The benefits, harms and uses of mint. Spiced tea with cinnamon and lime. Mint for weight loss

Mint is one of the most beloved herbs in the people. Often used to make tea, but like other herbs, mint has beneficial features and contraindications, which are useful to know. This plant is not only used in tea, it is widely used in herbal medicine, cosmetics, cooking, mint flavor is very well suited for bath procedures. Usually, mint lovers do not have suspicions about possible harm. But is it possible to treat yourself to tea from this herb often? Does mint really have health benefits? Is there any harm? To get answers, it is worth a little more understanding of this herb.

Mint and its varieties

Mint - genus perennials family of Lamiaceae. This grass with pleasant smell very unpretentious, due to which it is very widespread in nature, suitable for growing in garden plots.

Mint has at least 20 varieties, the most famous of which are:

  • pepper, this species is most often used in medicine and cooking;
  • long-leaved, essential oils and spices are made from it;
  • field, this wild-growing species is often cultivated in garden farms;
  • Japanese, distributed in a small area, used in cosmetics and for flower decorations;
  • water, widespread, can be used for the same purposes as pepper;
  • spiky, used in cooking and perfumery.

Most species are used, but peppermint is currently the most popular. This species is obtained by crossing wild-growing water mint and spearmint. The plant is usually harvested in dry weather during the flowering period, not only the leaves, but the entire aerial part are of value.

The use of mint

Even in ancient Egyptian and Assyrian sources, there are references to this herb, later Avicenna described it in detail, focusing on medicinal properties. Mint is found in Greek mythology, the current name of this herb originates from the Greek language. AT Ancient Rome tables were rubbed with fresh mint before the feast, and the room was sprinkled with infusion to give it a fresh aroma. In the old days in Russia, the infusion of this herb was very loved, it was not only drunk, but used for rinsing and rubbing the body and used in the bath (Peter I was a big fan of such procedures with mint). This plant was also used in the preparation of soap.

The substance that gives mint its characteristic flavor and aroma is menthol.. It is isolated from mint essential oil, which is obtained by distillation from the entire ground part of the plant. Both oil and menthol are widely used in the cosmetic and alcoholic beverage industries, pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine. In cooking, the herb is most often used fresh or dried. Menthol is added to tobacco in some types of cigarettes to reduce irritation in the lungs and bronchi.

In cooking, mint is popular in many cuisines of the world, in particular, the British like to put it in lamb sauces, the Americans use it as an additive to various salads, juices and drinks, in Mediterranean and Arabic cuisines, grass is often served in fresh or used in spice blends. It is believed that the taste and aroma of mint are in harmony with meat (poultry, lamb and lamb) and some vegetables ( braised cabbage, carrots, onions, beans). Fresh mint leaves add a spicy flavor to many vegetable soups. The minty flavor pairs well with cheese.

The use in medicine is due to the beneficial properties of this plant. What are the benefits of mint for the body? In addition to menthol, it contains terpenoids, vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, tannins and various trace elements. Each of these substances contributes to the benefit of this fragrant herb.

Useful properties of mint

The main ones are the following:

  1. With nausea and vomiting, mint in any form is used to alleviate this syndrome.
  2. At nervous disorders and insomnia peppermint tincture, tea or decoction are indicated as a sedative.
  3. Light choleretic effect perfectly improves digestion.
  4. The taste and smell of mint can improve appetite.
  5. Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to use it for colds as an aid.
  6. This plant also has an antispasmodic effect, thanks to which mint can be used for spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and headaches.
  7. Good for suppressing bloating and flatulence Mint tea or infusion.
  8. At cardiovascular diseases menthol drops are often used, they are very effective in relieving an angina attack. Vasodilating action menthol is used in pharmacology: Corvalol contains it as an additive, and Validol as the main active ingredient.
  9. With various skin diseases, the cooling effect of menthol helps to suppress irritation and itching. These same properties help in removing skin symptoms allergies.
  10. The cooling and refreshing properties of menthol are widely used in dental and oral care.
  11. In the treatment of diseases Bladder The anti-inflammatory effect of mint has a very significant effect.
  12. In the fight against migraine, the nature of which is not yet fully understood by medicine, the combined properties of mint are often and very effectively used.
  13. Menthol is also used to relieve muscle pain with rheumatism and similar autoimmune diseases.

In herbal medicine, the importance of mint is unusually high; it is often included in various herbal preparations for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, cold infections, skin diseases and to suppress nervous tension. Mint infusions, decoctions and drops are an indispensable attribute of recipes traditional medicine. They are used in the form of compresses for intercostal neuralgia, as an external antiseptic for open ulcers and burns, in the form of gargles for sore throats and bronchitis, to relieve hoarseness and hoarseness, to relieve toothache. Inside, such drugs are used for various colic in the abdomen. They also help against coughing, with nausea and heartburn. The calming effect of mint is also used to relieve nervous manifestations during menopause.

Having figured out how mint tea is useful, you should pay attention to some contraindications.

Possible contraindications of mint

The abundance of medicinal properties of this plant cannot make it useful for all people without exception. The very noticeable effect exerted by menthol and other substances on the body imposes the first important limitation: like any medicinal plant, mint should not be consumed too much and often. There are no clear criteria for this parameter, it is enough just to be guided by common sense. Some people have allergies or intolerances to the substances that make up mint, avoiding this herb will relieve them of all unpleasant manifestations. backlash. In addition to general considerations, there are quite specific contraindications:

  1. The antispasmodic effect, acting in conjunction with a sedative, can lead to a decrease blood pressure. Therefore, mint is contraindicated in severe hypotension and a pronounced decrease in vascular tone.
  2. During pregnancy, mint teas, the benefits of which in other cases are obvious, should be used very discreetly. With toxicosis and associated nausea, you can drink a little of this tea to alleviate the condition.
  3. Children under the age of 5 should not drink mint tea, the harm and benefits of this drink for a growing body have not yet been fully studied, it is believed that there are more negative factors than positive ones.
  4. At increased sleepiness mint in any form should be avoided, its sedative properties will increase lethargy and weakness.
  5. Do not drink mint tea while driving Vehicle, concentration and reaction speed can be very noticeably reduced.
  6. Some diseases of the biliary tract (for example, dyskinesia of the gallbladder of the hypomotor type) are associated with a violation of the ability of organs to actively contract, releasing digestive substances. The antispasmodic properties of mint may exacerbate this syndrome.

Self-preparation of various herbal preparations must necessarily be based on existing recipes, too high a dosage of mint, as well as too low, can adversely affect the expected therapeutic effect.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of mint, one cannot help but recall the common statement about the damage that this herb causes. male potency. Many men avoid peppermint tea for this reason. But does it make sense? modern science considers such theses nothing more than a myth. There is unverified information about possible reduction activity of spermatozoa under the influence of menthol, but if this is true, then such an effect is possible only when significant amounts of this substance enter the body, no tea drink doesn't contain that much.

reason to talk about negative impact only the soothing property of mint gives potency. But this property is widely known, and one should not replace one effect with another. Sedation mint tea may reduce sexual function both a man and a woman, but for this you need to drink a few glasses. After drinking a cup of tea with mint, healthy man will not feel any decrease in their sexual capabilities. In some countries, such as Morocco, the culture of drinking mint tea is rooted in antiquity. Moroccans drink this tea several times a day, and it does not harm their sexual function.


Health 28.04.2014

Dear readers, today I propose to talk about such a familiar and probably beloved herb as mint. One name "mint" and immediately comes the aroma, right? By at least, I always have such associations. This fragrant herb has long been considered medicinal.

She is popular even today. And her medicinal properties complemented by applications in cooking and cosmetology. Remembering mint, we most often associate it with freshness. After all, the "calling card" of this plant is its aroma - fresh and spicy.

What modern industry has not come up with “with the taste and smell of mint”: perfumes and deodorants, teas and cocktails, ointments and toothpastes. But what is it? Marketing ploy? Or does mint really have such a wide range actions? I propose to get acquainted with this such familiar herb and find out what benefits it can bring, how and for what it can be used.

To begin with, there are quite a few varieties of mint - about 25. The most common for us is peppermint. In pharmacology, in addition to it, steppe and water mint is also sometimes used. Peppermint appeared as a result of crossing two species - water mint and spearmint. It is found in two varieties: white mint (fully green) and black mint (has a red-purple stem and veins on the leaves).

In appearance, an inconspicuous plant, however, was valued in ancient times. It was believed that mint was able to clarify the mind, so Roman thinkers and philosophers wore wreaths of mint. Aristotle walked around in wreaths of mint, somewhere they exorcised evil spirits, in Russia they hung it everywhere to remove the evil eye. It was presented as a gift and even payment for goods or services.

The main “trump card” for which peppermint is valued is the menthol contained in it. Special mint oil, by the specific spicy smell of which we recognize mint. This essential oil is found in the ground part of the plant - leaves and inflorescences.

Mint. Compound.

In addition to menthol, mint contains a whole list of medicinal substances absolutely natural origin:

  • Vitamin C
  • Tannins
  • Carotene
  • Rutin
  • Phytostyrenes

Mint. Beneficial features

1. Soothes pain
2. Mint has a strong bactericidal effect
3. Has a vasodilating and choleretic effect
4. Tones
5. Soothes
6. Has anti-cancer effect

All these properties of mint make the range of its application quite wide. And it's not just used in recipes. alternative medicine but also in official pharmacology. Everyone knows mint tablets for nausea, ointment for coughs and runny nose. What can we say - the old familiar "Pektusin" is also made on the basis of mint.

How can fragrant grass help? What problems does it solve?

  • Medicinal mint is used to treat colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Helps with headaches nervous excitement, insomnia and depression.
  • It will relieve constipation and colic, the bitterness of mint will help the outflow of bile and cleanse the liver.
  • Stabilizes heartbeat, will expand blood vessels and help with high blood pressure.
  • Well disinfects the oral cavity, freshens breath, reduces inflammation of the gums.
  • It will help women cope with the difficulties caused by the menopause period.

I suggest watching a video about the beneficial properties of mint.

Mint. Application

  1. Mint tea. The most common recipe using "menthol herb" is mint tea. Such a drink will remove nervous irritability, calm, give strong healthy sleep. Also useful for colds. We will need four leaves of fresh mint. Finely chop them and pour a cup of boiled water. We wait 20 seconds and drain the water. After that, again pour the mint with a cup of boiling water and let stand for 2 minutes. According to indications, you can drink one glass of mint tea during the day. I don’t know about you, but I love this tea so much. We have a lot of mint growing in our dacha. And then you pick a few leaves, brew them, or just put 1-2 leaves in any tea and enjoy the aroma. Just don't convey. And I always dry it for the winter. Moreover, no matter how much I dry it, it is always not enough. I always give to my friends. Everyone knows my love for mint.
  2. Mint infusion. This recipe uses dried herbs. We take one tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30-40 minutes. We filter and drink a third of a glass twice a day, 20 minutes before meals. Mint infusion is used in preventive purposes with gastritis, to get rid of nausea and pain in the heart. After drinking half a glass of funds, you can stop vomiting. The same infusion will help to cope with bad smell from mouth. In this case, it is used as a rinse.
  3. Mint decoction. This remedy relieve the condition female body during the climax. Pour two teaspoons of dry mint into 500 ml hot water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 10 minutes and then let it brew for another 30 minutes. Take one tablespoon three to four times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Peppermint essential oil helps with bloating, heartburn. You can put a couple of drops of peppermint oil in a tablespoon of water or on a piece of sugar. It is also used for inhalations carried out using a nebulizer. So they treat bronchitis or a cold accompanied by a cough.
  5. Can be cooked and mint alcohol tincture . To do this, a teaspoon of dry mint is poured with 100 ml of alcohol. We let it brew for a week and use it for headaches, anointing whiskey.

Mint in cosmetology

The disinfecting and tonic properties of mint could not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. And from their standpoint, they also claim the benefits of mint, recommending its use in the preparation of lotions.

Preparing a tonic mint lotion.

Peppermint tonic lotion is as easy to prepare as a decoction. Take the color of mint or mint leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour a glass of boiling water over low heat for 15 minutes. We wait until the broth cools down, and wipe the face.

Mint mask for sore and watery eyes.

Inflamed red watery eyes will be saved by a mint mask. We take two tablespoons of mint and pour 500 ml of boiling water. We insist for half an hour and filter and squeeze. In fact, we are preparing a decoction, but now we need not a liquid, but a slurry of brewed grass. That is, the resulting broth can be used at your discretion, but we wrap the chilled slurry in several layers of gauze. Apply to eyes for 15 minutes.

Mint mask to strengthen hair and fight baldness.

We take a tablespoon of mint and two teaspoons of lemon balm and oak bark. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for a day. Squeeze and mix the resulting slurry with yogurt (2 cups). Apply the product on the scalp and hair and hold for about half an hour. After the procedure, we wash the hair with shampoo.

But the alcohol tincture of peppermint is used to combat baldness. Every evening it should be rubbed into the affected areas of the scalp. It is better to do this with a cotton pad. By the way, the mint infusion obtained during the preparation of the mask can be used after washing as a hair rinse. Here is such waste-free production.

Mint in cooking.

The fragrant herb is often used for culinary purposes as well. Fresh mint leaves are used in salads, vegetable soups. They complement the taste of cheeses and fish dishes, decorate confectionery.

Dried and fresh mint is found in recipes for marinades and sauces, and is actively used to make cocktails and soft drinks.

Here are some mint recipes:

  1. Mint jam. Recipe. 300 g of fresh mint (you can take not only leaves, but also stems and flowers) pour 0.5 liters of water. To enhance the taste and smell, you can add finely chopped lemon along with the peel. Cook all this for 10 minutes and let it brew for 24 hours. After we filter everything and cook the resulting infusion again, this time adding sugar (700-900 g) for about two hours on a very low heat, practically do not cook, but “simmer”. Pour into jars and close for future use or use immediately. Can be used as a tasty and useful medicine from a cold.
  2. Greek Cucumber and Mint Sauce (Tzatziki) . Grate peeled and seeded cucumber on a grater. Put yogurt (natural, unsweetened) in a colander lined with paper towels or gauze. You need to separate the liquid. This will take about four hours. Mix strained yogurt and grated cucumber, add salt (0.5 teaspoon), chopped garlic (12 cloves), pepper and chopped fresh mint (about 20 leaves). Let stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and try.
  3. Non-alcoholic Mojito (mint cocktail) . In general, this drink is considered alcoholic, but it is also tasty in a “sober” form. We tear six sprigs of fresh mint into pieces and throw it into a glass, pour a teaspoon of sugar there. AT original recipe brown sugar is indicated, but I tried to cook with ordinary white (if brown was not on hand) - delicious! Rub mint with sugar. We cut into four parts half a lime (also, if desired, you can replace the lemon). Next, fill it all with crushed ice and pour about 200 ml of sparkling water. If you want an alcoholic mojito, add 40 ml of rum. A matter of taste and circumstance.

Mint. Contraindications

The prohibition for the use of drugs based on mint is low blood pressure (hypotension). It is not necessary to use peppermint oil for pregnant and lactating women. Mint should not be given to children under four years of age. Also, do not get carried away with mint for men. Long-term use of it can cause a decrease in libido and a decline in “male power”.

In both men and women, overdose may cause sleep disturbance. And in general, it should be remembered that mint is medicine, which means that you need to use it strictly according to the prescription.

And you need to know one more subtlety in the use of mint. For anyone with gastrointestinal problems, mint can trigger heartburn. So let's be wise. Don't overdo the mint. Everything is in good measure.

How to choose mint?

Actually, there are three options - buy, collect and prepare or grow with your own hands.

1. Buy mint.

With dried grass, everything is simple - it is always sold in pharmacies. Both separately and as part of fees (usually sedative, chest or choleretic). But fresh can be found mainly in large supermarkets. Since mint is used for culinary purposes, it means that it can be found in stores as a cooking product. Or you can buy it in the market. If you buy mint in a supermarket or from private sellers, pay attention to its color, and just smell it. It must smell like mint. Her scent is pronounced.

2. How to collect and dry mint.

Here we will already need to go a little further than the nearest pharmacy or supermarket. Best of all, outside the city, in the forest, where the grass is not saturated with exhaust and polluted city air. Many people plant mint in their garden plots, then to use it for health and beauty.

You can store it fresh or in water or in the refrigerator. If you put it in water, it will remind you of such a fresh fragrant bouquet. How nice, right? I love. But she won't stay that way for long.

Both wild and garden mint should be harvested during the flowering period. It happens once a year and falls on June July. It makes no sense to collect mint before - young plants will lose their properties and aroma after drying.

You need to collect only dry mint. So options after rain or early in the morning, when there is still dew on the leaves, will not work. We need to wait. Until the leaves dry, and only then pluck the leaves separately or together with the stem.

The collected stems and leaves should be divided into small bundles and hung to dry away from sunlight– in a dark but well-ventilated place. Can create suitable conditions on a balcony or attic. If only the leaves were collected, then they can be laid out on the canvas, but also removed from the light and provide access to fresh air.

Dried mint can be stored in glass jar tightly closed with a lid or placed in cloth bags.

3. Grow mint at home. Like any other herb, mint can be grown at home on a windowsill.

From me to you my favorite homemade mint lemonade recipe.

Take chilled sparkling water, lime or lemon, add everything to mineral water to taste, pour into a glass, put a mint leaf there and decorate the glass with it on top or on the side. Simple, useful, affordable and very fragrant!

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Mint is the oldest medicinal plant of the mint family, which has a specific smell. There are twenty-five species and ten subspecies of mint.

Mint is field and garden, curly and apple, water and swamp, Asian and Japanese, pepper and fragrant. All species slightly differ in chemical composition, appearance and smell. Thanks to the essential oil, mint exudes a pleasant subtle aroma that refreshes and soothes.

Description and chemical composition of mint

Peppermint - perennial herbaceous plant with branched erect stems, reaching a height of one meter. Mint leaves are simple, elongated, serrated at the edges. Dark leaves above Green colour and light green underneath. Mint flowers are small red-violet collected on upper parts shoots into spike-shaped inflorescences. Mint blooms from June to September.

Peppermint is bred by crossing wild species and is grown on plantations as a medicinal and essential plant, gardeners breed it on their personal plots, and in wild nature peppermint is not found.

Field or meadow mint is a perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome, with branched stems. The leaves of the meadow mint are oblong, jagged along the edges, the flowers are lilac-pink, collected in spherical whorls. Blooms from June to October. Field mint grows on the banks of reservoirs, in damp places in meadows.

Medicinal raw materials are the leaves and the ground part of the plant, which are harvested during the beginning of flowering. Mint is better to pick in sunny weather, in the first half of the day, since at this time there is a greater amount of essential oil in the leaves. Mint grass is dried in the shade, under a canopy, on the roof.

Other types of mint also have healing properties and are used in folk medicine for the treatment of many ailments.

AT chemical composition mints are biologically contained active substances beneficial effect on the human body. This essential oil, which is based on menthol and other esters - cineole, pulegon, limonene and various terpenes, organic acids and flavonoids, tannins and bitterness, carotene, trace elements - manganese, copper and other chemical compounds.

Medicinal properties and application

Since ancient times, mint has been used to treat various ailments.
AT official medicine use peppermint- leaves, menthol and essential oil, added to the composition of tablets, balms, candles and aerosols. Peppermint drops, peppermint oil and ointments are prepared from it. Mint leaves are included in medicinal fees.

In folk medicine, other types of mint are also used.

Dry raw materials are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, and from fresh leaves preparing mint oil alcohol tinctures, added to drinks, salads, used to decorate culinary dishes.

Mint has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects and is effective in combating colds and viral diseases, used to treat sore throats, pharyngitis, bronchitis and runny nose, inhalations from mint oil are used for severe coughs.

Peppermint preparations relieve pain and relieve spasms and are used to treat the digestive system. Infusions from the leaves are drunk with heartburn and nausea, with belching and flatulence, with gastrointestinal intestinal spasms. Mint increases appetite and improves digestion.

used as cholagogue with cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis.

The sedative properties of mint have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve emotional stress, promotes good sleep, reduces pain during menstruation and contributes to an easier menopause.

Peppermint also has vasodilating properties - dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and relieves headaches.

Mint supplements are used to treat angina pectoris, hypertension, migraine.

Mint is used in cosmetology, dermatology, and dentistry. mint oil added to cosmetics- soaps, shampoos, lip balms, creams, refreshing gels, toothpastes, mouth rinses.

Mint reduces inflammatory processes and increases the protective properties of the skin, soothes and refreshes, improves blood circulation to the hair, freshens breath, and eliminates bad smell.

Mint is widely used in Food Industry, added to confectionery products - buns, gingerbread, cookies, sweets, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, drinks, teas, chewing gums.

In cooking, fresh mint greens are used, added to salads, as spicy seasoning to meat and fish dishes.

The refreshing property of mint is used against souring milk.

Menthol is used in the tobacco industry in the manufacture of cigarettes.

Contraindications for use

Before being treated with mint preparations, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for use and consult with your doctor!

Mint and preparations from it are contraindicated:
  • pregnant women,
  • breastfeeding women,
  • children up to three years old,
  • people with hypersensitivity to mint preparations.
An overdose of mint preparations can cause pain in the heart area, sleep disturbance and libido disturbance in men, bronchospasm and allergic reactions on the skin.

Folk methods of treatment with mint

In folk medicine, mint is widely used to treat various diseases, to improve digestion and appetite, as a sedative, analgesic and hypnotic.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from mint, which are used orally for treatment. gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiac systems, externally for rinsing with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, for therapeutic baths, as a cleanser for skin problems.

Peppermint oil has a calming effect and is used to treat diseases. nervous system, diseases of the heart and respiratory tract, with diseases musculoskeletal systems for recuperation.

Recipe for hypertension

Pour 2 teaspoons of dry mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take one tablespoon of infusion in the morning and evening for two weeks, take a seven-day break and repeat the treatment again.

Recipe for infusion for gallstone disease

Pour a teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for thirty minutes, strain. Take the infusion three times a day for half a glass 15 minutes before meals.

Prescription for gastrointestinal diseases

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry mint into the floor with liters of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain the infusion and take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Infusion for constipation and bloating

Pour a tablespoon of mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, take half a glass three times a day before meals.

Infusion for painful and profuse menstruation

2 tablespoons of dry mint leaves pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for two hours. Strain, take the infusion during the day for half a glass.

Decoction for gastritis

Pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of hot water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain, take 4 times a day a quarter cup.

Decoction for gallstone disease

Pour a teaspoon of dry mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool the broth and strain. Add boiled water before reaching the initial volume. Take twice a day 15 minutes before meals for half a glass of decoction.

Mint decoction for depression

Pour a tablespoon of mint with a glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist, closing the lid. When cool, strain. Take a decoction of half a glass in the morning and evening.

A decoction of mint for therapeutic baths with scrofula, rickets, and joint pain

Pour 50 grams of dry mint into eight liters of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Fill the bath hot water and pour out the decoction. Accept therapeutic bath 20 minutes a day.

Mint tincture

Grind 50 grams of fresh mint leaves and pour a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain the finished tincture. Take to improve digestion and appetite.

mint oil

Peppermint oil stimulates the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, improves emotional condition with depression, restores strength, increases physical activity.

How useful is mint? All about peppermint: beneficial properties for the heart, nervous system, sleep disorders. Also, how mint is useful for women for cosmetic purposes.

Peppermint is a fairly popular plant that plays important role in the life of almost every person. Many dishes and drinks are successfully complemented by mint leaves. The aroma of mint often fills the premises. And many hygiene products often delight with a minty smell.

The main way to use mint is to add it to tea to add flavor.

And the beneficial properties of peppermint deserve attention. Let's study them in more detail.

What is useful mint for the heart and blood vessels

Peppermint is a vasodilator. Besides, it has a pronounced stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. But before using mint in large quantities, do not forget to consult with the cardiologist.

Thanks to peppermint:

  • relieved pain syndromes and spasms in the region of the heart muscle;
  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • blood circulation is normalized.

Not surprisingly, mint is often included in various medical preparations for heart.

Mint for the digestive system

Mint can be grown even at home - in a pot!

Thanks to mint:

  • accelerates the treatment of diseases of the digestive system;
  • inflammatory processes take place;
  • nausea passes;
  • improves digestion.

It is also important to note that mint is an excellent choleretic agent.

Useful properties of mint for the nervous system

With regular use of mint:

Many dishes and drinks are successfully complemented by mint leaves. The aroma of mint fills the premises, and hygiene products often delight with a minty smell.

  • sleep improves;
  • depression and stress pass faster;
  • mood stays good longer.

Mint is also a great sedative. Moreover, it is useful not only to take drugs or drinks with mint inside. Even the smell of mint helps to calm down and relax.

What is useful mint for the oral cavity

Peppermint is very useful and disinfectant for teeth and gums. Thanks to the plant, inflammation disappears, breath is refreshed.

What is useful mint for women

Just one leaf of mint sometimes works wonders!

In fact, mint is very beneficial for the skin - both women and men. Because peppermint is very wide application in cosmetology. It is a part of many creams, masks and especially shampoos. Being active ingredient the latest mint helps fight dry scalp, itching and dandruff .

Thanks to the plant

  • the skin is cleansed;
  • accelerates the regeneration of skin cells;
  • passes itching and irritation;
  • disappear dark circles under the eyes.

In addition, mint has a tonic effect on the skin of any type. No wonder so many women have beauty products enriched with peppermint.

Other Health Benefits of Mint

Peppermint helps in the treatment of:

  • colds and bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • sea ​​sickness;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis
  • gout.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Drink Peppermint Tea for Stress Relief and Good Sleep!

Firstly, mint should not be consumed by children under three years of age. Secondly, mint should be used with caution:

  • at varicose veins veins;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • before a long car ride.

Peppermint is not only beautiful, but also very useful plant. The main thing is to use it wisely, and then the beneficial properties of mint will only benefit. Be healthy and beautiful!

Often in various recipes traditional medicine there is such a component as mint. In general, there are many types of this plant. But for the treatment, mainly peppermint is used. The medicinal properties of its fragrant leaves have been known for many centuries. Even the famous Hippocrates mentioned it in his writings. With its help, they freshened their breath, rubbed the body, using it as a deodorant.

In Russia, mint was very popular. Especially often it was used in the bath. As is known from some sources, when Peter I himself visited the steam room, he always took it with him. And even now, rarely is a trip to the bath complete without its refreshing aroma.

Mint is successfully used in traditional medicine recipes. On its basis, tea, infusions, tinctures, elixirs are prepared. The fragrant leaves are known to be beneficial for women's health and beauty. Let's find out how mint is useful for women, consider the recipe for making an infusion.

It is known that the main, most valuable component of this plant is menthol. This substance has medicinal properties. It also gives the plant a unique, refreshing aroma and taste. The plant also contains vitamins A, C, but in a small amount. Since natural menthol is a very expensive substance, scientists synthesized an analog based on it. Now it is actively used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetics.

Beneficial features

Smelly leaves will save you from headaches, migraines. They will help stop the bleeding. Mint infusion helps to normalize digestion. Plant-based products have warming properties, have antipyretic effect. They are used when complex treatment jaundice, due to the ability of mint to cleanse, dilute bile.

Mint is good for the heart. Preparations based on it validol, corvalol - irreplaceable assistants for people suffering from heart disease. These drugs have an antispasmodic effect.

The plant has effective disinfectant properties. Therefore, it is widely used in the production of cleaning toothpastes, powders, refreshing mouthwashes. An infusion based on the leaves will eliminate diarrhea, ease breathing with a cold, and reduce muscle pain.

Why do women need mint?

Indeed, mint for women is very useful. It is used to relieve menopausal symptoms. Based on it, drugs are prepared for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. gynecological diseases. Peppermint tea can help improve sleep, relieve stress, and relieve nervous tension.

The plant has been successfully used to combat skin diseases- rashes, acne, dermatitis is treated. Mint infusion is useful for caring for oily skin. He is great at getting rid of oily sheen effectively shrinks enlarged pores.

The plant has the ability to smooth wrinkles, refresh, tone the skin, erasing traces of fatigue from it. Therefore, leaf extract is added to homemade lotions, mask formulations. Ice cubes are made from mint infusion, which they rub the face with.

Mint is very good for hair care. A decoction of it is useful to rinse dyed, dry, brittle, split ends. A decoction of mint leaves lime blossom help strengthen weak hair, improve them, give shine and beautiful view.

Many women use mint to lose weight. It is known that often excess weight is a consequence of a disturbed exchange. With the help of a plant, you can restore, activate metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins. After regular use of mint infusion, excess weight gradually disappears. Of course, while taking the infusion for the purpose of losing weight, you must definitely balance your diet, giving preference to plant foods.

Preparation of the infusion

For cooking, you can use both fresh mint and dried leaves. The dried plant is even preferable. So, pour in a suitable container 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, add 200 ml of boiled water. After 15 sec. water must be drained. Now pour boiling water again. Cover warmly, wait about 10 minutes. Then the infusion can be used.

Mint during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are very fond of mint tea and drink it with pleasure. This refreshing drink helps to get rid of bouts of nausea during toxicosis. Also, tea effectively eliminates heartburn, stops bloating, flatulence.

But you must always remember that mint is not just a fragrant herb, it is an effective medicinal plant. Therefore, frequent, uncontrolled use of it during pregnancy can threaten miscarriage. It's all about phytohormones - estrogens, which are very abundant in mint. These hormones can cause premature birth.

That is why doctors do not recommend that women who are expecting a baby drink more than two small cups per day. But from menthol and peppermint essential oil must be abandoned altogether. At breastfeeding mint tea is also not recommended. It reduces production breast milk.

Always remember that mint is a medicinal plant. Therefore, funds from it must be used with caution. If you do not abuse mint, infusions, tea from fragrant leaves can be an excellent tonic. They will help to deal with nervous feelings, excitement, stress. Be healthy!

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