Characteristics of a student with bad behavior. Rules for compiling characteristics for a student. Maltseva Olga Anatolyevna PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology of the Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy, Social Management. dunn


Classroom teacher

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student of 4 "D" class


Classroom teacher

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student of 4 "D" class ... ..


Classroom teacher

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"Pedagogical characteristics per student"

Pedagogical characteristics

per student 2 "D" class MBOU "Primary School"

….studies at ……. school year. Physical health does not correspond to age. Leading hand right The family is complete, prosperous. Both parents are involved in the upbringing of the son.

...... is studying according to the adapted general educational program "School of Russia" from the 2nd grade from the 2015-2016 academic year.

Learning motivation in … not fully formed, there is no desire to learn. Play activity dominates. Self-service skills are poorly developed: school items are constantly scattered, he has not learned how to clean the workplace after school, his portfolio is a mess, his clothes are not neat. Keeps notebooks carelessly, cannot correctly draw up an entry in notebooks. In the classroom, the teacher must always be close to .... and monitor the progress of the work. The boy quickly gets tired, does not participate in the lesson, often cannot answer the questions posed, and is engaged in extraneous matters. Requires constant supervision by the teacher. He does not perceive the training instructions, cannot work on them independently, is distracted if he sees that there is no adult nearby, he has to repeat several times. Experiencing difficulties in the transition from oral to written forms of work. The ability to volitional effort is reduced, often does not bring the work begun to the end, is lazy. He performs written work very slowly, does not keep up with the pace of the class. Identified problems with the Russian language. cannot divide a continuous text into sentences (determine the boundaries of sentences based on meaning and intonation, draw up a sentence in writing). When writing words and sentences from dictation. makes a lot of mistakes on previously studied spellings, replaces and distorts letters, adds his own, finds it difficult to find independently studied spellings in words. Makes mistakes in placing stress in words, in dividing them into syllables. Often transfers words incorrectly from one line to another, may transfer one letter or leave it on the line. With difficulty asks questions to words and cannot always determine the name of the part of speech. In mathematics, he does not have a written account within 100, adds and subtracts numbers verbally within 20 using a ruler. . He cannot measure the required number of centimeters on a ruler and draw a segment. Is reading. 25 words per minute. Before school, he could not read, he did not know the letters. Reads syllable by syllable, but when reading, distorts words, does not read or adds letters. It is difficult to explain what he read, because he always understands the meaning of the text. Retells small texts only on leading questions, because vocabulary is poor. He does not memorize poems. He tries to follow the rules of behavior in the classroom, but quickly gets distracted, can get up and walk around the class. On the outside world does not own the basic concepts. The emotional-volitional sphere of ... is broken. He does not immediately respond to comments, if corrected, then not for a long time. At the same time, he is not touchy, he does not withdraw into himself. Keeps a distance in communication with adults. Maintains friendly relations with classmates


Classroom teacher

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student of 4 "D" class

….studies in ….since the 2012-2013 academic year.

… studying according to the adapted general education program "School of Russia" from the 2nd grade of the 2013-2014 academic year. In the educational activities for all the years of study in elementary school, she showed good knowledge in all subjects. Possesses high working capacity and rate of educational activity. The main educational activities are formed at a high level. Active and focused in all lessons. Regulatory universal actions are well formed, namely such skills as adequate assessment of one's own learning activities and the actions of classmates, planning work in the lesson and work according to the plan. He is able to analyze types of tasks of different complexity, answer simple and complex questions, owns the operations of comparison, generalization, classification of objects. Communication skills: able to express his thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; owns monologue and dialogic forms of speech. Curious and inquisitive, asks a lot of questions (not only on real topics). Shows interest in intellectual games, fantasies (I wonder what would happen if ...). Often offers unusual answers, tells imaginative stories. With an increase, she seeks to tell others about everything that she knows herself. He knows how to joke and understands a joke, he is always in the center of attention of his classmates.

Sociable. She actively participates in international competitions in mathematics, Russian language and showed good results, and also took part in the Snail International Test in mathematics and Russian language and showed good results. She took 2nd place in the city competition of readers.

In her free time, she likes to draw. Takes an active part in class and school affairs. She was repeatedly awarded diplomas for good study and active participation in the life of the class.

She is characterized as a calm, balanced girl, able to assess the situation and take deliberate actions, courteous, very organized.

Neat. Maintains own school supplies. He always comes to school with his homework done.

Parents are interested in their daughter's studies, they are active assistants to the child in their studies. The atmosphere in the family is friendly and warm. Relations between family members are trusting and close. Parents are willing to cooperate with the teacher.


Classroom teacher

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student of 4 "D" class ... ..

….studies in….. since the 2012-2013 academic year.

Physical development corresponds to age. Appearance is always neat. School supplies are in order.

Home control is good….. often visits school, is interested not only in success….but also in the affairs of the class. In the family, the boy receives a lot of love and attention and responds in kind. The family is prosperous. studying according to the adapted general educational program "School of Russia" from the 2nd grade from the 2013-2014 academic year. Throughout the entire time of study, he has good academic performance and good behavior. The main motive of educational activity is the qualitative acquisition of knowledge and its application in practice. He takes an active part in educational activities. He works with concentration in the lessons, he is especially interested in such subjects as mathematics and computer science. .... solves problems well and quickly, easily copes with solving examples, mastered the multiplication and division tables. Gives a complete answer to the question. Vocabulary is normal, knows parts of speech, parts of a word, members of a sentence. We teach well, do well in all subjects, have a good working capacity. Mastered the skills of conscious, correct and expressive reading of whole words at a reading rate of at least 100 words per minute.

The memory is developed, quickly remembers and tells stories, fables and poems with pleasure.

The student participated in international competitions in mathematics, Russian language and showed good results, and also took part in the Snail International test in mathematics and Russian language, where she showed a basic level of 100%.

In her free time, she likes to be creative. Takes an active part in class and school affairs. He was repeatedly awarded diplomas for good study and active participation in the life of the class. He reacts adequately to the comments of teachers, takes them into account in future activities, immediately tries to correct the mistakes made. Maintains friendly relations with classmates, enjoys authority. All assignments are completed on time and in good faith. He establishes friendly relations with peers quickly, tries to stay at the epicenter of all events.


Classroom teacher

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of aggressive behavior of schoolchildren

In the behavior of children-aggressors and outsiders, as a rule, the most typical deviations from the norm are observed. Let's consider some indicators of such behavior.

Reminder for parents


    does not bring home any of his classmates or peers and constantly spends his free time at home all alone;

    does not have close friends with whom he spends his leisure time (sports, computer games, music, long conversations on the phone);

    classmates rarely invite him to birthdays, holidays, or, he himself does not invite anyone to his place, because he is afraid that no one will come;

    in the morning often complains of headaches, upset stomach or comes up with any reasons not to go to school;

    pensive, withdrawn, eats without appetite, sleeps restlessly, cries or screams in his sleep;

    he has a pessimistic mood, may talk about being afraid to go to school or commit suicide;

    looks like a loser, in his behavior there are sharp changes in mood. Anger, resentment, irritation, takes it out on parents, relatives, weaker objects (younger brothers and sisters, pets);

    begging or secretly stealing money without clearly explaining the reason for his misconduct. Particular concern should be shown if large sums of money, expensive things, jewelry disappear. Money can be used to pay off extortionists, buy alcohol, drugs;

    comes home with minor abrasions, bruises, his things look like someone wiped the floor with them. Books, notebooks, school bag are in disrepair;

    chooses a non-standard way to school.


    quick-tempered, unbalanced (fights, calls names, sneaks, bites);

    a typical aggressor, as a rule, is a child who is more physically developed than his peers, who has problems with academic performance, who is brought up in a dysfunctional family;

    a child with high self-esteem, constantly enters into disputes, conflicts with peers and adults;

    at an early age begins to show antisocial behavior (smoking, skipping classes, trying alcohol, drugs, extorting money from classmates and younger students);

    brings home expensive trinkets, has his own money, without explaining the reason for their appearance;

    groups with older teenagers;

    has sadistic tendencies;

    in the twinkling of an eye goes from contentment to malice;

    in the game imposes its rules on friends;

    vindictive for petty grievances, instead of forgetting them;

    ignores instructions and easily irritated;

    introduces himself as if looking for a reason to quarrel;

    does not respect parents or is not considered with them, especially with mothers.

Memo for teachers and school administration


    his school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal items) are often scattered around the classroom, or hidden;

    in the classroom he behaves secretly, timidly, when he answers, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the classroom;

    during recess, in the canteen, stays away from other students, hides, runs away from peers and older students, tries to stay close to teachers and adults;

    he is insulted, teased, given offensive nicknames, to aggressive actions from

    other children, he reacts with a stupid smile, tries to laugh it off, run away, cries; as a rule, physically weak, unsportsmanlike boys and girls who dress poorer than their peers are potential victims of aggression;

    gets along well with teachers and badly with peers;

    being late for school or leaving school late;

    during group games, classes, he is ignored or chosen last.


    at the lesson constantly attracts attention, enters into arguments when receiving a negative mark, quick-tempered and rude;

    manipulates the circle of friends and acquaintances, many children are afraid of him or curry favor with him;

    may lie or cheat to avoid responsibility for their actions;

    there are complaints about his behavior from both children and adults;

    cannot curb his temper, as his peers are able to do;

    skips school, often in the company of peers from other schools, districts;

    is part of a small deviant group that terrorizes a class or school;

    speculates on a misunderstanding, a hostile society, avoids socially useful activities, as this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Action Program

Attitude towards others


Sacrifices himself, suppresses his desires, feelings and emotions, suffers, experiences anxiety; allows others to make choices for themselves; avoids conflicts, does not achieve his goals

Feels sympathy, guilt, or contempt for rivals, achieves goals through perseverance and integration outside of school


Achieves his goals at the expense of other children; prefers to defiantly express his emotions and harm others, makes choices for others or offends if his opinion is ignored

Feels like a winner, attacks more often than defends, like an outsider, may be isolated from peers

Confident child

Asserts own position; acts in their own interests; adequately expresses his feelings; respects the rights of other people, usually achieves his goals, maintains respect for himself and others

Feels respected for their needs and is able to openly express their thoughts and feelings; has the ability to achieve goals; endure conflict situations

I.A. Furmanov believes that the aggressive behavior of a teenager, as a rule, is directed against adults and relatives. It is expressed in hostility, verbal abuse, arrogance, rebelliousness and negativism, constant lies, absenteeism and vandalism. Children with this type of disorder usually do not even try to hide their antisocial behavior. They often begin to engage in sexual relations, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs early. Aggressive antisocial behavior can take the form of bullying, physical aggression and cruelty towards peers. In severe cases, behavioral disorganization, theft, and physical abuse are observed.

Many of these children have disrupted social ties, which manifests itself in the inability to establish normal contacts with peers. Such children may be autistic or isolated. Some of them are friends with much older or, conversely, younger than they are, or have superficial relationships with other young people.

Most children assigned to the aggressive solitary type have low self-esteem, although they sometimes project an image of cruelty. It is characteristic that they never stand up for others, even if it is to their advantage. Their egocentrism is manifested in their willingness to manipulate others in their favor, without the slightest attempt to achieve reciprocity. They are not interested in the feelings, desires and well-being of other people. Rarely feel guilt or remorse for their callous behavior and try to blame others. These children often experience frustration, have a hypertrophied need for dependence, and are completely undisciplined. Their lack of sociability is manifested in excessive aggressiveness in almost all social aspects and in the lack of sexual inhibition. These children are often punished.

To Unfortunately, such punishments almost always reinforce maladaptive expressions of rage instead of helping to solve the problem. The main distinguishing feature of such aggressive behavior is the solitary, rather than group, nature of the activity.

In addition to the aggressive disorder of a single type, I.A. Furmanov identifies a group aggressive type. A characteristic dominant feature is aggressive behavior, which manifests itself mainly in the form of group activity in the company of peers, usually outside the home. It includes absenteeism, acts of vandalism, physical violence or attacks against others, absenteeism, theft, as well as minor offenses and antisocial acts.

An important and constant dynamic characteristic of such behavior is the significant influence of the peer group on the actions of adolescents and their extreme need for dependence, expressed in the need to be a member of the group. Therefore, children with such disorders usually make friends with their peers. They often show an interest in the well-being of their friends or members of their group and are not inclined to blame or denounce them. An essential feature of behavior disorder with disobedience and disobedience is defiant behavior with negativity, hostility, often directed against parents or teachers. These acts, which occur in other forms of conduct disorder, however, do not include the more serious manifestations of violence against others. Diagnostic criteria for this type of behavioral disorder are: impulsiveness, irritability, open or hidden resistance to the demands of others, resentment and suspicion, hostility and vindictiveness.

Children with these signs argue with adults, lose patience, are easily irritated, scold, angry, indignant. They often do not fulfill requests and demands, which provoke conflicts with others. They try to blame others for their own mistakes and difficulties. This almost always manifests itself at home and at school, when interacting with parents or adults, peers whom the child knows well.

Violations in the form of disobedience always interfere with normal relationships with other people and successful learning in school. Such children often do not have friends, they are unhappy with the way their relationships with adults and peers develop. Despite normal intelligence, they do poorly in school or do not do well at all, because they do not want to participate in anything. In addition, they resist demands and want to solve their problems without outside help. Psychologists have proven that an aggressive child has disturbances in the field of perception. These violations are all the more pronounced, the more ambiguous the conflict situation is (when it is not clear whether it was created unintentionally or intentionally). Aggressive children tend to attribute bad intentions to others, while non-aggressive children see their actions as the result of their own mistake. Cognitive deficiencies include: inability to empathize, limited possible strategies for coping with conflicts, focusing on the final goal instead of thinking about intermediate steps, lack of understanding of the motives that determine actions, as well as an insufficient level of self-control.

Children are characterized by self-destructive behavior, since according to the clinical observations of American psychologists, the instinct of self-preservation is finally formed in a person only by the age of 30. A teenager of 12-14 years old strives for rebellion, wants to be noticed, talked about, especially violently he opposes himself to adults in order to gnaw through the umbilical cord of childhood. And if he succeeds, then it can be argued that the teenager himself ceases to feel like a child and becomes an adult. If he is kept from pubertal rebellion, the so-called freezing process occurs, i.e. parents, teachers and other educators, trying to make a teenager sweet and obedient, drive him into a certain behavioral capsule, postponing protest behavior for later. A teenager who has been "frozen" in this way, being already a mature young man, will show himself from the negative side and will rebel until he restores a balance between personal needs and social expectations.

According to the observations of the Norwegian scientist and teacher D. Olveus, boys are more likely to act as aggressors than girls. Although girls show significantly less aggression and violence, this does not mean that they are not involved in conflict situations at all. V. Heitmeier believes that modern girls "repair the gap" and do not always behave only correctly and "approximately". Girls are involved in violent acts in a different way than boys: for example, as "powers behind the scenes" or as "audience applause". Observing the behavior of schoolchildren, it can be established that mostly girls can be mean, treacherous, cunning and treacherous. They secretly ridicule classmates and speak negatively about them to teachers, mock unloved boys, calling them "weaklings" and "mama's sons", make disparaging remarks about their appearance and behavior. While physical aggression dominates in boys, indirect aggression and negativism come to the fore in girls, manifested in gossip, “biting remarks”, intrigues, “empty talk”, “whispering behind their backs”, “manipulating the circle of friends and girlfriends” and incitement, which sometimes provoke physical aggression on the part of boys. Thus, girls project unfulfilled needs for power onto boys. They “force to take decisive action”, “force to fight”, while experiencing a sense of security and safety. Response actions on their part are expressed in encouraging the winner or expressing pity for the vanquished.

In children, when making contact, aggression is a test of strength. In contact with each other, they find out who can “eat” whom, after which the act of eating and subjugation is carried out immediately. The fact that peers, primary school students and even teachers are the object of violence by teenagers is explained very simply by the easy availability of prey. The American psychologist A. Toch proved that in children, verbal abuse especially often provokes aggressive behavior and the use of physical force if they pose a threat to reputation, man's dignity and lead to public humiliation. The likelihood of the use of force in response to an insult is especially high when it is difficult to avoid a collision and when the provoked actions are of a serious and repetitive nature.

Aggressive behavior directed against peers is much more common than against adults. First, the child encounters peers on a daily basis. Secondly, being weak himself, he is looking for a victim obviously weaker than himself, which is generally characteristic of those who wish to assert themselves. Aggressive boys are dominant. Aggressive girls are inconspicuous and quirky, aggression on their part can manifest itself in a hidden form. They ridicule, tease, manipulate their circle of friends, spread rumors, and incite other children against a person they don't like.

Conflicts between children arise not only in a situation of competition and struggle for leadership, but also incompetent actions or assessments of teachers. The manifestation of aggressiveness in adolescence mainly depends on the reaction and attitude of parents and significant adults to certain forms of behavior. If parents and teachers do not notice or are tolerant of any manifestations of aggression, then as a result, symbolic forms of aggression arise, such as stubbornness, irritability, anger, vandalism and other types of resistance.

Aggressive behavior observed in early childhood often leads to problems with school adaptation in the future. Stubbornness, outbursts of rage, disobedience, quarrelsomeness, irritability, which appear at 4-6 years old, "finally pave the way" to destructive acts, including intimidation, vandalism, absenteeism and running away at 10-13 years of age. Children who have not received professional psychological counseling, become teenagers, are drawn into criminal activity and abuse toxic substances. They study poorly and are poorly accepted by their peers. Unlike others, they are more likely to experience depression and flight from reality.

"Difficult" children leave school of their own accord or are expelled for some disciplinary offense. As Yu.S. Pezhemskaya, in 80% of cases, the origins of the problems of a child’s aggressive behavior are difficulties associated with his failure in learning, a problematic family and school are a risk zone, a place for the transfer of negative social experience for a significant number of children.

8. Forms of aggressive behavior of adolescent deviants with character accentuations

Aggression is considered as one of the main biological functions that determine the ability of an individual to purposeful actions in the interindividual sphere. This function is subject to the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors of various nature and is able to take both normal and pathological forms of expression in adolescents with deviant behavior. The psychodiagnostic method 13TA by G. Ammon (1990) uses the notion of three forms of realization of aggression - "constructive", "destructive" and "deficit", which covers, from a single psychological and psychiatric position, both its normal manifestations and pathological, or associated with pathological factors of a personal nature.


Despite the established system of work on the prevention of emotional disorders in children and adolescents, the number of schoolchildren experiencing behavioral problems due to high level depression, stress, apathy, high levels of anxiety and fears (among them - fears of inconsistency, loneliness, death, etc.); a high level of aggression, auto-aggression (aggression directed at oneself); strong feelings of guilt and resentment. Hence - inadequate self-esteem (either underestimated or overestimated), negative self-attitude, mismatch of images of "I". The specificity of this category of children lies in the fact that they are in an acute emotional state. Without relieving an acute emotional state, overcoming the state of experiencing failure, without rehabilitating the “I”, it is impossible to correct behavior.

First step. In working with this category of schoolchildren, teachers need to achieve harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological actions, where the student will receive a positive emotional experience, the teenager will have new friends, new interests, new opportunities:

    School-wide events such as "Minute of Glory", "Star Factory", etc., in which these teenagers could prove themselves and receive emotional reinforcement.

    "Board of acquaintance" or "Our discoveries". In each class, a board is organized on which information about the teenager is placed (photos, his work, his dreams, his outlined hand, his wishes to classmates, a description of his preferences). Information should be emotionally positive. There may be room for feedback from classmates and teachers. All the children of the class “pass” through the “Dating Board”.

    "Star Day", "Name Day". Every day, a child (or several, according to the name) becomes the star of the day (you can symbolize this in some way). On this day, everyone should take interviews from him, sign autographs, admire him, praise him, etc.

    The organization of the “Exhibition of Achievements”, when each teenager is involved in some interesting and rich in positive experience activities, and then an exhibition of his achievements is organized in the class (school).

Organization of games that contribute to the reaction of negative emotions.

Such events allow a teenager to feel interesting, necessary, worthy, loved. All this contributes to the strengthening of the emotional resource.

Second step - rehabilitation "I"

This step is implemented by the teacher through various activities that make it possible to actualize the images of the “I”, reorient them, develop self-interest, identify with positive images, and form an adequate self-esteem.


    Organization of clubs or studios in which different children will participate. The psychological club works in a thematically oriented format, and its goal is the positivization of the "I". Each meeting is devoted to some topic, which is revealed through active, creative forms of work. Sample topics: “Name”, “Past. The present. Future.", "Achievements", "Dreams and desires",

    Big psychological games

    Individual remedial sessions.

This is all - strengthening the personal resource and positivization of the image of "I".

And only when a teenager passes the first two steps, in the presence of emotional and personal resources, can the third step be taken.

The Third Step - Reorienting Behavior through various programs and trainings aimed at behavior modification.

Ways of prevention and psychocorrection of aggressive behavior

Tactics of prohibitions and punishments. It is shown only in the diagnosis of delinquent and criminal types of behavioral deviation, and its use in other types is not scientifically substantiated and is meaningless. Fear of punishment is not able to change addictive, pathocharacterological or psychopathological aggressive behavior.

Social skills training. It is resorted to in case of a voluntary desire to get rid of aggressive patterns of behavior, to learn restraint. According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists in the following procedures:

    modeling, which involves demonstrating to people who do not have basic social skills examples of adequate behavior;

role-playing games that offer to imagine yourself in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible in practice to test the behavior patterns that the subjects learned during the simulation process;

    establishing feedback - encouraging positive behavior ("positive reinforcement");

    transferring skills from a learning situation to a real life situation.

Methods of psychological counseling or psychotherapy for aggressive behavior are much less effective compared to psychocorrectional measures.

  1. Name of the student.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Health status.
    • Psychological features of a dysfunctional student. (Increased nervousness, low performance, fatigue, depression, increased excitability, unexplained outbursts of anger, increased aggressiveness in behavior with peers, negativity towards teachers, refusal to make contact).
  4. Parents (full name, year of birth, place of work, education).
  5. family conditions.
  6. Family relationships.
    • A prosperous family (parents lead the right way of life, they are serious about raising children, the emotional atmosphere of the family of a student at risk is positive, parents are aware of all the school events of the child).
    • Dysfunctional family (parents shy away from raising children, rough treatment of the child, there are no uniform requirements from parents, parents lead the wrong lifestyle, abuse alcohol, do not raise children, are not interested in school performance and the interests of the child, the family has a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere) .
    • The nature of the relationship between parents and the child (mutual respect, parental dictate, excessive guardianship, providing complete freedom to the child).
  7. Organization of work and leisure of the child (assignments and duties in the family, observance of the daily routine, assistance and control in doing homework, spending days off, organizing summer holidays).
  8. Educational activities:
    • student performance in subjects;
    • attitude to learning: positive, negative.
    • intellectual abilities of the student: high, medium, low.
  9. Position in class:
    • The position of a student with bad behavior in a team: leader, follower. Whom in the class is he friends with?
    • Manner and style of communication with others.
  10. Attitude to social activity and socially useful work. (Willingly carries out instructions, approaches responsibly, without interest, refuses, takes an active part in school activities, is indifferent to school activities, refuses to participate)
  11. Hobbies (classes in free time, visiting circles and sections on interests at school and in the preschool educational institution).
  12. Child's self-esteem:
    • level of self-esteem: adequate, overestimated, underestimated.
  13. Attitude to public opinion:
    • seeks to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, wants to become better;
    • understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct;
    • does not pay attention to criticism, does not want to change behavior;
    • opposes remarks, argues sharply, defiantly does not change behavior.
  14. Pathological inclinations of a student of deviant behavior: smoking, drinking alcohol, using narcotic substances.

15. Registered at the dispensary, at the IDN, at the Higher School of Economics and about what.

  1. Name of the student.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Health status.
    • Psychological features of a dysfunctional student. (Increased nervousness, low performance, fatigue, depression, increased excitability, unexplained outbursts of anger, increased aggressiveness in behavior with peers, negativity towards teachers, refusal to make contact).
  4. Parents (full name, year of birth, place of work, education).
  5. family conditions.
  6. Family relationships.
    • A prosperous family (parents lead the right way of life, they are serious about raising children, the emotional atmosphere of the family of a student at risk is positive, parents are aware of all the school events of the child).
    • Dysfunctional family (parents shy away from raising children, rough treatment of the child, there are no uniform requirements from parents, parents lead the wrong lifestyle, abuse alcohol, do not raise children, are not interested in school performance and the interests of the child, the family has a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere) .
    • The nature of the relationship between parents and the child (mutual respect, parental dictate, excessive guardianship, providing complete freedom to the child).
  7. Organization of work and leisure of the child (assignments and duties in the family, observance of the daily routine, assistance and control in doing homework, spending days off, organizing summer holidays).
  8. Educational activities:
    • student performance in subjects;
    • attitude to learning: positive, negative.
    • intellectual abilities of the student: high, medium, low.
  9. Position in class:
    • The position of a student with bad behavior in a team: leader, follower. Whom in the class is he friends with?
    • Manner and style of communication with others.
  10. Attitude to social activity and socially useful work. (Willingly carries out instructions, approaches responsibly, without interest, refuses, takes an active part in school activities, is indifferent to school activities, refuses to participate)
  11. Hobbies (classes in free time, visiting circles and sections on interests at school and in the preschool educational institution).
  12. Child's self-esteem:
    • level of self-esteem: adequate, overestimated, underestimated.
  13. Attitude to public opinion:
    • seeks to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, wants to become better;
    • understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct;
    • does not pay attention to criticism, does not want to change behavior;
    • opposes remarks, argues sharply, defiantly does not change behavior.
  14. Pathological inclinations of a student of deviant behavior: smoking, drinking alcohol, using narcotic substances.

15. Registered at the dispensary, at the IDN, at the Higher School of Economics and about what.

The main requirements that must be met by a characteristic drawn up for a student:
the characteristics of the student should reflect his individual psychological characteristics, manifested by him in the learning process and behavior;
divide students according to the level of predominance of certain features;
show the attitude of the teacher to the student;
the characteristic for the student should be compiled according to the standard scheme;
should be easily "readable" and understandable for teachers who are not familiar with the characterized students;
The process of compiling a characterization should not be laborious.

The text of the characteristic consists of four parts:

1. Personal data of the person on whom the characteristic is formed (placed in the center of the sheet or in the column on the right).
2. Information about activities or studies (since what year has he been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery, or possession of educational material).
3. Evaluation of business and moral qualities: information about the encouragement (recovery): relationships in the team.
4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

Examples of characteristics of students.

Characteristics of Ivanov Peter Vasilyevich
19.. year of birth
student ...-A class, secondary school No. .. city ......

Ivanov Petr has been studying at school No. ... of the city ... .. from the first grade. Established himself as a (diligent, disciplined, industrious, attentive) student. Has good knowledge of teaching material. He studies (to the best of his ability, not to the full extent of his strength, needs constant monitoring, does not show interest in learning, studies poorly). Has an arbitrary (visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed) memory, (beautifully, well, quickly, slowly) works (memorizes educational material). Detects (logical, figurative, concrete, creative) thinking. Has the ability to study (indicate subjects). At work (lessons) always (attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps comrades). Has a good general development. Reads a lot.

It refers to the fulfillment of public assignments (in good faith, carefully, carelessly). Was elected to (specify public position). Actively participated (in the public life of the school (class, in the work of student self-government, in cultural events, in sports life). Was a participant in the (school, city, regional) Olympiad / competition / tournament, awarded (diploma, diploma, medal).

(Modest, cheerful, comradely, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, amenable to other people's influence). Rules of conduct (always performs, does not always perform, performs at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, prone to unlawful behavior). Respected by teachers. He has authority among his comrades. Has many friends, maintains friendly relations with many colleagues.

Parents pay due attention to the upbringing of their son (do not pay attention, neglect education, have a bad influence).


Characteristics of Petrova Irina Anatolievna
19.. year of birth,
female students of …-A class, secondary school No. .. of the city ……

Petrova Irina proved to be a diligent, disciplined, hardworking student.
Has logical thinking, has the ability to study mathematics, literature, history.
He is conscientious about the fulfillment of public assignments. She took part in the district mathematics olympiad, where she took ... a place, she is fond of chess.
Reads fantasy and historical literature with interest.
In her spare time she writes poems, sings, bakes cakes.
Irina is respected among teachers.
He has authority among his comrades, maintains friendly relations with many students.

School Principal: (Signature)

per student ... A class
MOU "Secondary school No. ..."
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,
… the year of birth,
Residing at:…

Studies: studies well, slightly above average, hardly interested in studies, reads little, has no specific educational interests.

Behavior: frequent violations of discipline; conflicts with teachers occur very rarely, and with classmates often;

Differs in very high physical activity, restlessness.

Public activity of medium severity, as well as organizational skills and initiative. The student occupies an intermediate position between leaders and followers.

Communication at school: in terms of popularity in the class, the middle position, but there are no enemies. Extremely sociable, constantly trying to be in public, in the thick of things, looking for new experiences and acquaintances.

Lack of shyness. Responsive. Differs in independence of judgments.

Personal characteristics: not anxious, self-confident, self-esteem is high and not inflated, ambitious, rather sympathetic to the teacher who filled out the card.

Communication in the family: lives in a friendly family, relationships with parents are trusting, they provide him with great independence, but they try not to weaken control over behavior. There are no conflicts between teachers and parents.

School Principal, (Class Teacher) number (signature)


Sometimes the characteristics require the completion of an individual student card.

Psychological and pedagogical card of the student

"Psychological and pedagogical card of the student", uses the method of expert assessments in graphical form (expert - class teacher). This map allows you to make a "graphic" description of the student.
This card is recommended to be filled in and drawn up for each student at the end of certain periods of study, in order to identify the primary tasks in the process of teaching and educating the student, as well as to help the new teacher (in the event of a change of class teacher) in working with the class:
If a student is enrolled in an eleven-year program, then it is recommended that the “Psychological and Pedagogical Student Card” be drawn up in grades 4, 8 and 10.
The map looks like this.

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