It is known that the bramble is a perennial shade-tolerant plant. Collection and storage

Syn.: drupe, bone, northern berry, raspberry, northern pomegranate.

A small perennial herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high with long shoots spread along the ground and juicy fruits - assembled drupes (not "berries") of bright red color with a pleasant pomegranate taste. It is a good honey plant and is valued for its high content of vitamin C.

Ask the experts

In medicine

Kostyanik is not a pharmacopoeial plant, but it is widely used in dietetics and folk medicine. Bone fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which allows them to be successfully used for beriberi, anemia.

Bone leaves and stems are used by folk healers to treat anemia, colds, inflammation of the joints and as a tonic and antipyretic.

The main useful property of the stone fruit is the high content of vitamin C, about 150 mg%. Due to this, as well as organic acids and pectin substances, the juice from these "berries" is used as an antiscorbutic and protistocidal drug.

Contraindications and side effects

In cooking

The fruits of the common stone fruit are used both in dried and frozen form. They are used in the preparation of compotes, sweet syrups, jams. The sour fruits are used to make wine, tinctures and vinegar. The tea made from the leaves of the stone fruit is highly valued. The drink is obtained with a reddish-brown hue and a fragrant aroma. It has an astringent but pleasant taste. It is very useful to use fresh stone fruit with milk, cream and sugar. Add this "berry" and as a seasoning for meat dishes, and in the preparation of sauces. Jam is considered the most delicious stone fruit product, which is great as a filling for pies, pies, puffs, layers of biscuit rolls.


Kostyaniyka, Stony bone marrow (lat. Rubus saxatilis) - a perennial honey plant; species of the genus Rubus (Raspberry) of the Rosaceae or Pink family (lat. Rosoideae). The Rosaceae family is considered one of the largest families of flowering plants.

Botanical description

The height of the bony plant reaches 30 cm, the length of the shoots is 1.5 m, the shoots spread right along the ground. The plant has a straight stem. The leaves are wrinkled and covered with coarse hairs. The leaves are attached to the stem with long petioles. The flowers of the plant are small, white, located at the very top of the stem, they form corymbose inflorescences, each of which contains at least three to ten pieces. The fruit is a fairly large drupe of four small fruits, the color can be either bright red or orange. Each stone fruit contains a large stone. The taste of the stone fruit is almost the same as that of the pomegranate fruit.


In Russia, the common bramble grows in the Far East, Siberia, the Caucasus and the central regions. Bone grows on forest edges, mainly in coniferous and mixed forests, but also occurs in meadows.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The fruits of common stone fruit ripen in July-August, they are harvested until the end of September so that they do not lose their medicinal properties. Harvested as the whole plant as a whole, and separately its fruits and leaves. This type of plant is well distributed, does not require protection, but when collecting and harvesting raw materials, it is necessary to leave 30% for further renewal. Grass bramble is harvested during flowering, rhizomes in autumn. It is dried in the shade, in well-ventilated areas, and the roots are in stoves or ovens. Shelf life of herb drupe is 1 year, rhizomes - 2 years. Rhizomes before drying are thoroughly cleaned from the ground and washed in cold water. Dry in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 45-50°C. Bone fruits are harvested in dry weather, manually, carefully folding into small baskets. Dry at a temperature of 45-55°C in ovens or ovens.

Chemical composition

The leaves of the common stone fruit are rich in tannins, alkaloids, microelements, including: zinc, copper, iron and manganese. "Berries" of the stone fruit abound in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pectin and tannins, in addition, the chemical composition of the fruit contains sugar, organic acids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, phytoncides and tocopherol.

Pharmacological properties

The plant has antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiscorbutic properties.

Application in traditional medicine

Bone occupies an honorable place in folk medicine. This plant is very popular among Siberian healers. From the leaves of the stone fruit they make an infusion that helps with heart disease, it is used as an analgesic. Also, an aqueous infusion of the leaves of common stonewort is a good sedative for migraines. All parts of the plant are considered to be curative; alcohol tinctures, aqueous extracts, decoctions are made from them, which have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition, decoctions are prepared from the leaves of the bones that can help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout, and even cancer. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the stone fruit is actively used for beriberi, colds and anemia as a prophylactic.

Fear and epilepsy are treated in Transbaikalia with the help of stone fruit leaves affected by a fungal disease. There they are collected, choosing those leaves that are most covered with brown spots, dried, and then infused. The method is quite original, but nevertheless existing in folk medicine.

Juice is squeezed out of the healing fruits of the common stone fruit, which is used to cleanse the body of toxins, lower cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, and improve metabolism. Bone fruit juice is a powerful antipyretic, as well as one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of anemia. Fresh fruits are squeezed on a juicer, or the berries are crushed in a glass bowl, filtered and a healing drink is obtained. In winter, it is recommended to use a fruit drink made from bone jam. Also, the juice from the berries is successfully used for ulcers, gastritis.

An infusion of leaves and rhizomes of the common stone fruit is successfully used by folk healers in the treatment of rheumatic pains. The gauze soaked in the decoction is applied to the diseased joints for 30 minutes.

Tea made from the leaves of the common stone fruit effectively helps with kidney diseases, as it has strong diuretic properties. Its regular intake helps to improve the functioning of the urinary system and remove excess fluid from the body.

History reference

There is an interesting fact, even in ancient times the weather was predicted by the plant. If the leaves of the stone fruit curled up, then this meant that it was a sunny, rainless day. If the leaf of the bone tree straightened out - wait for the rain. Precipitation fell within 15-20 minutes.


1. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 772. Rubus saxatilis L. - Kostyanika // Illustrated guide to plants of Central Russia. In 3 volumes - M .: T-in scientific. ed. KMK, In-t technologist. issl., 2003. - V. 2. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: dicotyledonous). - P. 408. - ISBN 9-87317-128-9.

Bruce belongs to the Rosaceae family, is a perennial and herbaceous plant, can reach a height of up to 20 cm, stems and shoots are covered with small spines. The stems on which the berries appear are straight. In June, you can see a small white inflorescence, which has from 3 to 6 flowers. The fruits appear already in the fall. Bone berries are distinguished by their juiciness, have a bright red color, the taste is slightly sour, somewhat reminiscent of. What are the benefits of this type of plant?

Description of the bones

You can meet this plant in forests of both coniferous and mixed types, very rarely steppes and meadows. Most often, the bone is characteristic of the edges of the forest, glades of the Far East, Siberia, is found in Russia, only in the European part.

Bone berries are widely used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. A variety of desserts can be prepared from it, often falling with sugar, honey, milk and cream. This berry is suitable for making delicious jelly, syrup, kvass, mousse and jelly.

You can brew delicious tea with stone fruit leaves, the drink will have a delicious aroma, it will have a red-brown color. To keep the berries fresh, it is necessary to add sugar to them, in this way they will retain their beneficial properties.

Useful properties of bone

Both the fruits and the leaves of the stone fruit are equally useful. The composition of the leaves includes alkaloids, tannin, as well as vital trace elements - copper, zinc, iron, manganese. They contain ascorbic acid, rutin, flavonoids. Berries are especially useful, they contain tannin, pectin, carbohydrates, sugar, tocopherol, phytoncides and, of course, organic acids.

Traditional medicine loves this plant, because it is widely used for various purposes. Special decoctions, berry juice are prepared from the leaves of the plant. This is an excellent antiscorbutic and protistocidal agent, so it is very important to drink juice from cooked berries. It is especially important to drink it for people who suffer from anemia, anemia. With it, you can improve metabolism, it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen the vascular walls, and reduce the level.

The use of bone

With seborrhea and skin diseases of the head, it is good to use the leaves of the stone fruit. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 3 tablespoons of leaves, pre-grind them, 400 ml of boiling water. Steam the leaves, heat in a water bath. By washing your hair, you can get rid of itchy skin, dead cells, tissues.

Infusions from drupes will help get rid of heart pain, colds and cystitis.

If the disease is accompanied by an elevated body temperature, you need to eat a few fruits of the stone fruit, they have an antipyretic effect.

With gout, rheumatism, lotions based on the leaves of the stone fruit are especially useful. They can be well applied to the eyes if they are reddened or inflamed.

An infusion with bone berries helps to get rid of, calms the central nervous system. Siberian medicine uses bone for antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A decoction from the leaves of the stone fruit is an excellent remedy for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation in the vessels, gout, and oncology. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the bone is the best remedy for beriberi, colds and.

To strengthen the blood vessels, they drink juice from the berries of the stone fruit.

Bone leaves help get rid of. Traditional healers of Transbaikalia use them in the treatment of epilepsy, fright. To do this, they carefully prepare them, choose only those that are covered with brown spots, dry and insist.

Healing recipes based on bone berries

1. A decoction from the leaves of the stone fruit, you need to take 1 tbsp. small leaves, pour them into a 200 ml glass filled with hot water. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. up to 4 times a day.

2. Tincture based on stone fruit leaves. It will require 50 grams of leaves; half a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for up to one month. Take up to 3 times a day for 1 tsp. in a day.

3. A healthy and tasty recipe is bone marrow with cream and sugar, you can add it to milk with honey.

4. Bone is well suited for a variety of compotes, jams, marmalades and even wine. Dishes with do not differ in rich color and unusual taste.

5. It’s good to add bone to fruit drinks, juice, kvass, syrup, mousse, seasonings.

6. Bone can be stored for a long time only if it is frozen or ground with sugar, then it can be added to tea in winter for colds and flu.

7. Kissel with stone fruits, you need to take 100 grams of sugar, 40 grams of starch, a liter of water, 200 ml of stone fruits.

8. In hot weather, you will definitely be pleased with such a cooling drink with bones, to prepare it you need to take 4 tbsp. fruits, 200 grams of sugar, 10 grams of yeast, 3 liters of water. First you need to prepare a decoction of the bones, when it cools, add the yeast. This drink is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the stone fruit is a very useful plant that helps with many diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest it for the winter, leaves and berries are considered especially useful, in their composition they have many substances - phytoncides, pectin, flavonoids, alkaloids, rutin, vital trace elements. On the basis of stone berries, you can cook many different tasty and healthy dishes, drinks, tea from the leaves of stone berries is especially appreciated, it is used for various purposes. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures help to cure various diseases of the internal organs of a person. Therefore, this type of plant is valuable and it is worth paying attention to it!

Preparation for meta-subject diagnostics Grade 4.

Tasks are aimed at improving mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification.

Working with a table

Andrei asked 10 classmates which books they liked the most.

He entered the results of the survey into table 1


About animals

About children












Look at the table and complete the tasks:

  1. What topic do the most of the students surveyed like? Write down only the number corresponding to this topic.


  1. What topic is liked by the smallest number of students surveyed? Write down only the number corresponding to this topic.


  1. What child likes to read books about animals and about children? Write only names without commas


  1. How many more children read about animals than those who like to read science fiction? Write only the number.


  1. What child likes to read only science fiction? Write only names without commas


Using table 1, determine how many boys like science fiction and how many girls like to read about animals. Write the result in table 2.


Using table 1, determine how many boys like to read about animals and how many girls like to read about children. Write the result in table h.

Write both numbers in a row without additional signs.


MPU diagrams

Exercise 1 .Andrey asked 10 classmates which books they like the most.

He entered the results of the survey into table 1 , marking each answer with a


About animals

About children












Which diagram is fully consistent with the table?

Task 2 .The helicopter flew at a speed of 200 km / h and flew 1000 km. The train was traveling at a speed of 120 km/h and traveled 840 km. The motor ship moved at a speed of 80 km/h and traveled 400 km, and the pedestrian walked at a speed of 5 km/h and traveled 15 km. How long did each of them travel.Build a diagram.

Make up 3 questions for this diagram for classmates.

MPU classification

  1. Remember what parts of speech you studied. Fill in the table called "Parts of Speech" (write in the first line of the table), the names of the parts of speech (second line), examples of words (third line)

Joy, sorrowful, adjective, walking, verb, blacken, cheerful, noun, visit.

  1. Remember the topic adjective. Fill in the table called “Adjective name” (write in the first line of the table), what are the adjectives (second line), examples of words (third line)

Good-natured, greedy, slippery, low, early, evening.

  1. Remember the topic of the verb. Fill in the table called "Verb" (write in the first line of the table), what are the verbs (second line), examples of words (third line)

Noise, we will walk, wash, get sick, have fun, murmur

  1. Remember the lessons of the world around you. Fill in the table "Kingdoms of Nature" (write in the first line of the table), the names of the kingdoms (second line), examples of words (third line)

Plants, plantain, seal, boletus, animals, mushrooms, cedar, grasshopper, fly agaric.

  1. Remember the lessons of the world around you. Fill in the table "Natural resources" (write in the first line of the table), a group of minerals (second line), examples (third line)

Fuels, clay, oil, peat, construction, iron ore, granite, sand, ore, limestone.

  1. Remember the lessons of the world around you. Fill in the table "Crop production" (write in the first line of the table), the names of industries (second line), examples (third line)

Sunflower, rose, apricot, millet, peony, apple tree

Exercise Divide these animals into groups according to the way they feed, fill in the table:

Elephant, crocodile, mosquito, flea, carp, eagle, bear, grasshopper.

Comment. The ability to classify objects of nature according to an essential feature - the method of nutrition is tested.

MPU Figure Comparison

Matthew compared the two figures. He recorded the results of the comparison in a table.

Questions for comparison

Is it flat or 3D?



Are these shapes quadrilaterals?



Do these figures have right angles?

There are right angles

No right angles

Based on the table, draw a conclusion about the similarity or difference between these figures.

Which of the four questions can be used to compare these figures?

  1. How does the area of ​​a rectangle depend on its sides?
  2. What color are these figures?
  3. How to draw a rectangle without a ruler?
  4. What are the angles of the white quadrilateral?

Think up and write down for comparison of figures. Two questions should reflect the similarities of these figures, the other two should reflect the difference.



MPU Working with text. Comparison.


This is a large snake, with an average body length of 80-90 cm, however, there are also individuals about one and a half meters in length. The upper body of the snake is olive, brown, black or gray, with large orange spots that are located on the border of the neck on the sides of the head. It lives most often along the banks of stagnant and flowing reservoirs, including sea coasts and rice fields. Dives and swims very well, snakes can often be found far out to sea. It can climb mountains up to 2000-2500 meters above sea level. As a shelter, he uses heaps of stones and brushwood, voids under the roots, holes of rodents. It can also be found in the vicinity of human habitation. The peak of activity of the common snake falls on the period from March to November. This snake feeds mainly on amphibians, as well as lizards and rarely fish. Small birds and mammals can also be eaten, and it doesn’t matter who becomes dinner for the snake. Whoever it is will be swallowed alive. One female lays an average of 4 to 40 elongated large eggs. The young are born in August-September.


common viper- the most common poisonous snake in central Russia. It is more common in mixed forests, in glades, swamps, overgrown burnt areas, along the banks of rivers, lakes and streams. After wintering, they usually appear on the surface of the earth in April - May. In summer, the burrows of various animals, voids in rotten stumps and between stones, bushes, haystacks, and caked heaps of dead grass serve as shelters for vipers. The common viper is a relatively small snake up to 75 cm long, specimens up to 1 m long have been seen in the north and in the central strip. The only general color property can be considered that a strip stretches along a certain background along the back, which usually looks like a zigzag. As a rule, the strip is darker than the background. Viper is ovoviviparous. Offspring are born in August. Young vipers are born 17 cm long and are already poisonous.

They feed mainly on small rodents, frogs, and insects. When meeting a person, the snake, as a rule, tries to hide.

ptarmiganbelongs to the grouse family. Distributed in the northern part of Eurasia and North America. These geographic latitudes are characterized by long, frosty and snowy winters. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. By color in winter, birds of both sexes are white and indistinguishable from each other. The female is reddish in summer. Partridge nesting sites are usually located in heather thickets and moss swamps. White partridges are diurnal birds. They spend the night in a safe shelter among tussocks of low-growing grass and bushes, and in winter they sleep buried in loose snow. Birds collect their food - mainly shoots of low shrubs - on the ground, slowly moving in small steps. Evaluating the height, age and quality of plants in a businesslike way, they choose the most juicy, vitamin-rich stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. In autumn, their diet is supplemented with ripe berries, and in summer with insects. The white partridge meticulously chooses a place for the nest, which must be securely hidden in the thickets. Having dug a hole in the ground, the female carefully lines it with dry blades of grass, and when the nest is ready, she starts laying eggs - one every 36-48 hours. Most often, females lay 8 - 11 eggs.

White Owl - bird of the owl family. Adult birds are painted snow-white with brownish streaks of various sizes or with brown transverse stripes. The number of brown spots varies widely in different individuals. Males are usually lighter than females, sometimes completely white. Distributed in the northern part of Eurasia and North America. These are nomadic birds.
Snowy owls nest on the ground. They are active around the clock. Being predators, they keep apart, live alone. The main food of snowy owls are lemmings and various birds, their chicks and eggs. If there are few lemmings in the tundra, snowy owls attack young and weak arctic foxes.
As such, snowy owls do not build nests, and lay their eggs directly on the ground in a hole, without any lining. Usually there are 4-7 eggs in a clutch.


White Owl




nesting sites

Number of eggs in a clutch


No. 1. It is known that the bone -perennial herbaceous shade-tolerant plant.Choose from the list below statements that describe data signs of this plant and circle the corresponding numbers.

1. Birds and small animals like to feast on bones.

2. The plant has a lignified trunk and a powerful root system.

3. The bramble has a straight green stem, trifoliate leaves and white flowers.

4. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of leaves. The following year, flowers form on green stems, and then seeds, after which the plant dies.

5. Grows best in deciduous and pine forests under dense canopy.

6. In folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and stems is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

7. In the first year after seed germination, only a rosette of leaves is formed. In subsequent years, the plant blooms, forms fruits and seeds. For the winter, the aerial part dies off, and in the spring the leaves grow back.

8. Occurs in open sunny places along forest edges and meadows.


№2 Swallow - a small graceful bird. The swallow flies swiftly, deftly and very rarely falls to the ground. The plumage of the swallow is black on the back, and white on the abdomen and near the tail. The chest is wide, the neck is not long, the head is flat. The wings are long and pointed, and the tail is forked or has a notch in the middle. The legs are not long, with long thin fingers. Swallows build nests by attaching them outside the building, while several pairs build their nests in close proximity to each other. Swallows are insectivorous - they catch their food right on the fly and during the season the swallow destroys a large number of insects.From the list of statements, select only those that speak of behavior swallows, and circle the corresponding numbers.

1. Catches insects in flight.

2. The tail is forked or has a notch in the middle.

3. Flies a lot and rarely falls to the ground.

4. Swallow is a useful bird for humans.

5. Several pairs of swallows build their nests side by side.

6. Swallow toes are long and thin. ANSWER_________________________

To the question Is the berry a stone fruit tasty? What is known about her? Is the berry used in cooking? given by the author Madeleine the best answer is Kostyanik is a forest perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family with edible sweet and sour red berries resembling pomegranates. Contains: sugar, citric and malic acids, pectin and tannins, vitamins: E, C, group B. Berries are consumed fresh, they are used to make fruit drinks, juice, syrup, jelly, jam, jelly, compote.
Bone grows in pine forests, mixed, coniferous and birch forests, their edges, shrubs, upland steppe meadows and mountain slopes. It occurs in the forest zone of the European part, except for the south, in Siberia and the Far East.
Due to the presence of organic acids, mineral and other substances, the berries of stone berries have a healing value. In folk herbal medicine, they are taken for anemia, colds, gout and inflammation of the joints,
gynecological, gastric diseases, kidney diseases, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, especially in metabolic disorders (gout).

Answer from °LiKaNtRoP™-13[guru]
Xs what is known about it but fabulously delicious :))

Answer from Request[guru]
There is nothing tasty in it!
And I have not heard about the use in cooking. Although, I'm not a cook, at all!

Answer from way[guru]
I don’t know what I know about it and I don’t know how it is used in cooking except for cooking .... but the jam from it is abolden.

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
bitter-sour taste, red, very healthy, compotes, pies

Answer from Yoerega[guru]
It grows in wetlands - a pure product, they do not argue about tastes, it can be used as an additional oxidizing agent, the aroma is fly away.

Answer from Anya[guru]
And we called berries similar to raspberries, only much larger. when you pick a berry. it breaks up into small berries. Very tasty When it rains sour and if the summer is sunny then sweet. We collected it in the forest along with raspberries and made jam.

Answer from I love[guru]
Kostyanik (lat. Rubus saxatilis) is a perennial honey plant of the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family. Flowering in May-June, fruiting in June-July.

A plant with creeping or arcuately curving and rooting vegetative shoots and erect flower-bearing stems about 20 cm high. The leaves are tripartite, with long petioles. The flowers are white, five-membered, collected 3-10 in apical umbellate or racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a polydrupe, usually consisting of 1-6 large, bright red, juicy fruitlets, weakly connected to each other.
In Russia, it is found in many regions of the European part (except for the extreme south), in Siberia and the Far East. In Central Russia, it is known in all areas, confined to moist forests, mainly coniferous.
The fruits are eaten raw and processed (juices, fruit drinks, jam).
Related species:
Of our forest berries, stone berries (Rubus saxatilis) are almost the last to be remembered. But in vain!
Its rich in vitamins, delicious sour berries quench thirst well. Bone jam tastes good. It makes excellent fruit drinks and jellies.
Perennial herb from the Rosaceae family. The stem is erect, up to 30 cm high. The leaves are trifoliate, on long petioles. The leaves and stem are covered with spiny hairs. The flowers are white, in a corymbose inflorescence, bloom in late spring - early summer. The fruit is a red polydrupe, ripens in mid-summer. Reproduces mainly vegetatively (whiskers).
Boneberry is a common forest plant; also found on edges, clearings, clearings; enters the meadows of the steppe and forest-steppe zones, into the tundra.
Distributed throughout the temperate zone.

As objects for choosing general classification features, students were offered groups of plants, animals, substances or natural phenomena. At the same time, all the proposed objects and their main features were studied in the lessons of the surrounding world. Below is an example of one of these tasks.

Example 3

For each of the groups of natural phenomena from the first column, select from the second column a feature by which these phenomena can be combined into a group.

Write down your chosen numbers.



Correct answer:5 2 , 4 0% performance, while partially correctly performed, having received 1 point - 33%, completely (2 points) - 23%.
In this group of tasks, the performance results differed slightly, but the most difficult task for the fifth graders was to identify common features for a group of phenomena, and the simplest was the same operation for animals. In general, taking into account the form of the proposed tasks, we can talk about the formation of this skill.

To test the general logical ability to analyze objects with the selection of essential and non-essential features, tasks were included in the diagnostic tests, in which a list of statements describing a given object was given (in three versions - plants or animals, and in one version - the hardening procedure known to students). The students had to single out from the general list of features only the essential ones that would describe the indicated features of this object. A total of 8 statements were proposed, it was necessary to make a choice of three correct features. Below is an example of one of these tasks.

Example 4

It is known that bone perennial herbaceous shade tolerant plant .

Choose from the list below statements that describe data signs of this plant and circle the corresponding numbers.

1. Birds and small animals like to feast on bones.

2. The plant has a lignified trunk and a powerful root system.

3. The bramble has a straight green stem, trifoliate leaves and white flowers.

4. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of leaves. The following year, flowers form on green stems, and then seeds, after which the plant dies.

5. Grows best in deciduous and pine forests under dense canopy.

6. In folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and stems is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

7. In the first year after seed germination, only a rosette of leaves is formed. In subsequent years, the plant blooms, forms fruits and seeds. For the winter, the aerial part dies off, and in the spring the leaves grow back.

8. Occurs in open sunny places along forest edges and meadows.
Write the circled numbers in your answer without separating them with commas.
Correct answer: 3 5 7 , the performance was 25%, while partially correctly performed, having received 1 point, - 33%, completely (2 points) - 9%.
To make the right choice of traits, students had to understand that these traits describe the stone as a perennial, herbaceous, shade-tolerant plant (these concepts are given in the lessons of the world around and the level of their assimilation is an important factor in the success of this task). In fact, the task requires the disclosure of a generalized concept studied in the lessons using particular examples. For example, item 7 of the task describes a perennial plant, and item 5 describes a shade-tolerant plant.

Most errors were associated with the choice of statements that did not fit the concepts declared for selection, for example, in the above example - statement 1.

In general, this group of tasks stands out as having caused the greatest difficulties. It can be recommended to teachers to include in the current control tasks for the assimilation of generalized concepts through their disclosure in particular features of certain objects.

The ability to compare objects was tested by tasks with a detailed answer based on the text. All the features of the objects necessary for comparison were described in the text. The students had to independently select four features to compare these objects, highlighting two similar and two different features. In the tasks it was not required to formulate a conclusion for comparison, that is, the comparison operation as a whole was not affected, taking into account the generalization of information on individual features. An example of one of the tasks is shown below.

Example 5

Read the description of two natural phenomena.

And frost- these are deposits of ice crystals formed in frosty foggy weather and with a weak wind on thin long objects - branches and branches of trees, wires. Droplets of fog solidify, forming a continuous ice cover on objects. It looks extremely beautiful, gives the forest or park a striking elegance.

- These are very small ice crystals, similar to tiny snowflakes that cover loose soil, window glass, rough walls of the house, benches. Hoarfrost is a beautiful white ice patches with bizarre patterns of tropical leaves or flowers. It is formed on frosty clear nights and with a weak wind from the water vapor contained in the air.

Compare frost and frost. In your answer, indicate two signs that are the same for both natural phenomena, and two signs in which they differ from each other.

Write down the answer on the back of the test form, be sure to indicate the task number - C3, and note which features are similar and which are different.
The performance of this task was 29%, while partially correctly completed, having received 1 point - 35%, completely (2 points) - 11%. The number of points received by students for completing the task was determined by the number of correct features they found to compare two objects. Most students were able to successfully identify two features for comparison, while the distinguishing features are traditionally simpler than similar ones. The increase in the number of correctly chosen features turned out to be significantly dependent on the nature of the compared objects.

So, for two plants or two aquarium fish, all four features were identified by an average of about 30% of students, for two minerals - 19%, and for natural phenomena (see example 5) - only 11%.

When highlighting features for comparison, the students preferred to use their own knowledge about the objects, rather than the information that was offered in the text, which indicates a misunderstanding of the way the task was performed.
Work with models was checked by a group of tasks on the material of the Russian language. An example of such a group is shown below.
Example 6

6.1. When parsing a word by composition, parts of the word are denoted as follows:
¬ - console, - root, - suffix, ¨ - the ending.

Choose the schema that matches the word HINT.

6.2 . C1. (1 point - 17%, 2 points - 32%)

Think of a plural noun

which matches the pattern ¬ ¨ .

Write down on the reverse side of the test form and disassemble this word by composition, after indicating the task number - C1.

The results of the assignments show that the fifth graders coped very well with the task of choosing a word parsing scheme for the specified word (89%). The completion of the task with a detailed answer was 40%. Only 32% of the tested students successfully completed the task, fulfilling two conditions:

  • they picked up a plural noun (the answers often included both verbs and adjectives, many also forgot about the plural);

  • the chosen word corresponded to the scheme of parsing the word by composition.
I was also surprised by the "richness" of the vocabulary of the fifth graders, who sometimes constructed words that are not used in the Russian language.

As can be seen from Table 5, students of the 5th grade showed the lowest results when completing tasks to test the ability to navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems, which in this test was tested on the basis of mathematics. In these tasks, it was necessary not only to solve the problem, but also to use data from the table, i.e. the ability to work with graphic information was an integral part of the success of these tasks. Students had to isolate the relationship between the information presented in different columns of the table, choose a way to solve the problem (different from the algorithms known to them) and demonstrate understanding by performing the appropriate calculation. The probability of a mathematical error in the calculations was reduced, since students were allowed to use a calculator during testing. Unfortunately, only a third of the fifth-graders were able to fully cope with these tasks, while most of the errors are associated precisely with the wrong choice of the solution method.

3. Working with information

The work for the initial diagnostics included 3 tasks that tested this group of skills. One of the tasks controlled the ability to choose the approximate content of a book by its title, and two tasks controlled the work with tabular information. At the same time, tasks for understanding tabular information and converting a table into a bar chart were complicated by the use of additional computational operations. Table 6 shows the average percentages of completion of the corresponding groups of tasks by fifth-graders.

Table 6

Below is an example of tasks for working with tabular data, which caused the most difficulties.

Example 7

Malvina opened a laundry. The cost of electricity consumed by the laundry depends on the day of the week and the time. The table shows the cost of electricity for 1 hour, provided that one washing machine is running continuously.

7.1. In the laundry of Malvina on Tuesday from 9.00 to 17.00 one washing machine worked. How much should Malvina pay for electricity for that day?
Correct answer: 56 pounds (39%).
7.2. Which diagram correctly reflects Malvina's money spending if on Friday she worked continuously every hour for two washing machines from 11.30 to 16.30, and on Saturday only one washing machine worked every hour - from 19.00 to 23.00?


Correct answer - 52%




In the first task, the students experienced obvious difficulties not so much with identifying information from the table, but with counting the number of hours of operation of the washing machine. In the second task, the main mistake was that the fifth graders forgot to take into account the work of two washing machines on Friday and chose the third answer (22%) instead of the correct first answer.

In general, we can note a sufficient level of formation of skills in working with information, while recommending that more often use contexts related to practice-oriented situations in mathematics lessons.
4. Reading skills

Table 7

Tested Skills

Average percentage


1. Determining the main topic of the text


2. Finding information, facts explicitly given in the text


3. Drawing up a simple plan for the text


4. Formulation of conclusions on the content of the text


5. Understanding the information presented in the text in an implicit form


6. Finding examples in the text that explain the meaning of unknown words

Elementary substantiation of the stated judgment


7. Formulation of simple value judgments based on the text


Work with text


According to the diagnostic results, we can talk about the formation of the primary school graduates' skills to highlight the main topic of the text, draw simple conclusions on the content of the text, restore the text plan and answer questions that require the search for explicitly given information. For all these skills, the results of the tasks exceed 60%.

On average, half of primary school graduates (54%) demonstrated the ability to independently explain the meaning of unknown words (or expressions), based on the content of the text. Here, the greatest difficulties were caused by tasks in which words were offered, one of the meanings of which is often used in everyday speech, but in the text this word has a different meaning. An example of one of these tasks is shown below.
Example 8(text "Not confused")

While reading, you came across words that are not used often, but their meaning in this text is quite clear.

For each word from the first column, find the correct interpretation of its meaning from the second column, indicated by a letter.






bottom of doorway

birch bark


rocky transverse elevation of the bottom of the river, impeding its flow


top layer of birch bark


one of the old names for birch

Specify the correct answer.




AB - 47%


BV - 21%



In the text, the word “threshold” occurs in the meaning of a river rapid, which should be noted. However, answer No. 2 (AV), in which the word “threshold” was interpreted in the usual everyday sense, was more common than the correct answer No. 3 (BV).

The lowest in this group is the performance of tasks with a detailed answer (the last task in the test). In two versions of these tasks, it was required to choose from the three indicated proverbs the one that most accurately reflected the main idea of ​​the text, and provide a justification for your choice. Below is an example of one of these tasks.

Example 9(text "Not confused")

C6. (1 point - 28%, 2 points - 16%)

Which of the following folk proverbs most accurately reflects the main idea of ​​the text?

Indicate the number of the proverb you have chosen. Explain why.

Only 16% of students managed to choose the proverb “Who seeks, he will find” as the correct answer and give a related justification. 28% of fifth-graders, having chosen the correct proverb, could not justify their choice.

Many students took the proverb “As it comes around, it will respond” as the correct answer, as, most likely, more familiar to them.

In the other two options, these tasks contained a question on the proposed text, to which it was necessary to provide a coherent justification for the statement of 2-3 sentences, for which two points were given. Below is an example of such a task.
Example 10(text "Wonder Island")

Why do you think this miracle happened, and Alyosha and his father found so many vigorous aspen mushrooms?

It was assumed that from the text the students understood the purpose for which Alyosha and his father, overcoming the difficulties of the path, ended up on the island. The answer could contain the statement “They made their way to the island to please their mother with beautiful branches. Nature has rewarded them." (Of course, other formulations were allowed that did not distort the meaning). A fully justified answer (2 points) was given by 8% of students, partially (1 point) - 16%. In many cases, justification was given in the form of fragmentary phrases or judgments, or was absent altogether.

For the successful formation of the ability to make value judgments, it is necessary to discuss with students the understanding of the author's position during the lessons, to form the ability to express their own value judgments, to compare the author's position with their own point of view, to focus on linguistic features and text structure, etc.

Comparative analysis of mastering metasubject skills

students with different levels of school achievement
To characterize the educational achievements of participants in the starting diagnostics in terms of meta-subject skills, as in previous years, the level of school performance determined by the average school grade in four subjects was used (Table 8).

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