stellate juice with honey three times a day.

Precautionary measures

The herb wood lice, the medicinal properties of which are known to all, has some contraindications. This applies to people diagnosed with "hypotension" (low blood pressure, vegetative disorders). Do not treat young children with it, as the herb is highly allergenic. Be careful when collecting, because the plant has a poisonous relative - lanceolate stellate.


An alcohol infusion based on a plant can aggravate the condition with a stomach ulcer. If you decide to take a decoction, then do not add alcohol to it, as it will provoke pain and lead to discomfort. It must be remembered that the grass woodlice collected near the road accumulates a lot of toxins and heavy metals.

It is better to prepare drugs from a plant that grew in ecologically clean forests. Do not forget that the weed has a laxative effect, so be sure to consult a doctor before treatment, otherwise, instead of a positive effect, stellate will cause irreparable harm.

In alternative medicine, woodlice for joints are widely used to treat inflammation of bone joints. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates pain and swelling, and also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals necessary to improve the structure of the joints. Infusions and compresses are prepared from the plant. Before use, you need to consult a doctor, since chickweed - another name for grass - has contraindications.

Useful properties of wood lice herb for joints

An important component of stellate is vitamin C, which affects the synthesis of collagen - the main substance in ligaments and tendons.

The plant contains many useful components that can eliminate the inflammatory process and strengthen mobile joints. Starch contains potassium, which removes excess sodium. In large quantities, sodium contributes to the deposition of salts in the joints and affects the functioning of the kidneys. Potassium also saturates the brain with oxygen, which is useful for osteochondrosis. The grass woodlice is rich in vitamin B12, which relieves pain in arthritis and arthrosis, and has a beneficial effect on the functionality of nerve fibers. In general, the beneficial properties of wood lice for joints are as follows:

  • eliminates inflammation and swelling;
  • relieves pain;
  • strengthens bones and connective tissues of joints;
  • has a restorative effect;
  • prevents the development of gout and stops the progression of this disease.

How to apply correctly?

The herb can be brewed and taken orally.

Treatment with stellate is carried out externally and internally. For external use, compresses are effective. To this end, the fresh stems of the plant need to be kneaded a little in the hands, applied to the sore joint and bandaged. In case of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to rub plant juice diluted with alcohol in equal proportions into the affected area of ​​​​the spine. Infusion for internal use is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind fresh woodlice leaves.
  2. Pour 10 g of grass into 200 ml of hot water.
  3. Wrap the container with the product in a blanket and steam for 1-2 hours.
  4. Filter and cool slightly.
  5. Take 50 ml before each meal.

Alcohol tincture is prepared as follows:

  1. Dry the stems and chop.
  2. Put in a glass container with a volume of 1 liter and add 0.5 liter of vodka.
  3. Top up with clean cold water.
  4. Cover tightly and let it brew for 7-10 days.
  5. Take 10 ml before each meal.
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